
Learning Styles And Pedagogy In Post-16 Learning: A Systematic And Critical Review

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... Some learners have a moderate learning style which means they do not have a significant preference (Alhasan, Chen, and Chen,2018). Available instructional materials and strategies must be consistent with promoting this learning style since teachers and course designers have the intuition to take into account students' learning styles Felder and Silverman (1988) and Coffield et al. (2004). Keefe (1979) shows that learning style consists of a set of emotional and cognitive features through which it is possible to define how the learner can interact with the learning environment. ...
... Many terms are considered somewhat common and related to the learning style, such as "learning skills," "learning preferences," and "learning strategy" (Coffield et al. 2004). Many terms and general explanations for notable developments in the learning style models have been prevalent. ...
... Using different terms related to the concept of learning style has led to different learning models. These models can be classified and use the Onion model to classify learning theories (Coffield et al. 2004;Curry 1983). As shown in Figure 3.1, the Onion model consists of three primary layers. ...
The main objective of this thesis was to study aspects and research related to adaptive e-learning systems and adaptive methods and review an adaptive framework for learning. The ULearn system was designed and implemented within the assigned framework as an adaptive e-learning system. Two experiments were conducted to investigate the forms and types of adaptations designed in ULearn. The first experiment was based on an adaptation based on the learning style through the two dimensions of sensors for perception (input modality) and perception of information. The second experiment was the main objective to verify the effectiveness of integrating two characteristics of the learner, the learning style and the level of knowledge, which proved to be highly effective through learning outcomes and learner satisfaction. The results in the group matching the sequence in the learning style also indicated better learning results and better learner satisfaction than the mismatched group. Also, the results showed that adaptation based on a combination of knowledge level and learning style provides much better learning outcomes and learner satisfaction than adaptation based on one characteristic of the learner. This combination has the potential to offer customized learning paths to enhance learning. The two experiments also revealed that they provided important results through statistical evidence on the importance of personalization in adapting to provide learning materials to meet the basic needs of learners in learning and help develop learners' skills in adaptive e-learning systems.
... There is a wide variation among humans for understanding engineering issues and scientific problems. Humans may vary widely in the speed and manner with which they acquire new information and ideas and the confidence with which they process and use them [5] . Humans are often categorized based on their preferred styles and attempts have been made to classify learners as verbal learners, visual learners etc. Ormrod [26] suggests that some cognitive styles and dispositions seem to influence how and what students learn and certain "students seem to learn better when information is presented through words (verbal learners), whereas others seem to learn better when it's presented through pictures (visual learners)'' (p. ...
... Some of the popular learning style models include Kolb's Learning Styles Inventory [17][18] , Honey and Mumford's (1992) Learning Styles Questionnaire [15] and the Dunn and Dunn learning-styles model [7][8][9] . These and other models were critically reviewed by Coffield, Moseley, Hall and Ecclestone [5] , Kozhevnikov [20] , Sternberg, Grigorenko, & Zhang [39] , Pashler, McDaniel, Rohrer, and Bjork [28] . Learning is a complex process which is gradually being explored utilizing new research in a number of disciplines including neuroscience, psychology, media, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, sociology and their overlapped areas. ...
... We present the results on preferred representations by individual learners without claiming learning attainments. It is assumed that sensory data are more effectively perceived though multiple modalities than just one modality [4,5,42] . ...
... Um desses conceitos errôneos cridos pelos professores tem sido os "Estilos de Aprendizagem" (E.A). Os "Estilos de Aprendizagem" surgiram na década de 1950, ganharam popularidade na década de 1970 e ainda são um truísmo entre os educadores (COFFIELD et al., 2004). No total, existem mais de 70 sistemas diferentes de E.A (COFFIELD et al., 2004), como por exemplo a classificação "VAC", que classifica os indivíduos como "visuais, auditivos ou cinestésicos" (GEAKE, 2008). ...
... Os "Estilos de Aprendizagem" surgiram na década de 1950, ganharam popularidade na década de 1970 e ainda são um truísmo entre os educadores (COFFIELD et al., 2004). No total, existem mais de 70 sistemas diferentes de E.A (COFFIELD et al., 2004), como por exemplo a classificação "VAC", que classifica os indivíduos como "visuais, auditivos ou cinestésicos" (GEAKE, 2008). A suposição implícita aqui é que as informações obtidas por meio de uma modalidade sensorial são processadas no cérebro para serem aprendidas independentemente das informações obtidas por meio de outra modalidade sensorial. ...
... Se os indivíduos forem categorizados de acordo com os E.A, existe o perigo de que isso possa levar à suposição de "estilos" fixos ou rígidos, que podem desmotivar os estudantes de se adaptarem, quanto mais de buscarem novos desafios. Além disso, a adoção dos E.A pode limitar os modos de apresentação do material para certos estudantes, levando a oportunidades diminuídas de aprender (COFFIELD et al., 2004). ...
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Desde a sua criação, os Estilos de Aprendizagem (E.A) ganharam popularidade entre professores, pesquisadores e o público em geral. No entanto, esses estilos têm sido fortemente criticados por pesquisadores que afirmam que eles carecem de evidências que apoiem sua eficácia. Considerando o exposto, proponho neste trabalho analisar a compressão da conceituação bem como os meios de identificação dos Estilos de Aprendizagem de professores da educação básica de ciências e biologia no Distrito Federal. Para esse propósito, foi aplicado um questionário composto por perguntas abertas e fechadas. As respostas foram analisadas por meio da Análise Textual Discursiva. Após análise dos dados, foi possível observar que 60% dos professores afirmaram que fazem uso dos E.A no contexto de sala de aula. Os principais E.A observados foram conceituados dentro da estrutura visual-auditivo, bem como o estilo proposto por David Kolb e as Inteligências Múltiplas de Gardner.
... Os procedimentos metodológicos desta pesquisa se basearam em uma revisão bibliográfica da literatura sobre estilos de aprendizagem, alicerçada em obras de renomados autores como Cury (2000), Keefe (1979), Coffield et al. (2004) Cury (2000) esclarece que os indivíduos têm diferentes estilos de aprendizagem, resultando em diversas características e preferências quanto à forma de se apropriar das informações, processar e construir novos conhecimentos. Em consonância, Keefe (1979) define o termo "estilos de aprendizagem" como a combinação de características cognitivas, afetivas, comportamentais e psicológicas que delineiam a maneira pela qual o estudante percebe, interage e responde ao ambiente de aprendizagem. ...
... Os estudos sobre o tema "estilos de aprendizagem" iniciaram a mais de um século. Coffield et al. (2004) ...
Originada de um estágio pós-doutoral ligado ao Programa de Mestrado Profissional em Ensino de Ciências e Matemática, a pesquisa concentra-se na linha de pesquisa em Tecnologias Computacionais Aplicadas ao Ensino de Ciências e Matemática. Utilizando uma abordagem qualitativa apoiada em revisão bibliográfica, o estudo investiga o Inventário de Estilos de Aprendizagem (ILS) baseado no Modelo Felder-Silverman. Esse inventário, composto por 44 questões, categoriza as preferências dos participantes em quatro dimensões: Sensorial/Intuitivo, Visual/Verbal, Ativo/Reflexivo e Sequencial/Global. Destaca-se a relevância do autoconhecimento para alunos e professores, permitindo adaptações pedagógicas e otimização do processo de ensino-aprendizagem. O reconhecimento da diversidade de estilos de aprendizagem ressalta a importância de estratégias pedagógicas adaptativas para promover uma educação mais eficiente.
... The common point of the theories is that individuals have differences in learning styles (Willingham, et al., 2015). Individualized learning style was introduced in the 1970s (Coffield et al., 2004). Theories and models of learning styles start with Carl Jung's Theory of Personality Types (1971). ...
... Learning style can be defined as the distinctive characteristics and preferences of individuals in the way they receive and process information (Felder & Brent, 2005;Hsieh et al., 2011). In summary, learning style can be expressed as the way(s) individuals prefer in the learning process (Coffield et al., 2004;Tomlinson, 2001). Research shows that learners learn more easily, effectively, and permanently in educational environments suitable for their learning styles (Şimşek, 2022;Tulbure, 2010;Hargadon, 2010;Rogers, 2009). ...
Institutions have tended to provide online training and in-service training by using today's technologies due to the increasing number of employees and the increase in the number of in-service trainings to be given. While the number of trainings held in online environments is increasing day by day, it has gained importance to help students learn and understand their e-learning styles to organize online learning environments according to their learning styles. The purpose of this research is to investigate the e-learning styles of employees who receive in-service training in corporate companies in online learning environment. The sample of the study is ASELSAN Inc. employees. The e-learning styles of the employees in this research investigated by gender, generation, education level, occupational experience period, occupational class, occupational lane, e-learning experience duration, and education category they have experienced. The data for the research were collected by the survey method. To determine the e-learning styles of the employees, the e-Learning Styles Questionnaire was applied to all ASELSAN Inc. employees. Data were collected by e-mail, and 2.796 people participated in the survey. Differences in e-learning styles were found in a sample of 2.796 people according to the variables of gender, generation, education level, occupational experience period, occupational class, occupational lane, e-learning experience duration, and education category they have experienced. As a result of this research, in order to create more learner-centered education environment, it is necessary to consider learners' e-learning styles. Establishing online training and development activities that appeal to the target audience or various learning styles by evaluating the learner profile in educational environments will serve the purpose of improving the competencies of the employees.
... Assim, os estilos de aprendizagem caracterizam os indivíduos e orientam sobre suas preferências no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Existem diversos modelos de estilos de aprendizagem (COFFIELD et al., 2004). ...
... A aplicação da maioria desses modelos teóricos de estilos de aprendizagem ocorre por meio de questionários (COFFIELD et al., 2004), que devem ser respondidos de forma manual pelo respondente. Esse instrumento pode despender de muito esforço tanto para o aplicador como para o aluno. ...
Este artigo investiga a relação entre os estilos de aprendizagem dos estudantes e os papéis de desenvolvimento de software no contexto do ambiente de ensino. O objetivo foi analisar como os diferentes estilos de aprendizagem podem afetar a efetividade das práticas de desenvolvimento de software e a assimilação dos conceitos relacionados. Para essa investigação, utilizou-se o modelo teórico Cuestionario Honey-Alonso de Estilos de Aprendizaje (CHAEA), que identifica as preferências e tendências educacionais de uma pessoa. Além disso, explora-se a relevância do conhecimento dos estilos de aprendizagem dos estudantes para os diferentes papéis de desenvolvimento de software, tais como programadores, analistas e testadores, com vistas a promover uma aprendizagem mais efetiva e engajadora. O questionário CHAEA foi aplicado em disciplinas relacionadas ao desenvolvimento de software em um curso de Bacharelado em Sistemas de Informação de uma universidade federal. Os estudantes foram convidados a realizar uma atividade em que escolheram um dos seguintes papéis: Analista de Sistema, Programador, Gerente de Projetos, Testador. O estilo de aprendizagem reflexivo predominou em todas as turmas. Essa tendência sugere uma inclinação geral dos estudantes por uma abordagem mais reflexiva na aprendizagem. Os resultados apontam que considerar os estilos de aprendizagem dos estudantes ao planejar e implementar práticas de desenvolvimento de software no ambiente de ensino pode contribuir significativamente para a efetividade da aprendizagem. Ao adaptar as abordagens de ensino aos diferentes estilos de aprendizagem, é possível criar um ambiente de aprendizagem mais inclusivo, engajador e personalizado para os estudantes.
... Moreover, students' learning styles are a factor to be considered to better apply the BOPPPS model in the classroom. In a comprehensive review of the literature on learning styles, no less than 71 approaches with significant differences were identified [3] . For statistical purposes, Kolb's two-dimensional coordinate theory was utilized to investigate students' learning styles. ...
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The teaching of linguistics courses in traditional teaching mode brings students problems such as cognitive burden, insufficient learning motivation, and lack of understanding of the course setting. According to the established problems and students’ learning situation, we analyze the students’ learning situation, select an experimental control class among the classes of the same grade and the same major studying the course, and carry out the course teaching reform by combining the characteristics of the applied linguistics course. The experimental class that adopts the BOPPPS model in teaching design relies on the “Internet+” Bodoudou platform to assist in teaching quizzes and carry out classroom teaching reform. The control class adopts the traditional teaching mode. At the same time, in the final results and pre- and post-questionnaire surveys, it was found that after adopting the BOPPPS model of teaching, students have made greater progress in absorbing and applying knowledge than in the previous period. The use of BOPPPS model teaching improves the absorption and mastery of knowledge, and the cultivation of learning habits is better than that of traditional teaching.
... Anche sul fronte pedagogico abbiamo già una storia di smentite. Le prime confutazioni arrivano da Frank Coffield, docente di pedagogia presso l'Università di Londra, il quale in uno studio effettuato insieme al suo gruppo di ricerca (Coffield, 2004) ha esaminato i più popolari stili di apprendimento presi dalle ricerche di Kolb e successive rivisitazioni, concludendo, dopo una lunga analisi anche con l'adozione di strumenti psicometrici, che mancavano le basi scientifiche per incoraggiarne l'uso. In pratica, non esisterebbe alcuna predisposizione naturale o elettiva ad imparare lavorando su testo, schemi, video e immagini (apprendimento visivo) oppure ascoltando o ripetendo ad alta voce (apprendimento tramite un canale uditivo-verbale) e così via. ...
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The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the educational context marks an advancement in the transition towards innovative educational paradigms, acting as a catalyst for the personalization and optimization of learning processes. Through the analysis of study strategies adopted by a sample of 118 students at the end of their secondary education cycle, this research investigates the impact of digital technologies (with a specific focus on the application of AI) on learning dynamics. Employing a laboratory approach, the metacognitive skills of students and their information processing study strategies are examined, implemented by the analysis of cognitive autobiographies and activities focused on knowledge visualization with and without the adoption of digital technologies (including AI technologies). The aim of this study is to raise critical awareness towards the processing and representation of knowledge by students to promote the development of innovative teaching methodologies that optimize the effective adoption of digital technologies in the teaching and learning process, outlining new directions for research and teaching practice in a continuously evolving field.
... O tema dos estilos de ensino-aprendizagem vem sendo fruto da atenção de uma considerável literatura seja no campo da Psicologia da Aprendizagem, como no campo da Educação (CLAX-TON, MURRELL, 1987;COFFIELD et al., 2004;PETER;et al., 2010, GREGORC, WARD, 1977KOLB, 1984;GREGORC, 1985;FELDER, SILVERMAN, 1988;FLEMING, 2001;DUFF, 2004;LEITÃO, 2006;LUM et al., 2011). ...
O presente estudo tem por objetivo pensar as inspirações do Pacto Educativo Global (PEG) a partir da perspectiva dos processos de ensino-aprendizagem. Os passos metodológicos são: o processo educativo e o seu significado dentro do mundo da vida; os estilos de aprendizagem e os seus canais preponderantes no processo de construção de uma experiência educativa por meio de três instrumentos validados para a população brasileira, a saber: Vark, Kolb e Felder-Silverman; os designs de aprendizagem e por fim, os elementos constitutivos para a aplicação de um processo de ensino-aprendizagem à luz do PEG. Como conclusão se pode notar que o pacto educativo global propõe um modelo integrativo de processo de ensino-aprendizagem no qual tanto os ambientes quando os membros da comunidade educativa são convidados a se colocarem em uma postura de diálogo tendo como centro a pessoa humana em sua diversidade por meio de processos de formação integrada e integrativa.
... En tal sentido, Coffield et al. (2004b) argumentan que no hay evidencia sólida que respalde la idea de que adaptar las estrategias didácticas a los estilos de aprendizaje mejore el rendimiento de los estudiantes, de modo que las estrategias de enseñanza deben ser seleccionadas en función de los objetivos de aprendizaje y las características del contenido curricular. ...
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La presente investigación descriptiva aborda el reconocimiento de estilos de aprendizaje según el modelo VAK (visual-auditivo-kinestésico) en estudiantes de niveles básicos de contabilidad financiera en un programa universitario de Contaduría Pública en Bogotá. Para tal fin, se aplicó el test VAK a una muestra de 99 estudiantes y se realizó un análisis mediante estadísticas descriptivas usando el software SPSS Statistics versión 25. Los principales resultados muestran el predominio de estilos visual y kinestésico.
... Their theory or model is widely in practice as it is utilized as an instrument to detect the preferred or opted style of the learning on the part of learners. It is equally good to probe the management practices by going into the general tendencies of the people other than the learning (Coffield et al., 2004). Honey and Mumford have developed a learning style questionnaire which is generally known as Learning Style Questionnaire (LSQ) which is deemed to the alternate of Kolb's Learning Style Inventory (Duff & Duffy, 2002). ...
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The present study is an attempt to explore the role different learning styles perform in order to fix or address multiple needs of the learners. It is done through the review of existing literature that is relevant to secondary source of data to attain the objective of the essay. There is no denying the fact that each individual is different and distinctive in terms of academic, social, cultural and economic context. Their physical, mental, conceptual and emotional faculties are also not similar. They are also having dissimilar linking, modes and preferences. Therefore, it is impossible to deem that they will learn in the same fashion or their needs will be satiated in a similar way. It highlights the need to have different learning styles so that to address the needs of each and every learner. As regard the structure of the study is concerned, first of all learning style has been elaborated with the help of review that is available. Secondly, why learning styles are imperative has been justified. Thirdly, different models that highlight different learning styles have been elaborated along with the discussion of how they address the needs of the learners. Lastly, a brief summary of the findings with regard to relevant literature has been pinned down.
... Essentially, without adapting to various learning styles, the educational process may lack practical relevance. Lastly, by truly discerning the groups we engage with in education and communication, we can effectively manage numerous aspects of these interactions.Of course, teachers may not know every detail; however, being aware of their students' learning styles, psychological qualities and motivational differences will help us regulate our lessons appropriately and according to the conditions (Coffield, 2004) Hussain (2018) examines the learning styles and strategies employed by English language teachers pursuing a master's degree at an Open University in Pakistan. The findings suggested that there was insufficient evidence to assert differences in the utilization of various learning approaches (deep, surface, and strategic) between male and female students enrolled in distance programs. ...
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A variety of theories that attempt to explain why people learn differently are referred to as learning styles. The four predominant learning styles are visual, auditory, read or write, and kinaesthetic. Each individual has their own learning style depending on the environment, emotions, sociological, and physiological factors. This study aims to identify the students' learning styles in learning English and religious subjects at UiTM Mukah. This paper adopts quantitative study using questionnaires (Google Form) as a research instrument. Data were collected from students of three faculties; Academy Contemporary of Islamic Studies, the Faculty of Business and Management, and the Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology. The respondents were students in the first semester of the study session 2023-2024, from various programs, starting from the first to the third year of study. The data collected in this study were analysed descriptively. The results of the study found that the learning style of each student at UiTM Mukah vary, with most of the students adopt reading and writing strategies in learning both language and religious subjects. Through this study, students are able to identify their learning styles and adapt the right learning methods.. Lecturers and students should accommodate different learning styles to foster a more inclusive and effective learning environment, benefiting all students.
... Amidst the vast expanse of medical knowledge and the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, the ability to grasp and assimilate information effectively is indispensable for success. Central to this process is the recognition that students exhibit a myriad of learning styles, each with its strengths, preferences, and nuances [2]. ...
... Freeman et al. (2014) and found that active learning methods, such as hands-on activities, group discussions, and problem-solving exercises, enhance student engagement and improve learning outcomes. Coffield et al. (2004) and Pashler et al. (2008) suggest that acknowledging and incorporating various teaching strategies to cater to different learning styles, such as visual, auditory, or kinesthetic, can increase student engagement and understanding. Babcock and Marks (2010) and argue that creating a positive and inclusive classroom environment contributes to better student engagement, motivation, and achievement. ...
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In the evaluation of the MAEd Cognate Courses Professor during the 2nd Trimester of the AY2023-2024, it was found that the Professor displayed highly effective teaching skills and practices. The research supported the notion that engaging teaching methods, catering to different learning styles, creating a positive classroom environment, possessing a deep understanding of subject matter, and delivering organized and clear content presentations are all integral components of effective teaching. The Professor incorporated these strategies, resulting in enhanced student learning, engagement, and achievement. Students appreciated the Professor's ability to engage them, cater to their learning styles, and create a positive classroom environment. Furthermore, the Professor demonstrated a deep understanding of the subject matter and delivered content in a clear and organized manner, contributing to a successful and enriching learning experience for the students. In conclusion, the Professor's teaching approach is exemplary and contributes to a successful and enriching learning environment.
... Several models of LS have emerged over time, each addressing different dimensions or aspects of learning [49][50][51], meticulously discussed by Pantoja Ospina et al. [52]. Some models, like Charles Owen's model [53,54], focus on knowledge creation. ...
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In this work, we study the persistence of some fundamental previous ideas in physics in a group of freshmen at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain). For this purpose, we analyze the answers to a questionnaire consisted of 24 multiple-choice items, most of them borrowed from the Force Concept Inventory (FCI). Our study is performed in two different ways by using, on the one hand, classical test theory and, on the other hand, the Pearson product–moment correlation. The survivance of some of the previous ideas at the end of the course is assessed by comparing and critically analyzing the answers of the students to the same test at the beginning and the end of the term. A possible connection with Honey–Alonso learning styles (LS) is also discussed. The results yielded by our study demonstrate the persistence of some of the initial and previous ideas, no matter the students’ previous qualifications or their current LS.
... The criteria for the learning process settings are defined by learning style [3] [7]. Models concerning learning styles have been incorporated into many theories [8], including Myers-Briggs [9], Kolb's [10], together with Honey and Mumford's [8] and Felder and Silverman's Learning Style Model (FSLSM) [11]. ...
To examine learning behaviour in an adaptive e-learning system, an experiment is designed employing eye-tracking to investigate learners' eye movements and their states. Gaze behaviour not only reveals the type of learning style, but also indicates the range of mental processes and feelings that can support learning. This paper outlines the experimentation strategy used in our smart lab. The experiment is conducted on postgraduate students on tracking eye gaze behaviour and fixation. Several test techniques are applied to eye-tracking data, such as boxplots and ANOVA. Studies and analyses of learning styles concerning the various courses and the complexity level are presented, along with the impact on eye behaviour, which led to the discovery of a key conclusion that the learning behaviour of the visual and verbal style learners is unaffected by the courses' complexity level.
... A recent literature review summarized the existing theories on learning styles [19]. As they generally suffer from validity and reliability issues [20], no theory outweighs the others. Nevertheless, one of the most popular theories that has been applied in e-learning systems is the Felder-Silverman one [21]. ...
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The rise of e-learning systems has revolutionized education, enabling the col- lection of valuable students’ activity data for continuous improvement. While existing studies have predominantly focused on prolonged learning paths, short- term tutorials offer a flexible and efficient alternative that is recently gaining increasing popularity. This article presents a framework for investigating e- learning systems for short-term tutorials leveraging user behaviour tracking and process mining techniques. A case study involving a web-based tutorial with approximately one hour of learning explores the learning processes of 250 students in Italy. The study analyzes learning outcomes and investigates the impact of dif- ferent learning paths on student progress. The research questions concern i) the extraction of behavioural patterns to study learning outcomes; ii) the prediction of outcomes in the early stages of the learning process. The proposed framework not only provides descriptive insights into the learning process but it can also be used to offer prescriptive guidance to refine tutorial design and improve overall learning outcomes.
... Dunn and Dunn's Visual, Auditory, Kinaesthetic (VAK) learning style model uses the three main sensory receivers: Visual, Auditory, and Kinaesthetic to determine the dominant learning style. (Coffield et al. 2004). ...
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This research aimed to identify the effectiveness of matching teaching style and learning style. Although learning styles have been heavily researched, little is known about the effectiveness of matching learning styles and teaching style in Malaysian Polytechnic setting. An innovative “Multi-dimensions Outcome Based Teaching” (MDOBT) methodology that specially designed to caters to the three major learning styles was implemented to the teaching of an English unit. A t-test for dependent samples was carried out to compare pretest and posttest scores on the same subjects while an online reflection was carried out to determine the students’ attitude towards the lesson. The results of the t-test signified that there was a significant improvement on the students’ oral presentation scores after the implementation of MDOBT. The quantitative analysis on the reflective comments showed that students were generally positive in their attitude toward their language classes during the period of the study. Therefore, teachers have to be innovative to explore on various new teaching methods to ensure that they are not predominantly using a style that caters to only a small group of learners.
... When applied to language learning, dyslexic individuals often struggle with phonological awareness, making it challenging to grasp the sound-symbol correspondence essential for reading and pronunciation. Additionally, their working memory limitations hinder the ability to retain and manipulate linguistic information efficiently [2, p. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14]. These difficulties manifest prominently in ESL settings, where the complexity of English phonology, vocabulary and grammatical structure adds an extra layer of complexity. ...
... The test was applied in its final form on (33) students from outside the study sample to verify its reliability, where the reliability coefficient (Pearson correlation coefficient) was calculated, and its value was (0.79), which is a good value that meets the purposes of the study, and Table (1) shows the results of the coefficient of Pearson's correlation for test reliability: Where the items were classified: (1,4,8,16,20,27) at the level of the literal field, and items: (2,6,10,18,22,29) at the level of the deductive field, and items: (3,7,11), 14,19,21,25) at the level of the critical field, and items: (5,9,12,15,17,28) at the level of the literary taste field, and items: (13,23,24,26,30) at the level of creativity. ...
Introduction. Using visual learning tools to enhance reading comprehension of vertical poetry is a fresh and modern take on schooling. Using visual assistance, this method seeks to improve students' comprehension and interpretation of poetry, a form that frequently exposes intricate topics and structures. In today's digital world, where visual information is everywhere, this method presents a one-of-a-kind chance to get students more invested in poetry study and enjoyment. Aim. This study's overarching goal is to determine whether or not visual learning tactics may improve the reading comprehension of vertical poetry among Jordan's top tenth graders. Research methods. A test was built to measure reading comprehension skills to achieve the study objectives. The study sample consisted of (71) outstanding tenth grade students, who were randomly distributed into two groups: an experimental group and the number of its students was (35); (18) females, and (17) males, studied according to the visual learning strategy, and the control group consisted of (36) students; (18) females, and (18) males, studied according to the regular learning strategy. Results. The study found that exceptional students' reading comprehension skills improved significantly when diverse teaching strategies were used, with visual learning techniques having the greatest impact on the experimental group. Posttest scores in the literary taste domain increased significantly from pretest levels; for example, in visual learning they increased from 8.52 to 10.52, and in regular learning they increased from 7.34 to 12.08. Both the pre- and post-tests showed the same pattern of improved performance in all domains of reading comprehension. As an example, literal domain posttest scores increased from 6.22 to 9.10, whereas literal domain pretest scores increased from 6.22 to 7.02. Regardless of the learning approach used, the study demonstrated that both male and female students improved to similar levels; for the gender variable in different reading comprehension domains (literal, deductive, critical, literary taste, creative), the F values were: 1.239, 0.362, 0.005, 0.079, and 0.068 respectively.These values, all obtained at the significance level (α = 0.05), indicate a lack of statistically significant differences between male and female students in these domains.This shows that visual learning and other similar teaching tactics work equally well for students of both sexes when it comes to improving their reading comprehension. In conclusion, the study showed that the fields of literal, deductive, and literature taste vary among students, as the outstanding students have the highest abilities. the visual learning strategy had a positive effect on the absorption and retention of Arabic poetry among the tenth-grade outstanding students.
... The leaning upon the Humboldtian model likely stems from a general trend in focusing on a more corporate oriented approach of cost-effectiveness and increasing student numbers (Kok, et al., 2010). However, even within this management reality of contemporary global higher education, a focus on skilled teachers in tertiary education may actually pay more dividends to an institution as trained teachers are better able to differentiate pedagogical approaches applicable to student needs, and consequently raise retention and achievement rates (Coffield et al. 2004). To a degree this has been addressed somewhat, with studies demonstrating an improvement in pedagogical competence of PhD holders following teacher training (Okolie et al, 2020), however this appears more of a patch to the practice of doubling up researchers as teachers. ...
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The continuing growth of the global higher education market, and rise of international mobility draws into question the role of the university in the contemporary era. This paper aims to add to the discussion by analysing university models and their alignment with student motivations, and why a mis-alignment of these factors has emerged in the contemporary global higher education paradigm. With demand rising, so too are requirements for new outcomes from tertiary education, and the current paradigm in higher education may not be the best fit for students today. In order to address this this paper will conclude by highlighting the non-linear career paths of EFL/ESL instructors in tertiary ELT education in Asia and why these non-linear paths may provide a better fit for the pedagogical needs of students in tertiary education globally today. Citation: Brandon, M. W. (2023). ELT in Asia as a Global Model for Tertiary Education Pedagogy. In R.J. Dickey & H.K. Lee (Eds.), AsiaTEFL Proceedings 2023: Papers from the 21st AsiaTEFL Conference (p. 745-752). AsiaTEFL. (ISBN: 979-11-982534-0-8)
... Many methodologies have been adopted around the world to assess different learning styles, schemes, and models [9][10][11][12][13]. One of the most popular is the VARK Questionnaire created by Fleming and Baume. ...
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Background: Learning style is the way by which learners understand and process information in different learning circumstances. After COVID-19 era, medical education has been shifted to distance learning, besides conventional face-to-face learning. The students' learning styles are key factors during this shift in the educational process to achieve students' satisfaction and ensure efficacy of the teaching and learning process. The aim of this research is to explore the first-year medical students' learning style patterns and the association with their preferences towards face-to-face or distance learning. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out among a sample of 328 first-year medical students at Tanta University, using an online questionnaire that included socio-demographic data, VARK questionnaire, and the students' preference towards face-to-face or distance learning. Statistical analysis was performed to assess the association between different study variables. Results: The quadrimodal pattern of learning styles was significantly prevalent among the participant students (66%), followed by the unimodal pattern (19%). The significantly dominant unimodal style was the kinesthetic pattern (56%). About (67.7%) of students significantly preferred face-to-face learning. There was a strong statistical significance between students' preferences of face-to-face or distance learning and individual learning style patterns where the quadrimodal and the unimodal patterns showed significant favour towards face-to-face learning. Conclusion: Regarding first-year medical students' learning styles, the quadrimodal pattern of learning was significantly prevalent among the participants. They significantly preferred the face-to-face learning approach. An integrated learning model seems more likely to be useful and approved by first-year medical students as it will suit their different learning styles and will improve students' performance. Introduction:
... There are a plethora of learning styles survey instruments available. Coffield [16] conducted a thorough review of the most commonly used instruments for use in education and concluded that learning styles models have variable quality, with some models exhibiting psychometric weaknesses including internal consistency, test-retest reliability, construct validity and/or predictive validity. The Felder and Soloman Index of Learning Styles (ILS) instrument was developed in 1996 primarily for use by college instructors and students in engineering and the sciences. ...
... [5,6,7]. This process involves a more iterative cycle compared to traditional manufacturing, wherein the design undergoes virtual development, testing, simulation, and refinement employing computer-aided design (CAD) software [8,9]. Additionally, Generative Design (GD) leverages the intricate geometries achievable through Additive Manufacturing (AM) compared to conventional manufacturing methods, along with the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to redesign components within specified constraints [10,11]. ...
... This research by Ecclestone, Hall, Coffield and Moseley (2004) and Kolb (1984) helps identify error patterns that are typical of certain types of learners. This allows teachers and education professionals to design specific and effective interventions to help students overcome their errors and improve mathematical understanding. ...
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The purpose of this study is to comprehensively describe the results of the analysis of the ability to understand concepts and misconceptions in terms of differences in learning styles, as well as gender differences. The data to be collected in this study is in the form of primary data and secondary data. The primary data is obtained from primary sources and secondary data is obtained from secondary sources. The primary source in this study is informants, namely students, and the secondary source is documentation of student test scores as an illustration of student abilities. The instruments in this study are student learning style tests and auxiliary instruments in the form of misconception diagnostic tests. Learning style test in the form of a questionnaire. This instrument is used to uncover visual, auditorial, and kinesthetic learning style variables. Misconception diagnostic tests use the Certainty of Response Index (CRI). The results of the CRI analysis based on student answer criteria are: (a) 5.83% of student problem solving do not know the concept (lucky guess); (c) 22.30% of the student problem solvers did not know the concept; (b) 50.18% of student problem solving mastered the concept well; and (d) 21.69% of student problem solving occurred misconceptions.
... La literatura sobre modelos de estilos de aprendizaje es muy extensa [8]. Los más conocidos son: el modelo de Felder-Silverman [13], el de Kolb [25] y los estilos cognitivos [33]. ...
Conference Paper
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La eficacia educativa de las animaciones no es un tema cerrado. En la actualidad existen numerosos trabajos que muestran los beneficios de las animaciones. Sin embargo, no hay una idea clara, una guía que muestre los distintos usos de las animaciones y su impacto en el aprendizaje. De hecho, aunque la idea actual es que los usos constructivistas-p.e. construcción de animaciones por parte de los estudiantes-mejoran el aprendizaje, otros usos menos activos-consulta de animaciones-también lo mejoran. Todavía existen líneas de trabajo por explorar, en esta comunicación nos centra-remos en el uso de tecnologías adaptativas en las anima-ciones de programas. El modelo utilizado son los estilos de aprendizaje de Felder-Silverman, en concreto las dimensio-nes Secuencial-Global y Visual-Verbal. En primer lugar es-tudiamos su adaptación individual, para terminar con una adaptación combinada que cubra ambas dimensiones. Keywords Animaciones de programas, Estilos de aprendizaje, Tec-nologías adaptativas, Informática educativa 1. INTRODUCCIÓN Las visualizaciones y animaciones por ordenador tienen un gran potencial educativo. Existen experiencias de visualiza-ción desde el comienzo de la informática [18] y de animación desde comienzos de los 80 [1]. Aunque las animaciones edu-cativas se han utilizado en numerosas disciplinas, es en las enseñanzas relacionadas con los lenguajes de programación donde alcanzan su mayor utilización y complejidad [36, 11, 10]. La investigación realizada durante los años 80 y parte de los 90 se centró principalmente en técnicas de especificación de animaciones de algoritmos. Después se ha ido acumu-lando experiencia docente, dando lugar a diversas lecciones Jornadas de Innovación y TIC Educativas-JITICE'12 21-23 de Marzo de 2012, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Móstoles, Madrid. aprendidas [30]. Sin embargo, el uso educativo de las ani-maciones no es universal. En estudios realizados sobre las causas de este freno [31], destacan como uno de los princi-pales problemas la falta de garantía de eficacia educativa de las animaciones. La vistosidad de las animaciones ha hecho que se hayan usado durante largo tiempo sin evaluar formalmente su apor-tación educativa. Así, existen diversos estudios donde el uso de animaciones no ha supuesto claramente una mejora edu-cativa [7, 22, 35]. Y otros donde actividades como la explo-ración del comportamiento de los algoritmos [26] o la cons-trucción explícita de animaciones por parte de los propios estudiantes [34] dieron resultados más alentadores. Hundhausen, Douglas y Stasko [21] llevaron a cabo un estudio mucho más general y riguroso, con resultados signi-ficativamente favorables para el uso más constructivista de las animaciones. La conclusión fundamental fue "lo realmen-te importante es lo que el alumno hace con la visualización y no lo que ve en ella". Así, en estosúltimos años ha habido un creciente interés en las distintas formas de utilizar las animaciones [30]. Urquiza y Velázquez [38] han revisado los experimentos existentes desde el año 1993 y aunque existen experiencias donde la construcción de animaciones mejora el aprendiza-je de los estudiantes [20, 37, 39], también hay experiencias positivas con usos menos constructivistas como la consulta de animaciones [37]. De hecho, en las revisiones delárea [21, 38] se comprueba que todavía existen campos sin explorar suficientemente, el uso de las tecnologías adaptativas es uno de estos campos. Las aplicaciones educativas más antiguas de las tecnolo-gías adaptativas datan de principios de los años 90. Comen-zaron como libros electrónicos con vínculos entre sus conte-nidos [7], que podían añadir u ocultar información depen-diendo del perfil de usuario [11]. La evolución de estos siste-mas ha llegado a adaptar incluso actividades [9], en función de dispositivos [22] o del contexto actual [26][44]. Las ex-periencias demuestran el gran interés que despiertan en los usuarios [25]. El resto de la comunicación se estructura como sigue. En la sección 2 describmos los sistemas adaptativos y su relación con los estilos de aprendizaje. Y en la sección 3 proponemos un modelo de adaptación de las animaciones de programas en función de los estilos de aprendizaje. 2. SISTEMAS ADAPTATIVOS
... S/he expands sympathetic for learning style and becomes much supplementary satisfied with the surroundings. Every occasion of education is a possibility for pupil's to use different conducts and expand learning styles for coverage (Coffield, Ecclestone, Hall, & Moseley, 2004). Figure 1: Learning Strategies (Kolb, 1984) Visual-Language This factor of the learning style prefers that some learners learn well by considering expressions in paperbacks, on the chalkboard, diagrams or workbooks. ...
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The purpose of this study is to examine the comparing between high and low achievers and theirs' learning styles at university level and to find out different learning styles used by the students' at university level and compare mean score high and low achievers to use different learning styles at university level. This current work was also focus on the students learning styles at university level which make them high and low achievers. The study was delimited to the perception of students for gain education by using different learning styles. Achievement of the students are depend on theirs' prefer learning styles. And the teachers facilitate the students for achieving the new facts and figures. It included formal experiences. The researcher collected personally from students. The population of the study was G.C University Faisalabad. The result and conclusions was draw on the basis of data-Analysis questionnaire contain nine factors of the learning styles and 350 items. The research supervisor and other professors of faculty were consulted for the development and validation of questionnaire. The researcher visited all the sample departments personally. The questionnaire was distributed among respondents and gave them maximum time to fill in the questionnaire. After collection of data, it was tabulated, scored analyzed and interpreted by means of suitable statically by applying descriptive statics and t-test. Secondary information were also collected in this regard and compared to assess the probability and significant of the study.
... The model is proven to be a catalyst to give empowerment to students to reflect on their own sensory preferences and modify their study methods accordingly. Another study offers a comprehensive review that examines various learning style models, including VARK and explores their implications for pedagogy and classroom practices which concluded that it matters fundamentally which model is selected (Coffield et al., 2004). Other study investigates the factor structure of the VARK inventory, providing insights into the validity and reliability of the instrument. ...
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Learning styles represent the different ways in which individuals prefer to learn and engage with educational content. Learning styles are based on the idea that people have unique cognitive strengths and preferences that can influence their learning experiences and outcomes. By understanding their learning styles, educators can tailor their instruction to meet students' individual needs. This personalized approach helps engage students more effectively and enhances their learning experience. Students are more likely to be engaged and motivated when taught in a manner that aligns with their preferred learning styles. This leads to increased participation, active involvement in the learning process, and improved retention of information. The objective of this research is to propose a VARK questionnaire as the basis for the need analysis in planning the action plan in the action research. This research employed the action research design using the Kemmis and Taggart model, is a widely recognized framework for conducting action research. The respondents selected for this research were 30 students of the Diploma in Quantity Survey of Politeknik Sultan Azlan Shah. The respondents consist of 15 female students and 15 male students. it was found that respondents have different learning styles according to their preferences which are categorized according to VARK learning styles.
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Anatomical drawing traditionally involves illustration of labeled diagrams on two‐dimensional surfaces to represent topographical features. Despite the visual nature of anatomy, many learners perceive that they lack drawing skills and do not engage in art‐based learning. Recent advances in the capabilities of technology‐enhanced learning have enabled the rapid and inexpensive production of three‐dimensional anatomical models. This work describes a “drawing on model” activity in which learners observe and draw specific structures onto three‐dimensional models. Sport and exercise sciences (SES, n = 79) and medical (MED, n = 156) students at a United Kingdom medical school completed this activity using heart and femur models, respectively. Learner demographics, their perceptions of anatomy learning approaches, the value of the activity, and their confidence in understanding anatomical features, were obtained via validated questionnaire. Responses to 7‐point Likert‐type and free‐text items were analyzed by descriptive statistics and semi‐quantitative content analysis. Learners valued art‐based study (SES mean = 5.94 SD ±0.98; MED = 5.92 ± 1.05) and the “drawing on model” activity (SES = 6.33 ± 0.93; MED = 6.21 ± 0.94) and reported enhanced confidence in understanding of cardiac anatomy (5.61 ± 1.11), coronary arteries (6.03 ± 0.83), femur osteology (6.07 ± 1.07), and hip joint muscle actions (5.80 ± 1.20). Perceptions of learners were independent of both their sex and their art‐based study preferences (p < 0.05). Themes constructed from free‐text responses identified “interactivity,” “topography,” “transformative,” and “visualization,” as key elements of the approach, in addition to revealing some limitations. This work will have implications for anatomy educators seeking to engage learners in an inclusive, interactive, and effective learning activity for supporting three‐dimensional anatomical understanding.
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Explain about the methods of data collection
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Despite considerable progress made in educational neuroscience, neuromyths persist in the teaching profession, hampering translational endeavors. The initial wave of interventions designed to dispel educational neuromyths was predominantly directed at preservice teachers. More recent work in the field, reviewed here, has shifted its focus primarily to in-service teacher professional development interventions. We discuss various interventional approaches, including refutation texts embedded into a brief training in foundational neuroscience, personalized refutation texts, insightful reflections upon science of learning key concepts (e.g., brain plasticity), and immersive experiences within research groups, highlighting their strengths and limitations. The evolving nature of scientific knowledge, the imperative to respect educators' personal and professional sensitivities, as well as challenges posed by conceptual change, are also addressed. This narrative review underscores the need to bring neuromyth investigations into the classroom environment. At the turn of the millennium, major advances in neuro-science fueled expectations for an education grounded in scientific knowledge of the brain (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, 2002). Access to neuroimaging technology, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging, has allowed for the emergence of a mediational field-educational neuroscience-to probe brain structures and functions involved in the acquisition
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Decades of research spanning a range of educational domains have confirmed that students differ in their learning styles and that student performance is impacted by the degree of fit between these styles and the teaching and assessment methods deployed in courses (.) In this study, the researchers investigate whether a capstone business course-designed to accommodate a diverse range of learning styles-can succeed in leveling the playing field, yielding results showing no significant differences in course grades as a function of students' learning styles. The second focus is examining the myth of bookish, nerdy accountants (Brighenti, 2010; Tuttle, 2016). The findings 'bust' the myth that more 'bookish' accounting and finance majors will earn higher course grades in a general business course. The paper concludes by noting some important implications of our study for future research and practice.
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É com grande satisfação que apresentamos a obra Física: Contextualizando a Educação e a Prática Pedagógica, volume 01, fruto de um esforço colaborativo entre renomados professores, dedicados estudantes e engajados pesquisadores. Este livro não só reflete a expertise desses profissionais, mas também emerge de um contexto de cooperação interinstitucional e de estímulo à pesquisa, reunindo contextos de diferentes áreas do conhecimento e de Instituições de Educação Superior tanto nacional quanto internacionalmente reconhecidas. Dentro do vasto campo da Educação em Física, é crucial compreender como os métodos pedagógicos e a aplicação prática influenciam o aprendizado dos alunos. Neste sentido, mergulhamos em 12 capítulos que exploram diversas abordagens, desde estratégias neurodidáticas até reflexões sobre o método científico e a avaliação educacional. Com uma vida agitada, muitas vezes nos vemos sem tempo para mergulhar completamente em um livro. E quando se trata de encontrar uma obra que se encaixe perfeitamente no conteúdo que estamos ensinando, a tarefa pode parecer ainda mais desafiadora. Mas não se preocupe! Permita-me apresentar a você os doze capítulos deste livro. No Capítulo 1, "Cuando La Física Se Encuentra Con El Cerebro: Estrategias Neurodidácticas Para Una Mejor Comprensión", iniciamos nossa jornada mergulhando na intersecção entre Física e neurociência, explorando estratégias inovadoras para uma compreensão mais profunda dos conceitos físicos, tudo isso baseado em uma pesquisa conduzida na Universidade Amazônica de Pando (U.A.P.). Descubra como as intervenções neurodidáticas podem revolucionar o ensino e maximizar o potencial de aprendizagem de nossos alunos. No Capítulo 2, "Panorama dos Artigos sobre Atividades Experimentais Publicados na Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física no Período Compreendido entre 2002 e 2017", os autores apresentam um levantamento abrangente, de como as atividades experimentais têm sido abordadas na literatura especializada. Uma análise minuciosa dos artigos publicados na Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física revelando as tendências e os desafios no ensino experimental ao longo dos anos. No Capítulo 3, "Aplicação da Física Experimental na Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental e Médio José Gonçalves de Queiroz", testemunhamos a transformação das salas de aula por meio da experimentação prática, tornando a física uma disciplina acessível e envolvente para os alunos, onde a aplicação da Física experimental nas salas de aula ganha vida neste capítulo, com uma abordagem inovadora, implementada para melhorar a relação ensino-aprendizagem nas escolas públicas do Cariri Paraibano. O Capítulo 4, "Iniciação Ao Método Científico com Ensaios de Determinação de Coeficientes de Atrito", nos traz uma análise do método científico, utilizando experimentos para explorar os princípios do método galileano, onde os autores mostram como experimentos simples de determinação dos coeficientes de atrito podem potencializar a compreensão do pensamento científico e da falseabilidade das teorias. No Capítulo 5, "Modelagem Matemática no Tênis de Mesa", os autores apresentam uma modelagem que ganha destaque, pois revela uma interseção poderosa entre matemática e esporte, fruto de atividades desenvolvidas no âmbito do Clube de Ciências da Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará (CCIUFOPA). Certamente, é uma abordagem inovadora que conecta a matemática com a prática esportiva, promovendo uma compreensão mais profunda das funções não-lineares. O Capítulo 6, "Reflexões Sobre o Reducionismo Inter-teórico em Processos Cognitivos Relacionados a Física Térmica", nos convida a uma profunda reflexão sobre as implicações do reducionismo na física térmica, explorando as complexidades da mente humana e sua relação com o mundo físico. Observe que cada capítulo emerge como uma peça crucial do quebra-cabeça educacional, contribuindo para uma compreensão mais profunda e significativa da física e seu ensino. Em seguida, no Capítulo 7, "Análise do Processo de Ensino/Aprendizado de Fundamentos de Eletricidade na Física Utilizando a Plataforma Arduino", a autora nos lança em uma jornada tecnológica, explora como a plataforma Arduino pode transformar o ensino da eletricidade, capacitando os alunos a se tornarem protagonistas de sua própria aprendizagem. No Capítulo 8, "Laboratório Real X Laboratório Virtual: Possibilidades e Limitações destes Recursos em uma Atividade Investigativa para o Ensino de Eletrodinâmica", as vantagens e desafios dos laboratórios reais e virtuais no ensino da eletrodinâmica são explorados, oferecendo insights valiosos para uma prática pedagógica mais eficaz. Já no Capítulo 9, "Utilização do Software TOPCAT como Ferramenta de Geração de Diagramas HR", os autores, em uma colaboração institucional estupenda (Universidade, Institutos Federais e Escolas Estaduais), nos fazem mergulhar no fascinante mundo da astronomia, descobrindo como o software TOPCAT pode nos ajudar a explorar e compreender as estrelas em um diagrama HR. O Capítulo 10, "Outros Mundos e o Nosso", nos convida a uma reflexão profunda sobre a sobrevivência da humanidade e a exploração de outros mundos, explorando as ameaças e possibilidades que enfrentamos em nosso próprio planeta e além. Em seguida, no Capítulo 11, "Revisão Algébrica sobre os Tensores de Posição e de Velocidade no Espaço-tempo Contínuo de 4-Dimensões de Minkowski", mergulhamos nas profundezas da teoria da relatividade, explorando os intricados conceitos de tensores de posição e velocidade no espaço-tempo de Minkowski. Finalmente, no Capítulo 12, "Avaliação no Ensino de Física: Diretrizes Educacionais e a Literatura Científica (1991-2024)", encerramos nossa jornada com uma reflexão crítica sobre a avaliação no ensino de física, explorando as diretrizes educacionais e a literatura científica para promover uma prática avaliativa mais justa e eficaz. Assim, convido todos vocês a mergulharem nesta jornada de descobertas e aprendizado. Expressamos nossos sinceros agradecimentos aos autores por seu empenho, disponibilidade e dedicação durante todo o processo de desenvolvimento deste livro. Esperamos que esta obra se torne um valioso instrumento didático-pedagógico não apenas para estudantes e professores dos mais variados níveis de ensino, mas também para todos aqueles interessados na temática abordada.
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Written communication is an essential skill for information professionals. Therefore, it is common to implement writing tasks to develop this skill in higher education. However, it is known that students' learning style preferences can influence improved written communication skills unequally among students, considering practice with writing tasks. This study examined how learning style preferences can influence the improvement of written communication skills in a blended learning environment for university students in information and management control engineering. Over seven semesters, 215 students participated in writing tasks supported by a discussion forum, and their learning style preferences were measured and analyzed using the Honey and Mumford model. Student performance on the online forum was repeatedly measured to determine the variation in written communication skills according to different learning style preferences and to identify which students benefited most from the intervention. The results indicate that although students' primary learning style preference influences their performance in written communication, these skills improve regardless of the learning style preference. Students with a primary "reflector" learning style preference were the most numerous and achieved the greatest learning gains. Students with a "theorist" learning style preference demonstrated medium-sized improvements in spelling and writing, and students with an "activist" learning style preference had small but significant increases in the quality of their justification and argumentation. Overall, the results suggest that learning style preferences are a relevant individual characteristic for personalizing electronic or hybrid learning environments in writing tasks.
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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to find the moderating effect of analytical left brain style and intuition right brain style on the relationship between job satisfaction factors and turnover intention. Survey was conducted for data collection. 502 completed questionnaires are returned. Correlation analysis and Hierarchical regression is used to test moderation. Further interaction plots are also plotted. The results obtained from the analysis explained that analytical and intuition does act as moderator on few variables. Analytical acts as moderator on variables i.e. supervisor, co-workers and salary while does not act as moderator on other variables e.g. work, work environment. While intuition does not act as moderator on supervisor, co-workers, work environment and work but acts as moderator on salary. The cognitive style decision making need awareness by the practitioners in seminars and workshop so the individuals came to know their preferred way of decision making style. The results of the paper are helpful for the education industry to make policies for academicians to help them making decisions and to decide and motivate to increase the satisfaction from work by giving them less work load.
This is the proceedings volume from the 8th biannual teaching and learning conference at Lund University, LUTL-22. The conference theme, Lifelong Learning and Higher Education: New (and Old) Perspectives, gave rise to a rich spread of presentations and discussions. The volume in your hand holds 13 contributions based on keynote addresses, papers, panels, and roundtable discussions from the conference. The pedagogical objectives, practices, and challenges of supporting lifelong learning have become pronounced elements in the fabric of higher education in recent years. What does this entail for the teaching staff: for our missions, our methods, and our own professional learning? These issues, and more besides, are approached between these covers.
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L’apprendimento continuo sta emergendo come pratica importante per migliorare la competitività e potenziare le opportunità di lavoro. Un’area specifica di questa tematica è occupata dall’educazione degli adulti, e dalle opportunità di apprendimento personalizzate per ottimizzare l’istruzione di questa peculiare tipologia di discenti. Tale tema è oggi sempre più rilevante e già largamente documentato nella letteratura accademica. Il presente articolo muove da un’analisi approfondita delle ricerche recenti, proponendo l’aggiunta di una quarta caratteristica nell’approccio alla formazione degli adulti, oltre alle tre già codificate a livello internazionale. All’autonomia, all’esperienza e alla rilevanza si propone dunque di aggiungere la personalità dell’individuo, intesa come "filtro" che agisce durante il processo di acquisizione della conoscenza nell’orizzonte del Life Long Learning. Qui si suggerisce che la sua essenziale applicazione non sia stata ancora esaustivamente esplorata. Il tema della personalità viene poi integrato con un concetto che ben si applica agli aspetti pedagogici e didattici dell’istruzione degli adulti: l’attrito cognitivo.
Este artigo provém de um estágio pós-doutoral vinculado ao Programa de Mestrado Profissional em Ensino de Ciências e Matemática e à linha de pesquisa em Tecnologias Computacionais Aplicadas ao Ensino de Ciências e Matemática, aborda a necessidade no processo educativo de os estudantes adquirirem competências e habilidades fundamentais para sua formação profissional. Os professores, por sua vez, necessitam do domínio de diversos saberes pedagógicos e da aplicação de estratégias de ensino, frequentemente negligenciadas em sua formação inicial. Nesse contexto, a pesquisa, de natureza exploratória e qualitativa, teve como objetivo identificar os estilos de aprendizagem dos alunos. Através da mediação tecnológica, foram sugeridos aos educadores métodos de ensino que se mostrassem eficazes no desenvolvimento de atividades pedagógicas, contribuindo assim para sua formação profissional. Ao analisar a percepção de alunos e educadores, concluiu-se que os esforços desta pesquisa têm o potencial de contribuir de forma positiva para o processo de ensino-aprendizagem.
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Abstract in Finnish: Tämä kolmesyklinen kehittämistutkimus toteutettiin osana oppimisanalytiikkasovelluksen (Innofactor® Skilli™) ketterää tuotekehitystä ja yhteistyössä kahden alakoulun opettajien ja 3–4-luokkalaisten oppilaiden kanssa. Tämän monimenetelmäisen kehittämistutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää mitä koulumaailmassa ilmeneviä ongelmia voitaisiin oppimisanalytiikan avulla mahdollisesti ratkaista ja mikä voisi olla oppilaiden ja opettajien rooli innovatiivisessa sovelluskehityksessä. / Abstract in English: This three cycled design research study was undertaken as part of the agile product development of a learning analytics tool (Innofactor® Skilli™) in co-operation with two primary schools’ teachers and their 9-10-year-old students. The aim of this mixed methods design research study was to examine what problems learning analytics software could help to solve in a school context and what part students and teachers could play in innovative software development.
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O entendimento dos estilos de aprendizagem que prevalece numa turma de alunos pode orientar o educador no processo de ensino. O objetivo foi identificar o estilo de aprendizagem predominante entre os alunos do curso de graduação em Gestão da Informação na proposta da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. A pesquisa foi quantitativa do tipo survey. Para a coleta de dados foi utilizado o inventário Index of Learning Styles – ISL. A pesquisa foi realizada com 163 alunos e ex-alunos do curso. Os alunos foram agrupados em Turmas Anteriores - alunos ingressantes entre 2010 e 2015, e Turmas Atuais - os ingressantes a partir de 2016. Os resultados revelam que há predominância pelo Visual (84,0%), Sensorial (71,2%), Ativo (61,3%) e Sequencial (57,7%) para as dimensões Entrada, Percepção, Processamento e Compreensão, respectivamente; e não houve alteração no estilo de aprendizagem dos alunos ingressantes entre 2010 e 2015 comparado às turmas a partir de 2016.
Learning styles aim to know variations in individuals’ learning. As per most of the theories, humans may be classified in line with their‘style’of learning. The term “learning styles” speaks to the understanding that each student learns uniquely. Learning is a vital experience for individuals of all ages. Based on Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences, there are eight varieties of learning styles that everybody falls into which include visual, aural, verbal, physical, logical, social, solitary and naturalistic learning. Learning style inventories are designed to assist respondents verify learning style they have. These inventories usually take the form of a questionnaire that focuses on how folks prefer to learn. Learning style inventories are based on the thought that individuals have completely different strengths and preferences when it involves learning. Learning style inventories remain a preferred classroom tool despite the actual fact that research has found very little proof that matching a student’s learning preferences to instructional methods produces better educational outcomes. These are a few popular types of learning style inventories such as Kolb’s Learning Style Inventory (LSI), Fleming’s VARK Learning Style Questionnaire, Jackson’s Learning Styles Profiler (LSP), Learning Style Quizzes.In short, it is important to remember that there are a number of learning styles and learning style inventories. Each learning style has its own advantages and disadvantages. Knowing your learning style is not meant to limit you, instead to expand you – by helping you to learn, understand, work and live more efficiently.
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Determining the learning styles of the students in the process of constructing curricula is significant for the development of architectural education. This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between the learning style of first-year architecture students and their successful performance in "The Techniques of Architectural Presentation" course and to discuss the relationship between learning styles-gender and learning styles-course curriculum. Kolb and Briggs Myers learning style inventories were used in the study. It was determined that the students with a diverging style had a large share of participants, and no significant relationship was established between gender, course success, and Kolb's learning style. According to the MBTI inventory, it was determined that the differences in the mean scores of the students' genders in the "Intuition", "Feeling," and "Perception" profiles were significant. An increase in success rate in 3D studies indicates the importance of the development of syllabi with 3D applications.
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The concepts of heuristics and biases underlie the decision-making process both at intuitive and rational levels, which Daniel Kahneman refers to as System 1 and System 2 of thinking. This research seeks to explore the interplay between these cognitive mechanisms and students’ grading decisions, examining the extent to which heuristics and biases can influence evaluation in the everyday process of learning and teaching. A survey was conducted, containing four grading situations that combine the experiences of reading, evaluation, and decision-making in four stages of System 1 and System 2 of thinking. The hypotheses and sub-hypotheses were tested using a quantitative approach, through a 15-item self-administered questionnaire (SAQ) in English, which collected data about the heuristics influencing Romanian students’ grading decision in four evaluative situations based on a synopsis of The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. The self-constructed questionnaire was filled in by 108 Romanian students studying for a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree in public and private universities. The data set was analyzed, using descriptive, inferential, and path-analysis methods (frequencies, percentages, measures of central tendency, t-tests, ANOVA, simple and multiple linear regression, mediation, and moderation) and one statistical program (R Studio 4.3.4.). Grade 1 (the most intuitive) can predict Grade 4 for the synopsis of The Book Thief. However, the correlation between Grades 2 + 3 and Grade 4 is much stronger than the correlation between Grade 1 and Grade 4. Furthermore, the impact of Grade 1 on Grade 4 is mediated by Grade 3 while Grade 1 has no effect on the impact of Grade 3 on Grade 4. The rational model of heuristics involved in the grading process is much stronger than the intuitive model. The study sheds light on the intricate interplay between intuition and rationality in the grading process, offering novel insights into the cognitive mechanisms that underlie decision-making.
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