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Mars Dust Counter


Abstract and Figures

In order to unveil the presence and characteristics of Martian dust ring/torus, Mars Dust Counter (MDC) is aboard ISAS's spacecraft PLANET-B, which will be launched in 1998 summer and investigate the upper atmosphere and surrounding environment of Mars between 1999 and 2001. MDC PLANET-B is an improved version of impact-ionization dust detectors aboard HITEN and BREMSAT. It weighs only 730 g with the sensor aperture area of 140 cm2. To improve signal to noise ratios and to precisely determine the risetime of signals, a neutral target channel is added independent of ion and electron target channels. Detectable velocity (v) range is between 1 km/s and more than 70 km/s, which will cover all possible dust clans: circummartian (low v), interplanetary (mid v), and interstellar (high v) particles. Measurable mass range is 5 × 10-15 and 10-10 g at v= 10 km/s. Since PLANET-B takes an elliptic retrograde orbit around Mars, MDC can investigate particles from Phobos and Deimos with relative velocity higher than 1 km/s. Therefore, MDC can clarify the presence of a confined dust ring along Phobos' orbit and an extended dust torus along Deimos' orbit, and it may answer whether these ring and torus are self-sustained or not. Since the nominal operation of PLANET-B is longer than one Martian year, MDC may detect predicted seasonal variation of the ring/torus structure.
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Earth Planets Space, 50, 241–245, 1998
1. Introduction
Mars Dust Counter (MDC) is a light-weight impact-
ionization type dust detector, which determines mass and
velocity of a particle using time variation of generated
charges (Fig. 1). MDC will be launched toward Mars aboard
PLANET-B spacecraft of ISAS in July, 1998. PLANET-B
will take elongated orbits whose apoapsis (~15R
; R
Martian equatorial radius) is far beyond the Deimos’ orbit.
The main objective of the mission is to study Martian
aeronomy, especially interaction between the Martian upper
atmosphere and the solar wind. The primary purpose of
MDC is to measure dust particles around Mars and reveal
distribution of the predicted Martian ring or torus of dust
particles from Phobos and Deimos (Soter, 1971; Horányi et
al., 1990; Ip and Banaszkiewicz, 1990; Juhász et al., 1993;
Sasaki, 1993, 1994, 1996; Ishimoto and Mukai, 1994; Krivov,
1994; Juhász and Horányi, 1995; Hamilton, 1996; Ishimoto,
1996; Krivov and Hamilton, 1997). MDC can also measure
other particles such as interplanetary dust, interstellar dust,
and space debris around the Earth.
2. Observation Sequences
Observation of MDC PLANET-B is divided into three
sequences according to PLANET-B orbital plans: (i) the
first five-month long parking orbits around the Earth, (ii) the
ten-month long transfer orbit from the Earth to Mars, and
(iii) the orbits around Mars (more than 2 years).
(i) The first parking orbits are elliptic and they involve
two lunar encounters. Their apogees are between 410,000
and 430,000 km and perigee altitudes are between 600 and
1200 km (ISAS and NEC, 1995). The final orbit between
two lunar encounters is a very elliptic one whose apogee is
1,710,000 km. Then MDC will detect interplanetary, inter-
stellar and circumterrestrial (space debris and lunar-origin)
dust particles. Other than space debris which will be detected
around the low altitude and the geosynchronous orbit, lunar-
origin particles which should be secondary ejecta of impacts
would be detected at larger distance from the Earth. It would
Mars Dust Counter
Eduard Igenbergs
, Sho Sasaki
, Ralf Münzenmayer
, Hideo Ohashi
, Georg Färber
, Franz Fischer
, Akira Fujiwara
Albrecht Glasmachers
, Eberhard Grün
, Yoshimi Hamabe
, Heinrich Iglseder
, Dieter Klinge
, Hideaki Miyamoto
Tadashi Mukai
, Walter Naumann
, Ken-ichi Nogami
, Gerhard Schwehm
, Håkan Svedhem
, and Kazuo Yamakoshi
Fachgebiet Raumfahrttechnik, Technische Universität München, Boltzmannstr. 15, 85748 Garching, Germany
Geological Institute, University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan
Laboratory of Physics, Tokyo University of Fisheries, 4-5-7 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0075, Japan
Lehrstuhl für Prozeßrechner, Technische Universität München, 80333 München, Germany
Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, 3-1-1 Yoshinodai, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 229-8510, Japan
Universität / GH Wuppertal, FB13 Lehrstuhl für Meßtechnik, 42097 Wuppertal, Germany
Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik, Saupfercheckweg 1, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany
Satellite Technology and Microsystems, Roswitha von Gandelsheimweg 32, 42897 Remscheid/Lennep, Germany
Space Science Department, European Space Research and Technology Centre, European Space Agency,
P.O. Box 299, 2200 AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Kobe University, 1-1 Rokkoudai, Nada-ku, Kobe, Hyogo 657-0013, Japan
Dokkyo University School of Medicine, Mibu, Tochigi 312-0207, Japan
Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo, Midori-cho, Tanashi, Tokyo 188-0002, Japan
(Received July 31, 1997; Revised November 30, 1997; Accepted January 23, 1998)
In order to unveil the presence and characteristics of Martian dust ring/torus, Mars Dust Counter (MDC) is aboard
ISAS’s spacecraft PLANET-B, which will be launched in 1998 summer and investigate the upper atmosphere and
surrounding environment of Mars between 1999 and 2001. MDC PLANET-B is an improved version of impact-
ionization dust detectors aboard HITEN and BREMSAT. It weighs only 730 g with the sensor aperture area of 140
. To improve signal to noise ratios and to precisely determine the risetime of signals, a neutral target channel
is added independent of ion and electron target channels. Detectable velocity (v) range is between 1 km/s and more
than 70 km/s, which will cover all possible dust clans: circummartian (low v), interplanetary (mid v), and interstellar
(high v) particles. Measurable mass range is 5 × 10
and 10
g at v = 10 km/s. Since PLANET-B takes an elliptic
retrograde orbit around Mars, MDC can investigate particles from Phobos and Deimos with relative velocity higher
than 1 km/s. Therefore, MDC can clarify the presence of a confined dust ring along Phobos’ orbit and an extended
dust torus along Deimos’ orbit, and it may answer whether these ring and torus are self-sustained or not. Since the
nominal operation of PLANET-B is longer than one Martian year, MDC may detect predicted seasonal variation
of the ring/torus structure.
Copy right The Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences
(SGEPSS); The Seismological Society of Japan; The Volcanological Society of Japan;
The Geodetic Society of Japan; The Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences.
be unlikely to detect circumlunar dust or levitated dust from
the lunar surface at the two lunar encounters, because their
encounter distances from the lunar gravity center are 6255
and 4457 km (ISAS and NEC, 1995). Comparison of the
results with previous data, especially of ISAS technology-
testing spacecraft HITEN, should be useful for calibration
of MDC itself. A dust detector aboard HITEN, which
observed dust environment of the Earth-Moon zone for
three years, was a prototype of the present MDC-PLANET-
(ii) During the transfer orbit, MDC will measure dust
particles both of interplanetary and interstellar origins.
Interplanetary dust particles are supplied by asteroids and
comets; they take Keplerian orbits and their orbital radii
gradually decrease owing to the Poynting-Robertson effect.
Their typical size is 1 to a few 10 micron (10
to 10
g) and
detection velocity is a few to 10 km/s. On the other hand,
interstellar particles enter the solar system at relative veloc-
ity about 30 km/s (i.e., relative velocity of the solar system
with respect to surrounding interstellar gas) and their mass
is less than 10
g (Grün et al., 1994). Then from the dif-
ferences of velocity, direction, and mass, we can discrimi-
nate between interplanetary and interstellar particles (Fig.
2(a)). Ulysses and HITEN results suggest that interstellar
particles entered into the inner solar system (Baguhl et al.,
1996; Svedhem et al., 1996). Cassini spacecraft will go
through the Earth-Mars region at the same time; MDC data
can also be compared with Cassini Dust Analyzer data.
Fig. 1. The outline and the interior of MDC PLANET-B. MDC consists of the lower electronics box and the upper sensor box made of aluminum and
Nomex honeycomb. All five inner walls of the sensor box are plated in gold and act as target area. The left figure shows the interior seen from the
side of MDC 15 connector. There are two entrance grids which should shield electric fields. MDC is attached to one of side panels of PLANET-
B by four flanges.
Fig. 2. Sensitivity range of MDC PLANET-B. (a) MDC sensitivity range is compared with typical ranges of relative velocity and mass of ring,
interplanetary, and interstellar dust particles. (b) MDC sensitivity range is compared with capabilities of dust accelerators used for calibration. In
both figures, the sensitivity range is shown between two dashed lines in velocity-mass diagram. Particles heavier than the upper limit are detected,
of course, although charge saturation at collectors would make it difficult to quantitatively determine their mass. As for the radius calculation, particle
density 2 g/cm
is assumed.
(a) (b)
Fig. 3. Measurement principle of MDC. An impact of a dust particle on the target plate generates impact plasma. Positive ions are trapped by a
negatively biased collector (ion channel) and electrons are trapped by a positively biased collector (electron channel), then generated charge signals
are amplified and converted into digital data. From risetime (t) and peak charge (Q), information of velocity and mass of the particle is obtained.
Other than positive and negative collectors, charge variation at the grounded target plates is also measured as the third channel. Then the difference
of startup times gives additional information on impact velocity.
(iii) Around Mars, PLANET-B takes elliptic retrograde
orbits whose periapsis is 150 km from the surface and
apoapsis is 15R
. Since the planned orbits are close to the
zodiacal plane, they can sometimes intersect with Phobos
and Deimos orbits. Because of the large apoapsis, PLANET-
B can fully encompass the expected distribution (ring/torus)
of dust particles from Phobos and Deimos. Another important
advantage is that relative velocity between prograde ring
dust and retrograde PLANET-B will be larger than 1 km/s,
which is favorable for dust measurements by an impact-
ionization type detector. Other than circummartian particles
whose velocity is less than a few km/s and mass is larger than
g, MDC will also continue measuring interplanetary
and interstellar particles. Those particles can be easily
distinguished from ring particles using differences of ve-
locity, direction, and mass, as noted in the above (Fig. 2(a)).
Since periapsis of PLANET-B is as low as 150 km, we can
monitor levitated dust from the lower atmosphere even if
dust transport through very thin outer atmosphere would not
be plausible.
3. MDC Instrumentation
MDC (Mars Dust Counter) is a light-weight impact ion-
ization dust detector, which is developed chiefly by
Technische Universität München (Technical University of
Munich) and Space Science Department of ESA-ESTEC
(European Space Research and Technology Centre of Eu-
ropean Space Agency) (Igenbergs et al., 1996a). It is an
improved version of HITEN and BREMSAT dust detectors
which successfully measured dust particles around the Earth-
Moon region and at the low Earth orbit, respectively
(Igenbergs et al., 1991a, b). The MDC was designed to
determine not only flux but also mass and velocity of dust
particles in space by measuring ion and electron charges
produced by high velocity (v > 1 km/s) impacts of those
particles on gold plate targets. Unlike other impact ioniza-
tion type detectors, MDC weighs only 730 g. Its dimension
is 136 × 127 × 181 mm
and sensor aperture is 124 × 115 mm
(Fig. 1). The power consumption of MDC is 3.78 W.
The interior structure and mechanical outline of MDC are
shown in Fig. 1. MDC consists of electronic and sensor
boxes which are made of lightweight honeycomb of alu-
minum and Nomex. The aperture of the sensor box is
covered by two sets of grounded steel grids in order to
reduce electromagnetic noises from the outside and to shield
internal electric field. All five inner walls, which are covered
with gold plates, act as the target area for dust impacts. MDC
is mounted with four flanges onto the side panel of PLANET-
B. The sensor aperture is looking toward 45 degree back-
wards from the spacecraft’s spin axis, around which it scans
within the field of view. Because the spin axis is parallel to
the sun direction in the circumterrestrial orbit and to the
Earth direction during transfer and circummartian orbits,
the sensor box can avoid sunlight illumination, which would
raise noise levels owing to photoelectrons.
Figure 3 shows the principle of MDC experiment. There
are two charge collector plates which are biased by positive
and negative voltages (±240 V). When a dust particle
impacts on the gold target, impact plasma is generated and
separated into positive ions on the negative collector (ion
channel) and electrons on the positive collector (electron
channel). Then, impact charges are recorded by both chan-
nels. Calibration experiments suggested that gold target as
well as (even rather than) dust materials should supply
plasma at the impact. In MDC PLANET-B, charge signals
on the grounded neutral target are also recorded. This third
channel is useful in distinguishing impact signals from noise
signals, because in previous experiments there were events
where only the electron channel had a signal and some of
them could be a noise rather than a real impact. The neutral
channel is also useful in determining impact velocity since
we can measure time difference between the impact on the
neutral target and the arrival of ions and electrons on biased
The charge outputs are digitized by a transient recorder
with two 8 bit A/D converters of 2.5 MHz and a FIFO
memory. To reduce error in converting charges with more
than 10
order of magnitude range to digital data, we use
logarithmic charge sensitive amplifiers. Signal processing
and control of spacecraft interface are done by 80C85 CPU
with 4 KB ROM and 56 KB RAM. Each impact data is 1 KB
with 200
s measurement time. Up to 51 sets of impact
signals can be stored in on-board RAM. Those data are
transmitted to the Earth when impact number exceeds a
certain warning value (e.g., 40).
In evaluating each charge signal curve, amplitude and
risetime of charge are the most important values, which give
mass m and velocity v of a dust particle. There are empirical
t = c
±Q/m = c
where Q is the maximum charge and t is risetime of a charge
signal. Both Q and t can be estimated directly from the
impact charge signals as seen in Fig. 3. In the above, c
, c
, and
are constants which should be determined by cali-
bration experiments using dust accelerators (Igenbergs et al.,
1996b). There are three sets of equations corresponding to
electron, ion, and neutral channels. At first, using the risetime,
impact velocity is estimated from Eq. (1), and then particle
mass is derived from Eq. (2). As for electron and ion
channels, results of calibration experiments can be expressed
by the above equations for wide range of velocity between
2 and 70 km/s (Igenbergs et al., 1996b). We have confirmed
that there might be some other methods to determine velocity,
e.g., using the ratio of charges due to primary impact and
secondary ejecta, or using time delay between neutral,
electron and ion channels, although further calibration ex-
periments are necessary for establishing these methods.
The charge sensitive amplifiers can measure charges
between 5 × 10
and 1 × 10
C. From calibration ex-
periments, Q/m at v = 10 km/s is between 0.1 and 1 C/g
depending on the impact position in the sensor. Thus,
particles with mass approximately between 5 × 10
g can be measured. This corresponds to particle
diameter range between 0.1 and 10 micron at 10 km/s.
Larger (>10 micron at 10 km/s) particles can be detected,
although charge saturation at collectors would make it
difficult to determine their mass. Figure 2 shows the sen-
sitivity range of MDC. Under slower impact velocity at one
to a few km/s, which is expected for circummartian dust,
particles as large as 100 micron would be measured.
For the purpose of the ground calibration experiments of
MDC, two dust accelerator facilities are used. One is a Van
de Graaf electrostatic particle accelerator at the Max Planck
Institut für Kernphysik in Heidelberg, and the other is a
plasmadynamic particle accelerator at Fachgebiet
Raumfahrttechnik, Technische Universität München. Ve-
locity and mass ranges executed at both facilities are shown
in Fig. 2(b). Results of preliminary calibration experiments
are described in Igenbergs et al. (1996b).
4. Detection of Martian Ring/Torus
Soter (1971) first advocated the existence of a dust ring of
secondary ejecta particles when interplanetary dust particle
impacts on the Phobos surface. Viking image data suggested
that there is no dust ring whose optical depth is larger than
5 × 10
(Duxbury and Ocampo, 1988). It was not until
PHOBOS 2 ASPERA found indirect evidence of a dust/gas
torus when many works started on the subject on the Martian
dust ring. There, ion mass spectrometry suggested the ex-
istence of a large mass number particles, which could be
ascribed to very fine dust (<0.1 micron) (Dubinin et al., 1990).
Recent theoretical studies (e.g., Juhász and Horányi, 1995;
Hamilton, 1996; Ishimoto, 1996; Sasaki, 1996) show that
solar radiation pressure as well as Martian oblateness should
enhance the orbital eccentricity of particles (from both
Phobos and Deimos) and inclination of particles (from
Deimos only) greatly. As for particles from Phobos, eccen-
tricity of particles smaller than 200 micron is greatly increased
owing to the resonance of phase shift due to Martian ob-
lateness. And eccentricity of particles smaller than 20 mi-
cron becomes so large that they are quickly captured by
Mars. Since inclination is not largely increased, dust particles
from Phobos would form a thin dust ring whose thickness
would be less than 300 km. The eccentricity of dust particles
from Deimos is also enhanced by radiation pressure, but the
combined effect with Martian oblateness also increases
inclination to be as high as 0.2 to form an extended torus,
which would contain smaller particles than those of the
Phobos’ ring.
If the secondary ejecta only from interplanetary dust
impacts on the satellite surfaces should contribute the
circummartian dust, expected detection number of ring/
torus particles would be smaller than that of interplanetary
particle. However, collisions of once-ejected ring particles
on the satellites may produce additional dust particles, since
the surfaces of Phobos and Deimos are covered with regolith
and their escape velocities are as small as 10 m/s. In this self-
sustained case (Sasaki, 1994, 1996), expected dust number
density will be much higher so that MDC will detect the
Phobos’ ring and the Deimos’ torus.
Hamilton (1996) and Krivov and Hamilton (1997) predict
seasonal variation of dust ring structures. If dust abundance
is high enough, MDC may detect change of dust distribution
according to seasons, since nominal duration of PLANET-
B operation is one Martian year.
Although the predicted dust ring seems to be distributed
uniformly in space, the detection of fresh, rather dense dust
ejecta is expected near satellites. Planet-B will encounter
with Phobos on about 280th and 420th days and with
Deimos on about 150th and 550th days from the insertion to
Mars. During those close encounters, MDC may measure
direct dust ejecta from satellites.
Acknowledgments. We acknowledge Jose Maria Castro for the
supporting work on MDC electronics, Gerhard Schäber and Ralf
Srama for the assistance during calibration experiments at MPI
accelerator, and Kurt Graf and Rainer Ondrusch for laboratory
works at Technische Universität München. We thank Hiroshi
Ishimoto and Doug Hamilton for discussions on dust rings. We are
grateful to anonymous reviewers for helpful comments.
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E. Igenbergs (e-mail:,
S. Sasaki (e-mail:, R. Münzenmayer
(e-mail:, H. Ohashi
(e-mail:, G. Färber, F. Fischer, A.
Fujiwara, A. Glasmachers, E. Grün, Y. Hamabe, H. Iglseder, D.
Klinge, H. Miyamoto, T. Mukai, W. Naumann, K. Nogami, G.
Schwehm, H. Svedhem, and K. Yamakoshi
Juno observations show dust halo near Mars, contributing to Zodiacal light, the source of which is yet to be known. It is interesting for scientists to understand whether dust primarily comes from the Martian moons. Here we investigate Phobos/Deimos as likely sources of interplanetary dust near Mars. Incoming dust at the Martian moons impact their surface and produce ejecta, a part of which can escape easily to space. Results of escaping mass rates are presented and compared with incoming mass rates through a parameter called Mass Escape Ratio. The results show higher ratio for a wide range of particles, inferring a large amount of effective mass loss from the moons. From whatever is lost, smaller particles (< 0.1 μm) can escape, while larger particles are influenced by gravitational pull of Mars. Further, from the larger particles, those with sizes greater than critical size (i.e., ∼10 μm) remain in a ring/torus for a specific lifetime and afterwards, they get released from the gravitational effect of Mars. Since, incoming dust creates the ejecta continuously from Phobos/Deimos, the process of the release of particles after the lifetime is also continuous. On the other side, flux of interplanetary dust is derived from Juno observations of dust impact rates between 1 to 5 AU heliocentric distance. An increase in the flux observed by Juno around 1.5 AU and the results of larger, continuous escaping mass from the moons indicate Phobos and Deimos to be the local sources of dust bands observed by Juno spacecraft.
Interplanetary dust particles exist everywhere in the space between any two planets. These particles are originated from sources like Asteroid belt, Kuiper belt or comets and they evolve through their orbital paths. Various planets like Mars, Earth or Venus may capture such particles during their inward travel. Flux of dust particles at a given planet is important to understand total inflow of material and also, metal ion layers formed in atmosphere due to ablation. Using past observations around Earth and an existing flux model, a power law model is suggested for incoming particle flux at Earth. Expected particle number density around Earth is presented based on the suggested model. To detect such dust particles, an impact ionization dust detector is proposed for planetary application and it is under development at Physical Research Laboratory. A dust impact on detector target produces charge carriers, which are captured by voltage biased electrodes for further processing. For the dust detector, bias optimization is worthwhile to reduce resources required on board a satellite. In this regard, prediction of plasma capture efficiency is presented here using SIMION software, to get first hand estimate of detector performance. In addition, the detector receives high-energy solar wind particles and Galactic Cosmic Rays in space, along with the dust. Therefore, understanding detector response to high-energy particles is utmost important during normal solar conditions and also during SEP events. Through an extensive simulation using Geant4 software and ACE, GOES as well as SPENVIS datasets, it is found that high-energy particles act as noise for the detector in electron channel only. The dust impact can easily be identified from the background noise using the signal coincidence. The results could be useful to understand dust flux at Earth and also for the detector optimization.
Recently, MAVEN observed dust around Mars from ∼150 km to ∼1000 km and it is a puzzling question to the space scientists about the presence of dust at orbital altitudes and about its source. A continuous supply of dust from various sources could cause existence of dust around Mars and it is expected that the dust could mainly be from either the interplanetary source or the Phobos/Deimos. We have studied incident projectiles or micrometeorites at Mars using the existing model, in this article. Comparison of results with the MAVEN results gives a new value of the population index S, which is reported here. The index S has been referred in a power law model used to describe the number of impacting particles on Mars. In addition, the secondary ejecta from natural satellites of Mars can cause a dust ring or torus around Mars and remain present for its lifetime. The dust particles whose paths are altered by the solar wind over its lifetime, could present a second plausible source of dust around Mars. We have investigated escaping particles from natural satellites of Mars and compared with the interplanetary dust flux estimation. It has been found that flux rate at Mars is dominated (∼2 orders of magnitude higher) by interplanetary particles in comparison with the satellite originated dust. It is inferred that the dust at high altitudes of Mars could be interplanetary in nature and our expectation is in agreement with the MAVEN observation. As a corollary, the mass loss from Martian natural satellites is computed based on the surface erosion by incident projectiles.
Detection of the interplanetary dust or on the surfaces of planets occupies an important place in space exploration science. Dust detection techniques have a special practical project value in deep-space spacecraft missions. In addition, dust monitoring inside the manned spacecraft cabins is necessary. This paper illustrates several techniques of dust detection and their applications in space and presents an advanced technique for detection of space dust.
Hypervelocity impacts of micrometeoroid and space debris particles can produce a highly transient plasma cloud that shows a spectrum of distinct electrical phenomena ranging from charge production to electrostatic field and electromagnetic wave generation. The coupling of these effects to electrical probes can be used as a means of in-situ debris detection to monitor the polluted orbits around the Earth. In the past, some detectors were built mainly for the detection of natural dust populations in space, such as a long heritage of charge collection detectors. In addition, several radio astronomy and ambient plasma instruments that were not specifically dedicated to particle detection revealed impact-induced anomalies during interplanetary missions. Most of them were explained by the interaction of electrically sensitive probes with free charges produced upon impact. For the application in low Earth orbits, one needs to take into account, that the man-made debris population differs from natural populations in many regards, as does the plasma environment between interplanetary space and in orbits close to Earth. The paper at hand gives a summary of detectors with flight heritage and devises a first concept for in situ space debris detectors in low Earth orbit by exploiting past experience with dust detectors in deep space.
We predict a new family of charged dust rings about Mars, transverse to the ecliptic plane. These orbits are stable to the perturbations of planetary oblateness, Mars' orbital motion, and the solar wind. Lifetimes of individual orbits are limited primarily by the Lorentz force and Poynting-Robertson drag, and may exceed 1000 years. They may be populated via collisions of micrometeoroids with one of the martian moons. Some of these small (<~1 μm) grains may be detected by the dust detector on board the Nozomi spacecraft now en route to Mars.
The existence of a cloud of dust particles that pervades interplanetary space has long been known from the presence of its optical manifestation, the zodiacal light. This dim glow, best seen about one hour after sunset or before sunrise, when its brighter inner parts are above the horizon, was one of the first phenomena recognized as originating in interplanetary space. Given its conspicious appearance at low geographic latitudes (Fig. 5.1) one may wonder that there were no records of it until the end of the 17th century, when Cassini (1683) announced its discovery and offered the correct explanation: it is sunlight, scattered off myriads of small particles orbiting the sun. Towards the sun it continues with increasing brightness; the innermost parts can be seen during solar eclipses or from space as the F component (showing Fraunhofer lines) of the solar corona. Photometric measurements have shown that it covers the whole sky, but it is brightest in a band along the ecliptic. Around the antisolar point it brightens again; this Gegenschein can be seen by the naked eye under exceptional conditions.
Mars Dust Counter (MDC) is an impact-ionization dust detector on board Japanese Mars mission NOZOMI. NOZOMI was launched on July 4th (3rd at UT) 1998. After the change of orbital plan, NOZOMI performed interplanetary observation for 4 years. Due to an electronic trouble caused by intense solar flare, data telemetry from NOZOMI was stopped and ISAS finally cancelled the mission at the end of 2003. However, from December 1998 to April 2002 for four years, MDC continuously observed interplanetary dust along eccentric cruising orbits whose perihelion and aphelion are at the Earth's orbit and at the Mars' orbit, respectively. MDC detected about 100 dust impacts with mass and velocity information. High velocity particles (v>40km/s) are detected only during the cruising phase. From the velocity and direction, we consider that MDC has detected several particles of interstellar origin in 1999. On the contrary, few interstellar particles were detected in 2000-2002 season. Most of particles are interpreted as solar system (asteroid or comet) origin. MDC resumed dust observation on November 2002 but the obtained data were not transferred finally. For the circummartian observation, we had developed a new criterion for the onboard impact data analysis. By the renewal of onboard software, MDC could select real impacts from noises on board efficiently. This improvement will be applied in future dust detector operation.
In situ measurement of interplanetary and interstellar dust particles by Mars Dust Counter (MDC) is reported here. MDC is a light-weight impact-ionization dust detector on board Japanese Mars mission NOZOMI, which was launched on July 4th 1998. In four years between July 1998 and April 2002, MDC has detected more than 100 dust impacts. In November 1998, NOZOMI encountered the Leonid meteoroid stream. Although MDC detected two dust impacts, directional analysis showed that those probably did not belong to the Leonid particles. In the interplanetary observation from 1999, NOZOMI has detected more than 80 interplanetary particles moving around the sun and several particles of interstellar origin. From 2004, MDC-NOZOMI will start measuring distribution of the martian ring or torus of dust from Phobos and Deimos.
Micrometeoroids are natural dust particles with masses between 10 ⁻²¹ and 10 ⁻⁹ kg (0.01–100 μm). In contrast to space debris, their sources are bodies in the solar system like comets, asteroids or planetary environments. Although comets are the most obvious source of interplanetary dust in the inner solar system, there exist a variety of dusty phenomena and dust sources. An recent summary about interplanetary dust was given by gruen 2001. Our current knowledge is based on remote sensing observations (light scattering, thermal emissions), in‐situ dust experiments, (Pioneer, Giotto, Helios, Heos, Nozomi, Gorid, Galileo, Cassini, Ulysses, Stardust, New Horizon), crater studies of moon rocks or of planetary moon surfaces, meteor radar studies and laboratory sample analysis. (dust extracted from polar ices, dust collected in the stratosphere, dust returned by Stardust, dust and space debris impact residues of returned satellite parts). The following sections describe the measurement techniques of micrometeoroids, the properties of interplanetary dust (mass flux, dynamics, or composition) and the dust sources like comets, asteroids, or planetary environments. Two later sections give examples of laboratory simulation facilities. Finally, hazards related to hyper‐velocity micrometeoroid impacts are discussed.
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The Munich Dust Counter (MDC) is a scientific experiment on board the MUSES-A mission of Japan measuring cosmic dust. The satellite HITEN of this mission has been launched on January 24th, 1990 from Kago-shima Space Center. Here the present status of the MDC experiment is summarized. The number of dust particles measured so far is presented together with first and preliminary results of flux calculations and spatial as well as directional distributions of cosmic dust particles measured until July 25, 1990. A clear evidence of particles coming from the inner solar system (beta-meteoroids) already has been found. These are compared to particles coming from the apex direction.
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The Munich Dust Counter (MDC) is a scientific experiment on board of the MUSES-A mission of Japan. It is the result of a cooperation between the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS) of Japan and the Chair of Astronautics of the Technische Universität München (TUM) of Germany. The MDC is an impact ionization detector designed to determine mass and velocity of cosmic dust. Here a short overview over the MUSES-A mission is given to show the measurement situation of the MDC experiment. The measurement principle of the instrument together with a discussion of the scientific objectives and the design of the experiment is summarized.
The Munich Dust Counter (MDC) is a scientific experiment on board of the MUSES-A mission of Japan. It is the result of a cooperation between the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS) of Japan and the Chair of Astronautics of the Technische Universität München (TUM) of Germany. The MDC is an impact ionization detector designed to determine mass and velocity of cosmic dust. Here a short overview over the MUSES-A mission is given to show the measurement situation of the MDC experiment. The measurement principle of the instrument together with a discussion of the scientific objectives and the design of the experiment is summarized.
The Munich Dust Counter (MDC) is a scientific experiment on board the MUSES-A mission of Japan measuring cosmic dust. The satellite HITEN of this mission has been launched on January 24th, 1990 from Kagoshima Space Center. Here the present status of the MDC experiment is summarized. The number of dust particles measured so far is presented together with first and preliminary results of flux calculations and spatial as well as directional distributions of cosmic dust particles measured until July 25, 1990. A clear evidence of particles coming from the inner solar system (beta-meteoroids) already has been found. These are compared to particles coming from the apex direction.
Observations from the PHOBOS-2 space-craft of plasma and magnetic field effects in the solar wind near Mars suggest that a neutral gas (dust )torus/ring resides along the orbit of the Martian satellite Phobos. Magnetic cavities (strong decreases of the magnetic field strength) coincident with strong plasma density increases (up to a factor of ten) are observed during the first elliptic transition orbits when the spacecraft approached the Phobos orbits. The characteristic transverse dimension of the structures along the spacecraft orbit is in the range 100-1,000 km. Torus effects also have characteristics similar to the formation of a bow shock with increases of plasma density and ion temperature, and a characteristic deflection of the ion flow. This suggests a rather strong interaction between the solar wind plasma and plasma near Phobos orbit. The interaction appears quite similar to that of the solar wind with a comet. The outgassing of matter from Phobos (and Deimos) is also suggested by plasma observations in the wake/tail of the Martian satellites. Altogether, the authors observations imply that a neutral gas cloud - possibly also associated with a faint dust ring - exists along the Phobos orbit.
The dust and gas environment in the vicinity of the orbit of the Phobos moon is assessed using both theoretical methods and observations from previous missions to Mars. It is found that a stable ring of dust particles with radii of about 100 microns could exist with a normal optical depth close to the upper limit determined from the Viking Orbiter 1 mission. The presence of a gas ring with neutral number density substantially higher than the hot atomic oxygen background is possible only if the Phobos moon maintains a certain level of outgassing.
The dust complex around Mars formed by the impact ejecta from the surfaces of its satellites is studied. As found by Juhasz et al. (1993), the different-sized particles of each moon generate several populations with quite dissimilar features. Relatively large grains are concentrated in a toroidal belt along the satellite's orbit ('torus', or 'disk'). The intermediate-sized debris, though also fill a disklike volume, are rapidly lost by the collisions with martian surface and hence are not abundant ('subdisk'). The fine submicron-sized dust is strongly affected by the electromagnetic forces and solar wind streams and would form an extended envelope around Mars ('halo'). Of these populations, the first should dominate the mass density and perhaps the optical depth of the dust complex. We constructed a model of the disks/tori around both satellites, considering successively: incoming meteoroidal flux, ejecta size and velocity distributions, dynamics of orbiting particles, and reaccretion of grains onto the moons' surfaces. The mass and number densities decrease slowly with distance from the satellite's orbit, so that the 'effective' semi-sizes of the torus' section are half the radius of the moon's orbit. The torus of Deimos should be more extended than that of Phobos.
We study the dynamical behavior of small dust particles ejected from martian satellites, taking into account the mass–velocity relation of ejecta estimated from laboratory measurements, and several kinds of perturbation forces on the particles. The combination of dynamical effects caused by Mars's oblateness with those of solar radiation pressure plays an important role in the formation of dust rings around Mars. From numerical simulations and analytical estimates for the orbital evolution of ring particles, we have found that dust rings with asymmetrical structure exist along the satellite's orbit; i.e., Phobos's dust ring has a thin disk-like shape whereas Deimos's is vertically extended. Typical masses of ring particles and their number density, respectively, are about 10−7g and 10−9m−3for Phobos dust rings and nearly 10−8g and 10−8m−3for Deimos dust rings.
The Cosmic Dust experiment on the Hiten spacecraft detected more than 500 events likely to be associated with particle impacts during its three years life in space. An excess of approximately 40% was observed in the direction of 220° ecliptic longitude. This direction corresponds well with the direction of the reported interstellar Helium and interstellar dust seen by other experimenters. In absolute number this is about 20 particles. Since this data was taken during three full years and thus most other effects should be averaged out we believe that these particles are of interstellar origin.