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Root Morphology, Stem Growth and Field Performance of Seedlings of Two Mediterranean Evergreen Oak Species Raised in Different Container Types


Abstract and Figures

Outplanting container-grown oak seedlings with undesirable shoot and root characteristics result in poor establishment and reduced field growth. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of container type on both above-and below-ground nursery growth and field performance of one-year old tap-rooted seedlings Quercus ilex L. and Quercus coccifera L. The experiment was conducted in an open-air nursery and the seedlings were grown in three container types. At the end of the nursery, growth period seedlingsÕ shoot height, diameter (5 mm above root collar), shoot and root biomass, root surface area, root volume and total root length were assessed. Then the seedlings were planted in the field and their survival and growth were recorded for two growing seasons after outplanting. The results showed a difference between the Quercus species in the effect of container type. Q. ilex seedlings raised in paper-pot had significantly greater height, diameter, shoot and root biomass and root volume than those raised in the other two container types. Similarly, Q. coccifera seedlings raised in paper-pot, had significantly greater above-and below-ground growth than those raised in the other two container types. Both oak species showed relatively low survival in the field; the mortality was mainly observed the first year after out-planting, especially after the summer dry period. However, 2 years after outplanting, the paper-pot seed-lings of the two oak species showed better field performance.
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Root morphology, stem growth and field performance of seedlings of two
Mediterranean evergreen oak species raised in different container types
M. Tsakaldimi
, T. Zagas, T. Tsitsoni & P. Ganatsas
Department of Forestry and Natural Environment, Laboratory of Silviculture, Aristotle University of Thes-
saloniki, University Campus, 54 124, P.O.Box 262, The ssaloniki, Greece.
Corresponding author*
Received 8 October 2004. Accepted in revised form 17 February 2005
Key words: container seedlings, outplanting performance, Quercus coccif era, Quercus ilex, root
morphology, stem growth
Outplanting container-grown oak seedlings with undesirable shoot and root characteristics result in poor
establishment and reduced field growth. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of
container type on both above-and below-ground nursery growth and field performance of one-year old tap-
rooted seedlings Quercus ilex L. and Quercus coccifera L. The experiment was conducted in an open-air
nursery and the seedlings were grown in three container types. At the end of the nursery, growth period
seedlingsÕ shoot height, diameter (5 mm above root collar), shoot and root biomass, root surface area, root
volume and total root length were assessed. Then the seedlings were planted in the field and their survival
and growth were recorded for two growing seasons after outplanting. The results showed a difference
between the Quercus species in the effect of container type. Q. ilex seedlings raised in paper-pot had
significantly greater height, diameter, shoot and root biomass and root volume than those raised in the
other two container types. Similarly, Q. coccifera seedlings raised in paper-pot, had significantly greater
above-and below-ground growth than those raised in the other two container types. Both oak species
showed relatively low survival in the field; the mortality was mainly observed the first year afte r out-
planting, especially after the summer dry period. However, 2 years after outplanting, the paper-pot seed-
lings of the two oak species showed better field performance.
In ecological studies, the evergreen sclerophylls
are regarded as one of most typical compo-
nents of the Mediterranean type vegetation
(Saleo and LoGullo, 1990). Many restoration
projects have established plantations of these
evergreen resprouting species (Vallejo et al.,
2000; Vilagrosa et al., 2003). Despite the great
efforts in oak regeneration research, the suc-
cessful planting of oaks is still fraught with
uncertainty (Pope, 1993). Early attempts to
introduce broad-leaved resprouting species to
the Mediterranean basin (e.g., Quercus spe-
cies) faced high seedling mortality, and until
recently, nursery and field techniques were
poorly developed for these two species (Pausas
et al., 2004). In eastern Spain as well as in
Greece, the field survival and growth of planted
Mediterranean oaks are frequently very low
(Hatzistathis et al., 1999; Pausas et al., 2004;
Tsakaldimi, 2001; Vilagrosa et al., 2003; Vi llar-
Salvador et al., 2004).
The poor development of Quercus seedlings
plantations, in some cases, could be attributed
to the low quality of the planted seedlings.
Plant and Soil (2005) 278:85–93 Springer 2005
DOI 10.1007/s11104-005-2580-1
Nursery cultivation regimes can strongly deter-
mine the functional characteristics of seedlings
and their field performance (Landis et al.,
1990; Simpson, 1995; Villar-Salvador et al.,
2004). For instance, during the container seed-
ling production, container size, growing density
and design characteristics of the containers are
important determinants of seedling quality
(Landis et al., 1990). The volume of the cavity
is one of the most obvious and important
characteristics of a container because in gen-
eral, the larger the container the larger the
seedling that can be produced. However, the
optimum container size varies according to
many different factors, including species, grow-
ing density, environmental conditions and
length of the growing season. Pine species that
are tolerant of crowding, such as loblolly pine,
could be produced in small-volume containers
with a high growing density. In contrast,
broad-leaved species should be produced at
lower growing density because their leaves
intercept more water and nutrients and gener-
ate more shade (Landis et al., 1990). One of
the most serious problems in containers, espe-
cially in the case of seedlings with tap roots
such as oaks, is the tendency of seedling roots
to spira l around the inside of the container or
to concentrate at the base of the container
(Biran and Eliassaf, 1980; Landis et al., 1990).
Root spiraling is most serious in round,
smooth-walled plastic containers and can seri-
ously reduce seedling quality after outplanting.
In contrast, well-developed and well-structured
root systems with numerous first order laterals
are one of the most essential attributes of high
quality oak seedlings (Day and Parker, 1997;
Thompson and Schultz, 1995).
However, the influence of container type
on seedling quality and the outplanting per-
formance of Mediterranean oak species has
received almost no attention and to the best of
our knowledge, no study on root morphology
of seedlings of these species has been reported.
Thus, the objective of this study was to
determine the influence of container type on
both above- and below-ground nursery growth
and field perfor mance of two tap-rooted seed-
lings, Quercus ilex and Quercus coccifera.
Materials and methods
Nursery phase
Experimental treatments The experiment was con-
ducted in an open-air nursery of Forest Service
(N. Chalkidona, North Greece). Acorns of Quer-
cus ilex L. and Quercus coccifera L. were sown in
mid-March. Three container types were selected to
provide a wide range in container volumes, density
of plants, and design characteristics as these have
been shown to have a strong influence on the mor-
phology and field performan ce of seedlings (Jones
et al., 2002; Landis et al., 1990; Salonius and Be-
aton, 1994). The container types used for the tap-
rooted seedlings production were: (a) paper-pot FS
615; made of biodegradable paper, planted with
the seedling, each cavity is hexagonally shaped,
bottomless, 482 · 10
in volume and 150 mm
in depth, and (b) and (c) two rigid re-usable plastic
containers from which the seedlings are removed
before planting: (b) quick pot T18; each cavity is
of square shape, tapered from top to bottom, has
interior vertical anti-spiralling ribs and open cros-
sed base and is 650 · 10
in volume and
180 mm in depth, and (c) plantek 35F; each cavity
has similar design features to quick-pot but air
root pruning is achieved from the sides of the
walls and from the base, and is 275 · 10
volume and 130 mm in depth. All cavities were fil-
led with sphagnum Lithuanian peat of medium
structure and coarse perlite (3:1, v/v). This potting
medium is commonly used in Greek forest nurser-
ies. The potting med ium was fertilized with 1.3 kg
mixed fertilizer (N:P:K 15:30:15 + micronutri-
ents), 0.6 kg potassium sulf ate, 1.0 kg superphos-
phate (0-20-0), 0.4 kg magnesium sulfate and 2 kg
lime (CaO) per m
of peat.
The three treatments were arranged in a ran-
domized complete block design with three repli-
cations for each of 2 species · 3 container types.
There were 24 seedlings per container type, in
each block (total 216 seedlings per species) and
all seedlings were identified with a number. All
seedlings were irrigated with an overhead irriga-
tion system, as ne eded.
Growth measurements and destructive sampling At
the end of the growth pe riod in the nursery, on
November, the shoot height, the diameter
(measured 5 mm above the root collar) of all
seedlings were measured with an accuracy of 1
and 0.1 mm, respectively. Twelve randomly se-
lected seedlings per treatment (4 seedlings · 3
replications) of each species, were collected for
destructive sampling and they were transferred to
the Laboratory for biomass measurements. From
these selected seedlings, five random root samples
per treatment were used for the root morphology
estimations prior to biomass measurements. The
root system was separated from the soil, under a
gentle water jet, using a sieve to collect any root
fragments detached from the system. Then, each
root system was put into a glass box and covered
with a white plastic sheet to keep it in a fixed
position and improve the contrast of the root im-
age. The box was placed on a scanner (Hewlett
Packard, ScanJet 6100C) connected to a com-
puter, and an image analysis system (DT-Scan,
Delta T-Devices) was used to determine the total
root length, the root surface area and the total
root volume (Barnett and McGilvray, 2001;
Fitter et al., 1991). For biomass measurements
the seedlings were divided into two parts: shoot
(stem + needles) and root system. Both parts
were oven-dried at 70 C for 48 h and then they
were weighed (Thompson, 1985).
Field experiment
In early December, eight-month-old Q. ilex and Q.
coccifera seedlings were outplanted to the field in
ÔKassandraÕ Peninsula, Chalkidiki (North Greece),
which is located 80 km south-east of Thessaloniki
at 2530¢ Eand40 N. According to the climatic
data (period 1978–1997) from the meteorological
station of the Forest Service, the climate of the area
is of the Mediterranean type with mild winters and
dry hot summers. The mean annual rainfall reaches
581 mm, while the mean annual air temperature
goes up to 16.3 C and the mean maximum air
temperature of the warmest month (July) is
30.1 C. The dry period begins in the middle of
April and lasts until the middle of September (Tsa-
kaldimi, 2001; Tsitsoni, 1997). The vegetation of
the area belongs to Quercetalia illicis floristic zone.
For each species, twenty seedlings per treatment
per replication were planted in a randomized
complete block design with three replications; the
identity of nursery blocks was maintained in the
field. Experimental blocks (500 m
each) were lo-
cated on three independent sites of W, NW and
N aspects and of moderate slopes (15–30%) and
they were not irrigated. The distance between the
sites was approximately 300 m. The soil of the
three sites, where the experiment was conducted,
is characterized as deep, sandy-clay loam, neutral
to moderate alkaline and rich in organic matter
at the surface horizons (Tsakaldimi, 2001).
The seedlings being hand planted in pits
(0.30 · 0.30 m) and they were spaced 2 m apart.
The survival was recorded for each seedling for
two successive years after planting. Furthermore,
2 years after planting, height and diameter
growth of each seedling were assessed (with an
accuracy of 1 and 0.1 mm, respectively). The rel-
ative growth rates (RGR) for both height and
diameter, after a period of 2 years, were calcu-
lated as the difference between the natural loga-
rithms of final and initial height or diameter
respectively, divided by time between the begin-
ning and the end of field experiments (in years)
(Elvira et al., 2004; Villar-Salvador et al., 2004).
Statistical analysis
All statistics were calculated with SPSS software.
Distribution was tested for normality by Kolmogo-
rov--Smirnov criterion and the homogeneity of
variances was tested by LeveneÕs test. The percent-
ages were transformed to arsine square root values,
before analysis. Significant differences between
treatment means were tested using analysis of vari-
ance (one-way ANOVA). Wherever treatment ef-
fects were significant, the DuncanÕsMultipleRange
Test was carried out to compare the means (Noru-
sis, 1994; Snedecor and Cochran, 1988).
Nursery performance
Both species were affected by the type of con-
tainer. Q. ilex seedlings grown in paper-pot were
significantly taller, had greater diameter and
shoot biomass than seedli ngs grown in quick-pot
and plantek (Table 1). Also, the root biomass,
the shoot/root mass ratio and the total root vol-
ume found to be significantly greater in seedlings
grown in paper-pot than in seedlings grown in
quick-pot and plantek. The total root surface area
and root length did not show signifi cant differ-
ences among the paper-pot and quick-pot seed-
lings, but were significantly greater than those of
plantek seedlings.
Similarly to Q. ilex seedlings, Q. coccifera
paper-pot seedlings exhibited the greatest height,
diameter and shoot biomass (Table 2). On the
contrary, the seedlings grown in quick-pot did
not differ from those grown in plantek but both
were found significantly smaller than paper-pot
seedlings. The container type significantly
affected the root morphology. Paper-pot seed-
lings had a more extended ro ot system; their root
surface area and the total root length were signif-
icantly greater than that of seedlings raised in
plastic containers, and were twice or more great-
er than those of plantek seedlings. The root vol-
ume, and the root biomass allocation did not
differ between paper-pot and quick-pot seedlings
but remained greater than that of plantek seed-
lings. The shoot/root mass ratio was significantly
greater in seedlings grown in paper-pot.
Field survival
One year afte r outplanting (on November), the
survival rate presented significant diff erences
among the treated seedlings of Q. ilex, and it was
Table 1. Effects of container type on Q. ilex seedling characteristics at the nursery phase
Container type
Paper-pot Quick-pot Plantek
(FS 615) (T18) (35 F)
Above-ground seedling characteristics
Shoot height (mm) 401 (12.1)
208 (9.1)
240 (8.1)
Root-collar diameter (mm) 5.1 (0.12)
4.3 (0.09)
4.2 (0.09)
Shoot dry weight (g) 8.3 (0.80)
4.2 (0.44)
3.8 (0.24)
Below-ground seedling characteristics
Root dry weight (g) 4.6 (0.43)
3.5 (0.30)
2.9 (0.23)
Root surface area (mm
) 13 168 (1110)
11 806 (1536)
8057 (896)
Root volume (mm
) 6630 (890)
4220 (570)
4240 (610)
Total root length (mm) 7376 (701)
8144 (863)
4440 (502)
Shoot dry weight/Root dry weight 2.0 (0.1)
1.2 (0.1)
1.3 (0.1)
Values are means ± standard error (in parenthesis). Within a row, means followed by different letters, are significantly different
(P < 0.05).
Table 2. Effects of container type on Q. coccifera seedling characteristics at the nursery phase
Container type
Paper-pot Quick-pot Plantek
(FS 615) (T18) (35 F)
Above-ground seedling characteristics
Shoot height (mm) 283 (15.4)
136 (11.5)
139 (9.2)
Root-collar diameter (mm) 4.2 (0.12)
3.1 (0.11)
3.1 (0.09)
Shoot dry weight (g) 4.5 (0.69)
2.1 (0.25)
1.6 (0.11)
Below-ground seedling characteristics
Root dry weight (g) 3.6 (0.49)
2.8 (0.29)
1.7 (0.14)
Root surface area (mm
) 12 306 (1996)
7950 (888)
5839 (614)
Root volume (mm
) 6410 (1290)
4260 (460)
3300 (480)
Total root length (mm) 6233 (963)
4148 (462)
2973 (353)
Shoot dry weight/Root dry weight 1.3 (0.08)
0.7 (0.05)
0.9 (0.07)
Values are means ± standard error (in parenthesis). Within a row, means followed by different letters, are significantly different
(P < 0.05).
Years after field planting
Seeding survival in the field (%)Seeding survival in the field (%)
Years after field planting
Figure 1. Effect of container type on Q. ilex (a) and Q. coccifera (b) seedling survival in the field; the first and the second year
after outplanting. For the same year, means followed by different letter are significantly different (P < 0.05). Error bars are not
shown because they are too small.
Table 3. Container type effects on height, root collar diameter and relative growth rates (RGR) for Q. ilex and Q. coccifera seedlings,
2 years after field planting
Field growth Container type
Paper-pot Quick-pot Plantek
(FS 615) (T18) (35 F)
Q. ilex
Height (mm) 473 (22.5)
315 (21.4)
362 (26.6)
Height RGR (mm mm
) 0.9 (0.12)
1.8 (0.26)
1.6 (0.39)
Root-collar diameter (mm) 8.4 (0.37)
6.3 (0.28)
6.4 (0.37)
Diameter RGR (mm mm
) 0.25 (0.02)
0.20 (0.03)
0.21 (0.03)
Q. coccifera
Height (mm) 367 (23.6)
278 (28.7)
273 (24.2)
Height RGR (mm mm
) 1.6 (0.23)
2.7 (0.35)
3.1 (0.53)
Root-collar diameter (mm) 6.6 (0.32)
5.8 (0.31)
5.7 (0.47)
Diameter RGR (mm mm
) 0.24 (0.03)
0.28 (0.03)
0.29 (0.05)
Values are means ± standard error (in parenthesis). Within a row, means followed by different letters, are significantly different
(P < 0.05).
negatively affected by the summer drought peri-
od (Figure 1a). Seedlings grown in paper-pot pre-
sented significantly greater survival rate (73.3%)
than those grown in quick-pot (50.9%) and
plantek (42.9%). During the second year after
outplanting, the summer drought period caused
a further reduction of survival rate; 8.3% for
paper-pot seedlings, 5.3% for quick-pot seedlings
and 12.5% for plantek seedlings.
Q. coccifera seedlings had also difficulties
surviving in the field (Figure 1b). The first year
after outplanting, the survi val rate significantly
reduced. The survival of paper-pot seedlings
was 73.6%, while the survival recorded in the
quick-pot and plantek seedlings reduced at half,
and it was 47.9 and 47.7%, respectively. At the
end of the second growth period in the field, the
survival rate reduced to 71.7% for paper-pot
seedlings, 41.7% for quick-pot seedlings and
45.5% for plantek seedlings.
After recording survival rates we excavated
five dead seedlings of each treatment and species
and found that their roots were restricted to the
space of the nursery roo t plug and none of them
had developed new roots out of it.
Growth in the field
At the end of the second year in the field, 23
months after outplanting, the Q. ilex seedlings
shoot height and diameter presented significant
differences among the treatments and followed
the same trend as in the nursery (Table 3). The
larger and thicker seedlings were those that had
grown in paper-pot and the smaller seed lings
were those that had grown in quick-pot and
plantek. However, quick-pot and plantek seed-
lings showed significantly greater height RGR
than paper-pot seedlings, while the diameter
RGR did not differ amon g treated seedlings.
Similarly, the larger Q. coccifera seedlings had
grown in paper-pot while the smaller ones had
grown in quick-pot and plantek. The quick-pot
and plantek seedlings again showed significantly
greater height RGR than the paper-pot
while their diameter and diameter RGR did
not show significant differences among treated
seedlings (Table 3).
The seedlings of both oaks produced in the three
container types, were healthy, none of them
showed root spiraling and all of them approxi-
mately reached the appropriate dimensions for
planting. According to EU legislation (Council
Directive 71/161/EEC, 1971) Quercus seedlings, 1
or 2 years old, are considered suitable for planting
when their height is 150–250 mm and root-collar
diameter is 4 mm. Concerning the Mediterranean
oaks, Nardini et al. (2000) found that two-year
old Q. ilex seedlings, raised in containers, were
much smaller than those of our study; their stem
diameter was only 2.7 mm, height 420 mm, total
root dry weight 0.5 g and root surface area was
3680 mm
. Also, Villar-Salvador et al. (2004),
found that 10-month-old Q. ilex seedlings, grown
in forest-pot 300 containers and fertilized with
slow-release fertilizer N:P:K (15:7:15), 1 kg m
peat, were only 141 mm in height and they allo-
cated shoot dry weight 1.72 g and root dry wei ght
3.39 g. In our study, seedling dimensions of the
two oak species were much differentiated among
the container types used. In both oak species,
seedlings raised in paper-pot were superior to seed-
lings raised in the other two plastic containers.
Contrary to what has been reported for large r
containers with lower growing densities (Aphalo
and Rikala, 2003; Landis et al., 1990; Tanaka and
Timmis, 1974), the paper-pot although it is smaller
in size and create higher seedling densities than
quick-pot, it increased shoot height, diameter, bio-
mass allocation and enhanced the root morphol-
ogy of the oak seedlings. A possible explanation for
this, is the construction material of the paper-pot;
the paper is permeable and allow water and solu-
ble salts to move late rally between the cavities of
the container. This positively affected the water
and nutrient availability for each seedling and thus
enhanced the seedlingsÕ growth (Tsakaldimi,
2001). Moreover, although there are no measure-
ments, the quick-pot and plantek, which are plastic
and black- colored containers, may absorb more
solar radiation which can increase the root tem-
perature. High soil temperatures were especially
reported for black plastic containers (Whitcomp,
1989). The high root temperatures can inhibit root
growth and may even result in seedling mortality
(Landis et al., 1990).
In the field, both oak seedlings had difficulties
to survive, but the mortality was much higher in
Q. ilex seedlings. Similarly, Villar-Salvador et al.
(2004) report that Q. ilex seedlings have lower
survival and grow th when compared with other
Mediterranean woody species. This indicates that
this species is more susceptible to stress factors
during its early life stages and especially during
the first summer period. In this study also, the
mortality was mainly observed at the end of the
first year after outplanting and after the summer
dry period, and varied considerably among the
container seedlings. The survival rate of paper-
pot seedlings was much greater (73.3 % for Q. ilex
and 73.6% for Q. coccifera) than that of the
other container seedlings, while the survival rate
of the plantek seedlings was only 42.9% for
Q. ilex and 47.7% for Q. coccifera. At the end of
the second year after outplanting, there was a
further reduction of seedling survival. However,
the survival of seedlings grown in paper-pot
remained higher (65 and 71.7% for the Q. ilex
and Q. coccifera , respectively) while the survival
recorded for plantek seedlings was 45.5% for
Q. coccifera and only 30.4% for Q. ilex. Villar-
Salvador et al. (2004) found that 2 years after
outplanting, the mortality of Q. ilex seedlings
reached to 42% and tended to occur during the
summer period. Hatzistathis et al. (1999) found
that Q. ilex grown in paper-pot, had very low
survival (33.7%), 18 months after outplanting in
the Kassandra, northern Greece.
The better survival of paper-pot seedlings can
be attributed to their initial morphologic al char-
acteristics. Villar-Salvador et al. (2004) reported
that, Q. ilex seedlings with largest shoots and
with a higher S/R ratio had lower mortality than
those with opposite attributes, 2 years after out-
planting. Cortina et al. (1997) found that shoot
height was also positively correlated with field
survival of Q. ilex seedlings. Also, in a previous
study, Tsakaldimi (2001) found that diameter
was a good predictor for field survival of
Q. coccifera seedlings; the thicker the seedlings
the higher the survival. Similarly, in our study,
the paper-po t seedlings of both oak species, that
exhibited the lower mortality, had much greater
shoot height, root-collar diameter, shoot dry
weight and S/R ratio at the time of planting. The
poor performance of smaller seedlings may be
due to an unbalanced carbon economy during
their establishment phase and the summer period
(Villar-Salvador et al., 2004). Root characteristics
may also have contributed to the better survival
of paper-pot seedlings. The greater root volume
and root surface area (as well as the great er total
root length only in the case of Q. coccifera
paper-pot seedlings, may have resulted in a better
water and nutrient uptake during their early
stages after outplanting and especially during the
summer drought. When growth or survival is
limited by water (as is observed in the Mediterra-
nean basin) or nutrient availability, immediately
after outplanting, roots play a more important
role in the performance of container seedlings
(Aphalo and Rikala, 2003). Furthermore, it may
be important that paper-pot seedlings were plan-
ted with pots, thus, they had their roots pro-
tected not only during the planting work but the
whole first year after outplanting until the roots
increased and penetrated the soil. In contrast,
quick-pot and plantek seedlings, which were plan-
ted without the cavity, had their roots unpro-
tected and moreover their roots had difficulty
crossing a textural discontinuity from a light, fri-
able grow ing medium to natural soil (Tinus,
1986). According to Ruehle and Kormanik
(1986), oak seedlings must develop new roots
soon after planting if they are to survive and
grow. This seems to be confirmed in our study
since all the excavated dead seedlings had devel-
oped no roots out of the nursery plug.
The differences in seedlings size in the nursery
phase, of both oak species, persisted 2 years after
the outplanting in the field. Paper-pot seedlings
remained significantly taller than the other con-
tainer seedlings, although the height relative
growth rate (RGR) was greater in quick-pot and
plantek seedlin gs. Q. ilex seedlings raised in
paper-pot also had the greatest field diameter,
while their diameter relative growth rate (RGR)
did not differ from that of the other container
seedlings. In the case of Q. coccifera, although
quick-pot and plantek seedlings had smaller diam-
eter at planting they grew as well as the larger
paper-pot seedlings. However, Villar-Salvador
et al. (2004), reported that Q. ilex seedlings with
larger shoots and with a higher S/R ratio had
larger stem volume increase, 2 years after out-
planting. In contrast, studies among many other
species concluded that, differences in seedlings
size at planting disappeared after one or two
growth periods in the field (Jones et al., 2002;
Simpson, 1995). Actually, growth following out-
planting is more complex than mere survival and
is related to the planting environment, the genet-
ic potential and the physiological and morpho-
logical status of the seedlings, at the time of
outplanting (Mexal and Landis, 1990).
The results of this study suggest that the con-
tainer type has a strong influence on seedling
quality and outplanting performance of Q. ilex
and Q. coccifera seedlings. The paper-pot contrib-
utes to the production of taller, thicker and hea-
vier seedlings with a more extended root system.
The better quality of these seedlings in combina-
tion with the fact that the paper-pot seedlings
have their roots protected from transplanting
shock, results in better field performance. Also, it
is suggested that larger oak seedlings have better
survival and they remain greater 2 years after
outplanting. Grading criteria for oak seedlingsÕ
shoot height and root-collar diameter will be
important for sites where environmental stress
may be high.
We would like to thank the anonymous referees
for their comments and suggestions on an earlier
version of the manuscript.
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... Furthermore, while few studies have demonstrated influence of plant growth container type on plant morphology [5][6][7][8][9], direct impacts of growth containers on the rhizosphere microbiome is relatively unexplored under highly controlled experimental conditions. Complex biochemical processes and interactions occur at microscale dimensions surrounding the root and the ability to interrogate these processes within highly reproduceable and controlled growth containers will propel our understanding of rhizosphere spatial heterogeneity [10]. ...
... We investigated the utility of EcoFABs as a possible alternative to conventional containers such as pots and tubes for studying the spatial microbial biogeography of the rhizosphere. Although studies have shown that container design parameters such as size, density, depth can affect root growth and basic plant physiological traits during early developmental stages [5][6][7][8][9], our study with young Brachypodium plants showed that containers had no significant impact. While most of these studies looked at container sizes around 50cm 3 , they were performed using woody tree seedlings such as Pinus sp. ...
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For a deeper and comprehensive understanding of the composition and function of rhizosphere microbiomes, we need to focus at the scale of individual roots in standardized growth containers. Root exudation patterns are known to vary along distinct parts of the root even in juvenile plants giving rise to spatially distinct microbial niches. To address this, we analyzed the microbial community from two spatially distinct zones of the developing primary root (tip and base) in young Brachypodium distachyon grown in natural soil using standardized fabricated ecosystems known as EcoFABs as well as in more conventional pot and tubes. 16S rRNA based community analysis showed a strong rhizosphere effect resulting in significant enrichment of several OTUs belonging to Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes and Proteobacteria. However, microbial community composition did not differ between root tips and root base or across different growth containers. Functional analysis of bulk metagenomics revealed significant differences between root tips and bulk soil. The genes associated with different metabolic pathways and root colonization were enriched in root tips. On the other hand, genes associated with nutrient-limitation and environmental stress were prominent in the bulk soil compared to root tips, implying the absence of easily available, labile carbon and nutrients in bulk soil relative to roots. Such insights into the relationships between developing root and microbial communities are critical for judicious understanding of plant-microbe interactions in early developmental stages of plants.
... Therefore, several revegetation programs across the world employ container-grown seedlings as they are more reliable, uniform, and offer flexibility in planting than direct seeding or sowing (Tsakaldimi et al. 2005;Smaill et al. 2011;Puértolas et al. 2012). Furthermore, studies (Puértolas et al. 2003;Villar-Salvador et al. 2004) involving several Mediterranean species have shown greater survival, rapid initial growth, and reduced mortality (Roth and Newton 1996;South and Mitchell 1999). ...
... Increment in root length and root and shoot biomass by hydro-primed seeds seems to be effective under desert environmental conditions, where precipitations are scarce (<115 mm) and mostly restricted to winter (Omar et al. 2007). It has been reported that root characteristics, such as higher root length, root biomass, and root volume, are often attributed to higher rate of plant survival and growth performance in field conditions (Tsakaldimi et al. 2005). Furthermore, Davis and Jacobs (2005) reported that belowground root system, rather than aboveground morphology, may provide more accurate indication of seedling performance in 5. Treatment effects on PVI, shoot biomass, root biomass, total biomass, and root length in Rhanterium epapposum. ...
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In Kuwait, declining native vegetation cover due to prevailing arid conditions and severe anthropogenic disturbances necessitated undertaking revegetation programs. Seed sowing and outplanting of nursery-grown seedlings are the two major plant establishment methods commonly used all around the world. However, the success of plant establishment methods may vary between the species as well as between the methods. Therefore, we compared the effect of sowing of primed or non-primed seeds and outplanting of nursery-grown seedlings on field performance of four dominant native desert species of Kuwait: Vachellia pachyceras, Rhanterium epapposum, Farsetia aegyptia, and Haloxylon salicornicum for 22 months to find the best method for revegetation in arid conditions. A significant species and treatment interaction effect was observed in all plant parameters except plot volume index. Direct sowing of hydro-primed seeds appeared to be the most effective method for establishment and growth of V. pachyceras. In contrast, outplanting of nursery-grown seedlings showed better performance under the field conditions in H. salicornicum and F. aegyptia. These results suggest that direct sowing of primed seeds can also be used effectively along with seedling outplanting for the revegetation of arid lands.
... There are visual indications that a plant is not healthy such as wilting and discoloration. Plant health can also be evaluated by growth, which is conventionally often measured by destructive means such as shoot dry weight, root dry weight, root length, and root surface area (Nambuthiri et al., 2015b;Olbrycht et al., 2020;Li et al., 2014;Tsakaldimi et al., 2005;Tian et al., 2017). The plant is washed thoroughly to get a dry weight, then dried at approximately 60°C before being weighed (Tian et al., 2017). ...
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Because of the non-biodegradable nature and the associated environmental damage of plastic pots, there is a need to find an alternative that is more environmentally friendly. In the agriculture industry, planting pots made from bio-based materials can potentially replace traditional plastic pots and provide additional health benefits to plants. This paper reviews the current advancement of bio-based planting pots. Various plant pots available in the market are summarized, focusing on their advantages and limitations. Plant health assessments of specimens grown in bio-based pots and their biodegradability are reviewed and compared with the traditional plastic pots. In addition, the techno-economic evaluation of bio-based and traditional plastic pots is summarized. The customer perception of these bio-based pots was also investigated for a widespread shift towards adopting bio-based plant pots. This literature review aims to help researchers and practitioners develop environmental-friendly bio-based agriculture products by identifying implementation gaps and future research directions.
... Beaside that, morphological attributes can be predictor of seedlings performance at the field (Tsakaldimi et al., 2012). There are studies which promote better morphological attributes as predictor for better survival (Villar-Salvador et al., 2004;Tsakaldimi et al., 2005;Villar-Salvador, 2012) and growth (Villar-Salvador et al., 2004; on the field for oak seedlings. Preplanting operations have great role in survival of seedlings, planting date and soil preparation showed significant influence on survival and growth of Q.ilex seedlings in Mediteranian conditions (Palacios et al., 2009). ...
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Querqus pubescens has relatively wide distribution in Europe, but dominated forests are quite common in South Europe, while they are confined to warm microclimatic conditions in central Europe. On the edge of the Panonnian basin Q. pubescens is mainly found on the edge of its native range, in isolated populations which have an important role in examining the adaptive potential, especially considering that the forest-steppe and sub-mediterranean climate is predicted to be the dominant climate in some regions of Central Europe in future. There are very limit knowledge about Q. pubescens forest establishment and restoration in continental climate today. This study provides information about stocktype effect on seedlings success after outplanting in very competitive conditions. Although bareroot seedlings were larger in the nursery, container seedlings had better survival and growth on the field. Generally, low survival rate for both stocktypes (mean survival 47.60 %; container seedlings 55.41%; bareroot seedlings 41.41%) can be assessed as consequence of uncompetitive seedlings and lack of vegetation control.
... Instead, the suggests calculating soil volume based on the tree's size and water needs (Lindsey and Bassuk, 1991). Additionally, the appropriate planter size for shade trees in urban environments depends on several factors such as tree species, size, and management goals (Bilderback and Fonteno, 1987;DeGaetano, 2000;Tsakaldimi et al., 2005). Of particular importance is the tree species' root ball system, which can significantly affect the container size needed to support proper growth and development (Ow and Ghosh, 2017). ...
Urban environments are often characterized by extensive paved surfaces, exacerbating the urban heat island effect. At the same time, limited root space due to underground infrastructure poses a challenge for planting new trees in these areas. Trees in planters have emerged as popular design elements, offering innovative and sus- tainable greening solutions, particularly in urban environments with limited rooting space. However, growing conditions in planters may strongly impact tree growth and the provision of environmental ecosystem services (ES). In this 3-year study, we analyzed tree growth and ecosystem services (cooling by shading, CO2-fixation) of London plane (Platanus x hispanica MÜNCHH.) and small-leaved lime (Tilia cordata MILL.) in four planting treat- ments: in-ground (G), planters in the ground (PG), non-insulated plastic planters (P), and insulated planters (PI). We also recorded soil temperature throughout the experiment and implemented soil drought conditions by reducing soil irrigation for half of the trees after one year. Our findings revealed higher thermal fluctuations in soil temperature within non-insulated plastic planters (P), reaching a maximum of 45 ◦C, surpassing the critical temperature threshold for plant growth (>38 ◦C). In contrast, insulated planters (PI) effectively mitigated soil temperatures, staying below 33.8 ◦C. When planted in the ground (G), P. x hispanica exhibited a significantly higher stem diameter increment (52–66%) compared to other planting treatments, aligning with the provision of ecosystem services. However, T. cordata trees showed a more moderate response to planting treatments in terms of growth and ecosystem service provision. Furthermore, the implementation of soil drought conditions resulted in a reduction of up to 34% in stem diameter increment for P. x hispanica and up to 25% for T. cordata. Our results underscore the necessity of tree species-specific knowledge about growth responses to different planting treat- ments for effective urban planning perspectives, as the provision of ecosystem services may be influenced differently.
... g/yr/tree treatment distributed more photosynthetic products to underground growth than to above-ground growth compared to other treatments. The distribution of photosynthetic products and the development of root systems are known to impact afforestation performance significantly [46,47]. Seedlings with high above-ground biomass production and T/R ratio may show poor planting performance due to poor resistance to drying stress after planting [48]. ...
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The amount of irrigation and fertilization should be considered first for the production and standardization of high-quality H. syriacus L. seedlings using container seedlings. This study was conducted to investigate the optimal conditions suitable for container cultivation of hibiscus by analyzing growth and physiological responses according to the control of irrigation and fertilization. Therefore, in this study, H. syriacus L. for. Haeoreum (3-year-old hardwood cutting propagation), a fast-growing, was transplanted into a 40 L container. The irrigation amount per container was adjusted (0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 ton/yr/tree), and the amount of fertilizer applied (0, 69.0, 138.0 and 207.0 g/yr/tree). The growth rate according to the irrigation-fertilization treatment was higher in the 0.3 ton-138.0 g/yr/tree irrigation-fertilization treatment (p < 0.001). Total biomass yield and seedling quality index (SQI) were highest in the 0.3 ton-138.0 g/yr/tree irrigation-fertilization treatment (p < 0.001). The higher the fertilization concentration, the faster the flowering and the longer the flowering. The photosynthetic capacity of H. syriacus L. was reduced in bare root seedling cultivation and container-non-fertilized treatment. The chlorophyll fluorescence response was also affected by bare root cultivation and containerized seedling cultivation fertilization. Nutrient vector diagnosis showed “nutritional suitability” in the 0.3 ton-138.0 g/yr/tree treatment. Overall, containerized seedling cultivation was superior in growth, photosynthetic performance, photochemical efficiency, and nutrient storage capacity compared to bare root cultivation. These results be expected to contribute not only to the industrial production of excellent container seedlings of H. syriacus L. but also to the production of other woody plants.
... percent, compared to the belowground biomass which had an average error rate of 9.8 percent (Figure 2). Measuring belowground biomass in the natural environment is challenging, especially for seedlings [30]. In our study, it was further complicated by the limited size of the pots in which the seedlings were grown, potentially affecting its proportions to other stem traits. ...
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Seedlings are an important stage for plant populations, as the abundance and rigor of seedlings can indicate a changing forest structure in the future. Studying the different traits of the seedling can represent how the plant grows. Biomass is one of the traits that can represent the plant’s performance and many other growth processes of the seedling. Several allometric equations have been developed to estimate tree biomass. However, allometric equations for the biomass of seedlings remains poorly studied, especially those from the tropics. The objective of this research is to create and develop a model that can be used to predict the biomass of seedlings, including total biomass, aboveground biomass, and belowground biomass, from root collar diameter, shoot height, main stem length, and wood density from 205 two-year-old seedlings from twenty tree species found in dry evergreen forest in Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary, Uthai Thani, Thailand. The results showed that the root collar diameter, shoot height, and wood density could be used to create a model to best predict the seedling biomass. This model should be tested with other seedlings in the wild and other datasets to evaluate the performance of the model. To our knowledge, this study is among the first to provide the first allometry for seedlings in tropical dry evergreen forest. The results from this study will allow ecologists to monitor and examine the growth of the seedlings at all stages of life in dynamic tropical environments in the future.
... Nowadays, in some foreign countries, such as Russia, Finland, Japan, Canada, Norway, Poland, and Hungary, the technology of creating forest crops from planting material grown in containers with a closed root system is widely used [2]. The application of such technologies in the establishment of forest plantations not only provides for the first-time high survival rate, safety, and continuous growth in the forest area but also allows planting during almost the entire growing season [3,4,5]. The creation of crops by these methods is of particular importance in the arid regions of Central Asia, where the efficiency of silvicultural work using traditional technologies is not at a low level [6]. ...
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This article describes the effects of different mineral fertilizer doses on the growth and development of seedlings of four forest-forming species grown with a closed root system on the western and southern slopes of the Chatkal ridge. The results show that different fertilizer doses have various effects on different types of seedlings. The effect of fertilizers on improving the growth of forest crops in the first year was not fully manifested, since growth buds were laid a year before fertilization against a natural background of growth conditions. Plants that had received more nutrients the year before grew the year ahead after fertilization, and a beneficial effect became apparent. The rate of fertilizer N90P90 K60 was more effective on pine growth on the western slope, while N120P180K60 showed high results on the southern. Oak on both slopes was better affected by a lower dose of fertilizer, hawthorn on both slopes by higher doses, and both doses had roughly the same effect on an apple tree. Therefore, for the apple trees, it can be recommended, as for oak, the depositing of a smaller dose due to the lower cost.
... Besides that, container design also determines the morphological and physiological characteristics of seedlings, mainly in terms of their root systems [11][12][13]. Moreover, container volume and container depth can determine root system growth including emergence of new roots and their length and survivability of seedlings as well [14][15][16][17]. ...
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Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens L’Hér.) is an important commercial horticultural plant extensively used in outdoor landscaping. Seed emergence has always remained a problem in geranium due to its hard seed nature. Hence its germination and other emergence-related attributes need to be adequately tested. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the germination and seedling growth of geraniums under different types of containers. In this regard, the seeds of two varieties of geranium viz. Large FID mixed and Star mixed were planted in different types of containers. The containers included black trays plastic pots, plastic bags, and nonwoven fabric bags. The seed emergence and other germination related parameters were significantly affected by the different types of containers. However, varieties exhibited similar responses for most germination and growth characteristics. Data were collected for seed germination, mean germination time, germination index and seedling vigor index. The type of containers showed a significant impact on seedling growth and development. The taller plants with more leaves and maximum biomass production were recorded from seeds sown in nonwoven fabric type bags. The results pertaining to varieties demonstrated that Star mixed showed better emergence and vigorous seedlings in comparison with large FID mixed. The taller seedlings with maximum leaves and shoot biomass were also recorded from Star mixed grown in nonwoven fabric type bags. Based on the results, it is concluded that germanium may be raised in nonwoven fabric bags for better seed emergence and seedling growth and development.
... Root volume correlated positively with hydraulic conductivity in P. taeda, where seedlings with root volumes of 1 mL produced a mean of 30 new roots and had a mean hydraulic conductivity of 8.9 mg/min at the end of a 28-day potted study, whereas seedlings with root volumes of 3.5 mL produced 58 new roots and had a hydraulic conductivity of 18.6 mg/min, which likely resulted from improved absorption related to a greater abundance of new unsuberized root tissue (Carlson 1986). Tsakaldimi et al. (2005) found that increased root system volume and mass, but not root surface area or length, were associated with higher survival of two species of oak (Q. ilex and Q. coccifera) both one-and two-years post-planting. ...
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We reviewed approaches for combining genetic and cultural tools to solve challenges associated with the improvement of tree seedling root systems for enhanced survival and growth. Literature regarding sources of variation in root traits, relationships between root traits and seedling growth and survival, and root trait heritability estimates from published studies were used to illustrate the utility of combining myriad approaches to enhance the efficiency of tree seedling improvement programs. We found that: (1) evidence exists for genetic variation in numerous root traits, (2) root traits tend to have intermediate heritability on average, and (3) evidence supports the possibility of harnessing maternal effects to modify root traits at least temporarily. Across eight root traits from 11 studies, median family narrow-sense heritability estimates (h2) were intermediate (0.25 ≤ h2 ≤ 0.50) for root diameter, root count, root biomass, the ratio of root-to-stem dry biomass, and projected root area, and low (h2 < 0.25) for root length, specific root length, and the ratio of total belowground-to-aboveground dry biomass. Findings from this review suggest that plant improvement pipelines can be optimized to harness root trait variation due to genetics, maternal effects, and nursery cultural regimes. However, the following related gaps in the literature emerged as fundamental obstacles to progress: What is the duration of root system responses to stress conditioning treatments? Which root traits correlate best with seedling survival and thus should be prioritized for improvement? Is it possible to reliably harness variation in root traits resulting from maternal effects?
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Copper-treated Styrofoam containers and containers with side slits have been designed to modify the root systems of seedlings grown in hardwall containers. By chemical-or air-pruning major lateral roots, they encourage a more fibrous, branched root system, which is more evenly distributed throughout the root plug. In the study presented here, lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia) seedlings were grown in Copperblocks™, AirBlocks™, or conventional Styroblocks™ and planted into different rooting environ-ments. Various laboratory tests were performed on the seedlings before planting, but these failed to predict responses to the treatments in the field. Container type influenced root development and potential root viability in the nursery; however, these differences had disappeared in the field after two growing seasons. Only in summer-planted seedlings was root egress near the top of the plug greater for copper-treated than for conventional seedlings in the field. Seedlings grown in Copperblocks with exclusively secondary needles were evaluated separately from those with only primary needles. The secondary-needle seedlings had greater height increments in both growing seasons, although no differences in root collar diameter were apparent. However, both types of seedlings were selected from a population grown under cultural conditions to induce secondary needles, and thus some of the differences may have a genetic basis. Spring-planted seedlings, grown on burnt slopes, grew 5–18% taller than those on screefed plots and 43– 67% taller than seedlings on ripped landings. Our major conclusion is that, provided the seedlings are healthy, planting location is more important than stock type.
This paper highlights some of the historical research that led to containers that can improve the root system, rather than just acting as root packaging. Prior to 1968, plant containers, which had once been metal cans, were mainly smooth, injectionmolded, plastic pots that created circling, congested roots. To this day, many nurseries fail to provide their customers with root systems without these problems.
The possible role in drought resistance played by sclerophylly was studied in the Mediterranean oaks Quercus ilex, Q. suber and Q. pubescens. Studies were conducted on leaves at 30, 50 and 80% of their final surface area, as well as on mature leaves of the current year's growth in June and September and on 1-year-old leaves. Leaves of different ages of the three species showed quite different degrees of sclerophylly (DS). Q. ilex leaves reached the definitive DS of 1.75 g dm⁻² during leaf expansion; Q. pubescens leaves hardened at the end of their expansion, with a final DS of 0.93 g dm⁻²; Q. suber showed the lowest DS of 0.76 g dm⁻². Leaf conductance to water vapour (g1) of 1-year-old leaves of Q. ilex, measured in the field, showed a duration of the g1 peak values about twice that of the other two species. The minimum leaf relative water content (RWC), however, was near the same in the three species, indicating that water loss was recovered partly by Q. ilex leaves. This was apparently due to the higher bulk modulus of elasticity (ɛ¯max) as resulting from leaf water potential isotherms. High correlation coefficients were noted between DS and ɛ¯max but large changes in DS were needed to display minor changes in ɛ¯max. When both DS and ɛ¯max were correlated to the minimum RWC, an increase in DS of 133 % (corresponding to an increase in ɛ¯max of only 12 %) was needed to cause an increase in RWC of 2%. Therefore, sclerophylly cannot be considered as significantly related to a drought-avoiding strategy.
summaryIn order to determine whether variation in root system architecture can be said to be adaptive, it is necessary' to be able to define the costs and benefits of particular architectures. A simulation model of root growth is described that allows the development of root systems varying in several important architectural features, including topology, link lengths and radii, and branching angles. The program also estimates the exploitation efficiency of each root system, as the ratio of the volume of soil occupied by depletion zones (allowing for overlaps between competing roots) and the volume of tissue required to construct the system. Output from the model shows that high exploitation efficiency is associated with a herringbone topology (where branching is predominantly on the main axis) and with long interior and exterior links, although all these characteristics are associated with large tissue volumes and hence high construction cost, We predict, therefore, that such ‘expensive’ root systems will occur mainly in nutrient-poor soils and on plants characteristic of such soils.
The branching and spread of roots in containers was studied in a shallow rooting plant (Erythrina corralodendrum) and in a deep-rooting plant (oak, Quercus ithaburensis). In the Erythrina, the weight of the roots was found to decrease towards the base of the container. Sixty percent of the root system was laterals, which were evenly distributed throughout the container. In the oak, a higher root weight was found in the lowest third of the container than in the 2 upper thirds. Lateral roots comprised 14% of the complete root system, mostly in the base of the container. Severe pruning of oak roots resulted in a ratio of main-root/lateral roots comparable to that found in unpruned Erythrina.The growth and distribution of roots of plants with different growth characteristics in containers of various shapes, e.g. deep and narrow, or shallow and wide as compared to regular shape containers, were studied. Thus, in Ficus retusa, which has a shallow root system, the development of roots was stimulated in a shallow and wide container, but roots and canopy were restricted in a deep and narrow container. In Pistacia lentiscus, which has a deep root system, planting in a shallow and wide container resulted in retarded canopy and roots, while growing the same plant in a narrow and deep container showed a stimulated root growth. In Dodonea viscosa, whose root system is naturally deep and tends to spread laterally, a slight retardation of the root development was found when it was grown in a shallow and wide container. When grown in a deep and narrow container, canopy and root growth were stimulated.The study indicated that growth tends to be stimulated when there is a mutual matching between the natural growth pattern of roots and the shape of their container.
Post-fire natural regeneration in Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) forests of Kassandra Peninsula (North Greece) was studied. The Kassandra Peninsula is characterized by a Mediterranean-type climate with a mild sub-humid winter and a long xerothermic period. Sampling was done on 74 plots in four different areas of the peninsula. The total mean regeneration indices were satisfactory in mature stands and varied between 0.60 and 14.26; they had their lowest values at the upper position and increased descending the hillside, showing statistically significant differences. The slope was also found to be an important factor determining natural regeneration, which was best in areas with a slope of 0–50%. A recurrence of fire in one of the areas studied, 4 years after the first fire, proved to be destructive for the natural regeneration.
Ozone (O3) effects on the growth and gas exchange-related parameters of two ecotypes of Quercus coccifera L. presenting different traits in the field were assessed during a 2-years exposure experiment. One-year-old seedlings grown from the acorns collected at a rock (rock ecotype) or at a well-developed soil (garrigue ecotype) were continuously exposed in open-top chambers to three different O3 treatments: charcoal filtered air, non-filtered air and non-filtered air supplemented with 40nl l−1. Above-ground relative growth rate (RGR) and gas-exchange-related parameters were measured during each growth season. Above- and below-ground biomass were also measured at the beginning and the end of the experiment. Ozone exposure did not induce any significant effect on RGR or any biomass-related parameters. However, the two populations differed in their sensitivity to O3 regarding gas-exchange-related parameters. The observed responses were related with accumulated O3 exposure or cumulative O3 uptake. Although the re-parameterisation of the existing European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme O3 uptake model improved its performance by 30%, O3 accumulated exposure was a better predictor of the observed responses than O3 uptake. The results of the present experiment indicate the need of taking into account the intraspecific variations in plant sensitivity to O3 when assessing the potential risks or impacts of this pollutant.
Four thousand Douglas-fir seedlings were grown in a greenhouse for 5 months in 45 ml plastic containers at densities of 270, 540, 810, and 1080 plants m-2. Those grown at lower densities were shorter and thicker stemmed with greater shoot and root dry weights, reduced leaf-water contents, and lower shoot-root ratios; they also exhibited a greater degree of cold hardiness. Compared with densely grown seedlings, those at low densities also received ten times more photosynthetically active radiation on their lower needles; their average midday water potential was three bars lower, and the average daytime soil temperature was 3°C higher. Lowering the xylem water potential of high-density seedlings from -6.5 to -12 bars by restricting watering during the growth period increased their subsequent ability to cold-harden, but decreased shoot and root growth and accelerated bud-set. Forest Sci. 22:167-172.