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Acute Pseudoseptic Inflammatory Local Reactions after Intra-articular Hyaluronic Acid Injections in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis



Knee osteoarthritis is a common, but difficult problem to manage in primary care. Intra-articular hyaluronic acid injection has recently been frequently used for treating knee osteoarthritis. The adverse local reactions, except septic arthritis, following intra-articular hyaluronic acid injections are generally transient and not severe. Pseudoseptic arthritis is an extreme form of inflammatory arthritis that is not due to bacterial infection and it is important to distinguish this from true septic arthritis. In this article, we report 2 cases of acute pseudoseptic local reactions after intra-articular hyaluronic acid injections in patients with knee osteoarthritis.
Korean J Pain Vol. 22, No. 2, 2009 대한통증학회지 2009; 22: 191-194
DOI10.3344/kjp.2009.22.2.191 증례
2009년 7월 10일, 1차 수정일
2009년 7월 17일
2009년 7월 30일
남상건, (110-744) 서울시 종로구 연건동 28
서울대학교병원 마취통증의학과
Tel: 02-2072-2467, Fax: 02-747-5639
Received July 10, 2009, Revised July 17, 2009
ccepted July 30, 2009
Correspondence to: Francis Sahngun Nahm
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Seoul National
University Hospital, 28, Yongon-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-744,
el: +82-2-2072-2467, Fax: +82-2-747-5639
퇴행성 슬관절염 환자에서 관절 Hyaluronic Acid 주입
발생한 비감염성 급성 염증반응 2예
서울대학교병원 마취통증의학과
, *
분당서울대학교병원 마취통증의학과
Acute Pseudoseptic Inflammatory Local Reactions after Intra-articular Hyaluronic
Acid Injections in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis
Jun Yong Lee, M.D., Francis Sahngun Nahm, M.D., Soo Young Park, M.D., Kyoung Hoon Lim, M.D.*, Chan
Do Park, M.D.*, Seung Jun Lee, M.D., Yong Chul Kim, M.D., and Sang Chul Lee, M.D.
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, *Seoul National University
Bundang Hospital, Seongnam, Korea
Knee osteoarthritis is a common, but difficult problem to manage in primary care. Intra-articular hyaluronic
acid injection has recently been frequently used for treating knee osteoarthritis. The adverse local reactions,
except septic arthritis, following intra-articular hyaluronic acid injections are generally transient and not severe.
Pseudoseptic arthritis is an extreme form of inflammatory arthritis that is not due to bacterial infection and it
is important to distinguish this from true septic arthritis. In this article, we report 2 cases of acute pseudoseptic
local reactions after intra-articular hyaluronic acid injections in patients with knee osteoarthritis. (Korean J Pain
2009; 22: 191-194)
Key Words: adverse effects, hyaluronic acid, injections, osteoarthritis.
퇴행성 골관절염은 관절 연골이 마모되어 관절 내에
퇴행성 변화가 나타나는 질환으로
원인은 불확실하
노쇠 현상이나 과도한 체중과 관계가 깊다고 알려져
골관절염의 치료로는 체중 감량
운동 요법 등의
비약물적 치료법
비스테로이드성 소염진통제 등의 약
물 치료와 더불어 최근 관절 내에서 윤활작용을 하는
hyaluronic acid
주사가 많이 이용되고 있고 결과 증상
완화와 기능 향상을 기대할 있게 되었다
.2) Hyaluronic
관절 내 주사의 부작용은 국소 압통
부종 등 일과성
으로 나타나는 것이 대부분이지만
관절 감염
각한 부작용이 나타날 있어 이를 감별하는 것이 중요
hyaluronic acid
슬관절 내 주사 발생한
염성 관절염으로 오인할 수 있는 급성 비감염성 염증 반응
예를 경험하였기에 문헌 고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다
증례 1
여자 환자가 퇴행성 슬관절염으로
acid 25 mg
을 슬관절 내 주사를 받고
시간 왼쪽
슬관절의 통증성 팽대
운동 범위 제한
국소적 열감
견을 보여 본원 응급실 내원하였다
과거력에서 악성
당뇨는 없었고 스테로이드 면역 억제제를 복용하
있지 않았으며 슬관절 주사 이전에 시행하였던
검사에서 백혈구
적혈구 침강속도
(erythrocyte se-
JY Lee, et al / Korean J Pain Vol. 22, No. 2, 2009
dimentation rate, ESR), C-
반응성 단백질
(C-reactive pro-
tein, CRP)
모두 정상 범위였다
이전에 시행한 번째
와 두 번째
Hyaluronic acid
슬관절 내 주사 당시 이상
반응의 발생은 없었다
응급실 내원 당시 시행한 혈액
검사에서 백혈구
10,180/mm3, ESR 6 mm/h, CRP 4.69
상승되어 있었고 흡인한 슬관절액은
17 ml
노란색을 보였으며 관절액 내의 백혈구 수는
관절액의 그람 염색
광학 편광 현미경 검사 소견에서는 세균이나 결정
은 발견되지 않았으나 환자의 증상이 심하고 관절액이
탁한 노란색을 보인 감염성 관절염 의심 하에
원 하여 경험적 항생제
를 사용하였다
다음 날부터 환자의 통증이 감소하고 임상 증상이 호전
되며 슬관절의 팽대가 감소하는 소견을 보였다
실시한 혈액 검사에서 백혈구
7,600/mm3, ESR
7 mm/h, CRP 0.18 mg/dl
호전되는 양상을 보였고
관절액 세포검사에서 백혈구 수
로 감소되었다
슬관절 자기공명영상에서 비특이적 활액막염 외 특이
소견 보이지 않았고
일주일 동안의 미생물 배양 검사에
검출되는 균주도 었다
일째 시행한 혈액학
적 검사에서 백혈구 수
5,990/mm3, ESR 2 mm/h, CRP
0.10 mg/dl
정상 소견 보여 퇴원하였고 퇴원 후
지 추적관찰 하였으나 특별한 증상 없이 지내고 있다
증례 2
여자 환자가 퇴행성 슬관절염으로 외래에서
luronic acid 25 mg
을 슬관절 주사 받고
시간 후
왼쪽 슬관절의 통증성 팽대
운동 범위 제한
감 소견을 보여 다음날 다시 본원 외래를 방문하였다
과거력에서 이전의 차례
hyaluronic acid
슬관절 내
사 시 별다른 이상 반응이 나타나지 않았고 악성 종양
당뇨는 없었고 스테로이드 및 면역 억제제를 복용하고
있지 않았다
슬관절 내 주사 이전에 시행한 혈액학적
검사에서 백혈구수
모두 정상 범위였다
재방문 슬관절 흡인을 시행하였으며
흡인한 관절액
30 ml
탁한 노란색을 보였고 관절액 검사 결
관절액의 백혈구 수는
였고 다핵구
그람 염색과 광학 편광 현미경 검사에서
흡인된 관절액에서 세균이나 결정은 발견되지 않았으며
혈액 검사에서 백혈구
7,900/mm3, CRP 5.33 mg/dl
감염성 관절염 의심 하에 입원하여 경험적 항생제
입원 이틀째 다시 실시한 관절
액의 세포수 검사에서 백혈구수
로 감소되었
일째 환자의 주관적 증상이 많이 호전되고 혈
검사에서도 백혈구
5,730/mm3, ESR 27 mm/h, CRP
0.13 mg/dl
로 측정되어 입원
일째 퇴원하였다
동안의 관절액 배양 검사에서 균이 검출되지 않았다
Hyaluronic acid
관절 연골의 기질을 구성하는 성분
만드는데 관여하는 점액성다당류
1-4 glycosidic
결합에 의해 연결된
D-glucuronic acid
당단백 복합
hyaluronic acid
치료 기전으로는
의 응집과 합성을 유도하고
hyaluronic acid
합성을 촉진하며
요한 역할을 하는 일산화질소
(nitric oxide)
의 생성을
superoxide dismutase
높인다고 알려져 있다
Hyaluronic acid
관절강 주입의 국소적인 부작용의
빈도는 연구자 마다 차이가 있어
까지 다양하
게 보고되고 있다
.8,9) 336
명의 환자들을 대상으로 시행한
일부 경우에는
시간 안에 증상이 발현되었
지만 환자의 대부분이
hyaluronic acid
주입 하루에서
사이에 나타났고
증상은 통증과 일시적관절
의 팽대였다
국소 반응이 나타나는 시기는 첫 번째 주사보다는
번째와 세 번째 주사 후에 많이 발생한다고
있어 국소적인 감작과 과민 반응의 가능성이 제기되
고 있다
다만 양쪽 무릎에 주입 시에도 한쪽 무릎에만
국소 반응을 보이는 경우도 있어 전신적인 면역 반응은
아닐 것으로 생각되고 있다
증례의 모두 양
측 슬관절에 주사하였으나 한 측에서만 증상이 발생되
국소 반응은 대부분 일시적이며 특별한 치료 없이
발적으로 호전된다고 보고되었지만
일부 환자에서는
주 이상 지속되고 관절천자와 관절강 내에
의 투여를 필요로 하는 등의 심각한 국소반응도
고된 바 있다
국소 반응을 유발하는 인자로는 주입 방법의 차이
렬한 운동
, calcium pyrophosphage dehydrate (CPPD)
등이 보고되고 있으며 무릎을 굴곡 상태에서 내측으
신전 상태에서 내측 주입
외측 주입 빈도가 낮다고 알려져
10) hyaluronic acid
가 관절강 밖에 주입되거나 관
이준용 7인: 슬관절 내 주사 후 비감염성 염증반응
절강 활액을 적절히 제거하지 않았을 경우 부작용의
빈도가 높아질 있다고 려져 있다
모든 환자들에게 신전 상태에서 외측 주입 방법을 사용
하였고 주입 활액의 흡인으로 바늘이 관절강 내에
치한 것을 확인하였다
주입 방법의 차이 외에도 격렬한
운동 후에 국소 부작용이 나타났다는 보고가 있어 주입
스테로이드 주입과 같이
시간 휴식이 국소 부작용
줄이는데 도움이 된다
hyaluronic acid
강 내 주입
결정에 의한 가성 통풍의 발생이
국소응을 일으 다는고가 있는 반복 인 관
천자로 인한 손상이 작용했을 가능성과
, hyaluronic acid
주입이 근원적인 염증 과정을 촉진시킬 있다고
측되고 있으며
, hyaluronic acid
주입이 칼슘
인의 이온 농도에 영향을 주어
입자를 관절
내로 이동 시켜 급성 발작을 유발 가능성도 제시
저자들은 국소 반응을 보인
명의 환자 모두
에서 관절액에 대한 광학현미경 및 편광현미경 검사에
검출되지 않아서
CPPD crystal
의한 원인
은 배제할 수 있었다
흥미로운 가설로는
hyaluronic acid
CD44 receptor
로 작용하여 염증성세포의 이동과 집합을 유발하
,17) hyaluronic acid
의 분해물이
proinflammatory agent
로 작용한다는 보고도 있다
임상적으로 관절 주사 감염성 관절염과 감염
관절염을 구분하는 것이 어려운데
관절액 내의 백혈
수가 많을수록 감염의 가능성이 높은 것은 것으로
려져 있으나 아직 명확한 구분 기준은 없는 실정으로
검사와 임상 양상
관절액의 검사 소견 배양 결과
등을 종합적으로 판단할 수밖에 없는 실정이다
이 중
관절액의 배양 검사와 관절액의 백혈구 수가 가장 진단
능력이 높으며
관절액 내의 백혈구의 수가 높을수록
염의 가능성이 높다고 알려져 있고
관절액 내의 백혈구
이상인 경우 관절
염의 우도비가 각각
로 증가하는 반면
이하인 경우 우도비가
에 불과한 것으로 알려
져 있다
다른 연구에서는 관절액 내의 백혈수 수가
이상일 경우 관절 감염의 민감도가
라고 보고되기도 하였다
hyaluronic acid
관절강 내 주사 급성
관절 부종
운동 제한 탁한 관절액 소견
검사의 이상 소견 관절액 내의 백혈구 수가 각각
의 이상 소견 등으로 관절 내
감염이 의심되었으나 일주일간의 배양 검사에서 세균이
발견되지 않아 최종적으로 관절 내 감염이 아닌 것으로
저자들이 소속된 병원에서는 매일
hyaluronic acid
관절강 내 주사를 실시하였음에
동안 이번 증례와 같이 심한 증상을 나타낸
례는 일찍이 찾아보기 힘들었다
hyaluronic acid
관절강 주입 감염
관절염으로 오인할 있는 비감염성 염증 반응이
타날 수 있으므로
hyaluronic acid
의 관절강 내 주입 시
환자에게 국소 반응의 발생 가능성을 숙지시키고
이러한 국소반응이 발생 시 관절액의 배양검사를 포함
혈액 검사 등을 시행하여 감염성 관절
염과의 구별이 필요할 생각한다
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... Many papers have mentioned adverse effects of HA. Some papers have reported serious complications such as septic arthritis after the use of HA [72]. However, most research articles report only minor side effects associated with the use of HA. ...
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Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative disease that is spreading worldwide due to an aging population. This is not simply a disease caused by worn out joints, but a complex disease accompanied by various mechanisms such as inflammatory reactions. Among various joints, knee joints show degenerative changes earlier than other joints because they carry most of the weight load, causing social-economic problems. In the case of OA of the knee that does not respond to relatively simple conservative treatments such as physical therapy or medication, intra-articular injection is preferred. However, intra-articular injection drugs have limited effectiveness and uncertainties. There are several intra-articular viscous supplement drugs such as hyaluronic acid. Tissue regeneration active materials such as polydeoxyribonucleotide and polynucleotide are also newly used. The objective of this paper was to compare effects of intra-articular supplementation drugs used for degenerative arthritis of the knee.
... Osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee is a degenerative condition within the joint [1]. OA is a disorder of movable joints causing pain and stiffness, and is characterized by deterioration of articular cartilage, osteophyte formation and bone remodeling, changes in periarticular tissues, and a low-grade, non-purulent inflammation of varying severity [2], and it is a common clinical condition of aging [3]. ...
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The aim of this case report was to observe the effects of intra-articular hominis placenta pharmacopuncture (HPP). Based on the medical records patients who received intra-articular treatment or received acupoint pharmacopuncture treatment, a comparison was made. There were 35 patients who were hospitalized for degenerative osteoarthritis of the knee joint from the 1<sup>st</sup> October 2019 to 26<sup>th</sup> September 2020. There were 14 patients who were treated with HPP in the intra-articular joint space (Group A), and 14 patients who were treated with HPP at specific acupoints (Group B). The outcome effects were measured using the Korean Western Ontario and Mc (KWOMAC) the visual analog scale (VAS) before the first treatment, and after the fifth treatment. The KWOMAC ( p < 0.001) and the VAS scores ( p < 0.001) in Groups A and B significantly improved after treatment compared with before treatment. When comparing Group A improvement with Group B improvement using the KWOMAC there was no statistically significant difference however, when using the VAS scores, Group A treatment was statistically more effective compared with Group B ( p = 0.002). This study indicated that HPP may be an effective treatment for knee osteoarthritis. Moreover, intra-articular HPP may be more effective than acupoint HPP for knee osteoarthritis.
... The procedure was performed aseptically so as to avoid septic arthritis. Lee at al [9] reported 2 cases of acute pseudoseptic local reactions after intra-articular hyaluronic acid injections in patients with knee osteoarthritis. The patient here was exhorted to wear braces for 12 weeks and to exercise regularly. ...
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Introduction: The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is the region where spraining or tearing is most prevalent when the knee is injured. Complete ACL ruptures have a much less favorable outcome without surgical intervention. Polydeoxyribonucleotide (PDRN) is a relatively safe substance widely used for regenerative therapy. Patient concerns: A 43-year-old female patient visited our clinic with Rt. knee pain after slipping, which she rated as 7/10 on a numeric rating scale. Diagnosis: She was diagnosed as having a near complete tear of the ACL at the femoral attachment, partial tear of the lateral collateral ligament. Interventions: Ultrasound-guided PDRN injections were carried out 5 times at intervals of about 2 weeks. Outcomes: At 3-month follow-up, the patient demonstrated an improvement in knee symptoms (numeric rating scale 0) and ROM without any complications. Even after 2 years and 5 months since the diagnosis, she has been doing her daily life well without any pain. Conclusion: This is the first report of successful PDRN injection for near complete tear of ACL and partial tear of lateral collateral ligament without surgery.
This study investigated changes in the production of temporal terms over the preschool years. Ninety-three parents of 3-, 4- and 5-year-old children completed a questionnaire in which they indicated their child's production, and accurate use, of a list of temporal words. The results suggest that use and command emerge at different ages for different terms. Correlation and difference analyses were conducted to document the pattern of development. Words representing the present (e.g., now) and very general temporal terms (e.g., ‘later’) were produced and used accurately by the majority of even the youngest children. Some terms describing specific timeframes (e.g., ‘yesterday’) were also produced from a young age but demonstrated more gradual acquisition of appropriate use across the preschool years. Other terms appeared in children's vocabularies only later in the preschool years, and were inaccurately used even by the oldest children (e.g., ‘hours’). These findings provide an initial survey of reported child competence with temporal words that has implications for research, education, and judicial contexts.
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Osteoarthritis of the knee joint is a chronic disease associated with degenerative change in the constituents of the knee joint, which is characterized by the slow degradation of cartilage, pain and increasing disability. Traditional treatments for osteoarthritis include weight loss, muscle strengthening exercise, simple analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, intra-articular corticosteroids and surgery, but drug treatments have various adverse reactions. Although some assessments of sodium hyaluronate have indicated clinical improvement in the majority of cases, the therapeutic effects of an intra-articular injection of sodium hyaluronate on osteoarthritis of the knee is still in question. Therefore, the present study was undertaken to elucidate the therapeutic efficacy and safety of an intra-articular injection of sodium hyaluronate for osteoarthritis of the knee.
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Various cell lines of human synovial fibroblasts derived from synovium obtained at the time of biopsy or total joint-replacement surgery have been established. The synthesis of 3H-labelled hyaluronic acid (HA) in these cells has been determined, and the effects of adding HA of varying molecular size to the cultured cells examined. The results obtained clearly show that the in vitro synthesis of HA by these cells is influenced by the concentration and molecular weight (MW) of the HA in their extracellular environment. Synovial fibroblasts derived from an osteoarthritic joint demonstrated the most marked response on exposure to exogenous HA, showing a stimulation of HA synthesis with preparations of weight-average molecular weight (Mw) greater than 5 X 10(5) in a concentration dependent manner. HA preparations with Mw less than 5 X 10(5) showed little or no effect except at high concentrations where a suppression of biosynthesis was observed. A model to explain these findings is proposed.
Nitric oxide (NO) plays an important role in cartilage degeneration, and NO donors induce meniscus degeneration and synovium inflammation. This study evaluated the effect of intraarticular injections of hyaluronan (HA) on NO production in meniscus and synovium using an experimental osteoarthritis (OA) model. Thirty‐six New Zealand white rabbits underwent unilateral anterior cruciate ligament transection (ACLT), and were divided into three groups. Four weeks after ACLT, the HA group started to receive intraarticular HA injections once a week for 5 weeks; the vehicle group started to receive the carrier of HA; and the no injection group, no treatment. All ACLT knees were harvested at the 9th week. Meniscus and synovium sections were examined by immunohistochemistry for nitrotyrosine. The pieces of these two tissues were cultured for 24 h. Culture supernatants were analyzed for nitrite concentration. The amount of NO produced by the meniscus was much larger than that produced by the synovium. NO productions in the meniscus and synovium of the HA group were significantly lower than those of the other groups. The results suggest that the inhibition of NO production in meniscus and synovium might be a part of the mechanism of the therapeutic effect of HA on OA. © 2001 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The safety and efficacy of hylan G-F 20, a viscosupplement derived from hyaluronan, were evaluated in an open-label, 12-week, multicenter, clinical trial in patients with chronic idiopathic osteoarthritis of the knee of Larsen radiographic Grades I through IV. Three intra-articular injections of 2 mL of hylan G-F 20 were administered 1 week apart. A total of 256 knees in 222 patients were treated, with 34 patients treated bilaterally. Patients had a mean age of 62 years, and 54% were female. Safety was assessed through clinical examination and patient reports of adverse signs and symptoms that had emerged during the study period. To assess efficacy, patients evaluated the following clinical variables using a visual analogue scale: pain during weight bearing, pain at night, pain during the most painful movement of the knee, and improvement from treatment. Physicians additionally assessed patients' reduction of activity and inactivity stiffness. No generalized systemic adverse events attributable to treatment were observed. The only local adverse events, pain and/or swelling in the injected knee, occurred at a rate per injection of 2.5%. Bilateral knee injections were given in some patients, without increased adverse reactions. In most cases, the local events were mild and transient and did not require treatment. Arthrocenteses were performed in four knees to remove effusions and relieve pain and swelling. Patients who received hylan G-F 20 demonstrated a statistically and clinically significant improvement beginning after the first or second injection compared with their initial scores for all outcome measures assessed; all improvements increased steadily until at least 8 weeks and were maintained through the 12-week endpoint. Depending on the outcome measure, from 34% to 81% of knees were considered symptom-free at the 12-week endpoint. Improvement occurred in patients with all grades of radiologic severity. A regimen of three weekly injections conferred a long-term (3- month) reduction of pain and improvement in knee movement in many patients. The results show that hylan G-F 20 is a well-tolerated and effective treatment for chronic idiopathic osteoarthritis.
Nitric oxide (NO) plays an important role in cartilage degeneration, and NO donors induce meniscus degeneration and synovium inflammation. This study evaluated the effect of intraarticular injections of hyaluronan (HA) on NO production in meniscus and synovium using an experimental osteoarthritis (OA) model. Thirty-six New Zealand white rabbits underwent unilateral anterior cruciate ligament transection (ACLT), and were divided into three groups. Four weeks after ACLT, the HA group started to receive intraarticular HA injections once a week for 5 weeks; the vehicle group started to receive the carrier of HA; and the no injection group, no treatment. All ACLT knees were harvested at the 9th week. Meniscus and synovium sections were examined by immunohistochemistry for nitrotyrosine. The pieces of these two tissues were cultured for 24 h. Culture supernatants were analyzed for nitrite concentration. The amount of NO produced by the meniscus was much larger than that produced by the synovium. NO productions in the meniscus and synovium of the HA group were significantly lower than those of the other groups. The results suggest that the inhibition of NO production in meniscus and synovium might be a part of the mechanism of the therapeutic effect of HA on OA. © 2001 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
To test the scavenging of reactive oxygen species (ROS), we added synovial fluids from patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis, as well as hyaluronic acid (HA) and its 2 subcomponents, D-glucuronic acid and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, to 2 ROS-generating systems, activated neutrophils and xanthine-xanthine oxidase. Synovial fluid from RA patients, HA, and D-glucuronic acid markedly decreased the O2-, H2O2, OH-, and chemiluminescence measured in both systems. HA and synovial fluid, which are known to be susceptible to degradation by excessive ROS in RA patients, also seem to play an active role in protecting articular tissues from oxidative damage.
To test the scavenging of reactive oxygen species (ROS), we added synovial fluids from patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis, as well as hyaluronic acid (HA) and its 2 subcomponents, D-glucuronic acid and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, to 2 ROS-generating systems, activated neutrophils and xanthine-xanthine oxidase. Synovial fluid from RA patients, HA, and D-glucuronic acid markedly decreased the O2-, H2O2, OH., and chemiluminescence measured in both systems. HA and synovial fluid, which are known to be susceptible to degradation by excessive ROS in RA patients, also seem to play an active role in protecting articular tissues from oxidative damage.
To describe acute local reactions following intraarticular hylan injection and determine their frequency. Retrospective review of all patients with osteoarthritis of the knee treated with hylan by 3 rheumatologists. Twenty-two patients had 88 injections to 28 knees. Six patients had reactions within 24 h of injection characterized by pain, warmth, and swelling, lasting up to 3 weeks. This occurrence was unpredictable. Corticosteroid injections were sometimes required. Synovial fluid cell counts were 5.0-75.0 x 10(9)/l, often with a prominent mononuclear component. Crystal studies and cultures were negative. Radiographic chondrocalcinosis was present in only 1 patient. One patient had serum antibodies to chicken serum proteins. Intraarticular hylan was associated with significant local inflammatory reactions in 27% of patients, or 11% of injections. The mechanism(s) and long term sequelae are unclear.
To determine the safety and efficacy of intra-articular injections of hyaluronan in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee. A randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial was carried out on 91 patients with radiologically confirmed osteoarthritis of the knee who were recruited from the outpatient clinics. It was found that weekly intraarticular injections of 20 mg of hyaluronan of M(r) = 750,000 (Hyalgan) in 2 ml of buffered saline performed no better than the inert vehicle alone over a five week period. The principal side effects of a transient increase in pain and swelling in the affected knee was observed in 47% of the treatment group compared with 22% of the placebo group. A few patients with radiologically mild disease treated with Hyalgan appeared to experience medium to long-term symptomatic improvement over matched placebo controls as judged by a delayed return to previous NSAID therapy or analgesia other than paracetamol. Patient numbers in the survival groups, however, were too small to be meaningful. It is concluded that intraarticular administration of this preparation of 750 kD hyaluronan offers no significant benefit over placebo during a five week treatment period, but incurs a significantly higher morbidity, and therefore has no place in the routine treatment of osteoarthritis.