
Perchloro(1-indenyl) and Perchloro-1-indenyl Radical

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The synthesis of perchlorobis(1-indenyl) (2) is presented and its thermal behavior described. The perchloro-1-indenyl radical (3), in equilibrium with its dimer 2, has been detected by ESR spectroscopy. From a study of this equilibrium, the dissociation energy of 2 has been calculated to be 20.83 kcal.mol-1.

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Summary This document is part of Subvolume B ‘Conjugated Carbon Centered Radicals, High-Spin System and Carbenes’ of Volume 26 ‘Magnetic Properties of Free Radicals’ of Landolt-Börnstein - Group II Molecules and Radicals.
Summary This document is part of Subvolume B ‘Conjugated Carbon Centered Radicals, High-Spin System and Carbenes’ of Volume 26 ‘Magnetic Properties of Free Radicals’ of Landolt-Börnstein - Group II Molecules and Radicals.
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It is shown that the very large variations in the CH and CC homolytic bond-dissociation energies for a large variety of organic compounds can be rationalized in terms of the stabilization energies of these species and their corresponding radical(s). In most cases, these stabilization energies can be explained completely by the electronic effects of substituents without referring to steric strain.