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Flying ad-hoc networks (FANETs): a survey

Survey Paper
Flying Ad-Hoc Networks (FANETs): A survey
Ilker Bekmezci
, Ozgur Koray Sahingoz
,Sßamil Temel
Computer Engineering Department, Turkish Air Force Academy, 34149 Yesilyurt, Istanbul, Turkey
Turkish Air Force Aeronautics and Space Technologies Institute (ASTIN), 34149 Yesilyurt, Istanbul, Turkey
article info
Article history:
Received 11 December 2012
Accepted 13 December 2012
Available online 3 January 2013
Ad-hoc networks
One of the most important design problems for multi-UAV (Unmanned Air Vehicle)
systems is the communication which is crucial for cooperation and collaboration between
the UAVs. If all UAVs are directly connected to an infrastructure, such as a ground base or a
satellite, the communication between UAVs can be realized through the in-frastructure.
However, this infrastructure based communication architecture restricts the capabilities
of the multi-UAV systems. Ad-hoc networking between UAVs can solve the problems
arising from a fully infrastructure based UAV networks. In this paper, Flying Ad-Hoc
Networks (FANETs) are surveyed which is an ad hoc network connecting the UAVs. The
differences between FANETs, MANETs (Mobile Ad-hoc Networks) and VANETs (Vehicle
Ad-Hoc Networks) are clarified first, and then the main FANET design challenges are
introduced. Along with the existing FANET protocols, open research issues are also
Ó2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
As a result of the rapid technological advances on elec-
tronic, sensor and communication technologies, it has been
possible to produce unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) sys-
tems, which can fly autonomously or can be operated re-
motely without carrying any human personnel. Because
of their versatility, flexibility, easy installation and rela-
tively small operating expenses, the usage of UAVs prom-
ises new ways for both military and civilian applications,
such as search and destroy operations [1], border surveil-
lance [2], managing wildfire [3], relay for ad hoc networks
[4,5], wind estimation [6], disaster monitoring [7], remote
sensing [8] and traffic monitoring [9]. Although single-UAV
systems have been in use for decades, instead of develop-
ing and operating one large UAV, using a group of small
UAVs has many advantages. However, multi-UAV systems
have also unique challenges and one of the most
prominent design problems is communication. In this
paper, Flying Ad-Hoc Network (FANET), which is basically
ad hoc network between UAVs, is surveyed as a new
network family. The differences between Mobile Ad-hoc
Network (MANET), Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET)
and FANET are outlined, and the most important FANET
design challenges are introduced. In addition to the exist-
ing solutions, the open research issues are also discussed.
Along with the progress of embedded systems and the
miniaturization tendency of microelectromechanical sys-
tems, it has been possible to produce small or mini UAVs
at a low cost. However, the capability of a single small
UAV is limited. Coordination and collaboration of multiple
UAVs can create a system that is beyond the capability of
only one UAV. The advantages of the multi-UAV systems
can be summarized as follows:
Cost: The acquisition and maintenance cost of small
UAVs is much lower than the cost of a large UAV [10].
Scalability: The usage of large UAV enables only limited
amount of coverage increases [11]. However, multi-
UAV systems can extend the scalability of the operation
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I. Bekmezci), sahingoz@ (O.K. Sahingoz), (Sß. Temel).
Ad Hoc Networks 11 (2013) 1254–1270
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Survivability: If the UAV fails in a mission which is
operated by one UAV, the mission cannot proceed.
However, if a UAV goes off in a multi-UAV system, the
operation can survive with the other UAVs.
Speed-up: It is shown that the missions can be com-
pleted faster with a higher number of UAVs [12].
Small radar cross-section: Instead of one large radar
cross-section, multi-UAV systems produce very small
radar cross-sections, which is crucial for military appli-
cations [13].
Although there are several advantages of multi-UAV
systems, when compared to single-UAV systems, it has
also unique challenges, such as communication. In a sin-
gle-UAV system, a ground base or a satellite is used for
communication. It is also possible to establish a communi-
cation link between the UAV and an airborne control sys-
tem. In all cases, single-UAV communication is
established between the UAV and the infrastructure. While
the number of UAVs increases in unmanned aerial systems,
designing efficient network architectures emerges as a vi-
tal issue to solve.
As in a single UAV system, UAVs can also be linked to a
ground base or to a satellite in a multi-UAV system. There
may be variants of this star topology based solution [14].
While some UAVs communicate with a ground base, the
others can communicate with satellite/s. In this approach,
UAV-to-UAV communication is also realized through the
infrastructure. There are several design problems with this
infrastructure based approach. First of all, each UAV must
be equipped with an expensive and complicated hardware
to communicate with a ground base or a satellite. Another
handicap about this network structure is the reliability of
the communication. Because of the dynamic environmen-
tal conditions, node movements and terrain structures,
UAVs may not maintain its communication link. Another
problem is the range restriction between the UAVs and
the ground base. If a UAV is outside the coverage of the
ground base, it becomes disconnected. An alternative com-
munication solution for multi-UAV systems is to establish
an ad hoc network between UAVs, which is called FANET.
While only a subset of UAVs can communicate with the
ground base or satellite, all UAVs constitute an ad hoc net-
work. In this way, the UAVs can communicate with each
other and the ground base.
FANET can be viewed as a special form of MANET and
VANET. However, there are also certain differences be-
tween FANET and the existing ad hoc networks:
Mobility degree of FANET nodes is much higher than
the mobility degree of MANET or VANET nodes. While
typical MANET and VANET nodes are walking men
and cars respectively, FANET nodes fly in the sky.
Depending on the high mobility of FANET nodes, the
topology changes more frequently than the network
topology of a typical MANET or even VANET.
The existing ad hoc networks aim to establish peer-to-
peer connections. FANET also needs peer-to-peer con-
nections for coordination and collaboration of UAVs.
Besides, most of the time, it also collects data from
the environment and relays to the command control
center, as in wireless sensor networks [15]. Conse-
quently, FANET must support peer-to-peer communica-
tion and converge cast traffic at the same time.
Typical distances between FANET nodes are much
longer than in the MANETs and VANETs [16]. In order
to establish communication links between UAVs, the
communication range must also be longer than in the
MANETs and VANETs. This phenomenon accordingly
affects the radio links, hardware circuits and physical
layer behavior.
Multi-UAV systems may include different types of sen-
sors, and each sensor may require different data deliv-
ery strategies.
The main motivation of this paper is to define FANET as
a separate ad hoc network family and to introduce unique
challenges and design constraints. Although, there exists a
few studies that address some specific issues of networked
UAVs [17,18,14], to the best of our knowledge, this is the
first comprehensive survey about FANETs.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we pres-
ent several FANET application scenarios and introduce FA-
NET design characteristics in Section 3. We provide an
extensive review of the existing communication protocols
and the open research issues in Section 4. We also present
the existing multi-UAV test beds and simulation environ-
ments in Section 5. We conclude the paper in Section 6.
2. FANET application scenarios
In this section, different FANET application scenarios
are discussed.
2.1. Extending the scalability of multi-UAV operations
If a multi-UAV communication network is established
fully based on an infrastructure, such as a satellite or a
ground base, the operation area is limited to the communi-
cation coverage of the infrastructure. If a UAV cannot com-
municate with the infrastructure, it cannot operate. On the
other hand, FANET is based on the UAV-to-UAV data links
instead of UAV-to-infrastructure data links, and it can ex-
tend the coverage of the operation. Even if a FANET node
cannot establish a communication link with the infrastruc-
ture, it can still operate by communicating through the
other UAVs. This scenario is illustrated in Fig. 1.
There are several FANET designs developed for extend-
ing the scalability of multi-UAV applications. In [19], a FA-
NET design was proposed for the range extension of multi-
UAV systems. It was stated that forming a link chain of
UAVs by utilizing multi-hop communication can extend
the operation area.
It should be noticed that the terrain also affects the
communication coverage of the infrastructure. There may
be some obstacles on the terrain, such as mountains, walls
or buildings, and these obstacles may block the signals of
the infrastructures. Especially in urban areas, buildings
and constructions block the radio signals between the
ground base and UAVs. FANET can also help to operate be-
I. Bekmezci et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 11 (2013) 1254–1270 1255
hind the obstacles, and it can extend the scalability of mul-
ti-UAV applications [20].
2.2. Reliable multi-UAV communication
In most of the cases, multi-UAV systems operate in a
highly dynamic environment. The conditions at the begin-
ning of a mission may change during the operation. If there
is no opportunity to establish an ad hoc network, all UAVs
must be connected to an infrastructure, as illustrated in
Fig. 2a. However, during the operation, because of the
weather condition changes, some of the UAVs may be dis-
connected. If the multi-UAV system can support FANET
architecture, it can maintain the connectivity through the
other UAVs, as it is shown in Fig. 2b. This connectivity fea-
ture enhances the reliability of the multi-UAV systems [16].
2.3. UAV swarms
Small UAVs are very light and have limited payload
capacity. In spite of their restricted capabilities, the swarm
behavior of multiple small UAVs can accomplish complex
missions [21]. Swarm behavior of UAVs requires coordi-
nated functions, and UAVs must communicate with each
other to achieve the coordination. However, because of
the limited payloads of small UAVs, it may not be possible
to carry heavy UAV-to-infrastructure communication
hardware. FANET, which needs relatively lighter and
cheaper hardware, can be used to establish a network be-
tween small UAVs. By the help of the FANET architectures,
swarm UAVs can prevent themselves from collisions, and
the coordination between UAVs can be realized to com-
plete the mission successfully.
In [22], Cooperative Autonomous Reconfigurable UAV
Swarm (CARUS) is proposed with FANET communication
architecture. The objective of CARUS is the surveillance of
a given set of points. Each UAV operates in an autonomous
manner, and the decisions are taken by each UAV in the air
rather than on the ground. Ben-Asher et al. have intro-
duced a distributed decision and control mechanism for
multi-UAV systems using FANET [23].In[24], a FANET
based UAV swarm architecture is proposed to convey UAVs
to a target location with cooperative decision-making.
Quaritsch et al. have developed another FANET based
UAV swarm application for disaster management [25].
During a disaster situation, rescue teams cannot rely on
fixed infrastructures. The aim of the project is to provide
quick and accurate information from the affected area.
2.4. FANET to decrease payload and cost
The payload capacity problem is not valid only for small
UAVs. Even High Altitude Low Endurance (HALE) UAVs
must consider payload weights. The lighter payload means
the higher altitude and the longer endurance [16]. If the
communication architecture of a multi-UAV system is fully
based on UAV-to-infrastructure communication links, each
UAV must carry relatively heavier communication hard-
ware. However, if it uses FANET, only a subset of UAVs
use UAV-to-infrastructure communication link, and the
other UAVs can operate with FANET, which needs lighter
communication hardware in many cases. In this way, FA-
NET can extend the endurance of the multi-UAV system.
3. FANET design characteristics
Before discussing the characteristics of FANETs, we pro-
vide a formal definition of FANET and a brief discussion
about the definition to understand FANET clearly.
FANET can be defined as a new form of MANET in which
the nodes are UAVs. According to this definition, single-
UAV systems cannot form a FANET, which is valid only
for multi-UAV systems. On the other hand, not all multi-
UAV systems form a FANET. The UAV communication must
be realized by the help of an ad hoc network between
UAVs. Therefore, if the communication between UAVs fully
relies on UAV-to-infrastructure links, it cannot be classified
as a FANET.
In the literature, FANET related researches are studied
under different names. For example, aerial robot team is
a collaborative and autonomous multi-UAV system, and
generally, its network architecture is ad hoc [26]. In this
sense, ad hoc based aerial robot teams can also be viewed
as a FANET design. However, aerial robot team studies
mostly concentrate on the collaborative coordination of
multi-UAV systems, not on the network structures, algo-
rithms or protocols [27]. Another FANET related topic is
Fig. 1. A FANET scenario to extend the scalability of multi-UAV systems.
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I. Bekmezci et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 11 (2013) 1254–1270
aerial sensor network [28–30]. Aerial sensor network is a
very specialized mobile sensor and actor network so that
the nodes are UAVs. It moves around the environment,
senses with the sensors on the UAVs and relays the col-
lected data to the ground base. In addition, it can act with
its actors on the UAVs to realize its mission. It is a percep-
tion issue to name the problem as flying ad hoc network or
aerial sensor network. The basic design challenges of a tra-
ditional sensor network are energy consumption and node
density [31], and none of them is related with multi-UAV
systems. Generally, UAVs have enough energy to support
its communication hardware, and node density of a mul-
ti-UAV system is very low when it is compared to tradi-
tional sensor networks. Under the light of these
discussions, it is better to classify the multi-UAV commu-
nication system based on UAV-to-UAV links as a special-
ized ad hoc network, instead of a specialized sensor
network. UAV ad hoc network [32] is another topic, which
is closely related to FANETs. In fact, there is no significant
difference between the existing UAV ad hoc network re-
searches and the above FANET definition. However, FANET
term immediately reminds that it is a specialized form of
MANET and VANET. Therefore, we prefer calling it as Flying
Ad-Hoc Network, FANET.
3.1. Differences between FANET and the existing ad-hoc
Wireless ad hoc networks are classified according to
their utilization, deployment, communication and mission
objectives. By definition, FANET is a form of MANET, and
there are many common design considerations for MANET
and FANET. In addition to this, FANET can also be classified
as a subset of VANET, which is also a subgroup of MANET.
This relationship is illustrated in Fig. 3. As an emerging re-
search area, FANET shares common characteristics with
these networks, and it also has several unique design chal-
lenges. In this subsection, the differences between FANET
and the existing wireless ad hoc networks are explained
in a detailed manner.
3.1.1. Node mobility
Node mobility related issues are the most notable dif-
ference between FANET and the other ad hoc networks.
MANET node movement is relatively slow when it is com-
pared to VANET. In FANET, the node’s mobility degree is
much higher than in the VANET and MANET. According
to [16], a UAV has a speed of 30–460 km/h, and this situa-
tion results in several challenging communication design
problems [33].
3.1.2. Mobility model
While MANET nodes move on a certain terrain, VANET
nodes move on the highways, and FANET nodes fly in the
sky. MANETs generally implement the random waypoint
mobility model [34], in which the direction and the speed
of the nodes are chosen randomly. VANET nodes are re-
stricted to move on highways or roads. Therefore, VANET
mobility models are highly predictable.
In some multi-UAV applications, global path plans are
preferred. In this case, UAVs move on a predetermined
path, and the mobility model is regular. In autonomous
multi-UAV systems, the flight plan is not predetermined.
Even if a multi-UAV system uses predefined flight plans,
because of the environmental changes or mission updates,
the flight plan may be recalculated. In addition to the flight
plan changes, the fast and sharp UAV movements and dif-
ferent UAV formations directly affect the mobility model of
multi-UAV systems. In order to address this issue, FANET
mobility models are proposed. In [35], Semi-Random Cir-
cular Movement (SRCM) mobility model is presented,
and the approximate node distribution function is derived
within a two dimensional disk region. In [36], two new
mobility models are proposed for multi-UAV systems. In
random UAV movement model, UAVs move indepen-
dently. Each UAV decides on its movement direction,
according to a predefined Markov process. In the second
model, the UAVs maintain a pheromone map, and the
pheromones guide their movements. Each UAV marks the
areas that it scans on the map, and shares the pheromone
map with broadcasting. In order to maximize the coverage,
UAVs prefer the movement through the areas with low
pheromone smell. It was shown that the use of a typical
MANET mobility model may result in undesirable path
plans for cooperative UAV applications. It was also ob-
served that the random model is remarkably simple, but
it leads to ordinary results. However, the pheromone based
model has very reliable scanning properties.
Fig. 2. A FANET application scenario for reliable multi-UAV communication network.
I. Bekmezci et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 11 (2013) 1254–1270 1257
3.1.3. Node density
Node density can be defined as the average number of
nodes in a unit area. FANET nodes are generally scattered
in the sky, and the distance between UAVs can be several
kilometers even for small multi-UAV systems [37]. As a re-
sult of this, FANET node density is much lower than in the
3.1.4. Topology change
Depending on the higher mobility degree, FANET topol-
ogy also changes more frequently than MANET and VANET
topology. In addition to the mobility of FANET nodes, UAV
platform failures also affect the network topology. When a
UAV fails, the links that the UAV has been involved in also
fail, and it results in a topology update. As in the UAV fail-
ures, UAV injections also conclude a topology update. An-
other factor that affects the FANET topology is the link
outages. Because of the UAV movements and variations
of FANET node distances, link quality changes very rapidly,
and it also causes link outages and topology changes [38].
3.1.5. Radio propagation model
Differences between FANET and the other ad hoc net-
work operating environments affect the radio propagation
characteristics. MANET and VANET nodes are remarkably
close to the ground, and in many cases, there is no line-
of-sight between the sender and the receiver. Therefore,
radio signals are mostly affected by the geographical struc-
ture of the terrain. However, FANET nodes can be far away
from the ground and in most of the cases, there is a line-of-
sight between UAVs.
3.1.6. Power consumption and network lifetime
Network lifetime is a key design issue for MANETs,
which especially consist of battery-powered computing
devices. Developing energy efficient communication proto-
cols is the goal of efforts to increase the network lifetime.
Especially, while the battery-powered computing devices
are getting smaller in MANETs, system developers have
to pay more attention to the energy efficient communica-
tion protocols to prolong the lifetime of the network. How-
ever, FANET communication hardware is powered by the
energy source of the UAV. This means FANET communica-
tion hardware has no practical power resource problem as
in MANET. In this case, FANET designs may not be power
sensitive, unlike most of the MANET applications. How-
ever, it must be stated that power consumption still can
be a design problem for mini UAVs [39].
3.1.7. Computational power
In ad hoc network concept, the nodes can act as routers.
Therefore, they must have certain computation capabilities
to process incoming data in real-time. Generally, MANET
nodes are battery powered small computers such as lap-
tops, PDAs and smart phones. Because of the size and en-
ergy constraints, the nodes have only limited
computational power. On the other hand, both in VANETs
and FANETs, application specific devices with high compu-
tational power can be used. Most of the UAVs have enough
energy and space to include high computational power.
The only limitation about the computational power is the
weight. By the help of the hardware miniaturization ten-
dency, it is possible to put powerful computation hardware
in UAV platforms. However, the size and weight limitation
can still constitute serious constraints for mini UAVs, that
have very limited payload capacity.
3.1.8. Localization
Accurate geospatial localization is at the core of mobile
and cooperative ad hoc networks [40]. Existing localization
methods include global positioning system (GPS), beacon
(or anchor) nodes, and proximity-based localization [41].
In MANET, GPS is generally used to receive the coordi-
nates of a mobile communication terminal, and most of
the time, GPS is sufficient to determine the location of
the nodes. When GPS is not available, such as in dense fo-
liage areas, beacon nodes or proximity-based techniques
can also be used.
In VANET, for a navigation-grade GPS receiver, there is
about 10–15 m accuracy, which can be acceptable for route
guidance. However, it is not sufficient for cooperative
safety applications, such as collision warnings for cars.
Some researchers use assisted GPS (AGPS) or differential
GPS (DGPS) by using some type of ground-based reference
stations for range corrections with accuracy about 10 cm
Because of the high speed and different mobility models
of multi-UAV systems, FANET needs highly accurate local-
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I. Bekmezci et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 11 (2013) 1254–1270
ization data with smaller time intervals. GPS provides po-
sition information at one-second interval, and it may not
be sufficient for certain FANET protocols. In this case, each
UAV must be equipped with a GPS and an inertial measure-
ment unit (IMU) to offer the position to the other UAVs at
any time. IMU can be calibrated by the GPS signal, and
thus, it can provide the position of the UAV at a quicker
rate [44,45].
Because of the above-mentioned differences between
FANET, MANET and VANET; we prefer to investigate FANET
as a separate ad hoc network family. The differences be-
tween MANET, VANET and FANET are outlined in Table 1.
3.2. FANET design considerations
The distinguishing features of FANET impose unique de-
sign considerations. In this subsection, the most prominent
FANET design considerations; adaptability, scalability, la-
tency, UAV platform constraints, and bandwidth require-
ment are discussed.
3.2.1. Adaptability
There are several FANET parameters that can change
during the operation of a multi-UAV system. FANET nodes
are highly mobile and always change their location. Be-
cause of the operational requirements, the routes of the
UAVs may be different, and the distance between UAVs
cannot be constant.
Another issue that must be considered is the UAV fail-
ures. Consequent to a technical problem or an attack
against multi-UAV system, some of the UAVs may fail dur-
ing the operation. While UAV failures decrease the number
of UAVs, UAV injections may be required to maintain the
multi-UAV system operation. UAV failures and UAV injec-
tions change the FANET parameters.
Environmental conditions can also affect FANET. If the
weather changes unexpectedly, FANET data links may not
survive. FANET should be designed so that it should be able
to continue to operate in a highly dynamic environment.
The mission may also be updated during the multi-UAV
system operation. Additional data or new information
about the mission may require a flight plan update. For
example, while a multi-UAV system is operated for a
search and rescue mission; after the arrival of a new intel-
ligence report, the mission may be concentrated on a cer-
tain area, and the flight plan update also affects FANET
FANET design should be developed so that it can adjust
itself against any changes or failures. FANET physical layer
should adapt according to the node density, distance be-
tween nodes, and environmental changes. It can scan the
parameters and choose the most appropriate physical layer
option. The highly dynamic nature of FANET environment
also affects network layer protocols. Route maintenance
in an ad hoc network is closely related to the topology
changes. Thus, the performance of the system depends
on the routing protocol in adapting to link changes. Trans-
port layer should also be adapted according to the status of
3.2.2. Scalability
Collaborative work of UAVs can improve the perfor-
mance of the system in comparison to a single-UAV sys-
tem. In fact, this is the main motivation to use multi-UAV
based systems. In many applications, the performance
enhancement is closely related with the number of UAVs.
For example, the higher number of UAVs can complete a
search and rescue operation faster [12]. FANET protocols
and algorithms should be designed so that any number
of UAVs can operate together with minimal performance
3.2.3. Latency
Latency is one of the most important design issues for all
types of networks, and FANET is not an exception. FANET la-
tency requirement is fully dependent on the application.
Especially for real-time FANET applications, such as mili-
tary monitoring, the data packets must be delivered within
a certain delay bound. Another low latency requirement is
valid for collision avoidance of multiple UAVs [14,46].
In [47], an analysis of one-hop packet delay was con-
ducted for IEEE 802.11 based FANETs. Each node was mod-
eled as M/M/1 queue and the mean packet delay was
derived analytically. The numerical results were verified
with a simulation analysis. Based on the data collected
from the simulation analysis, it was observed that packet
delay can be approximated with Gamma distribution. Zhai
et al. studied packet delay performance of IEEE 802.11 for
traditional wireless LANs, and stated that the MAC layer
packet service time can be approximated by an exponen-
Table 1
The comparison of MANET, VANET and FANET.
Node mobility Low High Very high
Mobility model Random Regular Regular for predetermined paths, but special mobility models for
autonomous multi-UAV systems
Node density Low High Very low
Topology change Slow Fast Fast
Radio propagation model Close to ground, Close to ground, High above the ground,
LoS is not available
for all cases
LoS is not available
for all cases
LoS is available for most of the cases
Power consumption and
network lifetime
Energy efficient
Not needed Energy efficiency for mini UAVs, but not needed for small UAVs
Computational power Limited High High
I. Bekmezci et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 11 (2013) 1254–1270 1259
tially distributed random variable [48]. It also shows that
the packet delay behaviors are different for MANETs and
FANETs, and the protocols developed for MANET may not
satisfy the latency requirements of FANET. New FANET
protocols and algorithms are needed for delay sensitive
multi-UAV applications.
3.2.4. UAV platform constraints
FANET communication hardware must be deployed on
the UAV platform, and this situation imposes certain con-
straints. The weight of the hardware is an important issue
for the performance of the UAVs. Lighter hardware means
lighter payload, and it extends the endurance. Another
opportunity that comes with the lighter communication
hardware is to deploy additional sensors on the UAV. If
the total payload is assumed as constant and the commu-
nication hardware is lighter, more advanced sensors and
other peripherals can be deployed.
Space limitation is another UAV platform related con-
straints for FANET designs. Especially for mini UAVs, the
space limitation is very important for communication
hardware that must be fitted into the UAV platform [39].
3.2.5. Bandwidth requirement
In most of the FANET applications, the aim is to collect
data from the environment and to relay the collected data
to a ground base [25]. For example, in surveillance, moni-
toring or rescue operations; the image or video of the tar-
get area must be relayed from the UAV to the command
control center with a very strict delay bound, and it re-
quires high bandwidth. In addition, by the help of the tech-
nological advancements on sensor technologies, it is
possible to collect data with very high resolution, and this
makes the bandwidth requirement much higher. The col-
laboration and coordination of multiple UAVs also need
additional bandwidth resource.
On the other hand, there are many constraints for the
usage of available bandwidth such as:
capacity of the communication channel,
speed of UAVs,
error-prone structure of the wireless links,
lack of security with broadcast communication.
A FANET protocol must satisfy the bandwidth capacity
requirement so that it can relay very high resolution
real-time image or video under several constraints.
4. Communication protocols for FANETs
In this section, the FANET communication protocols and
the open research issues are presented. We survey the
existing FANET protocols proposed for the physical layer,
medium access control (MAC) layer, network layer, trans-
port layer, and their cross-layer interactions.
4.1. Physical layer
The physical layer deals with the basic signal transmis-
sion technologies, such as modulation or signal coding.
Various data bit sequences can be represented with differ-
ent waveforms by varying the frequency, amplitude and
phase of a signal. Overall, in the physical layer, the data bits
are modulated to sinusoidal waveforms and transmitted
into the air by utilizing an antenna.
MANET system performance is highly dependent on its
physical layer, and the extremely high mobility puts extra
problematic issues on FANET. In order to develop robust
and sustainable data communication architectures for FA-
NET, the physical layer conditions have to be well-under-
stood and well-defined. Recently, UAV-to-UAV and UAV-
to-ground communication scenarios have been broadly
studied in both simulation and real-time environments.
Radio propagation models and antenna structures are
investigated as the key factors that influence FANET phys-
ical layer design.
4.1.1. Radio propagation model
Electromagnetic waves radiate from the transmitter to
the receiver through wireless channels. The characteriza-
tion of radio wave propagation is expressed as a mathe-
matical function, which is called radio propagation
modeling [49]. FANET environment has several unique
challenges in terms of radio propagation when compared
to the other types of wireless networks. Some of the chal-
lenges are summarized as follows:
Variations in communication distance.
Direction of the communicating pairs in the antenna
radiation pattern.
Ground reflection effects.
Shadowing resulting from the UAV platform and on-
board electronic equipment.
The effect of aircraft attitude (pitch, roll, yaw etc.) on
the wireless link quality.
Environmental conditions.
Interferences and hostile jamming.
Because of the above-mentioned factors, communica-
tion links exhibit varying quality over time in FANETs [50].
Ahmed et al. studied the characterization of UAV-to-
UAV, UAV-to-ground, and ground-to-UAV communication
links [51]. In this study, free space and two-ray ground
approximation models are compared for each link type,
and the presence of gray regions is observed, when the
UAVs are close to the ground. Gray regions showed that
the radio propagation model of UAV-to-UAV links is simi-
lar to two-ray ground model, and FANET protocol design-
ers must be aware of the presence of the gray zones due
to fading.
Zhou et al. investigated the channel modeling problem
for UAV-to-UAV communications [52]. In this study, it
was observed that the error statistics of the wireless chan-
nels between UAVs are non-stationary. Depending on the
changes of the distance between UAVs, a two-state Markov
model was proposed to incorporate the effects of Rician
fading, which is suitable for strong line-of-sight path, as
in FANET. The simulation results showed that the proposed
model is able to simulate packet dropouts with non-sta-
tionary error statistics.
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I. Bekmezci et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 11 (2013) 1254–1270
A Nakagami-m based radio propagation model was also
proposed for FANET communication in [53]. Nakagami-m
suitably agrees with the empirical data measured for VA-
NET networks [54,55]. This model estimated the received
signal strength for a multi-path environment with cover-
ing fading effects, and it was represented as a function of
two parameters: the average received radio signal strength
and the fading intensity. A mathematical expression for the
outage probability over Nakagami-m fading channel has
been derived for a cooperative UAV network.
In [56], the performance analysis of multi-carrier relay
based UAV network was modeled analytically over fading
channels. A general analytical formula was provided for
the outage probability of UAV-to-UAV and UAV-to-ground
link. It was stated that fading channel model should be
chosen according to the operation environment. For exam-
ple, while Rayleigh fading can be more suitable for low alti-
tude crowded area applications, Nakagami-m and Weibull
fading with high fading parameters best fit for high alti-
tude open space missions.
4.1.2. FANET antenna structure
The antenna structure is one of the most crucial factors
for an efficient FANET communication architecture. The
distance between UAVs is longer than typical node dis-
tance of MANETs and VANETs, and it directly affects the
FANET antenna structure. More powerful radios can be
used to overcome this problem, but high link loss and var-
iation could still arise at longer distances. In order to over-
come this phenomenon, multiple receiver nodes can be
deployed to boost packet delivery rates by exploiting the
spatial and temporal diversity of the wireless channel
[57]. It is shown that UAV receiver nodes exhibit poor
packet reception correlation at short time scales, which
ultimately necessitates the usage of multiple transmitters
and receivers to improve packet delivery rates.
Antenna type is another factor that affects the FANET
performance. In the literature, there are two types of
antennas deployed for FANET applications: directional
and omnidirectional. While omnidirectional antennas radi-
ate the power in all directions, directed antenna can send
the signal through a desired direction.
In highly mobile environments, as in FANET, the node
locations change frequently and omnidirectional antennas
have a natural advantage to transmit and receive signals. In
omnidirectional antennas, node location information is not
needed. However, directional antennas also have several
advantages when compared to omnidirectional antennas.
Firstly, the transmission range of a directed antenna is
longer than the transmission range of an omnidirectional
antenna [58]. It can be an important advantage for FANET,
where the distance between nodes is longer than the dis-
tance between typical MANET nodes [37]. The longer
transmission range decreases hop count, and it can en-
hance the latency performance [59]. Especially, in real time
FANET applications, such as military monitoring, latency is
one of the most dominant design factors.
There is a trade-off between communication range and
spatial reuse for omnidirectional antennas [60]. Directional
antenna based systems can handle communication range
and spatial reuse problem for FANETs, at the same time.
While it can increase communication range, it does not
limit spatial reuse [61]. Depending on the higher spatial
reusability, the capacity of a network with directed anten-
na is higher than the capacity of a network with omnidi-
rectional antenna.
Security is another issue that can be enhanced by the
help of the directed antennas. Omnidirectional antenna
based systems are more prone to jamming than the direc-
ted antenna based systems [62]. A brief comparison of
omnidirectional and directional antennas is provided in
Table 2.
4.1.3. Open research issues
The characteristics of the physical layer affect the de-
sign of the other layers and the overall FANET performance
directly. The existing FANET physical layer related studies,
which are summarized in Table 3, concentrate on the radio
propagation models and antenna structures.
Although the nodes are located in a 3D environment in
real FANET applications, most of the existing studies as-
sume 2D FANET topology structures. The FANET studies
have shown that the antenna behaviors in 3D can be differ-
ent from the antenna behaviors in 2D [51], and it can affect
the physical layer directly. The performance analysis of the
existing physical layer protocols and developing new phys-
ical layer designs for 3D are largely unexplored issues for
4.2. MAC layer
Although MANET, VANET and FANET have different
challenges and characteristics, they have also several com-
mon design considerations. Basically, FANET is a special
subset of MANET and VANET. In this sense, the first FANET
examples use IEEE 802.11 with omnidirectional antennas
[34,32], which is one of the most commonly used MAC lay-
ers for MANETs. By the help of the request-to-send (RTS)
and clear-to-send (CTS) signal exchange mechanism, IEEE
802.11 can handle the hidden node problem [63].
4.2.1. Challenges of FANET MAC layer
High mobility is one of the most distinctive properties
of FANET, and it presents new problems for the MAC layer.
Because of the high mobility and the varying distances be-
tween nodes, link quality fluctuations take place in FANETs
frequently. Link quality changes and link outages directly
affect FANET MAC designs. Packet latency is another design
problem for FANET MAC layer design. Especially for real
time applications, packet latency must be bounded and it
Table 2
The comparison of omnidirectional and directional antennas for FANETs.
Attribute Omnidirectional Directional
Signal direction All Desired
Node orientation Not needed Needed
Transmission range Shorter Longer
Latency Higher Lower
Spatial reusability Lower Higher
Capacity Lower Higher
Prone to jamming Higher Lower
I. Bekmezci et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 11 (2013) 1254–1270 1261
imposes new challenges. Fortunately, there are new tech-
nologies that can be used to meet the FANET requirements
in MAC layer. Directional antenna and full-duplex radio
circuits with multi-packet reception are some examples
of promising technological advancements that can be used
in FANET MAC layer [58,64].
4.2.2. Directional antenna based FANET MAC layer
Directional antennas have several advantages over
omnidirectional antennas for FANETs, as it is provided in
the physical layer subsection. Besides the advantages of
directional antennas, it also brings unique design prob-
lems, especially for the MAC layer. An extensive survey
about directional antenna based MAC protocols can be
found in [65].
While most of the existing directional antenna based
MAC layers are proposed for MANET and VANET, there
are also a few researches about FANET MAC layer design
with directional antennas. In [66], Alshbatat and Dong
have proposed Adaptive MAC Protocol Scheme for UAVs
(AMUAV) [66]. While AMUAV sends its control packages
(RTS, CTS, and ACK) with its omnidirectional antenna,
DATA package is sent by directional antennas. It is proved
that directed antenna based AMUAV protocol can improve
throughput, end-to-end delay and bit error rate for multi-
UAV systems.
4.2.3. MAC layer with full-duplex radio and multi-packet
In traditional wireless communication, reception and
transmission cannot be performed at the same time. With
the recent advancements on the radio circuits, it is now
possible to realize full-duplex wireless communication on
the same channel [58]. Another restriction of the tradi-
tional wireless communication is about the packet recep-
tion. If there is more than one sender, the receiver cannot
receive the data correctly. Fortunately, data reception from
more than one source is possible by the help of the multi-
packet reception (MPR) radio circuits [64]. Full-duplex and
MPR radio circuits have significant impacts on the FANET
MAC layer.
Channel state information (CSI) is one of the most
important parameters for full-duplex radios, and it is al-
most impossible to determine the perfect CSI, in highly dy-
namic environments, as in FANETs. In [67], a new token-
based FANET MAC layer was proposed with full-duplex
and multi-packet reception (MPR) radios. It aims frequent
CSI update so that UAVs can have the latest CSI information
at any time. Token-based structure of CSI updates elimi-
nates packet collisions. Performance results have shown
the effectiveness of the proposed MAC layer, even if the
resulting channel knowledge is imperfect.
4.2.4. Open research issues
Providing a robust FANET MAC layer necessitates to ad-
dress and overcome some unique challenging tasks such as
link quality variations caused by high mobility, and longer
distance between nodes. Although the first FANET test
beds have used IEEE 802.11 with omnidirectional anten-
nas, it cannot respond to the requirements of FANETs.
There are only a few studies about FANET MAC layers
which are presented in Table 4.
In order to overcome the unique challenges of FANET,
directed antenna technology, which can send the signal
to a desired direction, is a promising technology. Location
estimation of the nodes and sharing this information are
vital issues for directed antenna based MAC layers, and
they are more challenging for FANETs, where the nodes
are highly mobile. Most of the existing directed antenna
based MAC layers assume that the location information is
maintained by the upper layers and cannot offer a robust
and integrated solution in the MAC layer [65]. Localization
service can be integrated in the MAC layer to find the loca-
tions of the other UAVs that are constantly changing their
Although there are several unique challenges of FANET,
it has also a number of opportunities for MAC layer design.
In most of the MANET designs, energy is one of the most
considerable constraints. However, FANET protocols have
to work on UAVs and there is no practical energy restric-
tion on UAVs. FANET nodes can include and operate more
advanced hardware than the MANET nodes. This opportu-
nity can be used to develop more efficient FANET MAC
4.3. Network layer
The initial FANET studies and experiments are designed
with the existing MANET routing protocols.
One of the first flight experiments with FANET architec-
ture is performed in SRI International [68]. In this research,
Topology Broadcast based on Reverse-Path Forwarding
(TBRPF) [69], which is basically a proactive protocol, is
used as the network layer to minimize the overhead. In
Table 3
An overview of physical layer related studies for FANETs.
Physical layer study Short description
Characterization of FANET communication
links [51]
The gray regions were observed in FANET experiments and it showed that the radio propagation model
of UAV-to-UAV links is similar to two-ray ground model, rather than free space model
Channel modeling of FANET links [52] Rician fading based two-state Markov model was developed to model wireless channel between UAVs.
The simulations showed that the proposed model can simulate packet dropouts
Nakagami-m based FANET radio
propagation model [54,55,53]
A mathematical expression for the link outage probability over Nakagami-m fading channel was derived
for FANETs
General link outage model for FANETs [56] A general analytical formula was provided for the outage of UAV-to-UAV and UAV-to-ground links over
various fading channels. Rayleigh, Nakagami-m, and Weibull models were studied as fading channels
Multiple transmitters and receivers [57] UAV receiver nodes can achieve poor packet reception correlation at short time scales. The usage of
multiple transmitters and receivers improves packet delivery rates dramatically
1262 _
I. Bekmezci et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 11 (2013) 1254–1270
[70], Brown et al. developed another FANET test bed with
Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) [71] protocol. The main
motivation to choose DSR is its reactive structure. The
source tries to find a path to a destination, only if it has
data to send. There are also some other FANET studies that
use DSR. Khare et al. stated that DSR is more appropriate
than proactive methods for FANETs, where the nodes are
highly mobile, and the topology is unstable [72].
Because of the high mobility of the FANET nodes, main-
taining a routing table, as in proactive methods, is not opti-
mal. However, repetitive path finding before each packet
delivery, as in reactive routing, can also be exhaustive. A
routing strategy only based on the location information
of the nodes can satisfy the requirements of FANET. In
[73], proactive, reactive and position-based routing solu-
tions are compared for FANETs. It was shown that Greedy
Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR) [74], which is a posi-
tion-based protocol, outperformed proactive and reactive
routing solutions. Shirani et al. developed a simulation
framework to study the position-based routing protocols
for FANETs [75]. It was stated that greedy geographic for-
warding based routing protocols can be used for densely
deployed FANETs. However, the reliability can be a serious
problem in case of sparse deployments. A combination of
other methods, like face routing, should be used for the
applications that require 100% reliability.
Although the first FANET implementations have used
the existing MANET routing strategies, most of the MANET
routing algorithms are not ideal for FANETs, because of the
UAV specific issues such as rapid changes in the link qual-
ity and very high node mobility [32]. Therefore, FANET spe-
cific routing solutions are developed in recent years.
Alshbatat et al. proposed a novel FANET routing proto-
col with directional antenna called Directional Optimized
Link State Routing Protocol (DOLSR) [76]. This protocol is
based on the well-known Optimized Link State Routing
Protocol (OLSR) [77]. One of the most important factors
that affect the OLSR performance is to choose multipoint
relay (MPR) nodes. The sender node chooses a set of MPR
nodes so that the MPR nodes can cover two hop neighbors.
Through the use of MPRs, the message overheads can be
reduced, and the latency can be minimized. One of the
most decisive design parameters for OLSR is the number
of MPRs, which affects the delay dramatically. Simulation
studies showed that DOLSR can reduce the number of
MPRs with directional antennas, and it results in lower
end-to-end latency, which is an important design issue
for FANETs.
Time-slotted on-demand routing protocol is proposed
in [78] for FANETs. It is basically time-slotted version of
Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector Routing (AODV) [79].
While AODV sends its control packets on random-access
mode, time-slotted on-demand protocol uses dedicated
time slots in which only one node can send data packet.
Although it reduces the usable network bandwidth, it mit-
igates the packet collisions and increases the packet deliv-
ery ratio.
Geographic Position Mobility Oriented Routing
(GPMOR) was proposed for FANETs in [80]. The traditional
position-based solutions only rely on the location informa-
tion of the nodes. However, GPMOR predicts the move-
ment of UAVs with Gaussian-Markov mobility model, and
it uses this information to determine the next hop. It is re-
ported that this approach can provide effective data for-
warding in terms of latency and packet delivery ratio
compared to the existing position-based MANET routing
Another set of routing solutions for FANETs is the hier-
archical protocols, which are developed to address the net-
work scalability problem. Here, the network consists of a
number of clusters in different mission areas. Each cluster
has a cluster head (CH), and all the nodes in a cluster are
within the direct transmission range of the CH. The CH is
in connection with the upper layer UAVs or satellites di-
rectly or indirectly as they represent the whole cluster.
On the other hand, CH can also disseminate data by broad-
casting to its cluster members. This model can produce
better performance results when the mission area is large,
and the number of UAVs is higher as depicted in Fig. 4.
One of the most crucial design issues for hierarchic
routing is the cluster formation. Mobility prediction clus-
tering is a cluster formation algorithm developed for FA-
NET [81]. The high mobility structure of FANET nodes
results in frequent cluster updates, and the mobility pre-
diction clustering aims to solve this problem with the pre-
diction of the network topology updates. It predicts the
mobility structures of UAVs by the help of the dictionary
Trie structure prediction algorithm [82] and link expiration
time mobility model. It takes a weighted sum of these
models and the UAV with the highest weight among its
neighbors is selected as the CH. The simulation studies
showed that this CH selection scheme can increase the sta-
bility of the clusters and the CHs.
In [83], a clustering algorithm for UAV networking is
proposed. It first constructs the clusters on the ground,
and then updates it during the operation of the multi-
UAV system. Ground clustering planning calculates the
clustering plan, and then chooses the CHs according to
the geographical information. After the deployment of
UAVs, the cluster structure is adjusted according to the
Table 4
An overview of FANET MAC layer protocols.
MAC layer protocol Short description
Adaptive MAC protocol scheme for
UAVs (AMUAV) [57]
It sends its control packages (RTS, CTS, and ACK) with its omnidirectional antenna, and DATA package is
sent by directional antennas. It can improve throughput, end-to-end delay and bit error rate for multi-UAV
Token-MAC [57] It is based on a token-based technique to update channel information and update link states. It eliminates
code collision problem with its token-based structure. It can also decrease the latency and improve the
throughput with the usage of full-duplex and MPR radio circuit
I. Bekmezci et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 11 (2013) 1254–1270 1263
mission information. Simulation studies showed that it can
effectively increase the stability and guarantee the ability
of dynamic networking.
Data-centric routing algorithms can also be used for FA-
NETs. UAVs are regularly produced for application-specific
missions, and it is difficult to adapt the multi-UAV system
for different missions. Data-centric routing solutions can
be used in FANETs for different types of applications on
the same multi-UAV system. Publish-subscribe model is
typically used for this type of communication architecture
[84,85]. It automatically connects data producers, which
are called publishers, with data consumers, which are
called subscribers. Data-centric solutions are needed to
perform in-network data aggregation. Unlike flooding, it
only dispatches the registered data types/contents to the
subscribers. In this case, point-to-multipoint data trans-
mission can be preferred to point-to-point data transmis-
sion. Data-centric communications are decoupled in three
Space decoupling: Communicating parties can be
Time decoupling: Data can be dispatched to the sub-
scribers immediately or later.
Flow decoupling: Delivery can be performed reliably.
This model can be preferred when the system includes a
limited number of UAVs on a predetermined path plan,
which requires minimum cooperation.
4.3.1. Open research issues
Routing is one of the most challenging issues for FA-
NETs. Because of the unique FANET challenges, the existing
MANET routing solutions cannot satisfy all the FANET
requirements. The existing FANET routing solutions are
presented in Table 5.
Peer-to-peer communication is essential for collabora-
tive coordination and collision avoidance of multi-UAV
systems. However, it is also possible to use FANET to col-
lect information from the environment as in wireless sen-
sor networks, which generate different traffic pattern. All
the data are routed to a limited set of UAVs that are di-
rectly connected to an infrastructure. Developing new
routing algorithms that can support peer-to peer commu-
nication and converge cast traffic is still an open issue.
Data centric routing is a promising approach for FA-
NETs. By the help of the publish-subscribe architecture of
data centric algorithms, it can be possible to produce mul-
ti-UAV systems that can support different applications. To
the best of our knowledge, data centric FANET algorithms
are totally unexplored.
4.4. Transport layer
The success of FANET designs is closely related to the
reliability of the communication architecture, and setting
up a reliable transport mechanism is essential, especially
in a highly dynamic environment.
The main responsibilities of a FANET transport protocol
are as follows:
Reliability: Reliability has always been the primary
responsibility of transport protocols in communication
networks. Messages should be reliably delivered to
the destination node to ensure proper functionalities.
Data may be simple text/binary in which 100% reliabil-
ity is required, or it may be multimedia streams in
which low reliability is acceptable. FANET transport
protocol should support different reliability levels for
different FANET applications.
Congestion control: The typical consequences of a con-
gested network are the decrease in packet delivery ratio
and the increase in latency. If a FANET is congested, col-
laboration and collision avoidance between UAVs can-
not be performed properly. A congestion control
mechanism is necessary to achieve an efficient and reli-
able FANET design.
Flow control: Because of a fast sender or multiple send-
ers, the receiver may be overloaded. Flow control can be
a serious problem especially for heterogeneous multi-
UAV systems.
The first FANET systems were implemented based on
the existing transport protocols. Elston et al. developed a
multi-UAV system with FANET communication architec-
ture. It was operated on IP-based addressing, and the
transport layer of the system supported both TCP and
UDP transport schemes [86]. However, TCP performs
poorly in MANET environments and it is also unsuited for
FANETs [87,88]. TCP flow control functionality is based
on the framing mechanism and its window size changes
constantly. An accurate estimation of the round trip time
is a challenging issue.
Joint Architecture for Unmanned Systems (JAUS) is an
emerging standard for messaging between unmanned sys-
tems [89]. Although JAUS was firstly produced for ground
systems, as Joint Architecture for Unmanned Ground Sys-
tems, it was later generalized to all kinds of unmanned
vehicles (aerial, ground, surface-of-water and undersea
vehicles). AS5669a [90] defines data communications for
JAUS, and it enables the use of efficient transport protocols,
which have their own packet formats and semantics. In
AS5669a, JTCP/JUDP is designed on top of the TCP/UDP as
a wrapper. JAUS also suggests JSerial protocol for data-
transparent transports, which support variable length data
packets when low bandwidth serial links are employed.
NATO has also a Standardization Agreement (STANAG
4586), which defines a common transport protocol for net-
Fig. 4. Hierarchical routing in FANET.
1264 _
I. Bekmezci et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 11 (2013) 1254–1270
work centric operations/warfare between nodes in a multi-
national UAV network [91]. STANAG 4586, depicted in
Fig. 5, was aimed to promote interoperability between
one or more Ground Control Stations, UAVs and C4I (Com-
mand, Control, Communication, Computer and Intelli-
gence) network, particularly in joint operational settings
[92]. Unlike JAUS, STANAG 4586 is specifically developed
for supporting UAV systems.
4.4.1. Open research issues
Contrary to the wired networks and MANETs, FANETs
are characterized by highly mobile nodes and wireless
communication links with high bit error rates. They have
frequent link outages according to the positions of UAVs
and ground stations. Reliability is a critical issue for FANET
transport layers.
FANET applications use different types of data such as
target images, acoustic signals, or video captures of a mov-
ing target. These applications require different reliability
levels. While typical data communication requires 100%
reliable transport protocol, multimedia application reli-
ability requirement is lower. On the other hand, multime-
dia data traffic has some other strict requirements on
delay, bandwidth, and jitter. Therefore, new transport layer
solutions must be developed to address the requirements
of different FANET applications. To the best of our knowl-
edge, there is no transport layer specially designed for FA-
NETs. Many aspects of FANETs, which affect the reliable
and efficient data transfer protocol, are still unexplored.
4.5. Cross-layer architectures
Although layered architectures have served well for
wired networks, they are not suitable for many wireless
communication applications [93]. Cross-layer architec-
tures are proposed to overcome the performance problems
of the wireless environment. Cross-layer design can be de-
fined as a protocol design by the violation of the layered
communication architecture [94]. There are several ways
for cross-layer architecture design. Unlike the layered de-
sign principles, the adjacent layers can be designed as a
super layer. Another cross-layer protocol is to support
interactions between non-adjacent layers. It is also possi-
ble to share protocol state information across all the layers
to meet the specific requirements [95].
A FANET cross-layer architecture is introduced in [96],
where the interaction between the first three layers of
OSI reference model is facilitated. In this study, a novel
directional antenna based MAC layer protocol, Intelligent
Medium Access Control Protocol (IMAC-UAV), is used.
Directional Optimized Link State Routing (DOLSR) protocol
[76] is the network layer of this system. Cross-layer design
is based on the information sharing between the first three
layers. It is shown that based on the aircraft attitude vari-
ations (pitch, roll and yaw); the performance of a FANET
application can be improved by the help of this cross-layer
Huba and Shenoy have proposed meshed-tree algorithm
based on the directed antennas [97]. This solution inte-
grates clustering and scheduling for MAC layer along with
the routing strategy for the network layer. It can handle
MAC layer and network layer with a single algorithm that
can form the clusters, route the data from UAVs to the clus-
ter heads, and schedule the time slots in a TDMA based
MAC layer. This approach results in a robust and scalable
solution. Performance studies have shown that it can nota-
bly enhance packet delivery rate and end-to-end latency.
4.5.1. Open research issues
As in the other types of highly dynamic wireless net-
works, cross-layer architecture is an effective technique to
meet the strict requirements of FANET. Although there are
some studies about cross-layered FANETs, which are pre-
sented in Table 6, the area is largely open for new protocols.
By the help of the interactions between layers, it is possible
to enhance the FANET performance. Especially, link quality
status, which is related with the physical layer, can be an
important parameter for the upper layers. For example,
transport layer can update its operation mode to satisfy
the reliability requirement of the FANET application accord-
ing to the current link qualities. Another cross-layer protocol
opportunity is to combine all layers into a single protocol.
This unified cross-layer approach can help to design more
efficient FANET architectures for multi-UAV systems.
5. FANET test beds and simulators
In this section, the existing FANET test beds and simula-
tors are investigated to provide a quick guideline for new
FANET researchers.
Table 5
An overview of network layer protocols for FANETs.
Network layer related
Short description
DOLSR [76] Proactive It utilizes directed antennas in OLSR [77] to enhance packet delivery ratio and to decrease average
Time-slotted on-demand
routing [78]
Reactive It embeds time-slotted reservation schema into AODV [79] to eliminate collisions
GPMOR [80] Geographic It predicts the movement of UAVs with Gauss–Markov mobility model, and uses this information to
determine the next hop
Mobility prediction clustering
Hierarchical It utilizes the dictionary Trie structure prediction algorithm and link expiration time mobility model
to predict network topology updates. In this way, it can construct more stable cluster formations
Clustering algorithm of UAV
networking [83]
Hierarchical It constructs the clusters on the ground, and then updates the clusters during the operation of the
multi-UAV system
I. Bekmezci et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 11 (2013) 1254–1270 1265
One of the first FANET test beds was implemented in
University of Colorado [32]. It was developed and realized
with IEEE 802.11b radio equipment mounted on small
UAVs with Fidelity-Comtech bidirectional amplifier up to
1 W output and a GPS. Dynamic Source Routing (DSR)
was chosen as the network protocol, and a monitoring sys-
tem was embedded into the radios for detailed perfor-
mance characterization and analysis.
Berkley Aerobot Team (BEAR) [98] is another multi-UAV
test bed that can support UAV-to-UAV communication.
BEAR research facility features a fleet of BEAR helicopter
UAVs, fixed-wing UAVs, unmanned ground robots, and a
mobile ground station. Rotorcraft-based Unmanned Aerial
Vehicles (RUAVs) in BEAR include 802.11 wireless network
cards that can be used for FANET.
Xiangyu et al. developed a new multi-UAV system
based on ad hoc networking architecture [99]. The mul-
ti-UAV system successfully validated the effectiveness
and feasibility of wireless ad hoc networking between
Sensing Unmanned Autonomous Aerial Vehicles (SUA-
AVE) project [26] aims to create and control a UAV swarm
with ad hoc networking between UAVs. The project is not
limited with a particular scenario, but the platform was
developed based on a search-and-rescue operation.
Although the first examples of the project were planned
with IEEE 802.11 protocol, SUAAVE can be used to develop
new communication architectures and protocols for UAV
The UAV Research Facility (UAVRF) [100] conducts UAV
related researches at Georgia Institute of Technology. The
UAVRF operates different multi-UAV systems and conducts
flight tests to validate research findings. Christmann et al.
developed a FANET implementation with IEEE 802.11 com-
munication hardware in UAVRF [101].
The above-mentioned multi-UAV test beds are de-
signed to work in outdoor conditions. In order to create
a more controlled environment for rapid prototyping
and initial tests, there are also indoor test beds. Indoor
multi-UAV test beds are designed to test UAV perfor-
Fig. 5. UAV system interoperability architecture with STANAG 4586.
Table 6
Cross-layer FANET communication protocols.
Cross-layer protocols Short description
DOLSR [96]
It uses IMAC-UAV as the MAC layer and DOLSR as the network layer protocol for directed antennas. The first three layers
communicate through the shared data set. In this way, the transmission parameters can be adjusted dynamically. It reduces
end-to-end delay with respect to original OLSR network protocol
algorithm [97]
It integrates the MAC layer and the network layer in a single protocol, which can form the clusters, route the data from UAVs
to the cluster heads and schedule the time slots in a TDMA based MAC layer. It enhances packet delivery ratio and end-to-
end latency
1266 _
I. Bekmezci et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 11 (2013) 1254–1270
mances in restricted and controlled large rooms. The
Aerospace Controls Laboratory at MIT utilizes a UAV test
bed facility, Real-time indoor Autonomous Vehicle test
Environment (RAVEN) [102]. RAVEN uses a motion cap-
ture system to enable rapid prototyping of aerobatic
flight controllers for helicopters and airplanes; robust
coordination algorithms for multiple helicopters; and vi-
sion-based sensing algorithms for indoor flight. General
Robotics, Automation, Sensing, and Perception (GRASP)
[103] is another indoor test bed developed in University
of Pennsylvania. It is developed to support research on
coordinated, dynamic flight of micro UAVs with broad
applications to reconnaissance, surveillance, manipulation
and transport.
Another way to investigate FANET designs is to simulate
the developed algorithms with a realistic multi-UAV sys-
tem simulator which can support ad hoc networking.
Although there are many multi-UAV simulators, most of
them do not model UAV-to-UAV communication links.
Real time multi-UAV simulator (RMUS) [104], which is de-
signed to work with IEEE 802.11, is one of the first multi-
UAV simulators that support the direct communication
links between UAVs. It is implemented as both a testing
and validation mechanism for the real demonstration of
multiple UAVs conducting decentralized data fusion and
control [105].
A Simulator and Test bed for Micro-Aerial Vehicle
Swarm Experiments (Simbeeotic) [106] is proposed as an
open source simulator in Harvard University for UAV
swarms that consist of up to thousands of mini or micro
UAVs. It can simulate the physical movements of the
UAV swarm as well as the communication architecture be-
tween UAVs. It is possible to develop algorithms and rapid
prototyping with Simbeeotic. It supports both pure simula-
tion and hardware-in-loop experimentation. Simbeeotic
can cover a complete view of the UAV swarm system,
including actuation, sensing, and communication.
A list of the existing FANET test beds and simulators is
given in Table 7.
5.1. Open research issues
Although the existing multi-UAV test beds and simula-
tors can support a certain variety of UAVs, they enable very
restricted variety of network protocols, like IEEE 802.11.
On the other hand, the existing network simulators, such
as OPNET [107] and ns-2 [108], can simulate different com-
munication protocols with different parameters. However,
they cannot readily model multi-UAV system specifica-
tions and mobility structures. Although there are several
FANET researches simulated on OPNET, it has no built-in
UAV node structure or UAV communication channel model
to simulate FANETs. ns-2, which is one of the common net-
work simulators, cannot model 3D communication, which
is an important parameter for FANET design [51].
In order to simulate new FANET designs, a multi-UAV
simulation tool that can simulate various UAV platforms
and network protocols is needed. The FANET simulator
must be able to model different UAV specifications, differ-
ent multi-UAV formations, different multi-UAV mobility
structures, along with different network protocols.
6. Conclusion
Communication is one of the most challenging design
issues for multi-UAV systems. In this paper, ad hoc net-
works between UAVs are surveyed as a separate network
family, Flying Ad-hoc Network (FANET). We formally de-
fine FANET and present several FANET application scenar-
ios. We also discuss the differences between FANET and
other ad hoc network types in terms of mobility, node den-
sity, topology change, radio propagation model, power
consumption, computational power and localization. FA-
NET design considerations are also investigated as adapt-
ability, scalability, latency, UAV platform constraints, and
bandwidth. We provide a comprehensive review of the re-
cent literature on FANETs and related issues in a layered
approach. Furthermore, we also discuss open research is-
Table 7
FANET test beds and simulators.
Project University/Institution/Lab Type Internet address
Test bed for a wireless network on small UAVs
University of Colorado, Interdisciplinary
Telecommunications Electrical and Computer
test bed
Berkley Aerobot team (BEAR) [98] University of California, Berkeley, Robotics Lab Outdoor
test bed
Multi-UAV system for verification of
autonomous formation [99]
Beihang University, School of Automation Science
and Electrical Engineering
test bed
Sensing Unmanned Autonomous Aerial Vehicles
(SUAAVE) [26]
SUAAVE consortium (UCL, Oxford, Ulster with
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research
test bed
The UAV Research Facility (UAVRF) [100] Georgia Institute of Technology, UAV Lab Outdoor
test bed
Real-time indoor Autonomous Vehicle test
ENvironment (RAVEN) [102]
MIT, Aerospace Controls Laboratory Indoor
test bed
General Robotics, Automation, Sensing, and
Perception (GRASP) Micro UAV Test Bed [103]
University of Pennsylvania, GRASP Lab Indoor
test bed
Real time multi-UAV simulator (RMUS) [104] The University of Sydney, Australian Center for
Field Robotics
Simulator and Test bed for Micro-Aerial Vehicle
Swarm Experiments (Simbeeotic) [106]
Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Simulator http://
I. Bekmezci et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 11 (2013) 1254–1270 1267
sues for FANETs, along with the cross-layer designs. The
existing FANET test beds and simulators are also
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first article
which surveyed flying ad hoc network as a separate ad
hoc network family. Our main motivation is to define mul-
ti-UAV ad hoc network problem, and to encourage more
researchers to work for the solutions to open research is-
sues as described in this paper.
We thank Prof. Ian F. Akyildiz for his constructive feed-
backs and suggestions. We also would like to thank Dr. Su-
zan Bayhan for her valuable comments.
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Ilker Bekmezci received B.Sc., M.Sc., and
Ph.D. degrees in computer engineering from
Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey, in 1994,
1998, 2008, respectively. He is currently an
associate professor with the Department of
Computer Engineering, Turkish Air Force
Academy, Istanbul, Turkey. His current
research interests are in wireless communi-
cations and ad hoc networks.
Ozgur Koray Sahingoz is currently an assis-
tant professor in the Department of Computer
Engineering at Turkish Air Force Academy. He
graduated from the Computer Engineering
Department of Bogazici University in 1993. He
received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree from
Computer Engineering Department of Istan-
bul Technical University, in 1998 and 2006,
respectively. His research interests lie in the
areas of Wireless Sensor Networks, Artificial
Intelligence, Parallel and Distributed Com-
puting, Soft Computing, Information Systems,
Intelligent Agents, Multi Agent Systems.
Samil TEMEL is a Ph.D. researcher/student in
computer engineering at Turkish Air Force
Aeronautics and Space Technologies Institute
(ASTIN). He received his M.S. degree at TUAFA
in 2008 and he holds a B.S. degree in Com-
puter Engineering from Yildiz Technical Uni-
versity, Istanbul, Turkey. His research
interests include directional MAC protocols
and wireless sensor networks.
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I. Bekmezci et al. / Ad Hoc Networks 11 (2013) 1254–1270
... Air-to-air channel (A2A) is an important aspect of inter-UAV communication or UAV-to-BS communication, which may be used in cases such as aerial wireless sensor networks [30], multi-UAV network or UAV groups [30], and temporary flight network [31]. Although in real multi-UAV programs, UAVs are placed in three-dimensional environments, but in most researches, air-to-air channels are displayed in a twodimensional space. ...
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Maximizing the communication coverage with the minimum number of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in a telecommunication system is investigated in this paper. In particular, the problem of maximizing the coverage area in stadium environments using UAVs is modeled mathematically as a multi-objective optimization problem. While the problem is solved using state-of-the-art solvers, to address the problem complexity and achieve the results for real-time applications, we propose a heuristic algorithm. The performance evaluation done in three crowding levels demonstrates that the performance with the heuristic algorithm is comparable to the mathematical model in terms of the number of coverage users. Moreover, the running time is significantly smaller in the proposed heuristic algorithm. This shows the efficiency of the model and solution. Moreover, we compare the heuristic algorithm with the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGAII). The results of the paper show that the use of the heuristic algorithm speeds up the processing and decision making, and at the same time maximizes the communication coverage in stadium environments.
... В [21] отмечается, что несбалансированность структуры бюджета проекта с требованиями к программному продукту является причиной низких потребительских свойств последних. В многочисленных литературных источниках (в частности, в [22]) подчеркивается, что свойства MANET в значительной степени определяются особенностями коммуникационных протоколов. В связи с этим можно выделить задачу сопоставления различных подходов к распределению ресурсов по видам работ проекта (WBS) по результатам испытания альтернативных вариантов протоколов. ...
Topological features of distributed infocommunication networks are among the key factors that determine their properties: stability, reliability and resistance to failures and attacks. The study of the communications topology influence in the Wireless Mobile ad hoc network, as an integral part of the infrastructure of computing and communication systems, is one of the priority tasks when it comes to ensure the effective and efficient network-centric control. The paper presents the results of a study aiming to evaluate the efficiency of various methods used to identify the nature of trends in the case short time series.
... with vagaries of the often unreliable wireless channel making it very challenging to maintain formations and coordinate effectively [11,12]. This is why these networks are called flying adhoc networks (FANETs) [13][14][15], an airborne variety of mobile adhoc networks (MANETs). ...
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Recent advances in aerial robotics and wireless transceivers have generated an enormous interest in networks constituted by multiple compact unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). UAV adhoc networks, i.e., aerial networks with dynamic topology and no centralized control, are found suitable for a unique set of applications, yet their operation is vulnerable to cyberattacks. In many applications, such as IoT networks or emergency failover networks, UAVs augment and provide support to the sensor nodes or mobile nodes in the ground network in data acquisition and also improve the overall network performance. In this situation, ensuring the security of the adhoc UAV network and the integrity of data is paramount to accomplishing network mission objectives. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to secure UAV adhoc networks, referred to as the blockchain-assisted security framework (BCSF). We demonstrate that the proposed system provides security without sacrificing the performance of the network through blockchain technology adopted to the priority of the message to be communicated over the adhoc UAV network. Theoretical analysis for computing average latency is performed based on queuing theory models followed by an evaluation of the proposed BCSF approach through simulations that establish the superior performance of the proposed methodology in terms of transaction delay, data secrecy, data recovery, and energy efficiency.
Flying ad hoc networks (FANETs) operate in highly dynamic environments where ensuring reliable communication with minimal delay is a major challenge. In this paper, we present a novel approach to optimize FANET routing by integrating predictive models for link reliability with delay constraints. Conventional routing methods often overlook the fluctuating conditions and high mobility of FANETs, resulting in suboptimal performance and increased latency. Our proposed strategy utilizes historical data and machine learning techniques to predict the reliability of connections. This enables more informed routing decisions that account for potential link failures and delays in advance. By incorporating these predictive insights, our routing algorithm dynamically adapts to changing network conditions and optimizes path selection to ensure both reliability and timeliness of data transmission. Extensive simulations and real-world experiments show that our approach significantly reduces end-to-end delay and improves overall network performance compared to existing routing protocols. This research provides a robust framework for improving the efficiency and reliability of communications in delay-sensitive FANET applications and paves the way for more resilient and responsive air networks.
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With the rapid proliferation of drones and drone networks across various application domains, ensuring their security against cyber threats has become imperative. This paper presents a comprehensive analysis and comparative analysis of the state-of-the-art techniques for detecting cyber threats in drone networks. The background provides a primer on drones, networks, drone network architectures, communication mechanisms, and enabling technologies like wireless protocols, satellite navigation, onboard computers, sensors, and flight control systems. The landscape of emerging technologies including blockchain, software-defined networking, machine learning, fog computing, ad-hoc networks, and swarm intelligence is reviewed in the context of transforming drone network capabilities while also introducing potential vulnerabilities. The paper delves into common cyber threats faced by drone networks such as hacking, DoS attacks, data breaches, and GPS spoofing. A detailed literature review of proposed threat detection techniques is provided, categorized into machine learning, multi-agent systems, blockchain, intrusion detection systems, software solutions, and miscellaneous methods. A key gap identified is handling increasingly sophisticated attacks, complex environments, and resource limitations in aerial platforms. The analysis highlights accuracy, overhead and real-time trade-offs between techniques, while factors like model optimization can influence efficacy. A comparative analysis highlights the advantages and limitations of each approach considering metrics like accuracy, scalability, flexibility, and overhead. Key observations include the trade-offs between computational complexity and real-time performance, the challenges in handling evolving attack techniques, and the dependencies between detection accuracy and factors like model selection and training data quality. The analysis provides a comprehensive reference for cyber threat detection in drone networks, benefiting researchers and practitioners aiming to advance this crucial area of drone security through robust detection systems tailored for resource-constrained aerial environments.
The rapid proliferation of networking and wireless communication technologies has led to the development of low-cost unmanned aerial vehicles, which will soon occupy a significant amount of the sky. UAVs may be effectively used to complete complicated missions when arranged as an ad hoc network, leading to the creation of well-known flying ad hoc networks. Without the implementation of an efficient networking model that enables the dependable transfer of data between UAVs, the creation of such networks is not feasible. The diverse flying limits and highly dynamic topology of FANETs make designing routing protocols a very difficult task. An extensive investigation of routing in FANETs is provided in this work. A wide range of current FANET routing protocols are compared and clarified. This work is unique because it can give a thorough analysis of the main FANET routing protocols and assess them based on many restrictions and important characteristics, better representing the state of the art in this field of study at the moment.
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This document describes the Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) protocol for mobile ad hoc networks. The protocol is an optimization of the classical link state algorithm tailored to the requirements of a mobile wireless LAN. The key concept used in the protocol is that of multipoint relays (MPRs). MPRs are selected nodes which forward broadcast messages during the flooding process. This technique substantially reduces the message overhead as compared to a classical flooding mechanism, where every node retransmits each message when it receives the first copy of the message. In OLSR, link state information is generated only by nodes elected as MPRs. Thus, a second optimization is achieved by minimizing the number of control messages flooded in the network. As a third optimization, an MPR node may chose to report only links between itself and its MPR selectors. Hence, as contrary to the classic link state algorithm, partial link state information is distributed in the network. This information is then used for route calculation. OLSR provides optimal routes (in terms of number of hops). The protocol is particularly suitable for large and dense networks as the technique of MPRs works well in this context.
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This document describes the Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) protocol for mobile ad hoc networks. The protocol is an optimization of the classical link state algorithm tailored to the requirements of a mobile wireless LAN. The key concept used in the protocol is that of multipoint relays (MPRs). MPRs are selected nodes which forward broadcast messages during the flooding process. This technique substantially reduces the message overhead as compared to a classical flooding mechanism, where every node retransmits each message when it receives the first copy of the message. In OLSR, link state information is generated only by nodes elected as MPRs. Thus, a second optimization is achieved by minimizing the number of control messages flooded in the network. As a third optimization, an MPR node may chose to report only links between itself and its MPR selectors. Hence, as contrary to the classic link state algorithm, partial link state information is distributed in the network. This information is then used for route calculation. OLSR provides optimal routes (in terms of number of hops). The protocol is particularly suitable for large and dense networks as the technique of MPRs works well in this context.
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Surveillance using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is an important application in tactical networks. Such networks are challenged by the highly dynamic network topologies, which result in frequent link and route breaks. This requires robust routing algorithms and protocols. Depending on the coverage area, several UAVs may be deployed thus requiring solutions that are scalable. The use of directional antennas mitigates the challenges due to limited bandwidth, but requires a scheduling algorithm to provide conflict free schedules to transmitting nodes. In this article we introduce a new approach, which uses a single algorithm 1) that facilitates multi hop overlapped cluster formations to address scalability and data aggregation; 2) provides robust multiple routes from data generating nodes to data aggregation node and; 3) aids in performing distributed scheduling using a Time Division Multiple Access protocol. The integrated solution was modeled using Opnet and evaluated for success rate in packet delivery and average end to end packet delivery latency primarily. The notably high success rates important for surveillance purposes coupled with low latencies validate the use of the proposed solution in critical surveillance applications.
A distributed sensing system was developed to probe an atmospheric airmass boundary with simultaneous dual-Doppler sensing from two stationary weather radar and in-situ sampling using an unmanned aircraft system (UAS). An unmanned aircraft (UA) was developed to carry the various sensors and conduct the required mission with a suite of software to allow for real-time visualization of radar and UA information. Through this interface, controllers were able to effectively control a UA to an area of interest based upon meteorological information. An existing ad-hoc network was augmented to allow for the effective dissemination of telemetry, sensor data, and control throughout the multi-user network. These efforts were verified by flight operations conducted at the Pawnee National Grasslands under FAA CoA 2008-WSA-51.
Small unmanned aircraft (UA) are an ideal addition to mobile ad hoc networking. An ad hoc network allows any two nodes to communicate either directly or through an arbitrary number of other nodes that act as relays. Ad hoc networks that include UA improve traditional ground-based networking through the added connectivity provided by the more prominent UA. The networking also extends the operational scope of the overall Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) beyond the limits of point-to-point and centralized communication architectures. As well, the ad hoc network increases the UAS operational range as communication can be extended across the set of networked UA and ground nodes. While these capabilities support a wide variety of applications, little prior work has fielded and tested the capabilities of such a system in practice. This chapter describes the implementation of a wireless mobile ad hoc network with radio nodes mounted at fixed sites, on ground vehicles, and in UA. The radio is an IEEE 802.11b/g (WiFi) wireless interface and is controlled by an embedded computer. The ad hoc routing protocol is an implementation of the Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) protocol. A network monitoring architecture is embedded into the nodes for detailed performance analysis and characterization. The following sections describe the network components in detail and provide performance data measured at a large-scale outdoor test bed. Introduction Communication networks between and through aerial vehicles are a mainstay of current battlefield communication.
In this paper, we proposed a new routing protocol for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) that equipped with directional antenna. We named this protocol Directional Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (DOLSR). This protocol is based on the well known protocol that is called Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (OLSR). We focused in our protocol on the multipoint relay (MPR) concept which is the most important feature of this protocol. We developed a heuristic that allows DOLSR protocol to minimize the number of the multipoint relays. With this new protocol the number of overhead packets will be reduced and the End-to-End delay of the network will also be minimized. We showed through simulation that our protocol outperformed Optimized Link State Routing Protocol, Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) protocol and Ad- Hoc On demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol in reducing the End-to-End delay and enhancing the overall throughput. Our evaluation of the previous protocols was based on the OPNET network simulation tool.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are widely used in modern warfare for surveillance, reconnaissance sensing and attacking. However, the communication among UAVs always suffers packet loss due to the highly dynamic environment. It means that the data routing of UAVs faces series challenge different from low mobility environment. In this paper, we propose an efficient and effective geographic based routing protocol. Our proposal uses Gauss-Markov mobility model to predict the movement of UAVs to eliminate the impact of highly dynamic movement. Then it selects the next hop according to the mobility relationship in addition to Euclidean distance to make more accuracy decision. The experiment result shows that our approach can provide effective and accuracy data forwarding. 1553-9105/