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The Biology of Canadian Weeds. 142. Camelina alyssum (Mill.) Thell.; C. microcarpa Andrz. ex DC.; C. sativa (L.) Crantz.


Abstract and Figures

Can. J. Plant Sci. 89: 791-810. This paper summarizes biological information on three cruciferous weed species: Camelina alyssum, C. microcarpa and C. sativa. Camelina sativa, which had been gathered or cultivated as an oil seed for many centuries in Europe, was the first to reach North America as a weed, towards the mid-19th century, gradually spreading across the prairies, mainly in crops, to British Columbia and the Northwest Territory. The most common of the three species in North America, C. microcarpa, arrived in the late 19th century, and subsequently appeared at numerous crop and uncultivated sites across the country, probably in cargo as the railways expanded. Camelina alyssum appeared in the early 20th century at restricted sites on the prairies, mostly in Saskatchewan. All three species have diminished in importance as crop weeds in western Canada over the past few decades. This reduction could be related to increased weed control by herbicides. Herbicide-resistant biotypes have recently been reported in C. microcarpa. Camelina sativa has attracted renewed interest as an oil crop, because of an adaptation to various climatic conditions, low nutrient requirements and resistance to disease and pests. In Europe, where it is now widely grown, it has shown considerable potential in the food, animal feed, nutraceutical, paint, dye, cosmetic and biofuel industries. In North America, it is being grown on a trial basis mainly for its potential as a biofuel in Alberta, Saskatchewan, the Maritime Provinces, and the northern United States of America.
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The Biology of Canadian Weeds. 142.
(Mill.) Thell.;
C. microcarpa
Andrz. ex DC.;
C. sativa
(L.) Crantz.
A. Francis and S. I. Warwick
Eastern Cereal and Oilseed Research Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, K.W. Neatby Bldg., C.E.F.,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0C6 (e-mail:
Received 22 October 2008,
accepted 10 March 2009.
Francis, A. and Warwick, S. I. 2009. The Biology of Canadian Weeds. 142. Camelina alyssum (Mill.) Thell.; C. microcarpa
Andrz. ex DC.; C. sativa (L.) Crantz. Can. J. Plant Sci. 89: 791810. This paper summarizes biological information on three
cruciferous weed species: Camelina alyssum, C. microcarpa and C. sativa. Camelina sativa, which had been gathered or
cultivated as an oil seed for many centuries in Europe, was the first to reach North America as a weed, towards the mid-
19th century, gradually spreading across the prairies, mainly in crops, to British Columbia and the Northwest Territory.
The most common of the three species in North America, C. microcarpa, arrived in the late 19th century, and subsequently
appeared at numerous crop and uncultivated sites across the country, probably in cargo as the railways expanded.
Camelina alyssum appeared in the early 20th century at restricted sites on the prairies, mostly in Saskatchewan. All three
species have diminished in importance as crop weeds in western Canada over the past few decades. This reduction could be
related to increased weed control by herbicides. Herbicide-resistant biotypes have recently been reported in C. microcarpa.
Camelina sativa has attracted renewed interest as an oil crop, because of an adaptation to various climatic conditions, low
nutrient requirements and resistance to disease and pests. In Europe, where it is now widely grown, it has shown
considerable potential in the food, animal feed, nutraceutical, paint, dye, cosmetic and biofuel industries. In North
America, it is being grown on a trial basis mainly for its potential as a biofuel in Alberta, Saskatchewan, the Maritime
Provinces, and the northern United States of America.
Key words: Flat-seeded false flax, small-seeded false flax, large-seeded false flax, came
line alysson, came
line a
petits fruits,
line cultive
e, weed biology
Francis, A. et Warwick, S. I. 2009. La biologie des mauvaises herbes au Canada. 142. Camelina alyssum (Mill.) Thell.; C.
microcarpa Andrz. ex DC.; C. sativa (L.) Crantz. Can. J. Plant Sci. 89: 791810. Cet article dresse le bilan de l’information
connue sur la biologie de trois adventices du groupe des crucife
res : Camelina alyssum, C. microcarpa et C. sativa. Camelina
sativa qu’on utilise ou cultive pour son huile depuis plusieurs sie
cles en Europe, a e
la premie
re a
atteindre l’Ame
rique du
Nord comme mauvaise herbe, vers le milieu du XIX
cle. Elle s’est ensuite e
tendue peu a
peu aux Prairies, surtout dans les
cultures, pour parvenir en Colombie-Britannique et jusque dans les Territoires du Nord-Ouest. C. microcarpa, la plus
commune des trois espe
ces en sol nord-ame
ricain, a e
introduite vers la fin du XIX
cle avant d’apparaı
tre dans de
multiples cultures et terrains incultes du continent, sans doute avec l’expansion du transport des marchandises et du trafic
ferroviaire. Camelina alyssum est survenue au de
but du XX
cle a
quelques endroits des Prairies, principalement en
Saskatchewan. Les trois espe
ces ont perdu de l’importance en tant que mauvaises herbes dans l’ouest du Canada ces dernie
cennies. On le doit peut-e
tre a
l’usage accru des herbicides pour lutter contre les adventices. Des biotypes re
sistants aux
herbicides ont re
cemment e
s pour C. microcarpa. Camelina sativa a suscite
un regain d’inte
t comme ole
agineux, en
raison de sa facilite
d’adaptation aux conditions climatiques, de ses faibles exigences nutritives et de sa re
sistance a
la maladie
et aux ravageurs. En Europe, ou
on la cultive couramment, cette plante pre
sente un potentiel conside
rable comme culture
re ou fourrage
re, comme nutraceutique, ainsi que pour les industries de la peinture, des colorants, des cosme
tiques et des
biocarburants. En Ame
rique du Nord, on la cultive expe
rimentalement en Alberta, en Saskatchewan, dans les Maritimes et
dans le nord des E
.-U., principalement en raison de son usage e
ventuel comme biocarburant.
Mots cle
s: Came
line alysson, came
line a
petits fruits, came
line faux-lin, flat-seeded false flax, small-seeded small flax, large-seeded
small flax, biologie des mauvaises herbes
1. Name
I. Camelina alyssum (Mill.) Thell. * Synonyms: Came-
lina parodii Ibarra & Laporte; C. dentata Pers., C.
linicola K. F. Schimp. & Spenn.; flat-seeded false flax
(Darbyshire et al. 2000), came´ line alysson (Darbyshire
et al. 2000), came
line a
graines plates (Darbyshire 2003).
European and Mediterranean (EPPO) code (Bayer
code): CMAAL.
II. Camelina microcarpa Andrz. ex DC. * Synonyms: C.
bornmuelleriana Hub.-Mor. & Reese; C. pilosa (DC.) N.
W. Zinger; C. sylvestris Wallr.; small-seeded false flax
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(Darbyshire et al. 2000), little-podded false flax, small-
seed falseflax, western flax, hairy gold-of-pleasure (UK)
(Darbyshire 2003); came´ line a` petits fruits (Darbyshire
et al. 2000), came
line a
petites graines (Darbyshire
2003). EPPO code: CMAMI.
III. Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz * Synonyms: Myagrum
sativum L.; Camelina caucasica (Sinskaya) Vassilcz.; C.
glabrata (DC.) Fritsch ex N.W. Zinger; large-seeded
false flax (Darbyshire et al. 2000), Dutch flax, false flax,
gold-of-pleasure, largeweed falseflax, western false flax,
wild flax (UK) (Darbyshire 2003); came´ line cultive´ e
(Darbyshire et al. 2000), came
line a
graines mucilagi-
neuses, came
line de l’Ouest, came
line faux-lin, faux lin,
faux lin de l’Ouest, lin ba
tard, moutarde, petit lin,
same ba
tard, se
same d’Allemagne (Darbyshire 2003).
The three species are members of the mustard family,
Brassicaceae (Cruciferae), Brassicace
es (Crucife
The genus Camelina consists of 11 species (Warwick et
al. 2006), of which four have been introduced to North
America: C. alyssum, C. microcarpa, C. rumelica Velen.
(United States only; and will not be discussed further in
this Canadian account) and C. sativa (McGregor 1984;
Frankton and Mulligan 1987; Rollins 1993). Camelina
means ‘‘little flax’’ and sativus means ‘‘planted, culti-
vated, sown not wild’’ (Gledhill 1990). The common
name ‘‘false flax’’ apparently arose in early Europe
where these species were common weeds of flax (Linum
usitatissimum L.), grown for centuries as an oil and fibre
crop, and were harvested along with the flax for some of
the same domestic uses (see Section 6). Although no
longer the case in North America, Camelina spp. are still
frequently present as weeds or intercropped with flax in
Europe (e.g., see Sections 3b, 10).
2. Description and Account of Variation
(a) Species Description * The following descriptions are
based on information taken from the taxonomic litera-
ture (Grubert 1980; Schultze-Motel 1986; Frankton and
Mulligan 1987; Blamey and Grey-Wilson 1989; Rich
1991; Alex 1992; Akeroyd 1993; Davis 1993; Rollins
1993; Douglas and Meidinger 1998; Callihan et al. 2000;
Cheo et al. 2001) and from herbarium specimens. Unless
indicated, the description applies to all three species.
Unusual extremes are in parentheses.
Annual or winter annual herbs from taproot. Stems
simple to branched above,9erect. Basal leaves not
lobed, withered at flowering; cauline leaves alternate,
sessile, lanceolate, 28 cm long210 mm wide, aur-
iculate or sagittate at base, usually clasping, with simple
to star-shaped hairs. Inflorescences ebracteate racemes;
flowers small, in terminal clusters. Petals 4, light yellow,
spatulate, 45 mm long; sepals erect, median nectaries
absent. Stamens 6, in three pairs of unequal length;
ovules 825 per ovary. Fruit pods glabrous, more or less
rounded inflated siliques with a membranous partition
as wide as the pod and a persistent style, valves convex,
narrowly winged, on slender spreading pedicels, tardily
dehiscent. Seeds mucilaginous when wetted. Cotyledons
not notched, incumbent. Camelina alyssum stems slen-
der, sparingly branched, 1050 (70) cm tall,9glab-
rous; C. microcarpa stems occasionally branched, 30
100 cm tall, hairy with simple, rarely forked hairs above,
smaller star-shaped hairs below, sometimes glabrous
above; C. sativa stems single, usually branched above,
3060 cm tall,9glabrous, sometimes with a few simple
and branched hairs. Camelina alyssum leaves9glabrous,
deeply toothed or lobed, rarely subentire, apex broadly
to narrowly tapered; C. microcarpa leaves entire, rarely
subentire, hairy with simple, forked or star-shaped hairs,
apex tapered, rosette leaves of winter annual morph
tightly bunched; C. sativa leaves glabrous or sparsely
hairy with primarily forked hairs, entire or shallowly
toothed, apex acute. Camelina alyssum fruiting racemes
rather short and lax; C. microcarpa and C. sativa fruiting
racemes elongated on ascending pedicels. Camelina
alyssum pods depressed globose, with a flattened apex,
not hard or woody, 610 mm long; C. microcarpa pods
woody, pear-shaped, obtuse at apex, 57(8) mm long;
C. sativa pods leathery, pear-shaped to oblong, dis-
tinctly longer than wide, apex rounded, 79 mm long.
Camelina alyssum seeds reddish, rounded, flattened,
1.52.5 mm long; C. microcarpa seeds oblong, com-
pressed, warty, reddish- to orange-brown, slightly longer
than wide, 0.81.4 (1.5) mm long; C. sativa seeds
oblong, brown, deeply grooved, 23 mm long.
Chromosome counts from Canada include 2n40 for
C. alyssum from Alberta (Moss 1983); n20 for C.
microcarpa from Saskatchewan; 2n40 for C. micro-
carpa from Alberta and British Columbia; and 2n40
for C. sativa from Alberta and British Columbia
(Mulligan 1957, 1984, 2002a, b). Reports from the
United States include 2n40 for C. alyssum from the
northern Great Plains Region and n8 for C. micro-
carpa from Ohio (Easterly 1963). Other counts for C.
alyssum were 2n40 from Sweden and Hungary; for C.
microcarpa were n 13 from France and Morocco,
n19 from the Czech Republic, and 2n16, 1820,
32 and 40 from Russia, 2n 26 from France, Spain and
Morocco, and 2n40 from the Czech Republic, Ice-
land, Poland and Sweden and Iran; and for C. sativa
chromosome counts include 2n12, n14, n20, and
2n26 from France, Spain, China, and Bulgaria,
respectively. Other counts, from Argentina, Scotland,
Sweden, Iceland, and Poland indicate 2n40 (reviewed
in Warwick and Al-Shehbaz 2006). Although 2n 40 is
the most common count, the above deviations in
chromosome number would appear to be due to natural
variability among populations (diploid, tetraploid and
aneuploid numbers; Jalas et al. 1996).
(b) Distinguishing Features * The three Camelina species
can usually be distinguished from other members of the
mustard family with small rounded pods by their light
yellow flowers, their glabrous more or less tear-shaped
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pods with a broad septum as wide as the pod, and their
somewhat arrow-shaped clasping stem leaves, usually
with distinctive branching or star-shaped hairs (Alex
1992). Camelina species are most likely to be confused
with hoary alyssum [Berteroa incana (L.) DC.] because of
their similar size, hairy leaves and stems, small flowers,
small ascending beaked seedpods and small seeds.
However, the seedpods of the latter are elliptic in shape,
hairy rather than glabrous, and are adpressed close to the
stem; the basal leaves are also long-stalked, the stem
leaves are elliptic, greyish from the density of hairs, and
non-clasping; and, the petals are white and deeply
notched (Frankton and Mulligan 1987; Warwick and
Francis 2006).
(c) Intra-specific Variation * Two subspecies are
currently recognized for Camelina alyssum: subsp.
alyssum (Mill.) Thell. and subsp. integerrima (C
Smejkal, of which only subsp. alyssum has been
recognized in Canada (Warwick et al. 1999). No
subspecies are currently recognized for C. microcarpa
and C. sativa (Warwick et al. 2006).
(d) Illustrations * The three Camelina species are
illustrated in Fig. 1, based on Schultze-Motel (1986);
Frankton and Mulligan (1987); Alex (1992); Cheo et al.
2003; and Douglas and Meidinger (1998).
3. Economic Importance
(a) Detrimental * Camelina microcarpa is currently the
most common and widespread of the three species in
North America (see Figs. 2 and 3; USDA, NRCS 2008),
and is the only one to have evolved herbicide resistant
biotypes (see Section 11). It is a common weed of both
cultivated and abandoned fields, and is often a con-
taminant of livestock feed (Royer and Dickinson 1999).
All three species were considered weedy in the past,
particularly in the prairies where they were described as
weeds of disturbed soils in grainfields, along roadsides
and in waste places, with C. microcarpa more common
than C. sativa, and C. alyssum relatively rare (Scoggan
1957; Boivin 1968; Moss 1983; Looman and Best 1987).
They appear to have first become naturalized as weeds
in Manitoba (Scoggan 1957), eventually spreading into
crop areas in all the Canadian prairies and beyond the
United States border; but were never listed among the
top ranking weeds based on weed surveys conducted
over a 30-yr period from the 1970s (Leeson et al. 2005).
These surveys showed that the species (not treated
individually) have continued to be present in some
crops, mainly in Manitoba and Saskatchewan, but their
overall ranking in order of abundance declined from an
average of 100 out of 182 to 136 out of 148. By the
2000s, field peas are the only crop listed as affected by
Camelina spp. The species were reported in spring wheat
up to the 1990s, but were not reported from barley, oats
and flax after the 1970s. Their presence in the Aspen
Parklands region appears to have been largely confined
to Manitoba and Saskatchewan, but their presence in
spring wheat in the Moist Mixed Grassland region may
have included Alberta. The reduced occurrence of
Camelina species may reflect the increased efficacy of
herbicides used to control broadleaf weeds in grain and
other crops.
In Great Britain, C. sativa was formerly a weed of
spring-sown cereal, flax and lucerne fields (Clapham et
al. 1987). Although now less common with improved
cleaning of seed in those crops, it is frequent in gardens
and waste places; C. microcarpa, formerly a weed of
autumn-sown crops, is now rare; and C. alyssum,
formerly reported as rare in waste places, has not been
reported for several years (Clapham et al. 1987).
In German field trials, dry weight of flax plants grown
with C. alyssum was 46.267.4% of that of flax grown
alone; stem length of flax was reduced more by C.
alyssum than by the other six weed species, and growth
of cotyledonary shoots was strongly inhibited (Balschun
and Jacob 1975).
The presence of glucosinolates, sinapine, and phytic
acid in C. sativa seed can limit its use in animal feed,
causing poor bioavailability of minerals and proteins in
the case of phytic acid, and sometimes tainting the
flavour of the meat in the case of sinapine (Mattha
1997; see also Section 7c). In German pig feeding trials,
depression of growth rate, deterioration of consistency
of carcass fat, and a decrease in meat palatability
occurred when the percentage of C. sativa expeller
(pressed oilseed residues) exceeded 5% of the pigs’ diet
hme et al. 1997), while Flachowsky et al. (1997)
found that feeding C. sativa expellers to pigs resulted in
a decrease in the induction time of fat development and
destruction of the antioxidant vitamin E. Ryha
nen et al.
(2007) found that while C. sativa seed cake added to the
diet of chickens could enhance omega-3 fatty acids in
the meat without affecting the flavour, the overall effects
were negative, because of weight loss, depressed feed
intake and a lower feed conversion level.
In Australian studies, Lovett and Duffield (1981)
reported that allelochemicals found in aqueous washings
of the leaves of Camelina species were the result of
interactions between various acids normally present in
the leaves and the activities of a free-living bacterium
(Enterobacter cloacae) in the phyllosphere. Bacteria
attracted to these host acids led to the production of
secondary chemical compounds, among them benzyla-
mine, identified as the allelochemical influencing the
chemical interaction at the root level of C. sativa with flax.
(b) Beneficial * In medieval Europe the oil was
apparently used for culinary purposes or lighting, while
stems were used in broom construction (Hedrick 1919;
Plessers et al. 1962; Kno
rzer 1978; Hjelmqvist 1979;
Facciola 1990). Camelina seed was also used to feed
livestock in Germany and France (Marie-Victorin 1964).
In recent years, this species has received renewed
attention as an oil crop. Proposed uses of the oil include
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food and nutraceutical uses, and in paints, cosmetics and
biofuels (Putnam et al. 1993; Vollmann et al. 1996;
Angelini et al. 1997; Zubr 1997; Bonjean and Le Goffic
1999; Anonymous 2002; Jankowski and Budzynski 2003;
Mlakar et al. 2003; Gugel and Falk 2006; Dubois et al.
2007; Lu 2008).
Early tests in Ottawa, ON, and Fort Vermilion, AB,
indicated its potential as an oil crop in northern areas
because of its early ripening, high yield, oil content, and
resistance to insect damage (Plessers et al. 1962).
Downey (197l) later suggested that although the meal
was suitable for animal feed, the linolenic acid content in
the oil was too high for the edible oil market and too low
to compete with industrial linseed oil from flax. Recent
trials in Alberta and Saskatchewan (Gugel and Falk
2006) have shown that prospects for developing im-
proved C. sativa germplasm suitable for western Cana-
dian environments are good. Increased seed size and oil
content are characteristics of primary importance, but
more research is needed on growing conditions, and in
Fig. 1. Camelina alyssum. A. stem, leaves and fruiting stems; B. seedpod (Thellung 1919); Camelina microcarpa. C. flowering and
fruiting stem; D. lower stem and root; E. seedpod; and F. seeds (Frankton and Mulligan 1987); Camelina sativa. G. Flowering and
fruiting stem; H. seed pod (Douglas and Meidinger 1998); and I. seeds (Frankton and Mulligan 1987). Seeds of C. alyssum are not
illustrated see text Section 2 for description. Note species variability in plant size in the description.
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developing markets for oil and meal. Urbaniak et al.
(2008a, b) have recently evaluated the potential of
C. sativa as a high-value oilseed crop under the moist
cool conditions of the Maritime Provinces, and con-
cluded that it can be successfully grown there due to its
adaptability to seeder type (seed drill and forage seeder),
low seeding rate requirements and a wide seeding date
window. In Montana, C. sativa was considered the most
economical crop to produce due to minimal input
requirements (Anonymous 2007; Pilgeram et al. 2007),
with production area reaching over 4000 ha in 2006 and
estimated at 20 250 ha in 2007. It has been found to be
similar to other oilseeds in oil content in tests in Sweden,
Denmark, and the former Soviet Union (Zubr 1997;
Zubr and Mattha
us 2002; see Section 7c).
Current interest in North America is mainly in its
potential as a biofuel additive or for biodiesel produc-
tion in western Canada (Reaney et al. 2006), in Montana
and the Northern Great Plains (Anonymous 2007;
Johnson 2007; Pilgeram et al. 2007), and also in Color-
ado (El Paso County Conservation District 2008). In
Ireland, C. sativa oil evaluated as an undiluted vehicle
Fig. 2. Distribution in Canada of A. Camelina alyssum, based on 14 herbarium specimens from ALTA, DAO, SASK, and WIN; B.
C. microcarpa, based on 241 specimens from ALTA, DAO, NFLD, PMAE, SASK, UAC, UBC, V, WIN; C. C. sativa, based on 92
specimens from ALTA, DAO, PMAE, SASK, UBC, V, and WIN. Information from distribution maps along the St. Lawrence
River (Environment Canada 2002) has been added to the maps for C. microcarpa and C. sativa. Herbarium abbreviations in
Holmgren et al. (1990).
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fuel was comparable to other biodiesel fuels in fuel
economy; but the camelina ester had higher than
standard iodine levels and potential problems under
low temperature conditions (Fro
hlich and Rice 2005). In
European fuel tests, cold-pressed and filtered camelina
seed oil increased power output and reduced smoke
Fig. 3. Distribution of A. Camelina alyssum B. C. microcarpa and C. C. sativa in the United States, based on USDA, NRCS (2008).
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emissions in diesel transport engines as compared with
mineral fuel (Bernardo et al. 2003). The C. sativa oil also
resulted in slightly higher fuel consumption and O
NO emissions (Bernardo et al. 2003).
In Minnesota, it was among vegetable oils showing
promise as a replacement for petroleum oil adjuvants in
herbicide sprays (Robinson and Nelson 1975). Camelina
oil can be transesterified with oleyl alcohol to prepare
long-chain wax esters suitable for applications in
cosmetics and lubricants (Steinke et al. 2000, 2001).
The oil also has potential in the health industry, based
on traditional folk remedy uses in treatment of stomach
ulcers, burns, wounds, eye inflammations and as a tonic
(Rode 2002); and some protective effects of phytic acid
and its products, such as decreasing colon cancer risk,
have been reported (Mattha
us 1997).
The high percentage of unsaturated fatty acids in the
oil, particularly of linolenic acid (omega-3) (see Section
7c), suggests potential use as a food additive (Pilgeram
et al. 2007). In Finland, camelina oil was found to
significantly increase the proportion of a-linolenic acid
in the serum lipids of individuals with high cholesterol,
its cholesterol-lowering effect being comparable to that
of canola (rapeseed) (Brassica napus L.) and olive (Olea
europea L.) oils (Karvonen et al. 2002). Camelina oil is
particularly well-suited for use in cold dishes, as its
storage stability and resistance to oxidation at higher
temperatures are lower compared with other edible oils
us 2004). Camelina sativa oil was found to be
more stable than fish and linseed oils in a study in
Ireland (Nı
Eidhin et al. 2003a). Recent experiments in
Slovenia to increase the oxidative stability of the oil
have shown promise in retarding the process of auto-
oxidation by as much as 60% with use of rosemary
extract (Abramovic
and Abram 2006). The addition of
phenolic compounds extracted from camelina oil
was found to enhance the oxidative stability of commer-
cially produced safflower oil, Carthamus tinctorius L.
et al. 2007).
Beneficial effects of the oil have also been reported for
animals and their products. In Germany, camelina oil
lowered serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels in
experimental animals (Mattha
us 1997). In Finland, oil
added to chicken feed increased the omega-3 content in
the eggs without the unpleasant flavour often found
with the use of flax oil (Rokka et al. 2002). In a
controlled pig-feeding trial in Ireland, camelina oil
increased plasma omega-3 fatty acids and reduced
plasma omega-6 fatty acids and serum triglyceride levels
Eidhin et al. 2003b).
Camelina sativa meal has a high protein and energy
content suitable for feeding pigs and ruminants (Schus-
ter and Friedt 1998; Mattha
us and Zubr 2000). Came-
lina meal at 0.7 g 100 g
cooked pork meat was an
effective antioxidant of protein and lipids (Salminen
et al. 2006). In France, camelina seed and meal in the
diets of dairy cows led to a decrease in milk fat yield and
softer, more spreadable butter, due to the unsaturated
fatty acids in the camelina feed (Hurtaud and Peyraud
2007). Similarly, in Italian studies, C. sativa seed
supplements at high levels, i.e., 1015% of diet,
significantly increased the percentage of polyunsatu-
rated fatty acids in rabbit meat (Peiretti et al. 2007). This
improved the quality of the meat for human nutritional
needs, reducing saturation, atherogenic and thrombo-
genic indexes (Peiretti et al. 2007). In the United States,
camelina meal was found to be a potential feed
ingredient in turkey poultry starter diets if kept below
5% of the feed, as amounts above that figure led to
decreases in weight and poorer feed conversion (Frame
et al. 2007).
Camelina sativa can also be used for forage if rations
are monitored to limit quantities (Schuster and Friedt
1998; Mattha
us and Zubr 2000). Peiretti and Meineri
(2007) concluded that C. sativa provided good forage
when harvested at a stage before the flowering period,
but that there was a substantial decrease in nutritional
quality afterwards. In Russia, Camelina spp. were
among plants considered for use in fodder mixtures
for domestic animals (Artemov and Velibekova 2003).
In a laboratory study, the presence of free-living
nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the phyllospere of C. sativa
was reported to stimulate the growth of radicles of
germinating flax seed, but only at low concentrations
(Lovett and Sagar 1978; Lovett and Jackson 1980). In
Romania, Toncea et al. (2006) suggested intercropping
C. sativa with flax, as flax growth and development is
not affected by C. sativa, and they might interact to
control weeds. When grown in mixed cropping with peas
in Germany, C. sativa had a significant suppressive
effect as a smother crop and weed antagonist on weed
coverage compared with monocropped peas, particu-
larly in the establishment phase (Saucke and Ackermann
2006). The C. sativa crop can be used for green manure
(Anonymous 2002).
Camelina sativa is among arable weeds used in seed
mixtures for wildflower strips introduced to increase
biodiversity in intensively used arable land in Central
Europe (Kollmann and Bassin 2001).
(c) Legislation * Camelina species are classed as second-
ary noxious weed seeds in Class 3 of Schedule 1 of the
Weed Seeds Order, 2005 (Canadian Government 2005)
and C. microcarpa is on a list of noxious weeds in
Saskatchewan under the Noxious Weeds Act, the Nox-
ious Weeds Designation Regulations, (Chapter N-9.1
Reg. 2) as amended by Saskatchewan Regulations 14/99
(Saskatchewan Government 1999). Camelina species do
not appear on any other provincial noxious or invasive
weed lists in Canada. In the United States, Camelina
species do not appear in any federal or state legislation on
invasive or noxious weeds (USDA, NRCS 2008).
4. Geographical Distribution
Native to Eurasia, the distribution of the three intro-
duced species in Canada and the United States is
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mapped in Fig. 2 and 3, respectively. Camelina alyssum
has a limited distribution in the three Prairie Provinces
(Fig. 2A). Camelina microcarpa is found in all provinces
and Yukon Territory (Fig. 2B). Camelina sativa is
reported from all provinces except Newfoundland (see
Meades et al. 2000), but occurs mainly in the four
western provinces, with a limited presence in Ontario,
Quebec, the Maritimes and the Northwest Territory
(Fig. 2C), with a recent report for the Yukon Territory
(not shown, see Cody et al. 2004). In the United States,
C. alyssum has a limited distribution in the states of
North Dakota and Minnesota (Fig. 3A); C. microcarpa
is listed as weedy in 48 mainland states, absent only
from Alabama and Florida (Fig. 3B); and C. sativa is
found in 38 mostly northern states, including Alaska
(not shown), but is absent from California, Nevada,
Colorado, Texas and southeastern states from Arkansas
to Florida (Fig. 3C).
The three species have a distribution extending from
temperate Europe to central Asia and China, north into
Britain and Scandinavia and south into the Himalayas.
They have also been introduced in New Zealand,
southern Australia, and Chile (Hulte
n and Fries 1986).
Camelina alyssum is now rare in much of western
Europe but remains well established in parts of central
and eastern Europe. Camelina microcarpa is the most
widely established species in Europe, extending into
Spain, and is particularly common from eastern France
through central Europe to Russia. Camelina sativa is
common in the northern and eastern part of its range,
extending into northern Italy, but rarer in Spain and
around the Mediterranean (Jalas et al. 1996). All three
were reported as established in the Caucasus and
Central Asia (Dorofeev 1996). Camelina microcarpa
has recently been spreading in China (Li et al. 2006).
5. Habitat
(a) Climatic Requirements * Camelina spp. are best
adapted to cool temperate semi-arid climate zones on
dry prairies or steppes, but C. microcarpa in particular
may be found at higher altitudes in warmer zones as, for
example, in the United States and Spain. The three
species are rarely present in Mediterranean or coastal
climates, with the exception of the North Sea periphery
in Europe (Jalas et al. 1996). The three species can
tolerate dry soils and low rainfall, and, because of early
ripening, can grow to maturity before frost in regions
with a short growing season, maturing 21 d earlier than
flaxseed, for example (Shukla et al. 2002). Camelina
sativa can survive early-season water deficits and minor
frosts in spring (Seedtec Terramax 2008). In northern
France, Bonjean and Le Goffic (1999) found that winter
annual plants of C. sativa could tolerate temperatures of
10 to 148C over a period of several days without
snow cover.
(b) Substratum * Camelina microcarpa is found on
sand, loam, gravel and alkaline soils, and C. sativa on
dry sandy soils (Warwick et al. 1999). Camelina sativa
grows best on sandy, loamy and heavy clay soils that are
dry or moist, but well-drained. It is also adapted to
nutritionally poor soils and tolerates a wide pH range
(Plants For A Future 2004). In the Czech Republic, C.
sativa was among potential industrial and energy crops
that could be successfully grown on soils reclaimed from
mine spoil and fly ash (Petrikova et al. 1996).
(c) Communities in Which the Species Occur * In
Canada, C. alyssum has been found in prairie habitats
and as an urban weed along roadsides. Camelina
microcarpa is more widespread, in grain, flax, corn
and hayfields, pastures, grasslands, rangelands, gardens,
on low slopes, flats and sloughs, in ballast, and along
roadsides, railways, wharves and waste places generally.
Camelina sativa also occurs in many of the same
habitats, but is also reported in alfalfa fields,
open woods, lakeshores, and around grain elevators
(Warwick et al. 1999). Migration of C. microcarpa from
disturbed areas to xerothermic grassland habitats over a
period of several decades was detected in a study in
Slovakia (Elia
s 2003).
6. History
The species of Camelina are believed to have originated
in the steppes of southeastern Europe and southwestern
Asia, and are associated with the spread of agriculture
as weeds in flax and other crops (Kno
rzer 1978). There
is archaeological evidence, mostly from carbonized
seeds, that C. sativa has been grown or gathered since
the late Bronze and Iron Ages and later under the
Roman Empire in regions around the North Sea, along
the Rhine, in eastern Europe, and at various Roman
sites, including England (Plessers et al. 1962; Willcox
1977; Kno
rzer 1978; Hjelmqvist 1979; Hanelt et al. 1982;
Henriksen and Robinson 1996). Camelina sativa con-
tinued to be cultivated sporadically in Europe in
mediaeval times, and some believe that C. alyssum and
C. microcarpa evolved from it (Kno
rzer 1978). Prior to
the Second World War, it was cultivated mainly on poor
soils to replace winter-killed oilseed rape (Brassica
napus) (Plessers et al. 1962), but in the past few decades
is being planted experimentally as a potential oilseed
and industrial crop in Europe and North America (see
Section 3b).
It is not known how the species were introduced to
North America, but it seems likely that they came as
contaminants in flax or other crop seeds, and perhaps
less likely in bird seed as suggested for their spread in
Great Britain (Stace 1997). Described as introduced and
occurring in fields and cultivated grounds, C. sativa was
the first of the three species to be mentioned in North
American botanical literature (Torrey and Gray 1838
1840). In Canada, the first report of C. sativa is from
Manitoba as a deliberate introduction at the Red River
settlement in 1863, with subsequent reports in 1873 and
1896 (Scoggan 1957). It subsequently spread in the
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western provinces, reaching the Peace River District by
the 1930s and the Northwest Territory in the 1950s.
Camelina microcarpa was first collected in Manitoba in
1896, and subsequently appeared at numerous sites
across the country, often near railways and along
roadsides, suggesting transport in cargo. It reached
British Columbia in the 1920s, but did not begin to
spread widely there until the 1950s. The earliest report
of C. alyssum was in 1910 in Saskatchewan in fields near
Swift Current, and most herbarium specimens have been
collected around nurseries, greenhouses and fields near
research stations. In eastern Canada, both C. micro-
carpa and C. sativa have been found at scattered sites
in southern Ontario and along the St. Lawrence River
(Sabourin 1992; Environment Canada 2002); but Rous-
seau (1968) listed both species as adventive introduc-
tions in Quebec, with no information as to when they
first appeared.
7. Growth and Development
(a) Morphology * The three species do not possess
unusually distinctive morphological features.
(b) Perennation * The species of Camelina are annuals,
or occasionally winter annuals, reproducing only from
seed (Frankton and Mulligan 1987).
(c) Physiological Data * Seed oil content and percent
fatty acid (FA) data for Camelina spp. (Table 1) are
mostly for C. sativa crop accessions, whether in North
America or in Europe, with the exception of a European
report for wild C. microcarpa and C. sativa accessions
[Miller et al. (1965), as cited in Kumar and Tsunoda
(1980)]. Oil content values in Table 1 are similar to the
3442% obtained in Canadian evaluations in Ottawa,
ON, and Vermilion, AB (Plessers et al. 1962). Figures
from recent French and Danish analyses of fatty acids
(Zubr 2003a; Dubois et al. 2007) were similar to those of
the cited European studies. Generally linoleic and a-
linolenic acid percentages were very high; the latter is
high in OMEGA-3, which could reach over 50%.
Selection has also led to increased linolenic acid content
(Seehuber 1984; Zubr and Mattha
us 2002; Zubr 2003b,
Vollmann et al. 2005, 2007), as has seed irradiation-
based mutagenesis (Vollmann et al. 1996, 1997; Bu
tz-Nothdurft et al. 1998), where erucic acid was
also reduced. The average oil content of 3344% is
comparable with that of 4045% in canola species
(Brassica napus and B. rapa L.) from western Canada
(Gulden et al. 2008) and 2545% in flax (linseed oil)
from Europe (Nykter et al. 2006).
In Italy, fatty acid composition and organic matter
digestibility of seeds and vegetative parts of C. sativa
were studied at five morphological stages from vegeta-
tive to ripe seed-pod (Peiretti and Meineri 2007).
Linolenic and palmitic acids increased with later growth
stages, a-linolenic content decreased from 560 g kg
the vegetative to 484 g kg
at the ripe pod stage. The
polyunsaturated fatty acid ratio (linoleic/a-linolenic)
increased from 0.18 at the vegetative stage to 0.38 at
the ripe seed-pod stage, and was 0.59 in the seed. There
were also different proportions of fatty acids in the seeds
than in the plants. Dry matter content, organic matter,
neutral and acid detergent fibre, lignin and gross energy
increased with advancing growth stage, whereas crude
protein, ash and in vitro organic matter digestibility
decreased with each stage of maturity, attributed to the
progressive translocation of the soluble cell contents
from the leaves and stems to the grains.
Several reports provided additional profiles of the
seeds. In western Canada, Gugel and Falk (2006) noted
protein content of 2732%. In Germany, Marquard and
Kuhlmann (1986) reported seed protein content between
23 and 30%, mineral content of 0.8% P, 1.0% K, 0.3%
Ca, 0.24% Mg and 0.01% Na, and tocopherol content
from 539 to 779 ppm. In a study of C. sativa cultivars
grown in 11 European and Scandinavian locations,
average oil content ranged from 39.6 to 44.1%, crude
protein averaged 43.6%, and crude fibre 12.416.8%
(Zubr 2003b). In an analysis of Camelina germplasm
collections from around the world, selected genotypes
showed seed oil contents of up to 480 g kg
, with
linolenic acid in the 25 to 42% range and low
concentrations of erucic acid (Vollmann et al. 2005,
2007). Camelina sativa contains the antioxidant vitamin
E (tocopherols, tocotrienols and plastochromanol), the
constituents of which are detailed in Budin et al. (1995),
Rode (2002), and Zubr and Mattha
us (2002). In Polish
studies, storage of camelina products, with or without
the addition of antioxidants, led to a substantial
decrease in the amount of a-tocopherol, the most
bioactive form of vitamin E (Jaskiewicz and Sagan
2003). Heat treatment at 60708C also reduced a-
tocopherol levels by ca. 20%, but had little effect on
protein, fat, fibre, sugars and lysine; while cold seed
pressing reduced the seed fat content by ca. 50%
(Jaskiewicz et al. 2006). The antioxidant activity of C.
sativa extracts was also reported in Mattha
us (2002) and
us and Angelini (2005).
The oil has an unusually high cholesterol content, ca.
45 mg 100 g
compared with other edible oils at 10 mg
100 g
us 2004). In the United States, analysis
of the sterol composition of camelina oil showed ca. 0.54
wt% unsaponifiables, of which over 80% were des-
methylsterols; and the major sterols identified included
1884 ppm sitosterol, 893 ppm campestoerol, 393 ppm
-avenasterol, 188 ppm cholesterol, 133 ppm brassi-
casterol, and 103 ppm stigmasterol (Shukla et al. 2002).
A German study of the antinutritive compounds
tannins, glucosinolates, phytic acid and sinapine in
different oilseeds showed the following amounts in C.
sativa: 2.2 mg g
condensed tannins, 19 mg g
acid, 24 mmol g
glucosinolates, of which the main one
was 10-methylsulfinyldecyl, and 2.0 mg g
us 1997). In Saskatchewan, an analysis of
material from both local and other North American
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and eastern European sources revealed that C. sativa
leaves accumulated only derivatives of the flavanol
quercetin (Onyilagha et al. 2003). In Great Britain,
Cole (1976) found no glucosinolate autolysis products in
C. sativa; but Daxenbichler et al. (1991) reported
hydrolysis products of camelinin in both C. microcarpa
and C. sativa, and of erysolin in C. sativa.Inan
Australian analysis of seed meal of wild crucifer species,
the indole glucosinolate 4-hydrooxyglucobrassicin was
not detected in the seed meal of C. sativa, a feature
which could be utilized by plant breeders to lower the
contents of glucosinolates in Brassica oilseed crops
(Sang and Salisbury 1987). Schuster and Friedt (1998)
demonstrated considerable variation (ca. 228 mmol g
dry seed) in the glucosinolate content of seeds of C.
sativa at a number of localities in Germany. In Austria,
Krist et al. (2006) analysed volatile compounds and
triacylglycerol (TAG) components in a comparative
study of linseed and camelina oils. Trans-2-butenal,
acetic acid, trans, trans-2,4-heptadienal and trans, trans-
3,5-octadien-2-one were the dominant volatile com-
pounds in camelina oil, and whereas linseed oils showed
a high content of TAG containing three linolenic acid
groups comprising more than 50% of the oils, whereas
camelina oil exhibited a higher content (up to 40%) of
TAG containing one eicosenoic acid moiety.
Camelina plants have been genetically modified with a
castor fatty acid hydroxylase gene in order to increase
hydroxyl fatty acid accumulation in the seeds and
provide an economic alternative to castor oil (Lu and
Kang 2008). In Scotland, C. sativa was successfully
established in vitro, and regeneration of roots, callus
and shoots was obtained using leaf explants and growth
regulators at rates over 10 shoots per explant (Tattersall
and Millam 1999). Regenerated shoots were successfully
transplanted to soil, and flowered and set seed normally.
In Poland, shoot regeneration from hypocotyl explants
taken from C. sativa seedlings germinated in vitro was
successful using different cultures; in one experiment,
concentrations of benzyladenine, 1-naphaleneacetic acid
and kinetin in the medium provided the best results
(Zandecka-Dziubak and Uczkiewicz 1999) and, in
another, abscisic acid added to the culture media led
to the largest increase in the number of shoots and
somatic embryos (Mielcarek et al. 2000). In Denmark,
experiments to introduce fungal disease resistance to
Brassica oleracea L. cultivars through protoplast fusion
between the latter and C. sativa were only partially
successful, as regenerated shoots grew vigorously in
vitro, but the hybrid shoots did not establish in soil
(Hansen 1998).
In a study in Poland of annual crucifers grown under
different light conditions, C. sativa was one of two
species that completed organogenesis before flowering
(under extended light) or before the start of seed
formation on a short day, after which the inflorescences
withered (Rostovtseva 1975).
Table 1. Oil content and fatty acid composition of seeds in Camelina spp. The figures at the top of the columns refer to the fatty acid carbon chain and the number of double bonds in the chain:
palmitic (16:0), stearic (18:0), oleic (18:1), linoleic (18:2), linolenic (18:3), eicosenoic (20:1), behenic (22:0) and erucic (22:1). Fatty acids not given specific values or not included in the table are
included in the total under ‘‘Other’’
Location % oil 16:00 18:00 18:01 18:02 18:03 20:01 22:00 22:01 Other Citation
Camelina microcarpa
Europe (not specified) 34 6 3 14 18 33 16 2 6.5 Kumar and Tsunoda (1980)
Camelina sativa
Canada (AB, SK) 3843 12.516.5 14.719.2 34.140.0 12.616.0 2.43.6 13.615.0 Gugel and Falk (2006)
Canada (NB, NS, PE) 3540 5.37.7 1.42.8 12.615.9 15.420.7 31.037.2 13.915.8 2.84.4 Urbaniak et al. (2008a, b)
USA (MI) 3038 14.119.5 18.824.0 27.034.7 12.014.9 0.04.0 11.817.4 Budin et al. (1995)
Europe (Germany) 3741 6.5 2.3 16.2 18.1 39 13.2 2.6 Marquard and Kuhlman (1986)
Europe (north, central) 15 15.2 36.8 15.5 2.8 Zubr and Mattha
us (2002)
Europe (Slovenia) 33 5.7 2.6 16.4 18.7 32.9 15.8 1.5 3 0.5 Rode (2002)
Europe (not specified) 33 6 3 9 19 38 12 3 6 Kumar and Tsunoda (1980)
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(d) Phenology * In Canada, C. microcarpa flowers from
May to August (Frankton and Mulligan 1987) and into
early autumn in southern Ontario, frequently dropping
seed while still flowering (Alex 1992). In North America,
C. sativa and C. alyssum generally flower from May to
June, and C. microcarpa from May to July (Rollins
1993). In Saskatchewan, C. sativa plants come to
maturity in 85100 d (Seedtec Terramax 2008).
Camelina sativa flowers from May to July in Europe
(Polunin 1969). In Italy, plants reached the flowering
and fruiting stages 12 mo after emergence, respectively,
and late sowing led to a progressive decline in plant
height and to a shorter growth cycle, which varied from
59 to 73 d (Angelini et al. 1997). In Ireland, C. sativa
sown in late September began flowering on May 10 and
matured on July 20; sown on October 15, it began
flowering on May 20 and matured on August 02; and
sown on December 10, it began flowering on June 01
and matured on August 18; all late-sown plants
established within 2 wk and reached the 46 leaf stage
before halting growth until the following April (Crowley
1999). These small over-wintering first leaves can be
contrasted with the large, bunched rosettes described for
C. microcarpa in the United States (Callihan et al. 2000).
(e) Mycorrhiza * Mycorrhization is rare in the Brassi-
caceae (Medve 1983) and no reports were found for a
mycorrhizal association for the Camelina spp.
8. Reproduction
(a) Floral Biology * Both Camelina sativa and C.
microcarpa are considered self-compatible, autogamous
(i.e., predominantly self-fertilizing) species, whereas the
breeding system of C. alyssum is unknown (Mulligan
2002b). Tedin (1922) and Schultze-Motel (1986) pro-
vided details of the selfing process in Camelina sativa:as
the flower begins to close towards evening, the stamens
are directed towards the stigma, where they deposit the
pollen overnight. In 23 d the flower withers and falls
off. The process is repeated along the stem, which
elongates as each flower appears. Tedin also noticed
that out of 10 000 plants he studied, less than 3% were
pollinated by bees or butterflies. However, Goulson
(2003) presumably erroneously included C. sativa
among insect-pollinated crops that would benefit from
enhanced bee and other pollinator populations.
(b) Seed Production and Dispersal * Early trials in
Canada showed seed yields of 1200 to 1550 kg ha
(Plessers et al. 1962). Seed production in recent oilcrop
trials in the Maritime Provinces of Canada in 20052006
(Urbaniak et al. 2008b) was not significantly affected by
seeding date (two dates in May to first week of June, 2
wks apart), but was somewhat affected by seeding rate,
yielding 1338 kg ha
at 200 seeds m
, 1496 kg ha
at 400 seeds m
and 1599 kg ha
at 600 seeds m
Thousand-seed weights did not differ significantly at the
different rates, as more branches and capsules per plant
were produced at the lower seeding rates.
In German field trials, seed production of C. sativa
was found to differ according to seeding date and soil
enrichment. Yields of early-seeded plants averaged 1600
kg ha
as compared with 1150 kg ha
with later
seeded plants. Thousand-seed weights similarly varied
between 0.8 and 1.3 g (Marquard and Kuhlmann 1986).
Schuster and Friedt (1995) reported an average 1000-
seed weight of 1 g, and noted a seed yield of 2.53tha
could be reached with spring cultivars of C. sativa.In
field trials in Germany, yields averaged 1340, 1160 and
1800 kg ha
over a 3-yr period; maximum yield was
2280 kg ha
at a sowing rate of 400 seeds m
and N
application of 120 kg ha
; branch and pod number,
seeds per pod and seed weight per plant were reduced at
the highest sowing rate of 800 seeds m
, whereas yield
and yield components increased with increasing N rate
(Honermeier and Agegnehu 1996; Agegnehu and Hon-
ermeier 1997). In other German field trials, C. sativa
yielded on average 1.9 t ha
under less than optimal
growing conditions, and several C. sativa breeding lines
showed a significantly higher yield potential than
control cultivars (Mu
ller et al. 1999). Gehringer et al.
(2006) similarly achieved better yields through breeding
for C. sativa crops grown on marginal, poor soil with
only moderate levels of fertilization (80 kg N ha
), a
maximum seed yield of 3.0 t ha
having been achieved.
In France, trials of C. sativa cultivars produced max-
imum yields of up to 2.3 t ha
, with sowing in late
March and application of 100 kg N ha
(Merrien and
Chatenet 1996). In Poland, average seed yield for winter
crop C. sativa was 1.75 t ha
and oil yield averaged 605
kg ha
(Musnicki et al. 1997). In Italian trials over 3
yr, 1000-seed weight varied from 1.6 to 2.2 g, and seed
yield per plant from 1.9 to 4.3 g (Angelini et al. 1997). In
Austria, yields of up to 2800 kg ha
were found in
some selected cultivars, but large-seeded genotypes with
1000-seed weight of up to 1.81 g were inferior to small-
seeded genotypes in terms of yield performance and oil
content (Vollmann et al. 2007).
(c) Seed Banks, Seed Viability and Seed Germination *
There is little information on seed dormancy of the three
weed species in the literature. There is also little
information available on crop volunteers of C. sativa.
Looman and Best (1987) described the seeds of Came-
lina plants on the prairies as having "a very short
dormant period" In a 3-yr study of C. sativa crops in
Ireland, Crowley (1999), mentions "establishment" i.e.,
germination and emergence occurred within 2 wk
irrespective of planting date. In a study of germination
of various cruciferous species in Great Britain, Ellis
et al. (1989) found that C. sativa germination was
proportional to white light photon dose, was inhibited
by high radiance, which normally inhibits germination,
and was substantially promoted by gibberelic acid
). In Maritime Canada, the germination rate of
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C. sativa cultivars was 95% or more, although emer-
gence rates averaged between 38 and 45%, depending
upon environmental conditions (Urbaniak et al. 2008b).
(d) Vegetative Reproduction * The three Camelina
species do not reproduce vegetatively.
9. Hybrids
Camelina sativa and C. alyssum (as C. dentata) are
completely interfertile (Tedin 1922). Al-Shehbaz (1987)
suggested that the three Camelina species are likely able
to intercross and that such hybridization is responsible
for the many intermediate types found in nature and the
blurred species boundaries among the three taxa.
Intergeneric hybrids between C. sativa and Brassica
carinata A. Braun (Narasimhulu et al. 1994), B. oleracea
(Hansen 1998; Sigareva and Earle 1999) and B. napus
ller and Sonntag 2000) were obtained by protoplast
fusion. Somatic hybrids of Brassica napusCamelina
sativa showed callus regeneration but no shoot regen-
eration (Mu
ller and Sonntag 2000).
10. Population Dynamics
In a German competition study (Kranz and Jacob 1977)
between Camelina sativa and flax, C. sativa absorbed
more phosphate ions and rubidium than flax when
grown alone, and at an even higher rate in mixed
cultures. Results suggested that reduced yields of flax
grown in association with C. sativa are largely the result
of competition for nutrients. Seedlings from fall or
winter-sown C. sativa compete with many annual weeds
if planted at high densities (Seedtec Terramax 2008).
Although the small seedlings of C. sativa can be
outcompeted in the early stages of growth, a dense
established crop is highly competitive and will smother
most competing species (Dimmock and Edward-Jones
11. Response to Herbicides and Other Chemicals
In the United States, use of 2,4-D was recommended for
control of C. microcarpa in small grain crops in early
spring, or in rotation with other crops where other
herbicides could also provide control (Lorenzi and
Jeffery 1987). In non-crop areas such as pastures, fence
rows and waste areas, application of 2,4-D, paraquat,
glyphosate or a soil sterilant were recommended, pre-
ferably prior to seed formation, and in the case of
pastures, followed by periodic mowing close to the
ground (Lorenzi and Jeffery 1987). Sulfonylaminocar-
bonyl triazolinone applied to wheat showed good
control of broadleaf weeds in the mustard family,
including Camelina spp., when applied post-emergence
at the 12 leaf stage at 3045 g a.i. ha
(Scoggan et al.
Camelina microcarpa is the only one of the three
species to have evolved biotypes resistant to acetolactate
synthase (ALS) inhibiting herbicides. Plants were
detected in 1999 in a wheat crop at a site in Oregon
when a mixture of chlorsulfuron plus metsulfuron
applied at up to 56 g a.i. ha
did not control C.
microcarpa, whereas a combination of bromoxynil,
MCPA and dicamba provided complete control (Han-
son et al. 2004).
In a German study of the metabolism of
glufosinate (GA) (Jansen et al. 2000), excised shoots
and leaves of C. alyssum absorbed a high percentage
(87%) of the radioactivity applied, had one of the lowest
portions of non-extractable residues (0.3%) and a high
rate of recovered radioactivity (ca. 88%). Camelina
alyssum was also among plants with a relatively low
metabolic rate (34.3 ng GA h
protein). Inter-
mediate symptoms of herbicide damage were detected in
this species, but although there appeared to be little
correlation between either the amount of absorbed
or the metabolic rate and the degree of damage, a
tendency was observed that plant species with metabolic
rates below 70 ng GA h
protein were affected
comparatively little by GA. In Azerbaijan, photochemi-
cal activity in the leaves of C. sativa growing as a weed
in wheat fields was completely and irreversibly sup-
pressed following application of bromoxynil (Azizov
et al. 1991).
No herbicides are registered for use in Camelina
oilseed crops in the United States or Canada (Anon-
ymous 2007; Seedtec Terramax 2008). In Ireland,
where autumn sown Camelina sativa remains at the 4- to
6-leaf stage until spring, and is vulnerable to weed
establishment, the use of trifluralin reduced percent
weed cover at harvest from 29 to 3% on average over a
3-yr period (Crowley 1999).
12. Response to Other Human Manipulation
No information was found on weedy populations of the
three species. In western Canada, Camelina sativa can be
sown conventionally in the spring or surface seeded in
late fall on stubble without seedbed preparation and will
emerge before other annual plants in spring (Seedtec
Terramax 2008). In oilseed cultivation trials in Maritime
Canada, Urbaniak et al. (2008a), determined that
cultivar selection was the most important determinant
of success at sites in all three provinces; and that plant
height, seed yield, oil content, total plant nitrogen (N)
and seed protein all responded positively to N applica-
tion at rates of 60 kg N ha
in Nova Scotia or 80 kg N
in Prince Edward Island. With increased N
application rates, oil content of the seeds decreased, as
did contents of oleic and eicosenic acids, while response
of linolenic acid was not consistent at each year-site. In
seeding trials in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island
(Urbaniak et al. 2008b), seeding date (two dates from
May 06 to June 02, 2 wk apart at each location) did not
affect emergence, plant height, seed yield, or oil content.
Later-seeded crops had lower stearic acid concentration
in the oil. In the trials, a forage-type seeder pro-
duced more uniform and easily-harvested crops than
seed drills.
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 10/19/15
For personal use only.
In Montana, early seeding before other spring-planted
crops, early to mid-March, produced maximum yields;
whereas delays after March 20 resulted in yield reduc-
tions averaging 45 kg per week of delay (Anonymous
2007). Weed control in Montana was achieved with
high-density planting, and there was little response to
nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium or sulphur fertilizers.
In Minnesota trials (Putnam et al. 1993), performance of
C. sativa sown on frozen stubble without seedbed
preparation or herbicides was equal or superior to
conventionally sown flax sprayed with herbicides. Sur-
face seeding seemed to work better under no-till condi-
tions; machine planting was no better than broadcast
seeding in spring; and the winter-sown stands emerged
mid-April, before most other spring-sown crops and
before significant weed flushes. However, winter sowing
without the use of herbicides, fungicides or pesticides
does not work well in areas with mild wet winters, as in
Ireland, and can result in high levels of weed competi-
tion, disease infection, and excessive lodging early in the
season, leading to difficult harvesting conditions and
low yields (Crowley 1999; Anonymous 2002).
Among crops investigated in Poland for the effects of
sowing date, precipitation and temperature on yield, C.
sativa showed the highest variability, late sowing
moderately decreasing yields, and drought conditions
markedly reducing yields (Tobola and Musnicki 1999).
Also in Poland, pre-sowing treatments of nitrogen,
phosphorus and potassium (NPK) fertilizer at 125 kg
sulphur (S) at 25 kg ha
or magnesium (Mg) at
and a top dressing with N at up to 40 kg ha
did not affect the yield of C. sativa, the highest yield of
2.14 t ha
being achieved following treatment with
split nitrogen at a rate of 80 kg ha
, the method of N
application, in solid urea or in solution, having no
bearing on crop yield (Szczebiot 2002). In Rumania, C.
sativa crop yield was increased by 14% with application
of 40 kg P ha
and by 27% with 60 kg P ha
increases of 37 and 58% followed application of 50 and
100 kg N ha
, while P increased oil content from 39.2
to 41.9%, and N decreased oil content from 40.9 to
40.1%, respectively (Bugnarug and Borcean 2000). In
Russia, during the last week in August, optimal densities
of C. sativa allowing rosettes to gain enough biomass to
resist winter frost varied from 6 to 7 million germinating
seeds ha
(Semenova and Presnyakova 2007).
13. Response to Herbivory, Disease and Higher
Plant Parasites
(a) Mammals * No information was found on grazing
by domestic or wild animals. Camelina spp. were being
considered for use in fodder mixtures for domestic
animals in Russia (Artemov and Velibekova 2003).
(b) Birds and/or Other Vertebrates * No information
was found on seed predation by birds; but Fogelfors
(1984) reported from Sweden that C. sativa plants were
eaten by geese and other birds.
(c) Insects * Camelina microcarpa, which has been
included in the host range of the swede midge Contarinia
nasturtii Kieffer (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in Europe,
showed no evidence of infestation in field experiments in
Ontario (Hallett 2007). Few insects have been reported
as pests of C. sativa in areas where it has been previously
grown. In a Saskatchewan study of the flea beetle
Phyllotreta cruciferae Goeze (Coleoptera: Chrysolmeli-
dae) on the host plant Brassica napus and three non-host
plants, including C. sativa (Henderson et al. 2004), the
latter was found to have the highest resistance, with
010% damage to cotyledons compared with 95100%
on B. napus. It was suggested that resistance in C. sativa
could have resulted from either the presence of repellent
or the absence of stimulatory volatile phytochemicals,
perhaps due to a low level of glucosinolates. In host
plant resistance trials in Lethbridge, AB, C. sativa was
also a poor host for the cabbage seed pod weevil
Ceutorhyncus obstrictus (Marsh.) (Carcamo et al. 2007).
In US studies, flea beetles were sometimes observed
on C. sativa, but in extensive multi-year, small plot
trials, insect damage was not sufficient to warrant
control measures (Robinson 1987). Camelina sativa
was the least acceptable of 10 cruciferous taxa as food
for the flea beetles Phyllotreta nemorum L. and P.
cruciferae in a greenhouse experiment in Switzerland
(Nielsen et al. 2001). Contrary to the reports of C. sativa
resistance to insect predation, Dimmock and Edward-
Jones (2006) reported flea beetle (P. cruciferae) preda-
tion on C. sativa grown in crop trials in Wales, UK, with
leaves of young plants typically damaged by scattered
holes. In Romania, the European tarnished plant bug
Lygus rugulipennis Popp. (Heteroptera: Miridae) was the
characteristic species associated with C. sativa grown as
a prospective oil crop (Palagesiu 2000).
(d) Nematodes and Other Invertebrates * In a Swiss
study of predation in mixed wildflower plantings, which
included Camelina sativa, the slugs Deroceras reticula-
tum Mu
ller and Arion lusitanicus Mabille caused the
heaviest damage to seeds of C. sativa, destroying
4351% of the seeds after 1 wk; but predation of C.
sativa was significantly reduced in harrowed plots
(Kollmann and Bassin 2001).
(a) Fungi * In Canada, white rust, Albugo cruciferarum
(DC.) Gray, was reported on C. microcarpa in Manitoba;
downy mildew, Peronospora parasitica (Pers. ex Fr.) Fr.,
on both C. microcarpa and C. sativa in Manitoba; and
the fungus-like protist club root, Plasmodiophora brassi-
cae Wor., on C. microcarpa in Prince Edward Island
(Conners 1967). Five fungi were reported as secondary
invaders of stagheads caused by A. cruciferarum on
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 10/19/15
For personal use only.
C. microcarpa in Saskatchewan: black mould, Alternaria
alternate (Fr.:Fr.) Keissler; black leaf spot, A. brassicae
(Berk.) Sacc.; moulds, Cladosporium sp. and Epicoccum
sp.; and, foot-rot fungus, Fusarium roseum (Link) Fr.
(Petrie and Vanterpool 1974; Ginns 1986).
Camelina sativa is very resistant to blackspot, Alter-
naria brassicae (Conn et al. 1988; Sharma et al. 2002).
This resistance was attributed to the production of
phytoalexins, camalexin and methoxycamalexin
(Browne et al. 1991), whose concentrations increased
with increasing A. brassicae inoculum (Jejelowo et al.
1991). The latter are the first reported naturally
occurring antifungal compounds which contain a 2-
substituted thiazone and have antifungal properties
similar to those found in the synthetic fungicide,
thiabendazole, a 4-substituted thiazole. Further studies
determined that a combination of phytoalexin produc-
tion and the destruxin B detoxification pathway provide
blackleg resistance in C. sativa (Pedras et al. 2003). In
Saskatchewan, C. sativa was among cruciferous crop
and wild species evaluated in a growth chamber for
resistance to pre-emergence damping off and post-
emergence seedling root rot caused by Rhizoctonia solani
hn (Yang and Verma 1992). None of the species
proved to be immune to the pathogen. However, C.
sativa was among a few that had significantly higher
percent emergence than the check Brassica napus and
was among species with a very low percentage of
symptomless days post-emergence.
In the United States, the following fungal pathogens
were reported on C. microcarpa: white rust, Albugo
candida (Pers.: Fr.) Kuntze, from Ohio, Oklahoma,
Pennsylvania, Utah and Virginia; clubroot, Plasmodio-
phora brassicae, from New Jersey; and the rust Puccinia
aristidae Tracy from Colorado and Utah. Pathogens on
C. sativa include: Albugo candida from Montana, Ne-
braska, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, Utah and
Virgina; and Plasmodiophora brassicae from New Jersey
(Farr et al. 2006). In US studies, C. microcarpa was rated
generally resistant to leaf spot, Alternaria brassicicola
(Schwein.) Wiltshire and black rot Xanthomonas campes-
tris (Pammel) Dowson (only 3% showed susceptibility to
either pathogen), whereas C. sativa was more variable,
with 34% on average showing some degree of suscept-
ibility to leaf spot and 10% to black rot (Westman and
Dickson 1998; Westman et al. 1999). In C. sativa trials in
Montana, almost no disease was noted except in 2006
under high rainfall conditions, when downy mildew,
Peronospora camelinae, was found (Anonymous 2007).
European fungal reports for C. alyssum include
powdery mildew, Erysiphe cruciferarum Opiz ex L.
Junell, from Estonia, Poland, and former USSR.
European and Asian fungal reports for C. microcarpa
include: powdery mildew, E. cichoracearum Jacz., from
Germany, E. cruciferarum from China, France, Poland,
Romania, Switzerland and former USSR, and Peronos-
pora camelinae Ga
um. from Algeria, Central Asia,
former Czechoslovakia, Germany and Poland. Other
reports from Europe and Asia on C. sativa include: E.
cruciferarum from Bulgaria, Finland, France, Germany,
Italy, Switzerland and former USSR; the mildew
Hyaloperonospora camelinae (Ga
um.) Go
ker & al.
from Spain; Peronospora camelinae from Austria, Bul-
garia, Central Asia, Germany and Switzerland; white
leaf spot, Pseudocercosporella capsellae (Ell. & Ev.)
Deighton, from Armenia; and leaf and glume blotch,
Septoria camelinae Lobik, from Russia (Farr et al.
2006). Camelina sativa was found to be the most
resistant to the blackleg fungus, Leptosphaeria maculans
(Desm.) Ces. & de Not., among crucifer species tested in
Poland (Karolewski 1999) and Australia (Salisbury
1987), and no recently tested isolates of this species
were virulent on C. sativa (Li et al. 2005). In Poland,
70% of C. sativa plants were infected with clubroot by
the protist Plasmodiophora brassicae, while low inci-
dence of Peronospora parasitica, Albugo candida and
grey mould, Botrytis cinerea (De Bary) Whetzel, were
reported in a 3-yr study (Nowicki 1975). Significant
variation was found in resistance of C. sativa oilseed
crop genotypes to downy mildew, Peronospora cameli-
nae, in Austria (Vollmann et al. 2001), while Dimmock
and Edward-Jones (2006) reported widespread suscept-
ibility in the United Kingdom. Winter-sown C. sativa
crops in Ireland were highly susceptible to the moulds
Botrytis spp. and Sclerotinia spp., the former causing the
most serious losses in yield (Crowley 1999).
(b) Bacteria * In Germany, C. sativa plants collected
from different localities were found to be infected by
bacterial blight caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv.
camelinae (Mavridis et al. 2002).
(c) Viruses * In North America, C. microcarpa is
reported as a host for turnip mosaic potyvirus
(TuMV), cauliflower mosaic (CaMV), turnip crinkle
(TCV) and turnip rosette (RosV) viruses (Royer and
Dickinson 1999). Camelina sativa has been reported as
susceptible to Erysimum latent tymovirus (ELV) and to
turnip yellow mosaic tymovirus (TYMV) (Brunt et al.
1996 onwards). Transmission of TYMV by C. sativa
seed has been reported (Heim 1984). Camelina sativa
was among a number of plants shown to be hosts of the
beet western yellows virus (BWYV) in Germany (Grai-
chen and Rabenstein 1996). In the Czech Republic, C.
sativa was reported as a host of the radish mosaic virus
(RaMV) (S
pak and Kubelkova
(d) Phytoplasmas * Camelina sativa plants in experi-
mental plots in Alberta, Canada, were found to be
infected by the aster yellows phytoplasma disease
(Khadhair et al. 2001).
Higher Plant Parasites * No information was found on
higher plant parasites.
Can. J. Plant Sci. Downloaded from by on 10/19/15
For personal use only.
We wish to thank Susan Flood, Agriculture and Agri-
Food Canada, for preparation of the figures and to
thank the British Columbia government for permission
to use copyright material for the preparation of Fig. 1.
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... Camelina originated in the steppe regions of southeastern Europe and southwestern Asia; however, it is well adapted to a wide range of environments (Knörzer, 1978;Zanetti et al., 2017;Zohary & Hopf, 2000). For a comprehensive review of its worldwide distribution, the reader is referred to Francis and Warwick (2009). ...
... Model parameterization for camelina using CLIMEX 4.1 (Kriticos, Maywald, et al., 2015) was developed by iteratively adjusting parameter values to produce mapped results that closely approximated observed distribution records for C. sativa in North America (Francis & Warwick, 2009;, 2021) as well as reported data for crop phenology and seed yield. ...
... Distribution data for Europe, Asia, Australia and South America were reserved for model validation. Modeled projections for C. sativa in these continents agreed with published reports (Brock et al., 2020;CABI, 2015;CFIA, 2017;Falasca et al., 2014;Francis & Warwick, 2009;GBIF. org, 2021;Krzyżaniak et al., 2019;Vollmann et al., 2007;Zanetti et al., 2017Zanetti et al., , 2021Zubr, 2003). ...
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Camelina [Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz] is a Brassicaceae oilseed that is gaining interest worldwide as low‐maintenance crop for diverse biobased applications. One of the most important factors determining its productivity is climate. We conducted a bioclimate analysis in order to analyze the relationship between climatic factors and the productivity of spring‐type camelina seeded in the spring, and to identify regions of the world with potential for camelina in this scenario. Using the modelling tool CLIMEX, a bioclimatic model was developed for spring‐seeded spring‐type camelina to match distribution, reported seed yields and phenology records in North America. Distribution, yield, and phenology data from outside of North America were used as independent datasets for model validation and demonstrated that model projections agreed with published distribution records, reported spring‐seeded camelina yields, and closely predicted crop phenology in Europe, South America, and Asia. Sensitivity analysis, used to quantify the response of camelina to changes in precipitation and temperature, indicated that crop performance was more sensitive to moisture than temperature index parameters, suggesting that the yield potential of spring‐seeded camelina may be more strongly impacted by water‐limited conditions than by high temperatures. Incremental climate scenarios also revealed that spring‐seeded camelina production will exhibit yield shifts at the continental scale as temperature and precipitation deviate from current conditions. Yield data were compared with indices of climatic suitability to provide estimates of potential worldwide camelina productivity. This information was used to identify new areas where spring‐seeded camelina could be grown and areas that may permit expanded production, including eastern Europe, China, eastern Russia, Australia and New Zealand. Our model is the first to have taken a systematic approach to determine suitable regions for potential worldwide production of spring‐seeded camelina.
... 2 Camelina sativa, a platform for on-demand oil production Camelina sativa is a Brassicaceae plant originally cultured in the Ural Mountains, but it started to become popular in Europe until the decade of 1940 for industrial applications like lamp fuel or as food supply, as edible oil. After World War II, the crop was replaced by other more productive crops like sunflower or rapeseed, becoming again more popular with the rise of biotechnology in recent times (Francis and Warwick, 2009;Rodríguez-Rodríguez, 2014). Camelina sativa is genetically close to the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, sharing sequence homology throughout their genomes, although camelina is genetically more complex. ...
... Furthermore, on the non-food industrial side, the relatively high oil content of the oil in camelina seeds (30-40% of the dry weight) makes the plant an efficient option for the production of biofuels or biolubricants. However, oil still requires optimization and modifications for those applications, since its main components are linoleic (18:2) and linolenic (18:3) acids, which are more prone to oxidation and less stable than other fatty acids (Francis and Warwick, 2009;Gugel and Falk, 2011). ...
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Climate change is forcing our societies to undertake socioeconomic changes to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, primarily carbon dioxide, which continue to rise globally. Governments are applying policies to offset carbon emissions, despite the significant economic impact. Biotechnology offers solutions to dampen this impact, particularly in agriculture and industry, where plant biotechnology enhances production efficiency while reducing environmental impact. Camelina sativa, a climate-flexible oilseed crop with low agronomical exigence, offers promising alternatives to petroleum-derived oils. Oil derived from camelina seeds has the potential to substitute petroleum as the feedstock for the production of oleochemicals, which are compounds derived from vegetable or animal oils and/or petrochemical feedstock. The deep knowledge of the camelina genome, together with the optimized process to obtain genetically engineered camelina lines with on-demand modified oils, makes this oilseed crop a workhorse to counteract the environmental impact derived from human activity.
... Camelina sativa is purported to be self-fertile (Francis and Warwick, 2009) but research is scant documenting this (Groeneveld andKlein, 2014, Zhang et al., 2021). Alternatively, B. carinata has been shown to increase seed yield when visited by honey bees (Singh et al., 2020). ...
... We used the measurements of the plate in both cameras to calculate the conversion and we compared seeds manually measured using a ruler (Supplementary Figure 1). Our manual observation and pixelconverted calculation both yielded a length of 2 mm, which aligns with the measurements reported by Francis and Warwick (2009). Additionally, the portal calculated a width of 1 mm, half of the length, in line with the findings of Fleenor (2011). ...
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Climate change has created unprecedented stresses in the agricultural sector, driving the necessity of adapting agricultural practices and developing novel solutions to the food crisis. Camelina sativa (Camelina) is a recently emerging oilseed crop with high nutrient-density and economic potential. Camelina seeds are rich in essential fatty acids and contain potent antioxidants required to maintain a healthy diet. Camelina seeds are equally amenable to economic applications such as jet fuel, biodiesel and high-value industrial lubricants due to their favorable proportions of unsaturated fatty acids. High soil salinity is one of the major abiotic stresses threatening the yield and usability of such crops. A promising mitigation strategy is automated, non-destructive, image-based phenotyping to assess seed quality in the food manufacturing process. In this study, we evaluate the effectiveness of image-based phenotyping on fluorescent and visible light images to quantify and qualify Camelina seeds. We developed a user-friendly web portal called SeedML that can uncover key morpho-colorimetric features to accurately identify Camelina seeds coming from plants grown in high salt conditions using a phenomics platform equipped with fluorescent and visible light cameras. This portal may be used to enhance quality control, identify stress markers and observe yield trends relevant to the agricultural sector in a high throughput manner. Findings of this work may positively contribute to similar research in the context of the climate crisis, while supporting the implementation of new quality controls tools in the agri-food domain.
... C. alyssum is also known to share the same distribution dynamics with flax (Stebbins, 1950;Vavilov, 1992). Currently, C. alyssum is almost extinct from Central Europe (Francis and Warwick, 2009). Absence of this species in gene banks (and potentially its misidentification with C. sativa) raised debates about the status of this taxa. ...
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Camelina or false flax (Camelina sativa) is an emerging oilseed crop and a feedstock for biofuel production. This species is believed to originate from Western Asian and Eastern European regions, where the center of diversity of the Camelina genus is located. Cultivated Camelina species arose via a series of polyploidization events, serving as bottlenecks narrowing genetic diversity of the species. The genetic paucity of C. sativa is foreseen as the most crucial limitation for successful breeding and improvement of this crop. A potential solution to this challenge could be gene introgression from Camelina wild species or from resynthesized allohexaploid C. sativa. However, both approaches would require a complete comprehension of the evolutionary trajectories that led to the C. sativa origin. Although there are some studies discussing the origin and evolution of Camelina hexaploid species, final conclusions have not been made yet. Here, we propose the most complete integrated evolutionary model for the Camelina genus based on the most recently described findings, which enables efficient improvement of C. sativa via the interspecific hybridization with its wild relatives. We also discuss issues of interspecific and intergeneric hybridization, aimed on improving C. sativa and overcoming the genetic paucity of this crop. The proposed comprehensive evolutionary model of Camelina species indicates that a newly described species Camelina neglecta has a key role in origin of tetra- and hexaploids, all of which have two C. neglecta-based subgenomes. Understanding of species evolution within the Camelina genus provides insights into further research on C. sativa improvements via gene introgression from wild species, and a potential resynthesis of this emerging oilseed crop.
... Натуралізований у Японії, Північній Америці (Канада, США), Аргентині. Населяє ферми, поля, луки, узбіччя, узлісся, відкриті рідколісся (Francis, 2009). Також розповсюджений майже по всій території України, на Поліссі -зрідка. ...
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Abstract Investigating the role of agronomic factors is very important in improving the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of oilseeds. In order to determine the composition of fatty acids and grain yield in camelina (Camelina sativa L.), a two-year experiment (2017-19) was conducted in Karaj, Iran. The experiment was carried out as a split plot-factorial in a randomized complete block design with three replications, where the planting date (7th Oct., 22nd Oct., and 6th Nov.) in main plots and planting density (40, 50 and 60 plants m-2) and humic acid (including non-application and application of 0.003 HUMAX 95-WSG) in two stages of 4-leaves and stem elongation were considered in sub-plots. The highest grain yield with an average of 2485 kg ha-1 was obtained on 7th Oct., at 40 plants m-2 and application of humic acid. In addition, application of humic acid in delayed planting date (6th Nov.) and 40 plants m-2 showed the highest positive effect on 1000-grain weight and grain yield (wit increases of 17.8 and 32.7%, respectively) compared to non-application. Also, application of humic acid in delayed planting date (6th Nov.) and 40 plants m-2 showed the highest percentage increase of oleic acid (0.9%) compared to non-application. Furthermore, application of humic acid in all normal (7th Oct.), relatively late (22nd Oct.) and late (6th Nov.) planting dates, caused a significant decrease of erucic acid and glucosinolate concentrations compared to non-application. Therefore, application of humic acid is beneficial to camelina growth and grain yield, particularly when sown in a delayed date. Keywords: Fatty acid, Glucosinolate, Grain yield, Oil content
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Camelina sativa, also known as false flax, is a species can be cultivated in a variety of climates, seasons and soil types, due to its short development cycle and tolerance to drought and low temperatures. In the composition of its grains, it presents a high amount of oil and rich in unsaturated fatty acids. In view of this, the objective of this work was to compare the composition of the nutraceutical components of Camelina sativa L. grains cultivated in Brazil and countries in Europe, Asia and North America. About 20 kg of grains were collected and then a homogeneous sample of 1kg of grains was cleaned to perform the centesimal composition of the grains. Afterwards, a search for information was carried out on the cultivation of Camelina sativa L. in other countries and the collection of information on the centesimal composition of the grains of this oleaginous plant. The collection of information was based on obtaining published scientific articles on the nutraceutical composition of Camelina sativa in regions of Europe, Asia and North America. Brazil presents a promising environment for the cultivation of Camelina sativa, with superior performance for the content of stearic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid and palmitic acid. The fatty acids profile decreased with the reduction of the minimum air temperature. The mineral material, palmitic acid and linolenic acid are positively correlated.
The negative effects of global warming are increasing worldwide and this increase is expected to continue. The camelina plant, which can be grown in marginal areas, stands out among other oilseed plants because it is drought-resistant and less costly. In the research, seeds belonging to 8 camelina genotypes, which were prominent in terms of oil rate, seed and oil yield, were used in the trial established in Bolu province, out of a total of 52 genotypes obtained from the seed bank of the United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service and Germany. The study was conducted according to the Randomized Complete Block Design in Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University, Faculty of Agriculture, Research and Application Field in the 2021-2022 production season. In the trait, each plot consisted of six rows with a row length of 3 m, a row spacing of 20 cm, and in row of 5 cm, with three replications. According to the research results; plant height 66.33-71.00 cm, number of branches 3.17-5.07 number plant-1, 1000 seed weight 1.10-1.24 g, seed yield 1095.4-1436.6 kg ha-1, oil content 36.63-40.37%, protein content 23.65-27.22%, oil yield 408.3-559.8 kg ha-1 and protein yield 279.0-391.3 kg ha-1. It was found that values between. According to the results obtained from the study, the K52 genotype in terms of seed yield, the K11 genotype in terms of oil rate and the K52 genotype in terms of protein rate came to the fore.
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Based on field reconnaissance mainly in 2002 in the southern part of the Yukon and particularly in and adjacent to Kluane National Park, information is provided on geographically significant plant occurrences. Six native taxa, Atriplex alaskensis, Claytonia megarrhiza, Corispermum ochotense var. alaskanum, Oxytropis arctica, Polemonium acutiflorum forma lacteum and Polemonium boreale forma albiflorum, and four introduced taxa. Arabis caucasica, Camelina sativa, Senecio eremophilus, and Setaria viridis are reported new to the known flora of the Yukon Territory. Significant range extensions for 158 native and 21 introduced taxa are included. Parrya arctica, Armoracia rusticana, Atriplex patula and Papaver nudicaule ssp. nudicaule are excluded from the Yukon flora.
False flax or gold of pleasure, which isa Crucifer, is a very old European oil crop. Two pure line varieties Epona and Celine reach regularly 2,5 Mt/ha in continental France if farmers follow up few agricultural practice recommandations. Their oil contain around 70% of unsaturated, especialy alpha-linolenic acid, oleic acid and gadoleic acid, plus a meal rich in proteins. These two types of products can be utilised in many applications of the agricultural food companies tin France, the oil just obtained its food label from D. G.C.CR.F) the chemical industry, the cosmetics: and the pharmacy.
Several field trials with Gold of Pleasure (Camelina sativa) and oilseed rape (Brassica napus) in the Lahn-Dill Region (State of Hesse, Germany) show a considerable yield potential of these crops. Gold of Pleasure yielded an average of 19 dt ha-1 seed with an oil content of approximately 42%. Camelina has low climatic, soil and plant protection requirements so that the prerequisites for low-input cultivation are principly excellent. Several Camelina breeding lines showed a significantly higher yield potential than check cultivars so that further enhancements of seed yield can be expected. Winter oilseed rape yielded about 35 dt ha-1 even on the unfavourable conditions in this region. Comparable winter wheat yields in official trials (Hohensolms) show that competent management can partially compensate the less favourable conditions of a location. Consequently, the reduction of nitrogen fertilization reduced the grain yield less than expected. Considerable yields were even achieved at N0-level but this can only be attributed to a reduction of soil-N-content. Double-low rapeseed varieties, especially the hybrid cultivar 'Artus', were superior in all conditions. Own breeding lines, particularly the semisynthetic (Resyn) lines [(B. oleracea X B. campestris) X B. napus] showed fairly good yield levels under suboptimal conditions although significantly lacking yield potential in N2-level compared to the released cultivars. Due to their high oil and erucic acid content combined with an entirely different phenotype in comparison to the commercial cultivars the Resyn-lines are expected to be suitable cross parents in a subsequent breeding programme. Correspondingly, results of molecular investigations on the basis of PCR (RAPD-analysis) indicate a substantial genetic distance to breeding material so far used. Therefore, it is expected that heterotic effects can be exploited and high yielding hybrid varieties will be achieved due to outstanding combining ability.
Despite some agrotechnical advantages, Camelina sativa (Gold of pleasure, False flax, German sesame) has been grown in Germany to very limited extent mainly because of legal regulations not allowing the marketing of its press cake. Because the oil contains about 40 % alpha-linolenic acid it could be an important supplier of this fatty acid. Taste and odour of the cold-pressed oil are much more pleasant than the taste of linseed oil which rapidly turns bitter. Its tocopherot content of about 90 mg/100 g is comparable to that of most of the common used edible oils in which gamma-tocopherol is dominating (90 %). The content of cholesterol is un-usually high; while other edible oils usually contain less than 10 mg/100 g, the oil of Camelina sativa contains about 45 mg/100 g. Because of its high levels of unsaturated fatty acids, the oil of Camelina sativa is suitable mainly for cold meals. Storage stability and resistance to oxidation at higher temperatures are lower compared to other edible oils. Cold-stored oil of Camelina sativa retains its quality over a longer period of time without noticeable oxidative changes. The oil of Camelina sativa hence is another interesting edible oil such as linseed oil for use in cold dishes.