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Differential Response by Melaleuca quinquenervia Trees to Attack by the Rust Fungus Puccinia psidii in Florida



Melaleuca quinquenervia (melaleuca) is an exotic invasive tree in Florida, Hawaii, and some Caribbean islands (1,2). Puccinia psidii (rust fungus) attacks melaleuca as well as other plants in a few genera of the Myrtaceae and Heteropyxidaceae, both members of the Myrtales (1,2). Disease occurs on succulent stems and foliage of melaleuca, causing twig dieback and defoliation (3). Melaleuca trees growing under similar field conditions exhibit susceptible or resistant reactions toward this fungus. To document this differential susceptibility of melaleuca to P. psidii, we visually evaluated 331 field-grown melaleuca trees from southeast Florida for occurrence of disease attributes: pustules (susceptible), nonpersistent halos (resistant), or asymptomatic (no macroscopic symptoms) conditions on leaves and succulent twigs during February and March when symptoms were at their peak. Percentages of trees manifesting susceptible, resistant, and asymptomatic responses to this fungus were 85.8, 13.0, and 1.2%, respectively. A screenhouse study was conducted to corroborate these observations by raising plants from composite seed sources and maintaining them in seven 3.8-liter plastic pots that were filled with commercial potting media. Nine to eleven plants per pot (with new foliage) were individually tagged, grown to 30 to 45 cm high, and spray inoculated (during February and March) with uredospores (~2 × 10 ⁶ /ml) obtained from melaleuca trees and suspended in water. Inoculated plants were placed on a screenhouse bench under infected trees and subjected to additional inoculum, thereby simulating field conditions. Evaluations made weekly during a 4-week period revealed that susceptible, resistant, and asymptomatic seedlings constituted 63.3, 33.6, and 3.2%, respectively, of the tagged plants. To assess the stability of these fungal and host attributes over time and space, we multiplied two P. psidii susceptible and two resistant plants from cuttings. We spray inoculated 6 to 13 rooted cuttings from each plant types with uredospores (0.8 to 2 × 10 ⁶ /ml) obtained from diseased melaleuca trees and suspended in water. These plants were incubated in a dew chamber for 72 to 96 h under 100% relative humidity at 19 to 23°C maintained with a 12-h fluorescent light cycle. After incubation, plants were placed randomly on a bench in a screenhouse (21 to 23°C) and evaluated weekly for symptom development during a 4-week experimental period. Noninoculated controls were maintained as well. The experiment was repeated twice. Foliage of the resistant plants developed a few incipient halos whereas 100% of the susceptible plants developed erupted uredinia and were defoliated in both replications. No detectable change in P. psidii virulence and melaleuca susceptibility patterns was observed. Despite wide host range within Myrtales, resistance to P. psidii exists within M. quinquenervia. Other P. psidii susceptible host systems of economic and environmental importance may have host/pathogen relationships similar to that of melaleuca and the selection of resistant individuals from their affected populations may be possible. Additional studies will be needed to ascertain the attributes of virulence or resistance in this rust fungus-melaleuca association. References: (1) M. Glen et al. Australas. Plant Pathol. 36:1, 2007. (2) P. D. Pratt et al. J. Aquat. Plant Manag. 45:8, 2007. (3) M. B. Rayachhetry et al. Biol. Control 22:38, 2001.
Biolog Microbial Identification System, Version 4.2 (Biolo~. Inc.,
Hayward, CA), the isolates were identified as Pseudomonas viridiflava
with a Biolog similarity index range of 0.52 to 0.72 afte~ 24 h. ~e~u.lts of
LOPAT tests (2) of isolates were identical to that of atypical ~ vmdifIava
reponed by Gonzalez
aI. (I). Levan production and pectolytic
the isolates were variable. All isolates were POSI~V~ fo~ tobacco
hypersensitivity and negative for oxidase reaction and ~gmme dihydrolase
production. The 165 rDNA region (1,442 bp) of the Isolates (GenBank
Accession Nos. HMI90218-HMI90224; P. viridijlava CFBP2107
HMI90229), amplified by using universal PCR primers, shared 100%
sequence identity with atypical
viridijlava (GenBank
AM182934) (I). The gyrB sequence (638 bp) from the isolates (GenBank
Accession Nos. HMI90232-HMI90238;
viridijlava CFBP2107
HMI90239), amplified by using previously reported ~R primers (3), had
a distance index value range of 0.029 to 0.031 With that of the
viridif/ava CFBP2107T (=BC2597) as determined by Juk~s-Cantor ~odel
using MEGA Version 4.1 (4). On the basis of phenotypic characteristics
and the sequences. the seven isolates were identified as atypical
viridif/ava. The disease is named "bacterial leaf spot". To our knowledge,
this is the first report of bacterial leaf spot of rape caused by atypical
Reftrtnces: (I) A. J. GoozaJez
aI. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 69:2936. 2003. (2) R.
A. Lelhou et aI. J. Appl. Bactt:rioI. 29:470. 1966. (3) H. Sawada et aI. J. Mol. Evol.
49:627.1999. (4) K. Tamura
aI. Mol. BioI. Evol. 24:1596, 2007.
e-Xtra logo stands ror "electronic extra" and indicates this Disease NOIe online
contains supplemental material tIOIincluded in the print edition.
First Report of Brown Ring Patch Caused by Wailea circinata var.
circinat« on Poa annua In Wisconsin and Minnesota. J. P. Kerns and
P. L. Koch. Department of Plant Pathology. University of Wisconsin-
Madison; B. P. Horgan, Department of Horticultural Science. University of
Minnesota. SI. Paul; and C. M. Chen and
P. Wong, Department of Plant
Pathology, University of California, Riverside. Plant Dis. 94: 1165, 2010;
published online as doi:1O.l094lPDlS-94-9-1165A. Accepted for publi-
cation 22 June 2010.
In summer of 2008. two turfgrass samples were submitted to the
Turfgrass Diagnostic Lab at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The
samples were from golf courses in Beaver Dam, WI on 12 June and
Minneapolis. MN on 14 July. Both samples were collected from 4O-year-
old native soil putting greens mowed at 3.2 mm that had received annual
sand topdressing since 1992. The putting greens were a mixture of
approximately 75% annual bluegrass (Poa annua L.) and 25% creeping
bentgrass (Agros/is stolonifera L.) Stand symptoms observed in the field
were bright yellow, sunken rings that were approximately 5 ern thick and
15 to 35 cm in diameter. Some rings were incomplete, giving a scalloped
appearance. Affected plants were severely chlorotic and lacked any dis-
crete lesions or spots, Symptoms were more prominent on annual blue-
grass than creeping bentgrass. Upon incubation of samples at room tem-
perature in a moist chamber for 24 h, fungal mycelia with septations and
right-angle branching were observed in the foliage and thatch layer. Two
isolates were obtained from affected annual bluegrass in each sample.
Isolations were performed by washing affected leaves in 0.5% NaOCI
solution for 2 min. blotting the tissue dry, and plating the tissue on potato
dextrose agar (PDA) amended with chloramphenicol (0.05 g/liter), strepto-
mycin (0.05 g/liter), and tetracycline (0.05 glliter). After incubation for 2
days at 23°C, isolates were transferred and maintained on PDA. All four
isolates had multinucleate hyphae and displayed sclerotial characteristics
similar to those reported for Wailea circinata VIr. circinata (2). Sequenc-
ing the ITS IFIITS4-amplified rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS)
region confirmed the isolates as W. circinata var. circinata, with ~%
sequence similarity to published W. circinata var. circinate ITS sequences
(GenBank Accession No. FJ755849) (1.2.4). To confirm pathogenicity.
isolates were inoculated onto 6-week-old annual bluegrass (True
PuttlDWl84) grown in 10-cm-diameter pots containing calcined clay
(Turface; Profile Products LLC .. Buffalo Grove, IL). Two 4-mm-diameter
agar plugs for each isolate were removed fro~ the margins of 3-day-old
colonies grown on PDA and placed near the soil surface to ensure contact
with the lower leaf blades. Each isolate was placed in four separate pots to
have four replicated tests per isolate, and four ~ested pots were util-
ized as negative controls. All ~ .were placed m ~tChambers at 28°C
with a 12-h light/dark cycle. Wtthin 4 to 6 days,
plants exhib-
ited severe chlorosis and a minor amount of aerial' mycelium was
observed. Inoculated plants became necrotic after 15 to 20 days, while the
noninoculated plants remained healthy. W.
reisolated from inoculated plants and its identity was confirmed by mor-
phological and molecular characteristics. This pathogen was previously
reported as a causal agent of brown ring patch of creeping bentgrass in
Japan and annual bluegrass in the western United States (2.4). To our
knowledge, this is the first report of brown ring patch in Minnesota and
Wisconsin. Intensive fungicide practices are needed to control brown ring
patch; therefore, this disease could have significant economic impact
throughout the Upper Midwest (3).
References: (I) C. M. Chen et al. Plant Dis. 93:906. 2009 (2) K. de la Cerda et al.
Plant Ois. 91:791, 2001. (3) J. Kaminski and F. Wong. Golf Course Manage.
75(9):98.2007. (4) T. Toda et aI. Plan! Ois. 89:536. 2005.
DifTerential Response by Melaleuca quinquenervia Trees to Attack
by the Rust Fungus Puccinia psidii In Florida. M. B. Rayamajhi,
P. D. Pratt, T. D. Center. and G. S. Wheeler, USDA-ARS. lnvasive Plant
Research Laboratory, Fort Lauderdale, FL. Plant Dis. 94:1165,.2010;
published online as doi: 1O.l094IPDIS-94-9-1165B. Accepted for publica-
tion 3 June 2010.
Me/aleuca quinquenervia (melaleuca) is an exotic invasive tree in Flor-
ida, Hawaii, and some Caribbean islands (1,2).
psidii (rust fun-
gus) attacks melaleuca as well as other plants in a few genera of the
Myrtaceae and Heteropyxidaceae, both members of the Myrtales (1,2) .
Disease occurs on succulent stems and foliage of melaleuca, causing twig
dieback and defoliation (3). Melaleuca trees growing under similar field
conditions exhibit susceptible or resistant reactions toward this fungus. To
document this differential susceptibility of melaleuca to P.psidii, we visu-
ally evaluated 331 field-grown melaleuca trees from southeast Florida for
occurrence of disease attributes: pustules (susceptible), nonpersistent halos
(resistant), or asymptomatic (no macroscopic symptoms) conditions on
leaves and succulent twigs during February and March when symptoms
were at their peak. Percentages of trees manifesting susceptible. resistant.
and asymptomatic responses to this fungus were 85.8, 13.0, and 1.2%,
respectively. A screenhouse study was conducted to corroborate these
observations by raising plants from composite seed sources and maintain-
ing them in seven 3.8-liter plastic pots that were filled with commercial
potting media. Nine to eleven plants per pot (with new foliage) were indi-
vidually tagged, grown to 30 to 45 cm high, and spray inoculated (during
February and March) with uredospores (-2
1()6/ml) obtained from
melaleuca trees and suspended in water. Inoculated plants were placed on
a screenhouse bench under infected trees and subjected to additional
inoculum. thereby simulating field conditions. Evaluations made weekly
during a 4-week period revealed that susceptible, resistant. and asympto-
matic seedlings constituted 63.3, 33.6, and 3.2%, respectively, of the
tagged plants. To assess the stability of these fungal and host attributes
over time and space, we multiplied two
psidii susceptible and two resis-
tant plants from cuttings. We spray inoculated 6 to 13 rooted cuttings from
each plant types with uredospores (0.8 to 2
1()6/ml) obtained from dis-
eased melaleuca trees and suspended in water. These plants were incu-
bated in a dew chamber for 72 to 96 h under 100% relative humidity at 19
to 23°C maintained with a l2-h fluorescent light cycle. After incubation.
plants were placed randomly on a bench in a screenhouse (21 to 23°C) and
evaluated weekly for symptom development during a 4-week experimental
period. Noninoculated controls were maintained as well. The experiment
was repeated twice. Foliage of the resistant plants developed a few incipi-
ent halos whereas
of the susceptible plants developed erupted ured-
inia and were defoliated in both replications. No detectable change in
psidii virulence and melaleuca susceptibility patterns was observed.
Despite wide host range within Myrtales, resistance to
psidii exists
within M. quinquenervia. Other
psidii susceptible host systems of eco-
nomic and environmental importance may have host/pathogen relation-
ships similar to that of melaleuca and the selection of resistant individuals
from their affected populations may be possible. Additional studies will be
needed to ascertain the attributes of virulence or resistance in this rust
fungus-melaleuca association.
References: (I) M. Glen et al. Australas, Plant Pathol. 36:1, 2007. (2) P. D. Pratt et al.
J. Aquat. Plant Manag. 45:8. 2007. (3) M. B. Rayachhetry et aI. Biol. Control 22:38.
(Disease Notes continued on next page)
Plant Disease
September 2010 1165
... The broad range of applications of metabolomics demonstrates that this methodology could be used in assessing mechanisms and identifying novel biomarkers of host resistance to A. psidii. M. quinquenervia represents an ideal host species to identify these biomarkers as there are individuals described previously as susceptible, hypersensitive and resistant to A. psidii infection [34]. By evaluating the response of different M. quinquenervia resistance phenotypes to A. psidii, we aimed to determine if a set of metabolites are involved in innate resistance to the disease and to understand what metabolic pathways are altered by the colonisation process. ...
Full-text available
Austropuccinia psidii is a fungal plant pathogen that infects species within the Myrtaceae, causing the disease myrtle rust. Myrtle rust is causing declines in populations within natural and managed ecosystems and is expected to result in species extinctions. Despite this, variation in response to A. psidii exist within some species, from complete susceptibility to resistance that prevents or limits infection by the pathogen. Untargeted metabolomics using Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography with Ion Mobility followed by analysis using MetaboAnalyst 3.0, was used to explore the chemical defence profiles of resistant, hypersensitive and susceptible phenotypes within Melaleuca quinquenervia during the early stages of A. psidii infection. We were able to identify three separate pools of secondary metabolites: (i) metabolites classified structurally as flavonoids that were naturally higher in the leaves of resistant individuals prior to infection, (ii) organoheterocyclic and carbohydrate-related metabolites that varied with the level of host resistance post-infection, and (iii) metabolites from the terpenoid pathways that were responsive to disease progression regardless of resistance phenotype suggesting that these play a minimal role in disease resistance during the early stages of colonization of this species. Based on the classes of these secondary metabolites, our results provide an improved understanding of key pathways that could be linked more generally to rust resistance with particular application within Melaleuca.
... Individuals of M. quinquenervia are now recorded as severely affected by A. psidii in Australian eastern native woodlands (Carnegie & Cooper 2011;Carnegie & Lidbetter 2012). Variability exists in the susceptibility within the species, with some individuals presenting resistance (Rayamajhi et al. 2010). Leptospermum laevigatum (Gaertn.) ...
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Exotic fungal pathogens can substantially affect individuals and populations of susceptible native plant species, potentially resulting in changes in community structure and composition. Austropuccinia psidii (myrtle rust) is a pathogenic fungus native to South America that affects species in the plant family Myrtaceae. The pathogen was introduced accidentally to Australia and first detected in NSW in April 2010. Ecological impacts have been poorly studied in the native range of A. psidii and even less in its Australian introduced range. In order to assess the potential impact of A. psidii on coastal swamp woodland, two glasshouse experiments were conducted using three co-occurring species: Melaleuca quinquenervia, Leptospermum laevigatum and Baeckea linifolia. Plants of each species were grown individually (Experiment 1) and in mixed species assemblages (Experiment 2), with half inoculated with A. psidii and the other half remaining as controls. Infection level was assessed and impact on seedling survival and growth recorded. In both experiments L. laevigatum and M. quinquenervia seedlings were heavily infected and showed high degrees of susceptibility with negative effects on growth (height, biomass and number of leaves). In contrast, no B. linifolia seedling presented visible symptoms of disease, although seedlings showed reduced growth. Melaleuca quinquenervia seedlings had greater infection levels and suffered greater growth reductions than L. laevigatum in both experiments. However, there was no significant difference in the relative abundance of the three species in the mixed-species experiment. This study provides a better understanding of the potential impacts of A. psidii in this vegetation community and has significant implications for the conservation and management of Australian Myrtaceae-dominated plant communities generally.
This datasheet on Austropuccinia psidii covers Identity, Overview, Distribution, Dispersal, Hosts/Species Affected, Diagnosis, Biology & Ecology, Environmental Requirements, Natural Enemies, Impacts, Uses, Prevention/Control, Further Information.
Most rust fungi are highly host specific, but Puccina psidii has an extremely broad host range within Myrtaceae and gained notoriety with a host jump in its native Brazil from common guava (Psidium guajava) to commercial Eucalyptus plantations. When detected in Hawai‘i in April 2005, the first invasion outside the neotropics/subtropics, there was immediate concern for ‘ōhi‘a (Metrosideros polymorpha). ‘Ōhi‘a composes 80% of native forest statewide, providing stable watersheds and habitat for most Hawaiian forest birds and plants. Within months, rust spores spread statewide on wind currents, but ‘ōhi‘a was found to be only a minor host, showing very light damage. The primary host was nonnative rose apple (Syzygium jambos), severely affected at a landscape scale, but the epiphytotic subsided as rose apple was largely defoliated or killed within several years. The limited and stable host range in Hawai‘i (versus elsewhere) led the local conservation community to explore possibilities for excluding new genetic strains of P. psidii. Although national/international phytosanitary standards require strong scientific justification for regulations involving an infraspecific taxonomic level, hopes were buoyed when genetic studies showed no apparent genetic variation/evolution in Hawai‘i's rust strain. A sophisticated genetic study of P. psidii in its home range is near completion; genetic variation is substantial, and host species strongly influences rust population structure. To prevent introduction of new strains, the Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture is moving ahead with establishing stringent measures that restrict entry of Myrtaceae into Hawai‘i. Meanwhile, P. psidii poses a major threat to Myrtaceae biodiversity worldwide.
Full-text available
Puccinia psidii causes a rust disease on a broad range of hosts in the Myrtaceae and Heteropyxidaceae. It is native to South America where it can cause severe disease in eucalypt plantations and other introduced Myrtaceae. The pathogen has recently expanded its geographical range to Hawaii, increasing concerns about the potential for an incursion in Australia. This paper reviews the taxonomy, biology, impact and options for control of P. psidii. It also discusses the probable impact if an incursion were to occur in Australia and the preparations that must be made to mitigate adverse consequences.
The rust fungus Puccinia psidii infects the foliage and causes dieback of actively growing tips on several myrtaceous plants in South and Central America. It has recently been discovered in south Florida causing a similar disease on Melaleuca quinquenervia. We therefore evaluated P. psidii as a potential biological control agent of this invasive tree. Typical disease symptoms on M. quinquenervia included distortion and abscission of young foliage and dieback of severely infected tips. Young stems with living bark developed lesions and localized swellings. The stems became brittle and prone to breakage at the point of these swellings. Often, flowers and young seed capsules also developed eruptive pustules. Host range tests were performed on 18 species in 11 genera of Myrtaceae by inoculating expanding leaves with uredospores of two P. psidii isolates: MISOL, obtained from M. quinquenervia, and PISOL, obtained from Pimenta dioica. Results showed Callistemon viminalis, Eugenia reinwardtiana, M. decora, M. quinquenervia, Myrcianthes fragrans, Myrciaria cauliflora, P. dioica, and Psidium guajava to be susceptible to both isolates. Eucalyptus grandis, Eugenia paniculatum, and Syzygium cumini manifested chlorotic halos that developed into brown leaf spots but had no sporulation and were therefore considered resistant. The remaining seven species (Calyptranthes pallens, Eugenia confusa, Eugenia foetida, Eugenia uniflora, Feijoa sellowiana, Psidium cattleianum, and S. jambos) exhibited no symptoms and were considered immune to both isolates. The ability of these isolates to initiate pustules on susceptible hosts differed significantly. Overall, both isolates induced more pustules on M. quinquenervia, E. reinwardtiana, and P. dioica than on other susceptible species. Based on host range, both Florida isolates of P. psidii appear similar to one that infects Pimenta spp. in Jamaica. Our studies included a limited number of plant species grown under optimal conditions for disease expression. Field tests will be needed to ascertain their susceptibility under more natural conditions. The P. psidii and M. quinquenervia pathosystem probably represents a "new association," because of the disparate origins of the two species involved and their adventive status in Florida.
  • M Glen
M. Glen et al. Australas, Plant Pathol. 36:1, 2007. (2) P. D. Pratt et al. J. Aquat. Plant Manag. 45:8. 2007. (3) M. B. Rayachhetry et aI. Biol. Control 22:38. 2001. (Disease Notes continued on next page)