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Structure and dynamics of sponge-dominated assemblages on exposed and sheltered temperate reefs


Abstract and Figures

There have been few studies on the structure and dynamics of sponge-dominated assemblages, despite the fact that such assemblages are vulnerable to environmental impacts from many anthropogenic disturbances. Sponges are generally slow to recruit, slow growing and long lived; hence, they may be very vulnerable to anthropogenic and natural disturbances. In order to understand how such assemblages may respond to disturbance, it is essential to measure natural patterns of spatial differences and temporal changes, so that any future impact assessments can be identified. This study quantified and contrasted patterns of abundance in sponge-dominated assemblages on deep reefs (18 to 20 m) exposed to direct oceanic swell with reefs in the more protected entrances to large embayments. We examined the hypothesis that erect sponges would dominate the reefs within embayments, while encrusting species would be more prevalent on the wave-exposed reefs. We also predicted that wave-exposed reefs would show greater temporal and spatial variability. Four reefs within embayments and 4 open coastal reefs, each with 3 nested sites, were sampled with randomly placed photo-quadrats. Sponges dominated the reefs we examined, accounting for around 25% of the cover of the substratum on exposed reefs and usually > 40% on sheltered reefs. A total of 82 species of sponge were identified. As predicted, erect sponges accounted for the majority of the species richness and cover of sponges on sheltered reefs, whereas encrusting species predominated on the exposed reefs. The contribution of other sessile invertebrates to the cover and species richness on these reefs was small. nMDS plots revealed striking and consistent differences in the assemblages between the exposed and sheltered reefs, although PERMANOVA failed to detect significant differences. ANOVA revealed significant fluctuations in the cover and richness of taxa at various spatial and temporal scales. Examination of the components of variation of selected taxa showed that most of the variability was found at the smallest spatial scale, i.e. within the residual, and this variability was generally greatest for taxa on exposed reefs compared with sheltered reefs. These results have important implications for monitoring programmes designed to detect environmental impacts on sponge-dominated assemblages.
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Mar Ecol Prog Ser
Vol. 321: 1930, 2006
Published September 8
Scales of patchiness and variation in assemblages,
either in time or space, have become an important
focus of many marine ecological studies (Underwood &
Chapman 1998a). They have 2 key foci. First, studies
that determine the spatial and temporal scales at
which species and assemblages show most variability,
allow one to identify the scales at which important eco-
logical processes are likely to be operating (e.g.
Archambault & Bourget 1996, Thompson et al. 1996,
Underwood & Chapman 1998b, Hewitt et al. 2002) and
the scales at which disturbance and recovery of assem-
blages are likely to be shown (Warwick & Clarke 1993,
© Inter-Research 2006 ·
Structure and dynamics of sponge-dominated
assemblages on exposed and sheltered temperate reefs
D. E. Roberts
1, 2, 3,
, S. P. Cummins
, A. R. Davis
, M. G. Chapman
BIO-ANALYSIS: Marine, Estuarine & Freshwater Ecology, 7 Berrys Head Road, Narara, New South Wales 2250, Australia
Institute for Conservation Biology, School of Biological Sciences, University of Wollongong, Wollongong,
New South Wales 2522, Australia
Centre for Research on Ecological Impacts of Coastal Cities, Marine Ecology Laboratories A11,
University of Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales 2006, Australia
ABSTRACT: There have been few studies on the structure and dynamics of sponge-dominated
assemblages, despite the fact that such assemblages are vulnerable to environmental impacts from
many anthropogenic disturbances. Sponges are generally slow to recruit, slow growing and long
lived; hence, they may be very vulnerable to anthropogenic and natural disturbances. In order to
understand how such assemblages may respond to disturbance, it is essential to measure natural pat-
terns of spatial differences and temporal changes, so that any future impact assessments can be iden-
tified. This study quantified and contrasted patterns of abundance in sponge-dominated assemblages
on deep reefs (18 to 20 m) exposed to direct oceanic swell with reefs in the more protected entrances
to large embayments. We examined the hypothesis that erect sponges would dominate the reefs
within embayments, while encrusting species would be more prevalent on the wave-exposed reefs.
We also predicted that wave-exposed reefs would show greater temporal and spatial variability. Four
reefs within embayments and 4 open coastal reefs, each with 3 nested sites, were sampled with ran-
domly placed photo-quadrats. Sponges dominated the reefs we examined, accounting for around
25% of the cover of the substratum on exposed reefs and usually >40% on sheltered reefs. A total of
82 species of sponge were identified. As predicted, erect sponges accounted for the majority of the
species richness and cover of sponges on sheltered reefs, whereas encrusting species predominated
on the exposed reefs. The contribution of other sessile invertebrates to the cover and species richness
on these reefs was small. nMDS plots revealed striking and consistent differences in the assemblages
between the exposed and sheltered reefs, although PERMANOVA failed to detect significant differ-
ences. ANOVA revealed significant fluctuations in the cover and richness of taxa at various spatial
and temporal scales. Examination of the components of variation of selected taxa showed that most of
the variability was found at the smallest spatial scale, i.e. within the residual, and this variability was
generally greatest for taxa on exposed reefs compared with sheltered reefs. These results have
important implications for monitoring programmes designed to detect environmental impacts on
sponge-dominated assemblages.
KEY WORDS: Porifera · Marine assemblages · Ecological patterns · Wave exposure · Sessile
invertebrates · Scales of variation
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Mar Ecol Prog Ser 321: 1930, 2006
Bishop et al. 2002). The second key focus relates to the
scales that must be incorporated into sampling strate-
gies needed to identify natural or anthropogenically
induced changes to assemblages (Underwood 2000,
Stewart-Oaten & Bence 2001).
Previous studies show that many marine assem-
blages vary at a hierarchy of scales, from centimetres
to 100s of kilometres and from days to years (Coleman
2002, Hewitt et al. 2002, Davis et al. 2003). Most of
these types of studies have, however, been done in the
intertidal or in relatively shallow water, and, conse-
quently, our understanding of the spatial and temporal
scales of variability in invertebrate assemblages in
deep water is scant and cannot be readily predicted
from previous work.
Deeper subtidal reefs in temperate waters, such as
those below 18 m on the east coast of Australia, are
generally dominated by sessile invertebrates, com-
prised predominantly of sponges, but also ascidians,
bryozoans and cnidarians (Roberts & Davis 1996,
Hooper & Kennedy 2002). Sponges are renowned for
their morphological plasticity (Hill & Hill 2002), partic-
ularly in relation to wave action or flow (Palumbi 1986,
Barthel 1991, Ginn et al. 2000, McDonald et al. 2003).
Encrusting or prostrate forms closely adhere to the
substratum and are considered to be better suited to
high-energy environments, such as those found on
shallow subtidal reefs (Roberts & Davis 1996, McDon-
ald et al. 2002). In contrast, erect or massive forms pos-
sessing a relatively small basal area relative to volume
do poorly in such environments (Wulff 1995, Bell &
Barnes 2000), while they often dominate deeper tem-
perate reefs (e.g. Roberts & Davis 1996). Given their
prevalence on deep reefs and their longevity, sponges
are excellent organisms with which to explore predic-
tions about the size and scale of disturbances.
The structures of invertebrate assemblages on shal-
low temperate reefs are modified by physical and
biological disturbances (Ayling 1981, Underwood et al.
1991), and it appears that these processes occur at
relatively small scales (<10 m; Davis et al. 2003).
Deeper, subtidal reefs also routinely experience sig-
nificant exposure to water movement from storms and
ocean waves (Short & Trenaman 1992), which may
play an important structuring role at larger spatial
scales. It has been argued that natural physical
processes (e.g. storms) may account for a large pro-
portion of the variation in assemblages observed
between habitats on exposed coastlines (Underwood
et al. 1991, Wulff 1995, Posey et al. 1996, Underwood
1998, 1999), whereas, in more sheltered locations, e.g.
the subtidal reefs at the entrances to estuaries and
embayments, the frequency and severity of the phy-
sical effects of exposure will be greatly reduced. In
these habitats, strong tidal currents or episodic pulses
of freshwater after heavy and prolonged rainfall may
play a significant role in some of the processes deter-
mining the structure and dynamics of sponge-domi-
nated assemblages (Hummel et al. 1988).
Here, we examine the spatial and temporal variabil-
ity of sponge-dominated assemblages on exposed and
sheltered reefs at depths of 18 to 20 m, in temperate
New South Wales, Australia. Much of our understand-
ing of these assemblages stems from studies on artifi-
cial substrata or natural reefs in shallow water (e.g.
Ayling 1981, Kay & Butler 1983, Chapman et al. 1995,
Butler & Connolly 1996). Predictions from such studies
may not hold on natural surfaces in deeper (>18 m
depth) water. Importantly, because of large differences
in physical conditions between sheltered and exposed
reefs, e.g. water movement (Palumbi 1986, Barthel
1991, Graham et al. 1997), siltation (Bell & Barnes
2000), potential differences in recruitment (Maldonado
& Young 1996, Maldonado & Uriz 1998), competition
and predation (Wright et al. 1997), one can propose
that patchiness in these assemblages, at scales of
metres to 10s or 100s of metres, may differ between
sponge-dominated assemblages on sheltered and
those on exposed reefs. Quantification of such differ-
ences would therefore focus attention on the scales at
which processes may differ between these habitats.
These are important considerations given that wave-
exposed reefs are targeted for the disposal of sewage
(Roberts et al. 1998), while sheltered reefs are often
subject to urbanisation and the development of port
facilities (Carballo et al. 1996).
Specifically, we tested the hypothesis that spatial
and temporal patterns of variability in sponge-domi-
nated assemblages would be different on exposed
reefs compared with those on sheltered reefs at the
same depth. We believe that storm-related physical
disturbance will lead to elevated dynamism and vari-
ability in wave-exposed assemblages by releasing
space for settlement and recruitment. We predicted
that: (1) assemblages on wave-exposed reefs would
show spatial and temporal variation at larger scales,
but possess lower sponge cover than assemblages on
sheltered reefs; (2) sheltered reefs would have more
species and cover of erect sponges compared with
sponges on exposed reefs; (3) exposed reefs would
have more species and cover of encrusting sponges
relative to sheltered reefs.
Study locations and sampling. Spatial and temporal
patterns in subtidal, sponge-dominated assemblages
were determined by sampling exposed and sheltered
reefs, between Botany Bay and Broken Bay, New
Roberts et al.: Sponge assemblages on temperate reefs
South Wales, Australia (Fig. 1); 4 exposed and 4 shel-
tered estuarine reef locations were sampled at depths
of approximately 18 to 20 m. Some of these reefs have
been described previously (see Underwood et al. 1991,
Chapman et al. 1995, Roberts & Davis 1996), but no
previous study has incorporated the spatial and tempo-
ral scales of the present study to quantify the relative
scales of variability for the suite of sponges in these
The assemblages on these reefs were sampled
using a diver-operated camera rig that supported a
35 mm Sea & Sea Motor Marine-2 underwater cam-
era and strobe. The assemblages at each location
were sampled on 7 random occasions from April
1993 to September 1995. Within-location variability
in the assemblages was determined by haphazardly
photographing 5 replicate quadrats (photo-quadrat
dimensions: 0.8 m × 0.56 m, total area 0.45 m
) at
each of 3 randomly nested sites (approximately 50 m
in diameter and 50 m apart) within each location.
Within each location, different sites were sampled
at each time.
The photo-quadrats were analysed using a Bell and
Howell ‘black box’ projector. An overlay plastic grid of
100 regularly spaced points was placed on the screen,
and estimates of the percentage cover and number of
species were recorded from the photo-quadrat. Many
of the crustose coralline and foliose macroalgae could
not be identified to species. They were grouped into
morpho-taxa and termed foliose macroalgae and crus-
tose coralline algae. To help differentiate the taxa
recorded in photo-quadrats, specimens were collected
at all locations. An in situ, close-up, 35 mm colour pho-
tograph was taken of each specimen prior to collection,
as a permanent record of the habit of the organism.
Many invertebrates (especially sponges) lose colour
and shape once out of the water, so another photo-
graph was taken on the surface and the samples were
labelled and immediately frozen for later identifica-
tion. This voucher collection is lodged with the
Queensland Museum, Australia.
Data analysis. Differences in the
assemblages between exposed and
sheltered locations were tested using a
nested design (locations nested in
exposure and sites nested in locations)
Anderson 2001) on Bray-Curtis dissimi-
larities calculated from untransformed
data. Analyses were done for each time
separately, to provide 7 independent
estimates of variability for each spa-
tial scale. These analyses identified
whether there was significant variation
among sites and locations, as an esti-
mate of relative variability at different
scales, although pairwise tests were not
done to examine this further, as sites
and locations are random factors,
selected to represent spatial scales at
which one might expect these assem-
blages to vary. Non-metric multi-
dimensional scaling (nMDS) ordina-
tions were used to graphically illustrate
patterns in the assemblages.
To test the hypotheses that the
amount of small-scale variability in
these assemblages at the scale of
metres (among replicates within a site)
and 10s of metres (among replicates
between sites) was consistent among
locations and consistently different
between sheltered and exposed condi-
tions, Bray-Curtis dissimilarities were
calculated between randomly paired
Fig. 1. Locations of the reefs in exposed (Bungan Head, Long Reef, North
Head, Cape Banks) and sheltered (IP: Inscription Point; HH: Henry Head;
QH: Quarantine Head; SH: South Head) habitats along the Sydney coastline
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 321: 1930, 2006
replicates within or between sites at each time of sam-
pling. These measures can be used in an analysis of
variance framework, because each replicate measure
is an independent estimate of variability (Underwood
& Chapman 1998a). These data do not test whether
variability in the assemblage increases as spatial scale
increases (as per PERMANOVA and ANOVA for mul-
tivariate and univariate measures, respectively), but
specifically test the hypothesis that the magnitude of
small-scale variability is consistent at larger scales.
This will indicate whether small-scale variability is
simply ecological ‘noise’, or whether there are small-
scale processes that consistently act over larger scales.
These measures were compared between exposures
and among locations (and sites for measures of within-
site variability) using analyses of variance, with times
(random), exposure (fixed), locations and sites (random
and nested).
To measure spatial variation within sites, 2 pairs of
replicates per site were paired, to provide 2 indepen-
dent Bray-Curtis dissimilarities per site. To measure
variation at the scale of 100s of metres, replicates were
paired between sites (2 replicates in Site 1 with 2 in
Site 2, 2 in Site 1 with 2 in Site 3 and 2 in Site 2 with 2
in Site 3), giving 6 independent Bray-Curtis dissimilar-
ity measures per location per time.
Temporal variation in the assemblage was measured
for each site by calculating the average Bray-Curtis
dissimilarities among times using the site centroids.
These were then similarly compared between expo-
sure and among locations, using the temporal variation
within each site as a replicate measure.
Prior to ANOVA, data for selected taxa were exam-
ined for homogeneity of variances using Cochran’s test
(Winer 1971). Where variances were heterogeneous,
data were ln(x + 1) transformed for number of taxa and
arcsine transformed for percentage cover (Winer
1971). Where transformations did not result in homo-
geneous variances, analyses were done on the
untransformed data (Underwood 1997). If variances
could not be stabilised at p = 0.05, but could be sta-
bilised at p = 0.01, ANOVA was interpreted using the
p = 0.01 probability level (Underwood 1997).
In addition, the spatial scales at which most variation
could be explained were examined for the cover of
selected taxa. The relative contribution of each scale to
the total variation was calculated from the components
of variation. These were estimated from mean squares
using the untransformed data in the ANOVA (Under-
wood 1997). When negative estimates of components
of variation were found, that source of variation was
removed from the model and all components recalcu-
lated using the method described by Fletcher & Under-
wood (2002). Two-tailed F-tests were used to compare
the residual variation between exposed and sheltered
reefs (Underwood 1997). Comparisons of variance
components for sites and locations using 2-tailed F-
tests are not valid, and these results were interpreted
Sponges were the most diverse and abundant taxon
encountered on sheltered and on exposed reefs. A total
of 82 species of sponges were identified. Of the other
major phyla, 14 ascidians, 12 bryozoans and 12 cnidar-
ians were also identified. The most abundant algae
were crustose Corallinacea and a mixture of macro-
scopic foliose species. A matrix of silt, consisting of a
mixture of micro-flora and fauna, silt and micro-organ-
isms, was the dominant primary cover on exposed
reefs and, at some times, the dominant cover on shel-
tered reefs.
Patterns in assemblage structure
PERMANOVA showed a significant difference
among replicate sites on 4 of 7 occasions and among
locations on all occasions. Therefore, data could not be
pooled across sites or locations to increase the power of
the test for the main effect of exposure. A significant
difference was only determined between exposures in
April 1993 (F
= 3.02, p < 0.05). Nevertheless, nMDS
ordinations clearly plotted assemblages on exposed
reefs as separate from those on sheltered reefs in April
1993, April 1994, January 1995 and April 1995, indicat-
ing that these 2 conditions do support distinctly differ-
ent assemblages (Fig. 2). In August 1993 and January
1994, only locations at North Head overlapped with
those in the sheltered locations, whereas, in Septem-
ber 1995, assemblages were much more similar.
When the data for all exposed or sheltered locations
were averaged and plotted for all times, there was a
consistent separation between assemblages in shel-
tered and exposed locations across all times (Fig. 2).
Because environmental conditions can affect patchi-
ness at multiple spatial scales, Bray-Curtis dissimilari-
ties estimating variation at the scale of metres (within
sites) and 100s of metres (between sites) were calcu-
lated for independent pairs of quadrats. Maintaining
their independence allows one to test the hypotheses
that these levels of variation are themselves inconsis-
tent among location and exposure using standard
ANOVA (Underwood & Chapman 1998a).
There was a significant interaction between times
and locations (F
= 1.91, p < 0.01) for analyses of the
Bray-Curtis dissimilarities between replicates within
sites (i.e. measuring variation at the scale of metres),
Roberts et al.: Sponge assemblages on temperate reefs
but there was no effect of exposure
(determined after pooling terms in the
analysis with p > 0.25; mean for exposed
locations = 49% dissimilarity, mean for
sheltered locations = 47% dissimilarity).
Variation at this scale was also tested
using the average Bray-Curtis dissimi-
larity per site and the sites as replicates,
and similar results were obtained (a sig-
nificant interaction between times and
locations; F
= 1.82, p < 0.01).
The Bray-Curtis dissimilarities mea-
sured between sites, i.e. variation in the
assemblage at the scale of 100s of
metres, similarly gave a significant
interaction between times and locations
= 1.82, p < 0.01) and no general
effect of exposure after pooling (mean
for exposed locations = 52% dissimilar-
ity, mean for sheltered locations = 50%
Patterns in richness and cover
The cover of algae was generally
greatest on the exposed reefs, although
the number of species and their covers
fluctuated at various spatial and tempo-
ral scales (Fig. 3a to c, Table 1). The
cover of the silt matrix also fluctuated at
various spatial and temporal scales,
although it was not as variable through
time on the sheltered reefs as on the
exposed reefs (Fig. 3d, Table 1). The
total number of species and cover of all
the fauna combined fluctuated signifi-
cantly at the smallest scale examined
(Table 1), although both the number of
species and the cover of fauna were
generally greater on the sheltered reefs
(Fig. 3e,f).
There were significant spatial and
temporal fluctuations in the total num-
ber of species of sponge and cover of
sponges (Fig. 4a,b, Table 2). Generally,
greater richness and cover of sponges
were recorded on the sheltered reefs,
compared with the exposed reefs
(Fig. 4a,b). The richness and cover of
encrusting and erect sponges also
fluctuated through time (Fig. 4c to f,
Table 2). There were generally fewer
differences in the richness of encrust-
ing sponges between the 2 different
Apr 93
Stress = 0.15
Aug 93
Stress = 0.11
Jan 94
Stress = 0.17
Apr 94
Stress = 0.20
Jan 95
Stress = 0.18
Apr 95
Stress = 0.21
Sep 95
Stress = 0.14
All times averaged
Stress = 0.13
Sheltered reef
Exposed reef
Fig. 2. Non-metric multidimensional scaling plots for each time of sampling.
(Exposed : (
s) Bungan Head, (n) Long Reef, (e) North Head, (h) Cape
Banks. Sheltered : (
d) Quarantine Head, (m) South Head, (r) Henry Head,
j) Inscription Point)
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 321: 1930, 200624
(a) Algae (b) Algae
(c) Crustose algae (d) Silt matrix
(e) Fauna (f) Fauna
93 94 95 93 94 95
% Cover
% Cover
No. of Species
No. of Species
% Cover
% Cover
Fig. 3. Mean (±SE): (a) number of species of algae, (b) total cover of algae, (c) cover of crustose algae, (d) cover of silt matrix,
(e) number of species of fauna and (f) total cover of fauna on the reefs at: (
s) Bungan Head, (n) Long Reef, (e) North Head,
h) Cape Banks, (d) Quarantine Head, (m) South Head, (r) Henry Head and (j) Inscription Point. Total n = 15
Source df Algal richness Algal cover Crustose algae Silt matrix Faunal richness Faunal cover
Time 6 11.4 256.1 658.7 2927.8 80.6 1875.2
Habitat 1 54.0 5181.8 960.8 2458.3 2506.4 43 935.3
Location (Habitat) 6 8.6 3922.6 4279.8 2878.0 163.3 3496.7
Site (Ti × Ha × Lo) 112 0.6 1.5** 123.3 1.4** 142.9 1.8** 363.3 1.4** 5.2 1.3* 224.0 1.3**
Ti × Ha 6 8.7 686.8 229.1 2332.5 3.9 350.2
Ti × Lo (Ha) 36 2.3 4.1** 426.5 3.5** 527.4 3.7** 1188.9 3.3** 16.9 3.3** 663.1 2.9**
Residual 672 0.4 85.9 78.1 252.4 3.9 169.2
Cochran’s test 0.058** 0.037, n.s. 0.036, n.s. 0.032, n.s. 0.029, n.s. 0.026, n.s.
Transformation None None Arcsine None None None
Table 1. Summaries of F-ratios from analyses comparing spatial and temporal variation in the species richness and cover of algae,
silt matrix and total fauna at locations in habitats on exposed and sheltered reefs in New South Wales, Australia (Ti: time; Ha:
habitat; Lo: location; None: no transformation required; n.s.: not significant [p > 0.05]; significant *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01)
Roberts et al.: Sponge assemblages on temperate reefs
(a) Sponges (b) Sponges
(c) Encrusting sponges (d) Encrusting sponges
(e) Erect sponges (f) Erect sponges
93 94 95 93 94 95
% Cover
No. of SpeciesNo. of Species
No. of Species
% Cover
% Cover
Fig. 4. Mean (±SE): (a) number of species of sponges, (b) total cover of sponges, (c) number of species of encrusting sponges,
(d) cover of encrusting sponges, (e) number of species of erect sponges and (f) cover of erect sponges on the reefs at: (
s) Bungan
Head, (
n) Long Reef, (e) North Head, (h) Cape Banks, (d) Quarantine Head, (m) South Head, (r) Henry Head, and (j) Inscription
Point (n = 15)
Source df Sponge Encrusting Erect
richness cover richness cover richness cover
Time 6 55.6 1027.4 15.2 217.3 18.4 143.8
Habitat 1 1190.5 39 373.8 16.3 2676.8 928.2 45 398.6
Location (Habitat) 6 104.4 3311.5 4.8 1262.8 75.3 1536.3
Site (Ti × Ha × Lo) 112 2.6 1.1, n.s. 182.7 1.1, n.s. 0.9 1.3** 78.1 0.9, n.s. 2.3 1.2, n.s. 99.5 1.3**
Ti × Ha 6 5.0 424.5 2.7 307.9 7.7 674.0
Ti × Lo (Ha) 36 8.7 3.3** 515.2 2.8** 2.1 2.2** 308.6 3.9** 5.6 2.5** 180.3 1.8**
Residual 672 2.3 162.5 0.7 80.3 1.8 79.0
Cochran’s test 0.029, n.s 0.034, n.s. 0.028, n.s. 0.055** 0.037, n.s. 0.039, n.s.
Transformation None None None None None Arcsine
Table 2. Summaries of F-ratios from analyses comparing spatial and temporal variation in the species richness and cover
of sponges at locations in habitats on exposed and sheltered reefs in New South Wales, Australia (Ti: time; Ha: habitat;
Lo: location; None: no transformation required; n.s.: not significant [p > 0.05]; significant *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01)
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 321: 1930, 2006
habitats (Fig. 4c), whilst on some occasions, there
were greater covers of encrusting sponges on the
exposed reefs (Fig. 4d). The erect sponges were gen-
erally more diverse and had greater covers on the
sheltered reefs compared with those on the exposed
reefs (Fig. 4e,f).
The cover and richness of ascidians, bryozoans and
cnidarians fluctuated at various spatial and temporal
scales (Fig. 5a to f, Table 3). Their contribution to pri-
mary cover was very small in both habitats when com-
pared with the sponges. There were generally no pat-
terns in their species richness or cover between the
exposed or sheltered reefs, with the exception that, at
times, there were greater numbers of ascidian species
in some sheltered reef locations (Fig. 5a).
Examination of the components of variation for
each of the derived variables on exposed and shel-
tered reefs indicated that most of the variation was at
the smallest scale, i.e. within the residual mean
squares (Table 4). Relatively little variation was at the
scale of site or location, and there were many nega-
tive estimates at each of these scales (Table 4). Signif-
icant differences in the components of variation were
found in the residual (i.e. among replicates) using the
2-tailed F-tests (Table 4). Generally, there was signif-
icantly greater variability on exposed reefs than on
sheltered reefs for the cover of silt, algae and encrust-
ing sponges (Table 4). There was generally signifi-
cantly greater variability for the cover of erect
sponges on sheltered reefs (Table 4).
(a) Ascidians (b) Ascidians
(c) Bryozoans (d) Bryozoans
(e) Cnidarians (f) Cnidarians
93 94 95 93 94 95
% Cover
No. of SpeciesNo. of Species
No. of Species
% Cover
% Cover
Fig. 5. Mean (±SE): (a) number of species of ascidians, (b) total cover of ascidians, (c) number of species of bryozoans, (d) cover of
bryozoans, (e) number of species of cnidarians and (f) cover of cnidarians on the reefs at: (
s) Bungan Head, (n) Long Reef, (e)
North Head, (
h) Cape Banks, (d) Quarantine Head, (m) South Head, (r) Henry Head, and (j) Inscription Point (n = 15)
Roberts et al.: Sponge assemblages on temperate reefs
Sponges were the dominant faunal group (greatest
richness and cover) on both exposed and sheltered
reefs, whilst ascidians were the next in importance. In
terms of the cover of primary space, foliose and crus-
tose macroalgae and a silt matrix were also important
in contributing to the structure of the assemblages. The
silt matrix was generally responsible for the greatest
primary cover on the exposed reefs, whilst sponges
had the greatest cover on sheltered reefs. The cover of
macroalgae (foliose and crustose) was generally great-
est on exposed reefs, whereas the covers of the other
fauna (ascidians, bryozoans and cnidarians) were gen-
erally similar in terms of the amount of space they
occupied in both habitats.
The greater richness and cover of sponges on shel-
tered reefs was primarily due to the presence of more
massive or erect forms, e.g. Spirastrella sp., Desmap-
samma kirki Bowerbank and Mycale spp. Whilst these
species were also found on the exposed reefs, their
morphology or form of growth tended to be more pros-
trate. Patterns of increased cover and richness of pros-
trate sponges with decreasing depth have been
described for temperate (Roberts & Davis 1996, Bell &
Barnes 2000) and tropical reefs (Wilkinson & Evans
1989). Energy generally decreases with depth, which
may partly explain these types of patterns. In general,
those species with small basal area to volume ratios do
poorly in high-energy environments (Wulff 1995, Bell
& Barnes 2000). Greater richness and cover of encrust-
ing sponges were found on the exposed reefs, where
there was generally more water turbulence. Depth-
related patterns associated with turbulence have also
been described for other types of subtidal assemblages
(Schmahl 1990, Clarke et al. 1993, Bell & Barnes 2000).
Increased sedimentation, light and water turbulence
associated with depth gradients have all been identi-
fied as important factors in structuring the distribution
and abundance of subtidal assemblages of sponges in
temperate (Underwood et al. 1991, Zea 1993, Roberts
& Davis 1996, Bell & Barnes 2000, Hooper & Kennedy
2002), tropical (Liddell & Ohlhorst 1987, Wilkinson &
Evans 1989) and polar (Barthel 1991) regions. In the
present study we can exclude patterns of distribution
and abundance of sponges being related to depth gra-
dients, because consistently different community
structures were found between the 2 habitat types, at
the same depth. Underwood et al. (1991) described a
mosaic of subtidal habitat types along the coastline of
New South Wales, Australia, with the distribution of
assemblages related to depth, wave exposure and her-
bivory, although their study did not extend into the
habitats below 15 m.
Habitat-related differences have also been de-
scribed at smaller spatial scales (Wright et al. 1997),
where differences in the structure of sponge assem-
blages between 2 adjacent habitats at the same depth
were related to the ability of some sponges to with-
stand predation by using chemical defences. In shal-
low subtidal habitats, grazing sea urchins and molluscs
have been found to effectively maintain the structure
of coralline algal crusts in barren ground habitats
(Davis et al. 2003). At this stage, however, the pro-
cesses that interact to determine the structure of subti-
dal assemblages on reefs at depths >18 to 20 m are
largely unknown (Underwood et al. 1991).
In general, the analyses of components of variation
supported the hypothesis of increased variability for
the assemblages on the exposed reefs. Warwick &
Clarke (1993) identified increased variability in
meiobenthic, macrobenthic, coral reef and fish assem-
blages associated with different types of disturbance in
natural habitats, and concluded that this variability
Source df Ascidian Bryozoan Cnidarian
richness cover richness cover richness cover
Time 6 6.6 191.8 0.8 1.6 1.4 97.9
Habitat 1 65.2 1472.1 15.2 24.7 0.8 167.9
Location (Habitat) 6 10.1 489.8 1.6 4.3 2.7 332.4
Site (Ti × Ha × Lo) 112 0.9 1.4** 35.7 1.2, n.s. 0.3 0.9, n.s. 0.9 0.9, n.s. 0.3 1.5** 27.1 1.8**
Ti × Ha 6 0.8 21.7 1.1 3.9 0.9 69.9
Ti × Lo (Ha) 36 1.3 1.5* 55.6 1.6* 0.6 1.9** 2.9 3.1** 0.6 1.8** 65.7 2.4**
Residual 672 0.6 29.7 0.3 1.0 0.2 15.2
Cochran’s test 0.028, n.s. 0.035, n.s. 0.029, n.s. 0.213** 0.031, n.s. 0.212**
Transformation None Arcsine None None None None
Table 3. Summaries of F-ratios from analyses comparing spatial and temporal variation in the species richness and cover of ascid-
ians, bryozoans and cnidarians at locations in habitats on exposed and sheltered reefs in New South Wales, Australia (Ti: time;
Ha: habitat; Lo: location; None: no transformation required; n.s.: not significant [p > 0.05]; significant *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01)
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 321: 1930, 2006
may be a symptom of stress (but see Chapman et al.
1995). Wave energy and storms are considered to be
natural physical disturbances in temperate subtidal
reefs within embayments, estuaries and on exposed
coastlines (Kennelly 1989, Underwood 1999). The
greatest changes in assemblages will occur where the
disturbance is not one that the assemblage normally
experiences and will depend on its type and magni-
tude, the pre-disturbance structure of the community
(Roberts et al. 1998) and the morphological and physi-
ological adaptations of its members (Schratzberger &
Warwick 1999).
There were significant interactions at small spatial
scales for many of the variables we examined. These
interactions are ecologically important and show how
assemblages experience patchiness in their distribu-
tions at different spatial scales. The incorporation of a
hierarchy of spatial scales into sampling programmes,
as well as the need for appropriate spatial scales
required to detect the effects of anthropogenic distur-
bance, was highlighted by Underwood (2000). Signifi-
cant variability was found at all the spatial scales we
examined, although the variability among replicate
quadrats consistently contributed to the greatest pro-
portion of the total variation. This reinforces the model
that patchiness at small spatial scales, which is caused
by local processes, is important in structuring assem-
blages rather than processes that operate at larger
scales. Local processes and small-scale heterogeneity
within a site may cause increased variability that is far
greater than what may be caused by processes at
larger scales. From a managerial perspective, if small
scales are not included in sampling programmes that
measure environmental disturbances, then impacts
may go undetected (Underwood et al. 2003).
If we ignore for the moment that assemblages of sub-
tidal marine organisms living on coastal reefs close to
large cities may be affected by various forms of anthro-
pogenic disturbance, then natural physical processes,
such as storms, may account for a large proportion of
the variation in differences between habitats (Under-
wood et al. 1991). Physical, chemical and biological
factors, which could potentially determine the struc-
ture and dynamics of assemblages on these subtidal
reefs, would need to be tested using appropriate
manipulative experiments. The potential physical dis-
tinctions between the habitats studied here include
increased wave energy (Short & Trenaman 1992) and
light penetration on exposed reefs (Rendell & Pritchard
1996), with stronger tidal currents and increased silta-
tion on the sheltered estuarine reefs (Middleton et al.
1996). There would also be greater loads of nutrients
and fluctuations in salinity on the reefs in the estuarine
locations (Middleton et al. 1996, Rendell & Pritchard
1996). Differences related to predation (Ayling 1981),
Taxa Treatment Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Time 4 Time 5 Time 6 Time 7
Re Si Lo Re Si Lo Re Si Lo Re Si Lo Re Si Lo Re Si Lo Re Si Lo
Silt Exp 337.3 3.5 2.9 208.9 3.7 11.6 314.9 31.3 226.9 11.5 412.3 7.6 409.5 51.9 284.1
matrix She 232.7 3.7 2.7 152.7 0.2 0.9 123.1 13.2 166.1 1.5 238.0 0.2 230.9 36.8 206.4
F-test 1.5* 1.4* 2.6* 1.4* 1.7* 1.8* 1.4*
Total Exp 228.5 0.9 213.5 0.99 6.7 154.4 3.3 85.5 7.5 2.1 102.0 1.0 154.1 56.0 193.9 13.8
algae She 84.9 0.8 63.8 0.06 1.3 71.4 20.6 98.1 3.5 1.6 64.6 7.0 69.9 18.7 207.6 22.4
F-test 2.7* 3.4* 2.2* 1.2* 1.6* 2.2* 1.0, n.s.
Total Exp 109.0 2.9 129.8 13.4 131.1 1.4 8.6 245.6 24.7 257.1 10.1 176.2 9.2 145.6 1.0 2.3
fauna She 105.2 15.4 180.4 35.5 156.4 6.9 0.6 157.9 5.6 176.3 1.1 239.8 17.3 169.4 4.9 0.3
F-test 1.0, n.s. 1.4* 1.2* 1.6* 1.5* 1.4* 1.2*
Total Exp 106.1 3.5 152.7 15.0 136.6 0.6 8.1 132.3 5.2 219.6 5.8 182.1 3.4 143.7 0.3
sponges She 106.2 18.5 115.5 11.9 142.7 7.9 1.3 200.4 16.5 162.5 5.6 264.3 12.2 172.6 8.1
F-test 1.0, n.s. 1.3* 1.0, n.s. 1.5* 1.4* 1.5* 1.2*
Encrust. Exp 38.2 5.3 98.1 32.9 135.6 20.9 170.9 8.5 109.5 1.2 0.5 163.4 2.3 102.6 2.7
sponges She 41.2 2.2 48.1 2.9 56.1 1.3 69.9 5.5 43.5 0.5 0.2 11.5 0.8 19.5 0.2
F-test 1.1* 2.0* 2.4* 2.4* 2.5* 14.2* 5.3*
Erect Exp 99.8 0.2 78.7 10.5 67.3 0.05 1.2 46.6 0.9 186.2 0.8 70.1 0.6 0.12 80.4 2.6
sponges She 96.8 6.7 48.1 2.9 197.8 4.8 1.2 174.5 3.3 154.9 0.04 254.6 3.8 1.12 188.9 23.2
F-test 1.0, n.s. 1.6* 2.9* 3.7* 1.2* 3.6* 2.4*
Table 4. Estimates of components of variation derived from the analyses of variance between exposed and sheltered reefs for cover of selected taxa at each time
(n.s.: not significant [p > 0.05]; significant *p < 0.05; Exp: exposed; She: sheltered; Re: residual; Si: site; Lo: location)
Roberts et al.: Sponge assemblages on temperate reefs
recruitment (Butler 1986) and competition for space
(Ayling 1983) cannot be discounted as potentially
important determinants of the structure and dynamics
of assemblages within these 2 types of habitat. As
Underwood (2000) noted and Hill & Hill (2002) demon-
strated, hypotheses derived from models such as those
outlined above must be tested by manipulation of the
regime of disturbances.
Presenting these results was an important, logical,
first-step in developing an understanding of the ecol-
ogy of sponge-dominated assemblages on subtidal
reefs at depths of 18 to 20 m. Research into the ecology
of subtidal assemblages living on hard substrata has
unfortunately been ‘depth limited’, with most effort
spent on those shallow-water assemblages, which are
easily sampled using SCUBA techniques (Underwood
et al. 1991, Davis & Ward 1999) or by examining
assemblages on artificial structures (Kay & Butler 1983,
Glasby 1999). In recent years, marine ecologists have
rightfully focussed on experimental tests of hypotheses
about processes to explain patterns of variability; nev-
ertheless, descriptive quantitative tests of mensurative
models are still a necessary pre-cursor to experimental
manipulative analyses (Underwood et al. 2000). For
sponge-dominated assemblages on deeper temperate
reefs, experimental tests of hypotheses about the pro-
cesses producing their structure and dynamics were
considered to be premature, until spatial and temporal
variability has been quantified at appropriate scales.
Acknowledgements. We thank J. Hooper at the Queensland
Museum for comments and identification of the sponge fauna
and B. Roberts for assistance in the field. R. Reinfrank (EICC)
is thanked for assistance with some of the multivariate analy-
ses. D. Leece, T. Church, P. Scanes and K. Koop (Department
of Environment and Conservation) provided logistic support
for the study, which represents Contribution No. 273 from the
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Editorial responsibility: Roger N. Hughes (Contributing
Editor), Bangor, UK
Submitted: September 20, 2005; Accepted: January 25, 2006
Proofs received from author(s): August 22, 2006
... Ascension is one of a few sites where reef has been recorded, highlighting the possible importance of Ascension Island . L. pertusa reefs have been recognized as hotspots for deep-sea biodiversity, mainly due to the large and complex structures that the coral colonies form, which increase habitat heterogeneity (Roberts et al., 2006), with some studies demonstrating that the reef's effect can extend into adjacent sediment dominated habitats ). ...
... shows that cold-water corals are associated with high biomass, species diversity and richness of macro-and megafauna, particularly predators and filter feeders. Moreover, as sites of high diversity and endemism, deep-sea coral ecosystems at lower latitudes, such as Ascension Island, potentially constitute crucial speciation centres and glacial refugia in the deep-sea (Roberts et al., 2006). ...
... L. pertusa has also been identified within the by-catch of deep-water fishing vessels trawling off the west coast of Ireland (Hall-Spencer et al., 2002). Other papers that provide evidence for the damage of cold-water coral reefs through bottom trawling include Grehan et al. (2003), Wheeler et al. (2005, Roberts et al. (2006), Althaus et al. (2009), Roberts &Cairns (2014. In addition to deep-water fisheries, the hydrocarbon industry, mining, and ocean acidification have all been found to degrade the health of cold-water coral reefs . ...
... Previous research has also found that wave exposure influences the distribution pattern of sponges and zoantharians. For example, Roberts et al. (2006) found sponges dominating sheltered sites, with >40% on sheltered reefs, and only 25% on exposed reefs. Meanwhile the body-plan of zoantharians influenced their distribution between wave-exposed sites, with species Palythoa caribaeorum occupying exposed sites and P. variabilis occupying sheltered sites (Rabelo et al., 2015). ...
... We expected this because in a previous study looking at a similar urban structure in Singapore, few interspecific interactions were found, with coral colonies averaging a large distance apart . Thirdly, we hypothesised that there would be different species assemblages on exposed and sheltered sites on both reefs, with lower cover and abundance of corals and sponges on wave-exposed sites -as found by Burt et al. (2010) and Roberts et al. (2006) respectively-and higher cover and abundance of zoantharians on sheltered sites, as found by Rabelo et al. (2015) for certain species. ...
... We did not however, specifically investigate sponge distribution across exposed and sheltered sites according to their body-plan. It is important to note, that while erect sponges tend to predominate sheltered sites (Roberts et al., 2006), they do not occupy sheltered sites exclusively, thereby supporting our findings. ...
Full-text available
A R T I C L E I N F O Keywords: 18th century Artificial reef Crustose coralline algae Turf algae Palythoa caribaeorum Millepora spp. A B S T R A C T With increasing maritime activities in the proximity of coral reefs, a growing number of manmade structures are becoming available for coral colonisation. Yet, little is known about the sessile community composition of such artificial reefs in comparison with that of natural coral reefs. Here, we compared the diversity of corals and their competitors for substrate space between a centuries-old manmade structure and the nearest natural reef at St. Eustatius, eastern Caribbean. The artificial reef had a significantly lower species richness and fewer competitive interactions than the natural reef. The artificial reef was dominated by a cover of crustose coralline algae and zoantharians, instead of turf algae and fire corals on the natural reef. Significant differences in species composition were also found between exposed and sheltered sites on both reefs. Our study indicates that even a centuries-old manmade reef cannot serve as a surrogate for natural reefs.
... Carballo et al., 2006 Compared to sheltered embayments, survey sites with ocean swells were dominated by encrusting morphologies (by % cover), with low diversity, but variability over time. Roberts et al., 2006a Aplysina cauliformis commonly occurs in areas with strong waves, frequent exposure to storms and sedimentation. It is erect-branching, but it also has a high spongin content and is flexible. ...
... Lesser, 2006;Trussell et al., 2006 Compared to sites exposed to ocean swells, sheltered survey sites were dominated by "erect" morphologies (here including massives), with higher diversity and less variability over time (by % cover). Roberts et al., 2006a Environmental condition Sponge morphologies Reference Ctd.: Reduced flow Ordination on a sponge community associated Clathria (Wilsonella) mixta (erect?) and the thickly encrusting or creeping species Iotrochota baculifera with sheltered sites. The ball-shaped Melophlus sarassinorum that is slightly removed from the substrate by foot-like little stalks, and the ball-shaped Diacarnus megaspinorhabdosa, the creeping Pseudoceratina verrucosa, Xestospongia mamillata (thick crust? ...
The need to study sponge communities in comparatively inaccessible habitats led to a sponge classification system that relies on the strictly functional interpretation of traditional sponge morphologies. The aim is to deliver a standardised approach that can optionally be based on imagery and can be applied across all oceans and to any water depth. The system is designed to recognise community-level changes across time and space. The functional context allows a basic interpretation of environmental conditions and may thereby inform on the reasons for observed differences in prevailing morphologies. In terms of growth form sponges appear to respond most strongly to the flow regime and to sediments. Strong turbulent flow will favour low-relief, morphologically simple sponges that are often structurally reinforced and well attached, such as crusts and simple-massive forms. Laminar flow selects for two-dimensionally erect, vertically flattened, usually flexible sponges that are aligned broadside to the current, inhalant openings (ostiae) pointing upstream, and exhalant openings downstream (oscula). Flow strength is generally inversely related to number of erect sponges, to body height (except in globular sponges), oscular diameter, branch number and branch complexity. Where flow conditions reduce or limit access to water exchange and nutrients, sponges tend to separate in- and exhalants in cup-like forms, reach into the water column as erect and even stalked forms, and in cases of extreme nutrient limitation the community will consist predominantly of carnivorous sponges. Globular and fistular sponges are usually abundant where the substrate is dominated by sediments, and where sediment deposition or movement is high. Fine sediments will often exclude sponges with much horizontal surface area. Based on these insights, the proposed scheme uses four basic morphologies: functional 1 – crusts, 2 – massives, 3 – cups and 4 – erect sponges. These are further divided into sponges that function as 1 – true crusts, endolithic-bioeroding, and creeping sponges, 2 – simple-massive, globular massive, composite-massive, and fistular sponges, 3 – cups, tubes, and barrels, and 4 – one-dimensionally, two-dimensionally and three-dimensionally erect forms, stalked, and carnivorous sponges.
... In wave-swept environments , hydrodynamic forces are the predominant mechanisms of mechanical stress and disturbance, where they affect different aspects of the life history of marine organisms, and shape ecological pattern in intertidal and shallow subtidal zones (Denny, 1988; Siddon and Witman, 2003; Taylor and Schiel, 2003; Rilov et al., 2004; Lindegarth and Gamfeldt, 2005). In general, the effects of the water motion decreases with increasing depth (Garrabou et al., 2002; Roberts et al., 2006). Subsequently, the benthic flora and fauna inhabiting the first meters of the shallow subtidal must to withstand transient high loads imposed on them by ambient water flow in this turbulent environment (Koehl, 1996 ). ...
We examined whether adults of three species of sea urchins species (Diadema antillarum, Arbacia lixula, and Paracentrotus lividus) exhibit a consistent depth-dependent partitioning pattern on rocky reefs of the Canarian Archipelago (eastern Atlantic). Hydrodynamic experiments were carried out to quantify the resistance to flow-induced dislodgement in these three species. We tested the model that different morphology can result in habitat partitioning among these sea urchins. Abundances of D. antillarum increased with depth. In contrast, A. lixula and P. lividus showed the opposite zonation pattern, coexisting in high abundances in the shallowest depths (<5 m), and occurring in low densities in the deepest part of reefs (>7 m). Both A. lixula and P. lividus had greater adhesion-surface to body-height ratios than D. antillarum. Similarly, A. lixula and P. lividus showed a greater ability to resist flow-induced dislodgement compared with D. antillarum. The mean ''velocity of dislodgement'' was w300% and 50% greater for A. lixula and P. lividus, respectively, relative to D. antillarum, for any particular size. As a result, A. lixula and P. lividus are better fitted to life in high-flow environments than D. antillarum. We conclude that the risk of dislodgement by water motion likely play a relevant role in the vertical distribution patterns of these sea urchins in the eastern Atlantic.
... For the former, shifts in the behavior (Sala et al. 1998) and recruitment (Ebert 1983, Balch & Scheibling 2000 patterns are two of the main studied mechanisms, whereas for the latter, differences in turbulence, wave action, substrate rugosity, and heterogeneity are factors routinely advocated to influence the effect of sea urchin grazing over algal assemblages (Lawrence 2001). For example, water turbulence typically decreases with increasing depth (Denny 1988, Roberts et al. 2006, and may therefore increase the susceptibility of erect algae to sea urchin grazing (Alves et al. 2001, Tuya et al. 2007, Shears et al., 2008. Similarly, the negative effect of sea urchin grazing over erect macroalgae can be exacerbated under scenarios of increased sediment loads that facilitate opportunistic filamentous algae through an inhibition of the recruitment of erect macroalgae (Valentine & Johnson 2005), although the effect of urchins on macroalgae can be reduced when high levels of sedimentation have adverse effects on larval and postsettlement survival of sea urchins (Shears et al. 2008). ...
ABSTRAeT A range of factors may affect the composition and abundance of macroalgae on subtidal rocky reefs. We experimentally determined the interactive effect of the occurrence of the long-spine sea urchin, Diadema antillarum, depth and sedimentation levels on macroalgal assemblage structure on eastern Atlantic rocky reefs. Specifically, we manipulated sea urchin densities (removal of all individuals vs. untouched controls at natural densities) on rocky reefs devoid of erect vegetation, and predicted (1) that removal of sea urchins would differently affect macroalgal assemblage structure between deep (16-18 m) and shallow (8-9 m) reef strata, and that (2) the effect of sea urchin removal on macroalgae would be altered under different scenarios of sedimentation (ambient vs. enhanced). Experimental circular plots (2 m in diameter) were set up at 3 locations at Gran Canaria (Canarian Archipelago), and were maintained and monitored every 4 wk for 1 y. At the end of the experimental period, the structure of the algal assemblages differed between urchin treatments and depth strata, with a larger cover of turf and bushlike algae where urchins were removed and at the shallow reef stratum. More important, differences in algal assemblage structure between urchin treatments were irrespective of sedimentation levels, but shifted from the shallow to the deep stratum. This interactive effect was, in turn, observed for bushlike algae, as a result of a larger magnitude of response (i.e., larger cover) in the shallow stratum relative to the deep stratum, but was not detected for either turf or crustose coralline algae. These results highlight the importance of sorne physical conditions (here, differences in depth) to interact with biotic processes (here, urchin abundance) to create patterns in the organization of subtidal and benthic assemblages.
... The distribution of cold water coral bioherms becomes more and more widespread with new discoveries of cold water coral habitats made throughout the world oceans which is facilitated by a fastly advancing deep-sea technology Rogers, 1999;Roberts et al, 2006). The mapping and recognition of these cold water coral bioherms and carbonate mounds is an important prerequisite in understanding patterns regulating the distribution of cold water corals Freiwald et al, 1997;Freiwald et al, 1999;Roberts et al, 2005;Hovland et al, 2002). ...
... Further, the study of sponge 42 distribution in the islands, though have existed since the early 19 th century 4-11 , recent works have 43 revealed many undocumented and new species 12-19 indicating its high diversity. Consisting of several 44 shipwrecks both in the shallow and mesophotic zones. These sunken structures act as an artificial reef 45 providing space for growth and establishment of various sessile marine communities creating a habitat 46 intricacy [20][21][22] . ...
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During a biodiversity assessment on an upper mesophotic artificial reef of Andaman and Nicobar Islands (Shipwreck: HMIS Sophie Marie/HMIS SM), a single specimen of sponge Chelonaplysilla delicata was recorded. Our finding confirms the species taxonomy and highlights the current observation as a first report from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and the Indian Ocean. Further indicating the significance of old sunken structures surrounding the islands.
Temperate mesophotic ecosystems (TMEs) typically occur between 30 and 150 m depth and support rich benthic communities. However, despite their widespread distribution and ecological importance, TMEs are one of the most poorly studied marine ecosystems globally. We measured changes in the benthic community composition of rocky reefs through the infralittoral and mesophotic zone from 5 to 120 m at 6 locations across New Zealand (the Poor Knights Islands, the inner, mid-, and outer regions of the Fiordland Marine Area [FMA], and the North and South Taranaki Bights) which we considered as potential shallow-water TME surrogates due to these sites having environmental conditions and biological communities similar to deeper-water communities. Benthic community data were analysed from videos and photographs collected using SCUBA (<30 m) and a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) (>30 m). We found significant changes in community composition with depth at all locations, suggesting that TMEs provide habitats different from those in shallower water. We consistently found that TME benthic communities were dominated by sponges, but their abundance varied significantly with depth at 3 out of 4 locations, while the morphological composition of these assemblages changed with depth at all locations. Given their particularly high abundance and morphological complexity, we suggest that sponge assemblages make an important contribution to habitat complexity in benthic TME communities.
Sponges are a major component of benthic ecosystems across the world and fulfil a number of important functional roles. However, despite their importance, there have been few attempts to compare sponge assemblage structure and ecological functions across large spatial scales. In this review, we examine commonalities and differences between shallow water (<100 m) sponges at bioregional (15 bioregions) and macroregional (tropical, Mediterranean, temperate, and polar) scales, to provide a more comprehensive understanding of sponge ecology. Patterns of sponge abundance (based on density and area occupied) were highly variable, with an average benthic cover between ~1 and 30%. Sponges were generally found to occupy more space (percentage cover) in the Mediterranean and polar macroregions, compared to temperate and tropical macroregions, although sponge densities (sponges m–2) were highest in temperate bioregions. Mean species richness standardised by sampling area was similar across all bioregions, except for a few locations that supported very high small‐scale biodiversity concentrations. Encrusting growth forms were generally the dominant sponge morphology, with the exception of the Tropical West Atlantic, where upright forms dominated. Annelids and Arthropods were the most commonly reported macrofauna associated with sponges across bioregions. With respect to reproduction, there were no patterns in gametic development (hermaphroditism versus gonochorism), although temperate, tropical, and polar macroregions had an increasingly higher percentage of viviparous species, respectively, with viviparity being the sole gamete development mechanism reported for polar sponges to date. Seasonal reproductive timing was the most common in all bioregions, but continuous timing was more common in the Mediterranean and tropical bioregions compared to polar and temperate bioregions. We found little variation across bioregions in larval size, and the dominant larval type across the globe was parenchymella. No pattens among bioregions were found in the limited information available for standardised respiration and pumping rates. Many organisms were found to predate sponges, with the abundance of sponge predators being higher in tropical systems. While there is some evidence to support a higher overall proportion of phototrophic species in the Tropical Austalian bioregion compared to the Western Atlantic, both also have large numbers of heterotrophic species. Sponges are important spatial competitors across all bioregions, most commonly being reported to interact with anthozoans and algae. Even though the available information was limited for many bioregions, our analyses demonstrate some differences in sponge traits and functions among bioregions, and among macroregions. However, we also identified similarities in sponge assemblage structure and function at global scales, likely reflecting a combination of regional‐ and local‐scale biological and physical processes affecting sponge assemblages, along with common ancestry. Finally, we used our analyses to highlight geographic bias in past sponge research, and identify gaps in our understanding of sponge ecology globally. By so doing, we identified key areas for future research on sponge ecology. We hope that our study will help sponge researchers to consider bioregion‐specific features of sponge assemblages and key sponge‐mediated ecological processes from a global perspective.
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Ten reefs off the Sunshine Coast, south-eastern Queensland (26.2–26.8°S, 153.2°E), Australia, were sampled from 1991 to 2000. They were found to contain a rich fauna of 247 species of marine sponges (Porifera) in 97 genera, 44 families and 14 orders, with 51% of species not yet recorded elsewhere from the Indo-west Pacific, representing a highly unique fauna in this biogeographic transition zone between the Solanderian and Peronian provinces. Reefs were relatively heterogeneous in species richness (18–83 species/reef, mean 41 species/reef), despite equivalent collection effort, and were highly heterogeneous in taxonomic composition (34% mean 'apparent endemism'/reef), with only 15 species co-occurring in more than five reefs. Sixty per cent of species were 'rare' (found only on single reefs) and only 19% of species co-occurred in the adjacent Moreton Bay region. Gradients in species richness and taxonomic composition were not correlated with the distance between reefs or their latitude and only partially correlated with their distance from the shore, but they were highly correlated when sites were combined on the basis of both distance from shore and latitude. Two southern outer reefs (5.5–9 km from the coast) and four northern inner reefs (0.5–1.25 km from the coast) had highly distinctive faunas (richness and taxonomic composition), with a gradual gradient of dissimilarities for reefs intermediate between these two groups of sites, similar to sponge faunal patterns from other studies conducted at much larger spatial scales. One southern outer reef, Flinders Reef, was anomalous compared with the general regional fauna. Flinders Reef had low species richness, the highest taxonomic distinctness and the least heterogeneity in terms of taxonomic composition at species, genus and family levels, with affinities closer to the southern Great Barrier Reef than to the Sunshine Coast or Moreton Bay reefs. This finding is significant because Flinders Reef is the only designated highly protected marine area outside of Moreton Bay and is allegedly representative of the marine biodiversity of the whole region, yet contains few of the sponge genetic resources of the region, which has implications for the design and scale of marine reserves. Family-level taxa were poor surrogates of species diversity. Factors potentially responsible for spatial heterogeneity of sponge faunas between groups of reefs are discussed, including gradients in water quality (light, turbidity, siltation) and requirements for habitat specialisation by some species.
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The concentration of contaminants usually decreases with increasing distance from a point-source disturbance, so sampling to detect ecological impacts is usually done at 1 spatial scale, often at regular intervals from the point of discharge. There is, however, concern that the choice of an inappropriate scale will cause failure to detect impacts or failure to identify and estimate the size of impacts. In this study, the putative impact of a shoreline sewage outfall on the abundance of green ephemeral algae and gastropods was sampled at 2 spatial scales (tens of metres and several kilometres from the point of discharge) in order to determine whether the ecological impact of effluent was comparable across these, as would be expected if the abundance of species follows the gradient of contaminants. Such sampling also enabled the putative impact of this outfall on the spatial variability of taxa to be examined at 3 spatial scales: (1) among quadrats in the site with the outfall compared to variance among quadrats in other sites on the shore with the outfall; (2) among quadrats in non-outfall sites on the shore with the outfall compared with variance among quadrats in sites on control shores; (3) between non-outfall sites on the shore with the outfall in comparison to among sites on the control shores. A greater abundance of Enteromorpha spp. was found close to the outfall than further away at both spatial scales. Patterns in the abundance of many other taxa differed between the 2 spatial scales of sampling. The density of the limpet Patelloida latistrigata was much greater close to than far from the outfall, when considered on a large spatial scale. At the smaller scale among sites on a single shore, the impact was completely reversed-densities were much smaller close to than away from the outfall. Variances, like abundances, did not always follow the gradient of contaminants and different patterns were often seen at different spatial scales. Thus, putative impacts should be sampled on multiple spatial scales using nested sampling designs. Where this is not possible, the spatial scale at which an impact might be detected or interpreted needs to be clearly stated because the generalisation that a disturbance has a similar impact at all spatial scales relevant to the population being studied cannot be made without explicit tests.
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The objective of this study was to test the hypotheses that (1) assemblages of the same broad group of animals respond in a differential way to different classes of disturbance (i.e. there is not simply a generalised stress response), and that (2) the nature of the response differs according to the environmental conditions that the assemblages normally experience. A series of microcosm experiments was carried out to evaluate the responses of intertidal nematode assemblages to treatments of physical and biological disturbance and organic enrichment. Assemblages from an exposed sandy estuary poor in organic matter and from a sheltered muddy estuary rich in organic matter were compared. Results from univariate, graphical/distributional and multivariate methods of data evaluation generally support our initial hypothesis that nematode assemblages exhibit various characteristic changes when exposed to different types of disturbances. Changes in assemblage structure were revealed depending on the type of disturbance, the initial structure of the assemblage and the morphological and physiological adaptations of the species. For both assemblages, biological disturbance caused the least severe changes in assemblage structure. For the sand nematodes, most extreme changes were the result of organic enrichment, while mud nematodes showed the most intense response to treatments of physical disturbance. Assemblages are most affected by the kinds of disturbances that they do not normally experience naturally.
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Cover of and the number of species in encrusting macrobenthic assemblages inhabiting temperate rocky reefs in the vicinity of an ocean outfall changed rapidly following the discharge of secondary treated sewage effluent. Within 3 mo of the commissioning of the outfall, significant reductions in the cover of crustose and foliose algae were apparent when this outfall area was compared to 2 reference locations. The cover of several species of sponge, including Cymbastela concentrica, Geodinella sp, and Spongia sp., also underwent marked declines coincident with the commissioning of the outfall. Only 1 category of cover increased significantly at the outfall; this was a nondescript matrix comprising silt and microorganisms, which doubled its representation to almost 60 %. We did not detect significant declines in the cover and number of species of sponges or total fauna, however. A 'Beyond BACI' experimental design was used to determine the environmental impact because of the great spatial and temporal variability in these shallow water (similar to 20 m) encrusting communities. Photographic samples were taken in 3 periods, the first pre-commissioning and the other 2 post-commissioning. Multivariate analyses revealed marked shifts in the structure of the assemblage al the outfall relative to the reference locations; these shifts were clearly depicted by a non-metric multi-dimensional scaling (nMDS) plot. A SIMPER analysis confirmed that the overall composition of the community at the outfall changed from one in which algae and sponges were well represented to an assemblage dominated by silt and ascidians.
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Infralittoral sponge fauna was studied as part of a multidisciplinary investigation of benthic communities in Algeciras Bay. On a monthly basis over 1 year, a series of environmental variables were measured (hydrodynamism, silting, suspended solids, dissolved organic matter, % organic matter in silt). The only abiotic variable that was significantly correlated with beta diversity was hydrodynamism, with a linear regression model between the 2 variables showing a correlation coefficient of 0.66. The distributional pattern of the sponges (based on the relative abundance matrix) was correlated with the environmental variables by matching sample similarities using the Spearman rank correlation, thus showing that the variable combination that best explains the patterns of distribution is hydrodynamism/organic matter in silt (rho(s) = 0.6). Of the species considered, Phorbas fictitius, Cliona celata, Cliona vinidis, Crella elegans, Oscarella lobularis, Dysidea fragilis were among those showing the greatest adaptive plasticity in their relationship to environmental variables, depth, and selection by substrate, and are categorized as eurytopic species present in areas subject to great environmental stress. Other species such as Phorbas tenacior, Reniera fulva, Reniera mucosa, Cliona rhodensis proved to be much more sensitive to these variables, and were categorized as stenotopic species, indicators of normal conditions. Due to the particular environmental conditions where it is located, Mycale micracanthoxea was categorized as a good indicator species in port environments. Others such as Dysidea avara, Halichondria bowerbanki or Crella elegans presented morphological differentiations which have permitted them to adapt to sedimentary environments.
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Intertidal and shallow water reef-corals usually exhibit a regular pattern of change in community structure with increasing water depth. A statistic is developed, the Index of Multivariate Seriation (IMS), which measures the degree to which this community change conforms to a linear sequence. Seriation broke down, and the IMS was reduced, when a coral community at Ko Phuket, Thailand, was subjected to increased disturbance resulting from sedimentation due to offshore dredging. The IMS is suggested as an additional index of community disturbance which might be applied to corals or other shallow-water sessile organisms.
The shallow subtidal zone of SE Australia is dominated by urchin-grazed barrens, created and maintained by a large urchin, Centrostephanus rodgersii (A. Agassiz). We sought to determine how benthic invertebrates, such as sponges and colonial ascidians, maintain space in the face of this intense grazing pressure. Our data indicate that the cover of invertebrates on vertical substrata was positively correlated with the density of a large barnacle Aiistrobatanus Imperator and are consistent with this barnacle providing a refuge from urchin grazing. The exception was the common sponge Clathriapyramida which showed a strong negative relationship with barnacle density. We speculate that as aggregations of barnacles may represent foci for competitive interactions among sessile invertebrates, C. pyramida seeks to avoid these sites. It appears that recruitment of A. Imperator is sporadic and hence the conditions which allow the establishment of high densities of this barnacle remain unclear. As our data are correlative they must be interpreted cautiously. Experimental manipulation of barnacle density will provide a much clearer indication of the role of A.imperator in structuring these communities and is the focus of current work. D Porifera, Crustacea, Echinodermata, grazing réfugia, structural habitat complexity, urchin grazing, Clathria pyramida.
The biomechanical basis of morphological acclimation to wave force was studied in intertidal demosponges. Colonies of Halichondria panicea were found to be stronger and stiffer in high wave force habitats than in low wave force habitats. These biomechanical changes are due to increase spicule number and size in sponges from areas of high wave action. The spicule changes follow the predictions of theories developed for particulate composite materials (e.g., those comprised of a flexible matrix with ridge imbedded stiffeners), suggesting that the habitat-dependent changes observed in H. panicea are engineering solutions to environmental stresses. An additional constraint imposed upon the basic Porifera body plan is the necessity of pumping water through the skeleton for feeding and respiration. In H. panicea, piping elements decrease in diameter in high wave force environments. This increases the resistance of oscular systems to water flow, thereby increasing the costs of water pumping. Environments with extremely high wave force are not inhabited by H. panicea, possibly because the high cost of pumping water through a skeleton dense enough to persist would limit or preclude growth. This limitation, however, is peculiar to the engineering trade-offs required by the body plan and feeding mode of H. panicea. Species in other taxa with different basic body plans may be immune to these trade-offs, and may be ecologically limited over identical environmental gradients in different ways.