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Color and odor of artificial fruit used to signal potential dispersers in the Atlantic forest in Brazil


Abstract and Figures

Fruit color and odor are the main features regulating the rate of fruit predation and dispersal. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of odor and color on fruit predators and dispersers. The present study was conducted in a 30ha area of secondary forest in Southeastern Atlantic Brazil. This area was divided into two transects, in which four points were marked with a 30m distance from each other. Each sampling point contained a total of 30 artificial fruit which belong to six different treatment groups, with five artificial fruit per group. Each group was randomly placed on the ground and that artificial fruit was checked every seven days. For each group of five fruit, 5mL of essence (vanilla or pineapple) were placed, and no essence was used in the control group. Artificial fruit was made with green and red nontoxic modeling clay, as well as artificial essences (vanilla and pineapple). A total of 960 fruits were used. Predated fruit equaled 26.9% (258 units), from which the red/pineapple had the highest predation rate (81.9%), followed by red/vanilla (46.3%), while green/control fruits were not predated. Throughout the experiment, bitten fruit and pecked fruit equaled 58.3% and 41.7%, respectively. No significant differences were recorded (x2=7.57, df=5, p=0.182) between bitten and pecked fruit. Fruit color and odor are important in attracting predators and dispersers, which explains the high rate of predation of red/ vanilla and red/pineapple, and the absence of predated fruits in the green/control group. Regarding the potential disperser, there was no statistically significant difference between pecked fruit and bitten fruit. As a result, it should be taken into consideration that zoochory (mammalochory and ornithochory) is the most important dispersal; therefore, it should be concluded that birds are more attracted by color and mammals by odor.
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Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 60 (2): 925-931, June 2012
Color and odor of artificial fruit used to signal potential dispersers
in the Atlantic forest in Brazil
Aliny Oliveira Barcelos1, Clayton Perônico2 & Frederico Jacob Eutrópio3
1. Universidade Vila Velha, Programa de Mestrado em Ecologia de Ecossistemas-Rua Comissário José Dantas de Melo,
21, Boa Vista, Vila Velha, Espírito Santo, Brazil, CEP 29102-770;
2. Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo – IFES campus Piúma - Rua Augusto Costa de Oliveira, 660, Praia Doce Piúma,
Espírito Santo, Brazil, CEP 29285-000;
3. Universidade Vila Velha, Programa de Doutorado em Ecologia de Ecossistemas-Rua Comissário José Dantas de Melo,
21, Boa Vista, Vila Velha, Espírito Santo, Brazil, CEP 29102-770;
Received 09-V-2011. Corrected 20-IX-2011. Accepted 19-X-2011.
Abstract: Fruit color and odor are the main features regulating the rate of fruit predation and dispersal. The aim
of this study was to analyze the effect of odor and color on fruit predators and dispersers. The present study was
conducted in a 30ha area of secondary forest in Southeastern Atlantic Brazil. This area was divided into two
transects, in which four points were marked with a 30m distance from each other. Each sampling point contained
a total of 30 artificial fruit which belong to six different treatment groups, with five artificial fruit per group. Each
group was randomly placed on the ground and that artificial fruit was checked every seven days. For each group
of five fruit, 5mL of essence (vanilla or pineapple) were placed, and no essence was used in the control group.
Artificial fruit was made with green and red nontoxic modeling clay, as well as artificial essences (vanilla and
pineapple). A total of 960 fruits were used. Predated fruit equaled 26.9% (258 units), from which the red/pine-
apple had the highest predation rate (81.9%), followed by red/vanilla (46.3%), while green/control fruits were
not predated. Throughout the experiment, bitten fruit and pecked fruit equaled 58.3% and 41.7%, respectively.
No significant differences were recorded (x2=7.57, df=5, p=0.182) between bitten and pecked fruit. Fruit color
and odor are important in attracting predators and dispersers, which explains the high rate of predation of red/
vanilla and red/pineapple, and the absence of predated fruits in the green/control group. Regarding the potential
disperser, there was no statistically significant difference between pecked fruit and bitten fruit. As a result, it
should be taken into consideration that zoochory (mammalochory and ornithochory) is the most important dis-
persal; therefore, it should be concluded that birds are more attracted by color and mammals by odor. Rev. Biol.
Trop. 60 (2): 925-931. Epub 2012 June 01.
Key words: frugivory, mammalochory, ornithochory, plant-animal interaction, predation, seed dispersal,
In plant communities, the dispersal syn-
drome deserves special mention, because of
the strong dependence of plants on dispersers
(Lomáscolo & Schaefer 2010). The survival of
a species depends on seed dispersal and a suit-
able place for germination. In tropical forests,
the most frequent dispersal syndrome found is
zoochory, i.e. fruits are eaten and dispersed by
animals. Mammalochory, dispersal by mam-
mals, and ornithochory, dispersal by birds, are
also found. It is estimated that between 50%
and 90% of tree species depend on this type of
dispersal (Howe & Smallwood 1982, Janson
1983, Fleming 1987, Tabarelli & Peres 2002,
Galetti et al. 2003).
The main characteristics that regulate the
predation rate of different groups of animals
include fruit size, color, odor, consistency,
quantity and nutritional quality (Gautier-Hion
et al. 1985, Galetti et al. 2003, Cáceres et al.
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 60 (2): 925-931, June 2012
2009). This causes fruits to develop a large
number of strategies and special characteristics
to attract consumer-dispersing species (Arruda
et al. 2008). Among these characteristics, color
and odor have shown to be important fruit
detection attributes for predators (Schmidt et
al. 2004, Lomáscolo et al. 2008). However, the
contrast between fruit color and its background
had never been included in any study on disper-
sal syndromes (Lomáscolo & Schaefer 2010).
Few studies have recently examined the
direct effect of fruit odor and color, or the
interaction between these factors, upon the
rate of removal and/or predation by different
consumer groups. This study aimed to test the
effect of fruit odor and color on the preda-
tion rate, as well as to relate it to the different
groups of predators/dispersers.
Study site: The Atlantic Forest is one of
the most threatened ecosystems on the planet,
retaining only 8% of its original area (Myers et
al. 2000, Galindo-Leal & Câmara 2005). The
study was conducted in the municipality of
Marechal Floriano, Espírito Santo State. The
study area (20°26’32” S - 40°464’4” W) is
located 720m above sea level and covers 30ha
of secondary Atlantic Forest, with 90 years of
regeneration. In the Serra do Mar region, the
Atlantic Forest has sub-humid climate, poor
soil and high rainfall (Tabarelli et al. 2005).
Data collection: Four samples were taken
between November 2009 and January 2010
with 15 day-intervals. Each sampling was
conducted in two 100m equidistant linear tran-
sects, parallel to the forest edge. Four sampling
points were established for each transect, at
30m distance (Álvarez & Galetti 2007). A total
of 30 fruits with six randomly disposed treat-
ments were arranged at each sampling point,
i.e. five fruits per sample group. Artificial fruits
were placed on the ground to analyze which
ones remained visible after seven days and the
types of animals that forage for them. New
fruit was employed in each new sampling. Five
milliliters of essence (vanilla or pineapple)
were placed in each group of five fruits, and
no essence was used for the control groups.
Artificial fruit was made using 5g (2cm in
diameter) of green and red starchy, nontoxic,
odorless, water-resistant modeling clay, for
a total of 960 artificial fruits by the end of
the samplings (Arruda et al. 2008). Fruit was
considered predated when it was moved from
where it was placed.
Potential predators of artificial fruit were
identified based on Alves-Costa & Lopes
(2001) and França & Marini (2009), where
“V” or “U” shapes characterized bird pecking
and teeth marks characterized as mammalian
bites. Disposable gloves were used at all times
to avoid the interference of human odor on
predators/dispersers´ behavior.
Treatments were compared using Kruskal
Wallis (p<0.05) and Tukey’s nonparametric
tests (p<0.05). Contingency tables (chi-square
p<0.05) were used to evaluate whether the num-
ber of artificial fruits pecked or bitten was the
same for each one of the treatments (Zar 2008).
Values of predated fruits per treatment were
expressed as a mean and as standard deviation.
Of the 960 artificial fruits used in the
experiment, 258 (26.9%) were predated. Con-
sidering the predation rate on the artificial
fruit per treatment, the red/pineapple treat-
ment had the highest predation rate (81.9%),
followed by red/vanilla (46.3%), while green/
control fruits were not predated (Table 1). The
mean of fruit predation was higher with red/
pineapple (4.1±0.78) followed by red/vanilla
(2.3±0.47) (Fig. 1).
Throughout the experiment, pecking
(41.7%) and bites (58.3%) were recorded
but no significant differences were detected
(x2=7.57, gl=5, p=0.182). The red/control treat-
ment registered only pecks, and for the green/
control treatment no predated fruits were found
(Fig. 2 and 3).
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 60 (2): 925-931, June 2012
Total number of fruits, predated fruits and predated fruit percentage for each color/odor treatment
Treatment Fruit (N) Predated fruit Predated fruit (%)
Red/Pineapple 160 131 81.9
Red/Vanilla 160 74 46.3
Red/Control 160 14 8.8
Green/Pineapple 160 34 21.3
Green/Vanilla 160 5 3.1
Green/Control 160 0 0
Fig. 1. Mean of predated fruits per color/odor treatment. Letters indicate significant differences between treatments using
Kruskal Wallis and Tukey’s tests (p<0.05).
Mean predated fruits
Fig. 2. Marks left by possible fruit predators: (A) Birds. (B) Mammals (rodents) and (C) Mammals.
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 60 (2): 925-931, June 2012
The results of this study show that fruits
with red color were more frequently eaten
by birds. This finding is in concordance with
Arruda et al. (2008) who found that among the
263 pecked fruits 62.2% were red. In addition,
studies in Peru and Costa Rica by Wheelwright
& Janson (1985) pointed out that 36% of the
fruits pecked were red. This preference for red
was also observed in the field by Gervais et al.
(1999) and Alves-Costa & Lopes (2001) and in
captivity by McPherson (1988) and Willson et
al. (1990). The cryptic color of fruit functions
mainly to attract the attention of potential dis-
persers that use vision as the key sense to search
for food, influencing the selective pressure by
birds at foraging (Wheelwright & Janson 1985,
Willson et al. 1990, Arruda et al. 2008).
Burns & Dalen (2002), Schmidt et al.
(2004), Schaefer et al. (2006) and Schaefer et
al. (2007) attribute birds´ preference for red
fruits to the contrast with the background foli-
age. Furthermore, the red color has a longer
wavelength, more visible to birds than other
colors (Arruda et al. 2008). However, accord-
ing to Pizo (2003), some birds prey less attrac-
tive colors, such as green, for another type of
dispersal; this was observed by Spironello et
al. (2004) who registered 3 910 unmoved fruits,
that is, 0.5% was predated in an immature
phase by parrots and rats.
The low predation rate of green fruit helps
understand the co-evolution between plants and
seed dispersers, where dispersed plants, mainly
by ornithocoric means, have immature green
fruits as a strategy to avoid dispersal of those
that are not yet ready to germinate (Schaefer
et al. 2007, Lomáscolo & Schaefer 2010). For
Burns et al. (2009) and Cazetta et al. (2007)
fruit color is related to the detection of potential
dispersers, and tropical regions generally have
higher diversity of fruit color, as they have the
highest number of seed dispersers due to the
increased plant diversity. In addition, Burns et
al. (2009) mention that the fruit color evolu-
tion hypothesis is not exclusively ascribed to
the selection of potential seed dispersers, since
there is no greater diversity of fruit color than
Fig. 3. Percentage of bites and pecks on predated fruit per color/odor treatment.
Predated fruits (%)
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 60 (2): 925-931, June 2012
in the tropics where coloration may be associ-
ated to the reflective properties of leaves.
Birds have good vision and hearing, but a
poorly developed sense of smell, while mam-
mals have a sharper sense of smell, but not
good color definition, especially nocturnal spe-
cies (Lomáscolo et al. 2008); therefore, accord-
ing to Janson (1983), fruits eaten by nocturnal
species are probably large and odorous. The
results of this study indicating that 58.3% of
fruit was bitten differed from those of Arruda
et al. (2008), who reported 1.3% of the fruit
being bitten. However, Arruda et al. (2008) did
not use essences, which evidences smell as the
main sense of orientation in mammals and con-
firms the work by Vieira et al. (2011) and Iob &
Vieira (2008), who used vanilla extract in traps
to attract grid mammals having a high capture
rate, these being rodents, followed by marsupi-
als. Nevertheless, few studies have discussed
mammalian odor attraction in the process of
predation and dispersal of fruits.
Wheelwright & Janson (1985) and
Lomáscolo et al. (2008) reported that both
color and odor in fruits are important in attract-
ing predators and dispersers, which explains
the high rate of predation of red/pineapple and
red/vanilla and no predation of the green fruits
of the control treatment group. The abundance
of fruit, fruit predation rate and the presence of
predator/disperser can be influenced by the size
of the fragment, the edge effect (Galetti et al.
2003) and the regeneration state of the habitat
(Tabarelli & Peres 2002).
Treatments using essences showed a higher
percentage of bitten fruit, while treatments with
red color presented more pecking, although no
significant differences were observed between
pecked and bitten fruit, indicating that there
is no preference between birds and mammals.
For Gauthier-Hion et al. (1985), this dichotomy
between fruit dispersed by birds or mammals
is not strong, unlike aspects related to fruit
size, protection or color. Consequently, it is not
possible to specify the most effective potential
disperser of a plant species, only based on mor-
phological characteristics of the fruit.
Regarding the potential disperser, no sta-
tistically significant differences were found
between pecked fruit and bitten fruit, which
clearly suggests that both birds and mammals
are potential fruit dispersers, thus, indispens-
able elements in the dynamics of communities,
spatial distribution of plants, and structure and
restoration of degraded areas. The foregoing
confirms that zoochory (both mammalochory
and ornithochory) is the main dispersal meth-
od, although, in general, birds are more attract-
ed by color and mammals by odor. The use of
artificial fruit is a good study tool to analyze
potential dispersers that allows for the identi-
fication of species. This corroborates Arruda et
al. (2008), who confirmed that artificial fruits
are effective to record fruit consumption, assist
in the identification of potential dispersers, and
are easy to handle in the field.
In order to specifically determine the dis-
perser of a plant, further studies should be
conducted related to fruit color, size, nutritional
value and position, as well as animal character-
istics and fragment size, edge effects, species
composition and plant regeneration time.
We would like to thank Cesar Abel Kroh-
ling for his help during fieldwork and his sup-
port on the logistics and Dominik Lenz and
Elieth Salazar for editing the English.
El olor y el color de los frutos son las características
principales que regulan el nivel de consumo y la dispersión
de las semillas. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar
el efecto que tiene el olor y el color de los frutos sobre los
depredadores y dispersores de semillas. El área de estudio
abarca 30ha de bosque secundario localizado en el Atlánti-
co sureste de Brasil. Este espacio se dividió en dos sectores,
en los cuales se marcaron cuatro puntos con una distancia
de 30m entre sí. En cada punto de muestreo se utilizaron
30 frutos que se distribuyeron en seis tratamientos, con
cinco frutos artificiales para cada tratamiento. Además,
cabe resaltar que cada tratamiento se colocó en el suelo de
forma aleatoria y que los frutos artificiales se verificaron
cada siete días. Para cada grupo de cinco frutos se utiliza-
ron 5mL de esencia (vainilla y ananá) y para el grupo de
Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 60 (2): 925-931, June 2012
control no se utilizó ningún aditivo de olor. Los frutos se
confeccionaron con plastilina atóxica de color verde y roja,
además de esencias artificiales (ananá y vainilla), asimismo
se obtuvieron 960 frutos. El nivel de frutos consumidos fue
del 26.9% (258 unidades), de los cuales los rojos/ananá
fueron los más consumidos (81.9%), seguidos del rojo/
vainilla (46.3%), mientras que los verde/control no fueron
comidos. Durante el experimento la tasa de frutos mordidos
fue del 58.3% y de picoteados un 41.7%. No se registró
una diferencia significativa (x2=7.57, gl=5, p=0.182) entre
frutos mordidos y picoteados. El color y el olor de los
frutos son aspectos importantes para atraer depredadores y
dispersores, lo que explica los niveles de consumo de los
frutos rojos/vainilla y rojo/ananá y la ausencia de frutos
comidos en el tratamiento del verde/control. En cuanto
al potencial dispersor, no hubo una diferencia estadística
significativa entre frutos mordidos y picoteados, por lo
que se debe tomar en cuenta que la dispersión principal es
la zoocoria (ornitocoria y mamalocoria). Por lo tanto, se
puede concluir que las aves son atraídas por el color y los
mamíferos por el olor.
Palabras clave: frugivoría, mamalocoria, ornitocoria,
interacción planta-animal, depredación, dispersión de
semillas, zoocoria.
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... Zoochory is the most common way of seed dispersal in tropical forests (Barcelos et al., 2012;Gonçalves et al., 2015 and references therein). Animal-dispersed fruits are usually fleshy berries or drupe, or dehiscent capsules that expose the seeds involved with an aril, which contains sources of carbohydrates and lipids (Fleming and John Kress, 2011). ...
... We did not replace either predated or bird-consumed fruits. If mammals are mainly guided by the sense of smell (Munger et al., 2009), then they would prefer fruits having odor (Barcelos et al., 2012). Furthermore, tropical fruits are thought to have a strong dichotomy of colors; fruits consumed by mammals are often orange, yellow or brown, while bird-dispersed fruits would be predominantly red or black (Willson and Whelan, 1990). ...
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Ecological restoration aims to retrieve not only the structure but also the functionality of ecosystems. Frugivorous birds may play an important role in this process due to their efficiency in seed dispersal. Color perception in these animals is highly developed, than the colors of fleshy fruits may provide important clues for choosing plant species for restoration plans. This study aims to integrate bird color preferences and restoration of degraded areas, with an objective to evaluate the potential attractiveness to birds by colored fruits. We carried out an experiment with 384 artificial fruits made of edible modeling clay with the following colors: black, blue, green and red, with 96 fruits of each color in six sites, including four restored areas and two second-growth forest fragments. We also tested the possible effect of light intensity on fruit consumption by color. A total of 120 (38.6%) were assumed to be consumed by birds, and the fruit consumption varied in response to the location and light incidence. Consumption of black and blue fruits was not related to site by chance. Notwithstanding, red and black fruits were consumed significantly more than any other colors, emphasizing bird preference to these colors, regardless of location. Enrichment with shade tolerant shrubs or forest species with black or red fruits may be an alternative way to manage established restorations; in recently established or new restorations one may introduce pioneer shrubs or short-lived forest species which have blue fruits, but also those which have black or red ones.
... Como resultado disso, uma ampla variedade de características fenotípicas diferentes são encontradas tanto nos frutos como nas espécies que os consomem. Por parte das plantas, fatores como cor, palatabilidade, qualidade nutricional, tamanho e forma do fruto e das sementes são traços que funcionam como siais para os seus potenciais dispersores(GAUTIER-HION et al. 1981; CACERES et al. 2009;BARCELOS et al. 2012;BLENDINGER et al. 2015). Para as aves, a seleção de frutos dependerá das características morfológicas da espécie consumidora(LEVEY 1987;DEHLING et al. 2016), comportamento de forrageamento(LEVEY 1987; WILSON et al. 1990;DUAN et al. 2014;GAGETTI & PIRATELLI 2016), necessidades nutricionais (AVERY et al. 1989) e sua fisiologia digestiva (WILSON & DOWNS 2012). ...
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The Atlantic Forest has a 1020 bird´s species, which corresponds to almost 54% of the Brazilian avifauna. Given such diversity, the abundance and richness of bird species can serve as important tools in assessing the level of disturbance of an environment, and may influence decision making for the conservation of a given ecosystem. Within this context, the present thesis was structured with the objective of studying the bird community in two areas of Atlantic Forest located on the south coast of the State of São Paulo. The sites are located in the Island of Cananéia (Mata do Brocuanha) and the Island of Cardoso and encompass the ecosystems of beach, baixio, marine, urban, mangrove, restinga and forest. The proposed objectives include the study of richness, abundance, space-time distribution, migratory events, functional groups, conservation and exploitation of food resources by frugivorous birds. The species inventory was carried out monthly for two days in the Mata do Brocuanha and five days in the Island of Cardoso, totaling 25 samplings. For this, the techniques of visual contact, auditory, and captures with mist-nets were used. In relation to the diet and the study of the food resources, in parallel to the elaboration of the inventories and captures of the individuals, visual records of fruit consumption by birds along the trails and roads traveled and collection of seeds expelled by the birds captured. A total of 346 bird species were identified, being 332 in Cardoso Island and 223 in Mata do Brocuanha. When comparing the community as a whole and the two main shared ecosystems that make up the islands, the species richness presented a similarity of 75% (Sorensen Index), while the mangroves had a similarity of 78% and restingas 79%. Regarding the composition of the community, some medium/large frugivores are absent in the Mata do Brocuanha, such as Penelope spp.; large predators such as Amadonastur lacernulatus and Geranoaetus albicaudatus and typical species of a few altered environments, such as Carpornis melanocephala and Touit melanonotus. Both localities presented a similar number of trophic guilds (25 in Cardoso Island and 24 in Mata do Brocuanha), with the guild of "Insetívoros de estrato médio" being the most abundant, followed by "Onívoros de copa" and "Piscívoros". Frugivory events involved 44 bird species and 35 plant species. Within plants, we highlight Ossaea retropila (Melastomataceae), Schinus terebinthifolia (Anacardiaceae) and Eugenia umbeliflora (Myrtaceae) as the species consumed by the greatest number of bird species. Finally, the richness of species recorded in both islands is highlighted, and in Mata do Brocuanha environmental changes have led to the disappearance or reduction of abundance of large frugivores, which affects the process of regeneration and forest succession in the area. Finally, our results reinforce the importance of the preservation of forest remnants of the coastal region of the State of São Paulo aiming at maintaining the diversity of Atlantic Forest birds.
... Nas florestas tropicais a forma mais frequente de dispersão de sementes é a zoocoria, ou seja, através da fauna (Barcelos et al., 2012). O processo inicia no momento quando o frugívoro retira o diásporo da planta, porém não existem garantias de que a semente será depositada em um local adequado e germinar; e existe pouco conhecimento detalhado a respeito dos mecanismos de dispersão de sementes (Silva, 2008). ...
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Many restoration projects are made in order to increase the permeability of the matrix in fragmented areas. To increase chances of regeneration, it can be make the management with strategic planting fruit species attractive to birds that are seed dispersers. This study aimed to analyze the preference of coloration of fruit by birds making comparisons between fragments of native vegetation and restoration areas with different ages and to characterize the composition and distribution of bird species present in the area. An experiment was conducted in November 2011 in the forest experiments center of SOS Mata Atlântica, Itu (SP), distributing 384 artificial fruit between the colors red, black, blue and green, which were offered in hanging tree branches or shrubs at three different areas, each with two replicas, present in fragments of native vegetation and restoration areas with different ages (approximately three and six years). The check was made after 24 and 48 hours and the results were analyzed by analysis of variance, Factorial Design method, considering p critical as 0.05. Sampling of birds species was made in September 2012 in the same areas where the experiment was performed, using the methodology of fixed points, totaling 20 points marked. 73 of 384 exposed fruits were disregarded, some of them because presented bite marks of mammals. 120 fruits were considered consumed (38.5%) and significant difference in the consumption of fruits of different colors was find (F = 3.06, GL = 3, P = 0.029), being the most consumed red, followed by black, green and blue, supporting the premise that color is an important feature for the choice of fruit by birds. The fruit consumption was also different between the selected areas (F = 28.42, GL = 5, P = 0.0000), with higher consumption in restoration areas than in fragments. It was recorded 85 species of birds. The most representative families were Tyrannidae, Thraupidae, Furnariidae, Emberizidae and Columbidae. Most species are insectivores and omnivores, and species of these guilds are distributed homogeneously among the different environments of the center. Through the results found, it can be suggested some plant species that has red or black fruits, to attract the birds sampled that may represent important vectors of seed dispersal and thus create a more complex environment with a greater chance of recuperation.
... The prevalence of zoochory in forest fragments has been observed by many authors (MORELLATO; LEITÃO-FILHO, 1992;KINOSHITA, 2003;YAMAMOTO et al., 2007;GUSSON et al., 2009;BARCELOS et al., 2012). Howe;Smallwood (1982) noted that a percentage of zoochoric species over 70% is expected for tropical forest but in our sites this did not exceed 51%. ...
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Habitat destruction has caused Brazilian coastal lowland semideciduous forests to suffer severe fragmentation. In the state of Rio de Janeiro, especially in the northern region, these fragments are under severe threat of destruction, while data on their floristic diversity and community structure are still lacking. In this study, six secondary forest fragments (henceforth called sites) of coastal lowland semideciduous forests with areas ranging from 13 to 1200 ha were studied. The objective was to evaluate the structure and diversity of trees of these sites and relate them to the conservation status of this region. Five plots of 20 x 20 m were established in each site, totalling a sample area of 1.4 ha and all trees with DBH ≥ 5cm were sampled. The families with the highest species richness were Fabaceae, Sapotaceae, Myrtaceae and Meliaceae. The most abundant species were: Metrodorea nigra, Pseudopiptadenia contorta and Senefeldera verticillata. The richness, evenness and Shannon diversity values ranged from 59 to 89 species, 0.75 to 0.87 and from 2.59 to 3.79 nats.ind -1 , respectively. Sites showed high floristic similarity. The tree density values varied from 1410 to 1840 ind.ha -1 and were within the levels expected for semideciduous forest; however, the basal area values (19.8 to 28.0 m 2 .ha -1) are those usually observed in disturbed forests. Despite being secondary forests, the sites had high species diversity with occurrence of tree species of recognized conservation value. Urgent action must be taken to manage and conserve these forests, such as: (i) forest corridors establish connecting fragments especially using zoochorous tree species, and (ii) use forest enrichment techniques using species that are absent or presently at low density as a result of intensive exploitation in the past.
Birds consume a wide variety of food items that must be digested and absorbed. In this chapter, I provide detailed information about avian diets and the different avian dietary guilds, including insectivores, frugivores, invertivores, granivores, carnivores, scavengers, nectarivores, herbivores, and omnivores. The anatomy and physiology of the avian digestive system are also discussed in detail, with information about the interspecific variation in the anatomy and functions of each component of the digestive system, including bills, the esophagus, two-part stomach, small and large intestine ceca, cloaca, and accessory organs, including the pancreas and liver. Information about the phenotypic plasticity of the avian digestive system and regulation of food intake is also provided.
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Background: Invasive species are one of the key elements of human-mediated ecosystem degradation and ecosystem services impairment worldwide. Dispersal of propagules is the first stage of plant species spread and strongly influences the dynamics of biological invasion. Therefore, distance prediction for invasive species spread is critical for invasion management. Heracleum sosnowskyi is one of the most dangerous invasive species with wind-dispersed propagules (seeds) across Eastern Europe. This study developed a simple mechanistic model for H. sosnowskyi propagule dispersal and their distances with an accuracy comparable to that of empirical measurements. Methods: We measured and compared the propagule traits (terminal velocity, mass, area, and wing loading) and release height for H. sosnowskyi populations from two geographically distant regions of European Russia. We tested two simple mechanistic models: a ballistic model and a wind gradient model using identical artificial propagules. The artificial propagules were made of colored paper with a mass, area, wing loading, and terminal velocity close to those of natural H. sosnowskyi mericarps. Results: The wind gradient model produced the best results. The first calculations of maximum possible propagule transfer distance by wind using the model and data from weather stations showed that the role of wind as a vector of long-distance dispersal for invasive Heracleum species was strongly underestimated. The published dataset with H. sosnowskyi propagule traits and release heights allows for modeling of the propagules' dispersal distances by wind at any geographical point within their entire invasion range using data from the closest weather stations. The proposed simple model for the prediction of H. sosnowskyi propagule dispersal by wind may be included in planning processes for managing invasion of this species.
Anthocyanins are an important part of the human diet and the most commonly consumed plant secondary metabolites. They are potent antioxidants, and in several recent studies the ingestion of anthocyanins has been linked to positive health benefits for humans. Here, we show that when given a choice between two alternative samples of cabbage to ingest, captive born orangutans (n = 6) voluntarily chose the sample that contained greater amounts of anthocyanin. This occurred when they had to decide between samples of red cabbage ( Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. rubra ) from the same plant (p<0.05), and samples from green cabbage ( Brassica oleracea var. capitata ) (p<0.01). This indicates that anthocyanin holds a reward value for these hominids. There was no difference in L*a*b* colour between ingested and discarded samples in red cabbage, but when the choice was between two green samples, the animals chose samples that were more green and yellow. There was also no difference in the amount of lightness (L*) between chosen and discarded samples of either plant. It is therefore unclear if the animals use leaf colour in decision-making. In addition to other macro nutrients provided by plants, anthocyanin is also chosen by these endangered apes.
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The effect of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning is increasingly well understood, but it has mainly been studied in small-scale experiments of plant-based ecosystem functions. In contrast, the relevance of biodiversity for animal-mediated ecosystem functions like seed dispersal still poses an important gap in ecological knowledge. In particular, it is little understood how avian diversity affects frugivory rates, one of the most important parameters of seed dispersal rates, along large environmental gradients. Even less is known about the environmental context dependence of the frugivore–frugivory relationship. We used artificial fruits to analyze experimentally how the abundance and richness of three avian frugivore guilds (with incrementally more stringent classifications of frugivory) contributed to frugivory rates across 13 different habitat types along an elevational gradient from 870 to 4550 m a.s.l. at Mt Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. We further investigated how environmental context, in terms of local vegetation structure and natural fruit availability, modified the relationship between frugivores and frugivory rates. Our results demonstrate that the positive effect of avian diversity on frugivory rates holds along a large elevational gradient. We found marked differences in frugivory rates among the 13 habitat types, which were strongly related to the abundance and richness of obligate frugivorous birds. Vegetation structure had no significant effect on frugivory rates. An intermediate abundance of natural fruits enhanced frugivory rates, but this effect did not alter the positive frugivore-frugivory relationship. These results emphasize the fundamental importance of obligate frugivore diversity for frugivory rates and suggest that the positive effect of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning holds along large environmental gradients.This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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The Cerrado is still one of the most important ecosystems in Brazil, even though more than 50% of its area has been altered or converted to pastureland and plantations. Despite its intense degradation, few ecological processes that might affect its biodiversity have been evaluated. The goal of this study was to test the edge effect on the predation rates at natural and artificial nests, at the Ecological Station of Águas Emendadas, Federal District, Brazil. Natural nests were found and monitored every three to four days from September to December of 2004 in the interior and at the edge of the reserve. Artificial nests were placed at four distances from the edge (0, 500, 1000 and 2000 m) in three spatial replicates in September and again in December of 2004. Each nest received one Japanese Quail and one plasticine egg and was monitored every five days, for 15 days. There was no difference between the rates of predation either in the natural nests or in the artificial nests between treatments. For one bird species, Elaenia chiriquensis (Lawrence, 1865), Tyrannidae, daily survival rates in the incubation and in the hatchling period had opposite values between the edge and the interior. Marks on plasticine eggs suggest that birds are the main predators. Estimates of the abundance of two potential nest predators, Cyanocorax cristatellus (Temminck, 1823), Corvidae and Canis familiaris (Linnaeus, 1758), Canidae, revealed no relationship with distance to the edge, nor with predation rates. Brood parasitism of natural nests was similar between the interior (0%) and the edge (3.8% of the nests). The results described here do not support the edge effect hypothesis for nest predation rates on either natural or artificial nests, nor for brood parasitism rates.
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Experiments on artificial nests are usually used to test ecological hypothesis and behavioural that affects the predation of natural bird nests. It is has been discussed about the size of the egg, texture and color affecting predation rate, but a few studies evaluate which egg type is more appropriate to simulate nest predation in tropical areas. The objective of this work was to compare the predation of different models of eggs (Coturnix coturnix, plasticine and Serinus canarius) on the ground and understory in a island with high abundance of nest predators. The study was carry out in October 2004 at Anchieta Island, Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brazil. The nests on the ground showed a statistical significance difference in the predation of quail eggs, plasticine and canary eggs. However, we did not find differences between plasticine and canaries eggs. The nests in the understory had a different pattern on the ground of quail eggs (25%) and plasticine (28%) and there was a difference when we compare canary eggs with plasticine and quail eggs. Our work pointed out that different eggs may have different predation rates. Therefore, studies that evaluate reproductive fitness of the bird community based on artificial nests must considered different egg types and strata.
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RESUMO Com status de ameaçada e mais de 8.000 espécies endêmicas, a Mata Atlântica é um dos 25 hotspots mundiais de biodiversidade. Menos de 100.000 km 2 (cerca de 7%) restam dessa flores-ta. Em algumas áreas de endemismo, tudo o que restou foram imensos arquipélagos de frag-mentos minúsculos e muito espaçados. Em adição à perda de habitat, outras ameaças contri-buem para a degradação da floresta, incluindo a retirada de lenha, exploração ilegal de madei-ra, caça, extrativismo vegetal e invasão por espécies exóticas – apesar de existir uma legisla-ção para a proteção dessa floresta. Atualmente mais de 530 plantas e animais que ocorrem no bioma estão oficialmente ameaçados, alguns ao nível do bioma, alguns nacionalmente e ou-tros globalmente. Muitas dessas espécies não são encontradas em áreas protegidas, o que indica a necessidade de se racionalizar e expandir o atual sistema de unidades de conserva-ção. Embora as iniciativas de conservação tenham crescido em número e escala durante as últimas duas décadas, elas são ainda insuficientes para garantir a conservação da biodiversidade da Mata Atlântica. Para se evitar mais desmatamentos e perda massiva de espécies na Mata Atlântica brasileira, o desafio consiste na integração dos diversos instrumentos regulatórios, políticas públicas e novas oportunidades e mecanismos de incentivo para a proteção e restau-ração florestal, além dos vários projetos e programas independentes desenvolvidos pelos go-vernos e organizações não governamentais, em uma única e abrangente estratégia para o estabelecimento de redes de paisagens sustentáveis ao longo da região.
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O pau-rosa (Aniba rosaeodora) vem sendo usado desde o século passado para extração de linalol, produto usado como fixador de perfumes. Por causa do extrativismo houve redução drástica em suas populações naturais. Somando a este fato, esta espécie possui padrão irregular de frutificação e, quando frutifica, os seus frutos são consumidos por animais. Estes aspectos foram estudados utilizando uma população de plantio sob sombra parcial de floresta primária. A produtividade das árvores variou de 40 a 1.600 frutos (n = 21 árvores). No geral, cerca de 42,5% foram removidos por frugívoros (6.770 frutos, n = 10 árvores). Dos frutos não removidos, 0,5% foram predados por vertebrados, 81,5% continham larvas de insetos, variando de 36-96% entre indivíduos. Uma espécie de Coleoptera ataca os frutos em estádio imaturo, enquanto outra (Heilipus sp.) e uma espécie de Lepidoptera atacam os frutos em estádio final de desenvolvimento. Os resultados projetam perda de 59,5% dos frutos (54,5% por insetos) passíveis de coleta. Considerando a importância econômica do pau-rosa faz-se necessário aumentar a disponibilidade de sementes para planos de manejo da espécie. Para se atingir tais objetivos são necessárias algumas medidas: 1) coleta prematura de frutos para maturação em laboratório; 2) utilização de métodos de controle de insetos adultos (em plantios) e larvas (em frutos atacados); e 3) estudos de seleção genética para identificar plantas com maior resistência natural a pragas e doenças.
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Experimentos com ninhos artificiais são utilizados para testar hipóteses ecológicas e comportamentais que influenciam na predação de ninhos naturais. O tamanho do ovo, a textura da casca e a cor podem influenciar na taxa de predação, porém poucos estudos avaliam qual modelo de ovo é o mais adequado para simular a predação de ninhos em áreas tropicais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar a predação de diferentes modelos de ovos (ovos de codorna, massa de modelar e canários) no solo e a 1,30 m de altura no sub-bosque. O experimento foi realizado Ilha Anchieta, Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brasil. Foi encontrada uma diferença significativa na taxa de predação entre os ovos de codorna (71,87%) e sintéticos (93,75%) e entre os ovos de codorna e de canário (100%) no solo. Entretanto, não houve diferença significativa entre os ovos sintéticos e de canário. Os ninhos no sub-bosque apresentaram um padrão diferenciado do solo quando se refere aos ovos de codorna (25%) e sintéticos (28,1%), mas houve diferenças significativas quando os ovos de canário foram comparados com os ovos sintéticos e de codorna. Nosso trabalho demonstrou que diferentes tipos de ovos sobre uma mesma pressão de mesopredadores apresentaram taxas de predação diferentes. Portanto, estudos que avaliam o sucesso reprodutivo da avifauna baseado na predação de ninhos artificiais devem considerar a utilização de diferentes tipos de ovos e estratos na vegetação.
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Examines the colors of fruit displays of 383 bird-dispersed plant species in 2 diverse tropical forests in Costa Rica and Peru. Most ripe bird fruits are black, with red the 2nd commonest color. The proportion of plant species bearing either black or red fruits is remarkably similar in Costa Rica, Peru, Europe and Florida (62-66%) . Certain color combinations in fruit displays, formed by ripe fruits plus contrasting unripe fruits or accessory structures (bracts, peduncles persistent calyces), are especially common. The colors black and red, for example, co-occur in c18% of all fruit displays in both Peru and Costa Rica, including species from 26 plant families. Some ripe-fruit colors (black, brown, blue, green) tend to be associated with unripe fruits or accessory structures of contrasting color; other colors (red, orange, white, yellow) tend to occur alone. A model of fruit color suggests that there is a cost of bearing conspicuous color patterns, either in attracting inappropriate consumers to the fruit or in manufacturing pigments or associated structures. Plants should be selected for increased conspicuousness of fruit display if the benefits of attracting more dispersers outweigh the costs of incidentally attracting lower-quality dispersers or of being limited in the number of fruits that can be produced. Plant species especially likely to benefit by attracting many dispersers include colonists of patchy habitats, plants with generalized seed and seedling requirements, and plants whose fruits are unlikely to be discovered or eaten because they are nutritionally poor, they occur in small crop sizes, or they grow under poor visibility conditions or at times when dispersers are scarce. -from Authors
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We investigated the effects of variation in seed density on small-rodent predation of Araucaria angustifolia seeds. Seed removal experiments were conducted simultaneously in two contrasting stands (seed-poor - planted with the slash pine Pinus elliottii and seed-rich - planted with A. angustifolia) outside the seed production period and also during the seed production period. Predator abundance (evaluated through live-trapping) did not vary significantly between stands. Tracking of thread-marked seeds indicated that rodents frequently move seeds away from the source point and that seed-carrying distance (range 3.91-8.30 m) is not significantly related to area or season. Seed removal rates were high in both areas outside the seed production period but during seed-producing months they were significantly lower in the seed-rich area, supporting the predator-satiation hypothesis. The A. angustifolia strategy of synchronous production of large seed crops but with high between-year variation is potentially successful at limiting the impacts of rodent predators.
Although the mutualism between frugivorous animals and the fruiting plants whose seeds they disperse has been noted for over a century, it remains unclear whether animal selection has had any part in the evolution of fruit characteristics. We conducted field experiments using the color-dimorphic fruits of salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis) to determine whether free-ranging birds choose fruits on the basis of color, and if so, whether these patterns indicated the potential for birds to exert evolutionarily significant selective pressure on this fruit trait. Birds consistently selected red over orange fruits in experimental displays in the field despite wide geographic variation in fruit-color frequencies, fruit-crop densities, and numbers and species composition of avian frugivores in Oregon and Alaska. This is the first field study demonstrating significant and consistent fruit-trait selection by birds at a scale relevant to coevolutionary processes. These results indicate that forces other than animal selective pressure are also shaping the occurrence of fruit color traits in bird-dispersed fruiting plants.
We investigated effects of fruit colour (red, black or white), habitat (anthropogenic edges and forest interior) and fragment size on the removal of artificial fruits in semideciduous forests in south-east Brazil. Eight forest fragments ranging from 251 to 36,000 ha were used. We used artificial fruits, which were placed on shrubs between 1 and 2 m in height and checked after 48 and 96 h for peck marks in the fruits. All three variables affected the probability of consumption of our fruit models. Red and black fruits were statistically more pecked than the white fruits. The probability of fruit consumption was lower in the interior than at the edge and less in small than in large fragments. However, the decrease fruit consumption in small compared with large fragments was more accentuated for red and black fruits than for white fruits. Our results show that habitat reduction and edges affect the chances of a fruit being eaten by birds, which may ultimately affect plant fitness in forest fragments.