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Crystal Structure and Protium Absorption Properties of Ti-Cr-X Alloys


Abstract and Figures

This paper aims to develop the vanadium free Ti-Cr-X BCC solid solution alloys with high protium content. The effects of additional elements such as Mo, W, Nb and Ta to the phase formation on the Ti-Cr alloys were studied. It was found that Mo-added heat-treated alloys had the flattened plateau regions with the capacity of more than 2.2 mass% protium with maximum of 3.6 mass% protium content. which is equal to that of Ti-Cr-V alloys, It was found that the Ti-Cr-Mo alloys A with BCC structure transformed to protide phase with BCC or FCC structure, The plateau pressure of the Ti-Cr-Mo alloys increased with increasing Mo content. but the lattice parameters decreased. The HIM ratio of the alloy with less than 10 at%Mo was 1.8 at 10 MPa hydrogen pressure and was almost unchanged with Mo content.
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Materials Transactions, Vol. 43, No. 3 (2002) pp. 470 to 473
2002 The Japan Institute of Metals
Crystal Structure and Protium Absorption Properties of Ti–Cr–X Alloys
Atsunori Kamegawa, Koji Shirasaki
, Takuya Tamura
, Takahiro Kuriiwa
Hitoshi Takamura and Masuo Okada
Department of Materials Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8579, Japan
This paper aims to develop the vanadium free Ti–Cr–X BCC solid solution alloys with high protium content. The effects of additional
elements such as Mo, W, Nb and Ta to the phase formation on the Ti–Cr alloys were studied. It was found that Mo-added heat-treated alloys
had the flattened plateau regions with the capacity of more than 2.2 mass% protium with maximum of 3.6 mass% protium content, which is
equal to that of Ti–Cr–V alloys. It was found that the Ti–Cr–Mo alloys with BCC structure transformed to protide phase with BCC or FCC
structure. The plateau pressure of the Ti–Cr–Mo alloys increased with increasing Mo content, but the lattice parameters decreased. The H/M
ratio of the alloy with less than 10at%Mo was 1.8 at 10MPa hydrogen pressure and was almost unchanged with Mo content.
(Received October 30, 2001; Accepted January 22, 2002)
Keywords: protium storage alloys, titanium-chromium-molybdenum alloys, body centered cubic phase, heat-treatment
1. Introduction
Recent strong demands for the hydrogen fuel cell (FC) as
the emission-free vehicles urge to develop protium absorb-
ing alloys with high capacity as hydrogen storage tank. Since
they have advantages as compactness, free-shape and safety
storage of hydrogen energy. However, the protium capacity
of the presently used MmNi
based alloys does not exceed
1.2mass% protium content, which is insufficient for using
as hydrogen storage tank. The strong candidate for the pur-
pose will be body centered cubic (BCC) solid solution alloys,
which is named as Laves phase related the BCC alloys.
Tominaga et al.
reported that Ti–Cr–V solid solution al-
loys with a BCC structure exhibit an effective protium capac-
ity of 2.6mass% protium. The optimum heat-treatment con-
ditions for the alloy were reported to be annealing at 1573 K
for 1min, and then quenching in water. Okada et al.
that the Ti–Cr–V alloys with low V content (5–7.5at%V)
yield the high capacity of nearly 3mass% protium, which
is the highest value at 313K reported so far. The optimum
composition of the Ti–Cr–V alloys was also discussed and
the alloys with Ti/Cr ratio of 2/3 have the plateau region in
the PCT curve around 0.1MPa (1atm) with highest capacity
at 313K. The alloys will be promising since it contains a low
amount of the expensive V element. Since the BCC alloys
with low content of V exhibit high capacities comparable to
pure vanadium or V-based alloys, it is expected that V free Ti–
Cr alloys with a BCC structure may exhibit a high capacity.
But Ti–60Cr alloys (Ti/Cr = 2/3) have Laves phase as equi-
librium phase in the range of room temperature–1630K and
BCC solid solution phase at high temperature in narrow range
of 1630K–1700K. Therefore it is difficultto obtain only BCC
phase freezing from high temperature in the binary alloys, so
that it is necessary to stabilize the BCC phase in Ti–Cr binary
phase diagram by adding some BCC-forming elements such
Mo, W, Nb, and Ta. Then, the purpose of the present study
This Paper was Presented at the Autumn Meeting of the Japan Institute
of Metals, held in Fukuoka, on September 23, 2001.
Graduate Student, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8579, Japan.
Graduate Student, Tohoku University, Present address Honda R&D.
is to investigate the formation of BCC phase in the Ti–Cr
X alloys (X=Mo, W, Nb, Ta) and their protium absorption-
desorption properties.
2. Experimental Procedures
The alloys were prepared from raw materials by arc melt-
ing on a water-cooled copper hearth under pure argon at-
mosphere. The purity of the elements were as follows:
Ti > 99.6at%; Cr > 99.99at%; and V, Mo, W, Nb, Ta >
99.99at%. In our previous study, The Mo or W added Ti–Cr
V alloys have mainly BCC phase. But Mo or W unmelted ad-
ditives were remained in the alloys with the addition of more
than 10%Mo or 5%W, respectively. The melting point of Mo,
W, Nb and Ta is high temperature such as 2883 K, 3683 K,
2741K and 3269K respectively. Therefore, at first Cr–X al-
loys (X=Mo, W, Nb, Ta) were melted, and then Ti–Cr–X al-
loys were prepared. Sample ingots were remelted three times
to ensure their homogeneity. Some samples were annealed at
1673K for 1min, and quenched into iced water.
Crystal structures and lattice parameters were studied by
X-ray diffractometer (XRD) using Cu-Kα radiation (Philips,
X’pert System). Hydrogenated sample for the XRD experi-
ment was prepared by pressurizing the alloys on 0.1 MPa hy-
drogen gas and soaking protium absorbed alloys in ethanol to
confine the protium in the sample.
PCT curves were measured with a Sieverts-type apparatus
at 313K. Each sample was put into a vessel and was evac-
uated at 313K for 2h, using a rotary vacuum pump. The
alloys absorb protium fully at first hydrogen charge process,
so initial activation treatments were unnecessary. Hydrogen
was introduced gradually into the vessel up to a pressure of
10MPa. The third cycle of the PCT curve is shown as the
protium absorption-desorption property in this study.
3. Results and Discussion
Figure 1 shows XRD patterns of cast state and heat-
treated Ti–60Cr alloys, and Ti–56.5Cr–2.5X heat-treated al-
loys (X=V, Mo, W, Nb, Ta). It was shown that main phase of
Crystal Structure and Protium Absorption Properties of Ti–Cr–X Alloys 471
Fig. 1 XRD patternsof as-castand heat-treated Ti–60Cr and Ti–56.5Cr–2.5X
heat-treated alloys (X=V, Mo, W, Nb, Ta).
the binary alloys were C14-type Laves phase, and BCC phase
is appeared in heat-treated alloys. All Ti–56.5Cr–2.5X alloys
in as-cast state consist of only Laves phase, but the Ti-56.5Cr
2.5V, Ti–56.5Cr–2.5Mo and Ti–56.5Cr–2.5W heat-treated al-
loys contain only BCC solid solution phase. The Laves phase
was observed with small amount of secondary BCC phase
in the Ti–56.5Cr–2.5Nb and Ti–56.5Cr–2.5Ta alloys. It was
found that the addition of V, Mo or W element to the Ti–Cr
alloys had an effect to form BCC phase in the alloys. Figure
2 shows PCT curves of Ti–60Cr and Ti–56.5Cr–2.5X heat-
treated alloys at desorption process. The protium contents of
the alloys at 10MPa hydrogen increased with V, Mo or W
addition, and V and Mo added alloys exhibited the flattened
plateau regions and the capacities of 3.6mass% protium. It
was found that Mo acts as BCC former similar to V element
in the Ti–Cr alloys. The Ta added alloy had no plateau region
in pressure range of this study, since it consists of mostly C14
type laves phase. It was foundthe capacityof the alloys would
be related with the ability of formation BCC phase, and it is
not necessary to include V, which knows as expensive ele-
ment, by containing Mo element. Mo could possibly replace
V in the Ti–Cr BCC solid solution alloys.
Figure 3 shows XRD patterns of Ti–56.5Cr–2.5Mo heat-
treated alloy in various hydrogenated stages: A) as-prepared
state (0mass%; H/M = 0), B) hydrogenated stage at 0.1MPa
for absorption process (1.1mass; H/M = 0.6) and C) at des-
orption process (3.3mass%; H/M = 1.7). The virgin sam-
ple had BCC phase and a lattice constant of the sample was
0.304nm. The hydrogenated sample (B) with lower pro-
tium content than that of plateau region had also BCC phase
(0.314nm). The XRD pattern of hydrogenated sample (C)
with higher protium content than plateau region showed FCC
phase (0.428nm). Considerations of BCT unit cell in FCC
lattice structure(c), lattice parameters of a-axis and c-axis
were 0.303nm and 0.428 nm respectively. The variation of
these lattice parameters was different from that of vanadium
hydrogenation. Vanadium has two hydrides, VH
and VH
Fig. 2 PCT curves of Ti–60Cr and Ti–56.5Cr–2.5X heat-treated alloys at
desorption process (X=V, Mo, W, Nb, Ta).
Fig. 3 XRD patterns of Ti–56.5Cr–2.5Mo heat-treated alloy on varioushy-
drogenated stages: as-prepared state (marked A in PCT curve), hydro-
genated stage on 0.1MPa at absorption process (marked B) and at desorp-
tion process (marked C).
which had different structures of BCT and FCC respectively.
Figure 4 shows PCT curves of Ti-(60 x)Cr-xMo heat-
treated alloys (x = 0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 2.5) at desorption
process. XRD study showed that the alloys containing
more than 1.0at%Mo consist of mainly the BCC phase,
whereas the alloys without and with 0.5Mo contained a large
amount of Laves phase in addition to the BCC phase. Ti–
Cr–(1.0–2.5)Mo alloys with only the BCC phase yield the
highest capacity of about 3.6 mass% protium and had flat
plateau regions with the capacity of about 2.2mass% pro-
tium. The plateau pressure of the alloys containing more than
1.0at%Mo increased with increasing of Mo content in the al-
472 A. Kamegawa et al.
Fig. 4 PCT curves of Ti-(60 x)Cr-xMo heat-treated alloys at desorption
process (x = 0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 2.5).
Fig. 5 XRD patterns of Ti-(60 x)Cr-xMo as-cast alloys (x = 2.5, 5, 10,
20, 30, 50).
Figure 5 shows XRD patterns of Ti-(60 x)Cr-xMo as-
cast alloys (x = 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50). The alloys contain-
ing less than 2.5at%Mo consists of only the Laves phase as
mentioned earlier whereas the 5.0Mo alloy contained small
amounts of secondary Laves phase in addition to the BCC
phase as main phase. The as-cast state alloys with more than
10at%Mo had only the BCC phase. Figure 6 shows the cor-
responding PCT curves of these alloys. The all curves of
the alloys showed absorption-desorption hysteresis loops and
sloped plateau regions, even the curve of Ti–10Cr–50Mo al-
loys had small hysteresis loops and the capacity of 1.1mass%
protium. The protium absorbing amount decrease with in-
creasing the Mo content in the alloys.
Figure 7 shows PCT curves of Ti-(60 x)Cr-xMo heat-
treated alloys (x = 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50). Only BCC phase
were observed in all heat-treated alloys. The slope of the
plateau region in these alloys decreased after heat-treatment
except for the alloy containing 50at%Mo. The 50Mo alloy
did not change the shape of the curve by heat-treatment at
Fig. 6 PCT curves of Ti-(60 x)Cr-xMo as-cast alloys (x = 5, 10, 20, 30,
Fig. 7 PCT curves of Ti-(60 x)Cr-xMo heat-treated alloys (x = 2.5, 5,
10, 20, 30, 50).
1673K for 1min, because it was expected that the annealing
temperature was too low to homogenize the alloy or the time
of the annealing was too short. The capacity of the alloys de-
creased with increasing Mo content and the pressure of the
plateau increased. However, XRD study showed that the lat-
tice parameters of the phase in the alloys increased with in-
creasing Mo content. For example, the 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 30 and
50Mo alloys had the lattice parameters 0.302, 0.305, 0.306,
0.308, 0.311 and 0.315nm, respectively. This is because the
atomic radius of Mo is larger than that of Cr. Figure 8 shows
the corresponding PCT curves with the horizontal axis de-
scribed by H/M ratio at desorption process in these alloys.
The H/M ratio of the alloy with less than 10at%Mo was 1.8 at
10MPa hydrogen pressure and was unchanged with Mo con-
tent. The ratio of H/M of the alloy with more the 20at%Mo
decreased with increasing the content of Mo.
4. Conclusions
The protium absorption desorption properties of Ti–Cr–X
alloys (X=Mo, W, Nb, Ta) were investigated and the follow-
ing conclusions were made.
Crystal Structure and Protium Absorption Properties of Ti–Cr–X Alloys 473
H / M
Fig. 8 PCT curvesof Ti-(60x)Cr-xMo heat-treated alloys with horizontal
axis of H/M ratio (x = 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50).
The addition of V, Mo or W element to Ti–Cr alloys stabi-
lizes BCC phase. The effects of Mo addition to Ti–Cr alloys
give not only flattened plateau regions and also the capacities
of 3.6mass% protium similar to Ti–Cr–V alloys.
The phase change in the Ti–Cr–Mo alloys during the hy-
drogenation process was studied. BCC structure was formed
at the ratio of H/M = 0.6 or below, then, a FCC structure
appeared at higher protium concentration region passing the
plateau region.
The as-cast state alloys with more than 10at%Mo consist
of only the BCC phase. The all curves in the PCT measure-
ments of the alloys showed absorption-desorption hystere-
sis loops and sloped plateau regions, and they are flattened
by heat-treatment. The curve of Ti–10Cr–50Mo alloys show
small hysteresis loops and the capacity of 1.1mass% protium.
The highest value of the capacity in this study yields
3.6mass% protium of Ti–Cr–(1.0–2.5)Mo. However, it was
found that the protium content in the alloys containing more
than 2.5at%Mo decreases with increasing Mo content and the
plateau pressure increased, but there is no change in the H/M
ratio of the alloy with less than 10at%Mo content. The lattice
parameters of the BCC phase in the Ti–Cr–Mo alloys increase
with increasing Mo content.
This work has been supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid
for Scientific Research on Priority Area A of “New Protium
Function” from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports,
Science and Technology.
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2) E. Akiba and H. Enoki: Materia Japan 37 (1998) 645, in Japanese.
3) H. Iba, T. Mouri, M. Shionoya and E. Akiba: Materia Japan 36 (1997)
640–642, in Japanese.
4) H. Iba: Ph. D. Dissertation, Tohoku Univ. Japan (1997) in Japanese.
5) Y.Tominaga, S.Nishimura, T.Amemiya, T.Fuda, T. Tamura, T.Kuriiwa,
A. Kamegawa and M. Okada: Mater. Trans., JIM 40 (1999) 871–874.
6) M. Okada, T. Kuriiwa, T. Tamura, H. Takamura and A. Kamegawa:
METALS and MATERIALS Int. 7 (2001) 67–72.
... Alloy-Mo shows the highest discharge capacity at 247 mAh·g −1 . Partial Mo substitution in Ti-Cr MH alloy was reported previously, and it stabilized the BCC structure and improved the gaseous phase properties [39]. As seen in Figure 6a, capacity drops to almost nothing at the second cycle due mainly to the highly corrosive nature of 30% KOH electrolyte. ...
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Structure, gaseous phase hydrogen storage, and electrochemical properties of a series of TiVCrMn-based body-centered-cubic (BCC) alloys with different partial substitutions for Mn with covalent elements (B and Si), transition metals (Ni, Zr, Nb, and Mo), and rare earth element (La) were investigated. Although the influences from substitutions on structure and gaseous phase storage properties were minor, influences on electrochemical discharge capacity were significant. The first cycle capacity ranged from 16 mAh·g−1 (Si-substituted) to 247 mAh·g−1 (Mo-substituted). Severe alloy passivation in 30% KOH electrolyte was observed, and an original capacity close to 500 mAh·g−1 could possibly be achieved by Mo-substituted alloy if a non-corrosive electrolyte was employed. Surface coating of Nafion to the Mo-substituted alloy was able to increase the first cycle capacity to 408 mAh·g−1, but the degradation rate in mAh·g−1·cycle−1 was still similar to that of standard testing. Electrochemical capacity was found to be closely related to BCC phase unit cell volume and width of the an extra small pressure plateau at around 0.3 MPa on the 30 °C pressure-concentration-temperature (PCT) desorption isotherm. Judging from its high electrochemical discharge capacity, Mo was the most beneficial substitution in BCC alloys for Ni/metal hydride (MH) battery application.
... The introduction of Laves phases promotes good absorption kinetics [7], easy formation due to its brittleness [8][9][10], and high surface catalytic activity through a synergetic effect [11]. Many works have been reported in this family of alloys that partially replace Ti, V, and Cr with other transition metals for improvements in both hydrogen storage [9,[12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19] and electrochemical applications [20][21][22][23]. Our contributions to the field include the introduction of a high hydrogen pressure activation process [24], an optimization of annealing conditions (900 °C for 12 h) [25], and a study examining the contributions of the constituent elements in Laves phase-related BCC solid solutions. ...
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Structural, gaseous phase hydrogen storage, and electrochemical properties of a series of annealed (900 °C for 12 h) Laves phase-related body-centered-cubic (BCC) solid solution metal hydride (MH) alloys with vanadium/nickel (V/Ni) contents ranging from 44/18.5 to 28/34.5 were studied. As the average Ni-content increases, C14 phase evolves into the C15 phase and a new σ-VNi phase emerges; lattice constants in BCC, C14, and TiNi phase all decrease; the main plateau pressure increases; both gaseous phase and electrochemical hydrogen storage capacities decrease; the pressure-concentration-temperature (PCT) absorption/desorption hysteresis decreases; both high-rate dischargeability (HRD) and bulk hydrogen diffusivity increase and then decrease; and the surface reaction current decreases. There is a capacity-rate tradeoff with the change in V/Ni content. Alloys with relatively lower Ni-content show higher capacities but inferior high-rate performance compared to commercially available AB 5 MH alloy. Increasing the Ni-content in this BCC-based multi-phase alloy can improve the high-rate capability over AB 5 alloy but with lower discharge capacities. The inferior surface reaction current in these alloys, compared to AB 5 , may be due to the smaller surface area, not the total volume, of the Ni clusters embedded in the surface oxide layer of the activated alloys.
AB2-type Ti-based alloys with Laves phase have advantages over other kinds of hydrogen storage intermetallics in terms of hydrogen sorption kinetics, capacity, and reversibility. In this work, Ti–Zr–Cr-based alloys with progressive Mn, Ni, and V substitutions are developed for reversible hydrogen storage under ambient conditions (1–40 atm, 273–333 K). The optimized alloy (Ti0.8Zr0.2)1.1Mn1.2Cr0.55Ni0.2V0.05 delivers a hydrogen storage capacity of 1.82 wt%, the hydrogenation pressure of 10.88 atm, and hydrogen dissociation pressure of 4.31 atm at 298 K. In addition, fast hydrogen sorption kinetics and low hydriding-dehydriding plateau slope render this alloy suitable for use in hybrid hydrogen tank of fuel cell bicycles.
In fuel cell powered automobiles, hydrogen is required to be stored in materials that have a hydrogen storage density of over 4 mass%; further, these materials should be capable of supplying hydrogen by using the waste heat from a fuel cell, which is at a temperature of 373 K, in order to match the mileage of gasoline-powered vehicles. A Ti-Cr-V alloy, which exhibits a BCC structure and forms a solid solution, is a promising candidate for onboard hydrogen storage materials. Although it has a large hydrogen storage capacity of over 3.9 mass%, the rechargeable hydrogen capacity is limited to approximately 2.6 mass%. In this study, the effects of fine pulverization of the alloy on PCT (hydrogen pressure-composition-isotherm) characteristics were investigated in order to improve the rechargeable hydrogen storage capacity of the alloy. From the PCT measurements of the finely pulverized samples of the alloy, a plateau in the absorption curve was observed to begin at a hydrogen concentration of 0.5 mass%; further, a rechargeable hydrogen storage capacity of 3.3 mass% was obtained. This was greater than that obtained from the sample that was not finely pulverized, i.e., 2.5 mass%. However, the plateau width in the desorption curve was 2.5 mass%, which was the same as that observed for the sample that was not finely pulverized. The increase in the rechargeable hydrogen capacity during absorption is attributed to the precipitation of the γ-hydride phase (MH∼2) directly from the metal phase (α phase). The precipitation of the β phase (MH∼0.5), which should be formed in low hydrogen concentrations, is suppressed as a result of a possible reduction in the internal defects such as dislocations, vacancies, and grain boundaries by fine pulverization and annealing of the alloy.
The hydrogen storage properties of V-Ti-Cr-Fe alloys with compositions of V(30 at%)-Ti(15 at%~55 at%)-Cr(7 at%~43 at%)-Fe(2 at%~18 at%) were studied in this paper. It is found that the hydrogen absorption capacities and the effective hydrogen capacities of the alloys are largely dependent on the Ti/(Cr + Fe) ratio. The alloy shows the largest effective hydrogen capacity at a Ti/(Cr + Fe) ratio of 1.0. With the increase of Ti/(Cr + Fe) ratio (0.9 - 1.05), the lattice parameters of the alloys and the enthalpy of hydrides grow, and the hydrogen desorbing plateau pressure declines. The alloy of V30Ti35Cr25Fe10 with 10at% Fe exhibits a hydrogen capacity of 3.6wt% and an effective hydrogen capacity of 2.0wt% at 298 K.
Hydrogen vibrational excitation was studied for CaF2-type metal hydrides synthesized from Ti-based BCC solid solution alloys using inelastic incoherent neutron scattering (IINS). Ti1.0V1.1Mn 0.9H4.5 and Ti1.0V1.2Cr 1.1H4.8 showed UNS spectra similar to that reported for TiH2. The first three peaks were isolated but the higher excitation peaks were not clear. Analysis of the spectra using curve-fitting with Gauss functions revealed that the hydrogen vibration of Ti1.0V 1.1Mn0.9H4.5 is harmonic but that of the TÍ0.7V12CrIiH48 is deviated from harmonic, which reflects a trumpet-type potential. The relation between metal-hydrogen distance and vibrational excitation energy for the above two hydrides and Ti1.1Cr 1.4Mo0.9H4.8 was compared with a series of CaF2-type binary metal hydrides. All the hydrides of the Ti-based alloys had lower vibrational excitation energies than the binary metal hydrides for the corresponding metal-hydrogen distances.
Structure, gaseous phase hydrogen storage, and electrochemical properties of a series of Laves phase-related BCC solid solution metal hydride alloys with BCC/C14 ratios ranging from 0.09 to 8.52 were studied. Some properties are correlated to the phase abundance and V-content in the alloy with monotonic evolutions, for example, lattice constant, phase abundance, and hydrogen storage pressure. Other properties such as gaseous phase capacities, PCT hysteresis, high-rate dischargeability, and bulk hydrogen diffusion correlate better with the C14 phase crystallite size, which are considered to be more related to the synergetic effect between main and secondary phases. In contrast with conventional metal hydride alloys used in NiMH batteries, the electrochemical discharge capacities of these alloys are not between the maximum and the reversible hydrogen storage measured in the gaseous phase. The current study's alloys have electrochemical capacities that are insensitive to composition but have much room for improvement, with high-rate dischargeabilities that are superior compared to other commercially available alloys. With further research, these alloys show potential for high-rate battery applications.
In the present study, two process techniques, mechanical alloying and innovative vacuum copper boat induction melting, were used to produce Ti0.72Zr0.28Mn1.6V0.4 alloy for hydrogen storage applications. The hydrogen absorption and desorption properties of the alloy were studied. The material structure and phases were characterized by XRD and SEM. The hydrogen absorption and desorption properties of the alloy were measured by an automatically controlled Sieverts apparatus. The results showed that the samples consisted of two main phases, C14 Lave phase and V-base solid solution phase. The maximum capacity of abs/desorption was achieved at mediate temperature (150 °C). The hydrogen capacity of the induction melted samples in various temperatures was higher than that for the samples produced by mechanical alloying method. The maximum absorption capacity of the induction melted and mechanically alloyed samples were 2 and 1.2 wt%, respectively. The maximum desorption capacity of the induction melted and mechanically alloyed samples were 0.45 and 0.1 wt%, respectively.
Hydrogen absorption/desorption has been investigated in the three series of solid solution bcc alloys and It has been found that H absorption at pressures smaller than one bar can only occur after elimination of the oxide films by heating the alloys to temperatures higher than 600 K. Hydrogen desorption from pre-loaded materials (nH = H/Me ≥ 0.27) takes place on heating at much lower temperatures in the than in the alloys. The H diffusion parameters W and Do deduced from high temperature (>450 K) absorption experiments are: The higher value of the activation energy for H diffusion in Mo containing alloys is most likely due to H trapping by Mo atoms.
Bcc Ti24.5V59.3Fe16.2 alloys containing 10 and 30% of C14 Laves phase inclusions were prepared by induction melting followed by annealing at 1000°C. X-ray powder diffraction and BSE microscopy confirmed the presence of the C14 Laves phase (average composition Ti35.4V32.3Fe32.3) embedded in the bcc matrix. The two end members of the series, the C14 Laves phase and the bcc Ti24.5V59.3Fe16.2 alloy, have very different hydrogenation behaviors. The C14 Laves phase does not absorb as much hydrogen as does the bcc phase. No equilibrium plateau and little hysteresis between absorption and desorption were observed at 25°C for the C14 Laves on the PCI curves whereas those of the bcc sample present one equilibrium plateau and significant hysteresis between absorption and desorption. As a result, the absorption capacity and the length of the equilibrium plateau of the multiphase alloys decrease with the C14 Laves phase content. The hydrogenation properties of an as-cast bcc Ti24.5V59.3Fe16.2 sample were also investigated: the kinetics of the first hydrogenation is found to be slower and the plateau pressures higher for the as-cast alloy than for the annealed sample.
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Vanadium-based BCC alloys are known to absorb a high amount of protium. But, they do not desorb absorbed-protium completely. This paper aims to clarify the effects of alloy composition and heat-treatment on the protium absorption-desorption properties of Ti-(0–35) at%V–Cr alloys.A Ti–35V–40Cr alloy was chosen as the starting composition. The plateau pressure of the Ti–35V–(40+x)Cr (x=−3, 0, 3) alloys increased with increasing Cr content. For the alloys containing more than 15 at%V, a BCC phase was formed in the as-cast state, which was found to have an effective protium capacity of about 2.4 mass%H. However, a Laves phase was formed for alloys containing less than 10 at%V, which only had an effective protium capacity of about 1.8 mass%H.The effect of heat-treatment on the microstructures and protium absorption-desorption properties of the Ti–35V–40Cr alloy were studied. It was found that the optimum condition for heat-treatment was annealing at 1573 K for 1 min. The Ti–35V–40Cr alloy heat-treated under this condition exhibited the highest effective protium capacity of 2.6 mass%H. This effective protium capacity is higher than any other reported values at 313 K. However, further annealing at 1573 K led to a decrease in protium capacity, which may result from an increase in the amount of a Ti-rich phase. A Ti–10V–55.4Cr alloy, which contained a Laves phase in the as-cast state, became single-phase BCC after heat-treatment. Even though the alloy contains only 10 at%V, this heat-treated alloy showed an effective protium capacity of 2.5 mass%H, which is higher than any other reported values for BCC alloys.
We propose a new concept of hydrogen absorbing alloy, ‘Laves phase related BCC solid solution’. It was first found among the phases formed in multi-component nominal AB2 alloys which consisted of Zr and Ti for the A metal site and 5A, 6A and 7A transition metals for the B metal sites. In these alloys a BCC solid solution often coexisted with a Laves phase. It showed stability of hydrides and reaction kinetics almost identical to intermetallics such as Laves phase alloys. We prepared an almost pure ‘Laves phase related BCC solid solution’ and found that it had a large hydrogen capacity (more than 2 mass %) and fast hydrogen absorption and desorption kinetics at ambient temperature and pressure. This new hydrogen absorbing alloy may open a new era of hydrogen related application such as hydrogen vehicles.
  • H Iba
  • T Mouri
  • M Shionoya
  • E Akiba
H. Iba, T. Mouri, M. Shionoya and E. Akiba: Materia Japan 36 (1997) 640-642, in Japanese.
  • Y Tominaga
  • S Nishimura
  • T Amemiya
  • T Fuda
  • T Tamura
  • T Kuriiwa
  • A Kamegawa
  • M Okada
Y. Tominaga, S. Nishimura, T. Amemiya, T. Fuda, T. Tamura, T. Kuriiwa, A. Kamegawa and M. Okada: Mater. Trans., JIM 40 (1999) 871-874.
  • E Akiba
  • H Enoki
E. Akiba and H. Enoki: Materia Japan 37 (1998) 645, in Japanese.
  • M Okada
  • T Kuriiwa
  • T Tamura
  • H Takamura
  • A Kamegawa
M. Okada, T. Kuriiwa, T. Tamura, H. Takamura and A. Kamegawa: METALS and MATERIALS Int. 7 (2001) 67-72.