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Reciprocal relationships between math self-concept and math anxiety


Abstract and Figures

The present study examined the reciprocal relationships between self-concept and anxiety in mathematics. A sample of 495 grade 7 students (51% girls) completed self-report measures assessing self-concept and anxiety three times in a school year. Structural equation modeling was used to test a cross-lagged panel model of reciprocal effects between math self-concept and math anxiety. The analysis showed a reciprocal relationship between self-concept and anxiety in math (ie, higher self-concept leads to lower anxiety, ... .
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Reciprocal relationships between math self-concept and math anxiety
Wondimu Ahmed , Alexander Minnaert, Hans Kuyper, Greetje van der Werf
University of Groningen, The Netherlands
abstractarticle info
Article history:
Received 26 April 2011
Received in revised form 28 November 2011
Accepted 2 December 2011
Math self-concept
Math anxiety
Reciprocal effects
Cross-lagged analysis
The present study examined the reciprocal relationships between self-concept and anxiety in mathematics. A
sample of 495 grade 7 students (51% girls) completed self-report measures assessing self-concept and anxi-
ety three times in a school year. Structural equation modeling was used to test a cross-lagged panel model of
reciprocal effects between math self-concept and math anxiety. The analysis showed a reciprocal relationship
between self-concept and anxiety in math (i.e., higher self-concept leads to lower anxiety, which in turn,
leads to higher self-concept). However, the magnitude of the path from anxiety to self-concept is almost
half of that from self-concept to anxiety. Overall, the results provide empirical support for the theoretical no-
tion that math self-concept and math anxiety are reciprocally related.
© 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Math anxiety is an unpleasant feeling associated with numerical
manipulations and math problem solving (Richardson & Suinn,
1972). It is widely documented that math anxiety is one of the
most signicant factors that lead students to avoidance of math-
related educational tracks and career avenues (Ashcraft, 2002). Un-
fortunately, roughly 20% of students suffer from high math anxiety
(Ashcraft & Ridley, 2005). Historically, researchers have sought for
determinants of such a pervasive problem. Over the past decades,
studies have shown that students' competence beliefs are among
the most signicant predictors of math anxiety. Particularly, re-
searchers have shown that domain specic self-appraisal of ability
such as self-concept and self-efcacy
substantially predict math
anxiety (e.g., Hembree, 1990; Meece, Wigeld, & Eccles, 1990;
Pajares & Miller, 1994). Much of the previous research on math anx-
iety is founded on cognitive models of test anxiety that postulate that
low self-perception of ability is a dening feature of anxiety. Howev-
er, an important issue that hinges on the role of self-concept of ability
in shaping an individual's math anxiety is that of the chicken or the
eggcausality dilemma observed in most of the social sciences. Does a
low self-concept lead to anxiety or does anxiety lead to the develop-
ment of a low self-concept?
A dominant view is that a low self-concept of ability is a source of
high math anxiety. Because the self-concept involves self-evaluation
of one's knowledge and capability to deal with demands of the envi-
ronment, perceived incompetence signals that environmental threat
is imminent (see Bandura, 1997). Thus a low self-concept in math sig-
nies that the individual is ill-equipped to cope with demands of
stressful situations involving math. This suggests that causality
ows from self-concept to anxiety. Another view is that because ex-
perience of anxiety is characterized by a distorted self-image, an indi-
vidual experiencing a high level of anxiety may judge his/her
capability in doing math as inadequate (see Beck & Clark, 1997). Fi-
nally, the contemporary view assumes that the relationship between
math self-concept and math anxiety is reciprocal (Bandura, 1997;
Pekrun, 2006; Zeidner, 1998). Although the three alternative assump-
tions appear to be equally convincing, much of the previous research
has been based on the hypothesis that a low self-concept precedes
math anxiety.
A considerable number of cross-sectional studies have provided
insight into the relationship between math self-efcacy or math
self-concept and math anxiety. In an earlier study, Hackett (1985)
found that math self-efcacy was a stronger predictor of math anxiety
than prior achievement in math. Recent studies have also reported
negative moderately signicant cross-sectional correlations between
self-efcacy and math anxiety in both middle school (Jain &
Dowson, 2009) and university samples (Hoffman, 2010). With regard
to self-concept, Hembree's (1990) meta-analysis reported an average
correlation of 0.71 between math self-concept and math anxiety. A
handful of recent studies have also documented substantial concur-
rent relations between math self-concept and math anxiety (e.g.,
Frenzel, Pekrun, & Goetz, 2007; Goetz, Cronjaeger, Frenzel, Lüdtke,
Learning and Individual Differences 22 (2012) 385389
Corresponding author at: Institute for Educational Research, University of Groning-
en, Grote Rozenstraat 3, 9712TG, Groningen, The Netherlands. Tel.: +31 618198739;
fax: 31 50 363 6670.
E-mail address: (W. Ahmed).
Self-concept and self-efcacy beliefs may not be distinguished at a domain level of
specicity (Pajares, 1996) and even more so when only the cognitive aspect of self-
concept is considered (Pietsch, Walker, & Chapman, 2003). Moreover, according to
Schunk and Zimmerman (2006) both constructs refer to competence beliefs which de-
note expectancies about one's capabilities to learn or perform actions(p.350)
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& Hall, 2010; Pajares & Miller, 1994). Among the cross sectional stud-
ies, Pajares and Miller's (1994) study stands out. The authors found
a strong correlation (r=.87) between math anxiety and math
self-concept suggesting that about 76% variation in anxiety could be
explained by self-concept or vice versa. Although such a strong corre-
lation appears to suggest that the constructs may be conceptually
identical, one recent cross-cultural study of 41 countries using a
conrmatory factor analysis showed that math self-concept and
math anxiety are conceptually and empirically distinct constructs
(Lee, 2009).
The major limitation of the previous research on the relationship
between math self-concept and math anxiety is that they have been
cross-sectional by design. Only a few longitudinal studies have tested
the putative inuence of self-concept on anxiety. For instance, Meece
et al. (1990) study of young adolescents found that self-concept
of ability measured at grade 7 predicted math anxiety at grade 9.
However, the authors did not test the reciprocal effect of anxiety on
Regardless of their design, previous studies tended to endorse the
prevalent view that self-concept precedes anxiety. However, as noted
earlier, most socio-cognitive models (Bandura, 1997; Pekrun, 2006;
Zeidner, 1998) suggest that the relationship between math self-
concept and math anxiety could be reciprocal. In particular,
Bandura's (1997) socio-cognitive theory hypothesizes that as indi-
viduals experience higher levels of anxiety, they also tend to report
lower levels of self-competence; however, as their self-efcacy
rises, individuals report a corresponding decrease in anxiety. In a
similar vein, Pekrun's (2006) control-value theory of achievement
emotions posits that self-appraisals of ability and emotions are recip-
rocally related. Pekrun argues that appraisals trigger emotions and
emotions act on appraisals by activating emotion-congruent memory
networks. Similarly, Zeidner's (1998) transactional model of anxiety
suggests that self-appraisal of capability and anxiety is reciprocally
related. Despite such a strong reciprocal causal assumption as well
as existing cross-sectional evidence on the relationship between
self-concept and anxiety in math, the temporal order remains
unclear. An understanding of the causal directions of self-concept
and anxiety helps in rening existing theories as well as in designing
interventions. Thus, on the basis of the theoretical models (Bandura,
1997; Pekrun, 2006; Zeidner, 1998) and existing empirical evidence
(e.g., Frenzel et al., 2007; Goetz, Pekrun, Hall, & Haag, 2006; Meece
et al., 1990), we expected self-concept to be reciprocally associated
with anxiety such that self-concept and anxiety would negatively
predict each other over time. More specically, we examined the fol-
lowing research question: Does prior math self-concept predict subse-
quent math anxiety negatively and vice versa? In the previous
literature, researchers have used different denitions of anxiety and
self-concept in math. For the purpose of the current study, math anx-
iety is dened as students' anxious reactions to three important
achievement situations: attending classes, studying or doing home-
work and taking exams or tests based on Pekrun and colleagues' con-
ceptualization of achievement emotions (e.g., Pekrun, 2006; Pekrun,
Goetz, & Frenzel, 2005; Pekrun, Goetz, Frenzel, Barchfeld, & Perry,
2011; Pekrun, Goetz, Titz, & Perry, 2002). Similarly, math self-
concept is dened as student's self-perception of their ability and
their expectancy to perform well in math based on work of Eccles
and colleagues (e.g., Jacobs, Lanza, Osgood, Eccles, & Wigeld, 2002;
Wigeld & Eccles, 2000).
2. Method
2.1. Participants and procedure
The participants were 522 seventh grade students (mean
age=12.7, at T1) in The Netherlands. The participants were recruited
from twenty-one classrooms in two secondary schools located in two
predominantly middle class suburban communities. The average class
size was 23. The participants provided data at three occasions: at the
beginning (T1), in the middle (T2) and at the end (T3) of a school
year. Twenty seven students did not complete data at two occasions
and were therefore not used in the current analysis. The nal sample
was 495 students (51%, girls) of which 98.8%, 97.5% and 96% provided
data at T1, T2 and T3 respectively.
2.2. Measures
2.2.1. Math self-concept
Math self-concept was assessed using four items adapted from
Wigeld and Eccles (2000).The measure assessed among others
how good the participants thought they were at math, how well
they expected to do in the future in math, and how good they thought
they would be at learning something new in math. Example items in-
clude: How good at math are you?,Compared with other students
how good in math are you?(1 = not at all good,5=very good). The
measure demonstrated good internal consistency (see Table 1).
2.2.2. Math anxiety
Math anxiety was assessed using items adapted from the math
anxiety subscale of the Academic Emotions Questionnaire Mathemat-
ics (Pekrun et al., 2005). The subscale assessed the participants' anx-
ious experiences when, in math class (e.g., I feel anxious in math
class), studying or doing homework (e.g., I get tense when studying
math) and taking exams or test in mathematics (e.g., I feel nervous
during taking math tests). Students responded to 8 items assessing
their level of math anxiety. Participants responded on a 1 (not at
all)to5(very much) scale and the scores were averaged to form the
math anxiety index. The measure demonstrated good internal consis-
tency (see Table 1).
2.2.3. Prior achievement
Students' scores on a national test at the elementary school (grade
6, USA) were taken as a proxy for prior cognitive ability which is like-
ly to determine the initial levels of anxiety and self-concept in math-
ematics. As students start obtaining feedback on their performance in
the secondary school context, this feedback is more likely to be a
source of information for cognitive and affective self-evaluations
than their prior academic achievement. The students' scores on this
test ranged from 513 to 550 (M =538, SD =6.6). The possible range
is between 501 and 550.
3. Results
Table 1 presents the means, standard deviations, and inter-
correlations between measured variables. The correlations between
math anxiety and math self-concept at the three measurement occa-
sions were all signicant and were all in the expected direction. More
importantly, the two cross-temporal correlations between self-
concept and anxiety were all signicant suggesting the need to exam-
ine reciprocal effects.
To examine the reciprocal relationships between math self-
concept and math anxiety, we used structural equation modeling.
The cross-lagged models were tested with LISREL 8.80 for Windows
(Jöreskog & Sörbom, 2006), using full information maximum likeli-
hood estimation. To control for error variance, we randomly assigned
items into two parcels for both math anxiety and math self-concept.
We used parcels because they produce relatively more reliable esti-
mates of latent variables than individual items (Little, Cunningham,
The measures were translated from English into Dutch by a senior researcher with
an excellent command of both languages and were used in our previous publications
(e.g., Ahmed, Minnaert, van der Werf & Kuyper, 2010a; Ahmed, Minnaert, van der Werf
& Kuyper, 2010b).
386 W. Ahmed et al. / Learning and Individual Differences 22 (2012) 385389
Shahar, & Widaman, 2002). The use of parcels also results in an in-
crease in estimates of structural parameters and a decrease in residual
variances compared to aggregate scores (Coffman & MacCallum,
2005). Moreover, parcels provide distributions that more closely ap-
proximate normality (Bagozzi & Heatherton, 1994). To assess the t
of the models, we incorporated four t indices: root mean square re-
sidual (RMSEA .08 or less), the TuckerLewis index (TLI, .90 or great-
er), comparative t index (CFI, .90 or greater) and chi-square divided
by degree of freedom (χ
/df,b2)(Hu & Bentler, 1999).
Consistent with general practice of structural equation modeling,
a two step procedure was used. First, we examined the measure-
ment model of the variables. For this purpose, a conrmatory factor
analysis (CFA) was used. To rule out the assumption that math anx-
iety and math self-concept are indistinguishable constructs, we test-
ed a one-factor and a two-factor CFA models by freely estimating
the factor loadings for the six latent variables measuring self-
concept and anxiety at T1, T2 and T3. Whereas a one-factor CFA
demonstrated a poor t to the data (χ
/df=2.8; RMSEA=.09;
CFI=.89; TLI=.86), a two-factor CFA model tted the data well
/df=1.6; RMSEA=.05; CFI= .99; TLI= .98) suggesting that
math anxiety and math self-concept are conceptually and statistical-
ly distinct constructs.
Second, we examined several structural models. We tested each of
the models by allowing autoregressive effects between adjacent
times to control for stability effects. We also allowed the concurrent
disturbances to correlate to account for variances due to measure-
ment occasion. To control for initial differences in self-concept and
anxiety, we estimated the effect of prior academic achievement on
both constructs at T1. In the course of testing the structural models,
four models were compared. To compare the competing models, we
used chi-square difference test (Δχ
). In the rst model (model A)
we constrained all cross-lagged effects to zero. This model served as
the baseline model against which subsequent models were evaluated.
This model did not t the data well (χ
/df=2.2; RMSEA=.09;
CFI=.88; TLI=.89). In the second model (model B), we partially re-
laxed the constraints imposed in the rst model by freeing the lagged
effects of self-concept on anxiety. This model helped us to test the hy-
pothesis that low self-concept leads to anxiety. The model replicated
the data very well (χ
/df=1.4; RMSEA=.04; CFI= .99; TLI= .98)
and tted better than model A (Δχ
(2)=10, pb.05). In the third
model (model C), we lifted the constraints on the cross-lagged effects
of anxiety on self-concept and constrained the cross-lagged effects of
self-concept on anxiety to zero. This model was used to test the alter-
native view that high levels of anxiety may lead to appraisal of one's
ability as low. This model also tted the data very well (χ
RMSEA=.03; CFI=.99; TLI=.99) and tted better than model A
(2)=6.2, pb.05). In the nal model (model D), we relaxed
the constraints in the third model and tested the reciprocal effects
of anxiety and self-concept. The reciprocal effects model tted
the data very well (χ
/df=1.3; RMSEA=.03; CFI= .99; TLI= .99)
and better than model A (Δχ
diff (4)=18, pb.01) model B (Δχ
(2)=8, pb.05) and model C (Δχ
diff (2)=13, pb.01). This suggests
that the proposed cross-lagged model replicates the data and is better
than the baseline or the alternative models.
The standardized structural coefcients are presented in Fig. 1.
Prior achievement signicantly predicted Time 1 self-concept but
not Time 1 anxiety. The three disturbance correlations were signi-
cant. The autoregressive effects were also substantially signicant
suggesting the relative stability of the constructs. Above all else, the
cross-lagged coefcients are all signicant suggesting that math
self-concept and math anxiety are reciprocally related. However,
one can easily discern from the gure that the effect of self-concept
on anxiety is twice as large as the effect of anxiety on self-concept.
This suggests that self-concept has a stronger effect on anxiety than
vice versa.
4. Discussion
The main goal of the current study was to investigate the recipro-
cal relationships between self-concept and anxiety in math. On the
basis of theory and previous research, we hypothesized that students'
math self-concept would be reciprocally associated with their math
anxiety. Consistent with the assumptions of cognitive mediational
models (Bandura, 1997; Pekrun, 2006; Zeidner, 1998), the three-
wave cross-lagged longitudinal analyses revealed signicant recipro-
cal effects. The analysis revealed that lower levels of math self-
concept predicted subsequent higher levels of anxiety, controlling
for prior levels of anxiety. Simultaneously, higher levels of math anx-
iety predicted subsequent lower levels of self-concept, controlling for
prior levels of self-concept.
Bandura (1997) argued that while lower self-appraisal of capability
to exercise control over stressors might lead to anxiety, higher levels of
anxiety might also lead to lower self-efcacy judgments. Similarly, a
number of test anxiety researchers have suggested a dynamic recipro-
cal relationship between anxiety and self-related cognitions (Krampen,
1988; Sarason, 1988;Zeidner, 1998). The current nding is consistent
with such assumptions and shows a dynamic association between
self-concept and anxiety. The signicant effect of prior self-concept
on subsequent anxiety found in the current study gives credence to
the generalized assumption that higher efcacy judgments lead to low-
ered anxiety and is consistent with Meece et al. (1990) study in which
prior self-concept of ability predicted subsequent math anxiety. On the
other hand, the signicant effect of prior anxiety on subsequent levels
of self-concept tends to support the processing efciency theory of
anxiety (Eysenck & Calvo, 1992) that hypothesizes that anxiety pro-
duces negative self-evaluations. On a broader level, this nding is also
consistent with experimental research on the inuence of affect on
self-related cognitions that generally shows that negative emotions
lead to negative self-evaluative judgments (Sedikides, 1992). Although
we are not aware of studies that investigated the reciprocal relation-
ship between self-concept and anxiety in math, one previous study
(Krampen, 1988) that investigated the reciprocal effects of math self-
We tested a multivariate cross-lagged multilevel model using MLwIN 2.23 (Ras-
bash, Browne, Healy, Cameron, & Charlton, 2011) to check whether the cross-lagged
effects vary across classrooms. First, we tted two unconditional multilevel models
to partition the variance in the dependent variables (i.e., anxiety and self-concept) into
component parts. The results showed that the proportion of variance that lies between
classes (i.e., intra-class correlation coefcient, ICC) was 0.044 for anxiety and 0.068 for
self-concept. To check if the cross-lag effects of anxiety on self-concept (or vice versa)
vary across classrooms, we tested a multivariate cross-lagged multilevel model with
random slopes in which T3 anxiety and T3 self-concept were each simultaneously
regressed on T2 self-concept and T2 anxiety; and, T2 anxiety and T2 self-concept were
each simultaneously regressed on T1 self-concept and T1 anxiety, controlling for auto-
regressive effects. The patterns of the results were almost identical to those reported.
However, although the effect of self-concept on anxiety did not vary across classrooms,
the effect of anxiety on self-concept at the second lag i.e., T2 to T3 (but not at the rst
lag) showed small but signicant variability across classrooms [Estimate= 0.058
Table 1
Descriptive statistics and inter-correlations between measured variables.
1. MS1
2. MS2 .60
3. MS3 .56 .71
4. MA 1 .43 .34 .32
5. MA2 .38 .48 .35 .56
6. MA3 .29 .33 .38 .40 .53
M 3.43 3.32 3.16 2.00 2.03 2.06
SD .60 .70 .77 .55 .57 .64
α.84 .86 .87 .86 .89 .82
All correlations are signicant at p= .01; MS= math self-concept; MA= math anxiety;
Numeric sufxes denote measurement occasions.
387W. Ahmed et al. / Learning and Individual Differences 22 (2012) 385389
concept and test anxiety found support for the prospective effect of
math self-concept on test anxiety but not vice versa. The current
study provided support for a reciprocal effects model. The study also
showed that the effect of self-concept on anxiety is twice the effect of
anxiety on self-concept. This may suggest that because of previous neg-
ative experience with math, individuals might have developed dys-
functional self-schemas that might have precipitated biased appraisal
of their ability to do math, which in turn led to a higher level of anxiety
(see Beck & Clark, 1997). A large body of theoretical and empirical
work regarding anxiety has demonstrated that the perceived inability
to personally inuence actions and outcomes in one's environment
are the major determinants of anxiety (Pekrun, 2006; Zeidner, 1998).
A low self-concept signals a sense of dimensioned control. Prior expe-
rience of lack of control may put individuals at an ultimate risk to expe-
rience anxiety through the development of a generalized belief that
manipulation of numbers and math problem solving is not within
one's control (see Schwarzer, 1986). Experiencing weakened control
over math during learning may establish that math is fraught with
threat which subsequently leads to experience of frustration and anxi-
ety. Thus, early experience of failure in math and associated self-
concept of inability to succeed in the domain may be thought of as a
crucial pathway to the development of anxiety. This is because such ex-
perience may promote an increased probability to process math related
challenges as not within one's control. However, our ndings also sug-
gest that, to some extent, experiences of high math anxiety produces
lower self-evaluation of ability do math. This suggests that in spite of
magnitude differences, self-concept and anxiety in math are reciprocal-
ly related.
One strength of the current study is that the reciprocal effects
model was tested using a prospective, longitudinal design involving
three measurement occasions. The availability of three measurement
points provided us with the opportunity to test if the hypothesized
reciprocal process was evident across more than one time period.
The other strength of this study is that it evaluated the cross-lagged
relations controlling for concurrent disturbance correlations and
autoregressive effects. This conservative modeling approach helps to
reduce the concern that associations among variables are simply an
artifact of unmeasured third variables.
In spite of these methodological strengths, the present study also
has some limitations. First, the correlational design of the research
makes it difcult to draw a denitive causal conclusion. However, the
fact that the analyses controlled for temporal ordering of variables is
an improvement over cross-sectional research designs. Second, the
present study considered a relatively short time span. Although this pe-
riod covers an important critical transition period worth of investiga-
tion, a longer time span might help to paint a clearer picture of the
relations between self-concept and anxiety over time. Third, the
study used only self-reports for both self-concept and anxiety risking
a common method variance. In the current study, however, the cross-
lagged effects are unlikely to account for such bias because the tests
controlled for autoregressive (stability) effects as well as correlated dis-
turbances. Fourth, although we found an evidence for reciprocal effects
model of self-concept and anxiety, the effect sizes of the cross-lagged
paths are generally small. However, the small cross-lagged paths partly
reect the fact that the model was tested under a very conservative
condition, reecting a design effect and thus should not be viewed as
having no meaning or importance (see Prentice & Miller, 1992). Finally,
the current study focused only on the domain of mathematics in an
early adolescent sample. Although the focus on the domain and age
group is of particular relevance to researchers and practitioners, it is
worth noting that the relations between the two constructs could be
different in other school domains. Previous research has demonstrated
that both self-concept and emotions are domain specic(e.g.,Goetz,
Frenzel, Pekrun, Hall, & Lüdtke, 2007; Marsh, 1990) and that the rela-
tions between the two may depend on age (Goetz et al., 2010). Thus,
future research should test the viability of the current reciprocal
model in other school subjects and using younger or older samples.
These limitations notwithstanding, the ndings of the current
study have important implications for theory and practice. The results
suggest that the dynamic relations between self-concept and anxiety
are theoretically consistent with cognitive mediational models. More-
over, the ndings suggest that the prevalent view that low self-
concept leads to anxiety is stronger than the vice versa. Thus, the
ndings inform emerging theoretical models of emotions in educa-
tion by highlighting the fact that despite the existences of the recipro-
cal effects, magnitude issues are of concern. With regard to
implications for educational intervention, the reciprocal effects
found in the current study point to the possibility that enhancing stu-
dents' self-concept is benecial for reducing math anxiety and vice
versa. Treatments for math anxiety have generally involved helping
students to regulate their emotions. Although such programs are likely
to reduce anxiety, the current ndings suggest that enhancing students'
self-concept through either skill development or self-enhancement
strategies (see Marsh & Craven, 2006) may be more effective than anx-
iety focused training of self-regulatory strategies. In conclusion, al-
though the hypothesis that self-concept and anxiety are reciprocally
associated is empirically supported, only future research will discern
the mechanisms involved in such processes.
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389W. Ahmed et al. / Learning and Individual Differences 22 (2012) 385389
... Furthermore, there is a strong negative correlation between mathematics anxiety and mathematics self-concept (e.g. Ahmed et al. 2012). Hembree (1990), in his meta-analysis, reported an average correlation of −0.7 between mathematics anxiety and mathematics self-concept, with Pajares and Miller (1994) and Pajares and Kranzler (1995) subsequently suggesting that they could not be separate constructs. ...
... Although the positive correlation for MA and test anxiety is high, there is support for the two constructs being separate from each other [20]. As for the relationship between MA and self-concept in math, Ahmed et al. [21] found the correlation in grade 7 students to be around r = -0.43 under three occasions within one school year. ...
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The current study assessed reliability and validity evidence of the shortened Swedish Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale – Elementary (MARS-E), using data from three time points. After initial pilot tests, a total of 429 students participated in the study, completing the MARS-E twice during grade 4 and once during grade 5. Confirmatory factor analyses supported a one-factor structure at each timepoint. The scale displayed both longitudinal and gender measurement invariance across timepoints, ensuring both stability and fairness across gender and time. Factor correlations with criterion variables were examined, revealing a strong correlation between math anxiety (MA) and test anxiety (TA) (r = 0.707). However, the two constructs had distinct relationships to other criterion variables, such as math performance (rma = -0.343, rta = -0.110) and self-concept in math (rma = -0.580, rta = -0.273). Gender correlations provided evidence of girls being more strongly associated with higher math anxiety scores compared to boys. The current paper provides evidence of the Swedish MARS-E as a valid, easily interpreted, unidimensional instrument for measuring math anxiety in Swedish primary school students. Additionally, the study highlights the gender disparities concerning math anxiety in a longitudinal study conducted in primary schools.
... Feeling incompetent may further contribute to increased anxiety and stress by activating students' concerns about their abilities and the fear of negative evaluation from teachers and peers, thereby leading to homework procrastination. This explanation is further supported by studies that feelings of incompetence may contribute to anxiety, negative emotions, disengagement, and task-avoidance (Ahmed et al., 2012;Schmitz et al., 2023;Sharif & Masoumi, 2005). ...
Informed by multiple theoretical perspectives pertaining to academic procrastination, this investigation examined multilevel models aimed to predict homework procrastination using the data from 1,072 middle schoolers in China. Our model incorporated student gender, homework motivation, homework approach, homework behavior, and time allocated to extracurriculars outside of school. At the individual and class levels, homework procrastination was associated positively with homework cost and negatively with homework expectancy. Furthermore, at the individual level, homework procrastination was associated positively with surface approach and time on videogames, but negatively with homework effort. Implications for practice and further investigation(e.g. homework expectancy and surface approach) are discussed in relation to our findings
... In this sense, the HMA group's low self-confidence in math (i. e., the belief in one's low competence and ability in mathematics; Ahmed et al., 2012) could have made them perceive their errors as more expected in the arithmetic verification task. However, math self-confidence was not measured in our study, and so further research is needed to explore the association between math self-confidence and ERN in mathematics tasks. ...
... Mathematics anxiety has been shown to be negatively related to competence beliefs in mathematics Goetz et al., 2010;Li et al., 2021;Peixoto et al., 2017;Van der Beek et al., 2017;Wen & Dubé, 2022;Ž ivković et al., 2023). Longitudinal studies showed that this relation is reciprocal: students with higher global mathematics anxiety were likely to develop lower competence beliefs regarding their mathematical functioning, which in turn increased their math anxiety (Ahmed et al., 2012;Clem et al., 2021;Du et al., 2021;Putwain & Wood, 2023;Wang et al., 2020). ...
Increasing number of studies have revealed that teacher's math anxiety is related to the use of less effective pedagogical practices, which can lead to reduced math achievement among elementary school students. Children's math experience begins before formal schooling. However, there is limited information about the effect of preschool teachers' math anxiety on math‐related activities. In the current study, 209 in‐service preschool teachers were recruited to explore the relationship between math anxiety and their involvement in math activities within the classroom. Our findings showed that preschool teachers with high levels of math anxiety reported feeling less comfortable teaching math, leading to reduced engagement in math‐related activities and decreased interactions with their students. Building upon these insights, potential strategies are proposed to mitigate adverse effects of math anxiety among preschool teachers and cultivate a more positive learning environment for children.
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We (Marsh & Craven, 1997) have claimed that academic self-concept and achievement are mutually reinforcing, each leading to gains in the other. Baumeister, Campbell, Krueger, and Vohs (2003) have claimed that self-esteem has no benefits beyond seductive pleasure and may even be detrimental to subsequent performance. Integrating these seemingly contradictory conclusions, we distinguish between (a) older, unidimensional perspectives that focus on global self-esteem and underpin the Baumeister et al. review and (b) more recent, multidimensional perspectives that focus on specific components of self-concept and are the basis of our claim. Supporting the construct validity of a multidimensional perspective, studies show that academic achievement is substantially related to academic self-concept, but nearly unrelated to self-esteem. Consistent with this distinction, research based on our reciprocal-effects model (REM) and a recent meta-analysis show that prior academic self-concept (as opposed to self-esteem) and achievement both have positive effects on subsequent self-concept and achievement. We provide an overview of new support for the generality of the REM for young children, cross-cultural research in non-Western countries, health (physical activity), and nonelite (gymnastics) and elite (international swimming championships) sport. We conclude that future reviews elucidating the significant implications of self-concept for theory, policy, and practice need to account for current research supporting the REM and a multidimensional perspective of self-concept. © 2006 Association for Psychological Science.
Results of 151 studies were integrated by meta-analysis to scrutinize the construct mathematics anxiety. Mathematics anxiety is related to poor performance on mathematics achievement tests. It relates inversely to positive attitudes toward mathematics and is bound directly to avoidance of the subject. Variables that exhibit differential mathematics anxiety levels include ability, school grade level, and undergraduate fields of study, with preservice arithmetic teachers especially prone to mathematics anxiety. Females display higher levels than males. However, mathematics anxiety appears more strongly linked with poor performance and avoidance of mathematics in precollege males than females. A variety of treatments are effective in reducing mathematics anxiety. Improved mathematics performance consistently accompanies valid treatment.
Sedikides is Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of Wiscon-sin—Madison, where he has been since receiving his Ph.D. in social psychology from The Ohio State University in 1988. His research interests are in the area of the self. He studies the relation between mood and the self, the process of self-evaluation, the impact of close relationships on the self, and the way in-group and out-group members are perceived when the self joins a group.
Effect size is becoming an increasingly popular measure of the importance of an effect, both in individual studies and in meta-analyses. However, a large effect size is not the only way to demonstrate that an effect is important. This article describes 2 alternative methodological strategies, in which importance is a function of how minimal a manipulation of the independent variable or how difficult-to-influence a dependent variable will still produce an effect. These methodologies demonstrate the importance of an independent variable or psychological process, even though they often yield effects that are small in statistical terms.
Academic emotions have largely been neglected by educational psychology, with the exception of test anxiety. In 5 qualitative studies, it was found that students experience a rich diversity of emotions in academic settings. Anxiety was reported most often, but overall, positive emotions were described no less frequently than negative emotions. Based on the studies in this article, taxonomies of different academic emotions and a self-report instrument measuring students' enjoyment, hope, pride, relief, anger, anxiety, shame, hopelessness, and boredom (Academic Emotions Questionnaire [AEQ]) were developed. Using the AEQ, assumptions of a cognitive-motivational model of the achievement effects of emotions, and of a control/value theory of their antecedents (Pekrun, 1992b, 2000), were tested in 7 cross-sectional, 3 longitudinal, and 1 diary study using samples of university and school students. Results showed that academic emotions are significantly related to students' motivation, learning strategies, cognitive resources, self-regulation, and academic achievement, as well as to personality and classroom antecedents. The findings indicate that affective research in educational psychology should acknowledge emotional diversity in academic settings by addressing the full range of emotions experienced by students at school and university.
The hypothesis that domain-specific self-related cognitions (self-concept of own competence and control orientations) are predictors of text anxiety in students is tested by longitudinal data. At the beginning and at the end of a school year the following variables were measured twice in a sample of 346 secondary school students (grades six to ten): (1) self-concept of own competence in mathematics, (2) three aspects of locus of control for problem-solving behavior (internality, powerful others control, and chance control), (3) generalized locus of control of reinforcement, (4) test anxiety as well as manifest anxiety. The cross-sequential developmental gradients point toward symmetries in the development of self-related cognitions and test anxiety. The results of cross-lagged correlation analyses show that the null hypothesis (no causal relations exist between the self-related cognitions and test anxiety) can be rejected for the domain-specific aspects of (a low) self-concept of own competence and locus of control (low internality and high chance control), which are confirmed as preceding test anxiety. However, longitudinal results also show that findings of cross-sectional studies tend to overestimate the relations between self-related cognitions and test anxiety in a developmental perspective.
A cognitive view of anxiety is outlined that emphasizes the role self-preoccupation plays in attention and information processing. Two applications of this theoretical approach are given, one in the area of test anxiety and the other relating to cognitive therapies for anxiety.