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Real-Time Fluid Dynamics for Games


Abstract and Figures

In this paper we present a simple and rapid implementation of a fluid dynamics solver for game engines. Our tools can greatly enhance games by providing realistic fluid-like effects such as swirling smoke past a moving character. The potential applications are endless. Our algorithms are based on the physical equations of fluid flow, namely the Navier-Stokes equations. These equations are notoriously hard to solve when strict physical accuracy is of prime importance. Our solvers on the other hand are geared towards visual quality. Our emphasis is on stability and speed, which means that our simulations can be advanced with arbitrary time steps. We also demonstrate that our solvers are easy to code by providing a complete C code implementation in this paper. Our algorithms run in real-time for reasonable grid sizes in both two and three dimensions on standard PC hardware, as demonstrated during the presentation of this paper at the conference.
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Real-Time Fluid Dynamics for Games
Jos Stam
Alias | wavefront
210 King Street East
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5A 1J7
In this paper we present a simple and rapid implementation of a fluid dynamics solver for game
engines. Our tools can greatly enhance games by providing realistic fluid-like effects such as
swirling smoke past a moving character. The potential applications are endless. Our algorithms
are based on the physical equations of fluid flow, namely the Navier-Stokes equations. These
equations are notoriously hard to solve when strict physical accuracy is of prime importance.
Our solvers on the other hand are geared towards visual quality. Our emphasis is on stability
and speed, which means that our simulations can be advanced with arbitrary time steps. We
also demonstrate that our solvers are easy to code by providing a complete C code
implementation in this paper. Our algorithms run in real-time for reasonable grid sizes in both
two and three dimensions on standard PC hardware, as demonstrated during the presentation
of this paper at the conference.
Fluid flows are everywhere: from rising smoke, clouds and mist to the flow of rivers and
oceans. Because one of the major goals of games is to immerse players into plausible virtual
worlds, it is desirable to include fluid flows into game engines. There already exist many ad-
hoc models that attempt to fake fluid-like effects, such as particles rendered as textured
sprites. However, animating them in a convincing manner is not easy.
We believe that a better alternative is to use the physics of fluid flows which have been
developed since the time of Euler, Navier and Stokes (from the 1750s to the 1850s). These
developments have led to the so-called Navier-Stokes Equations, a precise mathematical
model for most fluid flows occurring in Nature. These equations, however, only admit analytical
solutions in very simple cases. No progress was therefore made until the 1950s when
researchers started to use computers and develop numerical algorithms to solve the
equations. In general, these algorithms strive for accuracy and are fairly complex and time
consuming. This is because the applications that require these solvers have to be physically
accurate. It is obviously crucial that the stresses and drag on an airplane or a bridge are
calculated precisely.
In computer graphics and in games on the other hand what matters most is that the
simulations both look convincing and are fast. In addition it is important that the solvers arent
too complex so that they can be implemented on standard PCs, game consoles or PDAs. In
this paper we present a set of algorithms which meet these requirements. To achieve these
goals we depart from conventional wisdom in computational physics and develop algorithms
custom tailored for creating visual effects. Unlike physically accurate solvers which have strict
bounds on their time steps, our algorithms are stable, and never blow up.
The Physics of Fluids
Figure 1: The Navier-Stokes Equations for the velocity in a compact vector notation (top) and
the equation for a density moving through the velocity field (bottom).
Mathematically, the state of a fluid at a given instant of time is modeled as a velocity vector
field: a function that assigns a velocity vector to every point in space. Imagine the air that
occupies a room, its velocity will vary due to the presence of heat sources, air drafts, etc. For
example, the velocity of the air near a radiator will predominantly be pointing in the upward
direction due to heat rising. The distribution of velocities within a room is also quite complex as
is evident when watching the smoke rising from a cigarette or the motion of dust particles in
the air.The Navier-Stokes Equations are a precise description of the evolution of a velocity field
over time. Given the current state of the velocity and a current set of forces, the equations tell
us precisely how the velocity will change over an infinitesimal time step. Figure 1 (top) depicts
these equations in a compact vector-like notation. Very roughly the equation states that the
change in velocity is due to the three terms on the right hand side of the equal sign.
A velocity field on its own isnt really visually interesting until it starts moving objects such as
smoke particles, dust or leaves. The motion of these objects is computed by converting the
velocities surrounding the object into body forces. Light objects such as dust are usually just
carried along with the velocity field: they simply follow the velocity. In the case of smoke, it is
prohibitively expensive to model every particle. Hence in this case the smoke particles are
replaced by a smoke density: a continuous function which for every point in space tells us the
amount of dust particles present. The density usually takes values between zero and one:
where there is no smoke the density is zero, and elsewhere it indicates the amount of particles
present. The evolution of the density field through the velocity field of the fluid can also be
described by a precise mathematical equation, which is depicted at the bottom of Figure 1. The
reader is not expected to fully understand these equations. However, it should be evident to
anyone that the two equations in Figure 1 look very much alike. In fact, this resemblance was
instrumental in the development of our algorithms. The equation for the density (bottom) is in
fact simpler than the one for the velocity (top). The technical reason is that the former is linear
while the latter is non-linear. We first developed an algorithm for the density moving through a
fixed velocity field and then realized we could apply it to compute the evolution of the velocity
field as well. In this paper we will follow this historical development. First we will show how to
solve the density equation. This will familiarize the reader with the different components of our
solver. The concepts involved are also easier to explain and visualize. Subsequently we will
transfer these ideas to the harder problem of simulating velocity fields.
A Fluid in a Box
0 1 2 N-1 N
Figure 2: Computational grids considered in this paper. Both the density and the velocity are
defined at the cell centers. The grid contains an extra layer of cells to account for the boundary
Mathematical equations for fluids are useful when thinking about fluids in general. However, in
practice we need a finite representation for our fluids. The usual approach is to dice up a finite
region of space into identical cells and sample the fluid at each cells center. In this paper for
the sake of clarity we will only describe a fluid living in two dimensions. However, extensions to
three dimensions of everything stated in this paper are straightforward. Nothing in this paper is
restricted to two dimensions. Therefore, our fluid will be modeled on a square grid like the one
shown in Figure 2. We allocate an additional layer of grid cells around the fluids domain to
simplify the treatment of the boundaries. Both the velocity and the density are assumed to be
constant in each grid cell and we usually display their values at the cell center. In practice we
allocate two arrays for both the density and the velocity of size, size=(N+2)*(N+2):
static u[size], v[size], u_prev[size], v_p rev[size];
static dens[size], dens_prev[size];
We prefer to use single dimensional arrays over double ones for efficiency purposes. The
array elements are referenced using the following macro:
#define IX(i,j) ((i)+(N+2)*(j))
For example cell (i,j) of the horizontal component of the velocity is given by the entry
u[IX(i,j)]. We also assume that the physical length of each side of the grid is one so that the
grid spacing is given by h=1/N.
The basic structure of our solver is as follows. We start with some initial state for the velocity
and the density and then update its values according to events happening in the environment.
In our prototype we let the user apply forces and add density sources with the mouse. Forces
will set the fluid into motion while sources will inject densities into the environment. In a game
the forces could come from a virtual fan, a creature blowing air or a falling object, while the
density sources could be located at the tip of a burning cigarette or at the top of a smoke stack.
The simulation is therefore a set of snapshots of the velocity and density grids. We assume
that the time spacing between the snapshots is given by the fixed variable dt in the remainder
of this paper.
Moving Densities
Initial Density Add Forces Diffuse Move
Figure 3: Basic structure of the density solver. At every time step we resolve the three terms
appearing on the right hand side of the density equation (see bottom of Figure 1).
As explained above we will first describe our solver for a density field moving through a fixed
velocity field that doesnt change over time. Let us consider the density equation again
depicted in the bottom of Figure 1. This equation states that the changes in density over a
single time step are due to three causes. These causes are the three terms on the right hand
side of the equal sign in the equation. The first term says that the density should follow the
velocity field, the second states that the density may diffuse at a certain rate and the third term
says that the density increases due to sources. Our solver will resolve these terms in the
reverse order as they appear in the equation as shown in Figure 3. We start from an initial
density and then repeatedly resolve these three terms over each time step.
The first term is easy to implement. We assume that the sources for a given frame are
provided in an array s[].This array is filled in by some part of the game engine which detects
sources of density. In our prototype it is filled in from the users mouse movement. The routine
that adds the source to the density is simply:
void add_source ( int N, float * x, float * s, float dt )
int i, size=(N+2)*(N+2);
for ( i=0 ; i<size ; i++ ) x[i] += dt*s[i];
Figure 4: Through diffusion each cell exchanges density with its direct neighbors.
The second step accounts for possible diffusion at a rate diff, when diff>0 the density will
spread across the grid cells. We first consider what happens at a single grid cell. In this case
we assume that the cell exchanges densities only with its four direct neighbors as shown in
Figure 4. The cells density will decrease by losing density to its neighbors, but will also
increase due to densities flowing in from the neighbors, which results in a net difference of
A possible implementation of a diffusion solver then simply computes these exchanges at
every grid cell and adds them to the existing values. This would result in the following simple
void diffuse_bad ( int N, int b, float * x, float * x0, float diff, float dt )
int i, j;
float a=dt*diff*N*N;
for ( i=1 ; i<=N ; i++ ) {
for ( j=1 ; j<=N ; j++ ) {
x[IX(i,j)] = x0[IX(i,j)] + a*(x0[IX(i-1,j)]+x0[IX(i+1,j)]+
set_bnd ( N, b, x );
The routine set_bnd() sets the boundary cells and will be discussed below. Although the
diffusion routine is straightforward to code and might seem attractive at first, it unfortunately
doesnt work. For large diffusion rates a the density values start to oscillate, become negative
and finally diverge, making the simulation useless. This behavior is a general problem that
plagues unstable methods. For these reasons we consider a stable method for the diffusion
step. The basic idea behind our method is to find the densities which when diffused backward
in time yield the densities we started with. In code:
x0[IX(i,j)] = x[IX(i,j)] - a*(x[IX(i-1,j)]+x[IX(i+1,j)]+x[IX(i,j-1)]+x[IX(i,j+1)]
This is a linear system for the unknowns x[IX(i,j)]. We could build the matrix for this linear
system and then call a standard matrix inversion routine. However, this is overkill for this
problem because the matrix is very sparse: only very few of its elements are non-zero.
Consequently we can use a simpler iterative technique to invert the matrix. The simplest
iterative solver which works well in practice is Gauss-Seidel relaxation. Here is the
void diffuse ( int N, int b, float * x, float * x0, float diff, float dt )
int i, j, k;
float a=dt*diff*N*N;
for ( k=0 ; k<20 ; k++ ) {
for ( i=1 ; i<=N ; i++ ) {
for ( j=1 ; j<=N ; j++ ) {
x[IX(i,j)] = (x0[IX(i,j)] + a*(x[IX(i-1,j)]+x[IX(i+1,j)]+
set_bnd ( N, b, x );
The beauty of this version of the diffusion solver is that it is almost as simple as the unstable
one, but can handle any values for diff, dt, or N: no matter how big these values are the
simulation will not blow up.
Figure 5: The advection step moves the density through a static velocity field.
Let us now turn to the final step in the density solver which forces the density to follow a given
velocity field. Refer to Figure 5. Again we want a technique which is stable and doesnt blow
up. Similarly to the diffusion step we could set up a linear system and solve it using Gauss-
Seidel relaxation. However, the resulting linear equations would now depend on the velocity,
making it trickier to solve. Fortunately, there is an alternative which is more effective. The key
idea behind this new technique is that moving densities would be easy to solve if the density
were modeled as a set of particles. In this case we would simply have to trace the particles
though the velocity field. For example, we could pretend that each grid cells center is a
particle and trace it through the velocity field as shown in Figure 6 (b). The problem is that we
then have to convert these particles back to grid values. How to properly do that is not
necessarily obvious. A better method is to find the particles which over a single time step end
up exactly at the grid cells centers as shown in Figure 6 (c). The amount of density that these
particles carry is simply obtained by linearly interpolating the density at their starting location
from the four closest neighbors. This suggests the following update procedure for the density.
Start with two grids: one that contains the density values from the previous time step and one
that will contain the new values. For each grid cell of the latter we trace the cells center
position backwards through the velocity field. We then linearly interpolate from the grid of
previous density values and assign this value to the current grid cell.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 6: Basic idea behind the advection step. Instead of moving the cell centers forward in
time (b) through the velocity field shown in (a), we look for the particles which end up exactly at
the cell centers by tracing backwards in time from the cell centers (c).
The following code implements this idea. We use a simple linear backtrace.
void advect ( int N, int b, float * d, float * d0, float * u, float * v, float dt )
int i, j, i0, j0, i1, j1;
float x, y, s0, t0, s1, t1, dt0;
dt0 = dt*N;
for ( i=1 ; i<=N ; i++ ) {
for ( j=1 ; j<=N ; j++ ) {
x = i-dt0*u[IX(i,j)]; y = j-dt0*v[IX(i,j)];
if (x<0.5) x=0.5; if (x>N+0.5) x=N+0.5; i0=(int)x; i1=i0+1;
if (y<0.5) y=0.5; if (y>N+0.5) y=N+0.5; j0=(int)y; j1=j0+1;
s1 = x-i0; s0 = 1-s1; t1 = y-j0; t0 = 1-t1;
d[IX(i,j)] = s0*(t0*d0[IX(i0,j0)]+t1*d0[IX(i0,j1)])+
set_bnd ( N, b, d );
This completes our description of the density solver. All of these steps can conveniently be
grouped together into a single routine. We assume here that the source densities are initially
contained in the x0 array.
void dens_step ( int N, float * x, float * x0, float * u, float * v, float diff,
float dt )
add_source ( N, x, x0, dt );
SWAP ( x0, x ); diffuse ( N, 0, x, x0, diff, dt );
SWAP ( x0, x ); advect ( N, 0, x, x0, u, v, dt );
where SWAP is a macro that swaps the two array pointers:
#define SWAP(x0,x) {float *tmp=x0;x0=x;x=tmp;}
Evolving Velocities
We are now in a position to present the velocity solver. Once again consider the equations in
Figure 1. In the light of what we now know about the density solver we can interpret the
velocity equation as saying that the velocity over a time step changes due to three causes: the
addition of forces, viscous diffusion and self-advection. Self-advection may seem obscure but
we can simply interpret it as the fact that the velocity field is moved along itself. More
importantly we can now reuse the routines that we developed for the density solver and apply
them to update the velocity field. Assuming that the force field is stored in the arrays u0 and v0,
we have the following code:
void vel_step ( int N, float * u, float * v, float * u0, float * v0,
float visc, float dt )
add_source ( N, u, u0, dt ); add_source ( N, v, v0, dt );
SWAP ( u0, u ); diffuse ( N, 1, u, u0, visc, dt );
SWAP ( v0, v ); diffuse ( N, 2, v, v0, visc, dt );
project ( N, u, v, u0, v0 );
SWAP ( u0, u ); SWAP ( v0, v );
advect ( N, 1, u, u0, u0, v0, dt ); advect ( N, 2, v, v0, u0, v0, dt );
project ( N, u, v, u0, v0 );
Notice the similarity to the density update routine. In most cases we simply had to duplicate the
calls for each component of the velocity field. There is, however, a new routine called
project() which is not present in the density solver. This routine forces the velocity to be mass
conserving. This is an important property of real fluids which should be enforced. Visually it
forces the flow to have many vortices which produce realistic swirly-like flows. It is therefore an
important part of the solver.
= +
= -
Figure 7: Every velocity field is the sum of an incompressible field and a gradient field (top).
To obtain an incompressible field we simply subtract the gradient field from our current
velocities (bottom).
After the steps preceding the project() routine the velocity field seldom conserves mass. The
idea is to make it mass conserving in the last step. To achieve this we use a result from pure
mathematics called the Hodge decomposition: every velocity field is the sum of a mass
conserving field and a gradient field. This result is illustrated in Figure 7 (top). Notice how the
mass conserving field has nice swirly-like vortices, typically the type of field we would like to
have. On the other hand the gradient field shown in the upper right corner of Figure 7 is the
worst possible case: the flow at some points either points all outward or inward. In fact the
gradient field indicates the direction of steepest descent of some height function. Imagine a
terrain with hills and valleys with an arrow at every point pointing in the direction of steepest
descent. Computing the gradient is then equivalent to computing a height field. Once we have
this height field we can subtract its gradient from our velocity field to get a mass conserving
one as shown in Figure 7 (bottom). We will not go into the hairy mathematical details, but will
simply state that computing the height field involves the solution of some linear system called a
Poisson equation. This system is sparse and we can re-use our Gauss-Seidel relaxation code
developed for the density diffusion step to solve it. Here is the code for the projection step
void project ( int N, float * u, float * v, float * p, float * div )
int i, j, k;
float h;
h = 1.0/N;
for ( i=1 ; i<=N ; i++ ) {
for ( j=1 ; j<=N ; j++ ) {
div[IX(i,j)] = -0.5*h*(u[IX(i+1,j)]-u[IX(i-1,j)]+
p[IX(i,j)] = 0;
set_bnd ( N, 0, div ); set_bnd ( N, 0, p );
for ( k=0 ; k<20 ; k++ ) {
for ( i=1 ; i<=N ; i++ ) {
for ( j=1 ; j<=N ; j++ ) {
p[IX(i,j)] = (div[IX(i,j)]+p[IX(i-1,j)]+p[IX(i+1,j)]+
set_bnd ( N, 0, p );
for ( i=1 ; i<=N ; i++ ) {
for ( j=1 ; j<=N ; j++ ) {
u[IX(i,j)] -= 0.5*(p[IX(i+1,j)]-p[IX(i-1,j)])/h;
v[IX(i,j)] -= 0.5*(p[IX(i,j+1)]-p[IX(i,j-1)])/h;
set_bnd ( N, 1, u ); set_bnd ( N, 2, v );
Notice that we call the project() routine twice in our code. We do this because the advect()
routine behaves more accurately when the velocity field is mass conserving. Something we
have left out up to now is the treatment of the boundary, namely the purpose of the set_bnd()
routine which appears in many places in our code. We assume that the fluid is contained in a
box with solid walls: no flow should exit the walls. This simply means that the horizontal
component of the velocity should be zero on the vertical walls, while the vertical component of
the velocity should be zero on the horizontal walls. For the density and other fields considered
in the code we simply assume continuity. The following code implements these conditions.
void set_bnd ( int N, int b, float * x )
int i;
for ( i=1 ; i<=N ; i++ ) {
x[IX(0 ,i)] = b==1 ? –x[IX(1,i)] : x[IX(1,i)];
x[IX(N+1,i)] = b==1 ? –x[IX(N,i)] : x[IX(N,i)];
x[IX(i,0 )] = b==2 ? –x[IX(i,1)] : x[IX(i,1)];
x[IX(i,N+1)] = b==2 ? –x[IX(i,N)] : x[IX(i,N)];
x[IX(0 ,0 )] = 0.5*(x[IX(1,0 )]+x[IX(0 ,1)]);
x[IX(0 ,N+1)] = 0.5*(x[IX(1,N+1)]+x[IX(0 ,N )]);
x[IX(N+1,0 )] = 0.5*(x[IX(N,0 )]+x[IX(N+1,1)]);
x[IX(N+1,N+1)] = 0.5*(x[IX(N,N+1)]+x[IX(N+1,N )]);
Other boundary conditions are of course possible. For example, we could assume that the fluid
wraps around itself: a flow that exits one wall simply reenters the opposite one. Changing the
above to handle this case is fairly straightforward and is left as an exercise for the reader. Note
that in this case the advect() routine should also be modified. Another possibility is to have a
fixed velocity on some parts of the boundary to simulate an inflow like that found in a wind
tunnel. We encourage the reader to explore different boundary conditions.
To conclude this section here is how our code is used in our prototype
while ( simulating )
get_from_UI ( dens_prev, u_prev, v_prev );
vel_step ( N, u, v, u_prev, v_prev, visc, dt );
dens_step ( N, dens, dens_prev, u, v, diff, dt );
draw_dens ( N, dens );
The algorithm presented in this paper is one of the simplest fluid solvers one can write, it is a
little bit over 100 lines of readable C code long. In fact we challenge the reader to write an
even smaller one. However, it is somewhat limited in scope. There are many ways in which it
can be extended. We already mentioned enforcing different boundary conditions. Extending
the solver to three dimensions should be straightforward to anyone who understands our code.
All that is required is to add new arrays for the z-component of the velocity and add an
additional for-loop in our routines.
Another improvement is to add internal boundaries in the flow. This is crucial in computer
games where we want to simulate flows around characters and other objects in the
environment. A simple way of implementing internal boundaries is to allocate a Boolean grid
which indicates which cells are occupied by an object or not. Then we simply have to add
some code to the set_bnd() routine to fill in values for the occupied cells from the values of
their direct neighbors. This simple procedure will work if an object is at least two grid cells
thick, since otherwise some values might leak through the boundary. Thin objects can be
handled by carefully changing the routines provided in this paper. Whether this is worth the
effort is up to the reader.
We also implemented our algorithm on CPUs without floating point support. These include the
CPUs found on the Palm and PocketPC devices. In this case we can replace floating point
operations with fixed point arithmetic. This is actually fairly straightforward to implement.
Simply add the following macros at the beginning of your code:
typedef long freal;
#define FPP 9
#define X1_0 (1<<FPP)
#define I2X(x) ((freal)((x)<<FPP))
#define F2X(x) ((freal)((x)*X1_0))
#define X2I(x) ((int)((x)>>FPP))
#define X2F(x) ((float)(x)/X1_0)
#define XM(x,y) ((freal)(((x)*(y))>>FPP))
#define XD(x,y) ((freal)((((x))<<FPP)/(y)))
Then replace all occurrences of multiplication, divisions, etc with the macros. For example,
(int)((x*f)/y) would become X2I(XD(XM(x,f),y)).
The visual quality of the flows can be further improved by using a more sophisticated solver to
compute the solution of the linear system in the project() routine. Instead of Gauss-Seidel
relaxation we could use a conjugate gradient solver which is fairly easy to code and has better
convergence properties. Nice C++ templates for various sparse linear solvers are available
from NIST [IML]. A conjugate gradient solver could also be used in the diffuse() routine.
However, we believe that it is not worth the additional effort, since the visual improvements are
minor. We also warn the reader that the conjugate gradient does not behave well with the fixed
point arithmetic implementation, where we always use simple relaxation.
We now point the reader to some recent work done in computer graphics which builds on top
of this solver or is related to it. This list is certainly not exhaustive nor do we describe these
works in great detail. It is given here to provide the motivated reader with some pointers to the
current literature.
The current solver suffers from what is called numerical dissipation: the fluids dampen faster
than they should in reality. This is in essence what makes the algorithms stable. Recently
Fedkiw et al. [Fedkiw01] propose a technique called vorticity confinementwhich re-injects the
lost energy due to dissipation back into the fluid, through a force which encourages the flow to
exhibit small scale vorticity. This technique works well for the simulation of smoke for example.
Another extension is to use this solver as a basis to animate water flows. In this case there are
two fluids with different densities: water and air. The air is usually not modeled and the solver
is harder to implement for the following reason: the domain of the water fluid changes over
time and has to be tracked somehow and the correct boundary conditions have to be applied
at the interface. The water region can be tracked using particles which simply move through
the fluid as done by Foster and Metaxas [Foster96] or can be tracked with a combination of
particles and level sets [Foster01,Enright02]. The latter technique has produced very nice
results but is still fairly slow in order to be included in game engines. A related problem is that
of modeling fire where again there are two different fluids interacting. In this case a reaction
occurs at the front between air and fire, see for example the recent work of Nguyen et al.
Historical Notes
The stable density solver was developed by us in 1996, where we moved density fields
through kinetic turbulent wind fields [Stam97]. The work of Foster and Metaxas [Foster97]
which is unstable gave us the insight of applying our stable density solver to the simulation of
the fluids velocity. The results of this research were published in [Stam99] where we called
this approach Stable Fluids. Subsequently we have published a high level article [Stam00]
and an elegant implementation of the algorithm based on the Fast Fourier Transform [Stam01].
The idea of tracing back and interpolating which lies at the heart of the advect() routine
apparently goes back to the work by Courant et al. [Courant52]. It has since then been
rediscovered by many researchers in various fields and is generally classified under the
heading of Semi-Lagrangiantechniques. Parts of our work are also protected under U. S.
patent # 6,266,071 B1 [Patent].
In the last couple of years we have written many versions of the solver and various demos and
prototypes. Figure 8 depicts some snapshots of these demos, some of which were shown at
the conference during our talk. Our work, however, has culminated in the MAYA Fluid
feature that is now available in version 4.5 of our modeling and animation software
. That solver is of course more sophisticated and general than the one provided in this
paper, but at its core it embodies the ideas presented in this paper. In Figure 9 we show
several effects which were modeled, animated and rendered within our animation system. A
screen saver based on this technology is available for download from:
Often we get asked about the accuracy of our flows, as in how do they compare to real flows?
Since we are after visual accuracy, we decided to set up some simple experiments that were
close to the ones presented in the beautiful book An Album of Fluid Motion[vanDyke]. Figure
10 shows some of the results. They compare favorably with the ones presented in the book.
Whats on the CDROM ?
On the CDROM accompanying these proceedings we provide the source code that appears in
this paper and a simple prototype that uses the code. The prototype uses OpenGL and GLUT
for its interface and should run on many platforms. We also have included executables that run
on Palm and PocketPC 2002 devices. Feel free to beam outthese demos. Further material
can be found on my web page.
[Courant52] R. Courant and E. Isaacson and M. Rees, On the Solution of Nonlinear
Hyperbolic Differential Equations by Finite Differences, Communication on Pure
and Applied Mathematics, 5, 1952, 243-255.
[Enright01] D. Enright, S. Marschner and R. Fedkiw, Animation and Rendering of Complex
Water Surfaces, in SIGGRAPH 2002 Conference Proceedings, Annual
Conference Series, July 2002, 736-744.
[Fedkiw01] R. Fedkiw, J. Stam and H. W. Jensen, Visual Simulation of Smoke, In
SIGGRAPH 2001 Conference Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, August
2001, 15-22.
[Foster96] N. Foster and D. Metaxas, Realistic Animation of Liquids, Graphical Models and
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Figure 8: Snapshots from our prototypes: two-dimensional solver (top) and three-dimensional
solver (below). In each case densities and forces were added interactively by the
Figure 9: Stills of animations of various phenomena created with the MAYA Fluid Effects
technology now available in MAYA 4.5.
Figure 10: Virtual experiments of Fluids. The top two pictures show a simulation of the flow
between two plates with different temperatures. When the difference in
temperature is small convection rolls appear, while for higher differences in
temperature we get buoyant plumes. The picture in the middle shows a typical
Von Karmann vortex street behind a sphere. The lower picture shows a Kelvin-
Helmholtz instability.
... To create physically realistic simulations we rely on the Navier-Stokes equations to help us describe the flow of incompressible fluids. Attempting to model every particle in a smoke plume would achieve the desired physical realism, but is computationally unfeasible, and as such, fluid solvers such as the one proposed by Stam et al. [20] work with density grids. ...
... Creating a simulation of a physically realistic flame that produces smoke is a challenging task, made only more challenging the closer one tries to get to the real world ideal. Attempting to model that physical ideal would take a fluid solver [20] with an infinitely large grid size, which is simply a computational impossibility. Because of this limitation, different methods have been proposed to combat it, such as improving the accuracy of the advection step [11], adding post-processing noise to a coarse base simulation [13] or speeding up the pressure projection step [1]. ...
The following work explores and compares the differences between rendering fire and smoke simulations in high resolution vs rendering these same simulations in low resolution and using deep learning based neural networks to up-scale the output via super-resolution. Several simulations are created at different levels of detail, both with and without post-processing noise added to them. The simulations are then rendered in both high and low resolutions, the lower of which is used for the super-resolution step. The results are then compared in terms of quality and time cost, to determine whether such a computationally expensive task can be improved with deep learning methods. The evaluation shows that using low resolution inputs does not create comparable results to classic high resolution renders, however using a high resolution render of a lower detail simulation creates similar results to high resolution renders of more detailed simulations.
... A realistic and stable real-time representation of fluid has been a long-standing research issue in the field of Computer Graphics [1][2][3][4]. MC (Marching Cubes), a representative method for representing the surface of fluids, has the disadvantage of losing the model's sharp features [5]. DC (Dual Contouring), which overcomes this drawback, can accurately represent sharp features of objects using QEF (Quadratic Error Function), but surface normalization must precede to calculate the appropriate vertex positions [6]. ...
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In this paper, we propose a learning model for tracking the isolines of fluid based on the physical properties of particles in particle-based fluid simulations. Our method involves analyzing which weights, closely related to surface tracking among the various physical properties of fluid particles, are significant. These weights are used as input values for the learning algorithm, enabling relatively accurate isoline tracking. In addition, compared to existing learning models such as linear regression, LSTM (long short-term memory), and learning representation (1-layer) models, our method obtained superior surface tracking results without accumulating errors. By using our proposed network structure to track the fluid surface, it learns and predicts values derived from existing fluid simulation algorithms, eliminating the need for computational processes for level-set values and enabling real-time surface tracking. As the scale of the simulation increases, our method significantly reduces the time and resources consumed compared to traditional methods and can track the fluid surface without additional resource consumption. Furthermore, due to our method’s simple network structure, the time consumed in the initial process of loading the model into memory is faster than models such as CNN and LSTM. Our proposed model occupies less than 30 kb of storage space, making it suitable for use in middleware. Lastly, to verify the generality of our method, we conducted tests in a total of five scenes, and in all test scenes, visually natural fluid isolines were represented.
... Mathias Berger and Verina Cristie [4] proposed using game engine technology to bridge the gap between architects and engineers in evaluating the effect of buildings on urban climate through CFD methods. Jos Stam [5] presented a rapid implementation of a fluid dynamics solver for game engines based on the physical equations of fluid flow, emphasizing stability and speed for just-in-time performance. Wangda Zuo and Qingyan Chen [6] proposed the Fast Fluid Dynamics (FFD) method as an intermediate approach between nodal models and CFD, providing much richer flow information while being 50 times faster than CFD for conducting faster-than-just-in-time flow simulations for emergency management in buildings. ...
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The present state of research in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is marked by an ongoing process of refining numerical methods and algorithms with the goal of achieving accurate modeling and analysis of fluid flow and heat transfer phenomena. Remarkable progress has been achieved in the domains of turbulence modeling, parallel computing, and mesh generation, resulting in heightened simulation precision when it comes to capturing complex flow behaviors. Nevertheless, CFD faces a significant challenge due to the time and expertise needed for a meticulous simulation setup and intricate numerical techniques. To surmount this challenge, we introduce paint2sim—an innovative mobile application designed to enable on-the-fly 2D fluid simulations using a device’s camera. Seamlessly integrated with OpenLB, a high-performance Lattice Boltzmann-based library, paint2sim offers accurate simulations. The application leverages the capabilities of the Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) to model fluid behaviors accurately. Through a symbiotic interaction with the open-source OpenCV library, paint2sim can scan and extract hand-drawn simulation domains, affording the capability for instant simulation and visualization. Notably, paint2sim can also be regarded as a digital twin, facilitating just-in-time representation and analysis of 2D fluid systems. The implications of this technology extend significantly to both fluid dynamics education and industrial applications, effectively lowering barriers and rendering fluid simulations more accessible. Encouragingly, the outcomes of simulations conducted with paint2sim showcase promising qualitative and quantitative results. Overall, paint2sim offers a groundbreaking approach to mobile 2D fluid simulations, providing users with just-in-time visualization and accurate results, while simultaneously serving as a digital twin for fluid systems.
... Solmaz and Gerven [10], Venn et al. [11], and Lin et al. [12] conducted their XR-CFD studies just in visualization aspects, but not in interactive simulation aspect due to its need of separated specialized authoring tools as well as high computational and network costs. Especially in the aspect of computational modeling technique, several loose approximation models proposed by Stam [13], Nguyen et al. [14], Bridson [15] et cetera have been successfully used for interactivity and efficiency. They just employed inviscid and incompressible fluid model. ...
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An interactive scientific simulation and visualization pipeline in mixed reality was developed to explore how scientific simulation could proceed in coming workplace. The main technical concern is fast scientific simulator and visualizer in mixed reality with hand gesture. Framework for scientific simulation and visualization was implemented on the server side based on deep learning based fast simulation model and open source visualization toolkit, VTK, respectively. Airfoil aerodynamics was selected as a target scientific simulation task since it is a representative and critical problem in scientific fluid simulation determining the whole aero-product’s performance and shows highly nonlinear physics even by small shape deviation and so high computational cost. Therefore, the fast simulator was firstly developed by carefully developing convolutional neural network-based model, using U-net, which learned corresponding high accuracy simulation dataset. All scenes which are supposed to be seen on the mobile device side were authored in a widely used content development tool called Unity3D with a mixed reality toolkit, MRTK for Microsoft Hololens 2. User interface and user experience were created based on a scenario of a drone rotor which demonstrates running and analyzing the simulation results using designed interaction gestures. Finally, several discussions were derived through the implemented digital twin pipeline. It was concluded, with an adequately implemented mixed reality tools, that scientific researchers or industrial engineers will be helped not only in individual analysis works due to the delicacy of hands and fingers and real time interaction in mixed reality, but also, as a future study, in cooperative analysis works.
... The ViFlow system employs a particle simulation dancer's can interact with by means of shapes attached to hands and torso with which particles collide [19]. The piece Encoded employs an interactive fluid dynamics simulation to which the dancer's movements are added as velocity-based perturbations [87]. ...
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Generative Art is a creative approach that has found applications in several artistic disciplines. In some of these disciplines, formalization has historically played an important role, which predisposes them for employing generative methods. In dance, the relationship to Generative Art is less obvious and the role of formalization is more contested than in other disciplines. This paper tries to contribute to an understanding of the specific role that Generative Art currently plays in dance. It does so by proposing a taxonomy of topics that cover both common and dance specific aspects of Generative Art. This taxonomy is used for comparing a wide diversity of generative works that have been created in the context of dance. CCS CONCEPTS • Applied computing → Performing arts; • Human-centred computing → Interactive systems and tools.
... Ces équations entrent également dans l'étude de la circulation du sang dans nos artères, dans la simulation des trajectoires d'air autour d'une aile d'un avion et dans la simulation des tourbillons. Ces équations sont même utilisées dans les jeux vidéos pour améliorer le réalisme de certaines scènes [76]. ...
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In this manuscript, we study the three-dimensional stationary Stokes equations set in a exterior domain. The problem describes the flow of a viscous and incompressible fluid past a bounded obstacle. The distinctif feature here relies on the fact that the obstacle is assumed to a rough boundary. As a result, the fluid may slip on the boundary of the obstacle and, to take into account this property, we use the Navier boundary conditions. On the one hand, They model the impermeability of the obstacle, and on the other hand, the fact that the tangential component of the fluid velocity on the obstacle is proportional to the stress tensor. This problem has been well studied when set in a bounded domain. The standard Sobolev spaces provides, in this case, an adequate functional framework for a complete study. Since in our case, the domain is unbounded, these spaces are not adapted since it is necessary to describe the behaviour of the solutions to infinity. Therefore, we choose to set the problem in weighted Sobolev spaces where the weights describe the behaviour at infinity of the function (growth or decay).In this work, we first start by performing the mathematical analysis in the Hilbert setting. The key point here is to establish variant weighted Korn’s inequalities in order to get the coercivity of the bilinear form associated to the variational formulation. Next, we proved the existence, uniqueness of strong and very weak solutions. Finally, we study the extension of some of thses results to a weightedL^p-theory.
On‐site workshops provide an opportunity to learn the craftsmanship, but the first hurdle is often high. Online handcraft experiences can be a solution to this first hurdle by providing preliminary craft experience from anywhere on the internet. In collaboration with a traditional craftsman, this motivated us to develop an online simulator for a thin‐brush dyeing, called yuzen , one of the Japanese traditional handcrafts innovated in the 17th century. The goal of this simulator is providing easy‐going experience, that is, it can be materially unrealistic but mimicking visual appearance. The simulator incorporates various characteristics of yuzen, by which the developed 2D fluid simulation algorithm reduces its computational burden. The yuzen dyeing algorithm is similar to an existing ink‐wash painting algorithm, but the present work provides (1) theoretical justification for the algorithm and parameter choices, (2) implementing yuzen dyeing‐specific characteristics, and (3a) a physical experiment to examine qualitative resemblance, and (3b) to identify unknown physical parameters for further reality in future development.
The ability to find optimal egress routing is critical for safe and effective firefighting processes. This article presents a novel smoke emulator that can be used to provide this ability in firefighting processes. It has two fundamental components: 1) a sensor network based on the Internet of Things (IoT) and 2) a simplified computational fluid dynamics (CFD) smoke simulator based on Navier–Stokes equations. Supported by IoT, real-time events, such as door opening and window breaking, can be detected, and the relevant information can be used to update the variables in CFD to ensure high accuracy and relevancy. A long short-term memory (LSTM) is employed to evaluate the values of any sensors temporarily malfunctioning. A two-level of A* routing algorithm (Nosrati et al. , 2012) has also been developed to optimize the egress routing for evacuees with an aim to minimize the time of smoke exposure. Simulation studies demonstrated that this smoke emulator helps significantly improve the firefighting process’s safety and effectiveness.
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This paper presents a new animation framework for the modeling of gaseous phenomena. We combine particle and grid based techniques in an innovative way. Based on this framework, our system allows for an incremental design of animations. In the first stage, an animator uses particle methods to model the evolution and appearance of gases. Grid based techniques are subsequently employed to compute high quality animations. Central to the success of our technique is a new algorithm to efficiently advect densities on grids. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, we have included many animations.
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We present a comprehensive methodology for realistically animating liquid phenomena. Physically accurate 3D motion is achieved by performing a two-stage calculation over an arbitrary environment of static obstacles surrounded by fluid. A finite difference approximation to the NavierStokes equations is first applied to a low resolution, voxelized representation of the scene. The resulting velocity and pressure fields describe the gross transport of liquid, including effects such as splashing, vorticity and overturning. Local fluid velocity is then used to drive a height field equation or to convect massless marker particles. The position of any free surface can thus be determined to a significantly higher resolution than that of the Navier-Stokes calculation. In addition, the pressure field, together with the Lagrange equations of motion, is used to simulate dynamic buoyant objects. Typical disadvantages to volumetric methods such as poor scalability and lack of control are addressed by...
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The article focuses on cognitive modeling for games and animation The simulation of fluid is one of the most challenging problems in a number of engineering fields. In this article the author offers a solution in the form of a rapid method he developed for computing the motion and appearance of fluids, allowing users to interact in real time with virtual smoke and fire. This model is desirable in, educational software designed to familiarize students with the basic behavior of fluids. The physics of fluids provides the natural framework for these simulations. According to the author, in computer graphics, how a fluid appears is of primary interest. A good fluid solver in computer graphics should exhibit all the characteristics of real fluids, such as swirling flows around bodies. The main application of a fluid solver in computer graphics is to use the velocity field to move things around realistically. These solvers are based on a precise mathematical formulation of the evolution of a fluid. The author concludes that development of this fluid solver shows that real-time interaction with complex physical phenomena in a in a virtual environment is increasingly feasible.
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In this paper, we propose a new approach to numerical smoke simulation for computer graphics applications. The method proposed here exploits physics unique to smoke in order to design a numerical method that is both fast and efficient on the relatively coarse grids traditionally used in computer graphics applications (as compared to the much finer grids used in the computational fluid dynamics literature). We use the inviscid Euler equations in our model, since they are usually more appropriate for gas modeling and less computationally intensive than the viscous NavierStokes equations used by others. In addition, we introduce a physically consistent vorticity confinement term to model the small scale rolling features characteristic of smoke that are absent on most coarse grid simulations. Our model also correctly handles the interaction of smoke with moving objects. Keywords: Smoke, computational fluid dynamics, Navier-Stokes equations, Euler equations, Semi-Lagrangian methods, stable fluids, vorticity confinement, participating media 1
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This paper presents a very simple implementation of a fluid solver. Our solver is consistent with the equations of fluid flow and produces velocity fields that contain incompressible rotational structures and that dynamically react to user-supplied forces. The solver is specialized for a fluid which wraps around in space. This allows us to take advantage of the Fourier transform which greatly simplifies many aspects of the solver. Indeed, given a Fast Fourier Transform, our solver can be implemented in roughly one page of readable C code. We believe that our solver is a good starting point for anyone interested in coding a basic fluid solver. The fluid solver presented is also useful as a basic motion primitive that can be used for many different applications in computer graphics. 1
We present a physically based method for modeling and animating fire. Our method is suitable for both smooth (laminar) and turbulent flames, and it can be used to animate the burning of either solid or gas fuels. We use the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations to independently model both vaporized fuel and hot gaseous products. We develop a physically based model for the expansion that takes place when a vaporized fuel reacts to form hot gaseous products, and a related model for the similar expansion that takes place when a solid fuel is vaporized into a gaseous state. The hot gaseous products, smoke and soot rise under the influence of buoyancy and are rendered using a blackbody radiation model. We also model and render the blue core that results from radicals in the chemical reaction zone where fuel is converted into products. Our method allows the fire and smoke to interact with objects, and flammable objects can catch on fire.
We present a new method for the animation and rendering of photorealistic water effects. Our method is designed to produce visually plausible three dimensional effects, for example the pouring of water into a glass (see figure 1) and the breaking of an ocean wave, in a manner which can be used in a computer animation environment. In order to better obtain photorealism in the behavior of the simulated water surface, we introduce a new "thickened" front tracking technique to accurately represent the water surface and a new velocity extrapolation method to move the surface in a smooth, water-like manner. The velocity extrapolation method allows us to provide a degree of control to the surface motion, e.g. to generate a windblown look or to force the water to settle quickly. To ensure that the photorealism of the simulation carries over to the final images, we have integrated our method with an advanced physically based rendering system.
We present a general method for modeling and animating liquids. The system is specifically designed for computer animation and handles viscous liquids as they move in a 3D environment and interact with graphics primitives such as parametric curves and moving polygons. We combine an appropriately modified semiLagrangian method with a new approach to calculating fluid flow around objects. This allows us to efficiently solve the equations of motion for a liquid while retaining enough detail to obtain realistic looking behavior. The object interaction mechanism is extended to provide control over the liquid's 3D motion. A high quality surface is obtained from the resulting velocity field using a novel adaptive technique for evolving an implicit surface.