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Fruits and arboriculture in the Indo-Pacific region



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Fruits and arboriculture in
the Indo-Pacific region
Paper presented at the;
9 TO 15 SEPTEMBER 2002
and subsequently revised for the IPPA Bulletin
This version has the same text as the final submission but has been reformatted as a preprint
Roger Blench
Mallam Dendo
8, Guest Road
Cambridge CB1 2AL
United Kingdom
Voice/Answerphone/Fax. 0044-(0)1223-560687
This printout: Cambridge May 29, 2004
Roger Blench. History of fruits in the East Asia/ Pacific region
1. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................................2
2. FRUITS OF THE INDO-PACIFIC REGION..........................................................................................3
2.1 What is a fruit?........................................................................................................................................ 3
2.2 Conspectus of fruits................................................................................................................................. 4
3. ORIGINS AND SPREAD......................................................................................................................... 14
3.1 Where do common fruits originate?...................................................................................................... 14
3.2 Notes on individual species................................................................................................................... 14
3.3 Who was moving fruit trees around? .................................................................................................... 20
4. CONCLUSIONS .......................................................................................................................................21
4.1 Summary ............................................................................................................................................... 21
4.2 An expanded role for arboriculture? ..................................................................................................... 21
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................................................................ 22
REFERENCES.............................................................................................................................................. 22
Table 1. Cultivated fruits of SE Asia and the Pacific 5
Table 2. Sources of fruits currently grown in the Indo-Pacific region 14
Table 3.Wild and domesticated Canarium spp. in the Indo-Pacific region 15
Table 4. SE Asian fruit names derived from Amerindian languages 19
Transcription of terms in Pacific languages follow the source, in order to avoid inappropriate conversions.
One unconscious bias that commonly creeps into accounts of the development and spread of agriculture is an
emphasis on cereals and tubers. Since these are the basis of agriculture in the developed world, when
students of prehistory construct narratives in the tropics they tend to focus on these classes of cultigen and to
downplay both trees and herbs. The classic feature of distinguishing crops from their wild forbears in such
narratives is morphological change, a criterion which may apply only weakly or not at all to trees and herbs.
The domestication of tree products must be identified principally on distributional grounds as they are used
and discarded far from their 'home' area.
Although prehistory in the Indo-Pacific region has begun to emphasise the importance of arboriculture in
overall subsistence, it has been hamstrung by weak synchronic accounts of the taxonomy, origin and spread
of the major and minor fruit trees. Recent ethnographic work has begun to remedy this situation, but has yet
to be absorbed into archaeological models. Biogeography can therefore be of considerable importance in
determining the evolution of arboricultural subsistence, especially in a region with so many islands, where
settlement can be associated with the introduction of new species.
Another tool which has barely been used is comparative linguistics. Despite a relatively strong empirical
base for the description of Pacific languages in general, rich ethnobotanical accounts of cultivated and
protected trees are still scarce, reducing the potential to reconstruct the history of cultivated trees. But a
variety of lexical databases do exist incorporating terms for major fruit species which can enable us to
reconstruct a notional history. In addition, the diversity of language phyla on the SE Asian mainland allows
us to unravel the routes whereby fruit cultivation spread, through the analysis of loanwords. The paper
attempts an broad-brush survey of the role of fruit cultivation in the East Asia/ Pacific region.
Roger Blench. History of fruits in the East Asia/ Pacific region
1. Introduction
An unconscious bias that commonly creeps into accounts of the development and spread of agriculture is an
emphasis on cereals and tubers. Since these are the basis of agriculture in the developed world, when
students of prehistory construct narratives in the tropics they tend to focus on these classes of cultigen and to
downplay both trees and herbs (although Harris, 1977, mentioned ‘wild nuts’ as one of his ‘alternative
pathways to agriculture’). The classic feature used to distinguish crops from their wild forbears in such
narratives is morphological change, a criterion which may apply only weakly or not at all to these vegetation
classes. As a consequence, the pattern of tree domestication must be identified largely on grounds of
biogeography and current ethnography.
Although prehistory in the Indo-Pacific region has begun to emphasise the importance of arboriculture in
overall subsistence, it has been hamstrung by weak synchronic accounts of the taxonomy, origin and spread
of both major and minor fruit trees. Recent ethnophytogeographic work has begun to remedy this situation,
but has yet to be absorbed into archaeological models. A combination of ethnographic accounts and
biogeography can therefore be of considerable importance in determining the evolution of arboricultural
subsistence, especially in a region with so many islands, where settlement is often co-associated with the
introduction of new species. DNA analysis of the affinities of tropical fruiting genera has only just begun,
but we may well expect the results to emend or revise radically the conclusions of phenotypic analyses, as in
the case of the persimmon, where Yonemori et al. (1998) showed from the amplified cpDNA of Diospyros
spp. in Thailand that its affinities were quite different from those proposed in NG (1978).
In the last few decades, there has been an expansion of reference material on Southeast Asian and Pacific
fruits, notably Guillamin (1954), Massal & Barrau (1956), Allen (1975), Chin & Yong (1982), Sillitoe
(1983), Morton (1987), Eisemann & Eisemann (1988), Henderson & Hancock (1989), Piper (1989), Verheij
& Coronel (1992), Tarepe & Bourke (1992), Bourke (1994), Cooper & Cooper (1994), Othman &
Subardhabandhu (1995), Tirtawinata et al. (1995), CIFOR (1996), Hutton (1996), Fernandez (1997), Walter
& Sam (1999, 2002), Tate (2000), Puri (2001), Jensen (2001) and Mazumdar (2004). Some of these
accounts are more scientific than others, and many include statements about the origins of fruit species that
are highly speculative.
The recognition of the importance of arboriculture in the Indo-Pacific region should be attributed above all
to the work of Douglas Yen (Yen 1974, 1977, 1985, 1992, 1994). Other useful studies are Barrau (1956,
1962), Ng (1975, 1976), Powell (1976, 1977), Mogea (1991), Lepofsky (1992), Gosden (1995) and Athens,
Ward & Murakami (1996). One of the distinctive features of arboriculture is the high degree of variability in
use and degree of domestication. With cereal agriculture, once a plant is domesticated, it will often not
survive except as a cultivated plant, perhaps because it no longer has a shattering head. Trees, in contrast,
often survive very well when ignored by humans. Lepofsky (1992:202) highlights the role on ‘encouraged
volunteers’, i.e. protecting self-seeded species, in the arboriculture of the Mussau islands. Hence the
literature is full of conflicting reports; a tree that is intensively cultivated on one island may be ‘wild’ on
another. A tree that is a famine food at one site can be a highly appreciated delicacy elsewhere. It may be
eaten as a fruit, or only grown for its flowers or for shampoo. This reflects both the changing ecology, when
a species that yields well on one island may be barren elsewhere, leading to it becoming wild or being used
for quite another purpose. This is very much in contrast to cereal agriculture, where the failure of a species
in a new ecology usually leads to its being dropped altogether.
Archaeobotany has begun to make contributions in some areas; macro-remains have been recorded from a
number of Pacific islands (e.g. Kirch 1989; Hayes 1992; Powell 1982) and also the mainland (for overview
see Kyle Latinis 1999, 2000; Kyle Latinis & Stark 1998). But results from flotation are still few and far
between, although the next few years should see a significant increase in results. Nonetheless, an overview
of synchronic use of fruits and recent distributional information ought to assist archaeologists in interpreting
their finds. A problem particular to trees is that it is often difficult to distinguish natural occurrences from
human use, except where the context is unambiguous.
Roger Blench. History of fruits in the East Asia/ Pacific region
Another tool which remains underused is comparative linguistics. Despite a relatively strong empirical base
for the description of Pacific languages in general, rich ethnobotanical accounts of cultivated and protected
trees are still scarce, reducing the potential to reconstruct the history of cultivated trees. But a variety of
lexical databases do exist incorporating terms for major fruit species thereby enabling us to reconstruct a
notional history. Several papers have covered the reconstruction of plant names at various levels of
Austronesian, including Verheijen (1984), Wolff (1994), Tryon (1994), Li (1994), Ross (1996), Lynch
(2001), Blust (n.d.) and Reid (in press). Unfortunately, nothing like this exists for mainland phyla such as
Austroasiatic, Daic, Sino-Tibetan or Hmong-Mien, so accounts based purely on Austronesian tend to give a
one-sided picture. Although occasional detailed accounts of individual languages exist (e.g. Vidal 1962 for
Lao), without comparative lexical databases this does not advance the project. However, the diversity of
language phyla on the Southeast Asian mainland will sometimes allow us to unravel the routes whereby fruit
cultivation spread, through the analysis of loanwords (e.g. Mahdi 1998).
Before accepting too uncritically the results of linguistics it is worth pointing out that reconstruction not
counterpointed by biogeography has resulted in the publication of very misleading results. Dempwolff
(1938) posits proto-Austronesian *nanas and Li (1994) *paŋuDaN for ‘pineapple’. In reality, as Blust (n.d.)
points out, the pineapple was carried from South America around the world by the Portuguese in the 16
century. The cognate set that served as basis for Dempwolff's reconstruction of *nanas were all borrowings
from Portuguese ananas 'pineapple', which in turn derives from a Tupi-Guarani language of Brazil. The
cognate set for *paŋuDaN are terms that have been transferred from the pandanus, the fruit of which looks
similar to the pineapple and there is also apparently confusion with piña, the Spanish name widely borrowed
in Philippines languages. Speakers seeing the pineapple were immediately reminded of the pandanus
independently throughout the area where Austronesian languages are spoken. Similarly, Ross (1996:167)
flags the apparent reconstruction of Citrus spp. in proto-Oceanic but notes that the edible forms of this genus
are only likely to have reached the Pacific after European contact. Either the Oceanic forms originally
applied to the scarcely edible leech-lime, Citrus hystrix, or to other genera with similar-looking fruit, such as
Clymenia spp. or Microcitrus spp. This type of shifting of the referent of a lexical item, whereby old terms
are applied to entirely new species such as New World introductions, or to indigenous but related species
encountered as a population moves, should warn historical linguists of the importance of taking care when
reconstructing flora and fauna. It is not enough to get the linguistics right, the biology must also be accurate.
A fresh compilation of the evidence from ethnography, linguistics and archaeology for the history of fruits in
this region therefore seems timely. This paper is intended to confront the archaeobotanical, ethnographic and
linguistic data; it attempts a broad-brush survey of the role of fruit trees in the Indo-Pacific region and gives
examples of the potential of comparative linguistics to model their history. This is not a zone chosen on a
biogeographical basis, but is intended to add to the increasingly rich prehistory of the region revealed by
2. Fruits of the Indo-Pacific region
2.1 What is a fruit?
The botanical definition of a fruit is broadly the seed-bearing part of the plant and by this definition most
fruits are small, inedible and often toxic. Nuts are similarly the seeds inside the fruits. I have used a more
colloquial idea of a fruit as a plant product with edible flesh and possibly edible seeds, thereby including
some species with edible nuts. The list includes fruits which are cultivated at least in some localities and
those which are more than simply famine foods. In this paper I have confined the listing to trees cultivated
for their fruit, thus omitting for example, important staples, such as sago, fern palm and the banana, but also
the many trees protected and cultivated for other reasons. Fruit-bearing cultivated and wild vines, such as the
water-melon, are excluded, as are trees grown for their leaves, such as Erythrina spp.
Roger Blench. History of fruits in the East Asia/ Pacific region
2.2 Conspectus of fruits
Table 1 shows the most important fruits in the East Asian/Pacific region with their family, common English
name and probable origin. Walter & Sam (1999:261 ff.) provide an important table of the claimed origin and
likely dispersal to individual parts of the Pacific for each fruit. Walter & Sam (2002) is an English
translation with slightly different pagination which has only recently become available, so the page numbers
given here continue to refer to the original French edition. The first column is marked ‘origin’, but places of
origin must be treated with scepticism for many plants; detailed work will undoubtedly revise these
speculations. Where the claimed origin is marked x to y, this implies that the species is indigenous to that
geographical range; there is as yet no specificity as to the original locale of domestication. The alphabetic
coding for the probable origin is explained in Table 2; this is intended to give some weight to different
regions, but the uncertainties mean that it is not worth attributing statistical validity to these zones.
Distribution tries to capture current range either worldwide or in the Indo-Pacific area; sometimes this may
the same as the range given in ‘Origin’. Many of the major tropical fruits are now cultivated worldwide, but
at least some have extended their range in prehistory through human agency. The Column marked LD?
stands for Linguistic Data and a plus sign implies that an analysis of names for the tree in at least some
vernaculars exists. Discussion of these is given in §3. The archaeobotanical data (AD) are essentially
adopted unchanged from Kyle Latinis (2000); I have only cited the oldest dates and I have not included the
references, since these are set out in the original publications.
Roger Blench. History of fruits in the East Asia/ Pacific region
Table 1. Cultivated fruits of SE Asia and the Pacific
Binomial Family English Origin Distribution Code LD?
AD References
1. Adenanthera
Fabaceae Coral pea, Red
bead tree
Malesia Pan-Pacific F Tryon (1994:485),
Walter & Sam
2. Aegle marmelos Rutaceae Bael India India, SE Asia,
Tate (2000:12)
3. Aleurites
Euphorbiaceae Candlenut South India ? Worldwide tropics H + 13,000 BP,
Whistler (1991:52),
Walter & Sam
4. Anacardium
Anacardiaceae Cashew Brazil Worldwide tropics J Fernandez (1997:52),
Tate (2000:14)
5. Ananas comosus Annonaceae Pineapple Brazil Worldwide tropics J Fernandez (1997:98),
Puri (2001:26)
6. Annona muricata Annonaceae Soursop West Indies Worldwide tropics J Fernandez (1997:36),
Tate (2000:18), Puri
7. Annona reticulata
Annonaceae Bullock heart
West Indies Worldwide tropics J Tate (2000:20)
8. Annona
Annonaceae Sweetsop,
sugar apple
Mexico Worldwide tropics J Tate (2000:22)
9. Antidesma bunius Euphorbiaceae Chinese laurel,
India, Southeast
Asia, W. Australia
India, Southeast Asia,
W. Australia
A Fernandez (1997:16),
Tate (2000:24)
10. Areca catechu Palmae Betel palm NE Indonesia ? Pan-Pacific, mainland
SE Asia
F + 13,000 BP,
Whitmore (1979),
Puri (2001:110)
11. Artocarpus altilis Moraceae Breadfruit New Guinea ? Worldwide tropics C + Barrau (1957);
Whistler (1991:55),
Ragone (1991, 1997);
Walter & Sam
12. Artocarpus
Moraceae Jackfruit India Worldwide tropics H + Fernandez (1997:78),
Tate (2000:28), Puri
Roger Blench. History of fruits in the East Asia/ Pacific region
No. Binomial Family English Origin Distribution Code LD? AD References
Moraceae Chempedak Malesia SE Asia F Tate (2000:30), Puri
14. Averrhoa bilimbi Oxalidaceae Bilimbi,
cucumber tree
Malesia Mainland SE Asia F + Fernandez (1997:48),
Tate (2000:32)
15. Averrhoa
Oxalidaceae Carambola,
SE Asia Worldwide tropics F + Fernandez (1997:10),
Tate (2000:34), Puri
16. Baccaurea
Euphorbiaceae Rambai Sumatra Southeast Asia F Morton (1987:220),
Puri (2001:45)
17. Baccaurea
Euphorbiaceae Kapundung Java Indonesia F Morton (1987:220)
18. Baccaurea
Euphorbiaceae Burmese grape India, China, SE
India, China, SE Asia F
19. Barringtonia
Lecythidaceae Cut nut NE New Guinea,
Vanuatu, Solomons,
NE New Guinea,
Vanuatu, Solomons,
B + Jebb & Wise (1992),
Yen (1995:839),
Walter & Sam
20. Barringtonia
Lecythidaceae Cut nut NE New
NE New
B + Jebb & Wise (1992),
Yen (1995:839),
Walter & Sam
21. Barringtonia
Lecythidaceae Cut nut NE New Guinea,
Vanuatu, Solomons
NE New Guinea,
Vanuatu, Solomons
B + Jebb & Wise (1992),
Yen (1995:839),
Walter & Sam
22. Borassus
Palmae Palmyra palm,
sugar palm,
India, SE Asia Worldwide tropics A Whitmore (1979),
Tate (2000:36)
23. Bouea
Anacardiaceae Gandaria Malaysia, Indonesia SE Asia F Tate (2000:38)
24. Burckella fijiensis Sapotaceae Tortoise pear Fiji Fiji, Futuna D Walter & Sam
Roger Blench. History of fruits in the East Asia/ Pacific region
No. Binomial Family English Origin Distribution Code LD? AD References
25. Burckella obovata Sapotaceae Burckella Moluccas to
Moluccas to Vanuatu B + 3200 BP,
Walter & Sam
Canarium harveyi Burseraceae Canarium nut,
pili nut
Solomons to Tonga Solomons to Tonga B + Leenhouts (1965);
Whistler (1991:63),
Yen (1995:839),
Walter & Sam
27. Canarium
Burseraceae Java almond Moluccas to
Pan-Pacific B + 14,000 BP,
Leenhouts (1965),
Yen (1995:839),
Coronel (1996),
Spriggs (1997:55),
Walter & Sam
28. Canarium
Burseraceae Danau majang Malaysia and
Western Indonesia
Malaysia and Western
F Puri (2001:27)
29. Canarium ovatum Burseraceae Pili nut Philippines Philippines F Yen (1995:839),
Coronel (1996)
30. Canarium vulgare Burseraceae ? Sulawesi to the Aru
Insular SE Asia, Sri
B Yen (1995:839)
31. Carica papaya Caricaceae Pawpaw New World Worldwide tropics J Tate (2000:40), Puri
32. Casimiroa edulis Sapotaceae Casimiroa,
white sapote
New World Worldwide tropics J Tate (2000:42)
33. Chrysophyllum
Sapotaceae Star apple West Indies Philippines J Fernandez (1997:18)
34. Citrus aurantifolia
Rutaceae Lime Northern Burma Worldwide tropics G Tate (2000:46)
35. Citrus hystrix Rutaceae Leech-lime Origin not known Thailand to Bismarck
M Puri (2001:136)
36. Citrus macroptera Rutaceae Ghost-lime Thailand to New
Introduced to
Solomons, Vanuatu,
New Caledonia
F Whistler (1991:56),
Walter & Sam
37. Citrus maxima Rutaceae Shaddock,
Malesia Worldwide tropics F Whistler (1991:56),
Tate (2000:48), Puri
Roger Blench. History of fruits in the East Asia/ Pacific region
No. Binomial Family English Origin Distribution Code LD? AD References
Citrus reticulata Rutaceae Tangerine Malesia Worldwide tropics F Puri (2001:138)
39. Citrus sinensis Rutaceae Sweet orange South China, Vit
Worldwide tropics I Fernandez (1997:40)
40. Cocos nucifera Palmae Coconut Malesia? Worldwide tropics F + 5830 BP, New
Guinea, Sepik
Child (1974); Harries
(1990); Whistler
(1991:61), Fernandez
(1997:82), Puri
41. Cordia subcordata Boraginaceae Sea trumpet Malesia
Pan-Pacific seashores
and adjacent lowlands
from east Africa to
F 4250-4050 BP,
Walter & Sam
42. Corynocarpus
Corynocarpaceae Corynocarp North Queensland,
New Guinea,
North Queensland,
New Guinea,
C 3200 BP,
Foreman (1978:111),
Walter & Sam
43. Dimocarpus
Sapindaceae Longan South China,
China, SE Asia I Tate (2000:54), Puri
44. Diospyros blancoi Ebenaceae Mabolo,
Philippines SE Asia F Fernandez (1997:60),
Tate (2000:56)
45. Diospyros kaki Ebenaceae Persimmon China, Japan Worldwide tropics
except Africa
I Utsunomiya et al.
(1998), Tate
46. Diospyros major Ebenaceae Fiji Persimmon Fiji ? Fiji, Tonga, Uvea and
D Whistler (1991:52)
47. Dracontomelon
Anacardiaceae New Guinea
India to Solomons India to Solomons A + Lepofsky (1992:209),
Walter & Sam
48. Dracontomelon
lenticulatum = D.
Anacardiaceae ? Malaysia Introduced into New
F Walter & Sam
49. Dracontomelon
Anacardiaceae Dragon plum Bismarcks, Santa
Cruz, Vanuatu, Fiji,
Bismarcks, Santa
Cruz, Vanuatu, Fiji,
B + 3200 BP,
Tryon (1994:27),
Walter & Sam
Roger Blench. History of fruits in the East Asia/ Pacific region
No. Binomial Family English Origin Distribution Code LD? AD References
50. Durio zibethinus Bombacaceae Durian Malaya, Indonesia Widespread in
mainland and island
SE Asia
F Foreman (1995:221-
270), Tate (2000:60)
51. Ficus scabra Moraceae Oceania fig New Caledonia to
Tonga and Samoa
New Caledonia to
Tonga and Samoa
B Walter & Sam
52. Ficus tinctoria Moraceae Red dye fig India to the
India to the Marquesas A Whistler (1991:55),
Walter & Sam
Proteaceae Chrysocarp Moluccas to
Vanuatu, Palau, Aru
Moluccas to Vanuatu,
Palau, Aru islands
B Croft (1981:13),
Walter & Sam
54. Flacourtia rukam Flacourtiaceae Indian plum Malaysia to the
China, SE Asia, Fiji,
Tonga, Carolines
F Walter & Sam
55. Garcinia
Clusiaceae Mangosteen Indochina Widespread in
mainland and island
SE Asia
G Fernandez (1997:70),
Tate (2000:62), Puri
56. Gnetum gnemon Gnetaceae Spanish joint
Assam to Fiji Introduced to Sumatra,
Java, Andaman islands
F + Walter & Sam
57. Inocarpus fagifer Fabaceae Tahiti chestnut Java to Fiji Introductions to
Polynesia, Philippines,
F + 3200 BP,
Whistler (1991:53),
Walter & Sam
58. Lansium
Meliaceae Langsat, Duku Malaysia, Indonesia Mainland SE Asia, S.
India, Philippines
F Fernandez (1997:56),
Tate (2000:64), Puri
59. Litchi chinensis Sapindaceae Litchi South China/Vit
Worldwide tropics
except Africa
I Morton (1987:249–
259), Tate (2000:66)
60. Mangifera
Anacardiaceae Paho Indonesia,
Indonesia, Philippines,
F + Fernandez (1997:87)
61. Mangifera foetida Anacardiaceae Horse mango Thailand, Malaysia,
Introduced to southern
Myanmar, Cambodia
and Vietnam.
G Verheij & Coronel
62. Mangifera indica Anacardiaceae Mango India, Burma Worldwide tropics G + Mukherjee (1972),
Roger Blench. History of fruits in the East Asia/ Pacific region
No. Binomial Family English Origin Distribution Code LD? AD References
Fernandez (1997:64),
Tate (2000:68)
63. Mangifera minor Anacardiaceae Wild mango New Guinea,
New Guinea,
64. Mangifera
Anacardiaceae Kuwini, huani ? Malaya Insular and mainland
SE Asia
F Puri (2001:6)
65. Manilkara zapote Sapotaceae Sapodilla Central America Worldwide tropics
except Africa
J Fernandez (1997:22),
Tate (2000:70)
66. Morinda citrifolia Rubiaceae Indian
mulberry, noni,
Northern Australia/
Southeast Asia
Worldwide sea-coasts M Whistler (1991:56),
Groenendijk (1992),
Morton (1992), Tryon
(1994:500), Walter &
Sam (1999:193)
67. Muntingia
Elaeocarpaceae Aratiles,
Jamaica cherry
Tropical America Philippines J Fernandez (1997:4)
68. Neisoperma
Apocynaceae Twin apple ? Seychelles to the
M Walter & Sam
69. Nephelium
Sapindaceae Rambutan Malaysia, Indonesia SE Asia F Tate (2000:74), Puri
70. Pandanus
Pandanaceae Red pandanus Moluccas, New
Moluccas, New
Guinea, Bismarcks
C + Walter & Sam
71. Pandanus dubius Pandanaceae Knob-fruited
Malaysia to Vanuatu Malaysia to Vanuatu F + Walter & Sam
72. Pandanus
Pandanaceae Highand
New Guinea New Guinea C 12,100 BP,
New Guinea,
Walter & Sam
73. Pandanus
Pandanaceae Pacific
Philippines to
Austral islands, N
Malaysia, Philippines
to Austral islands, N
F Whistler (1991:61),
Walter & Sam
74. Pangium edule Flacourtiaceae Payang, Pangi insular SE Asia Malaysia to Vanuatu F + 5800 BP, New
Guinea, Sepik,
Walter & Sam
(1999:208), Puri
Roger Blench. History of fruits in the East Asia/ Pacific region
No. Binomial Family English Origin Distribution Code LD? AD References
Dongan (2001:67)
Moraceae ? Insular SE Asia,
M + Ross (1996:187)
76 Passiflora edulis Passifloraceae Passion fruit Brazil Worldwide tropics J Fernandez (1997:94),
Tate (2000:76)
77. Passiflora
Passifloraceae Giant
New World SE Asia J Morton (1987:328–
330), Fernandez
(1997:94), Tate
78. Persea americana Lauraceae Avocado Central America Worldwide tropics J Fernandez (1997:8),
Tate (2000:80)
79. Phyllanthus
Euphorbiaceae Otaheite
? South Asia SE Asia H Jensen (2001:173)
80. Phyllanthus
Euphorbiaceae Indian
? Burma China, SE Asia G Jensen (2001:173)
81. Pithocellobium
Madras thorn
fruit, Manila
Central America Philippines J Fernandez (1997:20)
82. Pometia pinnata Sapindaceae Taun tree, Fiji
Sri Lanka, Yunnan,
SE Asia, pan-Pacific F 5800 BP, New
Guinea, Sepik,
Walter & Sam
83. Pouteria sapota Sapotaceae Marmelade
Mexico Philippines, Vietnam J Morton (1987:398–
402), Fernandez
84. Psidium guajava Myrtaceae Guava Mexico Worldwide tropics J Tate (2000:82), Puri
85. Punica granatum Punicaceae Pomegranate Central Asia Old World tropics L Tate (2000:82),
Jensen (2001:181)
86. Salacca zalacca Palmae Snakefruit Indonesia Indonesia, Indo-China F Tate (2000:86), Puri
87. Sandoricum
Meliaceae Santol Indo-China Southeast Asia G Jensen (2001:183)
88. Spondias cytherea Anacardiaceae Ambarella, ? Pan-Pacific M + 4250-4050 BP, Whistler (1991:50),
Roger Blench. History of fruits in the East Asia/ Pacific region
No. Binomial Family English Origin Distribution Code LD? AD References
(= S. dulcis) Tahiti apple Bismarcks,
Walter & Sam
Sterculia vitiensis Sterculiaceae Sterculia Vanuatu, Fiji Vanuatu, Fiji B Walter & Sam
90. Syzygium
aqueum & S.
Myrtaceae Water apple,
Curacao apple
Southeast Asia Southeast Asia F Fernandez (1997:62)
91. Syzygium cumini Myrtaceae Java plum,
India, Burma,
Andaman Islands
Worldwide tropics H Morton (1987: 375–
378), Fernandez
92. Syzygium jambos Myrtaceae Rose apple,
Malabar plum
Malesia Worldwide tropics F Jensen (2001:195)
93. Syzygium
Myrtaceae Malay apple ? SE Asia, pan-Pacific M Weisler (1991);
Whistler (1991:55),
Walter & Sam
(1999:236), Tate
(2000:88), Jensen
94. Tamarindus
Leguminosae Tamarind Africa Worldwide tropics K Gunasena & Hughes
(2000), Tate
95. Terminalia
Combretaceae Indian almond,
sea almond
Malaysia Worldwide tropics F + 4250-4050 BP,
Coode (1978:72),
Morton (1985);
Whistler (1991:51),
Yen (1995:840),
Walter & Sam
96. Terminalia
Combretaceae Okari nut New Guinea, Aru
introduction in the
C Coode (1978:82), Yen
(1995:840), Walter &
Sam (1999:244)
97. Xanthophyllum Polygalaceae Kayu batu Western Indonesia Western Indonesia F Puri (2001:131)
Roger Blench. History of fruits in the East Asia/ Pacific region
No. Binomial Family English Origin Distribution Code LD? AD References
Rhamnaceae Indian jujube,
India ? India, China, Mainland
SE Asia
H Pareek (2001)
Sources: Burkill (1966), Corner (1988), Verheij & Coronel (1992), McKee (1994), Fernandez (1997), Walter & Sam (1999), Tate (2000), Dy
Phon (2000), Puri (2001), Jensen (2001),
Roger Blench. History of fruits in the East Asia/ Pacific region
3. Origins and spread
3.1 Where do common fruits originate?
Table 2 provides a simplified analysis of the origins of the fruits cultivated today in the Indo-Pacific region.
I have used ‘Malesia’ as a catch-all category for trees domesticated in the large area between eastern India
and insular Southeast Asia.
Table 2. Sources of fruits currently grown in the Indo-Pacific region
Region of origin Code No.
Indo-Pacific A 4
Moluccas to Vanuatu B 10
New Guinea C 6
Fiji D 2
Micronesia E 0
Malesia F 36
Indochina G 6
India H 6
China I 4
New World J 16
Africa K 1
Europe/Central Asia L 1
Unknown M 6
An aspect of this study that deserves greater emphasis is the relative importance of arboriculture in the
Vanuatu/Solomons area, something noted by Douglas Yen some time ago (Yen 1974). A large number of
species seem to originate in the zone between the Solomons and western Polynesia, most still having quite a
limited distribution. It suggests they should be given considerably more linguistic and archaeological
3.2 Notes on individual species
The following text is intended to provide a brief commentary on some of the species tabulated here. I have
cited both the (somewhat variable) English and scientific names in the text, and in each case these are
referenced numerically to their entry in Table 1. Even scientific names are not very stable, witness the recent
change of Eugenia spp. to Syzygium spp., so I have tried to use the most recent ones available.
Solomons and Vanuatu
The most important species domesticated in this region are Barringtonia spp., the cutnuts (19, 20, 21) (Jebb
& Wise 1992). Yen (1995:839) notes evidence for the domestication of B. procera and B. novae-hiberniae
in the Solomons; B. novae-hiberniae is wild in New Guinea and the seeds are toxic. Ross (1996:213)
proposes *(w,v)ele as the proto-Oceanic form for these three species, whose vernacular names regularly
interchange. He notes that only Barringtonia novae-hiberniae would have been present in the Bismarcks at
the time of the split-up of proto-Oceanic and so the reconstruction must refer to this species. Still confined
largely to this zone, the cutnuts have been introduced into other regions such as New Guinea relatively
recently. Tryon (1994:488) quotes a reconstruction for proto-Philippines, *butun, although this is for another
species, Barringtonia asiatica, used principally as a fish-poison. Burckella obovata (25) is found from the
Roger Blench. History of fruits in the East Asia/ Pacific region
Moluccas to Vanuatu, including the Polynesian outliers Anuta, Rennell, Takuu and Tikopia (Biggs n.d.), and
has been introduced to Fiji and Tonga as a domesticate. Ross (1996) reconstructs *ñatu(q) for proto-
Oceanic, although related lexemes in Philippines languages refer to Palaquium spp. (Reid n.d.). The
corynocarps, almost all of which are eaten in times of famine, have been studied by Wagstaff & Dawson
(2000). Corynocarpus cribbianus (42) is recorded in the Bismarcks at 3200 BP (Kirch 1989:234). Although
found ‘wild’ throughout Melanesian lowland forests, the corynocarps are rarely cultivated today and their
presence may be a record of a period when they were once more intensively exploited.
The New Guinea walnut, Dracontomelon dao (47), might have been domesticated anywhere in Malesia but
is recorded in the Bismarcks 3200 BP (Kirch 1989:229). Intriguingly, given its previous importance, it is
hardly used in Mussau today (Lepofsky 1992:209). Blust has proposed a proto-Austronesian reconstruction
*daqu, which has a proto-Oceanic reflex *raqu(p) (Ross 1996:213) and is transferred to the dragon plum,
Dracontomelon vitiense (49), native to Vanuatu, Fiji and Samoa (Walter & Sam 1999:274). The chrysocarp,
Finschia chloroxantha (53), seems to be indigenous to the Moluccas-Vanuatu region (including the Aru
islands), but has also been recorded from Palau. The sterculia, Sterculia vitiensis (89), is confined to
Vanuatu and Fiji.
The Spanish joint fir, Gnetum gnemon (56), is spread from Assam to Fiji and introduced in Java and
Sumatra. Ross (1996:191) notes a rather local reconstruction in Western Oceanic, *wayu. The edible
Gnetums are also very widespread across Africa and have been carried by human groups throughout the
equatorial rainforest, so it is it conceivable that the present-day wide distribution in the Indo-Pacific region is
partly anthropic.
Tree species with extensive archaeobotanical remains and considerable problems attached to their precise
identification are the Canarium spp. Yen (1994, 1995:839) shows the distribution of six domesticated and
additional large-seeded edible wild species Canarium species in the southwest Pacific (Table 3).
Table 3.Wild and domesticated Canarium spp. in the Indo-Pacific region
Status Section Group Species Distribution
Domestic Canarium Vulgare C. indicum Moluccas to Vanuatu
C. ovatum Northern Philippines
C. vulgare Eastern Indonesia
Maluense C. lamii North coast of New Guinea
C. salomonense Solomons, SE New Guinea, New Britain
C. harveyii Solomons to Tonga
Wild Pimela wild and cultivated species in insular and
mainland SE Asia, with C. australianum in SE
New Guinea and Australia
Wild Canariellum six species NE Australia, New Caledonia, Loyalty Islands
Adapted from Yen (1995:839)
Two of the most widespread species, the pili nut, Canarium harveyi (26) and the Java almond, Canarium
indicum (27), occur across a wide area from the Moluccas to Vanuatu, and many related species also occur
in Southeast Asia (Walter, Sam & Bourdy 1994). The earliest dates are 14,000 BP in the Sepik-Ramu area,
but it is not possible to distinguish between species (Yen 1994). The Java almond (27), Canarium indicum,
appears to be indigenous to the region from Northern Sulawesi to Vanuatu and Ross (1996:213) cites the
reconstructions, proto-PCEMP, *kanaRi and proto-Oceanic *[ka]ŋari also noting reflexes in Central
Malayo-Polynesian. Kirch (1989:234) makes the interesting observation that the cultivated forms of the Java
almond correspond closely with the geographic distribution of the Lapita dispersal. Ross (1996:214) notes
two other terms for Canarium spp., proto-Oceanic *qalip and proto-West-Oceanic *pinuaq but does not
propose particular species are the referents.
Roger Blench. History of fruits in the East Asia/ Pacific region
New Guinea
The breadfruit, Artocarpus altilis (11), was probably domesticated in New Guinea. Seeded breadfruit
appears to occur wild only in New Guinea where, along with breadnut, it is a dominant member of
secondary forests in lowland areas (Ragone 1997:18). It was carried to many regions of the Pacific in pre-
European times, but only introduced to the Philippines from Guam in the historical era (Barrau 1957;
Ragone 1991). Tryon (1994:486) quotes a reconstruction for proto-Austronesian, *kama(n)si, but this is
evidently suspect if the breadfruit was so recent in the Philippines and Taiwan. More probably the
Philippines name kamansi originally applied to another Artocarpus sp., shifted to the breadfruit and was then
taken to Taiwan. Blust (n.d.) suggests a quite different form for proto-Malayo-Polynesian *kulu(R), but even
this is problematic since it implies a spurious antiquity in the Philippines. These issues can only be resolved
with more detailed ethnobotanical data on the near relatives of the breadfruit. There are several other
Artocarpus spp. in the Malesian area, for example shiny tampang, A. nitidus, monkey jackfruit, A. rigidus
and marang, A. odoratissimus, cultivated locally for their fruits (Puri 2001:98-100).
Ross (1996:205) gives proto-Oceanic *padran for ‘coastal pandanus’ which, he observes, usually applies to
Pandanus tectorius (73) but is also a generic for Pandanus spp. in the Pacific. A second proto-Oceanic form,
*kiRe also applies to P. tectorius and is also attested at proto-Malayo-Polynesian level. The red pandanus,
Pandanus conoideus (70), and the highland pandanus, Pandanus jiulianettii (72), are confined to New
Guinea and parts of the Moluccas. Ross (1996:206-7) gives *pakum as proto-Oceanic for Pandanus dubius
and *m
a, probably for the red pandanus, P. conoideus. Parartocarpus venenosus (75), which occurs
widely throughout the region and is often compared to breadfruit. has a reconstruction in proto-Western
Oceanic, *lapuka (Ross 1996:187). The okari nut, Terminalia kaernbachii (96), occurs between the
Moluccas and New Guinea and has been carried to the Solomons in recent times.
The tortoise-pear, Burckella fijiensis (24), is the most significant domesticate in Fiji and still confined to the
Fijian islands and Futuna. However, the Fiji persimmon, Diospyros major (46), seems also to originate in
Fiji and has subsequently spread to Tonga, Uvea and Futuna (Whistler 1991:52).
The coral pea, Adenanthera pavonina (1), is apparently native to the Malesian region but was carried to
much of Melanesia in an unknown past era, although its introduction to Fiji, Polynesia and Micronesia is
apparently post-European (Walter & Sam 1999:80). Tryon (1994:485) proposes a reconstruction for proto-
North Central Vanuatu, *bisa. Walter & Sam (1999:83) claim that the candlenut, Aleurites moluccana (3),
only occurs wild in India, but evidence for candlenuts in Timor at 13,000 BP and on Morotai at 11,000 BP
rather suggests it is indigenous to a wider area. Archaeobotanical dates for the betel palm, Areca catechu
(10), are extremely old, although whether the nut was in use for chewing at 13,000 BP is open to question.
Mahdi (1998:405) has a useful discussion of the linguistic sources for betel chewing, noting that terms for
‘fruit’ in Austronesian (PAN *Buaq) are intertwined with those for areca nut, suggesting that it was
perceived as the fruit par excellence and notes that betel pepper (Piper betle) appears to have been borrowed
into Austronesian from Austroasiatic. The durian, Durio zibethinus (50), perhaps originating in insular SE
Asia, has only recently become a major traded fruit both east and west of its core area and most mainland
names reflect the Malay term durian. Other durians of more limited distribution are the Kutai durian, Durio
kutejensis, confined to Borneo, and the leaf durian, Durio oxleyanus, found in Malaysia and western
Indonesia (Puri 2001:23-4).
Roger Blench. History of fruits in the East Asia/ Pacific region
The mangos, Mangifera spp. (60, 61, 62, 63, 64), constitute an interesting problem. The mango proper,
Mangifera indica, originates in India or Burma but probably spread to Southeast Asia during the last two
millennia, and was subsequently carried around the Pacific in the post-European era (Ross 1996:210). One
of the Malay names, mempelam, is from Sanskrit via Tamil and etymologises as maha pahala, the ‘great
fruit’ (Tate 2000:68). The English name ‘mango’ is from a Sundanese word mangga, which in turn probably
derives from Sanskrit via Tamil and this suggests that India was the source of the domestic plant (Mukherjee
1972). Li (1994:246) shows that the mango must have been brought to Taiwan from the Philippines, along
with the persimmon. The reconstruction *pau(q) in proto-Oceanic, cognate with PMP *pahuq for Mangifera
sp. (Blust n.d.), probably applies to the paho, Mangifera altissima (60), and not M. indica, as this would
place it in the Austronesian region too early. Other reconstructions for proto-Oceanic are *wai(wai) as
‘generic’ for Mangifera spp. and *koRa, given as ‘wild’ mango, Mangifera minor (63) (Ross 1996:209). The
fourth mango, Mangifera foetida, seems to be confined to Southeast Asia and virtually no linguistic data are
available. The origin of the kuwini, Mangifera odorata (64), is disputed, but may be Malaysia; it is now
distributed widely throughout the mainland and islands of SE Asia. Other highly local cultivated mangoes in
this region include Mangifera quadrifida and M. pajang, the sherbert mango (Puri 2001:5,7).
The Tahiti chestnut, Inocarpus fagifer (57), is one of the most widespread fruits in the Pacific and was
probably carried from the Moluccas and Eastern Indonesia throughout Polynesia and Melanesia, with post-
European introductions to Micronesia and the Philippines. Ross (1996:215) cites proto-Oceanic *(q)ipi, but
the Philippines cognates (*ipi(l)) appear to refer to another plant, Intsia bijugata (Reid in press). The names
for Tahiti chestnut in Polynesian languages also suggest some crossover with the Tahiti apple, Spondias
cytherea (88). The twin apple, Neisosperma oppositifolium (68) occurs from the Seychelles to the
Marquesas, but it has been shown to float on ocean currents, so this may be the explanation for its broad
The exact origin of the Malay apple, Syzygium malaccense (93), is unknown, but it is now found from
Indochina to the Austral islands, and was presumably carried through the region at a very early period,
although Captain Bligh was responsible for carrying it to Jamaica. Weisler (1991) records its use in house
construction in Hawai’i in the proto-historic period. Ross (1996:211) reconstructs *kapika for proto-Oceanic
and some of these forms look cognate with those in Philippine languages (Reid in press). However, the
names in Thai, chompoo, and Khmer, chumpu krâhâ:m, are transparently borrowed from Malay jambu,
suggesting that it has only recently been traded and grown in the interior of the mainland. The forms for the
rose apple, Syzygium jambos (92), are quite distinct in the Philippines, suggesting that both reconstructions
will separate out when the data are more complete. The sea almond, Terminalia catappa (95), probably
originated in Malaysia and has been carried to all tropical regions in post-contact times (Morton 1985;
Whistler 1991:51). Linguistic evidence suggests it was well-known to the early Austronesians. Ross
(1996:215) cites proto-Oceanic *talise, and Dempwolff (1938) *talisay for proto-Malayo-Polynesian, a form
with extensive Philippines cognates (Reid in press).
The Indian plum, Flacourtia rukam (54) is native to the region from Malaysia to the Solomons but has been
widely distributed to both the Southeast Asian mainland, India, China and the Polynesian islands, west of the
Solomons. The knob-fruited screwpine, Pandanus dubius (71), occurs from the east coast of Malaysia to
Vanuatu, but curiously, was never carried to Polynesia and is only cultivated on Vanuatu. The most
widespread pandanus is the Pacific pandanus, Pandanus tectorius (73), whose exact taxonomy remains
debated. At the western end of of its range it shades into P. odoratissima. Its many subtypes are probably the
result of widespread and ancient cultivation, although the cultivars are most diverse at the extreme end of its
range in the Marshalls and Kiribati. Blust (n.d.) reconstructs a form *pa
dan for proto-Malayo-Polynesian
and Ross (1996:205) gives proto-Oceanic *padran. Cognates occur on Taiwan, but in Formosan languages
the term is now applied to ‘pineapple’ in most languages, implying a recent transfer of the referent. The
pangi, Pangium edule (74), occurs from Indochina to Vanuatu and was carried to Micronesia in the post-
European era. Blust (n.d.) quotes a PMP reconstruction *pa’i.
Roger Blench. History of fruits in the East Asia/ Pacific region
The taun, Pometia pinnata (82), is indigenous to a broad zone from Sri Lanka to Vanuatu with outliers in
South China and Indochina, and was later carried to further Polynesia in the post-European era. Kirch
(1989:236) who recorded the taun in the Mussau islands at 3200 BP notes its coincident distribution with the
Lapita area, like the Java almond (27). Ross (1996:212) reconstructs *tawan for proto-Oceanic (hence the
name of the tree) and this clearly has cognates in Philippines languages. Li (1994:264) proposes a proto-
Austronesian reconstruction for the taun, *cayi, but some of Li’s forms, such as Amis kowawi, are cognate
with Philippines witnesses such as Tagalog kayawi, warranting a different reconstruction. The sea-trumpet,
Cordia subcordata (40), is apparently native to Malesia but has been spread throughout the Pacific and
along Indian Ocean seashores and adjacent lowlands from east Africa to Polynesia.
Fruits seem to have been transmitted from India both at an early period and in the historical era. The Indian
jujube, Ziziphus mauritiana (102), may have reached Southeast Asia earlier than the main period of Indian
influence. Although cultivated in many places, it is now regarded as ‘wild’ fruit in Yunnan, for example (Jin
et al. 1999). Archaeological evidence for trade between India and the Southeast Asian region dates from the
fourth century BC, and Indian pottery has been found on Bali from the 1st century BC onwards (Bellwood
1997: 294). The Hindu religious influence on the Southeast Asian region dates from the sixth century and
fruits brought at this time include the bael, Aegle marmelos (2), the bignay, Antidesma bunius (9), the
jackfruit, Artocarpus heterophyllus (12) and the mango, Mangifera indica (62). These fruits often bear some
recognisable version of a Sanskrit name; the bael, for example, is known in Java as majapahit (Sanskrit
‘great’ + ‘bitter’), a term later applied to the 14
century Javanese Empire. The Malay name of the bignay,
berunai, may be the origin of the names of both Brunei and Borneo (Tate 2000:24). The candlenut (3) grows
wild in South India and seems to have been spread from there to Pakistan, China, north-eastern Australia, the
Philippines, Malaysia, and all the islands from Sumatra to Tonga, including New Caledonia (Walter & Sam
1999:84). Whistler (1991:52) claims that it was spread into Polynesia at an early period. Although the sugar
palm, Borassus flabellifer (22), is probably indigenous to Malesia as well as India, the Malay name, lontar,
derives from Sanskrit (pala ‘palm’ + ron ‘leaf’) because the dried leaves of this species were preferred for
writing (Tate 2000:36). It must also have been carried to Africa at a very early period, as it has long been
regarded as indigenous under its synonym, B. aethiopum. The red dye fig (52) is only eaten in certain
locations, but seems to have been introduced into Tokelau for its edible fruits (Whistler 1991:55). Although
the tamarind, Tamarindus indica (94), was domesticated in Africa, it was carried to India prior to 1300 BC,
to judge from charcoal analyses and literary references (Blench 2003:284). Literary references suggest that it
only spread to Java and the rest of Southeast Asia in the medieval period (Gunasena & Hughes 2000).
Given its size and the overall importance of agriculture, China has domesticated few fruits overall and even
fewer that have had a major impact on the arboriculture of regions further south. One fruit in particular, the
sweet orange (39), has become of world significance, but others, such as the longan, Dimocarpus longan
(43) and the litchi, Litchi chinensis (59), have recently begun to enter world trade on a significant scale.
Morton (1987:249–259) observes that the litchi was first mentioned in Chinese literature in the 11
and was carried around the region in the later Middle Ages. The persimmon, Diospyros kaki (45) is native to
Japan, China, Burma and the Himalayas and Khasi Hills of northern India. Ng (1978) argued that it arose
from Diospyros roxburghii on the China/Burman borderland, but Yonemori et al. (1998) show that the
persimmon is monophyletic with the subtropical species, Diospyros ehretioides.
New World
A significant number of fruits that are important today in the Indo-Pacific region are of New World origin.
The great majority were brought by the Portuguese and Spanish in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
Roger Blench. History of fruits in the East Asia/ Pacific region
The Spanish connection to the Philippines brought a number of species which were then subsequently
distributed around Southeast Asia, such as the aratiles, Muntingia calabura (67). The sapodilla, Manilkara
zapote (65), from Central America, came with Amerindian names, so that Aztec chiki became Malay chiku
(and also chiclet for chewing-gum). The custard apple group, Annona spp. (6, 7, 8) are known in the
Philippines as anonas, which suggests some confusion with the pineapple, ananas. The Malay names for
soursop, Annona muricata (6), are durian belanda and durian mekah (i.e. Dutch or Meccan durian), but also
nangka manila (Manila jackfruit), suggesting that the soursop arrived in Malaya from two directions. The
guava, Psidium guajava (84), seems to have been brought separately by the Portuguese and Spanish. One
Malay name, jambu portugis, compares the guava to the rose apple, Syzygium jambos (92), and also points
to the Portuguese connection, although the guava was also introduced by the Spanish to the Philippines.
Table 4 shows some names of Southeast Asian fruits that derive from Amerindian languages.
Table 4. SE Asian fruit names derived from Amerindian languages
Southeast Asian
Species No. Language Term Language Term
pineapple 5 Portuguese ananas Tupi-Guarani nanas 'pleasant-
sweetsop 8 Tagalog atis Aztec ahate
sapodilla 69 Malay chiku Aztec chiki
avocado 82 Thai avocado Aztec ahuacatl
Madras thorn
85 Tagalog kamatsili Nahuatl cuaumochitl
guava 90 Tagalog bayaba ?
A wide variety of fruits were introduced in the twentieth century through missionaries, and latterly
agricultural projects. One of the most notable of these is the avocado, Persea americana (78), which might
have been brought by the Spanish but seems to be recent, to judge by vernacular names. In the Philippines,
present-day varieties derive from the United States Bureau of Agriculture and were brought in 1903
(Fernandez 1997:8). The caimito, Chrysophyllum caimito (33), is of similar origin and date. The
pomegranate, Punica granatum (85), ancient in Central Asia, is a twentieth century introduction in Southeast
The origin of the coconut, Cocos nucifera (40) is much disputed; it was formerly claimed that it originated in
the New World because its nearest botanical relatives are located there. Harries (1990, Website 3) argues
that its origin lies in Malesia and the distribution of Cocos spp. is a relic of the splitting-up of
Gondwanaland. Zizumbo-Villareal & Quero (1998) in a re-examination of the earliest Spanish sources,
argue that it was definitely present on the west coast of Central America in the pre-Spanish era, although
they remain agnostic about whether this was a result of human intervention or simply transport by ocean
currents. The very early dates for coconut in the Sepik (see Table 1) show that it had been distributed much
prior to Austronesian expansion, although whether by human transport or chance floatation is unclear. Ross
(1996:195) quotes a reconstruction *niuR for coconut in proto-Oceanic, Wolff (1994:533) proposes ñiyu
and Mahdi (1998:395) *ni
uR for proto-Philippines. There are also many local reconstructions for stages of
coconuts growing or being processed. Mahdi (1998:396) argues that the coconut was carried to Sri Lanka
and India prior to the 2
century BC and that by the 5
century it was known to the Greeks, who borrowed
the name argellia from Sanskrit nārikela.
Roger Blench. History of fruits in the East Asia/ Pacific region
The leech-lime, Citrus hystrix (35), is found throughout the region and may be the referent of the proto-
Oceanic *molis (Ross 1996:210) although this could also be the ghost-lime, Citrus macroptera (36). The
vernacular terms for the ghost-lime are highly diverse in the Philippines, suggesting it is a more recent
introduction there (Reid in press). The ghost-lime (36) presently occurs from Thailand to Micronesia and
Polynesia (Walter & Sam 1999:134). It has clearly been carried by human action throughout much of its
range but its precise origin remains unknown. Mahdi (1998:409) sees the widespread forms in Malayo-
Polynesian of the type limaw as metathesising in Oceanic to produce *moli but it is still unclear exactly to
which Citrus sp. this might refer. Not all linguists would accept such a metathesis without a mechanism to
explain it. The shaddock, Citrus maxima (37), is also referred to by the term *moli, but this reached only as
far as Tonga in pre-European times. Blust (n.d.) quotes a reconstruction of *muntay for PMP ‘kind of citrus
tree and its fruit’, which could be either of these.
The Tahiti apple, Spondias cytherea (88), is presently spread from Malaysia to the Marquesas and was
carried to Hawai’i and elsewhere in the world in post-European times. Ross (1996:210) gives a
reconstruction of *quRis for proto-Oceanic. Its origin is much disputed, with Whistler (1991:50) giving
Indo-Malaysia, while Walter & Sam (1999:223) canvas a range of other possibilities but conclude that it is
unknown. In Melanesia, it is generally a gathered forest species, but it was cultivated in Polynesia, and its
names, wi/vi and variants thereof, mark its transport from island to island as the expansion took place.
Fruits that originate in Australia are rare, partly because fruit culture was of limited interest to the
inhabitants. However, one of the most widespread fruits in the Pacific, and which has spread to India, the
Seychelles and the Caribbean, was the noni or Indian mulberry, Morinda citrifolia (66), which Walter &
Sam (1999:193) claim originated in Northern Australia, the home of many related species. However, Morton
(1992:241) points out that the noni can spread on ocean currents and has become established along sea-
coasts in many parts of the world and it may also originate in Southeast Asia (Morton 1992; Websites 1,2).
Its importance as fruit, dye and medicinal plant clearly made it a priority with early navigators (Dittmar
1993). Two reconstructions to proto-Oceanic exist, *ñoñum and *kurat (Ross 1996:211), possibly referring
separately to the fruit and the red dye obtained from its roots. A quite different root has been reconstructed in
proto-Philippines, *ba
kudu (cf. Reid in press), arguing that the tree must have been of interest early in the
expansion of the Austronesians.
A minor mystery in this region worth noting is the distribution of the baobab or boab (Adansonia spp.).
Baobabs are members of the Bombacaceae, a pantropical family containing a number of better-known
economically important plants like kapok, balsa wood, and durian. Six of the eight species of baobabs are
restricted to western and southern Madagascar, a seventh is endemic to northwestern Australia, and the
eighth is widespread in sub-Saharan Africa but now introduced by humans throughout the warm tropics
(Armstrong 1983). It has been speculated that the Australian boab may have originated from seed pods
carried for food by seafarers from Madagascar or Africa, although at what period this might have been and
why the baobab remains isolated in Australia is unclear (Blench in press).
3.3 Who was moving fruit trees around?
The linguistic data cited in this paper are far from complete, but they do suggest that the expanding
Austronesians encountered a large number of fruiting trees that had already been translocated from their
area of origin. Remarkably, many species seem to have travelled in a contrary direction, especially in insular
Southeast Asia. By this I mean that they seem not to follow the usually accepted direction of demographic
expansion of early Austronesian, south and east from Taiwan; indeed a surprising number of species appear
to have moved in the opposite direction. A significant number of economic trees can be reconstructed to
quite a high level in Austronesian, but this does not mean that they were domesticated by, for example,
speakers of proto-North Philippines. Many species domesticated in the Moluccas to Vanuatu region and
were apparently effectively distributed throughout much of the Austronesian zone prior to its expansion.
Roger Blench. History of fruits in the East Asia/ Pacific region
Recent ethnographic evidence for the importance attached to fruit culture suggests that popular species
spread extremely quickly; the New World imports, such as pineapple, guava and sweetsop are all well-
established throughout the region and are now regarded as ‘indigenous’.
One explanation is that many species were not initially spread by the Austronesians but by the former
inhabitants of insular Southeast Asia. Promising fruiting and other useful trees were moved from one island
to another, just as animals were translocated (Flannery & White 1991), to provide low-management food
sources. This is not only the case with trees; yams seem to have undergone a parallel movement. Spriggs
(1997) has discussed the surprisingly early settlement of island Melanesia and the movement of likely food
resources using still unknown maritime technology. The evidence from fruit trees suggest that the
Pleistocene and early Holocene populations were very active long before the Austronesian expansion
(Spriggs 1993; Yen 1995).
4. Conclusions
4.1 Summary
This paper has focused on the very large number of fruit trees found in the East Asian/Pacific region which
are not just exploited in the wild, but intentionally planted and cultivated, though often not domesticated to
the point where morphological change becomes evident. Particularly in the Pacific, where island floras tend
to be very depauperate, human intervention has moved numerous species from island to island, often
allowing unfashionable species to become wild, making it difficult to determine the ‘natural’ range of such
species. Although fruit trees are the focus of this paper, trees and indeed many other plants were moved for a
wide variety of other reasons, including flowers, perfumes, medicines, barkcloth and timber.
Biogeography is presently the main means to determine the area of origin of particular species, but this is an
uncertain tool at best, partly because post-European vegetation change has been so marked in certain places,
but also because naturalisation of many species makes their ‘wild’ status difficult to determine. No doubt,
DNA studies in the future will improve the quality of the database; in the meantime assertions as to the
region of origin of fruit species should be treated with appropriate scepticism.
Approaching the study of fruit trees from an ethnographic standpoint also underlines the divide with
archaeobotany. Ethnographic accounts of the identity, distribution and uses of plant species in the present or
recent past can be meshed with biogeography to explore the likelihood that particular species were
translocated, as opposed to being indigenous. Such ethnographic mapping should also correlate with the
evidence from vernacular names, as there is a strong relationship between cultural salience and the
persistence of specific roots across a wide geographic and linguistic space. To date, archaeobotanical
confirmation for the hypotheses that underlie biogeographical assertions remains slight; identified species
are few and dates are sometimes late. No doubt more evidence will gradually come to light, but in the mean
time, careful descriptive work on plant use has a substantial contribution to make to the reconstruction of
prehistoric subsistence.
4.2 An expanded role for arboriculture?
Although difficult to substantiate on a quantitative basis, in comparison to Europe and Africa, the role of
arboriculture in the Indo-Pacific region is exceptional in global terms. This in turn argues that we should be
rewriting the history of agriculture, balancing useful trees against the cereals and tubers that normally
dominate the textbooks. At present, evidence for the scale of human activity in moving economic trees
comes mainly from biogeography. Linguistic studies have made some contribution, especially in the
Austronesian area, but richer hypotheses might be derived from existing information.
Roger Blench. History of fruits in the East Asia/ Pacific region
There is something else, however, more speculative, but worth noting. Some areas inhabited by large
language groupings do seem to exhibit cultural biases for or against fruit cultivation. Africa is a good
example of a whole region, where, except for Ethiopia, fruit plays little or no role in either eating
preferences or cultural life. In most areas of West-Central Africa, fruit-eating is regarded as a low-status
activity fit only for children; only very recently have introduced crops such as oranges and mangoes begun
to be widely consumed. This cultural bias shows up persistently in agronomic research; cereals and tubers
are heavily emphasised and trees largely ignored. This situation contrasts strongly with, say, South America,
where fruiting trees play a major role in the subsistence and ceremonial life of many Amerindian groups. In
the Indo-Pacific region, arboriculture is a central activity and its peoples attribute high cultural value to fruit
and the pattern of adoption and domestication in the area is striking enough to need an explanatory
framework rather richer than those at present available.
This synthesis points to one very obvious imbalance; the significant body of work on island Southeast Asia
and the Pacific and the relative absence of studies of the mainland, whether linguistic, ethnographic or
archaeobotanical. This partly results from the very different political histories of these regions since the
1950s and partly because of different scholarly traditions. Archaeology has tended to direct resources to
monuments, anthropologists are engaged in slow suicide and linguists have concentrated on languages with
scripts. It is to be hoped that the coming decades will see a significant re-orientation in these areas.
This paper was first delivered at the 17
IPPA Congress in Taipei, September 2002 and I would like to thank
the Indigenous Peoples’ Organisation of Taiwan for sponsoring my travel to the IPPA. I would like to thank
Kyle Latinis for a copy of his PhD thesis on disc which he kindly gave me at the IPPA meeting. I have had a
number of comments subsequently which have been incorporated or at least responded to in the text. Thanks
also to an anonymous referee who pointed out a number of internal contradictions which I hope I have now
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... In modern times, breadfruit is an important economic crop in South and Southeast Asia. (Dassanayake and Fosberg, 1981;Jarrett, 1959;Blench, 2004). Wild breadfruit, Artocarpus nobilis, is endemic to Sri Lanka, occurring in disturbed lowland rainforest from 600 to 800 m asl Figs. 3 and 4). ...
... nobilis was probably used as fuel (Perera, 2010; Table 1; Table S1, S3). We contrast the phytoliths of wild breadfruit at Fahien, with the morphologically different forms from two other breadfruit species, Artocarpus altilis (rata del), which was probably domesticated in New Guinea (Blench, 2004) and Artocarpus heterophyllus (kos), native to Western part of India (Rajapaksha, 1998). Both species are commonly cultivated in Sri Lanka today. ...
... It is widely cultivated throughout Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Malaysia, India and Burma, and contains significant amounts of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins (A, B1, B2, C and E) and fibre (Rajapaksha, 1998). Durio zibethius perhaps originated in Borneo (Blench, 2004(Blench, , 2008, and spread throughout the Malayan peninsula during the pre-European period and then to a number of other countries in South and Southeast Asia during the nineteenth century. It is interesting to note that no phytolith and other archaeobotanical evidence of Durio spp. ...
Little is known of the human use of rainforest plant resources of prehistoric Sri Lanka due to the lack of preservation of organic material and the effects of various destructive taphonomic processes. Phytoliths recovered from a AMS radiocarbon and OSL dated sequence at Fahien Rock Shelter indicate interactions of anatomically modern humans with the lowland rainforests of south-western Sri Lanka from 44,952–47,854 cal. BP to 11,936–12,239 cal. BP. During this period, the Rock Shelter occupants extracted their livelihood from a number of wild plants including bananas, rice, breadfruits, durians, canarium and species of palm and bamboo. These taxa are associated with present-day disturbed lowland rainforests. Gathering and processing of plant resources by existing modern rainforest foragers cannot directly be compared with the subsistence activities of the Late Pleistocene Rock Shelter occupants.
... In modern times, breadfruit is an important economic crop in South and Southeast Asia. (Dassanayake and Fosberg, 1981;Jarrett, 1959;Blench, 2004). Wild breadfruit, Artocarpus nobilis, is endemic to Sri Lanka, occurring in disturbed lowland rainforest from 600 to 800 m asl Figs. 3 and 4). ...
... nobilis was probably used as fuel (Perera, 2010; Table 1; Table S1, S3). We contrast the phytoliths of wild breadfruit at Fahien, with the morphologically different forms from two other breadfruit species, Artocarpus altilis (rata del), which was probably domesticated in New Guinea (Blench, 2004) and Artocarpus heterophyllus (kos), native to Western part of India (Rajapaksha, 1998). Both species are commonly cultivated in Sri Lanka today. ...
... It is widely cultivated throughout Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Malaysia, India and Burma, and contains significant amounts of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins (A, B1, B2, C and E) and fibre (Rajapaksha, 1998). Durio zibethius perhaps originated in Borneo (Blench, 2004(Blench, , 2008, and spread throughout the Malayan peninsula during the pre-European period and then to a number of other countries in South and Southeast Asia during the nineteenth century. It is interesting to note that no phytolith and other archaeobotanical evidence of Durio spp. ...
... Almost contemporary with this poem are the two earliest archaeological finds of pomelo seeds, from two ancient trading cities close together on the Malay peninsula in southern Thailand near the Burmese border, Phu Khao Thong looking westwards across the Bay of Bengal and Khao Sam Kaeo across the hills close to the shore of the Gulf of Siam. The pomelo was among the fruits carried eastwards across the Pacific by Austronesian peoples (Blench 2004;Castillo et al. 2016). There is one other widespread natural Citrus species, the aromatic but not very edible citron, C. medica. ...
Full-text available
A Cultural History of Plants in Antiquity covers the period from 10,000 BCE to 500 CE. The period witnessed the transition from hunter-gatherer subsistence to the practice of agriculture in Mesopotamia and elsewhere, and culminated in the fall of the Roman Empire, the end of the Han Dynasty in China, the rise of Byzantium, and the first flowering of Mayan civilization. Human uses for and understanding of plants drove cultural evolution and were inextricably bound to all aspects of cultural practice. The growth of botanical knowledge was fundamental to the development of agriculture, technology, medicine, and science, as well as to the birth of cities, the rise of religions and mythologies, and the creation of works of literature and art. The 6 volume set of the Cultural History of Plants presents the first comprehensive history of the uses and meanings of plants from prehistory to today. The themes covered in each volume are plants as staple foods; plants as luxury foods; trade and exploration; plant technology and science; plants and medicine; plants in culture; plants as natural ornaments; the representation of plants.
... Although the fruits and seeds of P. edule contain poisonous cyanogenic glycosides (Vetter, 2000), they form part of the natural diet of Babyrousa babyrussa (L.), a wild pig native to the Togean Islands, Sulawesi, Indonesia (Akbar et al., 2007). Nevertheless, following boiling, roasting and/or fermentation, the onion-flavoured fruits and seeds of both wild and cultivated P. edule are widely used in the preparation of various culinary dishes and as a food preservative throughout southeast Asia (Hore et al., 1985;Bourke, 1996;Faridah-Hanum, 1996;Walter & Sam, 1996;Smith, 1999;Chakrabarty & Balarkishnan, 2003;Blench, 2004;Salma et al., 2006;Kasim & David, 2013). ...
Full-text available
During 2015, two drift endocarps of Pangium edule were found stranded in southern British waters, the first from Dungeness, Kent (25/09/2015) and the second from Loe Bay Beach, Cornwall (13/11/2015). The specimens represent the first records of P. edule drift endocarps from British waters. Four specimens have previously been recorded from Dutch (3) and Danish (1) waters. A first record of P. edule from Bermuda (NW Atlantic) in mid-December 2015 is also reported.
... in: Kirch and Hunt, 1997;Rolett and Diamond, 2004;Prebble and Wilmshurst, 2009;Haberle et al., 2010). Concomitantly, a substantial body of literature more concerned with ethnographic data documents the economic and sociocultural importance of trees as well as forested landscapes in traditional Pacific societies (eg.: Barrau, 1962;Yen and Mummery, 1990;Hunter-Anderson, 1991;Lepofsky, 1992Lepofsky, , 1999Yen, 1996;Leach, 1999;Walter and Sam, 1999;Latinis, 2000;Lebot, 2002;Denham, 2004;Blench, 2005;Kitalong, 2008;McCoy et al., 2010;Kennedy, 2012), yet these data are not always reconciled with archaeological studies supporting the destructive impact of human activities on vegetal landscapes. Despite the popularity of narratives on Pacific Islands' deforestation, little is actually known of specific histories of forests and arboreal vegetation in many archipelagoes, including their taxonomic composition, spatial organization, and anthropogenic management and exploitation. ...
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Here we report on the results of a pilot anthracological study (archaeological wood charcoal analysis) conducted on Maupiti Island, in the Society Island archipelago of French Polynesia. The goal was to conduct a first set of anthracological analyses on the island to reconstruct pre-European contact vege- tation composition, histories of vegetation change and differential anthropogenic uses of woody re- sources according to various site functions. The results demonstrate that, at around the 17th century AD, at least three zones of the lowland coastal band had been successfully modeled into a productive and varied horticultural landscape. At this time, native forests and coastal woodlands surrounding the sites under investigation had been transformed into culturally significant and economically productive treescapes. These complex manipulations of the vegetation likely started during the early phases of human settlement, with current datasets indicating the presence of a specific coastal vegetation including socially important and/or cultivated taxa associated with the first known occupation of the island, dated to the 13th-14th century AD. The records further provide direct archaeobotanical evidence for the early presence of planted trees such as Artocarpus altilis, Aleurites moluccana, Ficus and Casuarina equisetifolia, the prehistoric association of Ficus trees to marae structures and elite occupation, and the late appearance of Inocarpus fagifer in East Polynesia. The archaeological contexts of the assemblages demonstrate differential access to woody resources and use of vegetation units, depending on social rank and site function. Finally, our case studies confirm the profound anthropogenic transformation of Maupiti's vegetation during prehistoric times, but likewise reveal the complex nature of this phenomenon.
For the first time the attempts made in 1963 accompanied with that of 1969 by Horowitz and Gentili [1, 2] succeeded in isolating sweet dihydrochalcones such as naringin, neohesperidin and hesperidin from bitter citrus flovanones (Table 10.1). There after several variants were synthesized but only five compounds were found superior in sweetness. Three original compounds, derived from citrus flavanones e.g. naringin dihydrochalcone (I), neohesperidin dihydrochalcone (II), and hesperetin dihydrochalcone 4-β-d-glucoside (III) and remaining two viz. glycyphyllin and trilobatin obtained from Smilax glycyphylla and Symplocos paniculata respectively are mentioned below in Fig. 10.1
Agriculture in Africa is usually conceptualised as beginning in a distinct era with specific indicators of early plant domestication. However, as research on African vegetation evolves, it is increasingly clear that the identification, use and subsequent translocation of trees and other woody plants constituted a major process in the transformation of the African landscapes far earlier than agriculture proper. Indeed some authors now date this to as early as 10,000 years ago. The paper argues that tree translocation can occur through a number of inter-related processes, which are exemplified in the text. It focuses on two species in particular, the baobab and the wild date-palm, Phoenix reclinata, which have anthropic distributions. The paper discusses methodology of identifying such tree species, and suggests that African vegetation has been manipulated in ways comparable to early domestication in the Amazon and the Pacific. It also notes that these processes continue with the spread of fruit and timber species in the modern era.
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This research employs a modern analogue approach to examine relationships between pollen, vegetation change, and land use in the tropical environments of Island Southeast Asia over the past ~5000 years. Interpretation of fossil pollen data relies upon uniformitarian principles. Few modern pollen- vegetation studies from the region exist, and those that do have focused on climatic or ecological aims. Main contributions of this study are: the collection and analysis of modern botanical data and pollen assemblages from various human-modified and ‘natural’ vegetation types; and the comparison of this modern dataset with fossil pollen sequences in order to test hypotheses relating to signatures of past land use. Some fossil assemblages showed statistical similarity with those from modern ‘cultured’ landscapes, whilst others aligned more closely with those from natural vegetation. Cores from the northern Kelabit Highlands of Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo, contain assemblages from 1700 cal BP onwards that are similar to those produced by modern arboriculture; a core from the southern Highlands contains fossil assemblages as old as 2000 cal BP that align with those from modern wet rice paddies. These ages coincide with the earliest archaeological dates from nearby sites. Earlier vegetation changes appear to relate to edaphic development and climatic fluctuations. In northern Palawan, western Philippines, the first fossil pollen sequence from the island records post-5000 cal BP marine regression, hydrological fluctuations that are likely related to ENSO cyclicities, and persistence of open landscapes with minor evidence of closed forest after 2750 cal BP. This contrasts with existing proxy data that imply increasingly closed forest through the Holocene. In a region where direct archaeobotanical evidence is sparse, and little modern pollen- vegetation work has been done, this research contributes to clarifying modes and timings of changes in subsistence-related disturbance, as well as bolstering recent interpretations from other palaeoclimatic proxies for ENSO intensification from ~4000 cal BP. These results, and those from similar future studies, can provide baseline data for long-term monitoring and conservation initiatives. -------------------Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International, Many of the figures in this thesis are modified from originals in existing publications. The source publications are all cited in the text of the thesis, with full bibliographic details appearing in the References section.----------------- EXAMINED BY: Rob Marchant (external; University of York) and Tim Bayliss-Smith (internal; University of Cambridge).
The drupe of Corynocarpus laevigatus was an important source of storable starch and carbohydrate for Maori and Moriori. However direct evidence of the drupe in archaeological sites is rare. In this review paper we look at the archaeological visibility of C. laevigatus, presenting data on how and where it might be encountered in archaeological contexts. This includes a discussion of the difficulty in identifying its pollen in sedimentary records and the first published description of modern C. laevigatus starch and of starch in an archaeological context. A case study examining the archaeological visibility of C. laevigatus from Rekohu (Chatham Island) is included, where it is found as remnant stands of trees which were carved by Moriori, as charcoal and carbonized seeds in archaeological contexts and as starch in sediments where the edible drupe had been processed to remove a neurotoxin or stored.
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There are more than 40 indigenous plant species with an edible kernel in Papua New Guinea. This paper is concerned with six species which have potential for commercial development. These are: cut nut (pao) (Barringtonia procera), galip (Canarium indicum), karuka (Pandanus julianettii), okari nut (Terminalia kaernbachii), Polynesian chestnut (aila) (Inocarpus fagifer) and sea almond (talis, Java almond) (Terminalia catappa). The focus for these six species is their distribution within PNG, their significance in agricultural systems, the environments in which the species are grown and the year-to-year production patterns. Where available, information is provided on the physical environment in which each species is grown, including altitude, rainfall, habitat and drainage.
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This paper describes some of the indigenous edible nut species of Papua New Guinea (pNG), that is, species which were grown and eaten prior to settlement by other Pacific Islanders, Europeans and Asians from about 1870 AD onwards. More than 40 species of indigenous nuts are eaten in PNG. Information is given here on 13 of the most commonly eaten indigenous nuts, which are grown by two percent or more of the rural population, and three other indigenous nut species. The following attributes are covered for each species: how the nut is consumed; global distribution; distribution within PNG; altitudinal range in PNG; production pattern (crop seasonality); the number of rural people who live in locations where the species is commonly consumed; marketing; and potential for further development. The species covered are breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis), candle nut (Aleurites moluccana), castanopsis (Castanopsis acuminatissima), dausia (Terminalia megalocarpa), finschia (Finschia chloroxantha), galip (Canarium indicum), karuka (Pandanus julianettii), wild karuka (pandanus antaresensis and P. brosimos), okari (Terminalia impediens and T. kaernbachii), pao (Barringtonia procera), Polynesian chestnut (ai/a) (Inocarpus jagifer), sea almond (taUs) (Terminalia catappa), sis or solomon (Pangium edule) and tulip (Gnetum gnemon). Notes are given on three minor introduced species macadamia, cashew and pecan.