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Developmental trade-offs in Subantarctic meroplankton communities and the enigma of low decapod diversity in high southern latitudes


Abstract and Figures

Developmental modes, occurrence and distribution patterns of invertebrate larvae were studied in the Subantarctic Magellan region of South America on the basis of quantitative plankton hauls obtained during the 'Victor Hensen' campaign in November 1994. The meroplankton community was found to be numerically dominated by decapod crustacean larvae (47%), followed by polychaetes (20%), echinoderms (16%), cirripedes (8%) and molluscs (7%). A rich decapod community was detected, with 2 thalassinid, 5 brachyuran, 4 anomuran, 6 caridean, 1 astacid and 1 palinurid species/morphotypes identified. Cluster analyses clearly distinguished deep-water stations (250 to 400 m) south of the Straits of Magellan from shallow-water stations (30 to 100 m) in the Beagle Channel, where meroplankton was dominated by decapod larvae (>90%). Three main larval developmental modes, characterised by morphogenesis, mode of larval nutrition and site of larval development, were observed in Magellan decapods: (1) Extended, planktotrophic development of planktonic larvae; (2) abbreviated, planktotrophic development of planktonic larvae; and (3) abbreviated, endotrophic (lecithotrophic) development of demersally living larvae. Several caridean shrimps with abbreviated larval development, which have congeners in the Antarctic, suggest a strong synchronisation between abbreviated planktotrophic larval development and short periods of primary production. This seems to be an essential factor in early life history adaptation for the colonisation of the Antarctic environment. The impoverished Antarctic decapod fauna, with only a few representatives of caridean shrimp species left, may be related to the lack in flexibility of reptant decapods in distributing energy resources between adults and their offspring, which would allow abbreviated planktotrophic larval development.
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Mar Ecol Prog Ser
Vol. 260: 195207, 2003 Published September 30
The Southern Ocean decapod fauna still provides one
of the most conspicuous unsolved mysteries in marine
biodiversity research, with an Antarctic decapod fauna
of only about a dozen caridean shrimp representatives
compared with more than 120 benthic and pelagic de-
capod species in the circumpolar antiboreal environ-
ment north of the Antarctic Convergence (Gorny 1999).
Apart from a few species of lithodid crabs in the deeper
waters off the Antarctic continental shelf (Macpherson
1988, Klages et al. 1995, Arana & Retamal 2000),
caridean shrimps represent the only decapod infra-
order which endures the high Antarctic regime of very
low temperatures combined with a marked seasonality
of primary production (Clarke 1988).
The absence of reptant decapods, in particular
brachyuran crabs, from polar environments of both
hemispheres was recently discussed to be predomi-
nantly due to physiological constraints, i.e. the failure
of adults to control high Mg
concentrations in their
haemolymph, which in combination with low tempera-
© Inter-Research 2003 ·*Email:
Developmental trade-offs in Subantarctic
meroplankton communities and the enigma of
low decapod diversity in high southern latitudes
S. Thatje*, S. Schnack-Schiel, W. E. Arntz
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, PO Box 120 161, 27515 Bremerhaven, Germany
ABSTRACT: Developmental modes, occurrence and distribution patterns of invertebrate larvae were
studied in the Subantarctic Magellan region of South America on the basis of quantitative plankton
hauls obtained during the ‘Victor Hensen’ campaign in November 1994. The meroplankton commu-
nity was found to be numerically dominated by decapod crustacean larvae (47%), followed by poly-
chaetes (20%), echinoderms (16%), cirripedes (8%) and molluscs (7%). A rich decapod community
was detected, with 2 thalassinid, 5 brachyuran, 4 anomuran, 6 caridean, 1 astacid and 1 palinurid
species/morphotypes identified. Cluster analyses clearly distinguished deep-water stations (250 to
400 m) south of the Straits of Magellan from shallow-water stations (30 to 100 m) in the Beagle
Channel, where meroplankton was dominated by decapod larvae (>90%). Three main larval
developmental modes, characterised by morphogenesis, mode of larval nutrition and site of larval
development, were observed in Magellan decapods: (1) Extended, planktotrophic development of
planktonic larvae; (2) abbreviated, planktotrophic development of planktonic larvae; and (3) abbre-
viated, endotrophic (lecithotrophic) development of demersally living larvae. Several caridean
shrimps with abbreviated larval development, which have congeners in the Antarctic, suggest a
strong synchronisation between abbreviated planktotrophic larval development and short periods
of primary production. This seems to be an essential factor in early life history adaptation for the
colonisation of the Antarctic environment. The impoverished Antarctic decapod fauna, with only a
few representatives of caridean shrimp species left, may be related to the lack in flexibility of reptant
decapods in distributing energy resources between adults and their offspring, which would allow
abbreviated planktotrophic larval development.
KEY WORDS: Decapoda · Reproductive strategies · Southern Ocean · Abbreviated larval
development · Magellan region · Antarctic
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Mar Ecol Prog Ser 260: 195207, 2003
tures, leads to a paralysing condition affecting all kinds
of behaviour (Frederich et al. 2001). However, this
explanation of physiological constraints on ecological
demands alone cannot explain the observed decapod
biodiversity patterns, since at least lithodid (anomuran)
crabs have been shown to respond to physiological con-
straints in the cold by life history adaptation of both
adults and larvae (see Anger et al. 2003, Lovrich et al.
2003, Thatje et al. 2003). In an attempt to elucidate the
reason for the impoverished decapod fauna in high
latitudes, we revisited Thorson’s old ecological concept
(Thorson 1936, 1950), which, in summary, argues that
the mismatch between a marked seasonality of primary
production (i.e. food availability) and prolonged lar-
val developmental times due to low temperatures at
high latitudes, should strongly select against plankto-
trophic larval development (see Mileikowsky 1971,
who created the term ‘Thorson’s rule’, Clarke 1988,
Pearse et al. 1991, Arntz & Gili 2001).
In this study, we present information on develop-
mental trade-offs in early life history of benthic deca-
pod crustaceans from the Magellan region and the
position of decapod larvae within the Subantarctic
meroplankton community. This information is aug-
mented by literature data, including findings on early
life history adaptation of Antarctic shrimps to a cold
and seasonally food-limited environment.
Sampling and sample treatment. Quantitative mero-
plankton samples were obtained during the Joint
Chilean-German-Italian Magellan ‘Victor Hensen’
Campaign to the channel and fjord system
of the cold-temperate Subantarctic Magel-
lan region (Fig. 1) from 12 to 24 November
1994 (see also Arntz & Gorny 1996, Defren-
Jansen et al. 1999). Zooplankton samples
were obtained using a multiple opening-
closing net of 300 µm mesh size. Daytime
vertical hauls were conducted from the
seafloor or 400 m maximum wire length to
the surface, covering standard depth inter-
vals (see Figs. 6 & 7). Zooplankton samples
were directly preserved in 4% borax-
buffered formaldehyde seawater solution,
and later in the laboratory split into two.
Assuming 100% filtering efficiency of
the multinet for meroplankton, the filtered
volume was calculated by multiplying the
vertical distance of the tow by the mouth
area of the net (0.25 m
Species identification and larval devel-
opmental mode. The meroplankton frac-
tion was sorted only from one part of the sample, and
identified to the most resolved taxonomic level pos-
sible. Special focus was given to species determination
of decapod crustacean larvae as well as their develop-
mental stages (for literature used for larval identifica-
tion see Table 2). To detect relevant developmental
patterns in decapod larvae, we distinguished 3 larval
developmental modes, characterised as follows (for
review see Williamson 1982, Anger 2001):
(1) Morphogenesis
Extended larval development number of instars
typical of the family/genus.
Abbreviated larval development comprises a con-
siderable reduction in larval instars compared with
typical trait of family/genus representatives from
lower latitudes and/or intraspecific changes with
latitude/temperature regime.
(2) Mode of larval nutrition
Planktotrophic larval development most of the
larval development requires actively feeding plank-
tonic larvae. This may include partial utilisation of
energy reserves of maternal origin in an early stage
of development.
Lecithotrophic larval development complete endo-
trophic larval development (complete lecithotrophy)
with planktonically and/or demersally living larvae.
(3) Site of larval development
Planktonic larval development larval develop-
ment is spent mostly in the water column.
Demersal larval development larval development
is predominantly epibenthic.
Cluster analyses. We used the software package
PRIMER (Plymouth Routines in Multivariate Ecological
Research) developed at Plymouth Marine Laboratory,
Fig. 1. Meroplankton sampling locations (black dots/station numbers) during
the Joint Chilean-German-Italian Magellan ‘Victor Hensen’ Campaign to
the Magellan region (South America) in November 1994
Thatje et al.: Decapods in Subantarctic meroplankton communities
Species/group Stage Station (Sampling depth, m)
1313 1309 1297 1288 1281 1265 1254 1244 1238 1222 1212 1211 1196 1185 1202
(340) (250) (380) (400) (340) (400) (270) (30) (100) (30) (50) (50) (100) (100) (30)
Bryozoa Cyphonautes 227 310 1240 44 47 55 7 4 13 5 24 4
Cirripedia Nauplius 458 75 298 1291 2020 64 2445 27 108 480 10 468 16 53
Gastropoda Veliger 202 25 268 1262 100 42 18 20 244 120 35 50 28 28 133
Bivalvia Veliger 376 13 1055 2113 24 3 4 7 5 4
Polychaeta Larvae 5489 1110 5093 2793 1267 298 613 120 372 193 65 5 416 248 67
Ophiuroidea Ophiopluteus 702 65 755 1060 529 56 1370
Juvenile 93 58
Asteroidea Brachiolaria 751 25 610 564 84 135 8
Echinoidea Echinopluteus 3051 625 2413 853 451 129 1210 12 36
Notiax sp. (?) Zoea 1 30 1440 9224 20 35 30 6424 3756 240
Zoea 2 127 3076 520 1808 13
Upogebia sp. Decapodid 7 8
Pinnotheridae Early zoea 4 2 3 100 36
Libidoclaea granaria Zoea 1 7
Eurypodius latreillei Early zoea 69 150 255 231 27 82 128 3107 304 80 35 504 184
Adv. zoea 76 148 188 598 120 44 90 1100 68 40 15 68 24
Peltarion spinosulum Zoea 1 13 13 4 133 5 4 147
Zoea 2 7 8 33 7
Halicarcinus planatus
Zoea 1 36 53 5 8 12
Zoea 2 4
Pagurus spp. Zoea 1 11 160 12 20 25 20 4 72
Zoea 2 11 247 16 60 100 12 20
Zoea 3 67 13 240 76 33 35 50 20 8 7
Zoea 4 11 28 25 213 293 52 20 90 100 152 16 20
Megalopa 13 33 147 20 13 10 20 36 28 47
Parapagurus Early zoea 5 20 4
dimorphus (?) Adv. zoea 8
Munida spp. Zoea 1 11 10 647 344 20 30 5 96 76 7
Zoea 2 320 892 7 20 40 44 7
Zoea 3 2 173 8 40 5 65 4 7
Zoea 4 35 147 260 13 70 10 132 20 13
Megalopa 80 7
Betaeus truncatus Zoea 1 7
Eualus dozei Zoea 1 7
Campylonotus vagans
Zoea 1 10
Zoea 2 10 8
Decapodid 40
C. semistriatus Decapodid 22
Nauticaris magellanica
Zoea 1 31 3 12 5 28 7
Zoea 2 13 16 4 7
Zoea 3 4
Zoea 4 4 10
Zoea 5 4
Decapodid 11 22 4
Austropandalus grayi Zoea 1 4 22 8 12 5 16 32
Zoea 2 22 22 7 4 8 16
Zoea 3 89 7 4 8 7
Zoea 4 38 311 11 13 7 4
Zoea 5 122 4 60 7
Decapodid 3 111 13 10 4
Thymops birsteini Decapodid 13 22 8
Stereomastis (suhmi ?)
Early zoea 22 7 8
Adv. zoea 22 10
Sum 11 455 2424 11 283 13 075 4729 928 6195 8610 15 224 1196 665 525 9108 6532 796
Table 1. Station means (ind. m
) of meroplankton taxa found in the channel and fjord system of the Subantarctic Magellan region during
the Joint Chilean-German-Italian ‘Victor Hensen’ Campaign in November 1994 (adv. = advanced). (?) Species identification not certain
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 260: 195207, 2003
UK. The hierarchical agglomerate cluster method
(Clarke & Gorley 2001) was applied on the basis of
abundance means per station to differentiate mero-
plankton communities utilising the Bray-Curtis simi-
larity index. Data were previously log(x+1) transformed
to remove the bias of highly abundant taxa.
Meroplankton composition and distribution pattern
The average spring meroplankton community found
in the Magellan region is characterised by highly
variable abundances (Table 1) and an overwhelming
amount of crustaceans, namely decapod and cirripede
larvae, contributing 47 and 8% to overall abundance
means, respectively (Table 1, Fig. 2A). Polychaete
larvae ran second (20%) followed by echinoderms
(16%); molluscs and bryozoans had much lower frac-
tions (Fig. 2A). Within the decapod fraction, thalassinid
larvae were found to be most abundant (62%), fol-
lowed by brachyurans (20%) and anomurans (15%)
(Fig. 2B). Caridean shrimp larvae, Astacidea and Pali-
nura were of minor importance (Fig 2B). Also, in terms
of species/morphotype richness, decapods were the
dominant group within the meroplankton, with 2 tha-
lassinid, 1 astacid, 1 palinurid, 5 brachyuran, 4 anomuran
and 6 caridean species distinguished (the 2 pagurid
species Pagurus forceps and P. comptus are combined
as Pagurus spp., due to the lack of knowledge of the
complete larval development in P. forceps; S. Thatje &
G. Lovrich unpubl. data). Species determination of all
other groups was complicated by the lack of adequate
taxonomic keys, and therefore species richness must
be considered as a minimum estimate on the basis of
distinguished morphotypes: 3 bivalve, 2 gastropod, 2
to 4 ophiuroid, 1 echinoid, 1 cirripede and 1 bryozoan
morphotypes were found. Polychaetes were more di-
verse, but remain to be further taxonomically identi-
fied. However, in relation to abundance, spionid larvae
were the most dominant taxon (>60%).
Cluster analyses of the meroplankton composition re-
vealed 2 groupings at the 55% similarity level (Fig. 3).
Group 1 comprises shallow-water stations with depths
varying from 30 to 100 m (Table 1) at the eastern
entrance of the Beagle Channel, including Stn 1202 off
Isla Wollaston (Fig. 1, Stns 1185 to 1244). Group 2 com-
Fig. 2. Relative abundance of meroplankton fractions found
in the channel and fjord system of the Magellan region in
November 1994. Given on the basis of (A) major taxonomic
groups and (B) decapod infraorder
Fig. 3. Cluster dendrogramm (Bray-Curtis similarity) showing
classification of meroplankton stations on the basis of
abundance means
Thatje et al.: Decapods in Subantarctic meroplankton communities
bines 7 deep-water stations on a transect from the
Straits of Magellan south to the Beagle Channel, with
depths varying from 250 to 400 m (Figs. 1 & 3, Table 1).
Shallow-water stations are overwhelmingly domi-
nated by decapods (91%, Fig. 4C) of which thalassinid
larvae are most important (68%, Fig. 4D), followed by
brachyuran (16%) and anomuran larvae (15%). Poly-
chaete, cirripede and gastropod larvae contribute with
only 4, 3 and 2%, respectively (Fig. 4C). Deep-water
stations showed a more heterogeneous meroplankton
composition (Fig. 4A), with polychaetes contributing
33%, followed by echinoderms (27%), cirripedes (13%),
decapods (12%), bivalves (7%), gastropods (4%) and
bryozoans (4%). The generally less important decapod
fraction is dominated by brachyuran crab larvae (61%),
carideans (24%) and anomurans (12%, Fig. 4B).
The meroplankton composition on a transect of deep-
water station from the Straits of Magellan southward to
the Beagle Channel differed totally from that of shallow-
water stations (Figs. 1 & 5). Here, polychaetes and echi-
noderms were the dominant taxa. Only Stns 1281 and
1254 showed a percentage of cirripede larvae untypical
of deep-water stations, although they were very similar
in their taxonomic composition, despite the lack of echin-
oderms, to Stn 1222 from the eastern entrance of the
Beagle Channel. The numerical dominance of decapod
larvae at the shallow-water stations is correlated with a
mass-occurrence of thalassinid larvae at almost all sta-
tions (Fig. 5A,B). At shallow-water stations, in contrast to
deep-water stations, anomuran larvae were pro-
portionally dominant over brachyuran larvae (Fig. 5B).
Vertical distribution of larvae
At some stations with a strong thermocline, a
concentration of meroplanktonic larvae was found
(Stns 1254, 1281, 1288, Fig. 6). This holds true espe-
cially for cirripede nauplii and echinoderm larvae
(Fig. 6), which were concentrated in the thermocline.
Fig. 4. Relative abundance of meroplankton fractions found in the channel and fjord system of the Magellan region in November
1994. Comparison of deep-water station means (A,B) with that of shallow-water stations. Given on the basis of (A,C) major
taxonomic groups, (B,D) decapod infraorder
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 260: 195207, 2003200
Fig. 5. Relative abundance of meroplankton fractions found at each station sampled in the Magellan region in November 1994.
Given on the basis of (A) major taxonomic groups, (B) decapod infraorder
Fig. 6. Vertical distribution of echinoderm and cirripede larvae at Stn 1281. Dotted line = thermocline (at 70 to 80 m water depth,
see Antezana et al. 1996)
Decapod larvae presented a distinct distribution: tha-
lassinid larvae (Notiax sp.) were found in conspicuous
numbers demersally just above the seafloor (Fig. 7),
especially in an advanced stage of larval development.
The brachyuran Eurypodius latreillei and the caridean
Austropandalus grayi were found in high abundances
at Stn 1288, which presented a strong thermocline
(Fig. 7, see also Antezana et al. 1996). All larval stages
of these 2 species were found below the thermocline,
but only in the case of A. grayi did their distribution
extend to the seafloor (Fig. 7). A very similar pattern to
E. latreillei was found for larvae of Munida spp. and
Notiax spp. (Fig. 7) at Stn 1238. Data on temperature
and salinity are not available from this station, and
therefore it is not known whether a well-developed
thermocline was present there.
Developmental modes in decapod larvae
Three basic criteria of (1) morphogenesis, (2) mode
of larval nutrition and (3) site of larval develop-
ment were applied to characterise developmental
modes in decapod larvae (cf. ‘Materials and meth-
ods’). Independent of decapod infraorder, 3 basic lar-
val developmental patterns were detected for the
Magellan and south-western Atlantic decapod fauna
(Table 2).
Extended, planktotrophic development of plank-
tonic larvae
Abbreviated, planktotrophic development of plank-
tonic larvae
Abbreviated, lecithotrophic development of dem-
ersally living larvae.
Fig. 7. Vertical distribution of selected decapod taxa from different sampling stations; Notiax sp. (Stn 1238), Munida spp.
(Stn 1238), Eurypodius latreillei (Stn 1288), Austropandalus grayi (Stn 1288). Dotted line = thermocline (at 80 to 90 m water depth,
see Antezana et al. 1996)
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 260: 195207, 2003
Brachyuran crabs seem to follow a general pattern of
extended larval development, whereas caridean shrimp
genera (Chorismus, Campylonotus, Table 2), which
also have Antarctic representatives, follow an ab-
breviated larval development. Complete endotrophy
in abbreviated larval development has so far only
been recorded in lithodid crabs from the study area
(Table 2).
Sampling method and identification of decapod
Among several key ecological problems in high lati-
tude marine larval biology is the general lack of early
life history studies in marine invertebrates (but see
Species/Group Duration Nutrition Habitat Source
Extend- Abbre- Plankto- Lecitho- Plank- Demer-
ed viated trophic trophic tonic sal
Campylonotus vagans Bate, 1888 x x x 28, 30
Campylonotus semistriatus Bate, 1888 x x x 28
Chorismus antarcticus (Pfeffer, 1887) x x x 6, 19
Chorismus tuberculatus Bate, 1888 x x x 26
Betaeus truncatus Dana, 1852 ? x x 1, 29
Eualus dozei (A. Milne Edwards, 1891) ? 1
Nauticaris magellanica A. Milne Edwards, 1891 x x x 1, 27, 33, 34
Austropandalus grayi (Cunningham, 1871) x x x 25
Stereomastis (suhmi Bate, 1878, ?) x 21
Munida subrugosa Henderson, 1847 x x x 17, 22, 32, 35, 36
Munida gregaria (Fabricius, 1793) x x x 17, 32, 35, 36
Lithodes santolla (Molina, 1782) x x x 7, 9, 16, 18, 19
Paralomis granulosa (Jaquinot, 1847) x x x 7, 8, 10, 16, 20
Pagurus comptus White, 1847 x x x 17, 23, 24, 31
Pagurus forceps H. Milne Edwards, 1836 x x x 17, 23, 24, 31
Parapagurus (dimorphus Smith, ?) x 3, 21
Eurypodius latreillei Guérin, 1828 x x x 2, 4, 11, 17
Libidoclaea granaria (H. Mil. Edw. & Lucas, 1842) x x x 4, 12, 17
Halicarcinus planatus (Fabricius, 1775) x x x 5, 17
Peltarion spinosulum (White, 1843) x x x 14, 17
Pinnixia sp. ? x x 13, 17
Cancer edwardsi Bell, 1835 x x x 15
Thymops birsteini (Zarenkov & Semenov, 1972) ? 21
Notiax sp. (?) x21
(1) Albornoz & Wehrtmann (1997) (13) Gutierrez-Martinez (1971) (25) Thatje & Bacardit (2000a)
(2) Bacardit (1985b) (14) Iorio (1983) (26) Thatje & Bacardit (2000b)
(3) Bacardit (1985a) (15) Quintana (1983) (27) Thatje & Bacardit (2000c)
(4) Bacardit & Vera (1986) (16) Kattner et al. (2003) (28) Thatje et al. (2001)
(5) Boschi et al. (1969) (17) Lovrich (1999) (29) Thatje & Bacardit (2001)
(6) Bruns (1992) (18) Lovrich et al. (2003) (30) Thatje & Lovrich (2003)
(7) Calcagno et al. (2003a) (19) McLaughlin et al. (2001) (31) Thatje & Lovrich (unpubl.)
(8) Calcagno et al. (2003b) (20) McLaughlin et al. (2003) (32) Vera & Bacardit (1986)
(9) Campodonico (1971) (21) Present study (33) Wehrtmann & Albornoz (1998)
(10) Campodonico & Guzman (1972) (22) Roberts (1973) (34) Wehrtmann & Kattner (1998)
(11) Campodonico & Guzman (1981) (23) Scelzo & Boschi (1969) (35) Williams (1973)
(12) Fagetti (1969) (24) Scelzo (1976) (36) Williams (1980)
Table 2. Selected decapod taxa from the Magellan region and the southwestern Atlantic Ocean with partially or completely known
mode of larval development. Biogeographical information was obtained from Gorny (1999). (?) Uncertain information
Thatje et al.: Decapods in Subantarctic meroplankton communities
Pearse et al. 1991). This deficiency affects many
aspects of ecological work and the development of
ecological concepts, and only allows for broad general-
isations as to larval developmental modes in the pre-
sent study (Table 2). Sampling of meroplankton com-
munities with a plankton net of 300 µm mesh size
underestimated the true amount of invertebrate lar-
vae. This should have affected meroplankton com-
position in particular, and especially smaller larval
types, such as molluscs and echinderms, should be
underrepresented. This should reduce the real deca-
pod larval dominance to some extent. However, inver-
tebrate larvae tend to be larger in cold temperate
and polar regions (Thorson 1936, Mileikowsky 1971,
Pearse et al. 1991), and this holds especially true for
decapod larvae (Thatje & Bacardit 2000b,c, Thatje et
al. 2001). The smallest decapod larvae known from the
Beagle Channel is that of Betaeus truncatus (the Zoea
I instar has an average total length of about 3.5 mm,
see Thatje & Bacardit 2001), which was found in low
abundance in our samples, and this species is gener-
ally known to occur in minor abundances within the
benthic community (Pérez-Barros et al. in press).
All decapods which spend the greater part of their
larval development in the plankton were considered
planktotrophic, assuming that active feeding is neces-
sary at least during part of the larval development,
although development might be temporarily food inde-
pendent, relying on high initial/maternal energy sour-
ces (for a review see Anger 2001). Since endotrophic
larval development in benthic decapods tends to avoid
pelagic phases (Anger et al. 2003, Lovrich et al. 2003)
and complete lecithotrophic larval development is
scarcely reported in marine carideans, we believe our
generalisation in larval developmental modes to be a
useful tool in describing decapod reproductive pat-
terns. The definition of ‘abbreviated’ larval develop-
ment in reptants is easy to apply, since most represen-
tatives (especially brachyuran crabs) usually develop
through 4 to 6 zoeal stages and 1 megalopa stage
(Williamson 1982, Anger 2001). A great variation in
larval developmental pathways and larval instars has
been described for caridean shrimps. We considered
caridean larval developments as abbreviated when
passing through 4 or less zoeal stages only, i.e. as in the
genera Campylonotus (Thatje et al. in press) and Cho-
rismus (Bruns 1992, Thatje & Bacardit 2000b). How-
ever, it has to be considered that this is a rather
arbitrary definition of abbreviated development in
carideans, which is only based on the number of
instars, but does not take larval developmental times
into account. The larval development of Nauticaris ma-
gellanica was also considered abbreviated (Table 2), as
it was found to be reduced with increasing latitude
(5 to 6 zoeal stages found in the present study area
compared with 9 to 11 stages in central southern
Chile, Wehrtmann & Albornoz 1998, Thatje & Bacardit
Occurrence and distribution of invertebrate larvae
The difference in faunal composition between deep-
and shallow-water stations (cf. Fig. 5) is due to the
dominance of decapod crustaceans in the semi-
enclosed hydrographic environment of the Beagle
Channel, which is known for its richness in decapods
(Gorny 1999, Pérez-Barros et al. unpubl.). Species rich-
ness in Subantarctic meroplankton is low and domi-
nated in terms of abundance and diversity by decapod
crustaceans with clear seasonal reproduction mainly
taking place in spring (Lovrich 1999). It is not certain
whether the high proportion of thalassinid larvae
found in the Beagle Channel is due to the local distrib-
ution of the few species of this infraorder known from
the area (see Thatje 2000, Thatje & Gerdes 2000), or to
a direct coupling with larval release at the Beagle
Channel stations. However, thalassinid shrimps de-
pend on muddy to sandy sediments, which are abun-
dant in the Beagle Channel, but coarser and more
heterogeneous sediments are known on the station
transect northward to the Straits of Magellan (Fig. 1)
(Brambati et al. 1991). Decapod larval development
seems to take place mainly in the midwater masses
below the thermocline (if developed), where plankton
particles are enriched, and consequently food avail-
ability is high. However, further studies are needed to
define whether larvae show a vertical migration ten-
dency, which may affect this distribution pattern.
Decapod species that develop through demersally
occurring larvae only, which are mostly of abbreviated
and food-independent development as in lithodid
crabs (McLaughlin et al. 2001, Calcagno et al. 2003a,
Kattner et al. 2003), are rarely found in plankton hauls
(Lovrich 1999).
The phylogenetic constraint of being tied to
planktotrophic larval developments
The reason why caridean shrimps are successful in
Antarctic waters has been assigned to their ability to
down-regulate high Mg
concentrations in the hae-
molymph (Frederich et al. 2001); a mechanism which
functions insufficiently in reptants. Despite this physi-
ological ability to maintain activity levels in the cold
(which remains scarcely studied in larvae), carideans
show a great flexibility in larval developmental path-
ways at lower latitudes. This flexibility increases with
the number of larval instars, and enhances larval dis-
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 260: 195207, 2003
persal and survival (Anger 2001). The requirements for
exogenous energy from food allowing for developmen-
tal flexibility and extended modes of larval develop-
ment should be high, as metabolic costs for additional
moults as well as energy losses with cast exuviae imply
a high degree of dependence on plankton produc-
tivity (Wehrtmann 1991, Anger 2001). Nevertheless,
the flexibility in larval developmental pathways also
allowed carideans to evolve energy saving strategies
when low temperatures and limited food availability
selected for abbreviated and partially endotrophic
modes of larval development. This has been hypothe-
sised as a latitudinal pattern in reproductive traits
in carideans such as an increase, from the equator
towards the poles, in egg size, in initial energy
reserves of eggs and larvae, and in larval size, coincid-
ing with a reduction in fecundity and in the age at first
maturity (Arntz et al. 1992, Thatje et al. in press a,b).
The need for such energy saving strategies under con-
ditions of low temperatures and a seasonally limited
primary production in high latitudes has suppressed
the extent and flexibility of developmental pathways in
caridean larvae. For instance, strongly abbreviated lar-
val developments passing invariably through only 2 or
4 larval instars in the sub- and high Antarctic genera
Campylonotus and Chorismus, respectively (Table 2)
(Bruns 1992, Thatje & Bacardit 2000b, Thatje et al. in
press a), combined with high larval resistance to star-
vation, especially in the Zoea 1 instar (Thatje et al. in
press a,b), allow for an enhanced synchronisation with
short and pulsed periods of primary production, and
simultaneously reduce the degree of larval depen-
dence on planktonic food sources (Clarke 1988, Anger
et al. 2003). Similar early life history adaptations are
known also from the Antarctic crangonid Notocrangon
antarcticus (Bruns 1992). In the high Antarctic Weddell
Sea, carideans are able to spawn only every second
year (Arntz et al. 1992, Gorny et al. 1992, Gorny &
George 1997), suggesting a lack of sufficient energy
supply to female reproduction, due to short periods of
primary production during summer, which may be
insufficient for the level of somatic growth allowing for
an annual reproductive cycle (Clarke 1982). In polar
environments, the mismatch between energy avail-
ability and high costs for female energy investment
into large embryos might thus have selected against
complete lecithotrophy in caridean larval develop-
ment. On the other hand, complete endotrophic larval
development of pelagic larvae is rare in marine
caridean shrimps (although frequently recorded in
shrimps from limnic systems, especially Palaemonidae,
cf. Magalhães 1988, Odinetz Collart & Magalhães
1994), which may indicate a phylogenetic constraint
for the evolution of lecithotrophic developments in
the sea. One known exception, which should be men-
tioned here, is the Subarctic Sclerocrangon boreas,
which has a direct and abbreviated (lecithotrophic)
development of benthic larvae, including a high degree
of parental care (Makarov 1968, Miglavs 1992).
In general, brachyuran crabs have an extended
planktotrophic mode of larval development. Cases of
an abbreviated development or flexibility in the num-
ber of instars have usually been observed under condi-
tions of physiological stress (Anger 2001) and as spe-
cial adaptations to breeding in land-locked limnic or
terrestrial habitats (Montú et al. 1990, Anger & Schuh
1992, Anger 2001). An abbreviated larval develop-
ment in some endemic terrestrial grapsoid crabs from
Jamaica, for instance, has been shown to be a recent
evolutionary adaptation to semi-terrestrial or terres-
trial life (Schubart et al. 1998), which evolved only
about 4 million years ago (for a discussion see Anger
2001). Resistance of brachyuran larvae to starvation is
generally low, and examples of larval exposure to low
temperatures have indicated that the use of energy
sources is hampered by metabolic disturbance below
critical temperatures (Anger et al. 1981, Pörtner 2002).
The inability of most reptant decapods to suppress the
number of larval stages should therefore have selected
against their occurrence in high latitudes when the
Antarctic region began to become cooler (Clarke
1990). However, one family of anomuran crabs, the
lithodid crabs, which in evolutionary terms evolved
quite recently, developed complete endotrophic larval
development of demersal larvae. They evolved from
hermit crab ancestors (Cunningham et al. 1992, this
phylogenetic relation is the subject of recent contro-
versial discussion, see also McLaughlin & Lemaitre
2000), and were recorded for the first time between 13
to 25 million years ago, when other much older
brachyuran and anomuran taxa (hermit crabs evolved
more than 150 million years ago, Cunningham et al.
1992 and references therein) were already extinct in
high southern latitudes due to Antarctic cooling (Zins-
meister & Feldmann 1984, Feldmann & Tshudy 1989).
Lithodid crabs from the Magellan region (Paralomis
granulosa, Lithodes santolla) developed special adap-
tations in life history, such as prolonged brooding of
egg masses and, most importantly, complete leci-
thotrophy in larval development, which allowed for
adaptation to ecological and physiological constraints
in high latitudes (Frederich et al. 2001, Anger et al.
2003, Lovrich et al. 2003, Thatje et al. 2003). This evo-
lutionarily young taxon of anomuran crabs, which is
represented by several species in high latitudes of both
hemispheres and also appears to be a common deep-
sea representative (Anger et al. 2003 and references
therein), is obviously about to release itself from the
apparent phylogenetic constraints that have prevented
reptants from conquering the polar marine realm as a
Thatje et al.: Decapods in Subantarctic meroplankton communities
life habitat (Macpherson 1988, Klages et al. 1995,
Arana & Retamal 2000). We suggest a similar recent
evolutionary trait to be responsible for abbreviated lar-
val developments in spider crabs (Majidae), which are
already present in both the Subarctic (e.g. Hyas ara-
neus, Dyer 1985) and the Subantarctic (Eurypodius
latreillei). Eurypodius latreillei Guerin, which at pre-
sent is the southernmost known spider crab in the
southern hemisphere, was recently confirmed to occur
in waters off South Georgia (Romero et al. 2003). The
Majidae are suggested as further possible recolonisers
of the Polar marine realm.
Acknowledgements. We would like to thank the crew of
the German RV ‘Victor Hensen’ for assistance at sea. Tanja
Joschko and Mario Hubo helped in separating the mero-
plankton fraction. Claudio Richter (ZMT, Bremen) kindly pro-
vided the plankton samples. The authors would like to thank
Klaus Anger and Gustavo Lovrich as well as Ingo Wehrtmann
and 3 anonymous reviewers for critically commenting on
the manuscript. Thanks are due to Ruth Alheit for her revision
of the English.
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Editorial responsibility: Otto Kinne (Editor),
Oldendorf/Luhe, Germany
Submitted: April 23, 2003; Accepted: July 15, 2003
Proofs received from author(s): September 4, 2003
... Recent investigations have focused on the spatio-temporal distribution and dispersion strategies of M. gregaria larvae in northern Chilean Patagonian fjords and channels (León et al., 2008;Meerhoff et al., 2013;Castro et al., 2019), whereas, in the Beagle Channel, these spatio-temporal patterns remain poorly studied, and the available information is quite fragmentary. The first reports on this issue come from studies of crustacean larval assemblages during spring, conducted mainly in the western and/or the eastern extremes of the channel (Mujica and Villablanca, 2003;Thatje et al., 2003;Mujica, 2008). However, in most of these studies, all developmental stages were pooled together. ...
... Principal component analyses (PCA) based on Spearman's rank correlation matrices were used to explore and visualize, for each separate season, the relationships among the abundances of ZI-V and M, temperature, salinity, degree of water column stratification, depth at the sampling station, sectors of the channel and sampling dates. Previous studies for the region regarding the vertical distribution of M. gregaria larvae indicate that they could be mostly located below the halocline/ pycnocline (Thatje et al., 2003;Castro et al., 2019) and perform tidal vertical migrations (Castro et al., 2019). Therefore, due to the water column stratification, both surface and bottom values of temperature and salinity were used to account for the range of vertical variability in hydrographic conditions. ...
... Such hydrographic conditions in the westernmost area of the outer sector might be particularly favourable for larval development, especially for late larval stages which showed the strongest associations with the aforementioned environmental variables. This is consistent with the occurrence of decapod larvae mainly below the thermocline, at least during daylight (Thatje et al., 2003), and with the higher sensitivity to temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen concentration of late larval stages of M. gregaria as compared to early ones (León et al., 2008). Water column stratification, on the other hand, generally favours phytoplankton growth (Ríos et al., 2016). ...
The squat lobster Munida gregaria is an ecologically relevant species in southern South American waters. Nonetheless, fundamental topics regarding its larval ecology remain poorly studied, especially at the southern limit of its distribution area. Here, we investigated the abundance, size, and spatial distribution of M. gregaria larval stages (zoeae I-V and megalopa) in the Beagle Channel, during spring and autumn, and explored their relationships with variations in bathymetry and seawater physico-chemical properties at both sides of the Mackinlay pass sill. Plankton samples were collected from the inner sector of the channel, a fresh water-influenced and semi-enclosed system, to its mouth towards the Atlantic Ocean during four oceanographic cruises (springs of 2014 and 2015 and autumns of 2016 and 2017). Zoeae occurred throughout the study area in both seasons, with lower densities in autumn, whereas megalopae were detected exclusively in spring. The highest larval abundances and all developmental stages were found in the outer sector, where juveniles and adults also occurred. These spatial patterns were consistently observed across the different sampling dates. Contrary to previous reports, the coexistence of zoeae I-V during autumn would indicate that, at least in the outer sector, larvae that hatch late in the summer are able to reach advanced developmental stages. However, it remains unknown whether they fully develop in subsequent months. Significant associations among larval distribution patterns and environmental variables were detected, especially for late stages, which occurred mainly in the westernmost and shallowest part of the outer sector, characterized by highly stratified waters with the warmest bottom temperatures. All together, these results may reflect the effects of variations in local environmental conditions along the channel, related to bottom topography and degree of freshwater/oceanic influence, on larval cohort dynamics, adult reproduction, or both. Larvae hatched in spring were larger than those hatched in summer/autumn for all zoeal stages. Possible explanations for this finding are discussed. This study contributes to our knowledge of M. gregaria larval ecology, which is essential to understand its complex population dynamics in an environmentally complex geographical area, and to better predict its responses to climate change.
... This could perhaps be related to the environmental stability and relative isolation of these Antarctic ecosystems [1,2], which could have driven a very specific mechanism of chemical defense against specific Antarctic macropredators. The absence of a wide diversity of potential crab macropredators in Antarctic benthic communities [9,39,40,61,62,[73][74][75] may also have contributed to this fact, in contrast to the presence of a wider range of micropredators (amphipods), as reported above. This means that these macroinvertebrates would not be chemically protected if this crab or a similar temperate alien species reached Antarctic waters. ...
... It is now well established that decapods largely became extinct millions of years ago on the shelf and slope of Antarctica, and that is only recently that it has been discovered that several species of king crabs are positioned to recolonize Antarctic waters [58,63,66,68,72,73,76,77]. The long-considered rationale for their exclusion was the known incapacity of decapods to regulate magnesium ions in their hemolymph at low temperatures [61,62,66,75,[77][78][79]. With the warming of the Antarctic circumpolar current, this physiological barrier is likely lifted, allowing crabs to move up the slope toward the shelf [58,66,73]. ...
... The arrival of alien species that may settle and survive in Antarctic waters due to the warmer climate represents a dramatic threat to these ecosystems [57,59]. Within potential non-native species, amphipods, and crabs have been reported [57][58][59][61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][72][73][74][76][77][78][79][80]. These non-native species may arrive transported by ballast water or also on macroalgal rafts, and could potentially survive in particularly warm areas, such as the volcano caldera of Deception Island [57,59]. ...
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Many Antarctic marine benthic macroinvertebrates are chemically protected against predation by marine natural products of different types. Antarctic potential predators mostly include sea stars (macropredators) and amphipod crustaceans (micropredators) living in the same areas (sympatric). Recently, alien species (allopatric) have been reported to reach the Antarctic coasts, while deep-water crabs are suggested to be more often present in shallower waters. We decided to investigate the effect of the chemical defenses of 29 representative Antarctic marine benthic macroinvertebrates from seven different phyla against predation by using non-native allopatric generalist predators as a proxy for potential alien species. The Antarctic species tested included 14 Porifera, two Cnidaria, two Annelida, one Nemertea, two Bryozooa, three Echinodermata, and five Chordata (Tunicata). Most of these Antarctic marine benthic macroinvertebrates were chemically protected against an allopatric generalist amphipod but not against an allopatric generalist crab from temperate waters. Therefore, both a possible recolonization of large crabs from deep waters or an invasion of non-native generalist crab species could potentially alter the fundamental nature of these communities forever since chemical defenses would not be effective against them. This, together with the increasing temperatures that elevate the probability of alien species surviving, is a huge threat to Antarctic marine benthos.
... In the sub-Antarctic fjord and channel system of southern Patagonia, the main focus has been on spatial dynamics of the whole meroplanktonic assemblage (e.g., Thatje et al. 2003;Meerhoff et al. 2014) or for selected taxonomical groups such as mollusks (e.g., Campos and Diaz 2007), and decapods (e.g., Mujica and Villanueva 2003). These studies on spatial dynamics have shown meroplankton to be associated with chlorophyll a concentration, specific water basins, or changes in freshwater input (e.g., Hamame and Antezana 1999;Thatje et al. 2003;Meerhof et al. 2014). ...
... In the sub-Antarctic fjord and channel system of southern Patagonia, the main focus has been on spatial dynamics of the whole meroplanktonic assemblage (e.g., Thatje et al. 2003;Meerhoff et al. 2014) or for selected taxonomical groups such as mollusks (e.g., Campos and Diaz 2007), and decapods (e.g., Mujica and Villanueva 2003). These studies on spatial dynamics have shown meroplankton to be associated with chlorophyll a concentration, specific water basins, or changes in freshwater input (e.g., Hamame and Antezana 1999;Thatje et al. 2003;Meerhof et al. 2014). However, studies on seasonal dynamics of meroplankton and how these are related to hydrographic parameters are scarce (e.g., Lovrich 1999;Aguirre et al. 2012;Meerhof et al. 2014), and within the context of climate change, this is a gap that needs to be filled to understand how meroplankton might be affected in the near future. ...
... These results suggest benthos to spawn larvae at a specific season, most likely following an environmental trigger such as rise of temperatures or start of the phytoplankton bloom. The amount of OTUs we identified in Gallegos Sound (n = 39) is within the described OTU range for meroplankton communities in Patagonian fjords and channels, where up to 53 OTUs were described (e.g., Thatje et al. 2003;Aguirre et al. 2012;Meerhoff et al. 2014;Presta et al. 2020). For most taxa, only one OTU per taxon was described (e.g., Deffren-Janson et al. 1999;Fernandez-Severini and Hoffmeyer 2005;Aguirre et al. 2012;Presta et al. 2020), whereas 4 to 44 larval types have been described for crustaceans (three, in our study). ...
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Knowledge of seasonal dynamics and composition of meroplankton (larvae of benthic invertebrates) is rather limited for sub-Antarctic regions. We studied the seasonal dynamics of meroplankton in a sub-Antarctic proglacial basin (Gallegos Sound, Chile), by examining changes in the meroplankton community in relation to hydrographic variables along four sampling cruises between early winter 2010 and late winter 2011. The local meroplankton community was composed of 39 larval morphotypes distributed among 11 major taxa, being polychaetes the best represented (15 larvae morphotypes), and bivalve the most abundant. We found distinct seasonal differences in terms of meroplanktonic composition and abundance, with higher abundance and larval morphotype number during austral spring and late winter, and lower in summer and early winter. The pattern observed for meroplankton was directly related to seasonal variations of fluorescence of chlorophyll a and temperature. We found meroplankton abundances lower than those of other sub- and Polar environments. However, meroplanktonic temporal dynamics showed a common pattern for sub- and Polar fjords, suggesting a strong link between benthic spawning and the occurrence of phytoplankton blooms. Supplementary information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s00300-021-02823-6.
... The caridean prawn species that exhibit extreme abbreviation in post-embryonic development (ALD) inhabit environments with limited food availability, such as small rivers or arctic and deep ocean regions (Anger, 1995;Bauer, 2004;Thatje et al., 2003). On the other hand, extended larval development (ELD) is a more common pattern among most marine and estuarine species, which typically inhabit environments with higher food or nutrients availability (Anger, 2001). ...
Larval morphology is a valuable tool for understanding the life history of decapod crustaceans. This approach has proven valuable in confirming taxonomic revisions based on molecular or adult morphology analyses. Therefore, the present study aimed to compare larval traits (e.g. development time, morphology, and larval size) between Macrobrachium amazonicum and M. pantanalense, two closely related species that are separated by a low genetic distance. The first five zoeal stages of each phenotype and species were analysed. Differences in larval development time, morphology, and size were observed. M. amazonicum exhibits faster development during the early larval stages compared to M. pantanalense. The main morphological difference between the two species is related to the stage at which pereiopod five develops as a functional appendage, namely zoea IV in M. amazonicum and zoea III in M. pantanalense. In addition, size variation was observed, with M. pantanalense larvae being larger in the early stages. The differences found between the two species corroborate that M. amazonicum and M. pantanalense are distinct lineages. Even though these groups are separated by a low genetic distance, the existing differences are conclusive, and therefore, these organisms can be considered as two distinct taxonomic entities.
... In addition, this sector, with deep and more vertically stable waters, shows slightly colder and less oxygenated conditions in near-bottom layers than the shallower outer BC (Iachetti et al., 2021; Table 1, Fig. 2, this study). During the stratified period (spring-summer), several zooplankton taxa in the channel, including copepods and decapod larvae, are mainly distributed around or below the pycnocline, at least in the daytime (Defren-Janson et al., 1999;Thatje et al., 2003). The aforementioned between-sector differences in near-bottom temperature and oxygen concentration may also affect the growth and reproduction of these taxa (Bandara et al., 2021). ...
High-latitude marine environments, such as the Beagle Channel, are highly vulnerable to modifications related to climate change and anthropogenic impacts, which can rapidly affect the ecological attributes of plankton communities and thus alter ecosystem trophodynamics. This study compares the mesozooplankton community structure in the inner and outer (eastern) Beagle Channel during spring and assesses the interactions of the main mesozooplankton trophic groups with lower and higher trophic level organisms under an isotopic approach. Oceanographic data and biological samples, ranging from sediment and phytoplankton to pelagic squat lobsters (Grimothea gregaria), were collected along the channel during two research cruises conducted in November 2019. Mesozooplankton abundance and taxonomic composition differed between sectors, in agreement with their distinct environmental conditions. The inner sector was dominated by copepods, mainly Clausocalanidae spp., followed by cirripede and echinoderm larvae and appendicularians. In the outer sector, with shallower, saltier, and warmer waters than the inner one, mesozooplankton abundances were notably higher and both copepods and decapod larvae, mainly Peltarion spinosulum and G. gregaria zoeae, were dominant. This pattern in meroplankton abundance was consistent with the bathymetric distribution reported for benthic adults. Between-sector differences in taxonomic composition, e.g., Macruronus novaezelandiae (hake) larvae occurring only in the outer sector, may be attributed to the higher connectivity between this sector and the open ocean and the semi-enclosed character of the inner channel. Mesozooplankton spatial variability was partially reflected in the isotopic niche width of their different trophic groups such as copepods, euphausiids and decapod larvae. However, at the community level, trophic attributes (i.e., baseline resources, trophic positions, isotopic diversity metrics) were quite similar in the two sectors, suggesting similar basal and vertical trophic structures. According to Bayesian stable isotope mixing models, most trophic groups, including pelagic G. gregaria, rely on phytoplankton as their main carbon source. This reveals a weak predation pressure on mesozooplankton by the squat lobster and reinforces a bottom-up regulation during the spring season. This study contributes to our knowledge of trophic interactions in plankton communities and how they are regulated by bottom-up and top-down forces, which is imperative for monitoring and management purposes.
... It is important to note that many of these species likely have multiple larval stages and much more work is needed to fully describe the life history. Developmental plasticity in the number of larval stages is common for shrimps and several factors, including temperature, salinity and available food, can influence this variability [62][63][64][65][66][67]. These factors affect the molting cycle and can produce morphological differences across larvae stages [68]. ...
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The identification of deep-sea (>200 m) pelagic larvae is extremely challenging due to the morphological diversity across ontogeny and duration of larval phases. Within Decapoda, developmental stages often differ conspicuously from their adult form, representing a bizarre and mysterious world still left to be discovered. The difficulties with sampling and rearing deep-sea larvae, combined with the lack of taxonomic expertise, argues for the use of molecular methods to aid in identification. Here, we use DNA barcoding combined with morphological methods, to match larval stages with their adult counterpart from the northern Gulf of Mexico and adjacent waters. For DNA barcoding, we targeted the mitochondrial ribosomal large subunit 16S (16S) and the protein coding cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (COI). These data were combined with previous sequences to generate phylogenetic trees that were used to identify 12 unknown larval and two juvenile species from the infraorder Caridea and the suborder Dendrobranchiata. Once identified, we provide taxonomic descriptions and illustrations alongside the current state of knowledge for all families. For many groups, larval descriptions are missing or non-existent, so this study represents a first step of many to advance deep-sea larval diversity.
... Survival or mortality of meroplankton depends on complex factors eg. food supply, predation, competition and oceanographic patterns [3]. Meroplankton feeds on plankton or they survive off the yolk from the egg they hatched from. ...
... Besides, the surface chlorophyll-a concentration distribution was also coincident with the meroplankton abundance gradient. Similar coast-ocean gradients have also been observed for meroplankton in the Southern Ocean (Thatje et al., 2003) or along a Patagonian fjord (Meerhoff et al., 2014), assigned mainly to nutrient and chlorophyll-a inputs. ...
The influence of oceanographic fronts on the abundance and community composition of invertebrate larvae, mostly of benthic species, along nearly 2000 km of the southwestern Atlantic shelf (21–34°S) was investigated. Meroplankton was sampled through vertical hauls at 89 stations, distributed along 14 cross-shelf transects, during late spring 2010 and early summer 2011. Salinity and temperature were registered with a CTD/rosette system, which provided seawater for chlorophyll-a and nutrient concentrations estimations. Vertical profiles of temperature, salinity, chlorophyll-a and nutrients were used as proxies of the fronts. In addition, high-resolution thermosalinograph data were used to detect surface frontal features. Meroplankton abundance peaks were found at several fronts intersected by the ship, including upwelling zones, estuarine and plume fronts, a shelf-break front, and two cyclonic eddies. Furthermore, meroplankton abundance was also relatively higher at small-scale thermal and/or saline surface fronts observed along the shelf. Such increases in meroplankton abundance are likely to be ascribed to high nutrient input and primary production. Distinct taxa of invertebrate larvae occurred at different types of fronts, besides the coastal realm, which was virtually dominated by decapod, cirripede and bivalve larvae. Small-scale shelf fronts presented high abundances of decapod and gastropod larvae, for instance, while larvae of polychaetes were the most frequent in the estuarine front of Patos Lagoon section.
... Although the duration of the post-embryonic developmental phase among decapods tends to be taxon-specific, on average it lasts about five weeks (Pandian 1994). However, the extent of abbreviated development seems to vary in a consistent fashion as the environmental conditions become more stressing, such as in polar waters, deep sea, and terrestrialization (Anger 1995, Thatje et al. 2003, Bauer 2004. Abbreviated development has also been documented in other very specific conditions, such as symbiotic relationships of marine decapods with sessile invertebrates (e.g., tunicates or sponges) showing patchy distribution (Bolaños et al. 2004, Duffy andMacDonald 2010). ...
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This chapter discusses general patterns of brooding in decapod crustaceans from aquatic to terrestrial environments, addressing behavioral adaptations as well as costs and benefits. Brooding embryos is a common feature among decapods. However, brooding exhibits a wide range of modes that are highly dependent on the environment. Brooding is less common in marine systems, whereas there is a general pattern of extended brooding accompanying terrestrialization. Exceptions are crabs that have invaded land directly via the seashore, i.e. land crabs that have indirect development like their marine ancestors. During terrestrialization, adaptability to environmental stressors like desiccation, UV radiation, temperature variability, mechanical support, and osmolality seemed to generally favor decreasing larval development and increasing duration of brood care. Thus, crustaceans developed more complex brooding mechanisms as adaptive responses to the colonization of land (e.g., osmoregulation of the maternal fluids, marsupial fluid, sealed and specialized marsupium, provision of nutritious material, grooming and cleaning, ventilation of the embryo masses). However, clear brooding behaviors are also observed among several marine species (e.g. grooming and cleaning, oxygen provision). The major efforts to characterize general brooding patterns among decapod crustaceans and describe brooding behaviors were not accompanied by comprehensive studies to understand the costs and the benefits of brooding. Several studies have addressed the positive influence of the mother on embryo development, but the efforts to quantify the impact on embryo survival are still limited. This chapter identifies problems that need further consideration to reach a deeper understanding of the evolution of brooding in decapod crustaceans.
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without abstract. D.Sc. (doctor of science, higher doctorate) UK higher education system A higher doctorate is a rare UK degree that certifies that the candidate has fundamentally changed and driven the thinking within research area(s) and at international scale, by developing new scientific questions, ideas, and theory of global significance.
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In order to facilitate studies concerning meroplankton, and especially about decapod larvae from shallow waters of Chile, the present contribution provides a general description of both the first zoea of four species of Hippolytidae (Hippolyte williamsi, Latreutes antiborealis, Eualus dozei y Nauticaris magellanica), one of Rhychocinetidae (Rhychocinetidae typus), and the zoea II of three species of the family Alpheidae (Synalpheus spinifrons, Betaeus truncatus y B. emarginatus). Additionally, we present a key to determine the developmental stage and to identify the early zoeal stages of the eight species studied. The species identification of early zoeae of Hippolytidae and Rhynchocinetidae may be achieved rather uncomplicated, however, due to the lack of larval descriptions of three species in two genera of Alpheidae, the situation within this group is more complex. Based upon the results obtained, we conclude that the morphology of the antenna, the presence/absence of carapace spines, and the shape of the telson may serve as diagnostic features for the identification of the early larval stages of caridean species from Chile; eventually, these features may be considered to establish phylogenetic relations based upon larval characters.
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The decapodid and first two juvenile stages of the caridean shrimp Campylonotus vagans from the Subantarctic Beagle Channel (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina) are described and illustrated in detail. The complete larval and early juvenile development of this species from rearings under controlled laboratory conditions were analysed. Zoeal morphology in two stages of an abbreviated development was identical to a description from plankton and hatched larvae of a previous work, and therefore we only compare and discuss slight morphological variations in this study. The first juvenile is large and already resembles some features of adults, lacking all ventral rostral and the fourth dorsal rostral spine only which appears in the following stage, and the second pereiopod not yet being as predominant as in adults. Sexual determination is not yet possible up to the described second juvenile stage. The abbreviated larval development in a Subantarctic shrimp species is discussed as an adaptation to low temperatures and pronounced seasonality.
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Se obtuvo hembras ovígeras de Halicarcinus planatus en la región de Mar del Plata, (38° S), Prov. de Buenos Aires, Argentina, y se completó el desarrollo larval en el laboratorio, obteniéndose 3 zoeae y la megalopa. Se observó además que la distribución de los adultos desde la región Fueguina hasta la Provo de Buenos Aires se encuadra dentro de un cline morfológico.
Eighty-eight specimens of Paralomis birsteini Macpherson, 1988, were caught with traps over the submarine Gerlache sea mounts and surroundings Pedro I Island, in the Bellingshausen Sea; over the continental slope to the west of the Antarctic Peninsula and in the Scottish Sea (Statistical Subareas 88.3, 48.1 and 48.2), between 621 and 1876 m depth. Measurements of the cephalothoraxic length of specimens were between 50.8 and 110.2 mm, and 249-g weight on the average. Yields relative to the total traps used in each subarea, were 87.3 g/trap in Subarea 88.3; 2.2 g/trap in Subarea 48.1; and, 548.8 g/trap in Subarea 48.2. The presence of the family Lithodidae in the Southern Ocean is discussed.
The biogeography and ecology of decapod crustaceans was described for the higher latitudes of the Southern Ocean. The analyzed area included the transitional or antiboreal region of the South American continental shelves (south of about 42°30'S), the Antarctic continental shelves, the Subantarctic islands of the Scotia and the Kerguelen Arcs, the deep sea south of about 42°S and the pelagic realm between the Subtropical Convergence and the Antarctic continent. A broad base of own data and a review of the literature revealed the presence of 98 benthic decapod species in the entire area, with 92 species on the continental shelves and around the Subantarctic islands, and 6 species in the deep sea. A total of 34 decapod species live in the pelagic system south of the Subtropical Convergence. About 50% of the benthic species, nearly all deep-sea species, but only one pelagic decapod are endemic in the analyzed sectors of the Southern Ocean. Eualus kinzeri (Caridea: Hippolytidae) is the only endemic decapod of the Antarctic continental shelves. By means of a multivariate cluster analysis the antiboreal decapod fauna of South America was separated from the species living around Antarctica and the Subantarctic islands of the Scotia and Kerguelen Arc. In contrast to earlier studies the northern distribution limit of the Antarctic decapod fauna was set at approximately 55°30'S, and includes species which are distributed on the southern tip of South America. The species number in the antiboreal region of South America is 79, and higher than known before. The caridean shrimps are the most numerous group within the entire area, and together with the anomuran crabs, the palinuran and astacuran lobsters they demonstrate a high degree of eurybathy compared to the Brachyura. The restriction of the Brachyura to shallow-water zones is discussed as one reason, that caused the absence of this group on the Antarctic continental shelves after the successive elimination of the shallow-water fauna during glaciation of the southern hemisphere.
Temperature can influence the physiology of marine organisms on a variety of time scales ranging from short-term fluctuations (tidal, vertical migration) to long-term climatic change. During the past 60 Ma shallow water marine organisms living at high southern latitudes around the margins of the continental fragments of Gondwana have experienced a decrease in mean seawater temperature from about 15°C in the early Tertiary to the present range of roughly + 2° to − 1.8°C. The early Cretaceous fauna around Gondwana was relatively rich and diverse. Despite the influence of glaciation the present fauna is rich in biomass and can show a very high within-site diversity. Some groups, however, notably fish and groups with calcareous skeletons such as bivalves and gastropods, are low in species richness. Evidence from physiology suggests that adaptation to low temperature is not a particularly severe evolutionary problem. The concept that the tropics are more equable than the polar regions is purely anthropocentric and entirely inappropriate for marine organisms. Polar organisms generally have a low cost of maintenance allowing higher growth efficiencies and thus affording a distinct energetic advantage over warmer water forms. Relating periods of extinction to a lowering of seawater temperature leads to a paradox in that the rates of cooling are so much slower (by several orders of magnitude) than those with which living marine organisms can cope, that it is difficult to see why previous marine communities could not adapt to track the change in temperature. One explanation is that altough a long-term change in mean temperature is often slow, this may be accompanied by severe short-term changes with which the fauna cannot cope. Also, it is unlikely that temperature change alone causes widespread extinction, but temperature varying with other ecological factors. If temperature change is indeed a problem then the direction is immaterial, climatic ‘amelioration’ is just as much a problem as climatic ‘deterioration’. Clearly physiology, ecology and palaeontology have much to teach each other.
Resistance to starvation in early larval stages of six species of brachyuran crabs representing four families was observed at various constant temperatures. In the optimal temperature range of 25-30°C for these warm temperate crab larvae, survival time of starved zoeae was longer than the developmental duration time in fed zoeae, while at lower temperatures the relationship of these two duration periods became inversed. This response pattern is found in larvae of the mud crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii and is considered to be typical for warm temperature brachyuran larvae. It indicates that reserve utilization is strongly controlled by temperature, but not to the same degree as development.