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The application of a uniform radial ice thickness to structural sections



Equivalent uniform radial ice thicknesses accreted from freezing rain on wires, conductors, guys and cables with round cross sections are determined for the design of ice sensitive structures from field measurements or from simulations using historical weather data. Ice thicknesses on non-round structural shapes may also be required in the design of communication towers, towers for power transmission lines, and other ice-sensitive structures. In this paper the uniform radial ice thickness on a wire is shown to be different from the uniform ice thicknesses on other structural shapes in the same icing conditions. Consistent ice thicknesses are calculated for a variety of structural shapes including angles, bars, and channels. Finally a simple method, which is used in ASCE Standard 7 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, is presented for determining ice loads on arbitrary structural shapes from the uniform radial ice thickness on a wire.
The application of a uniform radial ice thickness to structural sections
K.F. Jones
*, A.B. Peabody
Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, 72 Lyme Rd., Hanover, NH 03755, USA
Consulting Transmission Engineer, 12601 Turks Turn, Anchorage, AK 99516, USA
Received 26 November 2004; accepted 16 October 2005
Equivalent uniform radial ice thicknesses accreted from freezing rain on wires, conductors, guys and cables with round
cross sections are determined for the design of ice sensitive structures from field measurements or from simulations using
historical weather data. Ice thicknesses on non-round structural shapes may also be required in the design of commu-
nication towers, towers for power transmission lines, and other ice-sensitive structures. In this paper the uniform radial ice
thickness on a wire is shown to be different from the uniform ice thicknesses on other structural shapes in the same
icing conditions. Consistent ice thicknesses are calculated for a variety of structural shapes including angles, bars, and
channels. Finally a simple method, which is used in ASCE Standard 7 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other
Structures, is presented for determining ice loads on arbitrary structural shapes from the uniform radial ice thickness on a
D2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Ice accretion; Ice loads; Power line icing; Transmission lines; Towers; Design criteria
1. Background
Equivalent uniform radial ice thicknesses accreted
from freezing rain on wires, conductors, guys, and
cables with round cross sections are determined for
the design of ice-sensitive structures from field mea-
surements or from simulations using historical weath-
er data. Ice thicknesses on non-round structural
shapes may also be required in the design of com-
munication towers, towers for power transmission
lines, and other ice-sensitive structures assembled
from components with non-round cross sections.
For two components that intercept the same depth
of freezing rain, the ice thickness will be less on the
section with the longer perimeter. For example, the
ratio of the uniform ice thickness on a square cross
section, oriented with one side perpendicular to the
rain drop trajectory, to the uniform ice thickness on a
cylinder is p/4 (Jones, 1996).
Design ice thicknesses from freezing rain are
often specified as uniform radial thicknesses. This
thickness has been determined for components with
essentially round cross sections, such as wires,
cables, conductors, or guys. In this paper we discuss
the application of this measure of the ice thickness to
structural sections with non-round cross sectional
shapes. We assume that the components are all ori-
ented horizontally, with axes perpendicular to the
direction of the wind accompanying the freezing rain.
0165-232X/$ - see front matter D2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
* Corresponding author. Fax: +1 603 646 4644.
E-mail addresses:
(K.F. Jones), (A.B. Peabody).
Fax: +1 907 345 6819.
Cold Regions Science and Technology 44 (2006) 145 – 148
2. Basic model
In many of the basic models for accreting ice
from freezing rain, the ice is assumed to accrete
uniformly thickly around the object, which is typi-
cally assumed to have a round cross section. This
accretion shape can occur in nature. The precipitation
that impinges on the upper windward quadrant of a
wire may not freeze immediately, instead flowing
part way around the circumference before finally
freezing. Or, if the impinging precipitation does
freeze immediately the eccentric weight may cause
a torsionally flexible wire to rotate under the eccen-
tric load. As the precipitation continues to fall, the
ice eventually covers the wire in a more-or-less
uniform layer. There are many exceptions to these
two scenarios, resulting in eccentric ice shapes, or a
significant fraction of the ice in the form of icicles
hanging from the wire. However, the assumption of a
uniformly thick layer of ice is a useful concept for
examining the important factors that determine the
accreted ice load. Here we extend that assumption to
structural shapes with non-round cross sections, even
though the corners and edges of these shapes and
their torsional stiffness, as structural elements in
lattice towers, for example, make the realization of
a uniform ice thickness less likely.
Consider a structural section with characteristic
dimension dand cross section perimeter p
1). Freezing rain is falling at an effective rate P,
with the drop trajectory perpendicular to d. The
effective rate includes the contribution from wind-
blown rain. What is the uniform thickness of ice on
the object at the end of the event at time T?Atan
arbitrary time in the storm there is a uniform layer of
ice with thickness x, and the perimeter of the ice-
covered section is p(x). In the increment of time dT,
an ice layer of thickness dxis added. Equating the
mass per unit length of impinging rain with the mass
per unit length of the ice layer results in
where c= 0.9 is the specific gravity of ice. This can
be rearranged and integrated to give
where tis the uniform thickness of the ice on the
object at the end of the event. For a round cross
section p(x)=p(d+2x), which gives the familiar re-
lationship (Jones, 1998) between precipitation depth
and uniform radial ice thickness t
for a cylinder
3. Calculation of consistent ice thicknesses
We can use the total precipitation amount in (3) that
results in t
on a cylinder and use (2) to calculate the ice
thickness that accretes on other cross sectional shapes
in the same conditions. Assume that these simple
shapes are made up of plates of zero thickness with n
sides of length L,m908outside corners, and q908
inside corners. Further, for convenience, assume that
the ice shape is round on the outside corners (Fig. 2)
and has square inside corners. If the shape is oriented
with the diagonal perpendicular to the rain drop trajec-
tory, the characteristic dimension d¼ffiffi
pL. The perim-
eter of the ice-covered shape is then
pxðÞ¼nL 2qx þm
Fig. 1. Freezing rain falling on a cross section with dimension d
perpendicular to the rain drop trajectory and perimeter p
, covered by
ice with thickness x.
characteristic length
Fig. 2. Layer of ice with thickness ton an angle with legs of length L.
There are four sides, five 908outside corners, and one 908inside
K.F. Jones, A.B. Peabody / Cold Regions Science and Technology 44 (2006) 145–148146
for a uniform ice thickness x. From (2)
nL þmp=22qðÞx
ln ffiffi
This transcendental equation cannot be solved ana-
lytically, but for a specified length Land shape given
by n,mand q, it can be solved iteratively to
determine the thickness t
of the uniform layer of
ice on this shape that is consistent with the uniform
radial ice thickness t
. Note that this ice thickness
depends on L, although the uniform radial thickness
does not. This dependence on Lstems from the
shape of these objects changing as ice accretes,
while a round cross section remains round. A
corresponding equation for the ice thickness on a
bar with width Loriented perpendicular to the drop
trajectory can be derived in a similar way.
Table 1 shows the values of n,mand qfor a few
shapes. In the last column of this table is the ice
thickness calculated from (5) that is consistent with a
30 mm ice thickness on a cylinder for L= 0.1 m. In
these conditions, the depth of ice on a cold roof per-
pendicular to the rain drop trajectory is found from (3)
to be 84.8 mm. For the square and angle, for which
pis smaller than p, the ice thickness is
greater than the 30 mm on a round cross section. For
the channel and I-beam, for which p0=d¼3ffiffi
greater than p, the ice thickness is less than on the
round cross section. The nonstructural E-shaped section
is included to illustrate the effect of increasing perim-
eter on the equivalent uniform ice thickness.
Table 1
Shape parameters for five structural sections and an E-shaped section,
and ice thicknesses consistent with a 30-mm radial thickness
Shape nmqt
Square 4 4 0 32.7
Angle 4 5 1 33.1
Channel 6 6 2 23.4
H section 6 8 4 23.7
E section 8 8 4 17.8
Bar 2 4 0 40.9
Fig. 3. Ratio of ice areas; solid circles are A
) and open circles are A(t
K.F. Jones, A.B. Peabody / Cold Regions Science and Technology 44 (2006) 145–148 147
4. The application of the radial ice thickness to
structural shapes
The calculation in the previous section could be
made more general to allow for sides with different
lengths (e.g. rectangles, angles with unequal legs) and
for specified thicknesses for the leg, web, or flange of
the structural section. However, the purpose of this
paper is not to provide these detailed calculations, but
to show how to use the uniform radial thickness on a
cylinder to obtain consistent ice loads on these other
The uniform radial ice thickness that is calculated for
a round cross section is often assumed to apply to other
shapes as well (e.g. ASCE, 2000; ISO, 1998; TIA,
1996). However, as indicated in the examples in the
previous section, the uniform ice thickness actually
varies with the shape of the cross section. The ice
area is the best measure for comparing ice loads on
different shapes. The ice area A(t) for a uniform ice
thickness ton our simple shapes is given by
AtðÞ¼nLt qt2þm
The area of ice with thickness t
on a cylinder is
We can compare the area of ice (6) on a structural
shape, on which is accreted a thickness of ice t
lated from (5) that is consistent with the amount of
precipitation resulting in an ice thickness t
on a cylin-
der with diameter d¼ffiffi
pLwith a) the area of ice of
thickness t
on the cylinder from (7), and b) the area of
ice (6) on the structural shape assuming an ice thickness
. The first ratio is A
) and the second ratio is
). These ratios are plotted in Fig. 3 for the six
cross sections. Note that the first ratio, using a consis-
tent ice thickness on the structural shapes, is near 1 and
approaches 1 asymptotically as Lincreases. However,
the second ratio, which comes from applying the same
ice thickness on the structural shapes as on the cylinder,
is much greater than or less than 1, depending on the
shape. Furthermore, that ratio does not tend toward 1
with increasing L.
This comparison shows that the design uniform
radial ice thickness t
can be used to determine the
design ice load on other structural shapes by applying
the area of ice on the cylinder (7) to those shapes. This
approach gives ice loads on the cylinder and the other
shapes that are consistent with each other. In contrast,
applying the radial ice thickness t
directly to structural
shapes results in ice loads that are excessively high or
low, depending on the shape. The radial ice thickness t
can still be used in determining the projected area for
specifying the design wind-on-ice load. However, one
should keep in mind the effect of the accreted ice on the
drag coefficient, as well as the wide variety of shapes of
accreted ice that occur in nature. The ice shapes on
structures in a particular storm will depend on the
specific meteorological conditions at that location as
well as on the orientation and shape of the components
and their relative positions in the structure.
This method of applying mapped extreme radial ice
thicknesses to non-round cross sections is specified in
ASCE Standard 7 Minimum design loads for buildings
and other structures beginning with the 2002 revision
(ASCE, 2002).
This work was supported by the Corps of Engineers
Engineering Research and Development Center work
package Near Surface Properties and Sensor Signal
Interaction with Terrain, work unit Icing on Structures
(Jones), and Hydro Quebec and the Natural Science and
Engineering Research Council of Canada (Peabody).
ASCE, 2000. Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Struc-
tures, ASCE Standard 7-98. American Society of Civil Engineers,
Reston, VA.
ASCE, K.F., 2002. Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other
Structures, ASCE Standard 7-02. American Society of Civil
Engineers, Reston, VA.
ISO, 1998, Atmospheric Icing on structures ISO/TC 98/SC 3 (com-
mittee draft, January 1998).
Jones, K.F., 1996. Ice Accretion in Freezing Rain, CRREL Report 96-
2. Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, Hanover,
Jones, K.F., 1998. A simple model for freezing rain ice loads. Atmo-
spheric Research 46, 87 – 97.
TIA, 1996. Structural Standards for Steel Antenna Towers and An-
tenna Supporting Structures TIA/EIA-222-F. Telecommunications
Industry Association, Arlington, VA.
K.F. Jones, A.B. Peabody / Cold Regions Science and Technology 44 (2006) 145–148148
... The SHS (CA > 150°, CAH < 10°or SA < 5°) creating a large CA and little CAH, results in the reduced adhesion or friction efficiently, hence has ideal water-repellence property, and acquires widespread application in industry, such as glass coatings, bio-microfluidics, pesticides, anti-corrosion [21][22][23][24][25]. Moreover, it would be possibly used for anti-icing adhesion of high-voltage Cable and aircraft surfaces in the near future [26][27][28][29]. Especially, for the SHS, when a droplet is deposited on it, if the WS appears to be a composite, the adhesion from the solid-liquid interface is largely reduced, thus leading towards a large CA and small CAH. ...
... Moreover, for the same fractal dimension, and at the sameκ, the W a of hydrophobic materials = θ ( 110 ) o s is less than that of hydrophilic materials ( = θ 70 o s ); the larger κ is, the more theirs difference is (Fig. 4(c)). Conversely, with κ approaching zero, the above difference between [20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31] different materials, or between different step microstructures will tend to disappear, once again indicating the key role of microstructure in the superhydrophobicity [15,62], which is good consistent with the experimental results [2,3,75]. Therefore, If taking all things together, for fabrication of the artificial SHS, when < κ 0.3, hydrophobic materials, designed to have two-step microstructure, are more preferred from viewpoint of convenience. ...
Solid–liquid contact state between water droplets and Superhydrophobic surface (SHS) is mainly determined by the microstructures of a surface. Composite and non–composite wetting states (NCWS) even together with their mixture are generally regarded as basic states. For an SHS, a composite wetting state (CWS) is more preferred due to water droplet easier to slide. Therefore, determining a critical roughness to form, then to maintain such a state has profound significance for fabrication of SHS. For this reason, we propose a thermodynamic methodology based on a three–dimensional (3–D) pillar model, integrating wetting states (WS) with interfacial energy, to obtain the corresponding critical roughness for the reference of micromachining. By calculating, we found that the critical roughness for a transition from NCWS to CWS changes with inherent materials from aspect of adhesion work; furthermore, if given hydrphobic materials, such roughness is also given and not relevant to the fractal dimension of an SHS. Therefore, the hydrophobic materials determine the transition. Meanwhile, we also proved the above finds by interfacial energy and contact angle (CA) varying with the roughness.
... This simple model can be adapted for various other geometries including a vertical cylinder (drop the first term in (1)), horizontal cylinder with axis parallel to the wind (drop the second term), horizontal cylinder at a fixed angle (include angle relative to the wind direction in the second term), nonround cylinder (Jones and Peabody 2006) Table 1, all assume that all the impinging freezing rain freezes: freezing fraction f = 1. ...
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Freezing rain can cause significant tree damage with fallen trees and branches blocking roads and taking power distribution lines out of service. Power transmission lines are designed for ice loads from freezing rain, using models to estimate equivalent radial ice thicknesses from historical weather data. The conservative simple flux model assumes that all the freezing rain that impinges on a horizontal cylinder, representing vegetation or components of the built infrastructure, freezes. Here I present a simplified heat-balance formulation to calculate the fraction of the impinging precipitation that freezes, using parameters measured at ASOS weather stations and an estimate of solar heating. Radial ice thickness estimates from this approach are compared with the simple model and those generated from the ASOS icing sensor. These estimates can all be tested by comparing to measurements on cylinders at weather stations. A link to an Excel spreadsheet that calculates freezing fraction using user-input weather data is provided. In forecast freezing rain events, this tool could be used by utility crews and emergency response teams to estimate the likely range of equivalent radial ice thicknesses over the affected region and plan their response accordingly. Significance Statement Freezing rain can cause significant tree damage with fallen trees and branches blocking roads and taking power distribution lines out of service. Power transmission lines are designed for ice loads from freezing rain calculated from historical weather data. This paper provides an algorithm for computing ice loads on trees and power lines, using weather data to determine the fraction of the precipitation that freezes on them rather than dripping off. This freezing fraction result is compared to estimates reported by weather stations and to a simple model that assumes all the wind-blown freezing rain freezes on the wires, twigs, and branches. A link is provided to an Excel tool that calculates freezing fraction. This could be used with freezing rain forecasts to estimate the likely severity of the event.
... Some issues are under consideration and will be dealt with according to further comments from outside the SC1.T8: EN 1991-1-9 team. These include the modification of determining the design glaze ice thickness for objects of different shapes proposed in reference [18] and presently included in the American standard [19], and utilization of detailed studies on falling ice made in reference [20]. A further issue is to consider how the icing maps for the frequency of icing [15,21,22], developed for wind energy research, could be used in the design of structures in view of the extreme ice loads. ...
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The ongoing work to prepare a new European standard for ice loads on structures is described. Keywords-Design standard, ice actions, ISO 12494, characteristic ice load, prEN 1991-1-9, ease of use.
... In recent years, the structural characteristics and failure modes of transmission towers under icing load have been studied both at home and abroad. Jones K. F., A. B. Peabody [4] based on the radial uniform icing model of conductor and ground wire, a simple mathematical model for uniform icing of angle steel is put forward. The calculation formula is given, and the ice load of arbitrary structure shape with uniform radial ice thickness is determined. ...
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In order to determine the failure mode of high-voltage transmission tower materials under the condition of ice-coating load in an actual line. The Qidian-Luoping 500kV wine glass type transmission tower is selected as the prototype, and the one tower with two lines model of the whole beam unit is established by using the ANSYS finite element software. The loading mode is static load considering icing load and wind load. The most unfavorable wind direction of the transmission tower is obtained by comparing and analyzing the maximum displacement and the stress of the rod under different directions of wind load in the transmission tower. Then the failure mode of transmission tower is studied by the variable ice thickness of the tower line system. The results show that the direction parallel to the cross arm is the most unfavorable direction in the transmission tower. And under the most unfavorable wind direction, with the increase of ice thickness, it is found that the tower head part is more sensitive to icing load than the tower body part. When the thickness of ice coating reaches 30mm, the weak load-bearing rod will appear locally in the transmission tower and the position of the rod is mainly distributed on the outer upper crank arm, the outer side of the ground bracket and the upper side of cross arm of the transmission tower.
... For a given ice thickness the ice load increases with cylinder diameter. The calculation of ice loads on structural shapes with cross sections that are not round is specified in ASCE Standard 7 (ASCE, 2010a) based Jones and Peabody (2006). ...
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Ice that accumulates on structures during a freezing rain storm can impose significant loads. The design of open structures, including power transmission lines and communication towers, takes into account the vertical load imposed on the structure by the weight of the ice and the horizontal load imposed from the wind drag on the ice-covered structural components. The increase in wind speed with height above ground in the boundary layer increases the horizontal flux of drops of water to the structure, resulting in an increase in ice load with height above ground. This paper evaluates the additional effect of the evaporation of precipitation in the cold air layer at the surface on the vertical variation in the accreted ice load on tall communication towers and masts. The results show that ice thickness increases over the height of the tallest towers, enhancing the thickness increase from the wind speed gradient in the boundary layer. The magnitude of the effect depends on the assumed rain drop distribution. The evaporation-enhanced ice thickness profiles based on data from freezing rain storms at nine weather stations in the United States can be approximated by a power law.
... Ice also forms on the marker balls on shield wires. The calculation of the ice load on shapes other than cylinders with round cross sections is presented in Jones and Peabody (2006). ...
Conference Paper
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Institutional knowledge on the history of damaging ice storms in a utility’s service area often resides with the members of the utility’s line crews. As they retire that information is lost. This paper describes our compilation of freezing rain storms in the United States and southern Canada that were severe enough to damage trees, power lines, and communication towers. This compilation is available online in an ice storm Geographic Information System (GIS) that maps each storm’s damage footprint and includes information compiled primarily from newspaper reports on the storm severity, including comparisons to previous storms and any disaster declarations. By clicking on the map, users generate a list of ice storms at that location. Choosing one of the listed storms brings up the storm description and a map of the damage footprint. The presentation will include a demonstration of the GIS.
Steel lattice masts rank among the most efficient load-bearing structures in the field of high-rise construction. The non-linear analysis of a guyed steel lattice mast is conducted using the SAP 2000 finite-element program for different ice thickness values at 1500 m of altitude. After definition of the geometrical model and cross-section properties, various load combinations are analysed. Finally, the wind speed - ice thickness relationship is obtained, and the maximum wind speed that the structure can withstand is determined for varying ice thicknesses.
Superhydrophobicity depends mainly on the microstructures of a surface. Although the superhydrophobic surfaces (SHS) have been fabricated, micro-mechanisms responsible for its contact angle hysteresis (CAH) and free energy barrier (FEB) still need to be deeply investigated. For this reason, we attempt to compare the superhydrophobicity of the different hierarchy for the SHS based on a three-dimensional (3-D) pillar model by a more practical thermodynamic method. Therefore, general relationships between the superhydrophobic property and the proposed surface microstructures are also established based on the CAH phenomena together with a transient equation for describing the relationships between advancing/receding CAs and the static apparent CAs. The simulation suggests that the superhydrophobicity of two-step/three-step surfaces is significantly/slightly improved in comparison with those of one-step/two-step surfaces respectively; therefore designing for a three-step surface is again unnecessary.
This age is called communication age and the earth is considering a small village. Communication towers are required to carry the antennas and equipment necessary to maintain communication. They are designed to resist all loads, including own weight, wind, and earthquakes. There are two types of towers, self supported and cable-supported. This paper proposes an analytical model to simulate the behavior of cable-supported towers subjected to lateral loads (wind load). A parametric study was carried out using 140 finite element models for towers and cables to investigate the significance of dimensions of cable. (diameter, Length and height) on the overall response.
Full-text available
There are many models for hindcasting ice loads from meteorological data measured during freezing rain storms. Each model is based on the physics of the ice accretion process and on empirical observations. However, these models predict significantly different ice loads for the same freezing rain storm, making it difficult to use model results to determine design ice loads. In this paper, we describe a simple ice load model that can be used to make conservative back-of-the-envelope calculations of ice loads based on the precipitation rate and wind speed. Using historical weather data from Springfield, IL, we compare the ice loads from this model with those from other models and discuss the reasons for the differences between them. We also compare the modeled and measured ice loads from one well-documented storm that occurred at CRREL's freezing rain weather station.
Technical Report
Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures provides requirements for general structural design and the means for determining dead, live, soil, flood, wind, snow, rain, atmospheric ice, and earthquake loads, as well as their combinations, which are suitable for inclusion in building codes and other documents. This Standard, a complete revision of ASCE/SEI 7-02, includes revised and significantly reorganized provisions for seismic design of structures, as well as revisions in the provisions for determining live, flood, wind, snow, and atmospheric ice loads. Supplement No. 1, which is included with the Standard, ensures full and complete coordination between ASCE/SEI 7-05 and the 2006 International Building Code. The updates which comprise Supplement No. 1 are seamlessly integrated into this volume and are not available anywhere else. ASCE/SEI 7-05 is an integral part of building codes in the United States. The earthquake load provisions in ASCE 7-05 are substantially adopted by reference in the 2006 International Building Code and the 2006 NFPA 5000 Building Construction and Safety Code. Many other provisions, including calculations for wind and snow loads, are also adopted by reference by both IBC and NFPA model building codes. Structural engineers, architects, and those engaged in preparing and administering local building codes will find this Standard an essential reference in their practice.
Ice accreted on structures from freezing rain causes both increased vertical loads and increased wind loads, due to the larger projected area of the structure. Structural failures initiated by ice loads frequently cause millions of dollars of damage to overhead power and communication lines, towers, and other ice-sensitive structures. There is little information on ice loads to use in the design of these structures, so freezing-rain models have been developed for use with weather measurements to determine the severity of accreted ice loads from historical data. This report describes a detailed heat-balance ice accretion model, including the important heat fluxes in freezing rain and allowing the accretion of runoff water in the form of icicles. It also presents a simple algorithm for calculating the ice load on components with different diameters and cross sections. Collision efficiency in freezing rain and the calculation of the wind-on-ice load are also discussed. Model results are compared with the ice load measured during a recent freezing rain storm, and to each other, using 45 years of weather data from Des Moines, Iowa.
Structural Standards for Steel Antenna Towers and Antenna Supporting Structures TIA/EIA-222-F. Telecommunications Industry Association
TIA, 1996. Structural Standards for Steel Antenna Towers and Antenna Supporting Structures TIA/EIA-222-F. Telecommunications Industry Association, Arlington, VA.
Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, ASCE Standard 7-98
ASCE, 2000. Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, ASCE Standard 7-98. American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA.