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Abstract and Figures

A state-of-art regional climate modelling system, known as PRECIS (Providing Regional Climates for Impacts Studies) developed by the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, is applied for India to develop high-resolution climate change scenarios. The present-day simulation (1961-1990) with PRECIS is evaluated, including an examination of the impact of enhanced resolution and an identification of biases. The RCM is able to resolve features on finer scales than those resolved by the GCM, particularly those related to improved resolution of the topography. The most notable advantage of using the RCM is a more realistic representation of the spatial patterns of summer monsoon rainfall such as the maximum along the windward side of the Western Ghats. There are notable quantitative biases in precipitation over some regions, mainly due to similar biases in the driving GCM. PRECIS simulations under scenarios of increasing greenhouse gas concentrations and sulphate aerosols indicate marked increase in both rainfall and temperature towards the end of the 21st century. Surface air temperature and rainfall show similar patterns of projected changes under A2 and B2 scenarios, but the B2 scenario shows slightly lower magnitudes of the projected change. The warming is monotonously widespread over the country, but there are substantial spatial differences in the projected rainfall changes. West central India shows maximum expected increase in rainfall. Extremes in maximum and minimum temperatures are also expected to increase into the future, but the night temperatures are increasing faster than the day temperatures. Extreme precipitation shows substantial increases over a large area, and particularly over the west coast of India and west central India.
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High-resolution climate change scenarios for
India for the 21st century
K. Rupa Kumar*, A. K. Sahai, K. Krishna Kumar, S. K. Patwardhan,
P. K. Mishra, J. V. Revadekar, K. Kamala and G. B. Pant
Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune 411 008, India
A state-of-art regional climate modelling system, known
as PRECIS (Providing Regional Climates for Impacts
Studies) developed by the Hadley Centre for Climate
Prediction and Research, is applied for India to develop
high-resolution climate change scenarios. The present-
day simulation (1961–1990) with PRECIS is evaluated,
including an examination of the impact of enhanced
resolution and an identification of biases. The RCM is
able to resolve features on finer scales than those re-
solved by the GCM, particularly those related to im-
proved resolution of the topography. The most notable
advantage of using the RCM is a more realistic repre-
sentation of the spatial patterns of summer monsoon
rainfall such as the maximum along the windward side
of the Western Ghats. There are notable quantitative
biases in precipitation over some regions, mainly due
to similar biases in the driving GCM. PRECIS simula-
tions under scenarios of increasing greenhouse gas
concentrations and sulphate aerosols indicate marked
increase in both rainfall and temperature towards the
end of the 21st century. Surface air temperature and
rainfall show similar patterns of projected changes
under A2 and B2 scenarios, but the B2 scenario shows
slightly lower magnitudes of the projected change.
The warming is monotonously widespread over the
country, but there are substantial spatial differences
in the projected rainfall changes. West central India
shows maximum expected increase in rainfall. Extremes
in maximum and minimum temperatures are also ex-
pected to increase into the future, but the night tem-
peratures are increasing faster than the day temperatures.
Extreme precipitation shows substantial increases
over a large area, and particularly over the west coast
of India and west central India.
Keywords: Regional climate model, downscaling, re-
gional climate projections, Indian climate, Indian monsoon.
HUMAN activities since the beginning of the industrial revo-
lution have led to unprecedented changes in the chemical
composition of the earth’s atmosphere. We now have credible
evidence to show that such changes have the potential to
influence earth’s climate
, though it is difficult to clearly
delineate the characteristics of climate change associated
with natural and anthropogenic forcings due to complex
interactions within the climate system. Although meteoro-
logical data compiled over the past century suggest that the
earth is warming, there are significant differences at re-
gional levels. Climate variations and change, caused by
external forcings, may be partly predictable, particularly
on the larger (e.g. continental, global) spatial scales. Because
human activities, such as the emission of greenhouse gases
or land-use change, do result in external forcing, it is be-
lieved that the large-scale aspects of human-induced climate
change are also partly predictable. However, the ability to
actually do so is limited because we cannot accurately
predict population change, economic policy, technological
development, and other relevant characteristics of future
human activity. In practice, therefore, one has to rely on care-
fully constructed scenarios of human behaviour and deter-
mine climate projections on the basis of such scenarios.
The Third Assessment Report (TAR) of the IPCC (Inter-
governmental Panel on Climate Change) notes that the
current versions of atmosphere–ocean general circulation
models (AOGCMs) have generally well simulated the
features of the present-day climate at the large and conti-
nental scale
. Though the large inter-model differences on
a regional scale with the consequent uncertainties is a cause
for concern, an encouraging sign is that the AOGCMs
have been showing steady improvement over the recent
past. The effects of climate change are expected to be
greatest in the developing world, especially in countries
reliant on primary production as a major source of income.
One of the high priorities for narrowing gaps between cur-
rent knowledge and policymaking needs is the quantita-
tive assessment of the sensitivity, adaptive capacity and
vulnerability to climate change, particularly in terms of
the major agro-economic indicators in the developing
countries. To systematically pursue such assessments, the
most fundamental requirement is the availability of reli-
able estimates of future climatic patterns on the regional
scale, which can be readily used by different impact assess-
ment groups. This needs a systematic validation of the
climate model simulations and development of suitable
regional climate change scenarios, estimations of the as-
sociated uncertainties.
Climate scenarios often make use of climate projections
(descriptions of the modelled response of the climate system
to scenarios of greenhouse gas and aerosol concentrations
or some other hypothetical forcings on the climatic com-
ponents), by manipulating model outputs and combining
them with observed climate data. Our current level of un-
derstanding of the components of the climate system and
their interactions has reached an advanced stage, with the
availability of a hierarchy of coupled ocean–atmosphere–
sea–ice–land–surface models to provide indicators of global
response as well as possible regional patterns of climate
change. A variety of experiments has been performed by
different modelling groups in the world, to simulate the
expected climate change patterns under different emission
scenarios prepared under IPCC coordination. Prominent
among the scenarios are the IS92a and SRES
, for which
extensive model simulated data are made available to the
climate change research community by the IPCC Data
Distribution Centre (
While global atmosphere–ocean coupled models have
provided good representations of the planetary scale fea-
tures, their application to regional studies is limited by
their coarse resolution (~300 km). For example, these
models do not contain realistic topographical features like
the Western Ghats along the west coast of India, and con-
sequently fail to reproduce their predominant influence
on the peninsular monsoon rainfall patterns
. Developing
high resolution models on a global scale is not only compu-
tationally prohibitively expensive for climate change
simulations, but also suffers from the errors due to inade-
quate representation of high-resolution climate processes
worldwide. It is in this context that regional climate models
(RCMs) provide an opportunity to dynamically down-
scale global model simulations to superimpose the re-
gional detail of specified regions. Developing high-
resolution climate change scenarios helps in: (i) a realis-
tic simulation of the current climate by taking into ac-
count fine-scale features of the terrain etc.; (ii) more
detailed predictions of future climate changes taking into
account local features and responses; (iii) representation
of the smaller islands and their unique features; (iv) bet-
ter simulation and prediction of extreme climatic events;
and (v) generation of detailed regional data to drive other
region-specific models analysing local-scale impacts
In the present paper, we present the results of regional
climate model simulations for India, based on the second
generation Hadley Centre regional climate model known
as PRECIS (Providing Regional Climates for Impacts
Studies). An evaluation of the model skills and biases is
made by comparing with observed precipitation and tem-
perature patterns with those in the baseline simulation.
Future scenarios of the regional climate towards the end
of the 21st century are also presented.
Data and analysis
The regional climate model PRECIS
PRECIS is an atmospheric and land surface model of lim-
ited area and high resolution, which is locatable over any
part of the globe. Dynamical flow, the atmospheric sulphur
cycle, clouds and precipitation, radiative processes, the
land surface and the deep soil are all formulated, while
the boundary conditions at the limits of the model’s do-
main are required to be specified. PRECIS is forced at its
lateral boundaries by the simulations of a high-resolution
global model (HadAM3H) with a horizontal resolution of
150 km × 150 km, in the so-called ‘time slice’ experi-
ments. HadAM3H is an atmosphere-only GCM which has
been derived from the atmospheric component
HadCM3, the Hadley Centre’s state-of-the-art coupled
model which has a horizontal resolution of 3.75° longi-
tude by 2.5° latitude. The idea is that a high resolution
atmosphere-only GCM can be used to obtain an improved
regional-level simulation over specific periods of interest
identified from the coupled model integration, as it is
computationally too expensive to run these high resolu-
tion GCMs themselves over century-long integrations. In
the present experiments, two time slices, namely 1961–90
and 2071–2100, have been selected from 240-year long
transient simulations
(1860–2100) with HadCM3. Observed
time-dependent fields of SST and sea-ice (HadISST1 data-
) are used as lower boundary conditions in the control
simulation with HadAM3H. In the climate change ex-
periments, the HadCM3 SST anomaly is added to the ob-
served data to use as the lower boundary forcing. Time-
dependent greenhouse gas and aerosol concentrations are
the same as those in the corresponding HadCM3 time
slice, and initial atmospheric and land surface conditions
are interpolated from HadCM3. HadAM3H has been fa-
voured over HadCM3 for driving the RCMs, since it has a
higher resolution and exhibits an improved control climate,
especially with respect to the positioning of the storm
tracks of the Northern Hemisphere
. Ensembles of
three baseline simulations for the period 1961–1990,
three simulations for the A2 future scenario (2071–2100)
and one simulation for the B2 future scenario (2071–
2100) have been run with HadAM3H and assessed
PRECIS has been configured for a domain extending
from about 1.5°N to 38°N and 56°E to 103°E. In the
choice of an RCM domain, it is desirable to select a do-
main that is both large enough so that the regional model
can develop its own internal regional-scale circulations,
but not too large that the climate of the RCM deviates
significantly from the GCM in the centre of the domain.
In the present case, it is presumed that the domain chosen
is adequate to include almost all the regional-scale circu-
lation mechanisms. Using a similar domain, the RCM
was demonstrated to provide a realistic representation of
the intraseasonal variability of the Indian summer mon-
soon, responding to both the global forcing via the lateral
boundary conditions and independent internal dynamics
The horizontal resolution is 1.24° latitude × 1.88° lon-
gitude in the driving GCM (HadAM3H) and 0.44° ×
0.44° in the RCM (PRECIS). With a nominal resolution
of 50 km versus 150 km, the RCM provides a more real-
istic representation of orographic features over South
Asia. A more complete description of PRECIS is pro-
vided by Jones et al.
. A one-way nesting procedure is
used, with lateral boundary conditions for the RCM being
specified by the GCM. The lateral boundary coupling oc-
curs across a linearly-weighted 4-point buffer zone at
each vertical level.
The RCM is driven at its lateral boundaries by relaxing
surface pressure (p*), the horizontal wind components (u
and v on the 19 model levels) and cloud-conserved tem-
perature and moisture variables (theta and qt on the 19
model levels) towards values interpolated in time from data
saved every 6 hours from the GCM integration. Orographic
heights in the RCM are equal to those in the GCM in the
4-point buffer zone, as well as the 4 rows/columns imme-
diately within it (referred to as the 8-point buffer zone).
Various surface boundary forcing fields are required to
drive the RCM. Prescribed observed SSTs are obtained
by temporal interpolation from monthly mean fields of
the Hadley Centre 1° × 1° resolution HadISST1 dataset
Future SSTs are obtained by adding the HadCM3 SST
anomaly to the observed data. The land–sea mask and
surface topography are derived from the US Navy 10-min
resolution dataset, and spatially varying vegetation and
soil properties for the land surface scheme are prescribed
from the 1° × 1° climatology of Wilson and Hendersen-
. Initial conditions for the RCM (including at-
mospheric prognostic variables, soil and canopy moisture
contents, deep soil temperatures and snow amount) are
interpolated from the GCM timestep corresponding to the
start date of the RCM simulation.
Simulations using PRECIS have been performed to
generate the climate for present (1961–1990) and a future
period (2071–2100) for two different socio-economic
scenarios both characterized by regionally focused devel-
opment but with priority to economic issues in one (A2
scenario) and to environmental issues in the other (B2
scenario). Three-member ensembles have been simulated
for the baseline (1961–1990) and one simulation each has
been made for A2 and B2 scenarios towards the end of
the 21st century (2071–2100). The model simulations are
performed with and without including sulphur cycle, to
understand the role of regional patterns of sulphate aero-
sols in climate change. However, the effect of black car-
bon (soot) has not been included in the simulation
experiments. Using the model output from these experi-
ments, high-resolution climate change scenarios have
been developed for various surface and upper air parame-
ters of critical importance to the impact assessments.
Observed data
The basic data for the evaluation of baseline simulations
of PRECIS have been taken from the Climatic Research
Unit (CRU), University of East Anglia global gridded
data set
. For additional evaluation of the Indian part of
the domain, the regional mean rainfall and surface tem-
perature series from the homogeneous monthly data sets
developed by the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorol-
ogy (IITM; have been used.
Details of these data sets are discussed by Pant and Rupa
Analysis of extremes
Climate change studies over the past few decades have
mostly focused on the changes in mean values. However,
it is now being increasingly recognized that the manifes-
tations of such changes in the occurrence of extreme
weather and climatic events, particularly on the regional
and local scales, are of paramount importance in assessing
the socio-economic impacts of climate change. Analyses
of extremes requires daily data, primarily on surface tem-
peratures and precipitation. Some global analyses of the
extremes have been made with the available data
, but
a clear picture of such changes with regional detail is yet
to emerge. A major issue that comes up while assessing
changes in extremes is to objectively define and quantify
the various types of extremes in weather elements. The
joint World Meteorological Organization Commission for
Climatology (CCl)/World Climate Research Programme
(WCRP) project on climate variability and predictability
(CLIVAR) Expert team on Climate Change Detection,
Monitoring and Indices (ETCCDMI) coordinated efforts
to develop a suite of relevant indices and enable their
global analyses through regional participation. In the pre-
sent study, we use some of the indices developed by the
ETCCDMI to evaluate the simulations of PRECIS in rep-
resenting the extremes during the baseline period, and
then examine the future projections of the extremes. The
indices considered in this context are: (i) highest daily
maximum temperature, (ii) lowest daily minimum tem-
perature, (iii) highest 1-day precipitation and (iv) highest
5-day precipitation. The observed indices have been cal-
culated based on daily data during the period 1961–90
over a well-spread network of 40 stations for the
temperatures and 147 stations for precipitation. Identical
parameters for the regional model simulations are also
worked out, both for the baseline period and the future
Global model projections of the climate over India
Assessments of the relative skills of a range of atmosphere–
ocean coupled general circulation models (AOGCMs) are
available concerning their ability to simulate the broad
features of present-day observed surface climatological
features. The large-scale tropical precipitation patterns in
winter (DJF) and summer (JJAS) seasons, as simulated by
several AOGCMs models have been examined earlier
While most models simulate the general migration of
tropical rain belts from the austral summer to the boreal
summer, some of them miss the rainfall maximum in the
tropical Pacific Ocean. Apart from this, in the Indian
monsoon context, the observed maximum rainfall during
the monsoon season along the west coast of India and the
north Bay of Bengal and adjoining northeast India is not
quite realistically simulated in many models excepting
HadCM3 and CSIRO and to some extent in DKRZ. This
may possibly be linked to the coarse resolution of the
models as the heavy rainfall over these regions is gener-
ally in association with the steep orography. However,
the annual cycle in the simulated precipitation averaged
over the South Asian region (land and sea) showed re-
markably similar patterns with the observed, though there
are substantial quantitative biases. The annual surface air
temperature patterns over the South Asian region when
compared with the observed fields also show a general
match of gross features. The models capture the gross
features of the monsoon in terms of low rainfall amount
coupled with high variability over northwest India. How-
ever, some of the finer details of regional significance are
not represented in some of the models; for instance,
ECHAM4 fails to reproduce the rainfall minimum in the
rain shadow region over eastern peninsula, while HadCM2
seems to underestimate the rainfall over the Indo-
Gangetic plains
. The simulated monsoon rainfall patterns
in these models differ from the observed patterns in some
respects probably due to the obvious coarse resolution of
the AOGCMs. The horizontal and vertical resolutions of
the atmosphere in the AOGCMs appear to be strongly re-
lated to the skill of the models on regional scale.
Coupled atmosphere–ocean general circulation models
indicate general warming and enhanced rainfall over India
in a greenhouse gas increase scenario, the changes be-
coming particularly conspicuous after the 2040s
Inclusion of projected increases in sulphate aerosols
damps the sensitivity of the regional climate to green-
house gas increase, but the effect of the greenhouse gases
still dominates the projected changes
. While there is
considerable consensus in temperature projections, there
is some disagreement among the models on rainfall
. In a study with four different GCMs, Douville
et al.
found a significant spread in the summer monsoon
precipitation anomalies despite a general weakening of
the monsoon circulation. They concluded that, for decades
to come, the increase in the atmospheric water content
could be more important than the increase in the land–sea
thermal gradient for understanding the evolution of the
monsoon precipitation. They found that the monsoon sen-
sitivity to CO
doubling is not only related to changes in
the horizontal transport of water vapour, but also to
changes in the precipitation efficiency, which depends on
soil moisture. Therefore, the treatment of land surface
hydrology in the GCMs is a critical factor in determining
monsoon sensitivity.
Considering all the land-points in India according to
the resolution of each AOGCM, the arithmetic averages
of rainfall and temperature fields are worked out to gen-
erate country-level (all-India) monthly data for the entire
duration of model simulations and for different experi-
ments (Figure 1). GHG simulations with IS92a scenarios
show marked increase in both rainfall and temperature by
the end of 21st century relative to the baseline. There is a
considerable spread among the models in the magnitudes
of both precipitation and temperature projections, but
more conspicuously in the case of summer monsoon rain-
fall. The increase in rainfall from the baseline period
(1961–90) to the end of 21st century ranges between 15
and 40% among the models. In case of mean annual tem-
perature, the increase is much is of the order of 3 to 6ºC.
At a glance one can realize that the change in rainfall in
these two increased greenhouse gas simulations is not as
high as that noted earlier in IS92a scenarios. Compared to
A2 scenario, the B2 simulations show much subdued
trends into the future. The temperature however shows
comparable increasing trends in IS92a and A2 but B2
shows slightly lower trends.
Most models project enhanced precipitation during the
monsoon season, particularly over the northwestern parts
of India. However, the magnitudes of projected change
differ considerably from one model to the other. There is
very little or no change noted in the monsoon rainfall
over a major part of peninsular India. As far as the tem-
perature trends into the future are concerned, all the mod-
els show positive trends indicating widespread warming
into the future. Examination of the spatial patterns of an-
nual temperature changes in the two future time slices for
different models indicates that the warming is more pro-
nounced over the northern parts of India. The different
models/experiments generally indicate the increase of
temperature to be of the order of 2–C across the country.
The warming is generally higher in IS92a scenario runs
compared to A2 and B2 simulations. Also, the warming is
more pronounced during winter and post-monsoon months
compared to the rest of the year. Interestingly, this is a
conspicuous feature of the observed temperature trends
from the instrumental data analyses over India
High-resolution GCMs are beginning to provide a more
realistic representation of the extremes in daily precipitation
during the Indian summer monsoon season, allowing the
development of more reliable projections of short-duration
precipitation characteristics such as extremes
. However,
such projections are available only for a couple of models
for a limited number of scenarios.
Evaluation of PRECIS simulations of Indian climate
The high-resolution regional simulations generated using
PRECIS have been studied in detail to evaluate the model
skills in representing the regional climatological features,
Figure 1. Present (CTL) and future (IS92a-GHG, SRES-A2 and SRES-B2) simulations of all-India mean sur-
face air temperature and summer monsoon rainfall, based on five global atmosphere–ocean general circulation
Table 1. Characteristics of observed and PRECIS-simulated (baseline, A2 and B2 scenarios without sulphur cycle) seasonal and
annual all-India mean rainfall and mean temperature
Rainfall (mm) Mean temperature (°C)
Observed 21 93 839 120 1073 20.3 28.1 27.5 22.8 25.2
Baseline 36 195 939 149 1319 15.6 27.2 24.8 16.6 21.8
A2 49 280 1114 185 1628 20.4 30.9 28.3 21.3 25.9
B2 50 256 1078 171 1554 18.9 29.4 27.5 20.1 24.7
Standard deviations
Observed 11.3 21.0 94.4 27.1 110.0 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.5 0.3
Baseline 14.4 40.5 56.6 31.4 81.4 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.3
A2 18.0 59.3 87.1 45.0 195.9 0.9 1.1 0.7 0.8 0.7
B2 16.6 49.2 84.9 46.3 119.1 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.3
especially the summer monsoon characteristics. The mean
monsoon rainfall for the baseline (1961–1990), simulated
by PRECIS is 939 mm with a standard deviation of
57 mm (Table 1). All India Summer Monsoon Rainfall
(AISMR) based on 306 stations, averaged over the period
of 1871–1990, has been reported to be 852 mm, with a
standard deviation of 84 mm
. While the model seems to
have overestimated the all India summer monsoon rain-
fall, it has underestimated the variability. However, the
observed rainfall quantity is considerably linked to the
raingauge network used, and therefore the noted biases
may be partly due to the procedures used in determining
the observed spatially averaged rainfall quantities.
The spatial patterns of seasonal rainfall as simulated by
PRECIS for the baseline period, in comparison with the
observed (gridded data based on the CRU data set) as
well as the driving global models HadCM3 and HadAM3,
are shown in Figure 2. The rainfall maximum over west
coast of India and the rain-shadow region in the south-
eastern peninsula are well simulated by the model. The
seasonal precipitation patterns in the baseline simulation
are quite similar to those observed, indicating that the
baseline simulations provide an adequate representation
of present-day conditions. However, there do exist some
Figure 2. Observed and simulated (baseline) patterns of summer
monsoon precipitation (mm/day) for HadCM3, HadAM3H and
PRECIS. The shaded area indicates rainfall above 12 mm/day in all the
quantitative biases in the spatial patterns. A conspicuous
bias is the considerably higher than observed monsoon
precipitation over east central India in the baseline simu-
lation. However, this bias also exists in HadAM3, which
indicates that the regional model inherits some of the bi-
ases in the driving global model. The temperature maxi-
mum over northwest India during pre-monsoon season is
well represented in the model (not shown). The monsoon
characteristics like monsoon trough and monsoon circula-
tion are also well represented by the model (not shown).
The mean annual cycles of the simulated all-India
monthly rainfall and surface air temperature are shown in
Figure 3. The model does reproduce the annual cycle of
rainfall reasonably well. However, there appears to be a
significant positive bias in the rainfall during the onset
phase of the monsoon. The model produces excess pre-
cipitation during the two transitional months of May and
June. Further examination of the HadAM3 simulations of
precipitation (not shown) indicates that this bias also ex-
ists in the driving GCM, and therefore was inherited by
the regional model PRECIS. The annual cycle in the sur-
face air temperature, having the highest temperature during
the pre-monsoon months followed by an abrupt fall dur-
ing the monsoon months is well represented by PRECIS.
There appears to be some cold bias in the model through-
out the year, particularly in the seasons other than spring.
However, these biases could be partly due to the network
chosen for the observed temperatures.
RCMs afford us to investigate another important facet
of global climate change in terms of the extreme climatic
events, which are most prominently seen on smaller space
scales. Therefore, it is interesting to assess the ability of
PRECIS in representing the observed patterns of the ex-
tremes in precipitation and temperature over India. For
this purpose, the spatial patterns of highest maximum
Figure 3. Observed and PRECIS-simulated (baseline, 1961–1990)
mean annual cycles of all-India mean precipitation and surface air tem-
temperatures and lowest minimum temperatures observed
during the baseline period 1961–1990, have been com-
pared with the simulations of PRECIS (not shown). The
model simulates considerably more intense warm events
over a large part of north India. While part of such biases
could be due to the limited network of stations and damp-
ing due to gridding algorithm used to derive the observed
patterns, there is a reasonable agreement between the
model and the observed patterns in terms of the spatial
location of the extreme maximum temperatures over north
central India. In terms of minimum temperatures also, the
extremes on the colder side are more severe in the model
simulations, but the spatial patterns are quite similar. The
precipitation extremes, in terms of the 1-day and 5-day
highest values, in the simulations are generally less severe
over a large part of the country (not shown). However,
the strong positive bias noticed in the mean seasonal pre-
cipitation over the eastern peninsula is reflected in the ex-
tremes also, in terms of both 1-day and 5-day highest
High-resolution climate change scenarios for India
using PRECIS
The mean annual cycles of all-India mean precipitation
and surface air temperatures for A2 and B2 scenarios are
presented in Figure 4. These indicate a general increase in
precipitation and temperature, for the country as a whole.
A2 and B2 scenarios show similar patterns, with B2
showing slightly reduced magnitudes.
Spatial patterns of rainfall change indicate maximum
increase over west coast and northeast India for both A2
and B2 scenarios (Figure 5). PRECIS estimates 20% rise
in all India summer monsoon rainfall in future scenarios
Figure 4. Mean annual cycles of all-India mean precipitation and sur-
face air temperature for the baseline period (1961–1990) and the future
scenarios (2071–2100) of A2 and B2.
as compared to present. Rise in rainfall is seen over all
states except Punjab, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu, which
show slight decrease in precipitation in the future scenar-
ios (Figure 6).
PRECIS simulation for 2071–2100 indicates an all-
round warming over Indian subcontinent associated with
increasing greenhouse gas concentrations (Figure 7). The
annual mean surface air temperature rise by the end of the
century ranges from 3 to 5ºC in A2 scenario, whereas the
rise lies between 2.5 and 4ºC in the B2 scenario. The
warming seems to be more pronounced over the northern
parts of India.
Another important aspect of PRECIS simulations is the
role of sulphur cycle. From a general comparison of the
simulations performed with and without sulphur cycle
switched on in the regional model, it appears that there is
no marked change in the simulations either in terms of
rainfall or in terms of surface air temperature (data not
shown). It may be noted here that, as the driving GCM al-
ready has the sulphate aerosols included, the LBCs do
contain the associated large-scale signals. Therefore, the
results suggest that the regional sulphur cycle as consid-
ered by the model has no major impact on the scenarios
Climate change scenarios over India for 2020s,
2050s and 2080s
As noted earlier, the PRECIS simulations are carried out
for only two time slices, viz. 1961–1990 and 2071–2100,
as the LBCs were available only for these periods. In order
to generate scenario products for periods intermediate be-
tween the two available simulations created for the 1961–
90 (the control) and 2071–2100 (the perturbed) periods, a
simple solution suggested by D. B. Stephenson and C. A.
T. Ferro (pers. commun.
has been adopted.
It is assumed here that the probability distribution of
the values for a given parameter changes simply due to
anthropogenic trends in location (e.g. mean) and scale
(e.g. standard deviation). In other words, it is assumed
that the shape of the probability distribution stays con-
stant under increased greenhouse forcing. This assump-
tion appears to work moderately well for regional climate
simulations of daily minimum and maximum tempera-
tures over Europe
. One of the simplest assumptions to
make about the trends in location and scale is that they
are linearly dependent on the total radiative forcing. In
other words, the location and scale are linear functions of
the logarithm of the equivalent CO
concentration as
specified by the IPCC SRES scenarios. This is a more
justifiable assumption than assuming linear-in-time
trends and can be used to obtain intermediate simulations
for different SRES scenarios.
In the present study, the above approach is used to es-
timate the changes in all-India and state wise means of
Figure 5. Projected changes in summer monsoon precipitation and surface air temperature towards the end of 21st century, for
A2 and B2 scenarios.
the seasonal precipitation and seasonal mean temperature
at 1.5 m for the time slices 2011–2040 and 2041–2070
representing the climatic conditions during 2020s and
2050s respectively. The average CO
concentrations for
the different time slices, viz. 1961–1990, 2011–2040,
2041–2070 and 2071–2100 are calculated and the radia-
tive forcing functions based on these average values are
used as interpolating factors to generate the scenarios for
2020s and 2050s. These intermediate scenarios, while be-
ing qualitatively similar to the scenarios for the 2080s,
provide some preliminary quantitative estimates for use
in impact assessments in the near term. The authors may
be contacted for further details on these scenarios.
Future changes in extreme temperatures and
Figure 7 shows the A2 scenarios of extremes in tempera-
ture and precipitation, in terms of the highest maximum
temperature, lowest minimum temperature and 1-day/5-
day highest precipitation, towards the end of the 21st cen-
tury. The all-round warming seen in the seasonal mean
temperatures is reflected in the extreme temperatures
also, and both the days and nights are getting warmer in
the future scenario. The projected changes in the ex-
tremes are similar in the case of B2 scenario also, though
with slightly reduced magnitudes (not shown). Interest-
ingly, the night temperatures seem to be increasing at
much higher rates than the day temperatures. While the
lowest minimum temperatures are expected to be warmer
by more than 5°C over most parts of the country, the
highest maximum temperatures show an increase of only
2°C. Even during the recent observational period, there is
mounting evidence that the minimum temperatures are
increasing more rapidly than the maximum temperatures
not only over India
, but also across several regions in
the world
. In terms of extreme precipitation, there is a
general increase in both 1-day and 5-day extremes. In
particular, there is a marked increase in the severe rainfall
activities over an extensive area covering the Western
Ghats and northwestern peninsular India including Maha-
rashtra and the adjoining parts of Andhra Pradesh, Madhya
Pradesh and Karnataka.
Summary and conclusions
The scenarios presented in this paper include more de-
tailed regional information (50 km × 50 km), and are very
useful for impact assessments in various sectors. This
paper includes only the basic aspects of the simula-
Figure 6
a. Baseline and future projections (2071–2100) of mean annual cycles of precipitation
for different states of India, as simulated by PRECIS.
Figure 6
b. Baseline and future projections (2071–2100) of mean annual cycles of precipitation
for different states of India, as simulated by PRECIS.
Figure 7. Future projections of extremes in daily temperatures (highest maximum and lowest minimum tem-
peratures; shaded areas indicate warming above 4°C) and precipitation (1-day and 5-day highest precipitation:
shaded areas indicate changes exceeding 40 mm for 1-day precipitation and 60 mm for 5-day precipitation).
tion results; the regional model output contains a large
number of additional parameters that can be obtained from
the authors for use in the impact assessment models.
While the scenarios presented in this study are indicative of
the expected range of rainfall and temperature changes, it
must be noted that the quantitative estimates still have
large uncertainties associated with them. The following
are some of the major conclusions based on the results
presented in this paper:
1. PRECIS shows good skill in depicting the surface
climate over the Indian region, particularly the oro-
graphic patterns of summer monsoon precipitation,
both in terms of mean and extremes.
2. A major bias involving overestimation of rainfall over
the eastern peninsula has been inherited by the re-
gional model from its parent model, indicating the
critical importance of the skills of driving GCMs in
representing the large-scale features.
3. Model simulations under scenarios of increasing
greenhouse gas concentrations and sulphate aerosols
indicate marked increase in both rainfall and tempera-
ture towards the end of the 21st century.
4. Surface air temperature as well as rainfall show simi-
lar patterns of projected changes under A2 and B2
scenarios, but the B2 scenario shows slightly lower
magnitudes of the projected change.
5. The warming is monotonously widespread over the
country, but there are substantial spatial differences in
the projected rainfall changes. West central India
shows maximum expected increase in rainfall.
6. Extremes in maximum and minimum temperatures are
also expected to increase into the future, but the night
temperatures are increasing faster than the day tem-
peratures. Extreme precipitation shows substantial in-
creases over a large area, particularly over the west
coast of India and west central India.
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. This work is part of a Joint Indo-UK col-
laborative programme on climate change impacts in India. The authors
are grateful to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
(DEFRA), Government of United Kingdom, for sponsoring this project
and the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), Government of
India, for coordinating its implementation. In particular, the active in-
terest and encouragement of Dr David Warrilow of DEFRA and Dr
Subodh Sharma of MoEF have been of great help. We are also grateful
to the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, UK Mete-
orological Office, for making available regional models and their data
products required for this study. Messrs ERM India Private Ltd, the fa-
cilitating agency to manage the project implementation, and their CEO
and Vice-Chairman, Dr T. K. Moulik and Project Consultant, Dr Subrata
Bose, have taken excellent care of the various logistics. Computational/
visualization/documentation work for this project has been done using
the open source software RedHat Linux, Intel FORTRAN, GrADS,
xmGrace, OpenOffice, etc.
... With the help of the atmosphere-ocean general circulation model (AOGCM), a variety of GCM, Kumar et al. (2006) predict that rainfall will increase by 15 to 40 per cent in different parts of India towards the end of 21 st century over the baseline period 1961-90. Similarly, the mean annual temperature increase may amount up to 2 • C to 5 • C over the period 2071-2100, and the increase may be more prominent for northern India. ...
... We draw upon the projections of Kumar et al. (2006); Cline (2007) and Barnwal and Kotani (2013) to define four future climatic scenarios with different variations in temperature and precipitation. The scenarios are defined in Table 8 below. ...
... However, precipitation is predicted to not change in S1 and increase by 10% in S2. The final two scenarios (S3 and S4) are based on the projections made by Kumar et al. (2006) for India. As mentioned, their study predicts 2 • and 5 • C increase in maximum and minimum temperature, respectively. ...
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The relatively higher sensitivity of the agriculture sector to adverse climatic impacts poses significant challenges to the food security of developing nations, including India. While the climatic impacts on Indian agriculture are well documented, there is a dearth of research addressing the inter-regional diversities in the impacts. Furthermore, existing studies are mostly restricted to the impacts on mean agricultural yield, overlooking the impacts on yield variability. This study investigates climatic impacts on rice yield in Odisha, a coastal Indian state, employing district-level panel data from 1995 to 2017. This study uses the Feasible Generalized Least Squares (FGLS) approach to estimate the climatic impacts on the mean yield and yield variance of rice. In addition, the study uses the quantile regression method to measure how climatic impacts differ across different quantiles of rice yield distribution. Using the agro-climatic zone level dummies empowers the study to account for local weather and soil conditions. The results of the study reveal substantial heterogeneity in the climatic impacts across agro-climatic zones and conditional quantiles of rice yield distribution. The heterogeneity in climatic impacts highlights the significance of strategic and tactical adaptation measures. JEL Classification: Q50, Q51, Q54
... The projections of Tmax anomalies for three time slices ETS (2020-2045), MTS (2045-2070) and LTS (2070-2095) ranged from 0.1 to 1.1; 0.5 to 1.4 and 0.4 to 1.1°C under RCP 2.6 scenario; from 0.1 to 1.1; 1.0 to 2.0 and 1.6 to 2.8°C under RCP 4.5 scenario, from -0.2 to +0.7; 0.6 to 1.7 and 1.8 to According to the SRES scenarios, India's temperature would rise by 2.9 o C (B2) and 4.1 o C (A2) in 2080's as compared to 1980's (Kumar et al., 2006). For the A1B scenario, Kumar et al. (2010) predicted a warming of 3.5 to 4.3°C during the same time period. ...
... According to Kumar et al. (2006) there are predictions of noticeable increase in rainfall after 2040s for India. In another study, Guhathakurta et al. (2011) observed that in many areas of central and northern India the extreme rainfall events are diminishing but they are increasing in East, North-East and Peninsular India. ...
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Projected changes in climatic entities are guided by the local topographic features of the region. With this objective the present study was conducted by analyzing the projected temperature and rainfall under four representative concentration pathways (RCPs) as simulated by IPSL-CM5A-MR model for seven locations lying in undulating mountainous terrain with humid (UMTH) climate (Ballowal Saunkhri), plain region with sub-humid (PSH) climate (Amritsar, Ludhiana, Patiala), plain region with semi-arid (PSA) climate (Bathinda) and plain region with arid (PA) climate (Abohar, Faridkot). The temperature and rainfall data and their anomalies from the baseline (1970-2015) were analyzed for three time slices i.e. Early (ETS-: 2020-2045); Mid (MTS-: 2045-2070) and Late (LTS-: 2070-2095). In general, the temperature is predicted to increase in all four study areas with a peak increase projected under RCP 8.5. In Punjab state under RCP 2.6, 4.5, 6.0 and 8.5 scenarios by the end of 21 st century, the maximum temperature (Tmax) would increase by +0.1 to +1.4, +0.1 to +2.8,-0.2 to +2.8 and +0.4 to +4.9°C and the minimum temperature (Tmin) by-1.9 to +3.1,-1.1 to +4.7,-1.8 to 4.8 and-1.2 to +7.3°C, respectively, while the rainfall (RF) would decrease by 592, 540, 572 and 565 mm, respectively as compared to baseline 1970-2015. The increase in Tmax and Tmin and decrease in RF from their respective baseline (1970-2015) ranges revealed that amongst all the regions, there would be a peak increase/decrease in UMTH followed by PSH, PSA and PA in decreasing order. Consequently, the growth and yield of agricultural crops would be severely affected and suitable adaptive measures would be needed to offset the adverse effects of changes in climatic parameters. Bekele et al., 2019) which have a direct bearing on agricultural entities. The major drivers of climate change are the alterations in socioeconomic conditions , technology, land use, energy consumption, and emission of GHG and finally the pollution of environmental resources. Climate change in the future will depend on the GHG emission trajectories resulting from socioeconomic changes. In
... Future precipitation and SST changes are critical constraints on developments and the socio-economic status of developing countries. As a consequence of global warming, the trends in precipitation and SST are expected to steeply increase, and this projection is particularly crucial for countries like India 48 . Estimating future changes of EREs and its associated SST variability is important to assess the mitigation and adaptation options within a sustainable development framework. ...
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India experienced several unprecedented floods in the recent decades. The increase in the extreme rainfall events (EREs) is the primary cause for these floods, manifesting its societal impacts. The daily downscaled and bias corrected (DBC) Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) rainfall and sea surface temperature (SST) are prepared for the Indian region and are utilized to examine the characteristics of EREs. The DBC products capture the characteristic features of EREs for the baseline period, which inspired us to assess the EREs over India in CMIP6 future projections. Consistent with the observations, DBC product shows ~ 8% of Indian land found to experienced extremely heavy rainfall associated with the long duration EREs in the baseline period. However, area and extreme rainfall thresholds are projected to increase by about 18(13)% and 58(50)%, respectively in the far future under SSP5-8.5 (SSP2-4.5) emission scenario relative to the baseline period. A two-fold-65(62)% increase in long-duration EREs compared to the short-duration EREs and substantial warming ~ 2.4(2.9) oC of Indian Ocean SSTs in the far future under SSP5-8.5 (SSP2-4.5) emission scenario compared to baseline period are reported. These findings may provide fundamental insights to formulate national climate change adaptation policies for the EREs.
... It calls for incorporating climate adaptation and mitigation strategies into farming processes in order to lower risks and increase productivity. Similar to this, a significant increase in extreme precipitation of 6-14% is predicted for large portions of India by the 2080s, especially over the country's west coast and west central region (Rupa Kumar et al., 2006). Overall, the winter (rabi) season's temperature increase will probably be much greater than the rainy (kharif) season. ...
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Climate change is also quantified in terms of food insecurity. Due to changing climate, a large proportion of soil is declared as saline soil or acidic soil. Continuously decreasing soil fertility due to extreme climatic conditions is a major factor in food scarcity. Several countries do not have regular access to healthy and safe food for all of their citizens. Concerns have been raised about the rising issue of meeting future food demands. Increasing food production has been and will continue to be a central focus of discussions on how to reduce food scarcity. Negative climate and environmental shifts will add more difficulty in meeting future demand. Several factors, including population increase, access to the food supply, productive land, climate change, accessibility, loss of crop, and water resources are redefining the world's food situation. When these numerous factors are considered together, they have had a significant impact on food production and safety around the world. Weather, temperature, and the environment have long influenced how we cultivate, store, distribute, and sell food. The quality of the soil and water, the presence of insects and illnesses, and other natural elements all have an impact on how much food we can produce and how good it is. In this chapter, we'll look at how variations in the Earth's climate effect food production.
Geographic information system (GIS) is an influential tool that integrates spatial and non-spatial data, facilitating efficient analysis, modelling, and decision-making processes. Its significance in coldwater fisheries development is critical, as it plays a crucial role in achieving anticipated advancements in the sector. The application areas of GIS in coldwater fisheries development are diverse and encompass resource and habitat mapping and monitoring, aquaculture site selection, water quality assessment, fish disease modelling, watershed and riparian management, and climate change impact assessment. Effective management and monitoring of these parameters are pivotal for the advancement of this sector, and the use of remote sensing and GIS tools can accelerate these processes. This chapter provides a comprehensive overview of GIS in fisheries, discusses data acquisition methods for GIS, and presents detailed information on its applications in coldwater fisheries development. Additionally, it addresses the challenges the technology faces and outlines prospects. GIS enables effective planning, monitoring, and conservation efforts, ultimately contributing to the enhancement of coldwater fisheries. Moreover, harnessing the power of GIS empowers policymakers and fisheries managers to make informed decisions, implement sustainable practices, and safeguard the biodiversity and productivity of coldwater fisheries.
Climate change prediction is a critical aspect of understanding and mitigating the impacts of global environmental changes. This chapter provides an in-depth overview of deep learning models specifically designed for fine-scale climate change prediction, with a primary focus on improving spatial and temporal resolution. The notion of deep learning and its applicability to studies on climate change are introduced at the beginning of the chapter. It examines the special powers of deep learning models, such as their capacity to draw significant characteristics from massive climate datasets and automatically identify intricate patterns. There is discussion of the application of recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in climate modeling, highlighting their potential in capturing spatial dependencies and temporal dynamics. Data preparation is a crucial component of deep learning models for predicting climate change. The chapter delves into various preprocessing techniques, such as data normalization, feature engineering, and dimensionality reduction, that aid in optimizing model performance. Additionally, the chapter explores downscaling methods that utilize deep learning to enhance the resolution of climate data, enabling more accurate predictions at localized levels. The application of super-resolution mapping using deep learning techniques is also discussed, showcasing its potential in generating high-resolution climate maps from low-resolution inputs. To show the value of deep learning models in fine-scale climate change prediction, a number of case studies and real-world examples are provided. Furthermore, the chapter addresses the performance evaluation metrics and methodologies for assessing the accuracy and reliability of deep learning models in climate prediction. Lastly, the chapter outlines future research directions and potential advancements in deep learning for fine-scale climate change prediction. The chapter concludes by highlighting the significance of deep learning models in advancing our understanding of climate change dynamics and aiding decision-making processes for sustainable environmental management.
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Climate-induced vulnerability is apparent in the Indian Himalayan region. The region has a very fragile environment, and climate variability can pose a severe threat to rich biodiversity, hydrogeoenvironmental settings, and coherence of ethnic and indigenous societies of the region. Thus, a holistic and integrated vulnerability assessment can improve preparedness for unpredictable future climatic events and vulnerabilities with appropriate adaptation measures. This present study intended to highlight the climate-induced vulnerable status of the 9 (nine) districts of Manipur due to a few climatic variabilities. Tier I assessment was performed using 10 (ten) indicators based on secondary sources. The equal weights analysis revealed that Imphal East (0.72) and Senapati (0.29) districts are the most and least vulnerable, respectively. At the same time, unequal weight assessment indicates Imphal West (0.75) as the most and Senapati (0.29) as the least vulnerable districts, respectively. In all nine districts of Manipur, a fluctuating pattern of alternate increasing and decreasing rainfall intensity was observed along with the trend of a rising tendency of both maximum and minimum temperature. The annual lowest rainfall of 32.21mm and a maximum of 280.82 mm were recorded. The average maximum and minimum temperature differences range from 1.58°C to 3.71°C and 1.05°C to 7.8 °C, respectively. The main driver of vulnerability is the poor socioeconomic status of people in the state.
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In view of this, the promotion of entrepreneurship in the Animal Husbandry sector assumes significance for boosting Livestock-Fishery businesses as well as increasing the value-addition of livestockfishery products. This will reduce unemployment, increase efficiency in resource utilization and finally, enhance the income of the rural farming community an unemployed youth of the Country.
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The response of the Asian summer monsoon to transient increases of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and sulfate aerosols in the Earth's atmosphere is examined using the data generated in numerical experiments with available coupled atmosphere-ocean global climate models (A-O GCMs). A comparison of observed and model-simulated trends in monthly mean near-surface temperature and rainfall over the region provides evidence of skill of the A-O GCMs in simulating the regional climatology. The potential role of the sulfate aerosols in obscuring the GHG- induced warming over the Indian subcontinent is discussed. Even though the simulated total seasonal rainfall over the Indian subcontinent during summer monsoon season is underestimated in most of the A-O GCMs, the year to year variability in simulated monsoon rainfall over the study region is found to be in fair agreement with the observed climatology.
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The regional climatic impacts associated with global climatic change and their assessment are very important since agriculture, water resources, ecology etc., are all vulnerable to climatic changes on regional scale. Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean general circulation model (AOGCM) simulations provide a range of scenarios, which can be used, for the assessment of impacts and development of adaptive or mitigative strategies. Validation of the models against the observations and establishing the sensitivity to climate change forcing are essential before the model projections are used for assessment of possible impacts. Moreover model simulated climate projections are often of coarse resolution while the models used for impact assessment, (e.g. crop simulation models, or river runoff models etc.) operate on a higher spatial resolution. This spatial mismatch can be overcome by adopting an appropriate strategy of downscaling the GCM output. This study examines two AOGCM (ECHAM4/OPYC3 and HadCM2) climate change simulations for their performance in the simulation of monsoon climate over India and the sensitivity of the simulated monsoon climate to transient changes in the atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases and sulfate aerosols. The results show that the two models simulate the gross features of climate over India reasonably well. However the inter-model differences in simulation of mean characteristics, sensitivity to forcing and in the simulation of climate change suggest need for caution. Further an empirical downscaling approach in used to assess the possibility of using GCM projections for preparation of regional climate change scenario for India.
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We present the Met Office Hadley Centre's sea ice and sea surface temperature (SST) data set, HadISST1, and the nighttime marine air temperature (NMAT) data set, HadMAT1. HadISST1 replaces the global sea ice and sea surface temperature (GISST) data sets and is a unique combination of monthly globally complete fields of SST and sea ice concentration on a 1° latitude-longitude grid from 1871. The companion HadMAT1 runs monthly from 1856 on a 5° latitude-longitude grid and incorporates new corrections for the effect on NMAT of increasing deck (and hence measurement) heights. HadISST1 and HadMAT1 temperatures are reconstructed using a two-stage reduced-space optimal interpolation procedure, followed by superposition of quality-improved gridded observations onto the reconstructions to restore local detail. The sea ice fields are made more homogeneous by compensating satellite microwave-based sea ice concentrations for the impact of surface melt effects on retrievals in the Arctic and for algorithm deficiencies in the Antarctic and by making the historical in situ concentrations consistent with the satellite data. SSTs near sea ice are estimated using statistical relationships between SST and sea ice concentration. HadISST1 compares well with other published analyses, capturing trends in global, hemispheric, and regional SST well, containing SST fields with more uniform variance through time and better month-to-month persistence than those in GISST. HadMAT1 is more consistent with SST and with collocated land surface air temperatures than previous NMAT data sets.
A simple statistical model of daily precipitation based on the gamma distribution is applied to summer (JJA in Northern Hemisphere, DJF in Southern Hemisphere) data from eight countries: Canada, the United States, Mexico, the former Soviet Union, China, Australia, Norway, and Poland. These constitute more than 40% of the global land mass, and more than 80% of the extratropical land area. It is shown that the shape parameter of this distribution remains relatively stable, while the scale parameter is most variable spatially and temporally. This implies that the changes in mean monthly precipitation totals tend to have the most influence on the heavy precipitation rates in these countries. Observations show that in each country under consideration (except China), mean summer precipitation has increased by at least 5% in the past century. In the USA, Norway, and Australia the frequency of summer precipitation events has also increased, but there is little evidence of such increases in any of the countries considered during the past fifty years. A scenario is considered, whereby mean summer precipitation increases by 5% with no change in the number of days with precipitation or the shape parameter. When applied in the statistical model, the probability of daily precipitation exceeding 25.4 mm (1 inch) in northern countries (Canada, Norway, Russia, and Poland) or 50.8 mm (2 inches) in mid-latitude countries (the USA, Mexico, China, and Australia) increases by about 20% (nearly four times the increase in mean). The contribution of heavy rains (above these thresholds) to the total 5% increase of precipitation is disproportionally high (up to 50%), while heavy rain usually constitutes a significantly smaller fraction of the precipitation events and totals in extratropical regions (but up to 40% in the tropics, e.g., in southern Mexico). Scenarios with moderate changes in the number of days with precipitation coupled with changes in the scale parameter were also investigated and found to produce smaller increases in heavy rainfall but still support the above conclusions. These scenarios give changes in heavy rainfall which are comparable to those observed and are consistent with the greenhouse-gas-induced increases in heavy precipitation simulated by some climate models for the next century. In regions with adequate data coverage such as the eastern two-thirds of contiguous United States, Norway, eastern Australia, and the European part of the former USSR, the statistical model helps to explain the disproportionate high changes in heavy precipitation which have been observed.
This is a study of the South Asian climate, with a description and interpretation of the complex atmospheric dynamics and explanation of the intricacies of monsoon meteorology. The climatic end products of the monsoonal system, especially the rainfall, affect hundreds of millions of the earth's population in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal. The book is organised into two aprts: The first provides meterological background to understanding the Asian climate. Placing the regional circulation in perspective of the tropical general circulation and describing the specific features dominating the climate. The second part focuses upon the climatological characteristics of South Asia; the mean climate is described, followed by specific features of individual countries.
Marked differences from global trends in terms of diurnal asymmetry of temperature trends were reported earlier for India, indicating that the warming over India was solely contributed by maximum temperatures. We report substantial recent changes in the nature of trends, using updated data sets up to 2003, with special focus on the last three decades. While all-India mean annual temperature has shown significant warming trend of 0.05°C/10yr during the period 1901-2003, the recent period 1971-2003 has seen a relatively accelerated warming of 0.22°C/10yr, which is largely due to unprecedented warming during the last decade. Further, in a major shift, the recent period is marked by rising temperatures during the monsoon season, resulting in a weakened seasonal asymmetry of temperature trends reported earlier. The recent accelerated warming over India is manifest equally in daytime and nighttime temperatures.