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Pyrite contents, microtextures, and sulfur isotopes in relation to formation of the youngest eastern Mediterranean sapropel


Abstract and Figures

Pyrite within and below sapropels in the eastern Mediterranean is a result of microbial SO42- reduction within the sapropel, and the subsequent reaction of sulfide (HS-) with detrital Fe and Fe2+ diffusing upward from underlying sediments. Below the youngest Mediterranean sapropel, S1, pyrite (as much as 281 mu mol pyritic S/g) is mostly present as euhedral crystals, whereas within the sapropel only framboidal pyrite (as much as 360 mu mol pyritic S/g) has been detected. Framboidal microtextures indicate pyrite formation at the site of HS- production within the sapropel. Euhedral pyrite, below the sapropel, forms when sulfate reduction in the sapropel outcompetes iron liberation and supply, and HS- diffuses out of the sapropel. Sulfur isotope values of pyrite are extremely light in the sapropel (-37.3 parts per thousand to -38.2 parts per thousand) as well as below the sapropel (-45.6 parts per thousand and -49.6 parts per thousand), indicating that HS- has formed in a system with abundant SO42- and in the presence of oxidants. [KEYWORDS: Laboratory synthesis; marine-sediments]
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In marine sediments pyrite occurs as micron-sized euhedral crystals and
micron-sized crystals in a raspberry-like morphology (framboidal pyrite)
(e.g., Sweeney and Kaplan, 1973). Framboidal textures are the result of rapid
pyrite formation from aqueous solutions highly supersaturated with both Fe
monosulfides and pyrite, in which reaction kinetics favor the formation of Fe
monosulfides before pyrite. By contrast, euhedral pyrite forms more slowly at
saturation levels that are below those of Fe monosulfides (e.g., Sweeney and
Kaplan, 1973; Goldhaber and Kaplan, 1974; Raiswell, 1982; Rickard, 1997),
as confirmed by pyrite synthesis experiments (Wang and Morse, 1996) which
show that pyrite morphology changes from cubic to octahedral to spherulitic
with increasing degree of supersaturation. Raiswell (1982) argued that the tex-
ture of pyrite in pyritiferous carbonate concretions in ancient sedimentary
rocks depends on the relative rates of HSgeneration and Fe supply. Bisulfide
generation is determined by the rate of SO42– reduction, and Fe supply by the
in situ availability of reactive iron. In these concretions, framboidal pyrite ap-
parently formed during early stages of diagenesis. During later stages of dia-
genesis, euhedral pyrite with higher 34S/32S isotope signatures formed because
in situ Fe sources and pore-water SO42– became depleted, and the SO42– re-
duction rate decreased. Wilkin et al. (1996) proposed that size distributions of
framboids are indicative of formation conditions: framboids found in sedi-
ments underlying euxinic water columns are smaller than those in sediments
underlying oxic or dysoxic water columns.
In this study, we assess the relation between the content, microtexture,
and sulfur isotope composition of pyrite within and below the most recent
eastern Mediterranean sapropel S1. We integrate the well-characterized pyrite
formation conditions known from laboratory studies (Sweeney and Kaplan,
1973; Rickard, 1997; Wang and Morse, 1996), the inferred formation path-
ways of pyrite in sediments and sedimentary rocks (Raiswell, 1982; Wilkin et
al., 1996), and recent insights into sulfur isotope fractionation during the ox-
idative part of the sulfur cycle (Canfield and Thamdrup, 1994). These com-
plementary approaches provide a new insight into the conditions of pyrite for-
mation and related redox conditions in eastern Mediterranean sediments
during sapropel formation.
Sediments in the eastern Mediterranean are characterized by the pres-
ence of organic-rich layers, sapropels, in a hemipelagic sediment sequence.
The origin of sapropels is still a matter of debate. Climate-induced enhanced
productivity (e.g., Calvert, 1983) and preservation due to oxygen depletion in
the bottom waters (e.g., Rossignol-Strick et al., 1982) are thought to be in-
volved in sapropel formation. The youngest sapropel, S1, formed between 5
and 9 ka (e.g., van Santvoort et al., 1996).
Sapropels are enriched in Fe and S as a result of bacterial SO42– reduc-
tion within the sapropels and pyrite formation during and shortly after sapro-
pel deposition, but SO42– reduction is no longer active within recent sapropels
(Passier et al., 1996a). The sapropels are usually underlain by gray sediments,
the so-called “protosapropel” zone (Maldonado and Stanley, 1976). Iron and
S are also enriched in this zone, whereas Corg is not. Pyrite has formed below
sapropels, causing the gray color of the “protosapropel” zone, as a result of
diffusion of HSout of the HSsource (sapropel) (Passier et al., 1996a). Thus
the protosapropel did not form before sapropel deposition, but as a result of
downward sulfidation during and shortly after sapropel deposition, in this con-
text “synsapropel” would be a better term.
Boxcore UM26 (lat 33°23.6N, long 25°0.9E, water depth 2160 m) con-
taining sapropel S1 was recovered 200 km south of Crete, during the 1994
Palaeoflux cruise of RV Urania. A subcore of UM26 was subsampled at a res-
olution of 0.5 to 1 cm aboard ship inside a N2filled glovebox and stored un-
der N2in air-tight containers at 4 °C.
Pyrite and Corg contents were measured according to methods described
by Passier et al. (1996a). For pyrite sulfur isotope analysis (δ34Spyr) H2S,
evolved during Cr(II) reduction, was trapped in a Cd-acetate solution as CdS;
AgNO3was subsequently added; and Ag2S was reprecipitated. Ag2S precipi-
tates were measured for their stable S isotope composition (34S/32S) relative to
the Vienna-Canyon Diablo troilite (V-CDT) by means of C-irmMS. Six sub-
samples (positions in Fig. 1) of about 2 g of wet sediment were rinsed with
demineralized water, dried inside a desiccator in vacuum, gently crushed, and
Geology; June 1997; v. 25; no. 6; p. 519–522; 4 figures; 1 table. 519
Pyrite contents, microtextures, and sulfur isotopes in relation to
formation of the youngest eastern Mediterranean sapropel
Hilde F.Passier
Department of Geochemistry, Utrecht University, P.O. Box 80021, 3508 TA Utrecht, The Netherlands
Jack J.Middelburg
Netherlands Institute of Ecology, Centre for Estuarine and Coastal Ecology, Yerseke, The Netherlands
Gert J. de Lange
Department of Geochemistry, Utrecht University, P.O. Box 80021, 3508 TA Utrecht, The Netherlands
Michael E. Böttcher
Institute of Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment, Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg, Germany
Pyrite within and below sapropels in the eastern Mediterranean is a result of microbial
SO42– reduction within the sapropel, and the subsequent reaction of sulfide (HS) with detrital
Fe and Fe2+ diffusing upward from underlying sediments. Below the youngest Mediterranean
sapropel, S1, pyrite (as much as 281 µmol pyritic S/g) is mostly present as euhedral crystals,
whereas within the sapropel only framboidal pyrite (as much as 360 µmol pyritic S/g) has been
detected. Framboidal microtextures indicate pyrite formation at the site of HSproduction
within the sapropel. Euhedral pyrite, below the sapropel, forms when sulfate reduction in the
sapropel outcompetes iron liberation and supply, and HSdiffuses out of the sapropel. Sulfur
isotope values of pyrite are extremely light in the sapropel (–37.3‰ to –38.2‰) as well as below
the sapropel (–45.6‰ and –49.6‰), indicating that HShas formed in a system with abundant
SO42– and in the presence of oxidants.
molded in resin. Thin sections of this resin were examined, and pyrite identi-
fied and photographed, with an electron microprobe–scanning electron mi-
croscope (JEOL 8600) and a CamScan series 4 scanning electron microscope.
The most important S species in sapropel S1 is pyrite as follows from the
comparison between Stot and Spyr (Fig. 1). Detailed analysis of other S species,
such as acid volatile sulfide, organic S, and elemental S, revealed that these
fractions were insignificant compared to pyrite (Passier et al., 1996b). Pyrite
and Corg are enriched in the sapropel. Pyrite is also enriched in a zone below
the sapropel (Fig. 1). The pyrite below the sapropel is formed from HSthat
diffused downward out of the sapropel during sapropel deposition (Fig. 2B;
Passier et al., 1996a). The pyrite maximum, however, is situated inside the
sapropel (Fig. 1); this means that Fe has been relatively enriched in the sapro-
pel. Thus, when the majority of the pyrite inside the sapropel formed
(Fig. 2A), HSdid not diffuse down out of the sapropel, but Fe2+ could diffuse
into the sapropel from below and hence result in enhanced pyrite formation
(Fig. 2A). This happens when SO42– reduction rates are low relative to the rate
of Fe liberation, as in the iron-dominated system described by Berner (1969).
The band-like enrichment of pyrite emphasizes the importance of pyrite for-
mation in the sediment.
The HSsource for pyrite formation is bacterial SO42– reduction inside
the sapropel. The Fe source comprises two pools: detrital Fe within the sapro-
pel and Fe diffusing from underlying sediments (Passier et al., 1996a, 1996b).
The amount of pyritic Fe within and below the sapropel minus a constant
amount of reactive detrital iron can be used to estimate the input of upward-
diffusing Fe during sapropel deposition (note that the pyrite present in the up-
per, now oxidized, part of the sapropel, and that present in the unrecovered
520 GEOLOGY, June 1997
Figure 1. Content vs. depth profiles of organic carbon (Corg), pyritic
sulfur (Spyr), and total sulfur (Stot). Pyritic sulfur normalized to the Al
content (Spyr/Al) shows that relative pyrite enrichment is not due to
any dilution effect.Triangles indicate positions of samples that were
studied with electron microscopy.The sapropel is indicated by the
shaded area.
Figure 2. Schematic representation of inferred pyrite formation condi-
tions and concentration gradients of HSand Fe2+ (A) during periods
of relative low rates of sulfide production and framboidal pyrite forma-
tion within the sapropel and (B) during periods of relatively high rates
of sulfide production and euhedral pyrite formation below the sapropel.
part of the S-enriched zone below the sapropel are included). This flux is 0.07
µmol cm-2 yr-1, which can be compared to the upward Fe flux of 0.089
µmol cm-2 yr-1 in sapropel S1 at site UM26, as estimated from the pore-water
profile (van Santvoort et al., 1996). These two fluxes are in reasonably close
agreement, which suggests that the described scenario is plausible, and that
pyrite formation and/or Fe oxidation were able to act as traps for upward-dif-
fusing Fe2+.
Within sapropel S1 pyrite occurs as framboids that have mean diameters
of 5 to 10 µm and consist of cubic microcrystals that are smaller than 1 µm
(Table 1, Fig. 3). Most pyrite within the sapropel is associated with shells; the
dimensions of the shells clearly influenced the shape of the framboids (Fig. 3).
Below the sapropel, however, pyrite is mostly present as euhedral (octahedral
and cubic) crystals with diameters of 2 to 10 µm and clusters (often with hex-
agonal crosscuts) of euhedral crystals (Table 1, Fig. 4). Furthermore, massive
pyrite shell infillings and large irregular pyrite aggregates are present below
the sapropel, and there is also pyrite which is not associated with shells. In the
intermediate sample DD01301, both framboids consisting of microcrystals
<1 µm and framboidal aggregates of euhedral crystals as much as 5 µm are
found (Table 1). Bioturbation probably occurred during the onset of sapropel
deposition, so that both organic-rich sapropel sediment and organic-poor sed-
iment are present in sample DD01301.
The size distribution of the framboids in sapropel S1 (5–10 µm and oc-
casionally larger) is typical for formation of pyrite in sediments near the sedi-
ment-water interface below an oxic or dysoxic water column (Wilkin et al.,
Our observations of framboidal pyrite in the sapropel and euhedral pyrite
below the sapropel are consistent with the mechanism proposed by Raiswell
(1982) and experimental results of Sweeney and Kaplan (1973),Rickard
(1997),Wang and Morse (1996). During the deposition of sapropel S1, Fe was
supplied by liberation from in situ sources and diffusion from suboxic sedi-
ments directly underlying the sapropel. As long as the supply of Fe could keep
pace with the production of HS, HSreacted in situ with Fe (i.e., at the site of
SO42– reduction), where HSis continously produced. This situation resulted
in rapid formation of framboidal pyrite (Fig. 2A). At times of increased HS
production relative to Fe liberation and/or supply, HSdiffused out of the Corg-
rich layer, titrating reactive Fe present below the sapropel and reacting with
upward-diffusing Fe2+ to form pyrite (Passier et al., 1996a). Below sapropel
S1, at the site of pyrite formation, the concentration of HSwas never as high
as in the sapropel (the HSsource) itself; the iron was less reactive, because
the most reactive Fe oxides had been reduced before; and slow diffusive pyrite
formation occurred. This led to the growth of euhedral pyrite below the sapro-
pel (Fig. 2B).
The δ34S values of pyrite (δ34Spyr) in UM26 are –37.3‰ to –38.2‰ in
the sapropel, and –45.6‰ and –49.6‰ below the sapropel (Table 1). The
δ34Spyr reflects δ34S of sulfide formed, because limited fractionation occurs
when reduced S is transformed into pyrite (Price and Shieh, 1979). Mediter-
ranean seawater SO42– has a δ34S value of +20.6‰ (de Lange et al., 1990),
thus fractionations of 57.9‰ to 70.2‰ occurred. These fractionations are very
high: maximum isotopic fractionations of 40‰ to 70‰ between SO42– and
reduced S are usually observed in sediments (e.g., Goldhaber and Kaplan,
1974; Chambers and Trudinger, 1979). The observed fractionations of 57.9‰
to 70.2‰ imply that SO42– reduction took place in an open system, where ex-
change with seawater readily occurred, and thus no depletion of the SO42–
pool arose. Depletion would cause the remaining SO42– (and the reduced S
formed from it) to become progressively heavier (“reservoir effect, e.g., Jør-
gensen, 1979). This exchange with seawater is possible close to the sediment-
water interface during sapropel deposition. However, the maximum fraction-
ation between sulfide and SO42– observed in laboratory studies with SO42–
respiring bacteria is 4‰ to 46‰, where the highest fractionations occurred at
the lowest SO42– reduction rates (e.g., Chambers and Trudinger, 1979). Fur-
ther fractionation has been reported to occur during bacterial HSoxidation to
elemental S (or other intermediate oxidized S species such as thiosulfate), fol-
lowed by bacterial disproportionation (Canfield and Thamdrup, 1994). Ex-
tensive, repeated HSoxidation results in lighter isotopic values (δ34S values)
of reduced S. If reoxidation invoked the high fractionations, oxidants must
have been able to reach the HSthat was formed in the sapropel. This may
have been nitrate and oxygen from the bottom water or sedimentary Fe and
Mn oxides. At times that HSproduction is high relative to Fe liberation and
supply (Fig. 2B), HSwill diffuse downward and sulfidize sediments below
the sapropel. HSmay also move into the bottom waters, diffuse upward, and
reach the chemocline, where reoxidation occurs. Subsequently, evolved ele-
mental S settles back to the sediment and disproportionates, inducing more
negative S isotope values in the sediment. A similar scenario was proposed for
the present Black Sea (Canfield and Thamdrup, 1994). The HSproduced
during these periods of Fe limitation in the sapropel (Fig. 2B), will be incor-
porated into pyrite forming below the sapropel. When less HSis incorporated
in pyrite at the site of HSproduction, i.e., the sapropel, more HScan partic-
ipate in the reoxidation cycle, and δ34S of pyrite forming below the sapropel
GEOLOGY, June 1997 521
Figure 3. Microprobe photo of framboidal pyrite (bright minerals) with
microcrystals <1 µm in sample DD01294 within sapropel. Pyrite is sit-
uated inside shell; growth is influenced by geometry of shell.
Figure 4. Scanning electron microscope photo of euhedral pyrite
(bright minerals) in sample DD01303, below sapropel; individual
cubes as well as clusters with hexagonal crosscuts are present.
will become even more negative. This might explain that δ34Spyr values below
the sapropel are more negative than within the sapropel. Moreover, pyrite
within the sapropel might also have been overprinted by relatively heavy re-
duced S that formed from pore-water SO42– after burial of the sapropel due to
a reservoir effect.
Note that part of the pyrite is formed in the absence of external oxidants
at the site of pyrite formation. Most pyrite reaction mechanisms include an ex-
ternal oxidant; however, direct pyrite formation with sulfide itself acting as an
oxidant has recently been made plausible (e.g., Drobner et al., 1990; Rick-
ard,1997), but the consequences for S isotope fractionation are not yet known.
The complementary information obtained from pyrite contents, micro-
textures, and sulfur isotopes defines the conditions of pyrite formation within
and below sapropel S1 in the eastern Mediterranean. All observed variations
in the properties of pyrite can be related to fluctuations in the production of
HSrelative to the supply of reactive Fe. When HSproduction in the sapro-
pel is relatively low, Fe reaches the source of HSinside the sapropel, a pyrite
enrichment forms, and pyrite formation is rapid, resulting in a framboidal tex-
ture. When HSproduction is relatively high, HSbreaks out of the sapropel,
and forms the euhedral pyrite below the sapropel, in the so-called “synsapro-
pel.” During periods of high HSproduction, bottom waters may eventually
become sulfidic. Nevertheless, on the basis of the size classification of fram-
boidal pyrite of Wilkin et al. (1996) the water column has been predominantly
oxic to dysoxic during sapropel formation.
As opposed to the system described by Raiswell (1982), the δ34S of the
euhedra is not heavier than the δ34S value of the framboids, because the source
of HSis the open SO42– reduction system close to the sediment-water inter-
face for both textures, and there is no distinction between early diagenetic
pyrite formed close to the sediment-water interface and pyrite formed during
later diagenesis far below the sediment-water interface.
Supported by the Cosiglio Nazionale della Ricerche, the Netherlands Orga-
nization of Scientific Research and the EU MAST-2 programme (CT93-0051). We
thank the crew and scientific parties of the Urania 1994 cruise, and H. de Waard,
D. van de Meent, G. Nobbe, T. Bouten, T. Broer, and P. Anten for analytical assis-
tance. C. H. van der Weijden is thanked for critically reading the manuscript. Re-
viewers R. Raiswell and R. Wilkin are thanked for their constructive remarks. Pub-
lication no. 970128 of the Netherlands School of Sedimentary Geology and no.
2245 of the Centre for Estuarine and Coastal Ecology,Yerseke, The Netherlands.
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522 Printed in U.S.A. GEOLOGY, June 1997
... The total sulfur of the Shanxi Formation in the coal seams is lower than that in Taiyuan Formation coal seam, because the coal-forming period of Taiyuan Formation was frequently affected by the marine water. 11,47,48 Additionally, the roof of the coal seams is mostly limestone and mudstone, which can provide a rich source of sulfur and an anaerobic environment for bacteria. 12,37,49,50 4.2. ...
... Article inorganic minerals. 23,45,48 The sulfur content in coal and the value of spontaneous potential shows a trend of increasing (Figure 8f), which can sensitively reflect the oxidation− reduction environment and indicate the enrichment degree of pyrite and other sulfides in coal. 67,68 Among them, the spontaneous potential value is based on the difference between the spontaneous potential logging value and the mudstone baseline value. ...
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... Hence, lower bottom-water oxygen levels result in less oxidation of particulate and dissolved reduced sulfur, and resultant accumulation of more reduced sulfur [37,38]. In the present study, although the abundances of SRB were unknown, our results suggest that SRB were allowed to survive near the sediment surface (underlying anoxic bottom water), where they generally used high organic matter and sulfate, leading to the accumulation of dissolved sulfide in the sediment porewater in the summer. ...
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... This mineral is included in the initial stage of diagenesis and from the reaction of sulfide (resulting from sulfate reduction) with iron (Taylor & Macquaker, 2000). Fine euhedral pyrite crystals are a common form of pyrite formed during the initial diagenesis stage (Passier et al., 1997). Coleman and Raiswell (1995) believe that euhedral pyrite can be formed during burial. ...
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... Lower bottom-water oxygen levels result in less oxidation of particulate and dissolved reduced sulfur, with the accumulation of more reduced sulfur [27,28]. Our results suggest that, in the sediment surface underlying anoxic bottom water, SRB were allowed to survive near the sediment surface and dissolved sulfide accumulated in the sediment pore water in summer. ...
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This study examined the spatial-temporal distribution of sulfur and iron compounds (dissolved sulfide, iron sulfide, and ionized iron) in sediments from April 2015 to March 2016 at four stations in Mikawa Bay, Japan. Seasonal changes were observed in dissolved sulfide, iron sulfide, and ionized iron in the upper part of the sediment (0–4 cm depth) at all stations. The maximum concentration in the upper part of the central bay was 2.8 mmol L-1. The maximum values of dissolved sulfide (ranging from 1.4 to 8.1 mmol L-1) at stations located in a water way varied among stations. The iron sulfide concentration in the upper part of the sediment at a station where dissolved sulfide concentration in the waterway was relatively low exceeded that at other stations in the waterway during spring to summer. Ionized iron concentration was highest at the station where the dissolved sulfide concentration was low. The study results suggest that iron plays an important role in determining the magnitude of dissolved sulfide accumulation in sediments by binding with dissolved sulfide. The results imply the possibility of mitigating the accumulation of free sulfides, which causes extreme hypoxia, by artificially adding sufficient iron to the seabed.
... 0.5 Ma) Karakasi VMS has a different texture relative to Roro VMS. The size of pyrite crystals in the semi-massive to massive ore is greater (>1 mm) ( Figure 6) and the hydraulic modeling of [28] showed that hydrothermal convection and ore deposition was taking place within the footwall and hanging-wall lithologies (volcaniclastic rocks, arkoses, and turbidites) [27] (Figure 6A-D).The hydraulic pressure of the system was greater relative to Roro VMS [28], due to the fine-grained character of the hanging-wall turbidites acting as an effective barrier, thus enabling the formation of larger, euhedral pyrite [93,94]. The stable and radiogenic isotope geochemistry of sulfides also supports the views of Tombros et al. [28]. ...
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The study follows previous work on Ermioni VMS and addresses in detail the formation and evolution of two adjacent VMS systems, Karakasi and Roro. It is based on a stable and radiogenic isotopic composition of sulfides and ganguefrom stringer (Karakasi) and massive (Roro) VMS ore. The isotopic geochemistry of Pb and noble gases (Ar-He) of pyrite from both sites indicates the development of a deep and evolved heat and possibly metal source attributed to subduction of radiogenic material (Pindos oceanic crust). The differences in the stable (Fe, S) and radiogenic (Sr, Ar) isotopic compositions between the two sites depict variation in the geologic environment of VMS formation, and in particular the effect of seawater. The higher δ57Fe and δ34S values of Roro massive pyrite are attributed to direct interaction of hot, ascending metal-bearing hydrothermal fluids with cold seawater. Karakasi stringer oreis characterized by higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios and radiogenic Ar values (as 40Ar/36Ar), indicating interaction of ore-bearing, hydrothermal fluids with crustal material (hanging-wall turbidites). During the approximate 0.5 Ma period separating the two systems, the hydrothermal system migrated from east to west, and at the same time evolved from free discharge on the seafloor (Roro—easterly), resembling contemporary seafloor style and mound-shaped massive sulfides, to a sediment-confined, subseafloor system (Karakasi—westerly).
A paragenetic sequence of framboidal and euhedral pyrites is developed from a study of models defining different pathways of reaction, depending on the form of Fe and the reaction, kinetics as determined by rate of sulphate reduction (sulphide generation) and/or Fe availability. The study is based on analysis of pyrite textures, isotopic compositions and reactive iron content of the host sediment of pyritiferous carbonate concretions from a Jurassic outcrop on the NE coast of Yorkshire, England.-M.S.
Three diagenetic models based on layered situations are presented to illustrate factors affecting migration of iron and sulfur in recent anaerobic sediments. Two important factors are sharp variation with depth of organic matter content, which is assumed to be the same in each model, and the original concentration of reactive (toward H 2 S) ferruginous material, which is varied between models. Juxtaposed artificial sediments of greatly differing organic matter content undergo quantitative changes in the laboratory predicted by the three models. The experiments also demonstrate quantitatively the general validity of the low iron-content model. The same reasoning applied to layer models can be recast in a three-dimensional context to describe changes in organic-poor sediment surrounding an organic-rich body.
Pyrite framboids are densely packed, generally spherical aggregates of submicron-sized pyrite crystals. In this study, a survey was made of framboid size distributions in recently deposited sediments from euxinic (Black Sea; Framvaren Fjord, Norway; Pettaquamscutt River Estuary, Rhode Island, USA), dysoxic (Peru Margin), and oxic (Wallops Island, Virginia, USA; Great Salt Marsh, Delaware, USA) environments. Pyrite framboids in sediments of modern euxinic basins are on average smaller and less variable in size than those of sediments underlying dysoxic or oxic water columns. Down-core trends indicate framboid size distribution is a sediment property fixed very early during anoxic diagenesis, generally within the top few centimeters of burial. Size distributions in modern sediments are comparable with those in ancient sedimentary rocks, evidence that framboid size is preserved through advanced stages of diagenesis and lithification. It is proposed that where secondary pyrite growth is limited, as to preserve primary pyrite textures, framboid size distribution may be used to indicate whether fine-grained sedimentary rocks were deposited under oxic or anoxic conditions.The Crystal Size Distribution Theory relates framboid size to growth time and rate. On the basis of this theory, the characteristic smaller sizes of framboids in sediments of modern euxinic basins reflect shorter average growth times relative to oxic or dysoxic environments. In euxinic environments, framboid nucleation and growth occurs within anoxic water columns, and growth times are, on average, shorter because of hydrodynamic effects than when framboid nucleation and growth occurs within anoxic sediment porewaters underlying oxic water columns. A maximum framboid growth time of 0.4 years is indicated for framboids forming in the water columns of euxinic basins.
The Quaternary sections of the Nile Cone in the eastern Mediterranean are formed by regionally extensive repetitions of sediment sequences (cyclothems s.l.) showing a successive, orderly arrangement of sediment types. Detailed lithofacies analysis reveals the recurrence of three basic terms in many cores: a basal olive-gray hemipelagic mud and turbidite sequence; a middle sapropel sequence; and an upper yellowish-orange hemipelagic sequence, including calcareous ooze, and a turbiditic sequence. This cyclic sedimentation closely reflects the Quaternary dynamics. The development of the Nile submarine fan in an enclosed, silled basin has resulted in a particularly close relation between biogenic-terrigenous depositional patterns and climatic and oceanographic factors affecting the Mediterranean.
The reaction products and the accompanying sulfur isotope fractionations during the reaction of H2S with goethite in aqueous media at 22–24°C for periods from 0.5 hr to 65 days were studied. Fine-grained pyrite formed within two days and was isotopically 0.8‰ lighter than the H2S source. After 65 days reaction time the pyrite had nearly the same isotopic value as the H2S. Aqueous precipitation of pyrite from H2S and goethite at room temperature involved three major steps, namely: (1) the rapid oxidation of H2S and reduction of Fe3+ during which elemental S is formed; (2) the formation of acid-volatile sulfides and the disappearance of elemental S; and (3) the formation of pyrite at the expense of acid-volatile sulfides.
Pyrite synthesis was examined in the laboratory, and the chemical, crystallographic and textural results were compared with naturally occurring pyrite in marine sediment. The path of pyrite formation begins with reaction of hydrogen sulfide and dissolved iron. The first product is either amorphous iron sulfide or mackinawite with composition FeS (sub 0.9) . In the presence of limited oxygen, this can change to hexagonal pyrrhotite, FeS (sub 1.1) . Further reaction of either of the above phases with elemental sulfur will produce greigite, Fe 3 S 4 and, finally, pyrite, FeS 2 . The greigite assumes the morphological character of spherules. Pyrite framboids were found to form only on spherical nuclei. Thus, both chemical and textural evidence is provided for the pathway of pyrite formation.