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Lactate Threshold Concepts How Valid are They?


Abstract and Figures

During the last nearly 50 years, the blood lactate curve and lactate thresholds (LTs) have become important in the diagnosis of endurance performance. An intense and ongoing debate emerged, which was mainly based on terminology and/or the physiological background of LT concepts. The present review aims at evaluating LTs with regard to their validity in assessing endurance capacity. Additionally, LT concepts shall be integrated within the 'aerobic-anaerobic transition' - a framework which has often been used for performance diagnosis and intensity prescriptions in endurance sports. Usually, graded incremental exercise tests, eliciting an exponential rise in blood lactate concentrations (bLa), are used to arrive at lactate curves. A shift of such lactate curves indicates changes in endurance capacity. This very global approach, however, is hindered by several factors that may influence overall lactate levels. In addition, the exclusive use of the entire curve leads to some uncertainty as to the magnitude of endurance gains, which cannot be precisely estimated. This deficiency might be eliminated by the use of LTs. The aerobic-anaerobic transition may serve as a basis for individually assessing endurance performance as well as for prescribing intensities in endurance training. Additionally, several LT approaches may be integrated in this framework. This model consists of two typical breakpoints that are passed during incremental exercise: the intensity at which bLa begin to rise above baseline levels and the highest intensity at which lactate production and elimination are in equilibrium (maximal lactate steady state [MLSS]). Within this review, LTs are considered valid performance indicators when there are strong linear correlations with (simulated) endurance performance. In addition, a close relationship between LT and MLSS indicates validity regarding the prescription of training intensities. A total of 25 different LT concepts were located. All concepts were divided into three categories. Several authors use fixed bLa during incremental exercise to assess endurance performance (category 1). Other LT concepts aim at detecting the first rise in bLa above baseline levels (category 2). The third category consists of threshold concepts that aim at detecting either the MLSS or a rapid/distinct change in the inclination of the blood lactate curve (category 3). Thirty-two studies evaluated the relationship of LTs with performance in (partly simulated) endurance events. The overwhelming majority of those studies reported strong linear correlations, particularly for running events, suggesting a high percentage of common variance between LT and endurance performance. In addition, there is evidence that some LTs can estimate the MLSS. However, from a practical and statistical point of view it would be of interest to know the variability of individual differences between the respective threshold and the MLSS, which is rarely reported. Although there has been frequent and controversial debate on the LT phenomenon during the last three decades, many scientific studies have dealt with LT concepts, their value in assessing endurance performance or in prescribing exercise intensities in endurance training. The presented framework may help to clarify some aspects of the controversy and may give a rationale for performance diagnosis and training prescription in future research as well as in sports practice.
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Lactate Threshold Concepts
How Valid are They?
Oliver Faude,
Wilfried Kindermann
and Tim Meyer
1 Institute of Sports Medicine, University Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany
2 Institute of Sports and Preventive Medicine, University of Saarland, Saarbru
¨cken, Germany
Abstract................................................................................. 469
1. Historical Remarks on Endurance Performance Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470
2. Incremental Exercise Testing and the Interpretation of Blood Lactate Curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471
2.1 The Entire Blood Lactate Curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471
2.1.1 Test Design and Data Treatment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472
2.1.2 Methodology of Blood Lactate Determination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472
2.2 A Framework for Endurance Diagnosis and Training Prescriptions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473
3. Validation of Lactate Thresholds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474
3.1 Competition Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474
3.2 The Maximal Lactate Steady State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474
4. Lactate Threshold Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475
4.1 Located Lactate Threshold Concepts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475
4.1.1 Aerobic Lactate Thresholds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475
4.1.2 Anaerobic Lactate Thresholds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
4.2 Lactate Thresholds and (Simulated) Competition Results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477
4.3 Lactate Thresholds and Maximal Lactate Steady State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480
5. Conclusions and Perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484
Abstract During the last nearly 50 years, the blood lactate curve and lactate
thresholds (LTs) have become important in the diagnosis of endurance per-
formance. An intense and ongoing debate emerged, which was mainly based
on terminology and/or the physiological background of LT concepts. The
present review aims at evaluating LTs with regard to their validity in assessing
endurance capacity. Additionally, LT concepts shall be integrated within the
‘aerobic-anaerobic transition’ a framework which has often been used for
performance diagnosis and intensity prescriptions in endurance sports.
Usually, graded incremental exercise tests, eliciting an exponential rise in
blood lactate concentrations (bLa), are used to arrive at lactate curves. A shift
of such lactate curves indicates changes in endurance capacity. This very
global approach, however, is hindered by several factors that may influence
overall lactate levels. In addition, the exclusive use of the entire curve leads to
some uncertainty as to the magnitude of endurance gains, which cannot be
precisely estimated. This deficiency might be eliminated by the use of LTs.
The aerobic-anaerobic transition may serve as a basis for individually
assessing endurance performance as well as for prescribing intensities in
REVIEW ARTICLE Sports Med 2009; 39 (6): 469-490
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endurance training. Additionally, several LT approaches may be integrated
in this framework. This model consists of two typical breakpoints that are
passed during incremental exercise: the intensity at which bLa begin to rise
above baseline levels and the highest intensity at which lactate production
and elimination are in equilibrium (maximal lactate steady state [MLSS]).
Within this review, LTs are considered valid performance indicators when
there are strong linear correlations with (simulated) endurance performance.
In addition, a close relationship between LT and MLSS indicates validity
regarding the prescription of training intensities.
A total of 25 different LT concepts were located. All concepts were divided
into three categories. Several authors use fixed bLa during incremental
exercise to assess endurance performance (category 1). Other LT concepts
aim at detecting the first rise in bLa above baseline levels (category 2). The
third category consists of threshold concepts that aim at detecting either the
MLSS or a rapid/distinct change in the inclination of the blood lactate curve
(category 3).
Thirty-two studies evaluated the relationship of LTs with performance in
(partly simulated) endurance events. The overwhelming majority of those
studies reported strong linear correlations, particularly for running events,
suggesting a high percentage of common variance between LT and endurance
performance. In addition, there is evidence that some LTs can estimate the
MLSS. However, from a practical and statistical point of view it would be of
interest to know the variability of individual differences between the
respective threshold and the MLSS, which is rarely reported.
Although there has been frequent and controversial debate on the LT
phenomenon during the last three decades, many scientific studies have dealt
with LT concepts, their value in assessing endurance performance or in pre-
scribing exercise intensities in endurance training. The presented framework
may help to clarify some aspects of the controversy and may give a rationale
for performance diagnosis and training prescription in future research as well
as in sports practice.
1. Historical Remarks on Endurance
Performance Diagnosis
As early as 1808, Berzelius observed that lactic
acid was produced in the muscles of hunted
About a century later, several scientists
studied the biochemistry of energy metabolism
and muscle contraction in more detail. This led to
a much deeper understanding of the formation of
lactic acid (lactate and hydrogen ions) during in-
tense exercise.
At that time, it was common
belief that lactic acid is a waste product of glyco-
lysis and will be formed when oxygen delivery to
exercising muscles is not sufficient and muscle
anaerobiosis occurs.
This view has been
challenged considerably during the last two dec-
ades. Anaerobic glycolysis and, thus, lactate
kinetics rather seem to be an ongoing process
even in the resting individual which is highly
related to the metabolic rate but not necessarily
to oxygen availability (for detailed review see
Robergs et al.
In the first half of the 20th century the concept
of maximum oxygen consumption as the first and
probably most common means of evaluating
aerobic endurance capacity was developed by the
working group of Nobel Laureate AV Hill.
maximal oxygen uptake (V
) has been es-
tablished as a valuable tool to distinguish
between fit and unfit subjects. However, several
concerns were raised regarding the sensitivity of
. For instance, it is difficult to discriminate
470 Faude et al.
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between subjects of homogenous performance
levels by means of V
In addition,
sufficient effort during whole-body work and,
therefore, adequate motivation of the investi-
gated subject is necessary to appropriately de-
termine V
. Particularly in clinical settings
with diseased patients, whole-body exhaustion is
difficult to attain or is even avoided because of
the risk of adverse events.
Therefore, attempts have been made to estab-
lish sub-maximal parameters to assess cardio-
respiratory fitness in patients and athletes. Early
research by the working group of Hollmann
established the so-called ‘point of optimum ven-
tilatory efficiency’ corresponding to the first in-
crease in the ventilatory equivalent of oxygen
and of arterial lactate concentrations during
incremental exercise.
A few years later,
Wasserman and McIllroy
determined this in-
tensity by plotting ventilation versus oxygen
uptake in cardiac patients and named it the
‘anaerobic threshold’ (LT
). At that time,
routine determination of blood lactate con-
centrations (bLa) was associated with several
difficulties and gas exchange measurements were
more common especially in clinical settings.
Therefore, it became popular to detect the LT
by means of gas exchange analysis.
In the 1960s, the enzymatic method for mea-
suring lactate concentrations from capillary
blood samples was developed. This led to the in-
creasing popularity of using bLa as a parameter
to assess endurance capacity as well as for clas-
sifying work rate during exercise.
In the
following years, numerous lactate threshold (LT)
concepts were developed. The number of scien-
tific studies on LTs has increased enormously up
to now and the sub-maximal course of bLa dur-
ing incremental exercise has probably become
one of the most important means in the diagnosis
of endurance performance in sports prac-
However, the variety of different
threshold concepts has led to considerable con-
fusion and misinterpretation.
An intense and ongoing debate emerged,
which was mainly based upon terminology
and/or the physiological background of LT con-
Early assumptions on lactate produc-
tion and distribution in the organism have been
It has been argued that bLa
increase continuously rather than show a clear
threshold during incremental exercise. Further-
more, the contribution of aerobic and anaerobic
pathways to energy production does not change
suddenly but shows a continuous transition
and, therefore, the term ‘threshold’ might be
Against this background and to unravel the
confusion, it seems valuable to give a summary
on published LT concepts. The present review is
mainly aimed at evaluating the located LT con-
cepts with regard to their validity in assessing
aerobic endurance capacity and prescribing
training intensity. A further aim was to try
to integrate those concepts into a framework
that was originally called the aerobic-anaerobic
It has to be emphasized that this text focuses
on LTs only. Although a close link between lac-
tate and gas exchange markers has often been
there is still controversial
debate with regard to the underlying physiologi-
cal mechanisms.
A comprehensive review on
gas exchange thresholds has recently been pub-
Additionally, it is not within the scope
of this article to exhaustively review the bio-
chemistry of glycolysis and lactate metabolism.
2. Incremental Exercise Testing and the
Interpretation of Blood Lactate Curves
2.1 The Entire Blood Lactate Curve
Usually, graded incremental exercise tests
(GXTs) are used to evaluate aerobic endurance
performance capacity. Typically, an exponential
rise in bLa during incremental exercise testing
can be observed (figure 1). The issue of interest is
to interpret the resulting lactate curve with regard
to endurance capacity. It is generally accepted
that a rightward shift of the lactate curve (lower
bLa at given workload) can be interpreted in
terms of an improved endurance capacity
and, in contrast, a shift to the left (higher bLa at
given workload) is usually considered to re-
present worsening endurance capacity.
Validity of Lactate Thresholds 471
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Overall lactate levels are known to be influ-
enced by depleted glycogen stores (due to a low
carbohydrate diet or preceding exhaustive ex-
For instance, lower bLa at the same
work rates have been reported in a glycogen-
depleted subject compared with a subject in nor-
mal condition. This may lead to a downward
shift of the lactate curve and it is important
that this is not falsely interpreted as an enhance-
ment in endurance capacity.
several other factors like muscle fibre composi-
tion, glycolytic and lipolytic enzyme activity as
well as capillary or mitochondrial density might
influence blood lactate curves.
the entire lactate curve is dependent on several
other methodological issues, which should be ta-
ken into account when interpreting test results.
2.1.1 Test Design and Data Treatment
It is of note that the specific GXT protocol can
vary considerably with regard to starting and
subsequent work rates, work rate increments and
stage duration. A recent review focused on the
influence of varying test protocols on markers
usually used in the diagnosis of endurance per-
For instance, varying stage dura-
tion or work rate increments may lead to relevant
differences in blood lactate curves and LTs.
A possible reason might be the time allowed for
lactate diffusion in the blood until the next work
rate increment.
In addition, there has been great debate on the
best fitting procedure for the obtained bLa data
set. For instance, a single-
or double-phase
using two or three linear regression
segments, a double-log model,
a third-order
or an exponential function
been used in previous studies. Up to now, no
generally accepted fitting procedure has been
Thus, it seems appropriate that
test design as well as data fitting procedures
should be chosen (and reported) as has been
originally described for a certain LT.
2.1.2 Methodology of Blood Lactate Determination
From a methodological point of view, the site
(earlobe, fingertip) as well as the method (venous,
arterial, capillary) of blood sampling
the laboratory methods (lactate analyser, ana-
lysed blood medium)
may also affect the test
result. Samples taken from the earlobe have uni-
formly been shown to result in lower bLa than
samples taken from the fingertip.
regard to the analysed blood medium, plasma
values were considerably higher than whole
venous lactate concentrations, with capillary
values lying in between.
In addition,
several studies reported partly considerable dif-
ferences between various lactate analysers (port-
able field vs laboratory analysers, amperometric
vs photometric method) and under various cli-
matic conditions.
The analysis of the whole blood lactate curve is
a very global approach to evaluating endurance
capacity. On the one hand, this approach is af-
fected by the above-mentioned factors on overall
lactate levels. On the other hand, the use of
the entire curve leads to some uncertainty as to
the magnitude of endurance gains that cannot be
precisely estimated. However, the use of LTs
enables a quantitative evaluation of changes in
endurance performance. In addition, the ideal LT
concept would not be affected by the above-
mentioned factors. There is evidence that approaches
that analyse relative changes in bLa during GXTs
may be favourable compared with the use of
absolute lactate values in this regard.
Blood lactate concentration (mmol/L)
Work intensity
MLSS = anaerobic
Aerobic threshold
Fig. 1. A typical lactate-workload plot including the aerobic-
anaerobic transition as a framework to derive endurance training
intensities for different intensity zones. MLSS =maximal lactate
steady state.
472 Faude et al.
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2.2 A Framework for Endurance Diagnosis
and Training Prescriptions
In 1979, Kindermann et al.
the concept of the aerobic-anaerobic transition
as a framework for performance diagnosis
and training prescription in endurance sports
(figure 1). Since then, this framework has been
adopted, applied and refined by several
scientists either using lactate or gas exchange
This model consists of two typical breakpoints
that are passed during incremental exercise. In
the low intensity range, there is an intensity at
which bLa begin to rise above baseline levels.
This intensity was originally determined using gas
exchange measurements,
and Wasserman
called it the ‘anaerobic threshold’. This term has
since been used for various LTs, particularly those
with a different physiological background,
and, thus, has caused considerable confusion.
Kindermann et al.
and Skinner and McLel-
suggested this intensity be called the
‘aerobic threshold’ (LT
), because it marks the
upper limit of a nearly exclusive aerobic meta-
bolism and allows exercise lasting for hours. This
intensity might be suitable for enhancing cardio-
respiratory fitness in recreational sports, for
cardiac rehabilitation in patients or for low-
intensity and regenerative training sessions in
high level endurance athletes.
Exercise intensities only slightly above the
result in elevated but constant bLa during
steady-state exercise and can be maintained for
prolonged periods of time (~4 hours at intensities
in the range of the first increase in bLa
4560 minutes at an intensity corresponding to
the maximal lactate steady state [MLSS]
Although anaerobic glycolysis is enhanced, it is
speculated that such intensities may induce a
considerable increase in the oxidative metabolism
of muscle cells.
Theoretically, a high stimu-
lation of oxidative metabolism for as long a per-
iod of time as is possible in this intensity range
might be an appropriate load for endurance
training. The highest constant workload that still
leads to an equilibrium between lactate produc-
tion and lactate elimination represents the MLSS.
Some authors suggested that this intensity be
called the ‘anaerobic threshold’.
It has been shown that the constant bLa at
MLSS is not equal in all individuals and can vary
considerably (values from 2 up to 10 mmol/L
were reported in several studies).
Beneke and von Duvillard
as well as Beneke
et al.
reported that bLa at MLSS is dependent
on the motor pattern of exercise. Therefore, it
was suggested that to determine the LT
, indi-
vidualized approaches rather than a fixed bLa
should be used.
The MLSS represents the upper border of
constant load endurance training.
Intensities above the MLSS have been used to
guide interval training sessions in different
endurance sports.
The intensity range between LT
and LT
is called the aerobic-anaerobic transition. The
described thresholds (first increase in bLa and
MLSS) have recently also been called ‘lactate
threshold and lactate turnpoint’, ‘lactate thresh-
old and anaerobic threshold’, or ‘anaerobic
threshold 1 and 2’, respectively.
in the present review, it was decided to stick to the
originally introduced nomenclature.
There has been an exhaustive debate whether
there exist clear breakpoints in the lactate/work
rate relationship or whether lactate increase is
rather a continuous function during incremental
Furthermore, the terms ‘aerobic’ and
‘anaerobic’ threshold may suggest clearly dis-
cernible physiological processes. However, these
processes are rather of a transitional nature with
aerobic and anaerobic energetic pathways always
simultaneously contributing to energy produc-
tion during both low- and high-intensity exercise.
However, the proposed model seems appropriate
both from a practical and from a didactical point
of view. In addition, there is evidence that the
described breakpoints may have some exercise
physiological relevance. It has been shown that
exercise above the MLSS is associated with an
over-proportional excretion of stress hormones
as well as of immunological markers during
constant load exercise.
Lucia et al.
observed changes in electro-
myographical activity of the vastus lateralis and
Validity of Lactate Thresholds 473
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rectus femoris that were coincidental with the
aerobic-anaerobic transition in 28 elite male
The widespread use of this model as well as
the absence of an accepted alternative was the
rationale for using this framework in the present
review to categorize published LT concepts.
3. Validation of Lactate Thresholds
3.1 Competition Performance
It is widely accepted that LTs (and the sub-
maximal course of bLa during incremental
exercise) are a criterion measure for aerobic
endurance performance.
In parti-
cular, it has been shown that LTs are superior to
maximal oxygen uptake when assessing en-
durance performance in homogenous groups of
The obvious gold standard
to validate an LT concept is to compare it with
the most recent competition performance in an
endurance event (concurrent validity) or to assess
its value in predicting endurance performance in
future events (predictive validity). As an alter-
native to competition performance, the results of
laboratory tests simulating an endurance event
can be used. This might have the advantage of
a higher standardization and, therefore, these
test results may be more reliable. Correlations
between the test value (LT) and the validity
criterion (competition performance) can be de-
pendent on several confounding factors such
as, for example, the chosen competitive event
(duration, laboratory or outdoor, athletic track
or off-road), the sport that is evaluated as well
as sex or age group and its heterogeneity in terms
of endurance.
3.2 The Maximal Lactate Steady State
Endurance capacity can from a metabolic
point of view be regarded as the highest steady
state by energy supply from oxidative phosphor-
Therefore, another approach to assess
aerobic endurance performance is the determi-
nation of the highest constant exercise intensity
that can be maintained for a longer period of time
without a continuous rise in bLa. This intensity
represents the MLSS, which has been shown to be
highly related to competition performance in
endurance events (r [correlation coefficient] =
0.92 with 8 km running, r =0.87 with 5 km run-
ning and r =0.84 with 40 km cycling time trial
speed, respectively).
The MLSS has been
defined by some authors as the ‘anaerobic
threshold’ because it represents an exercise
intensity that can be maintained without con-
siderable contribution of anaerobic metabo-
Each higher intensity results in
a clearly identifiable increase in bLa with time
during constant load work.
The gold standard for the determination of the
MLSS is performing several constant load trials
of at least 30 minutes’ duration on different days
at various exercise intensities (in the range of
, figure 2).
An in-
crease in bLa of not more than 1 mmol/L between
10 and 30 minutes during the constant load trials
appears to be the most reasonable procedure for
MLSS determination.
MLSS represents a steady state in several but
not all physiological parameters. For instance,
oxygen uptake, carbon dioxide output, respira-
tory exchange ratio and bicarbonate concentra-
tion were reported to remain nearly constant
during constant load exercise at MLSS, but
respiratory rate and heart rate significantly
increased during this time.
Blood lactate concentration (mmol/L)
Time (min)
10 20 30 40
Fig. 2. The blood lactate response to several constant workload
exercises with different intensities. The highest workload during
which blood lactate concentrations can be still accepted as being
steady state is defined as the maximal lactate steady state (MLSS).
474 Faude et al.
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In several endurance sports it is recommended
to aim at a defined metabolic strain when a
certain training stimulus is intended.
Therefore, it seems likely that training intensities
for endurance training can be appropriately de-
scribed when MLSS is known.
For the purposes of this review based on the
above-mentioned rationales, LTs are considered
valid as performance indicators when there are
high linear correlations with (simulated) en-
durance performance. In addition, a close
relationship between LTs and MLSS suggests
validity with regard to the prescription of training
intensities. Therefore, it is desirable that LTs
should fulfil both validity criteria.
4. Lactate Threshold Concepts
For the purposes of the present paper, the
MEDLINE database PubMed was searched for
the search terms ‘lactate threshold’, ‘aerobic
threshold’ and ‘anaerobic threshold’ combined
with either ‘endurance performance’ or ‘maximal
lactate steady state’. Additionally, the references
of the selected articles were searched for further
relevant papers. The located original publications
were searched for papers describing different LT
concepts (section 4.1), a correlation between LTs
and (simulated) endurance performance (section
4.2) or the relationship between LTs and the
MLSS (section 4.3).
4.1 Located Lactate Threshold Concepts
A total of 25 different LT concepts were
located. Two studies were excluded from the
present analysis because threshold determination
was not solely based on bLa but also took gas
exchange measurements into account.
threshold concepts were divided into three cate-
gories. Several authors used so-called fixed blood
lactate thresholds (LT
) during incremental
exercise to evaluate aerobic endurance perfor-
mance. These fixed bLas were set at 2, 2.5, 3 or
4 mmol/L
with LT4 (4 mmol/L lac-
tate threshold, originally described by Mader
et al.
and by others later as the onset of blood
lactate accumulation [OBLA]
) being the most
frequently used method.
4.1.1 Aerobic Lactate Thresholds
Table I shows an overview of LT concepts that
could be categorized as the first rise in bLa above
baseline levels (LT
). Several researchers de-
scribed the procedure to determine this threshold
with terms like ‘‘the first significant/marked/
systematic/non-linear/sharp/abrupt sustained in-
crease in bLa above baseline’’.
Although the visual determination of the first rise
of bLa above baseline levels seems obvious and
simple, in practice it is associated with consider-
able problems because of the only slight changes
in bLa on the first steps during GXTs. Yeh
et al.
demonstrated that the visual detection
of the LT
(in that study called ‘anaerobic
threshold’) led to relevant differences between
observers. Therefore, it does not seem appropri-
ate to determine this threshold by simple visual
inspection. Thus, other methods were developed
to make threshold determination more objective.
For instance, some authors took the typical
error of their lactate analysers into account and
Table I. Lactate threshold concepts that were categorized in the
aerobic threshold category. For further explanation see text
Method and description
Work intensity or oxygen uptake
before/at which bLa begins to increase above baseline level
at which bLa exhibits a marked/systematic/significant/non-linear/
sharp/abrupt sustained increase above baseline
first significant elevation of lactate level (approximately 2 mmol/L)
before an elevation in bLa above baseline (at least 0.2 mmol/L due to
error of lactate analyser)
rise in delta lactate (onset of plasma lactate accumulation)
at minimum lactate equivalent (bLa divided by oxygen uptake or work
at which plasma lactate concentration begins to increase when log
bLa is plotted against log (work intensity)
at which bLa increases 0.5 mmol/L above resting concentration
at which bLa increas es 1 mmol/L above baseline (i.e. lactate at low
intensity corresponding to 4060%V
preceding a bLa increase by 1 mmol/L or more
bLa =blood lactate concentrations; V
=maximal oxygen up-
Validity of Lactate Thresholds 475
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determined this LT as the workload 0.2 mmol/L
above the lowest exercise lactate value.
Hughson and Green
arbitrarily chose an in-
crease of 0.5 mmol/L above resting lactate con-
centrations. Another work group
chose a
1 mmol/L increment above lactate levels at low
intensity (~40%to 60%V
) because it could
be determined objectively and in a standardized
manner in all subjects. Furthermore, the lowest
value when bLa is divided by work intensity or
has also been used as a marker for LT
(minimum lactate equivalent).
Beaver and colleagues
used a log-log transfor-
mation to assess the first rise in bLa more objec-
tively as the intersection of two linear regressions,
Farrell et al.
plotted the difference in bLa
between two consecutive stages against work in-
tensity and determined the first rise of this rela-
tionship (onset of plasma lactate accumulation).
4.1.2 Anaerobic Lactate Thresholds
All threshold concepts that were assigned ei-
ther to the MLSS or to a rapid/distinct change in
the inclination of the blood lactate curve were
categorized as LT
(table II).
Originally, the LT4 was established because it
seemed to be the highest bLa that was sustainable
for a longer duration and, therefore, was regarded
as the upper border for constant load endurance
It was soon recognized that a fixed
bLa does not take into account considerable
interindividual differences and that LT4 may fre-
quently underestimate (particularly in anaero-
bically trained subjects) or overestimate (in
aerobically trained athletes) real endurance capa-
Therefore, several so-called ‘in-
dividualized’ LT concepts were developed. For
instance, Keul et al.
and Simon et al.
termined the individual anaerobic threshold (IAT)
at a certain inclination of the lactate curve (tan-
gent of 51and 45, respectively). However, it
seems questionable whether the use of a fixed in-
clination may reflect individual lactate kinetics
better than a fixed bLa.
Stegmann et al.
developed a more compli-
cated model that is based on the exercise lactate
curve as well as on the lactate course during the
early recovery period. This model is based on
several assumptions regarding lactate distribu-
tion in blood and muscle compartments, lactate
diffusion through biological membranes and
lactate elimination. However, some of these pre-
mises have been challenged.
Berg et al.
defined the LT
as the inter-
section point between the tangent at the mini-
mum lactate equivalent and the linear function
Table II. Lactate threshold concepts that were categorized in the anaerobic threshold category. For further explanation see text
Threshold concept Method and description
IAT (Stegmann et al.)
Tangent to bLa curve from recovery curve where bLa is equal to the value at end of GXT
IAT (Keul et al.)
Tangent to bLa curve at 51
IAT (Simon et al.)
Tangent to bLa curve at 45
IAT (Berg et al.)
Intersection point between tangent for the minimum lactate equivalent and the linear function
for the final 90 sec of GXT
IAT (Bunc et al.)
Intersection between the exponential regression of the lactate curve and the bisector of the
tangents of the upper and lower parts of the lactate curve
IAT (Dickhuth et al.)
1.5 mmol/L above minimum lactate equivalent
IAT (Baldari and Guidetti)
The sec ond lactate increase of at least 0.5 mmol/L from the previous value
(Cheng et al.)
Maximal distance from bLa curve to the line formed by its endpoints
(Bishop et al.)
Maximal distance from bLa curve to the line formed by the point before the first rise in bLa and
the value at cessation of exercise
Lactate turnpoint
The final running velocity before the observation of a sudden and sustained increase in bLa
between LT
and V
Lactate minimum speed
Minimum in bLa during GXT after high intensity exercise
bLa =blood lactate concentration; GXT =incremental exercise test; IAT =individual anaerobic threshold; LT
=aerobic threshold;
=maximal oxygen uptake.
476 Faude et al.
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for the final 90 seconds of GXT. Similarly, Bunc
et al.
determined the LT
as the intersection
between the exponential regression of the lactate
curve and the bisector of the tangents on the upper
and lower parts of the regression. A comparable
model was established by Cheng et al.
called the D
method. Those authors deter-
mined the maximal perpendicular distance of the
lactate curve from the line connecting the start
with the endpoint of the lactate curve. It is ob-
vious that these threshold models are dependent
on the start intensity as well as the maximal effort
spent by the subjects. To eliminate the influence
of the start point of the GXT, Bishop et al.
connected the LT
with the endpoint of the
lactate curve and observed that this modified
threshold (D
) was also highly correlated
with performance during a 1-hour time trial in 24
female cyclists.
Tegtbur et al.
developed the so-called lac-
tate minimum test. This test starts with a short
supramaximal exercise leading to high bLa. A
short rest period (about 8 minutes)
allow for an equilibrium between muscle and
bLa. Immediately after this rest period, a stan-
dard incremental exercise test is conducted. After
an initial fall of bLa at low exercise intensities,
bLa begins to rise again. The lowest point of the
lactate curve, the lactate minimum speed (LMS),
is assumed to mark the LT
. This procedure has
recently been criticized because standardization
is difficult.
For instance, the induced acido-
sis prior to the incremental test is unlikely to be
uniform for different subjects. Additionally, initial
intensity as well as stage increment and duration
seem to affect LMS. Furthermore, supramaximal
exercise might be contraindicated in some in-
stances, for example in cardiac patients or in ath-
letes at some time points during their training.
Baldari and Guidetti
defined the IAT as
the workload corresponding to the second lactate
increase of at least 0.5 mmol/L with the second
increase greater than or equal to the first one. A
limitation to this approach is that only discrete
stages according to the test protocol can be
identified as threshold workload. Additionally,
those authors determined the IAT by plotting
each lactate value against the preceding work-
load. This was claimed to be done because during
3-minute stages no steady-state lactate level could
be reached
and, therefore, it was hypothesized
that a lactate value at a given 3-minute stage
would represent the realistic value of the previous
From empirical observations, the work group
of Dickhuth et al.
estimated the IAT
at a blood lactate concentration 1.5 mmol/L
above the minimum lactate equivalent (i.e. above
). Finally, the lactate turnpoint (LTP)
has been defined as the final running velocity
before the observation of a sudden and sus-
tained increase in bLa between LT
Reproducibility of the velocity or power out-
put at LTs has been reported to be high (r >0.9,
independent of whether LT
or LT
were analysed).
For V
at LTs, relia-
bility coefficients seem to be slightly lower
(r =0.80.9).
4.2 Lactate Thresholds and (Simulated)
Competition Results
Thirty-eight studies were located that com-
pared LT values with performance in endurance
events or simulated competitions. Six studies
were excluded from the analysis. Three of these
studies compared an LT obtained during cycling
exercise with running performance,
two studies only reported LT as a fraction of
and one study reported correlations
with time-to-exhaustion in an open-end interval
A total of 32 studies were thus
included in this analysis.
Eighteen studies evaluated the correlation of
the work intensity (running velocity or V
various LTs with performance in running compe-
titions of different distances (800 m up to mara-
thon; table III).
Competition distances from 0.8 to 3.2 km, from
5 km to 16.1 km and from 21.1 to 42.2 km were
subsumed as correlates of short-, middle- and
long-distance endurance events. The main result
was that nearly all studies reported high correla-
tion coefficients with (simulated) competition
results. These results were confirmed by Weltman
Validity of Lactate Thresholds 477
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et al.,
who cross-validated the obtained
regression equations and found high correlation
coefficients between actual and predicted scores.
There is a tendency for higher correlations with
longer endurance events (0.430.93 in short-term
events vs 0.680.98 over the long-distance
competitions). Additionally, correlations tended
to be higher for LT
and LT
compared with
. This might be due to the average intensity
in running events being higher than the intensity
Table III. Correlation coefficients between lactate thresholds and running performance over various distances
Threshold concept 0.83.2 km 5 km16.1 km 19.342.2 km
Median (minmax) 0.85 (0.680.93) 0.73 (0.510.79) 0.91 (0.810.95) 0.89 (0.740.93) 0.92 (0.680.98) 0.76 (0.730.83)
Median (minmax) 0.74 (0.430.93) 0.66 (0.580.85) 0.84 (0.730.97) 0.79 (0.450.92) 0.86 (0.760.98) 0.68 (0.420.91)
Median (minmax) 0.88 0.91 (0.830.94) 0.76 (0.660.83) 0.91 (0.890.93) 0.71 (0.670.83)
=fixed lactate threshold; LT
=aerobic threshold; LT
=anaerobic threshold; v=velocity; V
=oxygen uptake.
478 Faude et al.
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corresponding to the first increase in bLa. In to-
tal, the results of the analysed studies point to a
common variance of LTs and competition results
in running events between 55%and 85%.
In cycling, a total of eight studies evaluated the
relationship between LTs and (simulated) cycling
time trial performance (table IV).
Only one study analysed the correlation with
short-duration time trial performance (4000 m
individual pursuit) and found a high correlation
coefficient of r =0.86 in 18 male high-performance
track cyclists.
Four studies evaluated dis-
tances between 13.5 and 20 km or time trial dura-
tions between 20 and 30 minutes.
correlation coefficients in these studies were in
most cases higher (between 0.8 and 0.9) than for
the longer time trials (40 km or 6090 minutes,
Overall, the results of these
studies were more heterogeneous. Correlation
coefficients between LTs and (simulated) com-
petition performance varied between r =0.23
and r =0.93.
In total, the results of the ana-
lysed studies point to a common variance of LTs
and competition results between 35%and 85%in
cycling events. However, the low number of stu-
dies and the heterogeneous results point to the
need for further carefully designed studies to
arrive at more comprehensive conclusions with
regard to the relationship of LTs and time trial
performance in cycling.
Two studies were found that analysed the re-
lationship of LT markers with mountain bike
cross-country race performance.
races are usually conducted on a graded terrain
with considerable time spent ascending and des-
cending. Impellizzeri et al.
observed high
correlations between LT
as well as OBLA and
race time during a 31 km mountain bike race.
Whereas correlations were about 0.7 when LT
was expressed in absolute terms, correlations
became considerably higher (~0.9) when power
output at LT was expressed relative to body
mass. Similarly, Gregory et al.
higher correlations between LT
and a cross-
country time trial in 11 male mountain bikers
when LT
was expressed as related to body
mass (r ~0.5 in absolute terms vs r ~0.8 relative to
body mass). This finding can be explained with
the considerable influence of bodyweight and
body composition on performance capacity in
cyclists during ascents.
In addition to the studies in running and
cycling, another four studies were detected
that evaluated LTs and (simulated) competition
Table IV. Correlation coefficients between lactate thresholds and cycling time trial events over various distances and times
Threshold conc ept 4 km 13.520 km; 2030 min 40 km; 6090 min
Median (minmax) 0.82 (0.230.90) 0.60 (0.540.81)
Median (minmax) 0.86 0.88 (0.670.91) 0.65 (0.590.91) 0.93
Median (minmax) 0.90 (0.450.93) 0.75 (0.520.84)
=aerobic threshold; LT
=anaerobic threshold; LT
=fixed lactate threshold; PO =power output; V
=oxygen uptake.
Validity of Lactate Thresholds 479
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performance. Two of these studies analysed com-
petitive race walkers. Yoshida et al.
correlation coefficients for OBLA as well as for
of 0.94 and 0.85, respectively, with walking
pace during a 5 km road race in eight female race
walkers. Similar results were observed by Hagberg
and Coyle
in a heterogeneous group of race
walkers with correlation coefficients of 0.94 and
0.82 for velocity and oxygen uptake at LT
a 20 km race walking performance.
Two studies dealt with rowing performance
and LTs. Whereas Ingham et al.
observed high
correlations (r =0.860.92) between work rate at
fixed and aerobic LTs and 2000 m ergometer
performance in 41 rowers of different categories,
Cosgrove et al.
found considerably lower
correlations (r =0.390.73) in 13 male rowers.
To summarize, the overwhelming majority of
published studies on the relationship between
LTs and endurance performance showed strong
correlations, particularly for running events. This
supports findings of earlier training studies that
found training-induced improvements in compe-
titive performance significantly correlated with
improvements in LTs.
Although it seems
likely that other influences such as central ner-
vous system processes may have regulatory and
decisive characteristics in endurance events as it
was recently claimed,
peripheral metabolic
adaptations highly related to the LT
seem to
be a necessary and important prerequisite for
aerobic endurance performance.
4.3 Lactate Thresholds and Maximal Lactate
Steady State
MLSS determination has become very popu-
lar in performance diagnosis in several endurance
sports. Thus, numerous studies have dealt with
the problem of an adequate estimation of MLSS
during one single laboratory visit. For instance,
some authors tried to estimate MLSS from
performance during all-out time trials (5 km or
40 km)
from physiological strain (bLa, heart
rate, ratings of perceived exertion) during stan-
dardized sub-maximal constant-load exercise
or from gas exchange measurements.
However, an overview of those studies is beyond the
scope of the present review.
There are several studies that examined the
metabolic responses during steady-state exercise
intensities related to LTs but did not analyse ex-
ercise intensities slightly above or below. Schnabel
et al.
observed average steady-state lactate
concentrations (~4.5 mmol/L) during 50-minute
runs at the IAT according to Stegmann et al.
However, no other intensity was analysed in this
investigation. Stegmann and Kindermann
compared 50-minute cycling exercise in 19 subjects
at the IAT as well as at LT4 and found steady-state
lactate levels (~4 mmol/L) during IAT trials,
whereas exercise at LT4 resulted in continuously
rising bLa (up to 9.6 mmol/L) and a premature
cessation. This is in line with findings of Oyono-
Enguelle et al.,
who similarly reported no lac-
tate steady state in three out of five subjects during
exercise at LT4. In contrast, Loat and Rhodes
found continuously increasing bLa (on average
from 3.4 mmol/L after 15 minutes to 4.6 mmol/L
after 45 minutes) and premature fatigue during
60-minute constant load trials at the IAT. However,
those authors did not use the originally described
test protocol and Heck
has shown that IAT
determination is dependent on the protocol used.
Baldari and Guidetti
compared steady-
state running at their IAT determined when lactate
values were plotted against the corresponding
exercise intensity (IAT
) and against the pre-
ceding intensity (IAT
) and found steady-state
lactate levels for IAT
(~4 mmol/L
) but not for
. However, due to the determination pro-
cedure, the difference between both thresholds
was exactly one stage increment and no other
intensities in between were evaluated. Ribeiro
et al.
assessed a 40-minute steady-state cy-
cling exercise at LT
, between LT
and LT
(LTP), at LT
as well as between LT
and maxi-
mum. Those authors found on average steady-
state lactate levels up to LT
(~5 mmol/L
whereas at the highest intensity, bLa increased
continuously and exercise had to be terminated
Bacon and Kern
and Tegtbur et al.
compared constant load trials at LMS and 5%
or 0.2 m/s, respectively, above the LMS. Those
480 Faude et al.
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authors found that LMS intensity but not the
higher intensity on average resulted in a lactate
steady state. However, in the study of Bacon and
the average blood lactate increase be-
tween minutes 12 and 28 during the constant load
trial at the LMS +5%intensity was 1.2 mmol/L,
and in four out of ten subjects a lactate steady
state according to the recommended criter-
was present.
A total of 11 studies evaluated the relationship
between one or more LT concepts and MLSS
using the recommended procedure, including
several constant load trials of at least 30 minutes’
duration to determine the MLSS (table V). One
study determined MLSS with 20-minute constant
load trials.
Most researchers analysed the relationship of
LT4 with MLSS.
For instance,
Heck and colleagues
found strong corre-
lations between LT4 and MLSS during running
as well as during cycling exercise. However, the
fitness level of their subjects was quite hetero-
geneous and, therefore, the high correlations to
some extent might be spurious. Additionally,
they observed that the velocity at LT4 was higher
than MLSS velocity when stage duration during
the GXT was 3 minutes, whereas this was not
the case with 5-minute stages. Therefore, these
authors concluded that LT4 gives a valuable
estimate of the MLSS when stage duration is
at least 5 minutes. Also, Jones and Doust
found a high correlation between LT4 and the
MLSS in a homogenous group of trained runners
with LT4 being higher than MLSS (3-minute
stages). Lower correlations were found by
van Schuylenbergh et al.
in elite cyclists as
well as by Beneke
in a homogenous group
of rowers. Also, LT4 and MLSS did not differ
significantly with 6-minute stages,
LT4 was considerably higher than MLSS with
3-minute stages.
Lajoie et al.
whether the intensity corresponding to 4 mmol/L
lactate during a GXT with 8-minute stages and
30 W increments is appropriate to estimate the
MLSS in nine cyclists. Average power output at
MLSS and LT4 was not significantly different.
However, because bLa at MLSS differed consi-
derably between subjects, the authors concluded
that it is unrealistic to rely on a blood lactate
value of 4 mmol/L as a universal criterion for
MLSS. Unfortunately, a more detailed analysis
regarding the correlation or individual differ-
ences between LT4 and MLSS was not reported.
Heck et al.
observed high correlations
between MLSS and the IAT according to
Stegmann et al.
In addition, running velocity
was not significantly different between IAT
and MLSS independent of stage duration (3 or
5 minutes), whereas in cycling IAT was about
8%higher than MLSS. Urhausen et al.
in runners as well as in cyclists that constant load
trials at IAT resulted on average in a lactate
steady state, whereas a 5%higher intensity led to
a continuous rise in bLa. Similarly, McLellan and
arrived at the conclusion that the IAT
is a valid estimate for the MLSS in most subjects,
although there exists a considerable difference in
a few cases. Unfortunately, these studies reported
no measure of correlation between IAT and
MLSS or no quantitative data on individual dif-
ferences between IAT and MLSS. In contrast to
the previously mentioned studies, Beneke
found the IAT to be considerably higher than
MLSS in nine rowers. Additionally, the correla-
tion in this study was lower than was observed
by Heck et al.
This finding might be due to
the more homogenous performance level of the
rowers as well as to the slow increment in the
chosen test protocol.
Heck et al.
and Heck
found high corre-
lations between the IAT according to Keul
et al.
and Bunc et al.
and the MLSS in run-
ning and cycling. However, the high correlations
might be partly accounted for by the hetero-
genous endurance level of the subjects. Further-
more, both thresholds were dependent on the test
protocol during the running tests (3-minute vs
5-minute stages).
The LMS was evaluated in two studies.
The results of these studies were contradictory.
Jones and Doust
found only a low correlation
between LMS and MLSS. Additionally, LMS
was considerably lower than MLSS. In con-
trast, LMS was not significantly different from
MLSS in the study of MacIntosh et al.
contrasting observations might have been due to
Validity of Lactate Thresholds 481
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Table V. Comparison of lactate threshold concepts with MLSS determined by several constant load trials of different intensity
Threshold concept Subjects Main outcome Reference
LT4, OBLA 16 healthy
High correlation between LT4 and MLSS (r =0.98)
LT4 on average 0.12 m/s higher than MLSS with 3 min stages but not
with 5 min stages during GXT
Heterogenous endurance level
Heck et al.
22 healthy
Significant correlation between LT4 and MLSS (r =0.92)
LT4 on average 19.9 W higher than MLSS
Heterogenous endurance level, slow increase in power output
8 trained male
High correlation (r =0.93) between OBLA and MLSS
OBLA on average 0.4 km/h higher than MLSS
Jones and
21 elite cyclists Low correlation (r =0.71) between LT4 and MLSS
No significant difference between LT4 and MLSS (MLSS 15 W higher)
Homogenous endurance level
Van Schuylenbergh
et al.
9 male rowers Significant correlation (r =0.82) between LT4 and MLSS
LT4 significan tly higher (32 W) than MLSS
Homogenous endurance level
10 well trained
Average power output at LT4 and MLSS was not significantly different
(282 W vs 277 W)
Strong MLSS criterion (<0.75 mmol/L from 1060 min)
No further data on correlations or intraindividual differences between
LT4 and MLSS
Lajoie et al.
IAT (Stegmann et al.
) 16 healthy
High correlation between IAT and MLSS (r =0.960.98)
IAT velocity on average similar to MLSS for 3 min as well as 5 min
stages during GXT
Heterogenous endurance level of subjects
Heck et al.
22 healthy
Significant correlation between IAT and MLSS (r =0.87)
IAT on average 15.1 W higher than MLSS
Heterogenous endurance level, slow increase in power output
(+6W/min) not corresponding to the originally described test protocol
16 trained
14 trained
CLT at and below IAT resulted on average in LSS but not CLT at
100%IAT does not in all individuals exactly represent MLSS
LSS was found in 6 (of 14 runners) and 9 (of 16 cyclists) at 105%IAT
No further data on correlations or intraindividual differences between
CLT at LT4 (cycling at 104%IAT) resulted on average not in a LSS
Urhausen et al.
11 males
No LSS during CLT at IAT +5%V
; only 1 LSS during CLT at IAT
Two subjects showed no LSS during CLT at IAT -7.5%V
, all
other subjects showed LSS during CLT at IAT -2.5%V
No further data on correlations or intraindividual differences between
McLellan and
9 male rowers Significant correlation (r =0.81) between IAT and MLSS
IAT significantly higher (32 W) than MLSS
IAT (Keul et al.
) 16 healthy
High correlation between IAT and MLSS (r =0.98)
IAT velocity on average 0.2 m/s higher than MLSS with 3 min stages
and slightly lower with 5 min stages during GXT
Heterogenous endurance level of subjects
Heck et al.
22 healthy
Significant correlation between IAT and MLSS (r =0.94)
IAT on average 21.0 W higher than MLSS
Heterogenous endurance level, slow increase in power output
Continued next page
482 Faude et al.
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the considerably different test protocols used in
both studies. This is in line with the findings of
Carter et al.
showing that LMS is highly de-
pendent on the test protocol.
For other threshold concepts, scientific data
regarding the relationship of the threshold and
MLSS are scarce. Van Schuylenbergh et al.
found a significant correlation between the D
threshold and MLSS, although D
was sig-
nificantly lower than MLSS. In contrast, LTP
was found to be not different from MLSS on aver-
age, but it was not correlated to MLSS and the
95%limits of agreement (LoA)
of the differ-
ence between LTP and MLSS were wide.
There were also two studies that analysed the
relationship between MLSS and LT
could be expected, LT
was situated con-
siderably below the MLSS in both studies.
Whereas Jones and Doust
reported a high
correlation between LT
and MLSS, Haverty
et al.
did not. This might be due to short
constant load trials (20 minutes) and the strict
MLSS criterion (<0.2 mmol/L increase during the
last 10 minutes) in the latter study, which does
not sufficiently consider the time course of bLa
changes and may have led to an underestimation
of the real MLSS.
To summarize, there is evidence that some LT
concepts might be able to estimate the MLSS.
In particular, the IAT according to Stegmann
et al.,
and LT4 were repeatedly examined.
Mostly linear regressions or average lactate
courses were reported. Correlations and regres-
sions determine relative reliability of two meth-
ods but do not assess systematic bias or absolute
agreement. Furthermore, they depend greatly on
the range of values in the analysed sample.
Thus, from a practical and statistical point of
Table V. Contd
Threshold concept Subjects Main outcome Reference
IAT (Bunc et al.
) 16 healthy
High correlation between IAT and MLSS (r =0.980.99)
IAT velocity on average considerably higher than MLSS for 3-min
(+0.31 m/s) as well as 5 min stages (+0.14 m/s) during GXT
Heterogenous endurance level of subjects
Heck et al.
22 healthy
Significant correlation between IAT and MLSS (r =0.89)
IAT on average 71.5 W higher than MLSS
Heterogenous endurance level, slow increase in power output
LMS 10 trained male
Low correlation (r =0.61) between LMS and MLSS
LMS on average 0.8 km/h lower than MLSS
Jones and
14 cyclists or
LMS on average not different from MLSS
No good estimate of MLSS by LMS in three subjects
MLSS criterion: <0.7 mmol/L during last 20 min
No further data on correlations or intraindividual differences between
MacIntosh et al.
21 elite cyclists Significant correlation (r =0.85) between D
threshold and MLSS
threshold significantly lower (-23 W) than MLSS
Van Schuylenbergh
et al.
LTP 8 males
No correlation betwe en LTP and MLSS (r =0.18)
On average no difference between LTP and MLSS (13.7 vs 13.8 km/h)
=–1.8 km/h
Smith and
10 trained male
High correlation (r =0.94) between LT
and MLSS
on average 0.6 km /h lower than MLSS
Jones and
11 male
No correlation of LT
with MLSS (speed: r =-0.01; V
on average 1.1 km /h lower than MLSS
20 min CLT, but stron g MLSS criterion (<0.2 mmol/L)
Haverty et al.
CLT =constant load trial; D
=maximal distance from blood lactate concentration (bLa) curve to the line formed by the point before the first
rise in bLa and the value at cessation of exercise; GXT =incremental exercise test; IAT =individual anaerobic threshold; LMS =lactate
minimum speed; LoA =limits of agreement; LSS =lactate steady state; LT4 =4 mmol/L lactate threshold; LT
=aerobic threshold;
LTP =lactate turnpoint; MLSS =maximal lactate steady state; OBLA =onset of blood lactate accumulation; r=correlation coefficient;
=maximal oxygen uptake.
Validity of Lactate Thresholds 483
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view it would be of interest to know the absolute
variability of individual differences between the
LT and MLSS. An appropriate means to report
this variability may be the mean bias and the 95%
LoA as it was described by Bland and Alt-
There is only one study available that
applied this procedure.
Such a procedure
would also allow for assessing heteroscedasticity
(i.e. whether the differences depend on the mag-
nitude of the mean or in this case endurance
Table VI shows an example calculation of the
mean bias and the 95%LoA for four different LT
concepts from raw data reported by Heck et
These data show a mean bias between
0.5%and 8%, with LoA of about 10%in a run-
ning exercise. This means that for each new
subject within the study population it could be
expected (with a 95%probability) that the dif-
ference between MLSS and the respective LT is
within these LoA.
For the cycling exercise the
results are more heterogenous with greater mean
bias and LoA. However, due to the limited data
points these observations are preliminary and
should be confirmed by further research.
5. Conclusions and Perspectives
In conclusion, it can be stated that a huge
amount of evidence exists that LT concepts are of
considerable importance for the diagnosis as well
as the prediction of aerobic endurance perfor-
mance. The concept of the aerobic-anaerobic
transition may serve as a reasonable means for
performance diagnosis and intensity prescription
in endurance sports. However, there are several
open questions that should be appropriately
addressed by future research. These are:
Whereas the relationship of LTs with competi-
tion performance is well established in running
events and less strongly in cycling, there is lack
of evidence for most other endurance sports.
Scientific studies comparing LTs with MLSS
are rare and the results are partially conflict-
ing. This might be due to different methodo-
logical approaches. It is suggested that the
MLSS be assessed by the established proce-
dure using several constant load trials with
different intensities
and that the MLSS
be compared with a chosen LT. To do so,
measures of absolute agreement between LTs
and MLSS should be reported according
to the method introduced by Bland and
In this context, it is important to know the basic
variability and reproducibility of the MLSS. Up
to now, no scientific data addressing this ques-
tion exist. Therefore, it is recommended to eval-
uate the variability of MLSS in future research.
Of note, this may enable an evaluation of the
differences between LT and MLSS compared
with the basic variability of the MLSS and,
thus, give more detailed information on the
quality of the MLSS estimate.
Although there has been much and con-
troversial debate on the LT phenomenon during
the last three decades, many scientific studies
have dealt with LT concepts, their value in as-
Table VI. Mean bias (difference maximal lactate steady state [MLSS]-LT) and 95%limits of agreement (LoA) for four different lactate
threshold concepts during treadmill (n =16) and cycle ergometry (n =22). Results calculated from raw data reported by Heck et al.
Lactate threshold concept Treadmill ergometry
3 min stages, +0.4 m/s
Treadmill ergometry
5 min stages, +0.4 m/s
Cycle ergometry
2 min stages, +25 W
mean bias
mean bias
mean bias
LT4 -0.13 0.35 8 0.02 0.39 9-19.8 28.4 14
IAT (Keul et al.
)-0.20 0.39 9 0.06 0.35 8-21.0 22.4 11
IAT (Stegmann et al.
)-0.03 0.51 12 -0.03 0.37 9-15.0 35.0 18
IAT (Bunc et al.
)-0.33 0.33 8-0.14 0.37 9-71.4 52.8 27
IAT =individual anaerobic threshold; LT4 =4 mmol/L threshold.
484 Faude et al.
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original publisher.
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and distribution
is prohibited.
sessing endurance performance or in prescribing
exercise intensities in endurance training. It might
be speculated that a considerable part of the de-
bate has to be attributed to the misinterpretation
of the physiological basis of the phenomenon.
The presented framework may help to clarify the
controversy and may give a rational basis for
performance diagnosis and training prescriptions
in future research as well as in sports practice.
No sources of funding were used to assist in the prepara-
tion of this review. The authors have no conflicts of interest
that are relevant to the content of this manuscript.
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Correspondence: Dr Oliver Faude, Institute of Sports and
Preventive Medicine, University of Saarland, Campus Bldg.
B 8.2, 66123 Saarbru
¨cken, Germany.
490 Faude et al.
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... LT is positively correlated to maximal aerobic power and endurance performance in long and middle-distance cyclists and runners (Faude et al. 2009;Ghosh 2004). Further studies, however, are necessary to verify that fatigue resistance, aerobic efficiency and metabolic power are superior in carriers of the TT genotype. ...
... Nonetheless, since the prevalence of the A1470T polymorphism differs among European, Latin-American, and Afro-descendant individuals (Guilherme et al. 2021), future studies need to replicate our analyses in other populations. Moreover, as fat oxidation, BLa kinetics and the ventilatory response to exercise differ among exercise modalities (i.e., running vs. cycling) and protocols (i.e., short-graded vs. long duration steady-state) (Amaro-Gahete et al. 2019;Binder et al. 2008;Faude et al. 2009), further studies need to verify the here reported associations under additional exercise models. ...
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Purpose To examine the association of the single nucleotide polymorphism A1470T in the SLC16A1 gene with blood lactate accumulation during a graded exercise test and its associated metaboreflex. Methods Forty-six Latin-American men (Age: 27 ± 6 years; Body fat: 17.5 ± 4.7%) performed a graded exercise test on a treadmill for the assessment of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), lactate threshold (LT), ventilatory threshold (VT) and the exercise intensity corresponding to maximal fat oxidation rate (FATmax), via capillary blood samples and indirect calorimetry. Genomic DNA was extracted from a peripheral blood sample. Genotyping assay was carried out by real-time polymerase chain reaction to identify the A1470T polymorphism (rs1049434). Results Genotypes distribution were in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (X² = 5.6, p > 0.05), observing allele frequencies of 0.47 and 0.53 for the A and T alleles, respectively. No difference in VO2max, body composition nor FATmax were observed across genotypes, whereas carriers of the TT genotype showed a higher LT (24.5 ± 2.2 vs. 15.6 ± 1.7 mL kg⁻¹ min⁻¹, p < 0.01) and VT in comparison to carriers of the AA + AT genotypes (32.5 ± 3.3 vs. 21.7 ± 1.5 mL kg⁻¹ min⁻¹, p < 0.01). Both, VO2max and the A1470T polymorphism were positively associated to the LT (R² = 0.50, p < 0.01) and VT (R² = 0.55, p < 0.01). Only VO2max was associated to FATmax (R² = 0.39, p < 0.01). Conclusion Independently of cardiorespiratory fitness, the A1470T polymorphism is associated to blood lactate accumulation and its associated ventilatory response during submaximal intensity exercise. However, the A1470 polymorphism does not influence fat oxidation capacity during exercise in young men.
... Regarding to cardiopulmonary exercise testing, the test started with a 3-minute warm-up at 6 km/h, and immediately after warm-up, it was placed at a speed of 8 km/h so that every 3-minutes the speed was increased by 1 km/h until the participant was exhausted 33 . ...
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Introduction: Aerobic protocols and exercises are sought with less overload and that produce gains similar to traditional exercises. Therefore, understanding the changes that occur in incremental test with blood flow restriction(Tmax-BFR) and without blood flow restriction(Tmax-TRAD) is fundamental. Objective: To compare the responses of speeds, ventilatory thresholds(VT), maximum oxygen uptake(VO2max), blood lactate([la]), heart rate(HR) and Borg scale of Tmax-BFR vs. Tmax-TRAD. Methods: In this crossover study, non-athlete men who were submitted to two tests conditions(Tmax-BFR and Tmax-TRAD) were included. Data were analyzed using Generalized Estimating Equations and Bonferroni test. Values p<0.05 were considered significant. Results: Five men were included(Age:22.6±1.1years). The 1stVT, 2ndVT and VO2max were similar in both conditions. However, Tmax-BFR has reached 1stVT(Tmax-TRAD, 9.0±0.7km/h; Tmax-BFR, 8.2±0.5km/h), 2ndVT(Tmax-TRAD, 13.8±1.6km/h; Tmax-BFR, 11.6±1.8km/h) and VO2max(Tmax-TRAD, 15.6±2.9km/h; Tmax-BFR, 13.0±2.1km/h) at significantly lower speeds when compared to Tmax-TRAD(p<0.0001). HR at 2ndVT(Tmax-TRAD, 189.2±20.7bpm; Tmax-BFR, 173.2±10.6bpm; p=0.014) and Maximum HR(Tmax-TRAD, 203.6±14.9bpm; TBFR, 178.8±9.7bpm; p<0.0001) were higher in Tmax-TRAD. The Tmax-BFR showed higher levels of [la] when compared to Tmax-TRAD for 1stVT(p=0.019) and 2ndVT(p=0.005). Conclusion: There was a reduction in speed of 1stVT, 2ndVT and VO2max, as well as lower cardiac effort in the 2ndVT and HR at the end of the test in the Tmax-BFR condition.
... are proposed as demarcating the moderate/heavy and heavy/severe exercise domain, respectively [22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29]. In order to divide the training intensity into the three zones, cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPX) with measurement, e.g. of bLa concentration, is the gold standard. ...
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Background Physical inactivity is a growing risk factor worldwide, therefore getting people into sports is necessary. When prescribing physical activity, it is essential to recommend the correct training intensities. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPX) enables precise determination of individuals’ training intensities but is unavailable for a broad population. Therefore, the Borg scale allows individuals to assess perceived exertion and set their intensity easily and cost-efficiently. In order to transfer CPX to rating of perceived exertion (RPE), previous studies investigated RPE on specific physiological anchors, e.g. blood lactate (bLa) concentrations, but representativeness for a broad population is questionable. Some contradictory findings regarding individual factors influencing RPE occur, whereas univariable analysis has been performed so far. Moreover, a multivariable understanding of individual factors influencing RPE is missing. This study aims to determine RPE values at the individual anaerobic threshold (LT2) and defined bLa concentrations in a large cohort and to evaluate individual factors influencing RPE with multivariable analysis. Methods CPX with bicycle or treadmill ergometer of 6311 participants were analyzed in this cross-sectional study. RPE values at bLa concentrations 2 mmol/l, 3 mmol/l, 4 mmol/l, and LT2 (first rise in bLa over baseline + 1.5 mmol/l) were estimated by spline interpolation. Multivariable cumulative ordinal regression models were performed to assess the influence of sex, age, type of ergometry, VO2max, and duration of exercise testing on RPE. Results Median values [interquartile range (IQR)] of the total population were RPE 13 [11; 14] at 2 mmol/l, RPE 15 [13; 16] at 3 mmol/l, RPE 16 [15; 17] at 4 mmol/l, and RPE 15 [14; 16] at LT2. Main influence of individual factors on RPE were seen especially at 2 mmol/l: male sex (odds ratio (OR) [95%-CI]: 0.65 [0.587; 0.719]), treadmill ergometry (OR 0.754 [0.641; 0.886]), number of stages (OR 1.345 [1.300; 1.394]), age (OR 1.015 [1.012; 1.018]), and VO2max (OR 1.023 [1.015; 1.030]). Number of stages was the only identified influencing factor on RPE at all lactate concentrations/LT2 (3 mmol/l: OR 1.290 [1.244; 1.336]; 4 mmol/l: OR 1.229 [1.187; 1.274]; LT2: OR 1.155 [1.115; 1.197]). Conclusion Our results suggest RPE ≤ 11 for light intensity, RPE 12–14 for moderate intensity, and RPE 15–17 for vigorous intensity, which slightly differs from the current American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommendations. Additionally, we propose an RPE of 15 delineating heavy and severe intensity domain. Age, sex, type of ergometry, duration of exercise, and cardiopulmonary fitness should be considered when recommending individualized intensities with RPE, primarily at lower intensities. Therefore, this study can be used as a new guideline for prescribing individual RPE values in the clinical practice, predominantly for endurance type exercise.
... The maximal lactate steady state (MLSS) and critical power (CP) assessments are commonly used as estimates of the boundary between the heavy (i.e., exercise intensities that result in a steady state of oxygen uptake (VȮ 2 ) and blood lactate concentration ([La])) and severe (i.e., intensities that do not result in a steady state of VȮ 2 and [La]) exercise intensity domain, also known as the "maximal metabolic steady state" (46,75,77). However, there is much debate over which test is the "gold standard" for determining this boundary (3,11,17,23,(42)(43)(44)49,(51)(52)(53)(56)(57)(58)(59)76,77,80,88,89,129). ...
Borszcz, FK, de Aguiar, RA, Costa, VP, Denadai, BS, and de Lucas, RD. Agreement between maximal lactate steady state and critical power in different sports: A systematic review and Bayesian's meta-regression. J Strength Cond Res 38(6): e320-e339, 2024-This study aimed to systematically review the literature and perform a meta-regression to determine the level of agreement between maximal lactate steady state (MLSS) and critical power (CP). Considered eligible to include were peer-reviewed and "gray literature" studies in English, Spanish, and Portuguese languages in cyclical exercises. The last search was made on March 24, 2022, on PubMed, ScienceDirect, SciELO, and Google Scholar. The study's quality was evaluated using 4 criteria adapted from the COSMIN tool. The level of agreement was examined by 2 separate meta-regressions modeled under Bayesian's methods, the first for the mean differences and the second for the SD of differences. The searches yielded 455 studies, of which 36 studies were included. Quality scale revealed detailed methods and small samples used and that some studies lacked inclusion/exclusion criteria reporting. For MLSS and CP comparison, likely (i.e., coefficients with high probabilities) covariates that change the mean difference were the MLSS time frame and delta criteria of blood lactate concentration, MLSS number and duration of pauses, CP longest predictive trial duration, CP type of predictive trials, CP model fitting parameters, and exercise modality. Covariates for SD of the differences were the subject's maximal oxygen uptake, CP's longest predictive trial duration, and exercise modality. Traditional MLSS protocol and CP from 2-to 15-minute trials do not reflect equivalent exercise intensity levels; the proximity between MLSS and CP measures can differ depending on test design, and both MLSS and CP have inherent limitations. Therefore, comparisons between them should always consider these aspects.
... Capillary blood samples were collected from the earlobe in the last 30-s of each stage and analysed immediately for lactate concentration (Lactate Pro 2, Arkray, Kyoto, Japan). A lactate-power curve was produced for each participant with lactate threshold parameters defined as the power output corresponding to an increase of 1 mmol⸳L -1 (LT1; (Thoden 1991)), and at a fixed blood [lactate] of 4 mmol⸳L -1 (FBLA4; (Faude et al. 2009)). These thresholds were all determined objectively using Lactate-E software (Newell et al. 2007). ...
The studies in this thesis investigated the physiological determinants of 4-km team-pursuit (TP) track cycling performance and critically evaluated the use of modelling finite work capacity (W′) and its dynamic balance (W′BAL) during the TP. This thesis also examined the integration of blood flow restriction (BFR) into high-intensity interval training (HIIT) as an intervention to improve factors related to TP performance. A series of related investigations were conducted with trained cyclists up to the Olympic level. Study One recruited male TP squads from International, National, and Regional performance levels. The TP squads were assessed for their critical power (CP) and W′. Maximal 4-km TP efforts confirmed different performance times of 3:49.9, 3:56.7, and 4:05.4 (minutes:s) for International, National, and Regional, respectively. Four TP simulation trials quantified W′ reconstitution from 0 to 100 W below CP. Results showed that the International squad were differentiated from National and Regional performance levels with greater CP (p < 0.05), likely preserving W′ for leading efforts. Furthermore, the International team possessed the fastest rates of W′ reconstitution at recovery intensities within 50 W of CP (p < 0.05), demonstrating the importance of W′ reconstitution at intensities near CP for recovery in the TP. The International team also expended a greater total quantity of W′ than its initial size (104 ± 5%), further demonstrating the capacity to utilise the reconstituted W′. In conclusion, we found that the TP relies on high aerobic capacity and rapid metabolic recovery abilities. An intervention was conceived based on the demands of the TP and the existing training sessions of elite TP cyclists. The training intervention included principles of TP training philosophy where cyclists repeatedly practice competition demands, at their TP lead intensity. As elite TP cyclists engage in substantial training volumes, it was important not to substantially exceed current training workloads. Based on previous BFR research with trained cyclists, an intervention integrating BFR into the recovery between TP efforts was devised. The intervention was performed on an ergometer to enable greater control over conditions and intensity. To evaluate the metabolic demands of the BFR intervention, the Study Two assessed the acute physiological responses in 11 male and female highly-trained cyclists (V̇O2PEAK 65 ± 9 mL·kg-1·minute-1). Using a within-subject design, participants performed two work- and duration-matched HIIT sessions. The HIIT consisted of six high-intensity repetitions with BFR occlusion between work bouts at 200 mmHg for 2-minutes applied proximally on the thighs (BFR) or HIIT alone without BFR (CON). Work intensity was set as 85% of the mean power output of a maximal 30-s test to simulate TP lead intensity. Cardiopulmonary variables (O2 uptake, V̇O2; carbon dioxide production V̇CO2; and ventilation, V̇E) and muscle oxygenation responses were measured during the HIIT, and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) was measured pre- and 3-hours post-HIIT. Results demonstrated that BFR increased V̇CO2 and V̇E (both p < 0.05) during work bouts but did not affect V̇O2 and TSI (both p>0.05). Compared to CON, the BFR intervention significantly decreased V̇O2, V̇CO2, V̇E, and TSI during BFR occlusion (all p<0.05). Following cuff release, there were significantly higher values of V̇O2, V̇CO2, and V̇E, whereas TSI was suppressed (all p < 0.05). There were significant enhancements of serum VEGF concentration at 3-hours post-HIIT after BFR when compared to CON. As BFR appeared to delay recovery, it was hypothesised that BFR may increase metabolic and oxidative stress by delaying recovery processes. The delay in recovery may enhance the adaptations to HIIT without increasing training workload. After demonstrating that applying BFR during recovery in high-intensity work bouts increased markers of physiological stress, Study Three assessed the performance and physiological effects of the training as a chronic intervention. Using a between-subject design, ten performance-matched male trained cyclists (weekly volume >6-hours·week-1) were assigned to BFR or CON conditions. Participants performed pre- and post-intervention tests to determine lactate thresholds, 30-s maximal sprint cycling performance, and an intermittent test designed with high-intensity bouts comparable to the TP. Work bouts were performed at 85% of the mean power output of the maximal 30-s test. Muscle oxygenation and cardiopulmonary measures were continually assessed throughout the intermittent test. Participants performed four-weeks of work- and duration-matched HIIT either with 2-minutes of 200 mmHg thigh BFR between work bouts or HIIT alone (CON). Following BFR intervention, there were significant improvements in intermittent test time to exhaustion, 30-s mean power output, and submaximal lactate thresholds compared to CON (all p < 0.05). Furthermore, BFR led to significant intermittent test improvements for V̇O2PEAK and the rate of muscle tissue reoxygenation (all p < 0.05). There were no significant changes over the intervention period for CON, indicating that HIIT was ineffective in this cohort when BFR was not incorporated. Therefore, it was demonstrated that the integration of BFR between HIIT work bouts improves intermittent performance and a range of physiological factors associated with performance in trained cyclists. Finally, the BFR intervention was integrated into two HIIT sessions within a training camp of an elite TP squad preparing for the Olympic Games to test its potential efficacy and feasibility. As in the previous BFR studies, this case-study (Study Four) applied 2-minutes of 200 mmHg thigh BFR between high-intensity bouts. Work intensities were set at the individual cyclists’ TP lead intensity. A questionnaire was developed to assess the pain, tolerance, enjoyment, and compare the intervention to other training modalities. Questionnaire responses indicated that the elite cyclists enjoyed and positively perceived the intervention, appreciating the variety and efficiency of the training stimulus. All but one elite cyclist tolerated that intervention. Further investigation in conjunction with medical staff indicated that the intolerant cyclist had a pre-existing undiagnosed cardiovascular condition and presented with femoral artery claudication (discussed in the addendum). Thus, integrating BFR into HIIT for elite track cyclists was feasible and tolerable when no contraindications existed. In summary, elite TP performance relies on high sustained aerobic power output and rapid W′ recovery between efforts. This thesis showed integrating BFR between HIIT work bouts provides an additional training stimulus and can improve factors related to aerobic capacity and high-intensity intermittent performance in trained cyclists. The BFR intervention is tolerable within an elite cohort and may improve TP performance without increasing training workload.
... The test finished when a lactate of 4 mmol-L or higher was detected. The first (LT1) and the second (LT2) lactate thresholds were determined by the lactate concentration [La+] as previously suggested (Faude et al., 2009) and associated with heart rate (HR), velocity and RPE score to prescribe training intensities (Stoogl et al.,2015). ...
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Trail running (TR), an extreme endurance sport, presents unique challenges due to the variety of terrain and distances, where physiological capacity and body composition have been considered better predictors of performance. This longitudinal case study examines the impact of training intensity distribution (TID) on an elite trail runner's physiological profile and performance over four years. Two TID models were implemented: polarized (POL) and pyramidal (PYR). Physiological assessments included maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max), lactate thresholds (LT1 and LT2), and anthropometric characteristics. The training was classified according to the 3-zone intensity model (zone 1: below the first lactate threshold; zone 2: between the first and second lactate threshold; zone 3: above the second lactate threshold). During the four years, the average TID distribution was 75 % zone 1, 18 % zone 2, and 7 % zone 3. Physiological capacity increased by 7.14 % (14 to 15 km/h) for velocity at LT1 (vLT1) and 8.13 % (16 to 17.3 km/h) for velocity at LT2 (vLT2). The most significant increases were observed during the second year when the percentage of training time in zone 1 was lower (65 %) and in zone 2 greater (30 %) than those reported in other years. Consequently, vLT1 and vLT2 increased by 3.5 % (from 14.1 to 14.6 km/h) and 3.6 % (from 16.5 to 17.1 km/h), respectively. In conclusion, this case study revealed that emphasizing training in zone 2 (moderate intensity) and increasing the training load significantly improved performance at lactate thresholds. Despite modifying body composition, no influence on improving endurance performance was observed. These findings underscore the importance of TID in elite trail runners and highlight the potential to optimize physiological adaptations and performance outcomes.
... LT1, also referred to as the aerobic threshold, signifies the rise in blood lactate above baseline and is commonly employed to identify moderate to severe exercise ranges. On the other hand, LT2, or the anaerobic threshold, represents an escalation in blood lactate release and is utilized to classify intense and extreme exercise ranges [65]. However, some argue that acute responses to exercise are not always predictive of chronic adaptation, and that training studies are needed to test whether different training methods affect adaptation to training [66]. ...
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Lactate has a novel function different from previously known functions despite its traditional association with hypoxia in skeletal muscle. It plays various direct and indirect physiological functions. It is a vital energy source within the central nervous system (CNS) and a signal transmitter regulating crucial processes, such as angiogenesis and inflammation. Activating lactate and its associated receptors elicits effects like synaptic plasticity and angiogenesis alterations. These effects can significantly influence the astrocyte-neuron lactate shuttle, potentially impacting cognitive performance. Decreased cognitive function relates to different neurodegenerative conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease (AD), ischemic brain injury, and frontotemporal dementia. Therefore, lactic acid has significant potential for treating neurodegenerative disorders. Exercise is a method that induces the production of lactic acid, which is similar to the effect of lactate injections. It is a harmless and natural way to achieve comparable results. Animal experiments demonstrate that high-intensity intermittent exercise can increase vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) levels, thus promoting angiogenesis. In vivo, lactate receptor-hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 1 (HCAR1) activation can occur by various stimuli, including variations in ion concentrations, cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) level elevations, and fluctuations in the availability of energy substrates. While several articles have been published on the benefits of physical activity on developing Alzheimer’s disease in the CNS, could lactic acid act as a bridge? Understanding how HCAR1 responds to these signals and initiates associated pathways remains incomplete. This review comprehensively analyzes lactate-induced signaling pathways, investigating their influence on neuroinflammation, neurodegeneration, and cognitive decline. Consequently, this study describes the unique role of lactate in the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.
... The obvious problem with these approaches was, however, that these indirect estimates of the MLSS where not compared against a directly measured MLSS as a gold standard. For a more detailed description of lactate threshold concepts see relevant reviews [17,18] and a 652-page book on lactate in German by myself and my colleagues [19]. ...
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The maximal lactate steady state, abbreviated as MLSS, is the maximal exercise intensity where the concentration of earlobe capillary or arterial blood lactate remains constant over time. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, we (i.e. Hermann Heck and co-workers) developed a direct test to determine the MLSS to investigate whether it occurred at a lactate concentration of 4 mmol.L− 1, as earlier predicted by Alois Mader and colleagues. The test consisted of each participant performing several constant-intensity running bouts of ≈ 30 min at intensities close to the estimated MLSS. During each run, we measured lactate every 5 min. Based on the results, we defined the MLSS as the “workload where the concentration of blood lactate does not increase more than 1 mmo.L− 1during the last 20 min of a constant load exercise”. This MLSS protocol is impractical for performance testing as it requires too many exercise bouts, but it is a gold standard to determine the real MLSS. It is especially useful to validate indirect tests that seek to estimate the MLSS.
... Συνήθως οι δοκιμασίες προοδευτικά αυξανόμενης επιβάρυνσης ξεκινούν με μία μέτριας έντασης άσκηση, η οποία αυξάνεται σταδιακά με σταθερό μέγεθος και σε δεδομένες χρονικές στιγμές (Beneke et al., 2011). Κατά τη διάρκεια της δοκιμασίας γίνεται συλλογή δείγματος αίματος, συνήθως από την άκρη του δαχτύλου, για τον υπολογισμό της συγκέντρωσης του γαλακτικού στο αίμα (Tokmakidis et al., 1998), όπου παρατηρείται μια εκθετική αύξηση των τιμών της συγκέντρωσης γαλακτικού στο αίμα καθώς η ένταση της άσκησης αυξάνεται (Faude et al., 2009). Το διάγραμμα της συγκέντρωσης του γαλακτικού σε συνάρτηση με την ταχύτητα τρεξίματος της δοκιμασίας χρησιμοποιείται από τους ερευνητές για τον υπολογισμό του 'γαλακτικού κατωφλιού' (Tokmakidis et al., 1998). ...
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The purpose of the present study was to examine the correlation and the differences between the critical velocity and the velocity corresponding to various points in the lactate curve used to determine the lactate threshold. The sample consisted of 16 healthy, freely practicing individuals (6 males and 8 females) who performed a progressively increased velocity test until exhaustion. Upon completion of each three‐ minute stage a blood sample was taken to measure the concentration of lactate. Based on the exponential relationship between lactate concentration and running velocity, the velocity at which lactate concentration increased by 0.5 (LT0.5) and 1.5 (LT1.5) mmol/L of baseline, the velocity at which the concentration of lactate was 3 and 4 mmol and the velocity determined by the methods Dmax and mDmax was determined as ‘lactate thresholds’. For the calculation of critical speed, the participants ran until exhaustion at intensities corresponding to 90%, 100% and 110% of maximum aerobic speed on 3 different days, in random order. Critical velocity was determined by the slope of the regression line between the exercise time and the distance ran with the above intensities. The analysis of the data showed that critical velocity had a very high linear correlation (r) with all methods of determining the lactate threshold (LT0.5: 0.86, LT1.5: 0.89, 3 mmol: 0.83, 4 mmol: 0.89, Dmax: 0.89, mDmax: 0.86). Critical velocity (12.13 ± 1.41 km / h) was higher than the velocity at LT0.5 (9.93 ± 1.16 km/h), LT1.5 (11.46 ± 1.34 km/h) and 3 mmol (10.81 ± 1.79 km/h) while it did not differ from the velocity corresponding to 4 mmol (11.96 ± 1.55 km/h), Dmax (11.83 ± 1.31 km/h), and mDmax (12.1 ± 1.24 km/h). The above shows that the critical speed may possibly be determined with the Dmax and mDmax methods.
Methods to determine exercise intensity thresholds, such as the aerobic and anaerobic threshold, that separate different exercise intensities in exercising horses in the field setting or on the treadmill often require equipment, standardised conditions and/or blood sampling. Detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) is a heart rate variability variable proposed as a non-invasive tool for exercise intensity monitoring and with a potential association with exercise intensity thresholds and fatigue. The objectives of this study were to (1) describe the first component of DFA (DFA-α1) during standardised field incremental exercise tests in sport horses in active Eventing competition and in sport horses ridden without the goal of participating in competitions, and (2) to determine if DFA-α1 is associated with blood lactate concentration. Null hypotheses of the study were that (1) DFA-α1 is not correlated with blood lactate concentration measurements and (2) the correlation between DFA-α1 and blood lactate concentration is not stronger than the one between blood lactate concentration and heart rate or blood lactate concentration and speed. An in vivo observational study was performed analysing exercising electrocardiograms obtained in 59 standardised exercise tests in the field. DFA-α1 was significantly and moderately correlated with blood lactate concentration ( , ). A strong correlation was observed between blood lactate concentration and speed ( , ), as well as between blood lactate concentration and heart rate ( , ). DFA-α1 correlation with blood lactate concentration was moderate but weaker than the correlation of blood lactate concentration and heart rate or blood lactate concentration and speed. DFA-α1 was not a useful surrogate of blood lactate concentration in field incremental standardised tests used for sport horses in this setting.
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The maximal lactate steady state (MLSS) is defined as the highest blood lactate concentration (MLSSc) and work load (MLSSw) that can be maintained over time without a continual blood lactate accumulation. A close relationship between endurance sport performance and MLSSw has been reported and the average velocity over a marathon is just below MLSSw. This work rate delineates the low-to high-intensity exercises at which carbohydrates contribute more than 50% of the total energy need and at which the fuel mix switches (crosses over) from predominantly fat to predominantly carbohydrate. The rate of metabolic adenosine triphosphate (ATP) turnover increases as a direct function of metabolic power output and the blood lactate at MLSS represents the highest point in the equilibrium between lactate appearance and disappearance both being equal to the lactate turnover. However, MLSSc has been reported to demonstrate a great variability between individuals (from 2–8 mmol/L) in capillary blood and not to be related to MLSSw. The fate of enhanced lactate clearance in trained individuals has been attributed primarily to oxidation in active muscle and gluconeogenesis in liver. The transport of lactate into and out of the cells is facilitated by monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs) which are transmembrane proteins and which are significantly improved by training. Endurance training increases the expression of MCT1 with intervariable effects on MCT4. The relationship between the concentration of the two MCTs and the performance parameters (i.e. the maximal distance run in 20 minutes) in elite athletes has not yet been reported. However, lactate exchange and removal indirectly estimated with velocity constants of the individual blood lactate recovery has been reported to be related to time to exhaustion at maximal oxygen uptake.
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Physiological variables, such as maximum work rate or maximal oxygen uptake (V̇O2max), together with other submaximal metabolic inflection points (e.g. the lactate threshold [LT], the onset of blood lactate accumulation and the pulmonary ventilation threshold [VT]), are regularly quantified by sports scientists during an incremental exercise test to exhaustion. These variables have been shown to correlate with endurance performance, have been used to prescribe exercise training loads and are useful to monitor adaptation to training. However, an incremental exercise test can be modified in terms of starting and subsequent work rates, increments and duration of each stage. At the same time, the analysis of the blood lactate/ventilatory response to incremental exercise may vary due to the medium of blood analysed and the treatment (or mathematical modelling) of data following the test to model the metabolic inflection points. Modification of the stage duration during an incremental exercise test may influence the submaximal and maximal physiological variables. In particular, the peak power output is reduced in incremental exercise tests that have stages of longer duration. Furthermore, the VT or LT may also occur at higher absolute exercise work rate in incremental tests comprising shorter stages. These effects may influence the relationship of the variables to endurance performance or potentially influence the sensitivity of these results to endurance training. A difference in maximum work rate with modification of incremental exercise test design may change the validity of using these results for predicting performance, and prescribing or monitoring training. Sports scientists and coaches should consider these factors when conducting incremental exercise testing for the purposes of performance diagnostics.
The purpose of this investigation was to compare the ventilatory threshold (Tvent) with the lactate threshold (Tlact) during 60 min of steady-state exercise at the calculated thresholds. Eight trained, male cyclists (mean age 23.3±3.0 years, body mass 70.0±7.1 kg, V̇O2max 61.02±4.15 ml·kg-1·min-1) performed a progressive intensity cycling test (23 W/min) for determining Tlact and Tvent. Tvent was determined by the non-linear increase in excess CO2 (ExCO2) while Tlact was calculated by the "individual anaerobic threshold" (IAT) method. Subsequently, subjects performed an up to 60 min steady-state exercise at the threshold workloads the results at Tlact being significantly higher from those at Tvent at P<0.01 in V̇O2, ExCO2, HR, blood lactate concentration (BLa) and workload, as calculated by Hotelling's T2-test. During the steady state exercise at each specified workload, V̇O2, BLa, heart rate and ExCO2 were measured at 15 min intervals. All subjects completed the steady-state exercise at Tvent (VSS) while the steady-state exercise at Tlact (LSS) - only 2 subjects (mean time 48.4 min). Comparison of metabolic variables using MANOVA and multiple comparisons revealed significant differences between VSS and LSS for HR and V̇O2 at all time intervals, for BLa at 30 and 45 min intervals and for ExCO2 at the 30 min interval. Furthermore, examination of BLa over time using trend analysis revealed a stabilization during VSS (3.05 mmol·l-1) whereas BLa continuously increased over time during LSS. Our findings indicate that Tlact (IAT method) overestimates the ability to perform prolonged work over 45 min while Tvent (ExCO2) allows for steady-state exercise longer than 60 min.