
Het gedenkteken, de plek en de herinnering : de monumentalisering van de Duitse kampen in Nederland

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Roel Hijink onderzocht op welke wijze de publieke herinnering aan de Duitse concentratiekampen in Nederland op hun historische locatie vorm heeft gekregen. Hij bekeek welke vormen de herinnering in de diverse periodes heeft aangenomen en wat men hiermee wilde uitdrukken en herdenken. Hijink toont aan dat de tekens van de herinnering zijn gevormd door een variatie van nationale mythes, heersende politieke idealen en behoeften van de tijd waarin ze zijn vervaardigd. De voormalige kampen zijn transformatieve ruimtes gericht op de verandering van de bezoeker ten gunste van een hoger doel: permanente educatie in burgerschap en democratie.

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... This situation changed in 1986 when the foundation Nationaal Monument Kamp Vught (hereafter NMKV) was established on the initiative of the local municipality and the organization Samenwerkend Verzet 1940-1945 (literally 'cooperating resistance', a cooperation between several resistance groups) to erect a remembrance centre near the former crematorium. 59 The initiative to revive the World War II memory of Camp Vught on site was taken in the same period as the preparations for the 'renovation' of Lunetten. A group of former World War II camp inmates pleaded for the preservation of at least one original barrack from the Moluccan dwelling to turn it into a museum. ...
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This article explores the relationship between two cultural memories in the postcolonial Netherlands: of World War II and of the Dutch–Indonesian war of decolonization. Through two case studies we analyse what happens when both memories encounter each other in public space. The first case concentrates on the early postwar commemoration practices centred on 4 May, the Dutch Remembrance Day of World War II. We show that the focus on heroes and national unity in the cultural memory of World War II enabled Indies veterans to articulate their own interests. The Indies veterans, on their turn, managed to change the content and ceremony of 4 May. The second case focuses on Camp Vught, a former concentration camp that was reused after the war as a reception centre for Moluccan soldiers of the colonial army and their families. This case illustrates that the site provided a platform for the Moluccan inhabitants to strive for recognition and speak about their history while at the same time increasing the site's silent hierarchy of suffering. We argue that there is an important resonance in the Netherlands between both cultural memories. In viewing them as part of the same memorial landscape, we state—in line with Michael Rothberg's concept of ‘multidirectional memory’—that these memories have a competitive relation as well as a strengthening impact on each other.
... 24 Hijink (2010). 25 These chronological divisions were proposed by Hijink (2010). 26 Hijink (2010, 319). ...
In May 1940 the synagogue of the Boompjes (dedicated in 1725) was destroyed during the German bombing of Rotterdam. As very few members of the Rotterdam Jewish community survived the war, the synagogue was never reconstructed and eventually forgotten. Inspired by similar reconstruction projects, the current article will present a computer model of the synagogue of the Boompjes. The actual building's architectural history will be discussed briefly, as will the model's creation. The rationale for virtually reconstructing the synagogue will also be addressed.
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Before the 1960s, most history textbooks in Western Europe hardly contained any information about the ‘Holocaust’. This was partly because contemporary history still was a rudimentary part of the history curriculum. In addition, many teachers and textbook authors did not seem to be willing to discuss the persecutions of the Jews in class. Other (military) aspects of the Second World War gained more attention. Anno 2017, the situation has changed completely: the Holocaust has become one of the most important historical themes in the national curricula of many (western) countries. In 2010 (the last year of my research period), National Socialism and the Holocaust have become mandatory parts of the secondary education curricula in Germany and the Netherlands. In this dissertation I have studied fifty years of narrating the Holocaust in history textbooks for upper secondary education, published between 1960 and 2010, in North Rhine-Westphalia (one of the federal states of Germany) and the Netherlands. Although the number of Holocaust studies has increased sharply since the 1990s, comparative research into the Holocaust in education and textbooks is scarce. In both countries, the Holocaust receives more attention over the years, and there is room for other victim groups such as Sinti, Roma, handicapped people, Soviet POW’s and Poles. Didactical changes are imminent: textbooks provide more illustrations, assignments, primary sources and web-support. In the textbooks, Auschwitz-Birkenau has become the ultimate symbol of the Holocaust, which seems to demonstrate the Western European perspective on the Holocaust; the events in Eastern Europe do not play a significant part in Holocaust narratives. In both countries, textbooks continue to use the perpetrators’ perspective through using Nazi-terminology without proper contextualization and relatively marginalizing (Jewish) victimhood. Most recent German textbooks demonstrate forms of collective accountability for the tragic events, are very thorough in describing the Holocaust and treat the topic as an international set of events. Dutch textbooks continue to witness the persecutions as a matter between the Nazi’s and the Jews, have no attention for the responsibility of Dutch officials, and in general see the Holocaust as a by-product of WWII. Information on the Holocaust in the textbooks is brief, insufficient and often incorrect and incomplete. Instead, the national trauma of the occupation in 1940 is highlighted. The recommendations following this research are enhancing closer relationships between textbooks authors, publishing companies and academic researchers, deconstructing national narratives through offering international multiple perspectives and conflicting opinions, and engaging more research into the use of history textbooks in education, especially about taxing subjects as the Holocaust.
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Auschwitz has acquired - after 1989 - an iconic status in Holocaust discourse as the universal symbol of human evil. With a total death rate of 1,1 million Jewish victims and 200.000 others, the three Auschwitz death camps (Auschwitz I, Birkenau, and Buna) overshadowed all the other Holocaust "terrorscapes", and with 1.5 million yearly visitors the present-day UNESCO world heritage site has become the sacred shrine of the Holocaust paradigm. This post-1989 Holocaust paradigm generates an enormous dynamic of traumatic memory as represented in a boom of Holocaust novels and movies, the staging of memorial sites, the tracing of mass graves, and the mapping of virtual Jewish spaces all over Europe. Yet as a (negative) founding myth of 'western' civilization it is in the 21st century also competing with a rising, alternative occupation paradigm in most of the EU’s new post-communist member states in Eastern Europe. Pleading for the recognition of long repressed, suburban experiences crimes of communism, new democratic governments and anti-communist memorial museums are also using (or abusing) the narrative of victimization for nationalist identity politics, which seem thus far hardly understood in Western Europe today. Was Europe's unification of the past decade based on the illusion of a shared traumatic past? How to deal with a series of internal tensions of competing memories of conflicted histories? This will be the challenge of the EU's future of heritage and identity. Published edition (Hooghalen 2013) of the author's inaugural lecture at VU University 24 January 2012 as holder of the Westerbork Chair Heritage of War, with a preface of Dirk Mulder, director of Memorial Center Camp Westerbork
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In Tonen van de oorlog staan de oorlogsmusea en herinneringscentra in Nederland centraal. Het is een verkenning van organisaties die qua professionaliteit, middelen en bereik zeer uiteenlopen. Zowel gerenommeerde instellingen als minder bekende éénmansmusea bepalen hoe de Tweede Wereldoorlog wordt verbeeld. Het in deze musea verzamelde erfgoed van de Tweede Wereldoorlog onderstreept het belang dat de Nederlandse samenleving aan deze historische periode hecht. Met de dynamische betekenisgeving en presentatie van oorlogserfgoed als uitgangspunt schetsen de auteurs hoe we de komende jaren kunnen nadenken over oorlogsmusea en hun collecties. Zij pleiten voor gezamenlijke discussie en voortgaande samenwerking tussen oorlogsmusea onderling, maar ook met andere erfgoedinstellingen buiten de eigen sector, wetenschappers en overige betrokkenen. Tien concrete aanbevelingen completeren Tonen van de oorlog.
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In Exhibiting the War the war museums and memorial centers in the Netherlands occ upy a central place. It is an exploration of organizations that diverge a great deal in terms of professionalism, available means, and range. Both renowned institutions and less well-known one-man museums infuence how the Second World War is represented. The collections of World War II heritage in these museums emphasize the importance that Dutch soci ety attaches to this historic al period. Taking the dynamic signific ance and presentation of war heritage as their point of departure, the authors provide an outline for how to reflect on war museums and their collections in the coming years. They argue for collective discussion and continued cooperation between war museums, but also with other heritage institutions, with researchers, and other parties concerned. Ten concrete recommendations complete Exhibiting the War.
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