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A methodology of engineering ontology development for information retrieval


Abstract and Figures

When engineering content is created and applied during the product lifecycle, it is often stored and forgotten. Since search remains text-based, engineers do not have the means to harness and reuse past designs, experiences, and mistakes. On the other hand, current information retrieval approaches based on statistical methods and keyword matching are not directly applicable to the engineering domain. The long term goal of this research is to develop an engineering ontology based computational framework in order to (1) structure unstructured engineering documents; and (2) achieve more effective information retrieval. This paper focuses on the method and process that acquire and evaluate the engineering ontology. We propose a principled, systematic, and semi-automatic ontology development methodology that is based on ontological semantics and is integrated with Protégé, one of the most widely used ontology engineering tools. The methodology is applied in acquiring the established engineering knowledge from various resources. A preliminary test based on engineering catalogs, CAD drawings, and project reports has been conducted. The results validate the effectiveness of the engineering ontology as well as the methodology.
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ICED’07/471 1
Zhanjun Li1, 2, Victor Raskin1, 3 and Karthik Ramani1, 2, 4
1Purdue Research and Education Center for Information Systems in Engineering (PRECISE)
2School of Mechanical Engineering
3Department of English and Linguistics
4School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (by courtesy)
Purdue University, West Lafayette IN, USA
When engineering content is created and applied during the product lifecycle, it is often stored and
forgotten. Since search remains text-based, engineers do not have the means to harness and reuse past
designs, experiences, and mistakes. On the other hand, current information retrieval approaches based
on statistical methods and keyword matching are not directly applicable to the engineering domain.
The long term goal of this research is to develop an engineering ontology based computational
framework in order to (1) structure unstructured engineering documents; and (2) achieve more
effective information retrieval. This paper focuses on the method and process that acquire and
evaluate the engineering ontology. We propose a principled, systematic, and semi-automatic ontology
development methodology that is based on ontological semantics and is integrated with Protégé, one
of the most widely used ontology engineering tools. The methodology is applied in acquiring the
established engineering knowledge from various resources. A preliminary test based on engineering
catalogs, CAD drawings, and project reports has been conducted. The results validate the
effectiveness of the engineering ontology as well as the methodology.
Keywords: Engineering ontology, Knowledge acquisition, Engineering information retrieval, Reuse
Engineers are dependent on accessing documents in order to fulfill various design and engineering
tasks. In fact, today’s engineers simply do not make an effort to find engineering content beyond mere
keyword searches [1]. However, current information retrieval (IR) approaches either retrieve too
much or irrelevant results for engineering. In industry sectors, it was reported that design engineers
spent 20% to 30% of their time retrieving and communicating information [2]. “Delivering the right
information to the right people at the right time” plays an important role in supporting engineers’
memory extension, knowledge sharing, design concept exploration, design reuse, and the learning
process particularly of novice engineers [3, 4]. However, current engineering practices ignore reuse of
previous knowledge because appropriate engineering information retrieval tools have not been
developed. As a result, a large amount of time is spent reinventing what is already known in the
company or is available in outside resources [5, 6]. It is, therefore, imperative to minimize such
overhead by developing the science base for contextual retrieval and then using this knowledge to
create effective computer-aided tools.
Statistics-based methods and keyword-based input have been prevalent in IR research such as
vector space model [7], latent semantic analysis [8], language modeling [9], and probabilistic model
[10]. They can be viewed as sophisticated stochastic techniques for matching terms from queries with
terms in documents under the assumption of term independence. They try to derive the meaning of the
text from the observable syntactic and statistical behavior of its units without any attempt to represent
the meaning directly. However, words alone cannot capture the semantics or meanings of the
document and query intent. To put it differently, the search results should satisfy the users, who are
looking for something that matches their understanding of pertinent text—an understanding that
includes, among other things, the relations among the terms and the ability to disambiguate and to
infer. This is where the statistical keyword-based techniques fail the users and defeat their purposes.
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In the engineering domain, there has been very limited research aimed at analyzing unstructured
engineering documents for retrieval purposes. Most of it has been based on IR approaches. Dong and
Agogino [11] proposed to use vector space model and belief networks to represent design manuals.
Ahmed et al. [12] developed taxonomies in order to index corporate documents. The vector space
model was also used to classify the documents against the terms in the taxonomies. Yang et al. [13]
attempted to automate the population of a thesaurus from notebooks by using the latent semantic
analysis. McMahon et al. [4] employed predefined taxonomy to classify documents by rule-based
Current approaches (1) do not attempt to provide the semantics-based representation of
engineering documents or provide for engineers’ information needs; (2) do not reflect and utilize
engineering knowledge in the organization of the search; and (3) are unable to handle complex queries
that have qualitative as well as quantitative engineering specifications.
The long term goal of this research is to develop a content-oriented, knowledge and meaning based
computational framework to form the ontological basis of the search, browsing, and learning tasks in
the engineering domain. This paper focuses on investigating the method and process required to
develop such ontological basis. The proposed methodology
1. Specializes the ontological semantics methodology proposed by Nirenburg and Raskin [15] for
machine translation and natural language understanding;
2. Represents a structured process in developing the engineering ontology (EO) and its associated
engineering lexicon (EL);
3. Formalizes the cumulative domain knowledge such as the classification of mechanical elements,
their function, design, and manufacturing knowledge and formulates in a single standard format;
4. Integrates with an ontology engineering tool;
5. Incorporates semi-automatic tools into the practical acquisition process; and
6. Evaluates the acquired EO by using principled and empirical methods.
Section 2 first provides definitions of an ontology and its distinct features compared to other
representation schemas. Current ontology acquisition methods are summarized. An overview of our
knowledge-based computational framework is described in section 3. Section 4 discusses in detail the
proposed engineering ontology development methodology and the acquired EO. The evaluation
method and experiment are introduced in section 5. Section 6 concludes the paper.
2.1 Ontology Definition
An ontology is a constructed model of reality, a theory of a domain. In more practical terms, it is a
highly structured system of concepts covering the processes, objects, and attributes of a domain as
well as all their pertinent complex relations. The grain sizes of the concepts are determined by
considerations such as the need for an application or for computational complexity.
From one aspect, an ontology can be viewed as a decomposition of a domain: it is a tangled
hierarchy of conceptual nodes, each of which can be represented as:
Every concept but the root of the ontology has the property-slot is-a, and the value of this property is
the parent of this concept. A concept may have multiple parents and multiple inheritances.
From the other aspect, an ontology reflects the correlations among concepts across sub-domains:
the PROPERTY-VALUE of a concept refers to its filler concept, i.e., these two concepts are
connected by the specific property-slots, i.e., (binary) relationships.
Ontologies share the inheritance feature with the object-oriented (OO) programming languages,
which are indeed suitable for implementing ontological procedures. However, in OO programming,
the focus is on designing the operational properties, i.e., the methods of a class, whereas ontology
development is based on the structural properties, i.e., relationships of a class. More importantly, the
OO approach lacks the conceptual content of ontologies, and it is not sufficient for addressing the rich
knowledge modeling needs discussed here. The distinction between form and content is crucial for
understanding the proposed ontology model. It is the content of ontologies that makes them useful for
this application, independent of the choice of form, i.e., format or language. Currently, there is also
ICED’07/471 3
confusion between taxonomy and ontology based applications. One of the major differences between
taxonomies and ontologies is that an ontology represents much richer domain contexts than a
taxonomy or a list of taxonomies. A taxonomy is a hierarchical classification of concepts in a sub-
domain. These concepts are connected only by domain-independent (or taxonomic) relationships such
as is-a. An ontology, however, consists of several taxonomies, along with multiple domain-specific
(or non-taxonomic) relationships to connect concepts across taxonomies. See [14] for comparisons
between ontologies and database schema, as well as those between ontologies and knowledge
representation; [15] for an extended view of what a full-fledged ontology must be and how to bring
that about; and [16] for an extensive survey on existing ontological systems from manufacturing and
knowledge sharing perspectives.
2.2 Methods for Ontology Development
While ontologies have found many applications in the fields where semantics-based
communications among people and systems are crucial [14], only a few methods for developing
ontologies have been reported.
The method used to build the Cyc [17] ontology consists of general steps and codification of
articles and pieces of knowledge. Manual process is used to extract the common sense knowledge that
is implicit in different sources. Latterly proposed methods all start from the identification of the scope
and the need for the ontology: The work by Gruber [18] represents the first attempt to consolidate
experience gained in developing ontologies. It can be summarized as five ontology design criteria:
clarity, coherence, extensibility, minimal ontological commitment, and minimal encoding bias.
Uschold and King [19] developed Enterprise Ontology for enterprise modeling processes. Their
development method includes four activities: 1) identification purpose, 2) build ontology, 3)
evaluation, and 4) documentation. They also proposed three strategies for identifying the concepts in
the ontology: top-down, bottom-up, and middle-out. Grüninger and Fox [20] proposed an ontology
design and evaluation method while developing the TOVE (Toronto Virtual Enterprise) project
ontology for business processes and activities modeling. It uses a set of natural language questions,
called competency questions to determine the scope of the ontology and to extract the main concepts
of the ontology as well. However, the major focus is on in building the first order logical model
representation of the ontology. A similar method was introduced by Noy and McGuinness [21] with
an example of wine ontology acquisition using Frame-based representation. Fernandez et al. [22]
presented a more structured method and life cycle definition for developing ontologies from scratch,
called METHONTOLOGY. However, the evaluation is purely subjective. Notice that the
implementation step (manually editing and coding ontologies in a specific language) specified in most
of these methods is not necessary any more because of the maturity of the ontology engineering tools
nowadays [23].
Among the recently proposed ontology acquisition methods in engineering, Eris et al. [24]
presented an initial ontology framework in modeling product development projects in small teams.
Nanda et al. [25] applied the formal concept analysis to form the product family ontology of one-time-
use cameras. Ahmed and Wallace [12] intended to design an ontology development process which can
be customized for a particular manufacturing company. However, their acquisitions did not explicitly
explore the domain-specific relationships among concepts and therefore, the acquisition result is a list
of independent taxonomies, not an ontology.
In summary, very little effort has been made to systemize the established knowledge in the
engineering domain by using formal ontology representation for the purpose of more effective
information retrieval. Most of the current ontology development methods still require tremendous
effort and subjective judgments from the ontology developers to acquire and maintain the ontology.
To our limited knowledge, no attempt has been made to evaluate the resulting ontologies both from
the principle perspective and the application perspective. It is critical to investigate a principled,
systematic, and more structured acquisition method combined with an evaluation process for
developing such an engineering ontology in order to support knowledge and meaning based
information retrieval. Our method also is different because it uses EL to formalize the lexicon
knowledge in order to bridge the concept-based representation of the ontology and the word-based
representation of documents and user queries.
ICED’07/471 4
Figure 1 shows the overall architecture of
interactions between the ontological basis,
i.e., the EO and EL, with other functional
modules applied to the knowledge-based
engineering information retrieval framework
(EO-Search). The framework comprises six
portions: pre-processing, ontology basis,
ontology acquisition and maintenance,
concept tagging, concept indexing, and query
processing. Note that concept tagging also
refers to the empirical process of evaluating
the EO and EL in section 5.
1. Pre-processing: The task of pre-
processing is to convert engineering
documents into a unified format such as
.txt files, which can then be processed by
the system. The inputs may include
catalog descriptions, CAD drawings,
technical reports, and engineers’
2. Ontology basis: This consists of domain
knowledge and lexical knowledge, i.e.,
the EO and its associated EL,
respectively. They are used to assist in
recognizing technical terms (in documents
and queries) at the concept level.
3. Ontology acquisition and maintenance:
Protégé 3.1 ( is used to build and update the EO and EL. The output
scripts from Protégé record the content of the EO and EL. These Frame-based XML scripts are
then read into the system to generate the EO and EL in the memory.
4. Concept tagging: The documents in the unified format are tagged by using the concepts in the EO
and are then transformed into an XML-based representation. Using EO and EL makes the tagging
process less dependent on NLP techniques in understanding the texts. Metadata, such as names of
the original documents, are also stored.
5. Concept indexing: An inverted index is generated to index the XML documents. The filenames
and the locations where the concept (tag) appears are listed along with the concept. This index is
accessed when the system ranks the documents in query processing.
6. Query processing: EO plays an important role in interpreting the user’s queries accurately, and
therefore improves retrieval performance. Queries with qualitative or quantitative property-value
pairs are also handled. Ontology-based query processing algorithms are developed to fulfill these
Please refer to [28, 29] for more details of concept indexing and ontology-based query processing.
The process of developing the EO and its associated EL includes six steps. These are 1)
Specification: determining the scope and granularity of the EO; 2) Conceptualization: acquiring the
EO (according to the scope and granularity) and EL from various knowledge resources; 3)
Formalization: the acquired knowledge is put into structured formats; 4) Population: the formalized
knowledge is converted into Protégé’s Frame-based representation, manually or automatically; 5)
Evaluation: using principled and empirical methods to validate the quality of the EO and EL; and 6)
Maintenance: revising the EO and EL. Figure 2 illustrates the development process and the supporting
activities in each step. Note that the de facto development of EO and EL is an iterative process.
Indeed, the specifications of an ontology may change throughout its life cycle as the definitions are
initialized, modified, and deleted.
Figure 1. System architecture and functional modules
1. Pre-processing: Consolidating heterogeneous documents
2. Ontology basis: Engineering Ontology & Engineering Lexicon
3. Ontology acquisition and maintenance
4. Concept tagging
5. Concept indexing
6. Query processing
processing 6
concept ind ex 5
Doc ument collections
Technical reports
CAD drawings
Engineers' notebooks
Online catalo gs
ontolo gy
(structure d)
ICED’07/471 5
4.1 Specification
The first step is to
identify the scope or
themes of the EO for
information retrieval
purpose. These themes are
determined based on the
discoveries by cognitive
studies in the engineering
domain, such as [12, 30-
33]. The prior studies have
categorized the domain-
specific issues being
documented during the
product development
process as well as the
information needs of
engineers. Currently, in
designing the themes of
the EO, this research
considers issues such as
the products or
components being
designed (i.e., devices),
their functions, properties,
material selections, shape
features, various processes
(e.g., manufacturing) in product development, the environmental objects with which the product or
component interact, and the standards that certain design or manufacturing entities comply with. The
overall schema of the EO is shown in Figure 3. Each taxonomy represents an issue or a sub-domain of
the EO. Recall that a taxonomy consists of concepts organized in a hierarchy. However, the EO is
differentiated from simply a set of loosely connected taxonomies (at their root level) by having other
domain-specific inter-relationships among concepts across these taxonomies. Therefore, what types of
inter-relationships exist among concepts and should be acquired must also be determined.
Now the question becomes what level of granularity of knowledge should be taken into account in
the EO. Since the goal is to build a search mechanism that is more effective than keyword-based
search while less dependent on using NLP techniques to understand documents or queries, the EO
must include more specific concepts (lower-level concepts), such as spur gears, as well as more
general concept categories (upper-level concepts), such as mechanical components. This is because
specific concepts are usually used in documentation while both general and specific concepts may be
the interest of users’ queries. Note that 1) different brand names of the product or components are not
treated as separate concepts; and 2) the instances of the concepts will appear only in the documents by
concept tagging rather than as part of the EO.
4.2 Acquisition
Most of the ontology development methods conduct the ontology acquisition in a subjective
manner. They generate concepts either by brainstorming (i.e., randomly enumerating a list of terms
and then figuring out how they are related to each other), or by interviewing with experts. The first
approach may be effective in creating ontologies for simple domains with shallow knowledge.
Figure 3. The schema of the ontology basis
Engineering ontology
Measurement unit
Shape feature
Value type
Methods / Steps Supporting activities
1. Specification
1.1 Scope determination
1.2 Granularity selection
2. Acquisition
2.1 Concept acquisition
2.2 Relationship acquisition
2.3 Lexical term acquisition
3. Formalization
3.1 Taxonomy formalization
3.2 Relationship formalization
3.3 Lexical term formalization
4. Population
4.1 Manual population
4.2 Automatic population
5. Evaluation
5.1 Principled evaluation
5.2 Empirical evaluation
6. Maintenance
6.1 EO maintenance
6.2 EL maintenance
Protégé modeling
OntoClean [41]
Concept tagging
Protégé modeling
Automatic parsing
Knowledge worksheets
Knowledge resource collection
Knowledge resource reuse
Knowledge extraction
Generalization & Specification
Literature studies
Design considerations
Figure 2. Methodology and process of developing the EO and EL
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However, it is not feasible in developing the EO, which includes broader as well as complex domain
knowledge. The second approach may be appropriate if the ontology is built based upon the
knowledge in a small domain, such as a company. However, the content of the ontology may be
skewed and limited.
The knowledge acquisition task is conducted mainly by utilizing the established engineering
knowledge resource (EKR) and analyzing the content of these resources based on our domain
knowledge background. Examples of the EKR are engineering handbooks, textbooks, online catalogs,
literature, and bill of materials (BOMS). The last one is analyzed in order to acquire the desired
knowledge from a specific company. The ontology acquisition consists of three tasks: concept
acquisition or taxonomy acquisition, relationship acquisition, and lexicon acquisition. In practice, the
first two tasks are done simultaneously. First, the EKRs corresponding to a specific taxonomy, or part
of the taxonomy, are collected, for example, material selection handbooks for the material taxonomy.
Second, the sentences and phrases which describe the concepts of this taxonomy as well as their
relationships with other concepts are extracted, and then documented in free texts. Certain EKRs, such
as Function Basis from [34] and motor and pump ontologies from [35], where concepts are already
organized, are reused directly. The references from the investigated EKR are recorded. The generated
descriptions/documentations are informal representations of the domain knowledge. The lexicon
acquisition is integrated with the lexical term formalization in the next step.
4.3 Formalization
When most of the knowledge has been acquired, it is unstructured and needs to be organized and
structured by using representations that both computers and humans can understand. Such
representations are named “knowledge worksheets.” They are formatted templates and independent of
the ontology engineering tools or implementation languages used. The worksheets 1) are used as
formal documentations of the EO and EL development; 2) direct the acquisition of the EO and EL;
and 3) improve the efficiency of the ontology development process by enabling automatic upload of
the acquired knowledge into Protégé. They have been used extensively by the undergraduate students
who fulfill the acquisition and formalization tasks in our group. In the process of full deployment, the
ontological semantic toolbox [15, 36] will be used.
Basically, there are two types of worksheets: taxonomy worksheets and relationship worksheets.
Each taxonomy corresponds to a taxonomy worksheet while each concept, in general, has a
relationship worksheet. The taxonomy worksheet is used in organizing the unstructured results from
the concept acquisition into a hierarchical structure. In our experience, this is the most challenging
step of the overall development process. For example, different EKRs may classify the same
taxonomy or concept from different perspectives and therefore have to be merged carefully. For
Num. o
concepts Examples of concepts Acquisition resources
Examples of acquisition
component 451
Engineering texts, Handbooks,
Online catalogs
[35, 37],
Device Proprietary
product 190 D-BASE-COVER BOMs (or Product dissection)
BOMs of the base cover
Function 246 F-SUPPORT, F-LOCK Existing taxonomies [34, 38]
Material 1017
M-2008-T4 AL
Engineering texts, Handbooks,
Online catalogs [39],
Process 252
MF-WELDING Engineering texts, Handbooks [39, 40]
Property 378
DUCTILITY Same as Device taxonomy Same as Device taxonomy
Measurement unit 64
MU-FT-LB/SECOND Online resources
Shape feature 47
SF-TOOTH Existing taxonomies
STEP AP224, vocabularies
of major CAD packages
Environment object 135
Engineering texts, linguistic
resources [32], WordNet2.1
Standard 31 S-MIL-STD-130 Standard libraries
Value-type 8
V-FLOAT (Numerical),
V-HIGH (Symbolic)
Engineering common sense;
Online catalogs N/A
Table 1. The EO contents and acquisition resources
ICED’07/471 7
instance, the manufacturing process can be classified from either the functional aspect or the material
removal/addition aspect. And some EKRs, especially the online catalogs, may have contradictory
classifications (e.g. a child concept becomes an ancestor of its parent). In this case, re-classification is
needed. Note that concept naming conventions are applied in order to 1) make the EO more readable;
and 2) make each concept unambiguous even at its (term) representation. Otherwise for example,
‘cylinder’ can refer to both a device concept and a shape feature concept and therefore, can cause
ambiguities in the EO, which is not allowed. The naming conventions require that each concept
consist of a prefix representing the taxonomy the concept belongs to, in upper case, and that its terms
be connected by “-.” Therefore, the two concepts in the previous example are written as D-
CYLINDER and SF-CYLINDER, respectively. Table 1 lists more details of the EO concepts and the
acquisition resources.
In general, concepts in the EO are connected with their relevant concepts through relationships.
For instance, a property concept (e.g., P-PITCH-DIAMETER) is related with some measurement unit
concepts (e.g., MU-MILLIMETER) and value type concepts (e.g. V-FLOAT). Exceptions include
value type concepts and standard concepts, which are self-contained. Note that these relationships are
one-way connections. Definitions of the relationships are given in Table 2. The relationship worksheet
describes the relevant knowledge (concepts + relationships) of a concept. Table 2 illustrates that the
most significant relationship worksheet is the one for device concepts because a device concept has
correlations with most of the other types of concept (see Figure 4). Note that some relationship
descriptions may be empty either because such knowledge has not been acquired or because of the
characteristics of the concept being described. For example, D-LOCK-WASH does not have has-part
relationships with a device concept since it is a part type of component.
Note that the device taxonomy includes classifications of engineering catalog components and
proprietary products. The latter one needs to be customized for each specific company including
product line classifications, subassembly classifications, and part inventory classifications. The
properties of the device concepts are conceptualized in the property taxonomy and connected with the
device concepts through the has-property relationship. This is also true for the properties of the
material concepts and shape feature concepts.
The lexical terms are the natural language phrases of the corresponding concept. They are used to
match with word(s) in documents or queries. Therefore, morphology forms, abbreviations, acronyms,
Relationship (Concept*, Filler
Definitions of the relationship Examples
is-a Child Parent Describes the generalization from a child concept to its
parent concepts or the specification from a parent concept
to its child concepts
has-part DC DC Represents the part-whole between an DC and the other
has-function DC FC Refers to the connection between a DC and one of its FCs has-function (D-LOCK-WASHER, F-LOCK)
Complements the has-function relationship when there is
an ‘object’ in the function description of ‘subject + verb [+
objects]’. Together, they represent the interactions
between an DC and the other DC or EC
interface-with (D-LOCK-WASHER, D-
interact-with (D-LOCK-WASHER, E-
has-material DC MC Describes the type of materials used in making the DC has-material (D-WASHER, M-METAL)
has-process DC MFC Describes the type of manufacturing process used to
make/fabricate the DC
has-process (D-GEAR, MF-HOBBING)
use-material MFC MC Describes the type of possible raw materials that certain
manufacturing processes act on
user-material (MF-COATING, M-
has-property DC/MC/SFC PC Each DC has several PCs characterizing its attributes such
as various physical attributes and geometry attributes; each
MC may also have several PCs specifying its
characteristics such as physical and mechanical attributes
has-property (D-PLAIN-WASHER, P-INSIDE-
has-property (M-METAL, P-HARDNESS)
has-measurement PC MUC Most of the PCs have one or several MUCs has-measurement (P-LENGTH, MU-METER)
has-value PC/MUC VC Each PC may have numerical VC or symbolic VC while
MUC only has numerical VC
has-feature DC SFC Describes the significant shape features a device may have has-feature (D-SCREW, SF-THREAD)
has-standard DC/MC/MFC SC Specifies the standard a DC/MC/MFC may comply with has-standard (D-WASHER, S-ASME B18.13)
Table 2 Definitions of the relationships
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A washer designed to prevent undesired loosening of a
nut after it has been tightened
Lexical terms
lock washer, lock washers
Function descriptions
Manufacturing process
Shape feature
Figure 4. Relationship worksheet for
‘lock washer’
and synonyms of the word/phrase are also lexical terms
and share the same concept with the original lexical term.
For example, move and moving are lexical terms of the
functional concept F-MOVE.
Currently, there are 10 taxonomies, 2,819 concepts
and 13 types of relationships in the EO, and more than
10,000 lexical terms in the EL. The EO represents the
general domain knowledge as well as
the company-specific or proprietary product knowledge.
We have investigated the design of a commercialized
surgery robot as an example of the proprietary products.
The general domain knowledge refers to the knowledge
about the more-standardized catalog components, such as
gears, and more-customized catalog components, such as
linear slides.
4.4 Population
The population step refers to modeling the EO and EL
by using the ontology engineering tool, i.e., Protégé as
well as the generated knowledge worksheets. Two
options are provided: manual population and automatic
population. The modular structure of the EO and EL lend themselves easily to an expansion, such as
the addition of a new relationship or new concept. In Protégé, concepts are modeled as classes while
relationships are slots. An attribute (unary relationship) slot named lexical-terms is assigned to each
class. This attribute contains all the lexical terms of the pertinent concept. In automatic population, a
Protégé plug-in is developed by using Protégé APIs that can read in the knowledge worksheets and
generate the EO and EL model. The manual approach is more appropriate for maintenance purposes
where limited number of concepts, relationships, or lexical terms need to be changed sometimes. It is
more efficient to use the automatic population especially when building the EO and EL from scratch.
In automatic population, taxonomy worksheets are loaded prior to the relationship worksheets.
However, it is possible that certain concepts which are part of the descriptions in the relationship
worksheets may not be defined in the EO yet. Therefore, some human interventions are expected.
The resultant EO is organized in a directed graph or lattice: each node represents a concept and
each arc represents a relationship. A portion of the EO is shown in Figure 5.
Now the questions are: How is the EO to be validated? How much does this ontology cover? And
how accurate are the concept definitions? The OntoClean [41] is applied in order to validate the
choice of the concepts. This method is based on general ontological notions drawn from philosophy,
such as essence, rigidity, identity, and unity, which are used to characterize relevant aspects of the
intended meaning of the ontology concepts and relationships. Regarding the completeness and
accuracy of the EO, because lower-level concepts are taken from various EKRs and more upper-level
concepts are added
in the EO, we
believe the EO
covers the domain
within the scope of
the components and
proprietary products
In order to
estimate the
coverage and
accuracy, an
experiment is
Figure 5. A Portion of the EO
(protective finish...)
...... M-NON-
DC: device concept; FC: function concept; EC: environment concept; MC: material concept;
MFC: manufacturing process concept; SFC: shape feature concept; SC: standard concept;
PC: property concept; MUC: measurement unit concept; VC: value type concept
ICED’07/471 9
established by using the concept tagging. Recall that concept tagging is also part of the framework for
EO-based information retrieval. However, in this experiment, our goal is to select concepts from the
tagged document, which includes 1,000 catalog descriptions downloaded from 62 manufacturers and
205 CAD drawings and 11 technical reports from a design company. It is observed that 92.7% of the
test documents are associated with the concept of the EO, while 7.3% of the documents failed to
associate with any concept of the EO due to incompleteness of the EO or EL. However, after the EO
and EL get updated accordingly, tagging errors can be neglected. This observation indicates that the
completeness and maintenance issues will be the life cycle issues in using EO for information
In order to tag engineering documents by using concepts in the EO, documents from various
resources are first converted into .txt files, i.e., PartTexts, during pre-processing as in Figure 1. XPDF
( is incorporated into our framework in order to convert the PDF documents
into the unstructured PartTexts. Certain symbols such as Ø are replaced by their textual descriptions
(e.g., diameter). Texts in CAD drawings are extracted using I-migrate, a software program that
employs various CAD application program interfaces (APIs) and was donated by our industry partner.
Our method makes use of the EO and EL to recognize concepts contained in the documents. By
doing so, the PartTexts are converted into an XML and concept based representation, i.e., PartXMLs,
where each recognized word/phrase is tagged by the corresponding concept. Figure 6 shows the
modules and process of concept tagging.
1. Tokenization: The input character streams are parsed into tokens and punctuation marks.
2. Segmentation: Sentences are formed by using punctuation marks and symbols such as “\n.”
3. Concept recognition:
3.1 Cardinal number recognition: Cardinal numbers such as 3.2,
1:20, and 200 are identified.
3.2 Concept matching: Assigning each word/phrase the concepts
it refers to. This process takes two iterations. The first iteration is full
matching, where lexical terms are retrieved in an orderly manner and
matched against words in each sentence sequentially. Word(s) that
fully match with a lexical term will be assigned the pertinent
ontology concept. Note that multiple concepts may be assigned to a
single word or a series of words (i.e., a phrase) because different
concepts may have the same lexical term. The next iteration is
partial matching, where each unrecognized word is matched against
lexical terms sequentially. The concept will be assigned if the word
matches part of its lexical term.
3.3 Numerical value recognition: The system recognizes
numerical values such as 3.2 inch, HRC 55, and 32°F - 212°F. First,
it recognizes a single numerical value by converting the cardinal
number recognized in step 3.1 to a single numerical value if the
number is adjacent to a measurement unit concept such as ‘mm’ (MU-millimeter), a property concept
such as ‘diameter’ (P-DIAMETER), or certain symbols, such as ‘+/-.’ Next, range values are
recognized. Currently, the system recognizes five types of numerical values: integer, float (e.g., 3.2
and 1/2), percentage (e.g., 20%), ratio (e.g., 1:4), and tolerance (e.g., +/- 0.001).
4. Concept disambiguation: A word or phrase which matches multiple concepts causes ambiguities.
There are two major types of ambiguities:
Polysemy: for example, the word cylinder may refer to a shape feature concept, SF-CYLINDER,
or a device concept, D-CYLINDER, because both concepts have the same lexical term cylinder.
Ellipsis: for instance, the word finish may (partially) match the lexical term surface finish, which
is associated with the property concept P-SURFACE-FINISH, and protective finish, which is
associated with the manufacturing process concept, MF-COATING.
Ambiguities are resolved by referring to the contexts of the word/phrase that is ambiguous. The
contexts of a word refer to the concepts its adjacent words/phrases are tagged. For example, if the
untagged word finish is followed by a phrase tagged material concept, e.g., M-ZINC, then the word
finish must be tagged MF-COATING. If the word is followed by a numerical value concept such as
+/-0.001, it must be tagged P-SURFACE-FINISH, because this property concept is related to
Figure 6. Modules and
rocess of conce
t ta
ICED’07/471 10
numerical value concepts as defined in the EO. See [29] for details about the concept disambiguation
5. PartXML generation: The processed partText is converted to PartXML, where each word/phrase is
enclosed with its concept as tags. Figure 7 presents examples of a 2D drawing (notes) and component
catalog descriptions before and after the tagging process. Note that the tag <TEXT> serves as a
containment of words not semantically tagged. These tags are used for a repeated updating of the EO
and EL because the words can easily be pulled out and analyzed.
A systematic, principled, and semi-automatic ontology development methodology has been
described. It has several distinctive characteristics: 1) The acquisition method is based upon the
ontological semantics theory which has been justified in various semantics-based applications; 2) The
elicitations of the EO take into account both general EKRs independent of a particular company,
EKRs specific to a company, and the information needs of engineers; 3) The knowledge worksheets
further structure the acquisition process and enable an automatic ontology population; 4) The
evaluations of the EO using the principled method and the empirical experiment; and 5) The overall
development process is integrated with Protégé in order to utilize its wide range of plug-ins (e.g.
ontology visualization and reasoning) and language formats such as XML and OWL (Web Ontology
Language). In addition, though the EO is developed for information retrieval purpose in particular, it
has a broader array of potential applications, such as semantics-based system interoperability by
extending the EL, and knowledge reuse.
FINISH 3.2 microinches
<S-ASME Y14.5M-1994>ASME Y14.5M-1994</S-ASME Y14.5M-1994>
<F-HOLD>holding</F-HOLD >
<S-ASME B18.21.1>ASME B18.21.1</S-ASME B18.21.1>
<M-18-8-STAINLESS-STEEL>18-8 stainless steel</M-18-8-STAINLESS-STEEL>
<P-CORROSION-RESISTANC>corrosion resistan ce</P-CORROSION-
<M-TYPE-410-STAINLESS-STEEL>410 stainless steel</M-TYPE-410-STAINLESS-
Figure 7. Examples of the document tagging results
ote that letters in bold are the words from the original document or PartText.
For the sake of clarity, 1) the title block in the drawing is not shown; 2) only parts of the tagged documents
are illustrated; and 3) the PartText is ignored in b.
a. Example of a drawing notes and its tagging results b. Example of a catalog description and its tagging results
ICED’07/471 11
Our special thanks go to Professor Bill Peine, School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue
University, for his help in knowledge acquisition about the surgery robot design, and to Professor
David C. Anderson, School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, for his insightful
suggestions. We would also like to thank Imaginestics LLC for their help in preparing the test data
and for donating I-migrate. Chris Bence, In Chul Chang, and Kaushik Mantri helped in acquiring the
engineering ontology. This research is supported by the 21st Century R&T funds, the National
Science Foundation Partnership for Innovation Award, and University Faculty Scholar Award for
Professor Ramani. We are grateful to the Purdue Center for Education and Research in Information
Assurance and Security (CERIAS) for making its ontological semantics resources available to us and
to its internal pilot grants, funded initially by an Eli Lilly Foundation grant, as well as to its external
NSH-ITR and NSF CyberTrust grants on the extension of the resources to new domains.
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Contact info:
Zhanjun Li Professor Karthik Ramani
Purdue University Purdue University,
School of Mechanical Engineering School of Mechanical Engineering
West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA
Phone: 01-765-4945653 Phone: 01-765-4945725
Fax: 01-765-4940539 Fax: 01-765-4940539
... In the fields of information systems and computer science, the branch of research used for knowledge management and sharing is usually referred to as ontology study or ontology engineering [21]. Although previous research has proposed comprehensive ontologies of academic studies to support scientific research [9,30,36,37], formal research methodology and guidelines are not well established to promote scientific research based on ontologies. ...
... There is As a result, we propose a new approach to DSR by adopting the idea of scientific research based on sematic web by Ghanem [9]. By incorporating the existing frameworks for DSR [14] and ontology development in IS research [21,41], we develop a ODSR framework for understanding, executing and evaluating research following this approach. Figure 1 shows an ontology-based design science (ODSR) framework for IS research. ...
... The detailed steps of ontology engineering include specification, acquisition, formalization, population, evaluation, and maintenance. [21]. Accordingly, ODSR shows how the ontology engineering activities can be integrated into design science research. ...
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The complexity of process plants and the growing demand for digitalization require efficient and accurate information retrieval throughout the lifecycle phases of a process plant. This paper discusses the concept of instantiation and introduces a method for identifying and multiplying required information in plant engineering using scalable so-called Instantiation Blocks linked to the Bill of Material. Core functionality, an ontology graph and a user interface based on Python and React are developed to demonstrate the implementation of the framework and validate its effectiveness in practice.
Due to the ongoing digital transformation, businesses are exposed to work with a dynamic business environment. Traditional 1-to-1 relationships between manufacturers and end customers are transformed into a network of relationships between manufacturers, end customers, software developers, suppliers, and third parties. The network of partners evolves into an ecosystem. Using a smart product-service system as the central anchor of value creation for an ecosystem enables hybrid value creation for producers and consumers simultaneously. In this paper we develop a knowledge-based model of smart product-service systems in their corresponding ecosystems, that assists designers and developers in decision making during the product development process.KeywordsSmart product-service systemsProduct-service ecosystemsKnowledge-based engineeringSmart product engineering
In the current scenario, web sources are flooded with information and the user can search for needed information from it. The output of the search keyword may be relevant or irrelevant despite the search keyword. Since the vast majority of the web sources are finding their results syntactically than semantically. So, the machine must understand the meaning of the search keyword to give relevant search results. The responsibility of researchers is to find the solution for Patient Monitoring System, which must give an accurate result for the search keyword. There is a need to construct the Patient Monitoring System with the support of ontology. Every detail of the patient and their health information must be stored in the Ontology. This research work focuses on the importance of ontology based system for the patient monitoring system. The domain ontology has been constructed to preserve the details of the patient health issues. This system consists of four phases includes Domain ontology construction, Pre-processing, Rule construction and Reasoning of Query. After the validity of the query, the most relevant result must be produced automatically. The correctness of the query must be validated with the support of reasoner.
Semantics-based approaches—founded on the idea of explicitly encoding meaning separately from the data or the application code—are being applied to manufacturing, for example, to enable early manufacturability feedback. These approaches rely on formal, i.e., computer-interpretable, knowledge and rules along with the context or semantics, which facilitates the reuse and sharing of the knowledge via semantic web technologies. On the other hand, manufacturing knowledge has been maintained primarily in the form of unstructured English text. It is considered impractical for engineers to author accurate, formal, and structured manufacturing rules. However, previous efforts on extracting semantics from unstructured text in manufacturing have mainly focused on basic concept names and hierarchies for ontology creation, rather than extracting complex manufacturing rules. In this context, this paper focuses on the development of a semantics-based framework for acquiring formal manufacturing rules from English text, such as those written in manufacturing handbooks, by guiding standard Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques with formal manufacturing knowledge (i.e., controlled vocabulary and domain ontology). Specifically, this paper studies the problem of rule extraction in the manufacturing domain, proposes the formal rule extraction framework, and demonstrates its feasibility. From the dataset of 133 sentences with a manufacturing rule, the proposed framework was able to extract correct rules from approx. 57% of the sentences. This paper also demonstrates the extensibility of the framework. Specifically, the framework was initially developed using the three sections of a manufacturing handbook, including milling, metal stamping, and die-casting sections, and could be successfully applied to the rest of the book after just updating the formal manufacturing knowledge to cover the other sections. This paper provides meaningful results in terms of formalization, thus will contribute to the development, sharing, and reuse of formal manufacturing knowledge that includes complex manufacturing rules.
Technology and industry growth urge organizations to enhance their knowledge level and creation of new knowledge is highly valued in learning organizations (LO). It is inevitable that knowledge is a critical part in the OL context. This chapter discusses the importance of knowledge creation in an LO and the relevant issues of organizational knowledge, such as knowledge process, learning policy and learning technologies.
Manufacturing knowledge is maintained primarily in the unstructured text in industry. To facilitate the reuse of the knowledge, previous efforts have utilized Natural Language Processing (NLP) to classify manufacturing documents or to extract structured knowledge (e.g. ontology) from manufacturing text. On the other hand, extracting more complex knowledge, such as manufacturing rule, has not been feasible in a practical scenario, as standard NLP techniques cannot address the input text that needs validation. Specifically, if the input text contains the information irrelevant to the rule-definition or semantically invalid expression, standard NLP techniques cannot selectively derive precise information for the extraction of the desired formal manufacturing rule. To address the gap, we developed the feedback generation method based on Constraint-based Modeling (CBM) coupled with NLP and domain ontology, designed to support formal manufacturing rule extraction. Specifically, the developed method identifies the necessity of input text validation based on the predefined constraints and provides the relevant feedback to help the user modify the input text, so that the desired rule can be extracted. We proved the feasibility of the method by extending the previously implemented formal rule extraction framework. The effectiveness of the method is demonstrated by enabling the extraction of correct manufacturing rules from all the cases that need input text validation, about 30% of the dataset, after modifying the input text based on the feedback. We expect the feedback generation method will contribute to the adoption of semantics-based technology in the manufacturing field, by facilitating precise knowledge acquisition from manufacturing-related documents in a practical scenario.
Conference Paper
Knowledge Based Question Answering System (KBQA) aims to provide suitable answers for the queries posted by users using ontology. Ontology is supposed to refine the search with semantics and confer the best result to the user. Mapping of Question and Answers are mandatory in every Question Answering System. This research work proposed the framework for KBQA Mapping system, which helps in retrieving precise information from a large collection of documents. The KBQA system consists of three phases such as Question Preprocessing, Answer Evaluation and Concept Mapping of question with their answer. The question posted by the user will be evaluated to get the answer and the answer will be taken from the pool of KBQA. This research paper explores the novel approach to the mapping of Question and most relevant Answers in KBQA System.
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Product design is an important part of the manufacturing system from a macro point of view. In the design process, creative design is one of the important factors to survive the fierce competition. During creative design process, designers are the most critical component. However, design fixation often negatively influences the design outcomes. Many researches from cognitive science and design science reveal that the presentation of outer information can alleviate design fixation effectively. Among different kinds of outer information, language terms are proved to be effective. This work presents a method of automatically generating language terms as design inspirations based on 500,000 granted patents. This method adopts evolutionary computation as the fundamental algorithm to retrieve language terms from a vocabulary base. To implement the algorithm, the vocabulary is first encoded by high dimensional vectors through word embedding, which is a three layers neural network. Further, two metrics for measuring the inspiration potential of language terms are defined in a computable manner. This work also conducts experiments to validate the method, and the experimental results show that (1) the algorithm is efficient and has the potential to be extended to larger vocabulary; (2) the generated design inspirations have a positive influence on the design outcomes.
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Design documentation does not typically include all of the information sought by mechanical design engineers. This paper reports on a study of practicing engineers making modifications to existing designs. Particular attention is paid to the design information required to answer questions about the design and to verify and refute conjectures about the design. A taxonomy of the questions asked by the designers in this study and the conjectures they formed is presented. It is proposed that an intelligent CAD system be developed to capture, structure, and re-play this information.
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A long-term research project is being undertaken to understand how to support engineering designers through the provision of appropriate knowledge during the design process. Empirical research already carried out within the aerospace industry found that novice designers were aware of their knowledge needs in only 35% of their queries. In addition, observations of experienced and novice designers identified design strategies employed by experienced designers. The aim of this research was to develop and evaluate a method of support for designers based upon these findings. This paper describes the development of the method and its preliminary evaluation within the aerospace industry. The evaluation indicated that the method was able to reduce the number of inappropriate questions asked by novice designers.
Conference Paper
This paper reports on an investigation that aims to characterise the technical content of documentary information used by engineers within two aerospace companies. The work has been carried out in order to gain an understanding of the technical requirements for future information systems to support designers. A rigorous analysis of the textual content of exemplar information objects provided by engineers is initially described. From this analysis, Object Content Profiles for three distinct types of text-based objects are identified: (i) correspondence, (ii) technical (report) objects and (iii) manuals, catalogues and standards. This work is complemented by a survey of designers which identifies the attributes that engineers consider the most helpful as search criteria when trying to locate information objects. These results suggest that whilst drawings and CAD models can be represented by a small number of core attributes, for text-based objects a wider range of descriptive attributes is important. Finally, an outline framework to allow the development of hierarchical taxonomies is presented. This is based on ontology development guidelines but is modified to promote the reuse of existing hierarchically structured sources of indexing terms.
A three-dimensional failure-experience cell matrix is proposed for the purpose of organizing and analyzing existing failure experience data. In the proposed matrix the three axes represent failure modes, elemental mechanical functions, and corrective actions. The usefulness of the failure-experience matrix is demonstrated by investigating over 500 individual failed parts from U. S. Army helicopters. It is proposed that data from all industry should be gathered and inserted into a central failure-experience matrix and made accessible to all designers.
Conference Paper
This paper describes a methodology for developing ontologies for engineering design. The methodology combines a number of methods from social science and computer science, together with taxonomies developed in the field of engineering design. A case study is used throughout the paper focusing upon the use of an ontology for searching, indexing and retrieving of engineering knowledge. An ontology for indexing design knowledge can assist the users to formulate their queries when searching for engineering design knowledge. The root concepts of the ontology were elicited from engineering designers during an empirical research study. These formed individual taxonomies within the ontology and were validated through indexing a set of ninety-two documents. Relationships between concepts are extracted as the ontology is populated with instances. The identified root concepts were found to be complete and sufficient for the purpose of indexing. A thesaurus and an automatic classification are being developed as a result of this evaluation. The methodology employed during the test case is presented in this paper. There are six separate stages, which are presented together with the research methods employed for each stage and the evaluation of each stage. The main contribution of this research is the development of a methodology to allow researchers and industry to create ontologies for their particular purpose and to develop a thesaurus for the terms within the ontology. The methodology is based upon empirical research and hence, focuses upon understanding a user’s domain models as opposed to extracting an ontology from documentation.
Understanding the information accessing activities of engineering designers has been a topic of considerable interest both to industrialists and researchers alike in forming the basic requirements and specification for document management systems, engineering database management systems and information delivery systems. As part of this effort studies have been undertaken to establish how the designers themselves access and distribute this information. However, such studies have been specific to the host country in which the research was originated and comparisons with the wider design community across the world have not possible to establish or quantify. This paper will present the salient findings and observations of a global comparison between engineering designers working within the UK and USA. It is based on two questionnaire surveys, one undertaken in each of the two countries, where over 300 designers were questioned. Thus, it is anticipated that this paper would serve to enhance the management of information and the associated information delivery systems on a world-wide basis.