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Abstract and Figures

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between educational leadership and teacher's motivation. The research described here was anchored in the convergence of two fundamental theories of leadership and motivation: the full range model of leadership and self‐determination theory. The central hypotheses were that transformational leadership would predict autonomous motivation among teachers, whereas transactional leadership would predict controlled motivation. The authors further predicted that autonomous motivation would mediate the relations between transformational leadership and teachers' burnout and that controlled motivation would mediate the relations between transactional leadership and burnout. Design/methodology/approach Questionnaires assessing the variables of interest were completed by 122 Israeli teachers. Findings Results, based on structure equation modeling, supported the hypotheses, suggesting that leadership styles among school principals play a significant role in teachers' motivation and well‐being. Research limitations/implications The school's environment in Western society is characterized by many impositions and pressures that affect teachers' well‐being, as reflected in their quality and intensity of motivation, affect, and burnout. Thus, the present research findings suggest that if the power in educational systems is delegated to school principals, and if the latter are encouraged and trained to be autonomy supportive toward their educational staff, then these steps may potentially facilitate teachers' autonomous motivation, satisfaction, and well‐being. Originality/value Few studies have examined the relationship between various styles of leadership and different types of motivation among followers. The present novel study has the potential to fill this gap by empirically studying the relationship between educational leadership and teachers' motivation.
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Principals’ leadership
and teachers’ motivation
Self-determination theory analysis
Ori Eyal
School of Education, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel, and
Guy Roth
Department of Education, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev,
Be’er-Sheva, Israel
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between educational
leadership and teacher’s motivation. The research described here was anchored in the convergence of
two fundamental theories of leadership and motivation: the full range model of leadership and
self-determination theory. The central hypotheses were that transformational leadership would predict
autonomous motivation among teachers, whereas transactional leadership would predict controlled
motivation. The authors further predicted that autonomous motivation would mediate the relations
between transformational leadership and teachers’ burnout and that controlled motivation would
mediate the relations between transactional leadership and burnout.
Design/methodology/approach Questionnaires assessing the variables of interest were
completed by 122 Israeli teachers.
Findings Results, based on structure equation modeling, supported the hypotheses, suggesting that
leadership styles among school principals play a significant role in teachers’ motivation and well-being.
Research limitations/implications The school’s environment in Western society is
characterized by many impositions and pressures that affect teachers’ well-being, as reflected in
their quality and intensity of motivation, affect, and burnout. Thus, the present research findings
suggest that if the power in educational systems is delegated to school principals, and if the latter are
encouraged and trained to be autonomy supportive toward their educational staff, then these steps
may potentially facilitate teachers’ autonomous motivation, satisfaction, and well-being.
Originality/value Few studies have examined the relationship between various styles of leadership
and different types of motivation among followers. The present novel study has the potential to fill this
gap by empirically studying the relationship between educational leadership and teachers’ motivation.
Keywords Israel, Leadership, Motivation (psychology), Teachers, Transformational leadership
Paper type Research paper
Leadership is often described as the ability to enlist, mobilize, and motivate others to
apply their abilities and resources to a given cause. This capacity is fundamental
to discussions of charismatic or transformational leadership in general and in the
educational sphere in particular. It illuminates the ways in which individuals influence
others and persuade them to devote their utmost efforts to tasks that promote their goals.
Nonetheless, few studies have directly examined the relationship between various styles
of leadership and different types of motivation among followers (Bono and Judge, 2003).
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at
The paper was presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual
Meeting, Denver, CO, May 4, 2010.
Received March 2010
Revised August 2010
Accepted August 2010
Journal of Educational
Vol. 49 No. 3, 2011
pp. 256-275
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/09578231111129055
The present study aims at bridging the gap between theories of leadership and
The impressive body of empirical research on leadership has extensively compared
styles and models of leadership. Most salient is the distinction between transformational
and transactional leadership proposed by the full range model of leadership (Bass and
Avolio, 1994). Transformational leadership inspires individuals to exceed their expected
behavior (Yukl, 1998). This type of leadership enlists and motivates followers to identify
with the leader and to develop an affinity for collective goals and visions.
Transformational leaders’ impact on their followers was ascribed to their ability
to nurture followers’ needs, empower them, and give them a sense of mission toward
ethical and broad objectives that exceed their own goals. These leadership abilities
were described as linked to transformational leaders’ tendency to articulate a clear
vision, serve as a model, and provide attention and consideration to followers. More
specifically, Avolio et al. (1999) claimed that transformational leadership involves four
main leadership behaviors: idealized influence, intellectual stimulation, individualized
consideration, and inspirational motivation. Transformational leaders exert idealized
influence by considering their followers’ needs, acting according to the organization’s
values and serving as a model to be emulated. They provide intellectual stimulation
by soliciting creative thinking, challenging followers, and stimulating them to question,
reframe problems, and approach old situations in innovative ways. These leaders
display individualized consideration by attending to individual needs and differences
and by helping followers work toward higher levels of potential. Lastly,
transformational leaders provide inspirational motivation by providing meaning and
challenge, acting enthusiastically, and supporting team spirit (Avolio et al., 1999). Under
a transformational leadership style, followers commit themselves to common purposes
and are encouraged to challenge basic organizational or social assumptions.
In contrast to transformational leadership, transactional or monitoring leadership is
based on rewards for compliance. The focus is on maintaining efficient management
and complying with organizational rules and policies (Bass and Avolio, 1994). More
specifically, transactional leadership involves an exchange process between the leader
and the followers, intended to increase followers’ compliance to the leader and the
organizational rules (Yukl, 1998). Leaders who maintain tight logistical control by
emphasizing compliance with rules and procedures, by checking on the progress
and quality of work, and by evaluating the performance of individuals and of the
organizational unit would rate high for monitoring behavior (Quinn, 1988; Spreitzer et al.,
1999). Thus, subordinates of transactional leaders are not necessarily expected to think
innovatively (Eyal and Kark, 2004) and may be monitored on the basis of predetermined
criteria (Bass, 1985).
Despite the extensive comparative research on leadership styles, few empirical
attempts were undertaken to examine the impact of various leadership styles on the
motivation of followers. Yet, a number of scholars in the field have offered promising
theoretical frameworks. To explain the motivational effect of charismatic
(transformational) leadership, Shamir et al. (1993) maintained that such leaders foster
intrinsic motivations related to self-concept. Their theory of leadership asserted that
charismatic leaders promote followers’ intrinsic motivation to act beyond their job
description by elevating their self-esteem, self-value, and social identification. Following
Shamir et al. (1993), Kark and Van Dijk (2007) employed Higgins’s (1998) theory
and motivation
of regulatory focus to suggest that transformational leadership would predict followers’
promotion of goals related to the self and to their hopes and aspirations. In contrast,
Kark and Van Dijk (2007) argued that transactional leadership would focus on external
expectations and obligations, and would predict followers’ avoidant motivational
These perspectives represent a convergence of leadership and motivation theories;
however, they remain in the realm of theory that has not yet been verified by direct
empirical research. In an attempt to bridge this gap, the current empirical study
investigated the relations between leadership styles and followers’ autonomous versus
controlled motivation. Based on self-determination theory (SDT) (Ryan and Deci, 2000b),
as described next, we hypothesized that transformational leadership would predict
followers’ autonomous motivation, whereas transactional leadership would predict
followers’ controlled motivation.
SDT of motivation and internalization
SDT (Deci and Ryan, 1985, 2000) presents a differentiated account of motivation that
begins with the distinction between amotivation (i.e. lack of motivation or intention to
act) and motivation. Amotivation results from not valuing an activity (Ryan, 2006),
not expecting it to yield a desired outcome (Seligman, 1975), or not feeling competent to
perform it (Bandura, 1986; Deci, 1975). Motivation, in contrast, results when the person
believes that engaging in the behavior will result in some desired experience or outcome.
Motivation is then differentiated into intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic
motivation involves performing an activity because the activity itself is interesting. This
comprises the prototype of autonomy because the person is willing to do the activity
volitionally, out of interest. Extrinsic motivation involves performing an activity
because it leads to some separable consequence. Thus, activities that are uninteresting
will require extrinsic consequences in order for the person to be motivated. Research
has shown that doing activities for external consequences tends to be experienced as
controlled (Deci et al., 1999) rather than autonomous. SDT has suggested that for an
extrinsically motivated behavior to become more autonomous, the self-regulation of that
behavior and the value attributed to that behavior must be internalized.
With respect to internalization, the theory further differentiates types of internalization
according to the degree to which they have been internalized and therefore the degree of
autonomy characterizing the resulting behaviors (Roth et al., 2006; Ryan and Connell,
1989). When the motivation for an activity has not been internalized, regulation is said to
be external. The behavior is enacted compliantly and is considered controlled. When the
motivation for an activity has been internalized, it takes on one of three types. The
first type of internalization, referred to as introjection, involves taking in a value and
regulation of behavior, but not accepting it as one’s own. Instead, one merely applies the
contingencies of approval or worth to oneself that were previously applied by others.
Thus, one tends to feel an inner compulsion to behave, one’s self-esteem is contingent upon
behavior, and the behavior is considered controlled, even though the regulation is now
within oneself. A fuller type of internalization is referred to as identified regulation. Here,
one has identified with the importance of the activity for oneself and thus performs the
behavior quite autonomously, even though one does not find the activity inherently
interesting. Finally, when that identification has been reciprocally assimilated with other
aspects of oneself, the regulation is considered integrated. Identified/integrated regulation
and intrinsic motivation are considered autonomous forms of regulation.
Considerable research (Grolnick and Ryan, 1989; Ryan et al., 1993) has indicated that
controlled regulation (external and introjection) tends to be associated with negative
psychological consequences, whereas autonomous motivation (identified, integrated
and/or intrinsic motivation) tends to be associated with positive psychological
consequences like high performance, well-being, and low burnout (Baard et al., 2004;
and Deci, 2005).
Given the positive consequences of employees’ autonomous motivation and the costs
that may be attributed to their controlled motivation, it seems essential to explore the
antecedents of these types of motivations. SDT suggests that autonomous motivation
is likely to flourish in environments that are supportive of autonomy. A large body of
research has identified several autonomy-supportive behaviors such as provision of
rationale, provision of choice, allowing criticism, encouraging critical thinking, and
demonstrating the intrinsic value of a behavior (Assor et al., 2002; Gagne
and Deci, 2005;
Roth et al., 2009). External motivation, on the other hand, is more likely to be found in a
controlled environment characterized by external pressures to behave in given ways
(Stone et al., 2009). These theoretical assumptions have been supported in domains as
varied as education, parenting, sports, and health care (Gagne
and Deci, 2005). However,
empirical support for these arguments in the area of leadership is relatively scarce.
Leadership and autonomous motivation: an empirical overview
As mentioned earlier, the most prominent leadership model discussed in the literature is
the full range model of leadership (Bass, 1985) that distinguishes between
transformational and transactional leadership. Inasmuch as transformational
leadership involves dimensions such as individualized consideration, intellectual
stimulation, and inspiration by articulating a clear and justified vision, scholars have
suggested that this type of leadership behavior is autonomy supportive (Gagne
Deci, 2005; Sheldon et al., 2003). These scholars claimed that presenting followers with
a value-laden vision and empowering them to take part in its interpretation and
development will instigate individuals’ discretionary construction of the meaning of
their work and of the organization’s mission. Thus, transformational leadership may
generate followers’ identification with the organization’s goals and the leader’s vision,
which is an important characteristic of autonomous motivation.
In contrast, transactional leadership, which involves contingent rewards and
management by exceptions, has been described as controlling and as hindering
followers’ self-determination (Gagne
and Deci, 2005; Sheldon et al., 2003). More
specifically, these scholars claimed that transactional leadership’s emphasis on extrinsic
rewards and on monitoring followers work activities will create a controlling context in
which the followers experience high coercion and low self-determination (or autonomous
Baard (2002) and Baard et al. (2004) found that followers’ perceptions of managers’
autonomy-supportive behavior predicted followers’ adaptation and performance. Also,
autonomy support was linked with followers’ work satisfaction (Deci et al., 1989),
internalization of the importance of new working methods, and intrinsic motivation
(Lynch et al., 2005). However, as noted earlier, research on the relations between
leadership styles and employees’ motivations is scarce.
and motivation
In one of few studies that directly explored the relations between leadership and
motivation, Bono and Judge (2003) reported that transformational leadership predicted
followers’ self-concordance goals (autonomous motivation for one’s specific goals). They
also found that self-concordance mediated the relations between transformational
leadership and outcomes such as task performance and innovation. This study helped
uncover the relations between transformational leadership and followers’ motivations;
however, it did not focus on the followers’ motivations regarding their role description
but rather regarding their goal orientation. Moreover, the study did not address the full
range of leadership styles and the specific relation between transactional leadership and
autonomous versus controlled motivation was not explored.
In a similar vein, Charbonneau et al. (2001) showed that athletes’ intrinsic motivation
was predicted by their perceptions of their coach as a transformational leader, and that
intrinsic motivation mediated the relations between transformational leadership
and athletic performance. Yet, like Bono and Judge (2003), Charbonneau et al. did not
address other forms of leadership and was based on a sample of competitive, highly
driven athletes. Alternatively, the present study focuses on teachers’ motivations and
principals’ leadership styles while comparing the outcomes of transformational and
transactional leadership in relation to teachers’ controlled versus autonomous
The dearth of research concerning school principals’ leadership styles and teachers’
autonomous versus controlled motivations is surprising, especially when compared to
the rich literature concerning teaching styles and students’ motivations (Assor et al.,
2002, 2005; Deci et al., 1981; Grolnick and Ryan, 1987; Jang, 2008; Reeve, 2002; Reeve et al.,
1999, 2003; Roth et al., 2007; Roth and Bibi, 2010).
Principal leadership and teacher motivation
The relationship between school leadership and teacher motivation is related in the
research literature to the attempt to better understand principals’ impact on school
performance (Hallinger and Heck, 1998; Leithwood and Jantzi, 2005; Leithwood and
Mascall, 2008; Robinson et al., 2008; Supovitz et al., 2010; Witziers et al., 2003). Studies
have shown that school leadership affects student outcomes (i.e. students’ rates of
attendance, achievement, graduation, and college enrollment) indirectly, by creating the
conditions that support teachers’ ability to teach and students’ learning (Hallinger and
Heck, 1996; Leithwood et al., 2007; Porter et al., 2010) rather than directly (Robinson et al.,
2008; Witziers et al., 2003). According to Porter et al. (2010), these conditions include
high standards for student learning, rigorous curricula, quality instruction, a culture
of learning and professional behavior, connections to external communities, and
performance accountability. Others found that school leadership showed a small to
medium indirect effect on students’ achievements through school climate, school
mission (Bosker et al., 2000; Hallinger and Heck, 1998), and teachers’ job satisfaction
(Bosker et al., 2000; Griffith, 2004; Hallinger and Heck, 1998).
Scholarly writings have linked the aforementioned conditions with increased teacher
motivation to exert extra effort in teaching (Geijsel et al., 2003), to investigate better ways
of teaching, to try new theories of learning and new instructional strategies (Leithwood
and Jantzi, 2006; Supovitz et al., 2010), and to adopt educational reforms (Geijsel et al.,
2003). Thus, teachers’ engagement and motivation has been studied mostly as a mediating
factor between school leadership and students’ learning (Hallinger and Heck, 1998;
Leithwood and Jantzi, 2006; Leithwood and Mascall, 2008; Robinson et al., 2008;
Supovitz et al., 2010).
In this context, reviews of studies on transformational leadership concluded that
its major influence on teachers’ extent of motivation occurred when the principal
developed a clear vision, framed school goals including high-academic goals, and
gained staff consensus on desired outcomes (Hallinger and Heck, 1998; Leithwood,
1994; Leithwood et al., 1999a, b; Leithwood and Steinbach, 1991). More specifically,
transformational leadership dimensions (e.g. vision building, intellectual stimulation,
individualized consideration) were found to directly influence teachers’ amount of
motivation (Geijsel et al., 2003; Leithwood and Jantzi, 2005), which in turn affected
students’ achievements and learning (Leithwood and Jantzi, 2005).
Scholars argued that vision building potentially offers the greatest capacity to
influence teachers’ motivation because the vision provides personal goals for the
teacher, as well as a desire to see a change in the future. Accordingly, goals must be clear
and concrete and include short- and long-term objectives (Geijsel et al., 2003), so that they
will motivate and inspire followers to sacrifice their own interests for the sake of the
organization (Barnett and McCormick, 2003). Barnett and McCormick argued, however,
that beyond defining attainable goals, the vision must also reflect the needs and interests
of the school community and be connected to reality.
Individualized consideration which includes the leader’s support of subordinates’
professional and personal development was found to promote teachers’ sense of
competence, self-efficacy, and therefore also their motivation (Geijsel et al., 2003). Finally,
intellectual stimulation which encourages followers to “question traditional beliefs,
to look at problems in a different way, and to find innovative solutions for problems”
(Yukl, 1999, p. 288) was found to buffer teachers from negative contextualized beliefs
regarding current change initiatives in their schools and thus motivated them to adopt
the changes (Geijsel et al., 2003). Therefore, it seems that transformational leadership,
in addition to motivating teachers to implement the shared vision, provides support for
teachers’ desire for autonomy by encouraging individual efforts and giving direction
based on needs and necessity (Barnett and McCormick, 2003).
Although transformational leadership was shown to bolster teachers’ long-term
problem-solving capabilities (Leithwood and Steinbach, 1991), it demonstrated a greater
impact on teaching and learning when complemented by instructional leadership and/or
shared/collaborative leadership (Hallinger, 2003; Marks and Printy, 2003). This extended
effect can be explained by the impact these leadership forms have on teachers motivation.
For instance, Blase and Blase (1999) found that activities stemming from instructional
leadership, which promote teachers’ reflection (e.g. giving feedback, making suggestions,
modeling, etc.) and professional growth (e.g. developing coaching relationships,
supporting collaboration among educators, staff development, etc.), have positive effects
on motivation. In addition, collective leadership, a model that includes multiple sources of
leadership and influence in school, was found to render a significant impact on students’
achievements through teacher motivation. According to the collective leadership model,
three factors play a part in determining motivation: personal goals, beliefs about one’s
capacities, and beliefs about one’s context or situation. Thus, increased control and the
distribution of power to those lower in the organizational hierarchy lead to a greater sense
of responsibility and motivation to implement organizational goals (Leithwood and
Mascall, 2008).
and motivation
In sum, results from previous research showed that school leadership can motivate
teachers to exert extra effort in their work, which in turn was related to teaching and
learning. Yet, these studies failed to differentiate between the impact of leadership on
teachers’ autonomous versus controlled motivations, and their relations to teachers’
SDT and teachers’ motivation: implications for school leadership and its
impact on teachers’ burnout
Two recent studies demonstrated the relevance of SDT for studying the relations among
leadership, teachers’ motivation, and their psychological consequences. Roth et al.
(2007) showed that teachers’ autonomous motivation toward teaching predicted
students autonomous motivation toward learning, through students’ perceptions of
autonomy-supportive teaching. In addition, Pelletier et al. (2002) reported that teachers’
autonomous motivation predicted autonomy-supportive teaching. Furthermore, Roth et al.
(2007) found that autonomous motivation was negatively related to teachers’ self-reported
burnout and positively related to teachers’ sense of self-actualization at work, whereas the
reverse was true for teachers’ controlled motivation. Given the specific characteristics of
the public educational system in Western society, testing antecedents and outcomes of
teachers’ types of motivation seems of special importance.
The educational environment pressures the schools’ educational staff in many ways,
such as external restrictions, imposed reforms, imposed standards, multiple goals,
and so forth. These impositions and pressures affect teachers’ well-being, as reflected in
their quality and intensity of motivation, affect, and burnout (Retelsdorf et al., 2009).
In line with this assertion lies the claim that in educational systems the power should be
delegated to allow school principals to facilitate teachers’ motivation, satisfaction,
and well-being (Blase and Kirby, 2000; Briggs and Wohlstetter, 2003; Leithwood et al.,
1999). Thus, the present research aimed to explore the relations among leadership styles,
teachers’ types of motivation, and teachers burnout. The experience of burnout refers to
the association of teaching with feelings of exhaustion, lack of energy, and depletion
of mental resources (Friedman and Farber, 1992; Maslach and Jackson, 1981),
an experience that stands in contrast to a sense of personal accomplishment.
According to SDT, autonomous motivation for teaching, theoretically claimed to be
associated with transformational leadership (Gagne
and Deci, 2005; Sheldon et al., 2003),
should be positively associated with feelings of personal accomplishment and
negatively associated with feelings of burnout and exhaustion. In fact, the link between
autonomous motivation and personal accomplishment is a basic tenet of SDT (Ryan,
1993; Ryan and Deci, 2000a). Hence, being autonomously motivated (or self-determined)
not only leads a person to generate greater efforts, but also to an experience of vitality
and energy, which are the opposite of feeling drained and exhausted (La Guardia et al.,
2000; Niemiec et al., 2006; Ryan and Frederick, 1997). In line with this reasoning,
Pelletier et al. (2002) demonstrated that teachers who perceived more pressure from
above (e.g. the need to comply with a curriculum or with performance standards), often
associated with transactional leadership (Quinn, 1988; Spreitzer et al., 1999), were less
self-determined regarding teaching. Furthermore, as already noted, Roth et al. (2007)
found that teachers’ controlled motivation correlated positively with burnout and
negatively with personal accomplishment, whereas the reverse was true for autonomous
motivation. Consistent with these findings, we posited that because autonomously
motivated teachers perceive their engagement in various teaching tasks as interesting
and meaningful, they will experience less exhaustion. Thus, teachers’ sense of autonomy
at work may allow them to tolerate occasional frustrations and setbacks, and to prevent
those negative experiences from leading to feelings of burnout and loss of vitality.
Figure 1 shows the research hypotheses schematically. Based on the preceding
considerations, we hypothesized that teachers’ perceptions of principals’transformational
leadership would be positively correlated with autonomous motivation and negatively
with burnout. In addition, we hypothesized that autonomous motivation would mediate
the relations between transformational leadership and burnout. We further predicted that
transactional leadership would be positively correlated with controlled motivation
and burnout, and that controlled motivation would mediate the relations between
transactional leadership and burnout.
Participants and procedure
Participants were 122 Israeli elementary school teachers (107 females; mean age ¼ 39
years, SD ¼ 8.80; mean seniority ¼ 12.46 years, SD ¼ 10) who voluntarily enrolled in a
60-hour in-service professional development course on instruction in mathematics,
conducted in three higher educational institutions. The teachers were affiliated with
different public schools; thus, the unit of analysis was teachers rather than schools.
Participation in the study was optional and restricted to teachers who had been working
with their school principal for more than one year (mean was 4.42, SD ¼ 2.64). The
authors obtained permission from the program organizers for qualified experimenters
to approach the teachers, who completed the questionnaires in their professional
development class. Confidentiality was assured.
The teachers completed a questionnaire set assessing three measures: perceptions of
principals’ leadership, self-reported motivations, and self-reported burnout.
Figure 1.
Schematic representation
of the research
hypotheses: teachers’
motivation types as
mediators of the relations
between principals’
leadership styles
and teachers’ burnout
and motivation
Construct validity for each measure was tested by confirmatory factor analysis,
as shown below in the section delineating the analytical procedure.
Leadership styles. The multifactor leadership questionnaire (MLQ 5X; Avolio et al.,
1999), derived from Bass (1985), was used to measure teachers’ perceptions of
principals’ leadership styles. The use of this scale for measuring principals’ leadership
styles is well documented (Leithwood and Jantzi, 2005) and showed acceptable
reliability and validity (Bogler, 2001; Eyal and Kark, 2004).
The transformational leadership factor (Cronbach’s a ¼ 0.84) comprised 16 items,
rated on a five-point Likert-type scale ranging from 1 (never) to 5 (always), tapping the
four subcomponents of transformational leadership style as described by Bass
and Avolio (1994): intellectual stimulation, individual consideration, inspiration, and
individual influence. Items measuring attributed charisma, which have been criticized
for representing leadership impact rather than leadership behavior (Kark et al., 2003;
Yukl, 1998), were not included.
The monitoring aspects of transactional leadership were measured by the four-item
“management by exception (active)” component (Cronbach’s a ¼ 0.66), rated on a
five-point Likert-type scale ranging from 1 (never) to 5 (always). Thus, higher scores
indicated a stronger perceived transactional leadership style.
Motivation types. Controlled and autonomous teacher motivations were measured
using an 16-item scale developed by Roth et al. (2007), based on Ryan and Connell’s
(1989) conceptualization and measurement. Four types of motivation were examined:
external, introjected, identified, and intrinsic. The teachers reported on their reasons for
their investment in their work. There were 16 responses, representing the four types of
motivation. Teachers indicated the extent to which they agreed with each response
using a five-point Likert-type scale. An example of a response representing external
motivation was: “[...] because I want the parents to be satisfied so they won’t complain”;
introjected: “[...] because otherwise I would feel guilty”; identified: “[...] because it is
important for me to make children feel that I care about them”; intrinsic: “[...] because
I enjoy finding unique solutions for various students.” Each motivation was assessed by
four items. Items were mixed across the four motivation types, so that the items
representing the same type of motivation were not grouped together. The autonomous
motivation score was based on the intrinsic and identified scales and the controlled
motivation score was based on the external and interjected scales. Cronbach’s a
coefficients were 0.71 and 0.79 for autonomous and controlled motivations, respectively.
Burnout. Friedman and Farber’s (1992) ten-item burnout scale was used to assess
emotional exhaustion. Teachers rated the extent to which they agreed with items such as
“I feel exhausted at the end of a day in school” along a seven-point Likert-type scale
ranging from completely disagree (1) to completely agree (7). Cronbach’s a coefficient
was 0.94.
Analytical procedure
First, construct validity was tested by a confirmatory factor analysis. Thus, we tested
the fit of the measurement model using AMOS 5.0 (Arbuckle and Wothke, 2003). Latent
variables were computed by using the items as indicators, except for transformational
leadership where the indicators were the means of the four subcomponents derived from
Bass and Avolio’s (1994) conceptualization (i.e. intellectual stimulation, individual
consideration, inspiration, and individual influence). Acceptable fit of the model with
the data would be indicated by a ratio of
to degrees of freedom of less than 2
(Carmines and McIver, 1981), a root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA)
(Browne and Cudeck, 1993) less than 0.08, and an incremental fit index (IFI) (Bollen, 1989)
and comparative fit index (CFI) (Bentler, 1990) of 0.90 or above (Browne and Cudeck,
1993; Hoyle, 1995). The measurement model results supported the hypothesized factor
structure of all the scales. The fit indices were adequate:
(265, N ¼ 122) ¼ 407.49,
p , 0.01;
/df ¼ 1.54; and CFI, IFI, and RMSEA of 0.90, 0.91, and 0.06, respectively.
Further, in an effort to examine whether the motivation types mediated the relations
between leadership and teachers’ burnout, we tested the relevant structural model with
latent variables (Hoyle, 1995). Additionally, to test whether the mediation was full or
only partial, we compared the hypothesized model to models that included, in addition to
the indirect effects, direct effects between leadership types and the outcome measure
(i.e. teacher burnout). Each comparison was conducted separately, allowing comparison
of nested models. To test the hypothesized model, we used AMOS 5.0 (Arbuckle and
Wothke, 2003) with maximum likelihood estimation.
Table I presents descriptive statistics and correlations among the study variables. As seen
in the table, the mean of transformational leadership was higher than the mean of
transactional leadership. Thus, the mean transformational leadership score (3.49) was a
little more than half a standard deviation higher than the neutral score (3 on the five-point
scale), whereasthe transactional mean (2.73) was about one quarter of a standard deviation
lower than the neutral score. Similar differences emerged between autonomous and
controlled motivation; thus, the latter was lower than the former. Finally, in this sample,
teachers’ sense of burnout was quite low (M ¼ 2.32 on the seven-point scale). This low rate
of burnout may perhaps reflect the fact that the participating teachers had volunteered to
attend the in-service professional development program, probably indicating their desire
to invest in learning and developing as teachers. Nonetheless, examining the hypothesized
associations among these teachers seems to be a strong test for the study hypotheses,
because it may convey that principals may undermine or increase burnout even among
highly motivated teachers who score low on measures of burnout.
The correlational data supported our hypotheses. As expected, a significant negative
correlation emerged between transformational leadership and burnout, whereas a
significant positive correlation emerged between transactional leadership and burnout.
No significant relation was found between transformational leadership and controlled
motivation, whereas, as expected, the relation between transformational leadership
and autonomous motivation was significant and positive. The reverse was true
1. Transformational 3.49 0.70
2. Transactional 2.73 0.87 0.03
3. Controlled motivation 2.92 0.71 0.11 0.19
4. Autonomous motivation 3.94 0.49 0.23
2 0.1 2 0.1
5. Burnout 2.32 0.81 2 0.21
2 0.37
Note: Significance at:
p , 0.05 and
p , 0.01
Table I.
Pearson correlations
among the research
and motivation
for transactional leadership style, which did not relate significantly to autonomous
motivation but did relate positively and significantly to controlled motivation.
Further, a structural equation modeling analysis with latent variables was conducted
(Hoyle, 1995) to test the mediational role of motivation in the relation between principals’
leadership and teachers’ burnout.
As seen in Figure 2, the results for the structural model supported our hypotheses. All
the path coefficients were significant and in the hypothesized direction. The model
showed an acceptable fit to the data:
(268; N ¼ 122) ¼ 410.02, p , 0.01;
to degrees
of freedom ratio of 1.53; and CFI, IFI, and RMSEA of 0.90, 0.91, and 0.06, respectively.
In the next phase of data analysis, we compared the hypothesized model (in which
relations between leadership styles and burnout were indirect, thus mediated by types of
motivation) to two models that included a direct path from each independent variable to
burnout. Each direct path was added separately, allowing us to compare goodness of fit
of nested models. Results showed that the direct paths improved the model fit in both
cases: for the direct path between transformational leadership and burnout (D
¼ 4.9;
p , 0.05), and for the direct path between transactional leadership and burnout
¼ 10.4; p , 0.05). Therefore, the hypothesized model that involved direct and
indirect effects, which indicated partial mediation, was preferred. The direct paths are
shown in Figure 2 by dashed lines[1].
The results of the present study revealed two important findings. First, transformational
leadership was negatively associated with teachers burnout, and this association
was partially mediated by teachers’ autonomous motivation. Second, transactional
leadership was positively correlated with teachers’ burnout, and this association was
partially mediated by teachers’ controlled motivation. Thus, principals’ leadership style,
as perceived by teachers, was a predictor of teachers’ motivation type and feelings of
exhaustion in school.
Scholars have described the contemporary schools’ environment as unstable and at
risk, a description manifested by teachers’ burnout, dissatisfaction, low performance,
high turnover, and so on (Deborah, 2007; Valli and Buese, 2007). Thus, the significance
Figure 2.
Teachers’ motivation
types as mediators of
the relations between
principals’ leadership
styles and teachers’
Notes: *p < 0.05 and * *p < 0.01; indicators and error terms were
omitted for clarity
of examining the role of the principal as a key re-framer of teacher’s conceptions of
education and school is paramount. Given the significant role of autonomous motivation
in adaptation, quality of learning, quality of teaching, and students’ and teachers’
performance and well-being, the importance of this phenomenon for educators cannot
be overemphasized. Past research has demonstrated the important role of managers’
behaviors on subordinates’ motivation in working settings (Gagne
and Deci, 2005), but,
to our knowledge, the present study is the first to directly explore the simultaneous
effects of transformational and transactional leadership styles on autonomous and
controlled motivation.
Although past research studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of
transformational leadership by linking it to followers’ trust, job satisfaction,
organizational commitment, and job performance (Fuller et al., 1996; Lowe et al.,
1996), seldom did researchers address the possible processes underlying those
relations. Hence, the present findings, alongside Bono and Judge’s (2003) study, give a
first empirical indication of a possible reason for this effectiveness, namely, promoting
an autonomous motivation that minimizes burnout and, according to past research,
relates to self-actualization (Roth et al., 2007), high performance, and well-being (for a
review, see Gagne
and Deci, 2005). On the other hand, the current empirical findings
showed that transactional leadership characterized by controlling practices did in fact
predict controlled motivation in teachers and was accompanied by burnout, a cost
similar to those found previously for followers like lower job satisfaction, lower
persistence, and higher turnover (Gagne
and Deci, 2005).
Based on the present results, we suggest that principals seem to play a major role in
teachers’ motivation. Although this proposition was tested by previous studies in
education (Blase and Blase, 1999; Geijsel et al., 2003; Leithwood and Jantzi, 2005;
Leithwood and Mascall, 2008; Leithwood and Steinbach, 1991), the sources for teachers’
motivation driven by the principals’ behaviors were not tested.
The current results may clarify how different leadership styles are related to different
sources of teacher motivation. The results show that transactional leadership
characterized by controlling practices such as monitoring subordinate behaviors and
demanding compliance with the organization’s regulations and standards is
associated with controlled motivations, which, according to SDT, are experienced as
sources of external or internal pressure (Deci and Ryan, 1985). These pressures can,
at best, drive teachers to act out of extrinsic motivation, which was found to predict
shallow and rigid behaviors as opposed to autonomous motivation, which was found to
predict flexible and profound behaviors (Roth et al., 2009; Vansteenkiste et al., 2005).
Conversely, transformational leadership – characterized by the articulation of a salient
organizational vision and the empowerment of teachers is associated with autonomous
motivation, which, according to SDT, enables subordinates to integrate the vision with
other aspects of the self (Deci and Ryan, 1985). This integration may drive teachers to
realize their authentic self, often referred to as self-actualization (Bass and Riggio, 2006).
Although previous studies implied that school leadership promotes teachers’
self-actualization in order to motivate them (Barnett and McCormick, 2003; Hallinger,
2003), this was not examined directly or indirectly. We did not measure teachers
self-actualization either, but based on the aforementioned results we can speculate that
autonomy-supportive behaviors that facilitate internalization of extrinsically motivated
behavior are the ones that advance teachers’ self-actualization. Furthermore, based on
and motivation
the current study results, we suggest that transformational leadership may promote
teachers’ identification with the school’s cause and mission even when the actual
actions that teachers are expected to perform are not interesting for their own sake. This
is implied by the fact that transformational leadership was related to autonomous
motivation, which not only includes intrinsic sources of intentional action but also
external ones that have been internalized (identified/integrated regulation).
Thus, it seems that by providing teachers with an autonomy-supportive working
environment, principals can help teachers construct the meaning of their mission and
help them make sense of their role and the educational sphere. Moreover, we argue that,
as a result, autonomously motivated teachers perceive their engagement in various
teaching tasks as interesting and meaningful. For that reason, they may experience less
exhaustion than other teachers. It seems that teachers’ sense of autonomy at work may
allow them to tolerate occasional frustrations and setbacks, and may prevent those
negative experiences from leading to feelings of burnout and loss of vitality.
It is possible that the relationsbetween principals leadership stylesand different types
of teachers’ motivation, presented in the current study, can expand our understanding of
how principals impact instruction and learning in schools. Although school leaders seem
to strongly impact the emergence of a vital professional environment that promotes
students adaptation and well-being, they also appear to promote teachers’ growth and
fulfillment. It is possible to speculate that those principals who acknowledge the latter
may utilize this potential to benefit students. Adopting a humanistic approach for
human development is thus an Archimedean point from which principals should strive
to interpenetrate school reality both for themselves and for others, be they students,
teachers, or other stakeholders. Under these circumstances, teachers can experience and
adopt a self-determined proactive stance, rather than a reactive compliant position.
It is important to note, however, that the magnitude of the relations detected among the
variables of interest was small or modest at best. Modest associations are to be expected
because leadership type is only one factor that affects teachers’ motivation and burnout. For
example, it is possible that teachers’ type of motivation is also affected by various
contextual and personal factors such as the amount of achievement pressure to which
teachers are exposed from the principal or the parents (as have been found by Pelletier et al.
(2002)), the degree of heterogeneity within the classroom in terms of basic skills or emotional
needs, or teachers’ level of identity development (Marcia, 1993). The same seems to be true
for teachers’ feelings of burnout, which are affected by a variety of contextual and personal
factors other than autonomous or controlled motivation for teaching. For example, research
suggested that teachers’ feelings of exhaustion or accomplishment at work are affected by
low wages relative to other groups (Farber and Wechsler, 1991), lack of appreciation from
the community (Mazur and Lynch, 1989), role conflict (Burke and Greenglass, 1995; Schwab
and Iwanicki, 1982), role ambiguity (Capel, 1987), work overload (Jenkins and Calhoun,
2006; Mazur and Lynch, 1989), peer support and general social support (Brenner et al., 1985;
Byrne, 1999; Talmor et al., 2005), number of students with special needs in class
(Talmor et al., 2005), prevalence of behavior problems in the classroom (Byrne, 1999),
teachers’ level of education (Rosenblatt, 2001), and religious beliefs (Lau et al., 2005).
It appears, then, that given the number of factors that can affect the teacher’s
experiences in school, the associations obtained are not trivial at all. Those modest
associations, though, suggest that, in addition to principals’ leadership style, there are
many other factors that affect teachers’ motivation and well-being.
Although the present study uncovers the relationship between transformational
and transactional leadership and teachers’ motivation, it provides limited information
regarding the relative importance of the different transformational leader’s behaviors,
that is, intellectual stimulation, individual consideration, inspiration, and individual
influence on motivation. Thus, future research would do well to explore how different
components of transformational leadership are linked with autonomous motivations.
Knowledge of this sort may provide researchers, leaders, and consultants with a better
understanding of optimal ways for forming autonomous-supportive environments that
can enhance teachers’ autonomous motivations, as well as promote meaningful school
experiences both among teachers and students. Furthermore, future research should
explore the present study’s questions on a larger scale, using the school and the leader
(i.e. principal) as units of analysis.
Additionally, the present analyses were based on correlations among cross-sectional
self-reports. This is problematic in that it raises the possibility that the relations are in
part a function of method variance. Thus, further studies utilizing multiple reporters and
behavioral observations would be very helpful in confirming the present results.
Another difficulty related to the current cross-sectional data is that it does not allow for
causal interpretations. It is therefore important to test the hypotheses with prospective
longitudinal research.
Finally, the nature of this sample, that of elementary school teachers who
voluntarily attended a professional development program, may limit the generalization
of the research conclusions. For instance, elementary and secondary school teachers may
experience school leadership and its impact on their motivation and burnout differently
due to their different school structures, subject matters, student ages, bureaucratic
controls, standardizations, and market mechanisms. In addition, teachers who are highly
committed to professional development (as sampled in the current study) may possibly
endure varying levels of burnout and may relate differently to school leadership’s effort to
motivate them, compared to other teachers. Therefore, to permit wider generalizations,
further research is needed on the relations among leadership styles, teacher motivation
types, and teacher burnout among a diversified sample of teachers with regard to
characteristics such as age, tenure, education, school type, subject matter specialization,
attendance in ongoing professional development programs, and designated roles in school.
Despite its shortcomings, the current study holds potential to fill an important gap in
our empirical knowledge concerning the relations between educational leadership and
teachers’ motivation. As educational systems have recently tightened their control
over schools, which in turn may drive principals to practice transactional leadership
associated with controlled motivation, the role of principals in generating autonomous
motivation among teachers cannot be overstated. Although controlled motivation can
lead teachers to comply with the system’s standards, it is the autonomous motivation
that transforms their jobs into a meaningful experience, drives them to practice
autonomy-supportive teaching, protects them from burnout, increases their well-being,
improves their effectiveness, and fosters their retention in the system.
1. Mediational analysis based on Baron and Kenny’s (1986) approach also supported the
hypotheses. Further, computation of the Sobel test revealed significant indirect effects for
the two mediational paths.
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... The theory identifies transformational, transactional, and passive styles. Transformational behaviors are aimed at altering followers' views, principles, and abilities Berkovich 5 to increase their propensity to act for the good of the organization rather than their own (Eyal & Roth, 2011). Transactional behaviors are more instrumental than transformational ones and are typically associated with task management and leader-subordinate interaction (Bogler, 2001). ...
... Because teachers work behind closed doors (Carswell, 2021), the importance of autonomous motivation in teaching is high (Berkovich & Eyal, 2017). Employees' intrinsic motivation appears to be affected by their perception of the environment as non-controlling and supporting autonomy, and their psychological needs as being met (Berkovich & Eyal, 2017;Eyal & Roth, 2011;Klaeijsen et al., 2018). A recent meta-analysis of 102 samples indicated that teachers' autonomous motives predict their wellbeing and supportive teaching styles (Slemp et al., 2020). ...
... Transformational leaders are said to express a vision that centers around the value that defines the meaning of work (Ng, 2017), which is shared with the employees and respected by them, boosting their identified motivation (Eyal & Roth, 2011). Synthesizing empirical research across various domains, including education and beyond, indicates a substantial influence of transformational leadership in promoting autonomous motivation among followers (Berkovich & Eyal, 2017;Chua & Ayoko, 2021;Eyal & Roth, 2011;Nielsen et al., 2019). ...
Purpose This study investigated the relationships between leadership styles (transformational, transactional, and passive) and teachers’ autonomous motivation (intrinsic and identified) in teachers with high and low levels of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Design/Approach/Methods In a sample of 651 teachers from Israeli schools, several groups were identified: 107 teachers with the highest OCB scores (saints), 104 teachers with the lowest OCB scores (sinners), and 440 teachers with OCB scores in the middle range. Findings Regression analysis indicated that the intrinsic motivation of OCB saints was significantly predicted by passive leadership style, whereas that of the OCB norm by transformational leadership style. The analysis further indicated that the identified motivation of OCB sinners was significantly predicted by transactional leadership style, whereas that of the OCB norm by transformational leadership style. Originality/Value The results challenge the assumption of a one-size-fits-all approach to “effective” principals’ leadership styles and suggest that to cultivate teachers’ autonomous motivation they should be treated differently in leadership efforts. The implications of the study may be useful in improving school effectiveness and designing training programs for school leaders to enhance their leadership skills.
... Relatedness refers to people's sense of belonging and connectedness, caring for others, and being seen and valued. For teachers to have optimal working environments, they need to feel relatedness with their students, colleagues, and administrators (Eyal & Roth, 2011;Soini et al., 2010). Thus, motivation is not only a cognitive factor depending on and happening within the individual, but also highly dependent on the social context and to what extent others help facilitate the fulfillment of the needs. ...
... Although missing collaboration partners in her school, Berta seemed to be extremely autonomous, constantly initiating new projects both locally and internationally. Thus, the teachers' high perceived degree of autonomy through their teaching careers has likely contributed to their long-term motivation (Eyal & Roth, 2011). ...
... In Huldra's case, this culminated in sick leave, highlighting the potential consequences when teachers' basic psychological needs are unmet. Clearly, the role of school leaders is pivotal in ensuring that teachers feel acknowledged, supported, and respected (Eyal & Roth, 2011). However, as Sulis et al. (2023) discussed, many school leaders also struggle with heavy workloads and a perceived lack of autonomy, competence, and relatedness. ...
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While many language teachers leave the profession early, others thrive and teach until retirement. Understanding how these teachers maintain their passion can help identify the support needed for their personal and professional growth. However, research on the factors behind their sustained happiness in the teaching profession is limited. The main objective of this qualitative study was to explore the beliefs and career stories of three recently retired German language teachers in Norway, recognized for their long-term motivation and effective teaching over several decades. Data were generated from in-depth semistructured interviews and analyzed through the lens of self-determination theory. The analysis revealed that the teachers shared several key characteristics. First, they enjoyed a high degree of autonomy related to the choice of subject content and teaching approaches. Second, they perceived themselves as highly competent in the subject and expressed a passion for it. Third, they cherished being with students and managed to establish good relationships with them. The findings suggest that teachers should be aware of their basic psychological needs and reflect on how they can be fulfilled. Furthermore, school administrators should foster trust in teachers as autonomous professionals and actively support their competency development and relationships with students and colleagues.
... Professional development leads to motivation and commitment through increased competence (Ford et al., 2019) and yet professional development research for K-12 online settings is still underserved (Martin et al., 2019). Enabling social structure increases autonomy motivation (Eyal & Roth, 2011), greater work commitment (Grant et al., 2019), and relatedness which leads to job satisfaction (Wijaya et al., 2020). Finally, organizational supports of trust in principal and colleagues are known to increase motivation and commitment with autonomy, competence, and relatedness needs being met (Robert Jr. & You, 2018). ...
... This aligned with known research that a large part of a teacher's motivation is intrinsic (Ford & Ware, 2018) and built on the good work they are performing for students. Additionally, leaders who empowered teachers increased autonomy and motivation (Eyal & Roth, 2011;Kanat-Maymon et al., 2020). This study confirmed that this type of distributed leadership was perceived as ownership and being valued in the K-12 online setting. ...
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The Full Issue of the Journal. This is also available from the following link as individual articles.
... However, it would not be rational to confine SDT to only these two fields, as it has the potential to contribute to all the disciplines where possible (Baumeister & Leary, 1995;Deci & Ryan, 1985;Standage & Ryan, 2012;). Meanwhile, in the related literature on education, research has predominantly focused on the relationship between SDT and learning (Deci et al., 1981;Ryan & Weinstein, 2009;Sparks et al., 2017;Trenshaw et al., 2016;Tsai et al., 2008;Wehmeyer & Schwartz, 1997;), student engagement and motivation (Nguyen & Deci, 2016;Owen et al., 2016;Reeve, 2012;Skinner & Belmont, 1993;Vansteenkiste et al., 2005;), teaching (Hagger et al., 2015;Jang et al., 2016;, and teacher (Aelterman et al., 2016;Eyal & Roth, 2011;Katz, 2016;Lynch & Salikhova, 2016;Yu et al., 2016). In comparison to teachers in the field, pre-service teachers have obtained less attention in the literature (Kaplan & Madjar, 2017;Lynch & Salikhova, 2016;Moss, 2015). ...
... According to this study, pre-service teachers who have a negative experience with their studies may develop controlled motivation for teaching, which is accompanied by negative emotions and feelings of emotional exhaustion. Due to the adverse effect of controlled motivation, they may tend to drop out of school or pursue a career as a teacher; and these negative implications of controlled motivation with regard to teachers' well-being, teaching effectiveness, and, as a result, their negative impact on students' functioning are explicitly confirmed by the literature (Eyal & Roth, 2011;Fernet et al., 2008;Vansteenkiste & Ryan, 2013). The study also points to a process related to pre-service teachers' identity development; their autonomous motivation is positively related to a sense of self-accomplishment and self-exploration. ...
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... Teachers are required to be more than just instructors, depending on the circumstances. Factors influencing teachers' motivation include their work attitude, willingness to engage in pedagogical processes in the classroom, participation in extracurricular activities, and, most importantly, their interest in students' motivation both within and outside of the classroom (Eyal & Roth, 2011). As a result, instructors have three primary duties: enhancing students' understanding, upholding order, control, and discipline in the classroom, and identifying students' motivation and emotions through their responses and behaviour in class (Naz & Rashid, 2021). ...
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Instructional leadership plays a crucial role in the teachers’ motivation level. The current study aims to investigate the impact of instructional leadership on the motivational level of school teachers.The study makes it easier for teachers to see how important it is for them to contribute to creating a welcoming learning setting.The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of instructional leaders and raise their awareness of the importance of their job in enhancing the effectiveness and climate of the school. Thirteen hundred private sector teachers made up the study's sample size. An information-gathering questionnaire was included. The study employs a quantitative methodology. In order to look into and evaluate how instructional leadership influences teachers' motivation levels and subsequent performance, it also contains a survey approach. The study's findings showed that every private school teacher in the tehsil Mandan of the Buner district was aware of the importance of instructional leaders. It gave an example of how instructional leadership influenced the school environment and promoted positive working relationships between educators and school heads.
... A former member of the Executive Council for Education in the Western Cape, Ms D Schäfer, claimed that the WCED was not able to employ newly qualified teachers because of budgetary constraints (Nortier 2020), despite overcrowding in schools from an influx of children from other provinces (Schäfer 2020b). In the case of previously white and independent schools, the challenges of employing suitable teachers are minimal as they offer a more attractive school environment, and therefore are more attractive for prospective teachers (Eyal & Roth 2011;SACE 2010). Within the South African context, according to research, generally larger class sizes result in poor educational outcomes (Köhler 2020). ...
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Background: A separate, apartheid system of schooling in South Africa entrenched European racialised ideologies of white supremacy that left a legacy of social, economic, and educational inequalities. The 1995 White Paper for Education, the 1996 South African Schools Act, and the Revised National Curriculum Statement outlined steps for equalising education. However, inequalities within the schooling system remain.Aim: The study aimed to understand how principals experience the lasting effects of apartheid-era segregationist policies in primary schools and to document principals’ solutions.Setting: A meeting of principals who work at primary schools in the Western Cape province.Methods: Researchers purposively sampled four principals from the primary schools represented at the meeting, conducted semi-structured interviews with the principals chosen, and adopted an interpretive approach to analyse findings.Results: This study finds from principals’ perspectives that neighbourhood gang violence, and highly unequal funding for schools in different neighbourhoods adversely impact primary school children’s education and principals’ abilities to lead as a result of context, overcrowding and inequality. Principals note that when parent-led programmes such as the Walking Bus produce a positive effect, the government tends to undercut parents’ efforts to work with principals to secure and equalise young children’s schooling.Conclusion: Giving greater governance power to parents and principals may help to equalise the extremes of inequalities in primary schools remaining from Nationalist Party policies of the pre-1994 apartheid era.Contribution: This study contributes to primary school principals’ ideas for improving primary schoolchildren’s education.
... To overcome these challenges during the first years of the teaching profession, early career teachers need support from figures such as school leaders to improve their capacity to teach and build a collaborative learning environment in the classroom. Principals who exhibit transformational leadership behaviors, particularly when they have developed a clear and shared vision with teachers, encourage teachers' reflection and improvement and motivate teachers to reflect on both personal and joint goals, which in turn contributes to school innovation and educational changes (Anderson, 2017;Eyal & Roth, 2011;Jurasaite-Harbison, 2009). ...
This study explores the relationship between early career teachers’ sense of professional agency in the classroom, their perceptions of principals’ transformational leadership vision, and school size. The survey data were collected from 779 primary and junior secondary school teachers with a maximum of 5 years of teaching experience in China. The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling in the Mplus statistical package. The results show that teachers possess a relatively high sense of professional agency and report that their principals exhibit a rather high ability to sustain shared transformational vision. The results also suggest that teachers’ sense of professional agency is positively correlated with their perceptions of transformational vision. Moreover, the results revealed that teachers’ sense of professional agency in terms of collaborative learning and transformative practice is significantly higher in small schools than in large schools. The results indicate the importance of transformational vision to facilitate teachers’ professional agency.
... These findings are consistent with the results of Hustinx (2010), who found similar reactions to the hierarchical nature of the organization. Scholars have largely agreed that this type of leadership is not motivating for employees (e.g., Eyal & Roth, 2011;Sarros et al., 2002), and this research confirms the same for volunteers. ...
Volunteer involving organizations (VIOs) play a vital role in many societies. Yet, turnover among volunteers remains a persistent struggle and VIOs still do not have a good understanding of why volunteers leave. In response, we employed a mixed-methods approach to explore why volunteers consider leaving. By coding textual responses of Australian State Emergency Services and Scouting volunteers ( n = 252 and 2235) on an annual engagement survey, we found seven overarching reasons to consider leaving these VIOs: Conflict, high demands and/or low resources, lack of fit, lack of inclusion, personal commitments and circumstances, poor communication and organizational practices, and poor leadership. When contrasted to the reasons that employees leave organizations for, the lack of inclusion and poor communication and organizational practices seem to be uniquely salient reasons that volunteers consider leaving for. Subsequently, guided by the Proximal Withdrawal States theory and using quantitative data from the Scouts sample, we investigated how reasons to consider turnover can predict turnover intentions and turnover behavior. First, volunteers in different withdrawal states cited different potential turnover reasons. For example, volunteers who ‘wanted to stay, but felt they had to leave’ cited personal commitments and circumstances more frequently than those in different withdrawal states. Second, we found that reasons to consider turnover explained little variance in turnover behavior one year later.
This article explores the role of effective strategic management in schools in the teaching motivation of teachers in grades 5-11. The study found that creating a more motivating learning environment for teachers, a more stimulating learning environment for students and, finally, improving the quality of education is directly related to existing principles of strategic management. The article analyzes effective management measures based on teachers' responses, aimed at increasing pedagogical motivation and ensuring more active participation of students in the educational process.
This research to analyze the relationship between the principal's leadership management on student achievement, the relationship between curriculum development on student learning achievement, and the joint relationship between the principal's leadership management and curriculum development on student learning achievement at Sunan Gunungjati Senior High School Tulungagung . The research method uses a quantitative approach with a population of 55 teachers. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire with a Likert scale were used to provide flexibility in respondent responses. Multiple linear regression analysis technique. The research results showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between principal management and student achievement (R=0.70, p < 0.05). Likewise, curriculum development has a positive and significant relationship with student achievement (R=0.75, p < 0.05). When the two variables were entered together into the regression model, it was confirmed that the combination of principal leadership management and curriculum development made a significant contribution to student achievement (R Square=0.64, p < 0.05). The conclusion of this research shows that efforts to improve principal management and curriculum development can have a significant positive impact on student achievement at Sunan Gunungjati Senior High School Tulungagung . Recommendations for increased investment and attention to principal training and curriculum development are expected to improve the quality of education and student achievement
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Research testing self-determination theory was discussed in terms of recent work on intrinsic motivation, participative management, and leadership. On three occasions, managers’ interpersonal orientations—toward supporting subordinates’ self-determination versus controlling their behavior—were related to perceptions, affects, and satisfactions of the subordinates. Data from 23 managers and their subordinates in a major corporation showed that managers’ orientations did correlate with the subordinate variables, although the magnitude of the relation varied, seemingly as a function of factors in the corporate climate. An organizational development intervention, focused on the concept of supporting subordinates’ self-determination, was provided for the managers. Evaluation of the program showed a clearly positive impact on managers’ orientations, though a less conclusive radiation to subordinates.
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In this article, we attempt to distinguish between the properties of moderator and mediator variables at a number of levels. First, we seek to make theorists and researchers aware of the importance of not using the terms moderator and mediator interchangeably by carefully elaborating, both conceptually and strategically, the many ways in which moderators and mediators differ. We then go beyond this largely pedagogical function and delineate the conceptual and strategic implications of making use of such distinctions with regard to a wide range of phenomena, including control and stress, attitudes, and personality traits. We also provide a specific compendium of analytic procedures appropriate for making the most effective use of the moderator and mediator distinction, both separately and in terms of a broader causal system that includes both moderators and mediators. (46 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
This study examines the relationship between psychological empowerment and leadership. Empowered supervisors are hypothesized to be innovative, upward influencing, and inspirational and less focused on monitoring to maintain the status quo. Tested on a sample of mid-level supervisors from a Fortune 500 organization, the hypotheses were largely supported. Supervisors who reported higher levels of empowerment were seen by their subordinates as more innovative, upward influencing, and inspirational. No relationship was found between supervisory empowerment and monitoring behaviours. Implications for theory and practice are discussed, and future research directions are suggested. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
'Burnout' was first investigated in the 1970s as a crisis of overextended and disillusioned human service workers. But the nature of the syndrome has changed with the evolutions in the nature of these professions. The current experience of burnout is lived out in a more difficult social context, with human service workers struggling harder for social credibility and job security. For instance, through the greater demands on their time and energy, teachers are being pressed to do more work with fewer resources, while receiving fewer rewards and less recognition of their efforts. The objective of this 1999 volume is to provide different perspectives and a deeper understanding of the nature, conditions and consequences of burnout, notably in the teaching profession. To do this, the contributions review much research in the field, describing research agenda and action agendas designed to combat the incidence of burnout in the workplace.
I: Background.- 1. An Introduction.- 2. Conceptualizations of Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination.- II: Self-Determination Theory.- 3. Cognitive Evaluation Theory: Perceived Causality and Perceived Competence.- 4. Cognitive Evaluation Theory: Interpersonal Communication and Intrapersonal Regulation.- 5. Toward an Organismic Integration Theory: Motivation and Development.- 6. Causality Orientations Theory: Personality Influences on Motivation.- III: Alternative Approaches.- 7. Operant and Attributional Theories.- 8. Information-Processing Theories.- IV: Applications and Implications.- 9. Education.- 10. Psychotherapy.- 11. Work.- 12. Sports.- References.- Author Index.
This study aims to investigate the relationship between teachers' demographic variables and burnout in Hong Kong using the Maslach Burnout Inventory. It is found that when compared with the North American normative data, Hong Kong teachers scored in the average range of burnout in emotional exhaustion and personal accomplishment while they scored in the low range of burnout in depersonalization. Gender differences were found in all three burnout syndromes, and teachers who were younger, unmarried, without religious beliefs, less experienced, without finishing professional training and of junior rank were more consistently burned out. Whereas age was the strongest predictor for emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, teachers' rank is the best predictor for personal accomplishment. However, the effect of demographic characteristics of teachers on burnout is not that salient.
Transformational Leadership, Second Edition is intended for both the scholars and serious students of leadership. It is a comprehensive review of theorizing and empirical research that can serve as a reference and starting point for additional research on the theory. It can be used as a supplementary textbook in an intense course on leadership--or as a primary text in a course or seminar focusing on transformational leadership. New in the Second Edition: New, updated examples of leadership have been included to help illustrate the concepts, as well as show the broad range of transformational leadership in a variety of settings. New chapters have been added focusing specifically on the measurement of transformational leadership and transformational leadership and effectiveness. The discussion of both predicators and effects of transformational leadership is greatly expanded. Much more emphasis is given to authentic vs. inauthentic transformational leadership. Suggestions are made for guiding the future of research and applications of transformational leadership. © 2006 by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. All rights reserved.