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A good practice guide for the implementation of redeployable CCTV

  • Perpetuity Research


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A good practice guide for the
implementation of redeployable
Home Office Online Report 16/05
Martin Gill
Anthea Rose
Kate Collins
The views expressed in this report are those of the authors, not necessarily those of the Home Office (nor do they
reflect Government policy).
A good practice guide for the
implementation of redeployable CCTV
Martin Gill
Anthea Rose
Kate Collins
Online Report 16/05
A range of people offered advice at various stages of the research and the authors would like
to thank them all. In particular, John O'Mahoney, John Boff, Dave Gwynne, Martyn Triggol,
Matt Gibbs, Ron Armitage, Jon Laws, Peter Fry, Mike Harrison-Jones, Nick Saunders, Tricia
Jessiman, Martin Hemming and Nicola Douglas.
Acknowledgements ii
Introduction 1
Methodology 1
How to implement an RCCTV scheme 1
Why do I need RCCTV? 3
Project management 4
How do I know what kind of system I need? 6
What types of systems are available? 8
How much does CCTV cost? 16
Protocols and legislation 19
Are the images good enough for evidential purposes? 20
Staffing and training 21
Summary 21
Where can I get more information about RCCTV? 22
References 22
Glossary 23
1. Applying RCCTV at the evaluation sites
2. Advantages and disadvantages of the Shoebox and the Dome cameras
3. Advantages and disadvantages of Radio and GSM transmission
4. Advantages and disadvantages of receivers
5. Advantages and disadvantages of power supplies
6. Technical faults that can occur
7. Site A items purchased and their cost
8. Site B items purchased and their cost
9. Site C items purchased and their cost
10. Additional capital items and their cost
11. Revenue costs
1. Redeployable CCTV process flowchart
2. Shoebox camera
3. Dome camera
The initiative described in this report funded the purchase by local Drug Action Teams of
RCCTV systems1 to disrupt open drug markets and drug-related crime at three sites located
in a London borough, in a predominantly rural area in the South West and in a mainly urban
part of the North East of England.
RCCTV differs from static CCTV in that the cameras can be moved quickly from place to
place (in theory at least), reacting to the identification of crime hotspots. Accompanied by
signage it can be used overtly to scan areas, it can be used to target people and it can be
used covertly (but the latter two require authorisation under the Regulation of Investigatory
Powers Act 2000).
This guide aims to assist practitioners, particularly those employed in local government, who
are buying and installing RCCTV for the first time. It is based on the transferable lessons from
an evaluation of its implementation at the three sites. There is no intention here to provide an
assessment of the effectiveness of RCCTV, but rather to help practitioners to avoid a range of
implementation problems that might adversely affect the impact of the cameras or the
prospects for measuring their efficacy
Many of these problems are similar to those encountered in the implementation and
management of static CCTV schemes. The guide focuses particularly on the issues raised by
RCCTV. Further advice and guidance on static CCTV can be found in the National Evaluation
of CCTV Development and Practice Report (; see also. Gill et al,
2005; Smith et al., 2003).
The original design anticipated many more deployments, and assumed a measurable impact
on drug-related crime. A combination of experimental design and realistic evaluation methods
(Pawson and Tilley, 1997) were originally advocated, but since there was hardly any potential
impact to evaluate, the approach changed. Data protection procedures prevented access to
anything other than aggregate level data, which was not sensitive enough to identify any
effects on crime, although no-one interviewed during the research supposed that the effect of
RCCTV on crime rates was dramatic. Early discussion group findings suggested that the
public were unable to distinguish between static and RCCTV, complicating measurement of
public views.
The focus of the project was therefore very much on the process evaluation. The research
team built up a good working rapport with staff in a variety of agencies at the three evaluation
sites, and were involved in attending agency meetings, meetings of neighbourhood watch
groups, and interviews with people who were knowledgeable about local drug markets or the
potential impact of RCCTV. These were supplemented by three focus group discussions
conducted in each area: one of local community representatives, the second of young people
and the third of drug users. Time was also spent interviewing and observing police officers,
especially during deployments. An assessment of the procedures and protocols was
commissioned to provide insights into levels of compliance. Towards the end of the research,
surveys were conducted to gather data on public perceptions of RCCTV in areas where
cameras had been operating during the evaluation.
How to implement an RCCTV scheme
The flowchart on the next page (Figure 1) demonstrates the basic principles of implementing
an RCCTV scheme. The issues in the chart are covered in greater detail in the rest of this
1 ‘Redeployable’ is sometimes referred to as ‘relocatable’ or ‘mobile’ although the latter more commonly refers to
CCTV-equipped vans.
Figure 1: Re-deployable CCTV process flowchart
Develop a rationale for re-deployable CCTV
Do I need it?
Why do I need it and what are its objectives?
What problems will it tackle?
How will it fit in with other measures?
Will it fit into the culture of my organisation?
Plan the implementation
systems and form
project team
costs of the
Consult widel
choose scheme to
meet needs and
Choose a supplier
Negotiate price, technical specification, ‘future-proofin
levels of trainin
and technical support, request and
take up references, conduct in-the-field tests, re-assess
if necessary and agree price and delivery date
Prepare for delivery
additional staff requirements, recruit
staff, develop protocols, identif
atekeeper for
equipment, en
e likel
users and partners,
publicise equipment, prepare for suppler trainin
of staff, train staff in protocols and le
restrictions on usin
cameras, and mana
Deploy cameras
Familiarise staff
with equipment
and commence
staff trainin
Test efficac
of equipment
and remedy if
cameras and re-
rest efficacy
Evaluate success
in the li
ht of the
aims set
Review effectiveness
periodically, amend and
upgrade as required
ate findin
s and
share experience for the
benefit of others
Why do I need RCCTV?
As with any crime reduction measure it is important to establish a clear rationale for
purchasing RCCTV at the outset. Managers should consider the following:
What are the main objectives for RCCTV?
Precisely how will the relocatable feature help to meet the objectives?
Precisely what problems are to be tackled?
What evidence is there to suggest that RCCTV is the appropriate intervention to tackle
the issue in question?
How will RCCTV fit with other measures already in place or are about to be introduced?
How will it fit into the culture of the organisation?
Guidance on the pre-bidding process including assessing the mechanisms by which CCTV
can work are contained in the National Evaluation of CCTV (
There is very little information specifically about RCCTV at present (but see, Gill et al, 2005)
and it may be helpful to outline some of the ways it was used at the evaluation sites.
The main reasons for deployments at the evaluation sites were to:
act as a visible deterrent;
gain evidence on the movements of suspects as part of police operations; and
reassure the public.
RCCTV was used to tackle the following problems
Street drug crime.
Street robberies.
Vehicle crime.
Dwelling burglaries.
Antisocial behaviour.
RCCTV was installed in a variety of locations, including:
railway stations;
secondary shopping areas where static CCTV systems did not exist;
gaps in existing town centre CCTV;
outside night-clubs, pubs and bars;
residential estates, both private and Council;
out of town retail car parks;
market towns and villages; and
parks and woodlands.
The case studies below are illustrations of how RCCTV was used at the evaluated sites.
Case study 1
On several occasions RCCTV was used for evidence gathering at a retail car park. Young
people involved in antisocial behaviour on a Sunday evening were suspected of using and
dealing drugs from vehicles. Cameras were deployed overtly in and near the car park
enabling police officers to observe the situation remotely and allowing them to gather
evidence for stop and searches. As a result several arrests were made for possession of
cannabis. The youngsters were cautioned and released.
Case study 2
RCCTV was used for public reassurance and as a visible deterrent in a residential area where
prostitution and drug related offences were highly visible. The cameras were deployed overtly
to target suspects as part of a high-profile policing initiative. After only three days, the
deployment resulted in the ‘targets’ moving addresses. Camera remained in the vicinity for
several months before being replaced by static CCTV cameras.2
Transferable lessons
Ensure that RCCTV is the appropriate measure for tackling the problems identified. There
may be alternatives that are less costly of capital and revenue resources.
Establish a clear rationale for purchasing RCCTV at the outset. Are there specific
problems to which redeployable cameras seem suited?
Have a clear idea of how RCCTV will fit with other existing, or intended, measures.
Be sure that RCCTV will fit into the culture of the organisation and particularly of those
who will be using it. Are those who will deploy the cameras prepared for the learning
curve they will have to negotiate to use the equipment effectively?
Project management
Many problems were encountered in deploying cameras effectively at the evaluation sites and
these were caused mainly by a lack of proper preparation. The preparation process was
complicated by a variety of agencies being involved in the decision to purchase and then in
the use of the equipment. Many of the recommendations coming from the evaluation sites
apply equally to static CCTV, for example, the need for:
clear decision-making processes, taking into account the opinions and needs of all
partner organisations;
definition of areas of responsibility within and between partner organisations, both
strategically and operationally; and
each partner agency to identify its priorities for using CCTV, and for these to be effectively
However there are issues that particularly affect RCCTV that merit consideration, including:
the need to identify both capital and revenue funding streams.
the need to identify a suitable ‘gatekeeper’ to control access to the equipment.
2 Indeed, despite the original intention sometimes RCCTV was deployed as a de facto static camera.
the need to resolve communication issues between agencies.
timescale slippages caused by the need to manage complex and new technology.
Identify funding streams
Identification of appropriate funding streams to support both the set-up and ongoing costs of
an RCCTV system is of key importance. As will be discussed later, there are a range of costs,
some not immediately obvious, but these all need to be identified and funding streams found
to meet them all.
Identifying the ‘gatekeeper’
The ‘gatekeeper’, that is the agency chiefly responsible for managing RCCTV, was either the
Council or the police. Placing responsibility for the systems in the hands of the police can lead
to quick and regular identification of deployment opportunities on the basis of analysis of
crime statistics or because of local operational knowledge of where the hotspots are.
However, designating the Council as the gatekeeper means that existing static CCTV
expertise can be more easily drawn upon. To comply with current legislation the gatekeeper
will need to register with the Information Commissioner (
Managers need to weigh up the relative advantages of different organisations acting as
gatekeepers, but it is important that this is agreed from the start.
Communication issues
Whoever is chosen as gatekeeper, it is important that the decision is communicated widely,
and that there are clear policies and procedures governing the use of the cameras including
who pays for deployments. In practice a range of groups may want to use the system, and
having clearly understood procedures makes the equipment more accessible and its use
more likely. In practice, the police were the main, and in some cases the only, users of the
It is always a challenge in partnership working to ensure that communication is effective.
Factors to consider are:
The differing priorities of each partner agency.
Who will have priority use of the equipment?
How deployment needs will be identified.
How the cameras will be used with clear guidelines governing their use.
How the public will perceive RCCTV.
During the evaluation three examples of communication issues came to light. First, at a site
where the Council undertook responsibility for and monitoring of the cameras but the police
were the main intended users, the two agencies failed to communicate properly and as a
result there was limited use of the cameras at that site.
Second, deployments were sometimes delayed whilst waiting for other departments to carry
out work (for example the lighting or maintenance department within the Council to survey or
wire lampposts, or the contractor to arrive with a cherry picker to install cameras). Good
communication here was found to aid the fast and frequent deployment of cameras.3
3 This process can be improved further still. This may include, for example, the minimum requirements of a contractor
deploying the cameras on the Council’s behalf being granted approval to work on street lighting supplies from the
local electricity board (usually a formal qualification obtained from the electricity board directly), and using their own
MEWP (Mobile Elevated Work Platform – cherry picker).
Third, if there is a possibility that the cameras will be deployed in residential areas the public
need to be informed as soon as possible. Residents need to know the cameras are present if
they are to feel safer, while offenders need to know if they are to be deterred.
Timescale slippages
The management of project timescales is crucial to the effective implementation of RCCTV
schemes. Experience from the evaluation sites showed that it can take from four to nine
months for RCCTV to become operational and even then technical difficulties will persist.
RCCTV is particularly susceptible to slippage because the technology is relatively immature.
Managers need to factor potential problems into project plans and manage any slippages. In
addition to technical problems, timescale slippage can occur due to:
the slow release of funding;
tendering processes, which are sometimes administratively complicated;
delays in receiving equipment from the suppliers. This was sometimes due to small
orders being given a low priority. On other occasions it took the supplier longer to
manufacture specialised equipment than anticipated; and
the slow acceptance of new technologies into an organisation’s culture and working
Transferable lessons
Identify funding streams for capital and revenue costs.
Establish responsibility and a system for managing RCCTV systems.
Communicate this effectively within and between partner organisations.
Communicate with the public to manage the installation and eventual removal of cameras
(i.e. development of an exit strategy).
RCCTV is a developing technology, which means there may be technical problems. For
this and other reasons set realistic implementation timescales, allowing for slippages.
How do I know what kind of system I need?
Like static systems, RCCTV comes in different forms, which are described below. In order to
select the most appropriate system there is no substitute for establishing clear operational
requirements. This will need to take account of the following:
What problem is RCCTV being used to tackle?
In what kinds of areas will it be used?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of different systems?
Finding experts on RCCTV may not be easy in all areas. Guidelines for operational
requirements can be found on the Police Scientific Development Branch (PSDB) website at
(see also, In addition, there are two other potentially good sources
of information:
Other users of RCCTV
The supplier (and the manufacturer where this is different)
Other users of RCCTV
Visiting other users of RCCTV before purchase can be valuable. Because the technology can
be affected by location it is wise to select areas that are geographically similar to those where
the cameras will be deployed, and where they are being used to tackle similar problems. In
addition, organisations may already operate covert RCCTV cameras, and this knowledge can
be very helpful. Information should be sought on the following:
The identity of suppliers of RCCTV equipment and the quality of service they provided, for
example in terms of technical support and after-sales back-up.
What, if any, technical and implementation problems were encountered and how these
were resolved.
The costs (which can be greatly increased by technical problems).
The strengths and weaknesses of systems for particular purposes.
Examples of how RCCTV was used, evidence of success and explanations for failings or
Notable failures of operations and how they were rectified.
The supplier (and the manufacturer where this is different)
Suppliers have a range of systems available and it is crucial to spend time choosing the right
one. Moreover, technology is developing at a rapid pace and purchasers may need to be
careful about being used as ‘guinea pigs’. Asking suppliers for references from their clients
and taking these up can be instructive. The best advice is to ask for a list of clients and then
contact a sample yourself. Sometimes, the manufacturer may supply equipment themselves
and sometimes not, but they offer another source of information. The following are key points
to consider when thinking about suppliers.
There are a range of companies that make and sell RCCTV equipment and it is advisable
to shop around to get the best deal.
Invite several companies to carry out equipment testing at the chosen locations.
Transmission paths can go from good to bad in a few metres’ distance because of the
transmission wavelengths used. Also ask for a written report on their findings clearly
outlining any difficulties that need to be managed.
Having chosen potentially interesting suppliers, ask to speak to some of their existing
clients and check the claims that the suppliers make.
Enquire whether suppliers allow for a trial period of equipment use prior to purchase.
Ensure the supplier is willing to make modifications after delivery if necessary, perhaps to
meet in-field requirements that cannot be foreseen at the planning stage. Check whether
and in what ways equipment can be upgraded as technology advances, and at what cost.
Ensure that the supplier has a comprehensive technical back-up system in place and that
it is easily accessible.
Transferable lessons
Have clear operational requirements in order to minimise technical problems.
Get advice from other users about their experiences.
Choose the supplier carefully and invest time doing so, ensuring that the system meets
technical and operational requirements, and can be adapted to meet any changes
Check whether the supplier has a good technical support system, and if possible, check
claims suppliers make about their equipment with existing users.
Remember that each redeployment brings potential for errors, so RCCTV is more likely to
be affected by user error than static systems.
Ensure that supplier has authorisation and qualification to carry out deployment without
the involvement of any third party (highway lighting etc.) to reduce the likelihood of delays
caused by the lack of inter-agency communication.
What types of systems are available?
This section will guide prospective users through some of the key technical challenges of
implementing RCCTV. It will provide some examples of how RCCTV was applied at the
evaluation sites, the types of systems used and some of their advantages and disadvantages.
Matching technology with applications
There is a need for thoughtful planning in deciding how best to match the available
technology to operational requirements. Clearly circumstances will vary, but Table 1 may be
helpful in terms of guiding the choice to be made. The left-hand column lists a potential
objective of RCCTV, and the right-hand side suggests an appropriate technology or
technologies to consider.
Table 1: Applying RCCTV at the evaluation sites
Use proposed Solution
Visible deterrent Shoebox camera more appropriate because
it is seen to follow suspects and potential
Police surveillance Dome camera to hide tracking and mobile
receiver which is more directly accessible to
police operational staff in the field.
Public reassurance Shoebox camera, to maximise visible
Continuous monitoring Radio transmission of signals, although it
should be noted that if the radio link being
used is analogue it must be encrypted to
avoid easy interception of pictures by third
Retrospective reviewing of footage On-board digital recorder or transmit back to
a control room, bearing in mind that if the
camera does not have an integral digital
recorder and the transmission link fails, the
camera will produce no images.
Lengthy transmission distances GSM communication is less affected by
obstacles, although as the bandwidth is very
low, the picture resolution will be very low
and the latency (time delay between the
camera viewing an image and the remote
operator seeing the same image) will be high
making active control and monitoring virtually
Long-term deployments Mains power and communication to the
CCTV control room.
Short-term deployments Battery powered / briefcase receiver.
A general guide such as this cannot unravel the many complex decisions that have to be
made in choosing the appropriate system. Instead the discussion focuses on some of the
main issues that need to be considered in the following areas:
Type of camera.
Transmission medium.
Type of receiver.
Power supply.
Mounting of cameras.
Type of camera
The two types of cameras purchased for the evaluation sites were the ‘shoebox’ and the
‘dome’. The shoebox camera is a traditional CCTV camera, rectangular in shape and used in
most town centre static CCTV schemes (see Figure 2). It is usually mounted on the top of a
column4. The dome camera is so called because it is housed in a dome-shaped casing and
can be bolted onto the side of a lamppost, or other suitable structure, (see Figure 3).5 Both
cameras can have the ability to pan, tilt and zoom. This means the camera lens can view
panoramically, vertically and take close-ups of subjects. However, there is an issue with the
shoebox camera’s ability to see the bottom of the pole on which it is mounted and suppliers
should be questioned on this. Some of the main advantages and disadvantages detailed in
Table 2 highlight the key differences between the two types of cameras (although these may
change as the technology develops). The type that should be purchased will depend on its
intended use6 and also the structure to which it will be mounted.
4 It is important to check claims that these units can be street light or ‘telegraph’ pole mounted as they are typically
too heavy for such installations.
5 At the time of writing telegraph poles are not suitable because of concerns about Health and Safety.
6 There is a big difference between using RCCTV as a quick response to a problem - and to be moved soon after the
problem has gone away - to using the RCCTV as if it were a static camera by leaving it in situ for long periods.
Figure 2: Shoebox camera
Figure 3: Dome camera
Table 2: Advantages and disadvantages of the Shoebox and the Dome cameras
Shoebox Dome
Suitable for deterrence and public
reassurance as:
The direction the camera is pointing
is visible from the street.
Large / obvious
Suitable for evidence gathering as:
The direction in which the camera is
pointing cannot be ascertained from
the street, especially if the dome is
made of opaque material
Small / discrete
It is light (approx. 7kg) and so can
be deployed on a range of
It is heavy (approx. 25kg), so
unsuitable for mounting on some
May not be suitable for evidence
gathering because the direction in
which the camera is pointing is
visible from the street.
The quality of the picture can be
impaired as:
Some designs are susceptible to
rain and snow because the convex
shape of the camera housing does
not allow a wiper to be fitted,
although some versions have
overcome these issues.
The convex shape of the dome
casing can sometimes distort the
quality of the picture, although
some versions have overcome
these issues.
Condensation can occasionally
build up in the dome housing.7
The signal transmission methods used at the evaluation sites were Global Systems for Mobile
Communication (GSM) and analogue radio. GSM involves the transmission of digitised video,
as data via a mobile phone network. Radio transmission allows data to be sent via several
licence-exempt radio frequencies such as 2.4GHz, 5.8GHz (Bands A and B) and 1.394GHz,
or via (only with permission) police-only licensed L and S bands.
Other wireless systems exist including digital8, laser, Ethernet9 and Internet and the
technology is still developing at a very fast rate. A combination of wireless and hardwired
transmission methods can be used to extend signal range.10 Table 3 shows the advantages
and disadvantages of GSM and radio transmission methods. The main finding from the
evaluation sites was that radio transmission was viewed as the best option when line of sight
can be achieved, but in practice this is often a problem and the advantages of GSM are more
apparent. If GSM fulfils operational requirements, and its disadvantages and limitations are
fully understood, there is no reason not to purchase this system.
7 If this happens, it reflects a fault with the system.
8 Following a House of Lords Select Committee report in 1998, use of digital images in court is increasing. Managers
should ensure local courts possess the facilities to display digital images at trial.
9 Likely to be used for fixed CCTV systems rather than redeployable ones, although WI-FI technology enables
computer networks to be utilised for RCCTV.
10 For example, a fixed microwave link can be installed from a control room to what is termed a ‘hub’ or a ‘node’.
Cameras can then transmit to this by wireless methods such as radio. However, this can be costly, time-consuming
and requires detailed forward planning.
Table 3: Advantages and disadvantages of Radio and GSM transmission
Radio GSM
Licence exempt radio frequencies
have no transmission costs.
Enables proactive real-time
Good image quality. Suitable for
evidential purposes.
No line of sight required
Unlimited transmission range.
No antennae required, which can be
costly and difficult to position.
Transmission range is limited due
to Home Office restrictions in
power output. Usually only one
camera is also permitted to
transmit on the more powerful
1.394GHz frequency per hotspot
but this may be multiplexed with
other cameras transmitting on the
lower power allowed at 2.4gHz
Line of sight between transmitter
and receiver is needed.
Maximum transmission distance
varies from 1km to 4 km
depending upon line of sight and
geographical conditions. Potential
obstructions that can limit
transmission range and strength
include trees, especially when wet,
and metal and stone buildings.
Licence exempt frequencies,
especially 2.4GHz, have an
increasing number of users and
these may interfere with camera
Each camera requires a separate
antenna. Several strengths are
available and suitability will vary
from deployment to deployment
depending on the above factors.
If not encrypted, images can easily
be intercepted possibly causing
data protection concerns. It should
also be noted that easy
interception also means that false
images can be fed to a remote
operator in place of the genuine
video images giving the operator
the impression that he/she has lost
control of the camera whereas
they have actually been duped.
Costly to download video via a mobile
phone network if used over a long
period of time (approximately 20p per
Real-time monitoring is not possible
due to slow data transfer rate of 1
frame per second or less.
GSM systems display four small
pictures on-screen. However, images
are small because of the low
resolution available over GSM and
when expanded to full screen they
appear very pixelated.
Due to the slow transfer of video any
movement on or of the camera causes
an unacceptable degradation of
images. This is mainly because of
conditional refresh (updating the parts
that change).
Due to all the above, images received
from GSM transmission will invariably
not be of evidential quality.
Types of receivers
At the evaluation sites pictures from RCCTV were transmitted to:
an existing static CCTV control room when using radio transmission;
a recording and monitoring facility in a portable briefcase when using radio transmission;
a stand-alone PC or laptop when using GSM.
Each type of receiver was found to have advantages and disadvantages and these are
detailed in Table 4.
Table 4: Advantages and disadvantages of receivers
Briefcase PC Existing CCTV
control room
Flexibility – allows in
field monitoring and
Portable – can be
used anywhere,
reception permitting.
Particularly suitable
for use during police
When complemented
by a built in digital
recorder it negates the
need for a continuous
radio link.
No infrastructure is
needed except a
standard PC and
appropriate software.
Providing the PC is in
an existing control
room there is no issue
of security.
Providing the PC is
housed as above,
existing control room
protocols may be
Can be monitored by
existing trained CCTV
Allows data to be
recorded and stored
on existing CCTV
Can use existing
protocols and codes of
A secure place to
store the case and
data, within the
specified range of the
transmission method,
needs to be found.
If staff have no
previous experience of
using CCTV they will
need to be trained to
use the equipment
and on protocols and
Relatively short
recording periods.
Downloading to record
onto a PC can be
costly over a long
period of time.
Onboard hard drives
are available, which
can either be removed
to view large amounts
of recorded data or
downloaded to a
laptop on site
(although the costs
may be high).
A secure place to
house the PC needs
to be found, e.g. a
CCTV control room.
If the PC is not housed
in an existing control
room, staff will need to
be trained on the use
of the equipment and
on protocols and
Installing the
infrastructure prior to
use can be costly,
time-consuming and
requires careful
forward planning.
One of the obvious
transmission paths
available to most local
authorities is their
existing LAN/WAN but
gaining cooperation
from the Council’s own
IT department can be
very difficult.
Power supply
Cameras can be plugged into a mains supply, or a battery can be mounted with or placed
nearby the camera. Using the mains supply from lampposts is the most reliable way to power
cameras, but battery power is more suitable to the rapid deployable nature of RCCTV. Table
5 details the advantages and disadvantages of these two types of power supply.
Table 5: Advantages and disadvantages of power supplies
Mains Battery
Provides a constant power supply.
Once permission is granted by the
Council, wired lampposts can be
re-used for future deployments.
Costs can be reduced if the
Council does not monopolise the
right to wire the cameras. This can
usually be overcome by the
contractor gaining the required
qualification and authorisation to
work on street lighting supplies
from their owner, usually be the
local electricity board.11
Suitable for rapid deployment as
wired lampposts are not needed.
Cameras can be deployed on any
suitable structure, e.g. telegraph
Permission needs to be obtained
from the local authority (and the
local electricity board if it is one of
their supplies) to use a lamppost’s
mains supply. Permission may be
Cameras need to be wired into the
lampposts and often this will need
to be done by the relevant Council
department. This can cause delays
and be costly.
Duration of deployment is limited to
battery life.
The cost of replacing the battery
during a deployment needs to be
factored into revenue costs.
Batteries need to be charged in
If a well designed battery charger is
not used then it may be possible to
damage batteries by overcharging
Permission to use structures will
need to be obtained prior to
Mounting of RCCTV cameras
Whichever system is chosen there are several issues that need to be considered when
deciding where to mount RCCTV cameras.
Lampposts vary in height. A short lamppost has at least two disadvantages: it can make it
difficult to identify a line of sight, and it can render the camera susceptible to vandalism or
theft. Some lampposts are too tall and sway in high winds, which can affect the image
Lampposts vary in width. It is important to check that brackets supplied by manufacturers
fit around the pole.
A cherry picker is required to mount RCCTV cameras.12 This is a hydraulic device
commonly used for the maintenance of street lighting, which can be hired, usually from
11 It is important to note that these variations vary across the country.
12 Although variations are coming on to the market which may ease this process.
the Council,13 or purchased. If hired, good communication with the relevant department is
needed to facilitate the rapid deployment of cameras.
To protect cameras, anti-vandalism measures, such anti-climbing rings with spikes should
be considered.
The dome camera lens is usually supplied with a plastic cover. This can be susceptible to
scratching during installation, which then diminishes the quality of the image. Fabric
covers, termed ‘fluffy hats’ can be an effective way of protecting the lens. Some of the
latest designs may overcome these issues.
Technical problems
The sites experienced numerous technical problems, which highlighted the need for a
comprehensive fault reporting procedure and reliable and expert technical backup from the
supplier. Table 6 summarises the technical faults that occurred.
Table 6: Technical faults that can occur
Affecting Fault
Cameras Condensation in the dome camera housing affected the quality of
the image received.
Impaired image quality of the dome cameras due to rain or snow
on the camera lens and the inability to fit a screen wiper in some
Cameras failed to work, for a variety of reasons.
Radio transmission Interference with transmission signal from other users.
Difficulty in establishing line of sight due to obstructions.
Weak transmission signal due to the geographical make-up of an
Inability to transmit over even the shortest of distances.
Antennae were not always powerful enough.
GSM Inability to connect to mobile phone network.
Receiver Control panel failure.
Problems with the batteries.
Power supply.
Battery failure due to incorrect charging and use.
Transferable lessons
Have realistic expectations of what the technology can achieve.
Test the RCCTV system in the areas of intended use prior to purchase to minimise
potential technical problems.
Ensure compliance with Home Office power output regulations for radio transmission.
Consider the issue of security for briefcase receivers.
13 If the minimum requirements of any contractor include ownership of their own MEWP then the council will not have
to carry out any of the practical work, hence cutting down the number of opportunities for poor communication.
Establish a clear rationale of intended use as this will impact on the type of system
Do not opt for GSM if continued, long-term monitoring is required.
Always contact the relevant authorities (usually the Council and often the local electricity
board too) to obtain permission to mount cameras on, and wire cameras into, lampposts
or other structures, before ordering the equipment. This will affect which power supply is
Ensure line of sight is viable if radio transmission is intended.
Always fully charge batteries and switch off the camera when not in use.
Ensure fault reporting procedures are in place prior to going operational.
How much does RCCTV cost?
The issue of cost is rarely considered in publications, but it is of course a major consideration
in all preventive options. It is instructive to consider some of the costs incurred at the
evaluated sites. Funding is required for both capital costs (purchasing the equipment) and
ongoing revenue costs for running camera deployments. Tables 7 to 11 show the capital
costs for RCCTV at each site.14
Site A purchased a radio transmission system consisting of seven RCCTV cameras, five for
transmission back to an existing control room, and two with a briefcase receiver. Table 7
summaries the cost and type of equipment purchased at site A.
Table 7: Site A items purchased and their cost
Item Cost
2 dome cameras with on-board digital recorders
Long range antennae
2 briefcase receivers
Installations and connection
5 dome cameras with on-board digital recorders
Long range antennae £37,500 (£7,500 per camera)
Wiring into a control room included:
A 16-way recorder as existing recorder was
at full capacity
A Matrix
Cabling (cost will depend on distance and
number of cameras)
Software to run RCCTV cameras with
existing static CCTV cameras
Total cost £71,200 plus labour (Estimated at
£400 per day for installing one to two
Site B purchased a radio transmission system consisting of two RCCTV cameras with one
briefcase receiver and four lithium batteries. Table 8 summaries the cost and type of
equipment purchased at site B.
14 The equipment was mostly purchased in 2002-3. Clearly, there may have been changes since then.
Table 8: Site B items purchased and their cost
Item Cost
2 dome cameras with on-board digital recorders
1 briefcase receiver
2 lithium batteries
2 chargers
2 whip antennae
2 tripods
2 pairs of anti-climb spikes £260
2 lithium battery tubes £2,400
VCR £750
3-year maintenance contract £5,500
Total cost £30,360
Site C purchased a GSM system consisting of two shoebox cameras with relevant PC
software and hardware. Table 9 is a summary of the cost and type of equipment purchased at
site C.
Table 9: Site C items purchased and their cost
Item Cost
2 Shoebox cameras £13,738
Software for each camera £2,618
PC £1,604
2 mobile telephones £160
2 SIM cards £47
Printer £389
GSM monitoring software for the PC £981
3 removable digital recorders £881
Total cost £20,418
The sites found that additional capital items were needed over and above the initial order.
These items, and their costs, are listed in Table 10.
Table 10: Additional capital items and their cost
Item Cost
Dome camera, battery and recorder without the
Additional lithium battery £1,200
VCR £750
De-gausser £1,142
Antennae for achieving greater transmission
Satellite Antennae
Directional Panel Antennae
1 A4 sign indicating CCTV is operating £50 per camera site
Removable digital recorder £800
1 pair of anti-climb spikes £250
Revenue costs
The following are examples of some of the main revenue costs that need to be considered.
There may well be other revenue costs to be taken into account, which do not appear here,
but the following are some of the main ones identified at the sites that were evaluated.
Table 11: Revenue costs
Item Approximate cost
Surveying and wiring of lampposts £50 per lamppost (wiring can be done in-
Installation of a new lamppost £600
Hydraulic platform (Cherry picker):
To hire
To purchase
£150 per day (site B)
£250 per day (site C)
Transmission costs to a mobile phone
network 20p per minute
Transmission costs for analogue or digital
radio transmission £0.00
Single videotape From £2
Plastic Dome camera housing £65
3-year maintenance contract including parts
(excluding 3rd party / malicious / accidental
10% of the total cost of the equipment
Training £587 (Site C) but costs will vary.
Staffing £26.70 per hour (At site B. Figures used to
determine a police officer's input when on
overtime. Clearly costs will vary depending
on the type of deployment, and the agency
using the equipment.
Transferable lessons
Conduct a cost analysis of, and obtain funding to support, both capital and revenue costs.
Remember that deployments that require a high level of staffing can be costly.
Consider carefully how frequently the system will be used. This will impact on revenue
costs. Cherry pickers need to be used with each deployment to deploy and take down
Start with a small system that is not too complex, it can always be augmented at a later
Ensure systems can be up-dated and added to as technology improves.
Protocols and legislation
All protocols and procedures for the use of RCCTV need to comply with legislation and must
be in place before the equipment is deployed. The following are needed:
Code of practice - This can be incorporated into any existing CCTV Code of Practice or
developed specifically for the use of RCCTV (see Appendix A for an example).
Protocols on the use, procedures and responsibilities for the equipment - For example,
who is the data controller, will the equipment be stored securely, how will issues of
privacy be dealt with, and how are deployment needs to be identified?
Standard authorisation forms for each deployment – This needs to include reasons for the
deployment, objectives and expected and actual outcomes, and tape logging procedures
(see Appendix B for an example).
Evaluation forms – This will help the user to evaluate the success of deployments (see
Appendix C for an example). For information on how to evaluate measures such as
RCCTV see the ‘Passport to Evaluation’ guide published by the Home Office (2002,
Compliance with the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA) will be required
if RCCTV is used for targeted surveillance (
Signage - If the system is to be used overtly, signage must accompany every deployment
in order to comply with legislation ( Signage should be in the
immediate vicinity of the CCTV; clearly visible and legible to the public, A4 or A3 in size
(for pedestrian or vehicular traffic respectively); and should state that CCTV is in
operation, identify a responsible person and carry a contact number.
Fault reporting - Simple forms are required to report and track faults and to ensure they
are rectified as soon as possible.
Image management protocols - This should include details of where tapes will be stored
and relevant logging and recording procedures. These are necessary in order to comply
with data protection and other standards or legislation associated with the use of CCTV
images as evidence. Some of the key issues involved are detailed in the next section.
For additional guidance on protocols and legislation see the crime reduction website See also the CCTV user group’s website for examples of many of the above forms.
Transferable lessons
Ensure all necessary protocols are in place to comply with current legislation prior to the
use of systems.
Arrangements that already exist for static CCTV may be a helpful starting point. Advice is
available from a range of officially sanctioned websites.
Make use of what exists already when constructing forms and codes of practice.
Ensuring forms are easy to follow and complete will aid the rapid deployment of cameras.
Officers using RCCTV particularly liked the fact that forms were quick and simple to fill in
and the lack of ‘red tape’ involved with the process of requesting and using the cameras.
Designating a named individual to receive all forms and deal with fault reporting will assist
with the above.
If cameras are to be used to target people (or covertly) then authorisation is required due
to the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (2000).
Ensure legally compliant signage is used for all overt deployments.
Are the images good enough for evidential purposes?
Issues that affect the use of images for evidential purposes apply to both static and RCCTV.
There are two that merit specific attention; those relevant to meeting the Rotakin standard,
and effective tape management.
Rotakin standard
The courts will decide whether CCTV evidence is accepted. In so doing they may refer to the
PSDB guidelines regarding image height (the size on the screen), known as the Rotakin
standard (Aldridge, 1989).
Tape management issues
Five important aspects of tape management emerged during the evaluation:
Tapes should be de-gaussed (magnetically cleaned) of all previous images before they
can be reused for recording. If this is not done, or not done properly, it can result in the
court refusing to accept the evidence obtained on that tape.
Each time a tape is used the image degrades, so tapes should be discarded according to
manufacturers advice, usually after about 12 uses.
Tapes need to be securely stored. Images used as evidence resulting in a conviction are
required by law to be kept for the duration of the sentence, which could be more than 20
Tapes are susceptible to damp, dust and sunlight.
A full paper trail must be in place to ensure accountability and continuity of evidence.
Tape usage, storage arrangements and any incidents recorded need to be documented.
Transferable lessons
Ensure the images obtained using RCCTV are correctly managed to comply with
legislation and guidance on their use as evidence.
It is recommended that tapes used to record images must be de-gaussed before they are
reused. Failure to do so can lead to questions concerning the suitability of the images as
Ensure tapes are stored securely.
Storing tapes in the correct way will help avoid unnecessary damage to recorded images.
Limiting access to where the tapes are stored reduces the chances of mistakes being
made such as tapes going missing.
Staffing and training
Staff will be required to monitor RCCTV cameras although, where images are transmitted to
an existing control room, existing staff may be used depending upon their workload. In some
types of deployments additional staff, for example police officers, may be required for on-the-
ground support.
Staff using RCCTV need to be trained in a range of topics, including:
Technology – how to work the cameras and to use them to best effect.
Data Protection Act 1998 and Information Commissioner’s Code of Practice for CCTV.
Human Rights Act 1998.
How to manage tape images so that they are suitable for evidential purposes.
Paperwork and protocols, which are detailed in the previous section.
Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA).
Buyers of RCCTV systems need to consider whether the staff who will be expected to use the
technology are willing and able to assimilate the requisite level of knowledge.
Transferable lessons
Assess if additional staff need to be recruited.
Train staff in the use of7 the technology, protocols and legislation.
Implementing and using RCCTV systems can be problematic. Based on users’ experiences it
is clear that RCCTV can take far longer to become operational than originally anticipated and
once operational the user may still face many ongoing technical difficulties. Whilst an RCCTV
system allows flexibility and is relatively cheap to purchase, this must be weighed against the
fact that it is difficult to use and very sensitive to misuse at present. However, if the
technological problems are dealt with, redeployable cameras, like static cameras can
potentially be a valuable tool, especially when used in conjunction with other initiatives (see,
Gill et al, 2005).
This guide has presented some of the key issues that need to be addressed when
implementing an RCCTV scheme. Effective implementation requires a clear rationale for
purchase, the identification of funding streams to support capital and ongoing revenue costs,
realistic timescales and communication between and within partners. The system chosen
needs to fit with the intended use and the geography of the area. Managers of RCCTV
systems should have clear operational requirements and realistic expectations of what the
technology can achieve. Technical problems can be minimised by the testing of systems prior
to purchase although it must be noted that as with any wireless transmission system, such
tests will not prove exhaustive. Prior to using the system a gatekeeper for the cameras,
additional staff, clear protocols to comply with legislation and training programmes need to be
in place.
The key transferable lessons learnt as a result of the experiences of the evaluation sites are
as follows:
Establish a clear rationale for purchasing RCCTV at the outset. Be aware of what the
technology can realistically achieve and how it can be used to tackle particular problems.
Identify funding streams to cover all revenue as well as capital costs.
Ensure that departments such as lighting, maintenance etc. are aware of and accept the
levels and type of assistance that might be required from them.
Choose the right system to match needs and budget. Be aware that there are various
types of RCCTV systems available, each with their own advantages and disadvantages.
Test the RCCTV system in the areas of intended use prior to purchase to establish that it
functions in the contexts where it will be used.
Negotiate after-sales assistance and training contracts from suppliers of the equipment if
Ask for and take up references from suppliers before ordering.
Identify the most appropriate lead agency, or gatekeeper, to be responsible for the
Ensure a good communication system so that partner organisations are kept up-to-date
with deployment opportunities, but at the same time manage expectations of what the
technology can achieve.
Set realistic implementation timescales. Because the technology is new there may well be
technical problems and time needs to be allowed to deal with these.
Establish clear operational requirements that are easy to follow.
Ensure all necessary protocols are in place to comply with current legislation.
Assess whether additional staff need to be recruited to operate the system or whether
current employees (for example, maintenance staff) need to be involved.
Ensure that all relevant staff are properly trained on the use of the technology, protocols
and legislation.
Ensure the images obtained using RCCTV, and which will be used evidentially, are
correctly managed to comply with legislation.
Where can I get more information about RCCTV?
Gill, M., Spriggs, A., Allen, J., Argomaniz, J., Bryan, J., Hemming, M., Jessiman, P., Kara,
D., Kilworth, J., Little, R., Swain, D. and Waples, S. (2005): Assessing the Impact of
CCTV, Home Office Research Study. London: Home Office.
Crime reduction website -
National evaluation of CCTV: Early findings on scheme implementation – effective
practice guide, London, Research, Development and Statistics Directorate, Home Office.
CCTV User Group -
Information Commissioner -
PSDB publications -
Aldridge, J. (1989) Rotakin – A Test Target for CCTV Security Systems, PSDB Report
Cabinet Office (2001) Communities Against Drugs strategy. April. London: Home Office.
Gill, M., Spriggs, A. (2005): Assessing the Impact of CCTV, Home Office Research Study.
London: Home Office.
Home Office (2002) Passport to Evaluation; an introduction to evaluating crime reduction
initiatives and projects, Home Office Crime Reduction College.
Pawson, R. & Tilley, N. (1997) - Realistic Evaluation, Sage Publications Ltd.
Smith, P., Spriggs, A., Argomaniz, J., Allen, J., Follett, M., Jessiman, P., Kara, D., Little,
R., Swain, D. and Gill, M., ‘Lessons in implementing CCTV schemes: An early review’, in
Gill, M. (Ed) (2003) CCTV, Leicester, Perpetuity Press.
Briefcase – a portable case in which the camera controls and receiver are housed.
Cherry picker – a hydraulic vehicle used to repair and maintain lampposts and install
redeployable cameras. Also known as MEWP (Mobile Elevated Work Platform)
Closed drugs market – access to a drug dealer is, ‘limited to known and trusted
participants’ (Lupton et al., 2002).
Communities Against Drugs (CAD)a source of funding directed towards Crime and
Disorder Reduction Partnerships to tackle drug misuse at the local level.
Control room – a permanent location for the monitoring of CCTV cameras.
Dome cameras – a pan tilt zoom camera housed in a dome shaped casing.
GSM - Global System for Mobile Communications. A method of data transmission using a
digital mobile phone.
Hotspot – concentrated areas of known street drug dealing and crime.
Line of sight – when the transmitter and the receiver can see each other without
Onboard hard-drive – standard computer storage media built into the housing of the camera
to record images.
Open drugs market – easily accessible by any user who wishes to purchase drugs. Usually
street-based markets.
PSDB - Police Scientific and Development Branch
Proactive monitoring – an operator constantly monitors cameras.
PTZ – Pan tilt zoom cameras can be remotely controlled to move both vertically, horizontally
and can zoom into an image and be focussed on it.
Radio transmission – a video and /or telemetry data transmission method via radio waves.
Real time – 25 frames per second. This allows the eye to see images as they occur without
any time lapse.
RCCTV – an overt, (and sometimes covert), moveable and fast deployable CCTV system,
mounted on lampposts or other suitable structures, which can be used for targeting crime
hotspots. This evaluation only considered overt use.
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ISBN 1 84473 573 7
Crown copyright 2005
... However, such systems also come with disadvantages. Gill et al (2005a) point out that RC-CTV is a new technology that is still evolving and so to is the process of fi nding the best ways of managing it. Although the use of RCCTV is becoming more widespread, most research has to date focussed on static CCTV systems. ...
... Ultimately, this impacted upon their effectiveness. Gill et al (2005a) have outlined a set of guidelines to assist those purchasing and using redeployable systems. Due to their nature, RCCTV systems are designed to react to specifi c problems and this often involves the deployment of a single camera. ...
Although there is some published research on CCTV almost all of it is on static CCTV. Yet there is emerging a popular different type, one that can be moved around to deal with crime hotspots as they arise. The flexibility and the fact that it is perceived as more cost effective add to its appeal. However, until now redeployable CCTV has attracted very little comment. The paper discusses an empirical research study assessing its effectiveness and then attempts to highlight some of the policy implications. What is clear is that if the potential of this technology is ever to be realized, it will need to be managed very differently.
... These included frequent camera failure, condensation in the dome camera housing, which affected the image, interference of transmission signals from other users, difficulty in establishing a 'line of sight' due to obstructions, weak transmissions due to the geographical make up of the area, weak antennae signals, an inability to connect to mobile-phone networks and control panel failure. However, the experiences of the sites did enable a range of transferable lessons to emerge, which have been fully reported in the Development and Practice Guide (Gill et al., 2005b, see also Waples & Gill, 2006). ...
In the UK, CCTV is a tool that is commonly used for fighting crime despite the fact that independent studies have disagreed on whether and to what extent it works. To date there has been little work that has focused specifically on the impact of CCTV in tackling drug crime. The aim of the research on which this paper is based was to assess the effectiveness of a different type of CCTV, termed redeployable CCTV, in tackling drug crimes. In theory, redeployable CCTV systems have a major advantage over static CCTV systems as they can be moved around a community to tackle crime hot spots, as such they were considered ideal for tackling drug crime. The methodology included extensive periods of observation in three police areas, stakeholder interviews and assessments of relevant documentation. The findings were disappointing in that the desired impact was not achieved, in part because of implementation failure, therefore this paper concentrates on the process of implementation. The conclusions highlight the implications for policy and crime prevention.
Full-text available
Rapid adoption and expansion of the CCTV systems in Turkey as well as all over the world have produced a fair amount of ―technological determinism‖ among many law enforcement officials, which Norris and Armstrong (1999, p. 9) define as ―an unquestioning belief in the power of technology‖. As a matter of technological determinism, politicians and the public continue to myopically expect that the exclusive responsibility of preventing crime rest on the police-monitored CCTV cameras. Conversely, policy makers may be better informed if they consider why the law enforcement agencies should invest in the installation of the CCTV cameras in public areas based on the research. In fact, a well-designed evidence based paradigm in the CCTV literature is likely to reveal the truth about the question of ―does it work? In addition to all previous methodological efforts, empirical evaluations in the CCTV literature are still needed to account for alternative perspectives to measure their effectiveness in the deterrence of crimes. Therefore, the present study focused on the concepts of environmental criminology, namely "crime risk at place". This research also considered the environmental risk values that might identify ―environmental conditions under which cameras would be most effective‖ (Caplan et al., 2011, p.271). Thus, the concept of ―Environmental risk value" provided a unique methodological approach to the police- monitored CCTV literature. This study examined the impact of the metropolitan city of Bursa‘s city-wide system  and certain individual police-monitored CCTV camera‘s views used to scan the landscape, respectively on street level, including aggravated assault, auto theft, thefts from autos, and larceny theft crime incident numbers in a spatial distribution of locations; and analyzed whether the environmental risk value effects on the deterrent effect of police-monitored CCTV cameras on aforementioned crime types. To accomplish that statistical analyses (paired t test, location quotient, and regression models) and risk terrain modeling (RTM) were conducted in this dissertation. Three important findings were found in this study. Firstly, city-wide system effect indicated that larceny thefts and thefts from auto experienced significant reduction. However, aggravated assaults and auto thefts were not. Secondly, the results from assessing the deterrent effect of certain individual police-monitored CCTV cameras on aggravated assaults, larceny thefts, thefts from autos and auto thefts were mixed. Finally, each individual CCTV camera has a unique environment – environmental risk value that influences its deterrent effect on – aggravated assaults, larceny thefts, thefts from autos and autos theft. Further, the affect was discernable and in positive direction for each crime type. Environmental risk value assessments can advance our understanding of the deterrent effect of CCTV cameras at their viewshed areas. So environmental risk sites must be taken into account when the decision process concerning CCTV cameras is made by local and national level policy makers, police agencies and politicians who try to establish where the most appropriate location to install police-monitored CCTV cameras is. In this respect RTM can be considered as a pre intervention tool so that police agencies can measure the deterrent effect of CCTV before installation. Such a pre-evaluation process increases the capacity for effective police management and crime prevention strategies in police agencies.
Rotakin -A Test Target for CCTV Security Systems
• PSDB publications References • Aldridge, J. (1989) Rotakin -A Test Target for CCTV Security Systems, PSDB Report 16/89.
Communities Against Drugs strategy. April. London: Home Office
  • Cabinet Office
• Cabinet Office (2001) Communities Against Drugs strategy. April. London: Home Office.
Assessing the Impact of CCTV, Home Office Research Study. London: Home Office
  • M Gill
  • A Spriggs
• Gill, M., Spriggs, A. (2005): Assessing the Impact of CCTV, Home Office Research Study. London: Home Office.