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Laser beam shaping techniques



Industrial, military, medical, and research and development applications of lasers frequently require a beam with a specified irradiance distribution in some plane. A common requirement is a laser profile that is uniform over some cross-section. Such applications include laser/material processing, laser material interaction studies, fiber injection systems, optical data/image processing, lithography, medical applications, and military applications. Laser beam shaping techniques can be divided in to three areas: apertured beams, field mappers, and multi-aperture beam integrators. An uncertainty relation exists for laser beam shaping that puts constraints on system design. In this paper we review the basics of laser beam shaping and present applications and limitations of various techniques.
Laser Beam Shaping Techniques 9m
Fred M. Dickey,* Louis S. Weichrnan, Richard N. Shagam ~~~
Sandia National Laboratories, MS 0328, Albuquerque, NM 87185-0328 -~m Cl
Industrial, military, medical, and research and development applications of lasers frequently require abeam with aspecified
irradiance distribution in some plane. Acommon requirement is alaser profile that is uniform over some cross-section.
Such applications include laser/material processing, laser material interaction studies, fiber injection systems, optical
datdimage processing, lithography, medical applications, and military applications. Laser beam shaping techniques can be
divided in to three areas: apertured beams, field mappers, and multi-aperture beam integrators. An uncertainty relation
exists for laser beam shaping that puts constraints on system design. In this paper we review the basics of laser beam
shaping and present applications and limitations of various techniques.
Keywords: Laser beam shaping, beam profiles, field mapping, beam integrators
Beam shaping is the process of redistributing the irradiance and phase of abeam of optical radiation. The beam shape is
defined by the irradiance distribution and the phase of the shaped beam is amajor factor in determining the propagation
properties of the beam profile. Applications of beam shaping include laser/material processing, laser/material interaction
studies, laser weapons, optical datdimage processing, lithography, printing, and laser art patterns. In this paper we provide
an overview of the techniques for producing shaped beams that are uniform over aspecified cross-section. The shaped
beam cross section may be arbitrary, including rectangular, circular, triangular, hexagonal, and ring shaped. In-depth
infromation is provided by the references. The theory and techniques of laser beam shaping are addressed in the book
edited by Dickey and Holswade.l
Laser beam shaping techniques can be divided into three broad classes. The first is the trivial, but usefid, aperturing of the
beam illustrated in Fig. 1. In this case the beam is expanded and an aperture is used to select asuitably flat portion of the
beam. The resulting irradiance can be imaged with magnification to control the size of the output beam. The major
Fig. 1Uniformirradianceobtainedby aperturing inputbeam.
Correspondence:Email:fmdicke@sandia. ~ov; Telephonti 505844 9660;Fax 5058449554
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disadvantage of this technique is that it is not lossless. In most cases it is desirable, for obvious reasons, that the beam
shaping operation conserve energy. Further, if the input beam irradiance is not suitably smooth, it might not be possible to
find an aperture size and position that gives the desired result. In that case, some form of input beam homogenization
might be required. This type of beam shaping will not be treated further.
The second major technique for beam shaping is what might be called field mapping. Field mappers transform the input
field into the desired field in acontrolled manner. The basic field mapper concept is illustrated in Fig. 2for the case of
mapping asingle mode Gaussian beam into abeam with auniform irradiance. In the figure, Gaussian distributed rays are
bent in aplane so
Fig.2Schematicof thefieldmappingconcept(FromRef. 1).
so that they are uniformly distributed in the output plane. The ray bending described in the figure defines awavetlont that
can be associated with an optical phase element. Field mappers can be made effectively lossless. The field mapping
approach to beam shaping is applicable to well defined single mode laser beams.
The remaining class of beam shapers is beam integrators, also known as beam homogenizers. Arepresentative example of
abeam integrator is shown in Flg.3. In this configuration, the input beam is broken up into beamlets by aIenslet array and
J_ &
Fig. 3Amulti-aperturebeam integrator(FromRef. 1).
superimposed in the output plane by the primary lens. The term integrator comes horn the fact that the output pattern is a
sum of diffraction patterns determined by the Ienslet apertures. Beam integrators are especially suited to multimode lasers
with arelatively low degree of spatial coherence. They can also be designed to be effectively Iossless.
In Section 2we discuss aconstraint on beam shaping that results from the application of diffraction theory to the beam
shaping problem. The result is an uncertainty principle type relation that involves the input and output beam sizes. The
theory and design of field mappers is discussed in Section 3. Beam integrators are treated in Section 4. In Section 5we
briefly discuss beam shaping using diffractive diffisers, which are technically field mappers but exhibit speckle properties
associated with beam integrators. Finally, in Section 6we discuss the importance of validating and refining the beam
shaping system design using sophisticated optical software.
The concept of field mapping is applicable to beam integrators as well as field mappers. The basic field mapping problem
can be expressed in terms of the Fresnel integral as,
where k=2z/~,
U(XI, yl )is the complex representation of the input beam,
V(xl, yl )is the phase function representing the lossless beam shaping element,
u(xo, y. )is the shaped complex field in the output plane at distance Z.
By expanding the last exponential in the integrand and including the remaining quadratic phase function in the beam
shaping element, ~, one can express the beam shaping problem as aFourier transform (Fraunhofer integral),
exp(ikz) [
U(xo, Yo) =ik ‘Xp ’02+ YO 2JJu(~1>Y1)exPv(x1 jY1)exP[-i~(xoxl +YoY1)]~1~Y17 (z)
where ~in this equation differs from that of Eq. (1) by aquadratic phase factor. In terms of either of these two equations,
the beam shaping problem is to determine the phase function, V, when U(XI .Y1)and the magnitude of U(xo. y. )are
specified, This is equivalent to simultaneously specifying the magnitude of afunction and the magnitude of its Fourier
The uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics, or equivalently the time-bandwith produce inequality associated with
signal processing can be applied to the beam shaping problem. The uncertainty principle is aconstraint on the lower limit
of the product of the root-mean-square width of afunction and its root-mean-square bandwith,23
AXAV>— (3)
Applying the uncertainty principle to the beam shaping problem of Eq. (1) or Eq. (2) one obtains aparameter ~of the
f?=c++, (4)
where r. is the input beam half-width, Y. is tie outputbeamhalf-width, and Cis aconstant that depends on the exact
definition of beam widths. As will be discussed in the following sections, agood field mapping solution to Eq. (1) or Eq.
(2) is obtainable if~ is suitably large. Also, and not unrelated, Pis the parameter involved in the stationary phase method
of solution of Eq. (1) or Eq. (2).1
The beam shaping problem described by Eq. (2) can be directly implemented by the system shown in Fig. 4.1’4’5’6In the
figure, the last two elements comprise the beam shaping system; the first two elements are abeam expanding telescope.
The beam shaping system consists of ashaping element (phase function 1#)and aFourier transform (focusing) lens. The
beam expanding telescope, which may or may not be necessary, provides amean of increasing Pby increasing the input
beam diameter. Using the method of stationary phase, Romero and DickeyGhave obtained solutions for converting
Fig.4BeamshapingsystemimplementingEq.2 (FromRef. 5).
Gaussian beams into uniform profiles with both rectangular and circular cross sections. In these solutions, the phase ~in
Eq. (1) and Eq. (2) is given by ~=fl~. For acircular Gaussian beam input, the problem of turning aGaussian beam into
aflat-top beam with rectangular cross section is separable. That is, the solution is the product of two one-dimensional
solutions. ~and $(~) are thus calculated for each dimension. The phase element will then produce the sum of these
phases (@X~(X)+flY@Y(Y)].The corresponding one dimensional solution for $is
and r.= l/e2 radius of the incoming Gaussian beam.
The sohrtion for the problem of turning acircular Gaussian beam into aflat-top beam with circular cross section is
and r=radial distance from the optical axis.
As previously mentioned, the quality of these solutions depend strongly on the parameter ~. For the two solutions given
in Eq. (3) and Eq, (4), ~is given by
where: ro=
p= 26 r. y. ,(7)
l/e2 radius of incoming Gaussian beam,
half-width of desired spot size (the radius for acircular spot, or half the width of asquare or rectangular
The effects of ~on the quality of the solution for the problem of mapping aGaussian beam into aflat-top beam with a
rectangular cross section is illustrated in Fig. 5. In the figure we give simulation results for ashaped beam profile with a
rectangular cross section with Pvalues of 4,8, and 16.
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 5Simulatedshapedbeamwith squarecrosssection.(a) P=Q. (b) ~=8. (c) ~=16.
The beam shaping configuration just discussed is very general. Solutions for different profiles and cross sections can be
obtained using the method of stationary phase. Also, the phase element can be designed using genetic algorithmsl’7and the
Gerchberg-Saxton algorithms There are several properties associated with the Iossless beam shaping configuration shown
in Fig, 5that are important to system design considerations. We will list them here, noting that the details are provided in
the references.
Element S~acin~: Assuming the validity of the Fresnel integral, the spacing between the phase element and
the Fourier transform lens is not critical.
Sinde Element Desire: The phase element and the Fourier transform lens can be combined as one element.
_The Fourier transform lens focal length may be changed to scale the output spot size without
changing ~.
Positive/Ne~ative Phase: The sign of the beam shaping element phase, v, can be changed without changing
the output beam profile (irradiance). It does, however, change properties of the beam before and after the
output plane. In one case the beam goes through afocus before the output (focal) planq in the other case the
beam goes through afocus after the output plane.
Quadratic Phase Correction: The solutions given in Eq. (5) and Eq. (6) were derived assuming aplane wave
(uniform phase) input beam. Small quadratic phase deviations associated with adiverging input correspond to
asmall shift in the output plane with aproportional scaling of the shaped beam size.
Collimation: The output beam can be collimated using aconjugate phase plate in the output plane that cancels
any non-uniform phase component.
Another interesting field mapping configuration has been suggested by Rhodes and Shealyg that is especially applicable to
the production of relatively large collimated beams with auniform irradiance profile. The basic concept is illustrated in
Fig. 6. In the figure, the second surface of the fust lens directs the incident rays so that they are uniformly distributed at the
b- <
Fig. 6Twolenssystemfor large collimatedbeams.
first surface of the second lens. That surface then redirects the rays so that they are collimated. Ageneral theory of this
two lens beam shaping system is detailed by Shealy (Chapter 4) and, Evans and Shealy (Chapter 5) in Reference 1. Their
approach is geometrical optics, which assumes a large P. The design approach starts with the eikonal and invokes
conservation of energy along aray bundle between the two surfaces. Special attention is given to constant optical path
length designs that give acollimated (minimum divergence) output. The result is adifferential equation for the lens
surface. They also develop parallel methods for two lens systems using gradient-index (GRIN) glasses.
It is interesting to note that the fust lens in Fig. 6effectively accomplishes the same function as the combination of the
shaping element and transform lens in Fig. 4. The main difference is that the output surface for the system in Fig. 4is
assumed planar, while the output surface of the fust lens in Fig. 6is the f~st surface of the second lens.
Amulti-aperture integrator system basically consist of two components; 1) asubaperture array consisting of one or more
Ienslet arrays which segments the entrance pupil or cross section of the beam into an array of beamlets and applies aphase
aberration to each bearnlet, and 2) abeam integrator or focusing element which overlaps the beamlets from each
subaperture at the target plane. The target is located at the focrd point of the primary focusing element, where the chief rays
of each subaperture intersect. Brown et all provide adetailed treatment of beam integrators.
Beam integrators can be loosely divided into two categories; diffracting and imaging. Asimple diffracting beam integrator
(also called anon-imaging integrator) is illustrated in Fig. 3, consisting of asingle Ienslet array and apositive primary lens.
The target irradiance is the sum of defocused diffraction spots (point spread functions) of an on-axis object point at infinity
(assuming acollimated input wavefront). The diffracting beam integrator is based on the assumption that the output is the
superposition of the diftlaction fields of the beamlet apertures. The diffraction field is obtained using the Fresnel integral.
If the beam is not spatially coherent over each beamlet aperture amore complicated integral is required and, generally, one
would not be able to obtain areasonable replica of the Ienslet aperture. For example, aspatially incoherent field is
approximated by aLambertian source that radiates over ahuge angle and would not produce alocalized irradiance
distribution at the output plane.
Figure 7illustrates an imaging multi-aperture beam integrator. This type of integrator is especially appropriate for spatially
incoherent sources. From aray optics perspective, these sources produce awavefront incident over arange of field angles
on the lenslet apertures. The first lenslet array segments the beam as before and focuses the bearnlets onto asecond lenslet
array, That is, each Ienslet in the first array is designed to confine the incident optical radiation within the corresponding
aperture in the second array. Asecond lenslet array, separated from the fwst by adistance equal to the focal length of the
secondary lenslets, together with the primary focusing lens forms areal image of the subapertures of the first lenslet array
on the target plane. The primary lens overlaps these subaperture images at the target to form one integrated image of the
subapertures of the first array element. Re-imaging the lenslet apertures mitigates the dil%action effects of the integrator in
Fig. 3. Imaging integrators are more complicated than diftiacting integrators in that they require asecond lenslet array and
an associated alignment sensitivity. Diffracting integrators are more frequently the integrators of choice.
1 2
Fig.7Basicconfigurationfor the imagingintegrator.
There are four major assumptions in the development of dit%acting beam integrators. They are as follows:
1) The input beam amplitude (or equivalently irradiance) is approximately uniform over each subaperture. This
allows for the output to be the superposition of the difliaction patterns of the beamlet defining apertures. It is
expected that small deviations will average out in the output plane. That is, the errors associated with a
particular aperture will not dominate.
2) The phase across each subaperture is uniform. The discussion in 1) applies in this case also. In addition, a
linear phase across asubaperture results in aredirection of the beamlets, causing amisalignment in the output.
3) The input beam divergence does not vary significantly with time. Generally, an input beam divergence will
result in anon-overlapping of the beamlets in the target plane. This can be corrected in many cases with
correction optics in the input beam. However, atime varying divergence would negate the possibility of
4) The input beam field should be spatially coherent over each subaperture. This is inherent in assumption 1)
since the diffraction patterns are assumed to be described by aFresnel integral.
The imaging integrator does not require assumption 4) since it does not necessarily require that the output pattern be
described by adiffraction integral.
The basic problem for the diffracting integrator is that each lenslet then maps auniform input intensity into auniform
output intensity via the Fourier transform. It can be shown that the desired Ienslet phase function is
This quadratic phase factor describes athin lens. Again the solution includes the parameter ~that is ameasure of the
quality of the solution. This parameter, for this case, is given by
p=%!, (9)
where d, S, and Fare defined in Fig. 3.
Note that /3 is adimensionless constant and, as previously discussed, is related to the mathematical uncertainty principle.
Increasing ~decreases the effects of difiiaction in the ou~-ut.
Using paraxial geometrical optics it can be shown that the spot size
primary lens divided by the f-number of the subaperture lens,
Son the target is equal to the focal length Fof the
This result is also obtained using diffraction theory and Fourier optics.
In addition to the diffraction effects discussed above with respect to ~, multi-aperture beam integrators generally exhibit
interference effects. They are effectively multiple beam interferometers. The coherence theory of multi-aperture beam
integrators is developed in Reference 1. Depending on the degree of spatial coherence of the source, the output irradiance
will contain an interference or speckle component. For these conditions, the integrated irradiance of the coherent
component is adequately described by
I(X> y) =‘~NAmnexp{i[k(amx+ flny)+em IF(X,Y]2,
where %and flnare the direction cosines associated with each beamlet, d~ is the phase of the beamlet, Am the amplitude of
the beamlet field, and the function. F(x,y) is the diffraction integral of the beamlet-limiting aperture. F(x,y) is the Fourier
transform of the aperture function for the optical configuration in Fig. 3.
The first factor in Eq. (11) describes the averaging and interference effects of the integrator. The interference effect is a
result of the sum of linear (in xand y) phase terms, which can be viewed as aFourier series. The spatial period for the
resulting interference pattern is given by
Period=?. d(12)
It should be noted that when the coherence between the beamlets is negligible Eq. 11 reduces to
1(x,y)= ‘~NlAmn121F(x,y]’,
0,0 (13)
which isjust the diffraction pattern of asingle Ienslet aperture. Simulations of beam integrator outputs are presented in
Section 6.
The characteristics of diffractive diffusers, also called diffuser beam shapers, are discussed by Brown (Chapter 6) in
Reference 1, Diffuser beam shapers are essentially field mappers. They are designed to diffract the incident beam into the
desired irradiance distribution with abuilt in speckle (or random) pattern. The basic design procedure is;* 1) multiply the
desired irradiance pattern (magnitude) by arandom function (speckle pattern), 2) inverse Fourier transform this result to get
the input field, 3) binarize the phase of inverse transform function to define the beam shaping diffuser. The technique is
illustrated in the following fig~e.
Fig. 8Simulateddiffuserbeam shaping.(a) Aportion of the binary (2 levels) phase structure
for the ring diffuser.(b) Simulatedintensityplot of the ring diffuser. This simulationused a
Gaussianinput beam of diameter 0.5 mm. Asphericalphase curvaturewas then applied to
simulate alens with afocal length of 10.0 mm. Using scalar wave theory the field was
propagated10.0mmto the focalplaneof the lens.
Diffuser beam shapers generally offer the advantage of being much more tolerant to alignment errors than conventional
field mappers. Although we class them as field mappers, their speckle and alignment tolerance properties are more like
beam integrators. Perhaps they can be viewed as beam integrators with Ienslet aperture size approaching zero with the
phase varying from Ienslet to Ienslet.
An important and necessary step in the application of alaser beam shaping technique is the modeling and simulation of the
beam shaper element using acomputer-based high fidelity opticrd design and analysis program. Two types of analysis
programs are available. General geometric optical design programs like ZEMAXW and OSLOw10 establish and verify the
basic geometrical properties of an optical system using beam shaping technology. They also usually have some capability
for the calculation of beam propagation and diffraction properties with some fidelity. These programs can, of course, be
used to perform optimization of specific geometrical and system parameters. In contrast, more detailed, realistic wavefiont
*1These programs also incorporate
analysis can be performed with optical propagation codes like GLADW and ASAIY.
effects like high order or multimode laser inputs and can account for other factors, including beam polarization and spatial
coherence effects. Additionally, ASAP, being araytrace-based propagation code, can permit the simultaneous visualization
of both geometric and diffraction performance of an optical system.
As brief examples, we illustrate how one propagation analysis code, ASAP, can be used to visualize and fine tune the
performance of both afield mapping-based and aIenslet-based beam integrator system. For the field mapper example, we
use the system illustrated in Fig. 4, and choose alaser beam radius, r. =6.75 mm (after afocal magnification), and adesired
spot half-width, y. =2mm. The transform lens f=400 mm, and the laser operates at A=10.6 pm. The coefficients
describing the aspheric profile of the beam shaper are extracted from Ref. 4. The value of ~for this system is 16.
Figure 9(a) is an isometric view of the intensity distribution, and Fig. 9(b) superimposes the intensity contours over the
spot diagram at the irradiance plane. In this view we may visualize the spherical aberration responsible for the beam
shaping effect.
Ffm I m-m for2=606
Fig. 9Beamirradianceperformancefor afieldmappersystemwith P=16.a)
Isometricview.b) Geometricspotdiagramsuperimposedover irradiancecontours.
The ASAP-based irradiance calculation shows that the 98 percent radius is 2.10 mm, a5percent error. Axial adjustment of
the spot focal plane by 6 mm yields the nearly desired spot, although the beam profile has been altered asmall amount.
(Fig.” 10 (a)),
If the mode structure, including the amplitude and phase distribution of aspecific laser are known then the effect on
performance can also be calculated. The program permits inclusion of known phase and amplitude distributions. The
sensitivity to manufacturing tolerance and misalignment on the design can also be studied. As an example, Fig. 10 (b)
illustrates the effect on the beam after a10 degree tilt in the transform lens.
t’lm /SQ+X for 2=606
yfi ,-~
,,, ,-,--?7, ,.— -T- :;:.~,::J~.,-:T -.7 $7;;,:;.: ,,.......--m 7— . ,; ~,...-.,!++ ,.,.,.,~; ,~+ .
-. —.
,. ,, . ,,,.,,-, ..0’,’.,$ 1 . . .... r.
.-.. . .
,... . . ,. ,,. --’; 7: “7s7--”- -‘--- :.:’ f.. >..’”- -“--’--’
,:.,,,.. -.,
Fwx Ise-m for Moo
(a) (b)
Fig. 10 Effectof geometricmodificationsto field mapperbeamshapersystem
(a)A6mm axial focalplaneshiftchangesbeamscaleby 5 percent.
(b) Effectof 10degreerotationin transformlens.
In the second example, abeam integrator system using amultiple Ienslet array, as illustrated in Figure 3, would be diftlcult
to design and analyze purely analytically. However, three-dimensional propagation codes like ASAP have been used to
simulate and verify the design fairly readily. The example system uses an array of hexagonally packed Ienslets, each with a
, .
1,5 mm aperture, to reduce acollimated h=1.06 pm, 5mm diameter beam to a220 pm diameter for injection into an
optical fiber. Fiber injection systems are treated in detail by Weichman et a112. ASAP was used to analyze and optimize
performance as afunction of axial focus spot position. Figure 11 shows the geometric spot diagram and through-focus
diffraction effect on spot size.
.11022 zPOs
23 ‘M
Fig. 11 (a) Focalplanegeometricspot diagram.
(b) Diffractionspotsizevs focalplaneposition for central98 percentofbeamenergy.
Figure 12 shows the irradiance distribution at the minimum spot position for auniform illumination, perfectly coherent
laser beam. Note how the irradiance pattern is dominated by interference between the Ienslet beams, demonstrating that for
the given parameters, the resultant spot is not uniform.
o-b 0.00
FWX I sq-w forz=22.9
-0.250 .250
Fig. 12 Lensletarraybeamintegratoranalysis-fully coherentlaserbeam input
(a) Imagesimulationand(x,y)profiles. (b) Isometricview. (at fiberinjectionplane)
If we use asource laser with limited spatial coherence, we cti reduce the interference effects on the spot irradiance
distribution. Figure 13 shows the calculation of aspatial coherence width small compared to each lenslet aperture. Note
how the contrast of the interference fringes is reduced significantly.
In this paper we have discussed what we believe to be the three major approaches to laser beam shaping, outlined the basic
characteristics of each, and suggested the importance of the use of high fidelity optical software to the design problem.
, t. , *
Although we have included basic design equations, space limits require that the interested reader consult
more detailed treatment.
t. Cob. GIidth=O. 6!3 mm I. —m.+
FW2 IS!l-~ for 2=22.9
the literature for a
(a) (b)
Fig. 13 Lensletarray beamintegratoranalysis-input laser beam with coherencewidth of 0.65 mm.
(a) Imagesimulationand(x,y)profiles. (b) Isometricview. (at fiber injectionplane).
Sandia is amultiprogram laboratory operated by Lockheed Martin for the
Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.
United States Department of Energy under
1F, M.Dickeyand ScottC. Holswade,Luser Beam Shaping: Theory and Techniques, MarcelDekker,Inc., NewYork,in print.
2LEFranks,Signal Theory, Prentice-Hall,Inc.,NewJersey,1969.#.
3R, N. Bracewell,The Fourier Transform and its Applications, McGraw-Hill,NewYork, 1978.
4F, M.Dickeyand S. C. Holswade,“Gaussianlaserbeam profile shaping: Opt. Eng. 35, pp. 3285-3295,1996.
5SCHolswadeandF. M. Dickey,“Gaussianlaserbeamprofileshaping:test and evaluation; Proc.SPZE 2863, pp. 237-245,1996.
. .
6L, A.Romeroand F. M,Dickey,“LosslessLaserBeamShaping,”1Opt. Sot. Am.A 13, pp. 751-760,1996.
7DRBrownand A. Kathman,“Multi-elementdiffractiveopticaldesignsusingevolutionaryprograming; Proc. SPIE 2863,1996.
sH. Stark,Image Recovery: Theoty and Application, AcademicPress,NewYork, 1987.
9PWRhodes and D. L. Shealy, “Refractive optical systems for irradiance redistribution of collimated radiation: their
de~ign”andanalysisj’ Appl. Opt. 19, pp. 3545-3553,1980.
ZEMAX is aproductof Focus Softswxe,Inc.Tucson,AZ. OSLOis aproductof SinclairOpticS,Jnc.Fairport,NY.
1*GLADis aproductof AppliedOpticsResearch. ASAPis aproductof BreaultResearchOrganization.
12LSWeichrnan,F. M, Dickey,and R. N. Shagam,“BeamShapingElementfor CompactFiber InjectionSystems,”Proc. SPIE 3929,
... By tailoring the beam shape to the particular process and material behavior it has for example been demonstrated that the feed speed in heat treatment applications can be increased by a factor of up to 10 [1] and that the melt pool dynamics in laser welding can be stabilized [2]. Several specific intensity distributions such as top-hat [3], donut [4] or -even more sophisticated -rotationally unsymmetric intensity distributions [5] have been proposed which pose significant challenges for the beam shaping optical system. Currently, the necessary degrees of freedom can be provided by the use of complex systems of spherical or aspherical lenses and mirrors [3], freeform optics [6,7] or diffractive optical elements (DOEs) [8,9]. ...
... Several specific intensity distributions such as top-hat [3], donut [4] or -even more sophisticated -rotationally unsymmetric intensity distributions [5] have been proposed which pose significant challenges for the beam shaping optical system. Currently, the necessary degrees of freedom can be provided by the use of complex systems of spherical or aspherical lenses and mirrors [3], freeform optics [6,7] or diffractive optical elements (DOEs) [8,9]. Additionally, spatial light modulators (SLMs) for active beam shaping, such as liquid crystal on silicon (LCoS) displays are employed [10,11]. ...
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We propose a method based on neural network training algorithms for the design of diffractive neural networks - with the aim to perform advanced laser beam shaping in the NIR/VIS spectrum for laser materials processing. The method enables the efficient design of systems including multiple cascaded diffractive optical elements (DOEs) and allows the simultaneous optimization for complex (intensity and phase) target field distributions in multiple target planes. The multi-target boundary condition in the optimization method offers great potential for advanced laser beam shaping.
... For example, converting a Gaussian beam to a top hat profile using fundamental beam-mode shaping (FBS) for more even energy input, Figure 1.7 [28]. By far the dominant means of doing this is via fixed optical systems using lenses or diffractive elements [29][30][31][32][33]. While there are distinct differences in methodology, complexity and scale, SLMs have been used to produce arbitary beam shapes for high-power lasers [34]. ...
... Electron beams can be measured with a faraday cup (FC), diffraction slits or pinholes [103,104]. Laser profiles are often shaped using fixed optical systems [29]. ...
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With a market of approximately $10B, additive manufacture (AM) is an exciting next-generation technology with the promise of significant environmental and societal impact. AM promises to help reduce emissions and waste during manufacture while improving sustainability. Widely used in applications from hip implants to jet engines, AM remains the domain of experts due to the material and thermal challenges encountered. AM in metals is dominated by Laser Powder Based Fusion (L-PBF). Powder is spread in layers 10s of microns thick and selectively melted by scanning a small laser spot heat source over the bed. Traditional AM systems have limited ability to manage or compensate for heat generated. The rapidly moving heat source spot results in high thermal cycling and is a major influence on residual stress and distortion. Mechanical limitations in the galvoscanner mean that over or under-heating is common and can lead to voids, boiling and spatter. The scale difference between the part size and the spot size means that predictive modelling is beyond the scope of even today’s best computing clusters. These factors have led to frequent inability to ensure part quality without physical prototyping and destructive testing. This thesis sets out initial research into creating a radically new AM process that uses computer-generated holography (CGH) to produce complex light patterns in a single pulse. Projecting power to the whole layer at once will mean that the thermal properties of the powders before and after writing can be factored into the processed hologram and part design. It will also significantly reduce thermal gradients and melt-pool instability. The fields of additive manufacture and computer-generated holography are introduced in Chapter 1. Chapters 2 and 3 then provide more detail on CGH and AM modelling respectively. The first deliverable, a reusable software package capable of generating holograms, is presented in Chapter 4. Algorithms developed for the project are introduced in Chapter 4.3. The first project demonstrator, an AM machine capable of printing in resins using holographic projection is discussed in Section 6.2. This shows performance comparable to modern 3D printing machines and highlights the applicability of computer-generated holography to areal processes. Section 6.3 then discusses the ongoing development of a metal powder demonstrator. As this PhD forms the first stage of a larger project, only preliminary work on the powder demonstrator is discussed. Chapter 7 then draws conclusions and outlines the way forward for future research. The thesis appendices then discuss an in-depth discussion of algorithm performances in Appendices A and B. Appendices C and D then discuss digressions into the implementation. Appendices E and F present a laser induced damage threshold (LIDT) measurement system developed. Finally, Appendices G and H provide more detail on the software developed and Appendix I gives links to additional project resources.
... In laser materials processing, application-adapted intensity distributions gain importance, as they enable an increase in productivity and/or the quality of the processing result [1][2][3][4][5]. Such intensity distributions can range from simple homogeneous distributions (so-called top-hat distributions) [6] or donut shapes [7] to process-specific distributions, which are derived by solving the inverse heat-conduction problem [8]. Such application-adapted distributions can be realized with freeform optics [9,10] or via diffractive optical elements (DOEs) [11,12]. ...
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Spatial light modulators (SLMs) based on liquid crystal on silicon (LCoS) are powerful tools for laser beam shaping as they can be used to dynamically create almost arbitrary intensity distributions. However, laser beam shaping with LCoS-SLMs often suffers from beam shaping artifacts in part caused by unconsidered properties of the LCoS devices: astigmatism that stems from the non-normal incidence of the laser beam on the SLM and the effect commonly referred to as the ’0-th diffraction order’ that is caused by both the crosstalk between neighboring pixels and the direct reflection at the cover glass of the SLM. We here present a method to consider and compensate for these inherent properties of LCoS devices by treating the SLM as a diffractive neural network.
... Humans have been reshaping light for thousands of years, and it remains an active research area to this day, from the ancient Assyrians' introduction of primitive lenses circa 750 BCE [1] to designs based on the sophisticated techniques of optimal transport [2]. Requiring a laser beam to have a specified irradiance distribution has diverse and broad applications that include laser/material processing, laser/material interaction studies, fiber injection systems, optical data image processing, and lithography [3]. Geometric optics is the simplest physical setting in which to study beam reshaping, and one that is often chosen. ...
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We address the problem of reshaping light in the Schrödinger optics regime from the perspective of the optimal control theory. In technological applications, Schrödinger optics is often used to model a slowly varying amplitude of a para-axially propagating electric field where the square of the waveguide’s index of refraction is treated as the potential. The objective of the optimal control problem is to find the controlling potential which, together with the constraining Schrödinger dynamics, optimally reshapes the intensity distribution of Schrödinger eigenfunctions from one end of the waveguide to the other. This work considers reshaping problems found in work by Kunkel and Leger, and addresses computational needs by adopting tools from the quantum control literature. The success of the optimal control approach is demonstrated numerically.
... Generally, the flat-top beam can be produced in several ways, which are mainly based on volume elements. Firstly, refractive or diffractive elements are often employed to shape Gaussian beams into flat-top beams, such as aspheric mirrors [2], graded phase mirrors [3], spatial light modulators [4], etc. In addition, focusing the special structure beams, like the cylindrical vector or orbital angular momentum (OAM) beams, can also achieve flat-top beams near the focal plane [5][6]. ...
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Flat-top beams have plenty of applications in theoretical and applied research, but they are not eigenmodes of the wave equation. Here, we propose an effective strategy for generating flat-top beams in fibers, which originates from the incoherent superposition of orbital angular momentum (OAM) and fundamental (LP01) modes. The designed all-fiber passively Q-switched laser can realize high-quality pulsed flat-top and OAM beam emissions. The normalized root mean square of the flat-top beam is around 4.7%, and the purity of the OAM mode is calculated to be higher than 98%. For the first time to the best of our knowledge, pulsed emission of a flat-top beam is achieved using an all-fiber laser. Moreover, its repetition rate and duration can be controlled by adjusting the pump.
... Humans have been reshaping light for thousands of years, and it remains an active research area to this day, from the ancient Assyrians' introduction of primitive lenses circa 750 B.C.E [1] to designs based on the sophisticated techniques of optimal transport [2]. Requiring a laser beam to have a specified irradiance distribution has diverse and broad applications which include laser/material processing, laser/material interaction studies, fiber injection systems, optical data image processing, and lithography [3]. Geometric optics is the simplest physical setting in which to study beam reshaping, and one that is often chosen. ...
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We address the problem of reshaping light in the Schr\"odinger optics regime from the perspective of optimal control theory. In technological applications, Schr\"odinger optics is often used to model a slowly-varying amplitude of a para-axially propagating electric field where the square of the waveguide's index of refraction is treated as the potential. The objective of the optimal control problem is to find the controlling potential which, together with the constraining Schr\"odinger dynamics, optimally reshape the intensity distribution of Schr\"odinger eigenfunctions from one end of the waveguide to the other. This work considers reshaping problems found in work due to Kunkel and Leger, and addresses computational needs by adopting tools from the quantum control literature. The success of the optimal control approach is demonstrated numerically.
... Smooth profiles are more convenient in nonlinear optics applications to avoid instabilities and collapse. Reshaping Gaussian-like beam profiles into uniform flat-top profiles involves large power losses if based on truncation; otherwise it requires using sophisticated diffractive and refractive optics [11], or more recently developed techniques [12], but uniform illumination provides better resolution [13] in applications such as microscopy. ...
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We present paraxial light beams with cylindrical symmetry, smooth and localized transversal profile carrying finite power, that develop intensity singularities when they are focused in a linear medium, such as vacuum. They include beams with orbital angular momentum and with radial polarization, in which case they develop punctual phase and polarization singularities surrounded by infinitely bright rings, and singular longitudinal component. In practice, these effects are manifested in focal intensities and spot sizes, vortex bright ring intensities and radii, and strengths of the longitudinal component of the electric field, that strongly increase with, and hence can be controlled by, the lens aperture radius, without changing the illuminating beam and collected power, and while keeping paraxial focusing conditions.
... To select the most appropriate beam shaping method for addressing these requirements, it is necessary to map them against the available methods and consider their limitations. In particular, the beam shaping methods fall into three main classes (Dickey et al., 2005(Dickey et al., , 2000: ...
High aspect ratio micro holes are very important functional features in many products, in particular in electronics industry. Especially, the critical requirements that such holes in electronic devices should satisfy, concern their morphology and quality that can impact directly the products’ functional performance. At the same time, ultra-short lasers have shown that they have the capabilities to match such tight requirements due to their unique processing characteristics. The typical beam spatial profile of the laser sources used for drilling is Gaussian and this entails some constraints and limitations. In this study, a beam shaping system for laser micro drilling has been designed and implemented to achieve a top-hat spatial profile. The morphology of the high aspect ratio holes in terms of cylindricity, circularity, tapering angle, heat affected zone (HAZ) and penetration depth was investigated by a high resolution X-Ray Computed Tomography (XCT). The capabilities and limitations of such beam shaping solutions for producing micro-scale high aspect ratio holes has been discussed, i.e. their sensitivity to defocusing, and compared to Gaussian beam spatial distribution. Conclusions were made regarding the effects of top-had beams on morphology of high aspect ratio holes and trade-offs when deploying them for laser micro drilling.
... In this condition a phenomenon called beam shaping can be introduced. Beam shaping is the process of redistribution of the irradiance of the laser beam [38]. In most of the industrial applications beam shaping is important as various applications need a preferred beam shape. ...
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Laser polishing is a technology of smoothening the surface of various materials with highly intense laser beams. When these beams impact on the material surface to be polished, the surface starts to be melted due to the high temperature. The melted material is then relocated from the ‘peaks to valleys’ under the multidirectional action of surface tension. By varying the process parameters such as beam intensity, energy density, spot diameter, and feed rate, different rates of surface roughness can be achieved. High precision polishing of surfaces can be done using laser process. Currently, laser polishing has extended its applications from photonics to molds as well as bio-medical sectors. Conventional polishing techniques have many drawbacks such as less capability of polishing freeform surfaces, environmental pollution, long processing time, and health hazards for the operators. Laser polishing on the other hand eliminates all the mentioned drawbacks and comes as a promising technology that can be relied for smoothening of initial topography of the surfaces irrespective of the complexity of the surface. Majority of the researchers performed laser polishing on materials such as steel, titanium, and its alloys because of its low cost and reliability. This article gives a detailed overview of the laser polishing mechanism by explaining various process parameters briefly to get a better understanding about the entire polishing process. The advantages and applications are also explained clearly to have a good knowledge about the importance of laser polishing in the future.
Spatial light modulators (SLMs) based on liquid crystal on silicon (LCoS) are powerful tools for laser beam shaping as they can be used to dynamically create almost arbitrary intensity distributions. However, laser beam shaping with LCoS-SLMs often suffers from beam shaping artifacts in part caused by unconsidered properties of the LCoS devices: Astigmatism that stems from the non-normal incidence of the laser beam on the SLM and the effect commonly referred to as the '0-th diffraction order' that is caused by both the crosstalk between neighboring pixels and the direct reflection at the cover glass of the SLM. We here present a method to consider and compensate for these inherent properties of LCoS devices by treating the SLM as a diffractive neural network.
Recent advances in the theory and application of image recovery (IR) are examined in chapters contributed by leading experts. Topics addressed include signal restoration, functional analysis, and Fredholm integral equations of the first kind; the method of convex projections; Bayesian and related methods in IR from incomplete data; IR using linear programming; the principle of maximum entropy; and the unique reconstruction of multidimensional sequences from Fourier-transform magnitude or phase. Consideration is given to phase retrieval and IR for astronomy; restoration from phase and magnitude by generalized projections, computerized tomography and computer-assisted diffraction tomography, applications of convex-projection theory to IR in tomography, image synthesis, and the role of analyticity in IR.
A method for converting single-mode Gaussian beams into beams with uniform irradiance profiles is described. The design is based on a Fourier transform relation between the input and output beam functions. The efficacy of the solution is shown to depend on a parameter that contains the product of the widths of the input and output beams. Problems associated with errors in system alignment and scale are discussed. Numerical illustrations and experimental results are presented.
A set of differential equations is derived which specifies the shape of two aspherical surfaces of a lens system that will convert an incident plane wave with an arbitrary energy profile into collimated radiation with a uniform energy distribution. As an example, a lens system is designed that converts a laser beam with a Gaussian energy profile into an expanded beam with a uniform energy distribution. Off-axis rays are then traced through the lenses in order to analyze the performance of the lens system.
Gaussianlaserbeam profile shaping:test and evaluation
  • F M S C Holswadeand
  • Dickey
S C Holswadeand F. M. Dickey,"Gaussianlaserbeam profile shaping:test and evaluation; Proc. SPZE 2863, pp. 237-245,1996. ..
LosslessLaser BeamShaping
  • A Romeroand
L, A. Romeroand F. M, Dickey,"LosslessLaser BeamShaping,"1 Opt. Sot. Am.A 13, pp. 751-760,1996.
Multi-elementdiffractiveopticaldesignsusing evolutionaryprograming
  • A D R Brownand
  • Kathman
D R Brownand A. Kathman,"Multi-elementdiffractiveopticaldesignsusing evolutionaryprograming;
ASAP is a productof BreaultResearchOrganization
  • Productof Appliedopticsresearch
GLADis a productof AppliedOpticsResearch. ASAP is a productof BreaultResearchOrganization.
BeamShapingElementfor CompactFiber InjectionSystems
  • F M S Weichrnan
  • R N Dickey
  • Shagam
S Weichrnan,F. M, Dickey,and R. N. Shagam,"BeamShapingElementfor CompactFiber InjectionSystems,"Proc. SPIE 3929,