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Beyond the Reading Wars: Exploring the Effect of Child-Instruction Interactions on Growth in Early Reading


Abstract and Figures

This study examined the influence of interactions between first graders' fall language-literacy skills (vocabulary and decoding) and classroom instructional practices on their spring decoding scores. Instructional activities were coded as teacher managed or child managed and as explicit or implicit, as well as for change in amount of time spent in the activity over the school year. Findings revealed that specific patterns of instructional activities differentially predicted children's decoding skill growth. Children with low initial decoding scores achieved greater decoding growth in classrooms with more time spent in teacher-managed explicit decoding (TME) instruction. In contrast, for children with initially high decoding scores, amount of TME had no effect. Children with low initial vocabulary scores achieved greater decoding score growth in classrooms with less child-managed implicit (CMI) instruction but with increasing amounts of CMI instruction as the school year progressed. However, children with high initial vocabulary scores achieved greater decoding growth in classrooms with more time spent in CMI activities and in consistent amounts throughout the school year. Children's initial decoding and vocabulary scores also directly and positively affected their decoding score growth. These main effects and interactions were independent and additive, thus children's first-grade decoding skill growth was affected by initial vocabulary and decoding skill as well as type of instruction received-but the effect of type of instruction (TME or CMI amount and change) depended on children's initial vocabulary and decoding scores. Implications for research and educational practices are discussed.
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Beyond the Reading Wars: Exploring the
Effect of Child–Instruction Interactions
on Growth in Early Reading
Carol McDonald Connor, Frederick J. Morrison,
and Leslie E. Katch
University of Michigan
This study examined the influence of interactions between first graders’ fall lan-
guage–literacy skills (vocabulary and decoding) and classroom instructional prac-
tices on their spring decoding scores. Instructional activities were coded as teacher
managed or child managed and as explicit or implicit, as well as for change in amount
of time spent in the activity over the school year. Findings revealed that specific pat-
terns of instructional activities differentially predicted children’s decoding skill
growth. Children with low initial decoding scores achieved greater decoding growth
in classrooms with more time spent in teacher-managed explicit decoding (TME) in-
struction. In contrast, for children with initially high decoding scores, amount of
TME had no effect. Children with low initial vocabulary scores achieved greater de
coding score growth in classrooms with less child-managed implicit (CMI) instruc
tion but with increasing amounts of CMI instruction as the school year progressed.
However, children with high initial vocabulary scores achieved greater decoding
growth in classrooms with more time spent in CMI activities and in consistent
amounts throughout the school year. Children’s initial decoding and vocabulary
scores also directly and positively affected their decoding score growth. These main
effects and interactions were independent and additive, thus children’s first-grade de
coding skill growth was affected by initial vocabulary and decoding skill as well as
type of instruction received—but the effect of type of instruction (TME or CMI
amount and change) depended on children’s initial vocabulary and decoding scores.
Implications for research and educational practices are discussed.
Copyright © 2004, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Requests for reprints should be sent to Carol McDonald Connor, Florida State University and the
Florida Center for Reading Research, City Centre Building, 227 North Bronough Street, Suite 7250,
Tallahassee, FL 32301. E-mail:
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There has been long-standing controversy regarding the best way to teach children
how to read (Ravitch, 2001). The debate has been fueled, in part, because each year
significant numbers of American children fail to reach functional levels of literacy
(National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2000). In essence, the debate has
centered on the efficacy of phonics or code-based instruction versus whole lan
guage or meaning-based instruction (Rayner, Foorman, Perfetti, Pesetsky, &
Seidenberg, 2001). Code-based instruction focuses on explicit and systematic
training in decoding including letter recognition, letter–sound correspondence,
phonics, and phonological awareness. Meaning-based instruction views learning
to read as a more natural process (Goodman, 1970) that requires consistent experi
ence with meaningful text within a literature-rich environment (Dahl & Freppon,
1995). Unfortunately, as Rayner et al. noted, “the continued dichotomy of reading
philosophies produces fragmented instruction in classrooms rather than the inte
grated balance of skills and meaningful applications that research suggests are
needed to produce successful readers” (p. 61). Evidence accumulating systemati
cally over the past 20 years has documented that a combination of methods may
better support children’s developing literacy. Most children appear to develop
stronger reading skills when provided explicit decoding instruction in combination
with meaningful reading activities (Guthrie, Schafer, & Huang, 2001; Rayner et
al., 2001; Taylor, Pearson, Clark, & Walpole, 2000). Consequently, there is a grow-
ing trend toward “balanced” instruction in early reading instruction (see also P.
Cunningham & Hall, 1998; Hiebert & Raphael, 1998; Pressley, 1998).
Yet, the promotionofbalanced instruction leavesopen the question of what might
be the best combination of basic skills instruction and meaningful reading activities.
An implicit and largelyuntested assumption in muchliteracy research is thatspecific
instructional practices will be equally effective for all children. This universalistic
view can be found in the literature supporting meaning-based instruction (e.g., Dahl
& Freppon, 1995) as well as that promoting code-based instruction (National Read
ing Panel,2000). However, Child Aptitude × Treatmentinteraction research, firstin
troduced in the 1970s, revealed that these interactions may be important (Sternberg,
1996). Some recent research has begun to explore the possibility that the efficacy of
instructional practices may vary with the skill level of the student. For example,
Foorman, Francis, Fletcher, Schatschneider, and Mehta (1998) found that children
with weaker phonological awareness at the beginning of the school year demon
strated greater growth in decoding skills in the code-based classrooms than did chil
dren with stronger phonological awareness. Juel and Minden-Cupp (2000) found an
analogous Reading Group × Classroom Type interaction. In their study, children
who started first grade with weaker reading skills (i.e., low-reading group) made
more progress in classrooms where there was greater emphasis on word recognition
instruction. In contrast, children with stronger reading skills at the beginning of first
grade (i.e., middle or high group) achieved greater reading progress in the classroom
where the teacher emphasized a literature-rich environment with less emphasis on
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code-based instruction. A major goal of our study was to further explore the impact
of various instructional practices for children entering first grade with different lan
guage and reading skill levels.
Children begin school with widely varying abilities in skills that support early lit
eracy development, such as phonological awareness, word decoding, and vocabu
lary, and these differences emerge surprisingly early (Stevenson, Parker,
Wilkinson, Hegion, & Fish, 1976). For example Stipek and Ryan (1997) uncov
ered large social class differences in both cognitive and early literacy skills among
a sample of preschoolers and kindergartners. A recent observational study docu
mented meaningful social class differences in children’s acquisition of expressive
vocabulary as early as 18 months of age (Hart & Risley, 1995).
Further, these individual differences appear to be largely sustained throughout
children’s school careers (Entwisle & Alexander, 1988). Scores on decoding, al-
phabet recognition, and vocabulary tasks at kindergarten entry consistently pre-
dicted academic performance throughout the first 3 years of formal schooling ex-
perience (Dickinson & Tabors, 2001; Hart & Risley, 1995; Morrison & Cooney,
2002; Stevenson et al., 1976). Additional research has revealed stability for
1st-grade reading skill through 11th-grade reading experience and performance,
even after accounting for children’s cognitive abilities (A. Cunningham &
Stanovich, 1997; A. Cunningham, Stanovich, & West, 1994). Altogether, a grow-
ing body of evidence testifies to the very early emergence and stability of variabil
ity among children in important literacy and literacy-related skills.
This study attempted to identify and incorporate two important child character
istics—decoding and vocabulary—as they interacted with instructional practice.
Decoding skill, specifically alphabet recognition, letter-sound correspondence,
and single word decoding, was selected because it is a foundational skill critical to
the development of proficient reading (Snow, Burns, & Griffin, 1998) and its in
struction is both salient and important in first-grade classrooms (Adams, 1990;
Neuman & Dickinson, 2001; Rayner et al., 2001). Children’s vocabulary, an inte
gral aspect of language development (Locke, 1997, 1993), varies significantly
among children at school entry, and individual differences appear to be relatively
stable throughout childhood (Hart & Risley, 1995) and beyond (Nippold, 1988).
Further, in two separate studies, there were no significant schooling effects on chil
dren’s kindergarten or first-grade vocabulary growth (Christian, Morrison, Frazier,
& Masseti, 2000; Morrison, Smith, & Dow-Ehrensberger, 1995), yet it is an impor
tant predictor of later reading success (Anderson & Freebody, 1981; Catts, Fey,
Zhang, & Tomblin, 2001).
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There is also appreciable variability in amount and type of language arts instruction
provided to children across classrooms (Juel & Minden-Cupp, 2000; Taylor et al.,
2000; Wharton-McDonald, Pressley, & Hampston, 1998). For instance, Juel and
Minden-Cupp (2000) described four classrooms that varied substantially in amounts
ofmeaning andcode-based instructionprovidedoverthecourse ofthe schoolyear.
Teachers have been observed using elements of both code-based and mean
ing-based instruction while varying the amount of each type during the school year
(Juel & Minden-Cupp, 1998; Rayner et al., 2001; Taylor et al., 2000). Dichoto
mous or categorical comparisons of classroom instructional practices may be inad
equate to describe fully teachers’ literacy practices. Grouping teachers by their pri
mary focus (e.g., code- vs. meaning-based) may oversimplify what is actually
happening in classrooms and undermine our ability to examine the complex effects
of both the amount and types of reading instruction teachers provide. Although in
struction has been defined using a number of methods, we wanted to describe in-
struction in a way that could be used with a range of child outcomes including de-
coding, comprehension, fluency, and so forth across a variety of classroom grades
and settings. Further, we wanted to capture the complexity of instruction while
representing it in measurable variables. To this end, and relying on recent studies
of children’s reading skill development, we selected three specific dimensions of
instruction: (a) explicit versus implicit instruction, (b) teacher-managed versus
child-managed instruction, and (c) change in type and amount of instruction over
time. Each of these dimensions is discussed more fully in the rest of this article. A
fourth dimension, word level versus higher order, was not included in this study
because it overlapped with the explicit versus implicit dimension. This would not
have been the case if our outcome had been, for example, reading comprehension,
which might be differentially impacted by implicit word level (e.g., alphabet activ
ities vs. higher order activities—sustained silent reading).
Explicit Versus Implicit Instruction
The first dimension focuses on whether instruction is explicit or implicit in promot
ing growth of a particular skill, such as word decoding. For example, Foorman and
her colleagues (see Foorman et al., 1998) grouped classrooms along the explicit–im
plicit continuum focusing on decoding skill instruction (i.e., Direct code, Embedded
code, Implicit code). In our coding scheme, if, as in this study, word decoding is the
targeted skill, then instructional activities such as blending onsets and rhymes or
teaching letter-sound correspondence would be considered explicit because the
children’s attention is primarily directed to components of worddecoding strategies.
In contrast, activities like teacher-led discussions, in which the child’s attention is
more explicitly focused on comprehension (i.e., extracting meaning from text),
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could still influence word-decoding skills in an implicit or incidental fashion. At an
intermediate point would be implicit phonics (e.g., Torgesen et al., 2001) where
teachers expose children to word lists that contain similar spelling–sound corre
spondences but do not explicitly teach spelling–sound correspondences. Note that if
reading comprehension had been the outcome of interest, different sets of instruc
tional activities would have been defined as explicit or implicit.
As defined, explicit decoding instruction encompasses much of what has been
described as code-based instruction including teaching of phoneme–grapheme
correspondences, phonological awareness (e.g., onset-rime segmentation, blend
ing phoneme, segmenting phonemes), and letter names and sounds. Implicit de
coding instruction includes meaning-based activities like teachers reading to stu
dents, discussions about books, teachers and students reading together, and
students reading and writing independently.
Teacher-Managed Versus Child-Managed Instruction
The second dimension refers to the degree that instructional activity and the child’s
attention are primarily under the direction of the teacher (e.g., when the teacher is
explicitly instructing the children in word decoding strategies) or primarily con-
trolled by the child (e.g., in sustained silent reading). This dimension is quite simi-
lar to methods of instruction such as prescriptive (teacher-managed) and
responsive (teacher-managed moving to child-managed) (see Rayner et al., 2001)
as well as “child-centered” and “teacher-directed” (Bredekemp & Copple, 1997).
However, there are some important differences because the activity is coded ac-
cording to whether the teacher or the child is responsible for directing attention to
or “managing” the learning. Thus, activities that might be considered child-cen
tered activities, such as discussions about books, would be considered
teacher-managed because the teacher is managing the learning. However,
teacher-directed activities, such as completing worksheets, would be considered
child-managed because the child is responsible for his or her own learning.
Change in Amount of Instructional Activities
Over the School Year
One provocative finding in the Juel and Minden-Cupp (2000) study was that some
teachers changed their instructional emphasis over the course of the school year.
For example, one teacher began the year with a strong focus on explicit,
teacher-managed decoding instruction that tapered off as the year progressed and
as children mastered basic skills. In this class, children with weaker fall reading
skills (i.e., children in the low reading group) achieved stronger spring decoding
scores than did children in the low reading group in other classrooms. Thus, how
much time the class spends in particular activities at certain times of the school
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year may be important to consider. In this study, we observed first-grade class
rooms three times during the school year (i.e., fall, winter, and spring). Hence, we
were able to examine the impact of changes in amount of instructional activities
over the course of the school year.
This study examined first-grade students’ decoding skill growth and how it was af
fected by classroom instructional practices, the skills with which the children be
gan school, and the interactions between instruction and child characteristics. We
predicted that children with stronger fall vocabulary or decoding skills would
achieve stronger decoding skill growth in classrooms that provided more
child-managed implicit decoding instruction and less teacher- managed explicit
decoding instruction. In contrast, we expected children with weaker fall vocabu
lary or decoding scores to achieve stronger decoding skill growth in classrooms
that provided more teacher-managed explicit decoding instruction and less
child-managed implicit decoding instruction. Finally, we anticipated that changes
in amount of different types of decoding instruction over the course of the school
year would affect children’s decoding growth.
One hundred eight first-grade children taught by 42 teachers participated in this
study as part of a larger longitudinal study of schooling conducted in a large mid
western city. Children who were English proficient and had no identified disability
were recruited from schools in the participating school district. Children were re
cruitedover3consecutive years, with most entering the study during Years1 and2.
Descriptive information is provided in Table 1. Of the participants in this study,
44% of the children were girls, 65% were White, 28% were African American, 3%
were Hispanic, 2% were Asian, and 2% belonged to other ethnic groups or were
not identified. Children’s race–ethnicity did not contribute significantly to our out
come in preliminary hierarchical linear models, t(41) = .27, p = .32, and so was not
included in our final model. Children’s cognitive abilities were assessed at the be
ginning of the study using the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale–4th Edition
(Thorndike, Hagen, & Sattler, 1986), which provides a full-scale intelligence quo
tient (IQ). On average, this sample demonstrated IQs within normal limits. Further,
IQ did not significantly contribute to our outcome in preliminary hierarchical lin
ear models, t(90) = –.44, p = .66, and so was not included in the final model.
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Individual child assessment.
Children were assessed using a battery of tests
and tasks in the fall and spring of their first-grade year. These tests included the Pea-
body Picture Vocabulary Test–Revised (Dunn & Dunn, 1987), which assesses re-
ceptive vocabulary (Vocabulary), and the Reading Recognition subtest of the Pea-
body Individual Achievement Tests–Revised (Markwardt, 1989), which assesses
letter identification, letter-soundcorrespondence, and single wordrecognition skills
(Decoding). Raw scores were used for statistical analyses. When reported as grade
equivalents, raw or fitted scores were converted to grade equivalent scores using the
tables provided in the examiners’ manual.
Parent questionnaire: Mother’s educational level and home literacy.
ents completed questionnaires during their 1st year in the study, which provided de
scriptive information about the family, including mothers’ educational levels, ex
pressed in years. Home literacy environment scores (Home Literacy) were also
based on the results of parents’responses on a questionnaire. Home Literacy, a com
posite measure that ranged from 3 (low)to18(high), was derived from parents’ re
sponses regardinghow frequently theyused a library card, number of adult and child
magazine subscriptions, number of newspaper subscriptions, how often the family
read together, number of children’s books, hours of television the child watched per
week, and how frequently parents read to themselves (Griffin & Morrison, 1997).
Reliability of the measure was adequate (Cronbach’s α = .72). These parent and
home variables were included in the models because of their well-documented asso
ciation with children’s academic and reading success (Snow et al., 1998).
School district, teachers, and classroom observation—Instructional
As noted previously, all children and teachers were recruited from the
same school district in a large midwestern city. The school district in this study re
Descriptive Statistics for Student Participants
White/Asian African American Total
Decoding fall 26.0 13.5 18.8 11.42 23.27 13.14
Decoding spring 43.7 15.0 33.0 13.3 39.63 15.22
Vocabulary fall 90.6 14.0 73.0 12.2 83.85 15.79
Vocabulary spring 99.1 12.0 80.2 13.8 91.91 15.68
Home literacy score 14.5 2.1 10.1 3.1 12.93 3.29
Mother’s educational level (years) 17.4 2.2 13.2 2.7 15.98 3.10
IQ (full-scale standard score) 107.5 13.5 90.9 11.0 101.21 14.95
Note. All reported values are raw scores unless otherwise indicated.
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ported that they supported a whole-language approach to literacy instruction and
encouraged teachers to provide significant amounts of student-initiated reading
and writing activities. Teachers were recruited for the study if a target child at
tended their classroom. Classroom instruction was observed over the course of the
school year during three all-day sessions in the fall, winter, and spring (Connor,
Morrison, & Griffin, 2002). Trained observers recorded a narrative description of
the school day and the amount of time spent on specific instructional activities. Re
searchers then coded the activities described in the narratives for type of instruc
tion and length of time the type of activity lasted (in minutes). Descriptions of the
activities are provided in the Appendix. For approximately 10% of the observa
tions, two observers observed the same classroom and independently recorded a
narrative of the classroom activities. Agreement was calculated by time and de
scription of activity with the number of minutes the observers were in agreement
divided by minutes in agreement plus minutes where the observers disagreed.
Interobserver agreement for the narrative was 95%. Interrater reliability for the
coded activities was calculated in much the same way. The number of minutes the
two independent raters coded a description using the same activity code divided by
agreements plus disagreements. Interrater reliability was 86%. For this study, only
language arts activities were included.
Dimensions of instruction.
Instructional activities were coded using the first
two dimensions of instruction described previously: explicit versus implicit and
teacher-managed versus child-managed (see Table 2). The third dimension, change
in amount of instruction over time, is described more fully in the next section.
Instructional Activities Comprising Each Dimension of Instruction: Teacher-
Versus Child-Managed and Explicit Versus Implicit
Teacher Managed Child Managed
Explicit Alphabet activity Spelling
Letter sight–sound
Initial consonant stripping
Word segmentation
Implicit Vocabulary Student read aloud, individual
Teacher read aloud Sustained silent reading
Student read aloud, choral Reading comprehension activity
Teacher-managed group writing Student independent writing
Writing instruction Student group writing
Conventions of print
Listening comprehension
Note. Descriptions of activities are provided in the Appendix.
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Instructional activities were coded as explicit or implicit as they pertained to word
decoding. Hence instructional activities that taught letters, letter-sound association,
phonological awareness, spelling, or decoding words were defined as explicit decod
ing instructional activities. Other language arts activities were defined as implicitly
teaching decoding. For example, the opportunity to read independently while explic
itly focusing on fluency implicitly supported children’s decoding skills.
Teacher-managed instruction included those activities in which the teacher was
the primary director of the children’s attention—for example, teacher and student
discussions surrounding a particular book or teacher scaffolding–coaching. Other
teacher-managed activities included teachers reading aloud and direct instruction
in letter-sound relations. Child-managed instruction included those instructional
activities where the student was primarily controlling his or her focus of atten
tion—for example, reading independently (e.g., sustained silent reading) and com
pleting worksheets independently.
Computing classroom variables and change over time.
Because we
observed every classroom three times over the course of the school year (there
were no missing classroom observations), variables representing types of instruc-
tion were expressed as both the number of minutes for amount of instruction
(amount centered at winter observation) as well as change in the amount of instruc-
tion over the school year (i.e., slope, which is the third dimension of instruction).
Variables were computed using the following method. For each observation, the
amount of time, in minutes, spent in each type of instructional activity was com-
puted. Using Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM; Raudenbush & Bryk, 2002),
instructional growth curves for each classroom were modeled at Level 1 using
month of the observation centered at the winter evaluation, with the individual
classroom modeled at Level 2. Empirical Bayes residuals were calculated for each
classroom using the HLM software (Version 5.0). This provided an instruction
amount score and an instruction slope score for each classroom teacher based on
the observations in his or her classroom.
Each classroom amount score represents the amount of time in minutes that a
particular teacher spent in one type of activity, which was above or below the fitted
mean for all teachers, centered at the winter observation. As an illustration, sup
pose Teacher As instruction amount score in teacher-managed explicit (TME) in
struction was 3.4. This means that, on average, she spent 3.4 min more than the av
erage number of minutes teachers in the study spent in this type of instruction,
which was 7.4 min. In other words, she spent a total of 10.8 min (7.4 + 3.4) per day
in TME instruction. In contrast, hypothetical Teacher B’s instruction amount score
was –2.5. This means that she spent 2.5 min less than the average time spent on this
type of instruction compared to the mean of all teachers, or 5.1 min (7.4–2.5) per
day. Instruction slope score was calculated in the same way, but using the slope
rather than the intercept. Thus, there was a fitted mean slope for all of the class
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rooms (fitted slope TME instruction = –.58) and an individual teacher slope score,
which represented his or her difference from the mean slope. This procedure was
followed for each dimension of instruction variable (see Table 2). These variables
were then used in the final model at Level 2, as described next. To recap, these
amount and slope variables included TME, child-managed explicit (CME),
teacher-managed implicit (TMI) and child-managed implicit (CMI).
Analytic Strategy
HLM (Raudenbush & Bryk, 2002) was used to control for the nested nature of the
data: Children nested in classrooms. On average, there were more than two chil
dren per classroom. However three classrooms had as many as six children,
whereas a few had only one. Had we used regression instead of HLM, we might
have overestimated the effect of instruction on children’s outcomes because we
would not have accounted for the shared classroom variance (Raudenbush & Bryk,
2002). Child-level variables were entered at Level 1; classroom variables were en-
tered at Level 2 (see Equation 1).
Level 1
= β
+ β
(Mother’s Education)
+ β
(Home Literacy)
(fall Vocabulary)
+ β
(fall Decoding)
+ r
Level 2
= γ
+ γ
(Classroom instruction variables)
+ u
= γ
+ u
= γ
= γ
+ γ
(Classroom instruction variables)
= γ
+ γ
(Classroom instruction variables)
, which is the Decoding score for Child i in Class j, is a function of the respec
tive coefficients (β) at Level 1 as they pertain to Mothers’ Educational Levels,
Home Literacy, fall Vocabulary, and fall Decoding, as well as a residual (r
). β
is a
function of the fitted mean for the group of students (γ
) plus the effect of the
classroom instruction variables for Classroom j, plus error (u). γ
represents the
effect of mother’s education on spring Decoding. γ
represents the effect of Home
Literacy environment on spring Decoding score. γ
represents the effect of fall Vo
cabulary, and γ
represents the effect of fall Decoding on spring Decoding. γ
resents the interaction between instruction variables and fall Decoding. γ
is the
interaction between fall Vocabulary and instruction variables. The error at the level
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of the classroom is represented by u
. For all models presented, residuals were as
sumed to be normally distributed with means of zero.
Variation in Classroom Instruction
Results revealedsignificantdifferencesin amount and change (i.e., slope) of instruc
tion type provided in classrooms over the course of the school year. As depicted in
Table 3 and Figure 1, overall, teachers provided significant amounts of each type of
instruction—TME, CME, TMI, and CMI. They also significantly changed the
amount of TME, CME, and CMI (but not TMI) instruction they provided over the
course of the school year. In general, teachers provided more TME and CME at the
beginning of the school year and significantly less as the year progressed (see Figure
1), as indicated by significant and negative slope coefficients (see Table 3). In con-
trast, teachers increased the overall amount of CMI instruction over the course of the
school year, as demonstrated by the significant positive slope coefficient.
Teachers differed substantially in the total amount of language arts instruction
they provided (i.e., sum of TME, CME, TMI, and CMI) ranging from 5 to 134 min of
language arts instruction per day on the actual days observed (M = 63.5, SD = 26.5).
Table 3 provides means (centered at the winter observation) and standard deviations
for each type of instruction calculated using HLM. The length of the school day did
not differ across classrooms because all of the teachers taught within the same school
Descriptive Information for Instructional Variables
Level 2
Variance (u)
Level 1
Variance (r)
Total Language Arts amount 63.50 10.27 NA NA NA
TME amount 7.43*** 3.53 1.04 24.39*** 69.77
TME slope –.82* .58 .32 .83
CME amount 4.27*** 2.52 .62 9.61*** 23.49
CME slope –.58** .62 .19 .58
TMI amount 23.26*** 3.52 1.52 32.29* 211.63
TMI slope –.72 1.56 .62 5.40*
CMI amount 28.54*** 9.45 2.11 130.12*** 200.20
CMI slope 2.26** 1.99 .67 8.61**
Note. Fitted means (in minutes) and slopes (in minutes per month) computed using Hierarchical
Linear Modeling. NA = data not applicable; TME = teacher-managed explicit; CME = child-managed
explicit; TMI = teacher-managed implicit; CMI = child-managed implicit.
*p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001.
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Teachers also differed in the emphasis they placed on the type of instruction, as
indicated by the significant variance at Level 2 for these variables (see Table 3).
Some teachers spent relatively more time on TME, others on CMI, others spent lit
tle time on either TME or CMI, but there was not a simple trade-off as evidenced
by the low and nonsignificant correlation between the amounts for each type of in
struction (see Table 4). On average, teachers provided significantly more CMI than
TME—7.4 min per day of TME compared to 28.5 min per day of CMI (t = 14.26).
Of the change variables, only CMI and TMI slopes varied significantly among
teachers. Some teachers started the school year providing less time in CMI or TMI
and increased the amount as the year progressed, whereas other teachers provided
the same amount all year long. Still others decreased the amount of TMI provided.
TME amount and slope were highly and negatively correlated (t r = –.88) so that
teachers who provided higher amounts of TME instruction in the fall tended to de
crease the amount taught more sharply over the school year (i.e., steeper declining
FIGURE 1 Graph of the fitted growth curves of the amount (in minutes/day) and slope (in
minutes per month) in the four classroom instruction variables, teacher-managed explicit
(TME), child-managed explicit (CME), teacher-managed implicit (TMI), and child-managed
implicit (CMI).
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slopes), whereas teachers who provided smaller amounts of TME in the fall tended
to provide smaller amounts all year long (i.e., flat slope). In contrast, there was no
appreciable correlation between CMI instruction amount and slope (r = .27); there
was no prevailing systematic pattern of CMI instruction among teachers over the
school year. Some teachers provided higher or lower amounts of CMI all year long,
some provided less as the year progressed, and others provided more.
Classroom Instruction Effects
Overall, classroom instruction had a complex effect on students’ decoding skill
growth. The results of hierarchical linear modeling are presented in Table 5. It
should be noted that causal claims are beyond the scope of this study because we
did not experimentally manipulate the type of instruction children received.
All instructional amount variables were included in the model at Level 2 for the
intercept (β
) to control for the total amount of language arts instruction provided.
As noted previously, the length of the school day was the same for all classrooms,
thus our model controlled for the total amount of language arts instruction (vs. other
classroom activities). In other words, the effect of a particular type of instruction is
controlling for the amount of all other types of instruction provided. Because all con
tinuous variables were centered at the grand mean, the effect of a particular variable
holds all other variables constant at their grand mean for the sample.
CMI slope was included in the model because it varied significantly by class
room. The fall Decoding × TME Amount, Decoding × CMI Amount, and De
coding × CMI Slope interactions were entered into the model at Level 2. The fall
Correlation Between Teacher Variable Amounts and Slopes
TMEsl –.88**
TMIa .062 –.068
TMIsl –.039 .045 –.99**
CMEa –.047 .069 –.053 .051
CMEsl .047 –.070 .053 –.051 –.99**
CMIa –.148 .137 –.026 .002 –.131 .131
CMIsl –.024 .020 .039 –.049 –.217 .217 .270
totLA .235 –.234 .365* –.378* .084 –.084 .824* .448*
Note. Hierarchical Linear Model Tau r provided for each variable’s intercept/slope correlation.
All others are Pearson correlations. a = teacher variable amounts; sl = slopes; TME = teacher-managed
explicit; TMI = teacher-managed implicit; CME = child-managed explicit; CMI = child-managed im
plicit; totLA = total amount of Language Arts instruction.
*p < .05. **p < .01.
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Vocabulary × TME Amount, Vocabulary × CMI Amount, and Vocabulary × CMI
Slope interactions were also entered into the model at Level 2.
Results of Hierarchical Linear Modeling
Type of instruction had a significant but complex effect on children’s achievement,
which was dependent on children’s fall Vocabulary and Decoding scores (see Ta
ble 5). Overall, this model accounted for approximately 70% of the variance in
children’s spring reading decoding scores (Level 1 r variance in unconditional
model = 231.60). There were significant main effects for children’s fall vocabulary
and fall decoding scores. Overall, children who began the school year with higher
vocabulary and decoding scores tended to achieve higher spring decoding scores.
Hierarchical Linear Model Results for the Instructional Variables’ Effect on
Spring Decoding Scores, Controlling for Mother’s Educational Level and
Home Literacy Environment Centered at the Grand Mean of the Sample
Fixed Effects Coefficient SE t-ratio Approximate df
For Intercept β
Spring decoding, γ00 39.71 .74 53.40 36
TME amount, γ01 .06 .21 .30
CME amount, γ02 .60 .42 1.42
TMI amount, γ03 .20 .26 .77
CMI amount, γ04 .03 .11 .25
CMI slope, γ05 .52 .44 1.20
MomEd, β
, γ10 .50 .37 1.34 41
Litscore, β
, γ20 –.01 .35 –.01 90
Fall decoding, β
, γ30 .88 .05 16.86*** 90
TME Amount × Decoding, γ31 –.02 .01 –2.08*
CMI Amount × Decoding, γ32 –.002 .01 –.17
CMI Slope × Decoding, γ33 .06 .05 1.27
Fall vocabulary, β
, γ40 .14 .07 1.98* 90
TME Amount × Vocabulary, γ41 –.002 .01 –.19
CMI Amount × Vocabulary, γ42 .02 .01 3.23**
CMI Slope × Vocabulary, γ43 –.11 .04 –2.64**
Random Effects Variance df χ
Intercept, U
1.0 17 25.51****
MomEd, U
.57 22 33.95*
Level 1, r 69.40
Note. Deviance = 758.75. Amount is in minutes/day and change over the course of the school
year. Slope is in minutes change per month, centered at the mean. TME = teacher-managed explicit;
CME = child-managed explicit; TMI = teacher-=managed implicit; CMI = child-managed implicit;
MomEd = mother’s educational level; Litscore = home literacy environment,
*p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001. ****p < .10.
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There were no significant main effects for TME, TMI, CME, or CMI amounts or
CMI slope on spring decoding scores (i.e., nonsignificant coefficients γ
, γ
, γ
, γ
). However, there were significant interactions between type of instruction
and fall vocabulary and decoding scores. TME interacted negatively and signifi
cantly with children’s fall decoding score (i.e., coefficient γ
), controlling for the
other variables. CMI amount interacted positively and CMI slope interacted nega
tively with children’s fall vocabulary scores (i.e., coefficients γ
and γ
, respec
tively). These interactions are presented in Figure 2. Mother’s educational level
and home literacy score did not significantly affect spring decoding scores (i.e., co
efficients γ
and γ
, respectively).
FIGURE 2 Child Skill × Instruction Type interaction effect for spring decoding raw scores.
Top: Child fall decoding raw score (25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles of the sample) by TME
amount holding child fall vocabulary raw score constant at the mean for the sample. Middle:
Child fall vocabulary raw score (25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles of the sample) by CMI amount.
Bottom: CMI slope holding child fall decoding raw score constant at the mean for the sample.
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The results of our model generally supported our hypotheses. As noted, we
found significant interactions between children’s fall decoding score and TME
amount but not for CMI. The reverse was the case for children’s fall Vocabulary;
interactions were significant for CMI amount and CMI slope but not for TME. We
had expected parallel patterns because of the documented association between
children’s vocabulary and decoding skills (Anderson & Freebody, 1981;
Scarborough, 1990). To investigate further, we computed the correlation between
fall decoding and vocabulary and found it surprisingly low (r = .26, p = .008).
Our model indicated that instructional effects varied with both fall vocabulary and
decodinglevelssimultaneouslyand independently;plus therewas a main effectfor fall
vocabulary and fall decoding on spring decoding scores. Thus the association between
amount of TME and CMI provided and children’s decoding growth, according to our
model, was independently affected by both their fall decoding and vocabulary skills.
Therefore, we decided to investigate these complex effects further by computing the
patterns of instruction associated with more versus less decoding skill growth for chil
dren with different patterns of fall vocabulary and decoding skill levels.
Because all of the variables in our model were continuous, there was an almost
infinite number of potential child skill patterns and corresponding effects of pat-
terns of instruction. To illustrate these interactions, we used our model to compute
the effect of these interactions for four distinct child patterns of skills: (a) children
with low fall vocabulary and decoding scores, which fell at the 25th percentile ac-
cording to published norms (the raw scores representing the respective percentiles
were selected using tables provided in the examiners’ manuals); (b) children with
high fall vocabulary and decoding scores, which fell at the 90th percentile; (c) chil-
dren with low fall vocabulary (25th percentile) but high fall decoding (90th percen-
tile); and (d) children with high fall vocabulary (90th percentile) but low fall de
coding (25th percentile). The 25th and 90th percentiles were selected because they
fell within the range of the data. Very few children in our sample had scores falling
at the 10th percentile for either decoding or vocabulary. To do this, we used the raw
score that, according to the norms, corresponded with the 25th and 90th percentile
for first-grade students and entered it in to the model to compute the fitted spring
Decoding outcome scores based on the varying patterns of instruction. These re
sults are presented in Figures 3 through 6 and described next.
Low vocabulary/low decoding skills.
For children whose fall vocabulary
and decoding scores fell at the 25th percentile for published test norms (n =12
within 1 standard error of measurement [SEM]), the model predicted significant
main effects and interaction effects as displayed in Figure 3. For these children, fit
ted results demonstrated that they achieved greater growth in decoding scores in
classrooms with more TME, whereas they achieved less growth in decoding scores
with less TME (Figure 3). In addition, the more CMI instruction these children re
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ceived in first grade, the less growth in Decoding they demonstrated. Yet the less
CMI they received, the more growth in decoding they exhibited (Figure 3).
There was also a significant interaction with CMI slope for children with low
fall vocabulary and decoding scores (Figure 3). Fitted results demonstrated that
children achieved stronger growth in decoding in classrooms with less CMI in the
fall but with increasing amounts through the spring of the school year (i.e., steep
positive slope). In contrast, children achieved less growth in spring decoding
scores in classrooms with steady amounts of CMI all year long (i.e., flat slope).
Note that CMI amount and CMI slope were independent effects and so these ef
fects were evident for classrooms with either high or low amounts of CMI. Never
theless, fitted results indicated that low amounts of CMI in combination with a
steep CMI slope (increasing amounts) was the pattern of instruction associated
with greater decoding skill growth for these children.
High vocabulary/high decoding.
For children whose fall vocabulary and
decoding scores fell at the 90th percentile using published norms (n = 8 within 1
SEM plus 8 whose scores fell above the 90th percentiles for vocabulary and decod
ing), a contrasting pattern emerged, as displayed in Figure 4. For these children, fit
FIGURE 3 Effect of instruction (teacher-managed explicit [TME] and child-managed im-
plicit [CMI] amount and slope [CMI change]) on children’s spring decoding raw scores for chil-
dren who began the school year with scores falling at the 25th percentile of standardized norms
for fall vocabulary and decoding.
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ted results revealed virtually no effect for amount of TME on their fall decoding
scores (see Figure 4). However, when in classrooms with higher amounts of CMI,
these children achieved greater growth in decoding scores by spring, whereas with
lower amounts of CMI, they achieved less growth in decoding scores (see Figure 4).
Here too, the effect of CMI slope had to be considered. For these children, a steady
dose of more CMI all year long (i.e., flat slope) yielded more growth in decoding,
whereas a steeper positive slope (i.e., less CMI in the fall increasing over the course
of the school year) yielded less growth in decoding scores (see Figure 4).
Low vocabulary/high decoding.
Only one child in our sample demon
strated scores that fit this profile—fall vocabulary scores at the 25th percentile but
decoding scores at the 90th percentile (n = 1 within 1 SEM). Another child demon
strated observed scores that fell above the 90th percentile for decoding and below
the 25th percentile for vocabulary. Thus, these results should be interpreted cau
tiously. Fitted results indicated that amount of TME had little effect on spring de
coding scores (see Figure 5). Fitted results also demonstrated that when children
received smaller amounts of CMI, they achieved stronger growth in spring decod
ing scores, whereas when they received higher amounts of CMI, they achieved less
growth in spring decoding scores (see Figure 5). Further, children receiving in
FIGURE 4 Effect of instruction (teacher-managed explicit [TME] and child-managed im-
plicit [CMI] amount and slope [CMI change]) on children’s spring decoding raw scores for chil-
dren who began the school year with scores falling at the 90th percentile for fall vocabulary and
decoding using standardized norms.
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creasing amounts of CMI over the school year (i.e., steep positive slope) achieved
stronger growth in decoding scores by the spring. However, when they received
steady amounts of CMI over the school year (i.e., flat slope) they achieved less
growth in decoding scores (see Figure 5).
High vocabulary/low decoding.
For children with fall vocabulary scores
falling at the 90th percentile for published norms but decoding at the 25th percen
tile (n = 10 within 1 SEM), fitted results indicated that children in classrooms with
higher amounts of TME achieved more growth in decoding scores. When they
were in classrooms with lower amounts of TME, children achieved less growth in
decoding scores (see Figure 6). Further, with higher amounts of CMI, children
achieved stronger growth in decoding scores and with lower amounts of CMI, they
achieved less growth (see Figure 6). For these children, a steady amount of CMI all
year long (i.e., flat slope) yielded greater decoding score growth whereas lower
amounts in the fall increasing over the school year yielded less growth in decoding
scores (see Figure 6).
FIGURE 5 Effect of instruction (teacher-managed explicit [TME] and child-managed im
plicit [CMI] amount and slope [CMI change]) on children’s spring decoding raw scores for chil
dren who began the school year with fall decoding scores falling at the 90th percentile but fall
vocabulary falling at the 25th percentile using standardized norms.
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Cumulative Impact of Instructional Variables:
Instruction Associated With Stronger Decoding Growth
The model can be used to elucidate the complex associations between child char
acteristics (i.e., fall vocabulary and decoding) and dimensions of instruction (i.e.,
TME amount, CMI amount, and CMI slope) and their combined effect on chil
dren’s spring decoding scores. To this end, we estimated the patterns of instruction
associated with stronger and weaker decoding growth for children in each of the
four patterns of skills (i.e., low vocabulary/low decoding, etc.). Again, because the
instructional variables were continuous, we chose values within the actual range of
our data for amounts of TME and CMI as well as CMI slope—the 10th percentile
and 90th percentiles of the sample (see Figures 7–10). Thus, meaningful values for
both child characteristics and types of instruction (amount and slope) were entered
into our model and the fitted spring decoding scores were computed. Note that al
though we use the term more effective instruction to describe patterns of instruc
tion associated with stronger decoding score growth, we do not intend to imply
causality. Moreover, the “causal effect” may go both ways—students respond to
instruction and teachers modify instruction to accommodate the skills of their stu
dents. Addressing these issues is beyond the scope of this study.
FIGURE 6 Effect of instruction (teacher-managed explicit [TME] and child-managed im-
plicit [CMI] amount and slope [CMI change]) on children’s spring Decoding raw scores for
children who began the school year with fall decoding raw scores falling at the 25th percentile
and fall vocabulary raw scores falling at the 90th percentile of standardized norms.
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For children with low fall vocabulary and decoding scores, the model indicated
that a more effective pattern of instruction included higher amounts of TME (90th
percentile for our sample) and smaller amounts of CMI (10th percentile for our sam
ple) that increased over the school year (90th percentile for our sample). A less effec
tive pattern of instruction included smaller amounts of TME (10th percentile for our
sample) and greater amounts of CMI (90th percentile for our sample) all year long
(slope at 10th percentile for our sample). As depicted in Figure 7, two children who
started first grade with identical decoding scores (½ year below grade level, n =12
within one SEM) showeddramatically different rates of decoding growthdepending
FIGURE 7 Effects of more and less effective patterns of instruction on spring decoding grade
equivalent score for children who began the school year with low fall vocabulary raw scores
(25th percentile standardized norms) and low fall decoding raw scores (25th percentile stan
dardized norms).
FIGURE 8 Effects of more and less effective patterns of instruction on spring decoding grade
equivalent score for children who began the school year with high fall vocabulary (90th percen
tile standardized norms) and high fall decoding scores (90th percentile standardized norms).
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on whether they received a more or less effective instructional pattern. As can be
seen, one child exposed to a more effective instructional regime achieved a decoding
score increase of almost two fitted grade equivalents. In contrast, the other child, re
ceiving a less effective instructional pattern, demonstrated only limited growth in
decoding scores or less than half a grade-equivalent. The children’s fitted spring de
coding scores differed by more than two grade-equivalents.
A contrasting pattern of effective instruction was revealed for children who had
high fall vocabulary and decoding scores (see Figure 8, n = 8 within 1 SEM). For
these children, instruction had a smaller effect overall; the difference between
more and less effective patterns of instruction on children’s spring decoding scores
FIGURE 9 Effects of more and less effective patterns of instruction on spring decoding grade
equivalent score for children who began the school year with low fall vocabulary (25th percen
tile standardized norms) and high fall decoding scores (90th percentile standardized norms).
FIGURE 10 Effects of more and less effective patterns of instruction on spring decoding
grade equivalent score for children who began the school year with high fall vocabulary (90th
percentile standardized norms) and low fall decoding scores (25th percentile standardized
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was less than half a grade-equivalent and children’s scores improved over the
school year even with the less effective pattern of instruction.
The model predicts substantial differences in achievement for more and less ef
fective patterns of instruction for the other two groups of children (see Figures 9 and
10). More effective instruction for children who had low vocabularyand high decod
ing scores (n = 2) included lower amounts of TME and higher amounts of CMI all
year long (i.e., flat slope). Contrasting more and less effective patterns of instruction
revealed more than one grade equivalent difference in spring decoding (see Figure
9). For children who had high vocabularyand lowdecoding scores (n = 10 within one
SEM), more effective instruction included higher amounts of TME and lower
amounts of CMI that increased over the school year (i.e., steep positive slope). Com
paring more and less effective patterns of instruction yielded a fitted grade equiva
lent difference of about one grade (see Figure 10).
The results of this study demonstrated that the effects of specific first-grade instruc-
tional practices on children’s decoding skills depended in large part on children’s en-
tering vocabulary and decoding skills. Children came to first grade with varyinglan-
guage and literacy skills. Classroom instruction also variedin amount and included a
mixture of code-based and meaning-based activities in differing proportions across
classrooms, which were encompassed in three dimensions of instruction (explicit
vs. implicit, teacher- vs. child-managed, and change).
Not surprisingly, children with weaker fall decoding skills achieved greater decod-
ing skill growth in classrooms with more teacher-managed explicit decoding instruc
tion (i.e., TME), whereas children with stronger decoding skills attained less decoding
skill growth in the same classrooms. Children with stronger vocabularies achieved
strongerdecoding skill growthin classroomswith manyopportunitiesfor independent
reading and writing activities (i.e., CMI) throughout the school year, whereas children
with weaker vocabulary skills achieved stronger decoding skills when opportunities
for independent reading and writing were kept to a minimum in the fall but were in
creased as the school year progressed. It is important to note that these effects occurred
simultaneously. Because the correlation between fall vocabulary and decoding was
weak, there were appreciable numbers of children with low decoding and high vocab
ulary skills, as well as a few children with high decoding and low vocabulary, in addi
tion to those with high vocabulary and high decoding, or low vocabulary and low de
coding. Fitted results indicated that depending on children’s decoding and vocabulary
skills, different but predictable patterns of instruction were associated with stronger
decoding skill growth.Forexample, children with low fall decoding skills and high fall
vocabulary skills achievedgreater decodingskill growthin classroomswith more time
spent in TME and high amounts of CMI all year long.
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Dimensions of Instruction
Overall, the coding scheme used in this study proved fruitful in identifying dimen
sions of instruction (explicit vs. implicit, teacher- vs. child-managed, and change in
amount over time) that varied among classrooms and that predicted growth in decod
ing. The variables appeared to capture important elements of literacy instruction
within both code-based and meaning-based philosophies and provided a way to
quantify and compare them. In general, the pattern of findings supported aspects of
both sides in the reading wars, but instructional effects differed for children with dif
fering skills.
It is notable that systematic changes in focus of instruction over the course of
the school year were apparent for this group of teachers. Overall, teachers focused
more on directly instructing basic decoding skills (i.e., TME instruction) at the be
ginning of the year but decreased this emphasis as the year progressed and, pre
sumably, as children’s decoding skills improved. This pattern of decreasing
amounts of TME over time was consistent among teachers. In contrast, overall,
CMI instruction increased in amount over the school year but varied significantly
among teachers. This suggests that teachers may have been responding to chil-
dren’s increasing independence as they learned classroom routines and better man-
aged their own learning as the school year progressed.
Two types of instruction, teacher-managed implicit decoding instruction (TMI) and
child-managed explicit decoding instruction (CME), had no significant effect on chil-
dren’s decoding skill growth. Overall, in the observed classrooms, there was little lan-
guage arts time devoted to CME activities, such as phonics workbooks or alphabet
worksheets. Thus this study cannot speak to the effect of such activities on children’s
decoding skill growth. TMI activities, such as discussions about books and teachers
reading to the students, did not appear to have a systematic effect on children’s decod
ing skill growth. However, such activities may be important for children’s reading
comprehension growth and emerging attitudes toward reading; more study is needed.
Conceptualizing instructional practices using dimensions of instruction pro
vided flexibility coupled with a fine-grained yet quantifiable view of classroom ac
tivities.This allowedus to modelthe complexinstructional patterns observedas well
as their interaction with child characteristics as they affected child outcomes. This
would not have been possible had we defined instruction one-dimensionally. Fur
ther, dimensions of instruction were specific to the outcome of interest. Had reading
comprehension rather than decoding been the outcome of interest, the dimension of
explicit versus implicit would have changed substantially. Given the high degree of
specificity observed for schooling effects (Christian et al., 2000) it is reasonable to
infer that explicit decoding instruction would have had an indirect impact on chil
dren’s reading comprehension growth. Rather, instructional activities explicitly fo
cusing on reading comprehension (Palincsar & Brown, 1984; Wixson, 1983) might
be expected to have a greater effect.
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Child Factors
The skills with which children began first grade had a direct and important effect
on their decoding skill growth. Overall, the effect of these child factors was greater
than the effect of classroom instruction practices and directly influenced the
strength of the instruction effects. Classroom instruction had a much greater influ
ence, either positively or negatively, for children who began first grade with
weaker vocabulary and decoding skills than it did for children with stronger skills.
As can be seen by comparing Figures 7 and 8, the potential difference in decoding
growth between more and less effective patterns of instruction was about half a
grade equivalent for children with high fall vocabulary and decoding skills but
more than two full grade equivalents for children with low fall vocabulary and de
coding skills. Children who began the year with stronger vocabulary and decoding
skills achieved some decoding skill growth almost regardless of classroom instruc
tional practices. Strong decoding and vocabulary skills may have acted to offset
the negative effects of less effective instructional practices and provided a path of
resilience (Werner, 2000) not available for children with weaker skills. Teacher’s
instructional practices had a greater effect—both positive and negative—for the
children who lacked these apparent protective factors. Children whose decoding
skills were below grade level remained below grade level in the face of poorly fit-
ting instructional patterns.
The interaction between children’s fall vocabulary and CMI amount and slope
underscore the association between oral language and reading skills. The relation
between vocabulary and reading skills has been well documented (Anderson &
Freebody, 1981; Scarborough, 1990). However, the interaction between vocabu-
lary and CMI instruction is intriguing and deserves further study. We speculate that
stronger vocabulary skills may support children’s implicit decoding learning be
cause they have a greater repertoire of words to rely on when they encounter un
known words. Further, there is a documented association between vocabulary and
phonological awareness (Foy & Mann, 2001; Gathercole & Baddeley, 1989;
Metsala, 1991). Thus children with strong vocabularies may have greater access to
more effective word-attack strategies (Stanovich, 1980).
Although this study focuses on vocabulary and decoding, there are clearly other
child characteristics that may influence children’s achievement and interact with in
structional activities, including phonological awareness skills, other oral language
skills, and self-regulation. In addition, the child factors of interest may vary when the
literacy outcome is fluency, comprehension, or writing skills. All merit further study.
Research Implications
From the foregoing discussion, it is evident that at the level of the individual child,
instructional activities and patterns that are considered high quality for one child
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may be considered poor quality for another. Substantial amounts of CMI (or mean
ing-based instruction) for a child with strong vocabulary skills may be associated
with stronger decoding gains, whereas the same amount of CMI for a child with
weaker vocabulary skills may be associated with substantially less progress. On a
broader level, our findings suggest that the effort to define and search for “quality”
in instructional environments may be somewhat misdirected. By focusing our ef
forts toward identifying those instructional variables that emerge as causally rele
vant in the classroom environment (amount, type, and change) and how they inter
act with child characteristics, we can more accurately identify “high-quality” or,
rather, effective instruction for individual children.
This study demonstrated the usefulness of classroom observation and the cod
ing system utilized for quantifying the nature and specificity of instructional ef
fects. Transcription and coding of the classroom observations yielded indices of
the absolute and proportional amounts of instructional time devoted to various lan
guage arts activities (e.g., word decoding, initial consonant stripping, sustained si
lent reading for language arts) as well as changes in amount provided over the
school year. These continuous multidimensional variables provided a more infor-
mative view of classroom instructional activities than would have been available
using categorical or one-dimensional variables. However, there are clearly other
dimensions of instruction that may be important to consider. For example,
teacher-managed instruction may be whole-class, small group, or individual, and
our dimensions did not capture this difference. Further, there may be differences in
outcomes for child-managed instruction that encompasses working with peers
compared to children working individually. In addition, there is a documented as-
sociation between teacher warmth and responsiveness to their students and student
achievement (deKruif, McWilliam, & Ridley, 2000; Mahoney & Wheeden, 1999).
Further, teachers’ ability to manage their classrooms is associated with children’s
learning (Brophy & Good, 1986; Taylor et al., 2000). Teacher warmth-responsivity
and teacher control-discipline are dimensions that should be studied further.
The interaction between child characteristics and patterns of instruction sug
gests that classroom instruction may be more effectively studied at multiple levels
considering both classroom practices and the characteristics of the children in the
classroom. Further, more distal sources of influence, such as school district policy
and community expectations, may well affect classroom instruction efficacy. Tay
lor et al. (2000) observed that school policies, atmosphere, beliefs, and reform ef
forts affected what happened in the classroom. This effect was apparent in this
study as well. Overall, as noted previously the school district in this study sup
ported a whole-language approach to teaching reading and encouraged teachers to
provide significant amounts of sustained silent reading time for their students. The
effect was evident when we compared the mean amount of TME provided (7.4 min
per day) with the mean amount of CMI provided (28.5 min per day). The ramifica
tion for children who began school with low decoding and vocabulary skills was
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that they were less likely to be in classrooms with patterns of instruction that were
effective for them. However, children with high fall decoding and vocabulary skills
were more likely to be in classrooms that were effective for them. Not surprisingly,
the school district had a documented achievement gap that increased as children
progressed through school (i.e., a Mathew Effect; Stanovich, 1986).
These results highlight the value of bringing an ecological approach to the study
of children’s development and the multiple sources of influence—proximal, distal,
and chronological—that directly and indirectly impact children’s literacy learning
(Bronfenbrenner, 1986). Observing and modeling classrooms as complex systems
subject to proximal (children, teachers, and instructional practices) and distal
sources of influence (home, school, and community) and changes in these influ
ences over time, may better inform our understanding of instruction and how best
to serve all students.
Implications for Classroom Practice
A central implication of these findings is that appropriate amounts of individual-
ized instruction can lead to significant decoding skill growth. Indeed, in other stud-
ies of instruction, researchers observed that the most effective teachers provided
additional explicit instruction in basic decoding skills to those children who
needed it (Wharton-McDonald et al., 1998). The dilemma, of course, is that indi-
vidualizing instruction inserts a level of complexity into designing and implement-
ing effective classroom practices, especially if teachers’ classrooms include many
students with very different skill levels. Yet, by understanding which instructional
activities are most effective in promoting children’s skill growth and in what
amounts over the school year, teachers can become more mindful of the effect of
their instructional practices. For example, early in the school year, teachers may
ask their students with strong vocabulary and decoding skills to read or write inde
pendently (CMI) while they provide explicit decoding instruction (TME) to chil
dren with weaker decoding and vocabulary skills.
Although a thorough discussion of specific classroom strategies is beyond the
scope of this article, use of flexible small student groups based on such assessments
of student abilities may approximate the kind of individualized instruction that will
optimize each child’s learning. Further, there is good evidence that how teachers in
teract with their students affects student achievement (e.g., scaffolding–coaching
vs. telling; Taylor et al., 2000). Clearly, to provide individualized instruction, teach
ers need to have some idea of the initial skill level of their students. Here another im
portant educational implication of our findings is that systematic assessment of chil
dren’s ability levels in important language and literacy skills should be a routine part
of each year’s classroom practices. Initial assessments during early fall should be
complemented by ongoing testing during the school year to monitor progress and
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adjust instruction accordingly (Juel & Minden-Cupp, 2000; Rayner et al., 2001;
Taylor et al., 2000; Westat, 2001; Wharton-McDonald et al., 1998).
In summary, the results of this study highlight the importance of understanding
interactions between the skills that children bring to school and the instructional
strategies they encounter in the classroom. These findings indicate that appropri
ately targeted instructional strategies can have a dramatic impact on growth of chil
dren’s early reading skills and their prospects for academic success.
Carol McDonald Connor is now with the College of Education at Florida State
University and the Florida Center for Reading Research. Funding for this study
was provided by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Grant R01 HD27176.
We thank Steve Raudenbush for his consultation regarding the analyses used in
thisstudy. We also thank Seung-Hee Son, Elizabeth Griffin,andmembers of the Uni-
versity of Michigan and Loyola projects as well as the parents, children, teachers,
andschool districtpersonnel withoutwhom thisstudy wouldnot havebeenpossible.
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Manuscript received November 7, 2002
Accepted August 22, 2003
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Coding Scheme for Classroom Observations
Language Arts: Time spent (number of minutes) engaged in activities that require
reading, writing, or reading/writing related things butthat are not focused on gaining
informationabout anothercontent area(science, socialstudies, math,drama, etc.).
a. Teacher read aloud: The teacher reads from a picture book, a chapter book,
or magazine, etc.; provides a book-on-tape for the children to listen to; or
shows a video wherein a story is presented.
b. Student read aloud, individual: A single child reads aloud, in a small group
or whole class, from a picture book, chapter book, magazine, or own writing.
c. Student read aloud, choral: More than one child reads aloud from picture
book, chapter book, magazine, poster, etc.
d. SSR (silent sustained reading): Children sit quietly and read to themselves
e. Teacher-managed group writing: The teacher is at blackboard–easel, work-
ing with children on a group writing activity. Children offer the content of
the written piece but the teacher puts the ideas into complete sentences,
with appropriate punctuation, etc.
f. Writing instruction: The teacher tells the children how to do things that
will help them to become independent writers, such as how to engage in ad-
vanced organizing (e.g., webbing, outlining), how to move from outline to
written product, how to proofread, and edit. This also includes instruction
in the different forms of writing (expository versus demonstration, etc.).
g. Teacher model writing: The teacher, without input from the children,
stands at the blackboard–easel and produces some sort of written product
(depending on the level of the students, it could be as small as a sentence).
The intent of the writing must be to model the act of writing and an appro
priate product.
h. Student group writing: The children are working in pairs or small groups to
produce a written product (such as a story). Not all of the children will ac
tually be doing the writing, but should be engaged in discussions about
what will be written.
i. Student independent writing: Children are quietly writing a story, poem, or
journal entry by themselves.
j. Spelling: Children are taking a spelling test or copying or practicing spell
ing words.
k. Discussion: Children are reviewing a storyline from a book the teacher has
been reading aloud (just prior to the teacher continuing with her reading),
or previewing a book the teacher is about to read. Children are responding
to questions that go beyond simple comprehension.
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l. Reading comprehension activity: Children are completing worksheets re
lated to material they have read, or are writing in response to something
they have read.
m. Listening comprehension: Children respond to questions about material
teacher is reading to them presently, such as who is the main character, or
what just happened.
n. Alphabet activity: Children are engaged in work that focuses their attention
on a particular letter of the alphabet. For example, they might have to make
a letter out of clay, color a paper that shows a particular letter and items that
begin with that letter, or put their body in the shape of a letter.
o. Letter sight–sound: Children are engaged in activities that focus their at
tention on the relationship between written form of individual letters and
the sound those letters represent. Included here are activities such as “signs
for sounds” wherein the teacher orally produces a single letter sound, and
the children circle the letter (from an array of letters on a prepared paper)
that represents that sound. This subactivity must combine the written form
and oral sounds that represent the written form. If no written form is used,
then the activity is more appropriately coded as initial consonant stripping
or word segmentation.
p. Initial consonant stripping: Children are identifying the beginning (initial)
consonant sound of words, aurally and not visually. If the activity is visual
and aural, then code the activity as letter sight–sound. Additionally, if the
initial sound is a vowel and only orally presented, then code the activity as
word segmentation.
q. Word segmentation: Children are engaged in activities wherein they break
words into subcomponents (syllables, sub-syllables or phonemes), orally; or
they are charged with constructing whole words from orally presented word
segments. Included here are activities such as learning word families (children
are presented with a rime, and must find onsets that make real words; this is of
ten an oral–written activity, but the initial response is oral). For an activity to
be coded as word segmentation rather than letter sight–sound, the intent of the
activity should be at the word level and not the letter level.
r. Vocabulary: The teacher and/or children are discussing the meaning of a
word or a phrase. This is a rarely used code, primarily because word-defi
nition discussions rarely last the minimum 1-min interval.
s. Conventions of print: The children are engaged in activities focused on
grammar or punctuation. Included here are activities such as “Daily Oral
Language” wherein children have to correct the errors in a sentence that the
teacher has written on the blackboard.
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... Accumulating evidence has shown the importance of systematic phonics or decoding instruction and meaning-based instruction in early reading development (Bowers, 2020;Castles et al., 2018;Guthrie et al., 2001;Mathes et al., 2005;Pressley & Allington, 2014;Rayner et al., 2001;Taylor et al., 2000a;Xue & Meisels, 2004). Converging evidence has also shown that students attain higher literacy achievement in classrooms where instructional time is used meaningfully and productively (Connor et al., 2004a(Connor et al., , 2004bCrocker & Brooker, 1986;Day et al., 2015;Ponitz & Rimm-Kaufman, 2011;Taylor et al., 2000b;Wharton-McDonald et al., 1998). ...
... There is considerable variability within and across classrooms (Connor et al., 2004a(Connor et al., , 2004bJuel & Minden-Cupp, 1998, 2000Pelatti et al., 2014;Rayner et al., 2001;Taylor et al., 2000aTaylor et al., , 2000bWharton-McDonald et al., 1998). The variability from different levels provides distinct implications. ...
... Early literacy instruction varies in both the duration and teaching content (Barone, 2003;Connor et al., 2004aConnor et al., , 2004bGersten et al., 2005;Juel & Minden-Cupp, 1998, 2000; National Institute of Child Health and Human Development [NICHD], 2002;Rayner et al., 2001;Stuhlman & Pianta, 2009;Taylor et al., 2000aTaylor et al., , 2000bWharton-McDonald et al., 1998). Connor et al. (2007) found that in Grade 1 classrooms, the amount of code-based instruction (alphabet activity, letter sight/sound, initial consonant stripping, word segmentation, and spelling) ranged from 4 to 16 min per day and the amount of meaning-based instruction (vocabulary, read aloud, writing, comprehension, and discussion) ranged from 13 to 53 min per day. ...
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The current study examined the relation between the amount of literacy instruction and student reading achievement (word reading and reading comprehension), using data from 927 students and their 189 teachers from Grades 1 to 3 in the US. Literacy instruction was observed once in the Fall and once in the Spring each year from two projects. We categorized literacy instruction into two types by content: (1) code-based instruction that focuses on phonics and decoding skills; (2) meaning-based instruction that focuses on vocabulary, oral language, and comprehension skills. We used multilevel multivariate models to separate classroom-level effects from student-level effects and accounted for cumulative effects across grades. Approximately 16–32% of the total variation was due to variation across classrooms. Overall, we detected a positive longitudinal relation of meaning-based instruction to students’ reading comprehension across grades and a negative relation of code-based instruction in Grade 2 to students’ word reading achievement. The inconsistent relations between the amount of instruction and students’ reading achievement indicate the complexity of instructional effectiveness.
... Notably, the literature has demonstrated that both beginning readers and students who struggle to master decoding skills benefit from explicit instruction on the phonological recoding of words (e.g., Al Otaiba et al., 2023;Connor et al., 2004Connor et al., , 2013Lovett et al., 2017;Sunde et al., 2019) and support for reading fluency (Rasinski et al., 2020;Ruotsalainen et al., 2022b). However, practicing phonological recoding after achieving mastery does not appear to support further reading skill development (Connor et al., 2004;Lerkkanen et al., 2016;Sunde et al., 2019). ...
... Notably, the literature has demonstrated that both beginning readers and students who struggle to master decoding skills benefit from explicit instruction on the phonological recoding of words (e.g., Al Otaiba et al., 2023;Connor et al., 2004Connor et al., , 2013Lovett et al., 2017;Sunde et al., 2019) and support for reading fluency (Rasinski et al., 2020;Ruotsalainen et al., 2022b). However, practicing phonological recoding after achieving mastery does not appear to support further reading skill development (Connor et al., 2004;Lerkkanen et al., 2016;Sunde et al., 2019). The wide variation in students' skills may influence on the weaker association between observed classroom practices and word reading skills at classroom-level (Cao et al., 2022) compared to the findings from intervention studies for students with reading difficulties (Al Otaiba et al., 2023). ...
... Reportedly, a shift in the emphasis of literacy instruction from practicing word-level reading to text-level reading and comprehension in line with students' reading skills can bolster the progress of beginning readers (Connor et al., 2004;Juel & Minden-Cupp, 2000;Pressley et al., 2001). Comprehension skills are reinforced in the classroom with listening comprehension and vocabulary practice, which also contribute to skills vital to reading comprehension before students can read by themselves (Baker et al., 2020;Connor et al., 2004;Lepola et al., 2016;Lerkkanen et al., 2004). ...
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This cross-lagged study examined the classroom-level associations between the reading performance of first-grade students ( N = 537) and observed literacy instruction activities in classrooms ( N = 30) in the autumn and spring terms. The multilevel analyses indicated that lower average word reading skills in the classrooms (i.e., there were more students who were learning to read) in the autumn were associated with higher amount of activities supporting consolidation of reading and spelling skills in the spring. In contrast, higher average word reading skills in the classrooms in the autumn were associated with higher amount of independent meaning-focused activities in the spring. Higher extent of whole-group meaning-focused activities in the autumn was positively associated with reading comprehension at classroom level in the spring, whereas independent phonological recoding practice in the autumn was negatively associated with reading comprehension in the spring. The study provides novel understanding of the associations between students’ reading performance and literacy instruction especially showing how students’ reading skills at classroom level may inform instruction in the classroom. This information may guide teachers to adapt their instruction at classroom level but also to identify the students needing differentiation. The results also acknowledge the affordances and limitations students’ skills may set for the instruction.
... A better understanding of academic, cognitive, and behavioral profiles of students with RD can enhance the alignment of instructional components to learning needs and support the decision-making process to better predict for whom, and under what conditions, an adequate response to instruction occurs (e.g., Hoover & Tunmer, 2018). This alignment of instruction to the learner (i.e., for whom and under what conditions) is supported through research on decoding, fluency, and reading comprehension outcomes (e.g., Capin et al., 2022;Connor, Morrison, & Katch, 2004;Connor, Morrison, & Petrella, 2004;Connor et al., 2007;McMaster et al., 2012;Szadokierski et al., 2017). In Connor, Morrison, and Katch (2004) and Connor et al. (2006), the authors found that for students with lower initial decoding skills, more instructional time spent on explicit instruction in decoding (rather than meaning-based instruction) led to larger decoding skills gains, as compared to students with higher pretest decoding skills who made larger decoding skills gains with more instructional time spent on meaning-based instruction (rather than explicit instruction in decoding). ...
... This alignment of instruction to the learner (i.e., for whom and under what conditions) is supported through research on decoding, fluency, and reading comprehension outcomes (e.g., Capin et al., 2022;Connor, Morrison, & Katch, 2004;Connor, Morrison, & Petrella, 2004;Connor et al., 2007;McMaster et al., 2012;Szadokierski et al., 2017). In Connor, Morrison, and Katch (2004) and Connor et al. (2006), the authors found that for students with lower initial decoding skills, more instructional time spent on explicit instruction in decoding (rather than meaning-based instruction) led to larger decoding skills gains, as compared to students with higher pretest decoding skills who made larger decoding skills gains with more instructional time spent on meaning-based instruction (rather than explicit instruction in decoding). A similar pattern was found for fluency (Szadokierski et al., 2017) and reading comprehension (Connor, Morrison, & Katch, 2004;McMaster et al., 2012), where posttest scores varied based on the interaction between student pretest scores and the instruction received. ...
... In Connor, Morrison, and Katch (2004) and Connor et al. (2006), the authors found that for students with lower initial decoding skills, more instructional time spent on explicit instruction in decoding (rather than meaning-based instruction) led to larger decoding skills gains, as compared to students with higher pretest decoding skills who made larger decoding skills gains with more instructional time spent on meaning-based instruction (rather than explicit instruction in decoding). A similar pattern was found for fluency (Szadokierski et al., 2017) and reading comprehension (Connor, Morrison, & Katch, 2004;McMaster et al., 2012), where posttest scores varied based on the interaction between student pretest scores and the instruction received. Overall, there are promising implications for research and practice when the alignment of instruction to the KULESZ ET AL. 2 learner is considered (e.g., Burns et al., 2018;Capin et al., 2022;Connor et al., 2007;McMaster et al., 2012;Szadokierski et al., 2017). ...
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Prior research supports the need for elementary-aged students with reading difficulties (RDs) to receive explicit systematic small-group evidence-based reading instruction. Yet for many students, simply receiving evidence-based reading instruction in a small-group setting is insufficient to reach the progress milestones needed to meet grade-level reading standards. The current study examined whether (a) elementary school students with RD constitute homogeneous or heterogeneous groups when considering their basic language and cognitive skills (using a latent profile analysis) and (b) latent profiles are predictive of response to reading comprehension instruction (using a mixed modeling approach). The sample consisted of 335 students, including students with RD and typical students (n = 57). The results revealed heterogeneity within students with RD—there were two distinct profiles, with one having higher basic language (reading fluency and decoding) and cognitive (verbal domain productivity, cognitive flexibility, and working memory) skills and lower attention skills and the other having stronger attention skills and lower basic language and cognitive skills. The findings also suggested that latent profiles were predictive of response to reading comprehension instruction. Our results provide a convincing argument for leading the field in the direction of developing customized interventions. It is conceivable, but remains to be further examined, that researchers and educators could potentially improve reading outcomes through providing a customized reading intervention to a student based on their cognitive–language profile.
... There is extensive literature discussing the distinctions between ATIs and STIs. However, due to limited space and the focus of the current study, researchers are encouraged to refer to other resources (e.g., Connor et al., 2004;Burns et al., 2018) for further details on their conceptual differences. Nevertheless, both ATI and STI are able to adopt a similar research design and analysis plan, so both are considered for the current study. ...
... For example, Hauk and Matlen (2016) utilized a CRT to determine the effectiveness of various types of web-based activities and testing systems for community college elementary algebra classes. Other studies like Connor et al. (2004) have utilized a longitudinal approach to examining STI effects. Still other studies examining ATIs or STIs in education have data that could be examined longitudinally, but use cross-sectional analyses instead (see Burns et al., 2018;Connor et al., 2018). ...
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To determine which interventions work best for which students, precision education researchers can examine aptitude-treatment interactions (ATI) or skill-by-treatment interactions (STI) using longitudinal multilevel modeling. Probing techniques like the slopes difference test fit an ATI or STI framework, but power for using slopes difference tests in longitudinal multilevel modeling is unknown. The current study used simulation to determine which design factors influence the power of slopes difference tests. Design factors included effect size, number of waves, number of clusters, participants per cluster, proportion of assignment to the treatment group, and intraclass correlation. Of these factors, effect size, number of waves, number of clusters, and participants per cluster were the strongest determinants of power, model convergence, and rates of singularity. Slopes difference tests had greater power in longitudinal multilevel modeling than where it is originally utilized: multiple regression.
... Schon im Rahmen der frühen Forschung zu Aptitude-Treatment-Interaktionen hat sich gezeigt, dass Schüler/-innen mit ungünstigen kognitiven Lernvoraussetzungen bei instruktionalen Methoden bessere Lernergebnisse erzielen als bei konstruktivistischen Methoden, während es bei Schüler/-innen mit günstigen kognitiven Lernvoraussetzungen umgekehrt ist (Snow, 1989, S. 22). 129 In einer jüngeren Studie werden vergleichbare Ergebnisse berichtet (Connor et al., 2004). Interessant ist in diesem Kontext die Studie von Möller und Kolleg/-innen (2002), in der ausgewogener Unterricht und konstruktivistischer Unterricht miteinander verglichen werden. ...
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Das Buch verbindet den Forschungsbereich der Wirksamkeit von Unterricht und Schule mit dem Forschungsbereich der Bildungsungleichheiten. Es befasst sich mit den Ursachen von Kompetenzunterschieden nach sozialer Herkunft und möglichen schulischen Maßnahmen zur Verringerung dieser Kompetenzunterschiede. Im theoretischen Teil wird ein Modell zu vermittelnden Mechanismen zwischen sozialer Herkunft und Lernerfolg entwickelt. Weiterhin wird erörtert, auf welche Art schulische Einflussfaktoren Kompetenzunterschiede nach sozialer Herkunft beeinflussen. Im empirischen Teil werden Analysen auf der Grundlage des Nationalen Bildungspanels präsentiert. Es wird untersucht, durch welche Faktoren Kompetenzunterschiede nach sozialer Herkunft entstehen (z.B. elterliche Lernbegleitung, Freizeitaktivitäten). Weiterhin werden die Effekte von Unterrichtsmerkmalen, Ganztagsangeboten und Klassenmerkmalen auf den Lernerfolg sowie auf Kompetenzunterschiede nach sozialer Herkunft untersucht.
... Finally, a comprehensive understanding of the effects of any teacher professional development or coaching model requires assessment and analysis of students' response to change in teacher practices, an area of particular interest as research on professional development for special educator progresses. For example, studies have found differential benefits of instructional approaches based on student baseline skill levels (e.g., skill by treatment interactions; Connor et al., 2004aConnor et al., , 2004bDoabler et al., 2018). ...
In this invited Viewpoint, Sharon Walpole tracks her thinking about feasible, effective, small‐group differentiated instruction. She acknowledges political pressures and the focus on science of reading. She describes the attractiveness and feasibility of guided reading. She then identifies some salient criticisms of the assessments, texts, and instructional model used in guided reading. Finally, she proposes a different use of small‐group time to provide feasible differentiated instruction in foundational skills for students who need them. She invites teachers to investigate the utility of repurposed differentiated small‐group time to accelerate literacy achievement.
The extended summer break from school brings a renewed opportunity to offer high-quality literacy experiences to vulnerable readers, including children with reading disabilities (RD). Students with RD trail their peers in reading progress during the school year; the summer months present an opportunity to address the gap in reading achievement. Policy makers can support reading achievement during summer vacation empowered by interdisciplinary knowledge spanning cognitive neuroscience and education. The science of brain plasticity emphasizes the requirement of impactful reading experiences, especially for word-level skills, toward building reading brain networks. A review of research on summer programming and current policies culminates in recommendations to capitalize on summer opportunities to advance reading achievement.
Bringing together an international team of scholars, this pioneering book presents the first truly systematic, cross-linguistic study of variation in literacy development. It draws on a wide range of cross-cultural research to shed light on the key factors that predict global variation in children's acquisition of reading and writing skills, covering regions as diverse as North and South America, Asia, Australia, Europe and Africa. The first part of the volume deals with comprehensive reviews related to the variation of literacy in different regions of the globe as a function of socio-political, sociocultural, and language and writing system factors. The second part of the volume deals with comprehensive reviews related to the variation of literacy in different world regions. Offering a pioneering new framework for global literacy development, this groundbreaking volume will remain a landmark in the fields of literacy development and literacy teaching and learning for years to come.
The role of vocabulary growth in the development of two reading-related phonological processes was examined. In Experiments 1 and 2, 4- and 5-year-olds and a sample of first graders performed better on phonological awareness tasks for word versus pseudoword stimuli, and for highly familiar versus less familiar words. Three- and 4-year-olds in Experiment 3 performed better for words with many versus few similarly sounding items in a listener's lexicon. Vocabulary was strongly associated with nonword repetition scores for 3- to 5-year olds. The shared variance of this association was accounted for by phonological awareness measures and did not appear to be due to phonological shea-term memory, as previously argued. The author proposes that vocabulary growth, defined in terms of absolute size, word familiarity, and phonological similarity relations between word items, helps to explain individual differences in emerging phonological awareness and nonword repetition.
Cette comparaison inter-demarches a ete centree sur les interpretations par l'apprenant du debut de l'enseignement de la lecture et de l'ecriture dans des classes des quartiers difficiles aux pedagogies basees sur les competences ou sur le langage integre, a l'ecole maternelle et en premiere annee. L'A. presente les observations, analyses et resultats de tests issus de cette experience menee sur deux ans
Classroom observations and in-depth interviews were used to study 9 first-grade teachers from 4 districts who had been nominated by language-arts coordinators as outstanding (N = 5) or typical (N = 4) in their ability to help students develop literacy skills. Based on observational measures of student reading and writing achievement and student engagement, 3 groups of teachers emerged from the original 9. The following practices and beliefs distinguished the instruction of the 3 teachers (2 nominated as outstanding, I as typical) whose students demonstrated the highest levels on these measures: (a) coherent and thorough integration of skills with high-quality reading and writing experiences, (b) a high density of instruction (integration of multiple goals zn a single lesson), (c) extensive use of scaffolding, (d) encouragement of student self-regulation, (e) a thorough integration of reading and writing activities, (f) high expectations for all students, (g) masterful classroom management, and (h) an awareness of their practices and the goals underlying them. Teaching practices observed in 7 of the 9 classrooms are also discussed. The data reported here highlight the complexity of primary literacy instruction and support the conclusion that effective primary-level literacy instruction is a balanced integration of high-quality reading and writing experiences and explicit instruction of basic Literacy skills.
This article has 2 goals. The first is to examine whether children's cognitive growth in first grade as gauged by teachers' marks is affected by the same factors as those that affect their cognitive growth as gauged by the California Achievement Test. Even though children's marks and standardized test scores are correlated, there are many reasons why children's growth as measured by these 2 indicators may not be the same. For example, teachers could mark first-grade students partly on the basis of effort, demographic characteristics, or even their parents' behavior, all criteria to which standardized tests should be insensitive. If the processes underlying the 2 varieties of achievement are different, then the messages students get from teachers that govern their day-to-day activities could undercut the (presumably) more universal kinds of learning measured by standardized tests. The second goal of this article is to shed light on ethnic differences in early school attainment. Minority-group children's te...