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The Ecology of Snow and Snow-covered Systems: Summary and Relevance to Wolf Creek, Yukon



There is an increasing perception that northern ecosystems should be studied in a more integrative manner, in which individual studies make use of principles and results from related environmental disciplines. A recent addition to the integrative fields of study, snow ecology, is the science of the relationships between organisms and their environment whether it be in snow cover or snow- covered regions. Wolf Creek Research Basin is unequivocally qualified as a subject for the study of snow ecology because of its long snow-covered period >7 months, cold climate, largely intact ecosystem and representation of several northern Canadian biomes. In this paper, we discuss the role of snow as a factor in global climate and as a habitat for organisms with relation to its physical and chemical properties. The interactions between snow and micro-organisms, vegetation, and animals is also presented with emphasis on the capacity of individuals and communities to adapt to the cold. Finally we consider the role of snow and soil in the nutrient cycling of snow-covered ecosystems and the net losses and/or gains of nutrients by these systems during spring runoff. In doing so we hope to demonstrate how environmental science can be conducted and improved using a framework of habitat, environment and rigorous application of physical, chemical and biological principles. The potential applications of snow ecology to Wolf Creek are identified and promoted as a demonstration of multi- disciplinary, integrative science.
The Ecology of Snow and Snow-covered Systems:
Summary and Relevance to Wolf Creek, Yukon
H.G. Jones
Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique-Eau, Université du Québec,
Ste-Foy, Québec, G1V 4C7
J.W. Pomeroy
National Hydrology Research Centre,
11 Innovation Blvd., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7N 3H5
There is an increasing perception that northern ecosystems should be studied in
a more integrative manner, in which individual studies make use of principles
and results from related environmental disciplines. A recent addition to the
integrative fields of study, snow ecology, is the science of the relationships
between organisms and their environment whether it be in snow cover or snow-
covered regions. Wolf Creek Research Basin is unequivocally qualified as a
subject for the study of snow ecology because of its long snow-covered period
>7 months, cold climate, largely intact ecosystem and representation of several
northern Canadian biomes. In this paper, we discuss the role of snow as a factor
in global climate and as a habitat for organisms with relation to its physical and
chemical properties. The interactions between snow and micro-organisms,
vegetation, and animals is also presented with emphasis on the capacity of
individuals and communities to adapt to the cold. Finally we consider the role of
snow and soil in the nutrient cycling of snow-covered ecosystems and the net
losses and/or gains of nutrients by these systems during spring runoff. In doing
so we hope to demonstrate how environmental science can be conducted and
improved using a framework of habitat, environment and rigorous application of
physical, chemical and biological principles. The potential applications of snow
ecology to Wolf Creek are identified and promoted as a demonstration of multi-
disciplinary, integrative science.
The Role of Snow Cover in Ecology: Scalar Considerations
Although snow has long been the subject of scientific investigation, the vast
majority of the studies have been limited to various disciplines in the physical
and biological sciences. As a result, very few works permit a full appreciation of
snow cover and/or snow-covered regions as functional ecosystems. An
ecosystem, or ecological system, is a set of interacting, interdependent living and
non-living components or sub-systems (Tivy and O’Hare, 1982); the system or
sub-systems functioning over different scales - from the global biosphere to
microbiological communities. Even at the global scale, climate, cryosphere and
Wolf Creek Research Basin: Hydrology, Ecology, Environment
terrestrial ecology are intimately related and, although snow and ice may cover
lesser areas of the Earth than non-snow areas at any one time, strong feedback
mechanisms between snow, ice and the atmosphere can influence the whole
biosphere. Thus snow and ice can be considered to play a role in the dynamics
of all ecosystems (Groisman and Davies, 1999). An example of the large-scale
effects of snow-cover climate interactions is the influence of snow cover in
Eurasia on the global climate. An above-normal snow cover in Eurasia and/or the
Tibetan plateau will delay or weaken the Indian monsoon giving lower-than-
normal precipitation, and also effect the climate in the tropical Pacific and North
America (Barnett et al., 1989). Hence the climate of Wolf Creek is
interconnected with the climate of other snow-covered regions, being influenced
by those in Alaska and Asia and in turn influencing those to the south and east
in North America.
At the biome-continental scale, the duration of snow cover is one of the key
factors in determining biological productivity (Hammond, 1972). The increase in
recent knowledge on relationships between climate, snow cover and biome
ecology has been facilitated by techniques of remote sensing and the modelling
of the Earth’s atmosphere with Global Circulation Models (GCMs; Groisman
and Davies, 1999). However, snow also plays a more direct role in the ecology
of organisms at much smaller scales. In the following sections we discuss some
of the basic physical and chemical properties of snow that allow it to be a habitat
for different snow communities and the types of organisms that are found in,
under and on snow during the winter.
Snow as a Habitat and Habitat Cover:
Physical and Chemical Properties
Seasonal snow cover may be considered as an atmospheric sediment of short
duration. In a snowy environment such as Wolf Creek, it is a sedimentary layer
of fundamental importance to almost all forms of life in the basin. The snow
cover is a dynamic system, subjected to physical metamorphism, phase changes
and chemical transformations that make it a habitat for certain forms of life. Life
can continue in and under snow due to the unique physical texture of the milieu.
In the subnivean world, organisms and soil rely on the insulating capacity of
snow cover for heat retention so that extreme thermal fluctuations in the
atmosphere are dampened at the soil surface (Pomeroy and Brun, 1999).
However, snow not only mediates heat but also light between the atmosphere and
the ground and many micro-organisms and plants have adapted to light levels in
snow that are optimal for photosynthesis particularly during the spring melt. The
structure and heat exchange of snow with the atmosphere, above-snow
vegetation and the soil are key elements in the timing of runoff in spring
(Pomeroy and Brun,1999). This is the time when many ecosystems receive the
majority of their water resource of the year. Snow cover, however, acts not only
as a hydrological reservoir for whole ecosystems but also as a source of nutrients
Jones & Pomeroy - Snow Ecology
(e.g. N, S,) on which true nival and subnival organisms rely for growth and
reproduction (Tranter and Jones, 1999). Snow acquires these nutrients by various
processes during formation in the atmosphere (Barrie,1991), by atmosphere-
snow exchange (Cadle, 1991) snow-soil transfer and by fallout from forest
canopies (Jones, 1991). In snow-covered soils, nutrient cycling continues
throughout the winter, and, in particular, gives rise to gaseous emissions (e.g.
, N
O) at the snow-soil interface (Sommerfeld et al., 1993). Gaseous
emissions under snow may represent a significant part of the annual flux of C
fixed by photosynthesis (see below Nutrient cycling in snow-covered soils;
Zimov et al., 1993). In the melt period, water soluble inorganic species of
nutrients such as NH
and NO
allow microbial communities to flourish; much
of the nutrient content is transformed by microbiological activity into organic
matter within the snow cover while the rest is discharged to the soil and streams
(see below Nutrient cycling in snow-covered soils; Jones, 1991). The
disappearance of the snow habitat at the end of winter drives a marked change in
organism behaviour: spring comes to the North. Physical snow studies in Wolf
Creek are summarized later in this volume by Pomeroy et al. (1999) where the
accumulation of snow as a habitat in various vegetation/elevation zones is
described. Our snow chemistry studies of the basin have found the snows to be
dilute, (Cl
< 0.14; NO
< 1.4; SO
< 0.87; Ca
< 0.48 µg/ml) with
concentrations of major geochemical anions and cations near to “remote-
location” baseline levels. Wolf Creek is not yet subject to acid snow, however as
shown in this volume by Gregor et al. (1999) there is an organic contaminant
True Snow Microbial Communities
The microbial community is made up largely of snow algae, bacteria, yeasts and
snow fungi. True snow algal populations grow and reproduce wholly within the
water retained by snow during snowmelt. The algae possess structural and
reproductive adaptations that permit them to successfully complete these
essential phases of their life cycle during the relatively short melt season. These
include the algae from mountainous and continental snow cover (Hoham, 1980),
the ice algae and cyanobacteria from dry valley lakes in Antarctica (Parker et al.,
1982) and the algae from permanent glaciers (Ling & Seppelt, 1993). Studies on
other organisms such as snow fungi (Hoham et al., 1993; Stein and Amundsen,
1967), ice fungi (Abyzov, 1993), and eubacteria have also been reported
(Margesin & Schinner, 1994). Before the mid 1960s, research emphasized the
systematics, taxonomy and distribution of snow and ice algae; however, since the
1960’s the life histories, biochemistry, physiology and ecology have now been
added as some of the principal subjects of study (Hoham and Duval, 1999).
Cell structures allow microbes to adapt to snow cover characteristics. Many of
the snow algae are flagellates and they move to sites of nutrients and optimal
light levels through meltwater in the pack. Physiological changes include
Wolf Creek Research Basin: Hydrology, Ecology, Environment
enzymes that permit optimal growth at low temperatures (Hoham, 1980),
resistance to freeze-thaw cycles (Morris et al., 1979) and, in the case of snow
covers in open areas, the production of pigments which protect the cell and
impede the photoinhibition of photosynthesis by light of short wavelengths e.g.
carotenoids in Chloromonas nivalis (Hoham and Mullet, 1978) and astaxanthin
esters in Chlymadomonas (Bidigare et al., 1993). Particular interest is now being
shown in the capacity of snow micro-organisms to support nival food webs
which allow communities in snow-covered regions to survive over winter
(Hoham and Duval, 1999; Aitchison-Benell, 1999; Walker et al., 1999). No
studies of micro-organisms in snow nor of nival food webs have been reported
for the Yukon Territory. The results of any future studies in Wolf Creek should
prove of general interest because of the paucity of data for this region of the
Animals and Snow
Animals that are active throughout the winter live in, under and on snow. Some
small animals such as invertebrate grazers like ciliates, rotifers and collembola,
can feed on snow microbe populations (Aitchison, 1989, Hoham et al., 1993)
which live in and under snow. The microbial productivity thus serves as a base
for a part of the energy transfer through the higher invertebrate levels e.g. mites
and spiders and the vertebrates such as voles, shrews, birds, etc. (Aitchison-
Benell, 1999) thus extending the food chain in the cold season.
Both invertebrates and vertebrates, have had to adapt physiologically to the cold
temperatures in order to move, find and devour prey on, in and under snow. In
many north-temperate and deep mountainous snow covers the subnivean
temperatures are close to 0°C and the freezing of bodily fluids does not pose a
major problem for invertebrates inhabiting this ecological niche as it does
vertebrates which are active on the snow surface or in subarctic or arctic
subnivean space. Aitchison-Benell (1999) discussed the way active nival and
subnival invertebrates succeed in overcoming freezing by lowering the freezing
point of the haemolymph by anti-freeze agents such as thermal-hysteris-proteins
and low molecular weight cryoprotective alcohols (e.g. glycerol; Lee, 1991). For
example, the winter-active spider Bolyphantes index can maintain normal
activity down to -5°C. However, at -9.3°C it becomes comatized (chill coma) and
below the supercooling point of -15.3°C will freeze solid (Hågvar, 1973). The
springtail Isotoma hiemalis can remain active down to -6°C, experiences chill-
coma at -8°C and has a supercooling point of -15°C. Isotoma hiemalis is also an
example of an invertebrate which undergoes a morphological change of the
locomotory appendages from summer to winter called cyclomorphosis which
allows the organism to move to the snow surface; the change then reverses in the
spring with the disappearance of snow cover (Zettel, 1984). Springtails and mites
are the arthropods most tolerant of cold (Sømme, 1993).
Jones & Pomeroy - Snow Ecology
Vertebrates may be active on, in or under the snow cover. The majority of
subnivean vertebrates are small mammals such as the microtines and insectivores
(Cranford, 1984; Pruitt, 1984). These usually weigh less than 250 g and serve as
prey for larger mammals e.g. weasels, foxes, birds. To survive the cold,
insectivores possess high metabolic rates and have to feed almost continuously.
Shrews will favour habitats with litter, deep humus or snow cover where they
construct nests to conserve heat (Aitchison-Benell, 1999). As in the case of the
invertebrates, vertebrates will undergo physiological and morphological change
in winter. The thyroid, pituitary, adrenals and parathyroid glands of soricine
shrews become inactive, and changes in the salivary glands occur; brown adipose
tissue is also converted to heat, all of which reduce metabolism and activity
(Aitchison, 1987). Shrews also show morphological changes which include
reductions in brain volume and weights of the kidneys, liver and spleen, and
shortened body length (Merritt, 1986). The reduced size increases the hair
density, giving greater insulation per unit surface area (Mezhzherin, 1964).
However, even these methods fail to enable the animals to survive continuous
cold and the northern limit of shrew distribution is the -30°C mean January
isotherm in the Former Soviet Union (F.S.U.), the coldest areas being inhabited
by the smallest Sorex species, e.g. S. minutissimus (mean weight of about 4 g)
(Mezhzherin, 1964).
Shrews and other small mammals such as lemmings are an integral part of the
winter food web being the prey for weasels, foxes, birds and larger mammals.
Formazov (1946) published a comprehensive review on the importance of snow
cover in the ecology of both small and large mammals which drew heavily both
on the knowledge of indigenous hunters and his own observations of animals and
snow cover relationships in different regions of the F.S.U. In his classic work
‘Snow cover as an integral factor of the environment and its importance in the
ecology of mammals and birds’ the author extended the concept of climatic and
edaphic factors in ecology to cover ‘chionic’ factors (Formazov, 1946). These
represent snow cover characteristics such as distribution, longevity, depth,
density, and hardness which are determinant in the success or failure of
populations to survive in snow-covered regions. Species were classified as either
chionophiles (well adapted to snow cover), chioneuphores (partially adapted to
snow cover), or chionophobes (having great difficulty to function in snow
covered environments). Following Formazov, studies on large mammals and
birds have been numerous and have contributed greatly to our knowledge of
snow ecology e.g. wolves (Huggard, 1993), muskoxen (Nellemenn, 1997),
caribou (Ouellet et al., 1993), goshawks (Tornberg, 1997). The scope of the
research has been expanded to include physiological, biochemical, and other
more fundamental biological attributes of species snow interactions e.g. ungulate
feeding and excretory metabolism in snow-covered terrain (DelGiudice et al.,
1989; White et al., 1997).). In the northern Yukon, several studies by the
Canadian Wildlife Service have clearly demonstrated the linkage between snow
cover conditions and caribou herd behaviour. As elsewhere, the caribou of Wolf
Wolf Creek Research Basin: Hydrology, Ecology, Environment
Creek are observed to use wind-blown snow-free ridges for winter travel and
feeding and summer snowpatches for escape from insects and heat.
Vegetation and Snow
The whole basic vegetative mosaic of certain biomes (e.g. the boreal forest and
tundra) depends on snow-vegetation interactions. Regional vegetation patterns in
alpine, arctic and cool temperate landscapes are strongly dependent on the
distribution and physical characteristics of the snowpack (Walker et al., 1993).
In the boreal forest, wind and snow accumulation are two of the most important
factors in the dynamics of soil temperature, soil moisture, depth of freezing, and
heat flux and the subsequent growth and distribution of plant communities.
Tundra regions are extensively influenced by snow and wind. Snow has long
been recognized as a strong factor in the make-up of mountain vegetative
communities. Many plants in cold regions will survive under deep snow cover
due to the high thermal insulation capacity of the snow (Pomeroy and Brun,
1999; Walker et al., 1999). Others adapt to shallow or intermittent cold snow
cover by retaining a large amount of dead tissue which can trap snow for
insulation, by storing large amounts of high-energy reserves (sugars, starches,
lipids) for frost hardiness (Bell and Bliss, 1979) and by developing growth forms
resistant to desiccation (Bliss, 1966). Many plants show rapid spring growth and
flowering even under snow from over-wintering buds (Galen and Stanton, 1995).
International Tundra Experiment studies that are being initiated in Wolf Creek
will help to elucidate the relationships between vegetation and snow that help to
govern vegetation patterns in the basin.
In forest areas trees intercept snow and play a major role in soil moisture
dynamics and forest hydrology (Pomeroy and Brun,1999). Sublimation of the
intercepted snow will consume considerable amounts of energy from the forest
environment and reduce the transfer of moisture from the atmosphere to the soil
(Harding and Pomeroy, 1996). As forests become more open, the abrasive nature
of wind-blown snow crystals is a key factor in tree survival. The damage and kill
to trees above the snow surface due to wind-blown snow is a common sight in
high-alpine and taiga regions. Pockets of mostly deformed trees (krummholz)
survive only where the topography is favourable to obtain a foothold (Daly,
1984; Begin and Boivin, 1999). Due to the combined influence of wind-induced
drought stress, freezing and snow drifting, these islands of trees gradually die off
on the windward side and advance through the drift on the leeward side thus
gradually moving in line with the wind (e.g. 0.02 m year
; Benedict, 1984).
These krummholz are extremely important for the survival of plant communities
in the immediate area as the protected downwind side will provide a microsite
for a more luxuriant and diverse vegetation than the upwind area (Walker et al.,
1999). These types of snow-vegetation relationships are used in paleoecological
studies e.g. the reconstruction of past snow regimes by the study of tree
morphology (Begin and Boivin, 1999).
Jones & Pomeroy - Snow Ecology
In addition to these severe physical stresses on vegetation, nutrient distribution
is also a key factor in plant distribution and productivity. Soil nutrient content
may vary widely due to atmospheric deposition, aeolian erosion, temperature
regimes and snow depth. In some cases subnival animal activity will also
influence nutrient availability. For example, lemmings can reduce the standing
crops of vegetation (live and dead above-ground biomass) by 50% of the annual
above-ground production and 20% of the total annual production and redistribute
nutrients through the excretion of faeces and urine (Walker et al., 1999).
Nutrient Cycling in Snow-covered Soils
Thus plants, animals, micro-organisms are all tightly bound in the transfer of
nutrients throughout snow-covered systems from snow to soil to the atmosphere
(Jones, 1991; Williams, 1996). An important source of nutrient loss from soil is
by gas emissions to the atmosphere. Respiration and allied microbiological
processes such as denitrification and nitrification continue to produce CO
, CH
, NO, N
O and other gases throughout the winter. The extent to which
seasonal snow cover will influence gaseous emissions from soil will vary with
the duration and depth of snow during the cold, dry accumulation period, and
with the discharge rates and chemical composition of meltwaters during the melt
season (van Bochove et al., 1996). Due to the porous nature of snow, gases
released from the soil will give rise to either consistent gaseous concentration
profiles in the snow cover (Sommerfeld et al., 1993) or ephemeral localized gas-
rich pockets of air within the snow cover (Zimov et al., 1993). The distribution
of gases in snow cover depends on soil temperature and texture, and the physical
structure of the snow cover and its interaction with the atmosphere (Massmann
et al., 1995). Ice lenses are impermeable to gaseous diffusion and considerably
reduce gaseous fluxes between soils and the atmosphere (Winston et al., 1995).
Gaseous emissions under snow may represent a significant part of the annual
Carbon cycle. Sommerfeld et al. (1993) estimated that CO
emissions from an
Alpine soil under snow constituted approximately 25% of the total annual
amount of C fixed by photosynthesis. Zimov et al. (1993) reported that emissions
of CO
under snow cover in the open taiga of Siberia could theoretically
represent the respiration of over 60% of the annual organic C production. In the
case of N
O, Brooks et al. (1996) estimated that the winter/spring N losses by
denitrification (N
, N
O) represented 50% of the annual gaseous N loss and van
Bochove et al. (1996) have shown that the rates of N
O emissions from snow-
covered agricultural soil represented 25% of the annual emissions. Emissions
were very high during the spring snowmelt period.
The spring melt period is also a time of both gains and losses of nutrients for soil
by hydrological input and output respectively. The soil will gain the nutrient
loads of discharged meltwaters by infiltration and biological assimilation but can
also lose nutrients by gaseous emissions and runoff (Williams et al., 1993). Jones
Wolf Creek Research Basin: Hydrology, Ecology, Environment
and Roberge (1992) found that the export of NO
in a boreal forest was greatest
during the meltwater runoff period. This has also been found to be true for other
ecosystems such as hardwood forests (Rascher et al., 1987) and high-altitude
alpine sites (Williams et al., 1993). NH
discharged by meltwaters is generally
fixed or assimilated by the soil and practically no loss of N occurs by direct
transfer of this species through the soil by meltwater to surface waters (Williams
et al., 1996). As NO
is far more mobile than NH
in soils, the export of NO
surface waters may originate both from the solute in the meltwaters (Williams et
al., 1993) and/or from the leaching of the species from soil after over-wintering
mineralization of organic matter (Rascher et al., 1987). However, it is extremely
difficult to distinguish between the two sources of NO
in conventional studies.
Williams et al. (1996) used K
as a tracer in a study to elucidate the relative
importance of the two sources. Their results suggested that soil mineralization
under the seasonal snow, rather than snowmelt release of NO
, may be the main
control on the concentrations of NO
in surface waters and the export of N in
spring. However, the difference between regional snow covers, soils and spring
precipitation, may cause the relative importance of the sources to change from
year to year and export pathways may depend on many factors including the
amount of snow, the rate of melt, soil texture, and soil microbiological activity.
The result can either be a net loss or gain of nutrients. Jones and Bedard (1987)
showed that variations in inter-annual hydrologic exports of N during snowmelt
in a boreal forest can give rise to total spring exports which are either greater or
less than the amounts of the nutrient discharged from the snow cover. The
nutrient cycling between snow, terrestrial and aquatic systems is unknown for
Wolf Creek but considered to be of the utmost importance for primary
productivity in the respective systems. It is hoped that future studies will focus
on this topic.
Concluding Remarks
This brief overview of the functioning of snow and snow-covered systems has
covered some of the principal aspects of snow ecology. Life in snow and in the
cold represents how adaptable life is to survive in harsh natural environments.
Wolf Creek Basin provides an example to the world of a particularly well-
understood snow ecosystem in a northern environment. In the case of Humanity,
technology now facilitates our existence in cold regions but the impact of human
activity on these fragile systems is considerable. Wolf Creek is particularly
vulnerable as it lies partly within the urban boundary of the largest Canadian city
north of the 60th parallel. Human impacts on Wolf Creek have changed
dramatically in the last century as mining, subdivisions and motorized transport
proliferate. We need knowledge on how cold ecosystems function so that
technological and natural communities can co-exist while maintaining the
diversity and quality of life in such severe and spectacular environments.
Jones & Pomeroy - Snow Ecology
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Wolf Creek Research Basin: Hydrology, Ecology, Environment
Jones & Pomeroy - Snow Ecology
... En ce sens, la topographie joue aussi un rôle important. Ainsi, une étude effectuée dans la péninsule ibérique (Espagne) montre une relation entre la distribution de la végétation de montagne et (AUERBACH et HALFPENNY, 1991 ;SOMMERFELD et al., 1993 ;ZIMOV, 1993 ;JONES et al., 1999). ...
... Il convient de rappeler que la neige est un élément très important en régions de montagne, comme les Alpes ou les Andes, pour le développement des écosystèmes (BILLINGS et BLISS, 1959 ;JONES et al., 1999). précipitation. ...
Mediterranean areas are considered particularly sensitive to climate change. Two questions are asked in this context: what is the nature and magnitude of regional climate change (climate and snow cover) in central Chile, since the 70's? What are the changes in mountain vegetation (in the altitude range of 1,500-2,500 m), especially at the upper limit of Kageneckia angustifolia forest? The first part of the thesis shows the characteristics of mountain environments and observed climate change at global and Chilean local level. It also presents the study area, from the standpoint of biogeography and climate. The second part refers to the data and methodology. We used a multiscale approach to the confrontation and the application of several complementary techniques: remote sensing, climatic data and field measurements. The third part presents the results. Climate data recorded in the last 30 years in the stations of El Yeso (2,500 m) and Los Bronces (3,500 m), shows an increase of about 1° C in mean annual temperature, been the sharpest increase in El Yeso, especially in average of low temperatures. In relation to snow cover, it shows high variation and a rise up in the limit of snowline in recent decades, about 300 m. These results are accompanied by a slight increase in NDVI. In the Yerba Loca valley, the diachronic study of Kageneckia angustifolia forest ecotone shows changes towards an increase forest areas and densification. Finally, the experience of germination in Yerba Loca indicates a significant difference between the percentage of germination of the seeds under protection from snow and the ones without treatment, with a negative effect of snow cover on the germination.
... Regional vegetation patterns in alpine, arctic and cool temperate landscapes are strongly dependent on the distribution and physical characteristics of the snowpack (Walker et al. 1993;Jones & Pomeroy 1999). A snowbed is a site where snow accumulates during winter and persists for a longer period (usually until summer). ...
Aims: This is the first attempt to describe the diversity of the thorn-cushion and snowbed vegetation of the high mountains of NW Iran. Our main aim was to identify plant communities occurring in these habitats, and to clarify their syntaxonomic position. We also explored the key environmental factors influencing the species composition of these communities. Study area: Sahand Mts. (3707 m a.s.l.), Sabalan Mts. (4810 m a.s.l.) and Bozqush Mts. (3302 m a.s.l.) in NW Iran. Methods: A total of 166 phytosociological relevés were sampled at elevations ranging from 2800 to 3700 m a.s.l. The data set was classified using the TWINSPAN algorithm, and the result of the numerical classification was interpreted through a syntaxonomic system. Floristic differences were evaluated using a Detrended Correspondence Analysis. Results: We distinguished two alliances of thorncushion grasslands: Astragalion polyanthi all. nov. on windswept sites (including three associations) and Astragalion sahendi all. nov. on sites with longer snow cover duration (including two associations). Snowbed communities were classified into seven associations and assigned to the previously described alliance Taraxaco brevirostris-Polygonion serpyllacei. Conclusions: The duration of snow cover (i.e. the time of snowmelt) strongly determines the distribution of the studied communities. Among other ecological factors affecting the species composition are elevation, aspect, slope inclination and soil structure.
... The north-facing slope has an average gradient of 17.5' . It is located above tree line, but supports patches of dwarf willow (Salix sp.), dwarf birch (Betula sp.) and alder (Alnus sp.) shrubs ranging in height from 0.5 to 1.5 m (Janowicz, 1999;Jones and Pomeroy, 1999). The north facing slope is underlain by permafrost and by late summer the active layer thaws to an average depth of 0.4 m (Quinton and Gray, 2001). ...
... where the annual precipitation rate (ppt, in mm) and mean monthly air temperatures for July (T July ) and January (T Jan ) serve as surrogates to capture the effect of wood moisture and temperature on the annual mass and N changes within the upper and lower dowel parts. For sub-zero temperature conditions, setting p 0 = −1 for the upper dowel part is intended to reflect: (i) wood abrasion under wind-exposed arctic to subarctic conditions and other wind-exposed locations (Sonesson and Callaghan, 1991; Held et al., 2006; McKenna Neuman, 1993) and (ii) snow-ecological effects on wood decomposition and related net N loss (Jones and Pomeroy, 1999). In contrast, setting p 0 = 1 for the lower dowel part reflects the general lack of biological activity when the ground is frozen. ...
This article focuses on modelling above and below-ground mass loss and nitrogen (N) dynamics based on the wooden dowels (Gonystylus bancanus [Miq.] Kurz) of the decadal Long-term Intersite Decomposition Experiment (LIDET) data. These dowels were placed at 27 locations across North and Central America, involving tropical, temperate and boreal forests, grasslands, wetlands and the tundra. The dowel, inserted vertically into the soil with one half remaining exposed to the air, revealed fast mass and N losses under warm to humid conditions, and slow losses under wet as well as cold to dry conditions. The model formulation, referred to as the Wood Decomposition Model, or WDM, related these losses to (i) mean annual precipitation, mean monthly January and July air temperatures, and (ii) mean annual actual evapotranspiration (AET) at each location. The resulting calibrations conformed well to the time-in-field averages for mass remaining by location: R2=0.83 and 0.90 for the lower and upper parts, respectively. These values dropped, respectively, to 0.41 and 0.55 for the N concentrations, and to 0.28 and 0.43 for N remaining. These reductions likely refer to error propagation and to as yet unresolved variations in N transference into and out of the wood specific to each individual dowel location. Recalibrating the model parameters by ecosystem type reduced the R2 values for actual versus best-fitted mass loss by about 0.15. Doing the same without location- or ecosystem-specific adjustments reduced the R2 values further, by about 0.3.
... Further investigations of the physical properties and dynamics of the subalpine snowpack are necessary before conclusions can be drawn about these internal abiotic processes. Another possible explanation for the high concentration of organic N forms in the snowpack proposes that water percolation and increasing heat due to solar radiation during snow melt stimulates microbial activities in snowpacks (Jones and Pomeroy 1999). In which case, resulting increases in N immobilization and turnover by snowmicrobial communities could have been responsible for the concomitant spatial decreases in snow-NO 3 and NH 4 ? ...
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Atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition increasingly impacts remote ecosystems. At high altitudes, snow is a key carrier of water and nutrients from the atmosphere to the soil. Medium-sized subalpine grassland terraces are characteristic of agricultural landscapes in the French Alps and influence spatial and temporal snow pack variables. At the Lautaret Pass, we investigated snow and soil characteristics along mesotopographic gradients across the terraces before and during snowmelt. Total N concentrations in the snowpack did not vary spatially and were dominated by organic N forms either brought by dry deposition trapped by the snow, or due to snow-microbial immobilization and turnover. As expected, snowpack depth, total N deposited with snow and snowmelt followed the terrace toposequence; more snow-N accumulated towards the bank over longer periods. However, direct effects of snow-N on soil-N cycling seem unlikely since the amount of nitrogen released into the soil from the snowpack was very small relative to soil-N pools and N mineralization rates. Nevertheless, some snow-N reached the soil at thaw where it underwent biotic and abiotic processes. In situ soil-N mineralization rates did not vary along the terrace toposequence but soil-N cycling was indirectly affected by the snowpack. Indeed, N mineralization responded to the snowmelt dynamic via induced temporal changes in soil characteristics (i.e. moisture and T°) which cascaded down to affect N-related microbial activities and soil pH. Soil-NH4 and DON accumulated towards the bank during snowmelt while soil-NO3 followed a pulse-release pattern. At the end of the snowmelt season, organic substrate limitation might be accountable for the decrease in N mineralization in general, and in NH4 + production in particular. Possibly, during snowmelt, other biotic or abiotic processes (nitrification, denitrification, plant uptake, leaching) were involved in the transformation and transfer of snow and soil-N pools. Finally, subalpine soils at the Lautaret Pass during snowmelt experienced strong biotic and abiotic changes and switched between a source and a sink of N. KeywordsWet and dry N deposition–Nitrate–Ammonium–Organic N–Mineralization–Snow depth gradient
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The purpose of this study was to examine the winter activities and burrow characteristics of North American badgers (Taxidea taxus jeffersonii). At the northern range-limit of these animals (British Columbia, Canada) winter is long and harsh and habitat patchy and atypical; thus, badgers may respond to winter differently here than elsewhere. Using radio-telemetry and remote-cameras, I documented winter activities of 16 badgers (12♀, 4♂) between 2007 and 2011. Similar to limited and anecdotal data collected elsewhere, badgers during winter reduced home range 3.5 (SD = 0.6) km2 and movements 110.5 (SD = 12.2) m /day and intensively used burrows 1.3 (SD = 0.8) burrows per winter. Total winter burrow stay averaged 34 days (SD = 25.0) per winter and this use coincided with the onset of torpor (first week in January). Despite intensive burrow-use, badgers emerged frequently (0.30 ± 0.07 events/camera-night) and displayed foraging behaviour (mean foray length: 46.70 ± 65.44 min). Burrow emergence was not related to temperature or snow depth; rather it was best explained by the amount of time elapsed since the badger entered the burrow in mid-winter (Julian Day). Despite these trends, winter activity was quite variable among individual badgers. I also compared the thermal properties of the burrows used by the badgers to those previously used in summer or for rearing offspring (natal). As expected, all burrow temperatures remained relatively mild and constant throughout the winter; however, winter burrows were significantly cooler during this time than burrows that had been used in the previous summer, albeit a small difference (average 1.9o C). Snow depth at winter burrows did not differ from ‘summer burrows’, yet natal burrows had significantly less snow. Analysis revealed that soil fan size, number of entrances, horizontal cover, presence of infrastructure, and a coarse description of habitat differentiated seasonal burrow types relatively well. I suggest that individual variation (strategies) may be a response to local conditions. Relatively small, patchy, atypical habitat, in combination with extremely large summer home ranges may limit the ability of some animals to gain sufficient fat reserves, thus necessitating additional foraging during winter. Moreover, my research suggests that seasonal burrows differ with respect to measurable habitat features that can be used to identify and protect important burrows (natal and winter burrow). This study has been the vi first dedicated winter ecology study of free ranging North American badgers and has expanded our knowledge about the winter activities, movements and burrow use of this endangered species. As winter is a critical time in the life history of many mammals, an effective management plan will require an understating of species ecology across all seasons.
Hidden beneath the austere beauty of the rock, water, soil, trees, and plants of the San Juan Mountains and environs lies a complex community of insects whose lives have shaped the habitats of this architecturally diverse ecosystem. Insects and their life cycles, feeding habits, and life-history strategies provide the underlying frameworks of all terrestrial and freshwater communities ( Johnson and Triplehorn 2004). Insects are adapted for survival in the harsh terrestrial environments of the San Juans, where cold temperatures, rarified atmosphere, low water availability, and increased ultraviolet radiation deter most animals. High elevations of the San Juans do not deter the persistent insect. Insects are one of the few animal groups well represented in alpine and arctic fauna because of their ability to withstand low temperatures and extreme desiccation (Mani 1968; Sinclair, Addo-Bediako, and Chown 2003). Freshwater ecosystems also teem with aquatic insects that live in still waters, such as lakes and ponds (lentic systems), and in fast-moving streams and rivers (lotic systems). The properties of water provide a different framework for organisms that must adapt to a very different medium. Water is approximately 800 times denser than air and has less oxygen. Aquatic insects adapt to these changes in both morphology (body shape) and physiology (body function and metabolism) (Merritt, Cummins, and Berg 2008). Disturbances are important factors in the ecology of the San Juans and environs. Fire is one of the most dramatic disturbances, opening the vegetational canopy and stimulating plant growth and arthropod succession. Drought is another disturbance that reduces the abundance of mature vegetation, such as trees, and opens the environment for early successional plants.
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Considering the significance of methanesulfonate (MSA) in the sulfur cycle and global climate, we analyzed MSA and other ionic species in snow from the coastal Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica. MSA concentrations recorded were high (0.58 ± 0.7 μM) with ice-cap regions showing significantly higher concentrations (d f = 10, p < 0.001) than ice-free regions. High nutrient concentration in ice-cap snow appears to have favored algal growth (7.6 × 102 cells l−1) with subsequent production of brominated compounds. The consequent elevated Br− (3.2 ± 2.2 μM) in the ice-cap region could result in the release of Br atoms through photoactivated reactions on aerosols and the snow surface. Activated Br atoms in the atmosphere could react with ozone leading to BrO enhancement with subsequent dimethylsulfide (DMS) oxidation and production of sulfur aerosols. Since BrO based DMS oxidation is much faster than the OH/NO3 pathway, elevated Br− in ice-cap snow could contribute more than ice-free sites towards formation of cloud condensation nuclei at the expense of ozone.
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We assessed the role of growing-season length in regulating absolute and relative cover of six coexisting dominant plant species in an alpine snowbed habitat. To help explain disparity in species-specific responses to growing-season length, we examined the developmental phenology and distribution of each species in relation to natural snow depth variation. Season length varies from approximate to 50 d on early-melting edges of the snowbed to 35 d in the late-melting center, 100 m away. By experimentally altering snowpack, we uncoupled the relationship between spatial location and snowmelt schedule in three consecutive years, imposing the same early dates of snow release in a ''long growing-season'' treatment and the same late dates of snow release in a ''short growing-season'' treatment near the edge and center of the snowbed. Over the course of the experiment, growing-season length had significant effects on absolute and relative cover of the species studied (P < 0.025 and P < 0.005, respectively), and these effects were similar near both the edge and center of the snowbed. Yet, only for the snowbed specialist, Sibbaldia procumbens, were changes in absolute and relative cover under early and late snowmelt schedules predictable from the species' distribution along the historical snow depth gradient. S. procumbens increased in cover under a long growing-season and was more common in historically early-melting portions of the snowbed. Other species (e.g., Ranunculus adoneus, Artemisia scopulorum) were equally common in historically early- and late-melting locations within the snowbed, but showed discordant responses to experimentally imposed changes in snowmelt schedule. That the cover of many species under long- vs, short growing seasons was not predictable from their current distributional affinities in relation to snowmelt pattern likely reflects the disparity between the rates of processes exerting long-term control on species' abundances (colonization, soil development) and more immediate effects of growing-season length on plant growth. Consistent with this view, differences in developmental phenology better predicted species-specific responses to snowmelt schedule than distributional affinities. Species having leaf expansion schedules that are poorly synchronized with snowmelt typically had similar cover under early vs. late schedules of snow release (Geum rossii, Trifolium parryi, and Poa alpina). In contrast, species in which leaf expansion schedules are synchronized with snowmelt responded positively to early snow release (Ranunculus adoneus and Sibbaldia procumbens). We hypothesize that maintaining metabolic ''readiness'' under snowcover provides a mechanism for monopolizing nutrient flushes and competitor-free intervals at snowmelt, and exploiting occasional long intervals for growth in years of little snow accumulation, but incurs a respiratory cost that is manifest as reduced growth and vegetative cover when snowmelt is delayed. Our results suggest that interspecific differences in growth phenology of coexisting species will promote shifts in snowbed plant communities with climate change within generations.
The movement of trace gases through porous media results from a combination of molecular diffusion and natural convection forced by turbulent atmospheric pressure pumping. This study presents observational and modeling results of an experiment to estimate the CO2 flux through a seasonal snowpack in the Rocky Mountains of southern Wyoming, USA. Turbulent atmospheric pressure fluctuations, sampled at 15 Hz at the snow surface, were obained using a fast response differential pressure sensor. A one-dimensional steady state diffusion model and a one-dimensional time-dependent pressure pumping model are used to estimate CO2 fluxes through the snowpack. -from Authors
U licznych przedstawicieli rodzaju Sorex nie zaznacza sie zbyt wyraźnie specjalizacja pokarmowa, ktora pozwolilaby na potwierdzenie przypuszczen Winge (1923). 2. Bez wzgledu na specyfike rodzajową i gatunkową ryjowek, wystepuje u nich zaleznośc pomiedzy ciezarem ciala i wielkością zapotrzebowania pokarmowego, a takze pomiedzy konsumpcją pokarmu a temperaturą otoczenia.
Rates of spruce Picea engelmannii and fir Abies lasiocarpa tree-island migration were estimated by radiocarbon dating the trails of dead wood left by 3 krummholz tree islands as they moved downwind across the forest-tundra ecotone on Niwot Ridge, Colorado Front Range. The leeward ends of the tree islands have expanded eastward at average rates of 1.5 to <2.6 cm/yr due to rooting of low horizontal branches; the windward ends of the tree islands have receded eastward at average rates of 0.9-1.9 cm/yr due to needle death by freezing or desiccation. The trees are in equilibrium with their environments, or are becoming elongated. -from Author
In the Colorado Front Range Kobresia bellardii distribution is restricted to alpine meadows which are neither extremely wind exposed nor buried under snow in winter. This study examined reasons for such a limited distribution by comparing the behavior of undisturbed Kobresia with that of transplants into alpine habitats with less and more winter snow accumulation. Kobresia's success in snow-free meadows was related to rapid summer growth and to its use of an extended period for development, from about 1 April to 20 October. New leaves began elongation in the autumn and completed growth the following summer. Most carbohydrates were stored as oligosaccharides in the shoots. During periods of relatively warm weather (>-4@?C) in winter, when soil water potential (@J"s) rose above -2.0 MPa, leaves elongated slightly; they died back when cold, windy weather resumed. Kobresia did not survive in a fellfield primarily because of mechanical damage by windblown snow and sand. Low @J"s led to leaf wilting in summer and winter. Shallow snow cover (@?15 cm) that melted early permitted extensive April leaf elongation in saturated soils. The prematurely developed leaves apparently lost frost hardiness and were injured in late spring freezes. In sites of moderate (@?75 cm) and deep (@?140 cm) snow accumulations, autumn dieback was incomplete when drifts first formed in September and October. Winter freezing destroyed the apparently unhardened leaf tissues and meristems, resulting in loss of carbohydrate reserves. In the moderate snow accumulation sites, leaf elongation was delayed until snowmelt was complete in late June or early July. Interspecific competition appeared unimportant in determining Kobresia distribution. Flower and seed production were reduced up to 99% by habitat alteration. Kobresia may not be reproducing by seed in the Front Range at the present time.