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Wood density and its radial variation in six canopy tree species differing in shade-tolerance in western Thailand


Abstract and Figures

Wood density is a key variable for understanding life history strategies in tropical trees. Differences in wood density and its radial variation were related to the shade-tolerance of six canopy tree species in seasonally dry tropical forest in Thailand. In addition, using tree ring measurements, the influence of tree size, age and annual increment on radial density gradients was analysed. Wood density was determined from tree cores using X-ray densitometry. X-ray films were digitized and images were measured, resulting in a continuous density profile for each sample. Mixed models were then developed to analyse differences in average wood density and in radial gradients in density among the six tree species, as well as the effects of tree age, size and annual increment on radial increases in Melia azedarach. Average wood density generally reflected differences in shade-tolerance, varying by nearly a factor of two. Radial gradients occurred in all species, ranging from an increase of (approx. 70%) in the shade-intolerant Melia azedarach to a decrease of approx. 13% in the shade-tolerant Neolitsea obtusifolia, but the slopes of radial gradients were generally unrelated to shade-tolerance. For Melia azedarach, radial increases were most-parsimoniously explained by log-transformed tree age and annual increment rather than by tree size. The results indicate that average wood density generally reflects differences in shade-tolerance in seasonally dry tropical forests; however, inferences based on wood density alone are potentially misleading for species with complex life histories. In addition, the findings suggest that a 'whole-tree' view of life history and biomechanics is important for understanding patterns of radial variation in wood density. Finally, accounting for wood density gradients is likely to improve the accuracy of estimates of stem biomass and carbon in tropical trees.
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Wood density and its radial variation in six canopy tree species
differing in shade-tolerance in western Thailand
Charles A. Nock1,*, Daniela Geihofer2, Michael Grabner2, Patrick J. Baker3,
Sarayudh Bunyavejchewin4and Peter Hietz1
Institute of Botany, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, 33 Gregor Mendel Strasse, Vienna 1180,
Institute of Wood Science and Technology, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna 1180,
Monash University, School of Biological Sciences, Clayton, Victoria 3800, Australia and
National Parks, Wildlife, and
Plant Conservation Department, Chatuchak Bangkok 10900, Thailand
Received: 19 February 2009 Returned for revision: 17 March 2009 Accepted: 9 April 2009 Published electronically: 19 May 2009
Background and Aims Wood density is a key variable for understanding life history strategies in tropical trees.
Differences in wood density and its radial variation were related to the shade-tolerance of six canopy tree species
in seasonally dry tropical forest in Thailand. In addition, using tree ring measurements, the influence of tree size,
age and annual increment on radial density gradients was analysed.
Methods Wood density was determined from tree cores using X-ray densitometry. X-ray films were digitized
and images were measured, resulting in a continuous density profile for each sample. Mixed models were
then developed to analyse differences in average wood density and in radial gradients in density among the
six tree species, as well as the effects of tree age, size and annual increment on radial increases in Melia
Key Results Average wood density generally reflected differences in shade-tolerance, varying by nearly a factor
of two. Radial gradients occurred in all species, ranging from an increase of (approx. 70%) in the shade-intolerant
Melia azedarach to a decrease of approx. 13% in the shade-tolerant Neolitsea obtusifolia, but the slopes of
radial gradients were generally unrelated to shade-tolerance. For Melia azedarach, radial increases were most-
parsimoniously explained by log-transformed tree age and annual increment rather than by tree size.
Conclusions The results indicate that average wood density generally reflects differences in shade-tolerance in
seasonally dry tropical forests; however, inferences based on wood density alone are potentially misleading for
species with complex life histories. In addition, the findings suggest that a ‘whole-tree’ view of life history and
biomechanics is important for understanding patterns of radial variation in wood density. Finally, accounting for
wood density gradients is likely to improve the accuracy of estimates of stem biomass and carbon in tropical trees.
Key words: Radial gradients, shade-tolerance, tree biomass estimates, tree rings, tropical trees, wood density.
Wood density is related to a number of plant functional traits and
is an important indicator of the mechanical properties of woods
(Panshin and de Zeeuw, 1980; Chave et al., 2009). A direct
relationship between wood density and tree growth is expected
because the volume of wood produced for a given unit biomass
is inversely proportional to its density (King et al., 2005). In tro-
pical forests the growth, survival and reproduction of light-
demanding tree species is dependent on an ability to avoid or
escape prolonged periods of low light (e.g. Ackerley, 1996).
Thus, light-demanding species attain rapid rates of height
growth, in part by investing in low density wood that is cheap
to construct (King et al., 2006), but as a consequence of low
stem strength, have high mortality rates due to stem breakage
(Putz et al., 1983; van Gelder et al., 2006; Poorter, 2008). In
contrast, shade-tolerant tree species grow more slowly and
invest in dense, strong and damage-resistant wood that in turn
lowers their mortality rates (Putz et al., 1983; Muller-Landau,
2004; van Gelder et al., 2006). A growth-mortality trade-off is
likely to be common in trees of diverse tropical forests, and
wood density may be one of the best predictors of species differ-
ences along this axis of variation (Poorter et al., 2008; Chave
et al., 2009).
In addition to interspecific variation in wood density in
forests, within individual trees wood density often varies ver-
tically along the main axis of the stem and/or radially from the
pith to the bark (Panshin and de Zeeuw, 1980; Grabner and
Wimmer, 2006). For example, in gap-colonizing heliophiles
of tropical wet forests with very low-density juvenile wood,
increases in wood density from the pith to the bark as large
as 200 300% have been documented (Whitmore, 1973;
Wiemann and Williamson, 1988), and in drier and montane
tropical forests increases ranged from 20% to 100%
(Wiemann and Williamson, 1989b). It is thought that radial
increases in wood density result from a shift in allocation
from low density wood and rapid height growth early on in
tree development to denser wood and structural reinforcement
as trees increase in size, age and height and are exposed to
* For correspondence. E-mail
#2009 The Author(s).
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http:// which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited. 297
Annals of Botany 104: 297 306, 2009
doi:10.1093/aob/mcp118, available online at
increasing wind speeds within the forest (Wiemann and
Williamson, 1989b).
Radial gradients in wood density are found in a range of tree
species of different successional stages and from different
forests, suggesting that they may occur frequently in trees
(Panshin and de Zeeuw, 1980; Wiemann and Williamson,
1989a,b; Omolodun et al., 1991; Hernandez and Restrepo,
1995; Parolin, 2002; Woodcock and Shier, 2002). In tropical
wet and dry forest, increases were observed in 80% and 60%
of the tree species, respectively (Wiemann and Williamson,
1989a,b), although species were not a random sample of the
local tree community. Documented increases are greatest in
wet tropical forest and become progressively less in drier tro-
pical forests, montane rain forest and temperate forest
(Wiemann and Williamson, 1989b; Woodcock and Shier,
2002), a pattern which is consistent with differences in compe-
tition for light, which may be greater in tropical wet forest
compared with drier forests (Wiemann and Williamson,
1989a; Coomes and Grubb, 2000; Markesteijn et al., 2007).
Understanding the relative influence of stem age versus stem
size on radial gradients in wood density is important for infer-
ences of their adaptive value (e.g. Rosell and Olsen, 2007; de
Castro et al., 1993). In a previous study of the effects of tree
size and age on radial gradients in wood density, de Castro
et al. (1993) presented evidence that tree age was likely to
be the driver of radial increases in wood density for a single
cohort of Joannesia princeps grown in a Brazilian plantation:
for trees of the same age but different diameters the slopes
from a regression of wood density versus distance from the
pith were generally greater in smaller, slower-growing trees
because similar pith to bark changes in wood density occurred
across a smaller stem radius. However, these results remain to
be verified for trees varying in both age as well as size, and
growing in a natural forest setting. At least for tropical trees
such data are not available, because quantifying ages in most
tropical trees remains difficult. Understanding the drivers of
radial gradients in wood density is also important for deter-
mining their implications for tree biomechanics; mechanical
models of tree stability have thus far not incorporated the poss-
ible effects of radial variation in stem wood density (e.g.
Sterck and Bongers, 1998). Furthermore, estimates of carbon
stocks in forests are strongly affected by accurate estimates
of wood density (Chave et al., 2005), but few studies have
addressed the potential bias arising from radial variation in
wood density within stems (Nogueira et al., 2005, 2008).
In seasonal tropical forests a growing number of species are
known to produce reliable annual growth rings, thus allowing
one to determine tree ages as well as growth patterns in select
species (Worbes, 2002; Baker et al., 2005; Baker and
Bunyavejchewin, 2006). By employing X-ray densitometry,
which produces a continuous and high resolution (,1mm)
wood density profile from tree cores, annual growth boundaries
can be accurately delineated using digitized images of the X-ray
films (e.g. Grabner et al., 2005). Tree age and annual increment
can therefore be examined as potential explanatory variables in
models of wood density variation in addition to tree size.
The overarching goal of this study was to characterize radial
variation in wood density in sympatric tropical tree species that
differed in relative shade-tolerance. Using data collected from
six tropical canopy tree species from a seasonal dry evergreen
forest in Thailand, the aim was to address the following ques-
tions. (1) How common are radial gradients? (2) How are mean
wood density and shade-tolerance related? (3) Do radial gradi-
ents decrease with increasing shade-tolerance? (4) Does tree
size or age most-parsimoniously explain radial increases in
wood density and what is the effect of radial increment?
Study site and species
This study was conducted in a 50-ha forest dynamics plot estab-
lished in seasonally dry evergreen forests in the Huai Kha
Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary in west-central Thailand, located
at 158400N, 998100E(Bakeret al., 2005; Bunyavejchewin
et al., 2001, 2002). Although logging occurred in the region
prior to 1970, the forest dynamics plot was established in an
area of forest with no evidence of prior logging. The climate
in the region is monsoonal with ,100 mm of rainfall per
month in the dry season between November and April and a
mean annual rainfall of approx. 1500 mm. Mean July and
January temperatures are 278Cand198C, respectively. Soils
in the area are highly weathered ultisols (Lauprasert, 1988).
Six canopy tree species Afzelia xylocarpa Craib,
Neolitsea obtusifolia Merrill, Vitex peduncularis Wall. ex
Schauer, Toona ciliata M.Roem., Melia azedarach L. and
Chukrasia tabularis A. Juss. (¼C. velutina M.Roem.) –
were selected because they form annual growth rings and com-
prise an important component of the forest community
measured by their basal area or frequency (Baker, 2001;
Baker et al., 2005). The shade-tolerance of Afzelia was
assigned on the basis of regeneration patterns in the vicinity
of the forest dynamics plot. Afzelia has been observed to
regenerate exclusively in gaps and juvenile diameter growth
rates are high (.10 mm year
; Baker et al., 2005). For the
other species, shade-tolerance was determined primarily
from the literature; recent studies and plot observations are
consistent with the literature categorization (Troup, 1921;
Baker et al., 2005; Baker and Bunyavejchewin, 2006). The
selected species thus represent the full range of canopy tree
life histories that occur in the forest (Table 1).
Field and laboratory procedure
Canopy trees were cored in April 2007 with a 5-mm-diameter
increment borer at approx. 1 m height. Due to the limited
number of individuals of each species on the plot, trees were
selected non-randomly and to represent the full range of diam-
eters present, excluding very irregular stems or severely leaning
individuals. The number of trees sampled, diameter ranges and
mean diameters for each species are given in Table 1.
X-ray densitometry was used to measure the wood density
of one core per tree. Samples were allowed to air dry in the
laboratory, sawn along their length to a uniform thickness of
1.4 mm with a double-bladed saw and then placed on film
and exposed to X-rays (10 kV, 24 mA) for 25 min (Grabner
et al., 2005). X-ray films were then digitized using a custom-
built scanner equipped with a stepwise driven motor and a
line-camera on an incident-light microscope, resulting in a res-
olution of 3.52 mm pixel
. Wood density was then measured
Nock et al. — Wood density in Thailand298
from the digital images (256 grey levels) using SigmaScan
version 5.0 (Systat Software Inc., San Jose, CA, USA)
and the data for each tree were summarized for analysis by cal-
culating means for 1-cm intervals. Absolute density values
were obtained by including a density standard made of cellu-
lose acetate with each X-ray film during exposure and later
calibrating the greyscale.
Although annual growth rings were identifiable in all six
species, those in Melia were the most readily identifiable in
density images because of conspicuous rows of large vessels
at the start of rings and a pronounced intra-annual density gra-
dient. Melia was therefore chosen to compare the effects of
age, radial distance from the pith and annual growth on
wood density, and in addition, the average wood density in
each growth ring, the radial distance from pith at the end of
each growth ring and annual increment were measured. Then
the average growth rate was calculated for each tree.
Not all coring attempts reached the pith of the tree, so
missing distances to the pith were estimated from the curvature
of the last complete inner ring using Duncan’s geometric
method (Duncan, 1989). Hereafter, these corrected data are
referred to as the radial distance from the pith. By extension,
the number of missing inner tree rings for each Melia individual
was calculated by dividing the missing distance (cm) by the
average growth rate (cm year
) in the adjacent five growth
rings, and tree ages adjusted for the missing number of rings.
Statistical analysis
Models of variation in wood density. Two sets of linear
mixed-effects models were developed to investigate the
relationships among wood density and the explanatory
variables. The first set of models examined differences in
average wood density and radial variation in wood density
among the six species. The second set examined the impor-
tance of radial distance from the pith, tree age and annual
increment in models of radial variation in wood density for
Melia. Below, the models are described and the methods
used to select the most-parsimonious models outlined.
Interspecific differences in average wood density and in radial
gradients in wood density. Average wood density and gradients
in wood density with radial distance were expected to vary
with shade-tolerance, and thus fit the following linear
mixed-effects model to explain variation in wood density
among the six species:
WDijk ¼ð
1Dij þ
where WD
is the wood density for ith 1-cm interval in the jth
tree of the kth species; D
is the radial distance in cm from the
pith and S
is the species of tree. b
are the fixed
effects. Initially, both a random intercept, m
, and a random
slope, m
were included to account for random variation at
the tree level. In order to account for dependence among
due to temporal autocorrelation within-trees, a variety of
error autocorrelation structures were evaluated. To determine
the most-parsimonious model, a series of reduced models
which varied in their inclusion of the fixed and random
effects terms were examined (Table 2).
Effects of tree age, radius and annual increment on radial
increases in Melia.A separate series of linear mixed-effects
models was developed solely for Melia. Exploratory data
TABLE 1. Species examined, shade-tolerance, number of trees sampled (n), diameter at breast height (DBH) of sample trees and
average percentage change in wood density (from pith to bark) for six tropical trees in western Thailand
Species Family Shade-tolerance nDBH mean (range) (cm) Percentage change in wood density*
Afzelia xylocarpa Fabaceae (Caesalp.) Intolerant 9 58.8 (12.1–84.4) 24
Chukrasia tabularis Meliaceae Intolerant/intermediate 22 41.5 (11.0–67.2) 38
Melia azedarach Meliaceae Very intolerant 11 51.2 (16.9–62.7) 70
Neolitsea obtusifolia Lauraceae Tolerant 26 44.5(8
.5–69.7) 213
Toona ciliata Meliaceae Intolerant 9 64.4 (36.0–76.1) 27
Vitex peduncularis Lamiaceae Intermediate 12 28.8 (14.0–43.4) 36
* Values from a linear mixed-effects model (Table 2, Model 1; Table 4).
TABLE 2. Comparison of the fitted models for six tree species from western Thailand including the predictor variables examined,
corresponding maximum log-likelihoods, AIC values and differences in AIC relative to the model with the lowest AIC
(Model 2;
Model DSDSRandom intercept Random slope Log- likelihood AIC DAIC*
1xxx x 27615.76 15261.53 0.9
2xxx x x 27613.31 15260.63 0
3xxx x 27621.41 15272.81 12.18
4xx x x 27645.76 15315.52 54.89
5x x x 27696.08 15406.16 145.53
Predictor variables included distance from the pith in cm (D) and species (S). The inclusion of a term is indicated by an x.
* Note: DAIC ,2 indicates little difference in support for competing models (Burnham and Anderson, 2002).
Nock et al. — Wood density in Thailand 299
plots indicated a log-transformation was appropriate in order to
obtain a linear relationship between wood density and tree age,
and to meet assumptions of linearity and normality in var-
iance. Candidate models ranged in complexity from simple
models that included age or size only (either the ith ring
from the pith or the ith centimetre from the pith) to more
complex models that included all of the terms as well as inter-
actions among variables (Table 3). The final linear
mixed-effects model form was:
WDij ¼ð
1Aij þ
2Iij þ
3AijIij Þþð
where WD
is the value of the wood density for the ith of n
observations in the jth tree; A
is the log-transformed tree
age, I
is the annual increment. m
are random effects
for each tree and
is the error. A variety of error autocorrela-
tion structures were evaluated to determine the most suitable
for the model.
Model selection and evaluation. To select the most-
parsimonious model among competing models the significance
of the fixed effects terms was first evaluated using approximate
Wald tests and likelihood-ratio tests – the latter via compari-
son with a reduced model which differed by the term being
tested (Pinheiro and Bates, 2000). Secondly, the significance
of the random-effect terms and error autocorrelation were eval-
uated using likelihood-ratio tests. To select among error auto-
correlation structures, nested models were compared using
likelihood-ratio tests and non-nested models were compared
using information criteria statistics (Pinheiro and Bates,
2000). Finally, models were compared by calculating the
difference in Akaike’s information criteria (AIC) between
the model with the lowest AIC, indicating greatest parsimony,
and the AIC of another candidate model (Tables 2 and 4;
Burnham and Anderson, 2002).
In addition to using AIC to indicate which model most-
parsimoniously explained radial gradients in Melia, compari-
son of our analysis with that of de Castro et al. (1993) was
facilitated by examining the relationship between the increase
in wood density with distance (slope term from model 2,
Table 3, including the random effect) and average growth
rate in Melia trees.
For each linear mixed-effects model assumptions constant
variance, homogeneity of group variances and normality of the
within-group errors – were assessed graphically (Pinheiro and
Bates, 2000). Plots of predicted values versus the observed
data were used to assess model fit (see Supplementary Data,
available online). All analyses were conducted in R version
2.6.2 (R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna,
TABLE 3. Comparison of the fitted linear mixed models for
Melia azedarach examining the effects of radial distance from
the pith (D), log-transformed age (A) and annual increment (I)
on wood density including the predictor variables examined and
corresponding maximum log-likelihoods, AIC values and
differences in AIC among models (
Model number Fixed effects terms AIC Log-likelihood DAIC
1AþIþA:I 3122.37 21552.18 0
2DþIþD:I 3126.49 21554.24 4.12
3A3130.26 21558.13 7.89
3131.29 21557.65 8.92
3132.09 21558.04 9.72
6D3138.63 21562.31 16.26
3138.91 21561.46 16.54
, Non-significant terms at P,0.05.
* Note: DAIC values between 3 and 7 indicate considerably less support
for the model (Burnham and Anderson, 2002).
TABLE 4. Maximum likelihood parameter estimates and confidence limits (95%) for a linear mixed-effects model describing changes
in wood density with distance from the pith (D) for six canopy tree species (Spp) in western Thailand (Table 2, model 1)
Parameter Estimate (s.e.) t-value P-value Confidence interval
Intercept 809.6 (32.0) 25.31 ,0.001 747.1, 872.1
.5) 3.26 0.001 2.0, 8.0
Ct 2193.7 (38.1) 25.08 ,0.001 2269.2, 2118.3
Ma 2320.7 (42.5) 27.54 ,0.001 2404.3, 2236.5
No 37.2 (37.6) 1.00 0.325 237.2, 111.6
Tc 2336.6 (47.2) 27.13 ,0.001 2430.1, 2243.2
Vp 2109.7 (43.7) 22.51 0.014 2196.2, 223.2
DCt 3.8(2
.0) 1.90 0.056 20.1, 7.7
DMa 6.0(2
.1) 2.79 0.005 1.8, 10.2
DNo 28.2(1
.9) 24.30 ,0.001 211.9, 24.5
DTc 21.2(2
.2) 20.53 0.589 25.4, 3.1
DVp 10.1(3
.2) 3.17 0.002 3.9, 16.3
Variance components s.d. Likelihood-ratio P-value Confidence interval
Intercept 55.616
.19 ,0.001 41.7, 74.1
Residual 76.7 62.1, 80.3
AR1 error term 0.76 436.51 ,0.001 (0.70, 0.80)
P-values for Spp and DSpp test are for significant differences relative to Afzelia xylocarpa.
Species abbreviations: Ct,Chukrasia tabularis;Ma,Melia azedarach;No,Neolitsea obtusifolia;Tc,Toona ciliata;Vp,Vitex peduncularis.
Nock et al. — Wood density in Thailand300
Austria) using the package nlme (Pinheiro and Bates, 2000).
Error rates for multiple comparisons of average wood
density among species (Fig. 1) were controlled by using the
Tukey multiple comparison procedure within the R package
multcomp (Hothorn et al., 2008).
Species differences in average wood density and radial gradients
in wood density
Two models including the main effects of species and distance
from the pith as well as their interaction on wood density for
the six species had equal support (models 1 and 2; Table 2).
There was little support for alternative models which either
excluded a random intercept or the interaction between
species and distance from the pith (models 35; Table 2).
Likelihood-ratio tests confirmed the statistical significance of
the random intercept term (Tables 2 and 4). Inspection of
regressions of wood density versus distance from the pith con-
ducted for the individuals of each species suggested testing for
random variation in the slope and intercept (data not shown),
but the inclusion of a random slope term did not significantly
improve model fit (models 1 and 2; Table 2). Thus, the simpler
of the two models (model 1) was selected. An error autoregres-
sive correlation structure of order one provided the most-
parsimonious fit. The best model explained 79% of the vari-
ation in the observed data and provided a good fit (model 1;
see Fig. S1 in Supplementary Data].
Mean wood density for the six tree species varied by nearly
a factor of two, from approx. 470 kg m
to approx.
850 kg m
(Fig. 1). The rank order of species from highest
to lowest mean wood density was Neolitsea,Afzelia,Vitex,
Chukrasia,Melia,Toona (Fig. 1). With the exception of
Afzelia, this order corresponded to species differences in
shade-tolerance (Fig. 1 and Table 1). Significant differences
in mean wood density were present, although species that
were relatively similar in shade-tolerance did not significantly
differ (Fig. 1).
Radial gradients in wood density were present in all of the
six species (Fig. 2 and Table 4). In five of the six species
wood density increased with distance from the pith (Fig. 2),
although large confidence intervals indicated a marginally
insignificant slope for Toona (Table 4). Individual tree plots
of wood density versus distance from the pith suggested that
despite the curvilinear appearance of the aggregated data in
some species (e.g. Melia; Fig. 2), individual trees trends
were generally linear (data not shown). The most shade-
tolerant species, Neolitsea, showed a radial decrease in wood
density (Fig. 2); however, the rank order of slopes
(Neolitsea,Toona,Afzelia,Chukrasia,Melia,Vitex; see
Table 4) did not reflect differences in shade-tolerance (Fig. 2
and Table 1). Unexpectedly, radial increases in the more
shade-tolerant species Chukrasia and Vitex were greater than
in Toona and, despite similar average wood densities and
shade-tolerances, radial gradients were quite different
between Toona and Melia.
Radial gradients are often reported in terms of a percentage
change from the pith to the bark, whereas slopes describe the
rate of change in wood density independent of size differences
among trees. Expressed in percentage change, the greatest
increase occurred in Melia at 70% (Table 1).
Effects of size, age and increment on radial shifts in Melia
Increases in wood density in Melia with tree age and tree
diameter were similar (Figs 2 and 3F). However, the AIC com-
parisons indicated the model including log-age and annual
increment provided a better fit to the data than the equivalent
model with distance from the pith. The most-parsimonious
model (model 1; Table 3) included terms for log-age, annual
increment and their interaction, and explained 74% of the vari-
ation in the observed data. This model fit well, with the excep-
tion of some model bias at the lowest and highest wood densities
(see Fig. S2 in Supplementary Data, available online). Delta
AIC values indicated considerably less support for the alterna-
tive models (Table 3). As in the previous model for all six tree
species, an error autoregressive correlation structure of order
one provided the most-parsimonious fit.
Size and age varied substantially among the 11 Melia trees
(Fig. 3A). As expected, there was a negative relationship
between annual increment and log-age (Fig. 3D), and
between annual increment and wood density (Fig. 3C).
Wood density increased linearly with log-transformed tree
age (Fig. 3E). A significant but small interaction effect was
found between annual increment and log-age on wood
density: slower growth in young trees was associated with
greater wood density but this difference diminished with tree
age (Fig. 3B). Finally, a negative relationship was also
TABLE 5. Maximum likelihood parameter estimates and confidence limits (95%) for the linear mixed model describing variation in
wood density with log-transformed tree age (A) and annual increment (I) for Melia azedarach (Table 3, model 1)
Parameter Estimate t-value P-value Confidence interval
Intercept 450.5 (60.9) 7.40 ,0.001 331.5, 569.6
A177.9 (50.6) 3.51 ,0.001 78.9, 276.9
I2124.3 (34.5) 23.60 ,0.001 2191.7, 256.8
A:I116.3 (33.5) 3.47 ,0.001 50.7, 181.8
Variance components Standard deviation Likelihood-ratio P-value Confidence interval
Intercept 138.613
.63 0.001 73.3, 261.9
.48 0.009 50.4, 265.1
Residual 64.1 57.3, 71.7
AR1 error term 0.34 24.38 ,0.001 0.22, 0.48
Nock et al. — Wood density in Thailand 301
observed between the slope of the increase in wood density
with distance from the pith (predicted from model 2;
Table 3) and the average growth rate of individuals (Fig. 4).
Shade-tolerance and mean wood density
It was found that the variation in mean wood density corre-
sponded with differences in shade-tolerance for all species
except for the intolerant Afzelia, which was closer in density
to the shade-tolerant Neolitsea than to Toona or Melia, the
other intolerant species (Fig. 1 and Table 1). Baker and
Bunyavejchewin (2006) examined canopy ascension patterns
using tree ring analyses for five of the species in the present
study (excluding Afzelia) and found that rapid growth into
the canopy in high light was most common in Melia and
declined substantially with increasing shade-tolerance,
whereas the most common pattern amongst shade-tolerant
trees was slow growth in low-light beneath the canopy.
These patterns for a seasonally dry rainforest in Thailand are
consistent with recent results from a wide range of tropical
forests, indicating a central role for wood density in the
growth strategies of trees, with low wood density facilitating
rapid canopy ascension in shade-intolerant trees and higher
wood density contributing to higher survival in shade-tolerant
trees which grow slowly beneath a canopy (Ackerley, 1996;
van Gelder et al., 2006). Chave et al. (2009) noted a possible
exception to the general negative trend of lower growth rates
and higher wood density, suggesting that in seasonally dry cli-
mates denser wooded plant species may be better equipped to
cope with strongly negative xylem potentials and water stress
(resistance to xylem implosion; Hacke et al., 2001) and
hence exhibit greater annual growth rates than lighter-wooded
species. This could in part explain the association of relatively
high growth rates with high wood density in Afzelia in the
present study.
Potential causes of radial gradients in wood density in Melia
The AIC comparisons (Table 3) revealed the most-
parsimonious model included the effects of tree age with a
minor effect of annual growth (Fig. 2B), demonstrating that
wood density does indeed vary with tree age independently
of tree size (radial distance from the pith) in Melia. In addition,
the negative relationship between the slope of the change in
wood density with distance and mean growth rate (Fig. 4)
shows that the density gradient depends on tree age: in slower-
growing trees the increase in wood density with age occurs
across a smaller radius, resulting in greater slopes. De Castro
et al. (1993) documented the importance of tree age in a pre-
vious study, though whether their results could be generalized
to natural forests and adult canopy trees was uncertain for two
reasons: (1) the study trees were young (17 years) and con-
sisted of a single cohort grown in a plantation; and (2)
growth and density could not be annually resolved as the
species did not produce annual growth rings.
Radial gradients in wood density have been primarily inter-
preted as an adaptation for structural support in tropical
pioneer trees which exhibit rapid height and diameter growth
by producing wood of low density as juveniles but require
greater stability later in development, possibly due to greater
exposure to wind (Wiemann and Williamson, 1988, 1989a,
b). As previously noted by de Castro et al. (1993) given this
interpretation, one would expect a measure of tree size such
as diameter or height rather than tree age to be most strongly
related to radial gradients in wood density. In a recent study,
Woodcock and Shier (2003) found some evidence for an influ-
ence of tree height on radial gradients in temperate tree
species, although this was from a correlation of the ‘current’
height of individuals with their radial gradient in wood
density and not from an analysis with tree height as an inde-
pendent variable, thus it is difficult to derive inferences from
these results. The present data are novel for tropical trees in
that the effect of age, stem size (distance from the pith) and
growth rates on wood density can be tested; however,
because it was not possible to obtain retrospective data on
tree heights, it cannot be ruled out that age may be a proxy
for some other measure of size such as tree height. Finally,
higher density wood is also more resistant to pathogens
(Augspurger, 1984), thus increasing wood density with tree
age may function as a defence mechanism against increasing
pathogen loads over time.
Association between mean wood density or shade-tolerance and
radial gradients in wood density
Woodcock and Shier (2002) proposed a model for the
degree and direction of radial trends in wood density (specific
gravity) in tree species. In their model, large positive slopes
are associated with pioneer species with low wood density
and slopes progressively decline and ultimately become nega-
tive in late-successional species with specific gravities ranging
from approx. 0.6to1
.0. The present observations were not
Wood density (kg m–3)
FIG. 1 . Wood density for six canopy trees species in western Thailand: pairs
with the same letter are not significantly different (P.0.05). Values were cal-
culated from a linear mixed effects model of the variation in wood density
(Table 4) and error inflation controlled using Tukey’s multiple comparison
Nock et al. — Wood density in Thailand302
found to be consistent with this model: Vitex and Afzelia had
relatively high-density wood and positive radial gradients
and both had much higher wood densities and greater slopes
than the light-wooded, shade-intolerant Toona. In addition,
mean wood density, as well as shade-tolerance was quite
similar between Toona and Melia, but their radial gradients
were markedly different. In another recent study of radial gra-
dients in wood density which examined 35 tree species of the
Amazonian floodplains, the mean wood density of a species
and the average increase in wood density from pith to bark
were not significantly related, although generally increases
were greatest and most common in fast-growing pioneers
(Parolin, 2002). Similarly, though differences between pio-
neers and very shade-tolerant species were evident in the
present study (compare Melia and Neolitsea; Figs 1 and 2),
radial gradients in wood density did not correspond to mean
wood density or shade-tolerance across the range of shade-
tolerance categories (Table 1).
It is suggested that a ‘whole-tree’ perspective such as that
proposed by Givnish (1988) for the interpretation of leaf level
traits within the context of whole-plant adaptation to light
environments is likely key to understanding the relationships
among radial gradients in wood density, tree biomechanics and
successional status/shade-tolerance. For example, recent
research has documented that species strategies for dealing
with wind disturbance vary: some species may lose canopy
elements during severe winds to mitigate stress on the main
stem, but retain enough elements to recover post-disturbance,
while others retain their canopy at higher wind speeds, but
risk catastrophic failure if winds become strong enough
(Metcalfe et al., 2008). Maximum adult stature is also impor-
tant for understanding species differences in wood density, tree
Neolitsea obtusifolia
Toona ciliata
Vitex peduncularis
Chukrasia tabularis
0 10203040
Distance from pith (cm) Distance from pith (cm)
0 10203040
Afzelia xylocarpa
Melia azedarach
Wood density (kg m–3) Wood density (kg m–3)Wood density (kg m–3)
FIG. 2 . Variation in wood density with distance from the pith for six tree species in western Thailand with fitted values predicted by a linear mixed effects model
fit by maximum likelihood (Table 2, Model 1).
Nock et al. — Wood density in Thailand 303
structural stability and likely radial gradients in wood density.
Recent studies indicate that, among pioneer species, wood
density, stiffness factors, safety factors and wood strength all
increase with maximum adult stature (Falster and Westoby,
2005; van Gelder et al., 2006). Finally, longevity is an impor-
tant life history trait that could lead to differences in wood
density and its radial trends among two pioneer species with
similar requirements for regeneration; in the present study
Afzelia and Melia are both shade-intolerant and have high
juvenile growth, but individuals of Afzelia reach ages in
excess of 250 years, whereas Melia rarely exceed approx. 70
years of age (Baker et al., 2005).
Further evidence for the co-ordination of wood density with
traits across the whole-plant, including leaf size, minimum leaf
water potential and possibly rooting depth was recently pre-
sented in an extensive review by Chave et al. (2009) in
which the existence of a ‘wood economics spectrum’ was pro-
posed. The present results suggest that radial gradients in wood
density which likely represent an allocational shift from
rapid height growth to mechanical support throughout
Increment (cm year–1)
Log10(age + 1) Log10(age + 1)
Wood density (kg m–3) Wood density (kg m–3) Stem radius (cm)
Wood density (kg m–3) Increment (cm year–1)
0 1020 5060
Age (years)
200 4030
Wood density (kg m–3)
Mean increment s.d.
Mean increment + s.d.
Mean increment – s.d.
0·0 0·5 1·0 1·5 2·0 0·0 0·5 1·0 1·5 2·0
Age (years) Log10(age + 1)
02010 30 40 50 0·0 0·5 1·0 1·5 2·0
FIG. 3 . Relationships for Melia azedarach: (A) stem radius and tree age; (B) predicted wood density and the interaction of annual increment and tree age; (C)
annual increment and wood density; (D) increment and log-tree age; (E) wood density and log-tree age; ( F) wood density and tree age. For (B) values for mean
increment, mean increment plus one standard deviation, and mean increment minus one standard deviation were calculated with the observed data for the follow-
ing year classes: 0– 9, 10 19, 20 29, 30 39, 40 –50. These values were then used to calculate predicted values of wood density at each age from a linear mixed
model (Model 1, Table 3).
Nock et al. — Wood density in Thailand304
development in response to environmental conditions are rel-
evant to understand aspects of the ‘wood economics
Significance for biomass estimates
Variation in wood density occurs at multiple scales in forest
ecosystems, ranging from within trees, to regional changes in
mean wood density among forest communities (Hernandez
and Restrepo, 1995; Muller-Landau, 2004; Chave et al.,
2006; Grabner and Wimmer, 2006; Swenson and Enquist,
2007). Understanding and documenting the great degree of
variation in wood density is thus an important challenge in cal-
culating biomass and carbon pools in tropical forests, a critical
area of research on global carbon cycles (Brown, 2002;
Woodcock and Shier, 2002; Nogueira et al., 2005). Studies
of destructively sampled trees have shown that, in predicting
the mass of a tree, wood density is the second most important
parameter after tree diameter (Chave et al., 2005). Where
radial gradients are present, mean stem density increases or
decreases with stem size and thus estimates of stem biomass
and in turn carbon based on a mean species density become
inaccurate (Nogueira et al., 2008). In the case of the six
species in the present study, simple calculations of the
biomass of a stem disc 40 cm in diameter using mean
density values of the cores resulted in an overestimate of
approx. 8% in Neolitsea due to its radial decrease in density,
to underestimates ranging from approx. 12% to approx. 31%
in the other five species due to radial increases. Errors even
will be larger when stem-wood density is determined from
the density of outer wood, such as when short tree cores are
taken. Overall, errors in carbon estimation resulting from
radial gradients will depend mainly on the slope of the
change in wood density, as well as the proportion of individ-
uals with increasing and decreasing densities. Thus, studies
designed specifically to assess how frequent radial gradients
in wood density occur in different forests are needed.
Previous studies have examined radial gradients in wood
density by individually quantifying the wood-specific gravity
of small segments of cores (e.g. 1 cm, Woodcock and Shier,
2003; de Castro et al., 1993), while providing less-refined
data sets and opportunities for anatomical analysis than x-ray
densitometry, gravimetric analysis would likely require less
time and specialized equipment.
Supplementary data are available online at http://aob.oxford- and consist of Fig. S1: the goodness-of-fit for
the linear mixed model for the wood density of six tree
species fitted by maximum likelihood (see Table 2, model
1); and Fig. S2: the goodness-of-fit for the radial variation in
the wood density of Melia azederach fitted by maximum like-
lihood (see Table 3, model 1).
We thank Manop Keawfoo and the staff of HKK for help in the
field. We also acknowledge the Thai Royal Forest Department
and the Center for Tropical Forest Science of the Smithsonian
Tropical Research Institute for establishing the 50-ha plot. This
work was supported by a grant from the Austrian Science
Foundation (Grant P19507-B17). The authors would also
like to thank S. C. Thomas and D. G. Woolford for suggestions
on statistical approaches and to D. Metcalfe and J. Norghauer
for helpful comments. Funding to pay the Open Access publi-
cation charges for this article was provided by the Austrian
Science Fund (FWF).
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Nock et al. — Wood density in Thailand306
... Mangroves are carbon-rich ecosystems (Donato et al. 2011), that are distinct from other terrestrial ecosystems because they inhabit in saline intertidal habitats in the (sub) tropics (Spalding and Leal 2021). Despite their low species diversity, mangroves are one of the most productive ecosystems on Earth (Nock et al. 2009;Bastin et al. 2015). This variation is also linked to shade tolerance of tree species. ...
... al. (2013) showed a decreasing trend of wood density in light-demanding A. marina in Australian mangroves. However, a decreasing radial wood density trend in light demanding mangrove species contradicts the general trend in many tropical terrestrial species(Woodcock and Shier 2002;Nock et al. 2009). Both light demanders (S. apetala and A. o cinalis) are early successional species in the Sundarbans(Siddiqi 2001) and colonize newly accreted barren lands where they may face more wind stress and tidal waves on a regular basis, in addition to other environmental stresses such as salinity and siltation. ...
... Higher wood density in light demanding species during the juvenile (early) stage of growth may be advantageous for survival in a newly colonized stressful mangrove environment. Trees may reach more favorable conditions in their mature (later) stage of growth, producing low density wood that may enhance tree growth, as described for tropical terrestrial species(Woodcock and Shier 2002;Nock et al. 2009;Chowdhury et al. 2013). Midseral light-demanding E. agallocha, on the other hand, may bene t from producing low density wood early in growth because this species tends to regenerate in canopy gaps and low-density wood may allow faster growth rates in light environment(Williamson and Wiemann 2010). ...
Full-text available
Wood density is an important functional trait used to estimate forest biomass and carbon stocks. Its wider range of variations, such as inter- and intra-specific level, and within tree disparity, repeatedly invoke wood density as a potential source of variation in biomass or carbon estimation. We aim to (i) measure pith-to-bark wood density profiles in major mangrove tree species in the Sundarbans and (ii) quantify the deviation in above ground biomass estimations by comparing the method that ignores wood density variation across the radius. One hundred and fifty wood cores were collected from five widely distributed ecologically distinct mangrove species in three distinct salinity zones (low, medium, and high) in the Bangladesh Sundarbans. Wood density was measured for each 1 cm long wood core segment from pith to bark. Among the three light-demanding species, Sonneratia apetala and Avicennia officinalis showed a decreasing wood density trend from pith to bark while Excoecaria agallocha exhibited an increasing trend. Shade tolerant Xylocarpus moluccensis displayed a decreasing wood density trend, whereas the most dominant Heritiera fomes unveiled almost less variable wood density values from pith to bark. Albeit wood density varied positively with slenderness ratio, a significant relationship was found only for the shade tolerant species. Shade tolerant species also had a significantly higher mean wood density than light demanders. Wood density was significantly higher at the high saline zone for the studied species, except S. apetala and A. officinalis. Depending on the species, ignoring radial wood density variation increased deviations in AGB estimations up to ~ 17%. This study suggests for considering radial wood density variations, and their possible site- and species-specific influences to increase the accuracy of mangrove biomass estimations. Furthermore, these preliminary results pave the avenue for a better understanding of wood functional traits in the Sundarbans.
... With differences between shade-tolerant and light-demanding species King et al. 2005). Light-demanding species are thought to require investment in denser wood to survive in a mature forest when there is greater competition for light since they are so sensitive to light exposure (Nock et al. 2009;Wiemann & Williamson 1988). In general, the fast growth of light-demanding species in the early stages is often associated with the production of softwood with low density (Woodcock & Shier 2002;Nock et al. 2009), in contrast with shade-tolerant species produced denser wood and grow very slowly (Woodcock & Shier 2002). ...
... Light-demanding species are thought to require investment in denser wood to survive in a mature forest when there is greater competition for light since they are so sensitive to light exposure (Nock et al. 2009;Wiemann & Williamson 1988). In general, the fast growth of light-demanding species in the early stages is often associated with the production of softwood with low density (Woodcock & Shier 2002;Nock et al. 2009), in contrast with shade-tolerant species produced denser wood and grow very slowly (Woodcock & Shier 2002). Thought to offer a competitive edge, this relationship between density and growth can actually shorten a tree's lifespan (Wiemann & Williamson 1988). ...
... Other studies also reported that shade tolerant species tend to have a much higher WD than do pioneer species (King et al. 2006;Ramananantoandro et al. 2016). One explanation were that pioneer species produce a low WD to grow taller than their neighbors, thereby acquiring more resources (i.e., light) quickly (Woodcock & Shier 2002).The observations of these six listed tree species were unlikely to persist in old-growth forests, supporting the assumption that strictly lightdemanding species present decreasing trends in wood density from bark to pith (Nock et al. 2009;Wiemann & Williamson 1988). Type 1: A. bipendensis presents an increasing trend in wood density from bark-to-pith. ...
... Among others, we selected references that illustrate the main different sources and patterns of wood density variations, within the same species, between species, and across geographic distributions. Nock et al. (2009) investigated the relationship between wood density and shade tolerance, as well as the effects of age and annual growth on radial density gradients in six tropical forest species. They found the presence of radial density gradients (from pith to bark), ranging from an approximately 70% increase in Melia azedarach, which is shade-intolerant, down to 13% decrease in Neolitsea obtusifolia, which is shade-tolerant. ...
... They found the presence of radial density gradients (from pith to bark), ranging from an approximately 70% increase in Melia azedarach, which is shade-intolerant, down to 13% decrease in Neolitsea obtusifolia, which is shade-tolerant. Nock et al. (2009) also found that, for Melia azedarach, radial increase of wood density is mainly due to tree size rather than tree age and annual growth. Gaitán-alvarez and Roque (2019) studied 2. Materials And Methods ...
Full-text available
Several Malagasy Dalbergia and Diospyros species are highly valued, especially in the furniture industry due to their desirable wood properties. However, there remains a lack of understanding regarding the wood technological properties of many species within these genera, hindering their effective utilization. This study aimed to adress this gap by assessing the wood density of 38 Dalbergia and 29 Diospyros species, their radial wood density variation, and the influence of climate and tree size. Wood density measurements were conducted on 297 wood cores using X-ray computed tomography. One-way analysis of variance was used to evaluate between-genus, between-species, and between-trees density variations. To compare the radial density profile of cores of different length, each analyzed core was divided into 10 segments of equal length. For species that show significant differences in mean density along the segments, the radial density trend was evaluated through correlation tests between the average density of each segment and its distance from the pith. Correlation test was also conducted to evaluate the relationship between tree diameter, climatic data, and density. Diospyros genus (1.070 ± 0.165 g∙cm-3) have significantly denser heartwood compared to Dalbergia (0.961 ± 0.142 g∙cm-3). Furthermore, eleven groups of Dalbergia and seven groups of Diospyros, each with significantly different heartwood density value ranges, were identified. While the radial wood density profile varied among species, a decreasing trend was observed in most analyzed species. Wood density increases with rising temperature and decreasing precipitation at the tree's growth site. Tree diameter does not influence the wood density.
... The wood is widely used worldwide because there is a very favorable relationship between strength and basic density, compared to other building materials, wood achieves greater strength with less density which makes it more efficiently used in structures that support much more than its own weight (Ramage et al., 2017). In tropical trees, WD is a key variable to understand life history strategies (Nock et al., 2009). ...
... Wood is essential and its technological use is better (Cruz et al., 2019;Valente et al., 2013). For example, the radial variation of the WD is affected by the age of the tree and changes in conductivity and storage, in addition, the biomechanics of the trees is of great importance to understand this radial variation of the WD and that the tree is standing supporting various external factors (Nock et al., 2009;Salvo et al., 2017). ...
Full-text available
Background Knowledge of the anatomy and properties of wood help to understand the quality of wood and plan its ideal technological use, therefore, it is necessary to understand the variations in wood characteristics and properties. Here we evaluate the radial variation of wood density and fiber morphology of two commercial forest species in a tropical humid forest of the department of Madre de Dios in Peru: Jacaranda copaia and Hura crepitans collected in a management area. Results Forestry collecting 10 usable trees by species. We provide general values of the densities and fibers of the two species studied. Conclusions Regarding the variation of the radial density, J. copaia presented a density growth in the pith-bark direction, while for H. crepitans its variation was not significant, these variations are clearly explained by the morphology of its fibers. Key words: Tropical wood; wood anatomy; wood quality; X-ray densitometry.
... In contrast to leaves, wood formation is an irreversible and accumulating process; thus, size-related changes in wood traits can be estimated from their radial variations. Previous studies have documented that there are large interspecific variations in the magnitude and direction of the size-dependency of wood traits, particularly in wood density (WD) (e.g., Parolin 2002;Kojima et al. 2009b;Nock et al. 2009;Williamson and Wiemann 2010a;Ishiguri et al. 2012;Hietz et al. 2013;Ishiguri et al. 2016). Hietz et al. (2013) found that 51 and 9 of 186 species in the tropical forests of Ecuador showed significant in creasing and decreasing trends in WD with size, respectively. ...
... Using the consecutive WD data from the pith to the cambium, we characterized the radial variation in WD for each tree as a linear function of the distance from the pith (D) as WD αD β, where α and β are the coefficients. Such linear relationships have been confirmed in many tropical tree species, including pioneers (Wiemann and Williamson 1988;Parolin 2002;Nock et al. 2009;Williamson and Wiemann 2010a;Hietz et al. 2013;Nezu et al. 2022). We checked the homogeneity of variance around the fitted values by visual inspection of the residual plots (data not shown) to confirm linear relationships. ...
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Revealing the size-dependency of traits (physiological and morphological properties) not only provides insights into species’ life history strategies but also contributes to the accurate prediction of changes in tree- and forest-level growth and responses to environments. We investigated the size-dependency of 18 leaf, wood, and bark traits related to resource use strategies and wood quality, using twenty 23-year-old Falcataria falcata trees with variable sizes (14.6−53.0 cm and 9.4−21.9 m in diameter at breast height [DBH] and height, respectively) in Okinawa, Japan. The radial variation in the wood density from the pith was also investigated. No leaf traits were correlated with DBH and height, whereas several wood and bark traits changed significantly with size. Larger trees produced dense wood with high water content and thick inner and outer bark, possibly reflecting the greater mechanical loads at the stem and greater translocation of carbon from the larger canopy. The radial gradients in wood density were steeper for small-sized trees, suggesting that age partially controlled xylem formation. We also found that fast growth did not compromise stem stiffness. Our results reveal the size-dependency differ between leaf and stem traits, possibly reflecting their different functional requirements. The size-related changes in traits observed here will be utilized for model parameterizations to predict changes in growth, carbon stocks, responses to environments, and wood quality in F. falcata plantations during the stand development.
... Melia azedarach, a canopy tree species in western Thailand (Nock et al., 2009). In our study, we found size-related increases in wood density for all but two Fagaceae species, Castanopsis fissa and Castanopsis chinensis. ...
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The functional basis of tree growth is often evaluated based on trunk diameter even though diameter is only one dimension of growth that may not be an integrative measure of resource allocation. We tested the hypothesis that growth—functional trait relationships are stronger when key sources of variation in tree growth are also accounted for, namely tree height and DBH, as well as size‐related variation in wood density and seed production using data from 3881 trees of 24 species in a subtropical forest using ordinary least square regression and standard major axis regression. Wood density varied with tree size for 14 of 24 species, generally increasing with size. For 18 of 24 species, the correlations of leaf mass per area and an index of photosynthetic investment (PI) with biomass growth was stronger than with diameter growth rate. Juveniles did not show stronger relationships than adults but biomass growth adding up with seed production showed stronger relationships with PI than biomass growth alone for three of eight species. Synthesis. Thus, our study helps resolve a paradox of trait‐based ecology, that is, weak growth—trait relationships, as stronger relationships emerged when accounting for more sources of intraspecific, among‐tree variation in resource allocation.
... Regarding the wood density trends, C. fissilis is a deciduous long-lived pioneer species (Peña-Claros et al. 2008), and its radial wood density gradient is expected to increase in mature stages of development to generate stem stability (Nock et al. 2009). This explanation could satisfy the 5.62% gradual increase in wood density of C. fissilis trees in the JNF between 1940 and 1999 (Fig. 2). ...
Background The increase in the frequency and intensity of droughts is pointed out as one of the main factors altering biogeochemical cycles in the Amazon basin. An eco-nutritional approach using X-ray fluorescence micro-analysis (µXRF) is proposed to verify the long- and short-term effects of droughts on the growth and xylem nutrient concentrations of Cedrela fissilis Vell. Methods Fourteen radii were selected from a tree-ring width chronology and X-rayed by Itrax Multiscanner. Profiles of ring width, wood density, and concentrations of aluminum (Al), phosphorus (P), sulfur (S), calcium (Ca), potassium (K), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe) and strontium (Sr) together with Al/Ca, Ca/Mn, K/Ca, Sr/Ca and Mn/S ratios were constructed and correlated with precipitation, temperature, the difference between precipitation and potential evapotranspiration (P-PET) and standardized precipitation–evapotranspiration index (SPEI). Results During dry years, C. fissilis showed narrower, less dense rings, lower Al, P, S and Ca, and higher K and Fe concentrations (the opposite was found in wet years). Ring width decreased (together with Al, P, S, K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Sr, Al/Ca, K/Ca and Sr/Ca) and wood density increased (together with Ca/Mn and Mn/S), which was associated with an increase in evapotranspiration and temperature over time, mainly since 1990. Cedrela fissilis showed a tendency to increase its capacity for resistance, and a recovery and resilience in growth over time associated with responses in Al, Ca, P and S. However, it showed a risk in the capacity for recovery of the pre-drought density values, associated with unsatisfactory responses in Al, Ca, K, Fe and P. Conclusions This study is the first attempt to analyze tree-ring nutritional evidences of C. fissilis trees to climate sensitivity and resilience to drought, based on long-term data from seasonal moist tropical forests of the Amazon. Our data suggested that C. fissilis is undergoing alterations in the concentration, use and redistribution of nutrients associated with increasing wood density and decreasing growth over time, due to the increase of drought frequency in the southern Amazon.
... The earlysuccessional PFT (PFT-ES) was characterized by acquisitive functional traits such as lower wood density, higher leaf turnover rate, higher photosynthetic capacity and dark respiration, higher hydraulic efficiency, and lower hydraulic safety compared with the more conservative late-successional PFT (PFT-LS). Wood density values were based on reported range of species at HKK (Nock et al., 2009) and was used to assign PFT to the five study species while another key trait in ED2.2-hydro, leaf turnover rate, was parameterized using default values in ED2.2-hydro that is representative of the range of leaf longevity in the tropics. Other ecophysiological parameters such as parameters for the Farquhar photosynthesis module were derived from wood density and leaf longevity based on previous trait meta- of all sampled trees were obtained using a digital hypsometer (Nikon Forestry 550) and were used to construct height allometry relationships (Table 1). ...
The strength and persistence of the tropical carbon sink hinges on the long‐term responses of woody growth to climatic variations and increasing CO 2 . However, the sensitivity of tropical woody growth to these environmental changes is poorly understood, leading to large uncertainties in growth predictions. Here, we used tree ring records from a Southeast Asian tropical forest to constrain ED2.2‐hydro, a terrestrial biosphere model with explicit vegetation demography. Specifically, we assessed individual‐level woody growth responses to historical climate variability and increases in atmospheric CO 2 (C a ). When forced with historical C a , ED2.2‐hydro reproduced the magnitude of increases in intercellular CO 2 concentration (a major determinant of photosynthesis) estimated from tree ring carbon isotope records. In contrast, simulated growth trends were considerably larger than those obtained from tree rings, suggesting that woody biomass production efficiency (WBPE = woody biomass production:gross primary productivity) was overestimated by the model. The estimated WBPE decline under increasing C a based on model‐data discrepancy was comparable to or stronger than (depending on tree species and size) the observed WBPE changes from a multi‐year mature‐forest CO 2 fertilization experiment. In addition, we found that ED2.2‐hydro generally overestimated climatic sensitivity of woody growth, especially for late‐successional plant functional types. The model‐data discrepancy in growth sensitivity to climate was likely caused by underestimating WBPE in hot and dry years due to commonly used model assumptions on carbon use efficiency and allocation. To our knowledge, this is the first study to constrain model predictions of individual tree‐level growth sensitivity to C a and climate against tropical tree‐ring data. Our results suggest that improving model processes related to WBPE is crucial to obtain better predictions of tropical forest responses to droughts and increasing C a . More accurate parameterization of WBPE will likely reduce the stimulation of woody growth by C a rise predicted by biosphere models.
... Most seedlings and saplings were under the canopy, where the low-light conditions were less favorable to the growth and survival of small individuals of shade-intolerant species (Masaki et al., 2021). Slow growth in the low light under the canopy is the most common pattern among shade-tolerant tree species (Nock et al., 2009). Thus, PC1 of PCA-SSAS represented the growth-survival dimension within the vertical differentiation of the assembly, as discussed below. ...
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Abstract In this study, the dominant mechanism that defines the species assembly in an old‐growth temperate forest was investigated by analyzing the species specificity of demographic parameters in relation to the life history stage, testing the hypotheses that early life stages should be more critical for sub‐canopy species than canopy species. Data for 17 major tree species in the Ogawa Forest Reserve (OFR) in Japan were analyzed, together with data from early stages (seed production, seed dispersal, and seedling emergence) to dbh‐based transition probability and survival stages (5–80 cm). Both datasets were subjected to principal components analysis (PCA): one included tree of dbh
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Light competition is thought to drive successional shifts in species dominance in closed vegetations, but few studies have assessed this for species-rich and vertically structured tropical forests. We analyzed how light competition drives species replacement during succession, and how cross-species variation in light competition strategies is determined by underlying species traits. To do so, we used chronosequence approach in which we compared 14 Mexican tropical secondary rainforest stands that differ in age (8–32 year-old). For each tree, height and stem diameter were monitored for 2 years to calculate relative biomass growth rate (RGR, the aboveground biomass gain per unit aboveground tree biomass per year). For each stand, 3D light profiles were measured to estimate individuals’ light interception to calculate light interception efficiency (LIE, intercepted light per unit biomass per year) and light use efficiency (LUE, biomass growth per intercepted light). Throughout succession, species with higher RGR attained higher changes in species dominance and thus increased their dominance over time. Both light competition strategies (LIE and LUE) increased RGR. In early succession, a high LIE and its associated traits (large crown leaf mass and low wood density) are more important for RGR. During succession, forest structure builds up, leading to lower understory light levels. In later succession, a high LUE and its associated traits (high wood density and leaf mass per area) become more important for RGR. Therefore, successional changes in relative importance of light competition strategies drive shifts in species dominance during tropical rainforest succession.
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Duncan, R.P. (1989). An evaluation of errors in tree age estimates based on increment cores in kahikatea (Dacrycarpus dacrydioides). New Zealand Natural Sciences 16: 31-37. Twelve kahikatea (Dacrycarpus dacrydioides) discs were used to assess the likely errors associated with estimating tree age from growth ring counts in increment cores. Two major sources of error were examined: (1) Failure of the increment core to pass through the tree's chronological centre. A geometric model is developed for estimating the distance to the chronological centre in cores where the arcs of the inner rings are visible. The mean percentage error from 84 cores that passed within 50 mm of the chronological centre was ± 35% corresponding to a mean absolute error of ± 21 years. The majority of this error is due to growth rate differences between the missing radius and the measured part of the core. (2) Missing rings. The average age underestimate from 48 cores due to missing rings was 13%. A significant correlation between radius length and age under estimate (r = 0.81) suggests that sampling along the longest radii will reduce this error. The average age underestimate due to missing rings from cores located along the longest radii of the twelve samples was 3%.
When a tree falls in a tropical forest, or a landslide exposes an expanse of bare soil, a distinct group of plant species—variously known as pioneers, early successionals, shade-intolerant, or secondary species—appears and dominates the early phase of the successional process. The success of these species following disturbance is attributable to a suite of demographic and physiological traits that comprise a distinctive life history strategy. Although much research remains to be done, a great deal is known about pioneer plant species in tropical forests and other ecosystems. This knowledge reflects the amenability of pioneer plants as subjects of experimental research due to their rapid growth and adaptability to a broad range of environmental conditions, and their critical ecological role in the early stage of succession. In this chapter, I first examine the life cycle of pioneer trees, highlighting important physiological processes at each stage, and then address in detail the structure and dynamics of the canopy, with an emphasis on leaf lifespan and the interaction between patterns and processes at the level of the individual leaf and of the plant canopy.
Light is widely considered to be the most important factor limiting the performance of plants on the floors of forests and woodlands, but the roles of nutrient availability and water supply remain poorly defined. We seek to predict the types of forest in which root competition affects seedling performance, and the types of plants that respond most strongly to release from root competition. We then test our predictions by reviewing experiments in which tree seedlings and forest herbs are released from belowground competition, usually by cutting trenches to sever the roots of surrounding trees. First, we provide a worldwide review of changes in canopy form and fine-root mass along gradients of soil fertility and seasonal drought, keeping in mind the stages of forest development. Our review shows that penetration of light is least in forests on moist soils providing large amounts of major nutrients. The changes are far more complex than those considered by allocation models. Dry woodlands typically allow 20 times as much light to penetrate as do wet forests, but there is surprisingly little evidence that they have greater fine-root densities in the topsoil. Tropical rain forests on highly infertile soils have only slightly more open canopies than those on fertile soils, but much greater fine-root densities. Northern temperate forests on highly acidic peats and sandy soils are often dominated by early-successional, open-canopied conifers (generally pines), mostly as a result of recurrent fires, and transmit about five times as much light as surrounding deciduous forests. A review of trenching experiments shows that light alone limits seedling growth in forests on moist, nutrient-rich soils, but competition for belowground resources becomes important on infertile soils and in drier regions. Secondly, we consider how root competition alters species' shade tolerances. Shade-house experiments demonstrate that species differ markedly in the minimum irradiance at which they respond to nutrient addition, but there generally tends to be a sizable response at >5% daylight and little response in <2% daylight. There is some evidence that species that have high potential growth rates and that respond markedly to increased irradiance are also most responsive to nutrient addition in 2-3% daylight. T. Smith and M. Huston have hypothesized that species cannot tolerate both shade and drought; this appears to be the case for species that tolerate shade chiefly by maximizing leaf area. However, many shade-tolerant woody plants in tropical and mediterranean-climate forests have thick, tough, long-lived leaves and a relatively high allocation to roots, and these species are much more drought tolerant. A few studies indicate that root trenching allows species to persist in deeper shade than that in which they are normally found and allows species from mesic sites to invade more xeric sites. Usually, the impact of trenching on growth rate is much greater in gaps than in the understory. Finally, we discuss the ways in which life-form composition and population structure of plant communities are shaped by reduced water supply and reduced nutrient availability, emphasizing the inadequacy of models that consider the impact of 'belowground resource availability' in a generic sense. Competition in a dry climate leads to widely spaced dominants, a lack of interstitial plants, high rates of seedling mortality in the understory, and a restriction of regeneration to patches where established matrix-forming plants have died. In contrast, vegetation on moist, infertile sites is characterized by closely packed, slender dominants, miniaturized interstitial plants, and slow rates of seedling growth in the understory, combined with relatively low rates of seedling mortality. Consequently, there is a continuum of sizes among the individuals of the dominant species, and a lack of reliance on gaps for establishment.
Eighteen species of wind-dispersed trees on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, are compared with respect to germination, survival, and growth of seedlings during 1 yr under sun and shade conditions in a screened enclosure. The species vary in their mean dry weight of seed from 1.9-686 mg. High and synchronous germination occurs in both sun and shade for 16 of the species. Most species have epigeal germination with leafy green cotyledons. Seedlings of 15 species survive better in sun than shade; none survive better in shade than sun. Shade tolerance varies widely and continuously among the species; it correlates with adult wood density, an indicator of growth rate and successional status, but not with the dry weight of seed reserves. The more shade-tolerant species have a lower proportion of seedlings dying from disease in the shade. Seedling height after 1 yr is greater in sun than in shade for all species. In the shade, number and length of leaves show little or no change with time; leaf turnover is negligible. In the sun, leaf number, increases and successively younger leaves mature at larger sizes. Leaf size is greater in the sun than in the shade. Senescence of the leafy cotyledons is more rapid in sun for all species. This study predicts that all species examined benefit from seed dispersal to light-gaps.-from Author
Two models are developed to illustrate how age or diameter may control the radial increases in wood specific gravity (SG), a feature common to lowland tropical trees. In the age-dependent model, trees of the same age produce new secondary xylem of the same SG regardless of their diameters, i.e., SG is dependent on age. In the radius-dependent model, trees of the same radius produce new secondary xylem of the same SG regardless of their ages. Then, predictions of the two models are tested on radial wood samples from the trunkwood of Joannesia princeps Vell., growing in a 17-year-old plantation in Espirito Santo, Brazil. For this cohort, tests of four predictions supported the age-dependent model over the radius-dependent model: final specific gravity was independent of radius (smaller trees did not have smaller final specific gravities), the slope of the radial increase in SG with tree radius was negatively dependent on tree radius (smaller trees had steeper slopes), the coefficient of variation (CV) of SG of the final wood was the same or less than the CV of SG of the initial wood, and the CV of SG of the final wood was much less than the CV of the tree radius. Thus, for plantation trees of the same age, the SG of wood produced is primarily a function of age, not radius of the tree. Forest trees show similar relationships but with the effects of age and radius confounded because tree ages are unknown.