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The taxonomy, systematics, and distribution of the mammals of Salta Province, Argentina are updated. The fauna includes 9 orders, 29 families, 96 genera, and 141 species. A checklist of the extant species and species of probable occurrence is included, as is a gazetteer of localities. We review the literature published since the publication of Mares et al. (1981a) and Ojeda and Mares (1989), and include new collecting localities.
2000 Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History ISSN:1526-3614
Facultad Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Tucumán;
CONICET (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas); and PIDBA (Programa de
Investigaciones de Biodiversidad Argentina), Argentina (MMD, RMB), Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum
of Natural History (MMD, JKB, MAM, RMB), and Department of Zoology (MAM), University of
Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73072
Corresponding author: Janet K. Braun
e-mail:; phone (405) 325-0801
The taxonomy, systematics, and distribution of the mammals of Salta Province, Argentina are updated.
The fauna includes 9 orders, 29 families, 96 genera, and 141 species. A checklist of the extant species and
species of probable occurrence is included, as is a gazetteer of localities. We review the literature pub-
lished since the publication of Mares et al. (1981a) and Ojeda and Mares (1989), and include new collect-
ing localities.
Key words: Salta Province, Argentina, mammals, systematics, taxonomy, distribution
En éste trabajo se actualizan los datos de taxonomía, sistemática y distribución de los mamíferos de la
Provincia de Salta, Argentina. La fauna incluye 9 órdenes, 29 familias, 96 géneros y 141 especies. Se
incluye una lista de especies existentes, las especies probables y una lista de localidades. Se ha revisado la
literatura desde Mares et al. (1981a) y Ojeda y Mares (1989). También se incluyen nuevas localidades de
Salta Province, in far northwestern Argentina,
is a political unit that includes a region of great
geographic and biological complexity. The prov-
ince is bounded on the northeast by Paraguay, on
the north by Bolivia, and on the west by Chile. It
sits astride the Tropic of Capricorn and extends
from the high Andes (with peaks reaching 6,723
m) in the west, to the low, flat plain of the cha-
coan thorn scrub in the east at about 400 m. It
abuts several Argentine provinces, including For-
mosa, Chaco, and Santiago del Estero in the east,
and Tucumán and Catamarca in the south, and
Jujuy to the north. The province is about the size
of the State of Iowa (at 155,488 km
), and larger
than the states of New York or Pennsylvania. It
supports a wide array of habitats, from arid, high-
elevation, puna desert and montane grasslands in
the west, to montane rain forest in central por-
tions, to semiarid thorn scrub in the east, and arid
Monte Desert in the south; it also has a diverse
mix of ecotonal habitats. For further descriptions
of the climate, geography, and vegetation see
Ojeda and Mares (1989). Salta Province has a rich
diversity of mammals (and other biota). Since
Salta is dissected by Andean and pre-Andean
mountains, habitats may change greatly over very
short distances. For example, over a distance of
only 150 km, habitats may change from lowland
wet forest, with tapirs, monkeys, agoutis, and
otters, to lowland desert, with saguaro-like cardón
cacti, desert rodents, and armadillos.
For many years, research on the mammals of
Salta was largely limited to the anecdotal
accounts of early collectors and explorers, or the
collections of mammals made by Emilio Budin
for Oldfield Thomas of the British Museum of
Natural History in the early 1900s. Budin’s speci-
mens resulted in a large number of new taxa
being described by Thomas (e.g., Salta Province
has four type localities for mammals, including
type genera and species) (e.g., Thomas 1897,
1918). In the early 1970s, Mares began mammal
research in the province, and field research has
continued sporadically by him, his students, and
colleagues through the 1990s.
The first report summarizing these data was by
Mares et al. (1981a) and was limited to a descrip-
tion of animals that had been collected in Salta in
the 1970s. A field guide to the mammals of Salta
(Mares et al. 1989) and a biogeographic analysis
of the mammals of the province (Ojeda and
Mares 1989) included information on species that
had been collected by the authors, specimens in
several major museums, and reports of species
from the literature. However, there has been a
great deal of research on mammals in Argentina
and neighboring countries since most of the pub-
lished information on the province’s mammals
was gathered in the 1970s and early 1980s. Taxo-
nomic revisions (e.g., Barquez et al. 1999a;
Musser et al. 1998; Myers 1989; Myers et al.
1990), new information from field research by
Mares and his collaborators, as well as by other
mammalogists, and information in museum col-
lections that had not been included in earlier
reports, have permitted a reexamination of the
mammals of the province. Only three other prov-
inces in Argentina have had their mammals
reviewed in a systematic manner (Tucumán:
Mares et al. 1996; Catamarca: Mares et al. 1997;
and Jujuy: Díaz 1999). All of these provinces bor-
der Salta, and the fact that updated taxonomic
information is available for neighboring provinces
and adjacent countries (e.g., Bolivia; Anderson
1997) makes the outdated published information
for Salta problematic and difficult to compare
with more recent information. Salta is one of the
better-studied areas for mammals in South Amer-
ica thus an updating of the mammals of the prov-
ince is warranted.
In this report we provide information on spe-
cies that have not heretofore been reported from
the province, as well as new information on distri-
butions for many of Salta’s mammals. We also
clarify and update the current taxonomic status of
each species, and provide updated information on
collecting localities for many species. Finally, we
provide a checklist and an updated gazetteer to all
species of mammals known to occur in Salta Prov-
Changes to the preliminary list of mammals
presented by Mares et al. (1981a), the biogeo-
graphic analysis of the mammals (Ojeda and
Mares 1989), the field guide to the mammals
(Mares et al. 1989) are presented. These changes
include those in nomenclature and taxonomy.
Corrections also were made for locality informa-
tion and identifications.
Nomenclature follows Wilson and Reeder
(1993), with the following exceptions. We follow
Anderson (1997) and Palma and Yates (1998) in
recognizing Thylamys venustus and the restric-
tion of T. elegans to Chile; and Flores et al. (2000)
in recognizing T. cinderella and T. sponsoria for
northwestern Argentina. We recognize Dasypus
yepesi following Vizcaíno (1995). Sturnira opo-
raphilum is used instead of S. bogotensis (Bar-
quez et al. 1999a). Dasypterus is recognized as a
genus distinct from Lasiurus (Barquez et al.
1999a). Lasiurus blossevillii (Baker et al. 1988;
Morales and Bickham 1995) is used for the South
American red bats. We follow Barquez et al.
(1999a) in the use of Cynomops, instead of
Molossops for the species abrasus and planiros-
tris. Eumops patagonicus is recognized as distinct
from E. bonariensis (Barquez et al. 1999a). We
follow the revision of Garcia-Perea (1994) in rec-
ognizing the genus Lynchailurus and recognize
only L. pajeros in Argentina. We follow Zunino et
al. (1995) in the use of Lycalopex and in recogniz-
ing griseus as a synonym of gymnocercus. Abroth-
rix is considered a genus distinct from Akodon
following McKenna and Bell (1998). Akodon per-
valens is considered distinct from A. sylvanus fol-
lowing Myers (1989) and Anderson (1997).
Calomys venustus is distinct from C. callosus.
Oryzomys russatus is used instead of O. legatus
following Musser et al. (1998). Following Steppan
(1995), we recognize Phyllotis xanthopygus as
occurring in the province and not P. darwini.
Museum acronyms are as follows: Arg, speci-
mens housed in the Sam Noble Oklahoma
Museum of Natural History whose disposition has
not been determined; BMNH, British Museum
(Natural History), London; CM, Carnegie
Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh; CML,
Colección de Mamíferos Lillo, Universidad
Nacional de Tucumán, Tucumán, Argentina;
MACN, Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales
“Bernardino Rivadavia,” Buenos Aires, Argentina;
MCNS, Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Salta,
Salta, Argentina; MLP, Museo de La Plata, La
Plata, Argentina; MMD, collection of M. Monica
Díaz; OMNH, Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of
Natural History, University of Oklahoma, Nor-
man; PIDBA, Programa de Investigaciones de
Biodiversidad Argentina, Tucumán, Argentina;
TCWC, Texas Cooperative Wildlife Collection,
Texas A&M University, College Station; TTU,
Museum of Texas Tech University, Texas Tech
University, Lubbock; USNM, United States
National Museum of Natural History, Washing-
ton, D. C.
The Accounts of Species include the order,
family, scientific name, and authority. The Speci-
mens examined is the list of new specimens that
we have personally examined since the publica-
tion of the earlier works. These include speci-
mens collected by others or us in field surveys
since about 1984 and specimens in museum col-
lections that were not included in the earlier pub-
lications. The Additional records include
specimen information taken from the scientific
literature (including the earlier publications),
specimens in museums that were not examined
by us, personal communications, and personal
observations. In the Remarks, we present clarifi-
cations of locality information, identification, or
The Gazetteer lists the localities for specimens
cited in the text and the coordinates of south lati-
tude and west longitude in degrees and minutes.
Coordinates were obtained from Gazetteer No.
103 (Argentina), United States Board of Geo-
graphic Names prepared in the Office of Geogra-
phy, Department of the Interior, Washington, D.
C. (Anonymous 1968) and used in conjunction
with various maps. Localities are presented as
they appeared in or on the original text or label.
Maps of Salta Province published by the
Automóvil Club Argentino, the series of
1:500,000 provincial maps published by the Ejér-
cito Argentino, Instituto Geográfico Militar in
1957 (Nos. 2166, 2363, 2366, and 2563), 1960
(No. 2566) and 1964 (No. 2569), and 1:250,000
maps of the province published by the Ejército
Argentino, Instituto Geográfico Militar in 1976
(Nos. 2363-III and 2563-III) were used to plot
The Checklist lists those orders, families, gen-
era, and species that are known to occur in the
province. We also have listed those taxa of proba-
ble occurrence based on Mares et al. (1981a),
Mares et al. (1989), Ojeda and Mares (1989), and
Anderson (1997).
Order Didelphimorphia
Family Didelphidae
Didelphis albiventris Lund
Specimens examined (2).—3.9 km N Potreril-
los along Ruta Provincial 6, 1 (Arg 4511); Yuchán,
1 (MACN 34.586).
Additional records.—Agua Linda (Ojeda and
Mares 1989); Aguaray (Mares and Braun 2000;
Ojeda and Mares 1989; Yepes 1944, as D. azarae);
Cafayate (Mares and Braun 2000; Ojeda and
Mares 1989; Yepes 1944, as D. azarae); Cueval
(Ojeda and Mares 1989); Dragones (Mares and
Braun 2000; Yepes 1944, as D. azarae); El Que-
brachal (Mares and Braun 2000; Yepes 1944, as
D. azarae); Lumbrera (Mares and Braun 2000;
Yepes 1944, as D. azarae); Lumbreras (Ojeda and
Mares, 1989); Metán (M. M. Díaz, pers. obs.);
Parque Nacional Baritú (Heinonen Fortabat and
Chebez 1997; Mares and Braun 2000); Parque
Nacional El Rey (Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez
1997; Mares and Braun 2000); 6 km SW Santa
Victoria, at “El Breal” (Mares et al. 1981a); 6 km
SW of Santa Victoria at “El Breal,” extreme NE
Salta Province (Mares and Braun 2000); 6 km SW
Santa Victoria E, at “El Breal” (Ojeda and Mares
1989); Tabacal (Mares and Braun 2000; Yepes
1944, as D. azarae); Zuviría (Mares and Braun
2000; Yepes 1944, as D. azarae).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
Gracilinanus agilis (Burmeister)
Specimens examined (18).—Ingenio San Mar-
tín del Tabacal Lote “Milagros,” 18 (CML 2700,
2701, 5910, 5911, 5912, 5913, 5914, 5915, 5916,
5917, 5918, 5919, 5920, 5921, 5922, 5924, 5925,
Remarks.—Flores et al. (2000) reported the
first records of this taxon for northwestern Argen-
tina. Its presence in the region was probable due
to the proximity of records in western Formosa
Province and southern Bolivia.
Lutreolina crassicaudata (Desmarest)
Additional records.—a lo largo del alto Río
Bermejo (Aguas Blancas, Dto. Orán) (Mares and
Braun 2000; Olrog 1976); 24 km NW Aguas Blan-
cas (Mares and Braun 2000; Mares et al. 1981a;
Ojeda and Mares 1989); Parque Nacional El Rey
(Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez 1997; Mares
and Braun 2000).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
given. Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez (1997)
listed this species as probable in Parque Nacional
Micoureus constantiae (Thomas)
Specimens examined (2).—43.7 km al NO del
cruce de las rutas 50 y 18, camino a Islas de Cañas
(PIDBA 790); Parque Nacional Baritú, desemb-
ocadura Arroyo Santelmita, 700 m, 1 (CML
Additional records.—Orán (Mares and Braun
2000; Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Marmosa con-
stantiae; Olrog 1959, as Marmosa constantiae);
Parque Nacional Baritú (Heinonen Fortabat and
Chebez 1997; Mares and Braun 2000).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a, 1989) listed
this species for the province as Marmosa constan-
tiae; specimen records were not given.
Monodelphis dimidiata (Wagner)
Additional records.—Tartagal (Crespo 1964,
as Monodelphis fosteri; Mares and Braun 2000;
Ojeda and Mares 1989).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a as Monodel-
phis fosteri, 1989) listed this species as rare for
the province; specimen records were not given.
Thylamys cinderella (Thomas)
Specimens examined (10).—Aguaray, FCCNA,
700 m, 4 (MACN 30.292, 30.293, 30.295, 30.296);
Güemes, ruta 34, km 1383, 1 (MACN 17276); 6
km W of Piquirenda Viejo, 1 (OMNH 19578);
Playa Ancha, 1 (MACN 30.294); Río Mojotoro,
puente del Ferrocarril Belgrano, 1 (MMD 4); San
Ramón de la Nueva Orán, 1 (CML 742); Tartagal,
Laguna de las Catas, 1 (CML 2344).
Additional records.—Aguaray (Mares and
Braun 2000, as Thylamys venustus; Olrog 1959,
as Marmosa elegans venusta); Aguaray, 700 m
(Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Marmosa elegans);
Orán (Mares and Braun 2000, as Thylamys
venustus; Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Marmosa ele-
gans; Olrog 1959, as Marmosa elegans venusta);
Playa Ancha (Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Marmosa
Thylamys pallidior (Thomas)
Specimens examined (5).—Inca Mayo, 1
(BMNH; M. Solá, 4 (BMNH,,,
Additional records.—30 km E Cachi (Mares et
al. 1981a, as Marmosa pusilla; Ojeda and Mares
1989, as Marmosa pusilla); 30 km E Cachi, 2600
m (Mares and Braun 2000).
Remarks.—Only one taxon was recognized by
Mares et al. (1981a, 1989) and Ojeda and Mares
(1989) as occurring in the province—Marmosa
pusilla. As with T. venustus, T. pallidior and T.
pusilla were separated from the genus Marmosa
and placed in a distinct genus. Originally
described as separate taxa, T. pallidior and T.
pusilla were placed in synonymy. T. pallidior and
T. pusilla now are recognized as distinct based on
the shape of the interorbital region, distribution,
and habitat.
There is some question regarding the distribu-
tions of T. pallidior and T. pusilla in Argentina.
Palma and Yates (1998) proposed that T. pallidior
is distributed in the prepuna and puna on the
eastern side of the Andes, while the distribution
of T. pusilla extends from southeastern Bolivia,
western Paraguay, southward through the Monte
Desert and Chaco to about 35° S lat. Our exami-
nation of Argentine specimens suggests that pal-
lidior is found in the monte, prepuna, and puna,
while pusilla is found in the chaco (Mares and
Braun 2000). We base our identifications using
external and cranial morphology following Tate
(1933): T. pallidior has supraorbital ridges that
are smooth and rounded, and a postorbital con-
striction that is little pronounced; T. pusilla has
beaded supraorbital ridges that continue posteri-
orly and that merge with the temporal ridges on
the braincase, a pronounced postorbital constric-
tion, and generally has a longer tail, and a larger
head and body, hindfoot, and ear.
Although this question pertains little to Thy-
lamys collected in Salta Province, we wish to
emphasize that the systematics of these two taxa
in Argentina require further investigation.
Thylamys pusilla (Desmarest)
Specimens examined (6).—Campo Grande, 17
km al E de Santo Domingo, 1 (CML 5203);
Departamento Capital, 1 (MACN 17277); Drag-
ones, 1 (released); Hickman, 1 (CML 896); Los
Colorados, 17 km al E de Santo Domingo, 1
(CML 5229); Puesto Campo Grande, 17 km al E
de Santo Domingo, 1 (CML 3059).
Additional records.—Hickman (Mares and
Braun 2000; Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Marmosa
pusilla; Olrog 1959, as Marmosa pusilla); 6 km W
of Piquirenda Viejo (Mares and Braun 2000); 5
km S of Tolloche, on La Viñita Rd. (Mares et al.
1981a, as Marmosa pusilla); 5 km S of Tolloche,
on Vinalito Rd. (Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Mar-
mosa pusilla; 90 km NNW of Tucumán (Tate
1933, as Marmosa pallidior).
Remarks.—See taxonomic comments under T.
pallidior regarding the recognition of T. pallidior
and T. pusilla. The locality of 5 km S of Tolloche,
on La Viñita Rd. (Mares et al. 1981a) should be
corrected to 5 km S of Tolloche, on Vinalito Rd.
Thylamys sp.
Additional records.—24 km NW Agua Blanca
(Mares and Braun 2000, as Thylamys venustus);
24 km NW Aguas Blancas (Mares et al. 1981a, as
Marmosa elegans; Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Mar-
mosa elegans); 8.2 km S, 8.4 km E Campo Durán
(Mares and Braun 2000, as Thylamys venustus);
Juntas de San Antonio (Mares and Braun 2000, as
Thylamys venustus; Mares et al. 1981a, as Mar-
mosa elegans; Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Mar-
mosa elegans); Metán, 1 (BMNH not
examined, as Marmosa elegans); 15 km S, 15 km
W Orán (Mares and Braun 2000, as Thylamys
venustus); Parque Nacional Baritú (Heinonen
Fortabat and Chebez 1997; Mares and Braun
2000, as Thylamys venustus); Parque Nacional El
Rey (Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez 1997;
Mares and Braun 2000, as Thylamys venustus);
Arroyo de los Noquez, Parque Nacional El Rey
(Mares and Braun 2000, as Thylamys venustus);
Quebrada de San Lorenzo, 12 km NW Salta
(Mares et al. 1981a, as Marmosa elegans; Ojeda
and Mares 1989, as Marmosa elegans); 12 km NW
Salta (Mares and Braun 2000, as Thylamys venus-
tus); Santa María W (Ojeda and Mares 1989, as
Marmosa elegans); Santa Victoria W (Ojeda and
Mares 1989, as Marmosa elegans); 27 km E Tarta-
gal (Mares and Braun 2000, as Thylamys venus-
tus); 27 km E Tartagal, along Tonono Rd. (Mares
et al. 1981a, as Marmosa elegans; Ojeda and
Mares 1989, as Marmosa elegans).
Remarks.—The specimens noted above were
listed as Thylamys elegans or Thylamys venustus.
Due to recent changes in the systematics of this
genus in northwestern Argentina (e.g., Flores et
al. 2000), we now are not able to determine to
which species they correspond.
Thylamys sponsoria (Thomas)
Specimens examined (11).—43.7 km al NO del
cruce de las rutas 50 y 18, camino a Islas de
Cañas, 6 (PIDBA 780, 781, 784, 788, 789, 791);
3.9 km N Potrerillos, along Ruta Provincial 6, 1
(Arg 4527); Río de las Conchas, 2 km al N y 6 km
al O de Metán, 1 (PIDBA 710); Río Santa María,
1 (MACN 51.159); Vado de Arrazayal, 20 km al
NO de Aguas Blancas, 2 (CML 912, 1867).
Thylamys venustus Matschie
Specimens examined (7).—27 km al O de Agua
Blanca, 1 (MACN 17275); Angosto del Río
Pescado, 1 (MACN 20731); Finca Yakulica,
Angosto del Río Pescado, 1 (MACN 20730);
Parque Nacional Baritú, Arroyo Santelmita, 1
(MACN 20732); Parque Nacional Baritú, Cerro
Chaguar, 1 (MACN 20733); Parque Nacional
Baritú, Finca Yakulica, Río Pescado, 650 m, 2
(CML 5527, 5537).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province, but as Marmosa elegans;
specimen records were not given. Thylamys ele-
gans since has been restricted to Chile (Palma
1994; Palma and Yates 1998).
Order Xenarthra
Family Bradypodidae
Bradypus variegatus Schinz
Additional records.—Orán (Chebez 1994).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a as Bradypus
boliviensis, 1989) and Ojeda and Mares (1989)
listed this species as probable for the province.
The presence of B. variegatus is probable in
Parque Nacional Baritú (Chebez 1994; Erize et
al. 1993; Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez 1997)
and needs to be confirmed.
Family Dasypodidae
Chaetophractus vellerosus (Gray)
Specimens examined (1).—Los Médanos, Caf-
ayate, 1 (CML 3067).
Additional records.—Aguaray (Ojeda and
Mares 1989); Cafayate (Ojeda and Mares 1989;
Yepes 1944); Calvimonte (Ojeda and Mares 1989,
as Cabimonte; Yepes 1944, as Cambimonte); 8.4
km E Campo Durán (Mares et al. 1981a); 9.4 km
E Campo Durán (Ojeda and Mares 1989); El
Quebrachal (Ojeda and Mares 1989); La Represa,
500 m (Crespo 1974); Orán (Ojeda and Mares
1989); Padre Lozano (Ojeda and Mares 1989;
Yepes 1944); Río del Valle (Ojeda and Mares
1989); Rosario de la Frontera (Ojeda and Mares
1989); Ruiz de los Llanos (Ojeda and Mares
1989); San Antonio de Los Cobres (Yepes 1944);
San Antonio de Los Cobres, 3650 m (Ojeda and
Mares 1989); near Santa Victoria, extreme NE
Salta (Mares et al. 1981a); Santa Victoria E
(Ojeda and Mares 1989); Tabacal (Ojeda and
Mares 1989; Yepes 1944).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
given. Yepes (1944) recognized two subspecies,
C. v. vellerosus and C. v. pannosus.
Chlamyphorus retusus Burmeister
Specimens examined (1).—Puesto Campo
Grande, 17 km al E de Santo Domingo, 1 (CML
Additional records.—Campo Durán al este de
Aguaray (Yepes 1939, as Burmeisteria retusa clo-
rindae); La Angostura (Ojeda and Mares 1989;
Yepes 1939, as Burmeisteria retusa clorindae).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a as Burmeiste-
ria retusa, 1989) listed this species for the prov-
ince; specimen records were not given.
Dasypus novemcinctus Linnaeus
Additional records.—El Tabacal (Yepes 1944);
15 km S Orán, along Río Santa María (Mares et
al. 1981a; Ojeda and Mares 1989); Tabacal (Wet-
zel and Mondolfi 1979; Yepes 1933, as Dasypus
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
given. The locality “15 km S Orán...” is given cor-
rectly by Ojeda and Mares (1989:29) in the spe-
cies account, but is listed incorrectly as “15 km
SW Orán...” in the gazetteer of localities (Ojeda
and Mares 1989:57, locality 93).
Dasypus septemcinctus Linnaeus
Additional records.—Tabacal (Ojeda and
Mares 1989; Wetzel and Mondolfi 1979).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a, 1989) listed
this species for the province; specimen records
were not given.
Dasypus yepesi Vizcaíno
Specimens examined (1).—Quebrada de
Acambuco, 5 km del Dique Itiyuro, Carapary, 1
(CML 315).
Additional records.—San Andrés, 1800 m
(Vizcaíno 1995; type locality).
Remarks.—Ojeda and Mares (1989) identified
the specimen from “Quebrada de Acambuco”
(site 102) as D. novemcinctus. This is the same
specimen as that listed above. Mares et al. (1981a,
1989) and Ojeda and Mares (1989) had listed
Dasypus hybridus as probable for the province,
however D. hybridus now is known not to occur
in the province.
Vizcaíno (1995) examined the systematics of
the genus Dasypus in northwestern Argentina to
resolve the status of D. mazzai. He reconfirmed
that the holotype of D. mazzai was a young D.
novemcinctus. The paratype, of unknown locality,
was placed in a new species D. yepesi. The distri-
bution includes forested areas of the provinces of
Salta and Jujuy.
Euphractus sexcinctus (Linnaeus)
Additional records.—Cerro Colorado (Ojeda
and Mares 1989); 31 km SSW Dragones, along
Río Bermejo (M. A. Mares and J. K. Braun, pers.
obs. of burrows); El Quebrachal (Ojeda and
Mares 1989); El Tabacal (Yepes 1944); Hickman
(Ojeda and Mares 1989); Lumbreras (Ojeda and
Mares 1989); Parque Nacional Baritú (Heinonen
Fortabat and Chebez 1997); Parque Nacional El
Rey (Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez 1997); near
Santa Victoria, extreme NE Salta (Mares et al.
1981a); Santa Victoria E (Ojeda and Mares 1989);
Yacimiento Tonono (Ojeda and Mares 1989);
Yacimiento Tonono (Tonono 2), E Tartagal
(Mares et al. 1981a).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
given. The locality of “Manuela Pedraza,” was
cited incorrectly for Salta Province by Ojeda and
Mares (1989); this locality is in Tucumán Prov-
Priodontes maximus (Kerr)
Additional records.—Cerrillos (Chebez 1994);
Dpto. Orán (Chebez 1994); Dpto. Rivadavia
(Chebez 1994); Urundel (Massoia et al. 1992;
Ojeda and Mares 1989).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a as Priodontes
giganteus, 1989) listed this species for the prov-
ince; specimen records were not given. According
to Chebez (1994), in March 1993, the National
Gendarmeria and the Office of Natural
Resources of Salta confiscated a specimen in Cer-
Tolypeutes matacus (Desmarest)
Specimens examined (2).—31 km SSW Drag-
ones, along Río Bermejo, 1 (Arg 3512); Metán, 1
(BMNH as Tolypeutes conurus).
Additional records.—Agua Linda (Ojeda and
Mares 1989); Calvimonte (Ojeda and Mares
1989, as Cabimonte); Dragones (Ojeda and
Mares 1989; Yepes 1944); El Tabacal (Yepes
1944); Embarcación (Ojeda and Mares 1989;
Yepes 1944); Hickman (Ojeda and Mares 1989); 5
km W Jollin (Mares et al. 1981a; Ojeda and Mares
1989); La Matanza (=Cañada La Matanza) (Ojeda
and Mares 1989); La Represa (Ojeda and Mares
1989); Las Palmitas (Ojeda and Mares 1989);
Lumbreras (Ojeda and Mares 1989); Luna
Muerta (Ojeda and Mares 1989); Molinos (Ojeda
and Mares 1989); 4 km S Pocoy (Mares et al.
1981a; Ojeda and Mares 1989); Rivadavia (Ojeda
and Mares 1989); Rosario de la Frontera (Ojeda
and Mares 1989); San Francisco (Ojeda and
Mares 1989); Tabacal (Ojeda and Mares 1989);
Tartagal, SW of Tonono, Río Itiyuro (UNSM
291936, not examined); Tonono, Río Itiyuro
(USNM 291935, not examined); Yacimiento
Tonono (Ojeda and Mares 1989); Yacimiento
Tonono (Tonono 2), E Tartagal (Mares et al.
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
Family Myrmecophagidae
Myrmecophaga tridactyla Linnaeus
Specimens examined (1).—Puesto Campo
Grande, 17 km al E de Santo Domingo, 1 (CML
Additional records.—Dpto. Anta (Chebez
1994); Dpto. Orán (Chebez 1994); Dpto. Rivada-
via (Chebez 1994); El Quebrachal (Ojeda and
Mares 1989); Parque Nacional Baritú (Heinonen
Fortabat and Chebez 1997); Santa Bárbara
(Ojeda and Mares 1989).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a, 1989) listed
this species for the province; specimen records
were not given.
Tamandua tetradactyla (Linnaeus)
Specimens examined (1).—20 km de El Tala, 1
(PIDBA 832).
Additional records.—Agua Linda (Ojeda and
Mares 1989; Yepes 1944); Aguaray (Ojeda and
Mares 1989; Yepes 1944); Campamento, Salta
(Ojeda and Mares 1989); Dragones (Ojeda and
Mares 1989; Yepes 1944); 31 km SSW Dragones,
along Río Bermejo (locals, pers. comm.); Parque
Nacional Baritú (Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez
1997); Parque Nacional El Rey (Heinonen Fort-
abat and Chebez 1997); Pozo Hondo (Ojeda and
Mares 1989); Río Santa María (Ojeda and Mares
1989); Santa María E (Ojeda and Mares 1989);
Santa María, extreme NE Salta (Mares et al.
1981a); Tartagal (Ojeda and Mares 1989).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
Order Chiroptera
Family Noctilionidae
Noctilio leporinus (Linnaeus)
Additional records.—Embarcación, Finca
Tres Pozos, 247 km NE San Salvador de Jujuy
(Barquez et al. 1999a; Villa-R. and Villa-C. 1971);
Hickman (Barquez et al. 1999a; Ojeda and Mares
1989; Villa-R. and Villa-C. 1971); Los Madrejones
(Ojeda and Mares 1989); Los Madrejones, Junta
de los Ríos Tarija e Itaú (Barquez 1984; Barquez
et al. 1999a); Los Madrejones, Río Tarija e Itaú
(Olrog 1958); Orán (Barquez et al. 1999a; Ojeda
and Mares 1989); Ríos Tarija e Itaú (Ojeda and
Mares 1989); San Ramón de la Nueva Orán (Bar-
quez et al. 1999a).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a, 1989) listed
this species for the province; specimen records
were not given. The localities of Los Madrejones
and Ríos Tarija e Itaú listed by Ojeda and Mares
(1989) are actually one locality as follows: Los
Madrejones, Junta de los Ríos Tarija e Itaú (Bar-
quez et al. 1999a).
Family Phyllostomidae
Anoura caudifer (É. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire)
Specimens examined (2).—Parque Nacional
Baritú, Naciente Arroyo Santelmita, 900 m, 1
(CML 5493); Serranías de Las Pavas, Angosto del
Pescado, 1 (OMNH 18683).
Additional records.—Agua Blanca, 5 km W
(Barquez et al. 1999a); Itaú, 1600 m (Ojeda and
Mares 1989); Itaú (Campo Largo) a 4 km del Río
Itaú entrando por Acambuco, 1600 m (Barquez
and Olrog 1985); Itaú (Campo Largo), Sierras de
Tartagal, 1600 m (Barquez et al. 1999a; Olrog and
Barquez 1979, as Anoura geoffroyi); Itaú (Campo
Largo), 1600 m, Tartagal (Barquez 1984, as
Anoura geoffroyi); Parque Nacional Baritú (Hei-
nonen Fortabat and Chebez 1997); Piquirenda
Viejo, 6 km W (Barquez et al. 1999a); 6 km al
oeste de Piquirenda Viejo, camino a Acambuco,
550 m (Barquez and Olrog 1985); Río Pescado
(Barquez et al. 1999a).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a as Anoura
geoffroyi, 1989) listed this taxon for the province;
specimen records were not given.
Artibeus planirostris (Spix)
Specimens examined (10).—Finca Abra
Grande, Quebrada de Tartagal, 1 (OMNH
18946); 27 km al O de la intersección entre la
Ruta Nacional N° 50 y el camino a Isla de Cañas,
2 (Arg 4729, 4730); 48.9 km NW del cruce ruta 50
y ruta provincial 18, camino a Isla de Cañas, 1
(PIDBA 808); 12.6 km al W de Piquirenda Viejo,
775 m, 1 (PIDBA 823); 3.9 km N Potrerillos
along Ruta Provincial 6, 1 (Arg 4539); Río de las
Conchas, 2 km al N y 6 km al W de Metán, 1027
m, 2 (PIDBA 680, 681); Serranías de Las Pavas,
Angosto del Pescado, 2 (OMNH 18944, 18945).
Additional records.—Abra Grande (Barquez
et al. 1999a); Aguas Blancas (Barquez 1984, as A.
lituratus; Barquez et al. 1999a; Ojeda and Mares
1989, as A. lituratus); Arroyo Los Noques, Parque
Nacional El Rey (Barquez et al. 1999a); Itaú
(Campo Largo), Sierras de Tartagal, 1600 m (Bar-
quez et al. 1999a); Junta de los Ríos Tarija y Ber-
mejo (Barquez 1984, as A. jamaicensis; Barquez
et al. 1999a); Juntas de Ríos Tarija y Bermejo
(Ojeda and Mares 1989, as A. jamaicensis); Juntas
de Río Tarija y Río Itaú (Barquez 1984, as A.
jamaicensis); Juntas de San Antonio (Barquez et
al. 1999a; Mares et al. 1981a, as A. jamaicensis;
Ojeda and Mares 1989, as A. jamaicensis); La
Caldera (Barquez et al. 1999a); Los Madrejones,
Junta de los Ríos Tarija e Itaú, 1400 m (Barquez
et al. 1999a); Orán, 15 km S, 15 km W, along Río
Santa María (Barquez et al. 1999a); 15 km S
Orán, along Río Santa María (Mares et al. 1981a,
as A. jamaicensis; Ojeda and Mares 1989, as A.
jamaicensis); 22 km SW Orán, along Río Santa
María (Mares et al. 1981a, A. jamaicensis; Ojeda
and Mares 1989, as A. jamaicensis); Parque
Nacional Baritú (Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez
1997); Parque Nacional El Rey (Heinonen Fort-
abat and Chebez 1997); Paso de la Cruz (Barquez
et al. 1999a); Piquirenda Viejo, 6 km W (Barquez
et al. 1999a); Piquirenda Viejo, 8 km W (Barquez
et al. 1999a); Piquirenda Viejo, 30 km N Tartagal
(Barquez et al. 1999a); Río El Naranjo, 14 km W
de Ruta provincial 5 (Barquez et al. 1999a); Río
Guanaco, 32 km al NE de Lumbrera (Barquez et
al. 1999a); Serranía de las Pavas (Barquez et al.
1999a); Tabacal (Barquez et al. 1999a; TTU
32469 not examined).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
given. Mares et al. (1981a) and Ojeda and Mares
(1989) listed A. jamaicensis and A. lituratus for
this province; however, neither species occurs in
Salta Province (Barquez et al. 1999a). All speci-
mens can be referred to A. planirostris (Barquez
et al. 1999a).
Chrotopterus auritus (Peters)
Specimens examined (2).—27 km al O de la
intersección entre la Ruta Nacional N° 50 y el
camino a Isla de Cañas, 1 (Arg 4731); Parque
Nacional El Rey, sendero Las Chuñas, 1 (CML
Additional records.—Abra Grande (Barquez
et al. 1999a); Abra Grande, 20 km NW Orán
(Barquez et al. 1999a); 20 km NW Aguas Blancas,
Vado de Arrazayal (Ojeda and Mares 1989);
Establecimiento Abra Grande, 20 km NW Orán
(Ojeda and Mares 1989); Mina Pablo, Unchimé,
25 km E General Güemes, 1100 m (Barquez et al.
1999a; Ojeda and Mares 1989; Villa-R. and Villa-
C. 1971); Parque Nacional Baritú (Heinonen
Fortabat and Chebez 1997); Piquirenda Viejo, 6
km W (Barquez et al. 1999a; Ojeda and Mares
1989); Río Mojotoro, 5 km N Salta (Barquez et al.
1999a; Ojeda and Mares 1989; Villa-R. and Villa-
C. 1971); Vado de Arrazayal, 20 km NW Aguas
Blancas (Barquez 1984; Barquez et al. 1999a).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a, 1989) listed
this species for the province; specimen records
were not given.
Desmodus rotundus (É. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire)
Specimens examined (11).—General Güemes,
6 (MACN 17176-17181); 7.8 km NNE Pampa
Grande, along Ruta Provincial 6, along Río Cachi,
1 (Arg 4550); 12.6 km al W de Piquirenda Viejo,
775 m, 2 (PIDBA 815, 816); 3.9 km N Potrerillos
along Ruta Provincial 6, 2 (Arg 4535, 4542).
Additional records.—Abra de La Punilla (Bar-
quez et al. 1999a); Agua Blanca (Barquez et al.
1999a); Aguas Blancas (Barquez 1984; Ojeda and
Mares 1989); Apolinario Saravia, 5 km W (Bar-
quez et al. 1999a; Villa-R. and Villa-C. 1971); Bet-
ania (Barquez et al. 1999a); 4 km W Cafayate,
Cueva del Indio (Ojeda and Mares 1989); Cebilar,
20 km W Apolinario Saravia (Barquez et al.
1999a; Villa-R. and Villa-C. 1971); 6 km SSW
Chicoana, 1400 m (Ojeda and Mares 1989);
Cueva del Indio, 4 km W Cafayate, 1800 m (Bar-
quez et al. 1999a; Villa-R. and Villa-C. 1971);
Cueva del Murcielagallo, 15 km SSW Santa Victo-
ria, 2000 m (Barquez et al. 1999a; Villa-R. and
Villa-C. 1971); El Porvenir (Barquez et al. 1999a);
Est. La Trampa (TCWC 22657 not examined); 30
km SSW General Güemes (Ojeda and Mares
1989); General M. M. de Güemes, 30 km SSW
(Barquez et al. 1999a; Villa-R. and Villa-C. 1971);
Güemes (Barquez et al. 1999a); Humaita (Bar-
quez et al. 1999a); Laguna de las Catas (Barquez
et al. 1999a); Laguna de las Catas, Tartagal (Bar-
quez 1984; Ojeda and Mares 1989); Las Lajitas
(Barquez et al. 1999a); Orán, 20 km al NW de
Agua Blanca (Barquez et al. 1999a); Parque
Nacional Baritú (Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez
1997); Parque Nacional El Rey (Heinonen Fort-
abat and Chebez 1997); Paso Quintana, Rosario
de la Frontera (Barquez et al. 1999a; Romaña and
Abalos 1950); Piquirenda Viejo, 6 km W (Barquez
et al. 1999a); Puesto Arroyo Cabeza de Vaca, 30
km N Apolinario Saravia (Barquez et al. 1999a;
Villa-R. and Villa-C. 1971); Quebrada de Acam-
buco, 5 km W Dique Itiyuro (Barquez et al.
1999a; Mares et al. 1981a; Ojeda and Mares
1989); San Agustín (Barquez et al. 1999a); Santa
Victoria Este (Barquez et al. 1999a; Ojeda and
Mares 1989); 15 km SSW Santa Victoria W, 2000
m (Ojeda and Mares 1989); Termas de Rosario de
la Frontera (Barquez et al. 1999a; Romaña and
Abalos 1950); Toma de Los Laureles, 6 km SSW
Chicoana, 1400 m (Barquez et al. 1999a; Villa-R.
and Villa-C. 1971);
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
Glossophaga soricina (Pallas)
Additional records.—Abra Grande, 10 km N
Orán (Barquez et al. 1999a); Parque Nacional
Baritú (Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez 1997);
Quebrada de Tartagal, Finca Abra Grande (Bar-
quez 1985; Ojeda and Mares 1989).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a) listed this spe-
cies as probable for the province. Mares et al.
(1989) listed this species for the province; speci-
men records were not given.
Micronycteris sp.
Specimens examined (1).—27 km al O de la
intersección entre la Ruta Nacional N° 50 y el
camino a Isla de Cañas, (Arg 4726).
Remarks.—Barquez et al. (1999b) reported
this specimen as the first record of a micronycter-
ine bat in Argentina.
Pygoderma bilabiatum (Wagner)
Specimens examined (1).—48.9 km NW del
cruce ruta 50 y ruta provincial 18, camino a Isla
de Cañas, 1 (PIDBA 804).
Additional records.—Agua Blanca (Barquez et
al. 1999a); Aguas Blancas (Barquez 1984); 20 km
NW Aguas Blancas, Vado de Arrazayal (Ojeda
and Mares 1989); Piquirenda Viejo, 30 km N
Tartagal (Barquez et al. 1999a); 30 km N Tartagal
(Ojeda and Mares 1989); Vado de Arrazayal, 20
km NW Aguas Blancas (Barquez 1984; Barquez
et al. 1999a).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a, 1989) listed
this species for the province; specimen records
were not given. Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez
(1997) listed this species as probable in Parque
Nacional Baritú.
Sturnira erythromos (Tschudi)
Specimens examined (21).—Finca Jakulica,
Angosto del Río Pescado, 650 m, 5 (CML 5486,
5489, 5490, 5491, 5492); 43.7 km NW del cruce
ruta 50 y ruta provincial 18, camino a Isla de
Cañas, 1 (PIDBA 768); 48.9 km NW del cruce
ruta 50 y ruta provincial 18, camino a Isla de
Cañas, 1 (PIDBA 793); Parque Nacional Baritú,
Finca Jakulica, Angosto del Río Pescado, 650 m, 1
(CML 5494); Parque Nacional Baritú, Las Juntas
(unión del Río Lipeo y Bermejo), 1 (CML 5495);
12.6 km al W de Piquirenda Viejo, 775 m, 1
(PIDBA 824); Río de las Conchas, 2 km al N y 6
km al W de Metán, 1027 m, 11 (PIDBA 679, 696-
699, 701, 702, 705, 711-713).
Additional records.—Agua Blanca, 24 km NW
(Barquez et al. 1999a); 24 km NW Aguas Blancas
(Mares et al. 1981a, part as S. lilium; Ojeda and
Mares 1989, part as S. lilium); Alto Macueta, 2
km N del cruce de Macueta y Campo Largo (Bar-
quez et al. 1999a); Finca San Lorenzo, Rosario de
la Frontera (Barquez et al. 1999a; TTU 29177 not
examined); Parque Nacional Baritú (Heinonen
Fortabat and Chebez 1997); Parque Nacional El
Rey (Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez 1997); Ser-
ranía de las Pavas (Barquez et al. 1999a).
Remarks.—Ojeda and Mares (1989) listed this
species as probable for the province. Mares et al.
(1989) listed this species as occurring in the prov-
ince; specimen records were not given.
Sturnira lilium (É. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire)
Specimens examined (71).—a 11 km de la
intersección con la ruta 34 camino a Acambuco, 1
(PIDBA 100); app. 10 km de la intersección de la
Ruta Provincial N° 18 y el camino a Cortaderas,
sobre el camino a Cortaderas, 1 (Arg 4769); Finca
Jakulica, Angosto del Río Pescado, 650 m, 1
(CML 5487); 27 km al O de la intersección entre
la Ruta Nacional N° 50 y el camino a Isla de
Cañas, 11 (Arg 4717-4725, 4727, 4728); 43.7 km
NW del cruce ruta 50 y ruta provincial 18, camino
a Isla de Cañas, 2 (PIDBA 765, 766); 48.9 km
NW del cruce ruta 50 y ruta provincial 18, camino
a Isla de Cañas, 2 (PIDBA 794, 795); 12.6 km al
W de Piquirenda Viejo, 775 m, 3 (PIDBA 817,
819, 825); Río de las Conchas, 2 km al N y 6 km al
W de Metán, 1027 m, 3 (PIDBA 700, 704, 716);
Serranías de Las Pavas, Angosto del Pescado, 47
(OMNH 18741-18787).
Additional records.—Agua Blanca, 5 km W
(Barquez et al. 1999a; TTU 29150 not examined);
Agua Blanca, 20 km NW (Barquez et al. 1999a;
TTU 29142-29149 not examined); Agua Blanca,
24 km NW (Barquez et al. 1999a; Mares et al.
1981a; Ojeda and Mares 1989, part as S. erythro-
mos); Agua Blanca, 25 km NW (Barquez et al.
1999a); Aguaray (Barquez et al. 1999a; Ojeda and
Mares 1989); Aguas Blancas (Barquez 1984; Bar-
quez et al. 1999a; Ojeda and Mares 1989); 20 km
NW Aguas Blancas, Vado de Arrazayal (Ojeda
and Mares 1989); Alto Macueta, 2 km N del cruce
de Macueta y Campo Largo (Barquez et al.
1999a); Arroyo Los Noques, Parque Nacional El
Rey (Barquez et al. 1999a); El Tabacal (Ojeda and
Mares 1989; Yepes 1944); Finca El Arrazayal,
Serranía de las Pavas (Barquez et al. 1999a); Inge-
nio San Martín del Tabacal (Barquez et al. 1999a;
TTU 29151-29153 not examined); Itaú (Campo
Largo), Sierras de Tartagal, 1600 m (Barquez et
al. 1999a); Junta de los Ríos Tarija y Bermejo
(Barquez et al. 1999a); Juntas de Ríos Bermejo y
Tarija (Barquez 1984; Ojeda and Mares 1989);
Juntas de San Antonio (Barquez et al. 1999a;
Mares et al. 1981a; Ojeda and Mares 1989);
Metán, 850 m (Barquez et al. 1999a); Orán, 20
km al NW (Barquez et al. 1999a); Parque Nacio-
nal Baritú (Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez
1997); Parque Nacional Baritú, Finca Jakulica,
Angosto del Río Pescado, 650 m (Barquez et al.
1999a); Parque Nacional El Rey (Heinonen Fort-
abat and Chebez 1997); Paso de la Cruz (Barquez
et al. 1999a); Piquirenda Viejo, 6 km W (Barquez
et al. 1999a); Piquirenda Viejo, 30 km N Tartagal
(Barquez et al. 1999a); Quebrada de Acambuco, 5
km W Dique Itiyuro (Barquez et al. 1999a; Mares
et al. 1981a); Río El Naranjo, 14 km W de Ruta
provincial 5 (Barquez et al. 1999a); Río Pescado
(Barquez et al. 1999a; TTU 29154-29175);
Seclantás (Barquez et al. 1999a; Ojeda and Mares
1989; Yepes 1944); Tabacal (Barquez et al. 1999a;
TTU 29176 not examined); Tartagal (Ojeda and
Mares 1989); Tonono, 1 km E sobre Río Itiyuro
(Barquez et al. 1999a); Unchimé (Barquez et al.
1999a); Vado de Arrazayal, 20 km NW Aguas
Blancas (Barquez 1984; Barquez et al. 1999a;
Ojeda and Mares 1989).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
Sturnira oporaphilum (Tschudi)
Additional records.—Parque Nacional Baritú
(Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez 1997); Serranía
de las Pavas (Barquez et al. 1999a).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
Family Vespertilionidae
Dasypterus ega (Gervais)
Specimens examined (1).—Parque Nacional El
Rey, Arroyo La Sala, Centro Administrativo, 1
(CML 6051).
Additional records.—Parque Nacional El Rey
(Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez 1997, as Lasiu-
rus ega); San Ramón de la Nueva Orán (Barquez
et al. 1999a).
Remarks.—The locality “Parque Nacional El
Rey” is the second record for the province and
the first record for the park. Mares et al. (1989)
and Ojeda and Mares (1989) listed this taxon (as
Lasiurus ega) as probable for the province.
Eptesicus diminutus Osgood
Specimens examined (4).—a 11 km de la inter-
sección con la ruta 34 camino a Acambuco, 2
(PIDBA 96, 104); Parque Nacional El Rey,
Arroyo La Sala, Centro Administrativo, 2 (CML
6050, 6120).
Additional records.—Agua Blanca, 24 km NW
(Barquez et al. 1999a); Aguaray, 700 m (Barquez
et al. 1999a; Ojeda and Mares 1989); Quebrada
de Acambuco, 5 km W Dique Itiyuro (Barquez et
al. 1999a; Mares et al. 1981a, part as E. furinalis).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
Eptesicus furinalis (d´Orbigny)
Specimens examined (11).—a 11 km de la
intersección con la ruta 34 camino a Acambuco, 1
(PIDBA 87); 43.7 km NW del cruce ruta 50 y ruta
provincial 18, camino a Isla de Cañas, 1 (PIDBA
767); 48.9 km NW del cruce ruta 50 y ruta provin-
cial 18, camino a Isla de Cañas, 1 (799); 12.6 km
al W de Piquirenda Viejo, 775 m, 1 (PIDBA 827);
3.9 km N Potrerillos along Ruta Provincial 6, 6
(Arg 4513, 4514, 4517, 4521, 4525, 4543); Ser-
ranía de Las Pavas, 3 km antes de Finca El
Arrazayal, 1 (OMNH 18841).
Additional records.—Agua Blanca, 5 km W
(Barquez et al. 1999a; TTU 32489, 32490 not
examined); Agua Blanca, 24 km NW (Barquez et
Number 10 SALTA MAMMALS 11
al. 1999a; Williams 1978); Aguaray (Barquez et al.
1999a; Ojeda and Mares 1989); 24 km NW Aguas
Blancas (Ojeda and Mares 1989); Angosto del
Pescado, Serranía de Las Pavas (Barquez et al.
1999a); Finca San Lorenzo, Rosario de La
Frontera (Barquez et al. 1999a); Orán (Barquez
et al. 1999a); Parque Nacional Baritú (Heinonen
Fortabat and Chebez 1997); Piquirenda Viejo, 6
km W (Barquez et al. 1999a); Piquirenda Viejo, 8
km W (Barquez et al. 1999a); Quebrada de Acam-
buco, 5 km W Dique Itiyuro (Barquez et al.
1999a; Mares et al. 1981a, part as E. diminutus;
Ojeda and Mares 1989); Santa María, sobre Río
Santa María (Barquez et al. 1999a); Tonono, 1 km
E sobre Río Itiyuro (Barquez et al. 1999a).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
Histiotus macrotus (Poeppig)
Specimens examined (13).—3.5 km S
Angastaco, 1 (Arg 5024); app. 15 km al W de
Escoipe, sobre Ruta Provincial N° 33, 1 (Arg
4773); Laguna El Brealito, 10 (Arg 5007-5016);
20.9 km al SE de Suripujio, sobre Ruta Provincial
N° 7, 1 (Arg 4737).
Additional records.—Cafayate, 20 km NW,
1700 m (Barquez et al. 1999a); Campo Quijano
(Barquez et al. 1999a); 6 km SSW Chicoana, 1400
m (Ojeda and Mares 1989, as H. montanus); La
Viña (Barquez et al. 1999a); La Viña, Iglesia (Bar-
quez et al. 1999a); Parque Nacional El Rey (Hei-
nonen Fortabat and Chebez 1997; Barquez et al.
1999a); Parque Nacional El Rey, Arroyo de Los
Puestos (Barquez et al. 1999a); Piquirenda Viejo,
6 km W (Barquez et al. 1999a); Quebrada de
Acambuco, 5 km W Dique Itiyuro (Barquez et al.
1999a; Mares et al. 1981a, as H. montanus; Ojeda
and Mares 1989); Río Piedras, 600 m (Barquez et
al. 1999a; Ojeda and Mares 1989); Salta (Barquez
et al. 1999a; TTU 32499 not examined); San
Lorenzo (Barquez et al. 1999a); Toma de Los
Laureles, 6 km SSW Chicoana, 1400 m (Barquez
et al. 1999a; Villa-R. and Villa-C. 1971).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
given. Mares et al. (1981a) and Ojeda and Mares
(1989) also listed Histiotus montanus for the
province, but all Histiotus from the province are
H. macrotus.
Lasiurus blossevillii (Lesson and Garnot)
Specimens examined (5).—a 11 km de la inter-
sección con la ruta 34 camino a Acambuco, 1
(PIDBA 89); 48.9 km NW del cruce ruta 50 y ruta
provincial 18, camino a Isla de Cañas, 1 (PIDBA
800); Parque Nacional El Rey, Arroyo La Sala,
Centro Administrativo, 1 (CML 6053); 3.9 km N
Potrerillos along Ruta Provincial 6, 1 (Arg 4549);
Río de las Conchas, 2 km al N y 6 km al W de
Metán, 1027 m, 1 (PIDBA 703).
Additional records.—Finca La Florida (Ojeda
and Mares 1989, as L. borealis; Villa-R. and Villa-
C. 1971, as L. borealis); Finca La Florida, Rosario
de Lerma, 25 km SSW Salta (Barquez et al.
1999a; Villa-R. and Villa-C. 1971, as L. borealis);
Hotel Termas, Rosario de La Frontera (Barquez
et al. 1999a; TTU 32516 not examined as L. bore-
alis); Orán (Ojeda and Mares 1989, as L. borea-
lis); Orán, 15 km S, 15 km W, along Río Santa
María (Barquez et al. 1999a); 15 km S Orán,
along Río Santa María (Mares et al. 1981a, as L.
borealis; Ojeda and Mares 1989, as L. borealis);
Parque Nacional Baritú (Heinonen Fortabat and
Chebez 1997, as L. borealis); Parque Nacional El
Rey (Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez 1997, as L.
borealis); Piquirenda Viejo, 8 km W (Barquez et
al. 1999a); Quebrada de Acambuco, 5 km W
Dique Itiyuro (Barquez et al. 1999a; Mares et al.
1981a, as L. borealis); Rosario de Lerma, 25 km
SSW Salta (Ojeda and Mares 1989, as L. borealis;
Villa-R. and Villa-C. 1971, as L. borealis); Salta
(Barquez et al. 1999a; TTU 32517, 32518 not
examined as L. borealis); Vado de Arrazayal (Bar-
quez et al. 1999a).
Remarks.—This species was listed as L. borea-
lis by Mares et al. (1989); specimen records were
not given. The correct locality for this species
listed by Ojeda and Mares (1989) in the Gazet-
teer (No. 93) is “15 km S Orán...” instead of “15
km SW Orán...”. The localities “Finca La Flor-
ida”and “Rosario de Lerma, 25 km SSW Salta”
are the same locality.
Lasiurus cinereus (Beauvois)
Specimens examined (8).—Parque Nacional El
Rey, Arroyo La Sala, Centro Administrativo, 2
(CML 6049, 6119); 12.6 km al W de Piquirenda
Viejo, 775 m, 1 (PIDBA 818); 3.9 km N Potreril-
los along Ruta Provincial 6, 4 (Arg 4523, 4534,
4541, 4548); Serranía de Las Pavas, Angosto del
Pescado, 1 (OMNH 18667).
Additional records.—Cerrillos, 30 km SW
Salta (Ojeda and Mares 1989); Dique Itiyuro, 5
km W (Barquez et al. 1999a); Finca Belgrano,
Cerrillos, 30 km SW Salta (Barquez et al. 1999a;
Villa-R. and Villa-C. 1971); Joaquín V. González, 8
km SE, Finca San Javier (Barquez et al. 1999a);
Metán (Barquez et al. 1999a; Ojeda and Mares
1989; Olrog 1959); Parque Nacional Baritú (Hei-
nonen Fortabat and Chebez 1997); Piquirenda
Viejo, 6 km W (Barquez et al. 1999a); Quebrada
de Acambuco (Ojeda and Mares 1989); Quebrada
de Acambuco, 5 km W Dique Itiyuro (Mares et
al. 1981a); Río Pescado (Barquez et al. 1999a;
Ojeda and Mares 1989).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
Myotis albescens (É. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire)
Specimens examined (4).—a 11 km de la inter-
sección con la ruta 34 camino a Acambuco, 1
(PIDBA 102); 48.9 km NW del cruce ruta 50 y
ruta provincial 18, camino a Isla de Cañas, 2
(PIDBA 797, 798); Parque Nacional Baritú, Finca
Lipeo, a 15 km de Las Juntas, 600 m, 1 (CML
Additional records.—Aguas Blancas, 27 km W
(Barquez et al. 1999a); El Breal (Barquez et al.
1999a); Hickman, Luna Muerta (Barquez et al.
1999a; Ojeda and Mares 1989); La Merced (Bar-
quez et al. 1999a; LaVal 1973; Ojeda and Mares
1989); Luna Muerta, Hickman (Olrog 1959);
Orán, 15 km S, 15 km W, along Río Santa María
(Barquez et al. 1999a); 22 km SW Orán, along Río
Santa María (Mares et al. 1981a; Ojeda and
Mares 1989); Parque Nacional Baritú (Heinonen
Fortabat and Chebez 1997); Río El Naranjo, 14
km W de Ruta provincial 5 (Barquez et al. 1999a);
Salta (Barquez et al. 1999a); Salta, casa habitada
(Barquez et al. 1999a; LaVal 1973; Ojeda and
Mares 1989; Villa-R. and Villa-C. 1971); 6 km SW
Santa Victoria E, at “El Breal” (Mares et al.
1981a; Ojeda and Mares 1989).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
Myotis keaysi J. A. Allen
Additional records.—Salta, Capital (Barquez
et al. 1999a).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
Myotis levis (I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire)
Specimens examined (8).—Cachi, 1 (BMNH as Vespertilio chiloensis); Upper Cachi, 1
(BMNH as Vespertilio chiloensis);
Pampa Grande, 1 (BMNH as Vespertilio
chiloensis); 7.8 km NNE Pampa Grande, along
Ruta Provincial 6, along Río Cachi, 1 (Arg 4551);
3.9 km N Potrerillos along Ruta Provincial 6, 3
(Arg 4512, 4524, 4545); Viña, 1 (BMNH
as Vespertilio chiloensis).
Additional records.—Buena Vista (Barquez et
al. 1999a); Cachi (Barquez et al. 1999a); Upper
Cachi (Barquez et al. 1999a); Cafayate (Barquez
et al. 1999a; Ojeda and Mares 1989; Romaña and
Abalos 1950); Cafayate, Finca La Rosa, 2000 m
(Ojeda and Mares 1989); Campo Santo (Barquez
et al. 1999a); Departamento San Carlos (Barquez
et al. 1999a; Ojeda and Mares 1989; Yepes 1944);
Finca La Rosa, Cafayate, 2000 m (Barquez et al.
1999a; LaVal 1973; Villa-R. and Villa-C. 1971);
General Güemes, Ruta 34 km 1363 (Barquez et
al. 1999a); Guachipas (Barquez et al. 1999a;
Ojeda and Mares 1989); Guachipas, ca. 1500 m
(LaVal 1973); Guachipas, Iglesia (Barquez et al.
1999a); Güemes (Barquez et al. 1999a; Ojeda and
Mares 1989); Güemes, 34-km 1363 (TCWC
25436 not examined); Güemes, R34-km 1364,
734 m (LaVal 1973); Hickman (Barquez et al.
1999a); Horcones (Barquez et al. 1999a); La
Merced (Barquez et al. 1999a); La Merced, 1200
m (Barquez et al. 1999a; LaVal 1973; Ojeda and
Mares 1989); Parque Nacional Baritú (Heinonen
Fortabat and Chebez 1997); Río Blanco, 35 km
SW Salta (Barquez et al. 1999a; Villa-R. and Villa-
C. 1971); Rosario de Lerma, 35 km SW Salta,
1600 m (LaVal 1973; Ojeda and Mares 1989);
Rosario de Lerma, Escuela Gurruchaga (Barquez
et al. 1999a); Salta (Barquez et al. 1999a); Salta,
Capital (Barquez et al. 1999a; LaVal 1973; Ojeda
and Mares 1989; TTU 32531, 32532 not exam-
ined); 35 km SW Salta, Río Blanco, 1600 m
(Ojeda and Mares 1989); San Lorenzo (Barquez
et al. 1999a); San Lorenzo, 1200 m (LaVal 1973);
Santa Victoria Oeste, 2200 m (Barquez et al.
1999a); Termas de Rosario de La Frontera (Bar-
quez et al. 1999a; Romaña and Abalos 1950);
Valle de Lerma, 1200 m (Barquez et al. 1999a;
LaVal 1973; Ojeda and Mares 1989).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
Myotis nigricans (Schinz)
Additional records.—Algarrobal, 20 km E
General Güemes (Barquez et al. 1999a); Escuela
Gurruchaga, Rosario de Lerma (Barquez et al.
1999a; TTU 32561 not examined); Finca Abra
Grande (Barquez et al. 1999a); Orán (Ojeda and
Mares 1989; Olrog 1959); Orán, 15 km S, 15 km
W, along Río Santa María (Barquez et al. 1999a);
15 km S Orán, along Río Santa María (Mares et
al. 1981a; Ojeda and Mares 1989); Piquirenda
Viejo, 6 km W (Barquez et al. 1999a); San Ramón
de la Nueva Orán (Barquez et al. 1999a); Santa
María, sobre Río Santa María (Barquez et al.
1999a); Tonono, 1 km E sobre Río Itiyuro (Bar-
quez et al. 1999a).
Number 10 SALTA MAMMALS 13
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
given. The correct locality for this species listed
by Ojeda and Mares (1989) in the Gazetteer (No.
93) is “15 km S Orán...” instead of “15 km SW
Myotis riparia Handley
Specimens examined (3).—12.6 km al W de
Piquirenda Viejo, 775 m, 3 (PIDBA 820, 821,
Additional records.—Piquirenda Viejo, 6 km
W (Barquez et al. 1999a).
Remarks.—Many specimens of M. nigricans,
upon closer examination, may be shown to be this
Family Molossidae
Cynomops planirostris (Peters)
Specimens examined (2).—48.9 km NW del
cruce ruta 50 y ruta provincial 18, camino a Isla
de Cañas, 1 (PIDBA 801); Parque Nacional El
Rey, Arroyo La Sala, Centro Administrativo, 1
(CML 6054).
Additional records.—Itaú (Campo Largo),
Sierras de Tartagal, 1600 m (Barquez et al.
1999a); Parque Nacional Baritú (Heinonen Fort-
abat and Chebez 1997); Quebrada Acambuco,
Dique Itiyuro, Sierras de Tartagal, 1500 m (Olrog
and Barquez 1979, as Molossops planirostris);
Quebrada de Acambuco, 5 km W Dique Itiyuro
(Barquez et al. 1999a; Ojeda and Mares 1989, as
Molossops planirostris); Serranía de las Pavas
(Barquez et al. 1999a); Tartagal (Barquez et al.
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
Eumops dabbenei Thomas
Additional records.—Güemes (Barquez et al.
1999a; Romaña and Abalos 1950).
Eumops glaucinus (Wagner)
Additional records.—Santa Victoria Este (Bar-
quez et al. 1999a); Tonono, 1 km E sobre Río
Itiyuro (Barquez et al. 1999a).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
given. Ojeda and Mares (1989) listed it as proba-
Eumops patagonicus Thomas
Additional records.—Joaquín V. González, 8
km SE, Finca San Javier (Barquez et al. 1999a);
Orán, 15 km S, 15 km W, along Río Santa María
(Barquez et al. 1999a); 15 km S Orán, along Río
Santa María (Mares et al. 1981a, as E. bonarien-
sis; Ojeda and Mares 1989, as E. bonariensis);
Quebrada de Acambuco, 5 km W Dique Itiyuro
(Mares et al. 1981a, as E. bonariensis; Ojeda and
Mares 1989, as E. bonariensis); Santa Rosa (Bar-
quez et al. 1999a); Santa Victoria Este (Barquez
et al. 1999a; Eger 1977, as E. bonariensis; Fornes
and Massoia 1967; Ojeda and Mares 1989, as E.
bonariensis); Tartagal (Barquez et al. 1999a);
Tonono, 1 km E sobre Río Itiyuro (Barquez et al.
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province, but as Eumops bonariensis;
specimen records were not given. Anderson
(1997) showed the distribution of Eumops bonar-
iensis in Bolivia as extending near the border of
Argentina, so that its presence in Salta Province
could be considered probable. However, we con-
sider these specimens to be E. patagonicus.
Eumops perotis (Schinz)
Additional records.—Campo Santo (Barquez
et al. 1999a; Eger 1977; Ojeda and Mares 1989);
Campo Santo, Escuela Nacional 149 (Barquez et
al. 1999a); Dragones (Barquez et al. 1999a; Eger
1977; Ojeda and Mares 1989); Escuela 149, 30
km NE Salta (Barquez et al. 1999a; Villa-R. and
Villa-C. 1971); Salta (Eger 1977); “Salta” (Ojeda
and Mares 1989); Salta, 30 km NE (Barquez et al.
1999a; Eger 1977; Ojeda and Mares 1989); Salta,
Capital (Barquez et al. 1999a).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a, 1989) listed
this species for the province; specimen records
were not given.
Molossops temminckii (Burmeister)
Specimens examined (1).—15 km al S de Orán,
sobre Río Santa María, 1 (OMNH 18972).
Additional records.—Aguaray, 120 km E (Bar-
quez et al. 1999a); Algarrobal, 20 km E General
Güemes (Barquez et al. 1999a); Antilla (Barquez
et al. 1999a); Dique Itiyuro (Barquez et al.
1999a); El Breal, 6 km SW Santa Victoria Este
(Barquez et al. 1999a); El Potrero (Barquez et al.
1999a; TTU 32624 not examined); Estancia Las
Mercedes (Barquez et al. 1999a); Ingenio San
Martín del Tabacal (Barquez et al. 1999a; TTU
32623 not examined); Laguna de los Panzones,
Retiro (Barquez et al. 1999a; Ojeda and Mares
1989); Parque Nacional El Rey (Heinonen Fort-
abat and Chebez 1997); Quebrada de Acambuco,
5 km W Dique Itiyuro (Barquez et al. 1999a;
Mares et al. 1981a; Ojeda and Mares 1989); Río
del Valle (Barquez et al. 1999a; Ojeda and Mares
1989); Rosario de La Frontera (Barquez et al.
1999a); Santa María E, 120 km E Aguaray (Ojeda
and Mares 1989); Santa Victoria Este (Barquez et
al. 1999a; Fornes and Massoia 1967); 6 km SW
Santa Victoria E, at “El Breal,” (Mares et al.
1981a; Ojeda and Mares 1989); Tabacal (Barquez
et al. 1999a).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
Molossus ater É Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire
Specimens examined (1).—Manuel Elordi,
Upper Vermejo, 1 (BMNH as Molossus
Additional records.—Manuel Elordi, Ver-
mejo, 500 m (Barquez et al. 1999a); Salta (Bar-
quez et al. 1999a; Villa-R. and Villa-C. 1971);
Salta city (Ojeda and Mares 1989); Salta, ciudad
(Barquez et al. 1999a; Villa-R. and Villa-C. 1971).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a, 1989) listed
this species for the province; specimen records
were not given.
Molossus molossus Pallas
Specimens examined (2).—a 11 km de la inter-
sección con la ruta 34 camino a Acambuco, 1
(PIDBA 99); 12.6 km al W de Piquirenda Viejo,
775 m, 1 (PIDBA 822).
Additional records.—Cerrillos (Barquez et al.
1999a); Parque Nacional Baritú (Heinonen Fort-
abat and Chebez 1997); Piquirenda Viejo, 6 km
W (Barquez et al. 1999a); Quebrada de Acam-
buco, 5 km W Dique Itiyuro (Barquez et al.
1999a; Mares et al. 1981a; Ojeda and Mares
1989); Salta (Barquez et al. 1999a); Salta, Capital
(Barquez et al. 1999a; TTU 32675-32704 not
examined); Santa Rosa (Barquez et al. 1999a);
Santa Victoria Este (Barquez et al. 1999a; Fornes
and Massoia 1967, as M. major; Ojeda and Mares
1989; TTU 32631-32638 not examined); Serranía
de Las Pavas (Barquez et al. 1999a); Tonono, 1
km E sobre Río Itiyuro (Barquez et al. 1999a).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
specified. Ojeda and Mares (1989) noted that
Eger (1977) should be consulted for the synon-
ymy of M. major with M. molossus; the citation
should be Freeman (1981).
Nyctinomops laticaudatus
(É. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire)
Additional records.—Orán, 15 km S, 15 km W,
along Río Santa María (Barquez et al. 1999a); 22
km SW Orán, along Río Santa María (Mares et al.
1981a, as Tadarida laticaudata ; Ojeda and Mares
1989); Parque Nacional Baritú (Heinonen Fort-
abat and Chebez 1997).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
Nyctinomops macrotis (Gray)
Additional records.—Salta, Parque San Mar-
tín (Barquez et al. 1999a); Salta city (Ojeda and
Mares 1989).
Remarks.—This species was listed as probable
for the province by Mares et al. (1981a, as Tadar-
ida molossus). Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
Promops nasutus (Spix)
Specimens examined (1).—48.9 km NW del
cruce ruta 50 y ruta provincial 18, camino a Isla
de Cañas, 1 (PIDBA 803).
Additional records.—Cachi, 2500 m (Barquez
et al. 1999a; Ojeda and Mares 1989); Finca La
Cruz, 3 km N Las Mercedes (Barquez et al.
1999a); Piquirenda Viejo, 6 km W (Barquez et al.
1999a); Quebrada de Acambuco, 5 km W Dique
Itiyuro (Barquez et al. 1999a); San Antonio, Can-
delaria (Barquez et al. 1999a).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a, 1989) listed
this species for the province; specimen records
were not given.
Tadarida brasiliensis (I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire)
Specimens examined (38).—Finca Barba Yaco,
8.5 km SE Ojo de Agua, 21 (Arg 4680-4699,
4715); Finca Las Tres Marías, El Zapallar, 2
(MMD 6, 7); 48.9 km NW del cruce ruta 50 y ruta
provincial 18, camino a Isla de Cañas, 1 (PIDBA
802); 3.9 km N Potrerillos along Ruta Provincial
6, 8 (Arg 4515, 4516, 4518-4520, 4522, 4526,
4544); Río de las Conchas, 2 km al N y 6 km al W
de Metán, 1027 m, 4 (PIDBA 706, 707, 714, 717);
Río Mojotoro, puente del Ferrocarril Belgrano, 1
(MMD 1); Río Piedras, 1 (BMNH
Additional records.—Cafayate (Barquez et al.
1999a; Ojeda and Mares 1989); Campo Quijano
(Barquez et al. 1999a; TTU 32707-32708 not
examined); Cerrillos (Barquez et al. 1999a);
Dragones (Barquez et al. 1999a; Ojeda and Mares
1989; Yepes 1944); El Chaguaral (Barquez et al.
1999a); El Rey National Park (Parque El Rey)
(Ojeda and Mares 1989); Estación Baños (Bar-
quez et al. 1999a; Romaña and Abalos 1950);
Finca La Cruz, 28 km SSE Salta (Barquez et al.
1999a; Ojeda and Mares 1989; Villa-R. and Villa-
C. 1971); Finca Santa Cruz, 3 km N Las Mer-
cedes (Barquez et al. 1999a); Ingenio San Martín
del Tabacal (Barquez et al. 1999a; TTU 32712 not
examined); Lumbrera (Barquez et al. 1999a;
Yepes 1944); Lumbreras (Ojeda and Mares 1989);
Metán (Ojeda and Mares 1989); Parque Nacional
Baritú (Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez 1997);
Parque Nacional El Rey (Barquez et al. 1999a;
Number 10 SALTA MAMMALS 15
Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez 1997); Quebrada
de Acambuco, 5 km W Dique Itiyuro (Barquez et
al. 1999a); Río Piedras, 600 m (Barquez et al.
1999a); Rosario de La Frontera (Barquez et al.
1999a; Romaña and Abalos 1950); Salta, Capital
(Barquez et al. 1999a; TTU 32709 not examined);
San Antonio, Candelaria (Barquez et al. 1999a;
TTU 32710-32711 not examined); San Lorenzo
(Barquez et al. 1999a); Santa Victoria Este (Bar-
quez et al. 1999a; Ojeda and Mares 1989); Ter-
mas de Rosario de La Frontera (Barquez et al.
1999a; Romaña and Abalos 1950); Tonono, 1 km
E sobre Río Itiyuro (Barquez et al. 1999a).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a, 1989) listed
this species for the province; specimen records
were not given.
Order Primates
Family Cebidae
Alouatta caraya (Humboldt)
Specimens examined (1).—Arroyo del Diablo,
Urundel, 1 (CML 598).
Additional records.—Orán, Urundel, Arroyo
del Diablo (Ojeda and Mares 1989).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a, 1989) listed
this species for the province; specimen records
were not given.
Cebus apella (Linnaeus)
Specimens examined (3).—Arroyo del Diablo,
Urundel, 2 (CML 428, 429); Orán, 1 (CML 424).
Additional records.—Parque Nacional Baritú
(Chebez 1994; Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez
1997); Parque Nacional El Rey (Chebez 1994; M.
M. Díaz, pers. obs. of sign; Heinonen Fortabat
and Chebez 1997); Piquirenda Viejo, 6 km al
oeste de, camino a Acambuco, 550 m (S. Bertelli,
pers. comm.); Playa Ancha (Ojeda and Mares
1989); Río Blanco (Ojeda and Mares 1989); Río
Santa María (Ojeda and Mares 1989); Urundel,
Arroyo del Diablo (Ojeda and Mares 1989).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a, 1989) listed
this species for the province; specimen records
were not given. Ojeda and Mares (1989) listed
records of occurrence from Urundel, El Bananal;
as noted in the Gazetteer this locality is in Jujuy
Order Carnivora
Family Canidae
Cerdocyon thous (Linnaeus)
Specimens examined (21).—Agua Blanca, 1
(CML 588); Dragones, Agua Linda, 1 (MACN
36.492); Finca Lipeo, límite N del Parque Nacio-
nal Baritú, 1 (MACN 19.149); La Ciénaga, Río
Medina, 1 (CML 1494); La Pedrera, 1 (MCNS no
number); Lagunilla, 1 (MCNS no number); Las
Costas, 7 (6 MCNS no number, 1 MCNS 34);
Metán Viejo, 18 km al S, sobre ruta nacional 34, 1
(CML 5968); Río Colorado, Paso Hondo, 3
(MACN 47.189, 47.190, 47.191); Río Santa
María, 2 (MACN 48.5, 48.10); Ruta 34, 22 km al
E de Salta, 1 (CML 4693); Santa María, Orán, 1
(MACN 48.6).
Additional records.—Aguaray (Ojeda and
Mares 1989); Cerro Colorado (Ojeda and Mares
1989); Dragones (Ojeda and Mares, 1989); Drag-
ones, a 1 legua (MACN not examined); El Taba-
cal (Yepes 1944); intersección entre ruta nacional
N° 16 y Río Medina (=Río Juramento), 10 km al
O de Joaquin V. González (O. R. Varela, pers.
comm.); near Joaquín V. González (Mares et al.
1981a); Las Lajitas, app. 10 km E, sobre Río del
Valle (J. P. Jayat, pers. comm.); Lumbreras (Ojeda
and Mares 1989); Orán (Mares et al. 1981a;
Ojeda and Mares 1989); 35 km E Orán (Ojeda
and Mares 1989); Parque Nacional Baritú (Hei-
nonen Fortabat and Chebez 1997); Parque
Nacional El Rey (Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez
1997; M. M. Díaz, pers. obs.); Pozo Hondo
(Ojeda and Mares 1989); Río Guanaco, 32 km al
NE de La Lumbrera, sobre Ruta Provincial N° 5
(A. G. Autino, pers. comm.); Río Piedras, 600 m
(Ojeda and Mares, 1989); Santa María W (Ojeda
and Mares 1989); Santa Victoria, 20 km al E
(MACN not examined).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
given. Ojeda and Mares (1989) listed a record of
occurrence from Urundel, El Bananal; as noted
in the Gazetteer, this locality is in Jujuy Province.
Lycalopex culpaeus (Molina)
Specimens examined (8).—San Antonio, 2
(MACN 26.189, 26.190); Santa Rosa de los Pastos
Grandes, 4 (PIDBA 865-868); Santa Victoria O, 2
(MACN 41.164, 41.165).
Additional records.—Cerro Aguaray (Ojeda
and Mares 1989, as Dusicyon culpaeus); San
Antonio de Los Cobres (Ojeda and Mares 1989,
as Dusicyon culpaeus).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a as Canis cul-
paeus, 1989 as Dusicyon culpaeus) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
given. The locality “San Antonio” corresponds to
San Antonio de los Cobres, the same locality cited
by Ojeda and Mares (1989).
Lycalopex gymnocercus (Fischer)
Specimens examined (11).—Campo Grande, 1
(CML 5772); km 1436, a 200 m al N de ruta 3,
sobre ruta 9, 1 (CML 5975); La Matanza, 1 (CML
438); Las Costas, 1 (MCNS 3683); 5 km al S de
Osma, sobre ruta 68, 1090 m, 1 (PIDBA 678);
Palma Chueca, Rivadavia Banda Sur, 1 (MCNS
577); 7.8 km NNE Pampa Grande, along Ruta
Provincial 6, along Río Cachi, 1 (Arg 4547); Rosa-
rio de la Frontera, 14 km al S, sobre ruta nacional
9, 959 m, 1 (PIDBA 597); Ruta 9 km 1464, 1
(PIDBA 547); “Salta,” 2 (MACN 27.131, 27.132).
Additional records.—Agua Linda (Ojeda and
Mares 1989, as Dusicyon gymnocercus); Agua
Linda, a 1 legua de Dragones (Jayat et al. 1999, as
Lycalopex griseus); Aguaray (Ojeda and Mares
1989, as Dusicyon gymnocercus); camino a Aguas
Calientes, entre Aguas Calientes y General Güe-
mes, antes del Río El Saladillo (M. M. Díaz, pers.
obs.); Cafayate, aprox. 10 km al S, sobre Ruta
Provincial N° 40, camino a Tolombón (Jayat et al.
1999, as Lycalopex griseus); Cerro Colorado
(Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Dusicyon gymnocer-
cus); Departamento Los Andes (Jayat et al. 1999);
Ruta 34, km 1406, zona de la gruta de la Difunta
Correa (Massoia 1982); Dragones (Ojeda and
Mares 1989, as Dusicyon gymnocercus); 31 km
SSW Dragones, along Río Bermejo (locals, pers.
comm.); camino a El Zapallar, entre General
Güemes y El Zapallar (M. M. Díaz, pers. obs.);
Inca Mayo, 2300 m (Ojeda and Mares 1989, as
Dusicyon griseus); La Cañada, 500 m (Ojeda and
Mares 1989, as Dusicyon griseus); sobre Ruta
Provincial N° 68, entrada a La Maroma (Jayat et
al. 1999, as Lycalopex griseus); Las Lajitas, app.
10 km E, sobre Río del Valle (J. P. Jayat, pers.
comm.); Los Blancos (Yepes 1944, as Pseudalopex
gracilis gracilis); Los Colorados (O. R. Varela,
pers. comm.); Los Noques, Finca Saladillo, 50 km
NNE de la ciudad (Massoia 1982); Ruta 34, a 10
km de la ciudad de Metán (Massoia 1982); Mina
La Casualidad (R. M. Barquez and M. M. Díaz,
pers. obs.); Quebrada de Escoipe, Cerro Canda-
dito (Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Dusicyon gymno-
cercus); Río Caraparí (Ojeda and Mares 1989, as
Dusicyon gymnocercus); Río Guanaco, 32 km al
NE de La Lumbrera, sobre ruta provincial N° 5
(A. G. Autino, pers. comm.); tobogán de la ruta
de entrada a San Lorenzo (Jayat et al. 1999, as
Lycalopex griseus); Tabacal (Ojeda and Mares
1989, as Dusicyon griseus).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a) listed this spe-
cies (as Canis gymnocercus) for the province and
Canis griseus as probable; specimen records were
not given. Mares et al. (1989) listed this species
for the province, but as Dusicyon gymnocercus
and Dusicyon griseus; specimen records were not
Family Felidae
Herpailurus yaguarondi (Lacépède)
Specimens examined (1).—Angostura, Río
Caraparí, 1 (MACN 36.618).
Additional records.—Aguaray (Ojeda and
Mares 1989, as Felis yagouaroundi; Yepes 1944);
along the Río Pescado, 24 km NW Aguas Blancas
(Mares et al. 1981a, as Felis yagouaroundi);
Aguas Blancas, límite con Bolivia (Jayat et al.
1999); Angostura (Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Felis
yagouaroundi); Dragones (Yepes 1944); El Tunal,
cerca del Río Juramento (Jayat et al. 1999); La
Angostura (Yepes 1944); Los Colorados (Jayat et
al. 1999); Lumbreras (Jayat et al. 1999); Orán
(Jayat et al. 1999); Palma Chueca, Rivadavia
Banda Sur (Jayat et al. 1999); Parque Nacional
Baritú (Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez 1997);
Parque Nacional El Rey (Heinonen Fortabat and
Chebez 1997); Piquirenda Viejo, 6 km al O (Jayat
et al. 1999); Serranía de Las Pavas, Angosto del
Pescado (R. M. Barquez, pers. obs.).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province, but as Felis yagouaroundi;
specimen records were were not given.
Leopardus pardalis (Linnaeus)
Specimens examined (2).—3.9 km N Potreril-
los along Ruta Provincial 6, 1 (Arg 4546); Serranía
de las Pavas, límite sur del Parque Nacional Bar-
itú, 1 (MCNS 8).
Additional records.—Departamento General
Güemes (Chebez 1994, as Felis pardalis); Depar-
tamento Orán (Chebez 1994, as Felis pardalis);
Finca Barba Yaco, 8.5 km al SE de Ojo de Agua
(Jayat et al. 1999); Parque Nacional Baritú (Hei-
nonen Fortabat and Chebez 1997); Parque
Nacional El Rey (Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez
1997); Potrerillos, 3.9 km N, sobre Ruta Provin-
cial N° 6 (Jayat et al. 1999).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a, 1989) listed
this species as probable in the province (as Felis
Leopardus tigrinus (Schreber)
Specimens examined (1).—Angostura, Río
Caraparí, 1 (MACN 36.726).
Additional records.—Angostura (Ojeda and
Mares 1989, as Felis tigrina).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a, 1989) listed
this species for the province, but as Felis tigrina;
specimen records were not given.
Leopardus wiedii (Schinz)
Additional records.—Finca Lipeo, límite N
del Parque Nacional Baritú (Jayat et al. 1999);
junta de los ríos Tarija y Bermejo (Jayat et al.
1999); Parque Nacional Baritú (Heinonen Fort-
Number 10 SALTA MAMMALS 17
abat and Chebez 1997, as Margay wiedii); Picha-
nal (Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Felis wiedii).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a, 1989) listed
this species for the province, but as Felis wiedii;
specimen records were not given.
Lynchailurus pajeros (Desmarest)
Additional records.—Aguaray (Ojeda and
Mares 1989, as Felis colocolo); Aguaray, 565 m
(Garcia-Perea 1994); Alto de los Chorrillos, Chor-
rillos (Cabrera 1961a); Cerro Solo, 2500 m
(Cabrera 1961a); Chorrillos, 4500 m (Ojeda and
Mares 1989, as Felis colocolo); Chorrillos Mt.,
5000 m (Garcia-Perea 1994); Iruya (Jayat et al.
1999); Parque Nacional El Rey (Heinonen Fort-
abat and Chebez 1997); Santa Victoria (Jayat et al.
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a, 1989) listed
this species for the province, but as Felis colocolo;
specimen records were not given.
Oncifelis geoffroyi (d’Orbigny and Gervais)
Specimens examined (17).—Angostura, Río
Caraparí, 1 (MACN 36.619); Cabeza de Buey, 1
(MCNS no number); Campo Grande, 17 km al E
de Santa Domingo, 2 (CML 5200, 5201); Drag-
ones, 3 leguas al SE, 1 (MACN 36.483); alrede-
dores de Dragones, 1 (MACN 36.233);
Guachipas, 1 (MCNS no number); Iguira,
Aguaray, 1 (MACN 36.229); Lagunilla, 1 (MCNS
no number); Las Costas, 1 (MCNS no number);
Palma Chueca, Rivadavia Banda Sur, 1 (MCNS
no number); Puesto Campo Grande, 17 km al E
de Santo Domingo, 1 (CML 3064); “Salta”, 5
(MACN 50. 458-50.460, 50.463, 50.464).
Additional records.—Aguaray (Ojeda and
Mares 1989, as Felis geoffroyi); Angostura (Ojeda
and Mares 1989, as Felis geoffroyi); Cañada Men-
doza (Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Felis geoffroyi);
Cuesta del Obispo (P. Blendinger, pers. comm.);
Dragones (Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Felis geof-
froyi); 31 km SSW Dragones, along Río Bermejo
(locals, pers. comm.); El Tabacal (Ojeda and
Mares 1989, as Felis geoffroyi); Hickman (Ojeda
and Mares 1989, as Felis geoffroyi); Las Lajitas,
app. 10 km E, sobre Río del Valle (C. Jayat, pers.
comm.); Las Moras, 30 km al NE de La Unión
(C. Jayat, pers. comm.); Las Víboras (Ojeda and
Mares 1989, as Felis geoffroyi); Pichanal, 50 km al
E, orillas del Río Bermejo (E. Massoia, pers.
comm.); Río Guanaco, 32 km al NE de La Lum-
brera, sobre Ruta Provincial N° 5 (A. G. Autino,
pers. comm.).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a, 1989) listed
this species for the province, but as Felis geof-
froyi; specimen records were not given.
Oreailurus jacobita (Cornalia)
Additional records.—Departamento Los
Andes (Chebez 1994, as Felis jacobita); Iruya
(Jayat et al. 1999).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a, 1989) and
Ojeda and Mares (1989) listed this species as
probable for the province, but as Felis jacobita.
Puma concolor (Linnaeus)
Specimens examined (13).—E de Aguaray, 1
(MACN 36.689); alrededores de Dragones, 1
(MACN 36.616); Finca Barba Yaco, 8.5 km SE
Ojo de Agua, 1 (Arg 4716); Las Palomitas, 1
(CML 650); Los Colorados, 1 (CML 4623); cerca
de Orán, 1 (MACN 13463); Puesto La Vertiente,
2 (MACN 36.614, 36.615); Quebrachal, 1 (MCNS
119); Rivadavia Banda Sur, 1 (MCNS no num-
ber); Rosario de la Frontera, 15 km al E, 2
(MACN 53.00, 53.97); Santa Victoria, 1 (MACN
Additional records.—Aguaray (Cabrera 1961a;
Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Felis concolor); 40 km
al E de Apolinario Saravia, sobre el Río Dorado
(Jayat et al. 1999); Cabeza de Buey (Jayat et al.
1999); Campo Grande (Jayat et al. 1999);
Chaguaral (Jayat et al. 1999); Dragones (Ojeda
and Mares 1989, as Felis concolor); 31 km SSW
Dragones, along Río Bermejo (locals, pers.
comm.); El Algarrobal, 30 km al E de la Estrella
(Jayat et al. 1999); El Quebrachal (Ojeda and
Mares 1989, as Felis concolor); Finca El
Albardón, 10 km al NE de Luis Burela (Jayat et
al. 1999); La Carneada, Rivadavia Banda Sur
(Jayat et al. 1999); La Estrella (Jayat et al. 1999);
Lumbreras (Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Felis con-
color); near Orán (Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Felis
concolor); Palma Chueca, Rivadavia Banda Sur
(Jayat et al. 1999); Parque Nacional Baritú (Hei-
nonen Fortabat and Chebez 1997); Parque
Nacional El Rey (Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez
1997); Parque Nacional El Rey, sendero de Los
Ocultos (M. M. Díaz, pers. obs.); Parque Nacio-
nal El Rey, sendero Santa Helena (M. M. Díaz,
pers. obs.); Puesto Campo Grande, 17 km al SE
de Santo Domingo (Jayat et al. 1999); Río Guan-
aco, 32 km al NE de La Lumbrera, sobre Ruta
Provincial N° 5 (Jayat et al. 1999); Río Saladillo
(Jayat et al. 1999); 15 km E Rosario de la
Frontera (Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Felis con-
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a, 1989) listed
this species for the province, but as Felis con-
color; specimen records were not given. Ojeda
and Mares (1989) listed a record of occurrence
from Urundel, El Bananal; as noted in the Gazet-
teer, this locality is in Jujuy Province.
Panthera onca (Linnaeus)
Specimens examined (1).—Rivadavia, 1
(MACN 33.168).
Additional records.—24 km NW Aguas Blan-
cas (Ojeda and Mares 1989); along the Río
Pescado, 24 km NW Aguas Blancas (Mares et al.
1981a, as Leo onca); Departamento General José
de San Martín (Chebez 1994, as Leo onca); franja
O del departamento General José de San Martín
(Arra 1974); extremo N y franja E y SE del depar-
tamento Orán (Arra 1974); Departamento Santa
Victoria (Chebez 1994, as Leo onca); E del depar-
tamento Santa Victoria (Arra 1974); El Desierto,
Rivadavia Banda Sur (Jayat et al. 1999); La
Represa (Arra 1974); Lumbreras (Arra 1974);
Parque Nacional Baritú (Heinonen Fortabat and
Chebez 1997, as Leo onca); Parque Nacional El
Rey (Arra 1974; Chebez 1994, as Leo onca; Hei-
nonen Fortabat and Chebez 1997, as Leo onca);
al S del Río Bermejo, en el extremo S y O de esa
zona (Arra 1974); Sierras de Metán (Chebez
1994, as Leo onca).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) reported the
species for the province, but as Felis onca; speci-
men records were not given. According to Che-
bez (1994), this species may be present in the
Dpto. Iruya and in the Reserva Provincial Acam-
buco in La Sierra de Tartagal; the records for
Dpto. Metán are historic data. Heinonen Fort-
abat and Chebez (1997) suggest that this species
no longer occurs in Parque Nacional El Rey, as it
has not been observed in more than 30 years. In
Jujuy, this species has been observed in Parque
Nacional Calilegua (P. Perovic, pers. comm.).
Family Mustelidae
Conepatus chinga (Molina)
Specimens examined (6).—Cerro Colorado, 1
(MLP 7.X.46.1); Departamento Anta, 1 (CML
183); La Carneada, Rivadavia Banda Sur, 1
(MCNS no number); La Represa, 500 m, 1
(MACN 30.393); Palma Chueca, Rivadavia Banda
Sur, 1 (MCNS no number); Quebrada de Toro,
app. 20 km al NO de Campo Quijano, sobre Ruta
Nacional N° 51, 1 (Arg 4762).
Additional records.—Cachi, 2500 m (Ojeda
and Mares 1989); Chorrillos, 4500 m (Ojeda and
Mares 1989); Dragones (Ojeda and Mares 1989);
El Quebrachal (Ojeda and Mares 1989);
Incahuasi (Jayat et al. 1999); Juntas de Ríos
Medina y Juramento (Ojeda and Mares 1989); La
Cañada (Ojeda and Mares 1989); La Represa
(Ojeda and Mares 1989); Las Víboras (Ojeda and
Mares 1989); Lizoite (Jayat et al. 1999); Parque
Nacional Baritú (Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez
1997); Parque Nacional El Rey (Heinonen Fort-
abat and Chebez 1997); Rivadavia (Ojeda and
Mares 1989); Santa Victoria (Jayat et al. 1999);
Valle de Lizoite (Jayat et al. 1999).
Remarks.—Wilson and Reeder (1993) consid-
ered C. rex a synonym of C. chinga. Mares et al.
(1981a) listed C. chinga and C. rex as probable
for the province. Mares et al. (1989) listed this
species for the province; specimen records were
not given. Chebez (1994) also listed this species,
but as Conepatus rex.
Eira barbara (Linnaeus)
Specimens examined (1).—Río Santa María, 1
(MACN 47.202).
Additional records.—Aguaray (Jayat et al.
1999); Baritú, El Porongal (P. Blendinger, pers.
comm.); Departamento Rivadavia (Jayat et al.
1999); General Güemes, 5 km al S (Jayat et al.
1999); Las Mesitas (Jayat et al. 1999); Parque
Nacional Baritú (Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez
1997); Parque Nacional El Rey (Heinonen Fort-
abat and Chebez 1997); Piquirenda (Jayat et al.
1999); Piquirenda Viejo, 11 km al O, camino a
Acambuco, sobre Ruta Nacional N° 34 (Jayat et
al. 1999); Río Colorado (Jayat et al. 1999); near
the confluence of the Ríos Tarija and Bermejo
(Mares et al. 1981a); Santa María (Jayat et al.
1999); Santa María W (Ojeda and Mares 1989).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
Galictis cuja (Molina)
Specimens examined (1).—Departamento
Orán, 1 (MACN 17255).
Additional records.—alrededores de Apoli-
nario Saravia (Jayat et al. 1999); Cafayate (Ojeda
and Mares 1989); El Quebrachal (Ojeda and
Mares 1989); El Zapallar (Jayat et al. 1999); G. M.
Solá (Ojeda and Mares 1989); Joaquín V. Gon-
zaléz, 10 km al O, sobre Ruta Nacional N° 16
(Jayat et al. 1999); La Carneada, Rivadavia Banda
Sur (Jayat et al. 1999); Lumbreras (Ojeda and
Mares 1989); Parque Nacional Baritú (Heinonen
Fortabat and Chebez 1997); Parque Nacional El
Rey (Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez 1997); Río
Colorado (Ojeda and Mares 1989).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a, 1989) listed
this species for the province; specimen records
were not given.
Lontra longicaudis (Olfers)
Additional records.—alrededores de Apoli-
nario Saravia (Jayat et al. 1999); El Destierro,
sobre Río Bermejo, 60 km al NE de Rivadavia
Number 10 SALTA MAMMALS 19
(Jayat et al. 1999); Los Naranjos, Finca San
Andrés (Jayat et al. 1999); Parque Nacional Baritú
(Chebez 1994; Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez
1997); Parque Nacional El Rey (Chebez 1994;
Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez 1997); Río Ber-
mejo (Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Lutra longicau-
dis); Río Itaú (Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Lutra
longicaudis); Río Pescado (Jayat et al. 1999); Río
Pilcomayo (Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Lutra lon-
gicaudis); Río Tarija (Ojeda and Mares 1989, as
Lutra longicaudis).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a as Lutra plat-
ensis, 1989 as Lutra longicaudis) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
Lyncodon patagonicus (de Blanville)
Additional records.—Alemanía (Olrog 1976);
Cafayate (Olrog 1976).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a, 1989) and
Ojeda and Mares (1989) listed this species for the
province; specimen records were not given.
Pteronura brasiliensis (Gmelin)
Additional records.—Ríos Teuco y Bermejo
(Chebez 1994).
Remarks.—The presence of this species in
Salta Province is historical.
Family Procyonidae
Nasua nasua (Linnaeus)
Specimens examined (5).—Acambuco, 1
(MCNS no number); El Aguay, 1 (MCNS no
number); Río Santa María, 3 (MACN 47.185-
Additional records.—Aguaray (Ojeda and
Mares 1989); Departamento Rivadavia (Jayat et
al. 1999); 15 km W General Ballivián, on Puerto
Baulés Rd. (Mares et al. 1981a; Ojeda and Mares
1989); Orán (Ojeda and Mares 1989); Parque
Nacional Baritú (Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez
1997); Parque Nacional El Rey (Heinonen Fort-
abat and Chebez 1997); sobre el Río Seco, app.
20 km al E de Río Seco (R. M. Barquez, pers.
obs.); Santa María W (Ojeda and Mares 1989);
Urundel (Ojeda and Mares 1989).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province. Ojeda and Mares (1989)
listed a record of occurrence from Urundel, El
Bananal; as noted in the Gazetteer, this locality is
in Jujuy Province. The locality “15 km W General
Ballivián...” reported by Ojeda and Mares (1989)
was not listed in the gazetteer.
Procyon cancrivorus (G. Cuvier)
Additional records.—Aguaray (Ojeda and
Mares 1989); Finca San Andrés, Valle del Río
Blanco, entre la Ruta Provincial N° 50 y La
Maroma (Jayat et al. 1999); Las Lajitas (Jayat et
al. 1999); Orán (Jayat et al. 1999); Palma Chueca,
Rivadavia Banda Sur (Jayat et al. 1999); Palomitas
(Jayat et al. 1999); Parque Nacional Baritú (Hei-
nonen Fortabat and Chebez 1997); Parque
Nacional El Rey (Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez
1997); Piquirenda Viejo, 11 km al O, camino a
Acambuco, sobre Ruta Nacional N° 34 (Jayat et
al. 1999); Quebrada de San Lorenzo (Jayat et al.
1999); Río Saladillo (Jayat et al. 1999); sobre ruta
9, km 1582, 17 km al E de Salta (Jayat et al. 1999).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a, 1989) listed
this species for the province; specimen records
were not given.
Order Perissodactyla
Family Tapiridae
Tapirus terrestris (Linnaeus)
Additional records.—along the Río Pescado,
24 km NW Aguas Blancas (Mares et al. 1981a);
Las Lajitas (J. P. Jayat, pers. comm.); Orán (Ojeda
and Mares 1989); Parque Nacional Baritú (Che-
bez 1994; Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez 1997);
Parque Nacional El Rey (Heinonen Fortabat and
Chebez 1997; M. M. Díaz, pers. obs.); Río Colo-
rado (Ojeda and Mares 1989); Río Pescado
(Ameghino 1909, as T. spegazzini).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
Order Artiodactyla
Family Tayassuidae
Catagonus wagneri (Rusconi)
Additional records.—Dpto. Rivadavia (Che-
bez 1994, as Parachoerus wagneri); Dragones
(Ojeda and Mares 1989); locality unknown (Ojeda
and Mares 1989; Wetzel 1977; Wetzel and Crespo
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a, 1989) listed
this species for the province; specimen records
were not given. It also may occur in the Depart-
ment of Anta (Chebez 1994).
Pecari tajacu (Linnaeus)
Additional records.—Dragones (Ojeda and
Mares 1989, as Tayassu tajacu); 15 km SE Drag-
ones (Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Tayassu tajacu);
31 km SSW Dragones, along Río Bermejo (locals,
pers. comm.); Parque Nacional Baritú (Heinonen
Fortabat and Chebez 1997); Parque Nacional El
Rey (Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez 1997; M.
M. Díaz, pers. obs.); 4 km S Pocoy (Mares et al.
1981a, as Tayassu tajacu; Ojeda and Mares 1989,
as Tayassu tajacu); Urundel, Arroyo del Diablo
(Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Tayassu tajacu).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province, but as Tayassu tajacu; speci-
men records were not given. Ojeda and Mares
(1989) listed a record of occurrence from Urun-
del, El Bananal; as noted in the Gazetteer, this
locality is in Jujuy Province.
Tayassu pecari (Link)
Additional records.—Parque Nacional El Rey
(Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez 1997; M. M.
Díaz, pers. obs).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
given. Mares et al. (1989) and Ojeda and Mares
(1989) listed this species as probable for the prov-
ince. Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez (1997)
listed this species as probable in Parque Nacional
Family Camelidae
Lama guanicoe (Müller)
Additional records.—Abra de Acay (Ojeda and
Mares 1989); Angosto de Incachule, 6.5 km al S
del cruce de las rutas nacional 51 y provincial 129,
4409 m (M. M. Díaz, D. A. Flores, and R. M.
Barquez, pers. obs.); above Cachi (Mares et al.
1981a); near Cachi (Ojeda and Mares 1989); Los
Andes reserve (Ojeda and Mares 1989); 56.4 km
al NE Mina Tincalayu, 3998 m (M. M. Díaz, D.
A. Flores, and R. M. Barquez, pers. obs.); Que-
brada de Ocachi, Ruta 40, camino a La Poma,
4410 m (M. M. Díaz, D. A. Flores, and R. M.
Barquez, pers. obs.); Reserva Los Andes (Cajal et
al. 1983); Salar Diablillos (M. M. Díaz, D. A.
Flores, and R. M. Barquez, pers. obs.); near San
Antonio de Los Cobres (Mares et al. 1981a;
Ojeda and Mares 1989); 39.4 km al SE Santa
Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 4203 m (M. M. Díaz,
D. A. Flores, and R. M. Barquez, pers. obs.).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
Vicugna vicugna (Molina)
Specimens examined (3).—6.9 km N cruce
ruta 53 y camino a Mina Tincalayu, sobre ruta 53,
4005 m, 1 (PIDBA 743); Vega Cortadera, 1 km al
W de ruta 53, 3910 m, 2 (PIDBA 740, 741).
Additional records.—Departament of Los
Andes (Ojeda and Mares 1989); Dpto. La Poma
(Chebez 1994); Dpto. Santa Victoria (Chebez
1994); Reserva Los Andes (Cajal et al. 1983; Che-
bez 1994). All of the following records are obser-
vations made by M. M. Díaz, D. A. Flores, and R.
M. Barquez: Abra de Acay, ruta 40, camino a La
Poma, 4410 m; Abra de Chorrillos, sobre ruta 51,
4560 m; 2.5 km al SO Abra de Gallo, sobre ruta
provincial 129; Abra de Gallo, 21.1 km al S del
cruce de las rutas nacional 51 y provincial 129,
4663 m; Abra de Singuel, 4033 m; 1.8 km al S
Abra de Singuel, 3890 m; 11.5 km al S Abra de
Singuel, 3965 m; 36 km al S Abra de Siguel, 3912
m; 39.4 km al S Abra de Siguel, 3943 m; 46 km al
S Abra de Siguel, 4034 m; 48 km al S Abra de
Siguel, 4004 m; 49 km al S Abra de Siguel; 52 km
al S Abra de Siguel, 4095 m; 54 km al S Abra de
Siguel, 4073 m; 57 km al S Abra de Siguel;
Angosto de Incachule, 6.5 km al S del cruce de las
rutas nacional 51 y provincial 129, 4409 m; Cam-
ino al hito XXIII Port. de Salin, 3900 m; Campo
de la Paciencia; Campo de la Paciencia, 8.8 km al
SO Estación Salar Pocitos, sobre ruta provincial
27, 3665 m; 1.8 km al N del límite Catamarca-
Salta, sobre ruta provincial 17, 4205 m; 9.7 km al
N del límite Catamarca-Salta, sobre ruta provin-
cial 17, 4195 m; 13.7 km al N del límite Catama-
rca-Salta, sobre ruta provincial 17, 4023 m; 14.6
km al N del límite Catamarca-Salta, sobre ruta
provincial 17, 4031 m; 15.4 km al N del límite
Catamarca-Salta, sobre ruta provincial 17, 4038
m; 15.8 km al N del límite Catamarca-Salta, sobre
ruta provincial 17, 3965 m; 21.7 km al N del
límite Catamarca-Salta, sobre ruta provincial 17,
3936 m; Cauchari, 1 km al E, sobre ruta 51; Cerro
de la Laguna, 61.4 km al S Santa Rosa de los Pas-
tos Grandes, 3789 m; Cerro Ratones, 4124 m;
Cerro Ratones, 18.1 km al NE Mina Tincalayu,
3831 m; Cerro Ratones, 19 km al NE Mina Tinca-
layu, 3996 m; Cerro Ratones, 20.1 km al NE Mina
Tincalayu, 4100 m; Cerro Ratones, 21 km al NE
Mina Tincalayu; Cerro Ratones, 23.1 km al NE
Mina Tincalayu; Cerro Ratones, 24 km al NE
Mina Tincalayu, 4010 m; Cerro Ratones, 26.6 km
al NE Mina Tincalayu, 4095 m; Cerro Ratones,
ladera frente al Salar del Hombre Muerto, 3976
m; Cerro Ratones, ladera noroeste, 4037 m;
Cerro Ratones-Cerro Colorado; Cerro Ratones-
Salar Hombre Muerto; Cerro Socompa; Cerro
Socompita; 9.3 km al S del cruce de ruta nacional
51 y provincial 129, 4379 m; 16.8 km al S del
cruce de las rutas nacional 51 y provincial 129,
4482 m; 17.7 km al S del cruce de las rutas nacio-
nal 51 y provincial 129, 4530 m; 17.8 km al S del
cruce de las rutas nacional 51 y provincial 129,
4570 m; Cuesta Abra de Minas, 53.4 km al NE
Mina Tincalayu, 4183 m; Cuesta Abra de Minas,
54 km al NE Mina Tincalayu, 4288 m; Cuesta de
Quirón, 21.9 km al O del cruce de ruta provincial
Number 10 SALTA MAMMALS 21
129 y camino a Mina Sijes, 3758 m; Cumbres de
Macón, entre Tolar Grande y Vega Las Burras; El
Infiernillo, 9.1 km al N del límite Catamarca-
Salta, sobre ruta provincial 17, 4172 m; Estación
Salar Pocitos, 19.3 km al SO. sobre ruta provincial
27, 3588 m; Estación Salar Pocitos, 34.4 km al
SO, 3989 m; Estación Salar Pocitos, 36.1 km al
SO, 3965 m; Estación Salar Pocitos, 38.4 km al
SO, 4000 m; Estación Salar Pocitos, 40.1 km al
SO, 3900 m; Laguna Socompa, 3700 m; Los Colo-
rados, 33.2 km al N del cruce de ruta provincial
17 y camino a Mina Tincalayu, 3912 m; Los Colo-
rados, 33.9 km al N del cruce de ruta provincial
17 y camino a Mina Tincalayu, 3828 m; Los Colo-
rados, 56.9 km al N de Mina Tincalayu, sobre ruta
provincial 17, 3917 m; Mina La Casualidad; Mina
La Casualidad, 0.5 al NO, camino a Salina de
Llullaillaco, 4041 m; Mina La Casualidad, 33.3 al
NO, camino a Salina de Llullaillaco, 3982 m;
Mina La Casualidad, 50.8 al NO, camino a Salina
de Llullaillaco; 6.4 km al N Mina Tincalayu, 4091
m; 6.9 km al N Mina Tincalayu, 4005 m; 7.4 km al
N Mina Tincalayu, 4113 m; 8 km al N Mina Tin-
calayu, 3969 m; 56.4 km al NE Mina Tincalayu,
3998 m; 57 km al NE Mina Tincalayu; 62.9 km al
N Mina Tincalayu, sobre ruta provincial 17, 3680
m; 81.6 km al N Mina Tincalayu, sobre ruta pro-
vincial 17, 3780 m; 85.4 km al N Mina Tincalayu,
sobre ruta provincial 17, 3695 m; 88.2 km al N
Mina Tincalayu, sobre ruta provincial 17, 3758 m;
94.2 km al N Mina Tincalayu, sobre ruta provin-
cial 17, 3740 m; 4.6 km al E del cruce de ruta pro-
vincial 17 y camino a Mina Tincalayu, 4203 m; 9
km al SE del cruce de ruta provincial 17 y camino
a Mina Tincalayu, 4143 m; 9.8 km al N del cruce
de ruta provincial 17 y camino a Mina Tincalayu,
4000 m; 16.8 km al N del cruce de ruta provincial
17 y camino a Mina Tincalayu, 4150 m; 18.3 km al
N del cruce de ruta provincial 17 y camino a Mina
Tincalayu, 4070 m; 26.4 km al N del cruce de ruta
provincial 17 y camino a Mina Tincalayu, 4012 m;
29.2 km al N del cruce de ruta provincial 17 y
camino a Mina Tincalayu, 3962 m; 29.6 km al N
del cruce de ruta provincial 17 y camino a Mina
Tincalayu, 3916 m; 31 km al N del cruce de ruta
provincial 17 y camino a Mina Tincalayu, 3962 m;
Pampa Ciénaga, 25 km al S Abra de Singuel, 4021
m; Quebrada de Ocachi; Proximidades del Río
Antuco, 4134 m; Río Blanco (Los Andes); Río
Ocachi, 39.7 km al SE de Ruta 40, camino a La
Poma, 4410 m; Salar Centenario, 89 km al S
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, camino a Abra
de Singuel, 3839 m; Salar Centenario, 92 km al S
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, camino a Abra
de Singuel, 3849 m; Salar del Hombre Muerto,
48 km al N Mina Tincalayu, 4022 m; Salar Diab-
lillos; Salar Diablillos, 59 km al NE Mina Tincal-
ayu; Salar Diablillos, 60.1 km al NE Mina
Tincalayu; Salar Diablillos, 61.5 km al NE Mina
Tincalayu, 3949 m; SO de Salar Pocitos; 1 km al N
Salar Pocitos; Salar Pocitos, 10.7 km al N, sobre
ruta 51, 4005 m; 57 km al SO Salar Pocitos; Salar
Tolar Grande; Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes,
4315 m; 1 km al S de Santa Rosa de los Pastos
Grandes, 3946 m; 23.1 km al SE de Santa Rosa de
los Pastos Grandes, 3866 m; 25.6 km al SE de
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 3876 m; 27.1
km al SE de Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes,
3895 m; 28 km al S Santa Rosa de los Pastos
Grandes, 3949 m; 28.5 km al SE de Santa Rosa de
los Pastos Grandes, 4075 m; 29 km al SE de Santa
Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 4075 m; 30.4 km al
SE de Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 4095 m;
37.9 km al S Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes,
4015 m; 39.4 km al SE de Santa Rosa de los Pas-
tos Grandes, 4203 m; 40.1 km al S Santa Rosa de
los Pastos Grandes, 3815 m; 43.2 km al S Santa
Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 3999 m; 45.6 km al S
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 3977 m; 48.1
km al SE de Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes,
4150 m; 55.4 km al S Santa Rosa de los Pastos
Grandes, 3885 m; 56.3 km al SE de Santa Rosa de
los Pastos Grandes, 3875 m; 64.2 km al S de Santa
Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 3827 m; 68.9 km al S
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 4136 m; 69.9
km al S Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes; 69.9
km al S de Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes,
3933 m; 76.5 km al S Santa Rosa de los Pastos
Grandes, 3865 m; 78.3 km al S Santa Rosa de los
Pastos Grandes, 3832 m; 80 km al S Santa Rosa
de los Pastos Grandes, 3787 m; 83.2 km al S Santa
Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 3912 m; 90.1 km al
SO Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 3927 m;
91.8 km al SO Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes,
3991 m; 93.3 km al SO Santa Rosa de los Pastos
Grandes, 3988 m; 95.6 km al S Santa Rosa de los
Pastos Grandes, 4093 m; 98 km al SO Santa Rosa
de los Pastos Grandes, 4114 m; 98.9 km al SO
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 4000 m; 100
km al SO Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 3957
m; 79 km al S de Santa Rosa de los Pastos
Grandes, camino a Abra de Singuel, 3874 m; 83.5
km al S de Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes,
camino a Abra de Singuel, 3872 m; 87 km al S de
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, camino a Abra
de Singuel, 3919 m; 36 km al SE Socompa sobre
ruta 163, 4231 m; 46 km al SE Socompa sobre
ruta 163, 4366 m; 63.3 km al SE Socompa sobre
ruta 163, 3700 m; 67 km al SE Socompa sobre
ruta 163, 3778 m; Tolar Grande, 3525 m; 88.8 km
al SO Tolar Grande, sobre ruta provincial 27,
3862 m; 96.4 km al SO Tolar Grande, sobre ruta
provincial 27, 4089 m; 97 km al SO Tolar Grande,
sobre ruta provincial 27, 4114 m; 98.4 km al SO
Tolar Grande, sobre ruta provincial 27, 4223 m;
105.7 km al SO Tolar Grande, sobre ruta provin-
cial 27, 4240 m; 106.9 km al SO Tolar Grande,
sobre ruta provincial 27, 4246 m; Tres Cerritos,
86.4 km al N Mina Tincalayu, sobre ruta provin-
cial 17, 3733 m.
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a, 1989) listed
this species for the province; specimen records
were not given.
Family Cervidae
Blastocerus dichotomus (Illiger)
Additional records.—along the river Pilco-
mayo (Ojeda and Mares 1989); inmediaciones del
Bermejo o Teuco y su afluente el San Francisco
(Chebez 1994).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a, 1989) listed
this species as probably extirpated from the prov-
ince. Ojeda and Mares (1989), in listing this spe-
cies for the province, indicated that it was present
along the Río Pilcomayo and in flooded areas on
the border with Bolivia and Paraguay within the
last “30 to 40 years” (now 40 to 50 years). These
and the records cited by Chebez (1994) are his-
torical data.
Hippocamelus antisensis (d’Orbigny)
Additional records.—Abra de San José, inme-
diaciones de Los Toldos (Chebez 1994); Alto del
Venado, Sierra del Crestón, Metán (Chebez
1994); Cerro Bravo, Santa Victoria (Chebez
1994); Dpto. Cachi (Chebez 1994); Dpto. Caf-
ayate (Chebez 1994); Dpto. Chicoana (Chebez
1994); Dpto. Rosario de Lerma (Chebez 1994).
Remarks.—This species was listed for the
province by Mares et al. (1981a; specimen
records were not given), and was listed as proba-
ble by Mares et al. (1989) and Ojeda and Mares
(1989). This species also probably occurs in the
departments of Iruya and Orán (Chebez 1994).
Mazama americana (Erxleben)
Additional records.—Parque Nacional Baritú
(Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez 1997); Parque
Nacional El Rey (Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez
Remarks.—This species was listed for the
province by Mares et al. (1981a, 1989) and Ojeda
and Mares (1989), but its presence had not been
documented by specimens or observations.
Cabrera (1961b) and Ojeda and Mares (1989)
noted that this species had been reported in the
montane forests present along the border with
Bolivia; it also is known from localities in Jujuy
Province near the border with Salta.
Mazama gouazoupira (G. Fischer)
Specimens examined (2).—Cabeza de Buey, 1
(CML 587).
El Galpón, 18 km al NE sobre ruta nacional
N° 16, 1 (CML 4088).
Additional records.—Cerro Colorado, 800 m
(Crespo 1974, as Mazama gouazoubira; Ojeda
and Mares 1989, as Mazama gouazoubira); Drag-
ones (M. A. Mares and J. K. Braun, pers. obs.);
Lumbrera (Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Mazama
gouazoubira); Parque Nacional Baritú (Heinonen
Fortabat and Chebez 1997); Parque Nacional El
Rey (Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez 1997);
Parque Nacional El Rey, “escuela” (M. M. Díaz,
pers. obs.); Río Colorado, 650 m (Crespo 1974, as
Mazama gouazoubira; Ojeda and Mares 1989, as
Mazama gouazoubira); Río Santa María (Crespo
1974, as Mazama gouazoubira; Ojeda and Mares
1989, as Mazama gouazoubira); Santa María
(Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Mazama gouazou-
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a, 1989) listed
this species for the province, but as Mazama
gouazoubira; specimen records were not given.
Ozotocerus bezoarticus (Linnaeus)
Additional records.—Chaco salteño, Dpto.
Metán (Chebez 1994); Orán, zona de Gualliama
(Chebez 1994).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a, 1989) listed
this species as probably extirpated in the prov-
ince. Mares et al. (1989) noted that if it did occur
in the province, it would be limited to the south-
eastern corner near the border with Chaco Prov-
ince. This species occurred in this area up to
about 50 years ago (Ojeda and Mares 1989).
Order Rodentia
Family Sciuridae
Sciurus ignitus (Gray)
Specimens examined (1).—app. 10 km de la
intersección de la Ruta Prov. N° 18 y el camino a
Cortaderas, sobre el camino a Cortaderas, 1 (Arg
Additional records.—Los Toldos (Ojeda and
Mares 1989); Parque Nacional Baritú (Heinonen
Fortabat and Chebez 1997); “Salta” (Ojeda and
Mares 1989).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a, 1989) listed
this species for the province; specimen records
were not given.
Number 10 SALTA MAMMALS 23
Family Muridae
Akodon albiventer Thomas
Specimens examined (5).—Lower Cachi, 1
(BMNH type); Ruta 129, 7.1 km al SW
y 21 km al W Salar Pastos Grandes, 3972 m, 4
(PIDBA 732, 733, 734, 735).
Additional records.—14 km S jct Hwys 40 and
51, along Hwy 40, 4100 m (Mares et al. 1981a;
Ojeda and Mares 1989).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
Akodon pervalens Thomas
Additional records.—Aguaray, 700 m (Yepes
Remarks.—Ojeda and Mares (1989) listed ani-
mals from this locality as A. varius, although they
were not listed as specimens examined. Mares et
al. (1981a, 1989) did not list this species for the
province. This species is known from southern
Bolivia near the border with Salta Province.
Akodon puer caenosus (Thomas)
Specimens examined (4).—Río de las Conchas,
2 km al N y 6 km al W de Metán, 1027 m, 3
(PIDBA 683, 688, 689); Parque Nacional El Rey,
Arroyo Santa Helena, 1 (PIDBA 383).
Additional records.—Arroyo Los Noques,
Parque Nacional El Rey (Myers et al. 1990); Cer-
rillos, INTA Station (CM not examined; Mares et
al. 1981a, as A. boliviensis; Ojeda and Mares
1989, as A. boliviensis).
Remarks.—Myers et al. (1990) considered this
taxon to be A. puer caenosus. Mares et al. (1981a,
1989) and Ojeda and Mares (1989) listed this spe-
cies (as A. caenosus) as probable for the province.
Akodon simulator Thomas
Specimens examined (75).—Abra Grande, 1
(CML 2711); a 11 km de la intersección con ruta
34, camino a Acambuco, 3 (PIDBA 92, 103, 105);
Aguaray, 1 (CML 615); Finca Barba Yaco, 8.5 km
SE Ojo de Agua, 6 (Arg 4677-4679, 4701, 4705,
4710); 43.7 km NW del cruce ruta 50 y ruta pro-
vincial 18 camino a Isla de Cañas, 10 (PIDBA
771, 772, 775-779, 785, 811, 813); Parque Nacio-
nal Baritú, Angosto del Río Pescado, 1 (CML
5521); Parque Nacional Baritú, Cerro Chaguar
(Sierra del Porongal entre el Arroyo Santelmita y
Arroyo Santa Rosa), 2 (CML 5508, 5515); Parque
Nacional Baritú, desembocadura Arroyo San-
telmita, 700 m, 2 (CML 5531, 5540); Parque
Nacional Baritú, Finca Jakulica, Angosto del Río
Pescado, 650 m, 5 (CML 5498, 5499, 5513, 5517,
5523); Parque Nacional Baritú, Las Juntas (unión
del Río Lipeo y Bermejo), 4 (CML 5500, 5502,
5504, 5511); Parque Nacional Baritú, Naciente
del Arroyo Santa Rosa, 900 m, 1 (CML 5510);
Parque Nacional Baritú, Serranías de Las Pavas, 1
(CML 5503); 3.9 km N Potrerillos, along Ruta
Provincial 6, 11 (Arg 4507, 4509, 4510, 4528,
4530-4533, 4537, 4538, 4540); 5 km WSW
Pulares, 4 (Arg 4967, 4969, 4977, 4978); Que-
brada de Tartagal, Finca Abra Grande, 1 (OMNH
23200); Río de las Conchas, 2 km al N y 6 km al
W de Metán, 1027 m, 6 (682, 685, 686, 691, 723,
725); Río Mojotoro, puente del Ferrocaril Bel-
grano, 2 (MMD 2, 3); Río Pescado Angosto, Agua
Blanca, 5 (CML 30, 45, 61, 75, 86); Río Pescado
Chico, 3 (CML 2190, 2192, 2194); Tartagal, 1
(BMNH type of Akodon tartareus);
Vado de Arrazayal, 4 (CML 1029, 1050, 1051,
1783); Vado de Arrazayal, Aguas Blancas, 1 (CML
Additional records.—24 km NW Agua Blanca,
400 m (Myers 1989, as A. s. tartareus); 15 km S
Agua Blanca (TTU 32847 not examined, as A.
varius); 24 km NW Aguas Blancas (Mares et al.
1981a, as A. varius; Ojeda and Mares 1989, as A.
varius); Cafayate (Ojeda and Mares 1989, as A.
varius); 6 km NE Cafayate, along Hwy 68 (Mares
et al. 1981a, as A. varius; Ojeda and Mares 1989,
as A. varius); 6 km NE, along Hwy 68 [=6 km NE
Cafayate, along Hwy 68] (Myers 1989, as A. s.
simulator); 5 km W Cafayate, Yacochuya (Mares
et al. 1981a, as A. varius; Ojeda and Mares 1989,
as A. varius); Campo Quijano (TTU 32849-32860
not examined, as A. varius); Cerrillos, INTA Sta-
tion (Mares et al. 1981a, as A. varius ; Ojeda and
Mares 1989, as A. varius); 17 km SW Dique
Itiyuro (Ojeda and Mares 1989, as A. varius ); 17
km SW, beyond Dique Itiyuro (Mares et al.
1981a, as A. varius); 17 km SW Dike, near
Yacuiba, 500 m (Myers 1989, as A. s. tartareus);
20 km W General Ballivián, 500 m (Myers 1989,
as A. s. tartareus); 20 km W General Ballivián on
Puerto Baulés Rd. (Mares et al. 1981a, as A. var-
ius; Ojeda and Mares 1989, as A. varius); Juntas
de San Antonio (Mares et al. 1981a, as A. varius;
Ojeda and Mares 1989, as A. varius); Orán (Ojeda
and Mares 1989, as A. varius); 15 km S, 15 km W
Orán, 362 m (Myers 1989, as A. s. tartareus); 22
km SW Orán, along Río Santa María (Mares et al.
1981a, as A. varius; Ojeda and Mares 1989, as A.
varius); 20 km S Pampa Grande, along Hwy 9
(Mares et al. 1981a, as A. varius; Ojeda and
Mares 1989, as A. varius ); Parque Nacional Bar-
itú (Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez 1997);
Parque Nacional El Rey (Heinonen Fortabat and
Chebez 1997; Myers 1989, as A. s. simulator);
Piquirenda Viejo, 30 km N Tartagal, 600 m
(Myers 1989, as A. s. tartareus); 4 km S Pocoy
(Mares et al. 1981a, as A. varius ; Myers 1989, as
A. s. tartareus; Ojeda and Mares 1989, as A. var-
ius); Río Pescado (TTU 32848 not examined, as
A. varius); Río Piedras (Ojeda and Mares 1989, as
A. varius ); Tartagal, 600 m (Myers 1989, as A. s.
Remarks.—Myers (1989) noted that the speci-
men from 6 km SW Santa Victoria, at “El Breal”
(Mares et al. 1981a, as A. varius; Ojeda and
Mares 1989, as A. varius) is A. toba. We have fol-
lowed the recommendation of Myers (1989) in
not including Argentina in the distribution of A.
Akodon sp. 1
Additional records.—24 km NW Agua Blanca
(Barquez et al. 1980, as A. boliviensis); Campo
Quijano (TTU 32816-32820 not examined as A.
boliviensis); Dpto. Metán (Ojeda and Mares
1989, as A. boliviensis); La Cañada, Dpto. Metán,
500 m (Ojeda and Mares 1989, as A. boliviensis);
Quebrada de San Lorenzo, 12 km NW Salta
(Mares et al. 1981a, as A. boliviensis; Ojeda and
Mares 1989, as A. boliviensis).
Remarks.—The specimens listed above were
identified or listed as Akodon boliviensis. Mares
et al. (1981a, 1989) and Ojeda and Mares (1989)
listed A. boliviensis for the province. However,
according to the revision by Myers et al. (1990),
this species does not occur in Argentina.
Akodon sp. 2
Specimens examined (46).—app. 15 km al W
de Escoipe, sobre Ruta Provincial N° 33, 36 (Arg
4771, 4772, 4774-4781, 4813, 4816-4822, 4824-
4826, 4828-4832, 4834, 4836-4838, 4840, 4841,
4843-4846); 3.9 km N Potrerillos along Ruta Pro-
vincial 6, 1 (Arg 4529); 5 km WSW Pulares, 9 (Arg
4968, 4971-4976, 4981, 4982).
Additional records.—5 km W Agua Blanca
(TTU 32893 not examined); 15 km S Agua Blanca
(TTU 32890-32892 not examined); 27 km W
Agua Blanca (TTU 32886-32889 not examined);
Campo Quijano (TTU 32894-32905 not exam-
ined); Yacones (TTU 32906 not examined).
Remarks.—These specimens are listed sepa-
rately from those above, Akodon sp. 1, because
they were listed as Akodon, without reference to
species or are recently collected specimens whose
identifications have not been verified.
Akodon spegazzinii alterus Thomas
Specimens examined (3).—Dpto. Metán, 3
Remarks.—The presence of this taxon in the
province is possible, as it is fairly close to where it
is known in Tucumán Province. However, no
exact locality is given on the tags. There is a
mountain range (elevation 3370 m) located just
west of the city of Metán. This taxon was not
listed for this province by Mares et al. (1981a,
1989) or Ojeda and Mares (1989).
Akodon spegazzinii spegazzinii Thomas
Specimens examined (21).—approx. 3 km N
Cachi Adentro, 6 (Arg 4992-4997); Lower Cachi,
1 (BMNH type); Pampa Grande, 1
(BMNH; Parque Nacional Baritú,
Angosto Río Baritú, 1600 m, 3 (CML 5516, 5532,
5534); Parque Nacional Baritú, Baritú, 1600 m, 1
(CML 5539); Parque Nacional Baritú, Finca
Jakulica, Los Helechos, 1200 m, 2 (CML 5524,
5526); Parque Nacional Baritú, Naciente del
Arroyo Santa Rosa, 900 m, 1 (CML 5535); Parque
Nacional Baritú, Naciente Arroyo Santelmita, 900
m, 3 (CML 5512, 5519, 5533); Parque Nacional
Baritú, Serranía de Las Pavas, Finca Jakulica, 2
(CML 5522, 5529); Parque Nacional Baritú, Ser-
ranía de Las Pavas, vecindades de la Finca Jaku-
lica, 1200 m, 1 (CML 5536).
Additional records.—24 km NW Agua Blanca
(CM, not examined; Ojeda and Mares 1989, as A.
boliviensis); 30 km S Cachi along Hwy 40, 2400 m
(Myers et al. 1990); Parque Nacional Baritú (Hei-
nonen Fortabat and Chebez 1997); Parque
Nacional El Rey (Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez
Akodon spegazzinii tucumanensis Allen
Specimens examined (1).—Serranías de Las
Pavas, El Arrazayal, 1 (OMNH 19806)
Additional records.—La Represa, Dpto.
Metán, 500 m (Ojeda and Mares 1989, as A. boli-
viensis); Metán, La Represa (Myers et al. 1990, as
A. spegazzinii tucumanensis).
Akodon toba Thomas
Specimens examined (20).—31 km SSW Drag-
ones, along Río Bermejo, 2 (Arg 3503, 3514); Los
Colorados, 17 km al E de Santo Domingo, 14
(CML 3017-3024, 3053, 3068, 3069, 5184, 5185,
5958); Orán, 2 (CML 731, 732); Area San Javier,
Pozo Largo, 19 km al E de Joaquin V. González, 1
(CML 4056); Santa María, Río Pilcomayo, 1
(CML 1907 ).
Additional records.—Piquirenda Viejo, 30 km
N Tartagal, 1000 m (Myers 1989); 6 km SW Santa
Victoria, at “El Breal,” (Mares et al. 1981a, as A.
varius; Ojeda and Mares 1989, as A. varius); 6 km
SW Santa Victoria at El Breal, extreme NE Salta
Prov. (Myers 1989).
Andinomys edax Thomas
Specimens examined (1).—Campo Quijano, 1
(MACN 17565).
Number 10 SALTA MAMMALS 25
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a, 1989), Ojeda
and Mares (1989), and Yepes (1935a) listed this
species as probably occurring in the province, as
no records yet had been reported but were
known from nearby Jujuy Province. Hershkovitz
(1962) indicated that the subspecies A. edax edax
probably occurred in the province.
Auliscomys sublimis (Thomas)
Additional records.—14 km S jct Hwys 40 and
51, along Hwy 40, 4100 m (Mares et al. 1981a;
Ojeda and Mares 1989).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
Bolomys lactens (Thomas)
Specimens examined (5).—app. 15 km al W de
Escoipe, sobre Ruta Provincial N° 33, 5 (Arg
4770, 4814, 4815, 4835, 4842).
Remarks.—This is the first published report of
this species for the province of Salta.
Calomys callosus (Rengger)
Specimens examined (28).—Aguaray, 1 (CML
295); Aguaray, 700 m, 1 (CML 100); 31 km SSW
Dragones, along Río Bermejo, 7 (Arg 3504, 3508,
3510, 3515-3518); La Ciénaga, junta de los ríos
Juramento y Piedras, 1 (CML 1510); Laguna de
las Catas, 2 (CML 2339, 2340); Orán, 3 (CML
735, 736, 741); Parque Nacional Baritú, Las Jun-
tas (unión del Río Lipeo y Bermejo), 3 (CML
5501, 5509, 5538); Río del Valle, 1 (CML 940);
Río Pescado Angosto, Agua Blanca, 5 (CML 131,
133, 171, 214, 250); Río Pescado, Finca YPF, 1
(CML 281); Tabacal, 2 (CML 1678, 1679); Vado
de Arrazayal, 20 km al NO de Aguas Blancas, 1
(CML 1866).
Additional records.—Cerrillos, INTA Station
(Mares et al. 1981a; Ojeda and Mares 1989; Olds
1988); 20 km W General Ballivián, on Puerto
Baulés Rd. (Mares et al. 1981a; Ojeda and Mares
1989; Olds 1988).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a, 1989) and
Ojeda and Mares (1989) listed this species for the
province; however, most specimens that have
been referred to this species are Calomys venus-
Calomys laucha (Fischer)
Additional records.—Arenal, 750 m (Olds
1988, as Calomys laucha); Corralito (TTU 32996
not examined); Embarcación, 286 m, left bank
upper Río Bermejo (Olds 1988); Río del Valle
(Ojeda and Mares 1989); 4 km NE Santa Victoria
(Mares et al. 1981a; Olds 1988); 4 km NE Santa
Victoria E (Ojeda and Mares 1989).
Remarks.—The locality “Corralito” was not
located; we have retained it in Calomys laucha as
per the identification in the TTU catalog. This
species was listed by Mares et al. (1981a, 1989)
and Ojeda and Mares (1989) as occuring in the
province; however, some of the specimens
referred by these authors to Calomys laucha are
Calomys musculinus.
Calomys musculinus (Thomas)
Specimens examined (2).—Los Colorados, 17
km al E de Santo Domingo, 2 (CML 3016, 3062).
Additional records.—5 km NE Cafayate
(Mares et al. 1981a, as Calomys laucha; Ojeda
and Mares 1989, as Calomys laucha); 5 km NE
Cafayate, 1660 m (Olds 1988); Cerrillos, INTA
Station (Olds 1988); El Tala (Hershkovitz 1962, as
Calomys laucha; Thomas 1897, as Oryzomys
laucha); M. Solá, 2500 m (Olds 1988).
Remarks.—The locality “5 km NE Cafayate”
listed in the records of occurrence by Ojeda and
Mares (1989) is listed in the gazetteer of localities
as “5 km W Cafayate, Yacochuya.” This species
was not listed by Mares et al. (1981a, 1989) as
occuring in the province; Ojeda and Mares (1989)
listed it as probable.
Calomys venustus (Thomas)
Specimens examined (5).—G. M. Solá, 1
(BMNH as Hesperomys venustus);
Los Colorados, 17 km al E de Santo Domingo, 4
(CML 3013-3015, 5241).
Additional records.—21 km N Anta (Olds
1988); 21 km N Anta, on El Piquete Rd. along
Río del Valle (Mares et al. 1981a, as Calomys cal-
losus; Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Calomys callo-
sus); Arenal, 450 m (Olds 1988); Arroyo de los
Puestos, 200 m from entrance of Parque Nacional
El Rey (Olds 1988); 15 km S Orán (Olds 1988);
15 km S, 15 km W Orán (Olds 1988); 15 km S
Orán, along Río Santa María (Mares et al. 1981a,
as Calomys callosus; Ojeda and Mares 1989, as
Calomys callosus); 22 km SW Orán, along Río
Santa María (Mares et al. 1981a, as Calomys cal-
losus; Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Calomys callo-
sus); Piquirenda Viejo, 30 km N Tartagal (Olds
1988); 4 km S Pocoy (Mares et al. 1981a, as
Calomys callosus; Ojeda and Mares 1989, as
Calomys callosus; Olds 1988); Tartagal, 600 m
(Hershkovitz 1962, as Calomys callosus; Olds
1988; Thomas 1919).
Remarks.—This species was not listed by
Mares et al. (1981a, 1989) or Ojeda and Mares
(1989) as occuring in the province; most speci-
mens referred by these authors to Calomys callo-
sus are Calomys venustus.
Calomys sp.
Specimens examined (8).—approx. 3 km N
Cachi Adentro, 2 (Arg 4990, 4991); Parque
Nacional Baritú, Las Juntas (unión del Río Lipeo
y Bermejo), 3 (CML 5501, 5509, 5538); 5 km
WSW Pulares, 2 (Arg 4970, 4984); 20.9 km al SE
de Suripujio, sobre Ruta Provincial N° 7, 1 (Arg
Additional records.—27 km W Agua Blanca
(TTU 32920-32935 not examined as Calomys cal-
losus); Aguaray (Hershkovitz 1962, as Calomys
callosus; Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Calomys cal-
losus); Campo Quijano (TTU 32937 not examined
as Calomys callosus); 2 km S Juntas de San Anto-
nio (Mares et al. 1981a, as Calomys callosus;
Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Calomys callosus);
Orán (Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Calomys callo-
sus); Quebrada Acambuco, 5 km W Dique Itiyuro
(CM as Calomys callosus not examined); Río
Santa María, Orán (Hershkovitz 1962, as Calomys
callosus); Tabacal (Ojeda and Mares 1989, as
Calomys callosus; TTU 32936 not examined as
Calomys callosus); Tartagal (Ojeda and Mares
1989, as Calomys callosus); Yacones (TTU 32938
not examined as Calomys callosus).
Remarks.—The specimens listed above in the
specimens examined probably are venustus based
on their distribution.
Chroeomys andinus (Philippi)
Additional records.—18 km S jct Hwys 40 and
51, along Hwy 40, 4500 m (Mares et al. 1981a, as
Akodon andinus; Ojeda and Mares 1989, as
Akodon andinus).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province, but as Akodon andinus;
specimen records were not given.
Eligmodontia hirtipes (Thomas)
Specimens examined (2).—Tolar Grande, 3525
m, 2 (PIDBA 745, 746).
Remarks.—Yepes (1935b) cited this species
for Jujuy and Salta provinces.
Eligmodontia moreni Thomas
Additional records.—8.2 km NE Cafayate,
along Hwy 68 (Mares et al. 1981a, as Eligmodon-
tia typus; Ojeda and Mares 1989); 14 km NE Caf-
ayate, along Hwy 68 (Mares et al. 1981a, as
Eligmodontia typus; Ojeda and Mares 1989); 1
km W Río Santa María, along Hwy 68 (Mares et
al. 1981a, as Eligmodontia typus).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a) listed all spec-
imens of this genus in the province as Eligmodon-
tia typus; more than one species currently is
recognized. Mares et al. (1989) listed this species
for the province; specimen records were not
Eligmodontia puerulus (Phillipi)
Additional records.—Chorrillos, 4000-4500 m
(Ojeda and Mares 1989); Chorrillos, 4500 m
(Heshkovitz 1962, as Eligmodontia typus pueru-
lus); 3 km S jct Hwys 40 and 51, along Hwy 40,
4100 m (Mares et al. 1981a, as Eligmodontia
typus; Ojeda and Mares 1989).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a) listed all spec-
imens of this genus in the province as Eligmodon-
tia typus; more than one species currently is
recognized. Mares et al. (1989) listed this species
for the province; specimen records were not
Graomys domorum (Thomas)
Specimens examined (2).—Quebrada de
Acambuco, Carapary, 2 (OMNH 18659, 18660).
Additional records.—11 km N Anta, on El
Piquete Rd. (Mares et al. 1981a; Ojeda and
Mares 1989); 20 km W General Ballivián, on
Puerto Baulés Rd. (Mares et al. 1981a; Ojeda and
Mares 1989); 4 km S Pocoy (Ojeda and Mares
1989); approx. 4 km S Pocoy, NE Salta (Mares et
al. 1981a).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
Graomys griseoflavus (Waterhouse)
Specimens examined (75).—3.5 km S
Angastaco, 3 (Arg 5021-5023); Cabeza de Buey,
Campo La Peña, 4 (CML 357, 464, 668, 671);
approx. 3 km N Cachi Adentro, 6 (Arg 4985-4989,
4999); Lower Cachi, 1 (BMNH as Phyl-
lotis griseoflavus); Upper Cachi, 1 (BMNH as Phyllotis griseoflavus); Campo
Grande, 17 km al E de Santo Domingo, 2 (CML
5205, 5206); Campo La Peña, Cabeza de Buey, 1
(CML 911); 29.4 km SSW Dragones cerca Río
Bermejo, 2 (Arg 3528, 3529); 31 km SSW Drag-
ones along Río Bermejo, 9 (Arg 3509, 3513, 3523-
3525; CML 3570, 3571; IADIZA 5457, 5458);
Finca San Javier, 8.5 km al SE de Joaquín V.
Gonzalez, 9 (CML 2680-2688); Laguna El
Brealito, 1 (Arg 5006); Los Colorados, 17 km al E
de Santo Domingo, 24 (CML 3031-3051, 3077-
3079, 4112, 5193-5198, 5242-5247, 5374, 5959);
Macapillo, 1 (CML 92); Manuel Elordi, Upper
Vermejo, 500 m, 1 (BMNH as Graomys
lockwoodi); Puesto Campo Grande, 17 km al E de
Santo Domingo, 6 (CML 3027-3030, 4090, 4091);
Río del Valle, 1 (CML 945); Río El Guanaco,
sobre ruta provincial 5, a 32 km NE de La Lum-
brera, 1 (CML 6028); Río Juramento, 2 (CML
299, 319).
Number 10 SALTA MAMMALS 27
Additional records.—21 km N Anta (Mares et
al. 1981a; Ojeda and Mares 1989); about 30 km E
Cachi, 2600 m (Ojeda and Mares 1989); 30 km S
Cachi (Mares et al. 1981a; Ojeda and Mares
1989); Lower Cachi (Thomas 1897, as Phyllotis
griseoflavus); Upper Cachi (Thomas 1897, as
Phyllotis griseoflavus); 3 km N Ceibalito (Ojeda
and Mares 1989); 3 km N of Ceibalito, on jct Anta
Rd. and Hwy 16 (Mares et al. 1981a); 3.7 km N
Ceibalito and jct Anta Rd. and Hwy 16 (Ojeda
and Mares 1989); Dpto. Metán (Ojeda and Mares
1989); El Desmonte, 500 m (Hershkovitz 1962, as
Phyllotis griseoflavus); Humaita (TTU 33192-
33195 not examined as Phyllotis griseoflavus); 5
km S (by rd.) of jct of Seclantás Rd. and Hwy 59
(about 30 km E Cachi), 2600 m (Mares et al.
1981a); Juramento km 1380, 600 m (TTU 33196-
33918 not examined as Phyllotis griseoflavus); La
Represa, 500 m (Hershkovitz 1962, as Phyllotis
griseoflavus); 8 km N La Viñita, along Hwy 40
(Mares et al. 1981a); km 18 (TTU 33201 not
examined as Phyllotis griseoflavus); Macapillo,
500 m (Hershkovitz 1962, as Phyllotis griseofla-
vus); Manuel Elordi, Río Bermejo, 500 m (Her-
shkovitz 1962, as Phyllotis griseoflavus); Manuel
Elordi, Vermejo, 500 m (Thomas 1918, as
Graomys lockwoodi); Metán (Ojeda and Mares
1989); Payogasta 3200 m (TTU 33199-33200 not
examined as Phyllotis griseoflavus); Río Cachi
(Hershkovitz 1962, as Phyllotis griseoflavus); Río
del Valle (Ojeda and Mares 1989); Río Jura-
mento, Metán (Ojeda and Mares 1989); San
Agustín (TTU 33189-33191 not examined as
Phyllotis griseoflavus); 2 km W Santa María
(Mares et al. 1981a; Ojeda and Mares 1989); 4 km
NE Santa Victoria (Mares et al. 1981a); 6 km SW
Santa Victoria, at “El Breal” (extreme NE Salta)
(Mares et al. 1981a); 4 km NE Santa Victoria E
(Ojeda and Mares 1989); 6 km SW Santa Victoria
E, at “El Breal” (Ojeda and Mares 1989); 27 km
E Tartagal (Mares et al. 1981a; Ojeda and Mares
1989); 4 km S Tolombón, along Hwy 40 (Ojeda
and Mares 1989); Upper Río Cachi (Allen 1901,
as Phyllotis cachinus).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
given. Ojeda and Mares (1989) placed the type
locality for G. g. cachinus as being in the Depart-
ment of Cachi (their site 109); the locality should
be located near the town of Cachi in the Depart-
ment of Cafayate (their site 15).
Holochilus chacarius Thomas
Specimens examined (17).—Finca Abra
Grande, Quebrada de Tartagal, 1 (OMNH
18634); Río Pescado Chico, 1 (CML 2197); San
Martín del Tabacal, 10 (CML 2270-2279); Taba-
cal, 5 (1675-1677, 2367, 2368).
Additional records.—Juntas de San Antonio
(Mares et al. 1981a, as H. brasiliensis; Ojeda and
Mares 1989, as H. brasiliensis); Río Pescado
(Ojeda and Mares 1989, as H. brasiliensis); 6 km
SW Santa Victoria, at “El Breal” (extreme NE
Salta) (Mares et al. 1981a, as H. brasiliensis); 6
km SW Santa Victoria E, at “El Breal” (Ojeda and
Mares 1989, as H. brasiliensis); Tabacal (Ojeda
and Mares 1989, as H. brasiliensis; TTU 33039
not examined as H. brasiliensis balnearum).
Remarks.—We have chosen to follow Wilson
and Reeder (1993) in identifying specimens from
the province as this species. The distribution
given by Wilson and Reeder (1993) should
include northwestern Argentina, as the type local-
ity for balnearum is in Tucumán Province. We
recognize, however, that this genus is in need of a
revision, that more than one species may be
present in the province, and that this may not be
the appropriate species assignment.
Mares et al. (1989) listed this species for the
province; specimen records were not given.
According to Hershkovitz (1955) the specimens
of H. chacarius Thomas (1906) from El Tabacal
are H. b. vulpinus. He (Hershkovitz 1955) also
cited this species as H. brasiliensis balnearum
(including H. chacarius, Llanos 1944) for Salta
province, but did not provide a specific locality.
Neotomys ebriosus (Thomas)
Specimens examined (1).—app. 15 km al W de
Escoipe, sobre Ruta Provincial N° 33, 1 (CML no
Remarks.—This is the first report of this spe-
cies for the province.
Oligoryzomys chacoensis (Myers and Carleton)
Specimens examined (5).—31 km SSW Drag-
ones, along Río Bermejo, 2 (Arg 3501, 3502,
3522); 43.7 km NW del cruce ruta 50 y ruta pro-
vincial 18 camino a Isla de Cañas, 2 (PIDBA 807,
810); 6 km W de Piquirenda Viejo, 1 (OMNH
Additional records.—24 km NW Agua Blanca
(Carleton and Musser 1989; Mares et al. 1981a, as
Oryzomys nigripes; Ojeda and Mares 1989, as
Oryzomys longicaudatus); 21 km N Anta on El
Piquete Rd. along Río del Valle (Carleton and
Musser 1989; Mares et al. 1981a, as Oryzomys
nigripes); 21 km N Anta, along Río del Valle
(Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Oryzomys longicauda-
tus); 17 km SW Dique Itiyuro (Ojeda and Mares
1989, as Oryzomys longicaudatus); 17 km SW
Dique Itiyuro, near Yacuiba, 500 m (Carleton and
Musser 1989); 17 km SW, beyond Dique Itiyuro
(Mares et al. 1981a, as Oryzomys nigripes); El
Breal, 6 km SW Santa Victoria (Carleton and
Musser 1989); 20 km W General Ballivián (Carle-
ton and Musser 1989); 20 km W General Balliv-
ián, on Puerto Baulés Rd. (Carleton and Musser
1989; Mares et al. 1981a, as Oryzomys nigripes;
Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Oryzomys longicauda-
tus); INTA Station (Carleton and Musser 1989;
Mares et al. 1981a, as Oryzomys nigripes ; Ojeda
and Mares 1989, as Oryzomys longicaudatus);
Juntas de San Antonio (Carleton and Musser
1989; Mares et al. 1981a, as Oryzomys nigripes;
Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Oryzomys longicauda-
tus); 2 km S Juntas de San Antonio (Carleton and
Musser 1989); 15 km S, 15 km W Orán, along Río
Santa María (Carleton and Musser 1989); 20 km
S Pampa Grande, along Hwy 9 (Carleton and
Musser 1989); Parque Nacional Baritú (Heino-
nen Fortabat and Chebez 1997); Parque Nacional
El Rey (Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez 1997);
about 4 km S Pocoy (Carleton and Musser 1989);
approx. 4 km S Pocoy (Carleton and Musser
1989); 5 km SW Santa Victoria (Carleton and
Musser 1989); 6 km SW Santa Victoria (Carleton
and Musser 1989); 6 km SW Santa Victoria, at “El
Breal” (extreme NE Salta) (Mares et al. 1981a, as
Oryzomys nigripes); 6 km SW Santa Victoria E, at
“El Breal” (Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Oryzomys
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province, but as Oryzomys chacoen-
sis; specimen records were not given.
Oligoryzomys destructor (Tschudi)
Specimens examined (2).—El Desmonte,
Metán, 1 (BMNH; Río de las Con-
chas, 2 km al N y 6 km al W de Metán, 1027 m, 1
(PIDBA 720).
Additional records.—Orán (Ojeda and Mares
1989, as Oryzomys longicaudatus); Río Pescado
(Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Oryzomys longicauda-
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province, but as Oryzomys longicau-
datus; specimen records were not given. These
specimens may be either O. longicaudatus or O.
destructor. As this group needs further research,
we have listed this specimen as this taxon.
Oligoryzomys flavescens (Waterhouse)
Additional records.—24 km NW Agua Blanca
(Carleton and Musser 1989; Mares et al. 1981a, as
Oryzomys nigripes; Ojeda and Mares 1989, as
Oryzomys longicaudatus); 24 km NW Agua
Blanca, shore Río Pescado (Carleton and Musser
1989); INTA Station (Carleton and Musser 1989;
Mares et al. 1981a, as Oryzomys nigripes ; Ojeda
and Mares 1989, as Oryzomys longicaudatus); 20
km S Pampa Grande, along Hwy 9 (Carleton and
Musser 1989).
Remarks.—This species was listed as probable
for the province by Mares et al. (1989).
Oligoryzomys nigripes (Olfers)
Specimens examined (1).—Quebrada de Tarta-
gal, Finca Abra Grande, 1 (OMNH 18652).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a) listed this spe-
cies for the province, but as Oryzomys nigripes.
However, most of the specimens that they have
been found to be either O. chacoensis or O. flave-
scens. Carleton and Musser (1989) and Wilson
and Reeder (1993) did not include northwestern
Argentina in the distribution of O. nigripes. This
specimen cited above is the only record of O.
nigripes known for the province.
Oligoryzomys sp.
Specimens examined (21).—approx. 3 km N
Cachi Adentro, 1 (Arg 4998); Finca Barba Yaco,
8.5 km SE Ojo de Agua, 13 (Arg 4674-4676, 4700,
4703, 4704, 4706-4709, 4711-4713); Camino
Arroyo Verde, Parque Nacional El Rey, tercer
vado, 2 (PIDBA 374, 375); Parque Nacional El
Rey, Escuela, 1 (PIDBA 384); 3.9 km N Potreril-
los along Ruta Provincial 6, 2 (Arg 4508, 4536); 5
km WSW Pulares, 2 (Arg 4979, 4980).
Additional records.—Parque Nacional Baritú
(Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez 1997); Parque
Nacional El Rey (Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez
Remarks.—Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez
(1997) suggested that the specimens from Parque
Nacional Baritú and Parque Nacional El Rey may
be O. destructor (see above).
Oryzomys russatus (Wagner)
Specimens examined (18).—a 11 km de la
intersección con ruta 34, camino a Acambuco, 1
(PIDBA 98); 43.7 km NW del cruce ruta 50 y ruta
provincial 18 camino a Isla de Cañas, 6 (PIDBA
773, 774, 783, 786, 787, 809); Parque Nacional
Baritú, Naciente Arroyo Santa Rosa, 1 (CML
5525); Parque Nacional Baritú, Naciente Arroyo
Santelmita, 900 m, 2 (CML 5518, 5528); Río de
las Conchas, 2 km al N y 6 km al W de Metán,
1027 m, 6 (PIDBA 684, 687, 692, 719, 724, 727);
Río Pescado, Angosto, Agua Blanca, 1 (CML 48);
Río Pescado, Finca YPF, 1 (CML 290).
Additional records.—Aguaray, 700 m (Massoia
1974, as Oryzomys legatus; Ojeda and Mares
1989, as Oryzomys legatus; Yepes 1933, as Ory-
zomys legatus); Aguas Blancas (Ojeda and Mares
Number 10 SALTA MAMMALS 29
1989, as Oryzomys legatus); 24 km NW Aguas
Blancas (Mares et al. 1981a, as Oryzomys legatus;
Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Oryzomys legatus); 17
km SW Dique Itiyuro (Ojeda and Mares 1989, as
Oryzomys legatus); 17 km SW beyond Dique
Itiyuro (Mares et al. 1981a, as Oryzomys legatus);
Parque Nacional Baritú (Heinonen Fortabat and
Chebez 1997, as Oryzomys legatus); Río Pescado
(Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Oryzomys legatus);
Río Pescado (YPF), aproximadamente 24 km de
Agua Blanca (Massoia 1974, as Oryzomys lega-
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province as Oryzomys legatus; speci-
men records were not given. Heinonen Fortabat
and Chebez (1997) suggested that specimens col-
lected (but as yet unidentified) from the Parque
Nacional El Rey may be this species (as Ory-
zomys legatus).
Oxymycterus paramensis Thomas
Specimens examined (18).—Abra Grande, 1
(CML 5847); a 11 km de la intersección con ruta
34, camino a Acambuco, 2 (PIDBA 94, 99);
Aguaray, 700 m, 4 (CML 97, 314, 321, 612);
Parque Nacional Baritú, Arroyo Santa Rosa, 1
(CML 5506); Parque Nacional Baritú, Finca
Jakulica, Angosto del Río Pescado, 650 m, 2
(CML 5507, 5530); Parque Nacional Baritú,
Finca Jakulica, bosque de helechos, 1 (CML
5505); Parque Nacional Baritú, Finca Jakulica,
Los Helechos, 1200 m, 1 (CML 5514); 8 km W
Piquirenda, 3 (CML 5661, 5662, 5662); 5 km
WSW Pulares, 1 (Arg 4983); Quebrada de Tarta-
gal, Finca Abra Grande, 1 (OMNH 19577); Ser-
ranías de Las Pavas, Angosto del Pescado, 1
(OMNH 19576).
Additional records.—Aguaray (Ojeda and
Mares 1989); Aguaray, 700 m (Yepes 1933); 24
km NW Aguas Blancas (Mares et al. 1981a; Ojeda
and Mares 1989); 17 km SW beyond Dique
Itiyuro, 500 m (Mares et al. 1981a; Ojeda and
Mares 1989); 22 km SW Orán, along Río Santa
María (Mares et al. 1981a; Ojeda and Mares
1989); Parque Nacional Baritú (Heinonen Fort-
abat and Chebez 1997); Parque Nacional El Rey
(Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez 1997).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
Phyllotis caprinus Pearson
Additional records.—35 km E of Cachi,
approx. 3000 m (Mares et al. 1981a, as P. darwini;
Ojeda and Mares 1989, as P. darwini); 8 km N La
Viñita, along Hwy 40 (Mares et al. 1981a, as P.
darwini); 4 km S Tolombón, along Hwy 40 (Ojeda
and Mares 1989, as P. darwini).
Remarks.—The locality “8 km N La Viñita,
along Hwy 40” is the same as “4 km S Tolombón,
along Hwy 40.” Mares et al. (1989) and Ojeda and
Mares (1989) listed this species as probable for
the province.
Phyllotis sp.
Specimens examined (13).—app. 15 km al W
de Escoipe, sobre Ruta Provincial N° 33, 5 (Arg
4812, 4823, 4827, 4833, 4839); Finca Barba Yaco,
8.5 km SE Ojo de Agua, 2 (Arg 4702, 4714);
Laguna El Brealito, 6 (Arg 5000-5005).
Phyllotis xanthopygus (Waterhouse)
Specimens examined (1).—M. Solá, 1 (BMNH as Phyllotis darwini).
Additional records.—G. M. Solá, 2500 m
(Hershkovitz 1962, as Phyllotis darwini rupes-
tris); G. M. Sola, 8,200 ft. (Pearson 1958, as Phyl-
lotis darwini ricardulus ); Incamayo, 7,600 ft.
(Hershkovitz 1962, as Phyllotis darwini rupestris ;
Pearson 1958, as Phyllotis darwini ricardulus ); 3
km S jct Hwys 40 and 51, along Hwy 40, 4000 m
(Mares et al. 1981a, as P. darwini); 14 km S jct
Hwys 40 and 51, along Hwy 40, 4100 m (Mares et
al. 1981a, as P. darwini ; Ojeda and Mares 1989, as
P. darwini); Salar de Antofalla, Los Andes (Her-
shkovitz 1962, as P. oreigenus); San Antonio, Los
Andes, 3700 m (Hershkovitz 1962, as Phyllotis
darwini rupestris; Yepes 1933, as Phyllotis
arenarius); San Antonio de Los Cobres, 3700 m
(Hershkovitz 1962, as Phyllotis darwini rupestris ;
Ojeda and Mares 1989, as P. darwini); Valle
Encantado, 3500 m (TTU 33171-33173 not exam-
ined as P. darwini rupestris); Valle Encantado, C.
del Obispo (TTU 33174 not examined as P. dar-
wini rupestris).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province, but as Phyllotis darwini;
specimen records were not given. The locality
San Antonio, Los Andes refers to the locality of
San Antonio de los Cobres. The locality “14 km S
jct Hwys 40 and 51..., 4000 m” cited in Ojeda and
Mares (1989) corresponds to “3 km S jct Hwys 40
and 51..., 4000 m” cited in Mares et al. (1981a).
Rhipidomys austrinus Thomas
Specimens examined (2).—Acambuco, 6 km
de Caballurenda, Piquirenda, Tartagal, 1 (CML
1922); 12.6 km al W de Piquirenda Viejo, 775 m,
1 (PIDBA 828).
Additional records.—Aguaray (Ojeda and
Mares 1989, as Rhipidomys leucodactylus); Dpto.
Anta (Chebez 1994, as Rhipidomys leucodactylus
austrinus); Parque Nacional Baritú (Chebez
1994, as Rhipidomys leucodactylus austrinus;
Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez 1997); Río Santa
María (upper course) (Ojeda and Mares 1989, as
Rhipidomys leucodactylus).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a, 1989) listed
this species for the province, but as Rhipidomys
leucodactylus; specimen records were not given.
Family Erethizontidae
Coendou prehensilis (Linnaeus)
Additional records.—Coronel Cornejo (Ojeda
and Mares 1989; Olrog 1976); Parque Nacional
Baritú (Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez 1997);
Tartagal (Ojeda and Mares 1989; Olrog 1976);
unión de los ríos Tarija e Itaú (Olrog 1976).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a, 1989) listed
this species for the province; specimen records
were not given. The specimens from Tartagal and
Coronel Cornejo cited by Ojeda and Mares
(1989) have not been located in the CML (M. M.
Díaz, pers. obs.).
Family Chinchillidae
Chinchilla brevicaudata Waterhouse
Specimens examined (1).—“Salta,” 1 (BMNH
Additional records.—Dpto. Los Andes (Che-
bez 1994, as C. lanigera); Ex Los Andes, 3000 m
(=Los Andes) (Ojeda and Mares 1989); Socompa
(Ojeda and Mares 1989).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a) reported this
species (as C. lanigera) as probably extinct in the
province. Mares et al. (1989) listed this species
for the province; specimen records were not
given. Chebez (1994) suggested that C. brevicau-
data and C. lanigera occur in Argentina, includ-
ing the possibility that both could be found in
Salta Province. That C. lanigera might occur in
Argentina is based on the publications of Holm-
berg (1895) and Holmberg (1900).
Lagidium viscacia (Molina)
Specimens examined (2).—10 km al SO de San
Antonio de los Cobres, sobre Ruta Nacional N°
51, 1 (Arg 4763); 20.9 km al SE de Suripujio,
sobre Ruta Provincial N° 7, 1 (Arg 4738).
Additional records.—Chorrillos, 4700 m
(Ojeda and Mares 1989); San Antonio de Los
Cobres, 3700 m (Ojeda and Mares 1989); near
San Antonio de Los Cobres, 4000 m (Mares et al.
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
Lagostomus maximus (Desmarest)
Specimens examined (7).—Rearte Norte, 6
(CML 164, 168, 169, 174, 176, 177); Río del
Valle, 1 (CML 950).
Additional records.—Dragones (Ojeda and
Mares 1989; Yepes 1944); 31 km SSW Dragones,
along Río Bermejo (locals, pers. comm.); Las
Lajitas (Ojeda and Mares 1989); Rearte Norte,
Rosario de la Frontera (Ojeda and Mares 1989); 5
or 6 km SW of Santa Victoria, at “El Breal”
(extreme NE Salta) (Mares et al. 1981a); 5 or 6
km SW Santa Victoria E, at “El Breal” (Ojeda and
Mares 1989).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
Family Caviidae
Cavia tschudii Fitzinger
Specimens examined (1).—Parque Nacional
Baritú, Río Lipeo, 1 (CML 5496).
Additional records.—Parque Nacional Baritú
(Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez 1997).
Remarks.—Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez
(1997) suggest that this species also may be
present in Parque Nacional El Rey. Mares et al.
(1981a, 1989) and Ojeda and Mares (1989) listed
this species as probable for the province. This is
the first record of this species for the province.
Dolichotis salinicola Burmeister
Additional records.—Dragones (Ojeda and
Mares 1989, as Pediolagus salinicola); El Des-
monte, 500 m, Metán (Ojeda and Mares 1989, as
Pediolagus salinicola); 31 km SSW Dragones, Río
Bermejo (M. A. Mares and J. K. Braun, pers. obs.
of scat); Gavilán Pozo, 60 km NE Joaquín V. Gon-
zález (Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Pediolagus
salinicola); Hickman (Ojeda and Mares 1989, as
Pediolagus salinicola); La Estrella (locals, pers.
comm.); Macapillo (Ojeda and Mares 1989, as
Pediolagus salinicola; Olrog 1958, as Pediolagus
salinicola, locality listed as Macapilla); Murillo
(Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Pediolagus salinicola);
Rivadavia (Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Pediolagus
salinicola); 1 km W Santa María (Mares et al.
1981a, as Pediolagus salinicola); 5 km SE Santa
María (Mares et al. 1981a, as Pediolagus salini-
cola); 5 km W Santa María (Mares et al. 1981a, as
Pediolagus salinicola); 1 km W Santa María E
(Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Pediolagus salinicola);
5 km SE Santa María E (Ojeda and Mares 1989,
as Pediolagus salinicola); 5 km W Santa María E
(Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Pediolagus salinicola);
Santa María W (Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Pediol-
agus salinicola); 4 km NE Santa Victoria (Mares
et al. 1981a, as Pediolagus salinicola); 4 km NE
Number 10 SALTA MAMMALS 31
Santa Victoria E (Ojeda and Mares 1989, as
Pediolagus salinicola).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province, but as Pediolagus salinicola;
specimen records were not given. The locality of
Santa María W (Ojeda and Mares 1989) was not
listed in the records of occurrence, but the local-
ity number was listed in the remarks with refer-
ence to the gazetteer of localities. The locality
“Totoralejo” reported by Ojeda and Mares (1989)
could not be located for Salta Province in Gazet-
teer No. 103 (Argentina) of the United States
Board of Geographic Names, prepared by the
Office of Geography, Department of the Interior,
Washington, D.C. (1968); however, this locality
was found for the province of Córdoba.
Galea musteloides Meyen
Specimens examined (4).—Finca San Javier,
8.5 km al SE de Joaquín V. González, 1 (CML
2679); Los Colorados, 17 km al E de Santo Dom-
ingo, 2 (CML 3052, 5249); Rearte Norte, 1 (CML
Additional records.—Agua Linda (Ojeda and
Mares 1989); Cerrillos, INTA Station (Ojeda and
Mares 1989); Dragones (Ojeda and Mares 1989);
El Quebrachal (Ojeda and Mares 1989; Yepes
1944); Inca Mayo (Ojeda and Mares 1989); INTA
Station (Mares et al. 1981a); 14 km S jct Hwys 40
and 51, along Hwy 40, 4100 m (Mares et al.
1981a; Ojeda and Mares 1989); Las Lajitas
(Ojeda and Mares 1989); Lumbreras (Ojeda and
Mares 1989); Metán (Ojeda and Mares 1989); Río
del Valle (Ojeda and Mares 1989); Río Piedras
(Ojeda and Mares 1989); Rosario de Lerma
(Ojeda and Mares 1989); San Antonio de Los
Cobres (Ojeda and Mares 1989); Tabacal (Ojeda
and Mares 1989).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
Microcavia australis (I. Geoffroy
Saint-Hilaire and d’Orbigny)
Specimens examined (4).—3.5 km S
Angastaco, 2 (Arg 5017, 5018); 10 km al SO de
San Antonio de los Cobres, sobre Ruta Nacional
N° 51, 2 (Arg 4764, 4765).
Additional records.—10 km E Cachi (Mares et
al. 1981a; Ojeda and Mares 1989); 25 km E Cachi
(Mares et al. 1981a; Ojeda and Mares 1989); 30
km E Cachi, 2600 m (Ojeda and Mares 1989);
near Cachi (Ojeda and Mares 1989); Cafayate
(Ojeda and Mares 1989; Olrog 1958); Dragones
(Ojeda and Mares 1989); El Quebrachal (Ojeda
and Mares 1989).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
given. The localities “30 km E Cachi, 2600 m”
and “near Cachi” are not listed by Ojeda and
Mares (1989) in the records of occurrence, but
are listed in the remarks with reference to the
gazetteer of localities.
Microcavia shiptoni (Thomas)
Additional records.—Chorrillos (Ojeda and
Mares 1989); Chorrillos, 4500 m (Ojeda and
Mares 1989); Chorrillos, 5000 m (Ojeda and
Mares 1989).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a, 1989) listed
this species for the province; specimen records
were not given.
Family Hydrochaeridae
Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris (Linnaeus)
Additional records.—31 km SSW Dragones,
along Río Bermejo (locals, pers. comm.); Parque
Nacional Baritú (Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez
1997); Río Tarija near the confluence of the ríos
Tarija and Pilcomayo (Mares et al. 1981a, as
Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris; Ojeda and Mares
1989); Valle del río Santa María (Crespo 1974);
Valle Río Santa María, Orán (=Río Santa María)
(Ojeda and Mares 1989).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province, but as Hydrochoerus hydro-
chaeris; specimen records were not given. The
locality “Río Tarija near the confluence of the ríos
Tarija and Pilcomayo” (Mares et al. 1981a) should
be corrected to “Río Tarija near the confluence of
the Ríos Tarija and Bermejo.”
Family Dasyproctidae
Dasyprocta punctata Gray
Specimens examined (4).—app. 10 km de la
intersección de la Ruta Prov. N
18 y el camino a
Cortaderas, sobre el camino a Cortaderas, 1 (Arg
4767); Los Madrejones, junta Río Tarija y Río
Itaú, 1400 m, 1 (CML 500); Manuel Elordi,
Upper Vermejo, 1 (BMNH; Vado de
Arrazayal, 18 km al N de Aguas Blancas, 1 (CML
Additional records.—Aguaray (Ojeda and
Mares 1989); near the Río Pescado, 24 km NW
Aguas Blancas (Mares et al. 1981a; Ojeda and
Mares 1989); Los Madrejones, junta Río Tarija y
Río Itaú (Olrog 1976); Los Madrejones, ríos Tar-
ija e Itaú (Ojeda and Mares 1989); Manuel Elordi
(Ojeda and Mares 1989; Thomas 1918, as D. var-
iegata boliviae); Parque Nacional Baritú (Heino-
nen Fortabat and Chebez 1997); Parque Nacional
El Rey (Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez 1997);
Río Pescado (Ojeda and Mares 1989; Olrog
1976); Tabacal (Ojeda and Mares 1989; Olrog
1976); Vado de Arrazayal, 20 km NW Aguas Blan-
cas (Ojeda and Mares 1989; Olrog 1976); Vespu-
cio (Ojeda and Mares 1989).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
given. The locality “Río Pescado” was listed by
Ojeda and Mares (1989) in their remarks with
reference to the gazetteer of localities, but not in
the records of occurrence. The correct locality for
the specimen from Vado de Arrazayal is that given
in the Specimens examined.
Family Ctenomyidae
Ctenomys frater Thomas
Specimens examined (5).—Aguaray, 600 m, 1
(CML 80); Ingenio San Martín del Tabacal, 1
(CML 2399); 43.7 km NW del cruce ruta 50 y
ruta provincial 18, camino a Isla de Cañas, 2
(PIDBA 769, 782); Tartagal, 600 m, 1 (BMNH, holotype of Ctenomys sylvanus).
Additional records.—Aguaray (Ojeda and
Mares 1989); 24 km NW Aguas Blancas (Mares et
al. 1981a; Ojeda and Mares 1989); 22 km SW
Orán, along Río Santa María (Mares et al. 1981a;
Ojeda and Mares 1989); Parque Nacional Baritú
(Heinonen Fortabat and Chebez 1997); Tartagal
(Ojeda and Mares 1989; Thomas 1919, holotype
of Ctenomys sylvanus).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
Ctenomys mendocinus Philippi
Specimens examined (2).—Macapillo, 2 (CML
253, 367).
Additional records.—Dpto. Metán (Ojeda and
Mares 1989); Estación Tonono (Mares et al.
1981a, as Ctenomys sp. in the text and Ctenomys
mendocinus in the checklist; Ojeda and Mares
1989); La Cañada (Ojeda and Mares 1989).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
given. The specimens from “Dpto. Metán” and
“La Cañada” are in the British Museum and are
labeled as C. fochi.
Ctenomys opimus Wagner
Specimens examined (5).—Ruta 129, 7.1 km al
SW y 21 km al W Salar Pastos Grandes, 3972 m, 2
(PIDBA 736, 737); Tolar Grande, 3525 m, 1
(PIDBA 744); Vega Cortadera, 1 km al W de ruta
53, 3910 m, 2 (PIDBA 738, 742).
Additional records.—Chorrillos, 5000 m
(Yepes 1930, as Ctenomys luteolus); 12 km S jct
Hwys 40 and 51, along Hwy 40, 4000 m (Mares et
al. 1981a; Ojeda and Mares 1989); near 14 km S
jct. Hwys 40 and 51, along Hwy 40, 4100 m
(Ojeda and Mares 1989); San Antonio, Los
Andes, 3700 m (Yepes 1930, as Ctenomys luteo-
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
given. The locality of “near 14 km S jct. Hwys 40
and 51, along Hwy 40, 4100 m” cited by Ojeda
and Mares (1989) was not listed in the records of
occurrence, but was listed in the remarks with
reference to the gazetteer of localities. The local-
ity “San Antonio, Los Andes” refers to “San Anto-
nio de los Cobres.”
Ctenomys saltarius Thomas
Specimens examined (8).—Cafayate, 7 (CML
854-858, 860, 861); Salta Province, 1 (BMNH, holotype).
Additional records.—8 km N La Viñita, along
Hwy 40 (Mares et al. 1981a); Salta (Ojeda and
Mares 1989); “Salta” (Thomas 1912); 4 km S
Tolombón, along Hwy 40 (Ojeda and Mares
1989); Valle Encantado, C. del Obispo (TTU
33030, not examined as Ctenomys sp.).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1989) listed this spe-
cies for the province; specimen records were not
given. The locality “4 km S Tolombón, along Hwy
40” is the same as the locality “8 km N La Viñita,
along Hwy 40.”
Family Octodontidae
Octodontomys gliroides
(Gervais and d’Orbigny)
Specimens examined (8).—M. Solá, 8 (BMNH
Additional records.—Chorrillos, 5000 m
(Yepes 1930, 1942); G. M. Solá (Ojeda and Mares
1989); Inca Mayo (Ojeda and Mares 1989); San
Antonio de los Cobres (Ojeda and Mares 1989);
San Antonio, Los Andes, 3700 m (Yepes 1930,
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a) listed this spe-
cies as probable for the province. Mares et al.
(1989) listed this species for the province.
Family Abrocomidae
Abrocoma cinerea Thomas
Specimens examined (2).—Chorrillos, 5000 m,
2 (CML 89, 280).
Additional records.—Chorrillos, 4500 m
(Ojeda and Mares 1989); San Antonio de Los
Cobres (Ojeda and Mares 1989); San Antonio de
Los Cobres, 3700 m (Ojeda and Mares 1989).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a, 1989) listed
Number 10 SALTA MAMMALS 33
this species for the province; specimen records
were not given.
Family Myocastoridae
Myocastor coypus (Molina)
Specimens examined (2).—Ciénagas, junta de
los ríos Mendina y Juramento, 2 (CML 1497,
Additional records.—Ciénagas, juntas ríos
Medina y Juramento (Ojeda and Mares 1989); La
Unión (Ojeda and Mares 1989; Olrog 1976);
“Madrejones” de la cuenca del viejo Río Bermejo
(Olrog 1976); Parque Nacional El Rey (Heinonen
Fortabat and Chebez 1997).
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a, 1989) listed
this species for the province; specimen records
were not given.
Order Lagomorpha
Family Leporidae
Sylvilagus brasiliensis (Linnaeus)
Specimens examined (6).—app. 10 km de la
interseccion de la Ruta Prov. N
18 y el camino a
Cortaderas, sobre el camino a Cortaderas, 1 (Arg
4766); Depto. Orán, 1 (BMNH; La
Cañada, 500 m, 1 (BMNH; Manuel
Elordi, Upper Vermejo, 1 (BMNH;
Orán, 1 (CML 740); Río Piedras, 1 (BMNH
Additional records.—Aguaray (Ojeda and
Mares 1989); Angostura (Ojeda and Mares 1989);
Cerro Capiazuti (Ojeda and Mares 1989); 31 km
SSW Dragones, along Río Bermejo (M. A. Mares
and J. K. Braun, pers. obs.); El Quebrachal
(Ojeda and Mares 1989); La Junta (=Las Juntas)
(Ojeda and Mares 1989); Manuel Elordi (Ojeda
and Mares 1989); Manuel Elordi, Vermejo, 500 m
(Thomas 1918); Metán (Ojeda and Mares 1989);
Parque Nacional Baritú (Heinonen Fortabat and
Chebez 1997); Parque Nacional El Rey (Heino-
nen Fortabat and Chebez 1997); Río Caraparí
(Ojeda and Mares 1989); Río Colorado (Ojeda
and Mares 1989); Río Pescado (Ojeda and Mares
1989); Tabacal (Ojeda and Mares 1989; Yepes
Remarks.—Mares et al. (1981a, 1989) listed
this species for the province; specimen records
were not given.
Salta Province continues to be one of the more
fascinating regions in South America. The pro-
nounced climatological, topographic, and floristic
diversity of the area is matched by a high diversity
of mammals. Our data now include 9 orders, 29
families, 96 genera, and 141 species of mammals
that are known to occur (or have recently
occurred) within the provincial boundaries. This
differs from the numbers reported by Mares et al.
(1981a), in the first published listing of mammals
for Salta. Indeed, 49 additional genera and 9
additional families have been recorded for the
province in the intervening 17 years of field
research by a small group of mammalogists. Some
of the changes noted between this publication
and the 1981 paper were the result of taxonomic
changes that have occurred over this period of
time, but others were based on new specimens
being collected, thus expanding the list of taxa
recorded for Salta.
There are several additional species that are
likely to be found in the province, for they have
been collected within very short distances of the
provincial boundaries. Below we discuss these
species and their inclusion as species of probable
We list as of probable occurrence for the prov-
ince Monodelphis domestica. This species is
known from the Departamento Tarija, Bolivia,
which is near the northern border of the province
(Anderson 1997).
Monodelphis kunsi has been collected in
Bolivia just across the Rio Bermejo from Salta
Province (Anderson 1997; Mares et al. 1989;
Ojeda and Mares 1989). The fact that only a
handful of specimens of M. kunsi has been col-
lected across such a vast area (southern Bolivia to
central Brazil) suggests that this rare marsupial
eventually also will be found in Salta (e.g., Mares
et al. 1981b).
Similarly, Cabassous chacoensis has been col-
lected or observed in the neighboring provinces
of Formosa, Santiago del Estero, and Tucumán
(Chebez 1994; Mares et al. 1996). There may be
confirmation of it in the provinces of Salta and
Chaco (Chebez 1994) and its occurrence in the
chacoan forest of eastern Salta is probable.
Cabrera (1957) and Olrog and Lucero (1981)
listed Chaetophractus nationi for the province,
although there are no records to support its inclu-
sion in Salta. Nevertheless, it is known from the
puna of neighboring Jujuy Province (Díaz 1999),
a habitat that has had little biological exploration.
Thus, this species likely also will be found to
occur in Salta Province.
Chaetophractus villosus was listed as of proba-
ble occurrence in the province by Mares et al.
(1981a), Mares et al. (1989), and Ojeda and
Mares (1989). It is known from the chaco of
Argentina, Bolivia, and Paraguay (Wilson and
Reeder 1993). In Bolivia, records are known from
near the northeastern border of Salta Province
(Anderson 1997). As similar habitat occurs in this
region of the province, it is likely that this species
will be found to occur in Salta.
The listing of Noctilio albiventris is problem-
atic. Noctilio leporinus was listed for the province
by Burmeister (1879). Later, Cabrera (1938)
reported it as N. albiventris. N. albiventris has not
been collected in northwestern Argentina and its
occurrence there is not expected.
We include Diaemus youngi in the list of spe-
cies of probable occurrence, although this species
is known from only one specimen from north-
western Argentina (Jujuy Province; Díaz 1999).
Specimens are known, however, from Misiones
Province in the northeast and from localities in
Bolivia about 600 km to the north.
Olrog (1958) listed a specimen of Phyllostoma
discolor from Los Madrejones, Río Tarija e Itaú
as material studied. He additionally noted that
other individuals of this species were observed on
more than one occasion at the same location. This
specimen, supposedly deposited in the Colección
Mamíferos Lillo, has not been located for many
years (R. M. Barquez, pers. obs.). Based on the
fact that specimens are known from Bolivia
within 200 km of the province, and that this spe-
cies is not readily confused with others, we
include it in the fauna of Salta.
Mares et al. (1989) listed Tonatia bidens for
the province; Ojeda and Mares (1989, but as T.
silvicola) suggested that this species was probable
for the province. T. silvicola is known within 300
km of the Salta border in Bolivia (Anderson
1997), and eventually may be found in Salta, but
its occurrence there is not highly probable. T.
bidens, on the other hand, has been found in
neighboring Jujuy Province along the border with
Salta Province (Díaz 1999), and thus its inclusion
in Salta is highly probable.
Eptesicus brasiliensis was listed as probable
for the province by Mares et al. (1989) and Ojeda
and Mares (1989). However, Barquez et al.
(1999a) found that this species is known only
from the provinces of Corrientes and eastern
Chaco and it is not known from Bolivia (Anderson
1997). Also, many specimens identified as this
species have been shown to be E. furinalis. Thus,
it seems improbable that this species will be
found to occur in Salta Province.
The distribution of Histiotus velatus includes
eastern and southwestern Brazil, Paraguay, and
southcentral Bolivia (Anderson 1997; Wilson and
Reeder 1993). In Argentina, this species is known
for the northeastern provinces of Misiones and
Corrientes (Barquez et al. 1999a) and the north-
western province of Jujuy (Díaz 1999). Due to the
proximity of the specimen localities in Bolivia and
Jujuy, we consider it probable for the province of
Cynomops abrasus has been reported as prob-
able for the province (Mares et al. 1981a, as
Molossops abrasus; 1989, as Eumops abrasus;
Ojeda and Mares 1989, as Eumops abrasus). This
status is based on records reported for the neigh-
boring provinces of Chaco, Formosa, and Santi-
ago del Estero (Barquez et al. 1999a).
Mares et al. (1981a) listed Eumops auripendu-
lus as probable for the province. However, most
specimen records are from the provinces of east-
ern Argentina (Barquez et al. 1999a) and the
nearest record in Bolivia is about 400 km distant
(Anderson 1997).
We list two primate species as of probable
occurrence in the province, Aotus azarai and
Saimiri sciureus. Specimen records of Aotus aza-
rai were reported by Anderson (1997) from
within 100 km of the border with Salta. A speci-
men also is known from Jujuy, although it dates
from the 1940s (Díaz and Barquez 1999). The
records for Saimiri sciureus in Bolivia include a
specimen from Yacuiba, which lies on the border
with Salta Province. This record is, however, iso-
lated from the rest of the distribution of this spe-
cies in Bolivia. We include it as probable based on
the proximity of this record.
Galictis vittata is known in Argentina for the
provinces of Misiones (Massoia 1980) and possi-
bly Formosa (Chebez 1994). This species also is
known from Bolivia in Potosí, which borders the
altiplano zone of Salta Province.
Mares et al. (1989) and Ojeda and Mares
(1989) listed Tremarctos ornatus as probable for
the province. Because records are known from
Bolivia within 100 km (Anderson 1997) and many
people in the province speak of the presence and
the legends of the “ucumari,” we list it as proba-
Olrog and Lucero (1981) listed Abrothrix illu-
teus for the province, but its presence has not
been documented by museum specimens. A. illu-
teus is known from the provinces of Catamarca
(Mares et al. 1997) and Tucumán, but records are
uncommon. For Jujuy, it has been listed as proba-
bly (Díaz 1999). We list it as probable because of
geographic proximity to its known distribution.
Number 10 SALTA MAMMALS 35
We list Akodon boliviensis as a species of prob-
able occurrence in the province. Based on the
revision by Myers et al. (1990), this species does
not occur in Argentina. However, we include it
based on the proximity of known locality records
of this species in Bolivia.
Akodon budini was listed for the province by
Yepes (1944), who cited both Hypsimys budini
and H. deceptor. The latter taxon currently is con-
sidered a synonym of the former. Because of the
proximity of the type localities (both in Jujuy;
Díaz 1999) to the province of Salta, less than 50
km, they are listed as of probable occurrence.
We list Akodon fumeus as probable for the
province. Records of this species are known from
Bolivia near the border with Salta Province, just
across the Río Bermejo (Anderson 1997). Speci-
mens also have been captured in the Parque
Nacional Calilegua, Jujuy Province, which is
located near the border with Salta (Díaz and Bar-
quez 1999).
Akodon sylvanus is included as a probable
species. Although Wilson and Reeder (1993) con-
sider pervalens a synonym of sylvanus, Myers
(1989) and Anderson (1997) suggest that they are
distinct species. Probable status is based on the
proximity of known specimens of sylvanus, in
Jujuy (Díaz 1999), to Salta Province.
Based on the revision of Myers (1989), the dis-
tribution of Akodon varius was restricted to
Bolivia. However, the proximity of some of the
localities to the Bolivia-Argentina border (Ander-
son 1997) cause us to list this species as probable.
The distribution of Bolomys amoenus includes
west-central Bolivia (Anderson 1997). Specimens
are known from the Departamento of Tarija,
which borders Salta Province, Argentina. Thus,
its listing as a species of probable occurrence.
Bolomys lasiurus is listed as probable for the
province based on the proximity of specimens
records known from neighboring provinces and
Bolivia (as B. lenguarum; Anderson, 1997). In
Bolivia, this species occurs just across the Río
Bermejo (Anderson 1997). Olrog and Lucero
(1981) cited this taxon for the Argentine prov-
inces of Jujuy and Tucumán, which border Salta
to the north and south, respectively.
Yepes (1935b) cited Calomys lepidus for Salta
as Hesperomys carillus argurus. Olrog and Luc-
ero (1981) listed Calomys lepidus for western
Salta and Jujuy. For Salta, the presence of this
species has not been documented by specimen
records. Specimens are known from Jujuy (Her-
shkovitz 1962; Díaz 1999) and nearby in Bolivia
(Anderson 1997).
Chinchillula sahamae was listed as of probable
occurrence by Mares et al. (1981a). It is possible
that this species will be found in the province,
however, the nearest locality is about 500 km
from Salta. The distribution of Chinchillula has
been reported to include the province of Jujuy
(Olrog and Lucero 1981), although no specimens
are known to exist. Galliari et al. (1996) did not
include it in the fauna of Argentina; Díaz (1999)
listed it as probable for the province of Jujuy.
Yepes (1935b), Cabrera (1961b), and Olrog
and Lucero (1981) listed Chroeomys jelskii for
the Argentine provinces of Salta and Jujuy.
Although there are specimens records for locali-
ties in Jujuy (Díaz 1999) and Bolivia (Anderson
1997), this species has not yet been recorded for
The status of Euneomys fossor is problematic.
The type locality for this taxon is “Salta Province,”
the specific locality is not given. Examination of
the skin and the skull indicates that it is a compos-
ite. Many questions surround this specimen, the
only known; additionally, the nearest known local-
ity for the genus is about 800 km to the south in
Mendoza Province. However, it is possible that
this genus will be found north of Mendoza Prov-
ince. We recently captured Euneomys in Men-
doza, more than 90 years after it was last
Mares et al. (1981a), Mares et al. (1989), and
Ojeda and Mares (1989) listed Oecomys concolor
(as Oryzomys concolor) as probable for the prov-
ince. The nearest known records of this species
are found in northern Bolivia making it unlikely
that this taxon will be found in Salta. However, in
Bolivia, as noted by Anderson (1997), the name
Oryzomys concolor has been used incorrectly for
specimens of O. mamorae. Records of O. mamo-
rae are known from within 200 km of the border
with Salta.
We include Oligoryzomys longicaudatus as
probable for the province. The few specimens
that were previously identified as this species
have been reassigned to O. destructor. However,
the taxonomy of this group needs further exami-
nation, so that we maintain the probable status of
O. longicaudatus.
Anderson (1997) reported specimens of Oligo-
ryzomys microtis from southern Bolivia, just on
the other side of the Río Bermejo, which borders
Salta Province. This species, which includes O.
fornesi, occurs in the Argentine provinces of For-
mosa, Chaco, and Corrientes (Carleton and
Musser 1989). We list it as probable based on the
proximity of known specimen records.
We add Oxymycterus akodontinus to the list of
species of probable occurrence in the province.
This taxon is known from the province of Jujuy
(the type locality only; Díaz 1999); we suggest
that it also will be found to occur in Salta Prov-
Phyllotis osilae is listed by Mares et al.
(1981a), Mares et al. (1989), and Ojeda and
Mares (1989) as probable; Olrog and Lucero
(1981) included the province in the distribution
of this species in Argentina. Although, no speci-
mens have been collected, records are known
from Jujuy Province (Díaz 1999), to the north,
and Tucumán Province, to the south. The pres-
ence of this species in the province is highly likely.
Although Yepes (1933) identified specimens of
Phyllotis in Argentina as Phyllotis wolffsohni,
Pearson (1958) considered these specimens as P.
caprinus and did not include Argentina in the
range of P. wolffsohni. According to Anderson
(1997), the range of P. wolffsohni in Bolivia
extends to within 50 km of the border with the
province of Salta. Recently, Díaz (1999) reported
specimens for Jujuy Province. For these reasons,
we list this species as probable.
Mares et al. (1989) and Ojeda and Mares
(1989) listed Coendou bicolor as probable for the
province, based on the presence of a few records
of this species in the neighboring province of
Jujuy (Díaz 1999). The nearest record in Bolivia is
about 500 km to the north (Anderson 1997).
We include Chinchilla lanigera in the list of
species of probable occurrence for the province
recognizing that questions remain regarding this
genus. The inclusion of this species is based on
historic information. Additional research is
needed to confirm the presence of this species.
Two species of Ctenomys are considered prob-
able, C. conoveri and C. lewisi. The ranges of
both of these species lie just to the north of the
Argentine border with Bolivia and the nearest
specimen records are within about 100 km. C.
conoveri is distributed in the chaco of Paraguay
and adjacent Argentina (Wilson and Reeder,
1993) and the chaco of southeastern Bolivia
(Anderson 1997). The distribution of C. lewisi
includes a small area of southern Bolivia (Ander-
son 1997; Wilson and Reeder 1993).
This report includes all of the latest available
information on the mammals occurring within the
boundaries of Salta Province, or likely to occur
within the provincial boundaries. Earlier, we
noted that Salta is relatively well known, mamma-
logically. However, that statement must be kept in
context. Salta contains 141 species of mammals in
a geographic area about the size of the State of
Georgia. Its fauna is known from fewer than
1,500 specimens gathered over a century of spo-
radic fieldwork. Many of the specimens have
been collected in or near two of the national
parks, Parque Nacional El Rey and Parque
Nacional Baritú, or in the phytogeographic area
known as the Yungas. There is a general lack of
information for the other areas of the province
especially in the puna, prepuna, and chaco. A
perusal of field guides to the mammals of any
state in the United States will show how poorly
sampled is the fauna of Salta Povince. For exam-
ple, the Mammals of Colorado (Armstrong 1972)
was based on 23,400 specimens collected from an
area of 269,000 km
, a sampling effort of 0.09
. Similarly, the Mammals of Ari-
zona (Hoffmeister 1986), utilized more than
42,278 specimens collected from an area of
295,000 km
, with a sampling effort of 0.14 speci-
. By comparison, the sampling effort in
Salta yields 0.01 specimen/km
, a value greatly
below the level of effort that characterizes faunal
surveys in the United States.
Despite the dearth of collecting in Salta, it is
clear that the many habitats of the province sup-
port a wealth of mammals. Moreover, the area is
of special biogeographic interest, for it is a major
zone of macrohabitat interdigitation. We are cur-
rently continuing our efforts at surveying this
province more completely, and we are confident
that as data accrue on its mammal fauna, various
biogeographic patterns, as well as patterns clarify-
ing evolutionary relationships, will become evi-
Field research in Salta Province during 1990-
1995 and 1998-1999 was supported by grants
from the National Science Foundation to M. A.
Mares (BSR-8906665) and M. A. Mares and J. K.
Braun (DEB-9870184), and a grant from the
National Geographic Society (6520-99) to M. A.
Mares and J. K. Braun. Additional funds for field
research were provided by CONICET (Consejo
Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y
Técnicas), Argentina, and CIUNT (Centro de
Investigaciones de Universidad Nacional de
Tucumán). Support for field research, laboratory
facilities, and manuscript preparation were pro-
vided by the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of
Natural History, the Facultad Ciencias Naturales
and Instituto Miguel Lillo, Universidad Nacional
Number 10 SALTA MAMMALS 37
de Tucumán, Tucumán, CONICET, and PIDBA
(Programa de Investigaciones de Biodiversidad
Argentina), Argentina. We thank A. G. Autino, T.
Davis, P. Diosque, D. A. Flores, J. P. Jayat, S. C.
Lougheed, P. J. Martinez, J. G. Namen, R. Nye,
G. D. Schnell, and J. S. Stafira for their help in
the field. We also thank the curators of the many
collections who permitted us to examine speci-
mens in their care. We acknowledge the support
and assistance of the Dirección de Flora and
Fauna Silvestres, Buenos Aires, Argentina (V.
Lichtstein and S. Goldfeder) and the Dirección
Provincial de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Natu-
rales, Salta Province, Argentina.
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Number 10 SALTA MAMMALS 41
Taxa followed by a “P” are those that are of probable occurrence in the province following:
Mares et al. (1981a);
Mares et al.
Ojeda and Mares (1989);
this paper. ? indicates a questionable record; H indicates historic records. For additional
information see the Discussion.
Scientific Name
Scientific Name
Scientific Name
Order Didelphimorphia
Phyllostoma discolor (P
1, 2, 3
Family Felidae
Family Didelphidae Pygoderma bilabiatum Herpailurus yaguarondi
Didelphis albiventris Sturnira erythromos Leopardus pardalis
Gracilinanus agilis Sturnira lilium Leopardus tigrinus
Lutreolina crassicaudata Sturnira oporaphilum Leopardus wiedii
Micoureus constantiae Tonatia bidens (P
) Lynchailurus pajeros
Monodelphis dimidiata Family Vespertilionidae Oncifelis geoffroyi
Monodelphis domestica (P
) Dasypterus ega Oreailurus jacobita
Monodelphis kunsi (P
2, 3
) Eptesicus brasiliensis (P
2, 3
) Puma concolor
Thylamy cinderella Eptesicus diminutus Panthera onca
Thylamys pallidior Eptesicus furinalis Family Mustelidae
Thylamys pusilla Histiotus macrotus Conepatus chinga
Thylamys sp. Histiotus velatus (P
) Eira barbara
Thylamys sponsoria Lasiurus blossevillii Galictis cuja
Thylamys venustus Lasiurus cinereus Galictis vittata (P
Order Xenarthra Myotis albsecens Lontra longicaudis
Family Bradypodidae Myotis keaysi Lyncodon patagonicus
Bradypus variegatus Myotis levis Pteronura brasiliensis (H)
Family Dasypodidae Myotis nigricans Family Procyonidae
Cabassous chacoensis (P
1, 2, 3
) Myotis riparia Nasua nasua
Chaetophractus nationi (P
) Family Molossidae Procyon cancrivorus
Chaetophractus vellerosus Cynomops abrasus (P
1, 2, 3
) Family Ursidae
Chaetophractus villosus (P
) Cynomops planirostris Tremarctos ornatus (P
2, 3
Chlamyphorus retusus Eumops auripendulus (P
) Order Perissodactyla
Dasypus hybridus Eumops dabbenei Family Tapiridae
Dasypus novemcinctus Eumops glaucinus Tapirus terrestris
Dasypus septemcinctus Eumops patagonicus Order Artiodactyla
Dasypus yepesi Eumops perotis Family Tayassuidae
Euphractus sexcinctus Molossops temminckii Catagonus wagneri
Priodontes maximus Molossus ater Pecari tajacu
Tolypeutes matacus Molossus molossus Tayassu pecari
Family Myrmecophagidae Nyctinomops laticaudatus Family Camelidae
Myrmecophaga tridactyla Nyctinomops macrotis Lama guanicoe
Tamandua tetradactyla Promops nasutus Vicugna vicugna
Order Chiroptera Tadarida brasiliensis Family Cervidae
Family Noctilionidae Order Primates Blastocerus dichotomus (H)
Noctilio albiventris (P
2, 3
) Family Cebidae Hippocamelus antisensis
Noctilio leporinus Alouatta caraya Mazama americana
Family Phyllostomidae Aotus azarai (P
) Mazama gouazoupira
Anoura caudifer Cebus apella Ozotocerus bezoarticus (H)
Artibeus planirostris Saimiri sciureus (P
) Order Rodentia
Chrotopterus auritus Order Carnivora Family Sciuridae
Desmodus rotundus Family Canidae Sciurus ignitus
Diaemus youngi (P
) Cerdocyon thous Family Muridae
Glossophaga soricina Lycalopex culpaeus Abrothrix illuteus (P
Micronycteris sp. Lycalopex gymnocercus Akodon albiventer
Scientific Name
Scientific Name
Scientific Name
Akodon boliviensis (P
Eligmodontia moreni
Lagidium viscacia
Akodon budini (P
2, 3
) Eligmodontia puerulus Lagostomus maximus
Akodon deceptor (P
) Euneomys fossor (?) Family Caviidae
Akodon fumeus (P
) Graomys domorum Cavia tschudii
Akodon pervalens Graomys griseoflavus Dolichotis salinicola
Akodon puer caenosus Holochilus chacarius Galea musteloides
Akodon simulator Neotomys ebriosus Microcavia australis
Akodon sp. 1 Oecomys mamorae (P
1, 2, 3
) Microcavia shiptoni
Akodon sp. 2 Oligoryzomys chacoensis Family Hydrochaeridae
Akodon spegazzinii alterus Oligoryzomys destructor Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris
Akodon s. spegazzinii Oligoryzomys flavescens Family Dasyproctidae
Akodon s. tucumanensis Oligoryzomys longicaudatus (P
) Dasyprocta punctata
Akodon sylvanus (P
) Oligoryzomys microtis (P
) Family Ctenomyidae
Akodon toba Oligoryzomys nigripes Ctenomys conoveri (P
Akodon varius (P
) Oligoryzomys sp. Ctenomys frater
Andinomys edax Oryzomys russatus Ctenomys lewisi (P
Auliscomys sublimis Oxymycterus akodontinus (P
) Ctenomys mendocinus
Bolomys amoenus (P
) Oxymycterus paramensis Ctenomys opimus
Bolomys lactens Phyllotis caprinus Ctenomys saltarius
Bolomys lasiurus (P
1, 2, 3
) Phyllotis osilae (P
1, 2, 3
) Family Octodontidae
Calomys callosus Phyllotis sp. Octodontomys gliroides
Calomys laucha Phyllotis wolffsohni (P
) Family Abrocomidae
Calomys lepidus (P
2, 3
) Phyllotis xanthopygus Abrocoma cinerea
Calomys musculinus Rhipidomys austrinus Family Myocastoridae
Calomys sp. Family Erethrizontidae Myocastor coypus
Calomys venustus Coendou bicolor (P
2, 3
) Order Lagomorpha
Chinchillula sahamae (P
) Coendou prehensilis Family Leporidae
Chroeomys andinus Family Chinchillidae Sylvilagus brasiliensis
Chroeomys jelskii (P
1, 2, 3
) Chinchilla brevicaudata
Eligmodontia hirtipes Chinchilla lanigera (P
Number 10 SALTA MAMMALS 43
Localities are listed in alphabetical order. Departments
are given in parentheses followed by coordinates for latitude
and longitude. General comments or clarifications of some
localities are given below.
The locality “El Desmonte, Metán” was presented by
Ojeda and Mares (1989) as being situated in the
Departamento Metán. The coordinates place it in the
Departamento Capital, which is located near the
Departamento Metán.
The coordinates of “La Cañada” given by Ojeda and
Mares (1989) correspond to the city of Metán. This locality
could not be precisely located by Ojeda and Mares (1989)
nor by us.
The locality “5 km S (by rd.) of jct. of Seclantás Rd. and
Hwy. 59 (about 30 km E Cachi), 2600 m” (Ojeda and Mares
1989) should be “...(about 30 km S Cachi).”
Barquez et al. (1999a) gave Rivadavia as the
departamento for “Laguna de los Panzones;” the correct
departamento is San Martín.
The coordinates given by Ojeda and Mares (1989) for the
locality “La Represa, Metán,” situate it in the Departamento
La Viña. We were, however, able to locate this locality in
Departamento Metán.
The locality of “Manuela Pedraza,” was cited incorrectly
for Salta Province by Ojeda and Mares (1989); this locality is
in Tucumán Province.
Ojeda and Mares (1989) listed “Quebrada de Acambuco”
and “5 km W Dique Itiyuro” as two separate localites. We
think that this is an error and that they should be combined
as “Quebrada de Acambuco, 5 km W Dique Itiyuro.”
The coordinates reported for the locality “Rio Cachi” by
Ojeda and Mares (1989) would locate it in the Departamento
of Cafayate; the correct departamento is Cachi.
The locality “Totoralejo” cited by Ojeda and Mares
(1989) for Dolichotis salinicola, is not listed in their
gazetteer; this locality is in Córdoba Province.
The locality Urundel-El Bananal listed by Ojeda and
Mares (1989) is considered to be located in the province of
The locality Urundel or Urundel Arroyo del Diablo listed
by Ojeda and Mares (1989) is located in Salta Province.
Gazetteer locality 143, “Urundel-El Bananal;” Ojeda and
Mares 1989:58) should be “Urundel” as it appears in the text
(e.g., for Priodontes maximus; Ojeda and Mares 1989:29).
Abra de Acay (La Poma-Los Andes) 24˚ 25' S, 66˚ 14' W
Abra de Acay, ruta 40, camino a La Poma, 4410 m (Los
Andes) 24˚ 25' S, 66˚ 14' W
Abra de Chorrillos, sobre ruta 51, 4560 m (Los Andes) 24˚
12' S, 66˚ 28' W
Abra de Gallo, 2.5 km al SO, sobre ruta provincial 129 (Los
Andes) 24˚ 20' S, 66˚ 29' W
Abra de Gallo, 21.1 km al S del cruce de las rutas nacional 51
y provincial 129, 4663 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 20' S, 66˚ 29' W
Abra de La Punilla (Anta) 24˚ 52' S, 64˚51' W
Abra de San José, inmediaciones de Los Toldos (Santa
Victoria) 22˚ 16' S, 64˚ 49' W
Abra de Singuel, 4033 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 46' S, 66˚ 44' W
Abra de Singuel, 1.8 km al S, 3890 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 47' S,
66˚ 45' W
Abra de Singuel, 11.5 km al S, 3965 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 52' S,
66˚ 45' W
Abra de Singuel, 36 km al S, 3912 m (Los Andes) 25˚ 04' S,
66˚ 47' W
Abra de Singuel, 39.4 km al S, 3943 m (Los Andes) 25˚ 06' S,
66˚ 48' W
Abra de Singuel, 46 km al S, 4034 m (Los Andes) 25˚ 08' S,
66˚ 51' W
Abra de Singuel, 48 km al S, 4004 m (Los Andes) 25˚ 09' S,
66˚ 52' W
Abra de Singuel, 49 km al S (Los Andes) 25˚ 09' S, 66˚ 52' W
Abra de Singuel, 52 km al S, 4095 m (Los Andes) 25˚ 10' S,
66˚ 54' W
Abra de Singuel, 54 km al S, 4073 m (Los Andes) 25˚ 11' S,
66˚ 55' W
Abra de Singuel, 57 km al S (Los Andes) 25˚ 12' S, 66˚ 56' W
Abra Grande (Orán) 23˚ 05' S, 64˚ 22' W
Abra Grande, 10 km N Orán (Orán) 23˚ 00' S, 64˚ 22' W
Abra Grande, 20 km NW Orán (Orán) 23˚ 03' S, 64˚ 20' W
Acambuco (San Martín) 22˚ 11' S, 63˚ 57' W
Acambuco, 6 km de Caballurenda, Piquirenda, Tartagal (San
Martín) 22˚ 11' S, 63˚ 57' W
Acambuco, camino a, a 11 km de la intersección con ruta 34
(San Martín) 22˚ 11' S, 63˚ 57' W
Agua Blanca (Orán) 22˚ 45' S, 64˚ 22' W
Agua Blanca, 5 km W (Orán) 22˚ 45' S, 64˚ 22' W
Agua Blanca, 15 km S (Orán) 22˚ 55' S, 64˚ 20' W
Agua Blanca, 20 km NW (Orán) 22˚ 33' S, 64˚ 32' W
Agua Blanca, 20 km al NW, Orán (Orán) 22˚ 33' S, 64˚ 32' W
Agua Blanca, 24 km NW (Iruya-Santa Victoria) 22˚ 42' S, 64˚
41' W
Agua Blanca, 24 km NW, 400 m (Iruya-Santa Victoria) 22˚
42' S, 64˚ 41' W
Agua Blanca, 24 km NW, shore Río Pescado (Iruya-Santa
Victoria) 22˚ 42' S, 64˚ 41' W
Agua Blanca, 25 km NW (Iruya-Santa Victoria) 22˚ 42' S, 64˚
41' W
Agua Blanca, 27 km al O de (Iruya) 22˚ 45' S, 64˚ 40' W (13)
Agua Blanca, 27 km W (Iruya) 22˚ 45' S, 64˚ 40' W
Agua Linda (San Martín) 23˚ 17' S, 63˚ 21' W
Agua Linda, a 1 lengua de Dragones (San Martín) 23˚ 17' S,
63˚ 21' W
Aguaray (San Martín) 22˚ 16' S, 63˚ 46' W
Aguaray, 565 m (San Martín) 22˚ 16' S, 63˚ 46' W
Aguaray, 600 m (San Martín) 22˚ 16' S, 63˚ 46' W
Aguaray, 700 m (San Martín) 22˚ 16' S, 63˚ 46' W
Aguaray, 120 km E (Rivadavia) 22˚ 08' S, 62˚ 49' W
Aguaray, E de (San Martín) 22˚ 14' S, 63˚ 42' W
Aguaray, FCCNA, 700 m (San Martín) 22˚ 16' S, 63˚ 46' W
Aguas Blancas (Orán) 22˚ 45' S, 64˚ 22' W
Aguas Blancas, 20 km NW, Vado de Arrazayal (Orán) 22˚ 33'
S, 64˚ 32' W
Aguas Blancas, 24 km NW (Iruya-Santa Victoria) 22˚ 42' S,
64˚ 41' W
Aguas Blancas, 24 km NW, along the Río Pescado (Iruya-
Santa Victoria) 22˚ 42' S, 64˚ 41' W
Aguas Blancas, 24 km NW, near the Río Pescado (Iruya-
Santa Victoria) 22˚ 42' S, 64˚ 41' W
Aguas Blancas, 27 km W (Iruya) 22˚ 45' S, 64˚ 40' W
(Aguas Blancas), a lo largo del alto Río Bermejo (Orán) 22˚
45' S, 64˚ 22' W
Aguas Blancas, límite con Bolivia (Orán) 22˚ 45' S, 64˚ 22' W
Aguas Calientes, camino a, entre Aguas Calientes y General
Güemes, antes del Río Saladillo (General Güemes) 24˚ 37'
S, 64˚ 55' W
Alemanía (La Viña) 25˚ 36' S, 65˚ 38' W
Algarrobal, 20 km E General Güemes (General Güemes) 24˚
37' S, 64˚ 54' W
Alto de los Chorrillos, Chorrillos (Los Andes) 24˚ 13' S, 66˚
27' W
Alto del Venado, Sierra del Crestón, Metán (Metán) 25˚ 24'
S, 65˚ 10' W
Alto Macueta, 2 km N del cruce de Macueta y Campo Largo
(San Martín) 22˚ 02' S, 63˚ 59' W
Angastaco, 3.5 km S (San Carlos) 25˚ 41' S, 66˚ 08' W
Angosto de Incachule, 6.5 km al S del cruce de las rutas
nacional 51 y provincial 129, 4409 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 15' S,
66˚ 27' W
Angosto del Río Pescado (Orán) 22˚ 33' S, 64˚ 32' W
Angostos del Pescado, Serranía de Las Pavas (Orán) 22˚ 33'
S, 64˚ 32' W
Angostura (San Martín) 22˚ 12' S, 63˚ 38' W
Angostura, Río Caraparí (San Martín) 22˚ 12' S, 63˚ 38' W
Anta, 11 km N, on El Piquete Rd (Anta) 24˚ 55' S, 64˚ 28' W
Anta, 21 km N (Anta) 24˚ 52' S, 64˚ 28' W
Anta, 21 km N, along Río del Valle (Anta) 24˚ 52' S, 64˚ 28' W
Anta, 21 km N, on El Piquete Rd along Río del Valle (Anta)
24˚ 52' S, 64˚ 28' W
Antilla (Rosario de la Frontera) 26˚ 07' S, 64˚ 36' W
Apolinario Saravia, 5 km W (Anta) 24˚ 26' S, 64˚ 05' W
Apolinario Saravia, 40 km al E de, sobre el Río Dorado
(Anta) 24˚ 28' S, 63˚ 40' W
Apolinario Saravia, alrededores de (Anta) 24˚ 26' S, 63˚ 59' W
Arenal, 450 m (Anta) 25˚ 09' S, 64˚ 03' W
Arenal, 750 m (Anta) 25˚ 09' S, 64˚ 03' W
Arroyo del Diablo, Urundel (Orán) 23˚ 33' S, 64˚ 25' W
Arroyo de los Puestos, 200 m from entrance of Parque
Nacional El Rey (Anta) 24˚ 47' S, 64˚ 32' W
Arroyo Los Noques, Parque Nacional El Rey (Anta) 24˚ 46'
S, 64˚ 32' W
Baritú, El Porongal (Santa Victoria) 22˚ 41' S, 64˚ 41' W
Betania (General Güemes) 24˚ 41' S, 65˚ 08' W
Buena Vista (Capital) (not located)
Cabeza de Buey (General Güemes) 24˚ 47' S, 65˚ 01' W
Cabeza de Buey, Campo La Peña (General Güemes) 24˚ 47'
S, 65˚ 01' W
Cachi (Cachi) 25˚ 06' S, 66˚ 11' W
Cachi, 2500 m (Cachi) 25˚ 06' S, 66˚ 11' W
Cachi, 10 km E (Cachi) 25˚ 03' S, 66˚ 05' W
Cachi, 25 km E (Cachi) 25˚ 09' S, 66˚ 00' W
Cachi, 30 km E (Cachi) 25˚ 09' S, 66˚ 00' W
Cachi, 30 km E, 2600 m (Cachi) 25˚ 09' S, 66˚ 00' W
Cachi, about 30 km E, 2600 m (Cachi) 25˚ 09' S, 66˚ 00' W
Cachi, 30 km S (Molinos) 25˚ 18' S, 66˚ 15' W
Cachi, 30 km S along Hwy 40, 2400 m (Molinos) 25˚ 18' S,
66˚ 15' W
Cachi, 35 km E of, approx. 3000 m (Cachi) 25˚ 09' S, 66˚ 00'
Cachi, above (Cachi) 25˚ 06' S, 66˚ 11' W [probably Cachi
Cachi, Lower (Cachi) 25˚ 06' S, 66˚ 11' W
Cachi, near (Cachi) 25˚ 06' S, 66˚ 11' W
Cachi, Upper (Cachi) 25˚ 06' S, 66˚ 11' W, [probably Cachi
Cachi Adentro, approx. 3 km N (Cachi) 25˚ 04'S, 66˚ 13' W
Cafayate (Cafayate) 26˚ 05' S, 65˚ 58' W
Cafayate, 4 km W, Cueva del Indio (Cafayate) 26˚ 05' S, 65˚
58' W
Cafayate, 5 km NE (Cafayate) 26˚ 03' S, 65˚ 55’ W
Cafayate, 5 km NE, 1660 m (Cafayate) 26˚ 03' S, 65˚ 55' W
Cafayate, 5 km W, Yacochuya (Cafayate) 26˚ 03' S, 66˚ 55' W
[we note that Yacochuya lies to the NE of Cafayate]
Cafayate, 6 km NE, along Hwy 68 (Cafayate) 26˚ 03' S, 65˚
55' W
Cafayate, 8.2 km NE, along Hwy 68 (Cafayate) 26˚ 03' S, 65˚
55' W
Cafayate, aprox. 10 km al S, sobre Ruta Provincial N˚ 40,
camino a Tolombón (Cafayate) 26˚ 11'S, 65˚ 56' W
Cafayate, 14 km NE, along Hwy 68 (Cafayate) 26˚ 04' S, 65˚
50' W
Cafayate, 20 km NW, 1700 m (San Carlos) 26˚ 00' S, 65˚ 57'
Cafayate, Finca La Rosa, 2000 m (Cafayate) 26˚ 05' S, 65˚ 58'
Calvimonte (Chicoana) 25˚ 07' S, 65˚ 26' W
Camino al hito XXIII Port. de Salin, 3900 m (Los Andes) 24˚
22' S, 68˚ 10' W
Campamento, Salta (Santa Victoria) 22˚ 29' S, 64˚ 52' W
Campo de la Paciencia (Los Andes) 24˚ 32' S, 67˚ 04' W
Campo de la Paciencia, 8.8 km al SO Estación Salar Pocitos,
sobre ruta provincial 27, 3665 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 27' S, 67˚
03' W
Campo Durán, 8.2 km S, 8.4 km E (San Martín) 22˚ 14' S,
63˚ 39' W
Campo Durán, 8.4 km E (San Martín) 22˚ 14' S, 63˚ 39' W
Campo Durán, 9.4 km E (San Martín) 22˚ 14' S, 63˚ 39' W
Campo Durán al este de Aguaray (San Martín) 22˚ 14' S, 63˚
42' W
Campo Grande (Anta) 24˚ 37' S, 63˚ 20' W
Campo Grande, 17 km al E de Santo Domingo (Anta) 24˚ 37'
S, 63˚ 20' W
Campo La Peña, Cabeza de Buey (General Güemes) 24˚ 47'
S, 65˚ 01' W
Campo Quijano (Rosario de Lerma) 24˚ 54' S, 65˚ 38' W
Campo Santo (General Güemes) 24˚ 42' S, 65˚ 06' W
Campo Santo, Escuela Nacional 149 (General Güemes) 24˚
42' S, 65˚ 06' W
Cañada Mendoza (San Martín) 23˚ 11' S, 63˚ 32' W
Catamarca-Salta, límite, 1.8 km al N del, sobre ruta
provincial 17, 4205 m (Los Andes) 25˚ 14' S, 67˚ 07' W
Catamarca-Salta, límite, 9.7 km al N del, sobre ruta
provincial 17, 4195 m (Los Andes) 25˚ 11' S, 67˚ 04' W
Catamarca-Salta, límite, 13.7 km al N del, sobre ruta
provincial 17, 4023 m (Los Andes) 25˚ 09' S, 67˚ 03' W
Catamarca-Salta, límite, 14.6 km al N del, sobre ruta
provincial 17, 4031 m (Los Andes) 25˚ 09' S, 67˚ 03' W
Catamarca-Salta, límite, 15.4 km al N del, sobre ruta
provincial 17, 4038 m (Los Andes) 25˚ 08' S, 67˚ 03' W
Catamarca-Salta, límite, 15.8 km al N del, sobre ruta
provincial 17, 3965 m (Los Andes) 25˚ 08' S, 67˚ 03' W
Catamarca-Salta, límite, 21.7 km al N del, sobre ruta
provincial 17, 3936 m (Los Andes) 25˚ 05' S, 67˚ 01' W
Cauchari, 1 km al E, sobre ruta 51 (Los Andes) 24˚ 05' S, 66˚
46' W
Cebilar, 20 km W Apolinario Saravia (Anta) 24˚ 33' S, 64˚ 30'
Ceibalito, 3 km N (Anta) 25˚ 05' S, 64˚ 19' W
Ceibalito, 3 km N of, on jct Anta Rd. and Hwy 16 (Anta) 25˚
05' S, 64˚ 19' W
Ceibalito and jct Anta Rd. and Hwy 16, 3.7 km N (Anta) 25˚
05' S, 64˚ 19' W
Cerrillos (Cerrillos) 24˚ 55' S, 65˚ 29' W
Cerrillos, 30 km SW Salta (Cerrillos) 24˚ 55' S, 65˚ 29' W
Number 10 SALTA MAMMALS 45
Cerrillos, INTA Station (Cerrillos) 24˚ 55' S, 65˚ 29' W
Cerro Aguaray (San Martín) 22˚ 16' S, 63˚ 46' W
Cerro Bravo, Santa Victoria (Santa Victoria) 22˚ 15' S, 64˚ 45'
Cerro Capiazuti (San Martín) 22˚ 11' S, 63˚ 47' W
Cerro Colorado (Metán) 25˚ 35' S, 64˚ 30' W [=Sierra
Cerro Colorado, 800 m (Metán) 25˚ 35' S, 64˚ 30' W
Cerro de la Laguna, 61.4 km al S Santa Rosa de los Pastos
Grandes, 3789 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 39' S, 66˚ 37' W
Cerro Ratones, 4124 m (Los Andes) 25˚ 10' S, 66˚ 54' W
Cerro Ratones, 18.1 km al NE Mina Tincalayu, 3831 m (Los
Andes) 25˚ 11' S, 66˚ 56' W
Cerro Ratones, 19 km al NE Mina Tincalayu, 3996 m (Los
Andes) 25˚ 11' S, 66˚ 55' W
Cerro Ratones, 20.1 km al NE Mina Tincalayu, 4100 m (Los
Andes) 25˚ 10' S, 66˚ 55' W
Cerro Ratones, 21 km al NE Mina Tincalayu (Los Andes) 25˚
10' S, 66˚ 54' W
Cerro Ratones, 23.1 km al NE Mina Tincalayu (Los Andes)
25˚ 10' S, 66˚ 54' W
Cerro Ratones, 24 km al NE Mina Tincalayu, 4010 m (Los
Andes) 25˚ 09' S, 66˚ 53' W
Cerro Ratones, 26.6 km al NE Mina Tincalayu, 4095 m (Los
Andes) 25˚ 08' S, 66˚ 52' W
Cerro Ratones, ladera frente al Salar del Hombre Muerto,
3976 m (Los Andes) 25˚ 16' S, 66˚ 56' W
Cerro Ratones, ladera noroeste, 4037 m (Los Andes) 25˚ 15'
S, 66˚ 56' W
Cerro Ratones-Cerro Colorado (Los Andes) 25˚ 16' S, 66˚ 48'
Cerro Ratones-Salar Hombre Muerto (Los Andes) 25˚ 18' S,
66˚ 54' W
Cerro Socompa (Los Andes) 24˚ 27' S, 68˚ 14' W
Cerro Socompita (Los Andes) 24˚ 30' S, 68˚ 18' W
Cerro Solo, 2500 m (not located)
Chaco salteño, Departamento Metán (no specific locality)
Chaguaral (Orán) 24˚ 03' S, 64˚ 01' W
Chicoana, 6 km SSW, 1400 m (Chicoana) 25˚ 08' S, 65˚ 35' W
Chorrillos (Los Andes) 24˚ 13' S, 66˚ 27' W
Chorrillos, 4000-4500 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 13' S, 66˚ 27' W
Chorrillos, 4500 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 13' S, 66˚ 27' W
Chorrillos, 4700 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 13' S, 66˚ 27' W
Chorrillos, 5000 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 13' S, 66˚ 27' W
Chorrillos Mt., 5000 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 13' S, 66˚ 27' W
Ciénagas, junta de los ríos Medina y Juramento (Metán) 25˚
16' S, 64˚ 28' W
Ciénagas, juntas ríos Medina y Juramento (Metán) 25˚ 16' S,
64˚ 28' W
Coronel Cornejo (San Martín) 22˚ 44' S, 63˚ 50' W
Corralito (no specific locality) [locality in two different
Cortaderas, app. 10 km de la intersección de la Ruta Prov. N˚
18 y el camino a, sobre el camino a Cortaderas (Iruya) 22˚
59' S, 64˚ 41' W
Cruce de las ruta nacional 51 y provincial 129, 9.3 km al S,
4379 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 16' S, 66˚ 26' W
Cruce de las rutas nacional 51 y provincial 129, 16.8 km al S,
4482 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 19' S, 66˚ 28' W
Cruce de las rutas nacional 51 y provincial 129, 17.7 km al S,
4530 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 19' S, 66˚ 28' W
Cruce de las rutas nacional 51 y provincial 129, 17.8 km al S,
4570 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 19' S, 66˚ 28' W
Cuesta Abra de Minas, 53.4 km al NE Mina Tincalayu, 4183
m (Los Andes) 25˚ 09' S, 66˚ 44' W
Cuesta Abra de Minas, 54 km al NE Mina Tincalayu, 4288 m
(Los Andes) 25˚ 09' S, 66˚ 45' W
Cuesta de Quirón, 21.9 km al O del cruce de ruta provincial
129 y camino a Mina Sijes, 3758 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 24' S,
66˚ 57' W
Cuesta del Obispo (Cachi) 25˚ 10' S, 65˚ 51' W
Cueva del Indio, 4 km W Cafayate, 1800 m (Cafayate) 26˚ 05'
S, 65˚ 58' W
Cueva del Murcielagallo, 15 km SSW Santa Victoria, 2000 m
(Santa Victoria) 22˚ 15' S, 65˚ 02' W
Cueval (not located)
Cumbres de Macón, entre Tolar Grande y Vega Las Burras
(Los Andes) 24˚ 27' S, 67˚ 19' W
Departamento Anta (no specific locality)
Departamento Cachi (no specific locality)
Departamento Cafayate (no specific locality)
Departamento Capital (no specific locality)
Departamento Chicoana (no specific locality)
Departamento General Güemes (no specific locality)
Departamento General José de San Martín (no specific
Departamento General José de San Martín, franja O del (no
specific locality)
Departamento La Poma (no specific locality)
Departamento Los Andes (no specific locality)
Departamento Metán (no specific locality)
Departamento Orán (no specific locality)
Departamento Orán, extremo N y franja E y SE del (no
specific locality)
Departamento Rivadavia (no specific locality)
Departamento Rosario de Lerma (no specific locality)
Departamento San Carlos (no specific locality)
Departamento Santa Victoria (no specific locality)
Departamento Santa Victoria, E del (no specific locality)
Difunta Correa, zona de la gruta de la, Ruta 34, km 1406 (not
Dike, 17 km SW, near Yacuiba, 500 m (San Martín) 22˚ 01' S,
63˚ 43' W
Dique Itiyuro (San Martín) 22˚ 10' S, 63˚ 50' W
Dique Itiyuro, 5 km W (San Martín) 22˚ 10' S, 63˚ 50' W
Dique Itiyuro, 17 km SW (San Martín) 22˚ 01' S, 63˚ 43' W
Dique Itiyuro, 17 km SW, near Yacuiba, 500 m (San Martín)
22˚ 01' S, 63˚ 43' W
Dique Itiyuro, beyond, 17 km SW (San Martín) 22˚ 01' S, 63˚
43' W
Dragones (San Martín) 23˚ 16' S, 63˚ 21' W
Dragones, 15 km SE (San Martín) 23˚ 19' S, 63˚ 13' W
Dragones, 29.4 km SSW, cerca Río Bermejo (San Martín) 23˚
29' S, 63˚ 25' W
Dragones, 31 km SSW, along Río Bermejo (San Martín) 23˚
29' S, 63˚ 25' W
Dragones, a 1 legua (about 4 km) (San Martín) 23˚ 17' S, 63˚
21' W
Dragones, 3 leguas al SE (San Martín) 23˚ 19' S, 63˚ 13' W
Dragones, Agua Linda (San Martín) 23˚ 17' S, 63˚ 21' W
Dragones, alrededores de (San Martín) 23˚ 16' S, 63˚ 21' W
El Aguay (not located)
El Algarrobal, 30 km al E de la Estrella (Orán) 23˚ 50' S, 63˚
47' W
El Breal (Rivadavia) 22˚ 18' S, 62˚ 47' W
El Breal, 6 km SW Santa Victoria (Rivadavia) 22˚ 18' S, 62˚
47' W
El Breal, 6 km SW Santa Victoria Este (Rivadavia) 22˚ 18' S,
62˚ 47' W
El Chaguaral (Orán) 24˚ 03' S, 64˚ 01' W
El Desierto, Rivadavia Banda Sur (not located)
El Desmonte, 500 m (Capital) 25˚ 05' S, 65˚ 15' W [=
El Desmonte, 500 m, Metán (Capital) 25˚ 05' S, 65˚ 15' W
El Desmonte, Metán (Capital) 25˚ 05' S, 65˚ 15' W
El Destierro, sobre Río Bermejo, 60 km al NE de Rivadavia
(Rivadavia) 24˚ 07' S, 62˚ 28' W
El Galpón, 18 km al NE sobre ruta nacional N 16 (Metán)
25˚ 16' S, 64˚ 26' W
El Infiernillo, 9.1 km al N del límite Catamarca-Salta, sobre
ruta provincial 17, 4172 m (Los Andes) 25˚ 11' S, 67˚ 05' W
El Porvenir (Metán) 25˚ 23' S, 64˚ 40' W
El Potrero (Rosario de la Frontera) 25˚ 58' S, 64˚ 40' W
El Quebrachal (Anta) 25˚ 17' S, 64˚ 04' W
El Rey National Park (Parque El Rey) (Anta) (no specific
El Tabacal (Orán) 23˚ 16' S, 64˚ 15' W
El Tala (Candelaria) 26˚ 07' S, 65˚ 17' W
El Tala, 20 km de (no specific locality)
El Tunal, cerca del Río Juramento (Metán) 25˚ 15' S, 64˚ 25'
El Zapallar (General Güemes) 24˚ 31' S, 65˚ 00' W
El Zapallar, camino a, entre General Güemes y El Zapallar
(General Güemes) 24˚ 31' S, 65˚ 00' W
Embarcación (San Martín) 23˚ 13' S, 64˚ 06' W
Embarcación, 286 m, left bank upper Río Bermejo (San
Martín) 23˚ 13' S, 64˚ 06' W
Embarcación, Finca Tres Pozos, 247 km NE San Salvador de
Jujuy (San Martín) 23˚ 13' S, 64˚ 06' W
Escoipe, app. 15 km al W de, sobre Ruta Provincial N˚ 33
(Chicoana) 25˚ 10' S, 65˚ 49' W
Escuela 149, 30 km NE Salta (General Güemes) 24˚ 42' S,
65˚ 06' W
Escuela Gurruchaga, Rosario de Lerma (Rosario de Lerma)
24˚ 59' S, 65˚ 35' W
Est. La Trampa (Metán) 25˚ 09' S, 64˚ 09' W
Establecimiento Abra Grande, 20 km NW Orán (Orán) 23˚
05' S, 64˚ 22' W
Estación Baños (Rosario de la Frontera) 25˚ 50' S, 64˚ 50' W
Estación Salar Pocitos, 19.3 km al SO, sobre ruta provincial
27, 3588 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 33' S, 67˚ 04' W
Estación Salar Pocitos, 34.4 km al SO, 3989 m (Los Andes)
24˚ 45' S, 66˚ 44' W
Estación Salar Pocitos, 36.1 km al SO, 3965 m (Los Andes)
24˚ 45' S, 66˚ 44' W
Estación Salar Pocitos, 38.4 km al SO, 4000 m (Los Andes)
24˚ 47' S, 66˚ 45' W
Estación Salar Pocitos, 40.1 km al SO, 3900 m (Los Andes)
24˚ 48' S, 66˚ 45' W
Estación Tonono (San Martín) 22˚ 34' S, 63˚ 29'
Estancia Las Mercedes (Anta) (not located)
Ex Los Andes, 3000 m (no specific locality)
Finca Abra Grande (San Martín) 22˚ 40' S, 63˚ 41' W
Finca Abra Grande, Quebrada de Tartagal (San Martín) 22˚
40' S, 63˚ 41' W
Finca Barba Yaco, 8.5 km SE Ojo de Agua (Rosario de la
Frontera) 25˚ 58' S, 64˚ 55' W
Finca Barba Yaco, 8.5 km al SE de Ojo de Agua (Rosario de
la Frontera) 25˚ 58' S, 64˚ 55' W
Finca Belgrano, Cerrillos, 30 km SW Salta (Cerrillos) 24˚ 55'
S, 65˚ 29' W
Finca El Albardón, 10 km al NE de Luis Burela (Anta) 24˚
19' S, 63˚ 54' W
Finca El Arrazayal, Serranía de las Pavas (Orán) 22˚ 33' S, 64˚
32' W
Finca Jakulica, Angosto del Río Pescado, 650 m (Orán) 22˚
33' S, 64˚ 32' W
Finca La Cruz, 3 km N Las Mercedes (Rosario de la
Frontera) 25˚ 57' S, 64˚ 40' W
Finca La Cruz, 28 km SSE Salta (Capital) 24˚ 54' S, 65˚ 10'
Finca La Florida (Rosario de Lerma) 24˚ 59' S, 65˚ 35' W
Finca La Florida, Rosario de Lerma, 25 km SSW Salta
(Rosario de Lerma) 24˚ 59' S, 65˚ 35' W
Finca La Rosa, Cafayate, 2000 m (Cafayate) 26˚ 05' S, 65˚ 58'
Finca Las Tres Marías, El Zapallar (General Güemes) 24˚ 31'
S, 65˚ 00' W
Finca Lipeo, límite N del Parque Nacional Baritú (Santa
Victoria) 22˚ 27' S, 64˚ 46' W
Finca San Andrés, Valle del Río Blanco, entre la Ruta
Provincial N˚ 50 y La Maroma (Orán) 23˚ 05' S, 64˚ 35' W
Finca San Javier, 8.5 km al SE de Joaquín V. González (Anta)
25˚ 02' S, 64˚ 05' W
Finca San Lorenzo, Rosario de la Frontera (Rosario de la
Frontera) 26˚ 06' S, 64˚ 41' W
Finca Santa Cruz, 3 km N Las Mercedes (Rosario de la
Frontera) 25˚ 57' S, 64˚ 40' W
Finca Yakulica, Angosto del Río Pescado (Santa Victoria) 22˚
33' S, 64˚ 32' W
G. M. Solá (Rosario de Lerma) 24˚ 34' S, 65˚ 50' W [=
Gobernador Manuel Solá]
G. M. Solá, 2500 m (Rosario de Lerma) 24˚ 34' S, 65˚ 50' W
G. M. Sola, 8,200 ft. (Rosario de Lerma) 24˚ 34' S, 65˚ 50' W
Gavilán Pozo, 60 km NE Joaquín V. González (Anta) 24˚ 54'
S, 63˚ 35' W
General Ballivián, 15 km W, on Puerto Baulés Rd. (San
Martín) 22˚ 50' S, 64˚ 00' W
General Ballivián, 20 km W (San Martín) 22˚ 50' S, 64˚ 03' W
General Ballivián, 20 km W, 500 m (San Martín) 22˚ 50' S,
64˚ 03' W
General Ballivián, 20 km W on Puerto Baulés Rd. (San
Martín) 22˚ 50' S, 64˚ 03' W
General Güemes (General Güemes) 24˚ 40' S, 65˚ 03' W
General Güemes, 5 km al S (General Güemes) 24˚ 40' S, 65˚
03' W
General Güemes, 30 km SSW (General Güemes) 24˚ 45' S,
65˚ 10' W
General Güemes, Ruta 34 km 1363 (General Güemes) 24˚
40' S, 65˚ 03' W
General M. M. de Güemes, 30 km SSW (General Güemes)
24˚ 45' S, 65˚ 10' W
Guachipas (Guachipas) 25˚ 31' S, 65˚ 31' W
Guachipas, ca. 1500 m (Guachipas) 25˚ 31' S, 65˚ 31' W
Guachipas, Iglesia (Guachipas) 25˚ 31' S, 65˚ 31' W
Güemes (General Güemes) 24˚ 40' S, 65˚ 03' W
Güemes, 34-km 1363 (General Güemes) 24˚ 40' S, 65˚ 03' W
Güemes, R34-km 1364, 734 m (General Güemes) 24˚ 40' S,
65˚ 03' W
Güemes, ruta 34, km 1363 (General Güemes) 24˚ 40' S, 65˚
03' W
Hickman (San Martín) 23˚ 12' S, 63˚ 34' W
Hickman, Luna Muerta (San Martín) 23˚ 12' S, 63˚ 34' W
Horcones (Rosario de la Frontera) 25˚ 43' S, 64˚ 54' W
Hotel Termas, Rosario de La Frontera (Rosario de la
Frontera) 25˚ 48' S, 64˚ 57' W
Humaita (Capital) 24˚ 55' S, 65˚ 23'W
Iguira, Aguaray (San Martín) 22˚ 16' S, 63˚ 46' W
Inca Mayo (Rosario de Lerma) 24˚ 36' S, 65˚ 44' W
Inca Mayo, 2300 m (Rosario de Lerma) 24˚ 36' S, 65˚ 44' W
Number 10 SALTA MAMMALS 47
Incahuasi (Rosario de Lerma) 24˚ 19' S, 65˚ 58' W
Incamayo, 7,600 ft. (Rosario de Lerma) 24˚ 36' S, 65˚ 44' W
Ingenio San Martín del Tabacal (Orán) 23˚ 16' S, 64˚ 15 ‘ W
Ingenio San Martín del Tabacal Lote “Milagros” (Orán) 23˚
16' S, 64˚ 15 ‘ W
Inmediaciones del Bermejo o Teuco y su afluente el San
Francisco (Orán) 23˚ 16' S, 64˚ 04' W
INTA Station (Cerrillos) 24˚ 55' S, 65˚ 29' W
Iruya (Iruya) 22˚ 47' S, 65˚ 14' W
Isla de Cañas, 27 km al O de la intersección entre la Ruta
Nacional 50 y el camino a (Orán) 23˚ 05' S, 64˚ 32' W
Isla de Cañas, camino a, 43.7 km al NO del cruce de las rutas
50 y 18 (Orán) 23˚ 00' S, 64˚ 33' W
Isla de Cañas, camino a, 43.7 km NW del cruce ruta 50 y ruta
provincial 18 (Orán) 23˚ 00' S, 64˚ 33' W
Isla de Cañas, camino a, 48.9 km NW del cruce ruta 50 y ruta
provincial 18 (Orán) 22˚ 57' S, 64˚ 33' W
Itaú, 1600 m (San Martín) 22˚ 05' S, 63˚ 55' W
Itaú (Campo Largo), 1600 m, Tartagal (San Martín) 22˚ 05' S,
63˚ 55' W
Itaú (Campo Largo) a 4 km del Río Itaú entrando por
Acambuco, 1600 m (San Martín) 22˚ 05' S, 63˚ 55' W
Itaú (Campo Largo), Sierras de Tartagal, 1600 m (San
Martín) 22˚ 05' S, 63˚ 55' W
Jct Hwys 40 and 51, 3 km S, along Hwy 40, 4000 m (Los
Andes) 24˚ 14' S, 66˚ 14' W
Jct Hwys 40 and 51, 3 km S, along Hwy 40, 4100 m (Los
Andes) 24˚ 14' S, 66˚ 14' W
Jct Hwys 40 and 51, 12 km S, along Hwy 40, 4000 m (Los
Andes) 24˚ 22' S, 66˚ 14' W
Jct Hwys 40 and 51, 14 km S, along Hwy 40, 4100 m (Los
Andes) 24˚ 22' S, 66˚ 14' W
Jct Hwys 40 and 51, 18 km S, along Hwy 40, 4500 m (Los
Andes) 24˚ 22' S, 66˚ 14' W
Jct of Seclantás Rd. and Hwy 59, 5 km S (by rd.) of, (about 30
km E Cachi), 2600 m (Molinos) 25˚ 18' S, 66˚ 15' W [we
note that this locality is S of Cachi]
Joaquín V. Gonzalez, 8 km SE, Finca San Javier (Anta) 25˚
02' S, 64˚ 05' W
Joaquín V. Gonzalez, 10 km al O, sobre Ruta Nacional N˚ 16
(Anta) 25˚ 06' S, 64˚ 13' W
Joaquín V. González, 10 km al O de, intersección entre ruta
nacional N˚ 16 y Río Medina (Anta) 25˚ 04' S, 64˚ 15' W
[we note that the Río Medina should be the Río
Joaquín V. González, near (Anta) 25˚ 05' S, 64˚ 11' W
Jollin, 5 km W (San Martín) 22˚ 08' S, 63˚ 18' W
Junta de los Ríos Tarija y Bermejo (Orán) 22˚ 51' S, 64˚ 20' W
[= Juntas de San Antonio]
Junta de los ríos Tarija y Bermejo (Orán) 22˚ 51' S, 64˚ 20' W
Juntas de Río Tarija y Río Itaú (San Martín) 22˚ 18' S, 64˚ 09'
Juntas de Ríos Bermejo y Tarija (Orán) 22˚ 51' S, 64˚ 20' W
Juntas de Ríos Medina y Juramento (Metán) 25˚ 16' S, 64˚ 32'
Juntas de Ríos Tarija y Bermejo (Orán) 22˚ 51' S, 64˚ 20' W
Juntas de San Antonio (Orán) 22˚ 51' S, 64˚ 20' W
Juntas de San Antonio, 2 km S (Orán) 22˚ 51' S, 64˚ 20' W
Juramento km 1380, 600 m (Metán) 25˚ 09' S, 64˚ 57' W [=
km 18 (no specific locality)
km 1436, a 200 m al N de ruta 3, sobre ruta 9 (Rosario de la
Frontera) 25˚ 48' S, 64˚ 57' W
La Angostura (San Martín) 22˚ 12' S, 63˚ 38' W
La Caldera (La Caldera) 24˚ 36' S, 65˚ 23' W
La Cañada (not located)
La Cañada, 500 m (not located)
La Cañada, Departamento Metán, 500 m (not located)
La Carneada, Rivadavia Banda Sur (Rivadavia) 24˚ 06' S, 63˚
15' W
La Ciénaga, junta de los ríos Juramento y Piedras (Metán)
25˚ 19' S, 64˚ 51' W
La Ciénaga, Río Medina (Anta) 24˚ 38' S, 64˚ 15' W
La Estrella (Orán) 23˚ 48' S, 64˚ 05' W
La Junta (Orán) 23˚ 07' S, 64˚ 33' W
La Maroma, entrada a, sobre Ruta Provincial N˚ 68 (Orán)
23˚ 05' S, 64˚ 35' W
La Matanza (San Martín) 23˚ 18' S, 63˚ 22' W
La Matanza (=Cañada La Matanza) (San Martín) 23˚ 18' S,
63˚ 22' W
La Merced (Cerrillos) 24˚ 58' S, 65˚ 29' W
La Merced, 1200 m (Cerrillos) 24˚ 58' S, 65˚ 29' W
La Pedrera (Capital) 24˚ 51' S, 65˚ 20' W
La Represa (Metán) 25˚ 30' S, 64˚ 40' W
La Represa, 500 m (Metán) 25˚ 30' S, 64˚ 40' W
La Represa, Dpto. Metán, 500 m (Metán) 25˚ 30' S, 64˚ 40'
La Unión (Rivadavia) 23˚ 53' S, 63˚ 10' W
La Viña (La Viña) 25˚ 27' S, 65˚ 35' W
La Viña, Iglesia (La Viña) 25˚ 27' S, 65˚ 35' W
La Viñita, 8 km N, along Hwy 40 (Cafayate) 26˚ 15' S, 65˚ 55'
Laguna de las Catas (San Martín) 22˚ 16' S, 63˚ 52' W
Laguna de las Catas, Tartagal (San Martín) 22˚ 16' S, 63˚ 52'
Laguna de los Panzones, Retiro (San Martin) 22˚ 54' S, 63˚
27' W
Laguna El Brealito (Molinos) 25˚ 17' S, 66˚ 22' W
Laguna Socompa, 3700 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 31' S, 68˚ 11' W
Lagunilla (Rosario de la Frontera) 26˚ 06' S, 64˚ 47' W
Las Costas (Capital) 24˚ 47' S, 65˚ 29' W
Las Juntas (Orán) 23˚ 07' S, 64˚ 33' W
Las Lajitas (Anta) 24˚ 41' S, 64˚ 15' W
Las Lajitas, app. 10 km E, sobre Río del Valle (Anta) 24˚ 38'
S, 64˚ 15' W
Las Mesitas (General Güemes) 24˚ 57' S, 64˚ 57' W
Las Moras, 30 km al NE de La Unión (Orán) 23˚ 52' S, 62˚
56' W
Las Palmitas (no specific locality) [locality in two different
Las Palomitas (Orán) (not located)
Las Víboras (Anta) 25˚ 02' S, 64˚ 39' W
Lizoite (Santa Victoria) 22˚ 16' S, 65˚ 11' W
Los Andes reserve (no specific locality)
Los Blancos (Rivadavia) 23˚ 36' S, 62˚ 36' W
Los Colorados (Anta) 24˚ 37' S, 63˚ 20' W
Los Colorados, 33.2 km al N del cruce de ruta provincial 17 y
camino a Mina Tincalayu, 3912 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 51' S,
66˚ 56' W
Los Colorados, 33.9 km al N del cruce de ruta provincial 17 y
camino a Mina Tincalayu, 3828 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 50' S,
66˚ 56' W
Los Colorados, 56.9 km al N Mina Tincalayu, sobre ruta
provincial 17, 3917 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 52' S, 66˚ 56' W
Los Colorados, 17 km al E de Santo Domingo (Anta) 24˚ 37'
S, 63˚ 20' W
Los Madrejones (San Martín) 22˚ 18' S, 64˚ 09' W
Los Madrejones, Junta de los Ríos Tarija e Itaú (San Martín)
22˚ 18' S, 64˚ 09' W
Los Madrejones, Junta de los Ríos Tarija e Itaú, 1400 m (San
Martín) 22˚ 18' S, 64˚ 09' W
Los Madrejones, junta Río Tarija y Río Itaú (San Martín) 22˚
18' S, 64˚ 09' W
Los Madrejones, junta Río Tarija y Río Itaú, 1400 m (San
Martín) 22˚ 18' S, 64˚ 09' W
Los Madrejones, ríos Tarija e Itaú (San Martín) 22˚ 18' S, 64˚
09' W
Los Madrejones, Ríos Tarija e Itaú (San Martín) 22˚ 18' S,
64˚ 09' W
Los Médanos, Cafayate (Cafayate) 26˚ 05' S, 65˚ 58' W
Los Naranjos, Finca San Andrés (Orán) 27˚ 15' S, 65˚ 53' W
Los Noques, Finca Saladillo, 50 km NNE de la ciudad
(General Güemes) 24˚ 35' S, 65˚ 07' W
Los Toldos (Santa Victoria) 22˚ 16' S, 64˚ 44' W
Lumbrera (Metán) 25˚ 12' S, 64˚ 55' W
Lumbreras (Metán) 25˚ 12' S, 64˚ 55' W
Luna Muerta (San Martín) 23˚ 12' S, 63˚ 34' W
Luna Muerta, Hickman (San Martín) 23˚ 12' S, 63˚ 34' W
M. Solá (Rosario de Lerma) 24˚ 34' S, 65˚ 50' W
M. Solá, 2500 m (Rosario de Lerma) 24˚ 34' S, 65˚ 50' W
Macapilla (Anta) 25˚ 22' S, 64˚ 01' W
Macapillo (Anta) 25˚ 22' S, 64˚ 01' W
Macapillo, 500 m (Anta) 25˚ 22' S, 64˚ 01' W
“Madrejones” de la cuenca del viejo Río Bermejo (no specific
Manuel Elordi (Orán) 23˚ 16' S, 64˚ 08' W
Manuel Elordi, Río Bermejo, 500 m (Orán) 23˚ 16' S, 64˚ 08'
Manuel Elordi, Upper Vermejo (Orán) 23˚ 16' S, 64˚ 08' W
Manuel Elordi, Upper Vermejo, 500 m (Orán) 23˚ 16' S, 64˚
08' W
Manuel Elordi, Vermejo, 500 m (Orán) 23˚ 16' S, 64˚ 08' W
Metán (Metán) 25˚ 30' S, 64˚ 58' W
Metán, 850 m (Metán) 25˚ 30' S, 64˚ 58' W
Metán, a 10 km de la ciudad de, Ruta 34 (Metán) 25˚ 26' S,
64˚ 57' W
Metán, La Represa (Metán) 25˚ 30' S, 64˚ 40' W
Metán Viejo, 18 km al S, sobre ruta nacional 34 (Metán) 25˚
32' S, 64˚ 58' W
Mina La Casualidad (Los Andes) 25˚ 01' S, 68˚ 13' W
Mina La Casualidad, 0.5 al NO, camino a Salina de
Llullaillaco, 4041 m (Los Andes) 25˚ 01' S, 68˚ 13' W
Mina La Casualidad, 33.3 al NO, camino a Salina de
Llullaillaco, 3982 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 55' S, 68˚ 18' W
Mina La Casualidad, 50.8 al NO, camino a Salina de
Llullaillaco (Los Andes) 24˚ 49' S, 68˚ 20' W
Mina Pablo, Unchimé, 25 km E General Güemes, 1100 m
(General Güemes) 24˚ 35' S, 64˚ 55' W
Mina Tincalayu, 6.4 km al N, 4091 m (Los Andes) 25˚ 08' S,
67˚ 00' W
Mina Tincalayu, 6.9 km al N, 4005 m (Los Andes) 25˚ 08' S,
67˚ 00' W
Mina Tincalayu, 7.4 km al N, 4113 m (Los Andes) 25˚ 09' S,
67˚ 00' W
Mina Tincalayu, 8 km al N, 3969 m (Los Andes) 25˚ 12' S, 67˚
01' W
Mina Tincalayu, 56.4 km al NE, 3998 m (Los Andes) 25˚ 10'
S, 66˚ 45' W
Mina Tincalayu, 57 km al NE (Los Andes) 25˚ 11' S, 66˚ 45'
Mina Tincalayu, 62.9 km al N, sobre ruta provincial 17, 3680
m (Los Andes) 24˚ 48' S, 66˚ 56' W
Mina Tincalayu, 81.6 km al N, sobre ruta provincial 17, 3780
m (Los Andes) 24˚ 37' S, 66˚ 56' W
Mina Tincalayu, 85.4 km al N, sobre ruta provincial 17, 3695
m (Los Andes) 24˚ 35' S, 66˚ 57' W
Mina Tincalayu, 88.2 km al N, sobre ruta provincial 17, 3758
m (Los Andes) 24˚ 35' S, 66˚ 57' W
Mina Tincalayu, 94.2 km al N, sobre ruta provincial 17, 3740
m (Los Andes) 24˚ 32' S, 66˚ 58' W
Mina Tincalayu, cruce de ruta provincial 17 y camino a, 4.6
km al E, 4203 m (Los Andes) 25˚ 08' S, 67˚ 01' W
Mina Tincalayu, cruce de ruta provincial 17 y camino a, 9 km
al SE, 4143 m (Los Andes) 25˚ 10' S, 67˚ 00' W
Mina Tincalayu, cruce de ruta provincial 17 y camino a, 9.8
km al N, 4000 m (Los Andes) 25˚ 03' S, 67˚ 00' W
Mina Tincalayu, cruce de ruta provincial 17 y camino a, 16.8
km al N, 4150 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 59' S, 66˚ 59' W
Mina Tincalayu, cruce de ruta provincial 17 y camino a, 18.3
km al N, 4070 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 58' S, 66˚ 59' W
Mina Tincalayu, cruce de ruta provincial 17 y camino a, 26.4
km al N, 4012 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 54' S, 66˚ 57' W
Mina Tincalayu, cruce de ruta provincial 17 y camino a, 29.2
km al N, 3962 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 53' S, 66˚ 57' W
Mina Tincalayu, cruce de ruta provincial 17 y camino a, 29.6
km al N, 3916 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 53' S, 66˚ 57' W
Mina Tincalayu, cruce de ruta provincial 17 y camino a, 31
km al N, 3962 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 52' S, 66˚ 56' W
Mina Tincalayu, cruce ruta 53 y camino a, sobre ruta 53, 6.9
km N, 4005 m (Los Andes) 25˚ 04' S 67˚ 01' W
Molinos (Molinos) 25˚ 22' S, 66˚ 17' W
Murillo (not located)
Orán (Orán) 23˚ 08' S, 64˚ 20' W
Orán, 15 km S (Orán) 23˚ 17' S, 64˚ 14' W
Orán, 15 km S, along Río Santa María (Orán) 23˚ 17' S, 64˚
14' W
Orán, 15 km al S de, sobre Río Santa María (Orán) 23˚ 17' S,
64˚ 14' W
Orán, 15 km S, 15 km W (Orán) 23˚ 17' S, 64˚ 14' W
Orán, 15 km S, 15 km W, 362 m (Orán) 23˚ 17' S, 64˚ 14' W
Orán, 15 km S, 15 km W, along Río Santa María (Orán) 23˚
17' S, 64˚ 14' W
Orán, 20 km al NW (Orán) 22˚ 45' S, 64˚ 22' W
Orán, 20 km al NW de Agua Blanca (Orán) 22˚ 45' S, 64˚ 22'
Orán, 22 km SW, along Río Santa María (Orán) 23˚ 17' S, 64˚
14' W
Orán, 35 km E (San Martin) 23˚ 05' S, 64˚ 00' W
Orán, cerca de (Orán) 23˚ 08' S, 64˚ 20' W
Orán, near (Orán) 23˚ 08' S, 64˚ 20' W
Orán, Urundel, Arroyo del Diablo (Orán) 23˚ 33' S, 64˚ 25' W
Orán, zona de Gualliama (Orán) 23˚ 08' S, 64˚ 20' W
Osma, 5 km al S de, sobre ruta 68, 1090 m (La Viña) 25˚ 12'
S, 65˚ 30' W
Padre Lozano (San Martín) 23˚ 12' S, 63˚ 50' W
Palma Chueca, Rivadavia Banda Sur (Rivadavia) 24˚ 02' S,
63˚ 18' W
Palomitas (Orán) (not located)
Pampa Ciénaga, 25 km al S Abra de Singuel, 4021 m (Los
Andes) 24˚ 59' S, 66˚ 46' W
Pampa Grande (Guachipas) 25˚ 50' S, 65˚ 30' W
Pampa Grande, 7 km NNE, along Ruta Provincial 6, along
Río Cachi (Guachipas) 25˚ 48' S, 65˚ 28' W
Pampa Grande, 20 km S, along Hwy 9 (Guachipas) 25˚ 55' S,
65˚ 30' W
Parque Nacional Baritú (Santa Victoria e Iruya) (no specific
Parque Nacional Baritú, Angosto del Río Pescado (Santa
Victoria) 22˚ 33' S, 64˚ 32' W
Parque Nacional Baritú, Angosto Río Baritú, 1600 m (Santa
Victoria) 22˚ 29' S, 64˚ 51' W
Number 10 SALTA MAMMALS 49
Parque Nacional Baritú, Arroyo Santa Rosa (Santa Victoria)
22˚ 40' S, 64˚ 38' W
Parque Nacional Baritú, Arroyo Santelmita (Santa Victoria)
22˚ 32' S, 64˚ 37' W
Parque Nacional Baritú, Baritú, 1600 m (Santa Victoria) 22˚
29' S, 64˚ 51' W
Parque Nacional Baritú, Cerro Chaguar (Santa Victoria) 22˚
35' S, 64˚ 37' W
Parque Nacional Baritú, Cerro Chaguar (Sierra del Porongal
entre el Arroyo Santelmita y Arroyo Santa Rosa) (Santa
Victoria) 22˚ 35' S, 64˚ 37' W
Parque Nacional Baritú, desembocadura Arroyo Santelmita,
700 m (Santa Victoria) 22˚ 31' S, 64˚ 37' W
Parque Nacional Baritú, Finca Jakulica, Angosto del Río
Pescado, 650 m (Santa Victoria) 22˚ 33' S, 64˚ 32' W
Parque Nacional Baritú, Finca Jakulica, bosque de helechos
(Santa Victoria) 22˚ 33' S, 64˚ 32' W
Parque Nacional Baritú, Finca Jakulica, Los Helechos, 1200
m (Santa Victoria) 22˚ 33' S, 64˚ 32' W
Parque Nacional Baritú, Finca Lipeo, a 15 km de Las Juntas,
600 m (Santa Victoria) 22˚ 27' S, 64˚ 46' W
Parque Nacional Baritú, Finca Yakulica, Río Pescado, 650 m
(Santa Victoria) 22˚ 33' S, 64˚ 32' W
Parque Nacional Baritú, Las Juntas (unión del Río Lipeo y
Bermejo) (Santa Victoria) 22˚ 26' S, 64˚ 31' W
Parque Nacional Baritú, Naciente Arroyo Santa Rosa (Santa
Victoria) 22˚ 40' S, 64˚ 38' W
Parque Nacional Baritú, Naciente Arroyo Santelmita, 900 m
(Santa Victoria) 22˚ 33' S, 64˚ 37' W
Parque Nacional Baritú, Naciente del Arroyo Santa Rosa,
900 m (Santa Victoria) 22˚ 40' S, 64˚ 38' W
Parque Nacional Baritú, Río Lipeo (Santa Victoria) 22˚ 27' S,
64˚ 46' W
Parque Nacional Baritú, Serranía de Las Pavas, Finca
Jakulica (Santa Victoria) 22˚ 33' S, 64˚ 32' W
Parque Nacional Baritú, Serranía de Las Pavas, vecindades
de la Finca Jakulica, 1200 m (Santa Victoria) 22˚ 33' S, 64˚
32' W
Parque Nacional Baritú, Serranías de Las Pavas (Santa
Victoria) 22˚ 33' S, 64˚ 32' W
Parque Nacional El Rey (Anta) (no specific locality)
Parque Nacional El Rey, Arroyo de los Noquez (Anta) 24˚ 46'
S, 64˚ 32' W
Parque Nacional El Rey, Arroyo de Los Puestos (Anta) 24˚
47' S, 64˚ 32' W
Parque Nacional El Rey, Arroyo La Sala, Centro
Administrativo (Anta) 24˚ 42' S, 64˚ 38' W
Parque Nacional El Rey, Arroyo Santa Helena (Anta) 24˚ 42'
S, 64˚ 38' W
Parque Nacional El Rey, Camino Arroyo Verde, tercer vado
(Anta) 24˚ 42' S, 64˚ 38' W
Parque Nacional El Rey, Escuela (Anta) 24˚ 42' S, 64˚ 38' W
Parque Nacional El Rey, “escuela” (Anta) 24˚ 42' S, 64˚ 38' W
Parque Nacional El Rey, sendero de Los Ocultos (Anta) 24˚
42' S, 64˚ 38' W
Parque Nacional El Rey, sendero Las Chuñas (Anta) 24˚ 42'
S, 64˚ 38' W
Parque Nacional El Rey, sendero Santa Helena (Anta) 24˚
42' S, 64˚ 38' W
Paso de la Cruz (Anta) 25˚ 02' S, 64˚ 34' W
Paso Quintana, Rosario de la Frontera (Rosario de la
Frontera) 25˚ 45' S, 64˚ 57' W
Payogasta, 3200 m (Cachi) 25˚ 02' S, 66˚ 06' W
Pichanal (Orán) 23˚ 19' S, 64˚ 13' W
Pichanal, 50 km al E, orillas del Río Bermejo (Orán) 23˚ 16'
S, 63˚ 48' W
Piquirenda (San Martín) 22˚ 21' S, 63˚ 46' W
Piquirenda Viejo, 6 km al O (San Martín) 22˚ 21' S, 63˚ 50' W
Piquirenda Viejo, 6 km al oeste de, camino a Acambuco, 550
m (San Martín) 22˚ 21' S, 63˚ 50' W
Piquirenda Viejo, 6 km W (San Martín) 22˚ 21' S, 63˚ 50' W
Piquirenda Viejo, 6 km W de (San Martín) 22˚ 21' S, 63˚ 50'
Piquirenda Viejo, 6 km W of (San Martín) 22˚ 21' S, 63˚ 50'
Piquirenda Viejo, 8 km W (San Martín) 22˚ 21' S, 63˚ 50' W
Piquirenda Viejo, 11 km al O, camino a Acambuco, sobre
Ruta Nacional N˚ 34 (San Martín) 22˚ 21' S, 63˚ 50' W
Piquirenda Viejo, 12.6 km al W de, 775 m (San Martín) 22˚
20' S, 63˚ 50' W
Piquirenda Viejo, 30 km N Tartagal (San Martín) 22˚ 21' S,
63˚ 50' W
Piquirenda Viejo, 30 km N Tartagal, 600 m (San Martín) 22˚
21' S, 63˚ 50' W
Piquirenda Viejo, 30 km N Tartagal, 1000 m (San Martín) 22˚
21' S, 63˚ 50' W
Playa Ancha (San Martín) 22˚ 07' S, 63˚ 44' W
Pocoy, 4 km S (San Martín) 22˚ 45' S, 64˚ 00' W
Pocoy, about 4 km S (San Martín) 22˚ 45' S, 64˚ 00' W
Pocoy, approx. 4 km S (San Martín) 22˚ 45' S, 64˚ 00' W
Pocoy, approx. 4 km S, NE Salta (San Martín) 22˚ 45' S, 64˚
00' W
Potrerillos, 3.9 km N, along Ruta Provincial 6 (Candelaria)
26˚ 04' S, 65˚ 30' W
Potrerillos, 3.9 km N, sobre Ruta Provincial N˚ 6
(Candelaria) 26˚ 04' S, 65˚ 30' W
Pozo Hondo (Rivadavia) 23˚ 46' S, 63˚ 23' W
Puesto Arroyo Cabeza de Vaca, 30 km N Apolinario Saravia
(Anta) 24˚ 21' S, 64˚ 08' W
Puesto Campo Grande, 17 km al E de Santo Domingo (Anta)
24˚ 37' S, 63˚ 20' W
Puesto Campo Grande, 17 km al SE de Santo Domingo
(Anta) 24˚ 37' S, 63˚ 20' W
Puesto La Vertiente (Orán) 23˚ 07' S, 64˚ 29' W
Pulares, 5 km WSW (Chicoana) 25˚ 05' S, 65˚ 37' W
Quebrachal (Anta) 25˚ 17' S, 64˚ 04' W
Quebrada Acambuco, Dique Itiyuro, Sierras de Tartagal,
1500 m (San Martín) 22˚ 10' S, 63˚ 50' W
Quebrada Acambuco, 5 km W Dique Itiyuro (San Martín)
22˚ 10' S, 63˚ 50' W
Quebrada de Acambuco (San Martín) 22˚ 10' S, 63˚ 50' W
Quebrada de Acambuco, 5 km W Dique Itiyuro (San Martín)
22˚ 10' S, 63˚ 50' W
Quebrada de Acambuco, 5 km del Dique Itiyuro, Carapary
(San Martín) 22˚ 10' S, 63˚ 50' W
Quebrada de Acambuco, Carapary (San Martín) 22˚ 10' S,
63˚ 50' W
Quebrada de Escoipe, Cerro Candadito (Chicoana) 25˚ 08' S,
65˚ 38' W
Quebrada de Ocachi (Los Andes) 24˚ 38' S, 66˚ 30' W
Quebrada de Ocachi, Ruta 40, camino a La Poma, 4410 m
(Los Andes) 24˚ 23' S, 66˚ 14' W
Quebrada de San Lorenzo (Capital) 24˚ 44' S, 65˚ 30' W
Quebrada de San Lorenzo, 12 km NW Salta (Capital) 24˚ 44'
S, 65˚ 30' W
Quebrada de Tartagal, Finca Abra Grande (San Martín) 22˚
40' S, 63˚ 41' W
Quebrada de Toro, app. 20 km al NO de Campo Quijano,
sobre Ruta Nacional N˚ 51 (Rosario de Lerma) 24˚ 48' S,
65˚ 43' W
Rearte Norte (Rosario de la Frontera) 25˚ 45' S, 64˚ 57' W
Rearte Norte, Rosario de la Frontera (Rosario de la
Frontera) 25˚ 45' S, 64˚ 57' W
Reserva Los Andes (Los Andes) (no specific locality)
Río Antuco, proximidades del, 4134 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 10' S,
66˚ 38' W
Río Bermejo (no specific locality)
Río Bermejo, al S del, en el extremo S y O de esa zona (no
specific locality)
Río Blanco (Los Andes) 24˚ 12' S, 66˚ 37' W
Río Blanco (Orán) 23˚ 17' S, 64˚ 56' W
Río Blanco (Rosario de Lerma) 24˚ 55' S, 65˚ 57' W
Río Blanco, 35 km SW Salta (Rosario de Lerma) 24˚ 55' S,
65˚ 57' W
Río Cachi (Cachi) 25˚ 06' S, 66˚ 11' W
Río Cachi, Upper (Cachi) 25˚ 06' S, 66˚ 11' W
Río Caraparí (San Martín) 22˚ 12' S, 63˚ 38' W
Río Colorado (Orán) 23˚ 20' S, 64˚ 14' W
Río Colorado, 650 m (Orán) 23˚ 20' S, 64˚ 14' W
Río Colorado, Paso Hondo (Orán) 23˚ 20' S, 64˚ 14' W
Río de las Conchas, 2 km al N y 6 km al O de Metán (Metán)
25˚ 28' S, 65˚ 01' W
Río de las Conchas, 2 km al N y 6 km al W de Metán, 1027 m
(Metán) 25˚ 28' S, 65˚ 01' W
Río del Valle (Anta) 24˚ 38' S, 64˚ 15' W
Río El Guanaco, sobre ruta provincial 5, a 32 km NE de La
Lumbrera (Anta) 24˚ 50' S, 64˚ 40'
Río El Naranjo, 14 km W de Ruta provincial 5 (Anta) 24˚ 58'
S, 64˚ 38' W
Río Guanaco, 32 km al NE de Lumbrera (Anta) 24˚ 50' S, 64˚
40' W
Río Guanaco, 32 km al NE de La Lumbrera, sobre Ruta
Provincial N˚ 5 (Anta) 24˚ 50' S, 64˚ 40' W
Río Itaú (no specific locality)
Río Juramento (Metán) (no specific locality)
Río Juramento, Metán (Metán) (no specific locality)
Río Mojotoro, 5 km N Salta (Capital) 24˚ 44' S, 65˚ 17' W
Río Mojotoro, puente del Ferrocarril Belgrano (General
Güemes) 24˚ 40' S, 65˚ 03' W
Río Ocachi, 39.7 km al SE de Ruta 40, camino a La Poma,
4410 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 40' S, 66˚ 29' W
Río Pescado (Orán) 22˚ 53' S, 64˚ 27' W
Río Pescado, Angosto, Agua Blanca (Iruya-Santa Victoria)
22˚ 42' S, 64˚ 41' W
Río Pescado, Finca YPF (Iruya-Santa Victoria) 22˚ 42' S, 64˚
41' W
Río Pescado Angosto, Agua Blanca (Iruya-Santa Victoria) 22˚
42' S, 64˚ 41' W
Río Pescado Chico (Orán) 22˚ 33' S, 64˚ 32' W
Río Pescado (YPF), aproximadamente 24 km de Agua Blanca
(Iruya-Santa Victoria) 22˚ 42' S, 64˚ 41' W
Río Piedras (Metán) 25˚ 18' S, 64˚ 54' W
Río Piedras, 600 m (Metán) 25˚ 18' S, 64˚ 54' W
Río Pilcomayo (no specific locality)
Río Saladillo (General Güemes) 24˚ 36' S, 65˚ 04' W
Río Santa María (Orán) 23˚ 17' S, 64˚ 14' W
Río Santa María (upper course) (Orán) 23˚ 17' S, 64˚ 14' W
Río Santa María, 1 km W, along Hwy 68 (Cafayate) 26˚ 04' S,
65˚ 50' W
Río Santa María, Orán (Orán) 23˚ 17' S, 64˚ 14' W
Río Seco, sobre el, app. 20 km al E de Río Seco (San Martín)
22˚ 52' S, 64˚ 10' W
Río Tarija (no specific locality)
Río Tarija near the confluence of the ríos Tarija and
Pilcomayo [= Bermejo] (Orán) 22˚ 51' S, 64˚ 20' W
Ríos Tarija and Bermejo, near the confluence of the (Orán)
22˚ 51' S, 64˚ 20' W
Ríos Tarija e Itaú (San Martín) 22˚ 18' S, 64˚ 09' W
Ríos Teuco y Bermejo (no specific locality)
Rivadavia (Rivadavia) 24˚ 11' S, 62˚ 53' W
Rivadavia Banda Sur (no specific locality)
River Pilcomayo, along the (no specific locality)
Rosario de la Frontera (Rosario de la Frontera) 25˚ 48' S, 64˚
57' W
Rosario de la Frontera, 14 km al S, sobre ruta nacional 9, 959
m (Rosario de la Frontera) 25˚ 48' S, 64˚ 57' W
Rosario de la Frontera, 15 km E (Rosario de la Frontera) 25˚
50' S, 64˚ 50' W
Rosario de la Frontera, 15 km al E (Rosario de la Frontera)
25˚ 50' S, 64˚ 50' W
Rosario de Lerma (Rosario de Lerma) 24˚ 59' S, 65˚ 35' W
Rosario de Lerma, 25 km SSW Salta (Rosario de Lerma) 24˚
55' S, 65˚ 57' W
Rosario de Lerma, 35 km SW Salta, 1600 m (Rosario de
Lerma) 24˚ 55' S, 65˚ 57' W
Rosario de Lerma, Escuela Gurruchaga (Rosario de Lerma)
24˚ 59' S, 65˚ 35' W
Ruiz de los Llanos (Candelaria) 26˚ 07' S, 65˚ 17' W
Ruta 9 km 1464 (Capital) 24˚ 47' S, 65˚ 25' W
Salar Centenario, 89 km al S Santa Rosa de los Pastos
Grandes, camino a Abra de Singuel, 3839 m (Los Andes)
24˚ 49' S, 66˚ 44' W
Salar Centenario, 92 km al S Santa Rosa de los Pastos
Grandes, camino a Abra de Singuel, 3849 m (Los Andes)
24˚ 50' S, 66˚ 45' W
Salar de Antofalla, Los Andes (Los Andes) 25˚ 15' S, 67˚ 29'
Salar del Hombre Muerto, 48 km al N Mina Tincalayu, 4022
m (Los Andes) 24˚ 56' S, 66˚ 58' W
Salar Diablillos (Los Andes) 25˚ 13' S, 66˚ 44' W
Salar Diablillos, 59 km al NE Mina Tincalayu (Los Andes)
25˚ 11' S, 66˚ 45' W
Salar Diablillos, 60.1 km al NE Mina Tincalayu (Los Andes)
25˚ 12' S, 66˚ 45' W
Salar Diablillos, 61.5 km al NE Mina Tincalayu, 3949 m (Los
Andes) 25˚ 12' S, 66˚ 44' W
Salar Pastos Grandes, 7.1 km al SW y 21 km al W, Ruta 129,
3972 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 29' S, 66˚ 44' W
Salar Pocitos, SO de (Los Andes) 24˚ 33' S, 67˚ 04' W
Salar Pocitos, 1 km al N (Los Andes) 24˚ 23' S, 66˚ 59' W
Salar Pocitos, 10.7 km al N, sobre ruta 51, 4005 m (Los
Andes) 24˚ 07' S, 66˚ 51' W
Salar Pocitos, 57 km al SO (Los Andes) 24˚ 38' S, 67˚ 18' W
Salar Tolar Grande (Los Andes) 24˚ 41' S, 67˚ 19' W
Salta (Capital) 24˚ 47' S, 65˚ 24' W
“Salta” (no specific locality)
Salta, 12 km NW (Capital) 24˚ 44' S, 65˚ 30' W
Salta, 17 km al E de, sobre ruta 9, km 1582 (Capital) 24˚ 47'
S, 65˚ 25' W
Salta, 22 km al E de, Ruta 34 (Capital) 24˚ 47' S, 65˚ 25' W
Salta, 30 km NE (General Güemes) 24˚ 42' S, 65˚ 06' W
Salta, 35 km SW, Río Blanco, 1600 m (Rosario de Lerma) 24˚
55' S, 65˚ 57' W
Salta, Capital (Capital) 24˚ 47' S, 65˚ 24' W
Salta, casa habitada (Capital) 24˚ 47' S, 65˚ 24' W
Salta, ciudad (Capital) 24˚ 47' S, 65˚ 24' W
Salta, Parque San Martín (Capital) 24˚ 47' S, 65˚ 24' W
Salta city (Capital) 24˚ 47' S, 65˚ 24' W
Salta Province (no specific locality)
San Agustín (Cerrillos) 24˚ 59' S, 65˚ 25' W
San Andrés, 1800 m (Orán) 23˚ 04' S, 64˚ 55' W
San Antonio (Candelaria) 25˚ 55' S, 65˚ 27' W
Number 10 SALTA MAMMALS 51
San Antonio, Candelaria (Candelaria) 25˚ 55' S, 65˚ 27' W
San Antonio (Los Andes) 24˚ 11' S, 66˚ 21' W
San Antonio, Los Andes, 3700 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 11' S, 66˚
21' W
San Antonio de Los Cobres (Los Andes) 24˚ 11' S, 66˚ 21' W
San Antonio de Los Cobres, 3650 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 11' S,
66˚ 21' W
San Antonio de Los Cobres, 3700 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 11' S,
66˚ 21' W
San Antonio de Los Cobres, near (Los Andes) 24˚ 11' S, 66˚
21' W
San Antonio de Los Cobres, near, 4000 m (Los Andes) 24˚
11' S, 66˚ 21' W
San Antonio de los Cobres, 10 km al SO de, sobre Ruta
Provincial N˚ 51 (Los Andes) 24˚ 15' S, 66˚ 23' W
San Francisco (Capital) 24˚ 57' S, 65˚ 16' W
San Javier, area, Pozo Largo, 19 km al E de Joaquín V.
González (Anta) 25˚ 00' S, 64˚ 01' W
San Lorenzo (Capital) 24˚ 43' S, 65˚ 29' W
San Lorenzo, 1200 m (Capital) 24˚ 43' S, 65˚ 29' W
San Lorenzo, tobogán de la ruta de entrada a (Capital) 24˚
45' S, 65˚ 28' W
San Martín del Tabacal (Orán) 23˚ 16' S, 64˚ 15' W
San Ramón de la Nueva Orán (Orán) 23˚ 08' S, 64˚ 20' W
Santa Bárbara (Guachipas) 25˚ 56' S, 65˚ 45' W
Santa María (no specific locality)
Santa María (Orán) 23˚ 17' S, 64˚ 14' W
Santa María, 1 km W (Rivadavia) 22˚ 08' S, 62˚ 49' W
Santa María, 2 km W (Rivadavia) 22˚ 08' S, 62˚ 49' W
Santa María, 5 km SE (Rivadavia) 22˚ 08' S, 62˚ 49' W
Santa María, 5 km W (Rivadavia) 22˚ 08' S, 62˚ 49' W
Santa María, extreme NE Salta (Rivadavia) 22˚ 08' S, 62˚ 49'
Santa María, Orán (Orán) 23˚ 17' S, 64˚ 14' W
Santa María, Río Pilcomayo (Rivadavia) 22˚ 08' S, 62˚ 49' W
Santa María, sobre Río Santa María (Orán) 23˚ 17' S, 64˚ 14'
Santa María E (Rivadavia) 22˚ 08' S, 62˚ 49' W
Santa María E, 1 km W (Rivadavia) 22˚ 08' S, 62˚ 49' W
Santa María E, 5 km SE (Rivadavia) 22˚ 08' S, 62˚ 49' W
Santa María E, 5 km W (Rivadavia) 22˚ 08' S, 62˚ 49' W
Santa María E, 120 km E Aguaray (Rivadavia) 22˚ 08' S, 62˚
49' W
Santa María W (Orán) 23˚ 17' S, 64˚ 14' W
Santa Rosa (Rivadavia) 24˚ 16' S, 62˚ 44' W
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes (Los Andes) 24˚ 29' S, 66˚
48' W
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 4315 m (Los Andes) 24˚
29' S, 66˚ 48' W
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 1 km al S, 3946 m (Los
Andes) 24˚ 29' S, 66˚ 48' W
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 23.1 km al SE, 3866 m
(Los Andes) 24˚ 38' S, 66˚ 36' W
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 25.6 km al SE, 3876 m
(Los Andes) 24˚ 37' S, 66˚ 34' W
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 27.1 km al SE, 3895 m
(Los Andes) 24˚ 37' S, 66˚ 34' W
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 28 km al S, 3949 m (Los
Andes) 24˚ 40' S, 66˚ 40' W
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 28.5 km al SE, 4075 m
(Los Andes) 24˚ 37' S, 66˚ 33' W
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 29 km al SE, 4075 m (Los
Andes) 24˚ 37' S, 66˚ 33' W
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 30.4 km al SE, 4095 m
(Los Andes) 24˚ 38' S, 66˚ 32' W
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 37.9 km al S, 4015 m (Los
Andes) 24˚ 43' S, 66˚ 44' W
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 39.4 km al SE, 4203 m
(Los Andes) 24˚ 40' S, 66˚ 29' W
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 40.1 km al S, 3815 m (Los
Andes) 24˚ 44' S, 66˚ 44' W
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 43.2 km al S, 3999 m (Los
Andes) 24˚ 46' S, 66˚ 44' W
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 45.6 km al S, 3977 m (Los
Andes) 24˚ 47' S, 66˚ 45' W
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 48.1 km al SE, 4150 m
(Los Andes) 24˚ 38' S, 66˚ 31' W
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 55.4 km al S, 3885 m (Los
Andes) 24˚ 52' S, 66˚ 45' W
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 56.3 km al SE, 3875 m
(Los Andes) 24˚ 38' S, 66˚ 35' W
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 64.2 km al S, 3827 m (Los
Andes) 24˚ 40' S, 66˚ 37' W
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 68.9 km al S, 4136 m (Los
Andes) 24˚ 59' S, 66˚ 46' W
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 69.9 km al S (Los Andes)
24˚ 59' S, 66˚ 46' W
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 69.9 km al S, 3933 m (Los
Andes) 24˚ 43' S, 66˚ 38' W
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 76.5 km al S, 3865 m (Los
Andes) 25˚ 02' S, 66˚ 47' W
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 78.3 km al S, 3832 m (Los
Andes) 25˚ 03' S, 66˚ 47' W
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 80 km al S, 3787 m (Los
Andes) 25˚ 04' S, 66˚ 47' W
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 83.2 km al S, 3912 m (Los
Andes) 25˚ 06' S, 66˚ 48' W
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 90.1 km al SO, 3927 m
(Los Andes) 25˚ 08' S, 66˚ 51' W
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 91.8 km al SO, 3991 m
(Los Andes) 25˚ 09' S, 66˚ 52' W
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 93.3 km al SO, 3988 m
(Los Andes) 25˚ 09' S, 66˚ 53' W
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 95.6 km al S, 4093 m (Los
Andes) 25˚ 10' S, 66˚ 54' W
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 98 km al SO, 4114 m (Los
Andes) 25˚ 11' S, 66˚ 55' W
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 98.9 km al SO, 4000 m
(Los Andes) 25˚ 11' S, 66˚ 56' W
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 100 km al SO, 3957 m
(Los Andes) 25˚ 11' S, 66˚ 56' W
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 79 km al S, camino a Abra
de Singuel, 3874 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 45' S, 66˚ 38' W
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 83.5 km al S, camino a
Abra de Singuel, 3872 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 47' S, 66˚ 41' W
Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes, 87 km al S, camino a Abra
de Singuel, 3919 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 49' S, 66˚ 42' W
Santa Victoria (no specific locality)
Santa Victoria, 4 km NE (Rivadavia) 22˚ 16' S, 62˚ 42' W
Santa Victoria, 5 km SW (Rivadavia) 22˚ 18' S, 62˚ 47' W
Santa Victoria, 6 km SW (Rivadavia) 22˚ 18' S, 62˚ 47' W
Santa Victoria, 5 or 6 km SW, at “El Breal” (extreme NE
Salta) (Rivadavia) 22˚ 18' S, 62˚ 47' W
Santa Victoria, 6 km SW, at “El Breal” (Rivadavia) 22˚ 18' S,
62˚ 47' W
Santa Victoria, 6 km SW, at “El Breal” (extreme NE Salta)
(Rivadavia) 22˚ 18' S, 62˚ 47' W
Santa Victoria, 6 km SW, at El Breal, extreme NE Salta Prov.
(Rivadavia) 22˚ 18' S, 62˚ 47' W
Santa Victoria, 6 km SW, at “El Breal,” extreme NE Salta
Province (Rivadavia) 22˚ 18' S, 62˚ 47' W
Santa Victoria, 20 km al E (no specific locality)
Santa Victoria, near, extreme NE Salta (Rivadavia) 22˚ 16' S,
62˚ 42' W
Santa Victoria E (Rivadavia) 22˚ 16' S, 62˚ 42' W
Santa Victoria E, 4 km NE (Rivadavia) 22˚ 16' S, 62˚ 42' W
Santa Victoria E, 5 or 6 km SW, at “El Breal” (Rivadavia) 22˚
18' S, 62˚ 47' W
Santa Victoria E, 6 km SW, at “El Breal” (Rivadavia) 22˚ 18'
S, 62˚ 47' W
Santa Victoria Este (Rivadavia) 22˚ 16' S, 62˚ 42' W
Santa Victoria O (Santa Victoria) 22˚ 15' S, 64˚ 58' W
Santa Victoria Oeste, 2200 m (Santa Victoria) 22˚ 15' S, 64˚
58' W
Santa Victoria W (Santa Victoria) 22˚ 15' S, 64˚ 58' W
Santa Victoria W, 15 km SSW, 2000 m (Santa Victoria) 22˚ 15'
S, 65˚ 02' W
Seclantás (Molinos) 25˚ 17' S, 66˚ 16' W
Serranía de las Pavas (Orán) 22˚ 33' S, 64˚ 32' W
Serranía de Las Pavas, 3 km antes de Finca El Arrazayal
(Orán) 22˚ 33' S, 64˚ 32' W
Serranía de Las Pavas, Angosto del Pescado (Orán) 22˚ 33' S,
64˚ 32' W
Serranía de las Pavas, límite sur del Parque Nacional Baritú
(Orán) 22˚ 33' S, 64˚ 32' W
Serranías de Las Pavas, Angosto del Pescado (Orán) 22˚ 33'
S, 64˚ 32' W
Serranías de Las Pavas, El Arrazayal (Orán) 22˚ 33' S, 64˚ 32'
Sierras de Metán (no specific locality)
Socompa (Los Andes) 24˚ 33' S, 68˚ 11' W
Socompa, 36 km al SE, sobre ruta 163, 4231 m (Los Andes)
24˚ 40' S, 68˚ 09' W
Socompa, 46 km al SE, sobre ruta 163, 4366 m (Los Andes)
24˚ 44' S, 68˚ 05' W
Socompa, 63.3 km al SE, sobre ruta 163, 3700 m (Los Andes)
24˚ 44' S, 68˚ 01' W
Socompa, 67 km al SE, sobre ruta 163, 3778 m (Los Andes)
24˚ 42' S, 67˚ 59' W
Suripujio, 20.9 km al SE de, sobre Ruta Provincial N˚ 7
(Santa Victoria) 22˚ 12' S, 65˚ 12' W
Tabacal (Orán) 23˚ 16' S, 64˚ 15' W
Tartagal (San Martín) 22˚ 32' S, 63˚ 49' W
Tartagal, 600 m (San Martín) 22˚ 32' S, 63˚ 49' W
Tartagal, 27 km E (San Martín) 22˚ 24' S, 63˚ 29' W
Tartagal, 27 km E, along Tonono Rd. (San Martín) 22˚ 24' S,
63˚ 29' W
Tartagal, 30 km N (San Martín) 22˚ 21' S, 63˚ 50' W
Tartagal, Laguna de las Catas (San Martín) 22˚ 16' S, 63˚ 52'
Tartagal, SW of Tonono, Río Itiyuro [= Río Tartagal] (San
Martín) 22˚ 32' S, 63˚ 49' W
Termas de Rosario de la Frontera (Rosario de la Frontera)
25˚ 48' S, 64˚ 58' W
Tolar Grande, 3525 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 35' S, 67˚ 22' W
Tolar Grande, 88.8 km al SO, sobre ruta provincial 27, 3862
m (Los Andes) 24˚ 49' S, 68˚ 04' W
Tolar Grande, 96.4 km al SO, sobre ruta provincial 27, 4089
m (Los Andes) 24˚ 53' S, 68˚ 04' W
Tolar Grande, 97 km al SO, sobre ruta provincial 27, 4114 m
(Los Andes) 24˚ 53' S, 68˚ 04' W
Tolar Grande, 98.4 km al SO, sobre ruta provincial 27, 4223
m (Los Andes) 24˚ 55' S, 68˚ 04' W
Tolar Grande, 105.7 km al SO, sobre ruta provincial 27, 4240
m (Los Andes) 24˚ 56' S, 68˚ 06' W
Tolar Grande, 106.9 km al SO, sobre ruta provincial 27, 4246
m (Los Andes) 24˚ 56' S, 68˚ 06' W
Tolloche, 5 km S of, on La Viñita Rd. (Anta) 25˚ 30' S, 63˚ 32'
Tolloche, 5 km S of, on Vinalito Rd. (Anta) 25˚ 30' S, 63˚ 32'
Tolombón, 4 km S, along Hwy 40 (Cafayate) 26˚ 15' S, 65˚ 55'
Toma de Los Laureles, 6 km SSW Chicoana, 1400 m
(Chicoana) 25˚ 08' S, 65˚ 35' W
Tonono, 1 km E sobre Río Itiyuro (San Martín) 22˚ 24' S, 63˚
29' W
Tonono, Río Itiyuro (San Martín) 22˚ 24' S, 63˚ 29' W
Tres Cerritos, 86.4 km al N Mina Tincalayu, sobre ruta
provincial 17, 3733 m (Los Andes) 24˚ 36' S, 66˚ 56' W
Tucumán, 90 km NNW of (Candelaria) 26˚ 04' S, 65˚ 22' W
Unchimé (General Güemes) 24˚ 35' S, 64˚ 55' W
Unión de los ríos Tarija e Itaú (San Martín) 22˚ 18' S, 64˚ 09'
Urundel (Orán) 23˚ 33' S, 64˚ 25' W
Urundel, Arroyo del Diablo (Orán) 23˚ 33' S, 64˚ 25' W
Vado de Arrazayal (Orán) 22˚ 33' S, 64˚ 32' W
Vado de Arrazayal, 18 km al N de Aguas Blancas (Orán) 22˚
33' S, 64˚ 32' W
Vado de Arrazayal, 20 km NW Aguas Blancas (Orán) 22˚ 33'
S, 64˚ 32' W
Vado de Arrazayal, 20 km al NO de Aguas Blancas (Orán) 22˚
33' S, 64˚ 32' W
Vado de Arrazayal, Aguas Blancas (Orán) 22˚ 33' S, 64˚ 32' W
Valle de Lerma, 1200 m (Rosario de Lerma) (no specific
Valle de Lizoite (Santa Victoria) 22˚ 16' S, 65˚ 11' W
Valle Encantado, 3500 m (Cachi) 25˚ 10' S, 65˚ 51' W
Valle Encantado, C. del Obispo (Cachi) 25˚ 10' S, 65˚ 51' W
Valle Río Santa María (Orán) 23˚ 17' S, 64˚ 14' W
Valle Río Santa María, Orán (=Río Santa María) (Orán) 23˚
17' S, 64˚ 14' W
Vega Cortadera, 1 km al W de ruta 53, 3910 m (Los Andes)
25˚ 07' S, 67˚ 02' W
Vespucio (San Martín) 22˚ 37' S, 63˚ 49' W
Viña (La Viña) 25˚ 27' S, 65˚ 35' W
Yacimiento Tonono (San Martín) 22˚ 29' S, 63˚ 19' W
Yacimiento Tonono (Tonono 2), E Tartagal (San Martín) 22˚
29' S, 63˚ 19' W
Yacones (La Caldera) 24˚ 37' S, 65˚ 28' W
Yuchán (Orán) 23˚ 28' S, 64˚ 07' W
Zuviría (Chicoana) 25˚ 05' S, 65˚ 29' W
... Other small terrestrial mammals registered at the type locality of M. shiptoni and their surroundings include Abrothrix andina, Akodon spegazzinii, Calomys lepidus, Ctenomys opimus, Eligmodontia bolsonensis, Eligmodontia moreni, and Phyllotis vaccarum (Jayat et al. 2010(Jayat et al. , 2011(Jayat et al. , 2021Mares et al. 1997Mares et al. , 2008Sandoval 2012). In the area of Chorrillos other species registered alongside M. shiptoni include Abrocoma cinerea, Akodon albiventer, C. opimus, Eligmodontia puerulus, Galea comes, Octodontomys gliroides, and P. vaccarum (Díaz et al. 2000, Jayat et al. 2010Sandoval 2012). ...
... However, our examination of this specimen indicates that this individual corresponds to G. comes (see also Teta et al. 2019). Díaz et al. (2000) also referred M. australis for "10 km SW of San Antonio de los Cobres on National Route 51", but the only individual at CML from that locality was reidentified as M. shiptoni by Sandoval (2012). Similarly, Ojeda and Mares (1989) referred M. a. maenas for Dragones and El Quebrachal, both at eastern Salta province in lowland Chacoan environments, based on some specimens housed at the MACN (no collection numbers were provided); however, our inspection of all MACN specimens from these two localities allow us to identify only one species of cavy corresponding to Galea leucoblephara. ...
... Similarly, Ojeda and Mares (1989) referred M. a. maenas for Dragones and El Quebrachal, both at eastern Salta province in lowland Chacoan environments, based on some specimens housed at the MACN (no collection numbers were provided); however, our inspection of all MACN specimens from these two localities allow us to identify only one species of cavy corresponding to Galea leucoblephara. Therefore, here we preliminary exclude M. maenas from the fauna of Jujuy province and the eastern portion of Salta, referring the northernmost limit for M. maenas to the vicinity of the town of Cachi, in the western portion of Salta (Díaz et al. 2000;Ojeda and Mares 1989). ...
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The genus Microcavia includes six species of terrestrial, medium-sized, living cavies that occupy arid to semiarid environments at both high and low elevations in western and southern South America. Among these, Microcavia shiptoni is one of the least known species, being recorded only at two isolated localities from northwestern Argentina. Genetic information and a detailed morphological characterization are lacking for this elusive species. In this work, we start filling these gaps by including M. shiptoni in a phylogenetic analysis based on mitochondrial DNA sequences that includes five of the six currently recognized species and place M. shiptoni as sister to M. niata in a clade of highland species. In addition, using both qualitative and quantitative morphological traits, we provided an emended diagnosis for this taxon and a key for the living species of the genus. Finally, we present, the first notes on the natural history of this species.
... However, its natural vegetation has been so strongly affected that, at present, it is highly fragmented due mainly to agricultural development (Boletta et al. 2006;Hoyos et al. 2012). The mammals of the province were extensively studied (Mares et al. 1981Ojeda and Mares 1989;Díaz et al. 2000) reflecting that it was magellanicus as subspecies of H. montanus. Five species are distributed in Argentina (Barquez et al. 1999, Barquez and Díaz 2009, and four of them, Histiotus laephotis, H. macrotus, H. montanus, and H. velatus, are present in the northwest (Barquez 2006;Barquez and Díaz 2009). ...
... South America containing eight species: H. alienus (Thomas, 1916); H. diaphanopterus Feijó et al., 2015; H. humboldti Handley, 1996; H. laephotis Thomas, 1916; H. macrotus (Poeppig, 1835); H. magellanicus (Philippi, 1866); H. montanus (Philippi and Landbeck, 1861); and H. velatus (Geoffroy St.-Hilaire, 1824) (Simmons 2005;Barquez 2006;Feijó et al. 2015;Díaz et al. 2016Díaz et al. , 2019. It is important to mention that Handley and Gardner (2008) ...
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We present here the first record of Histiotus velatus I. Geoffroy St.-Hilaire, 1824 for the province of Salta, Argentina. Until now, in Argentina, this species was only known from Jujuy, Corrientes, and Misiones provinces. Our record adds a fourth province to the distribution of this species in the country and the second record for the Northwestern Argentina, rising to 39 the number of bat species in Salta. We captured three adult males with mist-nets placed in Parque Nacional El Rey. This site represents one of the last largest continuous blocks of protected forests, within a region affected by the greatest anthropic transformation (e.g. agricultural development, cattle grazing) of northwestern Argentina.
... However, its natural vegetation has been so strongly affected that, at present, it is highly fragmented due mainly to agricultural development (Boletta et al. 2006;Hoyos et al. 2012). The mammals of the province were extensively studied (Mares et al. 1981Ojeda and Mares 1989;Díaz et al. 2000) reflecting that it was magellanicus as subspecies of H. montanus. Five species are distributed in Argentina (Barquez et al. 1999, Barquez and Díaz 2009, and four of them, Histiotus laephotis, H. macrotus, H. montanus, and H. velatus, are present in the northwest (Barquez 2006;Barquez and Díaz 2009). ...
... South America containing eight species: H. alienus (Thomas, 1916); H. diaphanopterus Feijó et al., 2015; H. humboldti Handley, 1996; H. laephotis Thomas, 1916; H. macrotus (Poeppig, 1835); H. magellanicus (Philippi, 1866); H. montanus (Philippi and Landbeck, 1861); and H. velatus (Geoffroy St.-Hilaire, 1824) (Simmons 2005;Barquez 2006;Feijó et al. 2015;Díaz et al. 2016Díaz et al. , 2019. It is important to mention that Handley and Gardner (2008) ...
Full-text available
We present here the first record of Histiotus velatus I. Geoffroy St.-Hilaire, 1824 for the province of Salta, Argentina. Until now, in Argentina, this species was only known from Jujuy, Corrientes, and Misiones provinces. Our record adds a fourth province to the distribution of this species in the country and the second record for the Northwestern Argentina, rising to 39 the number of bat species in Salta. We captured three adult males with mist-nets placed in Parque Nacional El Rey. This site represents one of the last largest continuous blocks of protected forests, within a region affected by the greatest anthropic transformation (e.g. agricultural development, cattle grazing) of northwestern Argentina.
... Las Yungas del noroeste argentino (NOA) albergan una de las mastofaunas más diversas y mejor caracterizadas de nuestro país (p.e., Olrog, 1979;Mares et al., 1981Mares et al., , 1996Heinonen y Bosso, 1994, Jayat et al., 1999, 2009Díaz et al., 2000;Gil y Heinonen, 2003;Díaz y Barquez, 2007; Jayat y Ortiz, 2010). A pesar de estos estudios, la lista de taxones aun de presencia dudosa o probable es numerosa, y la confirmación de nuevas especies es frecuente (Jayat et al., 2009). ...
... La más notable de estas, sin duda, es el reporte del ucumar, oso de anteojos u oso andino (Tremarctos ornatus) en Salta y Jujuy según las publicaciones de Del Moral y Bracho (2005, 2009), Del Moral (2008 a, b) y Del Moral y Lameda (2011). Trabajos anteriores y contemporáneos a estos han considerado como probable la presencia de esta especie en Argentina (p.e., Mares et al., 1989;Díaz et al., 2000;Jayat et al., 2009), principalmente por la cercanía de registros en áreas vecinas de Bolivia (p.e., a 5-10 km de la frontera en Vargas y Azurduy, 2006), pero la falta de evidencia sólida ha impedido su inclusión en listas formales de la mastofauna nacional (e. g. Barquez et al., 2006;Díaz y Barquez, 2007;Chebez, 2009). ...
... However, no additional specimens of Euneomys has been collected at such latitude (i.e., ca. −25°) during the 120 years followed the description of fossor (see for example Díaz et al. 2000). That area in the province of Salta is more than 750 km N from the nearest documented record of Euneomys. ...
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The genus Euneomys is mostly distributed in the open environments of the central and southern Andes, adjacent Patagonian steppes of Argentina and Chile, and in several islands of the Tierra del Fuego Archipelago. This genus includes three living species: Euneomys chinchilloides, Euneomys fossor, and Euneomys mordax. Euneomys fossor is a poorly known species, with an uncertain geographic provenance and known from a single specimen, whose distinction from the other species of the genus has not been accurately assessed. Here, using qualitative and quantitative morphological evidence, plus published information about karyotypes and genetic variation, we evaluate the taxonomic status of E. fossor and E. noei, a nominal form usually considered a synonym of E. mordax. Based on multivariate analysis of cranial measurements and morphological discrete traits, we recognize two main morphotypes within Euneomys, one referable to E. chinchilloides (with dabbenei, petersoni, and ultimus as synonyms), and another including E. fossor, E. mordax, and E. noei. The recognition of two major groups within Euneomys is also supported by molecular and chromosomal data. By the principle of the priority, the names of E. chinchilloides and E. fossor applies for each one of these morphotypes. In addition, after discussing the pros and cons of replacing the name mordax by fossor, we emended the type localities of both forms.
... Formosa, Chaco, Corrientes, Santa Fe, Entre Ríos and Buenos Aires provinces. It became extinct in historical times from the provinces of Salta, Jujuy and Misiones (Díaz et al. 2000;Massoia et al. 2006). ...
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Argentina has an extensive and diverse terrain classified into 11 ecoregions. Seven of these ecoregions, occupying the north and north-central parts of the country, house the 11 tropical ungulate species found here. The ecoregions are lowland and subtropical, some beginning in the tropics, some extending to temperate climates. The principal topographical characteristics, hydrology, climate, vegetation and fauna are described for these seven ecoregions. Each of the 11 species is then treated in detail with respect to its ecology and conservation. Emphasis is placed on distribution, habitat and density, feeding ecology, threats and conservation in Argentina, based on the most recent studies. Data on reproductive biology and behaviour are included where information is relatively recent and unlikely to be covered elsewhere. The species include the following: the Brazilian tapir (Tapirus terrestris), found in northern subtropical ecoregions, three species of peccary (Tayassu pecari, Pecari tajacu and Parachoerus wagneri) from northern subtropical and drier regions, of which the Chacoan peccary (P. wagneri) is endemic while the other two species have more extensive distributions. The guanaco (Lama guanicoe) occurs only in relict populations in the ecoregions considered. The taruca (Hippocamelus antisensis) occupies the eastern boundary between the Yungas and drier, high altitude ecoregions. Three species of brocket deer (Mazama americana, M. gouazoubira and M. nana) occupy the northern tropical, subtropical and Chacoan areas. The marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus), the largest South American deer, has small populations occupying wetlands from the northern border to the Parana delta, while the pampas deer (Ozotocerus bezoaticus) is found in four isolated populations from Ibera to Buenos Aires province. Argentina represents the southern limit to the distribution of all these species and thus threats are often magnified. Ongoing conservation activities include the maintenance of protected areas, promotion (difusion, education, sensitization), investigation and the reintroduction of some species of formerly extinct ungulates into the Ibera wetlands area.
... Nevertheless, Vizcaíno's species was largely accepted by subsequent authors (e.g. [1,10,38,137]). Recently, Feijó and Cordeiro-Estrela [134] showed that the holotype of D. mazzai is actually an adult specimen, included "Dasypus cingulis septem." also with two references: "Mus. ...
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Dasypus is the most speciose genus of the order Cingulata, including approximately 40% of known living armadillos. Nine species are currently recognized, although comprehensive analyses of the entire genus have never been done. Our aim is to revise the taxonomy of the long-nosed armadillos and properly define the taxa. We examined 2126 specimens of Dasypus preserved in 39 different museum collections, including 17 type specimens. Three complementary methods were applied to explore morphological datasets both qualitatively and quantitatively. Qualitative morphological variation in discrete characters was assessed by direct observations of specimens. Linear morphometric variation was based on external data and cranial measurements of 887 adult skulls. The shape and size of the skull was abstracted through two-dimensional geometric morphometric analyses of dorsal, lateral and ventral views of respectively 421, 211, and 220 adult specimens. Our results converge on the recognition of eight living species (D. beniensis, D. kappleri, D. mazzai, D. novemcinctus, D. pastasae, D. pilosus, D. sabanicola, and D. septemcinctus), and three subspecies of D. septemcinctus (D. s. septemcinctus, D. s. hybridus, and a new subspecies from Cordoba described here). Information on type material, diagnosis, distribution, and taxonomic comments for each taxon are provided. We designate a lectotype for D. novemcinctus; and a neotype for Loricatus hybridus (= D. septemcinctus hybridus).
... Sin embargo, aún persiste un marcado desconocimiento sobre sus ensambles de pequeños mamíferos (Teta et al. 2016). La mayoría de los registros de este grupo en la región chaqueña argentina se encuentra limitada al sector oriental de las provincias de Formosa y Chaco (Massoia 1970(Massoia , 1973(Massoia , 1976Heinonen Fortabat 2001;Pardiñas et al. 2004;Pardiñas & Ramírez Llorens 2005;Pardiñas & Teta 2005;Teta et al. 2009;Udrizar Sauthier & Carrera 2013), con solo unas pocas menciones para el margen occidental de esta ecorregión (Mares et al. 1997;Díaz et al. 2000;Jayat et al. 2006;Díaz & Barquez 2007;Barquez et al. 2011;Gómez et al. 2012;Nanni et al. 2012;Teta et al. 2016). Existe así un territorio intermedio, de algo más de 400 km en sentido este-oeste, que es aún virtualmente desconocido en cuanto a su fauna de pequeños mamíferos terrestres. ...
First record of the genus Andalgalomys (Rodentia, Cricetidae, Sigmodontinae) from Santiago del Estero Province, Argentina. In this work we document the presence of the genus Andalgalomys in Santiago del Estero Province, northwestern Argentina, based on specimens from a locality in Chaco Seco located more than 270 km to the south and 160 km to the east of the nearest known localities. Cranial and dental mor-phometric values of the specimens obtained allowed us to distinguish two clearly differentiable sizes and refer them tentatively to Andalgalomys cf. A. roigi and Andalgalomys sp. This locality represents the first putative area of sympatry for two species of the genus.
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Northwestern Argentina (NOA) is one of the least studied areas in Argentina with respect to ectoparasites of the order Siphonaptera; previous investigations, until this study, were scarce and specific. The objective of this study was to contribute to the knowledge of the diversity of siphonaptera that parasitize small mammals from the NOA, emphasizing in their systematics and distribution. Specimens of fleas collected in several localities of NOA, and stored in the “Annexes” of the Colección Mamíferos Lillo, Universidad Nacional de Tucuman, Argentina, were studied. Fleas were manually removed from the host pelage, fixed in alcohol 70% and prepared following conventional techniques for later observation under microscope. For specimen identification, the original descriptions of species and subspecies were reviewed and compared with specimens stored in systematic collections. Nine families, 22 genera, 53 species, and eight subspecies were recorded. A new family, a new genus, and three new species are recorded for the first time in Argentina; five species are new for NOA and nine are new to science. The distribution of 11 species and two subspecies are extended in the NOA, new records are added to different provinces and new flea-hosts associations are reported. The greatest diversity of fleas in the Yungas is the reflection of one of the areas with the highest biodiversity in the Neotropical region, such as the Yungas forests, which also includes mammals, as sigmodontine rodents and bats among them. The similarity analysis among eco-regions showed a major faunistic congruence between the Yungas and the Dry Chaco. The greatest differentiation was given by the High Andes and Puna compared with the other eco-regions, probably because these areas are the least surveyed and with the lowest richness and abundance of small mammal species. From the total of 82 new flea-host associations, 81 belong to sigmodontine rodent hosts and one to a marsupial.
Marmosa constantiae O. Thomas, 1904, is a medium-sized didelphid commonly called the white-bellied woolly mouse opossum. It is a large, stocky mouse opossum with a relatively short snout and thick, woolly pelage, 1 of 6 members of the Marmosa subgenus Micoureus. The species is poorly known but relatively widespread in central South America, from Bolivia south to extreme northern Argentina and east to Paraguay and west-central Brazil. It is a nocturnal and arboreal inhabitant of humid and subhumid forests. Though known from relatively few specimens, the species has proved to be more widespread than previously thought and is not of special conservation concern. It is currently listed as " Least Concern " by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.
Systematics of the Genus Eumops (Chiroptera: Molossidae) Abstract Bats of the genus Eumops range from the southern United States to central Argentina. In this study, 11 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were designated within the genus; Eumops auripendulus , E. bonariensis, E. dabbenei, E. glaucinus glaucinus, E. g.floridanus, E. hansae, E. maurus, E. perotis perotis, E. p. californicus , E. trumbulli, and E. underwoodi. A systematic examination of the genus based on morphometric characters included analyses of sexual dimorphism, relationships among all OTUs, and geographic variation. Males were larger than females in seven taxa examined for sexual dimorphism. Phenetic relationships among OTUs were assessed using cluster analysis and principal component analysis. These numerical taxonomic techniques established nine species within the genus: Eumops auripendulus,E. bonariensis,E. dabbenei, E. glaucinus, E. hansae, E. maurus, E. perotis, E. trumbulli, and E. underwoodi. Geographic variation was studied in Eumops auripendulus and E. g. glaucinus, using discriminant functions analysis and in addition using Sum of Squares Simultaneous Testing Procedure analysis in E. glaucinus. These analyses indicate that E. auripendulus and E. glaucinus have each differentiated into two subspecies.