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Gender, Age, and Identity in the Isolation Calls of Antillean Manatees ( Trichechus manatus manatus )


Abstract and Figures

Empirical evidence of individual vocal recognition has been reported for the Amazonian manatee (Trichechus inunguis) and the West Indian manatee (T. manatus). Underwater vocalizations of 15 Antillean manatees (T. m. manatus) were recorded to verify if this subspecies also conveys individual information through their calls. The isolation calls selected for analysis were digitized to measure eight different variables. Individual vocal patterns were analyzed within two age classes (calves and others) and between sexes. Discriminant function analysis for each age class grouped vocalizations by individual, based on variables related to the fundamental frequency and call duration. Female calls were longer in duration and presented a higher fundamental frequency but lower peak frequency values than males. Calves had significantly higher values for all eight acoustic variables measured with respect to frequency and time. Higher values for all frequency parameters in calf calls and the inverse relationship between total body length and peak frequency suggests that younger, smaller animals emit higher frequency sounds. Furthermore, higher values obtained for the fundamental frequency range of calves and the inverse relationship of this variable with total body length suggest that the fundamental frequency becomes more defined as the animal ages. Vocal learning and genetic inheritance are discussed based on the analyses of vocal patterns among related individuals. In addition to facilitating individual recognition as a possible factor in Antillean manatee social interactions, vocal identity provides a potential means of estimating the size and structure of sirenian populations.
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Aquatic Mammals
(1), 109-122, DOI 10.1578/AM.34.1.2008.109
Gender, Age, and Identity in the Isolation Calls of
Antillean Manatees (
Trichechus manatus manatus
Renata S. Sousa-Lima,
Adriano P. Paglia,
2, 4
and Gustavo A. B. da Fonseca
3, 4, 5
Bioacoustics Research Program, Laboratory of Ornithology, Cornell University,
159 Sapsucker Woods Road, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA; E-mail:
Conservation International do Brasil, Avenida Getúlio Vargas, 1300, 7° Andar, 30112-021 Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil
Global Environment Facility, 1818 H Street, NW, G 6-602 Washington, DC 20433, USA
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia, Conservação e Manejo de Vida Silvestre (PG-ECMVS),
Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brasil
Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Ciencias Biologicas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais,
Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Ciencias Biologicas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais,
Avenida Antonio Carlos, 6627, 31270-901 Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil
Empirical evidence of individual vocal recogni-
tion has been reported for the Amazonian manatee
Trichechus inunguis
) and the West Indian mana-
tee (
T. manatus
). Underwater vocalizations of 15
Antillean manatees (
T. m. manatus
) were recorded
to verify if this subspecies also conveys individual
information through their calls. The isolation calls
selected for analysis were digitized to measure
eight different variables. Individual vocal patterns
were analyzed within two age classes (calves and
others) and between sexes. Discriminant func-
tion analysis for each age class grouped vocal-
izations by individual, based on variables related
to the fundamental frequency and call duration.
Female calls were longer in duration and pre-
sented a higher fundamental frequency but lower
peak frequency values than males. Calves had
significantly higher values for all eight acoustic
variables measured with respect to frequency and
time. Higher values for all frequency parameters
in calf calls and the inverse relationship between
total body length and peak frequency suggests that
younger, smaller animals emit higher frequency
sounds. Furthermore, higher values obtained
for the fundamental frequency range of calves
and the inverse relationship of this variable with
total body length suggest that the fundamental
frequency becomes more defined as the animal
ages. Vocal learning and genetic inheritance are
discussed based on the analyses of vocal patterns
among related individuals. In addition to facilitat-
ing individual recognition as a possible factor in
Antillean manatee social interactions, vocal iden-
tity provides a potential means of estimating the
size and structure of sirenian populations.
Key Words:
Sirenia, manatee,
Trichechus mana-
tus manatus
, calls, sounds, vocalization, gender
differences, age differences, vocal identity,
The West Indian manatee was split into two sub-
species: (1) the Florida manatee (
manatus latirostris
) and (2) the Antillean mana-
tee (
T. m. manatus
) (Domning & Hayek, 1986).
This division has since been questioned by evi-
dence from mitochondrial DNA haplotypes
shared between the Florida manatee population
and populations from the Greater Antilles, which
are considered to be part of the Antillean manatee
subspecies (Garcia-Rodriguez et al., 1998). More
recently, Catanhede et al. (2005) and Vianna et al.
(2006) proposed that
T. manatus
, the West Indian
manatee, is a paraphyletic species.
These taxa and other sirenian species may pres-
ent identity information in their calls. Vocal sig-
nature information and individual recognition has
already been documented in Amazonian manatees
T. inunguis
) (Sousa-Lima et al., 2002). Additional
evidence stems from individual vocal differences
in dugongs (
Dugong dugon
) (Anderson & Barclay,
1995) and individual vocal recognition between a
mother and calf pair of Florida manatees that had
been physically separated (Reynolds, 1981). Florida
manatee vocalizations function to assist mothers
and calves in locating and maintaining contact with
each other (Hartman, 1979) and also may have the
potential for conveying identity information.
Animal communication signals are often accom-
panied by information about the sender such as
motivation, sex, age, or identity (Halliday & Slater,
1983). Such information presumably benefits both
parties (sender and receiver), and the acquisition
Sousa-Lima et al.
of these benefits is the function of the exchange
(Bradbury & Vehrencamp, 1998). Therefore, if a
signal that conveys information about gender, age,
or identity of an individual is mutually beneficial,
and no other means of recognition is reliable,
selection should act to enable individuals to dis-
criminate among such attributes. Selective forces
to identify and locate specific individuals, par-
ticularly offspring, are typically strongest in colo-
nial species because the probability of misdirect-
ing parental care increases when many offspring
are present (e.g., in bats,
Nycticeius humeralis
Scherrer & Wilkinson, 1993).
Despite the relatively recent large-scale reduc-
tions in numbers throughout their range (Lima,
1997), Antillean manatees were once abundant,
and groups of over 300 individuals were observed
along the Brazilian coast (Whitehead, 1978).
Florida manatees were thought to breed year-
round with a slight birth peak in spring (Hartman,
1979), but more recently Rathbun et al. (1995)
reported that Florida manatees have a more pro-
nounced calving peak between April and May.
In Brazil, the Antillean manatee calving season
occurs between October and March (Lima, 1997;
Paludo & Langguth, 2002). Manatees have low
reproductive rates and high maternal investment—
that is, long gestation, high birth weights, single
offspring (twins are rare), and extended maternal
care (O’Shea & Reep, 1990; Rathbun et al., 1995;
da Silva et al., 2000, in press). Therefore, it is rea-
sonable to assume that there is selective pressure
on mothers to nurse their own calves, rather than
other calves implying that there is an adaptive
advantage to individual recognition ability.
Recognizing and maintaining contact with spe-
cific individuals may be more challenging when the
animals are often physically separated and adequate
visual contact is not possible. The existence of indi-
vidual information and/or the capacity for individ-
ual recognition has been reported in sounds pro-
duced by other marine mammals in which mothers
and offspring are often separated and reunited such
as in pinnipeds (Insley et al., 2003). Manatees typi-
cally inhabit turbid waters (Moore, 1951). In Brazil,
Antillean manatees are observed in feeding aggre-
gations around river mouths (Paludo & Langguth,
2002), and their tendency to wander while foraging
causes unintentional separations between mothers
and calves, thus favoring the location and recogni-
tion of individual calves through sound rather than
visually (Hartman, 1979; Reynolds, 1981; Sousa-
Lima et al., 2002).
In addition to individual identity, social recog-
nition (i.e., age, gender, and reproductive status)
might be a possible function of sirenian calls.
Although mature male dugongs develop tusks, there
is no apparent sexual dimorphism in manatees. The
role of vision and olfaction in the reproduction of
fully aquatic mammals, such as sirenians, is limited
by the environment and should only be effective
at short ranges. The aquatic environment favors
the dispersal of mates in space and an increased
reliance on acoustical cues for mate location
(Anderson, 2002), recognition, and choice.
The recognition process begins with the emis-
sion of unique and stereotyped signals by the
sender. Herein we predict that the underwater
isolation calls of Antillean manatees will show
variations that can be attributed to individual,
stereotyped differences as well as gender and age
Materials and Methods
Underwater sounds from eight male and six female
Antillean manatees were recorded at the facili-
ties of the Centro Mamíferos Aquáticos/IBAMA
(CMA), a governmental research center located
on Itamaracá Island in the northeastern state of
Pernambuco, Brazil. Additionally, one rehabili-
tated and reintroduced female was recorded in an
estuarine lagoon located on the southern coast of
Maceió City, state of Alagoas, Brazil. Identification
information for the animals recorded in this study
is given in Table 1. The study animals were mostly
newborn, stranded calves that had been rescued
and taken to CMA. Individuals younger than 3 y
old were considered calves based on the estimated
inter-birth interval of 3 to 5 y (da Silva et al., in
press) and on direct evidence from the Amazonian
species in which weaning takes place after 2 y of
age (da Silva et al., 2000).
There were two large pools at CMA (10.1 m in
diameter, 4.15 m in depth, and capacity for 400,000 l
of water each) connected by a smaller pool (4.45
× 4.1 × 1.2 m and capacity for 20,000 l) where
adults and a few calves were maintained. Most
calves were kept in another smaller pool (8.0 ×
5.0 × 1.5 m and capacity for 96,000 l). Two other
small pools were used for isolating calves: a round
one (3.0 × 0.8 m) and a rectangular one (4.0 × 2.0
× 0.9 m) with 7.8 and 8.0 m
of water capacity,
Two age classes (calves and others) were
considered in the analysis because distinguish-
ing adults from subadults based on size is too
arbitrary (Hartman, 1979). Individual adults and
subadults were isolated in one of the main pools,
while calves were transferred on a stretcher to the
smaller pools, which were completely isolated
during recordings. Individuals were isolated for
25 min to ensure that the sample of recordings
from all individuals was taken in a similar context.
Animals could not be kept in isolation any longer
for ethical reasons, thus limiting the number of
Gender, Age, and Identity in Manatee Calls
suitable vocalizations acquired for analysis. A
canoe was used to transport the necessary equip-
ment and to approach the reintroduced animal
which was recorded in the wild (Lua; see Table
1) for 3 h at a distance of 5 m. This reintroduced
animal was recorded when it was by itself; there-
fore, no recordings of calls emitted in a social con-
text in the wild were obtained. Captive animals
were recorded in two different social contexts,
however: (1) in isolation (25 min per individual)
and (2) during conspecific interactions (approxi-
mately 5 h of recordings in each pool).
Recordings were made using a Sony Walkman
Pro (WM-D6C; flat audio frequency response 40 to
15,000 Hz ± 3 dB) and an omnidirectional hydro-
phone (Cetacean Research Technology Model
50Ca) with a sensitivity of -161 dB re: 1
Pa and
a frequency range response of 0.01 to 310.0 kHz.
Analyzed calls were chosen based on a high signal-
to-noise ratio and on their occurrence in a similar
behavioral state (swimming). Analog recordings
were digitized at a sample rate of 44,100 Hz;
sample size 16 bits. A maximum of 10 sounds per
individual were randomly selected; some individu-
als did not vocalize enough to use a larger sample
size (see Table 1). Each sound was analyzed using
Canary 1.2.1.
software (Charif et al., 1995), with a
filter bandwidth of 699.40 Hz and a frame length
of 256 points. The duration and frequency were
measured from the most intense harmonic that
was clearly visible along the length of the signal.
We then divided the frequency measurements by
the appropriate factor (number of the harmonic) to
yield the value of the fundamental frequency.
We measured eight acoustic variables from
the recordings and six of them (listed in Table 2)
were used to perform two discriminant function
analyses (DFA), one for each age class, to test for
differences in individual vocal patterns. The vari-
ables “fundamental frequency range” and “har-
monic with most energy” were excluded from the
DFA because they did not conform to the test’s
assumptions (they were linear combinations of
other variables). In both DFAs, sounds from each
individual were treated as a group (Manly, 1994).
Two separate nested multi-way analyses of
variance (MANOVA), using all eight measured
variables (Table 3), were performed to test for dif-
ferences in the vocal pattern between sexes and
between age classes. In each analysis, the indi-
vidual vocalizations were nested by sex and age
classes. This procedure removes the effect of the
differences between individuals from the main
factors (sex and age classes).
The mean values of the variables from each
individual were incorporated into a linear regres-
sion to examine the correlation between total body
length and each of the eight vocal variables (Sokal
& Rohlf, 1995).
Vocal Repertoire
Two sound types, clicks and vocalizations, were iden-
tified for this species (Figures 1 & 2). The broadband
click sounds had dominant frequencies between 1.0
to 4.0 kHz, with energy as high as 20.0 kHz. This
sound type was recorded in all contexts observed,
Table 1.
Identification of the Antillean manatees recorded in Brazil
Age class
Origin (location/state)
Body length (cm)
Calls analyzed
Tibau do Norte/RN
CMA – Xica’ s calf
CMA – Sereia’ s calf
Boi Voador
São Luis/MA
CMA – Sereia’ s calf
Morro Branco/CE
Morro Branco/CE
Barro Preto/CE
M = male; F = female
C = calf; O = other (subadult or adult)
CE: Ceará; MA: Maranhão; CMA: Centro Mamíferos Aquáticos; RN: Rio Grande do Norte; PB: Paraíba; AP: Amapá
Sousa-Lima et al.
sometimes, but not always, in association with the
vocalizations (e.g., Figure 1: O & Figure 2).
In addition to the clicks, the vocalization rep-
ertoire was a continuum, ranging from relatively
simple sounds with a clear harmonic structure to
more complex sounds with a noisy, harsh quality
that is comprised either by a combination of har-
monic and nonharmonic (e.g., noisy, nonlinear,
chaotic) frequency components or by broad fre-
quency bands (e.g., Figure 1: M). Nonharmonic,
chaotic components occurred in the beginning, at
the end, or throughout the entire signal, although
this asynchrony in the frequency bands is mainly
observed at the beginning and end of the signal
(Figure 1: H, N, O, Q & R). All individuals emit-
ted nonharmonic and harmonic calls and, due to
the relative ease of taking measurements from the
sounds with clear harmonics, those were the ones
explored further in this study.
The vocalizations had only one component with
a mean duration of 353 ± 78 ms, ranging from 180
to 480 ms, with both amplitude and frequency mod-
ulation. The mean frequency variation (maximum-
minimum fundamental frequency) was 0.97 ± 0.50
kHz. The majority of vocalizations recorded began
with ascending frequency modulation and ended
with descending frequency modulation, although
some individuals varied in that respect and can
have different modulation features in their calls
(Figure 1: N-U). The mean fundamental frequency
of these vocalizations was 2.45 ± 0.50 kHz, with
peak frequencies ranging from 3.7 to 5.7 kHz. In
many cases, several harmonics were more intense
than the fundamental (Figure 1).
Individual Stereotypy
Each individual had a single type of clear har-
monic isolation call with some degree of variation.
Intraindividual variation is illustrated in the spectro-
grams (Figure 1) and also in the spread of the sym-
bols representing each individual in the plot of the
first two discriminant functions or axes (Figure 3).
Calves and noncalves are plotted separately in Figure
3 to enable better visualization of the data ordination
due to considerable overlap, mainly in the second
axis. The ordination of the six variables separates
individuals even though there is great intraindividual
variation and overlap between the vocal patterns of
some individuals. The first two discriminant func-
tions explained more than 93% of the common vari-
ance in the calls for both age classes. Table 2 shows
that, for both age classes, the first discriminant func-
tion is highly correlated with the mean fundamen-
tal frequency and the second highly correlated with
signal duration. Note that some overlapping individ-
uals, such as Carla and Sheila (Figure 3a), are twin
sisters. Figure 1 (N-Q & R-U) also illustrates the
similarities among the calls of these two individuals.
In the DFA with all individuals (not presented here
due to difficulty in visualization in 2D), another case
of overlap between the vocal patterns of kin arose:
between a mother and calf pair, Xiquito (Figure 3a)
and Xica (Figure 3b).
Age and Sex Discrimination
There were significant differences in the acoustic
parameters of vocalizations between sexes and age
classes (Table 3). Calves presented higher values
for all the acoustic variables except in the number
of harmonics. Females had higher values for
signal duration and mean, maximum, and mini-
mum fundamental frequencies compared to males,
but they presented fewer harmonics and a lower
mean peak frequency. No significant difference in
fundamental frequency range between males and
females was observed.
Table 2.
Factor loading of each variable on the two canonical functions of the discriminant function analysis; the variables
with highest loading are highlighted.
Function 1
Function 2
Function 1
Function 2
Signal duration
Number of harmonics
Mean fundamental frequency
Maximum fundamental frequency
Minimum fundamental frequency
Peak frequency
Cumulative probability
Gender, Age, and Identity in Manatee Calls
Figure 1.
Four examples of isolation call spectrograms from five different Antillean manatees; time on the X axis (0 to 500 ms) and frequency on the Y axis (0.0 to 20.0 kHz). “Carla”
and “Sheila” are twin sisters; note their calls’ similarity.
Sousa-Lima et al.
Significant inverse relationships were found
between total body length and both the fundamen-
tal frequency range (F
1, 13
= 5.49;
= -0.54;
0.038) and the peak frequency (F
1, 13
0.038) and the peak frequency (F
1, 13
1, 13
= 9.03;
r = r
= 0.008) (Figures 4 & 5).
Sound Repertoire
Sound analysis and description can be a very sub-
jective exercise. For example, some authors mea-
sure slightly different things such as mean fun-
damental frequency vs the absolute value of the
fundamental frequency at some point along the
duration of the call. Thus, in order to avoid further
artifacts, we made our comparisons by using only
quantitative data provided in the literature.
Our data on the Antillean manatee vocal rep-
ertoire adds to the data gathered by Sonoda &
Takemura (1973) and Nowacek et al. (2003). The
first authors recorded two captive Antillean mana-
tees and found “click-like,” “frog-like,” and “multi-
layer” vocalizations and described clicks as very
short signals with a main frequency range from
2.0 to 7.0 kHz. We recorded clicks that reach peak
frequencies up to 14.0 kHz (Figure 2). Nowacek
et al. (2003) recorded several individuals and did not
report clicks in wild manatees. Clicks and vocaliza-
tions have also been recorded in semi-captivity in
Brazil (approximately 250 h of recordings by Sousa-
Lima, unpub. data). There is no information about
how the click sounds described for this species are
produced. Although speculative, we believe that the
click sounds may be generated by teeth movements
rather than by a specific anatomical structure as in
cetaceans (Cranford et al., 1996).
Sonoda & Takemura’s (1973) “frog-like” and
“multi-layer” vocalizations are similar to the calls
recorded by Nowacek et al. (2003) and those in
Figure 1. Sonoda & Takemura (1973) indicated
durations of less than 200 ms and a main frequency
range of 2.0 to 4.0 kHz, while a more recent paper
describing these vocalizations (Nowacek et al.,
2003) indicates a wider range for the duration (32
to 217 ms). The shortest call recorded in Brazil
was 110 ms (Sousa-Lima, 1999), and the duration
limits we found in this study were 180 to 480 ms.
To summarize, taking account of all the informa-
tion available, Antillean manatee vocalizations
have durations as short as 32 ms (Nowacek et al.,
2003) and as long as 480 ms (this study).
The range of the fundamental frequency
reported here (1.07 to 4.98 kHz) is consistent
with the data available in the literature (Sonoda
& Takemura, 1973; Nowacek et al., 2003). The
mean peak frequency range (3.7 to 5.7 kHz) was
also consistent with the range (3.18 to 7.08 kHz)
reported by Nowacek et al. (2003). To our knowl-
edge, no other data have been published on the
repertoire of Antillean manatees, and there are no
obvious differences in the vocalizations produced
by manatees from Florida and Belize (Nowacek
et al., 2003). Additionally,
T. manatus
is consid-
ered a paraphyletic species (Catanhede et al., 2005;
Vianna et al., 2006); therefore, we also examined
the data available for manatees from Florida.
Steel (1982) reported duration limits of 80 to
470 ms for Florida manatees, while Schevill &
Watkins (1965) found limits of 150 to 500 ms.
Fundamental frequency values are very similar
between our study and that of Steel (1.08 to 5.00
kHz). Schevill & Watkins reported a lower limit
for the fundamental frequency (0.6 kHz). Peak fre-
quencies range from 1.0 to 12.0 kHz (Steel, 1982).
No click-like sounds have been reported for the
Florida manatee. Despite differences in measure-
ment methods and populations, we can reasonably
conclude that West Indian manatees have vocal-
izations that range from 32 to 500 ms in duration,
with a fundamental frequency of 0.6 to 5.0 kHz and
peak frequencies ranging from 1.0 to 12.0 kHz.
It is not yet clear how the nonharmonic fre-
quency bands in the vocalizations are produced
and, in some cases, there is a suggestion of two
different sources of sound production (Figure
1: N, R & S) (also noted by Mann et al., 2006).
Manatees (both the Antillean and the Amazonian
species) contract the muscles dorsal to the max-
illa and caudal to the nostrils while maintaining
the nostrils closed when vocalizing (Sousa-Lima,
pers. obs.). It is possible that the contraction of
those muscles (probably the naso-labial or the
maxillo-labial muscles described for West African
manatees [
T. senegalensis
] by Saban, 1975) might
Figure 2.
Example of clicks produced by Antillean
Gender, Age, and Identity in Manatee Calls
contribute to the acoustic characteristics of the
sounds produced.
Sex Differences in Acoustic Behavior and Mating
We found significant differences between sexes in
Figure 3.
Plot of the first two DFA axes: Discriminant Axis 1 is related to frequency and number of harmonics; Discriminant
Axis 2 is related to signal duration and peak frequency (function of the relative intensity contribution of the harmonics).
Calves (a) and Others (b) were plotted separately to enable better visualization of individual groupings.
Sousa-Lima et al.
Table 3.
Results of the nested MANOVA, mean ± SD, and multivariate F-test between age classes and sexes of each variable;
all variables, except that “signal duration” was log-transformed for the statistical analysis. The mean values presented are in
the original linear scale.
Age class
= 0.103; F
7, 122
= 152.2;
< 0.001)
= 0.290; F
7, 122
= 42.6;
< 0.001)
= 80)
= 63)
1; 128
= 80)
= 63)
1; 132
Signal duration (ms)
371.9 ±
323.9 ±
< 0.001
320.7 ±
388.8 ±
< 0.001
Number of harmonics
6.2 ± 1.5
7.1 ± 1.4
< 0.001
6.9± 1.4
6.2 ± 1.6
< 0.001
Harmonic with most energy
2.2 ± 1.4
1.8 ± 1.2
2.3 ± 1.2
1.7 ± 1.2
< 0.001
Mean fundamental
frequency (kHz)
2.7 ± 0.5
2.1 ± 0.4
< 0.001
2.4 ± 0.5
2.6 ± 0.6
< 0.001
Maximum fundamental
frequency (kHz)
3.3 ± 0.7
2.5 ± 0.6
< 0.001
2.8 ± 0.7
3.1 ± 0.8
< 0.001
Minimum fundamental
frequency (kHz)
2.2 ± 0.5
1.8 ± 0.4
< 0.001
1.9 ± 0.5
2.1 ± 0.5
< 0.001
Fundamental frequency
range (kHz)
1.2 ± 0.5
0.7 ± 0.3
< 0.001
0.9 ± 0.4
1.0 ± 0.5
Peak frequency (kHz)
5.7 ± 2.9
3.7 ± 2.2
< 0.001
5.4 ± 3.1
4.1 ± 2.2
Figure 4.
Regression between total body length and peak frequency of calls made by Antillean manatees
Gender, Age, and Identity in Manatee Calls
Antillean manatee calls. Females emit calls with
higher fundamental frequencies but lower peak
frequencies than males. Also female calls are
longer in duration than male calls. Steel (1982)
reports higher pitched calls (higher fundamental
and peak frequencies) for male Florida manatees.
However, Steel was unable to confirm the identi-
fication or location of the vocalizing individual,
which could have resulted in misidentification
of the animal producing the sound. Nonetheless,
sexual vocal differences suggest that the emission
of calls may have a function in reproduction.
Anderson (2002) lists gaps in information about
the manatee’s sexual strategies and indicates that
one of these is “how males recognize estrous,
suggesting that estrous females may advertise
their receptiveness acoustically. Bengston (1981)
showed that adult male Florida manatees estab-
lish regular search circuits in areas frequently
used by females in a supposed attempt to assess
female reproductive status. We suggest that fre-
quent calling between mother and calf pairs
might aid roving males in locating females. This
presumption is based on observations by Hartman
(1979) and O’Shea & Hartley (1995) that Florida
manatee females with young calves are harassed
by “mating” herds of males and that that could be
considered as a form of infanticide to induce sub-
sequent estrous.
Morton’s (1977) motivation-structural rules
suggest that increased emission rates and higher
frequency calls are both characteristics of signals
that elicit the approach of receivers. We can spec-
ulate that females could be using their high fre-
quency calls to attract males to their location. In
the Antillean as well as in the Amazonian manatee
(Sousa-Lima et al., 2002), females present greater
fundamental frequency values than males (i.e.,
they tend to emit higher frequency vocalizations
despite their bigger size). Furthermore, female
Antillean manatees emit longer isolation calls
than males. Although we do not know if the indi-
viduals recorded were in estrous, we speculate that
females could also be altering other parameters in
their calls (such as signal duration or intensity)
to inform males of their receptiveness. Female
estrous vocal cues, such as increased call inten-
sity, have been reported in elephants (
) (Poole et al., 1988).
Figure 5.
Regression between total body length and range of fundamental frequency of calls made by Antillean manatees
Sousa-Lima et al.
Age Differences
Signaling strategies such as increased emission
rates and higher frequency calls are also widely
used in parent-offspring interactions in mammals
and birds (Morton, 1977). In isolation, Amazonian
manatee calves vocalize more than adults: 6 calls/
min vs l call/min (or not at all) during a 25-min
recording session (Sousa-Lima et al., 2002). We
found no difference in calling rates between age
classes or sexes in Antillean manatees recorded
in isolation (3 calls/min); however, context and
stress levels may influence call emission rate in
Antillean manatees. Individuals recorded by us in
isolation present a higher calling rate than individ-
uals in the wild recorded by Nowacek et al. (2003)
(0.09 to 0.75 calls/min). Individual calling rates
in the wild Florida manatee are also lower, rang-
ing between 0.25 to 4.75 calls/5 min (Bengston &
Fitzgerald, 1985; Phillips et al., 2004; Miksis-Olds,
2006). Furthermore, other environmental charac-
teristics, such as elevated noise levels, increase
the Florida manatee’s calling rate (Miksis-Olds,
2006). Manatee calves might have different spe-
cies-specific strategies to call conspecific atten-
tion (mainly their mothers’). Amazonian manatee
calves increase the number of vocalizations emit-
ted (Sousa-Lima et al., 2002), while the calves
in the Antillean species emit longer and higher
pitched calls (this study).
The inverse correlation between the funda-
mental frequency range of the calls and total
body length in Antillean manatees indicates that
maturity has an effect of decreasing this vocal
parameter. As noted elsewhere (Sousa-Lima et al.,
2002), it appears that as the manatee grows older,
the fundamental frequency range decreases, thus,
the most important parameter that confers vocal
identity (fundamental frequency) is better defined
as the animal ages. This phenomenon is observed
in adolescent male humans and in birds such as
penguins (
Aptenodytes patagonicus
penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicuspenguins (
) as they pre-
pare to leave the nest (Robisson, 1992).
Interindividual Discrimination
Some of the most important variables for individ-
ual vocal discrimination in Antillean manatees are
related to the fundamental frequency as also has
been found for pinnipeds (Insley, 1992; Charrier
et al., 2003; Insley et al., 2003). Nevertheless,
DFA function 2 (related to signal duration; Figure
3) also contributed to the isolation of individual
vocal patterns. Signature information in Antillean
manatees can also be contained in the frequency
modulation of the calls (not analysed in detail
here). Nevertheless, vocal identity involves
the more easily measured features of duration;
number of harmonics; and minimum, maximum,
and mean fundamental frequency.
Other characteristics of the signal may carry
additional identity information but could not
be included in the quantitative analysis because
they did not conform to the test assumptions or
were not measured. One of these characteristics
is the energy distribution across frequency bands,
which gives a distinct timbre or tonal quality to
the call (Marler, 1969). This unaccounted vocal
feature can be observed in Figure 1 and may also
be perceived as an identity cue by the manatees.
Therefore, individual differences can be present
in both quantitative and qualitative characteristics
of the signal. At this point, we cannot say which
characteristics the animals use in the process of
discrimination/identification, but probably the
signal is perceived as a whole and differences in
qualitative and quantitative features are taken into
account during recognition.
Holekamp et al. (1999) demonstrated that
female hyenas (
Crocuta crocuta
) identify cubs as
their own vs others based on long distance vocal-
izations; whereas vervet monkeys (
) can identify third-party relationships,
showing an impressive level of social cognition
(Seyfarth & Cheney, 1994). Although manatees
are also long-lived mammals that bear few off-
spring, which require a long period of dependence
on the mother, they are subject to less selective
pressure to recognize conspecifics within their less
social system in such a way that vocal discrimina-
tion may not be so extreme. If similar benefits can
be derived by employing a simpler coding scheme
with lower costs, one would expect selection to
favour the simpler scheme (i.e., binary recognition
task) (Bradbury & Vehrencamp, 1998). Indirect
evidence of the binary recognition hypothesis for
mother-calf manatee pairs comes from the vocal
similarity observed between the twins, Carla and
Sheila (Figure 1). The mother (Sereia) would nurse
either individual by recognizing only one vocal pat-
tern as “own calf.” The question of whether or not
Antillean manatees may be able to recognize the
voices of multiple individuals within their species
is beyond the scope of this paper. Interindividual
discrimination can be further considered in two
different ways: (1) the level of stereotypy within
an individual’s call and (2) the level of discrimina-
tion among the calls of different individuals (i.e.,
how similar the calls are from a particular individ-
ual and how different they are in comparison to the
calls of conspecifics).
If selective pressures result in a greater stereo-
typy in the individual calls of a species, we cannot
expect that manatee isolation calls would be as
readily discriminated as bat pup calls (100% of
calls classified correctly in Scherrer & Wilkinson,
1993). Bats are subjected to a much greater
selective pressure because of their spatially
Gender, Age, and Identity in Manatee Calls
confined nursery colony with hundreds of pups
in close proximity. In an aquatic environment,
animals are consistently more isolated from each
other so that there is ultimately less selection on
vocal patterns. Inasmuch, the degree of selective
pressure within aquatic species may also vary,
favouring more or less individual call stereotypy.
Different levels of call stereotypy were found in
fur seal species of the genus
as a
result of differential selective pressure on mother-
pup recognition (Page et al., 2002).
Similarities and Differences Between Kin
Related individuals had similar acoustic param-
eters in their vocalizations. Carla and Sheila have
very close values of DFA factors 1 and 2 (Figure
3). Note also the similar spectrogram contours
and fundamental frequency values of these two
individuals (Figure 1). Xica and Xiquito also have
similar values of both DFA axes (Figure 3). The
first two individuals are twin sisters and the other
two are a mother and calf pair. There seems to
be a strong genetic component in the vocal pat-
tern expressed by an individual manatee, which
also has been suggested for the Amazonian spe-
cies based on one case of mother-calf similarity
(Sousa-Lima et al., 2002). Nevertheless, there
were no similarities between the twins’ vocal pat-
terns and their mother’s (Sereia; Figure 3).
Bottlenose dolphin (
Tursiops truncatus
) infants
develop their own signature whistle within their
first few months of life (Caldwell & Caldwell,
1979), and there is accumulating evidence that
the development of signature whistles is strongly
influenced by vocal learning (Janik, 1999). Captive
bottlenose dolphin calves often develop whistles
that are similar to the whistles used by the human
trainer or similar to whistles of their pool mates
but not to those of their mothers (Tyack, 1997).
If manatees are capable of vocal learning, mana-
tee calves in captivity that are exposed to vocal
templates of unrelated individuals might develop
a vocal pattern different from the primarily inher-
ited one. Carla and Sheila were raised in a com-
munal pen with several other individuals, while
Xiquito was rejected by its mother and bottle-
fed in an isolated pen. It is possible that because
Xiquito was isolated from other individuals, he
retained his mother’s vocal pattern as his template
(also observed in Amazonian manatees by Sousa-
Lima et al., 2002). The influence of vocal learn-
ing might be a likely explanation; however, vocal
similarity between mothers and their male calves
may also be the result of an inbreeding avoidance
mechanism as suggested for bottlenose dolphins
(Sayigh et al., 1995) and fur seals (
(Sayigh et al., 1995) and fur seals (Arctocephalus (Sayigh et al., 1995) and fur seals (
) (Phillips, 1998).
Intraindividual Variation
Individual Antillean manatees have their own
characteristic vocalization patterns, with minor
variations within an individual’s vocal signa-
ture. The intraindividual vocalization repertoire
in Antillean manatees is formed by a continuum
of signals that vary slightly and that may carry
different or additional information. Anderson &
Barclay (1995) identified several types of vocal-
izations produced by another sirenian species—
the dugong. These authors also showed that the
dugong call repertoire is a continuum rather than
a set of discrete types, with gradation between one
general type of sound to the other. Noisier sounds
have been attributed to Florida manatee calves
(Steel, 1982). These results contrast with our find-
ings for Antillean manatees, which, regardless of
age class, may emit noisy or clear sounds as part
of their repertoire.
Conservation Implications
Studies of captive animals in parallel with efforts
in the wild can provide measures for use in the con-
servation of the sirenians. Our results could form
the basis for the development of alternative tech-
niques for management and conservation of the
Antillean manatee in Brazil. Acoustic surveys of
wild populations may provide an additional means
by which to assess the population’s status along
the coast, estimated to be less than 300 individuals
(Lima, 1997). The application of vocal identity in
assessing population estimates and structure in the
wild should be explored as a potential tool in the
conservation of this species, which is considered
the most endangered mammal in Brazil (listed as
“critically endangered”; IBAMA, 2001).
An improved understanding of the natural
variation found in manatee calls might be useful
in developing acoustic detectors to warn boaters
of the presence of manatees. The development of
passive acoustic detectors of manatee calls (see
algorithms tested in Niezrecki et al., 2003) and
other improvements on this technology (Yan et al.,
2005) would decrease the number of boat strikes,
which cause the injury or death of these highly
threatened animals.
In addition to more accurately estimating
population size and structure, and helping avoid
boat strikes, another pressing conservation issue
along the Brazilian coast is the increasing rate of
stranded calves (IBAMA, 2001). Lima (1997) sug-
gested that females are no longer able to give birth
inside sediment-filled estuaries due to erosion;
therefore, calving must occur in the sea where
breaking waves might make it more difficult for
calves to maintain close contact with theirs moth-
ers and which might mask their isolation calls due
Sousa-Lima et al.
to greater ambient noise levels, preventing their
location and reunion after separation.
Mothers may stay in the vicinity of the area where
the lost calf was stranded for periods of over 12 h
(Sousa-Lima, pers. obs.). Playbacks of vocaliza-
tions of stranded calves that have been rescued may
help attract their mothers and allow the release of
the calf
in loco
the calf in locothe calf
, significantly decreasing the costs of
rehabilitation in captivity and promoting the main-
tenance of the wild population without complicated
and costly reintroduction efforts. Manatees may be
“ecologically trapped”—that is, they may present
poor habitat choice based on cues that formerly cor-
related to habitat quality (Schlaepfer et al., 2002).
Manatee mothers choosing to give birth inside
calmer waters of estuarine rivers might be experi-
encing reduced reproductive success in an environ-
ment that has been altered by humans. The adaptive
value of the evolution of isolation calls as means of
identification, location, and proximity maintenance
between mothers and calves may have decreased as
a consequence of habitat destruction.
We thank the CMA for the opportunity to work
with the animals and for their support during this
project, especially Régis P. Lima, Jocyere Vergara,
Denise F. Castro, Danielle Paludo, and Francisco
A. P. Colares. We thank Cícero de Oliveira, Ricardo
Capetinga, and Simone M. Miranda for field assis-
tance. Comments from Jason A. Mobley, Anthony
B. Rylands, Christopher W. Clark, Jack Bradbury,
the reviewers, and the editor greatly improved
this work. This research was funded by Fundação
O Boticário de Proteção à Natureza/MacArthur
Foundation and Conservation International do
Brasil. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service partially
funded the graduate program where RSS-L
received her Master’s degree, with a scholarship
from the Brazilian Council for Scientific and
Technological Development (CNPq).
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... These results suggest differentiated patterns of activity influenced by environmental factors. There is also evidence that the sex and age of the individual affects the vocalizations of Antillean manatees (Sousa-Lima et al., 2008). Typically, female vocalizations have a longer duration, a higher fundamental frequency, and a lower peak frequency. ...
... For several species, it has been shown that clustering algorithms can discriminate these signature calls based on acoustic features and thus reliably estimate the number of individuals (Adi et al., 2010;Kershenbaum et al., 2013;Linhart et al., 2022;Schneider et al., 2022). There are two studies that provide convincing evidence that the calls of Amazonian and Antillean manatees are individually different (Sousa-Lima et al., 2002, 2008. A further study by Dietrich et al. (2022) supports this assumption. ...
... Acoustic features were extracted to distinguish the individuals. The duration of the calls as well as the fundamental frequency and the harmonics proved to be effective (Sousa-Lima et al., 2002, 2008Dietrich et al., 2022). A method based on bioacoustics would be possible, especially in areas where the water conditions do not permit any other counting options. ...
Full-text available
The population sizes of manatees in many regions remain largely unknown, primarily due to the challenging nature of conducting visual counts in turbid and inaccessible aquatic environments. Passive acoustic monitoring has shown promise for monitoring manatees in the wild. In this study, we present an innovative approach that leverages a convolutional neural network (CNN) for the detection, isolation and classification of manatee vocalizations from long-term audio recordings. To improve the effectiveness of manatee call detection and classification, the CNN works in two phases. First, a long-term audio recording is divided into smaller windows of 0.5 seconds and a binary decision is made as to whether or not it contains a manatee call. Subsequently, these vocalizations are classified into distinct vocal classes (4 categories), allowing for the separation and analysis of signature calls (squeaks). Signature calls are further subjected to clustering techniques to distinguish the recorded individuals and estimate the population size. The CNN was trained and validated using audio recordings from three different zoological facilities with varying numbers of manatees. Three different clustering methods (community detection with two different classifiers and HDBSCAN) were tested for their suitability. The results demonstrate the ability of the CNN to accurately detect manatee vocalizations and effectively classify the different call categories. In addition, our study demonstrates the feasibility of reliable population size estimation using HDBSCAN as clustering method. The integration of CNN and clustering methods offers a promising way to assess manatee populations in visually challenging and inaccessible regions using autonomous acoustic recording devices. In addition, the ability to differentiate between call categories will allow for ongoing monitoring of important information such as stress, arousal, and calf presence, which will aid in the conservation and management of manatees in critical habitats. CITATION Schneider S, von Fersen L and Dierkes PW (2024) Acoustic estimation of the manatee population and classification of call categories using artificial intelligence.
... Manatees are known to produce a variety of vocalizations that play a fundamental role in their communication, such as during social interactions and maintaining contact between cows and their calves [37][38][39][40] . Compared to other marine mammals, manatees have a relatively small vocal repertoire composed of five or six distinct call types 11,37,41,42 , depending on the author, that have fundamental frequency values between 0.5 and 5.0 kHz and duration between 0.2 and 0.5 s 38,43,44 . These graded call types contain narrow and broadband vocalizations 11,40 and have been described as squeaks, high squeaks, squeak-squeals, squeals and chirps 11 . ...
... To be comparable with previous studies on measured characteristics of West Indian manatee vocalizations 11,41,43,46 , six parameters were characterized from the fundamental frequency (the first harmonic) of each vocalization: Minimum and Maximum Frequency (Hz) (measured from the power spectrum with a 10 dB threshold); Duration (s) (measured from the waveform); Peak Frequency (Hz) (frequency at which peak power occurs within the selection 58 ); Bandwidth (Hz) (value of the maximum frequency minus the minimum frequency); and Center Frequency (Hz) (the frequency that divides the sound into two frequency intervals of equal energy 58 ). Minimum and maximum frequency were calculated by generating the average power spectrum of the entire measurement box around each call with a 10 dB threshold: minimum was the point of intersection on the left of the plots and maximum was the point of intersection on the right (see Fig. 1 ...
... Maximum, peak and minimum frequency contributed to the variation between locations for each call type which could also suggest sex differences influence variation in calls. In captive environments, where most studies of manatee communication have been conducted, previous work has shown that temporal and frequency parameters differ with the sex of manatees 42,43 . Several studies have reported that females have higher values of maximum and minimum fundamental frequency, but lower mean peak frequencies with respect to males 43,83 . ...
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Geographic variation in the vocal behavior of manatees has been reported but is largely unexplored. Vocalizations of wild West Indian manatees (Trichechus manatus) were recorded with hydrophones in Florida from Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris), and in Belize and Panama from Antillean manatees (Trichechus manatus manatus) to determine if calls varied between subspecies and geographic regions. Calls were visually classified into five categories: squeaks, high squeaks, squeals, squeak-squeals, and chirps. From these five categories, only three call types (squeaks, high squeaks and squeals) were observed in all three populations. Six parameters from the temporal and frequency domains were measured from the fundamental frequency of 2878 manatee vocalizations. A repeated measures PERMANOVA found significant differences for squeaks and high squeaks between each geographic location and for squeals between Belize and Florida. Almost all measured frequency and temporal parameters of manatee vocalizations differed between and within subspecies. Variables that may have influenced the variation observed may be related to sex, body size, habitat and/or other factors. Our findings provide critical information of manatee calls for wildlife monitoring and highlight the need for further study of the vocal behavior of manatees throughout their range.
... Antillean manatees, Trichechus manatus manatus, occur in North-eastern Brazil and are currently under threat of extinction (MMA 2014). Captive studies have shown that manatees produce vocalisations with fundamental frequencies ranging from 0.64 to 8.1 kHz, which can contain individual sender information such as age and gender (Sousa-Lima et al. 2008;Chavarría et al. 2015;Umeed et al. 2018). However, the vocalisations of wild Antillean manatees in Brazil, especially vocal interactions between mothers and calves, are poorly understood. ...
... Here, we describe the call rates and call types produced by the study mothers and calves. We also investigated whether we could differentiate the mother-calf pairs based on the structure of Squeak vocalizations-A call type that varies in structure and production depending on the behaviour, individual, sex and/or habitat in Antillean and Florida manatees (O'Shea and Poché 2006;Sousa-Lima et al. 2008;Chavarría et al. 2015;Umeed et al. 2018Umeed et al. , 2023Brady et al. 2021). Thus, we expected that the vocalisations produced by different mother-calf pairs would have different physical structures. ...
... The vocalisations were categorised by one single researcher, RU, based on Fitch et al. (2002), Mann et al. (2006), Buder et al. (2008), Sousa-Lima et al. (2008), Umeed et al. (2018), Brady et al. (2020) and Umeed et al. (2023). The calls were first classified visually using spectrograms and waveforms created by Kaleidoscope Pro5, Wildlife Acoustics. ...
Acoustic signalling plays a crucial role in mother–calf communication. Here, we describe the acoustic signalling of three free-living Antillean manatee mother and calf pairs and one trio. The mother–calf pairs/trio produced six call types. The call rate varied between the pairs. The pair that experienced human interaction during the recording period had the highest call rate. Additionally, the Squeak vocalisations produced by each mother–calf pair differed structurally. Our results indicate that age and human interaction may affect call rate and suggest the potential production of signature vocalisations by manatee mothers and calves. Our findings add to the current knowledge of manatee acoustic communication.
... Sperm whales, Physeter microcephalus, produce clicks with different structures, where longer clicks, lower click repetition rates, and intensity peaks at 1.8 and 2.8 kHz correlate with the presence of mature males (Weilgart & Whitehead, 1988). Captive Antillean manatees, Trichechus manatus manatus, produce vocalisations that differ in call length between age groups and demonstrate differences in fundamental frequency parameters between sexes (Sousa-Lima et al., 2008;Umeed et al., 2018). Furthermore, some marine mammal species produce signature vocalisations such as bottlenose dolphins, which produce whistles that have distinctive structural characteristics, indicating the production and use of individual signature whistles (Caldwell & Caldwell, 1965;Caldwell & Caldwell, 1979). ...
... Furthermore, some marine mammal species produce signature vocalisations such as bottlenose dolphins, which produce whistles that have distinctive structural characteristics, indicating the production and use of individual signature whistles (Caldwell & Caldwell, 1965;Caldwell & Caldwell, 1979). Additionally, Amazonian manatees, Trichechus inunguis, produce individually stereotyped vocalisations, believed to contain individual signature information (Sousa-Lima et al., 2002) and captive Antillean manatees produce isolation calls thought to contain individual identity information (Sousa-Lima et al., 2008). ...
... Usually, there are specific vocalisations associated with parental care (Marcoux et al., 2006). For many marine mammal species, including manatees (Sousa-Lima et al., 2002;Sousa-Lima et al., 2008), dugongs, Dugong dugon (Fuentes et al., 2016), cetaceans (Rendell et al., 2019) and pinnipeds (Boness & Bowen, 1996), mothers are primarily responsible for the survival of offspring, including gestation, lactation, weaning and post-weaning care (Rendell et al., 2019). Therefore, one could expect that females responsible for parental care would produce vocal repertoires constructed of high vocal signal repetitions of a few base vocalisation types, i.e., simple and repetitive repertoires. ...
Vocal complexity can be expressed through variations in repertoire size, structure, and individual manatee repertoires. Here we aimed to assess the complexity of the vocal behaviour of Antillean manatees living in captivity (i.e., artificial pools) and in reintroduction enclosures (i.e., natural enclosures placed in an estuarine area). Specifically, we evaluated: (i) the structure of vocalisations to assess whether they had variants; (ii) the variation in call production (rate and pattern) between groups with different configurations; (iii) whether individuality occurred in vocalisation structure. We found four categories of vocalisations, of which two had different variants. Not all study groups produced all call categories and variants. Older and younger males in the reintroduction enclosures had the highest call rates compared to captive females and captive males. The vocal and behavioural patterns differed between groups. Squeak call structure differed between individuals. Such vocal complexity may aid manatees in adapting to their dynamic social and structural environment, facilitating communication.
... senegalensis) and the dugong (Dugong dugon). All sirenians produce vocalizations [16][17][18][19] , but here we focus on comparisons within the West Indian and Amazonian manatee species due to their shared evolutionary paths and ecological contexts. Manatees in the Western Hemisphere (West Indian and Amazonian) inhabit tropical and subtropical coasts in the Americas. ...
... Calves are thought to be nutritionally independent by one year of age, but stay with their mother beyond this age, presumably to learn the location of warm water refuges (for Florida manatees) and food sources from cows 28,29 . Calves tend to be more vocal and vocalize about 2-6 times more frequently than their mothers 17,19,26,30,31 , although no significant difference in vocalization rate was found between calves and adults in Antillean manatees 18 . Calves produce vocalizations under a variety of conditions which include, traveling, during approach from conspecifics, when separated and prior to nursing 19 . ...
... Calves produce vocalizations under a variety of conditions which include, traveling, during approach from conspecifics, when separated and prior to nursing 19 . Calf vocalizations have been described as ranging from tonal vocalizations with harmonics to atonal vocalizations [17][18][19]30,32 . Amazonian and Antillean calf calls contain signature information which may be useful in recognition between cow/calf pairs 17,18 . ...
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Vocal activity and signal characteristics of mammals are driven by several factors that result in both stability and plasticity over multiple time scales. All three extant species of manatee communicate with several calls that are especially important for maintaining contact between cows and calves. Determining if calf calls differ across manatee species will provide insights into the evolution of species-specific acoustic communication traits. We investigated the interspecific differences in the vocalizations of calves of Amazonian manatees (Trichechus inunguis) and the two subspecies of the West Indian manatee (T. manatus). Vocalizations of individual calves were recorded in rehabilitation centers in Brazil, Puerto Rico, the United States, and Mexico. The acoustic structure of calls produced by manatee calves varied between species and with body size. Amazonian manatee calves produced shorter calls with multiple notes at higher frequency while West Indian calves produced modulated calls that were lower in frequency and longer in duration. Smaller West Indian calves produced frequency modulated, hill-shaped calls that flattened with an increase in body length. Our results provide evidence for divergence in the ontogeny of vocalizations across T. manatus and T. inunguis and suggest variation in body size contributed to the evolution of differences in the characteristics of their calls.
... The squeak is the most frequently described call type in manatees. Studies suggest that all Sirenian species make squeaks (referred to as chirp-squeaks in dugongs) that vary slightly in their range of f 0 (Anderson & Barclay, 1995;Nowacek et al., 2003;Rycyk et al., 2021;Sousa-Lima et al., 2008). West Indian manatees, African manatees, and dugongs produce vocalizations with overlapping f 0 ranges from 0.5 to 5 kHz (Anderson & Barclay, 1995;Nowacek et al., 2003;Rycyk et al., 2021), whereas Amazonian manatees produce calls with a higher f 0 at 1.6 to 8 kHz (Sousa-Lima et al., 2008). ...
... Studies suggest that all Sirenian species make squeaks (referred to as chirp-squeaks in dugongs) that vary slightly in their range of f 0 (Anderson & Barclay, 1995;Nowacek et al., 2003;Rycyk et al., 2021;Sousa-Lima et al., 2008). West Indian manatees, African manatees, and dugongs produce vocalizations with overlapping f 0 ranges from 0.5 to 5 kHz (Anderson & Barclay, 1995;Nowacek et al., 2003;Rycyk et al., 2021), whereas Amazonian manatees produce calls with a higher f 0 at 1.6 to 8 kHz (Sousa-Lima et al., 2008). The other common vocalization described in the dugong and manatees is the atonal vocalization. ...
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Vocal production learning is the ability to modify a vocal output in response to auditory experience. It is essential for human speech production and language acquisition. Vocal learning evolved independently several times in vertebrates, indicating evolutionary pressure in favor of this trait. This enables cross-species comparative analysis to be used to test evolutionary hypotheses. Humans share this ability with a versatile but limited group of species: songbirds, parrots and hummingbirds, bats, cetaceans, seals, and elephants. Although case studies demonstrate that African savanna and Asian elephants are capable of heterospecific imitation, including imitation of human words, our understanding of both the underlying mechanisms and the adaptive relevance within the elephant’s natural communication system is limited. Even though comparing phylogenetically distant species is intriguing, it is also worthwhile to investigate whether and to what extent learned vocal behavior is apparent in species phylogenetically close to an established vocal learner. For elephants, this entails determining whether their living relatives share their special ability for (complex) vocal learning. In this review, we address vocal learning in Elephantidea and Sirenia, sister groups within the Paenungulata. So far, no research has been done on vocal learning in Sirenians. Because of their aquatic lifestyle, vocalization structure, and evolutionary relationship to elephants, we believe Sirenians are a particularly interesting group to study. This review covers the most important acoustic aspects related to vocal learning in elephants, manatees, and dugongs, as well as knowledge gaps that must be filled for one to fully comprehend why vocal learning evolved (or did not) in these distinctive but phylogenetically related taxa.
... These vocalizations are short duration (<1 s) and often classified as tonal harmonic sounds (squeaks) and atonal sounds (squeals and screeches) [28,31]. These vocalizations serve a range of communication purposes, especially between mothers and calves [28,[32][33][34][35] and during social interactions [33,36,37], making manatees excellent candidates for passive acoustic monitoring. ...
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Many marine mammals exhibit diel trends in vocal production, which can provide information on habitat use and behavioral activity. In Belize, Antillean manatees (Trichechus mana-tus manatus) commonly inhabit small depressions in the substrate or deep-water coves known as "resting holes". Determining if manatees exhibit diel temporal trends in their call production rate and call types between microhabitats can provide insights into their diurnal and nocturnal activity patterns. Here, we investigate the diel vocalization patterns of wild Antillean manatees in two adjacent resting holes off of St. George's Caye, Belize. Recordings of manatees were made using a bottom-mounted hydrophone located near a reef barrier reef for nine days in July of 2017 and ten days in January of 2018. To explore if and how manatee acoustic activity differs between sites, we compared the number of calls per hour, the number of manatee positive hours, the number of tonal and atonal sounds, and the number of boats detected across sites. A total of 370 hours of acoustic recordings were analyzed resulting in the detection of 3,262 calls. There were no significant differences in the number of manatee calls produced per hour between sites. The average number of calls produced by manatees decreased over the course of several days. The proportion of tonal calls decreased with hours after sunset and increased in boat presence. These results suggest manatees in this region may exhibit different diel activity patterns which appear to be influenced by the characteristics of the environment. These findings can support ongoing conservation and management efforts to safeguard species in Belize.
... In turbid environments like Lake Ossa where visual cues are limited, sound is the most efficient communication modality (Bauer et al., 2003). While the vocal behavior of African manatees remains largely unexplored, other manatee species are known to produce sounds in most behavioral contexts, including milling, cavorting, resting, and feeding (Bengtson and Fitzgerald, 1985;Sousa-Lima et al., 2002;Nowacek et al., 2003;Sousa-Lima et al., 2008;Miksis-Olds and Tyack, 2009). Manatee vocalization rate is highest during milling and cavorting, and lowest during feeding and resting (Bengtson and Fitzgerald, 1985). ...
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The African manatee (Trichechus senegalensis) is an elusive, data-deficient, and endangered species which inhabits marine and freshwater systems throughout Western and Central Africa. A major challenge in understanding the species ecology and distribution is the difficulty in detecting it using traditional visual surveys. The recent invasion of Giant Salvinia (Salvinia molesta) at the most important site for the species in Cameroon further limits their detectability and may restrict their movements and habitat use. To investigate methods’ effectiveness in detecting African manatees, we conducted monthly vessel surveys from which visual point scans, 360° sonar scans, and passive acoustic monitoring were conducted simultaneously at ten locations and over 12 months in Lake Ossa, Cameroon. Manatee detection frequency was calculated for each method and the influence of some environmental conditions on the methods’ effectiveness and manatee detection likelihood was assessed by fitting a binary logistic regression to our data. Detection frequencies were significantly different between methods (p < 0.01) with passive acoustics being the most successful (24.17%; n = 120), followed by the 360° sonar scan (11.67%; n = 120), and the visual point scan (3.33%; n = 120). The likelihood of detecting manatees in Lake Ossa was significantly influenced by water depth (p = 0.02) and transparency (p < 0.01). It was more likely to detect manatees in shallower water depths and higher water transparency. Passive acoustic detections were more effective in uninvaded areas of the Lake. We recommend using passive acoustics to enhance African manatee detections in future surveys.
... In addition, for the first time, a recent study has shown that manatee vocalizations vary according to their behavior (Brady et al., 2021). Further, there are two studies providing convincing evidence that manatee calls are individually distinct (Sousa-Lima et al., 2002, 2008. ...
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conducted on wild manatees, 21,5% under human care conditions, and the rest a combination of both; the most common topics of study were 'ecology', 'conservation', 'morphology, anatomy and physiology', and 'behavior'. The literature on Antillean manatee has expanded significantly over the last two decades across the region, with most of the research published in just the last five (25.4%) to 10 (44.6%) years. Most of the published work has been by Brazilian, Mexican, and Colombian researchers. However, an important amount of research remains as theses in Portuguese or Spanish limiting the dissemination of results. Relevant limitations for research and publication in Latin American countries may have an impact on the published literature on Antillean manatees, including scarce funding, poor facilities, language-related difficulties, and lack of a culture of publication. Avenues to melt scientific barriers may include increasing governmental investment on research, strengthening international networks, and improving the support to publish in high-impact journals.
Data gathered on whistles of 126 Atlantic bottlenosed dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) of assorted sizes and both sexes indicate that the whistle varies with age in several parameters. Most, but not all, of the changes occur within the first two years of life.
We describe frequency and amplitude patterns of sounds produced by individually identifiable wild dugongs (Dugong dugon) in Shark Bay, Western Australia. Chirp-squeaks, barks, trills, and sounds transitional between chirp-squeaks and barks and trills (prebarks and pretrills) are defined. Chirp-squeaks are frequency-modulated signals in the 3 to 18-kHz range lasting ca. 60 ms. Trills last as long as 2,200 ms, are frequency-modulated over a bandwidth of 740 Hz within the 3-18-kHz band, and have two to four or more harmonics. Barks are broadband signals of 500 to 2,200 Hz lasting 30-120 ms with up to five harmonics. Dugongs may produce all of these sounds in the frontal region of the head rather than in the larynx. Chirp-squeaks, recorded from at least nine individuals, were emitted as dugongs rooted in the bottom or patrolled mutually exclusive activity zones, but not when dugongs were stationary or were investigating the research vessel. Frequency and amplitude modulation of chirp-squeaks suggests a ranging function. Variability among individuals in chirp-squeak characteristics may be adequate for a signature function. Barks have physical characteristics appropriate for aggressive behavior. They were recorded in circumstances suggesting territorial defense. Trills had characteristics more appropriate to affiliative functions and were associated with movements that appeared to be displays.