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Typhoons in the Philippine Islands, 1566-1900


Abstract and Figures

Within the last years the population and the value of the properties in Tropical Cyclone (TC) prone areas have increased dramatically. This has caused more attention to be placed on the characterization of TC climatologies and the identification of the role that factors, such as the main teleconnection patterns, may play in TC variability. Due to the involved timescales, the instrumental records have demonstrated too short to provide a complete picture. Thus, documentary and other paleoclimatological techniques have been used to reconstruct TC occurrence. This has been mostly made in the Atlantic Basin, while in the Pacific basin less attempts have been made. The aim of this paper is to provide a high -resolution chronology of typhoons and intense storms occurring in the Philippines Islands and their vicinity for the period 1566-1900.
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Typhoons in the Philippine Islands, 1566-1900
Ricardo García-Herrera*, Pedro Ribera +, Emiliano Hernández * and Luis
Gimeno **
* Dto Física de la Tierra II, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas, Universidad
Complutense de Madrid, Ciudad Universitaria, 28040 Madrid, Spain.
+ Dto de Ciencias Ambientales, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Carretera de
Utrera, km 1, 41013 Sevilla, Spain.
** Dto de Física, Universidad de Vigo. Facultad de Ciencias de Ourense. As
Lagoas s/n. 32004. Ourense. Spain
Within the last years the population and the value of the properties in Tropical
Cyclone (TC) prone areas have increased dramatically. This has caused more
attention to be placed on the characterization of TC climatologies and the
identification of the role that factors, such as the main teleconnection patterns,
may play in TC variability. Due to the involved timescales, the instrumental
records have demonstrated too short to provide a complete picture. Thus,
documentary and other paleoclimatological techniques have been used to
reconstruct TC occurrence. This has been mostly made in the Atlantic Basin,
while in the Pacific basin less attempts have been made. The aim of this paper
is to provide a high-resolution chronology of typhoons and intense storms
occurring in the Philippines Islands and their vicinity for the period 1566-1900.
The original work was made by the Spanish Jesuit, Miguel Selga, at the
beginning of the 20
century. The sources, reliability and completeness of the
chronology are examined critically. A total of 652 events are included, of them
533 are reported as typhoons, the rest being considered as tropical storms. For
each of them the landfalling location and the track (when sufficient information
is available) have been drawn. This chronology should be considered as an
indispensable step towards the determination of a final and complete typhoon
record over the Western Pacific Basin.
In recent years, social interest in tropical cyclones has grown steadily. This has
been due to a number of factors, above all being changes occurred in the
tropical cyclones (TC) prone areas. Greater urbanization has lead to increasing
and older populations and, dramatically increasing value of properties (Díaz and
Pulwarty, 1997), specially concentrated in the Mexican Gulf and Western Pacific
This social awareness has been accomplished by an increase in the scientific
interest, due to the evidences that big scale oscillations, such as El Niño-
Southern Oscillation (ENSO; Diaz and Markgraff, 2000), QuasiBiennial
Oscillation (QBO; Baldwin et al., 2001), North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO; Hurrell,
1995), or the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO; Madden and Julian, 1994) may
play a fundamental role in TC occurrence. However, ENSO impact is not
uniform in the different tropical basins; a warm ENSO episode can lead to
increased frequency, as in the South Pacific and in the North Pacific between
140ºW and 160ºE, while in the North Atlantic, the Australian region and the
Northwest Pacific west of 160ºE, it is associated to lower frequencies (Landsea,
2000). An east phase QBO seems to reduce the activity in the Atlantic basin,
but the mechanism is not completely clear (Gray 1984). The NAO does not
seem to impact the frequency, but the trajectories of the Atlantic hurricanes
(Elsner et al, 2000). The role of the MJO seems to be relevant in the Pacific
basin, with an active MJO phase associated to more frequent TC (Sobel and
Maloney, 2000). Additionally, tropical cyclones exhibit great variability, with
significant millennial, multidecadal and interannual scales (Liu and Fern 2000a,
Landsea 1996, Elsner and Bossak, 2001).
Since there is a relatively short record of hurricane incidence when compared
with the involved timescales, a growing interest in reconstructing the behavior of
storms and hurricanes for pre-instrumental and even prehistorical times has
risen in the recent years, up to the point that a new discipline, called
paleotempestology is growing.
Previous works have tried to reconstruct hurricanes in the past., mostly
from documentary sources. In the Atlantic Basin the first records come from the
earliest years of the Spanish Colonies. There seems to be little doubt that
Christopher Columbus experienced at least two hurricanes, one in 1495 and the
other in 1502 (Millás 1968). The Spanish were quickly aware of the impact of
hurricanes in the Caribbean area and promptly adopted the term huracán from
the Carib language to describe the phenomenon. In the sixteenth century for
example Fernandez de Oviedo wrote: ‘Huracán, in the language of this island,
is precisely defined as a very excessive storm or tempest but being in reality
nothing more than a very great wind with heavy and intense rainfall. (AGI Indif.
Gral. 108 -BIB. L.A. Siglo XVI 7-
). Since then countless documents have
been produced containing information on hurricanes in the Atlantic Basin. The
studies by Poey (1862), Tannehill (1940), Ludlum (1963), Dunn and Miller
(1964), Millás (1968), Salivia (1950), Neumann et al (1993), Rappaport and
Fernández-Partagás (1997) and Fernández-Partagás and Díaz (1996) provide
a comprehensive view of the information that can be obtained from such
In the other basins less work has been done. However, Chinese
documentary sources can provide the longest historical records of tropical
cyclones, as has been recently shown by Chan and Shi (2000) and Liu et al
(2001). Using these sources, they have been able to elaborate a 1000 years
high resolution typhoon chronology for the province of Guandong. German
historical records have also been used to reconstruct topical cyclones in the
Marshall Islands, (Spennemann and Marschner, 1994), but they only trace back
until 1840.
Other techniques have also been applied to reconstruct tropical cyclones,
such as the use of sedimentary records (Liu and Fearn, 1993, 2000b; Donnelly
2001) or dendrochronology (Doyle and Gorham, 1996). These may have
coarser resolution than the historical sources, but may provide records as far
back as 5000y B.P.
This paper analyses the typhoon chronology of the Philippines
elaborated in 1935 by the Spanish Jesuit Miguel Selga (1935). The next section
AGI Indif. Gral. 108 -BIB. L.A. Siglo XVI stands for a manuscript kept at the Archivo
provides a brief account of Selga and the Jesuits meteorological activities in the
Philippines. Then, the chronology is described; the sources are discussed in
section 4, the paper ends with the discussion.
Miguel Selga
Miguel Selga (1879-1956) was a Spanish Jesuit who had studied astronomy at
Harvard University and became the last Spanish director of the Manila
Observatory during the period 1926-1946 (Udías, 2003). The Jesuits had
settled in the Philippines during the last decades of the 16
century and played
a very active role as missionaries. This was accompanied by a high interest in
the natural history of the islands. The intense tropical storms soon attracted
their interest due to the damages that impacted their lives and properties. Thus,
as early as in 1668, the Jesuit Fr. F. I. Alzina wrote, after more than 30 years of
experience in the Islands, the Natural History of the Visayas Islands (AMN
. There he provides a vivid description of more than 6 pages of
baguíos (the native word for typhoons). ‘..The indians of this area call Baguio to
this type of hurricane, which in other part and in the East Indies are called
typhoons. And all this means a very strong tempest. There use to be in these
islands so numerous and so strong that neither Virgilio in his Eneid, nor Ovidius
in his Ponto, nor any other poet that I have read reaches by one thousand miles
to describe their rigors or their strength. We see them very often and we suffer
General de Indias (AGI) with signature Indif. Gral. 108 -BIB. L.A. Siglo XVI.
AMN Ms478 stands for a manuscript kept at the Archivo del Muso Naval (Madrid) with
signature Ms478
so much, that even after experiencing them it seem impossible to believe. To
say it briefly, when one of those baguíos runs (usually one of two every year),
neither the trees are safe in the center of the mountains, nor the animals in the
caves, nor the men in their houses, nor the beasts in their middens, nor even
the worms in their dens...’. The complete text provides a detailed description not
only of the impacts of the storms, but also of the type of associated winds.
This interest in meteorology, and the absence of other scientific institutions,
made the Jesuits the pioneer meteorologists in the Philippines and other places
of the Far East and Latin America (Udías, 1996). This work continued until
1773, when the Company was suppressed, but was resumed in 1814 when it
was restored. In fact the Jesuits founded the Manila observatory in 1865 and by
1900 they had developed a network of 72 secondary meteorological stations
which grew continuously until World War II, when the Manila observatory was
destroyed. In 1946, when the Philippine Weather Bureau was established the
Jesuit observatory ceased its meteorological activity (Udías, 2003). The
location of different Jesuit observatories in tropical area (Manila, Havana,
Shanghai, mostly) made that different members of the Company such as B.
Viñes, J. Algué and C.E. Deppermann produced some of the first and more
interesting studies on tropical storms (Udias, 1996). The chronology presented
in this paper is part of this tradition of rigorous scientific work made by the
The chronology
The typhoons chronology elaborated by Selga was originally published in 1935
by the Philippine Weather Bureau, with the title Catalogue of typhoons 1348-
1934 as an addenda of the Charts of Remarkable typhoons in the Philippines
1902-1934. It has not been fully analyzed up to now (Bankoff, 2003). This
paper analyses its part C, described by the author as ‘.. an abridged
enumeration of the storms and typhoons as described by old chroniclers or
described by contemporary documents’. It really covers the period 1566-1900,
because there is only one reference to a typhoon prior to this date. The
information of this early typhoon, dated in 1348 comes from the diary of the
classical Arab traveler, Ibn Batuta, and it can be considered anecdotal. The
catalogue is structured monthly, providing for every month a list of typhoons,
ordered chronologically and with a report, which usually includes the dates of
occurrence and the landfalling point or the affected area. In some occasions the
source where the information was obtained is also given. A total of 652 events
are included, of them 533 are reported as typhoons. For the rest the term storm
or depression is mostly used. In 606 cases (93% of the total), the identification
includes complete dating (day, month and year), in the rest month and year are
provided. Thus, it is a high resolution chronology. As a previous step, a
database with the complete chronology has been built. It contains for every
reported typhoon/storm information on date and landfalling location. The textual
complete description is also included. It can be freely obtained at
The nature of these reports varies considerably, depending on the date and the
amount of available information. Thus, very succinct reports can be found, as
that corresponding to the typhoon on November 1-3, 1893: A typhoon
appeared to the SE of Manila and partially filled up, entering the Archipelago,
continuing westward as a depression’. On the other hand there are very vivid
and detailed reports, such as that from November 1, 1742: ‘In a manuscript
dated 1743 and written in Manila, we read the following account: "On All Saints'
Day of the last year, 1742, we experienced such a storm, as never before had
been seen in Manila. It caused the greatest destruction to the churches and
houses of the Society of Jesus. In our church, some arches were damaged. The
big window of the choir with its frame was forced in; the rain rushed in and the
church was so full of water, that mass could not be said on some of the altars
the next day. The corridors of many houses were destroyed, and in a word,
there is scarcely a roof in Manila that is not damaged’. The analysis of these
reports allows to infer the intensity of the event only in these very detailed
reports, but not in a general way. So, in many cases one needs to trust Selga
judgment. In some cases, the report is accompanied by instrumental
Table 1 shows all the cases when instrumental observations are provided. It
can be seen that the pressure readings vary between 749.3 mm Hg (on board
of the Scales by Castle on Sept 1809) and 631.7 mm Hg (in Koshun, Formosa
on June 1898). Figure 1 shows their distribution according to the Saffir-Simpson
Scale. Its interpretation must be cautious; firstly, because this scale is of limited
use in the Western Pacific basin (Simpson and Riehl,1981), and secondly,
because the reported values do not correspond to the minimum associated to
every particular TC, but to the available measurements in each case. However,
it can be seen that all are contained in the range of tropical storms and
hurricanes and can help in the process of assessing the intensity of every
particular TC.
Of the total 533 typhoons included in this chronology, the distribution is as
follows: 4 correspond to the 16
century, 23 to the 17
, 35 to the 18
, 40 to the
first half of the 19
and 431 to the second half of the 19
. Figure 2 shows the
annual frequency of the typhoons and typhoons+storms for the periods 1566-
1715 (fig 2a), 1716-1865 (Fig 2b) and 1866-1900 (2c). Superimposed is the
average annual frequency of typhoons and tropical storms landfalling in the
Philippines (continuous line). This value has been computed for the 1945-2000
period from the UNISYS hurricanes database
( The annual frequency of
typhoons and storms shows a small range of variability until 1865, with an
average frequency of 0.38 (0.44 for T+S; 0.31 for Philippines landfallings), as
compared with an average of 4.68 for the instrumental period. Since the 1860s,
the figure shows a dramatic increase. This value is higher than the landfalling
average, but lower than the total for the Western Pacific (28.07). Thus, for the
period prior to 1865, the chronology seems to underestimate the real frequency
of landfalling typhoons in the Islands.
The main explanation for this change seems to be the formal establishment of
the Manila Observatory in 1865. This produced an increase and standardization
of the observations, the development of a network of secondary observations
covering most of the Philippines territory and the interchange of information with
other observatories of the area such as Zikawei (near Shanghai and also run by
the Jesuits), Hong Kong, or Japan. This can be corroborated in the chronology,
as an increase during this period of the references to locations out of the
Philippines (see figure 5). Some examples help to demonstrate it: thus the
typhoon on October 12-17 1889, which is referred as : ‘A typhoon appeared in
the China Sea NW of Luzon, moved to WNW and entered the continent NE of
Hong Kong’. Similarly, for September, 9-16, 1891, it is quoted as: ‘Appearing
NE of Luzon, the typhoon, moving in a WNW direction, approached S Formosa
and recurved to the NE; then it followed the coast of Japan bordering the Japan
Sea and finally crossed Hokkaido to the ENE’.
Table 1 also illustrates the effective working of the meteorological network in the
Philippines and interchange with other observatories. Thus, of a total of 82
pressure readings, 7 come from Manila, 23 from the rest of the Islands, 29 from
other locations outside the Islands, and, remarkably, 21 from different ships
while traveling in the area.
Thus, during the 1865-1900 period, the record should be considered as
indicative of the total typhoon incidence in the W-P basin. In fact, if the
Philippine landfalling typhoons are extracted from the chronology, the average
value is 5.44, which is comparable to the instrumental period.
To evaluate the predominant time scales involved in these series, a wavelet
analysis has been performed according to the methodology described by
Torrence and Combo (1998). Only the landfalling instrumental series (fig 3a)
and the series corresponding to the period 1566-1864 (figure 3b) show
significant values. In the first case the significant periodicities are in the 3, 8 and
10-12 years bands, while in the second, the 8-12 and 16 years are the most
significant. In both cases, it can be seen that they are limited to certain periods
(1965-1975) during the modern records and 1620-1640 and 1740-1770 for the
historical record), with most of the series free of any significant periodicity.
The monthly distribution has also been computed for the three series. Figure 4
shows the relative frequencies for the 1566-1864 Selga (S1), 1865-1901 (S2),
the Unisys Philippine landfalling 1945-2000 (UP). In order to permit a direct
comparison among the three distributions, they have been normalized by
dividing the number of typhoons in a given month by the total number of
typhoons during the whole period. It can be seen that all of them show a
minimum incidence in February, however, they peak at different months:
September and October (S1), September (S2) and August (UP). The
approximate trajectories of the typhoons for different subperiods in the different
months is shown in figure 5. February is the month with less typhoons, while
August, September and October are characterized by the highest typhoon
occurrence. It is also evident the expansion of the observatories reporting
typhoons to Manila since 1865, and specially from the mid 1880s. A chi-square
test shows that the monthly relative frequency distribution does doe not differ in
any of the three series (S1, S2, UP) at p<0.01.
Sources of the chronology
It is interesting to analyze the sources used by Selga when constructing his
Chronology. Unfortunately, he does not cite his sources in an identifiable way,
rather, he quotes: (p. 3) ‘Part C gives an abridged enumeration of the storms
and typhoons as described by old chroniclers or reported in contemporary
documents. Although the catalogue of historical typhoons represents many
hours of painstaking search in libraries and reading of books in various
languages, no claim is made that the catalogue is complete or altogether free
from inaccuracies; additions and corrections will be welcome’.
However, in 90 records a source is explicitly cited. They have been included in
table 2. It can be seen that in 59 cases a primary sources is cited, while in the
rest a secondary one has been used. When the nature of the documents is
considered, it can be seen that 32 of them are related with ship incidences,
mostly letters of the Governors referred to the Manila Galleon, the main
connection of the Philippines with Mexico, and which had an enormous
importance for the life of the colony (Schutz, 1939). Another 20 references
come from church documents, mostly Jesuits letters. The rest is a
miscellaneous of administrative documents.
Of the secondary sources, the most used are the Piddington maps and the
History of the Philippines by Rev. Father Pedro Murillo. The Piddington maps
are included in a classic book titled The sailors handbook for the law of storms
and written by Henry Piddington (1876). He was the first to use the term
"cyclone" to refer to the tropical weather phenomenon we now call hurricanes or
typhoons. He was the president of the Marine Courts at Calcutta in the mid-19th
century. The History of Philippines (Murillo, 1749) was written by a Jesuits and
provides a comprehensive account of the Jesuits activities in the Archipelago
during the period 1616-1716.
It is interesting to note that only in 3 cases the documentary evidences
correspond to the period after 1850, which reinforces the idea that during the
last period, the data come mostly from direct observations, either in the
Philippines or in the vicinities. The descriptions become more systematic and
start to include instrumental values, mostly barometer readings.
The assessment of the accuracy of the reports is not easy to make. However,
we have some proof that it was made with special care. In a previous work
(García et al 2001), original records of the Manila Galleon kept in Spanish
archives were used to infer changes in the circulation on the Pacific during the
and 18
centuries. The references to the Galleon included in this
chronology have been checked against the documents used in García et al
2001. It has been found that 8 of them (marked with * in the table) were
referenced correctly, 2 (marked with ** in the table) had not been found in the
previous work and one (marked with *** in the table) showed a dating problem
in Selga. He dates this typhoon as occurring in 1603, while the documents kept
in the Archivo de Indias in Spain (refs AGI Mex 25, N62) show that it really
happened in 1602. So, the references seem reasonably accurate.
The British sources have also been checked. Thus, we have examined the
original reports of the Cygnet, Antelope and Centurion, cited in table 2. All of
them use the term storm which was only used for very severe wind conditions.
The Centurion report also includes the term hard gales, which can be
assimilated to Beaufort Force 10. In the case of the Cygnet, they describe the
ship sailing under bare poles (with no sails at all), which was only done at
Beaufort force 10 or higher. Thus, all the three reports are compatible with
typhoon strength winds.
Since 1850 the reliability seems to increase, since they are based on direct
observations from the main observatory, the secondary Philippine network and
the connected observatories, as has been pointed out when referring the
previous table. Additional references can also be traced in the Spanish
Archives. Thus, the typhoon which occurred in January 17-26
1895, and
according to Selga destroyed the island of Yap, is described in a document of
almost 400 pages in the Archivo Central de la Marina (ACM 3618, 79) in the
Judicial Causes section. This document includes all the administrative actions
and procedures taken by the Spanish military courts in affairs related to the
damages produced by this typhoon.
Selga Chronology is an invaluable starting point to obtain a complete typhoon
chronology in the Pacific. It provides high resolution and reliable information on
a total of 652 typhoons and tropical storms in the Western Pacific area. It can
not be considered a complete chronology for the whole period, but the results of
this paper suggest that since 1865, it provides a rather complete picture of the
landfalling occurrences in the Philippines.
The results for the previous sections suggest that, though incomplete, the
series provides accurate information and exhibit similar variability to present day
climatology, as evidenced in the wavelet analysis and the monthly distribution.
The series shows two main periods with no records of typhoons: 1568-1589
and 1659-1686. There is not enough information to properly evaluate if they
correspond to a period of low typhoons incidence, or if they just reflect the lack
of appropriate records. However, the second interval partly coincides with a
period of anomaly in the location of the Pacific monsoon trough (García et al
2001), being displaced southward of its climatological location. Previous studies
(Harr and Elsberry 1995) suggest that weak monsoon trough conditions are
associated with decreased tropical cyclone activity in the Western North Pacific
basin. Thus, the detected anomaly in this interval should be compatible with a
lower than average TC frequency. However, this is a mere suggestion, since
the series cannot be considered as complete.
The second part of the series (1865) shows values well above the present-day
climatological mean, as can be seen in figure 2c. So, we think that it should be
considered as an ‘exhaustive’ catalogue of intense storms, rather than
typhoons. It also contains a significant number of typhoons affecting the whole
Western Pacific Basin.
The obtention of a complete chronology in the Western pacific should require a
multidisciplinary approach, combining different techniques. For the historical
period an intensive search of the available documentary sources should be
required. Previous works have identified archives with relevant sources, as is
the case for the Chinese coast (Liu et al., 2001). In Spain a number of them
have been identified, apart for the local archives in the Philippines, a number of
Spanish Archives contain abundant information on the Spanish Colonial
Administration in the Islands. The most relevant are: Archivo General de Indias,
Archivo del Museo Naval, Archivo Central de la Marina, and Archivo Histórico
Nacional. The combined use of these and additional sources will allow to
continue the pioneering work made by Selga.
Acknowledgements: This paper was partially supported by the Risk Prediction
Initiative, under grant RPI02-2-009. The authors wish thank F. Koek for
providing a copy of the original Selga paper. A. Udías discussed enthusiastically
part of the manuscript and provided material to understand the Jesuits role in
the meteorological observations in the Philippines. D. Wheeler and C.
Wilkinson, provided records of the English logbooks. Two anonymous reviewers
provided useful suggestions that improved the original manuscript.
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Rappaport, E.N. and Fernández-Partagas, J. 1997. History of the Deadliest
Atlantic Tropical Cyclones since the Discovery of the New World in
Hurricanes: In H.F. Díaz and R.S. Pulwarty eds. Climate and
Socioeconomic Impacts. Berlin: Springer.
Salivia L.A. (1950) Historia de los temporales de Puerto Rico (1508-1949). S.
Juan, pp. 146
Selga M. 1935. Charts of Remarkable Typhoons in the Philippines 1902-1934.
Catalogue of Typhoons 1348-1934. Manila Weather Bureau. Manila, 55
Simpson, R.H. and H. Riehl (1981): The Hurricane and Its Impact.
Louisiana State Univ. Press, Baton Rouge
398 pp.
Schutz, W.L. 1939. The Manila Galleon. E.P. Dutton & Company, New York,
453 pp.
Sobel A. H., and E.D. Maloney. 2000. Effect of ENSO and the MJO on Western
North Pacific Topical Cyclones. Geophysical Research Letters, 27, 1739-
Spennemann D.H.R. and I.C. Marschner. 1994. Stormy years: on the
association between the El Niño/Southern Oscillation phenomenon and the
occurrence of typhoons in the Marshall Islands. Report to the Federal
Emergency Management Agency. Region IX, San Francisco- Albury, NSW.:
The Jonstone Centre of Parks, Recreation and Heritage, Charles Sturt
Tannehill, I.R. 1940. Hurricanes: Their Nature and History. Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press.
Torrence C. and Compo, G.P. 1998. A practical guide to wavelet analysis. Bull.
Amer. Meteor. Soc., 79(1), 62-78.
Udías A. 1996. Jesuits’ Contribution to Meteorology. Bull. Am. Met. Soc., 77,
Udías A., 2003. Searching the Heavens and the Earth. The History of Jesuit
Observatories. Astrophysics and Space library. Kluwert Academic
Publishers (In press)
Figure captions.
Figure 1: Distribution of the typhoons intensity according to the Saffir-Simpson
Scale for those typhoons with instrumental measurements available.
Figure 2: The annual frequency of the typhoons for the periods 1566-1715 (A),
1716-1865 (B) and 1866-1900 (C). Superimposed the average annual
frequency of typhoons landfalling in the Philippines during the instrumental
period (dotted line).
Figure 3: Wavelet power spectra (Morlet wavelet with a characteristic frequency
of 6) of the typhoons landfallings in the Philippines for (a) 1945-2001 and (b)
1564-1864. Ordinates indicate the Fourier period (years). Bottom axis is time
(years). Shaded contours are at normalized variances of 0.5,1,2,5 and 10.
The black contour encloses regions of greater than 90% confidence level for
a white-noise process. Cross-hatched areas are contaminated by 0-padding
of the time series at its extremes (reduced variance) and should be
cautiously interpreted.
Figure 4: Normalized monthly typhoons landfalling in the Philippines for 1564-
1864, 1865-1900 and 1945-2000 (unisys).
Figure 5: Typhoons trajectories for 1564-1864 (a), 1865-1882 (b) and 1883-
1900 (c).
Table captions:
Table 1: Instrumental observations of the Selga Chronology (year, month,
pressure and location).
Table 2: Reported sources of the Selga chronology (day, month, year and
YEAR MONTH Pressure (mm
1797 June 736.0 Macao?
1804 Oct 1 680 Russian corvettes
Nadicjada and Neva
1809 Sept 749.30 Logbook of Scalesby Castle
1810 Sept 741.68 on board of Winchelsea
1812 Sept 740.41 On board of Werford
1838 Dec 18-19 740 Camarines or Albay
1848 Dec 13-14 748.79 Manila
1858 Aug 18-19 744.5 On board of Novara
1862 June 726.44 Macao
1865 Nov 7-12 742.64 Manila
1865 Dec 15-17 747.32 Manila
1866 April 745.62 Manila
1867 Sept 20-26 737.30 Manila
1868 Nov 20-24 747.47
1870 Nov 3 714.00
1871 June 746 Naga
1871 Sept 29 711 Naga
1873 Sept 27 740.41 Marianas
1873 Oct 28 716 Masbate
1874 Sept 3-4 730.9 Port of Vigan
1874 Sept 21-22 724 Port of Vigan
1874 Sept 28 739 Sto.Domingo Basco
1875 Oct 24-31 744.21 Brig Progreso
Manila Bay
1879 Nov 19-21 713.00 E.Mindoro
1880 Oct 18-22 727.60 Manila Bay
1881 May 741 Steamship Elguin
1881 Aug 9-14 723.0 On board steamer Friederic
1881 Aug 19-20 742.0
1881 Aug 24-28 747 Zikawei
1881 Sept 5-8 736.59 Tainanfu
1881 Sept 27 - Oct 6 717.50 Steamer Fleurscastle
1881 Oct 10-14 718.9 Steamship Oaklands, near
1882 Sept 27 - Oct 6 728.0 Steamer Tanais
1882 Oct 18-22 See 1880
1882 Oct 23-27 726.43 Bark Caridad
1883 April 732.10 Taganaan
1883 Oct 28-31 747.8 Manila
1885 July 723.6 Steamship
1885 Aug 18-26 724.5 Ocksan
1886 Sept 5-9 716.0 Steamer Killarnay at
1886 Oct 14-18 731.51 Steamship Proponti
1887 May 721.00 Brig Alic Bowe
1887 July 728.8 Nagasaki
1887 Sept 5-9 720 Sea at 20.5ºN and 119ºE
1890 Sept 28 - Oct 3 738.05 Region of Albay
1890 Nov 7-13 742.85
Streamship Mount Hebron
1891 Sept 19-25 745.8 Aparri
1891 Oct 27-28 736.0 Guam
1893 Sept 10-12 746.5
South Cape, Formosa
1893 Sept 28 Oct 3 705.0 Cabragan Viejo and others
1894 Aug 1-12 728.2
Hamamatsu Japon?
1894 Sept 15-18 736.8 S.Isidro
1894 Sept 16-25 742.4 Macao
1894 Sept 30 Oct 6 740.2 S.Fdo Union
1894 Nov 8-11 730.3 Aparri
1895 January 729.4 Yap
1895 July 713.0 Nagasaki
1895 Aug 28-Sep 9 717.7 Sep 7
1895 Sept 13-19 731.0 Takow, Formosa
1895 Oct28 Nov 2 733.3 Tuguegarao
1895 Nov 18-22 730.6 Guam
1896 July 733.0 Hongkong
1896 Sept 28 Oct 7 726.4 Steamer Strathllam 23ºN
and 112ºE
1896 Oct 19-20 742.65 Aparri
1897 Sept 9-18 729.5 Haichow?
1897 Oct 7-16 710.00 Guiam, Samar
1898 28May- 5 june 722.9
Laoang (N Samar)
Koshun (Formosa)
1898 July 742 Hainan
1898 Aug 13-16 725.6 Kagoshima
1898 Oct 1-3 723.7 Transport Siam, near NE
1899 July 2-10 727.9
1899 July 15-26 735.8
1899 July 31-Aug 6 725.1 Taichu Formosa
1899 Aug 15-22 715.9 Koshum
1899 Oct 3-8 721.4
Steamship Columbia
Steamship Ketat
Table 2
1 May 1601
Report of the galleon Santo Tomás *
24 May 1621
Report of the frigate Buen Jesús
29 May 1654
Report of the Galleon *
May 1709
Jesuit report?
19 May 1753
Report of the galleon Nª Sª de Guadalupe or Mexicana **
11 July 1603
Letter of the Governor on the Galleon ***
15 July 1659
Jesuit report
3 July 1686
Report of the English pirate William Dampier
3 July 1694
History of the Philippines by Rev. Father Pedro Murillo
10 July 1704
History of the Philippines by Rev. Father Pedro Murillo
July 1717
Jesuit report
23 July 1726
Report of the Galleon *
July 1780
Piddington map and letter of Mr. Webb, captain of an
English ship
July 1835
Piddington map
July 1841
Piddington map
1 July 1846
Jesuit report
July 1852
Jesuit report
15 Augus
Report from the fleet of Felipe Salcedo
21 Augus
Report of the Galleon *
20 Augus
Report of unknown ship towards Japan
2 Augus
Report of the Galleon S. Nicolás *
Governor report on the Galleon *
5 Augus
Report of the Galleon **
23 Augus
Report from a Portuguese ship
22 Augus
Report Jesuit letter
10 Augus
Report of the packet Antelope of the East India Company
Report of the Recolect Fathers
Piddington map
11 Augus
Report of the French ship La Bayonnaise
18 Augus
Report of the Austrian frigate Novara
18 Sept. 1596
Letter of Gov. Tello on the loss of the Galleon S. Felipe
20 Sept. 1638
Loss of the Galeon Nª Sª de la Concepción, referred in the
Sucesos en Filipinas *
26 Sept. 1687
Report of the English pirate Dampier on board of the
Cygnet of London
Sept. 1707
History of the Philippines by Rev. Father Pedro Murillo
23 Sept. 1742
Report of Lord Anson’s Centurion
30 Sept. 1762
Report of Admiral Cornish on board of SouthSea Castle
27 Sept. 1779
Sesion de Definitorio de la Corporación Recoletana
15 Sept. 1802
Shipwreck of the Nautilus of Calcuta
Sept. 1803
Piddington map
Sept. 1809
Piddington map
Sept. 1810
Piddington map
Sept. 1812
Piddington map
Sept. 1819
Piddington map
Sept. 1820
Piddington map
Sept. 1826
Historical records of Lumban?
Sept. 1830
Chronicles of the time?
Sept. 1839
Historical records of Lumban?
Sept. 1842
Parochial archives of Las Piñas, Rizal province
1 Sept. 1848
Report of Vice-Admiral Julien de la Gabiere on board of
23 Sept. 1855
Report of educated person who had lived for many years
on the Marianas, published on 1870?
Oct. 1566
Logbook of S. Jerónimo
3 Oct. 1596
Report of the Galleon S. Felipe
4 Oct. 1598
Letter of Fr. Diego Abuarte O.P. on a private expedition to
27 Oct. 1599
Report of historian Fr. Chirino S.J.
5 Oct. 1649
Shipwreck of the Galleon Nª Sª de la Encarnación *
18 Oct. 1711
History of the Philippines by Rev. Father Pedro Murillo
23 Oct. 1766
French translation made by the astronomer Le Gentil of a
letter of the governor of the province of Albay to the Fiscal
in Manila
23 Oct. 1767
Le Gentil report while at Manila
2 Oct. 1795
Letter of the Governor-General to the Duke of Alcudia
Oct. 1797
Report of the shipwreck of the Galleon S. Andrés
, made by
the historians José Montero y Vidal and Zúñiga
Oct. 1801
Report in the parochial archives of Bacolod, Occidental
Oct. 1804
Report of the Russian admiral Krusenstern on board of the
corvettes Nadicjada and Neva
Oct. 1819
Piddington map
Oct. 1821
Piddington map
17 Oct. 1821
Report of the corvette Fidelidad
26 Oct. 1827
Report of the Governor-General
16 Oct. 1829
Report of the Regente, ship of the East India Company
Oct. 1832
Piddington map
Oct. 1833
Piddington map
28 Oct. 1838
Report of the Governor of Marianas to the Governor of
28 Oct. 1843
Letter of the Rector of the Royal seminary of S. Carlos to
the Archbishop of Manila
7 Oct. 1844
Letter of the Governor of Philippines
Nov. 1608
Edifying Letters of the Jesuits Missionaries
1 Nov. 1610
Annual Litterae of the Province of Philippines by Fr.
Gregorio López
10 Nov. 1638
Sucesos de Filipinas, probably written by Juan López S.J.
25 Nov. 1659
History of the Philippines by Rev. Father Pedro Murillo
1 Nov. 1742
Manuscript dated 1743 and written in Manila
Nov. 1780
Biography of Fr. Juan Huy de los Santos, a chinese
1 Nov. 1824
Letter of the Governor of Philippines
Nov. 1841
Piddington map
3 Nov. 1845
Books of the parochial archives of Imus, Cavite
8 Nov. 1858
A suit instituted in the court of Manila
11 Dec. 1734
A manuscript which narrates the principal events that took
place in Balayan, Batangas
4 Dec. 1748
History of the Philippines by Rev. Father Pedro Murillo
Dec. 1752
Certificate of death from the parochial books of Sariaya
3 Dec. 1754
Edifying letters
8 Dec. 1766
Le Gentil report
18 Dec. 1833
Letter of the Governor-General
13 Dec. 1838
Letter of the Governor-General
Dec. 1865
Letter of the Governor of Burias
Figure - 1
1 2 3 4 5
Type of Hurricane
Figure - 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Figure 5
... The examples presented by Ewiniar and Trami imply that typhoon occurrences and paths, no matter near or far from north Borneo, has an effect on climate in Sabah. The physical mechanisms responsible for typhoon formation are still not fully understood (Ribera et al. 2005, Webster et al. 2005, García-Herrera 2007& Qiu et al. 2018 and this further renders weather forecast study as a yet-to-be precise science in Sabah. ...
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Understanding the spatio-temporal pattern of precipitation is crucial when making policies to prevent disaster and support socioeconomic activities in a political region. This paper represents the first attempt to investigate the spatio-temporal precipitation pattern in Sabah by employing monthly datasets from 24 weather stations across Sabah that were recorded between 2006 and 2015. Results show that precipitation distribution was not spatially uniform and six major groupings were identified based on Ward's cluster analysis. The precipitation datasets did not demonstrate a significant linkage with El Niño Southern Oscillation forcing. Temporal precipitation trends in densely populated towns showed a detectable decline, which could be a cause for alarm and precautions against potential adverse impacts may be necessary. Whilst some limitations are highlighted, this paper offers insights into micro and macro-scaled forcings that are critical to Sabah and reinforces the need to pay more attention to meteorological variability to inform forestry and other socioeconomic activity planning.
... A description of the passage of Typhoon 1874 in the vicinity of the Luzon Strait was found in the Selga Chronology Part I: 1348-1900(García-Herrera et al., 2020. Supplement Sect. ...
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A typhoon struck the Pearl River Estuary in September 1874 (“Typhoon 1874”), causing extensive damage and claiming thousands of lives in the region during its passage. Like many other historical typhoons, the deadliest impact of the typhoon was its associated storm surge. In this paper, a possible track of the typhoon was reconstructed through an analysis of the historical qualitative and quantitative weather observations in the Philippines, the northern part of the South China Sea, Hong Kong, Macao, and Guangdong recorded in various historical documents. The magnitudes of the associated storm surges and storm tides in Hong Kong and Macao were also quantitatively estimated using storm surge model and analogue astronomical tides based on the reconstructed track. The results indicated that the typhoon could have crossed the Luzon Strait from the western North Pacific and moved across the northeastern part of the South China Sea to strike the Pearl River Estuary more or less as a super typhoon in the early morning on 23 September 1874. The typhoon passed about 60 km south–southwest of Hong Kong and made landfall in Macao, bringing maximum storm tides of around 4.9 m above the Hong Kong Chart Datum (, last access: 3 January 2020) at the Victoria Harbour in Hong Kong and around 5.4 m above the Macao Chart Datum (, last access: 3 January 2020) at Porto Interior (inner harbour) in Macao. Both the maximum storm tide (4.88 m above the Hong Kong Chart Datum) and maximum storm surge (2.83 m) brought by Typhoon 1874 at the Victoria Harbour estimated in this study are higher than all the existing records since the establishment of the Hong Kong Observatory in 1883, including the recent records set by super typhoon Mangkhut on 16 September 2018.
... The year 1923 had the highest recorded number of typhoons in the WNP basin from 1901 to 1934 (Ribera et al., 2005). TCs affected Manila all throughout the year that contributed to a total annual rainfall of 3,425 mm. ...
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Metropolitan Manila, the Philippines, is a megacity with a population of 12.9 million people. Unabated urbanization and disorganized infrastructure build‐up, coupled with a large urban poor population have made many of its population vulnerable to climate change. This study presents the 118‐year urban climate and extreme weather events of Metropolitan Manila. Daily average and minimum temperature are on the rise comparable to countrywide trends. Consequently, there are more warm and less cold nights. Total annual precipitation is also increasing at a rate of 77.99 mm/decade. Decreasing simple daily intensity index implies that higher observed precipitation is due to the increase in wet days count rather than intensity. Tropical cyclones (TCs) are critical in producing most extreme rainfall events in the metropolis. Extreme precipitation is induced either by a TC's immediate rainbands or remote precipitation effects by enhancing the prevailing summer monsoon flow. TC‐induced rain modulates annual rainfall variability and is estimated to contribute 45.2% to Metropolitan Manila mean total rainfall.
... Additionally, around 30% of cyclones gener ated worldwide occur in the Western North Pacific, making Table 1 Area of natural and planted mangrove forests and brackish water aquaculture in countries where information is available Southeast Asia constantly vulnerable (Fritz and Blount, 2007). Among the most ravaged countries in the region, the Philippines is yearly visited by ∼20 typhoons which leave millions of persons affected with several hundreds injured, dead, or missing, and cause damage to infrastruc ture, private property, and agricultural crops valued at ∼US $380 million (=PhP19 billion) in 2008 alone (Elsner and Liu, 2003;Ribera et al., 2005;Camargo et al., 2007;CDRC, 2008). The 16th weather disturbance to hit the country in 2009, Typhoon Ketsana (locally called Ondoy) brought 455 mm of rain to Metro Manila in 24 h causing floods that killed 464 people, rendered nearly 400 000 homeless, and caused $237 million total damage to agriculture infra structure (National Disaster Coordinating Council). ...
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In this chapter we discuss the major environmental changes that occurred in the Philippine region over the last 70,000 years, the arrival of different human populations, and our knowledge of their astronomical systems. We then identify future areas of research that we believe are important in fleshing out the changing nature of astronomical beliefs and practices throughout the Philippine archipelago. Because this region of island Southeast Asia is a unique field laboratory, some of the research projects outlined—especially in ethnoastronomy—have the potential to make an important contributions to international scholarship in the history of astronomy field. But, as elsewhere in the world, the nature of ethnoastronomy is changing rapidly, with on-going acculturation and elderly custodians of knowledge dying without passing on astronomical lore to younger generations, so some of the research projects suggested here must be carried out now, or not at all. The window of opportunity is closing rapidly, and never is the cherished motto of our ASEAN History and Heritage Working Group, “It’s Now or Never”, more appropriate.
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A typhoon struck the Pearl River Estuary in September 1874 (the Typhoon 1874), causing extensive damages and claiming thousands of lives in the region during its passage. Like many other historical typhoons, the deadliest impact of the typhoon was its associated storm surge. In this paper, a possible track of the typhoon was reconstructed by analysis of the historical qualitative and quantitative weather observations in the Philippines, the northern part of the South China Sea, Hong Kong, Macao and Guangdong recorded in various historical documents. The magnitudes of the associated storm surges and storm tides in Hong Kong and Macao were also quantitatively estimated using storm surge model and analogue astronomical tides based on the reconstructed track. The results indicated that the typhoon could have crossed the Luzon Strait from the western North Pacific and moved across the northeastern part of the South China Sea to strike the Pearl River Estuary more or less as a super typhoon in the early morning on 23 September 1874. The typhoon passed about 60 km south-southwest of Hong Kong and made landfall in Macao, bringing maximum storm tides of around 4.9 m above the Hong Kong Chart Datum at the Victoria Harbour in Hong Kong and around 5.4 m above the Macao Chart Datum at Porto Interior (inner harbour) in Macao. Both the maximum storm tide (4.88 m above Hong Kong Chart Datum) and maximum storm surge (2.83 m) brought by Typhoon 1874 at the Victoria Harbour estimated in this study are higher than all the existing records since the establishment of the Hong Kong Observatory in 1883, including the recent records set by super typhoon Mangkhut on 16 September 2018.
s of the 2008 Fall Meeting of the Japan Meteorological Society . pp 69. (in Japanese). Kusakabe M. 1959. A historical aspect of natural disasters in Kyushu and Yamaguchi Prefectures. J. Meteorol. Res. 11: 423–465 (in Japanese). Kusakabe M. 1973. A chronological aspect of the natural disasters in the Kanto District. J. Meteorol. Res. 5: 383–403, 429–447 (in Japanese). Liu K, Shen C, Louie K. 2001. A 1000-year history of typhoon landfalls in Guangdong, southern China recon-structed from Chinese historical docu-mentary records. Ann. Assoc. Am. Georgr. 91: 453–464. Louie K, Liu K. 2004. Ancient records of typhoons in Chinese historical documents, in Hurricanes and typhoons: past, present, and future. Murnane R, Liu KB (eds). Columbia University Press: New York. pp 222–248. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Government of Japan . 2004. White Paper on land, infrastructure and transport in Japan. [Accessed 12 September 2009].
, in China and Japan, are used. The physical mechanisms responsible for their development are complex and not fully understood, but it is known that they require high sea-surface temperatures (SST), a moderate Coriolis force, a pre-existent synoptic perturbation (normally a monsoon trough or easterly wave) and low wind shear (Fink and Speth, 1998; Galvin, 2008). The dependence on high sea tem-perature has opened the debate on a pos-sible increase in the frequency of tropical cyclones in a changing climate. It has been proposed that a rise in SST induced by the anthropogenic global warming has already led to a greater number of intense tropical cyclones in recent decades (Emanuel, 2005; Webster
Technical Report
Full-text available
An analysis of the historic record of typhoons in the Marshall Islands has identified a significant association between the occurrence of the El Niño/Southern oscillation phenomenon (ENSO) and the occurrence of typhoons in the Marshall Islands. Whilst typhoons normally occur further to the east, the warming of the ocean waters around the Marshall Islands, as part of the ENSO phenomenon, generates typhoons further to the west. The results suggest that typhoons are 2.6 times more likely to occur during ENSO years, with a 71% chance of a typhoon striking during an ENSO year, and only a 26% chance of one happening during a non-ENSO year. This has implications for planning and public safety, which the relevant authorities may wish to take note of.
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Gulf Coast. For example, what is the probability for a major metropolitan area like New Orleans to be directly hit by a category 5 hurricane? The answer to this question would be of great impor-tance to socioeconomic planners, civil engineers, and insurance companies.
Hurricanes of the North Atlantic Ocean have left their imprint on the landscape and human cultures for thousands of years. In modern times, fewer lifes have been lost due, in part, to the development of modern communication systems, and to improved understanding of the mechanisms of storm formation and movement. However, the immense growth of human populations in coastal areas, which are at risk to hurricanes, has resulted in very large increases in the amount of property damage sustained in the last decade in the Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean regions. This book is of interest to climatologists and meteorologists and as source of information for policymakers and emergency management planners.
Over the 107 year period 1871 to 1977 , a total of 850 tropical cyclones (tropical storms and hurricanes) of various intensities have been recorded over the North Atlantic area. The information given in this edition consists of the following: characteristics of tropical cyclones; classification of Atlantic tropical cyclones; data sources; accuracy of tracks and intensity classification; North Atlantic tropical cyclone tracks; frequencies; tropical cyclones and hurricanes affecting the United States. This hurricane track book replaces the Weather Bureau Technical Paper Number 55. (A) (microfiche)
A practical step-by-step guide to wavelet analysis is given, with examples taken from time series of the El NiñoSouthem Oscillation (ENSO). The guide includes a comparison to the windowed Fourier transform, the choice of an appropriate wavelet basis function, edge effects due to finite-length time series, and the relationship between wavelet scale and Fourier frequency. New statistical significance tests for wavelet power spectra are developed by deriving theoretical wavelet spectra for white and red noise processes and using these to establish significance levels and confidence intervals. It is shown that smoothing in time or scale can be used to increase the confidence of the wavelet spectrum. Empirical formulas are given for the effect of smoothing on significance levels and confidence intervals. Extensions to wavelet analysis such as filtering, the power Hovmöller, cross-wavelet spectra, and coherence are described. The statistical significance tests are used to give a quantitative measure of changes in ENSO variance on interdecadal timescales. Using new datasets that extend back to 1871, the Niño3 sea surface temperature and the Southern Oscillation index show significantly higher power during 1880-1920 and 1960-90, and lower power during 1920-60, as well as a possible 15-yr modulation of variance. The power Hovmöller of sea level pressure shows significant variations in 2-8-yr wavelet power in both longitude and time.
Prior work has suggested that Rossby wave accumulation in the lower troposphere may be an important mechanism for the development of synoptic-scale disturbances in the western north Pacific in northern summer. This work examines the intraseasonal and interannual variability of wave accumulation by computing the barotropic wave activity flux divergence at 850 hPa for different phases of the Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO) and El Niño/southern oscillation (ENSO). Indirectly, and without ruling out other influences, the results suggest a physical mechanism behind previously identified relationships between tropical cyclogenesis statistics and these two modes of variability (MJO and ENSO).