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The principled professional



In his new book on the changing structure of television, the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu (1998) explores the vast forces of the 'market' in restructuring the content and delivery of television programmes. Television, he shows, is being 'dumbed down', its content restructured, and its social and educational mission degraded. Occupying a position of some ambivalence in relation to this restructuring project are the professionals--the journalists, interviewers and programme makers. These 'peer groups', as Bourdieu terms them, have the capacity either to blindly administer market commands or to respond in a more micro-political peer group manner. By its very nature, the latter pattern is semi-autonomous. Professional groups, through their practices, cannot be completely integrated. This perhaps explains the absence of support, notably financial, for professional groups initiated by the agencies of global capital over the past decade. Professional peer groups still retain considerable power to 'interfere' in the relationship between corporate businesses and consumers, and the State and its citizens. Looking at education, we can investigate the power to restructure teaching practices and peer group professional activities at a number of levels. Firstly, there is the traditional route of the 'status and resources game' played out in the univer
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... La identidad puede, entonces, ser conceptualizada como una construcción individual referida a la historia del docente y sus características sociales y como una construcción colectiva vinculada al contexto en el que trabaja el maestro y a las representaciones que otros hacen de él (Day, 2005;Goodson 2000;Hargreaves, 2005). Su identidad, afectada por múltiples factores (Alonso, 2017;Collay, 2006) condicionará sin duda alguna su actuación y, por consiguiente, repercutirá en su perfil de competencias. ...
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En este trabajo abordamos la evolución y avance que ha ido teniendo el perfil docente en España y su impacto en la identidad profesional del profesorado de Educación Secundaria, cuestiones fundamentales para comprender la profesión y poder avanzar en su camino de mejora. Para ello, realizaremos un análisis a través de la política educativa española y los programas de formación inicial durante los últimos 50 años. La discusión final ofrece una reflexión hacia el modelo formativo vigente y los retos pendientes. Queremos destacar dos cuestiones que ha permitido esta investigación: por un lado, la importancia de diseñar un marco de competencias docentes compartido que oriente las políticas del profesorado y sea transferido en la práctica; por otro, la necesidad de reconstruir la identidad profesional docente, replanteando la arquitectura del esquema formativo vigente y situando la práctica profesional como eje del programa.
... Vi ser altså her at uddannelsens aktører aktivt bidrager til en -om end noget broget-varegørelse af uddannelsen og til yderligere uopmaerksomhed på uddannelsens grundfaglighed som noget andet end disse mål. 2 I dette afsnit refererer vi implicit til Ivar Goodson, der i sine analyser peger på tre professionsforståelser. Han kommer således frem til tre kategorier: professionalisme som selvberoende prakticisme, professionalisme som teknisk leverance, og principledet professionalisme, der har en lighed med vores forståelse af uddannelsespraksis der kan medieres kulturelt, styringsmaessigt og fagligt (Goodson, 2000) issn 2446-2810 ...
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Pædagoguddannelsen har i de sidste 20 år gennemgået en række reformprocesser, som gennemgribende har forandret vilkårene for uddannelsespraksis. Artiklen viser og argumenterer for, at uddannelsespraksis medieres af tre forhold: kultur, styring og faglighed, som over tid har været forskelligt balanceret og konfigureret. Hvor pædagoguddannelsen historisk har været kendetegnet af en stærk tilknytning til civilsamfundet og en kulturelt medieret forståelse af pædagogik, bliver en statslig styring det medie, der kommer til at dominere i kølvandet på Bologna-processens konkrete realisering i Danmark. Artiklen problematiserer hvordan aktuelle styringslogikker, og deres særlige måder at problematisere faglighed på, strider mod såvel pædagoguddannelsens historie og det pædagogiske projekt, den uddanner til og er en del af: at danne frie borgere i et samfund af forpligtende fællesskaber. En væsentlig pointe i artiklen er imidlertid, at der også historisk har været en vis uopmærksomhed på hvordan dette pædagogiske projekt kan kvalificeres gennem pædagogikken som en faglig disciplin. I den sidste del af det 20. århundrede har den faglige mediering af uddannelsespraksis stået svagt. Det er særlig problematisk i forbindelse med pædagoguddannelsen, fordi uddannelsen netop skal ruste de studerende til at beskæftige sig med pædagogiske spørgsmål. For artiklens forfattere er den aktuelle styringsmæssige dominans en anledning til at spørge, om der er muligheder for at ændre balancen, således at den faglige mediering får større vægt i uddannelsespraksis. Artiklen indeholder således også en appel til uddannelsens aktører om at besinde sig på, hvordan pædagogikken som faglig disciplin kan få betydning som en stærk og kvalificerende stemme i det, vi i artiklen betegner og udfolder som, det pædagogiske projekt.? AbstractDuring the last 20 years the Danish education for pedagogues has been subject to a number of reform processes, changing not only the education in itself but also the governance of it. The education was developed in close relation to civil society and therefore pedagogy was mainly a culturally mediated phenomenon, but with the Bologna-processes these relations have been undermined and replaced by a central governance. The article points to how current governing practices are in opposition to the history of the education as well as the pedagogical project the education is aiming for and must be seen as an essential part of: the education of free citizens in a democratic society. Educational questions of how this should be understood and practiced are central to the education of pedagogues, but they are, the article argue, object to processes of unattentivenes (Knudsen 2011) in the current governing relations. Unattentiveness to pedagogy as a discipline that has the potential to support such knowledges and practices is not new to the education. The article aims to provide an analysis of the current governing regime thus inviting educators and managers in the education to rediscover pedagogy as a discipline that can shed light on educational questions and create new possibilities for agency.
... In an era of change and competition, preschool teachers also deal with challenges created in school policies as well as opening alternative professional path for their professional development as a teacher. Goodson's (2000) is one of the pioneers, who opened a path to analyze professionalism from the lenses of teachers' life stories and brought a sociologically oriented view point of investigating lives in the fields of sociology, anthropology and educational studies. Sikes, Measor and Woods (1985); Huberman (1988) and Clark (2001) analyzed teachers' careers, career phases of teachers and their experiences from a narrative perspective and related the professional stories with idea of professionalism. ...
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Teaching as a profession starts with "a passion for teaching", which is reflected into teaching and professional practices of the teacher. This study aims to examine the professionalization process of preschool teachers and reveal the reasons why they want to be preschool teachers, their perceptions towards the profession and the initial challenges encountered in Turkey. This study used qualitative method and face to face interviews were conducted with 47 preschool teachers. Preschool teachers' views appeared to extend on the two following extreme spectrums: "Being the caretaker of the young population" and "having a passion to play a significant role in the future of children". Preschool teachers' accounts about their experiences in the career entry phase showed that all of them had the feelings of anxiety and fear.
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The study attempts to focus on the concept of professionalism among the teachers in the Indian context. Secondary school teachers wields a direct influence over the educational lives of their students, thereby influencing the larger community life also. Taking this into consideration the study examines the relationship between professionalism, occupational stress and job satisfaction among the teachers. Two research questions were raised to guide the study. A questionnaire titled Teachers Professional Ethics and Instructional Task Performance Questionnaire (TREITPQ) was prepared and administered to the teachers and management representatives comprising principals, vice principals, teachers, counselors and examination staff. Using a stratified random sampling technique 90 samples representing nine secondary schools were selected for the study. The rural and urban areas were given due representation. Data were analyzed using frequency counts, percentage, mean score and Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (PPMCC) at the 0.05 level of significance. The study significantly found that the measures like teacher professional development, infrastructure development and strengthening of crisis affected regions should be taken up by the concerned authorities.
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This paper involves an action research that aims at encouraging teachers to investigate the benefits of using the Online Communities of Practice to boost their professionalism and adopt them. Besides, this study seeks to provide a conceptualization of professional process in the field of teaching English as a foreign language. Also, it attempts to gain more insights into how Foreign Language teachers perceive professionalism. Empirical data are gained through an administered questionnaire to a randomly selected sample of thirty teachers from the Department of English at Batna-2 University, Algeria. This questionnaire examines teachers' awareness, attitudes, and readiness towards adopting online community of practice to develop professional skills. Ultimately, the obtained results show that teachers define professionalism differently. Moreover, the results encourage and recommend the integration of Online Community of Practice into foreign language teaching to assist teachers in perfecting their mission and update their professionalism.
The words autonomy, power and leadership have always been debated, especially when it comes to government setup where roles and responsibilities largely are top-down. The article explores leadership practices and autonomy exercised by the school leader within the frame of prescribed roles and responsibilities and accountability structures. The study is a case of Government Secondary School in Delhi, India, and follows a qualitative research design. Document analysis for studying the prescribed roles, and ‘shadowing of principal’ to understand the practiced roles, were the key aspects of research design. The article takes a dig at the prescribed roles and responsibilities that limit the school leader to being an administrative head. It further makes a case wherein the school leader, through the creative use of leadership agency, redefines school leadership as an action to influence quality of teaching–learning at school rather than a bureaucratised position that manages the day-to-day affairs.
The paper describes the main national-level policy actions and initiatives taken over four decades, from the 1980s to the present, to promote the professionalization of teaching in Israel and enhance the professionalism of Israeli teachers. It also includes a critical reflection on the success of these measures.
It is widely acknowledged in Britain and the US that teacher education has a profound role to play in the move towards a more just and humane society. The authors set out a social reconstructionist agenda for American teacher education which will be of interest to educators world-wide. Teacher Education and the Social Conditions of Schooling begins with an analysis of four traditions of reform, academic, social efficiency, developmentalist, and social reconstructivist. The authors formulate their aims within the latter tradition and present a series of proposals to help prospective teachers examine their educational beliefs, practices and the social context of schooling. The arguments are backed by examples from various teacher education programmes in the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom.
This article explores teachers’ reactions to changing management cultures and argues for a complex reading of their responses. Data from an ethnographic study of a primary school are used to illustrate the restructuring of the teachers’ work since the mid‐1980s. Different teacher strategies were developed in response to changes in the managerial control of their work and dominant management constructions of professionalism. Whereas teachers in an occupational culture, the ‘old professionals’, largely resisted the changes but subsequently left the school or left teaching, the ‘new professionals’ complied with some of management's changed expectations of them, but resisted others. In the new managerialist culture the teachers experienced new forms of control and their roles increasingly included managerial tasks. The article concludes by suggesting that measures for policing teachers’ work, such as inspection and school self‐management may limit the spaces in which teachers can use strategies of resistance within accommodation.