
Essentials of Research Design and Methodology

... Namun bila diminta menguraikan maing-masing makna dari kata ilmiah dan kata penelitian, barangkali akan memerlukan waktu untuk berfikir sebelum akhirnya bisa menjawab. Marczyk et al. (2005) berpendapat, metode ilmiah adalah pendekatan untuk memperoleh pengetahuan baru. Inilah yang membedakan sains dari nonsains. ...
... Seperti metode pengumpulan data menggunakan cara FGD, observasi, wawancara, analisis dokumen, dan rekaman audio (Silverman, 2014). Marczyk et al. (2005) memberi batasan bahwa ilmiah lekat dengan kata empiris. Maka metode ilmiah haruslah dilakukan dengan basis pendekatan empiris. ...
... • menarik kesimpulan berdasarkan temuan (bukti nyata). Marczyk et al. (2005) menambahkan, walaupun beberapa ahli memiliki pandangan yang beragam tentang karakteristik dari metode ilmiah, namun sebagian besar akan menyebutkan unsurunsur berikut saat menguraikan arti ilmiah: ...
... When the researcher determines a certain problem to be investigated, the research design is considered. The researcher has clear objectives and measurable hypothesis (Marczyk et al., 2005). The following five factors determine the effectiveness of the research design: 1) the process to obtain information, 2) the presence and skills of the researcher, 3) the objectives of study problem, 4) the nature of the study problem, and 5) the availability of time and money for the research work (Kothari, 2004). ...
... Interviews or questionnaires are used to sample research respondents so as to obtain the most possible required data. On the other hand, the experimental research involves a comparison of two groups at a single outcome measure, so that some hypothesis of the causation may be tested (Marczyk et al., 2005). ...
... Qualitative research studies do not measure and quantify their results in the same way as the quantitative approach does (Marczyk et al., 2005). However, qualitative research uses unchanged logic to get what is real in terms of quality, meanings, contexts, or images of reality based on what people actually do. ...
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It has been shown by the research that young workers (<25 years old) are more subjected to workplace injuries than old workers. But paradoxically, the injuries that young workers are exposed to are not severe. The study is aimed to find out risk factors for injuries in construction industry focusing on the risk factors associated with young workers. The results show that young workers are more involved in workplace injuries than old workers, irrespective of considering department size and type of discipline. However, when variables are added for physical and psychosocial work environment in the safety climate model, age seems to be of less importance. Physical demands (vibration and heavy lifting) and control over work pace are concerned with an increased risk for injuries. This may indicate that the work task distribution among different age groups has an impact on injury risk. Safety climate is not associated with risk for injuries. The study has an indication that the work task distribution between two groups ought to be further explained in relation with injury risk.
... En la literatura sobre procedimientos estadísticos se señala que existen varios métodos para validar un instrumento, de acuerdo con los propósitos del mismo y al tipo de información que recoge. Uno de ellos es la validación de contenido (content validity), que refiere, de acuerdo con Marczyk et al. (2005) proposiciones con otros dentro del mismo instrumento. Estos métodos suelen utilizar jueces para obtener puntajes y observaciones, que pueden probarse con estadística inferencial, como las pruebas que miden la dispersión, específicamente la varianza (Ritchey, 2008, pp. ...
... Otro método de validación es la validación del constructo (construct validity), que evalúa la forma en que la prueba o estrategia de medición mide efectivamente un constructo teórico, rasgo o característica, lo que da una idea de su consistencia (Marczyk et al., 2005). En esta investigación se optó por seguir este recurso, que se basa en aplicar el instrumento a una muestra de personas con características similares a los participantes, con el objetivo de analizar la consistencia interna de las respuestas con la prueba estadística Alfa de Cronbach, que ayuda a detectar errores de medición y así ajustar, mejorar o eliminar ítems (Quero, 2010). ...
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El presente artículo muestra los resultados de una investigación cuantitativa, transversal, con alcances descriptivos y correlacionales, sobre las actitudes hacia la educación física en estudiantes de primaria alta (5º. y 6º. grados) en una escuela de la región central de México. Tuvo como objetivo analizar la presencia y peso de los factores agrado, preferencia, actitud del profesor y valoración hacia la educación física en las diferencias de actitudes entre varios grupos escolares, para ofrecer información útil a los educadores físicos a la hora de diseñar e implementar su curso. Para tal fin se adaptó un cuestionario con 32 ítems que fue administrado a 101 estudiantes como encuesta, previo piloteo y validación. Entre los resultados se encontró que el grupo escolar tiene incidencia en una actitud favorable hacia la educación física, aunque con amplia variabilidad según los cuatro factores analizados. En cuanto a su importancia, fueron el agrado o gusto por la clase, así como la actitud del profesor, los factores de más peso en la promoción de las actitudes de los estudiantes de educación primaria, seguidos por la valoración concedida a la clase y su preferencia sobre el resto de los cursos. Estos resultados enfatizan la importancia de modelar en la clase de educación física la valoración y el gusto por la actividad física y sus beneficios, partiendo del ejemplo del profesor.
... The research instruments used in this study were test questions and questionnaires. Research instruments are tools used for research by collecting data to facilitate the work and improve the results (Marczyk et al., 2005). The test instrument used in this research is a multiple-choice question sheet to measure students' technological literacy skills in understanding technology and digital information. ...
... The sampling technique in this study was a purposive selection (Jones et al., 2018). Purposive sampling is a technique carried out with certain considerations (Marczyk et al., 2005). Purposive sampling was carried out with the consideration that 6th-semester students had taken the Learning Strategy course, so they already had digital technology literacy skills to develop technologybased teaching skills as prospective teachers. ...
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Students’ digital technology literacy is required to develop technology-based teaching skills as prospective teachers. Therefore, students’ digital technology literacy profiles must be known as a basis for learning policies. This research aims to describe the digital technology literacy profile of students as prospective elementary school teachers. Using purposive sampling, a survey was conducted with a sample of 330 education students at PGRI Madiun University who have taken the Learning Strategy course in the sixth semester. The instrument used was multiple-choice questions and questionnaires. The data analysis technique used descriptive statistics by presenting data through mean and grand mean formulas. The research results showed that the average student’s ability to understand technology and digital information scored 2.34 in the low category. Meanwhile, students’ abilities in using digital technology and information had an average score of 2.42 in the low category. Based on these data, efforts are needed to improve students’ digital technology literacy skills as prospective elementary school teachers. This is realized in the Learning Strategy course which focuses on understanding and using digital technology and information.
... Ahli lain menyatakan bahwa academic help-seeking suatu proses seseorang menjadi sadar akan kebutuhan bantuan, mendorong individu untuk menetapkan bantuan, mengidentifikasi bantuan, meneliti bantuan, dan mengevaluasi bantuan (Aleven, Stahl, Schworm, Fischer, & Wallace,2003). Adapun bentuk-bentuk dari academic help-seeking adalah bertanya pada teman sekelas dan berkonsultasi dengan dosen pengampu mata kuliah statistika sebagai media meningkatkan kemampuan belajar (Abdillah & Septianawati, 2023 Penelitian ini berbasis pada survey, artinya pembuktian atas terdapatnya hubungan antar variabel penilitian bukan didapatkan dari proses pemberian treatment atau prosedur experimental (Marczyk, DeMatteo & Festinger, 2005). ...
... Covariansi menunjukkan besaran tertentu yang mengarah pada arah yang positif atau negatif ketika teradapat hubungan satu variabel dengan variabel yang lain, yang juga disebut dengan non-experiment (Bordens & Abbot, 2008 Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan global ratings berupa self-report biasa digunakan untuk mengukur atau mengkuantifikasi suatu konstruk atau variabel penelitian dengan cara meminta pada partisipan untuk memberikan nilai pada responnya atas simpulan dari pernyataan dalam sebuah kontinum numerik (Marczyk, DeMatteo & Festinger, 2005). Teknik ini juga dikenal dengan istilah summated rating atau skala likert (Friedenberg, 1995). ...
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ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan apakah academic help-seeking dapat menjadi faktor mitigasi atau memediasi antara sikap terhadap statisika dan distress, dalam konteks kapasitas belajar (faktor non-kognitif) pada mahasiswa ilmu sosial di perguruan tinggi. Menggunakan teori keseimbangan disonansi dari Cooper & Smith (2001), penelitian ini akan menjelaskan bagaimana academic help-seeking sebagai variabel mediator atau yang dapat memitigasi dinamika hubungan antara sikap terhadap statistika dengan distress. Survey dilakukan yang berisi instrument dan serangkaian analisa psikometri (analisis faktor: validitas dan reliabilitas) untuk mahasiswa psikologi yang mengambil mata kuliah statistika tahun akademik ganjil 2023/2024. Menggunakan structural equaiton modeling (SEM), hubungan antara sikap terhadap statistika dengan distress; dan apakah tingkat academic help-seeking menjadi mediator. Hasil penelitian mengindikasikan bahwa ada hubungan negatif yang signifikan antara sikap terhadap statisik dengan distress. Academic help-seeking dinyatakan memediasi antara sikap terhadap statistika dengan distress, artinya hubungan negatif yang signifikan dengan academic help-seeking dan hubungan negatif signifikan antara academic help-seeking dengan distress. Implikasi dari penelitian ini bagi program studi dan dosen, pentingya tingkat academic help-seeking mahasiswa sebagai strategi coping untuk melawan distress ketika mempelajari mata kuliah satatistika atau mata kuliah lainnya. Ini dapat mempersiapkan mahasiswa mencapai kesuksesan akademik. Kata Kunci: Sikap, Academic help-seeking, distress, mediator, Structural equation Modeling (SEM).
... In order to get a deeper insight into consumer preferences when it comes to masculinity in advertising, the author conducted three focus groups with a young demographic: Latvian Generation Z. Focus groups are formally organized, structured groups of individuals brought together to discuss a topic or series of topics (Marczyk et al., 2005). The reason for choosing a focus group as a method is because, in contrast to other unilateral methods of obtaining qualitative data, focus groups allow for interactions between the researcher and the participants and among the participants themselves (ibid). ...
... The questions are open-ended with the goal of getting respondents to provide lengthy responses in great detail (Marczyk et al., 2005) Transition questions included questions that were more specific about the topic and about four advertisements shown and discussed among the respondents. ...
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The aim of the research was to explore Generations Z’s perceptions of masculinity in advertising and determine which type of masculinity and which masculinity characteristics consumers favor in a masculine character or the advertising message centered around masculinity. The author conducted three focus groups with a demographic: Latvian Generation Z. Qualitative content analysis of the focus group interview transcripts was conducted using Nvivo 11 qualitative data analysis software. The research concluded that Latvia’s Generation Z preferred modern masculinity depictions in advertising over traditional ones, and advertisers should not depict masculinity with stereotypes but rather emphasize diversity, self-acceptance, and emotionality and depict masculinity as an important topic.
... Participants were briefed on the nature of their participation in the study, and their consent was obtained before proceeding with data collection. The researcher also ensured the confidentiality of the respondents throughout the process According to Gay, (Marczyk et al., 2005) Researchers safeguarded the respondents by refraining from disclosing their identities. To uphold this, anonymity was maintained, ensuring privacy by instructing respondents not to include their names anywhere on the questionnaires. ...
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This study focuses on the Effects of multicultura counseling challenges facing the youths in Kenya. The study was conducted in Kisii County with a target population of 300 youths who reside in Kisii town. The sample size was 100 youths who are either studying at the universities within Kisii Town or working in central business district (CBD) of Kisii town. The study objectives was to establish multicultural counseling approaches and the effects on the youths. The study used psychoanalysis/ psychodynamics theories and humanistic of Carl Rogers of client therapy which indicated that client controls their own destiny. conceptual frame work indicating how independent and dependent variables interact was used. The study is of significance to the youths in Kisii who might use the findings to develop strategies and modalities of approaching their challenges. The government policy makers will also find it important in developing appropriate polices that empower the youth as thy approach their challenges. To the County government, the study will inform the decision- making on the more convenient counseling approaches to be used when handling youth’s behavior problems. The study found out that the youths in Kisii cosmopolitan have multicultural awareness, the study further, revealed that youths have been hoping from one denomination to another, this was because, there is no well-established multicultural counselling. The counselling procedure used should consider the cultural values, gender, and the perspectives of the clients. The study recommended that there should be trained counsellors on the multicultural techniques and procedure
... An explanatory research design is useful for conducting an in-depth examination of the research issue. Descriptive research design allows a researcher to describe existing situations while also providing additional data (Marczyk et al., 2021). ...
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Leaders who collaborate with subordinates while emphasising equal participation and information sharing are referred to as exercising shared leadership (Kezar and Holcombe, 2017). The paper will conduct a systematic review of the literature on the concepts and key aspects of shared leadership. This paper also discusses the benefits and challenges of shared leadership. There is also a review of the implementation procedures for the successful implementation of the shared leadership function. The interpretivism philosophy will be used as the research philosophy because it is closely related to human aspects. The effective use of the inductive approach in conjunction with the interpretivism philosophy will assist the researcher in gaining more insights into the research topic.
... Using an explanatory research design is helpful to conduct an in-depth examination of the research issue. Descriptive research design enables a researcher to describe existing situations and also provides further data (Marczyk et al., 2021). ...
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The commitment and satisfaction of employees play a significant role in the growth and development of the organisation. Every organisation and company should follow an effective leadership style to manage the overall concerns of the employees. The current study critically evaluates the role of democratic leadership style on employee commitment in small business companies in UK. The researcher will adopt the interpretivism philosophy as the research philosophy as it is highly connected with the human aspects. The effective utilisation of the inductive approach along with the interpretivism philosophy will help the researcher to gain more insights about the research topic.
... To conduct an in-depth examination of the research issue, an explanatory research design is beneficial. A descriptive research design allows a researcher to describe existing situations while also providing additional data (Marczyk et al., 2021). However, the researcher has chosen an exploratory research design to collect the required data. ...
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Transformational Leadership is based on the impact of the leaders on their adherents, and the deportment appeared by the adherents to accomplish that impact. The current study critically evaluates the role of Transformational leadership style in Small and Medium Enterprises in the UK. The researcher will adopt the interpretivism philosophy as the research philosophy as it is highly connected with the human aspects. The effective utilisation of the inductive approach along with the interpretivism philosophy will assist the scholar to acquire more insights about the research topic.
... The reason for choosing them in this study is that their focus is both on testing hypotheses derived based on existing literature, which is consistent with the purpose of this study. The positivist research paradigm places a strong focus on measuring variables and evaluating general causal explanation-related hypotheses [62]. The deductive method develops hypotheses based on ideas already in existence before designing a research plan to determine whether the hypotheses are true [103]. ...
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Social media influencers (SMIs) marketing has proven to be a successful strategy in the travel industry, engaging with specific consumer target groups in a trustworthy and approachable manner. Of the many social media platforms, Instagram is the most popular with Generation Y and Z. The majority of Chinese students in the UK for higher education are Gen Z and Chinese students spend the most on travel in the UK. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the impact of Instagram travel influencers on the travel intentions of Chinese students studying in the UK. This study proposed hypotheses based on the Stimulus-Organism-Response model that the quality of information generated by Instagram travel influencers, their credibility and popularity & engagement have a positive effect on the generation of follower trust, and that trust has a positive effect on travel intention. To test the hypotheses, this study collected data from Chinese Gen Y and Z students studying in the UK by means of a questionnaire. The results showed that the credibility and popularity & engagement of Instagram travel influencers had a positive effect on followers generating trust and trust had a positive effect on travel intention, while the quality of information generated by Instagram travel influencers had no effect on trust. This study contributes to the existing literature for the impacts of SMIs on international students’ travel intention and provides practical implications for travel agencies in the UK to choose propriate SMIs to promote the destinations and for travel influencers to reap benefits from the travel industry.
... In this study, suitable 4IR technologies for sustainable housing delivery and the benefits of integrating 4IR for the construction industry in the KSA were thoroughly investigated before devising solutions, rendering the action research design appropriate. Additionally, this approach is preferred as it aims to provide practical solutions to issues rather than testing theories and hypotheses, as highlighted by [52]. Moreover, the selection of the action research design was influenced by the recognition that alternative research designs, such as causal research, which is tailored for hypothesis testing, would not align with the study's objective. ...
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The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) grapples with the challenge of achieving sustainable housing delivery amidst rapid urbanization and rising construction costs. Current housing strategies have failed to offer a lasting solution to the crisis. To address these issues, this study advocates the adoption of fourth industrial revolution (4IR) technologies for sustainable housing. The previous literature highlights the versatility of 4IR technologies, prompting an examination of their suitability and benefits for housing delivery. Thus, this study was aimed at evaluating suitable 4IR technologies for housing delivery and the benefits of adopting the technologies for sustainable housing delivery. The data used were collected via random sampling from stakeholders in the housing sector and analyzed using SPSS V 24, including mean scores, frequencies, and principal component analysis (PCA). The KMO and Bartlett’s test of sphericity confirmed that the data were appropriate for PCA and identified three key components of 4IR technology: Immersive technologies, smart connectivity, and automated construction sites suitable for sustainable housing delivery. These components enhance decision-making, operational efficiency, and project management throughout the housing delivery process. The study emphasizes the potential of 4IR technologies to transform the housing sector in the KSA sustainably, offering insights for both practice and research.
... Studies frequently require determining the presence of relationships among several factors. When there is a requirement to determine a relationship, it can be achieved by the approach of correlation, which is seen as the fundamental and valuable measure of association between variables (Marczyk et al., 2005). Sadiku-Dushi, et al., (2019) stated that while correlation assesses relationships between variables, it does not predict the value of a dependent variable based on an independent variable. ...
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The study examined the effect of electronic word-of-mouth on customer purchase intention for hotel services in Delta state. The investigation used the cross-sectional survey research design. The study concentrated on customers of specific luxury hotels rated four and five stars in Asaba and Warri, Delta State. The total number of hotel customers in these two cities is unknown. The study used the snowball sampling technique. The sample size of 384 respondents was determined using the Cochran formula. Primary data were collected using a standardised questionnaire. Both face and content validity were used in this study to assess the validity of the research instrument. The investigation used internal consistency reliability. The collected data were analysed using descriptive statistics, namely frequencies and percentages. Pearson correlation analysis and regression analysis were used for inferential analysis. Findings showed that online reviews, brand information quality and message source credibility has significant positive relationship with customer purchase intention for hotel services. The study concluded that electronic word-of-mouth has significant positive effect on customer purchase intention for hotel services in Delta state. It was recommended amongst others that hotel managers should consistently check online review platforms for comments, respond swiftly and openly to any concerns presented by guests. Showing responsiveness can improve how the hotel is perceived. Keywords: Customer Purchase Intention, Electronic Word of Mouth, Hotel Services.
... They were also assured of the confidentiality and anonymity of the information they provided (Creswell & Creswell, 2018). Moreover, participants were explicitly informed about the voluntary nature of their participation in the study, including their freedom to withdraw from the interview sessions at any point and their right to decline answering questions that made them uncomfortable (Marczyk, DeMatteo, & Festinger, 2005;Cohen et al., 2018;Creswell & Creswell, 2018). ...
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There is a dearth in literature on how quality assurance actors perceive the effectiveness of their own approaches to internal quality assurance practices in Ghana’s tertiary education system. This study, with the systems model as an analytical construct, used a constructivist-interpretivist approach to explore the internal quality assurance management practices at the University of Ghana. Semi-structured interviews and document analysis were used to gather data from the University of Ghana (UG). The themes that emerged from the data indicated that UG has a comprehensive quality assurance policy, policy implementation structure and quality assurance management system. The results show that there is lack of well–resourced quality assurance offices at the policy implementation staircases, inadequate quality assurance stakeholders’ involvement and neglect of quality assurance measures for educational outcome sub-system. The results imply that for UG to improve on its internal quality assurance management there is a need to establish well-resourced quality assurance offices at the policy implementation staircases. In addition, quality assurance actors should involve all stakeholders stipulated in the quality assurance policy documents.
... They were also assured of the confidentiality and anonymity of the information they provided (Creswell & Creswell, 2018). Moreover, participants were explicitly informed about the voluntary nature of their participation in the study, including their freedom to withdraw from the interview sessions at any point and their right to decline answering questions that made them uncomfortable (Marczyk, DeMatteo, & Festinger, 2005;Cohen et al., 2018;Creswell & Creswell, 2018). ...
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This study employed a single case study design involving twenty-two basic schoolteachers from the Ga East Education Directorate in Greater Accra, Ghana. Through interviews, we examined the inclusive education (IE) topics covered in professional development (PD) programmes and the resultant benefits for teachers. The findings demonstrate that IE PD programmes focused on sensitising teachers to IE policies and practices, identifying students with Special Education Needs (SEN), and fostering collaboration among teachers, headteachers, and special education (SPED) coordinators. Notably, participants derive substantial benefits from these programmes, acquiring knowledge on SEN identification, developing a willingness to embrace students with SEN, enhancing teacher agency, and fostering collaborative partnerships among teachers, headteachers, and SPED coordinators to better support students with SEN. The study’s findings underscore the imperative for comprehensive support from diverse education stakeholders in organising ongoing, practical, and hands-on IE PD programmes for Ghanaian basic schoolteachers.
... Descriptive surveys in the form of questionnaires were developed to critically observe the subjects and their ideas without controlling the conditions of certain phenomena (Jongbo, 2014). One of the advantages of surveys is that they provide information on large groups of people, with little effort and in a cost-effective manner (Marczyk et al., 2005). Accordingly, this instrument was selected as the principal method of data collection. ...
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The study sets out to determine event attendee perceptions on sport event leveraging which is aimed at destination brand benefits for Cameroon. The study employed a quantitative inquiry whereby data were collected from sport event attendees at various stadiums in Cameroon during the 2021 African Cup of Nations. The findings reveal that there are clear means for event leveraging for Cameroon which primarily link to economic development and is reflected in the lengthening of visitor stays. Further, the results expose the clear brand messages of Cameroon through event hosting, which are effectively felt in promotional activities but are not affected in practice by key event brand stakeholders and the government. This shows that leveraging, especially through event media is haphazardly implemented, which therefore presents critical implications for practice. Beyond the contribution to the extant event leveraging knowledge which is reflected in the extension of the scope in event leveraging theories, this research contributes to event stakeholders involved in leveraging regarding policy development and decision-makers in strategic planning for event hosting.
... In this study, a relational research design based on the descriptive method was used. The aim of correlational research is to determine whether two or more variables are related (Marczyk et al., 2005). The independent variable of the study was self-efficacy, the mediating variables were school attachment, teacher attachment, and friend attachment, and the dependent variable was life satisfaction. ...
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Bu çalışmanın amacı, ortaokul öğrencilerinde öz yeterlik ile yaşam doyumu arasındaki ilişkide okula bağlanmanın aracı rolünü incelemektir. Çalışma grubunu Şanlıurfa’nın Suruç ilçesindeki ortaokullarda öğrenim gören yaş aralığı 9-16 arası ve yaş ortalaması 12.12, Ss. 1.25 olan 205’i kız (%53.1) ve 181’i erkek (%46.9) olmak üzere toplam 386 öğrenci oluşturmuştur. Çalışmada veri toplama aracı olarak kişisel bilgi formu, Çok Boyutlu Yaşam Doyumu Ölçeği–Kısa Formu, Okula Bağlanma Ölçeği ve Öz-yeterlik Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın verilerinin analizinde, betimsel istatistikler, Pearson korelasyon analizi ve aracılık analizleri için ise Sıradan En Küçük Kareler Regresyona dayalı yaklaşım ve Bootstrap Yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgulara göre öz-yeterlik, okula bağlanma ve yaşam doyumu arasında pozitif yönde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı ilişkiler belirlenmiştir. Aracılık analizine göre öz-yeterlik ile yaşam doyumu arasında okula bağlanmanın aracılığı istatistiksel olarak anlamlıdır. Çalışmanın sonuçları alan yazında yer alan çalışmalar ışığında tartışılıp, yorumlanarak araştırmacılara önerilerde bulunulmuştur.
... This approach ensured that the researcher's own perspectives did not unduly impact the findings. Any assumptions made by the researcher were explicitly disclosed (Marczyk, G. R. et al., 2010). ...
This study investigates the determinants of audit committee effectiveness in Tanzania's public sector. Qualitative methods were employed to gather insights, using purposive sampling to select 14 participants from various public sector organizations. Interviews were conducted to ensure diverse perspectives on the subject matter. The research findings emphasize the significance of several factors in audit committee effectiveness, including well-defined terms of reference, resource availability, influence in decision-making, and committee member selection procedures. These factors encompass terms of reference, the availability of resources and support, the capacity to exert influence, the process of selecting audit committee members, communication and cooperation among committee members, the promotion of a culture of accountability, and the establishment of a conducive regulatory environment. The study recommends addressing these factors to enhance governance practices, strengthen accountability, and improve internal control mechanisms within public sector organizations.
... Based on the new environmental paradigm approach, a general evaluation of the staff and students' general environmental values, knowledge, and attitudes was also conducted [25]. The online questionnaire (Google Forms) used open-and closed-ended questions to obtain feedback on the university's plastic [26] and further analysed. ...
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Plastic pollution is a global issue of concern, with all environmental realms contaminated by plastics. Human consumption as well as management of daily plastics use can play a significant role to control this global environmental problem. Thus, understanding public perceptions about plastic consumption and pollution is vital to engage society in solutions to reduce the associated environmental impact. This study explores the perceptions, attitudes, and beliefs of a university community towards plastic consumption and pollution. We employed online questionnaires, which had 248 respondents in the end, and data was analysed using a combination of Chi-Squared and Spearman correlation tests. We observed that staff members (i.e., lecturers) had a greater awareness of long-term plastic waste impacts and were more likely to take steps to reduce their plastic use in their daily routines. About 50% of staff members and 14.8% of students indicated that their main source of information was scientific publications, followed by Google (8.3% of staff members, 24% of students). Furthermore, they were also more likely to implement policies and procedures that promote sustainability and reduce waste. Approximately 54.5% of staff members and 56.4% of students highlighted that they did not know of any tools to help reduce plastic pollution, with 36.4% of staff members and 20.5% of students indicating that they did not know of any intervention methods. In comparison, students were more focused on convenience and did not have the same level of understanding or concern about the environmental impact of plastics as they were more likely to use single-use plastics, without considering the potential environmental harm. Hence, to bridge this gap in perception, educational institutions should take proactive steps to educate both staff and students about the importance of reducing plastic waste and promoting sustainability through the provision of educational materials, organising awareness campaigns and events, and implementing policies that encourage responsible plastic use.
... On the day of data collection, the researcher was assisted by the staff from the office of Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic Affairs to obtain the participants. The first-year students who participated in this study were not forced to do so, because coercing someone to participate in the research is considered unethical (Marczyk et al., 2005); hence, the principle of voluntary participation was upheld in this research. The purpose of the study was explained to the participants after which they signed consent forms. ...
This study, which adopted an ex post facto research design, investigated the relationship between goal orientation and learning readiness among first year students in three public universities in Kenya. A sample size of 372 first years from the three universities were obtained using both stratified and simple random sampling techniques. The Goal Questionnaire for Students (GQS) and the Learning Readiness Questionnaire (LRQ) were used to collect data. The findings reported Eta squared (.547) which implied that a fairly large proportion (54.7%) of variance in he learning readiness index among the first year students is explained by goal orientation of the students. Results from the study determined that universities should emphasize techniques of performance approach in their guidance programs. Key words: Goal Orientation, Learning Readiness, first year, students, universities, Kenya Cette étude, qui a adopté une conception de recherche ex post facto, a examiné la relation entre l'orientation vers un objectif et la préparation à l'apprentissage chez les étudiants de première année dans trois universités publiques du Kenya. Un échantillon de 372 étudiants de première année des trois universités a été obtenu en utilisant des techniques d'échantillonnage aléatoire simple et stratifié. Le Goal Questionnaire for Students (GQS) et le Learning Readiness Questionnaire (LRQ) ont été utilisés pour collecter les données. Les résultats font état d'un coefficient Eta carré (.547) qui implique qu'une proportion assez importante (54,7%) de la variance de l'indice de préparation à l'apprentissage chez les étudiants de première année s’explique par l'orientation des objectifs des étudiants. Les résultats de l'étude ont déterminé que les universités devraient mettre l'accent sur les techniques d'approche de la performance dans leurs programmes d'orientation. Mots clés: orientation vers un but, préparation à l'apprentissage, première année, étudiants, universités, Kenya
... Design. The term research design refers to the plan used to examine a research question of interest [Marczyk et al. 2005]. Various types of design can be distinguished according to how explicitly they define and justify hypotheses and control for alternative explanations. ...
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Research on algorithms has drastically increased in recent years. Various sub-disciplines of computer science investigate algorithms according to different objectives and standards. This plurality of the field has led to various methodological advances that have not yet been transferred to neighboring sub-disciplines. The central roadblock for a better knowledge exchange is the lack of a common methodological framework integrating the perspectives of these sub-disciplines. It is the objective of this paper to develop a research framework for algorithm engineering. Our framework builds on three areas discussed in the philosophy of science: ontology, epistemology and methodology. In essence, ontology describes algorithm engineering as being concerned with algorithmic problems, algorithmic tasks, algorithm designs and algorithm implementations. Epistemology describes the body of knowledge of algorithm engineering as a collection of prescriptive and descriptive knowledge, residing in World 3 of Popper's Three Worlds model. Methodology refers to the steps how we can systematically enhance our knowledge of specific algorithms. The framework helps us to identify and discuss various validity concerns relevant to any algorithm engineering contribution. In this way, our framework has important implications for researching algorithms in various areas of computer science.
... Purposeful sampling is a method that facilitates the detailed examination of situations that are thought to contain rich information (Yıldırım & Şimşek, 2008). Maximum diversity sampling aims to determine whether there are any typical or shared phenomena among the diverse situations and to examine the different dimensions of the problem according to this diversity (Marczyk et al., 2005). In this context, in selecting the sample, it was considered that the teachers were of different genders, ages, branches, professional experience and education levels and that the designers had other genders, ages, professional experience, and fields of activity. ...
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Outdoor classrooms, one of the oldest educational approaches that have existed, bringing learning through the common denominator with nature to the agenda, first emerged in England as a reform movement in education at the end of the 1950s. Outdoor classrooms are a rare educational structure allowing students to interact with nature and experience the opportunities of this interaction with their fully digitalised interaction potentials. In the study, examples of open-air classrooms, which are almost nonexistent in Turkey, have been analysed with inductive content analysis by understanding them with the semi-structured interview technique conducted with architects and landscape architects who are teachers and practitioners. In the end, considering all the evaluations, it was determined that the effects of outdoor classes on students were grouped into four categories; effects on cognitive, psychomotor, development, affective and social development. Beyond only using a theoretical approach, exemplary outdoor classroom models were developed and interpreted.
... A descriptive research design was employed. This design permits for describing students' perceptions of instructors' practices, determining the relationship between students' perceptions and their CT performance, and assessing the impact of students' perceptions on their CT performance (Marczyk et al., 2005). ...
... Similarly, order effects could have influenced the results of Tarlow et al. (2020), as supervisees received in-person supervision first, where they established good working relationships before moving to telesupervision and the same may not be true of starting with telesupervision then moving to in-person. Furthermore, although supervisees worked with the same supervisor, to control for the validity threat of supervisor difference, the supervisor was also lead researcher, introducing the risk that supervisees adopted the role of "good participants", thereby introducing bias into study results (Marczyk et al., 2005). The challenges of researchers taking dual roles are further discussed by Morgan (2006): although this often enables a deeper level of understanding and interpretation, particularly in qualitative methods, some key challenges remain, such as implicit coercion of the participants, and desire for positive outcomes. ...
Although the use of telesupervision (technology-assisted supervision) is increasing in line with trends in digital health, this remains to be an under-researched area. This systematic review sought to evaluate the current state of knowledge about counsellors', psychotherapists' and psychologists' perspectives and experiences of receiving clinical supervision online, and to determine specific gaps in the literature. Five themes emerged within the literature review: comparison of telesupervision with in-person supervision; challenges of telesupervision; benefits of telesupervision; components of effective telesupervision and supervisor characteristics. Overall, evidence suggests that supervisory relationship is the key factor in quality and efficacy of supervision, regardless of delivery modality. Recommendations are made for practice, including training both supervisors and supervisees in telesupervision, and future research directions are discussed.
... Creswell (2003) and Johnson and Onwugbuzie (2004) contend that a mixed research design is a systematic inquiry where the researcher mixes or combines quantitative and qualitative research approaches, sampling procedures, methods, and analysis in a single study. In this research design, there is a combination of research methods that involves the collection, analysis, and integration of quantitative and qualitative data in a single or multiple studies (Marczyk, Dematteo, & Festinger, 2005). The present study used a mixed research design to explore factors influencing integration of Web 2.0 in teaching and learning activities. ...
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The study examined the factors influencing integration of Web 2.0 technologies in teaching and learning in three universities in Tanzania. Specifically, the study aimed to examine the extent to which Web 2.0 technologies are used in performing academic tasks, motives behind the integration of Web 2.0 technologies in teaching and learning activities and factors influencing integration of Web 2.0 technologies in pedagogy activities. The study used the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology. The study was conducted at Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences, Sokoine University of Agriculture and University of Dar es Salaam. It involved 47 members of staff and 141 postgraduate students. A mixed approach was employed in the study. Accordingly, a cross-sectional survey alongside documentary review was used to collect data from randomly selected postgraduate students while purposive sampling was used to select faculty members. The findings show that Web 2.0 technologies were frequently used for some academic activities while others were used for social communication. Among the factors influencing integration of Web 2.0 are familiarity with the technologies, expertise on the use of Web 2.0, attitude towards the technologies and support on the use of such technologies. The study recommends that technical support on proper design and use of Web 2.0 tools should be provided in teaching and learning, and short courses and workshops should be organized for faculty members and students.
... This chapter is based, as the paper that it follows (Modular Design and Technology for Diversity and a More Sustainable Fashion. The RTFKT X Nike and CLO Case Studies), in literary review and in qualitative research (Nonmetric Data) [24,28] and on cases studies [8,14], as a way to comprehend the connection between design by modules and technology, and how they can be engaged to the brands and the selected case studies, based in our own perception [8], after the study of the information of the cases, we will analyze how those brands proceeded to be able to offer solutions to the consumer, and consequently, to the market in general. ...
Participatory design practices allow users to understand and experience products more deeply. How, what, and why emerge as meaningful questions to answer collaboratively, strengthening the link between creators, companies, and consumers. As one of its results, companies have been adapting to the consumer market by allowing users to participate in the design of their own products. In this chapter, as an ongoing research project, two case studies are analyzed, helping to understand how companies promote the consumer's enrolment in the design, and their engagement with the creative part of future products and services through technology. Using a qualitative methodology, we seek to understand how modular design allows consumers to create more innovative, creative, fun-allocated pieces and how it could work as a design strategy for more sustainable marketable solutions and user behaviors. The main conclusion shows us a new creative sphere where the consumer has a critical role in developing future things emotionally bonded.
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The study examined the influence of school heads' clinical supervision practices on teachers’ professional competency development in public secondary schools in Tanzania. It was a mixed-methods research approach that involved Tanzanian school heads and teachers. Survey data from 94 participants were quantitatively analysed, and narrative data from 28 informants were subject to content analysis. Based on narrative findings, clinical supervision was the factor in developing teachers’ professional competencies: searching for teaching and learning resources, understanding the subject matter, organizing lessons, conducting interactive teaching and learning, and evaluating students’ learning. The descriptive results showed pre-observation of the lesson plans (M = 1.79) ranked at strongly agreed responses. Pre-observation of schemes of work, classroom observation, supervisory feedback, teachers’ professional support, and post-observation had a range of (M = 1.86) and (M = 2.06) ranked at agreed responses. These findings detail that school heads’ clinical supervision practices positively influenced teachers’ professional competency development. Therefore, the present study contributes to the existing literature of clinical supervision that each clinical supervision technical aspect has the potential to enhance teachers’ teaching professional competencies development in the workplace. These findings exceptionally increase the need to strengthen the clinical supervision practices that centrally map teachers’ professional needs and development.
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Effective and appropriate instructional practices in teaching and assessing reading comprehension by secondary school teachers are very fundamental if learners were to build the reading comprehension skills required for them to pass English language and other subjects. The study therefore examined the teachers’ instructional practices in the teaching and assessment of reading comprehension. This study generally looked at what instructional practices teachers used to help the learners derive meaning or answers from explicitly stated information, making of both direct and indirect inferences, and interpreting/integrating ideas and information. Lastly, the study also focussed on establishing teachers’ instructional practices in ensuring that learners were able to examine and evaluate content, language and textual elements. The other feature that was important to this study was to find out if learners were truly failing reading comprehension assessment or not. Therefore, part of the study assessed the learners in reading comprehension in order to determine if the statistics at national level were the same as at classroom level. Twelve teachers, three heads of departments and 200 learners were sampled from three different government schools of Ndola on the Copperbelt Province of Zambia. These were purposively and simple randomly sampled respectively to participate in the study. The Study employed a Mixed Method approach by way of embedded research design. Data collection was done using lesson observations, semi- structured interviews, questionnaires, document analysis and a reading comprehension test. Thematic analysis was used to analyse qualitative data while Microsoft Excel to find mean averages on learner performance with regard to the four processes of reading comprehension by the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) was used to analyse quantitative data. The findings revealed that, even though teachers taught and assessed the learners in reading comprehension, they did not impart the necessary reading comprehension skills in totality. All the teachers mostly focussed merely on reading, speed, pronunciation of words and vocabulary. They did not give detailed explanations on how the learners were expected to acquire the necessary Comprehension skills. To them, reading comprehension was about reading a text and then answer a few questions thereafter. Furthermore, it was revealed that learners performed well in the questions that did not require them to think beyond the text but on the other hand, the performance was very poor in those questions that required high thinking skills. In view of this, it was recommended that teachers should be oriented to Progress in International Reading Literacy Study so that they can apply in class when teaching and assessing learners in Reading Comprehension. This will help them discover ways of ensuring that the skills of reading comprehension are imparted in learners. Teachers should also ensure that they plan adequately for reading comprehension and formulate questions based on the skills they are teaching in each particular lesson.
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Theological education in Africa is currently at a crossroads and requires a thorough re-evaluation. The framework for teaching and learning introduced by missionaries during colonial times, which often prioritized Western perspectives and ignored indigenous African contexts, does not adequately address the complex issues and needs of African communities today. As a result, the impact of theological practice lacks both relevance and sustainability within grassroots communities. There is therefore a need for a theological framework that is more relevant, contextual, and responsive to the realities and aspirations of African people in the present context. This article advocates for the decolonization of theological education for a praxical approach rooted in lived experiences. It is essential to firmly anchor theological reflection and action in African traditions in order to effectively address contextual issues. This calls for action beyond academic reform towards meeting the pressing needs of the population. This article sheds light on the inadequacies of the colonial framework within theological education, serving as crucial indicators for holistic and sustainable transformation within the field. Case studies drawn from theological institutions, and local churches from selected countries in East, Central and Southern Africa provide nuanced insights into the importance of this transformative process.
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This thesis is an administrative history of Ethiopian modern civil service from 1961 to 2021. The year 1961 is selected because this year forms an important watershed in the administration history of modern civil service since it witnessed a significant structural and functional change in the Ethiopian civil service institutions as the result of the issuance of the Public Services Order No.23/1961. This order created the Imperial Central Personnel Agency as a principal entity of government which formulated, regulated and controlled civil service administration in Ethiopia. On the other hand in 2021, the Civil Service Commission was re-established as an autonomous federal government organ having its own legal personality and being accountable for the Prime Minister. In this year the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Civil Service Commission not only introduced its ten-year public service sector road-map (2021-2030), but also has issued the revised Federal Employees' Employment, Promotion and Transfer Directive. Beside this, in this year it lost its previous executive organs such as the Ethiopian Civil Service University, Mäläs Zénawi Leadership Academy, and the Public Servants Social Security Agency. The only executive organ which continued as accountable to the Civil Service Commission was the Ethiopian Management Institute. Hence this study investigates the change and continuities in the Ethiopian Civil Service Administration in the last six decades and above. In doing so, the study used both primary and secondary sources. These sources were cross-checked and triangulated. Meanwhile, the method of periodization was the important approaches used for comprehending the analysis .The study found the following major findings. Firstly it found that among the leaders who administered the Ethiopian Civil Service Administrative Organ, “Commissioner Mammo Tadässä, Käbädä Gäbrä Mariyam, Minister Täfära Waluwa, and Junädin Sado, were who made a great significant contribution for the structural changes in the Ethiopian Civil Service Institutions. “Commissioner Mammo Tadässä, Käbädä Gäbrä Mariyam, was often to be known for the establishment of a merit-based civil service as the answer to the rampant nepotism, inefficiency, and incompetency that plagued the Ethiopian governance whereas Minister Täfära Waluwa, and Junädin Sado were often known for building the capacity of civil service organizations and in reforming government bureaucracies or framing and re framing tools that was used for service delivery. Secondly, efforts to make free the civil service from political influence have been unsuccessful in Ethiopia from 1961-2021.This was because the government was unable to mobilize qualified people for the civil service. The capacity required for the job were not well developed and the institution was not in a position to work not only freely, but also efficiently. These are all the valid lessons to be learned currently from that period experience. Indeed, there is no a universal accepted model, which firmly demarcates the two in terms of political and civil service, careers, and maintains firm boundaries around the civil service. But the civil service should remain totally impartial and neutral and not linked to any party; they work for the state and carry out the policies of whatever government that is selected. Keywords: Modern, Civil Service, Administrative, History
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The exponential rise in globalization has transformed many sectors including internal auditing. Today's businesses are relied on quality and standard internal reporting in order to attract both local and foreign investors. Thus, it is vital for internal auditors to implement international financial reporting standards. The purpose of this study is to explore the role of internal audit in attracting investors. To analyze this issue, the study developed a model with four constructs; internal auditor experience, standard or qualitative internal auditing reports, organizational productivity and attracting investors. Data were collected from internal auditors working in different sectors (both public and private) and analyzed using SPSS. Correlations between variables are evaluated based on descriptive statistics, Structure Equation Modelling (SEM), reliability, validity and regression analysis. The study's findings have shown that experienced internal auditors designed qualitative and standard internal auditing reports which attract both foreign and local investors compare to inexperienced internal auditors.
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Humanitarian businesses have to plan their logistics needs, plan the components they have to acquire, and supply them to the affected regions swiftly, which calls for cautious planning. With the growing number of catastrophes occurring every year, humanitarian operations have to be capable of supplying aid efficiently. This research paper analyzes the Malaysian humanitarian operations scenario as well as the logistical readiness challenges between the government agencies, namely the Malaysian Civil Defense Force (MCDF) and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) registered with the National Disaster Management Agency (NADMA) during humanitarian operations in Malaysia. As a result, this study leveraged prior literature to provide a conceptual framework and identified three critical aspects of a successful humanitarian operations framework: logistical planning, human resource management, and logistics coordination. The NGOs additionally play a key function in easing the workloads of the authorities over the control of the post-disaster humanitarian useful resource distribution process. The most important factor for successful humanitarian operations is logistical readiness. The results showed that there were numerous logistical bottlenecks in humanitarian operations, which were caused not by the inefficiency of the humanitarian organizations but by the insecurity during the flood. As a result, a contingency plan must be developed to minimize possible risks and disruptions. Previous studies had concluded that inefficiency was the prime cause of late aid received. However, insecurity issues during catastrophes were found to be the primary factor of recurring bottlenecks in aid relief.
The burgeoning field of neuropolitics, scrutinizing the intersection of neurological data and political behavior, is gaining traction in interdisciplinary research. This study navigates challenges, methodological advancements, and opportunities in this domain, focusing on data collection tools and integrating qualitative methods. Highlighting neuropolitics' multidisciplinary essence and reliance on EEG, fMRI, and Eye Trackers, the paper delves into decision-making behaviors. It emphasizes the need for standardized research processes and explores the efficacy of these tools, spotlighting EEG's accessibility and the user-friendliness of Eye Trackers. The study links neuropolitics with qualitative methodologies, advocating for sample coherence and employing data triangulation for rigor. It proposes a preliminary model integrating qualitative frameworks and neurological tools, accentuating their potential in enhancing objectivity. It urges collaborative efforts to challenge conventional paradigms in political studies.
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Buku ini adalah buku yang dirancang untuk membantu pembaca dalam mengembangkan keterampilan menulis ilmiah dengan efektif. Ditulis dengan pendekatan yang jelas dan sistematis, buku ini merupakan panduan komprehensif yang mencakup berbagai aspek dalam penulisan karya tulis ilmiah. Buku ini dimulai dengan menjelaskan pentingnya karya tulis ilmiah dalam dunia akademis dan bagaimana penulisan yang baik dapat memengaruhi kesuksesan seorang peneliti atau akademisi. Pembaca akan dibimbing melalui langkah-langkah awal dalam merencanakan topik, Riset, Kajian Pustaka, Memilih Metode Penelitian yang Tepat, Desain Penelitian, Populasi dan Sampel, Instrumen Penelitian ,Proses Pengumpulan Data, Analisis Data, Struktur Karya Tulis Ilmiah dan Kode Etik Penelitian.
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Nonperforming Loan creates problems for the banking sector’s balance sheet on the asset side. They also have a negative impact on the income statement as a result of provisioning for loan losses. Accordingly, the objective of this study is to investigate the determinants of Nonperforming. Loan in the case of Development Bank of Ethiopia. To achieve the objective and to test the formulated hypothesis of determinants of Nonperforming Loan Descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlation analysis and Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression method using Eview7statststical software utilized. Data from years 2004/05 to 2011/12 were used, and it were disaggregated into quarterly observation using cubic spline software. Correlation analysis result shows that, all variables are correlated with NPL. Except real GDP growth all variables are negatively correlated with NPL. Time series regression results for the long run model shows that 99.98% coefficient of determination that in the NPLs rate can be predicted by all independent variables. Loans, inflation, real GDP growth, and credit policy has statistically negative long run effect on NPL, however Exchange rate and energy has statistically positive long run effect on NPL. Regarding the short run relations (Error Correction Model) loan, real GDP growth, Exchange rate has statistically negative short run effect on NPL. On the other hand, inflation, energy and credit policy has statistically positive short run effect on NPL. Accordingly in issuing loan DBE has to give due attention to determinant of NPL and consider macroeconomic variables as well as firm specific variables will reduce risk exposure of the bank.
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The purpose of the study was to determine the influence of the performance management system (PM) on employee job performance in the commercial bank of Ethiopia selected adama districts. In order to test five (05) hypotheses and achieve the objectives of this research structured questionnaire had been applied to gather primary data for analysis and interpretation. However, this questionnaire is composed of 31 questions (Likert Scale question) that personate all the variables of this paper. However, a simple random sample (n=159) was selected with 178 questionnaires that were distributed and back to ensure high response from bank staffs. Descriptive Statistics and Multiple regression model were used for data analysis. Accordingly the result of the data analysis reveal that performance management system i.e. Employee readiness, performance planning period, performance feedback, performance appraisal and, rewarding system have a significant influence on its selected outcomes. As a result, it is recommended by the researcher that the study also bring about the emphasis on the presence and appearance of PMS internal experts within the banks which helps to improve the implementation of effective PMS practices. The study concluded that there are strong links with all independent outcomes but there is a strong link is there with performance appraisals as indicated. Based on the results of the study, it is recommended that the management of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia Adama district sit and reconcile their PMS practices to make them more sustainable.
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STEM eğitimi yaklaşımının önemi nedeniyle uygulanması ve geliştirilmesine yönelik adımlar atılmaktadır. Bu nedenle, STEM eğitimi yaklaşımına yönelik nitelikli programların hazırlanması eğitimciler için çok önemlidir. Nitelikli bir STEM eğitim uygulaması için alanda sınırlı sayıda STEM modülleri yer almakla birlikte var olan bu modüller fen bilgisi konularının öğretimine yönelik olup, matematik bu modüllerde bir araç olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı ortaokul oran-orantı, alan ölçümü ve madde-ısı konularının öğretimi için matematik ağırlıklı STEM modülü geliştirmek ve geliştirilen bu modülün ve matematik eğitimi alanında ileride geliştirilecek olan modüllerin niteliğini değerlendirecek bir STEM değerlendirme formu oluşturmaktır. Bu çalışmada, geliştirilen matematik ağırlıklı STEM modülünün ve STEM değerlendirme formunun güvenilirliği ve geçerliliği uzman görüşleri alınarak araştırılmıştır. Bu çalışmada, tasarım temelli araştırma yöntemi kullanılmıştır. STEM değerlendirme formunun uzman görüşlerine göre Croanbach’s alpha değeri 0,91 hesaplanmış olup yüksek düzeyde geçerlilik ve güvenilirliğin sağlandığını göstermektedir. Geliştirilen Matematik ağırlıklı STEM modülünün için uzmanlar arası görüş uyumluluğu %94 olarak belirlenirken modülün uzman görüşlerine göre Croanbach’s alpha değeri 0,80 olarak hesaplanmış olup yüksek düzeyde geçerlilik ve güvenilirliğin sağlandığını göstermektedir. Bu çalışma ile geliştirilen matematik ağırlıklı STEM modülünün hem öğretmenler için düzenlenen eğitici eğitimi programlarında hem de yedinci sınıf öğrencilerinin eğitiminde kullanılabilecek ve matematiğin ön planda olduğu STEM öğretim materyali eksikliğini gidermeye katkı sağlayacaktır. Ayrıca, bu çalışma sürecinde geliştirilen STEM değerlendirme formunun ileride geliştirilecek STEM modüllerinin değerlendirilmesine yönelik bir değerlendirme aracı olarak alana katkı sunması amaçlanmaktadır
Capitolul de față prezintă caracteristicile de bază ale cercetării experimentale, cu accent pe elementele definitorii ale acestor designuri, și anume-manipulare, control și randomizare. Ulterior sunt prezentate cel mai des utilizate designuri de experimentare cu grupe rando-mizate-designuri cu grupe independente, perechi și designuri complexe. În continuare sunt descrise cercetările de tip cvasiexperimental, cu evidențierea principalelor diferențe dintre cercetarea experimentală și cea cvasiexperimentală. Sunt prezentate principalele tipuri de designuri cvasiexperimentale, de la designul pretest-posttest fără grup de control, la cele pretest-posttest cu grupe neechivalente și designuri cu serii de timp întrerupte. La final, sunt descrise pe scurt amenințările la adresa validității interne în designurile cvasiexperimentale și posibile măsuri de control ale acestora.
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The research aims to investigate the effect of using Instagram short video media towards student’s vocabulary mastery at the seventh grade of Babunnajah junior high school Menes-Pandeglang in the academic year 2021-2022. This research used quantitative approach and quasi-experimental method with achievement test in collecting data. Achievement test include pre-test and post-test. Short Instagram videos are used as learning media to help students master vocabulary. Jagobahasacom is the Instagram account used as the video source. The experimental class for this research was seventh grade B, and the control class was seventh grade A. Each class has 20 students, for a total of 40 samples in all. The experimental class's mean score on the pretest was 62.15, while the control class's score was 59.45. Following the acquisition of posttest results, the experimental class had a mean score of 70.65, whereas the control class received a score of 66.3. Hypothesis testing is done by comparing T-table with T-count. The results obtained from hypothesis testing are -1.686 > -3.068, this result indicated that H0 was rejected and Ha was accepted. As a result, hypotheses test indicated that there is significant effect of using Instagram short video media towards student’s vocabulary mastery at the seventh grade of Babunnajah junior high school Menes-Pandeglang.
Mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) has entered students' educational life with a rising momentum. For this reason, it is necessary to determine the needs of English language curricula, teachers, and students in terms of mobile-assisted language learning. In this study, a convergent parallel design of mixed methods was used. The study group of research consists of 130 high school students and 5 teachers working in secondary education institutions. A mobile application adoption scale was used for the data collected from the students. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with teachers. As a result of the research, it was concluded that students find mobile applications useful and adopt them, and teachers need to be informed about the MALL. It was also found that mobile applications should support the target learning outcomes and cover all four language skills.
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This paper is an attempt to study ellipsis and the elliptical strategies used in Mosuli Arabic discourse from a functional pragmatically based perspective. It aims at investigating the types and functions of ellipsis, alongside the elliptical strategies employed by Mosuli Arabic speakers in the everyday discourse. In order to achieve this aim, it is hypothesized that: (1) Ellipsis and elliptical strategies are frequently used in Mosuli Arabic daily situational discourse with specific functions, (2) Ellipsis is pragmatically oriented, hence contextually interpreted (3) Ellipsis, as communicative strategy in Mosuli Arabic interactions, falls into several types and functions. A descriptive qualitative method is used in this study. Three episodes of a sitcom are chosen as a data reflection to Mosuli everyday discourse. The data utterances, after their collection, transcription, and identification, are analyzed on the basis of a functional pragmatically based model, which is built on certain theorizations taken from two well-known models; namely, the textual model of Halliday and Hasan (1976), and the pragmatic model of Grice (1989). The study has found, due to the results obtained by data analysis, that Mosuli Arabic interlocutors, when engaged in a conversational discourse, use, by violating, flouting, clashing, or opting out CP maxims, certain elliptical strategies with specific intended communicative functions. In this regard, it has been found that such breaking procedure is recovered and interpreted contextually within the relevant conversational implicature, underlying the elliptical utterances, which is activated by the pragmatic dichotomy; 'presupposition' and 'inference'. As a striking conclusion, ellipsis, along its strategies, types and functions realized in the contextual situations considered here, is daily used in the Mosuli Arabic discourse, where it is proved to be pragmatically and linguistically determined by the cultural ideology of Mosuli Arabic speech-community.
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The overarching focus of this study was to establish the effect of motivation on employee performance at a Government Agency responsible for the collection, enforcement and administration of various taxes in Zambia. The study objectives were to establish the types of motivation the company provided to its employees, examine the employees' expectations of motivation and assess the effect of motivation on employee performance. A quantitative approach to which a descriptive case study was adopted for this study. Stratified random sampling of participants was employed to select respondents from Lusaka Headquarters and a questionnaire with Likert scale statements was used for data collection. Questionnaires were administered via email and 183 respondents returned fully answered questionnaires. The findings revealed that 65% of motivation were motivated. The study also revealed that employees had expectations on the type of motivation to be provided to them by their management. Regarding the effect of motivation on employee performance, it was revealed that motivation influenced individual hard work, reinforcement of morals and integrity, rejection of under hand bribes by clients and many other effects. The findings of the hypothesis showed that the mean values were skewed towards the Likert responses 'agree' with 80% of employees agreeing to motivation variables. This confirmed that motivation affected employee performance by 100%. The study concluded that, motivation played a pivotal role where productivity through human effort was concerned. The study made three recommendations: The management and Board should understand human nature and their employees' needs at workplace as this determined the direction on the correct motivation to provide to them. The Government Agency should create a committee of incentives provision comprising ordinary employees and management personnel in order to have inclusive suggestions of incentives that have a bearing on the needs of the employees. Lastly employees should be informed and oriented on the role of motivation as it influences their daily work efforts.
This research aims to investigate the effect of using the Elsa Speak application on students’ pronunciation of SMK Kesehatan of Kapuas Raya Sintang in the academic year 2021/2022). The design of this research used quasi-experimental research in quantitative research. The sample of this research was XI Clinical Pharmacy as the class control and XI Nursing Assistant as the class non-control. The class control was taught by using the Elsa Speak application and class non-control was taught without using the Elsa Speak application. This selection based on purposive sampling technique. The researcher gave test in the form of pre-test and post-test to the control and non-control classes. The result of this research indicated that the Elsa Speak application was significant in improving students’ pronunciation. This was proven by the average score before treatment was 46.03 and the average score after treatment has given was 76.46. It means that using the Elsa Speak application showed a positive effect size. It was 0.58, the criteria were Moderate Effect to be implemented for students, especially for the eleventh-grade students of SMK Kesehatan of Kapuas Raya Sintang.
The financial performance of Kenyan universities has been declining to recent time where most of the universities reported deficits in their income statement, following the dwindling revenues universities are in a deep financial crisis that can possibly lead some of them to a halt. Auditor General declared 11 universities insolvent in a report to Parliament for financial year (2017/2018). Proper cash management is essential for any organizational survival. This is because an institutions’ inability to identify relevant cash management practices can be its source of inability to perform. The general objective of this study was to determine the Effect of cash management on financial performance of public universities in Kenya, which was guided by the following independent variables; effect of cash ratio management on financial performance of public universities in Kenya, effect of operational cash flow management on financial performance of public universities in Kenya, effect of cash budget management on financial performance of public universities in Kenya and the effect of student enrollment on the relationship between Cash management on financial performance of universities in Kenya . The study was anchored on operating cycle theory, liquidity theory and Baumol’s Cash Management Model. The scope of the study was based on public universities in Kenya for period between years 2016 to 2019. Existing literature was reviewed in details in chapter two of the study. Quantitative research design was used in this study. The study population was 31 accredited public universities in Kenya. Secondary data was collected from the auditor general’s office. The study found that cash management affects financial performance of public universities in Kenya. The study revealed that student enrolment moderates the relationship between cash management and financial performance of public universities in Kenya. The study concluded that cash management plays a significant role in financial performance of public universities in Kenya. The study therefore recommended that all public universities embrace prudent cash management in order to have sound financial performance.
The financial performance of Kenyan universities has been declining to recent time where most of the universities reported deficits in their income statement, following the dwindling revenues universities are in a deep financial crisis that can possibly lead some of them to a halt. Auditor General declared 11 universities insolvent in a report to Parliament for financial year (2017/2018). Proper Accounts receivable management is essential for any organizational survival. This is because an institutions’ inability to identify relevant accounts receivable management practices can be its source of inability to perform. The general objective of this study was to determine the Effect of Accounts payable management on financial performance of public universities in Kenya, which was guided by the following independent variables; effect of account payable turnover management on financial performance of public universities in Kenya, effect of account payable day ratio management on financial performance of public universities in Kenya, effect of coverage ratio management on financial performance of public universities in Kenya. The study was anchored on trade off theory, operating cycle theory, liquidity theory. The scope of the study was based on public universities in Kenya for period between years 2016 to 2019. Existing literature was reviewed in details in chapter two of the study. Quantitative research design was used in this study. The study population was 31 accredited public universities in Kenya. Secondary data was collected from the auditor general’s office. The study found that accounts payable turnover management, accounts payable day ratio management, coverage ratio management as measures of accounts payable collective and individually affects financial performance of public universities in Kenya. The study revealed that student enrolment moderates the relationship between accounts payable management and financial performance of public universities in Kenya. Coefficient of determination R2 = 0.563 shows that 53.6 percent of the variation in financial performance are accounted for by the changes in accounts payable management of public universities in Kenya. The study concluded that accounts payable management plays a significant role in financial performance of public universities in Kenya. The study therefore recommended that all public universities embrace accounts payable management in order to have sound financial performance. Further it is recommended that more research can be done on private universities in Kenya to facilitate generalization.
The purpose of this chapter is to explore the work-life balance of banking sector employees in Ethiopia with specific attention to leaders’ role in incorporating family-friendly policies and initiatives and existing individual coping mechanisms by applying a descriptive research design and quantitative research approach. The survey results indicated a moderate level of work-life balance and a high level of perceived social support. The main sources of support were domestic employees, live-in nannies, relatives, spouses and daycare centres. Most employees used their annual leave to address family issues. Examinations of the Ethiopian Constitution, Labour Law and Federal Service Proclamations indicated relatively generous leave arrangements and their implementation in the banking industry was confirmed. Organisationally initiated family-friendly initiatives in the form of material support—education, health, transportation, insurance and loans with lower interest rates—were provided. None of the surveyed banks, however, had family support—childcare centres, childcare subsidies, breastfeeding hours and eldercare centres. Similarly, workplace flexibility—flexible working hours, part-time employment, job sharing, compressed work weeks, reduced work hours and telecommuting—was nonexistent. It is hoped that the findings will attract policymakers, organisational leaders and human resource managers to incorporate more need-based employee benefits. The chapter concludes with implications for human resource managers and the authors’ concluding remarks.
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This article suggests that just as gender studies should not proceed without consideration of the various contexts in which men and women behave, similarly multicultural psychology should recognize gender, among other characteristics in the populations examined. Focusing on ethnic group women, who are understudied, develops this theme. Two arguments are proposed: (a) that gender must be recognized as impinging on every aspect of psychological research and practice, and (b) that gender should be considered an aspect of culture, just as ethnicity now is. The literature in psychology is reviewed to demonstrate how erroneous beliefs and exclusion operate to minimize examination of ethnicity and gender. Finally, a call to advocacy is made for attention to complexity.