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A seasonal natural history of the ant, Odontomachus brunneus


Abstract and Figures

A north Florida population of Odontomachus brunneus, a species of ponerine ants, was studied for a one-year period to determine the annual cycle of reproduction and colony growth, including the foraging biology and seasonal changes in nest architecture. The life cycle of O. brunneus is strongly seasonal. Colonies produce brood for 6 months and are broodless for 6 months. Alates are produced in mixed broods at the beginning of each season, consuming much of the colony’s energy reserves. These reserves recover slowly through foraging during the summer’s worker production, and rapidly after brood production ceases in October. The foraging population was estimated to average 77% (SD 22) of the workforce. This proportion was not related to colony size and female alates were also found to forage. Nest architecture was found to change seasonally, with winter nests being more than twice as deep as the average summer nest.
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A seasonal natural history of the ant, Odontomachus brunneus
L. M. Hart
W. R. Tschinkel
Received: 28 January 2010 / Revised: 29 April 2011 / Accepted: 6 July 2011 / Published online: 23 July 2011
Ó International Union for the Study of Social Insects (IUSSI) 2011
Abstract A north Florida population of Odontomachus
brunneus, a species of ponerine ants, was studied for a one-
year period to determine the annual cycle of reproduction
and colony growth, including the foraging biology and
seasonal changes in nest architecture. The life cycle of
O. brunneus is strongly seasonal. Colonies produce brood
for 6 months and are broodless for 6 months. Alates are
produced in mixed broods at the beginning of each season,
consuming much of the colony’s energy reserves. These
reserves recover slowly through foraging during the sum-
mer’s worker production, and rapidly after brood production
ceases in October. The foraging population was estimated to
average 77% (SD 22) of the workforce. This proportion was
not related to colony size and female alates were also found
to forage. Nest architecture was found to change seasonally,
with winter nests being more than twice as deep as the
average summer nest.
Keywords Odontomachus brunneus Annual cycle
Seasonal nest architecture Foraging
Deciphering life history strategies is a key element in under-
standing a species and its interactions with the environment.
For social insects such as ants, it is the life history of the
superorganism that is of interest—the individual colony
members are the parts that make up the superorganism.
Natural history studies may include, but are not limited to the
seasonal cycle, colony size, queen number, number of nests
per colony, worker size, alate size and number, nest location,
and nest architecture (Ho
lldobler and Wilson, 1990; Gadgil
and Bossert, 1970;Tschinkel,1991, 1993;Laskisand
Tschinkel, 2009).
A large component of life history analysis is ‘under-
standing the diversity of reproductive allocation strategies’
(Bourke and Franks, 1995, p. 301); that is, the patterns of
how colonies allocate resources among the essential tasks of
seasonal and size-related colony growth, sexual reproduc-
tion and colony maintenance (Gadgil and Bossert, 1970;
Kipyatkov, 1993, 1995, 2001; Oster and Wilson, 1978;
Tschinkel, 1993, 1998). The seasonal and life-cycle allo-
cation patterns are best seen in the rates at which the
different types of production (i.e., workers, sexuals) and
maintenance proceed in relation to colony size and season
(Tschinkel, 1993). Each species of ant has a characteristic
annual cycle organized so as to capitalize on the warmest
period of the year for larval development (Kipyatkov,
1993). In considering this, a temperate annual cycle should
have brood production beginning as early in the spring as
possible and continuing until the fall weather becomes too
cold for the successful development, with only the stages
capable of successful over-wintering present at the begin-
ning of the winter season (Kipyatkov, 1993, 2001).
One important component of the annual cycle is the tim-
ing of sexual (alate) versus worker production. In many of
L. M. Hart W. R. Tschinkel
Department of Biological Science, Florida State University,
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4370, USA
Present Address:
L. M. Hart (&)
Division of Plant Sciences, University of Missouri—Columbia,
1-31 Agriculture Building, Columbia, MO 65203, USA
Insect. Soc. (2012) 59:45–54
DOI 10.1007/s00040-011-0186-6
Insectes Sociaux
the temperate ant species that have been studied so far, the
rearing of sexual brood generally occurs prior to worker
production (Brian and Elmes, 1974; Elmes, 1987;Kipyatkov,
1996, 2001; Smith and Tschinkel, 2005; Tschinkel, 1993,
1998). By this account, most of the colony’s initial invest-
ment in brood should be toward the creation of alates for the
sexual reproduction of the colonies followed by a secondary
investment in worker brood to increase the size of the colony
as well as create a worker force that will survive the winter
and begin the cycle all over again. This cyclical colony
growth and reproduction has also been shown to create a
seasonal age structure with young workers predominant in
the fall and older workers in the spring (Rissing, 1987;
Tschinkel, 1998). Because ants have an age-based division of
labor, it is possible that such seasonal variation in worker
age-distribution has consequences for the allocation of labor.
In addition to the reproductive cycle, cyclical variations
in physical structure as a colony moves, grows or prepares
for the environmental change can be an important element
of its yearly phenotype. Nest architecture is species-specific
and presumably serves particular biologically important
functions (Cerquera and Tschinkel, 2009; Tschinkel, 2004).
Descriptive studies of the general nest architecture are in
their infancy, with little if any information on seasonal
adaptations. Odontomachus brunneus nests have only
recently been described as simple, consisting of a single
vertical shaft connecting a varying number of chambers
(Cerquera and Tschinkel, 2009). Despite having only
4 months of nest excavation data, Cerquera and Tschinkel’s
data show a trend toward increasing nest depth into the
cooler winter months (unpublished data). Also previously
described is the seasonal vertical movement of fungus
gardens in the fungus gardening ant Trachymyrmex sep-
tentrionalis (Seal and Tschinkel, 2006). Such data suggest
that ants may have a physiological response to temperature
that induces the workers to alter the structure of their nest
and its components to accommodate these climatic changes.
Along with the species-specific cycle of colony compo-
sition, the flow of energy within a colony provides insight
into the seasonal functions of ant colonies. Annual cycles of
energy allocation have been determined for several other ant
species found in the Apalachicola National Forest including
the Florida harvester ant, Pogonomymex badius (Tschinkel,
1998), and the fire ant Solenopsis invicta (Tschinkel, 1993),
both of which can co-occur with Odontomachus brunneus.
Energy allocation patterns are determined by measuring fat,
the primary energy stores, as well as the weight of new lean
and fat biomass in the various life stages throughout the
annual cycle, revealing colony energy investment patterns.
Additionally, in several ant species, the proportion of fat in a
worker’s body has been shown to decline with age and can
be used to estimate relative age (Wilson, 1985; Tschinkel,
1993, 1998).
In addition to allocating energy, colonies must also allocate
labor. At the most basic level, colonies show an age-based
division of labor in which young workers perform mostly
brood care, and old ones forage. Workers of intermediate age
carry out a variety of other tasks. In species with subterranean
nests, this results in upward movement of older workers (who
are also becoming leaner), creating a vertical pattern of
decreasing average fatness and increasing average age. Per-
haps because they are a primitive species of ant, O. brunneus
colonies generate a division of labor through competitive
duels referred to as ‘interaction-based task allocation’ by
Powell and Tschinkel (1999). Dominant individuals locate
themselves closer to the brood within a nest, participating in
brood care while older, subordinate individuals are forced into
the risky task of foraging. This dominance interaction, cou-
pled with the well-documented phenomenon of age-based
polyethism in most other ant species was used to decipher the
internal social structure in the laboratory O. brunneus
nies. What is unclear is how faithful workers are to their
designated roles; in laboratory observations, marked workers
were capable of moving among the foraging arena, broodless
and brood zones frequently (personal observation). However,
it is unclear if this process also operates in natural nests to
produce vertical age stratification of O. brunneus workers
as it does in other ant species (Beshers and Fewell, 2001;
Tschinkel, 1998). It is also unclear whether worker fatness is a
useful proxy for age in O. brunneus.
Foraging biology, while a rather active area of myrme-
cological research, has largely neglected the determination
of the proportion of a colony that is actively involved in
foraging. Previous studies of forager populations using
Formica polyctena (Kruk-De Bruin et al., 1977) and Pogo-
nomymex badius (Porter and Jorgensen, 1981) suggest that
(1) forager populations function almost as a separate entity
from the rest of the nest, and (2) that the foraging population
should be comprised of primarily older workers (Golley and
Gentry, 1964; Kruk-De Bruin et al., 1977; Porter and Jor-
gensen, 1981). Despite such studies, it is unknown if the
proportion of foragers in all ant colonies is related to the size
of the colony as it is in Solenopsis invicta (Tschinkel, pers.
comm.), if it is a species-specific trait or if this proportion is
an evolutionarily derived trait such that primitive ants (i.e.,
Odontomachus species) and more derived ants (i.e., Pogo-
nomyrmex species) would have differing proportions of
their workforce participate in foraging.
Description of the site
This study was completed in management compartment 219
of the Apalachicola National Forest in Leon County, Florida
46 L. M. Hart, W. R. Tschinkel
11N, 84°19
32W). The sand hills ecotype is dom-
inated by longleaf pine with an understory of turkey oak and
a ground cover of wiregrass, saw palmetto, assorted shrubs
and Smilax vines. Most of the study was carried out in a
low-lying area near several depression ponds with a
fluctuating water table, resulting in moist, poorly drained
broadleaf trees along with occasional longleaf pines, and
the ground was largely covered with a dense layer of
decaying oak leaves (for seasonal temperature and rainfall
information, see Appendix).
Excavation and collection
Six to eight nests were excavated monthly for a total of 76
nests. Excavations were done by digging a pit adjacent to a
focal colony, with the edge of this pit not less than 15 cm
from the nest entrance(s). This distance accommodates
varying chamber sizes as well as the slight deviation of nest
shafts from being entirely vertical. Chambers were exposed
sequentially from the top and their contents accumulated in
20 cm increments down to 60 cm in the total depth (initial
nest depths did not exceed this). Inhabitants residing deeper
than 60 cm were placed in a separate container and the
maximum nest depth recorded (procedure modified from
Tschinkel, 1998).
Nest inhabitants were killedbyrapidfreezing,then
dried at 50°, sorted and counted to determine the number
and vertical locations of the workers, brood, alates and the
queen. For analysis, nests were categorized by size class,
with Class 1 nests having B50 works; Class 2, 51–100
workers; Class 3, 101–150 workers; Class 4, 151–200
Pupal cocoon dissections
To determine the type of brood early cocoons contained,
dried cocoons from May to July were dissected under a
dissection microscope, and the brood within identified as
sexual, worker or unknown pupae. Sexual pupae were rec-
ognized by the presence of developing wings, and males by
the lack of large mandibles. Unknown pupae were too early
in the developmental process for their caste to be deter-
mined, or were still last instar larvae.
Determination of seasonal energy allocation
throughout 1 year
Dried ants were weighed (mg), assigned an identification
number and placed in a labeled, perforated gelatin capsule.
Capsules were threaded onto a wire skewer and placed in a
Soxhlet extractor, extracted with diethyl ether for 48 h,
dried and reweighed (Smith and Tschinkel, 2009). The
difference between the pre- and post-extracted dry weights
represents the extracted fat, and together with the dry weight
allowed the determination of the percentage of fat stored in
each individual ant (modified from Tschinkel, 1993; Seal
and Tschinkel, 2006, 2007; Soxhlet, 1879), and by summa-
tion, in the colony as a whole. From these data, we determined
energy (fat) allocation by life stage and throughout the yearly
cycle as well as the relative age(s) of workers at each level
within the colony, with the assumption that O. brunneus
workers decrease in fat content with age similarly to Pogo-
nomymex badius (Tschinkel, 1998).
Forager collection and marking
Ten nests were chosen for forager monitoring during July
2009. A foraging area with a diameter of 60 cm was cleared
around the nest entrance(s). To ensure collection of only
foragers and not maintenance workers, ants were collected
upon returning to their nest or exiting past 10 cm, this dis-
tance was chosen after observing that ants exiting with
debris deposited such items within 4–5 cm of the nest
entrance, those moving past this point left to forage. Each
ant was then individually marked on the posterior of its head
using Testors enamel and replaced near the nest entrance.
Foragers were collected for two 20-min periods separated
by 48 h allowing time for the marked workers to thoroughly
mix within the population (Ryti and Case, 1986). All col-
lection/observation was performed in the morning (8–11
a.m.), while colonies were actively foraging.
Estimates of forager populations based
on mark-recapture data
The number of foragers in a colony was estimated by a mark
and recapture method (Lincoln Index; Chew, 1959
; Kruk-
De Bruin et al., 1977; Southwood, 1978). The total foraging
population of a colony was estimated from the proportion of
marked workers in a recapture sample. The number of
marked workers initially released is the same proportion of
the total forager population as the number of marked
workers is of the recapture sample. This method makes
several assumptions: (1) all individuals in the forager pop-
ulation have an equal chance of being caught and marked,
(2) the marked ants mix thoroughly with the unmarked ants
before resampling, and (3) marking is permanent for the
duration of the sampling period and does not affect the
behaviors or survival of the marked individuals, and (4)
immigration and emigration are negligible on the time scale
of the estimate (Chew, 1959; Southwood, 1978). There is
little doubt that these assumptions are reasonably met by the
forager populations of ants. Variances and standard errors
were calculated as per Southwood (1978).
A seasonal natural history of the ant, Odontomachus brunneus 47
Nest excavation for forager distribution
Nests were hand excavated as described previously to deter-
mine how workers were vertically distributed throughout
the nest. Workers were collected as each chamber was
exposed, and the depth recorded. Within-nest locations were
combined at what appeared to be natural breaks; i.e., ants
located in the topmost chamber were observed to frequently
exit nests and thus were combined with the returning surface
foragers. Collection was done in the morning at similar
times to marking events so that workers would be engaged
in similar daily tasks at the time of excavation.
Using the number of marked foragers (m) in the nest
during the excavation and the proportion of recaptured
marked foragers (p) from the mark-recapture data, the
number of foragers (both marked and unmarked) within the
nest during the excavation was determined (F):
F ¼
Equation 1, Foraging population in nest
The number of foragers actively foraging was then found
by subtracting the foraging population within the nest
(F) from the forager population estimate (N). The total
colony size was then determined by adding this value to the
number of ants collected during excavation.
Annual cycle
The monthly excavations and census of Odontomachus
brunneus nests revealed the annual brood cycle of this
species (Fig. 1). Brood production began with the arrival of
the warmer temperatures in late spring and continued until
temperatures were too cool for the brood development in the
mid-fall (see Appendix for yearly temperatures). The first
larvae appeared in small numbers in late April and increased
to a peak in June. Pupal cocoons were present beginning in
May and increased through October with only a few pupae
left to eclose in November. The presence of wing buds in
dissected cocoons (Table 1) revealed the majority of rec-
ognizable pupae to be sexuals in the months of May and
June. Production of alate brood was recorded as late as the
second week of June (6/9/2008), after which colonies pro-
duced only worker brood. Initial brood production in early
spring was a mixture of both worker and sexual brood, not
solely sexuals, although sexual brood predominated. Both
sexual and worker pupae were found in the same nests.
There was no correlation between colony size and sexual
production (r
= 19%; df = 12; p = 0.14), or the total
number of pupae present and sexual pupae (r
= 21%;
df = 12; p = 0.12). Sexual production is slightly related to
the relative proportion of fat reserves available to the total
colony size (r
= 1.7%, df = 63; p = 0.06).
Adult alates appeared in mid-June (6/16–6/23), with a
few female alates remaining as late as the third week of July
(7/21/08), suggesting that mating flights are likely to have
occurred in mid-to-late June.
The lack of over-wintering brood shows this species to
have a heterodynamous annual cycle, with all over-winter-
ing individuals having eclosed prior to the winter inactivity.
Of note, in this regard, several colonies moved brood to the
surface of their nests in late October as temperatures were
beginning to decrease.
Queen presence
Of the 76 colonies excavated, only 26 were queen-right
(34%), with one of these colonies actually containing two
queens. It is unknown if both queens were reproductively
Fig. 1 The annual cycle of production in Odontomachus brunneus
shown as a mean percentage of the colony population in each category.
Nests were broodless throughout half of the year, followed by a period
of production of both sexual and worker brood. Sexual brood were
produced for only 2 months during the spring, followed by 4 months
of worker population
Table 1 Results of cocoon dissections
Month Total
pupae (%)
pupae (%)
pupae (%)
pupae ratio
May 25 12 20 68 1.67
June 81 8.64 16.05 75.31 1.86
48 L. M. Hart, W. R. Tschinkel
active as they had been processed for fat extraction and
therefore could not be dissected. There was no relationship
between the presence of a queen and colony size class (Chi-
square test 11.26; df = 2; p = 0.42).
Seasonal variation on nest depth/architecture
This study revealed changes in the nest depth and structure
through the annual cycle, with nests as deep as 60 cm in the
summer and as deep at 170 cm in the winter. Fall and spring
depths were intermediate between these extremes. In prep-
aration for the winter, the ants extended the final shaft down
60–100 cm from the maximum summer depth. Except on
unseasonably warm days, all winter inhabitants of the nest
were found in the final, nearly circular chamber at the end of
this long shaft.
Regressing the maximum depth of individual nests
against the number of ants showed that, while colony size
did not change much across seasons, the maximum depth
increased with the number of workers in all seasons, except
summer. During the summer, no nest was deeper than 60 cm,
and nest depth was unrelated to the number of workers
(Fig. 2). Winter nests were much deeper than summer nests
of comparable size, with spring and fall nests displaying a
transition between these two extremes.
On March 23, 2009 an excavation showed evidence of a
colony migrating upward in its nest, filling the lower shafts/
chambers with loosely packed soil. Around this time, all
colonies decreased their depth as the ants moved from their
period of winter inactivity into the reproductive period of
their annual cycle. In this particular nest, the majority of
ants were located in a chamber immediately above this shaft
with only a few workers closing the shaft behind the colony.
Dry, lean and fat weights of workers throughout
a one-year cycle
Figure 3 displays the monthly means of worker’s dry
weight, lean weight and percent fat. In April, ants emerging
from their winter diapauses ranged in dry weight from
approximately 2.14–5.27 mg, a range of 3.13 mg with a
mean dry weight of 3.75 mg (COV = 0.15). While the
range of dry weights remained similar throughout most of
the year, the mean dry and lean weights and percent fat
changed with season. However, these seasonal patterns of
weight and fat content were similar across colony size
classes, and are thus shown as monthly means without
regard to colony size in (Fig. 3). After their emergence from
winter inactivity in April and early May, colonies produced
mostly sexual brood (Fig. 1). During this period, fatness of
workers declined, so that the annual minimum for fatness
occurred in June with the completion of sexual production
(Fig. 3). Female alates had a mean of 26% body fat, higher
even than overwintering workers, suggesting that they
sequestered a large amount of available resources on an
individual basis. This spring decline in worker fatness was
largely responsible for the initial decline of their dry weight,
but their lean weight continued to decline until August,
causing dry weight to reach its annual minimum then. Once
the colony switched to worker production in June–July,
fatness slowly increased as new, young workers replaced
old ones that died. When worker production ceased in
October and there was no more brood to feed, worker
Fig. 2 Correlation of maximum nest depth to number of workers by
season. Mean summer nest depth was 43 cm (SD = 16.5) with a little
variation, resulting in a horizontal line. Winter nests were much greater
in depth than summer, with spring and fall occurring in transitional
locations between these extremes. Additionally, nests with a larger
workforce were capable of digging to greater depths in the cooler
Fig. 3 Lean weight, dry weights and percent fat of workers by month.
Error bars denote 95% confidence intervals. By decomposing the dry
weight into its components, it is apparent that the majority of the
fluctuation in mean dry weight of workers is due to a change in the fat
A seasonal natural history of the ant, Odontomachus brunneus 49
fatness, dry weight and lean weight increased dramatically
in the preparation for winter inactivity and spring alate
production. The late winter decline is probably associated
with the cost of maintaining workers. Florida winter soil
temperatures are not low enough to reduce metabolism to
near zero.
This change in weight and fatness can also be expressed
in energetic terms. Because fat has about twice the energy
content per mg as lean weight, it has a large effect on energy
content. Energy content of individuals was computed using
39.33 J/mg for fat and 18.87 J/mg for lean matter. The
annual patterns of individual and colony changes in energy
content are shown in Fig. 4a, b. In Fig. 4a, the early spring
peak in the energy content of larvae and pupae was the result
of an initially undetected mixed brood of sexuals and
workers. Later dissection of cocoons showed about 64% of
them to contain sexuals of both sexes. Because females
contain more than triple the energy of males (whose energy
content was somewhat less than workers), the brood energy
content peaked in June. During brood production, worker
energy content declined until about August (Fig. 4).
Thereafter, worker energy content slowly built up, peaking
sharply in the preparation for overwintering and production
of the next spring’s brood. Queen energy content varied
greatly, but was not related to season. Female alates were
present only in June, and were very expensive on an indi-
vidual basis, as was the queen.
Multiplying the energy per individual times the number
of individuals gave the total energy in each type of indi-
vidual, and summing these gave the total energy contained
in the colony. The percent of this total colony energy in each
type of ant is shown in Fig. 4b. Figure 4 shows that an
increasing amount of energy was found in brood during the
breeding season, peaking in October when pupae contain
about half of the colonies’ energy content. This is probably
the result of the replacement of old, lean workers with new,
fatter ones that will overwinter. Larvae are not present later
than September and pupae than October, so that by
November, all energy is found in the workers. Whereas the
seasonal pattern of energy in brood is strong and obvious
(ANOVA: p \ 0.001), these patterns do not differ for col-
onies of different sizes (ANOVA; p = 0.64). It is also
apparent from Fig. 4 how little energy the ants invest in
alates. However, only two colonies contained female alates,
so a little can be said about energetic patterns with respect to
colony size.
The shifts in the total energy content in Fig. 4b were the
result of the changing fat and lean mass in the workers
shown in Figs. 3 and 4a, and not of colony growth—colony
size did not change significantly across the monthly samples
(ANOVA: number of workers by collection month; p =
0.9) or even when these were lumped into four seasons (p =
0.2). However, it should be remembered that the samples
were terminal—no colony was followed across seasons, and
the statement of ‘no change’ in colony size applied to the
population of colonies through the year. It is possible that
individual colonies increase in size during the year.
Vertical distribution of worker fatness within the nest
The fatness of workers was analyzed by nest level within
each month (Fig. 5). In 9 out of 12 months, workers were
the leanest in the uppermost stratum and the fattest in the
lowest (with a few exceptions). This pattern was absent
December–February for two reasons. First, the entire
worker population becomes fatter, and second the great
majority of the colony assembles in the lowest chambers,
with only occasional workers occurring in other levels,
especially the uppermost (note the large error bars in Jan-
uary and February). This was caused by a small sample size
of fatty workers to emerge on warmer days to forage.
Fig. 4 Seasonal distribution of energy content per individual (a) and
colony totals (b) for 5 types of ants through the annual cycle. The
investment in worker pupae gradually increased, peaking in October
with the last brood of the year. Alates represent a small proportion of
the total energy of the colony when they are present. These shifting
investments represent both energy gained from forage, and energy
from metabolic reserves
50 L. M. Hart, W. R. Tschinkel
Assuming that the proportion of fat decreases with
worker age (as it does in other ants; Porter and Jorgensen,
1981; Tschinkel, 1993, 1998), there appeared to be strati-
fication by age within the nests of O. brunneus for the
warmer months of the year (Fig. 3).
Estimation of the forager population
Through mark-recapture and excavation, colony sizes and
the proportion of foragers per colony were determined.
Female alates were included in the population census of
workers as they were observed repeatedly foraging in the
majority of the nests. Four colonies with large standard
errors of the estimate were not used, and the estimates were
based on the remaining six. Recapture samples ranged from
8 to 28 workers, of which 27–67% were marked (mean
42%). Colonies ranged in total size from 41 to 107 workers
with 51–88% of the workforce participating in foraging,
with no relationship to colony size. There is a degree of
uncertainty in these estimates that stems from a generous
definition of foragers. All workers returning to the nest from
a distance and those departing beyond 10 cm were desig-
nated foragers. It would include, for example, workers
leaving the nest for the first time on exploratory forays, or
midden workers venturing farther than 10 cm. These esti-
mates therefore need to be verified by the future studies.
Excavation: location of marked and unmarked workers
Figure 6 shows that ants marked as foragers were distrib-
uted throughout the nest upon excavation, but unequally
among the levels. A Chi-square test with an expected equal
distribution of marked foragers within each nest showed that
the marked foragers were not equally distributed among
nest levels (Chi-square = 63.78831, p = 0.0002), but were
more abundant in the upper levels with a smaller, but
varying number in the middle and bottom levels. In all nests,
brood was found in the bottom and middle chambers toge-
ther with both marked and unmarked ants. Brood was also
found in the top chambers of nests F10 and F12. It should be
noted that the total number of ants collected was not the total
individuals per colony as excavations were performed while
colonies were actively foraging. An estimate of colony sizes
is provided in Table 2.
The life cycle of O. brunneus is strongly seasonal. Colonies
produce brood for 6 months and are broodless for 6 months.
Because northern Florida represents the northern range limit
of the genus Odontomachus, it is possible that this long
broodless period is induced by less favorable environmental
conditions. For example, in Myrmica rubra, brood pro-
duction is the greatest in mid-range and declines at both
range extremes (Elmes et al., 1999). O. brunneus sexuals are
produced in mixed broods at the beginning of the season,
concurrent with a marked decrease in the colony’s fat
reserves, suggesting a high energetic investment toward the
production of these individuals. Reserves recover slowly
through foraging during the summer’s worker production,
and rapidly after brood production ceases in October. This
seasonal pattern is generally similar to those of S. invicta
and P. badius in which early spring sexual production is
associated with a large decline in worker fat stores
(Tschinkel, 1993, 1998). Presumably, this pattern evolved
in all three species because it is advantageous to produce
sexuals early in the season before much forage is available,
but it is probably also driven by the inability to forage
Fig. 5 Monthly within-nest allocation of worker fat by depth. Error
bars denote 95% confidence intervals. Throughout most of the year,
leaner (older) workers were found in the upper chambers of all nests
with fatter (younger) workers in the lower regions
Fig. 6 Location(s) of marked and unmarked ants by nest. Marked
foragers were distributed throughout nests, but this distribution was
unequal, with the majority located in the upper region of the nests
A seasonal natural history of the ant, Odontomachus brunneus 51
during the cold of winter and early spring. With respect to
brood rearing, stored fat and forage are probably fungible to
a large degree, for that when forage is less available, stored
fat can substitute. The extreme of this life cycle is found in
Prenolepis imparis in which both sexuals and workers are
produced from huge fat stores, entirely without feeding
(Tschinkel, 1987), thus completely separating the foraging
phase of the seasonal cycle during which reserves are stored
from the brood production phase when these reserves are
used. Considering that these four species are not closely
related, it seems likely that the association of declining fat
stores with early sexual and worker production is wide-
spread in seasonal ants. How workers convert fat stores into
larval food is unknown, but two routes seem possible—the
laying of trophic eggs, or the production of nutritional
secretions (or both).
The seasonal cycle can thus be understood as a single
entity driven by both season and nutritional status. Accu-
mulating data on ant seasonal cycles (Kipyatkov, 1996,
2001; Passera and Keller, 1987; Ricks and Vinson, 1972;
Rissing, 1987; Tschinkel, 1993, 1998) is revealing that even
for ants in warm temperate zones, the accumulation of
metabolic reserves late in the year not only is necessary for
overwintering, but also is an integral part of early spring
sexual production in the next year. Although sexuals may be
produced from overwintered brood in some boreal ant
species (Gamanilov and Kipyatkov, 2000;Ho
lldobler and
Wilson, 1990), early production from metabolic reserves is
probably widespread among temperate ants for the simple
reason that sexual production as early as possible in the
spring makes the success of colony founding more likely.
Earlier incipient colonies have a competitive advantage
over later ones, and can accumulate more workers and
reserves before the stress of overwintering sets in. In a
number of ant species, as in O. brunneus, the early brood is
actually composed of both workers and sexuals, with sex-
uals predominating (MacKay, 1981; Tschinkel, 2006). The
reasons for mixed broods are not clear. Candidate reasons
include ecological conditions that promote high survival of
founding queens, primitive social organization and worker
life span synchronized to the seasons so that there is a high
worker turnover at one season. For O. brunneus, while
worker life span is unknown, it is likely that workers live for
at least a year—worker life span generally increases with
body size, and O. brunneus is a large-bodied ant (Tschinkel,
personal observation). The high rate of worker production
late in the season also suggests that there is high turnover in
workers in late summer. Because we did not track individual
colonies through the year, we cannot say with certainty that
colonies grew during the warm season. However, mean
colony size showed no significant variation during the year
suggesting that the colony growth during late summer is
modest if not absent.
O. brunneus founds new colonies independently, without
the company of workers, and thus female sexuals contain a
lot of metabolic reserves, especially fat. Nevertheless,
founding queens of this species are semi-claustral, that is,
they forage during the founding period (Ho
lldobler and
Wilson, 1990, 2005, 2009). Thus, their 26% fat is lower than
the threshold value of about 50% for independent founding
reported by Keller and Passera (1989). However, female
alate ants gain their metabolic reserves during early adult
life, and the females we measured may not all have been
These colony-level attributes are essential to under-
standing colonies as a unit. It is also important to consider
the life cycle of the individual ants that make up the colony.
It has been shown in more derived species such as Pogo-
nomymex badius (Tschinkel, 1998
) that individual ants
follow a particular sequence throughout their lives: they
eclose on the brood pile where they remain as brood care
workers, as they age and new ants eclose, the older ants
move away from the brood to perform nest maintenance
tasks, and ultimately end their lives as foragers (Bourke and
Franks, 1995; Oster and Wilson, 1978; Tschinkel, 1998).
This process, termed adaptive demography (Wilson, 1985),
is commonly accepted as the core of division of labor
of most species. This clear age-related task distribution
Table 2 Population estimates resulting from mark-recapture and nest excavation
sample (n)
ants marked
error of
the mean
Total nest
marked ants
in nest (F)
out of
(N - F)
Percent of
involved in
F1 31 21 0.67 47 3.33 71 18 27 20 91 51
F4 10 11 0.27 37 6.33 35 8 29 7 42 87
F5 21 20 0.30 70 9.06 76 20 67 3 79 88
F6 18 14 0.36 50 7.95 41 7 20 31 72 70
F8 27 28 0.43 63 5.12 95 22 51 12 107 59
F10 11 8 0.50 22 3.67 25 3 6 16 41 54
52 L. M. Hart, W. R. Tschinkel
appears to be more flexible in O. brunneus (Figs. 5, 6):
while, there are distinct separations throughout most of the
annual cycle, the locations of active foragers (Fig. 6) show
that workers can and do migrate within their nests. It is
possible that an age-related division of labor is less apparent
for this species in natural settings, or that foragers are not as
restricted to the upper regions of the nest. Perhaps they
deliver food directly to the larvae, rather than to interme-
diate transport workers. Stratification also appears to be
relaxed in the month of January (Fig. 5), during the coolest
time of the year. This lack of apparent stratification can
probably be attributed to the fact that all workers have
gained similar amounts of fat for overwintering. Thus, their
ages can no longer be divined through their fat content. It is
also likely that the proportion of the workers that are young
is higher during this period because most of the overwin-
tering workers were probably born during the summer and
The finding of foraging female alates in both O. brunneus
and Neoponera apicalis (Fresneau and Dupuy, 1988) lends
support to either a lack of division of labor or a more
primitive version of this distribution. Because nests produce
a very few sexuals per season, it seems maladaptive to allow
these alates, who represent a large colony energy investment
(Fig. 4) to engage in this risky endeavor. Why colonies do
not retain these female alates under safer conditions until
such time that they mate as is seen in derived species
(Tschinkel, 1993) is not yet understood. It is possible that
the colonies require the alates to forage in order to maintain
sufficient resources not only to nourish the brood but also to
maintain the fat stores of the alates until it is time for them to
leave the nest. Also, because Ponerine queens found colo-
nies in a semi-claustral fashion, it may just be in the very
nature of the female alate to forage during the early portion
of her life.
While a few studies of this nature have been performed
on primitive ants, there is a similarity in the foraging of
O. brunneus with Neoponera apicalis, a fellow Ponerine
species that also engages a large proportion of its work-
force, including female alates, in foraging (Fresneau, 1985;
Fresneau and Dupuy, 1988). Similar to more derived species,
O. brunneus displays a spatial partitioning of workers by age,
with the youngest residing primarily in the lower regions of
nests and the older in the upper region, likely performing
primarily as foragers. Due to the diversity of combinations of
both primitive and derived traits, Fresneau and Dupuy (1988)
suggest that the subfamily of Ponerinae is a potential model
for studying the evolution of social organization; such
studies could yield powerful insight into how and when the
various traits of eusociality were derived within the diverse
family of ants.
The high proportion of queenless nests has several pos-
sible origins. It is unlikely that we failed to find queens that
were present, as the excavation procedure rarely missed
ants. True queenlessness is also unlikely, for workers can
only produce males. It is more likely that O. brunneus is
polydomous. If this is the case, then the average colony
occupied three nests and average colony size (as opposed to
nest size) would be approximately triple our estimate. It
would also seem that each nest functions as a largely
independent unit. Similar polydomy was found in Campo-
notus socius in which the average colony occupied 2.3 nests
(Tschinkel, 2005).
Acknowledgments We would like to thank Dr. Josh King for
assistance in project design, as well as Carli Seeba, Jacob Kline, Justin
Diepenbrock, David Hart and Joshua Gold for their hours of field
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54 L. M. Hart, W. R. Tschinkel
... According to Talbot, Ponera pennsylvanica in Missouri (subtropics) also hibernated without brood [58]. Similar seasonal cycle was described for another Ponerine ant, Odontomachus brunneus from the north of Florida (subtropics) [143]. This species spend half of a year (from November up to April) without any brood in the nests. ...
... According to our data, the following species living in temperate climate belong to the group with endogenous-heterodynamic annual cycles: Aphaenogaster, Camponotus, Cataglyphis, Crematogaster, Formica, Harpagoxenus, Lasius, Lepisiota, Leptothorax, Manica, Myrmica, Plagiolepis, Ponera, Proformica and Tapinoma [18,80,96,[145][146][147][149][150][151]. Analysis of the literature data from our conceptual positions allows us to classify the following species as endogenous-heterodynamic: Aphaenogaster subterranea [152], Camponotus herculeanus, C. ligniperda, C. noveboraceus, C. pennsylvanicus, C. vagus [105,107,153], Cataglyphis cursor [133][134][135], Crematogaster scutellaris [154][155][156][157], Formica sanguinea [158], F. ulkei [159], the genera Leptothorax and Temnothorax (with the exception of subtropical ones) [69,75,85,91,112], Myrmica rubra [82,[160][161][162], Plagiolepis pygmaea [103] and Odontomachus brunneus [143]. ...
... Nuptial flight by alates occurred primarily in the summertime -2-3 months after the observed worker foraging peak -and lasted for approximately 4 months during the 6-month trapping. As colonies of many ant species tend to focus on alate production over worker production after ending the hibernation (Vargo & Passera, 1992;Tschinkel, 1998;Kipyatkov, 2006;Hart & Tschinkel, 2012), the observed dynamics in this study indicate that the foraging of T. albipes colonies in springtime were likely dedicated to the later alate production. Although further data are needed to establish the relationship, the foraging and nuptial flight timings of T. albipes in this study are consistent to the egg-to-adult development time in many ant species, which ranges from 1 to 3 months (O'Neal & Markin, 1975;Yamauchi et al., 1991;Smith & Tschinkel, 2006;Boulay et al., 2009;Pontieri et al., 2020). ...
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Whereas most economic and ecological impacts of tramp ant species stem in large part from numerical dominance and exacerbated aggressiveness of workers, those imposed by alate (winged) ants have been rarely described. In the present study, we report an unprecedented massive alate swarming (i.e., mating flight) event in southern Taiwan by a tramp ant species, Technomyrmex albipes (Smith) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), that triggers immediate pest management responses, and examine factor(s) that potentially contribute to the remarkably high number of alates. We monitored the seasonal activities of T . albipes workers and phenology of alate swarming, attempting to link the worker foraging dynamics with swarm ontogeny. As it was argued that recent streetlight fixtures converted from high‐pressure sodium to light‐emitting diode (LED) may serve as a major cause of the massive swarming, alates' light color preference was investigated. Sex ratio of trapped alates was also assessed to test whether sex‐specific light preference exists in T . albipes . We showed that foraging intensity of workers increased in the spring, peaked in May, and was followed by the nuptial flight season that began in August and lasted for 4 months. The phenological pattern is consistent with the colony dynamics in many other ant species. Although the two light preference experiments did not yield the same results, T . albipes alates overall preferred lights with shorter wavelengths in the active trapping, partially supporting the argument of white LED streetlights contributing to the massive flight. The sex ratio of trapped alates was overall female‐biased, suggesting female alates are disproportionally produced and/or more sensitive toward lights.
... In P. badius, for example, workers nearest the surface are older and will often become above ground foragers when their lipid content decreases below 10% (Tschinkel 1998). As we exclusively collected workers outside the nest for our seasonal comparison, perhaps it should not have been surprising that our reported lipid values were generally ~10%, which may be on the low end of the lipid spectrum for ants collected from the interior of nests (e.g., MacKay 1983, MacKay and Sassaman 1984, Tschinkel 1998, Smith 2007, Hart and Tschinkel 2012, Dussutour et al. 2016, Kwapich and Tschinkel 2016. ...
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Temperature is one of the most important environmental conditions affecting physiological processes in ec-tothermic organisms like ants. Yet, we often lack information on how certain physiological traits covary with temperature across time. Here, we test predictions on how one trait-lipid content-covaries with temperature using a conspicuous, ground-dwelling harvester ant. We focus on lipid content as fat bodies are metabolically active tissues that are important for storing and releasing energy in response to demand, which could be vital for survival under variable temperatures. From March to November, we extracted lipids from surface workers of 14 colonies while simultaneously recording ground temperature. We first assessed if lipid content was highest during cooler temperatures when ants were less active and less metabolically stressed. In doing so, we found that lipid content of ants declined almost 70% from cool months (November lipid content = 14.6%) to hot months (August lipid content = 4.6%). We next assessed if lipid levels from a group of ants collected at a single time point could change by placing individuals into environmental chambers set at 10, 20, and 30°C (i.e., the approximate span of average temperatures from March to November). Temperature again had a significant impact such that after 10 days, lipid content of ants in the hottest chamber (30°C) had decreased by more than 75%. While intraspecific variation in physiological traits often follows seasonal patterns, our results suggest fluctuations in temperature may account for a portion of the variance observed in traits like lipid content.
... The periodicity of activity bouts has been examined using activity time series. The bestknown periodicity in activity is seasonal [39,40] and circadian [17,41,42]. Fluctuations in light or temperature, related directly to the hour of the day or period of the year, can act as pacemakers that drive the activity of almost all organisms, including insect societies (see e.g., [17,41]). ...
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Although the activity levels of insect societies are assumed to contribute to their ergonomic efficiency, most studies of the temporal organization of ant colony activity have focused on only a few species. Little is known about the variation in activity patterns across colonies and species, and in different environmental contexts. In this study, the activity patterns of colonies of the red ant Myrmica rubra were characterized over 15 consecutive days. The main goals were to evaluate the colony specificity of the activity patterns and the impact of food deprivation on these patterns. We found that the average activity level varied across colonies and remained consistent over 1 week, providing evidence that the activity level is a colony-specific life trait. Furthermore, all colonies applied an energy-saving strategy, decreasing their average levels of activity inside the nest, when starved. Starvation induced no consistent change in the activity level outside of the nest. An analysis of activity time series revealed activity bursts, with nestmates being active (or inactive) together, the amplitudes of which reflected the ants’ degree of synchronization. Food deprivation increased the amplitude and number of these activity bursts. Finally, wavelet analyses of daily activity patterns revealed no evidence of any periodicity of activity bouts occurring inside or outside of the nest. This study showed that M . rubra ant colonies are characterized by specific activity levels that decrease in response to starvation with the adoption of an energy-saving strategy. In addition, our results help to understand the functional value associated with synchronized and/or periodic fluctuation in activity, which has been debated for years.
... On the one hand, nest size is often related to the size of the colony (Mikheyev and Tschinkel 2004;Tschinkel 1999Tschinkel , 2005. On the other hand, nest shape and topology change depending on the season (Hart and Tschinkel 2012), soil type (Toffin et al. 2010), and ants' body size (Kwapich et al. 2018) as well as the presence of brood or food (Römer and Roces 2014). The opposite is also true, and some species dig nests with clearly recognizable shapes across a wide range of ecological contexts (Tschinkel 2004(Tschinkel , 2013. ...
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Nests of social insects are an important area for the exchange of food and information among workers. We investigated how the topology of nest chambers (as opposed to nest size or environmental factors) affects the spatial distribution of nestmates and the foraging behavior of Myrmica rubra ant colonies. Colonies were housed in artificial nests, each with same-sized chambers differing in the spatial arrangement of galleries. A highly connected central chamber favored higher occupancy rates and a more homogeneous distribution of ants across chambers. In contrast, a chain of successive chambers led to a more heterogeneous distribution of ants, with the occupancy of a chamber chiefly mediated by its distance to the entrance. Irrespective of nest topology, the entrance chamber housed the largest proportion of ants, often including the queen, which exhibited a preference for staying in densely populated chambers. Finally, we investigated how nest topology influenced nestmate recruitment. Surprisingly, a highly connected chamber in the center of the nest did not promote greater recruitment nor activation of ants. At the onset of foraging, the largest number of moving ants was reached in the topology where the most connected chamber was the nest entrance. Later in the process, we found that a chain of successive chambers was the best topology for promoting ant’s mobilization. Our work demonstrates that nest topology can shape the spatial organization and the collective response of ant colonies, thereby taking part in their adaptative strategies to exploit environmental resources.
... Sometimes, the chamber edges become more lobed as the chamber grows (Tschinkel 2015). In the temperate ant Odontomachus brunneus, winter nests are twice as deep (up to 170 cm) as summer nests (up to 60 cm), even though colonies consisted of similar number of adults (Hart and Tschinkel 2012). When Temnothorax rugatulus, colonies were subjected to higher humidity and lower airflow, they built nests with thicker walls, indicating that colonies are potentially capable of adapting their nests to differences in their natural habitat (DiRienzo and Dornhaus 2017). ...
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Nests are physical entities that give shelter to the inhabitants from natural adversities, predators and act as a platform for organization of tasks particularly in social insects. Social insect nests can range from simple structures consisting of a single entrance leading to a chamber to complex nests containing hundreds of connected shafts and chambers. This study characterizes nest architecture of a tropical ponerine ant Diacamma indicum (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), which has small colony sizes and is known to be a scavenger. We also examined if these nests vary seasonally. By examining the microhabitat in the vicinity of the nest, the nest entrance characteristics and casting 77 natural nests of D. indicum across a year, we found that this species occupies relatively simple nests consisting of a single entrance that leads to a single chamber. This chamber progressed to a secondary tunnel that terminated at a greater depth than the chamber. The nest volume was not correlated to the number of adult members in the colony. Even though the microhabitat around the nest and the entrance itself change across seasons, principle component analysis showed that the nest architecture remained similar. Only one parameter, the entrance tunnel showed significant difference and was longer during postmonsoon. Nests of colonies living in the immediate vicinity of human habitation were comparable to other nests. We conclude that D. indicum found in the Gangetic plains live in relatively simple nests that do not vary across seasons.
... Though the individuals within a superorganism are not perfectly analogous to the cells of a multicellular individual -the latter being fully clonal and therefore almost entirely insulated from internal reproductive conflict, while the former retain the potential for conflict since workers are usually not clonal and are often capable of producing males despite having limited fertility -the high degree of task parallelisation and specialisation has facilitated similar adaptations in each system. Like multicellular organisms, superorganismal colonies may upregulate investment into reproduction (i.e. the production of sexuals) in response to seasonality and may store energy within non-reproductives to later transfer to sexual brood [39,40]. Both multicellular organisms and superorganisms typically transition from somatic to reproductive investment having reached some growth threshold [40 • ]. ...
Major evolutionary transitions in individuality are characterised by the formation of new levels of biological complexity from the cooperation of previously independent lower-level units. The evolution of superorganismality in insects is one such major transition, and is characterised by an extreme division of reproductive labour between ancestrally autonomous units, in the form of queen and worker castes. Here, we discuss the nature of plasticity in the emergence of castes across the major transition to superorganismality in insects. We identify key changes in plasticity which act at different levels of selection: a loss of reproductivity plasticity at the individual level is matched by a gain in plasticity at the colony level. Taking multi-level selection into consideration has important implications for formulating testable hypotheses regarding the nature of plasticity in a major transition from a lower to a higher level of biological complexity.
... Although every species produces a distinctive architecture, individual nests vary considerably around a mean set of characteristics, and some variants may increase colony fitness. Among ground-nesting species, variation in nest architecture has been attributed to season [4], soil type [5], soil moisture gradients [6,7], the presence of food or brood [8] and changes in colony size [9]. Though less well understood, differences in worker attributes, like age, morphology, experience or genetic background also have profound effects on nest structure. ...
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Like traditional organisms, eusocial insect societies express traits that are the target of natural selection. Variation at the colony level emerges from the combined attributes of thousands of workers and may yield characteristics not predicted from individual phenotypes. By manipulating the ratios of worker types, the basis of complex, colony-level traits can be reduced to the additive and non-additive interactions of their component parts. In this study, we investigated the independent and synergistic effects of body size on nest architecture in a seasonally polymorphic harvester ant, Veromessor pergandei . Using network analysis, we compared wax casts of nests, and found that mixed-size groups built longer nests, excavated more sand and produced greater architectural complexity than single-sized worker groups. The nests built by polymorphic groups were not only larger in absolute terms, but larger than expected based on the combined contributions of both size classes in isolation. In effect, the interactions of different worker types yielded a colony-level trait that was not predicted from the sum of its parts. In nature, V. pergandei colonies with fewer fathers produce smaller workers each summer, and produce more workers annually. Because body size is linked to multiple colony-level traits, our findings demonstrate how selection acting on one characteristic, like mating frequency, could also shape unrelated characteristics, like nest architecture. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Interdisciplinary approaches for uncovering the impacts of architecture on collective behaviour'.
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The longleaf pine Pinus palustris Miller (Pinales: Pinaceae) ecosystem once covered as many as 37 million hectares across the southeastern United States. Through fire suppression, development, and conversion to other plantation pines, this coverage has dwindled to fewer than 2 million hectares. A recent focus on the restoration of this ecosystem has revealed its complex and biologically diverse nature. Arthropods of the longleaf pine ecosystem are incredibly numerous and diverse—functionally and taxonomically. To provide clarity on what is known about the species and their functional roles in longleaf pine forests, we thoroughly searched the literature and found nearly 500 references. In the end, we tabulated 51 orders 477 families, 1,949 genera, and 3,032 arthropod species as having been stated in the scientific literature to occur in longleaf pine ecosystems. The body of research we drew from is rich and varied but far from comprehensive. Most work deals with land management objective associated taxa such as pests of pine, pests of—and food for—wildlife (red-cockaded woodpecker, northern bobwhite quail, gopher tortoise, pocket gopher, etc.), and pollinators of the diverse plant understory associated with longleaf pine. We explored the complex role frequent fire (critical in longleaf pine management) plays in determining the arthropod community in longleaf pine, including its importance to rare and threatened species. We examined known patterns of abundance and occurrence of key functional groups of longleaf pine-associated arthropods. Finally, we identified some critical gaps in knowledge and provide suggestions for future research into this incredibly diverse ecosystem.
Formica ants are not known to be prey specialists on other ant species, however, for the past 60 years, field observations on Formica archboldi in the southeastern United States have noted that their nests are scattered with body parts of Odontomachus trap-jaw ants. This study investigates the relationship between F. archboldi and Odontomachus. Through a series of behavioral experiments and a descriptive study of their chemical ecology, I find: (1) behavioral evidence that F. archboldi are more capable predators of Odontomachus in comparison to other Formica. (2) F. archboldi match the cuticular hydrocarbon profiles of the native species of Odontomachus that they occur with. This includes O. brunneus and O. relictus and the intraspecific variation found across Florida populations of O. brunneus. (3) F. archboldi do not display a prey retrieval preference towards hydrocarbon-matching Odontomachus as compared to mismatching. (4) F. archboldi that match Odontomachus hydrocarbon profiles do not receive lower levels of aggression than mismatching F. archboldi. Beyond providing natural history insights into the relationship between these species, this study expands our knowledge of an important insect chemical phenotype. The intraspecific variability in F. archboldi cuticular hydrocarbon profiles is among the greatest reported for social insects and provides a unique case of how non-parasitic species can generate parasite-like chemical-mimic phenotypes. © 2018, International Union for the Study of Social Insects (IUSSI).
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Myrmica rubra is a northern, temperate Palaearctic ant species with a geographical range that extends from the Atlantic coast of Europe to central Asia. In Europe, its range covers > 25°of latitude where it lives under a variety of climates that vary from extreme oceanic in the west, to continental in the east. Colonies nest in the soil and their life cycles are known to be highly dependent on ambient temperature and soil moisture. We hypothesised that the brood-rearing behaviour of populations might be locally adapted to climate and that we might detect differences when the ants were reared under 'common-garden' conditions. Brood-rearing behaviour was compared for 38 colonies of M. rubra drawn from 13 populations representing a range of 6 latitudes: all 6 were represented in eastern Europe and 2 in western Europe. A sample of ants from each colony was used to estimate respiration rate, body mass and fat content at the start of the experiment in spring (immediately post hibernation) and at the end of the experiment (mid summer). Respiration had a linear relationship with latitude, with northern populations having greater respiration rate in spring compared to southern populations. It is suggested that this is an adaptation to different seasonality over the species' range that results in the 'more active' northern workers rearing fewer brood to maturity more quickly than southern workers. Fat content, a measure of worker 'quality', had a parabolic relationship with latitude with mid latitude colonies having the fattest workers. Fatter workers appeared to rear heavier brood. This probably represented a functional response to environment with populations living at 'edge of range' sites being physiologically more stressed and performing brood-rearing tasks less well than centre of range populations. We believe that this is the first demonstration of a consistent, intra-specific trend for variation in the social physiology of an ant species over its geographic range.
The architecture of the subterranean nests of the Florida harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex badius, was studied through excavation and casting. Nests are composed of two basic units: descending shafts and horizontal chambers. Shafts form helices with diameters of 4 to 6 cm, and descend at an angle of about 15-20degrees near the surface, increasing to about 70degrees below about 50 cm in depth. Superficial chambers (< 15 cm deep) appear to be modified shafts with low angles of descent, and are distinct from deeper chambers. In larger nests, they have a looping, connected morphology. Chambers begin on the outside of the helix as horizontal-floored, circular indentations, becoming multi-lobed as they are enlarged. Chamber height is about 1 cm, and does not change with area. Chamber area is greatest in the upper reaches of the nest, and decreases with depth. Vertical spacing between chambers is least in the upper reaches and increases to a maximum at about 70 to 80% of the maximum depth of the nest. The distribution of chamber area is top-heavy, with about half the total area occurring in the top quarter of the nest. Each 10% depth increment of the nest contains 25 to 40% less area than the decile above it, no matter what the size of the nest. Nests grow by simultaneous deepening, addition of new chambers and/or shafts and enlargement of existing chambers. As a result, the vertical spacing between chambers is similar at all nest sizes, and the relative distribution of chamber area with relative nest depth did not change during colony growth (that is, the size-free nest shape was the same at all colony sizes). Total chamber area increased somewhat more slowly than the population of workers excavating the nest. The branching of shafts was consistently shallow (< 40 cm), somewhat more so in large nests than small. Large colonies rarely had more than 4 shaft/chamber series. Each new series contributed less to the total chamber area because its chambers were smaller. Incipient colonies were usually 40 to 50 cm deep while mature colonies were commonly 2.5 to 3.0 m deep. Workers captured near the top of a mature nest ( and therefore older) and penned in escape proof enclosures, excavated larger nests than did young workers captured from the bottom of the nest. Most of this difference was due to a larger fraction of older workers engaging in digging, rather than an increase in their rate of work. All ages of workers produced similar top-heavy nests. When different ages of workers from different levels of a mature colony were allowed to re-assort themselves in a vertical test apparatus buried in the soil, older workers moved upward to assume positions in the upper parts of the nest, much as in the colonies from which they were taken. The vertical organization of workers based on age is therefore the product of active movement and choice. A possible template imparting information on depth is a carbon dioxide gradient. Carbon dioxide concentrations increased 5-fold between the surface and the depths of the nest. A preference of young workers for high carbon dioxide concentrations, and a tendency for workers to dig more under low carbon dioxide concentrations could explain both the vertical age-distribution of workers, and the top-heaviness of the nest's architecture.
The architecture of subterranean nests of the ant Camponotus socius was studied from casts of plaster or metal. Twenty-four such casts are illustrated using stereo pairs of images. After study, plaster casts were dissolved to retrieve the workers embedded in them, providing a census of the ants that excavated the nest. Nests were up to 60 cm deep, and were composed of descending shafts connecting up to about 10 horizontal chambers. Nest volume ranged up to almost 800 cm3 and total chamber area up to almost 500 cm2. Both volume and area were closely and positively related to the number of workers in the nest. Nest enlargement occurred through the simultaneous enlargement of chambers, deepening of the nest and addition of more chambers. Chamber enlargement contributed most to nest growth. Chambers near the surface were elongate and tunnel-like, while deeper chambers were more compact in outline. As chambers were enlarged, their outlines became more complex and lobed. Workers were polymorphic with clearly distinguishable minor and major workers. The headwidth of minors averaged 1.45 to 1.65 mm, and that of majors 2.30 to 2.80 mm. The mean headwidth of minors increased significantly as the proportion of major workers increased, but the trend of major headwidths fell short of significance. The numerical proportion of majors ranged from 3% to 38% and averaged 15% of the workers, while their biomass proportion ranged from 10% to 75%, averaging about 50%. The queen was recovered in 6 of the 14 plaster nests, suggesting that the average colony of this polydomous species has 2.3 nests. Because of the lateness of the season when casts were made (October), only two nests contained significant amounts of brood. The possible functional roles of nest architecture in ants are discussed.
(1) The numbers and sex ratio of reproductive castes reared by two populations of Myrmica sulcinodis Nyl. over 7 years since 1979 are reported. On average, 40% of the colonies were small and reared no sexuals. In the remainder, sexual production was very variable, having a small significant correlation with worker number (+ve) and queen number (-ve). Sexual production differed significantly from year to year, but not between sites. The colonies form four groups, according to whether they rear gynes, males, both or neither. Total spring production was compared for these. The results are consistent with data for other Myrmica species. (2) The sex ratio varied between years and sites. Both populations had a male bias, which was greatest in highly polygynous colonies and least in large colonies, as is expected under kinship theory. The social regulation of sexual production at the colony level may be difficult to modify by natural selection, which operates instead on the colony structure required to maximize the species' breeding success in its chosen habitat. If secondary polygyny is an adaptation that ensures a colony's survival in a variable habitat, then many colonies exist for long periods in sub-optimal nest sites. Male bias is the global cost of the polygynous lifestyle for these species. In such populations only the largest and reproductively most successful colonies might approach the optimal sex ratio; these colonies of M. sulcinodis averaged a 1:1 sex ratio (3:1 females by dry weight).
(1) Twenty-eight colonies of Tetramorium caespitum, living in dry English heathland, have been studied from 1961 to 1968 when the biome was regenerating after a severe fire in 1959. (2) Worker number, worker head width, worker live weight and numbers and weight of sexuals, as well as territorial area, and perimeter length have been estimated as far as possible every year. (3) Territorial area and perimeter showed a detectable trend rising throughout the period, but colony (worker) weight did not. Worker head width, total and sexual production rose and the last of these variates showed a 2-year periodicity with increasing amplitude. (4) The more persistent correlations between variates have been analysed by multiple regression methods. At a colony level, territorial area was positive in its influence on production, though this diminished over the years; colony weight was negative at first but increased inversely with area and at the end of the period was positive. Territorial perimeter changed from a negative to a positive influence and head width had an important positive effect in one of the four years. (5) Colony biomass was distributed with a mode between 0.11 and 0.14 g/m2; the greatest mean production was recorded in this class. (6) The ratio production/mass of a colony was 1.60 for T. caespitum, an advanced ant at its northern limit, and 1.40 for Myrmica sabuleti, a less advanced ant at its climatic optimum. Both lived in the same area but occupied different microhabitats. (7) Over the years the biome regenerated and, coincidentally, the hours of sunshine during the ant growth period increased. Production by both species was positively influenced by this insolation effect, as well as to a less extent by habitat restoration. Production by M. sabuleti, unlike that of Tetramorium caespitum, was also strongly influenced by the weight of its colony.
(1) Size estimates on the tracks of the Red Wood Ant (Formica polyctena Forst) made with the aid of the Lincoln-Index method never yielded more than 60% of the total colony. It appears that in the nests a group of foragers exists which operates more or less separately from the rest of the colony. (2) At fifteen nests (two in the field and thirteen in the laboratory) seventeen estimates were done. Even if marking is continued for one week or even one month the percentages marked animals are always much higher outside the nest then inside. (3) Individual marking of every ant on the track of a laboratory nest for 1.5 months showed that the group of foraging ants consisted permanently of the same individuals. Estimates on the track, therefore, represent the size of the group of foragers only, and they give quite reliable values, even on the first day of marking. Colony size (c) and size of the foraging group (f) are related by log f = 1.01 log c-0.75. (4) Estimates of the foraging population of two nests (P1A, C3), made with a constant high frequency during a period of 1.5 months, were constant. Estimates in other nests, performed over a period of several days or several weeks, were rather constant too. In one nest only a significant increase of the foraging population was found over a period of over one month; from 750 to 850 individuals (from 5.8 to 6.7%). (5) Removal of every ant outside or leaving the nest resulted in the capture of all the marked ants of that nest within two days. Continued catching showed an ever-increasing percentage of unmarked ants. It is shown that the ants belonging to the foraging group mix among themselves quite well. Removed (marked) foragers were replaced by unmarked ants, which until then had not left the nest. On the other hand, it was shown that foragers may return to service inside the nest when a colony is artificially composed of foragers and queens only. (6) In the three field experiments all the ants returning after a cold night without activity were caught on the track. This revealed that about 70% of the foraging group spent the night in the field. Next morning 60-65% of these ants returned, while within two days practically all of them had returned.