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The Psychological Foundations of Culture

The Psychological Foundations of Culture
One of the strengths of scientific inquiry is
that it can progress with any mixture of em-
piricism, intuition, and formal theory that
suits the convenience of the investigator.
Many sciences develop for a time as ex-
ercises in description and empirical gener-
alization. Only later do they acquire rea-
soned connections within themselves and
with other branches of knowledge. Many
things were scientifically known of human
anatomy and the motions of the planets be-
fore they were scientifically explained.
-GEORGE WILLIAMS, Adaptation and Nat-
ural Selection
Disciplines such as astronomy, chemistry, physics,
geology, and biology have developed a robust com-
bination of logical coherence, causal description, ex-
planatory power, and testability, and have become
examples of how reliable and deeply satisfying hu-
man knowledge can become. Their extraordinary
florescence throughout this century has resulted in
far more than just individual progress within each
field. These disciplines are becoming integrated into
an increasingly seamless system of interconnected
knowledge and remain nominally separated more
out of educational convenience and institutional in-
ertia than because of any genuine ruptures in the un-
derlying unity of the achieved knowledge. In fact,
this development is only an acceleration of the pro-
cess of conceptual unification that has been build-
ing in science since the Renaissance. For exam-
ple, Galileo and Newton broke down the then rigid
(and now forgotten) division between the celestial
and the terrestrial-two domains that formerly had
been considered metaphysically separate-showing
that the same processes and principles applied to
both. Lyell broke down the distinction between the
static present and the formative past, between the
creative processes operating in the present and the
geological processes that had operated across deep
time to sculpt the earth. Maxwell uncovered the ele-
gant principles that unified the many disparate elec-
trical and magnetic phenomena into a single system.
And, one by one, the many gulfs separating life
from nonlife were bridged and then closed: Har-
vey and others found that the macrostructure of the
body turned out to operate according to comprehen-
sible mechanical principles. Wohler’s synthesis of
urea showed that the chemistries of the living and
the nonliving were not forever separated by the oc-
cult operation of special vitalistic forces. In Wohler’s
wake, the unraveling of the molecular biology of
the gene and its regulation of cellular processes has
shown how many of the immensely complex and
functionally intricate mechanisms that constitute life
are realized in molecular machinery: the élan vital
turned out to be nothing other than this microscopic
functional intricacy. Most critically, Darwin showed
how even the intricately articulated functional or-
ganization of living systems (then only observable
at the macroscopic level) could be explained as the
product of intelligible natural causes operating over
the expanse of deep time. In so doing, he conceptu-
ally united the living and the nonliving into a single
system of principled causation, and the entire diver-
sity of plant, animal, and microbial species into a sin-
gle tree of descent. Darwin took an equally radical
step toward uniting the mental and physical worlds,
by showing how the mental world-whatever it might
be composed of arguably owed its complex organi-
zation to the same process of natural selection that
explained the physical organization of living things.
Psychology became united with the biological and
hence evolutionary sciences.
The rise of computers and, in their wake, modern
cognitive science, completed the conceptual unifica-
tion of the mental and physical worlds by showing
how physical systems can embody information and
meaning. The design and construction of artificial
computational systems is only a few decades old, but
already such systems can parallel in a modest way
cognitive processes-such as reason, memory, knowl-
edge, skill, judgment, choice, purpose, problem-
solving, foresight, and language-that had supposedly
made mind a metaphysical realm forever separated
from the physical realm, and humans metaphysically
disconnected from the causal network that linked to-
gether the rest of the universe. These intellectual
advances transported the living, the mental, and the
human-three domains that had previously been dis-
connected from the body of science and mystified
because of this disconnection-into the scientifically
analyzable landscape of causation.
One useful way to organize this knowledge is as
a principled history of the universe. Starting with
some characterizable initial condition (like the Big
Bang), each successive state of the system is de-
scribed, along with the principles that govern the
transitions from state to state. To the extent that
our scientific model is well developed, we should be
able to account for the types of entities that emerge
(pulsars, tectonic plates, ribosomes, vision, incest
avoidance) and their distribution and location in the
causal matrix. Such a history-in its broadest outlines-
is well on its way to being constructed, from an ini-
tial quantum state, to the formation and distribu-
tion of particles during the early expansion, to the
cooling and formation of atoms, the formation of
galaxies, stellar evolution, the synthesis of heavier
nuclei, and, of parochial interest to us, the local his-
tory of the solar system. This includes the formation
of the sun and planets; the geochemistry of prebi-
otic earth; the generation of complex organic com-
pounds; the emergence of the initial ancestral repro-
ducing chemical system; the evolution of the genetic
code and prokaryotic design; the emergence of eu-
karyotic sexual organisms, multicellular plants, ani-
mals, and fungi; and the rest of the history of life on
In this vast landscape of causation, it is now possi-
ble to locate "Man’s place in nature" to use Huxley’s
famous phrase and, therefore, to understand for the
first time what humankind is and why we have the
characteristics that we do. From this vantage point,
humans are self-reproducing chemical systems, mul-
ticellular heterotrophic mobile organisms (animals),
appearing very late in the history of life as some-
what modified versions of earlier primate designs.
Our developmental programs, as well as the physi-
ological and psychological mechanisms that they re-
liably construct, are the natural product of this evo-
lutionary history. Human minds, human behavior,
human artifacts, and human culture are all biologi-
cal phenomena-aspects of the phenotypes of humans
and their relationships with one another.
The rich complexity of each individual is produced
by a cognitive architecture, embodied in a physio-
logical system, which interacts with the social and
nonsocial world that surrounds it. Thus humans,
like every other natural system, are embedded in
the contingencies of a larger principled history, and
explaining any particular fact about them requires
the joint analysis of all the principles and contin-
gencies involved. To break this seamless matrix of
causation-to attempt to dismember the individual
into "biological" versus "nonbiological" aspects-is to
embrace and perpetuate an ancient dualism endemic
to the Western cultural tradition: material/spiritual,
body/ mind, physical/mental, natural/human, an-
imal/human, biological/social, biological/ cultural.
This dualistic view expresses only a premodern ver-
sion of biology, whose intellectual warrant has van-
This expansive new landscape of knowledge has
not always been welcome, and many have found it
uncongenial in one respect or another. The intel-
lectual worlds we built and grew attached to over
the last 3,000 years were laid out before much was
known about the nature of the living, the men-
tal, and the human. As a result, these intellectual
worlds are, in many important respects, inconsis-
tent with this new unified scientific view and, hence,
are in need of fundamental reformulation. These
established intellectual traditions and long-standing
habits of mind seem, to many, to be more nourish-
ing, more comfortable and, therefore, more valu-
able than the alternative prospect of new and un-
familiar scientific knowledge. To pick a single exam-
ple, the shift from a universe designed to embody
amoral and spiritual order to a universe that is un-
designed and is structured only by a causal order
engendered an immeasurably greater cultural dislo-
cation than that which occurred when Copernicus
identified the sun rather than the earth as the cen-
ter of the planetary orbits. Consequently, the de-
mystifications that have taken place since 1859 have
been painful and have precipitated considerable re-
sistance to accepting these discoveries and their im-
plications. With the appearance of Darwinism, the
full scope of the emerging unified account was, for
the first time, apparent. Therefore, much of the op-
position has specifically revolved around evolution
and its application to humans. Gladstone, for exam-
ple, in a debate with Huxley, captured in his choice
of language the widely shared, visceral sense of re-
vulsion caused by the claim "that natural selection
and the survival of the fittest, all in the physical or-
der, exhibit to us the great arcanum of creation, the
sun and the center of life, so that mind and spirit are
dethroned from their old supremacy, are no longer
sovereign by right, but may find somewhere by char-
ity a place assigned them, as appendages, perhaps
only as excrescences, of the material creation" (Glad-
stone, quoted in Gould, 1988, p. 14 ). The dislo-
cations in worldview stemming from this process of
conceptual unification led to a growing demand for,
and production of, conceptual devices and rationales
to divorce the natural sciences from the human so-
cial and inner landscape, to blunt the implications
of monism and Darwinism, and to restore a comfort-
able distance between the human sciences and the
world of natural causation. To many scholarly com-
munities, conceptual unification became an enemy,
and the relevance of other fields a menace to their
freedom to interpret human t reality in any way they
chose. Il Thus, despite some important exceptions,
the social sciences have largely kept I i themselves
isolated from this crystallizing process of scientific
integration. Although social scientists imitated many
of the outward forms and practices of natural scien-
tists (quantitative measurement, controlled observa-
tion, mathematical models, experimentation, etc.),
they have tended to neglect or even reject the cen-
tral principle that valid scientific knowledge-whether
from the same or different fields-should be mutually
consistent (see Cosmides, Tooby, & Barkow, this vol-
ume). It is this principle that makes different fields
relevant to each other, and part of the same larger
system of knowledge. In consequence, this insularity
is not just an accident. For many scholars, it has been
a conscious, deeply held, and strongly articulated po-
sition, advanced and defended since the inception of
the social sciences, particularly in anthropology and
sociology. Durkheim, for example, in his Rules of
the Sociological Method, argued at length that so-
cial phenomena formed an autonomous system and
could be only explained by other social phenomena (
1895/ 1962). The founders of American anthropol-
ogy, from Kroeber and Boas to Murdock and Lowie,
were equally united on this point. For Lowie, "the
principles of psychology are as incapable of account-
ing for the phenomena of culture as is gravitation
to account for architectural styles," and "culture is
a thing sui generis which can be explained only in
terms of itself. ...Omnis cultura ex cultura" ( 1917/
1966, p. 25-26; p. 66). Murdock, in his influen-
tial essay "The science of culture," summed up the
conventional view that culture is "independent of the
laws of biology and psychology" ( 1932, p. 200).
Remarkably, while the rest of the sciences have
been weaving themselves together through acceler-
ating discoveries of their mutual relevance, this doc-
trine of intellectual isolationism, which has been the
reigning view in the social sciences, has only be-
come more extreme with time. With passionate fi-
delity, reasoned connections with other branches of
knowledge are dismissed as ignorant attempts at
crude reductionism, and many leading social scien-
tists now openly call for abandoning the scientific
enterprise instead. For example, Clifford Geertz ad-
vocates abandoning the ground of principled causal
analysis entirely in favor of treating social phenom-
ena as "texts" to be interpreted just as one might in-
terpret literature: We should "turn from trying to ex-
plain social phenomena by weaving them into grand
textures of cause and effect to trying to explain them
by placing them into local frames of awareness" (
1983, p. 6). Similarly, Edmund Leach rejects scien-
tific explanation as the focus of anthropology: "So-
cial anthropology is not, and should not aim to be,
a ’science’ in the natural science sense. If anything
it is a form of art Social anthropologists should not
see themselves as seekers after objective truth. ..."
(Leach, 1982, p. 52). These positions have a grow-
ing following, but less, one suspects, because they
have provided new illumination than because they
offer new tools to extricate scholars from the unwel-
come encroachments of more scientific approaches.
They also free scholars from all of the arduous tasks
inherent in the attempt to produce scientifically valid
knowledge: to make it consistent with other knowl-
edge and to subject it to critical rejection on the ba-
sis of empirical disproof, logical inconsistency, and
incoherence. In any case, even advocates of such
avenues of retreat do not appear to be fully serious
about them because few are actually willing to ac-
cept what is necessarily entailed by such a stance:
Those who jettison the epistemological standards of
science are no longer in a position to use their in-
tellectual product to make any claims about what
is true of the world or to dispute the others’ claims
about what is true.
Not only have the social sciences been unusual
in their self-conscious stance of intellectual autarky
but, significantly, they have also been relatively un-
successful as sciences. Although they were founded
in the 18th and 19th centuries amid every expecta-
tion that they would soon produce intellectual dis-
coveries, grand "laws," and validated theories to ri-
val those of the rest of science, such success has
remained elusive. The recent wave of antiscien-
tific sentiment spreading through the social sciences
draws much of its appeal from this endemic fail-
ure. This disconnection from the rest of science has
left a hole in the fabric of our organized knowledge
of the world where the human sciences should be.
After more than a century, the social sciences are
still adrift, with an enormous mass of half -digested
observations, a not inconsiderable body of empiri-
cal generalizations, and a contradictory stew of un-
grounded, middle-level theories expressed in a ba-
bel of incommensurate technical lexicons. This is ac-
companied by a growing malaise, so that the single
largest trend is toward rejecting the scientific enter-
prise as it applies to humans.
We suggest that this lack of progress, this "failure
to thrive," has been caused by the failure of the so-
cial sciences to explore or accept their logical con-
nections to the rest of the body of science-that is,
to causally locate their objects of study inside the
larger network of scientific knowledge. Instead of
the scientific enterprise, what should be jettisoned is
what we will call the Standard Social Science Model
(SSSM): The consensus view of the nature of social
and cultural phenomena that has served for a cen-
tury as the intellectual framework for the organiza-
tion of psychology and the social sciences and the
intellectual justification for their claims of autonomy
from the rest of science. Progress has been severely
limited because the Standard Social Science Model
mischaracterizes important avenues of causation, in-
duces researchers to study complexly chaotic and
unordered phenomena, and misdirects study away
from areas where rich principled phenomena are to
be found. In place of the Standard Social Science
Model, there is emerging a new framework that we
will call the Integrated Causal Model. This alterna-
tive framework makes progress possible by accept-
ing and exploiting the natural connections that ex-
ist among all the branches of science, using them
to construct careful analyses of the causal interplay
among all the factors that bear on a phenomenon. In
this alternative framework, nothing is autonomous
and all the components of the model must mesh.
In this chapter, we argue the following points:
I. There is a set of assumptions and inferences
about humans, their minds, and their collective
interaction-the Standard Social Science Model-that
has pro- vided the conceptual foundations of the so-
cial sciences for nearly a century and has served as
the intellectual warrant for the isolationism of the
social sciences.
2. Although certain assumptions of this model are
true, it suffers from a series of major defects that
make it a profoundly misleading framework. These
defects have been responsible for the chronic diffi-
culties encountered by the social sciences.
3. Advances in recent decades in a number of
different disciplines, including evolutionary biology,
cognitive science, behavioral ecology, psychology,
hunter- gatherer studies, social anthropology, bio-
logical anthropology, primatology, and neurobiol-
ogy have made clear for the first time the nature
of the phenomena studied by social scientists and
the connections of those phenomena to the princi-
ples and findings in the rest of science. This allows
anew model to be constructed-the Integrated Causal
Model-to replace the Standard Social Science Model.
4. Briefly, the ICM connects the social sciences to
the rest of science by recognizing that:
a. the human mind consists of a set of evolved
information-processing mechanisms instantiated in
the human nervous system;
b. these mechanisms, and the developmental pro-
grams that produce them, are adaptations, produced
by natural selection over evolutionary time in ances-
tral environments;
c. many of these mechanisms are functionally spe-
cialized to produce behavior that solves particular
adaptive problems, such as mate selection, language
acquisition, family relations, and cooperation;
d. to be functionally specialized, many of these
mechanisms must be richly structured in a content-
specific way;
e. content-specific information-processing mecha-
nisms generate some of the particular content of hu-
man culture, including certain behaviors, artifacts,
and linguistically transmitted representations;
f. the cultural content generated by these and
other mechanisms is then present to be adopted or
modified by psychological mechanisms situated in
other members of the population;
g. this sets up epidemiological and historical
population-level processes; and
h. these processes are located in particular ecolog-
ical, economic, demographic, and intergroup social
contexts or environments.
On this view, culture is the manufactured prod-
uct of evolved psychological mechanisms situated in
individuals living in groups. Culture and human so-
cial behavior is complexly variable, but not because
the human mind is a social product, a blank slate,
or an externally programmed general-purpose com-
puter, lacking a richly defined evolved structure. In-
stead, human culture and social behavior is richly
variable because it is generated by an incredibly in-
tricate, contingent set of functional programs that
use and process information from the world, includ-
ing information that is pro- vided both intentionally
and unintentionally by other human beings.
The Central Logic of the Standard Social Sci-
ence Model
But one would be strangely mistaken about
our thought if, from the foregoing, he drew
the conclusion that sociology, according to
us, must, or even can, make an abstraction
of man and his faculties. It is clear; on the
contrary, that the general characteristics of
human nature participate in the work of
elaboration from which social life results.
But they are not the cause of it, nor do they
give it its special form; they only make it
possible. Collective representations, emo-
tions, and tendencies are caused not by cer-
tain states of the consciousnesses of indi-
viduals but by the conditions in which the
social group, in its totality, is placed. Such
actions can, of course materialize only if
the individual natures are not resistant to
them; but these individual natures are
merely the indeterminate material that
the social factor molds, and transforms.
Their contribution consists exclusively in
very general attitudes. in vague and con-
sequently plastic predispositions which,
by themselves, if other agents did not in-
tervene, could not take on the definite
and complex forms which characterize
social phenomena.
-DURKHEIM, 1895/1962, pp.105-106, em-
phasis added.
Humans everywhere shows striking patterns of
local within-group similarity in their behavior and
thought, accompanied by profound intergroup dif-
ferences. The standard Social Science Model (SSSM
or Standard Model) draws its enduring persuasive
power by starting with these and a few other facts,
rooted in direct experience and common knowledge.
It then focuses on one salient causal and temporal se-
quence: how individuals change over their develop-
ment from "unformed" infants into complexly com-
petent adult members of their local social group, and
how they do so in response to their local human en-
vironment. The central precepts of the SSSM are
direct and seemingly inescapable conclusions drawn
from these facts (0. E. Brown, 1991), and the same
reasoning appears in author after author, from per-
haps its most famous early expression in Durkheim
(1895/1962), to its fully conventional modern ad-
herents (with updated conceptual ornamentation)
such as Geertz (1973).
The considerations that motivate the Standard So-
cial Science Model are as follows:
Step 1. The existence of rapid historical change
and the multitude of spontaneous, human "cross-
fostering experiments" effectively disposes of the
racialist notion that human intergroup behavioral
differences of any significance are attributable to
genetic differences between groups. Infants every-
where are born the same and have the same devel-
opmental potential, evolved psychology, or biolog-
ical endowment-a principle traditionally known as
the psychic unity of humankind. The subsequent
growth of knowledge over this century in genetics
and human development has given strong empiri-
cal support to the conclusion that infants from all
groups have essentially the same basic human design
and potential. Human genetic variation, which is
now directly detectable with modern electrophoretic
techniques, is overwhelmingly sequestered into func-
tionally superficial biochemical differences, leaving
our complex functional design universal and species-
typical (Tooby & Cosmides, 1990a). Also, the bulk of
the variation that does exist is overwhelmingly inter-
individual and within-population, and not between
"races" or populations. By the nature of its known
distribution, then, genetic variation cannot explain
why many behaviors are shared within groups, but
not between groups. That is, genetic variation does
not explain why human groups dramatically differ
from each other in thought and behavior. (Signifi-
cantly, this is the only feature of the SSSM that is
correct as it stands and that is incorporated unmod-
ified into the Integrated Causal Model. Why it turns
out to be true, however, depends on the existence
of complex evolved psychological and physiological
adaptations-something explicitly or implicitly denied
by adherents of the SSSM.)
Step 2. Although infants are everywhere the same,
adults everywhere differ profoundly in their behav-
ioral and mental organization.
These first two steps, just by themselves, have
led to the following widely accepted deduction: Be-
cause, it is reasoned, a "constant" (the human bio-
logical endowment observable in infants) cannot ex-
plain a "variable" (intergroup differences in complex
adult mental or social organization) the SSSM con-
cludes that "human nature" (the evolved structure of
the human mind) cannot be the cause of the mental
organization of adult humans, their social systems,
their culture, historical change, and so on.
Step 3. Even more transparently, these complexly
organized adult behaviors are absent from infants.
Infants do not emerge speaking, and they appear to
lack virtually every recognizable adult competency.
Whatever "innate" equipment infants are born with
has traditionally been interpreted as being highly
rudimentary, such as an unorganized set of crude
urges or drives, plus the ability to learn-certainly
nothing resembling adult mental organization. Be-
cause adult mental organization (patterned behav-
ior, knowledge, socially constructed realities, and so
on) is clearly absent from the infant, infants must
"acquire" it from some source outside themselves in
the course of development.
Step 4. That source is obvious: This mental orga-
nization is manifestly present in the social world in
the form of the behavior and the public representa-
tions of other members of the local group. Thus, the
stuff of mental organization is categorizable accord-
ing to its source: (I) the "innate" (or inborn or genet-
ically determined, etc.), which is supplied "biologi-
cally" and is what you see in the infant, and (2) the
social (or cultural or learned or acquired or environ-
mental), which contains everything complexly orga-
nized and which is supplied by the social environ-
ment (with a few exceptions supplied by the physi-
cal environment and nonsocial learning). "Cultural
phenomena ...are in no respect hereditary but are
characteristically and without exception acquired"
(Murdock, 1932, p. 200). This line of reasoning
is usually sup- ported by another traditional argu-
ment, the deprivation thought experiment: "Undi-
rected by culture patterns-organized systems of sig-
nificant symbols-man’s behavior would be virtually
ungovernable, a mere chaos of pointless acts and ex-
ploding emotions, his experience virtually shapeless"
(Geertz, 1973, p. 46). Humans raised without a so-
cial or cultural environment would be "mental basket
cases" with "few useful instincts, fewer recognizable
sentiments, and no intellect" (Geertz, 1973, p. 49).
Because, it is reasoned, an effect disappears when its
cause is withdrawn, this thought experiment is be-
lieved to establish that the social world is the cause
of the mental organization of adults.
Step 5. The causal arrow in this process has a
clear directionality, which is directly observable in
the individual’s development. The cultural and so-
cial elements that mold the individual precede the
individual and are external to the individual. The
mind did not create them; they created the mind.
They are "given," and the individual "finds them al-
ready current in the community when he is born"
(Geertz, 1973, p. 45). Thus, the individual is the
creation of the social world and, it appears to follow,
the social world cannot be the creation of "the indi-
vidual. " If you are reading this chapter, you learned
English and did not create it. Nor did you choose
to learn English (assuming you are a native speaker)
any more than any effect chooses its cause; this ac-
tion of the social world on the individual is com-
pulsory and automatic-"coercive," to use Durkheim’s
phrase. Adult mental organization is socially deter-
mined. Moreover, by looking at social processes in
the vast modern societies and nation-states, it is ob-
vious that the "power asymmetry" between "the indi-
vidual" and the social world is huge in the determi-
nation of outcomes and that the reciprocal impact of
the individual on the social world is negligible. The
causal flow is overwhelmingly or entirely in one di-
rection. The individual is the acted upon (the effect
or the outcome) and the sociocultural world is the
actor (the cause or the prior state that determines
the subsequent state).
Step 6. Accordingly, what complexly organizes
and richly shapes the substance of human life-what
is interesting and distinctive and, therefore, worth
studying-is the variable pool of stuff that is usually
referred to as "culture." Sometimes called "extra- so-
matic" or "extragenetic" (e.g., Geertz, 1973) to em-
phasize its nonbiological origins and nature, this
stuff is variously described as behavior, traditions,
knowledge, significant symbols, social facts, control
programs, semiotic systems, information, social or-
ganization, social relations, economic relations, in-
tentional worlds, or socially constructed realities.
However different these characterizations may ap-
pear to be in some respects, those who espouse them
are united in affirming that this substance-what- ever
its character-is (in Durkheim’s phrase) "external to
the individual." Even so psychological a phenomenon
as thinking becomes external: "Human thought is
basically both social and public-?its natural habitat
is the house yard, the marketplace, and the town
square. Thinking consists not of ’happenings in the
head’ (though happenings there and elsewhere are
necessary for it to occur) but of a traffic in what
have been called, by G.H. Mead and others, sig-
nificant symbols-words for the most part " (Geertz,
1973, p. 45). "The individual" contributes only the
infant’s impoverished drives, unformed tendencies,
and capacity to be socialized. These first six steps
constitute the SSSM’s account of the causal process
whereby what is assumed to be an initially form-
less infant is transformed into a fully human (i.e.,
fully cultural) being. The next important element
in the SSSM is its approach to answering the ques-
tion, "If culture creates the individual, what then
creates culture?" Before describing the SSSM’s an-
swer to this question, however, we need to make
an important aspect of the question explicit: Human
life is complexly and richly ordered. Human life is
not (solely) noise, chaos, or random effect (contra
Macbeth). Although the substance of human life,
like human speech, is various and contingent, it is
still, like human speech, intricately patterned. Many
attempt to capture this perception with the phrase
that human cultures (e.g., human symbol systems)
are "meaningful." Human conduct does not resemble
white noise. In away that is analogous to William Pa-
ley’s argument from design in his Natural Theology,
one must ask: If there is complex and meaningful
organization in human sociocultural life, what is the
creator or artificer of it? Entropy, perturbation, er-
ror, noise, interaction with other systems, and so on,
are always operating to influence culture (and ev-
erything else), so clearly not everything in culture is
orderly. Equally, if these processes were all that were
operating, complex order would never appear and
would quickly degrade even if it did. Just as finding
a watch on the heath, already complexly organized,
requires that one posit a watchmaker (Paley, 1828),
finding out that human life is complexly ordered ne-
cessitates the search for the artificer or source of this
order (see Dawkins, 1986, for an exceptionally lucid
general analysis of the problem of explaining com-
plex order, its importance as a question, and the ex-
tremely narrow envelope of coherent answers). So,
the question is not so much, what are the forces that
act on and influence human culture and human af-
fairs? but rather, What is the generator of complex
and significant organization in human affairs?
Step 7. The advocates of the Standard Social Sci-
ence Model are united on what the artificer is not
and where it is not: It is not in "the individual"-in
human nature or evolved psychology-which, they as-
sume, consists of nothing more than what the infant
comes equipped with, bawling and mewling, in its
apparently unimpressive initial performances. Be-
cause the directional flow of the organization is from
the outer world inward into "the individual," the di-
rection toward which one looks for the source of
the organization is likewise clear: outward into the
social world. As Durkheim says, "[w]hen the indi-
vidual has been eliminated, society alone remains"
(1895/1962, p. 102).
Step 8. The SSSM maintains that the generator
of complex and meaningful organization in human
life is some set of emergent processes whose de-
terminants are realized at the group level. The so-
ciocultural level is a distinct, autonomous, and self-
caused realm: "Culture is a thing sui generis which
can be explained only in terms of itself. ...Omnis
cultura ex cultura" (Lowie, 1917/1966, p. 25-26).
For Alfred Kroeber, "the only antecedents of histori-
cal phenomena are historical phenomena" (Kroeber,
1917). Durkheim was equally emphatic: "The de-
termining cause of a social fact should be sought
among the social facts preceding it and not among
the states of individual consciousness"; that is, phe-
nomena at the sociocultural level are mostly or en-
tirely caused by other phenomena at the sociocul-
tural level (Durkheim, 1895/1962, p. 110). It must
be emphasized that this claim is not merely the ob-
vious point that social phenomena (such as tulip
bulb mania, the contagious trajectory of deconstruc-
tionist fashions, or the principles of supply and de-
mand) cannot be understood simply by pointing in-
side the head of a single individual. It is, instead,
a claim about the generator of the rich organization
everywhere apparent in human life. What is gen-
erated even includes individual adult psychological
phenomena, which are themselves simply additional
social constructions. For Durkheim (and for most an-
thropologists today), even emotions such as "sexual
jealousy" and "paternal love" are the products of the
social order and have to be explained "by the con-
ditions in which the social group, in its totality, is
placed." As Geertz argues, "Our ideas, our values, our
acts, even our emotions, are, like our nervous sys-
tem itself, cultural products-products manufactured,
indeed, out of tendencies, capacities, and disposi-
tions with which we were born, but manufactured
nonetheless" ( 1973, p. 50). Similarly, Shweder de-
scribes "cultural psychology" as "the study of the way
cultural traditions and social practices regulate, ex-
press, transform, and permute the human psyche,
resulting less in psychic unity for humankind than
in ethnic divergences in mind, self and emotion "
(Shweder, 1990, p. 1).
Step 9. Correspondingly, the SSSM denies that
"human nature"-the evolved architecture of the hu-
man mind can play any notable role as a generator
of significant organization in human life (although
it is acknowledged to be a necessary condition for
it). In so doing, it removes from the concept of hu-
man nature all substantive, content, and relegates
the architecture of the human mind to the delim-
ited role of embodying "the capacity for culture." Hu-
man nature is "merely the indeterminate material
that the social factor molds and transforms. [This]
contribution consists exclusively in very general at-
titudes, in vague and consequently plastic predis-
positions which, by themselves, if other agents did
not intervene, could not take on the definite and
complex forms which characterize social phenom-
ena" (Durkheim, 1895/1962, p. 106). As Hatch
comments, the "view that the Boasians had struggled
to roster within the social sciences since almost the
turn of the century" was that the human mind is "al-
most infinitely malleable" ( 1973, p. 236). Socializa-
tion is the process of externally supplied "conceptual
structures molding formless talents" (Geertz, 1973,
p. 50).
Social scientists who paid any attention to neu-
roscience, ethology, and cognitive psychology were
increasingly, if uneasily, aware of the evidence that
the nervous sys- tem was complex and not well char-
acterized by the image of the "blank slate." None-
the less, aside from paying some lip service to the
notion that tabula rasa empiricism was untenable,
this changed nothing important in the SSSM. The
blank slate was traded in for blank cognitive proce-
dures.2 The mind could be seen as complex, but its
procedures were still assumed to be content-free. As
long as environmental input could enter and mod-
ify the system, as it clearly could, environmental in-
put was presumed to orchestrate the system, giv-
ing it its functional organization. It doesn’t mat-
ter if the clay of the human mind has some initial
shape (tendencies, dispositions), so long as it is soft
enough to be pounded by the external forces into
any new shape required. Thus, for Geertz, who is
attracted to the language if not the actual substance
of cognitive science, the mind is not a slate, blank
or otherwise (he dismisses this as a straw man po-
sition "which no one of any seriousness holds" or
perhaps ever held [Geertz, 1984, p. 268]), but
it is instead the tabula rasa’s fully modern equiva-
lent, a general-purpose computer. Such a computer
doesn’t come pre-equipped with its own programs,
but instead-and this is the essential point-it obtains
the programs that tell it what to do from the out-
side, from "culture." Thus, the human mind is a com-
puter that is "desperately dependent upon such ex-
tragenetic, outside-the-skin control mechanisms" or
"programs" "for the governing of behavior" (Geertz,
1973, p. 44).
This eliminates the concept of human nature or
its alternative expression, the evolved psychological
architecture, as useful or informative concepts. As
Geertz puts it, "[t]he rise of the scientific concept of
culture amounted to. ..the overthrow of the view of
human nature dominant in the Enlightenment. ..",
that is, that "[man] was wholly of apiece with nature
and shared in the general uniformity of composition
which natural science. ..had discovered there" with
"a human nature as regularly organized, as thor-
oughly invariant, and as marvelously simple as New-
ton’s universe" (Geertz, 1973, p. 34). Instead, the
view entailed in the modern "scientific concept of
culture" is that "humanity is as various in its essence
as in its expression" (Geertz, 1973, p. 37). Geertz
does not mean, of course, that infants vary due to
genetic differences, but that all significant aspects of
adult mental organization are supplied culturally. As
deeply as one can go into the mind, people here are
different from people there, leading to "the decline
of the uniformitarian view of man" (Geertz, 1973, p.
The conclusion that human nature is an empty
vessel, waiting to be filled by social processes, re-
moved it as a legitimate and worthwhile object of
study. Why study paper when what is interesting is
the writing on it and, perhaps even more important,
the author (the perennially elusive generative social
processes)? Since there could be no content, per se,
to the concept of human nature, anything claimed
to be present in human nature was merely an eth-
nocentric projection of the scholar making the claim.
Thus, attempts to explore and characterize human
nature became suspect. Such efforts were (and are)
viewed as simply crude attempts to serve ideological
ends, to manufacture propaganda, or to define one
way of being as better and more natural than others.
Step 10. In the SSSM, the role of psychology is
clear. Psychology is the discipline that studies the
process of socialization and the set of mechanisms
that comprise what anthropologists call "the capac-
ity for culture" (Spuhler, 1959). Thus, the central
concept in psychology is learning. The prerequi-
site that a psychological theory must meet to par-
ticipate in the SSSM is that any evolved compo-
nent, process, or mechanism must be equipotential,
content-free, content-independent, general-purpose,
domain- general, and so on (the technical terms vary
with movement and era). In short, these mecha-
nisms must be constructed in such away that they
can absorb any kind of cultural message or environ-
mental input equally well. Moreover, their struc-
tures must themselves impose no particular substan-
tive content on culture. As Rindos ( 1986, p.315)
puts it, "the specifics that we learn are in no sense
predetermined by our genes." Learning is thus the
window through which the culturally manufactured
pre-existing complex organization outside of the in-
dividual manages to climb inside the individual. Al-
though this approach deprives psychological mech-
anisms of any possibility of being the generators of
significant organization in human affairs, psycholo-
gists get something very appealing in exchange. Psy-
chology is the social science that can hope for gen-
era1laws to rival those of the natural sciences: gen-
eral laws of learning, or (more recently) of cogni-
tive functioning. The relationship of psychology to
biology is also laid out in advance by the SSSM: In
human evolution, natural selection removed "genet-
ically determined" systems of behavior and replaced
them with general-purpose learning mechanisms or
content-independent cognitive processes. Suppos-
edly, these more general systems were favored by
evolution because they did not constrain human be-
havior to be maladaptively inflexible (e.g., Geertz,
1973; Harris, 1979; Montagu, 1964 ). Neurobiology
is the account of how these general mechanisms are
instantiated in our nervous system.
Consequently, the concepts of learning, social-
ization, genera1-purpose (or content- independent)
cognitive mechanisms, and environmentalism have
(under various names and permutations) dominated
scientific psychology for at least the last 60 years.
Skinnerian behaviorism, of course, was one of the
most institutionally successful manifestations of the
SSSM’s program for psychology, but its antimen-
talism and doctrinaire scientism made it unconge-
nial to those who wanted an account of their in-
ternal experience. More importantly, its emphasis
on individual histories of reinforcement limited the
avenues through which culture could have its ef-
fect. It proved an easy target when cognitive science
provided precise ways of characterizing and inves-
tigating the mental as a system that processes in-
formation, a characterization that seemed to offer
easier avenues for cultural transmission than labo-
riously organized schedules of reinforcement. Al-
though cognitive psychologists threw out behavior-
ism’s cumbersome antimentalism, they uncritically
adopted behaviorism’s equipotentiality assumption.
In mainstream cognitive psychology, it is assumed
that the machine is free of content- specialized
processes and that it consists primarily of general-
purpose mechanisms. Psychologists justify this as-
sumption by an appeal to parsimony: It is "unsci-
entific" to multiply hypothesized mechanisms in the
head. The goal, as in physics, is for as few principles
as possible to account for as much as possible. Con-
sequently, viewing the mind as a collection of spe-
cialized mechanisms that perform, specific tasks ap-
pears to be a messy approach, one not worth pursu-
ing. Anthropologists and sociologists easily accom-
modated themselves to these theoretical changes in
psychology: Humans went from being viewed as
relatively simple equipotential learning systems to
very much more complex equipotential information-
processing systems, general-purpose computers, or
symbol manipulators (see, e.g., Sahlins, 1976a,
Within psychology there are, of course, impor-
tant research communities that fall outside of the
SSSM and that have remained more strongly con-
nected to the rest of science, such as physiological
psychology, perception, psychophysics, (physiologi-
cal) motivation, psycholinguistics, much of compar-
ative psychology, and a few other areas. Moreover,
to explain how organisms remain alive and repro-
duce (and to make some minimal attempt to account
for the focused substance of human life), psycholo-
gists have found it necessary to posit a few content-
oriented mechanisms: hunger, thirst, sexual moti-
vation, and so on. Nevertheless, the tendency has
been to keep these elements restricted to as small a
class as possible and to view them as external to the
important central learning or cognitive processes.
They are incorporated as, for exam- pie, reinforces
operating by drive reduction. Cognitive psycholo-
gists have, for the most part, labored to keep any
such content-influenced elements extrinsic to the pri-
mary cognitive machinery. Indeed, they have usually
avoided addressing how functional action-such as
mate choice, food choice, or effort calculation-takes
place at all. The principles of concept formation, of
reasoning, of remembering, and so forth, have tra-
ditionally been viewed as uninfected prior to experi-
ence with any content, their procedures lacking fea-
tures designed for dealing with particular types of
content. Modular or domain-specific cognitive psy-
chologists, in dissenting from this view, are abandon-
ing the assumptions of the Standard Social Science
Model. Of course, readers should recognize that by
so briefly sketching large expanses of intellectual his-
tory and by so minimally characterizing entire re-
search communities, we are doing violence to the
specific reality of, and genuine differences among
hundreds of carefully developed intellectual systems.
We have had to leave out the qualifications and com-
plexities by which positions are softened, pluralisms
espoused, critical distinctions lost, and, for that mat-
ter, lip service paid. This is inevitable in attempting
so synoptic a view. In what is surely a graver defect,
we have had to omit discussion of the many impor-
tant dissident subcommunities in sociology, anthro-
pology, economics, and other disciplines, which have
sloughed off or never adopted the Standard Social
Science Model. In any case, we simply hope that this
sketch captures a few things that are true and impor-
tant, to compensate for the unavoidable simplifying
distortions and omissions. Most obviously, there are
no pure types in the world, and scholars are quoted
not to characterize the full richness of their individ-
ual views, which usually undergo considerable evo-
lution over their intellectual development anyway,
but rather to illustrate instances of a larger intellec-
tual system. It is the larger intellectual system we
are criticizing, and not the multitude of worthwhile
research efforts that have gone on inside its struc-
ture. We think the roof of the Standard Social Sci-
ence Model has collapsed, so to speak, because the
overall architectural plan is unsound, not because
the bricks and other building materials are defec-
tive. The detailed research efforts of hundreds of
scientists have produced critically important knowl-
edge that has transformed our understanding of the
world. In this criticism, we are looking for an archi-
tectural design for the social sciences that is worthy
of the intelligence and labor of those whose research
goes on within their compass.
The Standard Social Science Model’s Treatment
of Culture
This logic has critically shaped how nearly every
issue has been approached and debated in the social
sciences. What we are concerned with here, how-
ever, is the impact of the Standard Social Science
Model on the development of modern conceptions
of culture, its causal role in human life, and its rela-
tionship to psychology. Briefly, standard views of cul-
ture are organized according to the following propo-
sitions (see also D. E. Brown, 1991, p. 146; Tooby &
Cosmides, 1989a):
I. Particular human groups are properly character-
ized typologically as having "a" culture, which con-
sists of widely distributed, or nearly group-universal
behavioral practices, beliefs, ideational systems, sys-
tems of significant symbols, or informational sub-
stance of some kind. Cultures are more or less
bounded entities, although cultural elements may
diffuse across boundaries. 2. These common el-
ements are maintained and transmitted "by the
group," an entity that has cross-generational conti-
3. The existence of separate streams of this infor-
mational substance, culture, transmitted from gen-
eration to generation, is the explanation for human
within-group similarities and between-group differ-
ences. In fact, all between- group differences in
thought and behavior are referred to as cultural
differences and all within-group similarities are re-
garded as the expressions of a particular culture.
Since these similarities are considered to be "cul-
tural," they are, either implicitly or explicitly, con-
sidered to be the consequence of informational sub-
stance inherited jointly from the preceding genera-
tion by all who display the similarity.
4. Unless other factors intervene, the culture (like
the gene pool) is accurately replicated from genera-
tion to generation.
5. This process is maintained through learning,
a well-understood and unitary process that acts to
make the child like the adult of her culture.
6. This process of learning can be seen, from the
point of view of the group, as a group-organized pro-
cess called socialization, imposed by the group on
the child.
7. The individual is the more or less passive recip-
ient of her culture and is the product of that culture.
8. What is organized and contentful in the minds
of individuals comes from culture and is socially
constructed. The evolved mechanisms of the hu-
man mind are themselves content-independent and
content-free and, therefore, what- ever content ex-
ists in human minds originally derives from the so-
cial or (sometimes) nonsocial environment.
9. The features of a particular culture are the re-
sult of emergent group-level processes, whose deter-
minants arise at the group level and whose outcome
is not given specific shape or content by human bi-
ology, human nature, or any inherited psychological
design. These emergent processes, operating at the
sociocultural level, are the ultimate generator of the
significant organization, both mental and social, that
is found in human affairs.
10. In discussing culture, one can safely neglect a
consideration of psychology as anything other than
the nondescript "black box" of learning, which pro-
vides the capacity for culture. Learning is a suffi-
ciently specified and powerful explanation for how
any behavior acquires its distinct structure and must
be the explanation for any aspect of organized hu-
man life that varies from individual to individual and
from group to group.
11. Evolved, "biological," or "innate" aspects of hu-
man behavior or psychological organization are neg-
ligible, having been superseded by the capacity for
culture. The evolution of the capacity for culture
has led to a flexibility in human behavior that be-
lies any significant "instinctual" or innate component
(e.g., Geertz, 1973; Montagu, 1968, p. II; Sahlins,
1976a &b), which, if it existed, would have to reveal
itself as robot like rigid behavioral universals. To the
extent that there may be any complex biological tex-
tures to individual psychology, these are nevertheless
organized and given form and direction by culture
and, hence, do not impart any substantial character
or content to culture.
On the Reasonableness of the Standard Social
Science Model
There are, of course, many important elements of
truth in the tenets of the SSSM, both in its core logic
and in its treatment of culture. The SSSM would
not have become as decisively influential if it did not
have a strong surface validity, anchored in important
realities. For example: It is true that infants are ev-
erywhere the same. Genetic differences are superfi-
cial. There is within-group similarity of behavior and
there are between-group differences, and these per-
sist across generations, but also change over histor-
ical time. Highly organized socially communicated
information exists outside of any particular individ-
ual at anyone time (in the cognitive mechanisms of
other individuals), and over time this information
can be internalized by the specific individual in ques-
tion. And so on.
Nevertheless, the Standard Social Science Model
contains a series of major defects that act to make it,
as a framework for the social sciences, deeply mis-
leading. As a result, it has had the effect of stunt-
ing the social sciences, making them seem falsely
autonomous from the rest of science (i.e., from the
"natural sciences") and precluding work on answer-
ing questions that need to be answered if the so-
cial sciences are to make meaningful progress as
sciences. After a century, it is time to reconsider
this model in the light of the new knowledge and
new understanding that has been achieved in evolu-
tionary biology, development, and cognitive science
since it was first formulated.. These defects cluster
into several major categories, but we will limit our
discussion to the following three:
I. The central logic of the SSSM rests on naive
and erroneous concepts drawn from outmoded the-
ories of development. For example, the fact that
some aspect of adult mental organization is absent
at birth has no bearing on whether it is part of our
evolved architecture. Just as teeth’ or breasts are
absent at birth, and yet appear through maturation,
evolved psychological mechanisms or modules (com-
plex structures that are functionally organized for
processing information) could develop at any point
in the life cycle. For this reason, the many features
of adult mental organization absent at birth need not
be attributed to exposure to transmitted culture, but
may come about through a large number of causal
avenues not considered in traditional analyses.
2. More generally, the SSSM rests on a faulty anal-
ysis of nature-nurture issues, stemming from a fail-
ure to appreciate the role that the evolutionary pro-
cess plays in organizing the relationship between our
species-universal genetic endowment, our evolved
developmental processes, and the recurring features
of developmental environments. To pick one misun-
derstanding out of a multitude, the idea that the phe-
notype can be partitioned dichotomously into genet-
ically determined and environmentally determined
traits is deeply ill-formed, as is the notion that traits
can be arrayed along a spectrum according to the
degree that they are genetically versus environmen-
tally caused. The critique of the SSSM that has been
emerging from the cognitive and evolutionary com-
munities is not that traditional accounts have under-
estimated the importance of biological factors rela-
tive to environmental factors in human life. Instead,
the target is the whole framework that assumes that
"biological factors" and "environmental factors" re-
fer to mutually exclusive sets of causes that exist in
some kind of explanatory zero-sum relationship, so
that the more one explains "bio- logically" the less
there is to explain "socially" or "environmentally. "
On the contrary, as we will discuss, environmental-
ist claims necessarily require the existence of a rich,
evolved cognitive architecture.
3. The Standard Social Science Model requires an
impossible psychology. Results out of cognitive psy-
chology, evolutionary biology, artificial intelligence,
developmental psychology, linguistics, and philoso-
phy converge on the same conclusion: A psychologi-
cal architecture that consisted of nothing but equipo-
tential, general-purpose, content-independent, or
content-free mechanisms could not successfully per-
form the tasks the human mind is known to perform
or solve the adaptive problems humans evolved to
solve-from seeing, to learning a language, to rec-
ognizing an emotional expression, to selecting a
mate, to the many disparate activities aggregated un-
der the term "learning culture" (Cosmides & Tooby,
1987; Tooby & Cosmides, 1989a). It cannot account
for the behavior observed, and it is not a type of de-
sign that could have evolved.
The alternative view is that the human psycholog-
ical architecture contains many evolved mechanisms
that are specialized for solving evolutionarily Iong-
enduring adaptive problems and that these mecha-
nisms content-specialized representational formats,
procedures, cues, and so on. These richly content-
sensitive evolved mechanisms tend to impose cer-
tain types of content and conceptual organization
on human mental life and, hence, strongly shape
the nature of human social life and what is cul-
turally transmitted across generations. Indeed, a
post-Standard Model psychology is rapidly coalesc-
ing, giving a rapidly expanding empirical foundation
to this new framework. In fact, historically, most of
the data already gathered by psychologists supports
such a view. It required a strongly canalized inter-
pretative apparatus to reconcile the raw data of psy-
chology with the central theoretical tenets of SSSM
Before examining in detail what is wrong with the
SSSM and why the recognition of these defects leads
to the formulation of anew model with greater ex-
planatory power, it is necessary first to alleviate the
fears of what would happen if one "falls off the edge"
of the intellectual world created by the SSSM. These
fears have dominated how alternative approaches to
the SSSM have been treated in the past and, un-
less addressed, will prevent alternatives from being
fairly evaluated now. Moreover, the Standard Model
has become so well-internalized and has so strongly
shaped how we now experience and interpret social
science phenomena that it will be difficult to free
ourselves of the preconceptions that the Standard
Model imposes until its Procrustean operations on
psychology and anthropology are examined.
The Moral Authority of the Standard Social Sci-
ence Model
The Case Against Nativism
The overwhelming success of the Standard So-
cial Science Model is attributable to many factors
of which, arguably, the most significant has been its
widespread moral appeal. Over the course of the
century, its strong stand against explaining differ-
ences between races, classes, sexes, or individuals by
hypothesizing underlying biological differences has
been an important element in combating a multitude
of searing horrors and oppressions, from the exter-
mination of ethnic groups and the forced steriliza-
tion of the poor to restrictive immigration laws and
legally institutionalized sex and race discrimination.
The depth of these tragedies and the importance of
the issues involved have imbued the SSSM and its
central precept, "environmentalism," with an impos-
ing moral stature. Consequently, the positions of in-
dividual scholars with respect to the SSSM have been
taken to imply allegiances with respect to the larger
social and moral conflicts around the world. Thus, to
support the SSSM was to oppose racism and sexism
and to challenge the SSSM was, intentionally or not,
to lend support to racism, sexism, and, more gener-
ally (an SSSM way of defining the problem), "biolog-
ical determinism. " If biological ideas could be used
to further such ends, then ideas that minimized the
relevance of biology to human affairs, such as the
tenets of the SSSM, could only be to the good.
In this process, all approaches explicitly involv-
ing nativist elements of whatever sort became sus-
pect. In consequence, fundamentally divergent-even
opposing- programs and claims have become endur-
ingly conflated in the minds of 20th-century social
scientists. Most significant was the failure to dis-
tinguish adaptationist evolutionary biology from be-
havior genetics. Although the adaptationist inquiry
into our universal, inherited, species-typical design
is quite distinct from the behavior genetics ques-
tion about which differences between individuals or
sets of individuals are caused by differences in their
genes, the panspecific nativism typical of adaptation-
ist evolutionary biology and the idiotypic nativism of
behavior genetics became confused with each other
(Tooby and Cosmides, 1990a). Obviously, claims
about a complexly organized, universal human na-
ture, by their very character, cannot participate in
racist explanations. Indeed, they contradict the cen-
tral premises of racialist approaches. Yet, despite this
fact, adaptationist approaches and behavior genetics
remain inextricably intertwined in the minds of the
majority of social scientists.
The second strong moral appeal the Standard So-
cial Science Model derives from its emphasis on hu-
man malleability and the hope it, therefore, gave for
social melioration or social revolution. The claim of
John B. Watson, the founder of behaviorism, exem-
plifies this optimism about the power of scientifically
directed socialization (as well as the usual implicit
conflation of idiotypic and panspecific nativism):
Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and
my own specified world to bring them up in and I’ll
guarantee to take anyone at random and train him to
become any type of specialist I might select-doctor,
lawyer, artist, merchant-chief, and yes, even beggar-
man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants,
tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his an-
cestors (Watson, 1925, p. 82).
As D. E. Brown (1991, p. 61) comments, "In hind-
sight it is clear that this famous statement about the
influence of the environment on individual differ-
ences is entirely compatible with the most extreme
of the faculty or modular views of the human mind-
in which it comprises numerous innate and highly
specific mechanisms." But this thought experiment
was interpreted by the social science mainstream,
Watson included, as demonstrating that "people are
the products of their societies or cultures. " There-
fore, "change society or culture and you change peo-
ple. ...Intelligent, scientific socialization can make
us whatever we want to be" (0. E. Brown, 1991,
p. 61 ). More- over, "[t]he equation of an arch en-
vironmentalism (including cultural relativism) with
optimism about the practical application of social sci-
ence to the problems of society remains a force to
the present" (0. E. Brown, 1991, p. 62). More crit-
ically, the belief that the mind is "almost infinitely
malleable" (or, in more modem terms, is a general-
purpose computer) means that humans are not con-
demned to the status quo, and need not inevitably
fight wars, or have social classes, or manifest sex-
differentiated roles, or live in families, and so on.
If the "happy" ability of the mind to "quite read-
ily take any shape that is presented" (Benedict,
1934/1959, p. 278) is the ameliorator’s ideal be-
cause it is believed to be logically necessary to allow
social change, then dissent from the SSSM tends to
be framed as claims about "constraints" or limits on
this malleability. This, in turn, is taken to imply a
possible intractability to social problems-the stronger
the biological forces are, the more we may be con-
strained to suffer from certain inevitable expressions
of human darkness. Thus, the debate on the role of
biology in human life has been consistently framed
as being between optimistic environmentalists who
plan for human betterment and sorrowful, but real-
istic nativists who lament the unwelcome inevitabil-
ity of such things as aggression ( e.g., Ardrey, 1966;
Lorenz, 1966), or who (possibly even gleefully) de-
fend the status quo as inevitable and natural (e.g.,
Gol 1973, on patriarchy). These nativists are, in
turn, "debunked" by the tireless opponents of "bio-
logical determinism" (e.g., Chorover, 1979; Lewon-
tin, Rose, & Kamin, 1984; Montagu, 1968, 1978),
who place each new biological intrusion onto social
science territory in the context of the bitter lessons
of the century .(Environmentalist holocausts are, of
course, edited out of this chronology. )
This morality play, seemingly bound forever to the
wheel of intellectual life, has been through innu-
merable incarnations, playing itself out in different
arenas in different times (rationalism versus empiri-
cism, heredity versus environment, instinct versus
learning, nature versus nurture, human universals
versus cultural relativism, human nature versus hu-
man culture, innate behavior versus acquired behav-
ior, Chomsky versus Piaget, biological determinism
versus social determinism, essentialism versus social
construction, modularity versus domain-generality,
and so on). It is perennial because it is inherent in
how the issues have been defined in the SSSM itself,
which even governs how the dissidents frame the na-
ture of their dissent. Accordingly, the language of
constraint and limitation is usually adopted by bio-
logically oriented behavioral scientists themselves in
describing the significance of their own work. Thus
we even have titles such as The Tangled Wing: Bi-
ological Constraints on the Human Spirit (Konner,
1982), Biological Boundaries of Learning (Seligman
and Hager, 1972), "Constraints on Learning" (Shet-
tleworth, 1972), and "Structural Constraints on Cog-
nitive Development" (Gelman, 1990a). Biologically
oriented social and behavioral scientists often see
themselves as defining limits on the possible. Envi-
ronmentalists see themselves as expanding the bor-
ders of the possible. As we will see, this framing is
profoundly misleading.
Wrong Diagnosis, Wrong Cure
Driven by these fears to an attitude that Daly and
Wilson ( 1988) have termed "bio- phobia," the so-
cial science community lays out implicit and some-
times explicit ground rules in its epistemological hi-
erarchy: The tough-minded and moral stance is to
be skeptical of panspecific "nativist" claims; that is,
of accounts that refer in any way to the participation
of evolved psychological mechanisms together with
environ- mental variables in producing outcomes, no
matter how logically inescapable or empirically well-
supported they may be. They are thought to be
explanations of last resort and, because the tough-
minded and skeptical can generate particularistic al-
ternative accounts for any result at will, this last re-
sort is rarely ever actually arrived at. For the same
reason, it is deemed to be the moral stance to be
correspondingly credulous of "environmentalist" ac-
counts, no matter how vague, absurd, incoherent, or
empirically contradicted they may be. These proto-
cols have become second nature (so
Ito speak) to nearly everyone in the social science
community. This hierarchy is driven by the fear of
falling off the edge of the Standard Social Science
Model, into unknown
Iregions where monsters such as "biological" or
"genetic determinism" live.
What, in fact, is an environmentalist account?
There are two brands of environmentalism: coher-
ent environmentalism and incoherent environmen-
talism, which correspond approximately to environ-
mentalism as defended and environmentalism as
practiced. As Daly and Wilson ( 1988, p. 8) com-
ment, "[a]ll social theorists, including the staunchest
antinativists, seek to describe human nature at some
cross culturally general level of abstraction " and
would be "distressed should their theories. .. prove
applicable to Americans but not to Papuans." Both
Skinner (1957) and Chomsky ( 1975)-opponents in
a paradigmatic case of an environmentalist-nativist
debate-posit the existence of universal evolved psy-
chological mechanisms, or what cognitive psychol-
ogists have called "innate mechanisms." As Symons
(1987) points out, most of what passes for the
nature-nurture debate is not about the need to posit
evolved mechanisms in theories. Everyone capable
of reasoning logically about the problem accepts the
necessity of this. As Symons makes clear, what the
debate often seems to be about is how general or
content-specific the mechanisms are: Skinner pro-
poses conditioning mechanisms that apply to all sit-
uations, while Chomsky proposes specialized mech-
anisms particularly designed for language. Conse-
quently, coherent
I environmentalists acknowledge that they are
positing the existence of evolved developmental or
psychological mechanisms and are willing to de-
scribe ( 1) the explicit structure of these mecha-
nisms, and (2) what environmental variables they in-
teract with to produce given outcomes. By this stan-
dard, of course, Chomsky is an environ- mentalist, as
was Skinner, as are we, along with most other evo-
lutionary psychologists and evolutionarily informed
behavioral scientists. Equally, all coherent behav-
ioral scientists of whatever orientation must be na-
tivists in this same sense, and no coherent and fully
specified hypothesis about behavior can avoid mak-
ing nativist claims about the involvement of evolved
Incoherent environmentalists, on the other hand,
are those who propose theories of how environments
regulate behavior or even psychological phenomena
without describing or even mentioning the evolved
mechanisms their theories would require to be com-
plete or coherent. In practice, communities whose
rules of discourse are governed by incoherent envi-
ronmentalism consider any such trend toward ex-
plicitness to be introducing vague and speculative
variables and-more to the point-to be in bad taste as
well. The simple act of providing a complete model
is to invoke evolved design and, hence, to court be-
ing called a genetic or biological determinist. Given
that all coherent (fully specified) models of psycho-
logical processes necessarily entail an explication of
how environmental variables relate to the inherited
architecture or developmental machinery, this atti-
tude has the effect of portraying psychologists who
are clear about all causal steps as more soft-minded
and speculative than those who remain vague about
the crucial elements necessary to make their theo-
ries coherent (e.g., Cheng & Holyoak, 1989). (This
criticism is, of course, fully symmetrical: Incoherent
nativists are those scholars who talk about how evo-
lution structures behavior without attempting to de-
scribe the structure of the evolved adaptations that
link evolution, environment, and behavior in adap-
tively patterned ways; for discussion, see Symons,
this volume; Tooby & Cosmides, 1990b.)
The problem with an epistemological hierarchy
that encourages incoherence and discourages coher-
ence (aside from the fully sufficient objection that
it has introduced major distortions into the body of
scientific knowledge) is that it is completely unnec-
essary, even on its own terms. Not only is the cure
killing the patient-social science- but also the diag-
nosis is wrong and the patient is not menaced by the
suspected mal- ady. In the first place, as discussed,
models of a robust, universal human nature by their
very character cannot participate in racist explana-
tions of intergroup differences. This is not just a
definitional trick of defining human nature as what-
ever is universal. There are strong reasons to believe
that selection usually tends to make complex adap-
tations universal or nearly universal, and so humans
must share a complex, species-typical and species-
specific architecture of adaptations, however much
variation there might be in minor, superficial, non-
functional traits. As long lived sexual reproducers,
complex adaptations would be destroyed by the ran-
dom processes of sexual recombination every gener-
ation if the genes that underlie our complex adap-
tations varied from individual to individual. Selec-
tion in combination with sexual recombination tends
to enforce uniformity in adaptations, whether phys-
iological or psychological, especially in long-lived
species with an open population structure, such as
humans (Tooby & Cosmides, 1990b). Empirically, of
course, the fact that any given page out of Gray’s
Anatomy describes in precise anatomical detail indi-
vidual humans from around the world demonstrates
the pronounced monomorphism present in complex
human physiological adaptations. Although we can-
not yet directly "see" psychological adaptations (ex-
cept as described neuroanatomically), no less could
be true of them. Human nature is everywhere the
The Malleability of Psychological Architecture
versus the Volatility of Behavioral Outcomes
If the fear that leaving the Standard Social Science
Model will lead to racist doctrines is unfounded,
what of the issue of human malleability? Does a bio-
logically informed approach necessarily imply an in-
tractability of undesired social and behavioral out-
comes and an inevitability of the status quo? Af-
ter all, isn’t the basic thrust of biologically informed
accounts against malleability and in favor of con-
straints and limits on human aspirations?
No. The central premise of an opposition be-
tween the mind as an inflexible bio- logical prod-
uct and the mind as a malleable social product is
ill-formed: The notion that inherited psychological
structure constrains is the notion that without it we
would be even more flexible or malleable or envi-
ronmentally responsive than we are. This is not
only false but absurd. Without this evolved struc-
ture, we would have no competences or contingent
environmental responsiveness whatsoever. Evolved
mechanisms do not prevent, constrain, or limit the
system from doing things it otherwise would do in
their absence. The system could not respond to "the
environment" (that is, to selected parts of the en-
vironment in an organized way) without the pres-
ence of mechanisms designed to create that con-
nection. Our evolved cognitive adaptations-our in-
herited psychological mechanisms-are the means by
which things are affirmatively accomplished. It is an
absurd model that proposes that the potentially un-
fettered human mind operates by flailing around and
is only given structure and direction by the "limits"
and "constraints" built in by "biology." Instead, any
time the mind generates any behavior at all, it does
so by virtue of specific generative programs in the
head, in conjunction with the environmental inputs
with which they are presented. Evolved structure
does not constrain; it creates or enables (Cosmides
& Tooby, 1987).
Given that we are all discussing universal human
design and if, as Symons argues, all coherent behav-
ioral scientists accept the reality of evolved mech-
anisms, then the modern nature-nurture debate is
really about something else: the character of those
evolved mechanisms (Symons, 1987). Does the
mind consist of a few, general-purpose mechanisms,
like operant conditioning, social learning, and trial-
and-error induction, or does it also include a large
number of specialized mechanisms, such as a lan-
guage acquisition device (Chomsky, 1975; Pinker,
1984; Pinker & Bloom, this volume), mate prefer-
ence mechanisms (Buss, 1989, this volume; Ellis,
this volume; Symons, 1979), sexual jealousy mech-
anisms (Daly, Wilson, & Weghorst, 1982; Wilson &
Daly, this volume), mother-infant emotion communi-
cation signals (Fernald, this volume), social contract
algorithms (Cosmides, 1989; Cosmides & Tooby,
1989, this volume; Gigerenzer & Hug, in press), and
so on? This is the point of separation between the
Standard Social Science Model and the Integrated
Causal Model, and it is the main focus of this vol-
How, then, does the issue of the number and speci-
ficity of evolved mental mechanisms bear on the is-
sue of the inevitability of undesired behavioral out-
comes? As we will discuss and review later, the same
answer applies: General mechanisms turn out to be
very weak and cannot unassisted perform at least
most and perhaps all of the tasks humans routinely
perform and need to perform. Our ability to perform
most of the environmentally engaged, richly contin-
gent activities that we do depends on the guiding
presence of a large number of highly specialized psy-
chological mechanisms (Cosmides & Tooby, 1987;
Rozin, 1976; Symons, 1987; Tooby & Cosmides,
1990b). Far from constraining, specialized mecha-
nisms enable competences and actions that would
not be possible were they absent from the architec-
ture. This rich array of cognitive specializations can
be likened to a computer program with millions of
lines of code and hundreds or thousands of func-
tionally specialized subroutines. It is because of, and
not despite, this specificity of inherent structure that
the output of computational systems is so sensitively
contingent on environmental inputs. It is just this
sensitive contingency to subtleties of environmental
variation that make a narrow intractability of out-
comes unlikely.
The image of clay, and terms such as "malleability,"
"flexibility," and "plasticity" confuse two separate is-
sues: ( 1) the detailed articulation of human evolved
psychological design (i.e., what is the evolved design
of our developmental programs and of the mech-
anisms they reliably contstruct), and (2) the fixity
or intractability of expressed outcomes (what must
people do, regardless of circumstance). The first
question asks what evolved organization exists in
the mind, while the second asks what events will in-
evitably occur in the world. Neither "biology," "evo-
lution," "society," or "the environment" directly im-
pose behavioral outcomes, without an immensely
long and intricate intervening chain of causation in-
volving interactions with an entire configuration of
other causal elements. Each link of such a chain of-
fers a possible point of intervention to change the
final outcome. For this reason, computer programs
present afar better model of the situation: The com-
puter does nothing without them, they frequently
involve superbly complex contingent branching and
looping alternatives, they can (and the procedures
in the human mind certainly do) take as input en-
vironmental variables that create cascading changes
in subsequent computational events and final out-
comes, and the entire system may respond dramati-
cally and dynamically to direct intervention (for ex-
ample, the alteration of even a single instruction) at
any of a great number of locations in the program.
Moreover, we know in advance that the human
psychological system is immensely flexible as to out-
come: Everything that every individual has ever
done in all of human history and prehistory estab-
lishes the minimum boundary of the possible. The
maximum, if any, is completely unknown. Given the
fact that we are almost entirely ignorant of the com-
putational specifics of the hundreds or thousands of
mechanisms that comprise the human mind, it is far
beyond the present competence of anyone living to
say what are and are not achievable outcomes for
human beings.
It is nevertheless very likely to be the case that we
will find adaptive specializations in the human mind
that evolved to make, under certain circumstances,
choices or decisions that are (by most standards)
ethically unacceptable and often lead to con- sensu-
ally undesirable outcomes ( e.g., male sexual propri-
etariness, Wilson & Daly, this volume; discriminative
parental solicitude, Daly & Wilson, 1981; Mann, this
volume). If one is concerned about something like
family violence, however, knowing the details of the
mechanisms involved will prove crucial in taking any
kind of constructive or ameliatory action. "Solutions"
that ignore causation can solve nothing.
In any case, the analysis of the morality or practi-
cality of intervention to prevent undesired outcomes-
"ontogenetic engineering" (Daly, Wilson & Weghorst,
1982)- is beyond the scope of this discussion. Our
point here is simply that leaving behind the SSSM
does not entail accepting the inevitability of any
specific outcome, nor does it entail the defense of
any particular aspect of the status quo. Instead, for
those genuinely concerned with such questions, it of-
fers the only realistic hope of understanding enough
about human nature to eventually make possible
successful intervention to bring about humane out-
comes. Moreover, a program of social melioration
carried out in ignorance of human complex design is
something like letting a blindfolded individual loose
in an operating room with a scalpel-there is likely
to be more blood than healing. To cure, one needs
to understand; lamenting disease or denouncing the
researchers who study its properties has never yet
saved a life. At present, we are decades away from
having a good model of the human mind, and this
is attributable in no small measure to a misguided
antinativism that has, for many, turned from being
a moral stance into a tired way of defending a stag-
nated and sterile intellectual status quo. There are,
of course, no guarantees, and it is at least logically
possible that under- standing our complex array of
evolved mechanisms will offer no way to improve
.the human condition. But, if that is the case, it will
be the first time in history that major sets of new dis-
coveries turned out to be useless.
The Empirical Authority of the Standard Social
Science Model
The Division of Labor: Content-independent Psy-
One major consequence of the adoption of the
Standard Social Science Model has been the assign-
ment of a division of labor among the social sci-
ences. It gave each field its particular mission,
stamped each of them with its distinctive charac-
ter, and thereby prevented them from making much
progress beyond the accumulation of particularistic
knowledge. Anthropology, as well as sociology and
history, study both the important and variable con-
tent of human life (the signal) and the more vaguely
defined processes and contingent events that gener-
ated it (the artificer or author of the signal). Psy-
chology studies the medium on which this socially
generated content is inscribed, the process of inscrip-
tion, and the mechanisms that enable the inscription
to take place. (The SSSM also assigns to psychol-
ogy and to psychological anthropology the task of
cataloging, at the individual level, the particularis-
tic psychological phenomena that are created by the
action of each culture on individuals; e.g., what do
American college sophomores get anxious about?).
In advance of any data, the Standard Model de-
fined for psychology the general character of the
mechanisms that it was supposed to find (general-
purpose, content- independent ones), its most im-
portant focus (learning), and how it would interpret
the data it found (no matter what the outcome, the
origin of content was to be located externally-for ex-
ample, in the unknowably complex unobserved prior
history of the individual-and not "internally" in the
mind of the organism). Psychologists certainly were
not forced by the character of their data into these
types of conclusions (e.g., Breland & Breland, 1961
). Instead, they had to carefully design their exper-
iments so as to exclude evolutionarily organized re-
sponses to biologically significant stimuli by elimi-
nating such stimuli from their protocols (e.g., by us-
ing stimulus-impoverished Skinner boxes or the cur-
rently widespread practice of eliminating "emotion-
ally charged" stimuli from cognitive experiments).
This was done in the name of good experimental de-
sign and with the intention of eliminating contam-
inating "noise" from the exploration of the content-
independent mechanisms that were thought to exist.
The Division of Labor: Particularistic, Content-
Specific Anthropology
Even more than psychology, anthropology was
shaped by the assumptions inherent in the SSSM’s di-
vision of labor: A content-independent (or content-
free) psychology symbiotically requires a content-
supplying anthropology to provide the agent-culture-
that transforms malleable generalized potential into
specifically realized human beings. So anthropol-
ogy’s mission was to study the particular (Geertz,
1973, p. 52). Consequently, anthropology became
the custodian of the key explanatory concept in the
paradigm, "culture." Belief in culture, as a substance
passed across generations causing the richly defined
particularity of adult mental and social organization
defines one’s membership in the modern social sci-
ence community. The invocation of culture became
the universal glue and explanatory variable that held
social science explanations together: Why do par-
ents take care of their children? It is part of the
social role their culture assigns to them. Why are
Syrian husbands jealous? Their culture tied their sta-
tus to their wife’s honor. Why are people sometimes
aggressive? They learn to be because their culture
socializes them to be violent. Why are there more
murders in America than in Switzerland? Americans
have a more individualistic culture. Why do women
want to look younger? Youthful appearance is val-
ued in our culture. And so on.
Although using culture as an ail-purpose explana-
tion is a stance that is difficult or impossible to fal-
sify, it is correspondingly easy to "confirm. " If one
doubts that the causal agent for a particular act is
transmitted culture, one can nearly always find sim-
ilar prior acts (or attitudes, or values, or representa-
tions) by others, so a source of the contagion can al-
ways be identified. Culture is the protean agent that
causes everything that needs explaining in the social
sciences, apart from those few things that can be ex-
plained by content-general psychological laws, a few
drives, and whatever super organic processes (e.g.,
history, social conflict, economics) that are used to
explain the particularities of a specific culture. Psy-
chologists, then, need not explain the origin of com-
plexly specific local patterns of behavior. They can
be confident that anthropologists have done this job
and have tracked, captured, defined, and analyzed
the causal processes responsible for explaining why
men are often sexually jealous or why women often
prefer to look youthful.
In defining culture as the central concept of an-
thropology, the SSSM precluded the development of
the range of alternative anthropologies that would
have resulted if, say, human nature, economic and
subsistence activity, ecological adaptation, human
universals, the organization of incentives inside
groups, institutional propagation, species-typical
psychology, or a host of other reasonable possibili-
ties had been selected instead. More critically, be-
cause of the way in which the SSSM frames the rela-
tionship between culture and the human mind, an-
thropology’s emphasis on relativity and explanatory
particularism becomes inescapable, by the following
logic: If the psyche is general-purpose, then all orga-
nized content comes from the outside, from culture.
Therefore, if something is contentful, then it must be
cultural; if it is cultural, then- by the nature of what it
is to be cultural-it is plastically variable; if it is plasti-
cally variable, then there can be no firm general laws
about it. Ergo, there can be no general principles
about the content of human life (only the content-
less laws of learning). The conclusion is present in
the premises. The relativity of human behavior, far
from being the critical empirical discovery of anthro-
pology (Geertz, 1973, 1984), is something imposed
a priori on the field by the assumptions of the SSSM,
because its premises define a program that is inca-
pable of finding anything else. Relativity is no more
"there" to be found in the data of anthropologists
than a content-independent architecture is "there" to
be found in the data of psychologists. These con-
clusions are present in the principles by which these
fields approach their tasks and organize their data,
and so are not "findings" or "discoveries" at all.
The consequences of this reasoned arrival at par-
ticularism reverberate throughout the social sci-
ences, imparting to them their characteristic flavor,
as compared with the natural sciences. This fla-
vor is not complexity, contingency, or historicity:
Sciences from geology to astronomy to meteorol-
ogy to evolutionary biology have these in full mea-
sure. It is, instead, that social science theories are
usually provisional, indeterminate, tentative, indefi-
nite, enmeshed in an endlessly qualified explanatory
particular- ism, for which the usual explanation is
that human life is much more complex than mere
Schrödinger equations or planetary ecosystems. Be-
cause culture was held to be the proximate (and
probably the ultimate) cause of the substance and
rich organization of human life, the consensus was,
naturally, that documenting its variability and partic-
ularity deserved to be the primary focus of anthropo-
logical study (e.g., Geertz, 1973). This single propo-
sition alone has proven to be a major contributor to
the failure of the social sciences (Tooby & Cosmides,
1989a). Mainstream sociocultural anthropology has
arrived at a situation resembling some nightmarish
short story Borges might have written, where scien-
tists are condemned by their unexamined assump-
tions to study the nature of mirrors only by cata-
loging and investigating everything that mirrors can
reflect. It is an endless process that never makes
progress, that never reaches closure, that generates
endless debate between those who have seen differ-
ent reflected images, and whose enduring product is
voluminous descriptions of particular phenomena.
The Empirical Disproof of a Universal Human
The view that the essence of human nature lies
in its variousness and the corresponding rejection of
a complex, universal human nature is not advanced
by anthropologists simply as an assertion. Instead,
it is presented as a dramatic and empirically well-
sup- ported scientific discovery (Geertz, 1984) and
is derived from a particular method through which
the limits of human nature are explored and de-
fined. This method, a logical process of elimina-
tion, "confirmed" that the notion of human nature
was empirically almost vacuous. Since infants are
everywhere the same, then anything that varies in
adults can only (it was reasoned) be cultural and,
hence, socially inherited and, hence, socially man-
ufactured. The method depends on accepting the
premise that behavior can only be accounted for in
these two ways: (1) as something "biological," or in-
born, which is, therefore, inflexibly rigid regardless
of environment and (because of the psychic unity of
humankind) everywhere the same, or (2) as socio-
cultural, which includes everything that varies, at a
minimum, and perhaps many things that happen by
accident to be universal as well.
Whenever it is suggested that something is "in-
nate" or "biological," the SSSM- oriented anthropol-
ogist or sociologist riffles through the ethnographic
literature to find a report of a culture where the
behavior ( or whatever) varies (for a classic ex-
ample, see Mead’s 1949 Male and Female). Upon
finding an instance of reported variation (or invent-
ing one through strained interpretation; see again,
Mead, 1949), the item is moved from the category
of "innate," "biological," "genetically determined," or
"hardwired" to the category of "learned," "cultural,"
or "socially constructed." Durkheim succinctly runs
through the process, discussing why sexual jealousy,
filial piety, and paternal love must be social construc-
tions, despite claims to the contrary: "History, how-
ever, shows that these inclinations, far from being in-
herent in human nature, are often totally lacking. Or
they may present such variations in different human
societies that the residue obtained after eliminat-
ing all these differences-which alone can be consid-
ered of psychological origin-is reduced to something
vague and rudimentary and far removed from the
facts that need explanation" (Durkheim, 1895/1962,
p. 106). Because almost everything human is vari-
able in one respect or another, nearly everything has
been subtracted from the "biologically determined"
column and moved to the "socially determined" col-
umn. The leftover residue of "human nature," af-
ter this process of subtraction has been completed
is weak tea indeed, compared to the rich and en-
gaging list of those dimensions of life where humans
vary. No wonder Geertz (1973) finds such watered-
down universals no more fundamental or essential
to humans than the behaviors in which humans vary.
Psychologists have, by and large, accepted the pro-
fessional testimony of anthropologists and have, as
part of their standard intellectual furniture, the con-
fidence that other cultures violate virtually every uni-
versal claim about the content of human life. (D. E.
Brown [1991] offers a pivotal examination of the his-
tory and logic of anthropological approaches to hu-
man universals, cultural variation, and biology, and
this entire discussion is informed by his work.)
Discovering Regularities Depends on Selecting Ap-
propriate Frames of Reference
Because of the moral appeal of antinativism, the
process of discrediting claims about a universal hu-
man nature has been strongly motivated. Anthropol-
ogists, by each new claim of discovered variability,
felt they were expanding the boundaries of their dis-
cipline (and, as they thought, of human possibility
itself) and liberating the social sciences from biolog-
ically deterministic accounts of how we are inflexibly
constrained to live as we do. This has elevated par-
ticularism and the celebration of variability to cen-
tral values inside of anthropology, strongly asserted
and fiercely defended.
The most scientifically damaging aspect of this dy-
namic has not been the consequent rhetorical em-
phasis most anthropologists have placed on the un-
usual (Bloch, 1977; Goldschmidt, 1960; Symons,
1979; see, especially, D. E. Brown, 1991). As Bloch (
1977, p. 285) says, it is the "professional malpractice
of anthropologists to exaggerate the exotic character
of other cultures." Nor is the most damaging aspect
of this dynamic the professionally cultivated credu-
lousness about claims of wonders in remote parts of
the world, which has led anthropologists routinely
to embrace, perpetuate, and defend not only gross
errors (see Freeman, 1983, on Mead and Samoa;
Suggs, 1971, on Linton and the Marquesas) but also
obvious hoaxes (e.g., Casteneda’s UCLA dissertation
on Don Juan; or the gentle "Tasaday," which were
manufactured by officials of the Marcos regime).
The most scientifically damaging aspect of this
value system has been that it leads anthropologists to
actively reject conceptual frameworks that identify
meaningful dimensions of cross-cultural uniformity
in favor of alternative vantage points from which cul-
tures appear maximally differentiated. Distinctions
can easily be found and endlessly multiplied, and it
is an easy task to work backward from some partic-
ular difference to find a framework from which the
difference matters (e.g., while "mothers" may exist
both there and here, motherhood here is completely
different from motherhood there because mothers
there are not even conceptualized as being blood kin,
but rather as the wife of one’s father, etc., etc.). The
failure to view such variation as always profoundly
differentiating is taken to imply the lack of a sophis-
ticated and professional appreciation of the rich de-
tails of ethnographic reality.
But whether something is variable or constant is
not just "out in the world"; it is also a function of the
system of categorization and description that is cho-
sen and applied. The distance from Paris to Mars is
complexly variable, so is the location of Paris "con-
stant" and "inflexible" or is it "variable?" In geogra-
phy, as in the social sciences, one can get whichever
answer one wants simply by choosing one frame of
reference over another. The order that has been
uncovered in physics, for example, depends on the
careful selection of those particular systems of de-
scription and measure that allow in variances to ap-
pear. These regularities would all disappear if physi-
cists used contingently relative definitions and mea-
sures, such as their own heartbeat to count units of
time (the speed of light would slow down every time
the measurer got excited-"relativity" indeed).
Other sciences select frameworks by how much
regularity these frameworks allow
them to uncover. In contrast, m()st anthropolo-
gists are disposed to select their frame- works so as
to bring out the maximum in particularity, contin-
gency, and variability (e.g., how are the people they
study unique?). Certainly one of the most rewarded
of talents inside anthropology is the literary ability
to express the humanly familiar and intelligible as
the exotic (see, e.g., Geertz’s description of a raid by
the authorities on a cock fight in Bali; Geertz, 1973;
see D. E. Brown, 1991, for a lucid dissection of the
role of universals in this example, and Barkow, 1989,
on how Balinese cock fighting illustrates the conven-
tional psychology of prestige). Anthropologists’ at-
traction to frameworks that highlight particularistic
distinctions and relationships has nearly precluded
the accumulation of genuine knowledge about our
universal design and renders anthropologists’ "em-
pirically" grounded dismissal of the role of biology
a matter of convention and conjuring rather than a
matter of fact.
Beneath Variable Behavior Lie Universal Mech-
The social science tradition of categorizing every-
thing that varies as "nonbiological" fails to identify
much that is "biological." This is because anthropolo-
gists have chosen ill-suited frames of reference (such
as those based on surface "behavior" or reflective
"meaning") that accentuate variability and obscure
the underlying level of universal evolved architec-
ture. There may be good reasons to doubt that the
"behavior" of marriage is a cross-cultural universal or
that the articulated "meaning" , of gender is the same
across all cultures, but there is every reason to think
that every human ( of a given sex) comes equipped
with the same basic evolved design (Tooby & Cos-
mides, 1990a). The critical question is not, for ex-
ample, whether every human male in every culture
engages in jealous behaviors or whether mental rep-
resentations attached to situations of extra-pair mat-
ing are the same in every culture; instead, the most
illuminating question is whether every human male
comes endowed with developmental programs that
are designed to assemble (either conditionally or re-
gardless of normal environmental variation) evolu-
tionarily designed sexual jealousy mechanisms that
are then present to be activated by appropriate cues.
To discern and rescue this underlying universal de-
sign out of the booming, buzzing confusion of ob-
servable human phenomena requires selecting ap-
propriate analytical tools and frames of reference.
Genetics, for example, had enormous difficulty
making progress as a science until geneticists
developed the distinction between genotype and
phenotype-between the inherited basis of a trait and
its observable expression. We believe a similar dis-
tinction will prove necessary to the development of
an integrated social science. We will refer to this as
the distinction between the evolved (as in evolved
mechanisms, evolved psychology, evolved architec-
ture, etc.) and the manifest (as in manifest psychol-
ogy, manifest behavior, etc. ). One observes vari-
able manifest psychologies or behaviors between in-
dividuals and across cultures and views them as the
product of a common, under- lying evolved psychol-
ogy, operating under different circumstances. The
mapping between the evolved architecture and man-
ifest behavior operates according to principles of ex-
pression that are specified in the evolved develop-
mental mechanisms and the psychological mecha-
nisms they reliably construct; manifest expressions
may differ between individuals when different envi-
ronmental inputs are operated on by the same pro-
cedures to produce different manifest outputs (Cos-
mides & Tooby, 1987; Tooby & Cosmides, 1989b).
For example, some individuals speak English while
others do not, yet everyone passes through a life
stage when the same species-typical language acqui-
sition device is activated (Pinker & Bloom, this vol-
ume). In fact, if an individual survives a child- hood
of aberrant social isolation she may never acquire
a language and may be incapable of speaking; yet,
she will have had the same species-typical language
acquisition device as everyone else. So what at the
behavioral level appears variable ("speaks English,"
"speaks Kikuyu"; or, even, "speaks a language," "does
not speak any language") fractionates into variable
environmental inputs and a uniform underlying de-
sign, interacting to produce the observed patterns of
manifest variation. The fog
enveloping most social science debates would
blow away if all hypotheses were completely spelled
out, through analyzing each situation into environ-
mental conditions, evolved architecture, and how
their interaction produces the manifest outcome.
Standard Model partisans have confidently rested
their empirical case on what now appears to be un-
certain ground: that manifest universality across cul-
tures is the observation that evolutionary hypothe-
ses about human nature require and that, on the
other hand, cross-cultural variability establishes that
the behavior in question is uncontaminated by "biol-
ogy" and is, instead, solely the product of "culture"
or "social processes." The recognition that a univer-
sal evolved psychology will produce variable man-
ifest behavior given different environmental condi-
tions exposes this argument as a complete non se-
quitur. From a perspective that describes the whole
integrated system of causation, the distinction be-
tween the biologically determined and the nonbio-
logically determined can be seen to be a nondistinc-
In its place, the relevant distinction can be drawn
between what Mayr (among others) called open and
closed behavior programs (Mayr, 1976). This ter-
minology distinguishes mechanisms that are open to
factors that commonly vary in the organism’s nat-
ural environment and, hence, commonly vary in
their manifest expression from those that are closed
to the influence of such factors and are, conse-
quently, uniform in their manifest expression. The
human language acquisition device is an open be-
havior program whose constructed product, adult
competency in the local language, varies depend-
ing on the language community in which the indi-
vidual is raised. Certain facial emotional displays
that manifest themselves uniformly cross-culturally
(Ekman, 1973) may be examples of closed behav-
ior programs. The Standard Social Science Model’s
method of sorting behavior by its cross-cultural uni-
formity or variability of expression into "biologically
determined" and "socially determined" categories in
reality sorts behaviors into those generated by closed
behavior programs, and those generated by open be-
havior programs. In neither case can the analysis
of the "determination" of behavior be made inde-
pendent of "biology," that is, independent of under-
standing the participation of the evolved architec-
ture. For this reason, the whole incoherent oppo-
sition between socially determined (or culturally de-
termined) phenomena and biologically determined
(or genetically determined) phenomena should be
consigned to the dustbin of history, along with the
search for a biology-free social science.
The Search for the Artificer
If psychology studies the content-independent
laws of mind and anthropology studies the content-
supplying inheritances of particular cultures, one
still needs to find the content-determining processes
that manufacture individual cultures and social sys-
tems. The Standard Social Science Model breaks the
social sciences into schools (materialist, structural-
functionalist, symbolic, Marxist, postmodernist, etc.
) that are largely distinguished by how each at-
tempts to affirmatively characterize the artificer,
which they generally agree is an emergent group-
level process of some kind. It is far beyond the scope
of this chapter to review and critique these attempts
to discover somewhere in the social system what is in
effect a generative computational system. Neverthe-
less, it is important to recognize that the net effect
of the central logic of the Standard Social Science
Model has been to direct the quest for the ultimate
cause or generator of significant mental and social
organization outward away from the rich computa-
tional architecture of the human mind. It is there
where sufficiently powerful ordering processes ones
capable of explaining the phenomena-are primarily
to be found. As will be discussed later, it is there
where the actual generators of organization are prin-
cipally (though not exclusively) located and could be
productively investigated. And understanding this
architecture is an indispensable ingredient in mod-
eling or under- standing whatever super-individual
processes exist.
This is not to say that there aren’t many important
phenomena and processes operating at the popula-
tion level, which, for example, modify the nature and
distribution of representations (for non-SSSM anal-
yses, see, e.g., Sperber, 1985, 1990, on epidemio-
logical approaches to cultural transmission; see also
Boyd & Richerson, 1985; Campbell, 1965, 1975;
Durham, 1991; and others, who examine analogs
to natural selection operating at the cultural level).
But because the traditional SSSM efforts to charac-
terize these generative processes make them entirely
external to "the individual" as well as independent
of species-typical psychology, these accounts tend to
share a certain ineradicable indefiniteness of loca-
tion and substance. The SSSM attempt to abstract
social processes away from the matrix of interact-
ing psychological architectures necessarily fails be-
cause the detailed structure of psychological mech-
anisms is inextricably bound up in how these so-
cial processes operate. One might say that what
mostly remains, once you have removed from the hu-
man world everything internal to individuals, is the
air between them. This vagueness of ontology and
causal mechanism makes it difficult to situate these
hypothetical generative processes with respect to our
knowledge of the rest of the natural world (Sper-
ber, 1986). Moreover, attempt- ing to locate in these
population-level processes the primary generator of
significant organization has caused these processes
to be fundamentally misunderstood, mystified, and
imbued with such unwarranted properties as au-
tonomy, teleology, functionality, organism-like inte-
gration, intelligence, intentionality, emotions, need-
responsiveness, and even consciousness (see, e.g.,
Durkheim, 1895/1962; Harris, 1979; Kroeber, 1915;
Marx, 1867/1909; Merton, 1949; Parsons, 1949;
Radcliffe-Brown, 1952; see Harris, 1968, for review
and discussion).
Of course, the social system is not like a person or
an organism or a mind, self- ordering due to its own
functionally integrated mechanisms. It is more like
an ecosystem or an economy whose relationships are
structured by feedback processes driven by the dy-
namic properties of its component parts. In this case,
the component parts of the population are individual
humans, so any social dynamics must be anchored in
models of the human psychological architecture. In
contrast, the customary insistence on the autonomy
(or analytic separability) of the superorganic level is
why there have been so few successful or convincing
causal models of population-level social processes,
including models of culture and social organization
(apart from those originating in microeconomics or
in analogies drawn from population biology, which
do not usually take SSSM-style approaches; see, e.g.,
Boyd & Richerson, 1985; Schelling, 1978).
Rejecting the design of individuals as central to
the dynamics is fatal to these models, because su-
perorganic (that is, population-level) processes are
not just "out there," external to the individual. In-
stead, human superindividual interactions depend
intimately on the representations and other regula-
tory elements present in the head of every individual
involved and, therefore, on the systems of computa-
tion inside each head. These govern what is selected
from "out there," how this is represented, what pro-
cedures act on the representations, and what behav-
iors result that others can then observe and inter-
act within a population dynamic fashion (Sperber,
1985, 1986, 1990;Tooby & Cosmides, 1989a). These
psychological mechanisms are primarily where there
is sufficient antientropic computational power to ex-
plain the rich patterning of human life. The design of
the human psychological architecture structures the
nature of the social interactions humans can enter
into, as well as the selectively contagious transmis-
sion of representations between individuals. Only
after the description of the evolved human psycho-
logical architecture has been restored as the center-
piece of social theory can the secondary antientropic
effects of population-level social dynamics be fully
assessed and confidently analyzed. Hence, the study
of population-level social and cultural dynamics re-
quires a sophisticated model of human psychology
to undergird it (see Barkow, 1989, this volume; Cos-
mides & Tooby, 1989, this volume; Daly, 1982; Sper-
ber, 1985, 1990; Tooby&Cosmides, 1989a).
The Division of Labor: The Social Sciences ver-
sus the Natural Sciences.
The single most far-reaching consequence of the
Standard Social Science Model has been to intellec-
tually divorce the social sciences from the natural
sciences, with the result that they cannot speak to
each other about much of substance. Where this
divorce has been achieved can be precisely located
within the model. Because biology and evolved psy-
chology are internal to the individual and because
culture-the author of social and mental organization-
is seen as external to the individual, the causal ar-
row from outside to inside logically insulates the so-
cial sciences from the rest of the natural sciences,
making them autonomous and the natural sciences
substantively irrelevant. This set of propositions is
the locus of the primary break between the social
and the natural sciences. Although there has been a
causal flow across four billion years of evolutionary
time, its ability to causally shape the human present
is impermeably dammed at the boundaries of the
individual-in fact, well within the individual, for evo-
lution is thought to provide nothing beyond an ac-
count of the origins of the drives, if any, and of the
general-purpose, content-free learning or computa-
tional equipment that together comprise the SSSM’s
minimalist model of human nature.
Thus, whatever their empirical success may be, the
claims made by (to pick some obvious examples)
ethnologists, sociobiologists, behavioral ecologists,
and evolutionary psychologists about the evolution-
ary patterning of human behavior can be simply dis-
missed out of hand as wrong, without requiring spe-
cific examination, because causality does not flow
outward from the individual or from psychology, but
inward from the social world (Sahlins, 1976a). Or,
as Durkheim put it nearly a century before, "every
time that a social phenomenon is directly explained
by a psychological phenomenon, we may be sure
that the explanation is false" (Durkheim, 1895/1962,
p. 103). Organic evolution manufactured the bio-
logical substratum, the human capacity for culture-
"the breadth and indeterminateness of [man’s] in-
herent capacities" (Geertz, 1973, p. 45 )-but oth-
erwise reaches a dead end in its causal flow and its
power to explain.
Finally, it would be a mistake t() think that the
Standard Social Science Model reflects the views
solely of social scientists and is usually resisted by
biologists and other natural scientists. It is instead
considered the common sense and common decency
of our age. More particularly, it is a very useful doc-
trine for biologists themselves to hold. Many of them
vigorously defend its orthodoxies, adding their pro-
fessional imprimatur to the social scientists’ brief for
the primacy of culture or social forces over "biology"
(see, e.g., Gould, 1977a, 1977b; Lewontin, Rose &
Kamin, 1984). This does not hap- pen simply be-
cause some are drawn to the formidable moral au-
thority of the Standard Model and the mantle it con-
fers. Even for those of a genuinely scientific tem-
perament, fascinated with biological phenomena for
their own sake, such a doctrine is a godsend. The
Standard Model guarantees them, a priori, that their
work cannot have implications that violate socially
sanctified beliefs about human affairs because the
Standard Model assures them that biology is intrinsi-
cally disconnected from the human social order. The
Standard Model therefore frees those in the biologi-
cal sciences to pursue their research in peace, with-
out having to fear that they might accidentally stum-
ble into or run afoul of highly charged social or po-
litical issues. It offers them safe conduct across the
politicized minefield of modem academic life. This
division of labor is, therefore, popular: Natural sci-
entists deal with the nonhuman world and the "phys-
ical" side of human life, while social scientists are the
custodians of human minds, human behavior, and,
indeed, the entire human mental, moral, political,
social, and cultural world. Thus, both social scien-
tists and natural scientists have been enlisted in what
has become a common enterprise: the resurrection
of a barely disguised and archaic physical/mental,
matter/spirit, nature/human dualism, in place of an
integrated scientific monism.
Rediscovering the Relevance of Evolutionary Bi-
If the adoption of the Standard Social Science
Model has not led to a great deal of natural science-
Iike progress, that is surely not a good argument
against it. Its convenience has no bearing on
whether it is true. What, then, are the reasons for
believing it is false? There are a number of major
problems that independently lead to the rejection of
the SSSM-some emerging from evolutionary biology,
some from cognitive science, and some from their
integration. We will discuss three of these problems,
arguing that (1) the Standard Social Science Model’s
analysis of developmental or "nature-nurture" issues
is erroneous; (2) the general-purpose, content-free
psychology central to the SSSM could not have been
produced by the evolutionary process and, therefore,
is not a viable candidate model of human psychol-
ogy; and (3) a psychology of this kind cannot ex-
plain how people solve a whole array of tasks they
are known to routinely perform.
For advocates of the Standard Social Science
Model, evolution is ignored because it is irrelevant:
The explanatory power of evolution ends with the
emergence of the content-free computational equip-
ment that purportedly constitutes human nature.
This equipment does not impose any form on the so-
cial world, but instead acquires all of its content from
the social world. The supposed erasure of content-
sensitive and content-imparting structure from ho-
minid psychological architecture during our evolu-
tion is what justifies the wall of separation between
the natural and the social sciences. If this view were
correct, then evolution would indeed be effectively
irrelevant to the social sciences and the phenomena
they study.
In contrast, proponents of the Integrated Causal
Model accept that, in addition to whatever content-
independent mechanisms our psychological architec-
ture may contain, it also contains content-specific
devices, including those computationally responsi-
ble for the generation and regulation of human
cultural and social phenomena. These content-
specific mechanisms are adaptations (as are content-
independent mechanisms), and evolved to solve
long-enduring adaptive problems characteristic of
our hunter-gatherer past. Because of their design,
their operation continually imparts evolutionarily
patterned content to modern human life. If this
view is correct, then the specifics of evolutionary bi-
ology have a central significance for understanding
human thought and action. Evolutionary processes
are the "architect" that assembled, detail by detail,
our evolved psychological and physiological archi-
tecture. The distinctive characteristics of these pro-
cesses are inscribed in the organizational specifics
of these designs. Consequently, an understanding
of the principles that govern evolution is an indis-
pensable ally in the enterprise of understanding hu-
man nature and an invaluable tool in the discov-
ery and mapping of the species-typical collection
of information-processing mechanisms that together
comprise the human mind. The complex designs
of these mechanisms are the main causal channels
through which the natural sciences connect to and
shape the substance of the "social" sciences.
Thus, the relevance of evolutionary biology does
not in the least depend on our being "just like" other
species, which we obviously are not (Tooby & De
Vore, 1987). Each species has its own distinctive
properties stemming from its own unique evolution-
ary history .Evolutionary biology is fundamentally
relevant to the study of human behavior and thought
because our species is the product of naturalistic ter-
restrial processes-evolutionary processes-and not of
divine creation or extraterrestrial intervention. How-
ever unusual our properties may be from a zoologi-
cal point of view- and we have every reason to be-
lieve humans followed a unique evolutionary trajec-
tory (Tooby & De V ore, 1987)-we need an account
of how they were produced in the natural world of
causation over evolutionary history (Boyd & Richer-
son, 1985). Such accounts are constructed from ( I)
the principles that govern the evolutionary process
(such as natural selection and drift), (2) the designs
of ancestral hominid species, and (3) the particu-
lar ancestral environments and contingent historical
events hominids encountered during their evolution-
ary history.
Reproduction, Feedback, and the Construction
of Organic Design
These elaborately constructed forms, so dif-
ferent from each other, and dependent on
each other in so complex a manner, have
all been produced by laws acting around us.
These laws, taken in the largest sense, be-
ing. ..Reproduction; Inheritance which is
almost implied by reproduction; Variability,
and as a consequence. Natural Selection.
-CHARLES DARWIN, The Origin of Species
While physicists tend to start their causal history
with the Big Bang, biologists usually select a differ-
ent, later event: the emergence of the first living or-
ganism. Life ( or the instances we have so far ob-
served) is a phenomenon that originated on earth
three to four billion years ago through the forma-
tion of the first living organism by contingent phys-
ical and chemical processes. What is life? What
defining properties qualified some ancient physical
system as the first living organism? From a Dar-
winian perspective, it is the reproduction by sys-
tems of new and similarly reproducing systems that
is the defining property of life. An organism is a
self-reproducing machine. All of the other properties
of living organisms-cellular structure, A TP, polypep-
tides, the use of car- bon’s ability to form indefinitely
large chains, DNA as a regulatory element-are inci-
dental rather than essential, and the logic of Darwin-
ism would apply equally to self- reproducing robots,
to self-reproducing plasma vortices in the sun, or
to anything else that reproduces with the potential
for inheritable change (mutation). From reproduc-
tion, the defining property of life, the entire elegant
deductive structure of Darwinism follows (Dawkins,
1976; Tooby & Cosmides, 1990b; Williams, 1985).
Very simple proto-bacteria emerged early in terres-
trial history, as chemical machines that constructed
additional chemical machines like themselves. Be-
cause reproduction means the construction of off-
spring designs like the parent machines, one could
imagine this leading to an endless chain of prolifer-
ating systems identical to the original parent. This
is not what happened, of course, because muta-
tions or random modifications are sometimes intro-
duced into offspring designs by accident, with far-
reaching consequences. Most random modifications
introduce changes into the organism’s organization
that interfere with the complex sequence of actions
necessary for self-reproduction. But a small propor-
tion of random modifications happen to cause an
enhancement in the average ability of the design
to cause its own reproduction. In the short run,
the frequency of those variants whose design pro-
motes their own reproduction increases, and the fre-
quency of those variants whose design causes them
to produce fewer (or no) offspring decreases. Con-
sequently, one of two outcomes usually ensues: ( 1)
the frequency of a design will drop to zero-i.e., go
extinct (a case of negative feedback); or (2) a de-
sign will outreproduce and thereby replace all alter-
native designs in the population (a case of positive
feedback). After such an event, the population of
reproducing machines is different from its ancestors
because it is equipped with anew and more function-
ally organized design or architecture. Thus, the fact
that alternative design features give rise to repro-
ductive performance differences creates the system
of positive and negative feedback called natural se-
lection. Natural selection guides the incorporation
of design modifications over generations according
to their consequences on their own reproduction.
Over the long run, down chains of descent, this
cycle of chance modification and reproductive feed-
back leads to the systematic accretion within archi-
tectures of design features that promote or formerly
promoted their own propagation. Even more impor-
tantly, the reproductive fates of the inherited proper-
ties that coexist in the same organism are linked to-
gether: What propagates one design feature tends to
propagate others (not perfectly, but sufficiently for a
coherent design to emerge; see Cosmides & Tooby,
1981). This means that traits will be selected to
work together to produce the same outcomes and
to enhance each other’s functionality. Frequently,
then, these accumulating properties will sequen-
tially fit themselves together into increasingly func-
tionally elaborated machines for reproduction, com-
posed of constituent mechanisms-called adaptations-
that solve problems that are either necessary for re-
production or increase its likelihood (Darwin, 1859;
Dawkins, 1986; R. Thornhill, 1991 ; Tooby & Cos-
mides, 1990b; Williams, 1966, 1985). As if by the
handiwork of an invisible and nonforesightful engi-
neer, element after element is added to a design over
generations, making it a more functional system for
propagation under the conditions prevailing at the
time each new element was added. At present, there
is no extant alter- native theory for how organisms
acquired complex functional organization over the
course of their evolution (Dawkins, 1986).
What is most compelling about Darwin’s approach
is that the process of natural selection is an inevitable
by-product of reproduction, inheritance, and mu-
tation. Like water running downhill, over genera-
tions organisms tend to flow into new functional de-
signs better organized for effective propagation in
the environmental context in which they evolved.
There is, however, another method, besides selec-
tion, by which mutations can become incorporated
into species-typical design: chance. The sheer im-
pact of many random accidents may cumulatively
propel a useless mutation upward in frequency un-
til it crowds out all alternative design features from
the population. Its presence in the architecture is
not explained by the (nonexistent) functional conse-
quences it has on reproduction, and so it will not be
coordinated with the rest of the organism’s architec-
ture in a functional way.
But despite the fact that chance plays some role
in evolution, organisms are not primarily chance
agglomerations of stray properties. To the extent
that a feature has a significant effect on reproduc-
tion, selection will act on it. For this reason, impor-
tant and consequential aspects of organism architec-
tures are shaped by selection. By the same token,
those modifications that are so minor that their con-
sequences are negligible on reproduction are invisi-
ble to selection and, therefore, are not organized by
it. Thus, chance properties drift through the stan-
dard designs of species in a random way, unable to
account for complex organized design and, corre-
spondingly, are usually peripheralized into those as-
pects that do not make a significant impact on the
functional operation of the system (Tooby & Cos-
mides, 1990a, 1990b).
In short, evolution (or descent with modification,
to use Darwin’s phrase) takes place due to the action
of both chance and natural selection, causing de-
scendants to diverge in characteristics from their an-
cestors, down chains of descent. Over evolutionary
time, this appears as a succession of designs, each
a modification of the one preceding it. Generation
by generation, step by step, the designs of all of the
diverse organisms alive today-from redwoods and
manta rays to humans and yeast-were permuted out
of the original, very simple, single-celled ancestor
through an immensely long sequence of successive
modifications. Each modification spread through the
species either because it caused its own propagation,
or by accident. Through this analytic framework, liv-
ing things in general and each species in particular
can be located in the principled causal history of the
universe. Moreover, the specific design features of a
species’ architecture can also be causally located in
this history: they exist either because of chance in-
corporation or because they contributed to the func-
tional operation of the architecture. The theory of
evolution by natural selection vastly expanded the
range of things that could be accounted for, so that
not only physical phenomena such as stars, moun-
tain ranges, impact crater’s, and alluvial fans could
be causally located and explained but also things like
whales, eyes, leaves, nervous systems, emotional ex-
pressions, and the language faculty.
The modern Darwinian theory of evolution con-
sists of the logically derivable set of causal princi-
ples that necessarily govern the dynamics of repro-
ducing systems, accounting for the kinds of prop-
erties that they cumulatively acquire over succes-
sive generations. The explicit identification of this
core logic has allowed the biological community to
develop an increasingly comprehensive set of prin-
ciples about what kinds of modifications can and
do become incorporated into the designs of repro-
ducing systems down their chains of descent, and
what kinds of modifications do not (Dawkins, 1976,
1982, 1986; Hamilton, 1964, 1972; Maynard Smith,
1964, 1982; Williams, 1966). This set of princi-
ples has been tested, validated, and enriched by a
comprehensive engagement with the empirical re-
ality of the biological world, from functional and
comparative anatomy, to biogeography, to genetics,
to immunology, to embryology, to behavioral ecol-
ogy, and so on. Just as the fields of electrical and
mechanical engineering summarize our knowledge
of principles that govern the design of human-bui1t
machines, the field of evolutionary biology summa-
rizes our knowledge of the engineering principles
that govern the design of organisms, which can be
thought of as machines built by the evolutionary pro-
cess (for good summaries, see Daly & Wilson 1984a;
Dawkins, 1976,1982, 1986; Krebs & Davies, 1987).
Modern evolutionary biology constitutes, in effect,
an "organism design theory." Its principles can be
used both to evaluate the plausibility of the psychol-
ogy posited by the Standard Social Science Model
and to guide the construction of a better successor
The Peculiar Nature of Biological Functionality
In certain narrowly delimited ways, then, the
spontaneous process of evolution parallels the in-
tentional construction of functional machines by hu-
man action. But, whereas machines built by human
engineers are designed to serve a diverse array of
ends, the causal process of natural selection builds
organic machines that are "designed" to serve only
one very specialized end: the propagation into sub-
sequent generations of the inherited design features
that comprise the organic machine itself.
Because design features are embodied in organ-
isms, they can, generally speaking, propagate them-
selves in only two ways: (I) by solving problems that
will increase the probability that the organism they
are situated in will produce offspring, or (2) by solv-
ing problems that will increase the probability that
the organism’s kin will produce offspring (Hamilton,
1964; Williams & Williams, 1957). An individual’s
relatives, by virtue of having descended from a com-
mon ancestor, have an increased likelihood of having
the same design feature as compared to other con-
specifics, so their increased reproduction will tend to
increase the frequency of the design feature. Accord-
ingly, design features that promote both direct re-
production and kin reproduction, and that make ef-
ficient trade-offs between the two will replace those
that do not. To put this in standard biological termi-
nology, design features are selected for to the extent
that they promote their inclusive fitness (Hamilton,
1964). For clarity, we will tend to call this propaga-
tion or design-propagation.
Selection, then, is the only known account for the
natural occurrence of complexly organized function-
ality in the inherited design of undomesticated or-
ganisms. More- over, selection can only account
for functionality of a very narrow kind: approxi-
mately, design features organized to promote the re-
production of an individual and his or her relatives
(Dawkins, 1986; Williams, 1966). Fortunately for
the modern theory of evolution, the only naturally
occurring complex functionality that has ever been
documented in plants, animals, or other organisms is
functionality of just this kind, along with its deriva-
tives and by-products. Mammals evolved adapta-
tions to produce milk to feed their own young, infec-
tious micro-organisms mimic human biochemistry to
escape immune surveillance so they can survive and
reproduce, and plants produce oxygen as a waste
product of feeding themselves through photosynthe-
sis, and not for the pleasure of watching humans
breathe or forests burn. Of course, human breeders
artificially intervene, and one could easily imagine,
as an alternative to a Darwinian world, a benevolent
deity or extraterrestrial being creating the properties
of living things in order to serve human convenience
rather than the organisms’ own reproduction. Wild
horses could be born with saddle-shaped humps, lug-
gage racks, and a spontaneous willingness to be rid-
den; chronic bacterial infections could jolt humans
with caffeine every morning 45 seconds before they
need to get up. Similarly, the non- living world could
be full of intricate functional arrangements not cre-
ated by humans, such as mountains that naturally
mimic hotels down to the details of closet hangers,
electric wiring, and television sets. But this is not
the world we live in. We live in a world of biological
functionality and its derivatives, traceable originally
to the operation of natural selection on reproducing
systems (Darwin, 1859; Dawkins, 1976, 1986). To
be able to understand the world of biological phe-
nomena, one must be able to recognize this peculiar
functional organization and distinguish it from the
products of chance.
Of course, the fact that living things are machines
organized to reproduce them- selves and their kin
does not mean that evolutionary functional anal-
ysis focuses narrowly on such issues as copula-
tion or pregnancy (things intuitively associated with
reproduction) over, say, taste preferences, vision,
emotional expression, social categorization, coali-
tion formation, or object recognition. A life his-
tory of successfully achieved reproduction (includ-
ing kin reproduction) requires accomplishing the en-
tire tributary network of preconditions for and facil-
itations of reproduction in complex ecological and
social environments. Of course, this includes all of
the information- gathering, inference, and decision-
making that these tasks entail. For this reason,
humans display a diverse range of adaptations de-
signed to perform a wide and structured variety of
subsidiary tasks, from solicitation of assistance from
one’s parents, to language acquisition, to modeling
the spatial distribution of local objects, to reading
the body language of an antagonist.
Finally, the behavior of individual organisms is
caused by the structure of their adaptations and
the environmental input to them; it is not indepen-
dently governed by the principle of individual fit-
ness maximization. Individual organisms are best
thought of as adaptation-executers rather than as
fitness-maximizers. Natural selection cannot directly
"see" an individual organism in a specific situation
and cause behavior to be adaptively tailored to the
functional requirements imposed by that situation.
To understand the role of selection in behavior, one
must follow out all steps in the chain: Selection act-
ing over evolutionary time has constructed the mech-
anisms we have inherited in the present, and it is
this set of mechanisms that regulates our behavior-
not natural selection directly. These mechanisms sit-
uated in particular individuals frequently-but by no
means always-bring about a functional coordination
between the adaptive demands of particular situa-
tions and associated behavioral responses.
Thus, the biological concept of functionality dif-
fers from the folk notion of functionality as goal-
seeking behavior. Although some of our evolved
psychological mechanisms probably operate through
goal-seeking, surely none of them has fitness-
maximization as a mentally represented goal (see
Symons, this volume). Those goal-seeking mecha-
nisms that do exist most likely embody proximate
goals, such as "stay warm" or "protect your infant,"
rather than ultimate goals, such as "maximize your
fitness" or "have as many offspring as possible." In-
deed, goals of the latter kind are probably impossible
to instantiate in any computational system (Symons,
1987, 1989, this volume; see also Barkow, 1989;
Cosmides & Tooby, 1987, 1992; Daly & Wilson,
1988; Irons, 1983, p. 200; Tooby & Cosmides,
1990b. For somewhat contrary views, see, e.g.,
Alexander, 1979, 1987 and Turke, 1990).
For this reason, an adaptationist approach does
not properly involve explaining or interpreting indi-
vidual [behavior in specific situations as "attempts"
to increase fitness (Symons, 1989, this volume;
Tooby & Cosmides, 1990b). To make the distinc-
tion between these alternative views of evolution-
ary explanation clear-humans as fitness- maximiz-
ers (fitness-teleology) versus humans as adaptation-
executors (adaptation- ism)-a brief example will
serve. Fitness teleologists may observe a situation
and ask something like, "How is Susan increasing her
fitness by salting her eggs?" An adaptationist would
ask, instead, "What is the nature of the evolved hu-
man salt preference mechanisms-if any-that are gen-
erating the observed behavior and how did the struc-
ture of these mechanisms mesh with the physiolog-
ical requirements for salt and the opportunities to
procure salt in the Pleistocene?" So, in viewing cases
of behavior, the adaptationist question is not, "How
does this or that action contribute to this particular
individual’s reproduction?" Instead, the adaptation-
ist questions are, "What is the underlying panhuman
psychological architecture that leads to this behav-
ior in certain specified circumstances?" and "What
are the design features of this architecture- if any-
that regulate the relevant behavior in such away
that it would have constituted functional solutions
to the adaptive problems that regularly occurred in
the Pleistocene?
What Adaptations Look Like.
For the reasons outlined above, the species-typical
organization of the psychology and physiology of
modern humans necessarily has an evolutionary ex-
planation and an evolutionarily patterned architec-
ture. This is not a vague speculation or an over-
reaching attempt to subsume one discipline inside
another, but constitutes as solid a fact as any in mod-
ern science. In fact, this conclusion should be a wel-
come one because it is the doorway through which a
very rich body of additional knowledge-evolutionary
biology-can be brought to bear on the study of psy-
chological architecture. At its core, the discovery of
the design of human psychology and physiology is
a problem in reverse engineering: We have working
exemplars of the design in front of us, but we need to
organize our sea of observations about these exem-
plars into a map of the causal structure that accounts
for the behavior of the system. Psychology has never
been limited by a lack of observations. Fortunately,
the knowledge that humans are the product of evolu-
tion supplies us with a powerful set of tools-the con-
cepts of evolutionary functional analysis-for organiz-
ing these observations into useful categories so that
the underlying systems of order can be discerned.
The most illuminating level of description for or-
ganizing observations about living species is usu-
ally in terms of their adaptations (and associated
evolutionary categories). This system of description
has some warrant on being considered a privileged
frame of reference because the complex functional
organization that exists in the design of organisms
was injected into them through the construction of
adaptations by natural selection. Adaptations are
the accumulated output of selection , and selection is
the single significant anti-entropic or ordering force
orchestrating functional organic design (Dawkings,
1986). So if one is interested in uncovering intelligi-
ble organization in our species-typical psychological
architecture, discovering and describing its adapta-
tions is the place to begin.
To understand what complex adaptations "look
like," it will help to begin concretely with a standard
example, the vertebrate eye and its associated neural
circuitry . (For its role in understanding adaptations,
see Pinker & Bloom, this volume; for a discussion
of color vision, see Shepard, this volume.) The eye
consists of an exquisitely organized arrangement of
cells, structures, and processes, such as ( 1) a trans-
parent protective outer coating, the cornea; (2) an
opening, the pupil, through which light enters; (3)
an iris, which is a muscle that surrounds the pupil
and constricts or dilates the aperture, regulating the
amount of light entering the eye; (4) a lens, which
is both trans- parent and flexible, and whose curva-
ture and thickness can be adjusted to bring objects of
varying distances into focus; (5) the retina, a light-
sensitive surface that lies in the focal plane of the
lens: this multilayered neural tissue lining the inside
back of the eye- ball is, in effect, a piece of the brain
that migrated to the eye during fetal development;
(6) classes of specialized cells (rods and cones) in
the retina that transform sampled properties of am-
bient light through selective photochemical reactions
into electro- chemical impulses; (7) the activation by
these electrochemical impulses of neighboring bipo-
lar cells, which, in turn, feed signals into neighbor-
ing ganglion cells, whose axons converge to form
the optic nerve; (8) the optic nerve, which carries
these signals out of the eye and to the lateral genicu-
late bodies in the brain; (9) the routing of these sig-
nals to the visual cortex, into a series of retinotopic
maps and other neural circuits, where they are fur-
ther analyzed by a formidable array of information-
processing mechanisms that also constitute crucial
parts of the visual system.
The dynamic regulatory coordination present in
the operation of the eye is also striking: The vari-
able aperture modulates the amount of light entering
the eye in coordination with ambient illumination;
the eyes are stereoscopically coordinated with each
other so that their lines of vision converge on the
same object or point of interest; the thickness and
curvature of the lens is modulated so that light from
the object being viewed is focused on the retina and
not in front of it or behind it; and so on. Through a
more detailed description, this list could easily be ex-
tended to include many thousands of specialized fea-
tures that contribute to the functionality of the sys-
tem (tear ducts, eyelids, edge detectors, muscle sys-
tems, specific photochemical reactions, and so on)
through the orchestrated arrangement of hundreds
of millions of cells. This is even more true if we
were to go beyond a taxonomically generalized de-
scription of the vertebrate eye and relate specific de-
sign features in particular vertebrates to the particu-
lar environments and visual tasks they faced. Frogs,
for example, have retinal "bug detectors"; the rab-
bit retina has a variety of specialized devices, includ-
ing a "hawk detector" (Marr, 1982, p. 32), and so
on. It is important to appreciate that this organi-
zation is not just macroscopic, but extends down to
the organized local relationships that subsets of cells
maintain with each other, which perform such com-
putations as edge detection and bug detection-and
beyond, down into the specific architecture of the
constituent cells themselves. Thus, rods and cones
have a distinctive design and layout that includes
specialized organelles that adjust the size and shape
of the photoreactive regions; they have membranes
that fold back on themselves to form sacs localizing
the photoreceptive pigments; they have specialized
chemistry so that light induces these pigments to un-
dergo chemical changes that ultimately result in a
change of membrane potential; they are arranged so
that this change of membrane potential effects the
release of neurotransmitters to neighboring bipolar
glion cells, and soon.
Thus, the eye is an extraordinarily complex ar-
rangement of specialized features that does some-
thing very useful for the organism. Moreover, this
structure was originally absent from the ancestral
design of the original single-celled founding organ-
ism, so the appearance of eyes in modern organ-
isms must be explained as a succession of modi-
fications across generations away from this initial
state. It is easy to see how selection, through re-
taining those accidental modifications that improved
performance, could start with an initial accidentally
light-sensitive nerve ending or regulatory cell and
transform it, through a large enough succession of
increasingly complex functional forms, into the su-
perlatively crafted modern eye (see, e.g., Dawkins,
1986). In fact, eyes (light-receptive organs) have
evolved independently over 40 times in the history
of animal life from eyeless ancestral forms (Mayr,
Of course, there are certainly many nonselection-
ist processes in evolution by which descendants are
modified away from ancestral forms-drift, macromu-
tation, hitchhiking, developmental by-product, and
so on. But selection is the only process that directs
change by retaining variants that are more func-
tional. Thus, selection is the only causal process
that has a systematic tendency to propel the system
in the direction of increasingly functional arrange-
ments, instead of into the immeasurably larger ar-
ray of nonfunctional arrangements that the system
could move to at each of the innumerable choice
points in the evolution of designs. In contrast, nonse-
lectional processes can produce functional outcomes
only by chance because a new modification’s degree
of functionality plays no role in determining whether
nonselectional processes will cause it to be retained
or eliminated. For this reason, evolutionary pro-
cesses other than selection are properly classified as
"chance processes" with respect to the evolution of
adaptive complexity. It would be a coincidence of
miraculous degree if a series of these function-blind
events, brought about by drift, by-products, hitch-
hiking, and so on, just happened to throw together
a structure as complexly and interdependently func-
tional as an eye (Dawkins, 1986; Pinker & Bloom,
this volume). For this reason, nonselectionist mech-
anisms of evolutionary change cannot be seen as pro-
viding any reasonable alternative explanation for the
eye or for any other complex adaptation. Complex
functional organization is the signature of selection.
The eye is by no means a unique case. Immunol-
ogists, for example, have traced out a similar, im-
mensely articulated architecture of complexly inter-
related defenses (the blood monocytes, histiocytes,
free macrophages, T -lymphocytes, B-Iymphocytes,
spleen, thymus, and so on). In fact, virtually every
organ that has been examined so far betrays a com-
plex functionality unmatched as of yet by any system
engineered by humans. More than a century of re-
search and observation confirms that selection builds
into organisms a complex functional organization of
an eye-like precision and quality.
Still, although many social and biological scien-
tists are willing to concede that the body is full of
the most intricately functional machinery, heavily or-
ganized by natural selection, they remain skeptical
that the same is true of the mind. Moreover, parti-
sans of the Standard Social Science Model insist on
the Cartesian distinction between the material world
of anatomy and physiology and the mental world of
psychology, vigorously resisting attempts to see them
as different descriptions of the same integrated sys-
tem, subject to the same organizing principles. Argu-
ments by Chomsky and others that our psychological
architecture should contain "mental organs" for the
same reasons that the rest of the body contains phys-
ical organs (i.e., that different tasks require func-
tionally different solutions) have yet to convince the
majority of psychologists out- side of perception and
language (Chomsky, 1975; Marshall, 1981).
Thus, Lewontin is expressing a thoroughly ortho-
dox SSSM skepticism toward the idea that the hu-
man psychological architecture is functionally orga-
nized when he suggests that human cognition may
have developed as the purely epiphenomenal con-
sequence of the major increase in brain size, which,
in fact, may have been selected for quite other rea-
sons" (Lewontin, 1990, p. 244). At least as nu-
merous are those researchers who detect in hu-
man thought and behavior something more than the
sheer accident that Lewontin sees, and yet who ask:
Aren’t psychological (or neurophysiological) mecha-
nisms expected to be less well-engineered than phys-
iological organs? High degrees of functionality are
all very well for eyes, intestines, and immune sys-
tems, but what about the constituent structures of
the human psychological architecture? Are there at
least any examples of well-engineered psychological
adaptations that might parallel physiological adapta-
What is most ironic about this question is that
perhaps the single most uncontroversial example of
an adaptation-an example that is conceded to be
well-engineered by even the most exercised of the
anti-adaptationist is a psychological adaptation: the
eye. As Epicharmus pointed out two and half mil-
lennia ago, "Only mind has sight and hearing; all
things else are deaf and blind. " The eye and the
rest of the visual system perform no mechanical or
chemical service for the body; it is an information-
processing adaptation. This information-processing
device is designed to take light incident on a
two-dimensional body surface and-through apply-
ing information-processing procedures to this two-
dimensional array-construct cognitive models of the
local three-dimensional world, including what ob-
jects are present, their shapes, their locations, their
orientations, their trajectories, their colors, the tex-
tures of their surfaces, as well as face recognition,
emotional expression recognition, and so on. In-
deed, for those committed to a Cartesian world view,
one could think of the eye as a tube that traverses
metaphysical realms, one end of which obtrudes into
the physical realm, the other into the mental. For
modern monists, however, these two realms are sim-
ply alternative descriptions of the same thing, con-
venient for different analytic purposes. The "mental"
consists of ordered relationships in physical systems
that embody properties typically running under la-
bels such as "information," "meaning," or regulation.
From this point of view, there is no Cartesian tube:
both ends of the visual system are physical and both
are mental.
Because psychologists as a community have been
resistant to adaptationist thinking, it was an enor-
mous (although nonaccidental) stroke of good for-
tune that the visual system extrudes a "physical end"
to the surface of the body and that this "physical
end" bears a remarkable resemblance to the camera,
a functional machine designed by humans. Selec-
tion has shaped the physical structure of the eye so
that it reflects and exploits the properties of light,
the geometry of the three-dimensional world, the re-
fracting properties of lenses, and so on; the camera
has a similar structure because it was designed by
human engineers to reflect and exploit these same
properties. These parallels between camera and eye
were clues that were so obvious and so leading that
it became a reasonable enterprise to investigate the
visual system from a functionalist perspective. Re-
searchers started with the physical end and followed
the "Cartesian
tube" upward and inward, so to speak, into the
mind. In so doing, they have discovered increas-
ingly complex and specialized computational ma-
chinery: edge detectors, motion detectors, shape de-
tectors, depth boundary detectors, bug detectors (in
the third neural layer of the retina of frogs), stereo-
scopic disparity analyzers, color constancy mecha-
nisms, face recognition systems, and on and on.
Hundreds of vision researchers, working over
decades, have been mapping this exquisitely struc-
tured information-processing adaptation, whose
evolutionary function is scene analysis-the recon-
struction of models of real-world conditions from
a two-dimensional visual array. As more and more
functional subcomponents are explored, and as arti-
ficial intelligence researchers try to duplicate vision
in computational systems attached to electronic cam-
eras, four things have become clear (Marr, 1982;
Poggio, Torre, & Koch, 1985). The first is that the
magnitude of the computational problem posed by
scene analysis is immensely greater than anyone had
suspected prior to trying to duplicate it. Even some-
thing so seemingly simple as perceiving the same
object as having the same color at different times
of the day turns out to require intensely specialized
and complex computational machinery because the
spectral distribution of light reflected by the object
changes widely with changes in natural illumination
(Shepard, this volume). The second conclusion is
that as a psychological adaptation (or set of adap-
tations, depending on whether one is a lumper or
splitter), our visual system is very well engineered,
capable of recovering far more sophisticated infor-
mation from two-dimensional light arrays than the
best of the artificially engineered systems developed
so far. The third is that successful vision requires spe-
cialized neural circuits or computational machinery
designed particularly for solving the adaptive prob-
lem of scene analysis (Marr, 1982). And the fourth
is that scene analysis is an unsolvable computational
problem unless the design features of this special-
ized machinery "assume" that objects and events in
the world manifest many specific regularities (Shep-
ard, 1981, 1984, 1987a; Marr, 1982; Poggio et
al., 1985). These four lessons-complexity of the
adaptive information-processing problem, well en-
gineered problem-solving machinery as the evolved
solution, specialization of the problem-solving ma-
chinery to fit the particular nature of the problem,
and the requirement that the machinery embody "in-
nate knowledge" about the problem-relevant parts of
the world-recur throughout the study of the com-
putational equipment that constitutes human psy-
chology (Cosmides & Tooby, 1987, 1992; Tooby &
Cosmides, 1989a, 1990b;on language, see Chomsky,
1975; Pinker, 1989;onvision,seeMarr, 1982; Poggio
et al., 1985).
These discoveries of superlative "engineering" in
the visual system have been paralleled in the study
of the other sense organs, which are simply the
recognizable transducing ends of an intricate mass
of psychological adaptations that consist of increas-
ingly more complex and integrative layers of spe-
cialized neural processing. For a variety of reasons,
the information-processing adaptations involved in
perception have been the only psychological mech-
anisms that have been studied for decades and in
depth from a functionalist perspective. Contribut-
ing factors include the fact that their functionality
is obvious to all sensate humans and their scientific
study was rescued from the metaphysical doubt that
hangs over other psychological phenomena because
their associated physical transducing structures pro-
vided a "materialist" place to begin. Arguably the
most important factor, however, was that these were
the only, mechanisms for which psychologists had
any good standards of what counted as biologically
successful problem-solving. Unacquainted with evo-
lutionary biology, few psychologists know that there
are standards for successful problem-solving in other
realms as well, such as social behavior. Unless one
knows what counts as a biologically successful out-
come, one simply cannot recognize or investigate
complex functional design or assess the extent to
which a design is well engineered.
Consequently, at present it is difficult to assess
how well psychological adaptations measure up
against the intricacy and functionality of other adap-
tations. We can only judge on the basis of the re-
stricted set that have already been studied exten-
sively from a functionalist perspective-the perceptual
mechanisms. Of course, because the paradigmatic
example of a well-engineered adaptation, used for
over 130 years in biology, is a psychological adap-
tation, we know that in at least some cases our
evolved information-processing machinery incorpo-
rates complex functional design of the highest order.
Indeed, when the eye does appear in debates over
Darwinism, it is usually used by anti-Oarwinians,
who insist that the eye is far too perfect a mech-
anism to have been constructed by natural selec-
tion. In general, whenever information-processing
mechanisms have been studied from an evolution-
ary functional perspective-human vision and audi-
tion, echolocation in bats, dead-reckoning in desert
ants, and so on- the results have indicated that
the brain/mind contains psychological adaptations
at least as intricately functional as anything to be
found in the rest of the body.
One could perhaps argue that perceptual mecha-
nisms are exceptional cases because they are evolu-
tionarily older than those psychological adaptations
that are distinctively human-specific, and so have
had more time to be refined. There are many rea-
sons to suspect this is not the case. But, even if
it were, it would only suggest that purely human-
specific adaptive problems, such as extensive tool
use or extensive reciprocation, would have problem-
solving adaptations less exquisite than vision, hear-
ing, maternal care, threat-perception, motivational
arbitration, mate selection, foraging, emotional com-
munication, and many other problems that have
been with us for tens of millions of years. It would
not mean that we have no adaptations to human-
specific problems at all. One reason the case of lan-
guage is so illuminating is that it speaks to exactly
this issue of the potential for complex functional-
ity in human- specific adaptations. The language
faculty is the only human information-processing
system outside of perception that has been stud-
ied extensively with clear standards of what counts
as functional performance, and the facts of psy-
cholinguistics weigh in heavily against the hypoth-
esis that human-specific adaptations have had insuf-
ficient time to evolve the same highly elaborated, in-
tricately interdependent functionality characteristic
of perceptual mechanisms (Pinker & Bloom, this vol-
ume). The language faculty has the same hallmarks
of overwhelmingly functional complex design that
the visual system does, and yet we know it is a recent
and human-specific adaptation that evolved after the
hominids split off from the (rest of the) great apes
(Pinker & Bloom, this volume). The claim that lan-
guage competence is a simple and poorly engineered
adaptation cannot be taken seriously, given the to-
tal amount of time, engineering, and genius that has
gone into the still unsuccessful effort to produce ar-
tificial systems that can remotely approach-let alone
equal-human speech perception, comprehension, ac-
quisition, and production.
Finally, behavioral scientists should be aware that
functional organic machines look very different from
the kinds of systems human engineers produce using
planning and foresight. Human engineers can start
with a clean drawing board, designing systems from
scratch to perform a function cleanly, using materials
selected particularly for the task at hand. Evolving
lineages are more like the proverbial ship that is al-
ways at sea. The ship can never go into dry dock
for a major overhaul; whatever improvements are
made must be implemented plank by plank, so that
the ship does not sink during its modification. In
evolution, successive designs are always constructed
out of modifications of whatever preexisting struc-
tures are there-structures linked (at least in the short
run) through complex developmental couplings. Yet
these short-run limitations do not prevent the emer-
gence of superlatively organized psychological and
physiological adaptations that exhibit functionality
of the highest known order- higher, in fact, than hu-
man engineers have been able to contrive in most
cases. This is because the evolutionary process con-
tinues to operate over large numbers of individuals
and over enormous stretches of time, with selection
relentlessly hill-climbing. To anthropomorphize, se-
lection achieves its results through "tinkering," sav-
ing large numbers of frequently small and indepen-
dent improvements cumulatively over vast expanses
of time (Jacob, 1977). Thus, chains of successive
modifications may be very large indeed to arrive at
an increasingly sophisticated "solution" or problem-
solving mechanism. The fact that alternative modifi-
cations are randomly generated-and that selection at
anyone time is limited to choosing among this finite
set of actual alternatives-means that the evolution-
ary process might by chance "overlook" or "walk by"
a specific solution that would have been obvious to
a human engineer, simply because the correct muta-
tions did not happen to occur. The fact that evolution
is not a process that works by "intelligence" cuts both
ways, however. Precisely because modifications are
randomly generated, adaptive design solutions are
not precluded by the finite intelligence of any engi-
neer. Consequently, evolution can contrive subtle so-
lutions that only a superhuman, omniscient engineer
could have intentionally designed.
So, although organisms are functionally designed
machines, they look very different from the ma-
chines that humans build. For this reason, the sci-
ence of understanding living organization is very dif-
ferent from physics or chemistry, where parsimony
makes sense as a theoretical criterion. The study of
organisms is more like reverse engineering, where
one may be dealing with a large array of very differ-
ent components whose heterogeneous organization
is explained by the way in which they interact to
produce a functional outcome. Evolution, the con-
structor of living organization, has no privileged ten-
dency to build into designs principles of operation
that are simple and general. Evolution operates by
chance-which builds nothing systematic into organ-
isms-and by selection-which cumulatively adds mod-
ifications, regardless of whether they add complex-
ity. Thus, psychologists are not likely to find a few
satisfying general principles like Maxwell’s equations
that unify all psychological phenomena, but instead
a complex pluralism of mechanisms. Satisfying gen-
eral principles will instead be found at the next level
up, in the principles of evolutionary functionalism
that explain the organization of these mechanisms.
At an engineering or mechanism level, knowledge
will have to be constructed mechanism by mech-
anism, with the organization of the properties of
each mechanism made intelligible by knowing the
specific evolved function of that mechanism. Thus,
the computational mechanisms that generate mater-
nal love, grammar acquisition, mate selection, kin-
directed assistance, or reciprocation can be expected
to parallel Ramachadran ’s characterization of per-
ception as,
Essentially a "bag of tricks;" that through
millions of years of trial and error, the vi-
sual system evolved numerous short-cuts,
rules-of-thumb and heuristics which were
adopted not for their aesthetic appeal or
mathematical elegance but simply because
they worked (hence the "utilitarian" the-
ory). This is a familiar idea in biology but
for some reason it seems to have escaped
the notice of psychologists, who seem to
forget that the brain is a biological organ
just like the pancreas, the liver, or any other
specialized organ (Ramachadran, 1990, p.
24 ).
Adaptations, By-products, and Random Effects
The most fundamental analytic tool for recog-
nizing an adaptation is its definition. Stripped of
complications and qualifications, an adaptation is
( 1) a system of inherited and reliably developing
properties that recurs among members of a species
that (2) became incorporated into the species’ stan-
dard design because during the period of their in-
corporation, (3) they were coordinated with a set
of statistically recurrent structural properties outside
the adaptation (either in the environment or in the
other parts of the organism), (4) in such away that
the causal interaction of the two (in the context
of the rest of the properties of the organism) pro-
duced functional outcomes that were ultimately trib-
utary to propagation with sufficient frequency (i.e., it
solved an adaptive problem for the organism). (For
a more extensive definition of the concept of adap-
tation, see Tooby & Cosmides, 1990b). Adaptations
are mechanisms or systems of properties crafted by
natural selection to solve the specific problems posed
by the regularities of the physical, chemical, devel-
opmental, ecological, demographic, social, and in-
formational environments encountered by ancestral
populations during the course of a species’ or pop-
ulation’s evolution (for other discussions of adap-
tation, see Pinker & Bloom, this volume; Symons,
1989, this volume; R. Thornhill, 1991; Tooby & Cos-
mides, 1990a; Williams, 1966, 1985; see Dawkins,
1986, for his discussion of adaptations under the
name adaptive complexity).
Thus, chance and selection, the two components
of the evolutionary process, explain different types
of design properties in organisms, and all aspects
of design must be attributed to one of these two
forces. Complex functional organization is the prod-
uct and signature of selection. Reciprocally, the
species-typical properties of organisms attributable
to chance will be no more important, organized, or
functional than can be attributed to chance. The con-
spicuously distinctive cumulative impacts of chance
and selection allow the development of rigorous
standards of evidence for recognizing and estab-
lishing the existence of adaptations and distinguish-
ing them from the non- adaptive aspects of organ-
isms caused by the nonselectionist mechanisms of
evolutionary change (Pinker & Bloom, this volume;
Symons, this volume; R. Thornhill, 1991 ; Tooby
& Cosmides, 1990b; Williams, 1966, 1985). Com-
plex adaptations are usually species-typical (Tooby
& Cosmides, 1990a); moreover, they are so well-
organized and such good engineering solutions to
adaptive problems that a chance coordination be-
tween problem and solution is effectively ruled out
as a plausible explanation. Adaptations are recog-
nizable by "evidence of special design " (Williams,
1966); that is, by recognizing certain features of
the evolved species-typical design of an organism
”as components of some special problem-solving ma-
chinery" (Williams, 1985, p. 1) that solve an evolu-
tionarily long-standing problem. Standards for rec-
ognizing special design include factors such as econ-
omy, efficiency, complexity, precision, specialization,
and reliability, which, like a key fitting a lock, render
the design too good a solution to a defined adaptive
problem to be coincidence (Williams, 1966). Like
most other methods of empirical hypothesis testing,
the demonstration that something is an adaptation
is always, at the core, a probability assessment con-
cerning how likely a situation is to have arisen by
chance. The lens, pupil, iris, optic nerve, retina, vi-
sual cortex, and so on, are too well coordinated both
with each other and with environmental factors-such
as the properties of light and the reflecting properties
of surfaces-to have arisen by chance.
In addition to adaptations, the evolutionary pro-
cess commonly produces two other outcomes visi-
ble in the designs of organisms: ( 1) concomitants
or by-products of adaptations (recently nicknamed
"spandrels"; Gould & Lewontin, 1979); and (2) ran-
dom effects. The design features that comprise adap-
tations became incorporated into the standard de-
sign because they promoted their own frequency and
are, there- fore, recognizable by their organized and
functional relationships to the rest of the design and
to the structure of the world. In contrast, concomi-
tants of adaptations are those properties of the phe-
notype that do not contribute to functional design
per se, but that happen to be coupled to properties
that are, and so were dragged along into the organ-
ism’s design because of selection on the design fea-
tures to which they are linked. They may appear
organized, but they are not functionally organized.
The explanation for any specific concomitant or
spandrel is, therefore, the identification of the adap-
tation or adaptations to which it is coupled, together
with the reason why it is coupled. For example,
bones are adaptations, but the fact that they are
white is an incidental by-product. Bones were se-
lected to include calcium because it conferred hard-
ness and rigidity to the structure (and was dietar-
ily available), and it simply happens that alkaline
earth metals appear white in many compounds, in-
cluding the insoluble calcium salts that are a con-
stituent of bone. From the point of view of func-
tional design, by-products are the result of "chance,"
in the sense that nothing in the process of how they
came to be incorporated into a design other than
sheer coincidence would cause them to be coordi-
nated solutions to any adaptive problem. For this
reason, by-products are expected not to contribute
to the solution of adaptive problems more often or
more effectively than chance could explain. Finally,
of course, entropic effects of many types act to in-
troduce functional disorder into the design of organ-
isms. They are recognizable by the lack of coordi-
nation that they produce within the architecture or
between it and the environment, as well as by the
fact that they frequently vary between individuals.
Classes of entropic processes include mutation, evo-
lutionarily unprecedented environmental change, in-
dividual exposure to unusual circumstances, and de-
velopmental accidents. Of course, one can decom-
pose organ- isms into properties ( or holistic rela-
tions) according to any of an infinite set of alter- na-
tive systems. But, unless one applies a categorization
system designed to capture their functional designs
or adaptations, organisms will seem to be nothing
but spandrels, chemistry, and entropy.
Recognizing Psychological Adaptations: Evolu-
tionary, Cognitive, Neural, and Behavioral Levels
of Analysis
Capturing lnvariance in Functional Organization:
Behavioral, Cognitive, and Neuroscience Descrip-
If the psychological architectures of organisms are
infused with complex functional organization, this is
not always easy to see. Precisely because functional
organization may be very complex, and embedded
in an even more bewildering array of variable and
intricate by-products, it may appear to the unaided
intellect to be in distinguish- able from chaos or poor
design. Unless one knows what to look for-unless,
at the very least, one knows what counts as func-
tional -one cannot recognize complex functionality
even when one sees its operation.
Sciences prosper when researchers discover the
level of analysis appropriate for describing and inves-
tigating their particular subject: when researchers
discover the level where in variance emerges, the
level of underlying order. What is confusion, noise,
or random variation at one level resolves itself into
systematic patterns upon the discovery of the level
of analysis suited to the phenomena under study.
How, then, should the psychological architectures
of organisms be described so as to capture a level
of underlying functional order? Three different
languages for describing psychological phenomena
are commonly used: The behavioral, the cogni-
tive, and the neurobiological. Each language has
strengths and weaknesses for different scientific pur-
poses. For the purpose of discovering, analyzing,
and describing the functional organization of our
evolved psychological architecture, we propose that
the information-processing language of cognitive sci-
ence is the most useful. In the first place, this is be-
cause the evolutionary function of the brain is the
adaptive regulation of behavior and physiology on
the basis of information derived from the body and
from the environment. Alternative design features
are selected for on the basis of how well they solve
adaptive problems-problems whose solution affects
reproduction. How an organism processes informa-
tion can have an enormous impact on its reproduc-
tion. It is, therefore, meaningful to ask what kind
of cognitive design features would have constituted
good solutions to adaptive information-processing
problems that persisted over many generations. Evo-
lutionary biology and hunter- gatherer studies sup-
ply definitions of the recurrent adaptive problems
humans faced during their evolution, and cogni-
tive psychology describes the information-processing
mechanisms that evolved to solve them. By combin-
ing insights from these two fields, the functional or-
ganization of the mind can be brought into sharp re-
Second, adaptations are usually species-typical.
Consequently, to capture evolved functional organi-
zation, one needs a language that can describe what
is invariant across individuals and generations. This
process of description is key: By choosing the wrong
descriptive categories, everything about an organism
can seem variable and transitory to the extent that
"plasticity" or "behavioral variability" can seem the
single dominant property of an organism. In con-
trast, well-chosen categories can bring out the hid-
den organization that reappears from individual to
individual and that, consequently, allows psycholog-
ical phenomena to be described both economically
and precisely.
Purely behavioral categories are seldom able to
capture meaningful species-typical uniformity: Are
humans "aggressive" or "peaceful," "pair-bonding" or
"polygynous," "rational" or "irrational?" With much
justice, Geertz, echoing Kroeber, dismissed large and
vague behavioral universals, such as marriage and
religion, as "fake" (1973, p. 101). Human phenom-
ena accurately described and categorized solely in
terms of behavioral outcomes appear endlessly vari-
able; they seem to manifest a kaleidoscopic welter
of erratic and volatile phenomena, which makes any
underlying uniformity-let alone functional design-
difficult to see. Exceptions, such as reflexes and fixed
action patterns, occur in the very few cases where
the mapping between stimulus and behavior is sim-
ple and immediate. Behavioral characterizations of
anything much more complicated rapidly become so
watered down with exceptions that, at best, one ends
up with vague portrayals employing terms such as
"capacity," "predisposition," "urge," "potential," and
so on-things too murky to be helpful either in de-
scribing adaptations or in predicting behavior.
Perhaps more important, however, is that behavior
is not a phenomenon sui generis. It is the product of
mechanisms that process information. Mechanisms
that produce behavior can be usefully studied on a
variety of different descriptive and explanatory lev-
els. Neuroscientists describe the brain on a physical
level-as the inter- action of neurons, hormones, neu-
rotransmitters, and other organic aspects. In con-
trast, cognitive psychologists study the brain as an
information-processing system-that is, as a collection
of programs that process information-without refer-
ence to the exact neurophysiological processes that
perform these tasks. A cognitive description speci-
fies what kinds of information the mechanism takes
as input, what procedures it uses to transform that
information, what kinds of data structures (repre-
sentations) those procedures operate on, and what
kinds of representations or behaviors it generates as
output. The study of cognition is the study of how
humans and other animals process information.
To understand subsequent arguments clearly, it is
important to keep in mind exactly what we mean by
the cognitive or information-processing level. Like
all words, "cognitive" is used to mean many differ-
ent things. For example, some researchers use it in
a narrow sense, to refer to so-called "higher men-
tal" processes, such as reasoning, as distinct from
other psychological processes, such as "emotion" or
"motivation"; that is, to refer to a concept that cor-
responds more or less to the folk notion of reason-
ing while in a calm frame of mind. In contrast, we
are using the word cognitive in a different and more
standard sense. In this chapter, we use terms such
as cognitive and information-processing to refer to
a language or level of analysis that can be used to
precisely describe any psychological process: Rea-
soning, emotion, motivation, and motor control can
all be described in cognitive terms, whether the pro-
cesses that give rise to them are conscious or uncon-
scious, simple or complex. In cognitive science, the
term mind refers to an information-processing de-
scription of the functioning of an organism’s brain
and that is the sense in which we use it. (For a more
detailed discussion of the nature of cognitive expla-
nations, see Block, 1980; Fodor, 1981; or pylyshyn,
For example, ethologists have traditionally stud-
ied very simple cognitive pro- grams. A newborn
herring gull, for instance, has a cognitive program
that defines a red dot on the end of a beak as salient
information from the environment, and that causes
the chick to peck at the red dot upon perceiving
it. Its mother has a cognitive program that defines
pecking at her red dot as salient information from
her environment, and that causes her to regurgitate
food into the newborn’s mouth when she perceives
its pecks. These simple programs adaptively regu-
late how herring gulls feed their young. (If there is a
flaw anywhere in these programs-i.e., if the mother
or chick fails to recognize the signal or to respond
appropriately-the chick starves. If the flaw has a ge-
netic basis, it will not be passed on to future genera-
tions. By such feedback, natural selection shapes the
design of cognitive programs.)
These descriptions of the herring gull’s cognitive
programs are entirely in terms of the functional rela-
tionship among different pieces of information; they
describe two simple information-processing systems.
Moreover, precise descriptions of these cognitive pro-
grams can capture the way in which information is
used to generate adaptive behavior. Of course, these
programs are embodied in the herring gull’s neuro-
biological "hardware. " Knowledge of this hardware,
however, is not necessary for understanding the pro-
grams as information-processing systems. Presum-
ably, one could build a silicon-based robot, using
chemical processes completely different from those
present in the gull’s brain, that would produce the
same behavioral output (pecking at red dot) in re-
sponse to the same informational input (seeing red
dot). The robot’s cognitive programs would main-
tain the same functional relationships among pieces
of information and would, therefore, be, in an im-
portant sense, identical to the cognitive pro- grams
of the herring gull. But the physical processes that
implement these programs in the robot would be to-
tally different.
Although all information-processing mechanisms
operate by virtue of the physical processes that im-
plement them, cognitive descriptions and physicalist
ones are not equivalent, but complementary. They
cannot be reduced to each other. For this reason,
the information-processing descriptions of cognitive
science are not merely metaphors in which brains
are compared to computers. Their status as an in-
dependent level of psychological explanation can be
established by considering the fact that the same
information-processing relationships can be embod-
ied in many different physical arrangements. The
text-editing program Wordstar, for example, can run
on machines with many different kinds of physical
architectures, but it always has the same functional
design at an information-processing level-the same
key strokes will move the cursor, delete a word, or
move a block of text. And the robot "gull" will still
peck at a red dot, even though its programs are
embodied in silicon chips rather than in neurons.
These relationships can be described independently
of their physical instantiation in any particular com-
puter or organism, and can be described with pre-
cision. Thus, an information-processing program,
whether in an organism or in a computer, is a set
of invariant relationships between informational in-
puts and "behavioral" outputs. Moreover, from the
point of view of the adaptive regulation of behavior,
it is the cognitive system of relationships that counts.
Given that the correct information-processing steps
are carried out, selection pressures on psycholog-
ical mechanisms are "blind" to the specific physi-
cal implementation of their information- processing
structure (except insofar as different physical imple-
mentations may vary in factors such as metabolic
cost). Because the primary function of the brain
is the adaptive regulation of behavior and physiol-
ogy in response to information, natural selection re-
tains neural mechanisms on the basis of their abil-
ity to create functionally organized relationships be-
tween information and behavior (e.g., the sight of
a predator activates inference procedures that cause
the organism to hide or flee) or between informa-
tion and physiology ( e.g., the sight of a predator in-
creases the organism ’s heart rate in preparation for
flight). The mechanism is selected to create the cor-
rect information-behavior or information-physiology
relationship and, so long as the physical implemen-
tation produces this relationship, its particular form
is free to vary according to other factors. Indeed, at
certain points in development, injury to the human
brain can sometimes be "repaired" in the sense that
different neurons re-create the same ordered rela-
tionship between information and behavior that the
damaged ones had implemented prior to the injury
(Flohr, 1988). When "rewiring" of this kind occurs,
the information-processing relationship is preserved,
not its physical instantiation.
In short, it is primarily the information-processing
structure of the human psycho- logical architecture
that has been functionally organized by natural se-
lection, and the neurophysiology has been organized
insofar as it physically realizes this cognitive organi-
zation. Because the function of the brain is informa-
tional in nature, its richly organized functional struc-
ture is only visible when its properties are described
in cognitive terms. Much of great interest can be
learned by investigating the brain in neurobiological
terms, but its adaptive dimension will remain invisi-
ble unless and until its mechanisms are described in
a language that is capable of expressing its informa-
tional functions.
For these reasons, the invariant functional organi-
zation of complex psychological adaptations is more
likely to be captured by cognitive descriptions than
by neuroscience ones.4 Just as mathematics is an
indispensable language for describing many scien-
tific phenomena, information-processing language is
a precise descriptive vehicle for capturing how com-
plex systems functionally interact with complex en-
vironments. What mathematics is for physics, cogni-
tive descriptions can be for a science of psychology
and behavior.
The use of information-processing language is not
enough, however. Alone, it is no more useful for
discovering invariances in functional organization
than any other descriptive language. Unless one
knows what counts as functional, one cannot recog-
nize complex functional design even when one sees
its operation. Is friendship functional? Is anger? Is
joining a group? Is pregnancy sickness? Unless one
knows what adaptive problems a species encoun-
tered during its evolutionary history and what would
have counted as solutions to these problems, these
questions are unanswerable. To discover invariances
in the functional organization of the human mind,
the language and methods of cognitive science must
be used in concert with principles drawn from evo-
lutionary biology.
Where Evolutionary Biology and Cognitive Psy-
chology Meet.
Conceptual systems, models, and theories function
as organs of perception: They allow new kinds of evi-
dence and new relationships to be perceived (Popper,
1972). As Einstein remarked, "it is the theory which
decides what we can observe" (Heisenberg, 1971,
p. 63). The tools of evolutionary functional analy-
sis function as an organ of perception, bringing the
blurry world of human psychological and behavioral
pheno into sharp focus and allowing one to discern
the formerly obscured level of our richly organized
species-typical functional architecture.
Theories about selection pressures operating in
ancestral environments place important constraints
on-and often define-what can count as an adaptive
function. Indeed, many theories of adaptive function
define what would count as adaptive information-
processing. Consider, for example, Hamilton’s rule,
which describes the selection pressures operating
on mechanisms that generate behaviors that have
a reproductive impact on an organism and its kin
(Hamilton, 1964). The rule defines (in part) what
counts as biologically successful outcomes in these
kinds of situations. These outcomes often cannot be
reached unless specific information is obtained and
processed by the organism. In the simplest case of
two individuals, a mechanism that produces acts of
assistance has an evolutionary advantage over alter-
native mechanisms if it reliably causes individual i to
help relative j whenever C; < r;jBj. In this equation,
Ci = cost to i of rendering an act of assistance to j,
measured in terms of foregone reproduction, Bj =
benefit to j of receiving that act of assistance, mea-
sured in terms of enhanced reproduction, and r;j =
the probability that a randomly sampled gene will be
present at the same locus in the relative due to joint
inheritance from a common ancestor.
Other things being equal, the more closely psycho-
logical mechanisms reliably pro- duce behavior that
conforms to Hamilton ’s rule, the more strongly they
will be selected for. Under many ecological condi-
tions, this selection pressure defines an information-
processing problem that organisms will be selected
to evolve mechanisms to solve.
Using this description of an adaptive problem as
a starting point, one can immediately begin to de-
fine the cognitive subtasks that would have to be ad-
dressed by any set of mechanisms capable of pro-
ducing behavior that conforms to this rule. What
information-processing mechanisms evolved to re-
liably identify relatives, for example? What crite-
ria and procedures do they embody-for example, do
these mechanisms define an individual as a sibling if
that individual was nursed by the same female who
nursed you? What kind of information is processed
,to estimate rij, the degree of relatedness? Under an-
cestral conditions, did siblings and cousins co-reside,
such that one might expect the evolution of mecha-
nisms that discriminate between the two? After all,
rj full/ sib = 4ri. first cousin. What kind of mech-
anisms would be capable of estimating the magni-
tudes of the consequences of specific actions on one’s
own and on others’ reproduction? How are these
various pieces of information combined to produce
behavior that conforms to Hamilton’s rule? And so
This example highlights several points. First and
most important, it shows how knowledge drawn
from evolutionary biology can be used to discover
functional organization in our psychological archi-
tecture that was previously unknown. Hamilton’s
rule is not intuitively obvious; no one would look for
psychological mechanisms that are well-designed for
producing behavior that conforms to this rule unless
they had already heard of it. After Hamilton’s rule
had been formulated, behavioral ecologists began to
discover psychological mechanisms that embodied it
in nonhuman animals (Krebs & Davies, 1984). Un-
guided empiricism is unlikely to uncover a mecha-
nism that is well-designed to solve this kind of prob-
Second, this example illustrates that one can easily
use the definition of an adaptive problem to generate
hypotheses about the design features of information-
processing mechanisms, even when these mecha-
nisms are designed to produce social behavior. It
allows one to break the adaptive problem down
into cognitive subtasks, such as kin recognition and
cost/benefit estimation, in the same way that know-
ing that the adaptive function of the visual system is
scene analysis allows one to identify subtasks such
as depth perception and color constancy.
Third, the example shows how knowing the an-
cestral conditions under which a species evolved can
suggest hypotheses about design features of the cog-
nitive adaptations that solve the problem. For ex-
ample, co-residence is a reliable cue of sib-hood in
some species, but other cues would have to be picked
up and processed in a species in which siblings and
cousins co-reside.
Fourth, Hamilton ’s rule provides one with a stan-
dard of good design for this particular problem. Such
standards are an essential tool for cognitive scien-
tists because they allow them to identify whether
a hypothesized mechanism is capable of solving the
adaptive problem in question and to decide whether
that mechanism would do a better job under an-
cestral conditions than alternative designs. This al-
lows one to apply the powerful methods of learnabil-
ity analysis outside of psycholinguistics, to adaptive
problems involving social behavior (see pp. 73- 77,
on evolutionary functional analysis).
Fifth, this example illustrates how insights from
evolutionary biology can bring functional organiza-
tion into clear focus at the cognitive level, but not
at the neurobiological level. Hamilton’s rule imme-
diately suggests hypotheses about the functional or-
ganization of mechanisms described in information-
processing terms, but it tells one very little about the
neurobiology that implements these mechanisms-it
cannot be straightforwardly related to hypotheses
about brain chemistry or neuroanatomy. Once one
knows the properties of the cognitive mechanisms
that solve this adaptive problem, however, it should
be far easier to discover the structure of the neural
mechanisms that implement them.
The intellectual payoff of coupling theories of
adaptive function to the methods and descriptive
language of cognitive science is potentially enor-
mous. By homing in on the right categories-
ultimately adaptationist categories-an immensely in-
tricate, functionally organized, species-typical archi-
tecture can appear, with perhaps some additional
thin films of frequency-dependent or population-
specific design as well (e.g., McCracken, 1971). Just
as one can now flip open Gray’s Anatomy to any page
and find an intricately detailed depiction of some
part of our evolved species-typical morphology, we
anticipate that in 50 or 100 years one will be able
to pick up an equivalent reference work for psychol-
ogy and find in it detailed information-processing de-
scriptions of the multitude of evolved species-typical
adaptations of the human mind, including how they
are mapped onto the corresponding neuroanatomy
and how they are constructed by developmental pro-
The Impact of Recurrent Environmental and
Organismic Structure on the Design of Adapta-
Organisms transact the business of propagation in
specific environments, and the persistent character-
istics of those environments determine the dangers,
and elements the organism has to use and to cope
with in its process of propagation.
Consequently, the structure of the environment
causes corresponding adaptive organization to ac-
cumulate in the design of the organism (Shepard,
1987a; Tooby & Cosmides, 1990b ).For example, the
design of eyes reflects the properties of light, ob-
jects, and surfaces; the design of milk reflects the di-
etary requirements of infants (and what was dietar-
ily available to mothers); the design of claws reflects
things such as the properties of prey animals, the
strength of predator limbs, and the task of capture
and dismemberment. This functional organization in
the organism-its set of adaptations- is designed to ex-
ploit the enduring properties of the environment in
which it evolved (termed its environment of evolu-
tionary adaptedness, or EEA) and to solve the recur-
ring problems posed by that environment. Adapta-
tions evolve so that they mesh with the recurring
structural features of the environment in such a way
that reproduction is promoted in the organism or its
kin. Like a key in a lock, adaptations and particular
features of the world fit together tightly, to promote
functional ends.
Moreover, from the point of view of any specific
design feature or adaptation, the rest of the encom-
passing organism itself constitutes an enduring envi-
ronmental structure as well. New adaptations or de-
sign features will be selected for on the basis of how
i well they productively coordinate with the persis-
tent characteristics of this internal V environment, as
well as with the external environment. This is why
adaptations evolve to fit together with each other
within the organism so well. Thus, the adaptive
mesh between tendon, muscle, and bone is no dif-
ferent in principle than the adaptive mesh between
foraging mechanisms and the ecological distribution
of food and cues reliably correlated with its presence
(Real, 1991 ). Obviously, therefore, adaptations may
solve -endogenous adaptive problems and may im-
prove over evolutionary time without necessarily be-
ing driven by or connected to any change in the ex-
ternal environment.
Long-term, across-generation recurrence of
conditions-external, internal, or t their interaction-is
central to the evolution of adaptations, and it is easy
to see why. Transient conditions that disappear after
a single or a few generations may lead to e some
temporary change in the frequency of designs, but
the associated selection pressures will disappear
or reverse as often as conditions do. Therefore,
it is only those conditions that recur, statistically
accumulating across many generations that lead
to the construction of complex adaptations. As
corollary, anything that is recurrently true (as a
net statistical or structural matter) across large
numbers of generations could potentially come to
be exploited by an evolving adaptation to solve a
problem or to improve performance. For this reason,
a major part of adaptationist analysis involves sifting
for these environmental or organismic regularities
or invariances. For example, mental states, such
as behavioral intentions and emotions, cannot be
directly observed. But if there is a reliable correla-
tion over evolutionary time between the movement
of human facial muscles and emotional state or
behavioral intentions, then specialized mechanisms
can evolve that infer a person’s mental state from the
movement of that person’s facial muscles (Ekman,
1973, 1984; Fridlund, in press). Indeed, evidence
drawn from cognitive neuroscience indicates that
we do have mechanisms specialized for "reading"
facial expressions of emotion (Etcoff, 1983, 1986).
To begin with, a cognitive adaptation can, through
exploiting the world’s subtle statistical structure, go
far beyond the information it is given, and recon-
struct from fragmentary cues highly accurate mod-
els of local conditions by exploiting these relation-
ships (e.g., self-propelled motion is correlated with
the presence of an animal; a sharp discontinuity in
reflected light intensity is correlated with the pres-
ence of an edge). This evolutionary Kantian posi-
tion has already been richly vindicated in the fields
of perception and psychophysics (see, e.g., Marr,
1982; Shepard, 1981, 1984, 1987a, this volume),
where the representations that our evolved compu-
tational systems construct go far beyond what is "log-
ically" warranted solely by the sensory information
itself, usually settling on single preferred interpre-
tations. Our minds can do this reliably and validly
because this fragmentary information is operated on
by evolved procedures that were selected precisely
because they reflect the subtle relationships endur-
ingly present in the world (e.g., shading cues that are
correlated with shape and depth, time-location rela-
tionships that are correlated with the most probable
kinematic trajectories followed by natural objects).
These mechanisms supply a privileged organization
to the available sense data so that the interaction of
the two generates interpretations that usually corre-
spond to actual conditions in the external world. In
the absence of specialized mechanisms that assume
and rely on certain relationships being characteristic
of the world, recovering accurate models of the ex-
ternal world from sense data would be an insoluble
computational problem (Marr, 1982; Poggio et al.,
Parallel ideas form the centerpiece of Chomskyan
psycholinguistics: Children must be equipped with
specialized mechanisms ("mental organs") that are
function- ally organized to exploit certain grammat-
ical universals of human language. Other- wise,
language learning would be an unsolvable com-
putational problem for the child (Chomsky 1957,
1959, 1975, 1980; Pinker 1979, 1982, 1984, 1989;
Wexler & Culi- cover, 1980). The discovery and ex-
ploratory description of such universal subtle rela-
tionships present in the "world" of human language
is a primary activity of modern linguists and psy-
cholinguists. Proposed mechanisms for language
learning that do not include specialized procedures
that exploit these relationships have been repeatedly
shown to be inadequate (e.g., Pinker 1989, 1991;
Pinker & Prince, 1988). As in perception, adapta-
tions for grammar acquisition must mesh with the
enduring structure of the world. But in this case,
the recurrent structure to be meshed with is created
by the species-typical design of other (adult) human
minds, which produce grammars that manifest cer-
tain relationships and not others.
Due to common evolutionary ancestry, the liv-
ing world of plants and animals is structured into
species and other more inclusive units that share
large sets of properties in common: Wolves resem-
ble other wolves, mammals other mammals, and so
on. Living things occur in so-called natural kinds.
This is another enduring set of relation- ships in the
world that our minds evolved to exploit. Ethnobiolo-
gists and cognitive anthropologists such as Atran and
Berlin have shown that the principles humans spon-
taneously use in categorizing plants and animals re-
flect certain aspects of this enduring structure, and
are the same cross-culturally as well (Atran, 1990;
Berlin, Breedlove, & Raven, 1973).
In the last decade, the field of cognitive develop-
ment has been revolutionized by the discovery that
the principles of inference that infants and children
bring the tasks of learning are organized to reflect
the particular recurrent structure of specific problem
domains, such as object construal and motion, the
differences between artifacts and living kinds, phys-
ical causality, and so on (see, e.g., Carey & Gelman,
1991 ). These evolved, domain-specific cognitive
specializations have been shown to be specialized ac-
cording to topic and to develop in the absence of ex-
plicit instruction.
For example, contrary to the Piagetian notion that
infants must "learn " the object concept, recent re-
search has shown that (at least) as early as 10 weeks-
an age at which the visual system has only just
matured-infants already have a sensorily-integrated
concept of objects as entities that are continuous in
space and time, solid (two objects cannot occupy
the same place at the same time), rigid, bounded,
cohesive, and move as a unit ( e.g., Spelke, 1988,
1990, 1991 ). Indeed, when infants of this age are
shown trick displays that violate any of these as-
sumptions, they indicate surprise-one could almost
say in such cases that the object concept embodied
in their evolved mechanisms causes them to "disbe-
lieve" the evidence of their senses (Leslie, 1988).
By 27 weeks, infants already analyze the motion
of inanimate objects into sub movements and use
this parsing to distinguish causal from noncausal re-
lationships (Leslie, 1988; Leslie & Keeble, 1987).
Needless to say, these are all relationships that accu-
rately reflect the evolutionarily long-enduring struc-
ture of the world.
A. Brown ( 1990) has shown that early causal
principles such as "no action at a distance" guide
learning about tool use in children as young as 18
months; these children categorize tools for use ac-
cording to functional properties (e.g., has a hooked
end for pulling) over nonfunctional properties (e.g.,
color). In contrast, the same children have great dif-
ficulty learning how to use a tool when its mecha-
nism of action appears to violate one of their con-
cepts about physical causality-concepts that mirror
certain aspects of Newtonian mechanics.
Very young children also make sharp distinc-
tions between the animate and inanimate worlds.
Throughout our evolutionary history, being an ani-
mal has been reliably-if imperfectly-correlated with
self-generated motion, whereas inanimate objects
rarely move unless acted upon by an outside force.
Recent research suggests that young children use this
cue to distinguish the animate from the inanimate
worlds, and make very different inferences about the
two (Gelman, 1990b; Premack, 1990). More gener-
ally, experiments by Keil ( 1989) and others indicate
that the kind of infer- ences children spontaneously
make about "natural kinds," such as animals, plants,
and substances, differ sharply from those they are
willing to make about human-made artifacts. Natu-
ral kinds are viewed as having invisible "essences"
that bear a causal relation to their perceptual at-
tributes, whereas artifacts are defined by how their
perceptual attributes subserve their (intended) func-
tion. In an important series of experiments, Gelman
and Markman ( 1986, 1987; Markman, 1989) found
that natural kinds were a powerful organizer of in-
ference in young children. In general, being a mem-
ber of a natural kind carries more inferential weight
than being perceptually similar. In addition, children
give more weight to natural kind membership when
reasoning about traits that actually are more likely to
vary as a function of membership in a natural kind,
such as breathing, than when reasoning about traits
that are more to vary as a function of perceptual sim-
ilarity, such as weight or visibility at night (for sum-
mary, see Markman, 1989).
These principles apply far beyond these few sim-
ple cases. The world is full of long enduring struc-
ture, and the mind appears to be full of correspond-
ing mechanisms that use these structural features
to solve a diverse array of adaptive problems: ge-
ometrical and physical relationships that shape the
probability of various trajectories (Shepard, 1984
), biomechanically possible and impossible motions
(Shiffrar & Freyd, 1990), momentum effects on tra-
jectories (Freyd, 1987), correlations between the in-
gestion of plant toxins and teratogenesis (Profet,
1988, this volume), privileged relationships between
the gravitational field and the orientation of ob-
jects in the world (Triesman, 1977), and on and on.
It is only for expository convenience that we have
mostly focused on mechanisms bearing on catego-
rization and inference ("knowledge"), rather than on
motivation, emotion, and decision making ("value").
The structure of the world is reflected in the nature
of behavior-regulating systems as well because the
long-term statistical structure of the world system-
atically creates relationships between choices and
adaptive consequences. (For a discussion of how
emotional adaptations reflect the relationship be-
tween decisions and the detailed structure of an-
cestral conditions, see Tooby & Cosmides, 1990b.)
Mind/world relationships extend all the way from
the ease with which people acquire fears of spiders
and snakes (Marks, 1987; Seligman, 1971 ), to the
more subtle impact that aesthetic factors have on
habitat choice and wayfinding (Kaplan, this volume;
Orians & Heerwagen, this volume), to the relative
unwillingness of adults to have sex with people with
whom they co-resided for long periods during child-
hood (McCabe, 1983; Parker & Parker, 1986; Past-
ner, 1986; Shepher, 1983; Westermarck, 1891; Wolf,
1966, 1968; Wolf& Huang, 1980; N. W. Thornhill,
1991 ), to the intensity with which parents and chil-
dren may come to love each other (Bowlby, 1969), to
the often violent passions humans exhibit when they
discover the existence of spousal infidelity (Daly &
Wilson, 1988; Wilson & Daly,
this volume). For those who study psycho-
logical adaptations, the long-enduring structure of
the world provides a deeply illuminating source of
knowledge about the evolved architecture of the
mind. As Shepard has so eloquently put it, there has
been the evolution of a mesh between the principles
of the mind and the regularities of the world, such
that our minds reflect many properties of the world
(Shepard, 1987a). Many statistical and structural
relationships that endured across human evolution
were "detected" by natural selection, which designed
corresponding computational machinery that is spe-
cialized to use these regularities to generate knowl-
edge and decisions that would have been adaptive
in the EEA. Because the enduring structure of ances-
tral environments caused the design of psychologi-
cal adaptations, the careful empirical investigation
of the structure of environments, from a perspective
that focuses on adaptive problems and outcomes,
can provide powerful guidance in the exploration
of the mind. The long-term structure of the ances-
tral world is worth knowing, worth studying, and
worth relating to psychology. This realization vastly
widens the scope of information that can be brought
to bear on questions in psychology: Evolutionary
biology, paleoanthropology, hunter-gatherer studies,
behavioral ecology, botany, medicine, nutrition, and
many other fields can be mined for information that
suggests specific hypotheses, guides one toward pro-
ductive experimentation, and informs one about the
broad array of functionally specialized mechanisms
that are likely to be present. The stuff of the mind is
the stuff of the world, and so the investigation of the
rich structure of the world provides a clearly observ-
able and empirically tractable-if not royal-road into
the hidden countries of the mind.
Approaching the coordination between the struc-
ture of the ancestral world and the design features of
adaptations with an engineering sensibility is what
gives empirical specificity and inferential power to
evolutionary functional analysis. The following are
five structured components that can be fit together
in such an analysis.
I. An adaptive target: a description of what counts
as a biologically successful out- come in a given situ-
ation. Out of the infinite set of potential behavioral
sequences, which small subset would count as a so-
lution to the adaptive problem? Here, one wants to
know which behavioral outcomes will have the prop-
erty of enhancing the propagation of the psychologi-
cal designs that gave rise to them. For example, out
of all the substances in the world, which should the
organism eat and which should it avoid? With whom
should the organism mate? How much parental care
should it devote to each offspring? When should the
organism join a coalition? What inferences should
be drawn on the basis of the retinal display about
the location of various surfaces? In defining an adap-
tive target, the goal is to ascertain whether the pro-
posed behavioral outcome, in combination with all
the other activities and outcomes produced by the
organism, will enhance design propagation under
ancestral conditions.
2. Background conditions: a description of the re-
current structure of the ancestral world that is rel-
evant to the adaptive problem. One wants to know
what features of the ancestral world were sufficiently
stable to support the evolution of a design that could
produce an adaptive targe1. This could be apart of
the external environment, another part of the stan-
dard design of the organism, or a combination of the
two. This includes the information available to solve
the problem, the environmental and endogenous ob-
stacles to solving the problem, and so on. So, for ex-
ample, the regular spatial orientation of human eyes
with respect to each other, the face, and the ground
constitute background conditions for the evolution
of face recognition mechanisms in infants. Often,
but not always, the ancestral world will be similar
to the modern world ( e.g., the properties of light
and the laws of optics have not changed). However,
one needs to know something about hunter-gatherer
studies and paleoanthropology to know when an-
cestral conditions germane to the adaptive problem
diverge from modern conditions. Of course, when
there is a difference between the two, ancestral con-
ditions are the applicable ones for the purpose of
analyzing the functional design of an adaptation be-
cause they are the cause of that design. Modern envi-
ronments are relevant to the analysis of the ontogeny
of mechanisms and their calibration. It is important
to keep in mind that a mechanism that was capable
of producing an adaptive target under ancestral con-
ditions may not be capable of doing so under modern
ones. Our visual system fails to maintain color con-
stancy under sodium vapor lamps in modern park-
ing lots (Shepard, this volume), and attempting to
understand color constancy mechanisms under such
unnatural illumination would have been a major im-
pediment to progress.
I 3. A design: a description of the articulated or-
ganization of recurrent features in the organism that
together comprise the adaptation or suspected adap-
tation. A design description of the eye, for example,
would include a specification of its species-typical
parts and the manner in which they interact to pro-
duce an adaptive target.
The design-or even the existence-of a proposed
information-processing mechanism is frequently un-
known. Indeed, an appropriate functional descrip-
tion of a design is often what one is trying to dis-
cover. When this is the case, this step in an evolution-
ary functional analysis would be the construction of
a hypothesis about the existence and design features
of a psychological adaptation. This might include
what environmental cues the mechanism monitors,
what information it draws from other mechanisms,
how it categorizes and represents this information,
what procedures or decision rules transform the in-
formational input, what kinds of representations or
behaviors it produces as output, which mechanisms
use its output for further processing, how its output
is used by other mechanisms to generate behavior,
and so on. The more causally explicit one can make
the design description at the cognitive level, the bet-
ter. Eventually, one hopes to have a description of the
neurobiological implementation of the adaptation as
4. A performance examination: a description of
what happens when the proposed adaptation mech-
anistically interacts with the world. What range of
outcomes does the design actually produce? Like
putting a new aircraft prototype in a wind tunnel,
what one is looking for is a good causal or "engineer-
ing" analysis of how the proposed design actually
performs under conditions that are representative of
situations our ancestors routinely faced, and how it
performs under present conditions as well. For a pro-
posed language acquisition device, for example, one
wants to model how its information- processing pro-
cedures perform when they encounter normal lin-
guistic environments, in order to see whether the in-
teraction of procedures and environment assembles
an increasingly elaborated computational system ca-
pable of producing intelligible and grammatical sen-
tences. Similarly, one wants to model how psycho-
logical mechanisms in women or men interact with
their social and informational environments to pro-
duce mating preferences. We want to emphasize that
we are looking here for a mechanistic or causal de-
scription of how the system generates output given
input. statements like, "the human child learns its
culture through imitation and generalization " are
not models of how input generates output. They are
too unspecified to qualify as hypotheses or explana-
tions; we should have ceased treating them as such
a long time ago.
5. A performance evaluation: a description or
analysis of how well (or how poorly) the design, un-
der circumstances paralleling ancestral conditions,
managed to produce the adaptive target (the set of
biologically successful outcomes). The better the
mechanism performs, the more likely it is that one
has identified an adaptation.
It is just as important, however, to see whether
the proposed mechanism produces the behaviors one
actually observes from real organisms under mo-
dem conditions. If it does, this suggests that the
researcher is converging on a correct description of
the design of the mechanisms involved, whether they
are producing behavior that is currently adaptive or
not. The Westermarck incest avoidance mechanism,
for example, passes both tests. It produces adaptive
outcomes under ancestral (and many modem) con-
ditions (e.g., distaste for sex between siblings who
co-resided as children), and it also explains the non-
adaptive outcomes that are observed under certain
modem conditions ( e.g., distaste for sex between
kibbutz creche mates who co-resided as children
[Shepher, 1983]; distaste for sex with spouses who
were adopted into one’s family at a young age and
with whom one was raised [Wolf & Huang, 1980)).
In short, an evolutionary functional analysis con-
sists of asking a series of engineering questions:
Would the proposed design have interacted with
properties of the ancestral world to produce target
adaptive outcomes? Does the proposed design inter-
act with properties of the modern world to produce
outcomes that one actually observes in real organ-
isms, whether these outcomes are adaptive or not? Is
there an alternative design that is better able to gen-
erate adaptive targets under ancestral conditions? If
so, then are there any background conditions that
one has overlooked that would have prevented the
alternative design from evolving? And so on.
Natural selection is the process that shapes biolog-
ical form to match function, and this link between
form and function has been a critically illuminat-
ing relationship in thousands of applications. Ever
since Harvey’s question about why there were valves
in the veins led him to discover the circulation of
the blood, functional questions about organismic de-
sign have been a powerful engine for the discovery of
new knowledge (Mayr, 1983). Those even distantly
connected to organismic biology have become aware
of the spectacular functionalist revolution that has
transformed the field over the last 30 years, placing
adaptationism on anew and far more rigorous foun-
dation (Hamilton, 1964; Maynard Smith, 1982; see,
especially, Williams, 1966). The reason why Lewon-
tin and Gould’s accusation (famous among social sci-
entists) that adaptationism consists of post hoc sto-
rytelling has so resoundingly failed to impress prac-
ticing evolutionary biologists is that they saw on a
daily basis that adaptationism was anything but post
hoc (Gould & Lewontin, 1979; for discussion, see
Pinker & Bloom, this volume). Simply put, an expla-
nation for a fact by a theory cannot be post hoc if
the fact was unknown until after it was predicted by
the theory and if the reason the fact is known at all
is because of the theory. Functionalist analysis in bi-
ology has motivated thousands of predictions about
new and critical phenomena, whose subsequent dis-
covery confirmed the productivity of the emerging
paradigm. Lewontin and Gould’s critique has pri-
marily impressed those outside of evolutionary and
organismic biology who have not been exposed on a
professional basis to the flood of new findings that
were both generated and economically organized by
the newly emerging functionalist principles.
When they are linked together, the five compo-
nents outlined above not only pro- vide a frame-
work for the explanation of facts that are already
known; they also form a powerful heuristic system
for the generation of new knowledge. Depending
on which questions you need answered and what in-
formation you already have, you can put these re-
lationships to a number of richly productive alter-
native uses. For example, if you are trying to dis-
cover the structure of unknown psychological mech-
anisms, you first need to integrate steps land 2 to-
gether into a definition of an adaptive problem (what
Marr called a computational theory or task analysis;
Marr, 1982). You need to determine things such as
what information was routinely available in the en-
vironment and in the organism to solve the problem
(step 2), and what outcomes constituted a success-
ful solution to the problem (step 1 ). From this,
you can begin to develop hypotheses about the na-
ture of the information-processing mechanisms that
might have evolved to solve the problem, and then
empirically test for their presence. (For a discussion
of this approach, see Marr, 1982, and Cosmides &
Tooby, 1987. For some applications of this approach
to specific psychological problems: on vision, see
Marr, 1982; on mechanisms specialized for reason-
ing about social exchange, see Cosmides, 1989, Cos-
mides & Tooby, 1989, this volume, and Gigerenzer
& Hug, in press; on mechanisms regulating parental
solicitude, see Mann, this volume, and Daly & Wil-
son, 1988). In short, by using steps 1 and 2, one can
create a hypothesis about function that leads to the
discovery of form. This use of the elements of evolu-
tionary functional analysis guides the researcher step
by step from a definition of an adaptive problem to
the discovery and mapping of the mechanisms that
solve it.
An alternative starting point is step 3: a well-
specified candidate hypothesis about the structure of
an information-processing mechanism. So, for ex-
ample, you might hypothesize that operant condi-
tioning explains the acquisition of natural language
grammars. To proceed with an evolutionary func-
tional analysis, you would then need to develop a
description of the relevant environmental features
(step 2) and define what counts as a successful out-
come (step 1 ). You would then proceed to steps
4 and 5-performance examination and evaluation.
If your hypothesis about design is correct, then the
step 4 performance examination will reveal that the
design’s interaction with the relevant environment
features is at least capable of producing a success-
ful outcome. The performance evaluation of step 5
will allow you to determine whether the design hy-
pothesized in step 3 is better at producing adaptive
outcomes than alter- native designs.
We will refer to the application of steps 4 and 5
as the solvability criterion: To be correct, a cognitive
adaptation must be capable of solving the proposed
problem or generating behavior that we know hu-
mans routinely perform and of doing so given the
relevant background conditions. Although this may
seem like an obvious step, theories in psychology
are rarely evaluated in this way, which has allowed
entire research communities to labor under the im-
pression that, say, associationism or imitation con-
stitute effective explanations of the phenomena they
studied. Such tests of computational performance-or
learnability analyses as they are called when applied
to learning tasks-were pioneered in psycholinguistics
by Pinker and colleagues ( 1979, 1984, 1989, 1991;
Pinker & Prince, 1988; Wexler & Culicover, 1980) in
order to evaluate which theories of language acqui-
sition could actually account for the fact that chil-
dren learn the language of their local community. By
using this method one can, in fact, rule out entire
classes of theories as inadequate, without having to
empirically test each one of an inexhaustible set of
trivial variants. Because there are an infinite num-
ber of alternative theories, empirical falsification is
not by itself a practical research strategy; it must be
combined with other sources of valid inference if one
is to be able to draw larger and more interesting con-
clusions. For psychologists, the analysis of computa-
tional performance is one way of doing this.
Yet another approach to evolutionary functional
analysis begins with noting the existence of a com-
plexly articulated and recurrent phenotypic pattern-
for example, eyes, teeth, pregnancy sickness, or
sexualjealousy-and investigating whether it might be
the expression of an adaptation (Williams, 1966, p.
10). In such cases, one is following the logic in yet
another direction: Given a known phenotypic struc-
ture (step 3), one dissects the environment (step 2)
and the requirements for reproduction (step 1 ), to
find out whether they compose a well-defined adap-
tive problem for which the reliable outcomes of the
design (step 4) constitute a well-engineered solution
(step 5). Profet’s proposal that pregnancy sickness
constitutes an adaptation to limit maternal ingestion
ofteratogens during the most vulnerable phases of
embryogenesis is an excel- lent application of this ap-
proach (Profet, this volume). It should be stressed
that this is the only type of functionalist analysis
to which Gould and Lewontin’s accusation of post
hoc storytelling could possibly apply, even in prin-
ciple, since it is the only one that works backward
from known facts about phenotypic design. Yet, even
here, the critique could only apply if all facts about
the environment, the other parts of the organism,
and the structure believed to be an adaptation were
known in advance. In practice, this is never the
case. This form-to-function approach is just as pro-
ductive as the others because it leads to the predic-
tion and organization of previously unknown facts,
usually about additional design features of the or-
ganism as well as about the recurrent structure of
the world. For example, the study of the visual sys-
tem has profited immensely from the fact that sci-
entists knew that the eye exists and that the visual
system’s function is to perform scene analysis given
data transduced by the eye. Indeed, the functional-
ist approach to the study of vision has generated one
of the most sophisticated and least ad hoc bodies of
knowledge in psychology. As Mayr put it, summariz-
ing the historical record in response to accusations
that adaptationist research was simply post hoc sto-
rytelling, "The adaptationist question, ’What is the
function of a given structure or organ?’ has been for
centuries the basis for every advance in physiology"
( 1983, p. 32). Adaptationist principles can provide
equally powerful guidance for research in psychol-
ogy as well.
Even if every aspect of a mechanism were already
known, examining the detailed transactions between
selected features of the environment and selected
parts of the mechanism would clarify many features
of its functional organization, such as which aspects
of the design perform the work ( e.g., which aspects
of pregnancy sickness cause the mother to avoid in-
gesting teratogens) and which are functionless or
even harmful side effects (such as calorie reduction
during the first trimester). Naturally, the form- to-
function approach does include the risk of answering
the post hoc "why" question that Gould and Lewon-
tin so disdain; that is, of explaining why already
known features of biological designs came to be as
they are. But even physics and geology run the "risk"
of addressing such Kiplingesque post hoc questions
as why Mercury has an orbit that deviates from the
predictions of Newtonian mechanics, why Asia has
the Himalayas, or why the universe has its present
set of four interactions, temporal asymmetry, back-
ground radiation, and particle distribution. In sci-
ence, this is usually called "explanation."
Development from an Adaptationist Perspec-
The recognition that organisms are integrated col-
lections of problem-solving mechanisms organized
to propagate their designs brings with it an adap-
tationist framing of development. An adaptation is,
by its nature, an improbably good organization of
elements and so will not often spontaneously come
into existence merely by chance. Instead, for adap-
tations to exist, they must be specifically constructed
from the materials present in evolutionarily normal
environments. Accordingly, the developmental pro-
grams and machinery responsible for assembling an
adaptation correctly are also adaptations. As adapta-
tions, they themselves have complex structures that
assume and require recurrent features of the world,
and that interact with this recurrent structure to pro-
duce biologically functional targeted outcomes.
Hence, the primary function or target of develop-
mental adaptations (which include the genes) is to
reconstruct in offspring the evolved functional or-
ganization that was present in their parents, which
is predominantly species-typical design. The genes
and the mechanisms of genetic transmission are, of
course, adaptations to the problem of faithfully repli-
cating into the offspring critical information neces-
sary to reconstruct this design. The genes come
embedded in a matrix of cellular and developmen-
tal machinery constituting an additional set of adap-
tations that use the genetic structure as regulatory
elements to institute and to guide the bryogenesis
and subsequent development along species-standard
pathways. For this reason, it is useful to think of
the genes together with the developmental machin-
ery as one integrated suite of adaptations-the devel-
opmental programs-and to distinguish the minor id-
iosyncratic features of an individual’s genes and zy-
gotic machinery from the recurrent or species-typical
dimensions that have endured long enough to have
been organized by natural selection. The latter spec-
ify the species-standard physiological and psycholog-
ical architecture visible in all humans raised in nor-
mal environments, whereas the former specify the
usually minor perturbations within that architecture
(Tooby & Cosmides, 1990a).
Why do we so often connect complex adapta-
tions or evolved architectures with concepts such as
species-typical, human universal, species-standard,
recurrent, and so on? This is because when humans
are described from the point of view of their complex
adaptations, differences tend to disappear, and a uni-
versal architecture stands out in stark relief. This is
both empirically the case (nearly everyone has two
eyes, two hands, the same sets of organs, and so
on) and theoretically expected to be the case if or-
ganisms are primarily collections of complex adap-
tations. The logic is straightforward (Tooby & Cos-
mides, 1990a; see also Tooby, 1982):
1. A species is a group of organisms with a com-
mon history of interbreeding and a continuing ability
to interbreed to form offspring who can typically re-
produce at least as well as their parents.
2. To survive and reproduce in a complex world,
organisms need complex problem-solving machinery
(complex adaptations).
3. Complex adaptations are intricate machines
that require complex "blueprints" at the genetic level.
This means that they require coordinated gene ex-
pression, involving hundreds or thousands of genes
to regulate their development.
4. Sexual reproduction automatically breaks apart
existing sets of genes and randomly generates in the
offspring new, never before existing combinations of
genes at those loci that vary from individual to indi-
5. If genes differed from individual to individual
in ways that significantly impacted the developed de-
sign of the component parts of complex adaptations,
then existing genetic combinations whose developed
expressions had fit together into complex adapta-
tions would be pulled apart by sexual recombina-
tion. Equally, new combinations would be thrown
randomly together, resulting in phenotypes whose
parts were functionally incompatible. This is because
parts in any complex machine are functionally inter-
dependent: If you tried to build anew car engine out
of a mixture of parts from a Ronda and a Toyota, the
parts would not fit together. To build anew engine
whose component parts fit together, you would have
to salvage parts from two "parents" that were of the
same make and model.
6. Because sexual recombination is a random pro-
cess, it is improbable that all of the genes necessary
for a complex adaptation would be together in the
same individual if the genes coding for the compo-
nents of complex adaptations varied substantially be-
tween individuals.
7. Therefore, it follows that humans, and other
complex, long lived, outbreeding organisms, must be
very nearly uniform in those genes that underlie our
complex adaptations.
8. By the same token, sexually reproducing pop-
ulations of organisms freely tolerate genetic varia-
tion to the extent that this variation does not impact
the complex adaptive organization shared across in-
dividuals. To return to our car engine example, the
color of the parts is functionally irrelevant to the op-
eration of the car and so can vary arbitrarily and su-
perficially among cars of the same make and model;
but the shapes of the parts are critical to functional
performance and so cannot vary if the "offspring" de-
sign is to function successfully.
These constraints on variation apply with equal
force to psychological adaptations: Even relatively
simple cognitive programs, "mental organs," or neu-
rological structures must contain a large number of
interdependent processing steps, limiting the nature
of the variation that can exist without violating the
functional integrity of the psychological adaptation.
The psychic unity of humankind-that is, a universal
and uniform human nature-is necessarily imposed
to the extent and along those dimensions that our
psychologies are collections of complex adaptations.
Therefore, it is selection interacting with sexual re-
combination that tends to impose near uniformity at
the functional level in complex adaptive designs (as
well as in whatever is develop- mentally coupled to
complex functional structure). It is selection that is
responsible for what we have been calling our uni-
versal evolved psychological and physiological archi-
There is no small irony in the fact that Stan-
dard Social Science Model hostility to adaptation-
ist approaches is often justified through the accu-
sation that adaptationist approaches purportedly at-
tribute important differences between individuals,
races, and classes to genetic differences. In actual-
ity, adaptationist approaches offer the explanation
for why the psychic unity of humankind is genuine
and not just an ideological fiction; for why it applies
in a privileged way to the most significant, global,
functional, and complexly organized dimensions of
our architecture; and for why the differences among
humans that are caused by the genetic variability
that geneticists have found are so overwhelmingly
peripheralized into architecturally minor and func-
tionally superficial properties. If the antiadaptation-
ists were correct (e.g., Gould & Lewontin, 1979) and
our evolved architectures were not predominantly
sets of complex adaptations or properties develop-
mentally coupled to them, then selection would not
act to impose cross-individual uniformity, and indi-
viduals would be free to vary in important ways and
to any degree from other humans due to genetic dif-
ferences. If the world were, in fact, governed by
nonselectionist forces, then the psychic unity of hu-
mankind would simply be a fiction.
Modern geneticists, through innovative molecular
genetic techniques, have certainly discovered within
humans and other species large reservoirs of genetic
variability(Hubby & Lewontin, 1966; Lewontin &
Hubby, 1966; see reviews in Ayala, 1976, and Nevo,
1978). But it is only an adaptationist analysis that
predicts and explains why the impact of this variabil-
ity is so often limited in its scope to micro-level bio-
chemical variation, instead of introducing substan-
tial individuating design differences. The study of
the operation of selection on complex mechanisms
makes it difficult to see how more than a tiny frac-
tion of this variation could be constitutive of complex
psychological or physiological adaptations.
Thus, human design resolves itself into two pri-
mary tiers: First, an encompassing functional su-
perstructure of virtually universal, complexly artic-
ulated, adaptively organized developmental, physio-
logical, and psychological mechanisms, resting on a
universally shared genetic basis; and, second, low
level biochemical variation creating usually slight
individuating perturbations in this universal design
due to the existence of a reservoir of genetic vari-
ability in the species. There may also be some thin
films of population-specific or frequency-dependent
adaptive variation on this intricate universal struc-
ture (see, e.g., Durham, 1991; McCracken, 1971 ),
but for a number of reasons these will be very small
in magnitude next to the complex structure of a uni-
versal human nature (for discussion, see Tooby &
Cosmides, 1990a, 1990b). The primary function of
developmental adaptations is to reconstruct in each
new individual this complex, functional architecture,
and the primary focus of adaptationists is the study
of this universal structure.
The fact that humans in ordinary environments re-
liably develop a clearly recognizable species-typical
architecture should in no way be taken to imply that
any developed feature of any human is immutable
or impervious to modification or elimination by suffi-
ciently ingenious ontogenetic intervention. Nothing
about humans could possibly be immune from devel-
opmental intervention, simply because we are physi-
cal systems open to contact and manipulation by the
rest of the world; we are not some- thing made un-
alterable by inexorable supernatural predestination.
People frightened of the myth that biology is destiny
can be reassured (just as others may be alarmed) by
the fact that there are no limits to what could be
done, especially by evolutionarily novel measures:
Deliver the right quanta to the right ribosomes or
other locations at the right times and anyone or any-
thing could be successively modified into a water-
melon or an elephant. In contrast, Standard So-
cial Science Model advocates, such as Gould, tend to
equate evolved biological design with immutability
without any logical or empirical warrant. As Gould
expresses his rather magical belief, "If we are pro-
grammed to be what we are, then these traits are
ineluctable. We may, at best, channel them, but we
cannot change them either by will, education, or cul-
ture" (Gould, 1977c, p. 238).
In actuality, the very openness of development to
intervention poses a critical set of adaptive problems
for developmental adaptations. Their primary func-
tion is to successfully reconstruct each functionally
necessary detail of our species-typical architecture,
including the tens or hundreds of thousands of spe-
cific components and arrangements that endow us
with a lens, a retina, an optic nerve, language, ma-
ternal attachment, emotions, retinotopic maps, ten
fingers, a skeleton, color constancy, lungs, a rep-
resentational system embodying the implicit theory
that others have minds, an ability to cooperate, spa-
tial cognition, and so on. Each of these adaptations
constitutes a very narrow target of improbably good
functional organization. Because the world is full
of potential disruptions, there is the perennial threat
that the developmental process may be perturbed
away from the narrow targets that define mechanis-
tic workability, producing some different and non-
functional outcome. Develop- mental adaptations
are, therefore, intensely selected to evolve machin-
ery that defends the developmental process against
disruption (Waddington, 1962). Profet (this vol-
ume) provides an elegant analysis of a psychologi-
cal adaptation designed to defend against just such
threats to adaptive development, protecting embryo-
genesis from the potentially disruptive plant tox-
ins in the mother’s diet through modifying her di-
etary decisions during pregnancy. More generally
developmental programs are often designed to re-
spond to environmentally or genetically introduced
disorder through feedback-driven compensation that
redirects development back toward the successful
construction of adaptations. Thus, developmental
processes have been selected to defend themselves
against the ordinary kinds of environmental and ge-
netic variability that were characteristic of the envi-
ronment of evolutionary adaptedness, although not,
of course, against evolutionarily novel or unusual
Of course, unlike human-built machines that have
astatic architecture until they break down, organ-
isms are systematically transformed by developmen-
tal adaptations over their life histories from zygote
to senescence. Thus, the task facing developmen-
tal adaptations is not to assemble a machine of fixed
design, but rather to assemble and modify the set
of expressed adaptations according to a moving tar-
get of age, sex, and circumstance-dependent design
specifications. For example, adaptive problems are
often specific to a particular life stage, and so the or-
ganism must be developmentally timed to have the
necessary adaptations for that stage, regardless of
whether, as aside effect, they happen to appear be-
fore or persist after they are needed ( e.g., the pla-
centa, fetal hemoglobin, the sucking reflex, the abil-
ity to digest milk, the fear of strangers, ovulation, the
ability to be sexually aroused, milk production, and
so on).
Hence, the Standard Model assumption-critical
to its logic-that the mental organization present in
adults but absent from newborns must be "acquired"
from the social world has no conceptual foundation
and is, in many cases, known to be empirically false.
In the worldview of the SSSM, biological construc-
tion goes on in the uterus, but at birth the child
is "biologically complete" except for growth; at this
point, it is surrendered into the sole custody of social
forces, which do the remainder of the construction of
the individual. This, of course, reflects folk biology,
captured in the two dictionary definitions of innate
as "present from birth" and as "intrinsic." Social con-
structivist arguments frequently take the form that
because thus-and-such is absent at birth, or doesn?t
appear until after age seven, or until after puberty,
it is obviously "learned" or "socially constructed." As
a result, a common, but generally irrelevant feature
of "nativist" versus "environmentalist" debates is over
what is "present from birth." This confuses (among
other things) the question of whether something is
expressed at the time of birth with whether there ex-
ists in the individual evolved developmental mecha-
nisms that may activate and organize the expression
of an adaptation at some point in the life cycle. De-
velopmental processes continue to bring additional
adaptations on line (as well as remove them) at least
until adulthood, and there is an increasing amount of
evidence to suggest that age-driven adaptive changes
in psycho- logical architecture continue throughout
adulthood (see, e.g., Daly & Wilson, 1988). Thus,
just as teeth and breasts are absent at birth and
develop later in an individual’s life history, percep-
tual organization, domain-specific reasoning mecha-
nisms, the language acquisition device, motivational
organization, and many other intricate psychologi-
cal adaptations mature and are elaborated in age-
specific fashions that are not simply the product
of the accumulation of ?experience." Consequently,
psychological adaptations may be developmentally
timed to appear, disappear, or change operation to
mesh with the changing demands of different age-
specific tasks, such as parenting, emotional decoding
of the mother’s voice, language acquisition, species-
appropriate song learning, and so on (Daly & Wilson,
1988; Femald, this volume; Marler, 1991; Newport,
Equally, although most human psychological and
physiological adaptations appear to be sexually
monomorphic, some are obviously sexually differ-
entiated to address those adaptive problems whose
task demands were recurrently disparate for females
and males over evolutionary time ( e.g., Buss, 1987,
1989, 1991, this volume; Daly & Wilson, 1988; Ellis,
this volume; Silverman & Eals, this volume; Symons,
1979; Wilson & Daly, this volume ). For any partic-
ular gender difference, many psychologists are in-
terested in whether it was caused ( 1) by sexu-
ally monomorphic psychologies encountering differ-
ential treatment by the social world, or (2) by sex-
ually differentiated developmental mechanisms en-
countering treatment from the social world, whether
that treatment was uniform or differential. As inter-
esting as this question may be, however, the fact that
an expressed gender difference may first appear af-
ter birth, or even late in life, is evidence neither for
nor against either of these views.
For these reasons, one needs to distinguish an or-
ganism’s evolved design or species- typical architec-
ture from its "initial state" (Carey, 1985a); that is, its
state at whatever point in development one chooses
to define as "initial" (birth, conception, fetus prior to
gonadal or neural sexual differentiation, puberty, or
whatever). Not all features of evolved human de-
sign are or can be present at anyone time in anyone
individual. Thus, the genetically universal may be
developmentally expressed as different maturational
designs in the infant, the child, the adolescent, and
the adult; in females and males; or in individuals
who encounter different circumstances. Pregnancy
sickness is arguably a feature of our evolved uni-
versal design, but it does not appear in males, chil-
dren, or women who have never become pregnant;
it is only present in sexually mature women while
they are pregnant. Thus, when we use terms such
as "evolved design," "evolved architecture," or even
"species-typical," "species-standard," "universal," and
"panhuman," we are not making claims about every
human phenotype all or even some of the time; in-
stead, we are referring to the existence of evolution-
arily organized developmental adaptations, whether
they are activated or latent. Adaptations are not nec-
essarily expressed in every individual. They only
need to have been expressed often enough in our
evolutionary history to have been targets of selec-
tion, and, hence, to have been organized by se-
lection so that they reliably develop under appro-
priate circumstances. For this reason, adaptations
and adaptive architecture can be discussed and de-
scribed at (at least) two levels: ( 1) the level of
reliably achieved and expressed organization (as,
for example, in the realized structure of the eye),
and (2) at the level of the developmental programs
that construct such organization. To avoid cumber-
some expressions, we do not usually bother to ter-
minologically distinguish successfully assembled ex-
pressed adaptive architecture from the more fun-
damental developmental adaptations that construct
them. Context usually makes obvious which is being
Selection Regulates How Environments Shape
Many social and biological scientists have labored
under the false impression that only certain things
are under the "control, " or "influence," or "deter-
mination " of the genes or of biology. According
to this view, evolutionary approaches are only ap-
plicable to those traits under such "genetic control,
" and the greater the environmental influence or
control, the smaller the domain of things for which
evolutionary analyses properly apply (e.g., Sahlins,
1976a; Gould, 1977a, 1977b, 1977c; note, espe-
cially, Gould’s Standard Model contrast of "genetic
control" with the "purely cultural"). In this du-
alistic conception, the genes are "biological" and
evolved, while "the environment"- including the so-
cial environment-is nonbiological and nonevolved.
In consequence, the environment is held to be some-
thing that not only can attenuate, nullify, or even re-
verse "genetic forces" but may break the causal chain
entirely, liberating human affairs from the causal
patterning of evolution. For proponents of the SSSM,
it is self- evident that the causal forces of evolu-
tion and "biology" are located solely inside the or-
ganism and are expressed in an unadulterated form
only at birth, if then. In contrast, the causal forces
of the environment are seen as external to the or-
ganism, as having their own independent causal his-
tory, and as having no particular reason to act on
the organism in such away as to preserve or elab-
orate the organism’s initial biological organization.
In short, the environment is conceptualized as ob-
viously nonbiological in character. Development is
consequently portrayed as a process in which the
new- born organism-usually seen as a passive clay-
like object with some initial biologically given form-
is pounded or sculpted by the active and nonbiologi-
cal environment according to its accidents, structure,
or agenda. It follows from this view that biology can
only express itself in human life if it is unalterable
or at least rigid enough to resist the pounding forces
of the environment-a bombardment that begins at
birth. One might think of the stubbornly biological
aspects of human life as the hardened part of the
clay, while the more plastic parts are easily shaped
by the environment and quickly lose their initial bio-
logical form. Consequently, even if advocates of the
SSSM do not want to dichotomize traits cleanly into
two sets (e.g., hardened versus wet clay), they could
array them by this criterion as more or less biolog-
ically determined; that is, as more or less environ-
mentally influenced.
Despite its tenacity in the social sciences at large,
this Standard Model view of development has been
abandoned by many cognitive scientists and by biol-
ogists because it rests on a series of fallacies and mis-
conceptions. To begin with, despite the routine use
of such dualistic concepts and terms by large num-
bers of researchers throughout the social and bio-
logical sciences, there is nothing in the real world
that actually corresponds to such concepts as "ge-
netic determination " or "environmental determina-
tion." There is nothing in the logic of development
to justify the idea that traits can be divided into ge-
netically versus environmentally controlled sets or
arrayed along a spectrum that reflects the relative
influence of genes versus environment. And, most
critically, the image of "the environment" as a "non-
biological" causal influence that diminishes the "ini-
tial" evolved organization of humans rests on the fail-
ure to appreciate the role that the evolutionary pro-
cess plays in organizing the relationship between our
species-universal genetic endowment, our evolved
developmental processes, and the recurring features
of developmental environments.
In the first place, every feature of every pheno-
type is fully and equally codetermined by the interac-
tion of the organism’s genes (embedded in its initial
package of zygotic cellular machinery) and its onto-
genetic environments-meaning everything else that
impinges on it. By changing either the genes or the
environment any outcome can be changed, so the in-
teraction of the two is always part of every complete
explanation of any human phenomenon. As with all
interactions, the product simply can- not be sensibly
analyzed into separate genetically determined and
environmentally determined components or degrees
of influence. For this reason, everything, from the
most delicate nuance of Richard Strauss’s last per-
formance of Beethoven’s Fifth Sym. phony to the
presence of calcium salts in his bones at birth, is to-
tally and to exactly that same extent genetically and
environmentally codetermined. "Biology" cannot be
segregated off into some traits and not others.
Nevertheless, one could understand and acknowl-
edge that all human phenomen2 are generated by
gene-environment interactions, yet believe that the
existence and participation of the environment in
such interactions insulates human phenomena from
interesting evolutionary patterning. After all, if only
our genes evolved, whereas the form of the environ-
ment is generated by other processes (such as ge-
ology, cultural transmission, epidemiology, and me-
teorology) then the gene-environment interaction
seems to blunt the organizing effects evolution might
otherwise have on human life. Although this view
seems quite reasonable, a close examination of how
natural selection actually adaptively organizes gene-
environment interactions over time leads to a very
different conclusion, which might be summed up by
the counterintuitive claim that "the environment" is
just as much the product of evolution as are the
To understand why this is so, one needs to dis-
tinguish "the environment" in the sense of the real
total state of the entire universe-which, of course,
is not caused by the genes or the developmental
mechanisms of any individual-from "the environ-
ment" in the sense of those particular aspects of the
world that are rendered develop- mentally relevant
by the evolved design of an organism ’s developmen-
tal adaptations. It is this developmentally relevant
environment-the environment as interacted with by
the organism-that, in a meaningful sense, can be said
to be the product of evolution, evolving in tandem
with the organism ’s organized response to it. The
confusion of these two quite distinct senses of "envi-
ronment" has obscured the fact that the recurrent or-
ganization of the environment contributes a biolog-
ical inheritance parallel to that of the genes, which
acts co-equally with them to evolutionarily organize
the organism throughout its life.
The assumption that only the genes are evolved
reflects a widespread misconception about the way
natural selection acts. Genes are the so-called
units of selection, which are inherited, selected, or
eliminated, and so they are indeed something that
evolves. But every time one gene is selected over
another, one design for a develop- mental program
is selected over another as well; by virtue of its
structure, this developmental program interacts with
some aspects of the environment rather than others,
rendering certain environmental features causally
relevant to development. So, step by step, as natu-
ral selection constructs the species’ gene set (chosen
from the available mutations), it constructs in tan-
dem the species’ developmentally relevant environ-
ment (selected from the set of all properties of the
world). Thus, both the genes and the developmen-
tally relevant environment are the product of evolu-
Even more crucially, by selecting one developmen-
tal program over another, the evolutionary process
is also selecting the mechanisms that determine how
the organ- ism will respond to environmental input,
including environmental input that varies. A devel-
opmental mechanism, by virtue of its physical de-
sign, embodies a specification for how each possible
state of the developmental environment is to be re-
sponded to, if encountered. This is a central but little
understood point: There is nothing "in " the environ-
ment that by itself organizes or explains the devel-
opment, psychology, morphology, or behavior of any
organism. "The" environment affects different organ-
isms in different ways. We find the smell of dung re-
pellent; dung flies are attracted to it. Temperature
at incubation determines the sex of an alligator, but
not of a human (Bull, 1983). A honeybee larva that
is fed Royal Jelly will become a queen bee rather
than a sterile worker, but Royal Jelly will not have
this effect on a human baby. Many bats navigate by
sound echoes that humans cannot even hear. Rats
have an elaborate sense of smell, which their food
choice mechanisms use, but their navigation mecha-
nisms ignore smell cues entirely in favor of geomet-
ric cues (Gallistel, 1990). Indeed, this last exam-
ple shows that the developmentally relevant environ-
ment is not just organism-specific, it is mechanism-
specific. In other words, the actual relationship be-
tween environmental conditions and developmental
outcomes is created by the design of the develop-
mental procedures that exist in the organism and,
within the limit of the physically possible, mecha-
nisms could be designed into the system to create a
causal relationship between any imaginable environ-
mental input and any imaginable output. In princi-
ple, genetic engineers could build honeybee larvae
that develop into workers if, and only if, they are ex-
posed to recitations of Allen Ginsberg’s "Howl."
Aside from physical necessity, then, it is the
evolved design of the organism that decides what or-
ganized consequences the environment can have on
it. The rules that govern how environments impact
the developing organism have themselves evolved
and have been shaped by selection. Consequently,
the evolutionary process deter- mines how the en-
vironment shapes the organism. Over evolutionary
time, genetic variation in developmental programs
(with selective retention of advantageous variants),
explores sampled properties out of the total environ-
ment potentially available to be interacted with. This
process discovers which recurrent features are useful
in the task of organizing and calibrating psycholog-
ical adaptations and which recur- rent features are
unreliable or disruptive. It renders the latter irrele-
vant to development.
A natural response is to claim that although the
genes are highly stable, replicated with few muta-
tions from generation to generation, the environ-
ment is volatile, rendering any developmental pro-
cess coordinating the two ineffectual. Once again,
how- ever, our intuitions are not a privileged per-
spective from which one can declare the world to be
either stable or variable. Whether the world is "sta-
ble" or "variable" depends on the categorization sys-
tem used or, to put it another way, on which parts of
the world are selected to be processed by a mecha-
Consider, for example, the following thought ex-
periment. Imagine that an identical pool shot is
set up every generation on a rather odd pool table.
Three of the four cushions wobble continuously and
unpredictably, but one happens to be stable. The
"genes" determine the exact direction the cue ball
is hit each time, while the "environment" (i.e., the
angle of the cushions when struck) determines how
the shot will be reflected back. Whether a particu-
lar shot successfully sinks the target ball in a pocket
(i.e., whether it achieves the adaptive target) is de-
termined by the interaction of the direction of the
shot and the orientation of the cushion at the time
the ball hits it (i.e., the interaction of genes and envi-
ronment determine the outcome). Assume also that
there is variation in the direction of the shot (i.e., in
the "genes") and that successful shots cause genes to
be retained.
Over the long run, feedback-driven selection will
come to determine which direction the ball is hit.
In determining this direction, it will also end up se-
lecting the stable cushion for the bank shot, and not
the wildly oscillating ones. It will end up directing
the shot at exactly that spot along the stable cushion
from which the shots are stably successful.
Similarly, selection will design developmental
adaptations that respond to those aspects of the
world that have a relatively stable recurrent struc-
ture, such that the mesh between the two will re-
liably produce design-propagating outcomes. Just
as selection has acted on genetic systems to keep
mutations to tolerable levels, selection has acted to
"choose" the more stable parts of the environment
to render developmentally relevant, such that these
aspects of the environment stably mesh with devel-
opmental pro- grams to produce reliably developing
adaptive architectures.
The Standard Model framing says that the world
pre-exists and is not caused by the organism, so
that the world’s effect on the organism will have no
particular tendency to organize the developing or-
ganism according to any evolved or adaptive pat-
tern. Equally, the pool-table cushion pre-existed each
shot and was not created by them, and the laws
of physics determined how each shot would be re-
flected back. So, in a static SSSM analysis, it is self-
evident that the outcome is the mixture of two fac-
tors, one "biological" and one "nonbiological," with
the nonbiological diluting, obliterating, or even re-
versing the biological. In contrast, an evolutionary
analysis points out that the shot, through its careful
targeting, picked out the particular cushion hit and
the exact location hit. Over time, the selective reten-
tion of successful shots will organize the effect that
the pre-existing environment had on the trajectories
of the shots and the outcome of the game. The pre-
existing structure of the world was exploited to im-
pose an organization on the outcome that it would
not otherwise have had.
In this same fashion, the evolutionary process ex-
plores and sifts the environment for aspects that
will usefully organize the developing organism. The
evolutionary process puts to work sources of or-
ganization and information anywhere they are un-
earthed, whether in the genes or in the environ-
ment, in a mother’s smile or in a companion’s ex-
pression of surprise. Selection has crafted the de-
sign of the develop- mental programs so that or-
ganisms tap into these reservoirs of information or
hook themselves to environmental forces that help
to construct them. Thus, the genomes of organisms
have evolved to "store" organization and informa-
tion that is necessary or helpful for development in
the structure of the world itself. For example, for
a developing child, the information in the minds of
other humans, properly used, is a very useful source
of information to use in their development, as are
the linguistic patterns encountered in the local lan-
guage community and patterns in local social behav-
ior. Natural selection has intricately orchestrated de-
velopmental mechanisms so that things in the de-
velopmentally relevant world have been assigned an
appropriate causal role, from gravity, plants, and
three-dimensionality, to language, mothers, and so-
cial groups. Evolution shapes the relationship be-
tween the genes and the environment such that they
both participate in a coordinated way in the con-
struction and calibration of adaptations. Thus, evo-
lutionarily patterned structure is coming in from the
environment, just as much as it is coming out from
the genes.
Accordingly, "biology" is not some substance that
is segregated or localized inside the initial state of
the organism at birth, circumscribing the domain to
which evolutionary analyses apply. It is also in the
organization of the developmentally relevant world
itself, when viewed from the perspective imposed by
the evolved developmental mechanisms of the or-
ganism. Thus, nothing the organism interacts with
in the world is nonbiological to it, and so for hu-
mans cultural forces are biological, social forces are
biological, physical forces are biological, and so on.
The social and cultural are not alternatives to the bi-
ological. They are aspects of evolved human biology
and, hence, they are the kinds of things to which
evolutionary analysis can properly be applied.
Social scientists need to recognize that humans
have evolved to expect, rely on, and take advan-
tage of the richly structured participation of the
environment-including the human social and cul-
tural environment-in the task of adaptive develop-
ment. Our developmental and psychological pro-
grams evolved to invite the social and cultural
worlds in, but only the parts that tended, on balance,
to have adaptively useful effects. Programs gov-
erning psychological development impose concep-
tual frame- works on the cultural and social worlds;
choose which parts of the environment are moni-
tored; choose how observations and interactions are
categorized, represented, and interrelated; decide
what entities to pursue interactions with; and, most
importantly, determine what algorithms or relation-
ships will organize environmental input into devel-
opmental change or psychological output. Conse-
quently, the study of developmental adaptations is
a central branch of evolutionary psychology. Under-
standing these adaptations will make visible the sub-
tly stable structure of the developmentally relevant
world and illuminate the evolutionary patterning in
how human beings respond to smiles, to language,
and to the cultural knowledge in others’ minds. Each
human, by expressing his or her species-typical ar-
chitecture, contributes to the environmental regular-
ities that others inhabit and rely on for their devel-
For these reasons, it is a complete misconception
to think that an adaptationist perspective denies or
in the least minimizes the role of the environment
in human development, psychology, behavior, or so-
cial life. Environmentalists have been completely
correct about the importance of environmental in-
put in the explanation of human behavior. Humans
more richly and complexly engage the variable fea-
tures of the environment than any other species we
know of. It is this perception that has maintained en-
vironmentalism as the predominant viewpoint in the
social sciences, despite its crippling inadequacies as
an analytic framework. The terms "culture," "social-
ization," "intelligence," and "learning" are labels for
poorly understood families of processes that reflect
this complex and overwhelming human engagement
with environ- mental inputs. Any viable theory of
the evolved architecture of humans must reflect
l this reality and must be environmentalist in
this sense. As discussed, the incoherence of Stan-
dard Model environmentalism stems from ( I) the
widespread failure to recognize that environmental
responsiveness requires a complex evolved design
(expressible as either a set of developmental adap-
tations or as a reliably developing psychological ar-
chitecture; (2) the refusal to investigate or specify
the nature of this architecture or these programs;
and (3) the failure to recognize that the regulatory
structure of these programs specifies the relationship
between environmental input and behavioral, devel-
opmental, or psychological output.
f For social scientists, of course, this recognition
requires a radical change in practice: Every "en-
vironmentalist" explanation about the influence of
a given part of the environment on humans will-
if it is to be considered coherent-need to be ac-
companied by a specific "nativist" hypothesis about
the evolved developmental and psychological mech-
anisms that forge the relationship between the en-
vironmental input and the hypothesized psychologi-
cal output. All "environmentalist" theories necessar-
ily depend upon and invoke "nativist" theories, ren-
dering environmentalism and nativism interdepen-
dent doctrines, rather than opposed ones. For post-
Standard Model researchers, these incoherent tradi-
tional dichotomies (genetic/environmental, biologi-
cal/social, nativist/environmental) are being aban-
doned, as is reflected, for example, in the title of
a recent article, "Learning by instinct" (1. Gould &
Marler, 1987).
The Impact of the Recurrent Structure of Hu-
man Life and Human Culture on the Design of
Psychological Adaptations
The evolved mesh between the information-
processing design of human psychological adapta-
tions, their developmentally relevant environments,
and the stably recurring structure of humans and
their environments is pivotal to understanding how
an evolutionary psychological approach to culture
differs from that of the Standard Social Science
Model. For traditional anthropologists, cultures vary
from place to place, and there is nothing privi-
leged about a conceptual framework that catego-
rizes human thought and action so as to capture
underlying patterns of cross-cultural uniformity, as
against the infinite class of perspectives by which hu-
man thought and behavior appear everywhere dif-
ferent (Geertz, 1973, 1983, 1984; see D. E. Brown,
1991, for a critique of this view). Nevertheless,
from the "point of view" of natural selection, such
uniformities-however subtle and unimportant to pro-
fessionally neutral anthropological minds-are indeed
privileged, and for a very simple reason. However
varig’Qle cultures and habitats may have been dur-
ing human evolution, selection would have sifted hu-
man social and cultural life (as well as everything
else) for obvious or subtle statistical and structural
regularities, building psychological adaptations that
exploited some subset of these regularities to solve
adaptive problems. (As we will discuss, one of the
problems that had to be solved using regularities was
the problem of learning "culture" itself.)
Thus, Geertz’s starting point, that humans have
evolved to use culture, is obviously true (although
not in the slavish sense he envisions). But the next
step in his logic- that humans don’t have general cul-
tures, only particular ones, and so evolved to real-
ize themselves only through cultural particularity-is
the error of naive realism. No instance of anything
is intrinsically (much less exclusively) either "gen-
eral" or "particular"-these are simply different lev-
els at which any system of categorization encoun-
ters the same world. When you meet Roger Shep-
ard you are, at one and the same time, meeting
both a particular (and distinctive) individual and
a manifestation of humanity in general, embody-
ing innumerable species-typical characteristics. So
it is with cultures. Selection operated across ances-
tral hominid populations according to what were,
in effect, systems of categorization, screening cross-
cultural variability for any recurrent relationships
that were relevant to the solution of adaptive prob-
lems. To be thoroughly metaphorical, natural se-
lection scrutinized the structure of human cultural
and social environments, searching for regularities
that could be used to engineer into our evolved ar-
chitecture effective techniques for adaptive problem-
solving. Thus, the issue is: During the Pleistocene,
were there any statistical and structural uniformi-
ties to human life from culture to culture and habitat
to habitat, from any perspective-no matter how sub-
tle or abstract or unobservable-that could have been
used by species-typical problem-solving machinery
for the adaptive regulation of behavior and physiol-
ogy? Geertz sees (modern) cultures as irredeemably
particularized, confidently dismissing talk of mean-
ingful human universals as nearly vacuous. Did nat-
ural selection "see" the human world the same way?
The answer is obvious, once the question is asked.
Anthropological orthodoxy to the contrary, human
life is full of structure that recurs from culture to
culture, just as the rest of the world is. (Or, if
one prefers, there are innumerable frames of refer-
ence within which meaningful cross-cultural unifor-
mities appear, and many of these statistical unifor-
mities and structural regularities could potentially
have been used to solve adaptive problems.) Exactly
which regularities are, in fact, part of the develop-
mentally relevant environment that is used by our
universal architectures is a matter to be empirically
determined on a mechanism-by-mechanism, case-
by-case basis. Such statistical and structural reg-
ularities concerning humans and human social life
are an immensely and indefinitely large class (D. E.
Brown, 1991): adults have children; humans have
a species-typical body form; humans have character-
istic emotions; humans move through a life history
cued by observable body changes; humans come in
two sexes; they eat food and are motivated to seek it
when they lack it; humans are born and eventually
die; they are related through sexual reproduction
and through chains of descent; they turn their eyes
toward objects and events that tend to be informa-
tive about adaptively consequential issues; they of-
ten compete, contend, or fight over limited social or
subsistance resources; they express fear and avoid-
ance of dangers; they preferentially associate with
mates, children, and other kin; they create and main-
tain enduring, mutually beneficial individuated rela-
tionships with nonrelatives; they speak; they create
and participate in coalitions; they desire, plan, de-
ceive, love, gaze, envy, get ill, have sex, play, can be
injured, are satiated; and on and on. Our immensely
elaborate species-typical physiological and psycho-
logical architectures not only constitute regularities
in themselves but they impose within and across cul-
tures all kinds of regularities on human life, as do
the common features of the environments we inhabit
(see D. E. Brown, 1991, for an important exploration
of the kinds and significance of human universals).
Human developmental mechanisms have been
born into one cultural environment or another hun-
dreds of billions of times, so the only truly long-term
cumulatively directional effects of selection on hu-
man design would have been left by the statistical
commonality that existed across cultures and habi-
tats. Consequently, the sustained impact of these
cross-culturally recurrent relationships sculpted the
problem-solving mechanisms of the human mind to
expect and exploit the common structure of human
cultures and human life; that is, natural selection
constructed adaptations specialized to mesh with the
detailed structural regularities common to our an-
cestral cultural environments. For this reason, not
only does natural selection privilege frames of ref-
erence that reveal patterns of universality in human
life but our evolved psychological architecture does
also. Embedded in the programming structure of
our minds are, in effect, sets of assumptions about
the nature of the human world we will meet during
our lives. So (speaking metaphorically) we arrive
in the world not only expecting, Geertzian fashion,
to meet some particular culture about whose specif-
ically differentiated peculiarities we can know noth-
ing in advance. We also arrive expecting to meet, at
one and the same time, and in one and the same em-
bodiment, the general human culture as well-that is,
recognizably human life manifesting a wide array of
forms and relations common across cultures during
our evolution ( or at least some set out of the super-
set). Thus, human architectures are "pre-equipped"
(that is, reliably develop) specialized mechanisms
that "know" many things about humans, social rela-
tions, emotions and facial expressions, the meaning
of situations to others, the underlying organization
of contingent social actions such as threats and ex-
t language, motivation, and so on. ! To take only
one example, humans everywhere include as part of
their standard conceptual equipment the idea that
the behavior of others is guided by invisible inter-
nal entities, such as "beliefs" and "desires"-reflecting
what Dennett calls "the intentional stance" ( 1987).
Of course, this way of thinking seems so natural to us
that it is difficult to see that there is anything to ex-
plain: It is tempting to think that beliefs and desires
are "real" and that, therefore, humans everywhere
simply learn to see the world as it really is. Side-
stepping the complex question of whether this pan-
human folk psychology is an accurate way of captur-
ing "real" human psychology (i.e., whether it is a true
or a complete description), we simply want to point
out that things such as beliefs and desires are inher-
ently unobservable hidden variables used to explain
observations that could be explained by any of an
infinite set of alternative theories (in fact, psycholo-
gists have come up with many such theories). There-
fore, a belief in beliefs and desires cannot be justified
by observations alone, so the fact that it is conven-
tional among humans to "theorize" about others in
this fashion is not inexorably mandated by their ex-
perience or otherwise required by the structure of
the external world. For the same set of nonman-
dated ideas to have emerged everywhere on earth,
our developmental programs or cognitive architec-
tures must impose this way of interpreting the world
of other humans on us.
In fact, an intensive research effort in the field
of cognitive development has recently provided sub-
stantial support for the hypothesis that our evolved
psychological architecture includes procedures that
cause very young children to reliably develop a
belief-desire folk psychology-a so-called "theory of
mind" (e.g, Astington, Harris, & Olson, 1988; Leslie,
1987, 1988; Perner, 1991; Wellman, 1990; Wim-
mer & Perner, 1983). Developmental psychologists
have been finding that even 2- and 3-year-olds make
different inferences about "mental entities" (dreams,
thoughts, desires, beliefs) than about "physical enti-
ties." Moreover, children typically "explain" behavior
as the confluence of beliefs and desires (e.g., Why
has Mary gone to the water fountain? Because she
has a desire for water (i.e., she is thirsty) and she be-
lieves that water can be found at the water fountain).
Such inferences appear to be generated by a domain-
specific cognitive system that is sometimes called a
"theory of mind" module (Leslie, 1987). This module
consists of specialized computational machinery that
allows one to represent the notion that "agents" can
have "attitudes" toward "propositions" (thus, "Mary"
can "believe" that "X," "Mary" can "think" that "X," and
so on). Between the ages of 3 and 5 this domain-
specific inferential system develops in a characteris-
tic pattern that has been replicated cross-culturally
in North America, Europe, China (Flavell, Zhang,
Zou, Dong & Qui, 1983), Japan (Gardner, Harris,
Ohmoto & Hamazaki, 1988), and a hunter-gatherer
group in Camaroon (A vis & Harris, in press). More-
over, there is now evidence suggesting that the neu-
rological basis of this system can be selectively dam-
aged; indeed, autism is suspected to be caused by a
selective neurological impairment of the "theory of
mind" module (Baron-Cohen, Leslie, & Frith, 1985;
Leslie, 1987, 1988; Leslie & Thaiss, 1990).
This research indicates that a panhuman "theory
of mind" module structures the folk psychology that
people develop. People in different cultures may
elaborate their folk psychologies in different ways,
but the computational machinery that guides the de-
velopment of their folk notions will be the same, and
some of the notions developed will be the same as
well. Humans come into the world with the ten-
dency to organize their understanding of the ac-
tions of others in terms of beliefs and desires, just
as they organize patterns in their two-dimensional
retinal array under the assumption that the world is
three-dimensional and that objects are permanent,
bounded, and solid.
Thus, not only do evolved mechanisms assume
certain things will tend to be true of human life but
these specialized procedures, representational for-
mats, cues, and categorization systems impose-out of
an infinite set of potential alternatives-a detailed or-
ganization on experience that is shared by all normal
members of our species. There is certainly cultural
and individual variability in the exact forms of adult
mental organization that emerge through develop-
ment, but these are all expressions of what might be
called a single human metaculture. All humans tend
to impose on the world a common encompassing
conceptual organization, made possible by universal
mechanisms operating on the recurrent features of
human life. This is a central reality of human life
and is necessary to explain how humans can com-
municate with each other, learn the culture they are
born into, understand the meaning of others’ acts,
imitate each other, adopt the cultural practices of
others, and operate in a coordinated way with others
in the social world they inhabit. By metaculture, we
mean the system of universally recurring relation-
ships established and constituted by ( 1) our univer-
sal evolved species-typical psychological and physio-
logical architectures, (2) the interaction of these ar-
chitectures with each other in populations, (3) their
interaction with the developmentally relevant recur-
rent structure of human natural and cultural envi-
ronments, and (4) their patterned standard impact
on human phenomena.
Social scientists have traditionally considered
there to be a tension or explanatory competition
between human universals and transmitted cultural
variability: the more of one, the less of the other (0.
E. Brown, 1991 ). However, careful causal analysis
of the information-processing tasks required to learn
transmitted culture leads to what is
f very nearly the opposite conclusion. In fact, it
is only the existence of this common f metacultural
structure, which includes universal mechanisms spe-
cialized to mesh with ! the social world, that makes
the transmission of variable cultural forms possible.
To make this clear, consider the question of how
it is possible for preIinguistic children to deduce the
meanings of the words they hear when they are in
the process of learning their local language for the
first time. The child’s task of discovering the mean-
ings of words involves isolating, out of an infinite
set of possible meanings, the actual meanings in-
tended by other speakers (e.g., Carey, 1982, 1985a;
Quine, 1960). Children can infer the meanings of
messages in the local, but unknown language only
because they, like cryptographers, have a priori sta-
tistical knowledge about likely messages, given the
situational context. To solve the problem of refer-
ential ambiguity, the child’s procedures for seman-
tic analysis must depend on the fact that our uni-
versal evolved psychological architectures impose on
the world enough standard and recur- rent interpre-
tations between speaker and listener to make the
deduction of a core lexicon possible. Since the in-
fant is new to the culture and ignorant of it, these
shared interpretations cannot be supplied by the cul-
ture itself, but must be supplied by the .1 human
universal metaculture the infant or child shares with
adults by virtue of their common humanity. (In con-
trast, the Standard Model’s initially content-free gen-
eral process child mind would share no common
interpretations with local adults and could rely on
no necessary imposition of common event constru-
als by both speaker and listener.) Thus, the sys-
tem for assigning correct semantic meanings to cul-
turally arbitrary signs necessarily relies on the pres-
ence of species-typical cognitive adaptations and on
the nonarbitrariness of meaning systems that in-
habit these cognitive adaptations. These mecha-
nisms reliably identify evolutionarily recurrent situ-
ations (such as threat, play, or eating) in such away
that the participants have similar construals of the
situation and responses to it, including things likely
to be said about it.
For example, children who are just learning their
local language interpret novel words using Mark-
man’s "whole object assumption" and her "taxonomic
assumption." The whole object assumption causes
them to interpret the novel word "cup" as referring
to a whole cup, and not to its handle, the porce-
lain it is made of, a cup on saucer, a cup of
tea (and so on); the "taxonomic assumption" causes
them to interpret "cup" as referring to all objects
of the same type, and not to the particular cup be-
ing pointed to at that moment (Markman, 1989;
Markman & Hutchinson, 1984). O course, the op-
eration of these assumptions depends, in turn, on
interpretations generated by the kinds of domain-
specific inferential systems discussed earlier, which
define what entities and relations count as whole
objects, animals, plants, people, natural kinds, ar-
tifacts, taxonomic categories, and so on (Carey &
Gelman, 1991). Still other domain-specific reason-
ing procedures may privilege certain interpretations
01 social relations. Thus, social contract algorithms
have both intrinsic definitions for those terms used
by their procedures and cues for recognizing which
elements in recurrent situations correspond to those
terms (Cosmides, 1989; Cosmides & Tooby, 1989,
this volume). Consequently, these evolved reason-
ing specializations may sometimes function as nu-
clei around which semantic inference is conducted.
Emotional expression also function as metacultural
cues that assign standardized meanings to the con-
tingent elements of situations (see Fernald, this vol-
ume; Tooby & Cosmides, 1990b). Fol example, if
someone reacts with fear, others interpret this as a
reaction to danger and attempt to identify in the situ-
ation what the dangerous entity is, re-evaluating var-
ious stimuli. They may scan the local environment,
organizing their search by a categorization system
that privileges some things (e.g., snakes) over others
(e.g., flowers; (Cook, Hodes, & Lang, 1986).
Thus, we have the surprising result that it is the
shared species-typical mechanism! and common
metacultural framings that make it possible for a
child to learn what is culturally variable: in this case,
the meanings of words in the local language. This ar-
gument, in fact, generalizes beyond language: The
variable features of culture can be learned solely be-
cause of the existence of an encompassing univer-
sal human metaculture. The ability to imitate the
relevant parts of others’ actions (Meltzoff, 1988),
the ability to reconstruct the representations in their
minds, the ability to interpret the conduct of others
correctly, and the ability to coordinate one’s behav-
ior with others all depend on the existence of human
metaculture. Sperber and Wilson ( 1986) have writ-
ten at length about how, for successful communica-
tion to be possible, both sender and receiver must
share a great many assumptions about the world.
The less they mutually assume, the more difficult it is
to communicate until, in the limiting case, they can-
not communicate at all. The child arrives in the cul-
ture free of any knowledge about its particularities,
and so the only way the child initially can be commu-
nicated with is through what is mutually manifest
between the child and the adults by virtue of their
common humanity (e.g., Fernald, this volume). The
same is true, as Sperber ( 1982) concisely points out,
of ethnographers: The best refutation of cultural rel-
ativity is the activity of anthropologists themselves,
who could not understand or live within other hu-
man groups unless the inhabitants of those groups
shared assumptions that were, in fact, very similar
to those of the ethnographer. Like fish unaware of
the existence of water, interpretativists swim from
culture to culture interpreting through universal hu-
man metaculture. Metaculture informs their every
thought, but they have not yet noticed its existence.
So the beginning of this section, in which we dis-
cussed how natural selection sifted cultural variabil-
ity throughout the Pleistocene for uniformities, gave
only a one-sided analysis of how, despite cultural
variability, universals still existed. It is even more
important to realize that contentful human univer-
sals make possible the very existence of transmit-
ted cultural variability (what is usually called "cul-
ture"), which would otherwise be impossible. There-
fore, the development of increasing cultural varia-
tion throughout the Pleistocene was made possible
by the evolution of psycho- logical specializations
that exploited the regularities of human metaculture
in order to learn the variable features of culture. To
return to a position William James stated a century
ago, to behave flexibly, humans must have more "in-
stincts" than other animals, not fewer.
The Decline of Standard Model Psychology
The progression from Standard Model psychol-
ogy to post-Standard Model psychology was driven
largely by the emergence of new and more rigorous
standards that psychological theories are now ex-
pected to meet. As the field grew more sophisticated,
various communities of psychologists began insisting
on causal accounts of how hypothesized Standard
Model mechanisms produced their effects: What are
the networks of cause and effect that, step by step,
lead from input to output? In the social sciences,
no model of the human psychological architecture
seemed impossible when its proponents didn’t have
to specify by what methods it generated human be-
havior. The cognitive revolution, with its emphasis
on formal analysis, made clear that theories needed
to be made causally explicit to be meaningful, and
it supplied psychologists with a far more precise lan-
guage and set of tools for analyzing and investigating
complexly contingent, information-responsive sys-
tems. When examined from this perspective, most
traditional theories turned out to be both incomplete
and incapable of accounting for large classes of ob-
served phenomena. Indeed, most no longer seemed
to qualify as hypotheses at all. For example, "learn-
ing" ceased to be seen as an explanation for behavior,
but instead was recognized as a label for a loosely
defined class of phenomena generated by as yet un-
known procedures. For modern psychologists the
key question became: What is the explicit descrip-
tion of these procedures?
Over the last three decades, the hard work of dis-
covering procedures that could actually account in
detail for observed behavior and competences has
led to the wide- spread conclusion that our evolved
psychological architecture must include a large set
of mechanisms of a very different character than
Standard Model psychologists had envisioned. The
most fundamental shift from Standard Model to
post-Standard Model psychology has been the aban-
donment of the axiom that evolved psychological
mechanisms must be largely-or exclusively-general-
purpose and free of any contentful structure not put
there by experience (e.g., Carey & Gelman, 1991;
Chomsky, 1975; Cosmides & Tooby, 1987, 1992; Gal-
listel, 1990; Gigerenzer, 1991b; Gigerenzer
&Murray, 1987; Herrnstein, 1977; Pinker, 1984;
Rozin, 1976; Rozin&Schull, 1988; Shepard, 1984,
1987a; Symons, 1987). Many psychologists have
been forced by their data to conclude that both
human and nonhuman minds contain-in addition
to whatever general-purpose machinery they may
have-a large array of mechanisms that are (to list
some of the terms most frequently used) functionally
specialized, con- tent-dependent, content-sensitive,
domain-specific, context-sensitive, special-purpose,
adaptively specialized, and so on. Mechanisms that
are functionally specialized have been called (with
some differences in exact definition) adaptive spe-
cializations by Rozin ( 1976), modules by Fodor (
1983), and cognitive competences or mental organs
by Chomsky (1975, 1980).
Consequently, the core of the debate is not re-
ally about whether the reliably developing design of
the mind evolved-the answer to that question can
only be yes. The debate is, instead, over whether
our evolved psychological architecture is predom-
inantly domain-general (Symons, 1987). Did the
human mind evolve to resemble a single general-
purpose computer with few or no intrinsic content-
dependent programs (e.g., Gould, 1979)? Or does
its evolved architecture more closely resemble an
intricate network of functionally dedicated comput-
ers, each activated by different classes of content
or problem, with some more general-purpose com-
puters embedded in the architecture as well (e.g.,
Chomsky, 1975, 1980; Cosmides & Tooby, 1987; Gal-
listel, 1990; Gazzaniga, 1985; Rozin, 1976; Symons,
1987)? In other words, does the human mind come
equipped with any procedures, representational for-
mats, or content-primitives that evolved especially
to deal with faces, mothers, language, sex, food, in-
fants, tools, siblings, friendship, and the rest of hu-
man metaculture and the world?
Solvability and the Formal Analysis of Natural
Thirty years ago, Noam Chomsky inaugurated
anew era in the behavioral sciences when he be-
gan to explore psychological questions by analyz-
ing the capacities of well- specified computational
systems (Chomsky 1957, 1959). His approach was
distinctive. To evaluate existing psychological the-
ories, he first made their underlying assumptions
about computational mechanisms explicit. He then
tested the ability of these computational mechanisms
to solve real, natural problems that humans were
known to be able to solve. In his first application of
this method, he attempted to evaluate the adequacy
of behaviorist accounts of language, particularly as
presented in Skinner’s then recently published book,
Verbal Behavior ( 1957). When Chomsky examined
the behaviorist account of language in the light of
these criteria, he found that it suffered from a series
of difficulties that precluded it from being a persua-
sive explanation for human linguistic competence.
Chomsky’s research program brought the serious
deficiencies of the Standard Model into plain view
because it combined two key ingredients: (1) the
study of tasks related to a natural, complex, real-
world competence that humans were known to have,
and (2) the use of formal solvability analyses to ex-
plore the actual computational capacities of mech-
anisms hypothesized to generate explicitly defined
outcomes. A theory about the design of a mecha-
nism cannot be correct if, under the relevant condi-
tions, that design cannot solve the problem or gen-
erate the performance that the theory claims it can;
this can be determined using a solvability analysis,
as outlined in pp. 73-77.
Language was a pivotal choice for a test
of domain-general accounts of behavior because
language-particularl syntax- involved complex but
clearly specifiable patterns of behavior that humans
were already known to be able to produce under nat-
ural conditions without elaborate experimental ma-
nipulations. Within this domain, one could precisely
and unambiguously define criteria for recognizing
what behavioral patterns humans could and did rou-
tinely produce (grammatical versus ungrammatical
sentences). Therefore, one could define what output
any mechanism hypothesized to account for these
behavioral patterns had to produce as well. In con-
trast, no one could tell whether associationist mech-
anisms or general-purpose symbol-processing mech-
anisms could account for phenomena such as "reli-
gion," "marriage," or "politics" because no one had
an unambiguous empirical definition of human per-
formance in these spheres.
By specifying what counts as the production of
grammatical utterances or the acquisition of the
grammar of a human language, psycholinguists
working within the Chomskyan research tradition
have been using solvability analyses to show that
a task routinely mastered by four-year-old children
is too richly structured to be accounted for by any
known general-purpose mechanism operating in real
time (Chomsky, 1975, 1980; Pinker, 1979, 1984,
1989, 1991; Pinker & Bloom, this volume; Wexler
& Culi- cover, 1980). Despite three decades of in-
tensive efforts by Standard Model psychologists to
get general-purpose cognitive machinery to learn
grammar, their theories have fared no better than
did their behaviorist predecessors. To take a re-
cent example, through careful solvability analyses,
Pinker and Prince were able to show that newly
proposed domain-general connectionist and associ-
ationist models were computation- ally insufficient
to solve even so narrow a problem as the acquisi-
tion of the past tense in English (Pinker, 1991; Pinker
& Prince, 1988). These mechanisms failed precisely
because they lacked computational machinery spe-
cialized for the acquisition of gram- mar.
Thirty years of such findings have forced many
cognitive psychologists, against their inclination,
to accept domain-specific hypotheses about lan-
guage learning-to conclude that humans have as
part of their evolved design a language acqui-
sition device (LAD), which incorporates content-
dependent procedures that reflect in some form "uni-
versal grammar" (Chomsky, 1975, 1980; Pinker,
1979,1984,1989,1991; Wexler & Culicover, 1980).
In this view, the architecture of the human mind
contains content-specialized mechanisms that have
evolved to exploit the subtle cross-culturally re-
curring features of the grammars of human lan-
guage communities-one facet of human metaculture
(Pinker & Bloom, this volume).
The introduction of solvability analyses and the
increasing demand for well-specified information-
processing models have exposed the deficiencies of
Standard Model theories in other areas of psychol-
ogy as well (see, e.g., Carey & Gelman, 1991; Cos-
mides, 1989; Cosmides & Tooby, 1989, this volume;
Gelman & Markman, 1986, 1987; Keil, 1989; Leslie,
1987; Markman, 1989). Standard Model theories
are usually so underspecified that one cannot make
their underlying assumptions about computational
mechanisms procedurally explicit. To the extent that
they can be evaluated, however, when they are faced
with real world tasks that humans routinely solve,
they consistently perform poorly or not at all.
In fact, the large-scale theoretical claims of Stan-
dard Model psychology never had a strong empiri-
cal base. Limited empirical support could be pro-
duced for Standard Model domain-general theories,
but only so long as research was confined to the
investigation of experimenter-invented, laboratory
limited, arbitrary tasks. The occasional matches be-
tween domain-general theories and data sets have
been chronically weak and experimentally fragile.
These restricted empirical successes depended on
carefully picked experimental venues, such as pi-
geons isolated from conspecifics pecking for food
in stimulus-depauperated environments or humans
learning lists of nonsense syllables. Standard Model
theories of mechanisms have maintained themselves
as empirically credible primarily through pretheoret-
ical decisions concerning what kinds of experiments
were considered meaningful and through assump-
tions imposed a priori on the class of hypotheses
that would be entertained. For humans and nonhu-
mans alike, exposure to biologically significant stim-
uli and natural tasks elicits complexly patterned per-
formances that Standard Model theories are unable
to predict or explain. So, to keep behavioral phe-
nomena in line with theory, Standard Model psychol-
ogists had to keep humans and other species outside
of ecologically valid circumstances, away from any
biologically significant stimuli, and test them on ar-
tificial problems that subjects would not have had
to solve in their environment of evolutionary adapt-
edness (for discussion, see Beach, 1950; Breland &
Breland, 1961; Hermstein, 1977; Lockard, 1971 ).
Although these weaknesses have now mostly been
abandoned in the study of other species, they unfor-
tunately remain endemic in many areas of human
Once animal behavior researchers let the pigeon
out of its barren artificial cage, a rich flock of be-
havioral phenomena appeared, and questions in-
evitably arose about the mechanisms that guide the
animal to do all the different things it needs to
do in natural environments to survive and repro-
duce. Thus, ethology (or behavioral ecology, sociobi-
ology, or animal behavior) played an important cor-
rective role by providing examples of the tasks or-
ganisms solve and the complex performances they
exhibit in more natural conditions (Daly & Wilson,
1984b; Krebs & Davies, 1984; Lorenz, 1965; Rozin
& Schull, 1988; Tinbergen, 1951; Wilson, 1975).
These fields carefully documented functionally inter-
pretable behaviors that lie far outside anything that
Standard Model psychology and a short list of drives
could explain. Researchers investigating the now
well-known selection pressure expressed by Hamil-
ton’s rule (see pp. 67-68) documented an enor-
mous array of kin-directed assistance in nonhuman
animals-behaviors completely undreamed of in Stan-
dard Model psychology (Hamilton, 1964; Williams
& Williams, 1957; for review, see Krebs & Davies,
1984). Infant macaques become emotionally at-
tached to immobile cloth figures even though they
nurse ("are reinforced") on another structure entirely
(Harlow, Harlow, & Suomi, 1971 ). There are re-
ports from an entire range of species-from langurs to
lions to rodents-of newly resident males killing the
unweaned infants of their predecessors, thereby ac-
celerating ovulation in their new mates (Hrdy, 1977;
Hausfater & Hrdy, 1984 ). Ring doves may expend
considerable effort to monitor the sexual behavior
of their mates (Erickson & Zenone, 1976). There
was the discovery of the complex pat- terns of food
reciprocation in vampire bats-phenomena difficult
to account for using traditional notions of general-
purpose cognition, conditioning, and drive reduction
(e.g., Wilkinson 1988, 1990). From echolocation to
parental care, to celestial navigation, to courtship,
to coalitional action in chimpanzees, to seasonal mi-
gration, to decoying predators away from nests, to
communication in bees, to "friendship" and domi-
nance in baboons, nonhuman behavior is full of tasks
and organized behaviors that do not remotely fit
into Standard Model psychology. This burgeoning
body of phenomena caused many animal behavior
researchers to break away from the narrow experi-
mental paradigms and narrow questions of the Stan-
dard Social Science Model.
In human psychology, the observational basis for
Standard Model theories was equally circumscribed,
but escape from its narrow experimental paradigms
has been more difficult than in nonhuman psychol-
ogy. Standard Model psychologists had no salient
reason for suspecting that different psychological
mechanisms would be activated by different kinds of
tasks. Human activities appeared to be so variable-
both between cultures and among individuals within
a culture-that the notion that some tasks and prob-
lems might be more "natural" than others did not
seem conspicuously sensible. Although most psy-
chologists were faintly aware that hominids lived
for millions of years as hunter-gatherers or foragers,
they did not realize that this had theoretical impli-
cations for their work. More to the point, however,
the logic of the standard Social Science Model in-
formed them that humans were more or less blank
slates for which no task was more natural than any
other. Until the emergence of a community of Chom-
skyan psycholinguists, mainstream psychology had
been overwhelmingly dominated by general-purpose
learning and cognitive theories. In consequence, the
same processes were assumed to account for learn-
ing and action in all domains of human activity, from
suckling at the breast to incest avoidance, language
learning, and alliance negotiations among Oani war-
By questioning the assumption that all tasks were
created equal, Chomsky exposed how narrowly cho-
sen Standard Model research topics had actually
been and how over- reaching the extrapolation had
been from these topics to the rest of human thought
and action. The rise of Chomskyan psycholinguis-
tics constituted a decisive turning point in the devel-
opment of human psychology because it introduced
the subversive idea that some tasks might awaken
associated competences that were more "natural"
than others: more functionally specialized, more
complex, more reliably developing, more species-
differentiated, and, therefore, more worthy of de-
tailed exploration (Marr & Nishihara, 1978).
The Rise of Domain-Specific Psychology
The Chomskyan revolution in the study of lan-
guage slowly began to legitimize the exploration
of models of our evolved psychological architecture
that did not assume a priori that all tasks are solved
by the same set of content-independent processes.
In diverse subcommunities, the gradually expand-
ing freedom to consider domain-specific hypotheses
alongside more orthodox ones has led to their in-
creasing acceptance. Performance in virtually ev-
ery kind of experimental situation is sensitive to
the content and context of the task, and domain-
specific hypotheses tend to organize, account for,
and predict this performance better than their Stan-
dard Model predecessors. Although social and be-
havioral scientists outside of cognitive, comparative,
and physiological psychology still routinely assume a
domain-general human mind, within the community
of psychologists who rigorously study mechanisms
this view is in retreat and disarray. Standard Model
psychology has been able to persist only in those re-
search communities that avoid formal analysis en-
tirely or that avoid using it to study performance on
ecologically valid, natural tasks.
Thus, researchers who ask hard questions about
how organisms actually solve problems and who fo-
cus on the real performance of organisms on nat-
ural tasks have had to abandon the idea that the
mind is free of content-specialized machinery. Re-
searchers who study color vision, visual scene anal-
ysis, speech perception, conceptual development in
children, mental imagery, psychophysics, locomo-
tion, language acquisition, motor control, anticipa-
tory motion computation, face recognition, bio- me-
chanical motion perception, emotion recognition, so-
cial cognition, reasoning, and the perception and
representation of motion, for example, cannot ac-
count for the Psychological phenomena they study by
positing computational mechanisms that are solely
domain-general and content-independent (see, e.g.,
Bizzi, Mussa-Ivaldi, & Gisz- ter, 1991; Carey &Gel-
man, 1991; Etcoff, 1986; Freyd, 1987; Kosslyn,
1980; Liberman & Mattingley, 1985, 1989; Lind-
blom, 1986, 1988; Maloney & Wandell, 1985; Marr,
1982; Pinker, 1984, 1989; Poggio et al., 1985; Prof-
fitt & Gilden, 1989; Shepard, 1981, 1984, 1987a;
Shiffrar & Freyd, 1990; Spelke, 1988, 1990). In
fact, the reality has always been that every field
of psychology bristles with observations of content-
dependent phenomena. Freedom from the axiom
that all psychological phenomena must be explained
by content-independent machinery has allowed psy-
chologists to move ahead to explore-and to view
as meaningful-the rich content-sensitive effects that
permeate psychological phenomena (e.g., Astington
et al., 1988; A. Brown, 1990; Carey, 1985b; Carey &
Gelman, 1991; Cosmides, 1989; Cosmides & T ooby
, this volume; Gelman & Markman, 1986, 1987;
Gigerenzer& Hug, in press; Gigerenzer & Murray,
1987; Keil, 1989; Manktelow & Over, 1991). For-
merly, these omnipresent content effects were con-
sidered an embarrassment to be explained away or
else dismissed as noise. Now they are considered to
be primary data about the structure of the mind.
Outside of cognitive psychology, the emergence of
post-Standard Model approaches derived their im-
petus from branches of evolutionary biology. In the
1950s and 1960s, the successful application of evo-
lutionary approaches to animal behavior in ethol-
ogy and its successor disciplines provided evidence
of domain-specific mechanisms that was difficult to
ignore (e.g., attachment, emotion, phobias, mating,
for- aging, navigation). This trend was accelerated
by the rapid advances in evolutionary biology over
the last three decades, which made the previously
clouded connection between evolution and behav-
ior somewhat clearer. These advances included ( 1)
more coherent approaches to the nature-nurture is-
sue, (2) a more rigorous foundation for the theory of
natural selection (Williams, 1966), (3) formal anal-
yses of what behaviors would be favored by selec-
tion in a variety of newly explored domains (e.g.,
Charnov, 1976; Hamilton, 1964; Maynard Smith,
1982; Stephens & Krebs, 1986; Trivers, 1971, 1972,
1974; Williams, 1966), and (4) a cascade of success-
ful applications of these theories to animal behavior
(Alexander, 1974; Daly & Wilson, 1984b; Krebs &
Davies, 1984; Wilson, 1975).
Just as in the case of nonhuman behavior, evo-
lutionarily informed studies of human choice, mo-
tivation, emotion, and action also bristle with doc-
umented phenomena that cannot be accounted for
with content-independent architectures and a short
list of drives, rewards, or reinforces (the chapters
in this volume are a small sampling of such cases).
For example, ever since the Harlows demolished the
myth that an infant’s love for its mother was a con-
ditioned response to food rewards, the rich collec-
tion of co-adapted mechanisms in the mother and
infant has been a productive focus of psychological
investigation (e.g., Bowlby, 1969). Profet (this vol-
ume) identifies a maternal psychological adaptation
for the protection of the fetus during embryo- gene-
sis. Fernald (this volume) explores the communica-
tive adaptations mothers have to the infant’s percep-
tual limitations. Moreover, cross-cultural regulari-
ties in fall-rise patterns of maternal fundamental fre-
quency provide an elegant illustration that a child
and adult initially communicate by virtue of what
they share through their common human metacul-
ture. Communication through such human univer-
sals is a pre- condition for the child’s acquisition of
the culturally specific. Facial expressions of emotion
represent another evolved modality through which
humans communicate situation-construals, and the
cross-culturally stable features of emotional expres-
sion provide another critical foundation for human
metaculture. Ekman and his colleagues have estab-
lished one of the earliest and most sophisticated tra-
ditions of evolutionary psychological research, and
these studies of emotional expression represent a
major achievement in modern psychology (e.g., Ek-
man, 1973, 1982, 1984; Ekman & Friesen, 1975; Ek-
man, Levenson, & Friesen, 1983). Etcoff( 1986) has
marshalled substantial neuropsychological evidence
that humans have mechanisms specialized for the
identification of emotional expression-an adaptation
to an important, stable feature of ancestral social and
cultural environments.
Indeed, ever since Darwin ( 1871, 1872), emo-
tions have been seen as the product of the evolu-
tionary process and usually, although not always,
as functional adaptations(e.g.,Arnold, 1960, 1968;
Chance, 1980; Daly,etal., 1982; Eibl-Eibesfeldt,
1975; Ekman, 1982; Frijda, 1986; Hamburg, 1968;
Izard, 1977; Otte, 1974; Plutchik, 1980; Tomkins,
1962, 1963; Tooby & Cosmides, 1990b; and many
others). Functional or not, the emotions collec-
tively provide a dense and pervasive network of
domain-specific phenomena that have consistently
resisted assimilation into any Standard Model the-
ory. However, in contrast to their Standard Model
reputation as crude and indiscriminate responses, on
close scrutiny each specific emotion appears to be
an intricately structured information-sensitive regu-
latory adaptation. In fact, the emotions appear to
be designed to solve a certain category of regula-
tory problem that inevitably emerges in a mind full
of disparate, functionally specialized mechanisms-
the problem of coordinating the menagerie of mech-
anisms with each other and with the situation be-
ing faced (Tooby, 1985; Tooby & Cosmides, 1990b;
Nesse, 1990).
Daly and Wilson have been exploring the evolved
complexity and functional subtlety of the human mo-
tivational system. They have produced a substan-
tial body of findings supporting specific hypotheses
they derived from a broad array of adaptation- ist
theories (Daly & Wilson, 1981, 1982, 1984b, 1987a,
1987b, 1988; Daly, et al., 1982; Wilson & Daly, 1985,
1987, this volume). Their particular interest has
been the evolved motivational systems that regulate
parental care, spousal relations, sexual jealousy, sex-
ual proprietariness, and risk-taking. By using behav-
ioral phenomena such as violence and homicide as
dependent measures, they have been able to inves-
tigate many aspects of these evolved motivational
systems-including how their operation is affected by
factors such as gender, age, kinship, reproductive
value, number of children, and other situational vari-
ables (see also Mann, this volume). Similarly, in the
area of human mate choice and sexuality, the work
of Symons, Buss, and many others shows that the
construct of a "sex drive" is completely inadequate to
cope with the structured richness of the situational
factors processed by the differentiated sexual psy-
chologies of men and women across cultures (e.g.,
Buss, 1987, 1989, 1991, this volume, in prep.; El-
lis, this volume; Sadalla, Kenrick, & Vershure, 1987;
Symons, 1979; Townsend, 1987). These studies in-
dicate that existing theories of motivation will have
to be replaced with theories positing a far more elab-
orate motivational architecture, equipped with an
extensive set of evolved information-processing al-
gorithms that are contingently sensitive to a long list
of situational contents and contexts.
Thus, the examination of even a small sampling of
non-Standard Model behavioral studies by a handful
of researchers such as Bowlby, Daly and Wilson, Ek-
man, Femald, Marks, Buss, and Symons leads to the
conclusion that the human mind contains evolved
emotional and motivational mechanisms that are
specifically targeted to address adaptive problems in-
volved in parenting, emotional communication with
infants and adults, kinship, mate choice, sexual at-
traction, aggression, the avoidance of danger, mate
guarding, effort allocation in child care, and so on.
That is, humans have psychological adaptations that
contain contentful structure specifically "about" their
mothers, "about" their children, "about" the sexual
behavior of their mates, "about" those identified by
cues as kin, "about" how much to care for a sick child,
and so on, and these contents are not derived exclu-
sively from either a short list of drive or from cultur-
ally variable, socially learned "values."
In short, the central tenets of Standard Model psy-
chology are contradicted b results from a large and
rapidly growing body of research on humans and
nonhuman: from the cognitive community, from the
evolutionary community, from the behavioral ecol-
ogy community, and from other research commu-
nities as well (for example much of psychobiology,
comparative psychology, and neuroscience). Content
independent mechanisms simply cannot generate or
explain the richly patterned behavior and knowledge
structures that appear when one’s research focus is
widened beyond arbitrary laboratory tasks to include
the complex performances orchestrated by natural
competences on real world tasks. Moreover, un-
like most Standard Model theories and results, these
kinds of studies and hypotheses withstand cross-
cultural scrutiny and indicate that a great deal of
the substance of social life attributed to "culture"
around the world is in fact caused by the operation
of contingently responsive domain- specific mecha-
nisms. These converging results are accumulating
into a strikingly different picture than that provided
by the Standard Social Science Model. They indi-
cate that a universal, evolved psychological architec-
ture that is filled with contingently responsive mech-
anisms infuses distinctively human patterns into the
life of every culture.
The Frame Problem and the Weakness of
Content-Independent, Domain General Mecha-
From Flexibility to Adaptive Flexibility
In the passage from Standard Model to post-
Standard Model psychology it seems fair to say
that the greatest reversal lay in how content-
independence and domain-generality came to be
regarded. Many modern researchers recognize
that content-independent, general problem-solvers
are inherently weak in comparison to content-
specialized mechanisms. From a traditional point of
view, however, it seemed sensible to regard general-
ity as an enhancement of the capacity of a system:
The system is not prevented from assuming certain
states or kept from doing what is adaptive (or desir-
able) by a "rigid" or "biased" architecture. General-
ity of application seems like such an obvious virtue
and content-independence seems like such an obvi-
ous road to flexible behavior, what could possibly be
wrong with them? As Marvin Harris puts this line of
reasoning, "Selection in the main has acted against
genetically imposed limitations on human cultural
repertoires" ( 1979, p. 136). Why rigidly prevent
the system from engaging in certain behaviors on
those occasions when they would be advantageous?
Moreover, why not have an "unbiased" architecture
in which the actual structure of local circumstances
impresses a true picture of itself in a free, objec-
tive, and unconstrained way? In this view, content-
specificity in evolved psychological design is imbued
with all the legendary attributes of "biology"-rigidity,
inflexibility, and constraint. It is viewed as prevent-
ing the system from achieving advantageous states
that would otherwise naturally come about.
So what, after all, is so wrong with domain-
general systems? Why do cognitive psychologists
and artificial intelligence researchers consistently
find them too weak to solve virtually any complex
real world task? Why isn’t "flexibility" in the form
of con- tent-independence a virtue? The answers to
these questions emerge from one clarification and
from two basic facts. The two facts have already
been touched on many times: (I) possibilities are in-
finite; and (2) desirable outcomes-by any usual hu-
man, evolutionary, or problem-solving standard-are
a very small subset of all possibilities.
The clarification concerns the kind of plasticity
and flexibility that are implicitly being referred to.
Literally, plasticity, or flexibility, is the simple capac-
ity to vary in some dimension. The more dimensions
of possible variation, the greater the "plastic- ity."
Hence, a lump of clay is very plastic with respect to
shape (although not with respect to substance, den-
sity, and so on). Similarly, there is an infinite num-
ber of ways that humans and other animals could
potentially act. The difficulty lies in the fact that
the overwhelming majority of behavioral sequences
would be lethal in a few hours, days, or weeks. The
set of behaviors that leads even to temporary indi-
vidual survival- let alone to reproduction or design-
propagation-constitutes an extremely miniscule sub-
set of all possible behavioral sequences. Thus, the
property of freely varying behavior in all dimensions
independent of conditions is not advantageous: It is
evolutionarily and individually ruinous.
Accordingly, to be endowed with broad behavioral
plasticity unconnected to adaptive targets or envi-
ronmental conditions is an evolutionary death sen-
tence, guaranteeing that the design that generates
it will be removed from the population. Designs
that produce "plasticity" can be retained by selection
only if they have features that guide behavior into
the infinitesimally small regions of relatively success-
ful performance with sufficient frequency. In real-
ity, terms such as flexibility or plasticity are implic-
itly used to mean something very different from the
simple "capacity to vary." They are implicitly used to
mean the capacity to adjust behavior (or morphol-
ogy) as a coordinated response to the specifics of
local conditions so that the new behavior is partic-
ularly appropriate to or successful in the specific cir-
cumstances faced.
This narrowly specialized form of flexibility re-
quires three components: (1) a set of mechanisms
that define an adaptive target (such as finding food,
finding home, or finding a mate); (2) a set of mecha-
nisms that can compute or otherwise determine what
responses are most likely to achieve the adaptive tar-
get in each specific set of circum- stances that one is
likely to encounter; and (3) the ability to implement
the specific response once it is determined. Plasticity
in the "lump of clay /capacity to vary" sense refers
only to the third component: If an organism has cor-
rectly computed what it is advantageous to do, then
(and only then) is it disadvantageous to be inflexi-
bly pre- vented from implementing those changes by
some fixed element of the system.
In fact, plasticity (e.g., variability) tends to be in-
jurious everywhere in the architecture except where
it is guided by well-designed regulatory mechanisms
that improve outcomes or at least do no harm.
It would be particularly damaging if these regula-
tory mechanisms were themselves capriciously "plas-
tic," instead of rigidly retaining those computational
methods that produce advantageous responses to
changing conditions. Thus, plasticity is only ad-
vantageous for those specific features of the organ-
ism that are governed by procedures that can com-
pute the specific changes or responses that will be,
on average, more successful than a fixed pheno-
type. Adaptive flexibility requires a "guidance sys-
tem" (Cosmides & Tooby, 1987; Tooby, 1985).
The most important conclusion to be derived from
this line of reasoning is that adaptive flexibility can
only evolve when the mechanisms that make it pos-
sible are embedded within a co-evolved guidance
system. Consequently, the expansion of behavioral
and cognitive flexibility over evolutionary time de-
pended acutely on how well-designed these compu-
tational guidance systems became. There is nothing
in the ability to vary per se that naturally leads sys-
tems to gravitate toward producing successful per-
formances. It is the guidance system itself that is
doing the bulk of the interesting regulation of out-
comes, with the "potential to vary" component ex-
plaining very little about the situation. Thus, Gould’s
( 1977a, 1979) faith in the explanatory power of the
SSSM concept of generalized human "biological po-
tential" depends either on (I) an unjustified teleolog-
ical panglossianism (e.g., unguided processes, such
as accidental brain growth, just happen to "work out
for the best, " giving humans the desire to care for
their children, to defend themselves when attacked,
to cooperate; the ability to recognize faces, to find
food, to speak a language. ..), or (2) the unacknowl-
edged existence of co-evolved cognitive adaptations
that guide behavioral plasticity toward the achieve-
ment of adaptive targets.
It is the necessary existence of these co-evolved
guidance systems that has, for the most part, es-
caped the attention of Standard Model advocates.
In fact, the SSSM ediface is built on the conflation
of two distinct notions of flexibility: ( I) flexibility
as the absence of any limits on responses, and (2)
flexibility as the production of contextually appropri-
ate responses. Advocates of the SSSM imagine that
flexibility in the first sense-an absence of limits on
variation-is easy to computationally arrange (just re-
move all "constraints"). But they also assume this is
the same as-or will automatically produce-flexibility
in the second sense: adaptive, successful, or con-
textually appropriate behavior. Post-Standard Model
psychology rests on the recognition that flexibility in
this second sense is not something that is teleologi-
cally inevitable once constraints are removed, but is,
instead, something very improbable and difficult to
achieve, requiring elaborate functionally organized
The Weakness of Content-independent Archi-
If the doors of perception were cleansed ev-
erything would appear to man, as it is, infi-
If plasticity by itself is not only useless but inju-
rious, the issue then becomes, what kind of guid-
ance systems can propel computational systems suf-
ficiently often toward the small scattered islands of
successful outcomes in the endless expanse of al-
ternative possibilities? Attempts over the last three
decades to answer this question have led directly to
two related concepts, called by artificial intelligence
researchers and other cognitive scientists combina-
torial explosion and the frame problem.
Combinatorial explosion is the term for the fact
that with each new degree of freedom added to a sys-
tem, or with each new dimension of potential vari-
ation added, or with each new successive choice in
a chain of decisions, the total number of alternative
possibilities faced by a computational system grows
with devastating rapidity. For example, if you are
limited to emitting only one out of 100 alternative
behaviors every successive minute (surely a gross un-
derestimate: raise arm, close hand, toss book, ex-
tend foot, say "Ravel," etc.), after the second minute
you have 10,000 different behavioral sequences from
which to choose, a million by the third minute, a tril-
lion by six minutes, and 1012
r possible alternative
sequences after only one hour-a truly unimaginable
number. Every hour, each human is surrounded by
anew and endless expanse of behavioral possibility.
Which leads to the best outcome? Or, leaving aside
optimality as a hopelessly utopian luxury in an era of
diminished expectations, which sequences are non-
fatal? The system could not possibly compute the
anticipated out- come of each alternative and com-
pare the results, and so must be precluding without
complete consideration the overwhelming majority
of branching pathways. What are the principles that
allow us to act better than randomly?
Combinatorial explosion attacks any system that
deals with alternatives, which means any system that
is flexible in response or has decisions to make. The
more flexible the system, the greater the problem.
Even worse, knowledge acquisition is impossible for
a computational system equipped only with the lim-
ited information it can gain through its senses; this
is because the number of alternative states of affairs
in the world that are consistent with its sense data is
infinite. For example, if cognitive mechanisms are at-
tempting to infer the meaning of an unknown word,
there is an infinite set of potential meanings. If per-
ceptual mechanisms are trying to construct a three
dimensional model of the local world from a visual
array, there is an infinite number of different ways to
do it that are all consistent with the array. For any fi-
nite sample of sentences encountered, there exists an
infinite number of alternative grammars that could
have generated them. If one is making a decision
about how to forage there is, practically speaking,
an infinite number of possibilities. Moreover, ran-
dom choice is not a general solution to the problem
because for most adaptive or humanly defined prob-
lems the islands of success are infinitesimal next to
the illimitable seascapes of failure. And for biologi-
cal systems, success and failure are not arbitrary. The
causal world imposes a nonarbitrary distinction be-
tween detecting in one’s visual array the faint outline
of a partly camouflaged stalking predator and not
detecting it because of alternative interpretive pro-
cedures. Nonpropagating designs are removed from
the population, whether they believe in naive realism
or that everything is an arbitrary social construction.
The inexhaustible range of possibilities latent in
behavior, categorization, interpretation, decision,
and so on, is a not just an abstract philosophi-
cal point. It is an implacable reality facing every
problem-solving computational system. Each prelin-
guistic child trying to learn her own language or to
induce new knowledge about the world is faced with
this problem; so is every artificial intelligence sys-
tem. In artificial intelligence research, it is called the
"frame problem " (Boden, 1977); in linguistics, this
problem is called the "poverty of the stimuli" (Chom-
sky, 1975); in semantics, it is called the problem of
"referential ambiguity" (Gleitman & Wanner, 1982);
in developmental psychology, it is called the "need
for constraints on induction" (Carey, 1985a); in per-
ception, they say that the stimulus array "underde-
termines" the interpretation. Any design for an or-
ganism that cannot generate appropriate decisions,
inferences, or perceptions because it is lost in an
ocean of erroneous possibilities will not propagate,
and will be removed from the population in the next
generation. As selection pressures, combinatorial ex-
plosion and the frame problem are at least as merci-
less as starvation, predation, and disease.
With this as background, the converging results
from artificial intelligence, perception, cognitive de-
velopment, linguistics, philosophy, and evolution-
ary biology about the weaknesses of domain-general
content-independent mechanisms are not difficult to
fathom. One source of difficulty can be sketched out
quickly. If a computational system, living or elec-
tronic, does not initially know the solution to the
problem it faces then its procedures must operate to
find a solution. What methods do content indepen-
dent systems bring to problem-solving? To describe
a system as domain-general or content-independent
is to say not what it is but only what it lacks: It
lacks any specific a priori knowledge about the re-
current structure of particular situations or problem-
domains, either in declarative or procedural form,
that might guide the system to a solution quickly. It
lacks procedures that are specialized to detect and
deal with particular kinds of problems, situations,
relationships, or contents in ways that differ from
any other kind of problem, situation, relationship,
or content. By definition, a domain-general system
takes a "one size fits all" approach.
To understand the importance of this, consider the
definition of an adaptation. An adaptation is a re-
liably developing structure in the organism, which,
because it meshes with the recurrent structure of the
world, causes the solution to an adaptive problem.
It is easy to see how a specific structure, like a bug
detector in a frog’s retina, in inter- action with bug
trajectories in the local environment, solves a feed-
ing problem for the frog. It is easy to see how the
Westermarck sexual disinterest mechanism combines
with the co-residence cue to diminish the probability
of sex between close relatives (Shepher, 1983; Wolf
& Huang, 1980). When the class of situations that
a mechanism is designed to solve is more narrowly
defined, then ( I) the situations will have more re-
current features in common, and therefore (2) the
mechanism can "know" more in advance about any
particular situation that is a member of this class.
As a result, (3) the mechanism’s components can
embody a greater variety of problem-solving strate-
gies. This is because mechanisms work by meshing
with the features of situations and, by definition;
narrowly defined situations have more features in
common. Our depth perception mechanism has this
property, for example: It works well because it com-
bines the output of many small modules, each sensi-
tive to a different cue correlated with depth. In ad-
dition, (4) the narrower the class, the more likely
it is that a good, simple solution exists-a solution
that does not require the simultaneous presence of
many common features. The frog can have a simple
"bug detector" precisely because insects share fea-
tures with one another that are not shared by many
members of more inclusive classes, such as "animals"
or "objects."
In contrast, the more general a problem-solving
technique is, the larger the range of situations across
which the procedure must successfully apply itself.
When the class of situations that a mechanism must
operate over is more broadly defined, then (I) the
situations will have fewer recurrent features in com-
mon, therefore (2) the mechanism can "know" less in
advance about any particular situation that is a mem-
ber of this class. Because (3) broadly defined situa-
tions have so few features in common for a mecha-
nism to mesh with, there exist fewer strategies capa-
ble of solving the problem.
This result is logically inevitable. Every kind of
problem-solving strategy that applies to a more in-
clusive class also applies to every subset within it;
but not every strategy that applies to a narrowly de-
fined class will apply to the larger classes that con-
tain it (e.g., all insects are objects, but not all ob-
jects are insects). By identifying smaller and smaller
problem domains on the basis of an increasing set
of recurrent similarities, more and more problem-
solving strategies can be brought to bear on that set.
Conversely, by widening the problem domain that a
mechanism must address, strategies that worked cor-
rectly on only a subset of problems must be aban-
doned or subtracted from the repertoire because
they give incorrect answers on the newly included
problems in the enlarged domain. As problem do-
mains get larger and more broadly defined, a smaller
and smaller set of residual strategies is left that
remains applicable to the increasingly diverse set
of problems. At the limit of perfect generality, a
problem- solving system can know nothing except
that which is always true of every situation in any
conceivable universe and, therefore, can apply no
techniques except those that are applicable to all
imaginable situations. In short, it has abandoned vir-
tually anything that could lead it to a solution.
This weakness of domain-general architectures
arises not because all relatively general problem-
solving techniques are useless; indeed, many are
very useful-the ability to reject propositions because
they are contradicted, the ability to associate, and
the ability to recalibrate based on the consequences
of actions, for example. The weakness arises because
content-sensitivity and specialization are eliminated
from the architecture. By definition, a content-
independent architecture does not distinguish be-
tween different problem-domains or content classes;
therefore, it is restricted to employing only general
principles of problem-solving that can apply to all
In contrast, a content-dependent domain-specific
architecture does identify situations as members of
specific problem domains and content classes. Be-
cause of this, it can maintain a repertoire of special-
ized problem-solving techniques that are only acti-
vated when they encounter the delimited domains to
which they are applicable (e.g., snakes, sex with kin,
grammar, falling in love, faces). At the same time,
a pluralistic architecture can simultaneously activate
every other problem-solving technique appropriate
to the larger and more inclusive classes that contain
the problem encountered (for faces: face recogni-
tion, object recognition, association formation, and
so on). Thus, a domain-specific architecture can de-
ploy every general problem-solving technique at the
disposal of a domain-general architecture and a mul-
titude of more specific ones as well. This sensible ap-
proach to organizing a problem-solving architecture
is exactly what is ruled out by SSSM advocates of a
content-independent mind whose procedures oper-
ate uniformly over every problem or domain.
To put it in adaptationist terms, what does the
work of adaptive problem-solving for organisms is (
I) the recurrent structure of the world relevant to the
problem, in interaction with (2) the recurrent struc-
ture of the adaptation. The more broadly defined the
problem domain is ( I) the less recurrent structure
can be supplied by the world (because more diverse
situations have less recurrent structure in common),
and (2) the less recurrent structure can be supplied
by the adaptation in the form of problem-solving
procedures that are solution-promoting across a di-
verse class of situations. The erosion of both sets
of problem-solving structures-those in the adapta-
tion and those in the world-increasingly incapaci-
tates the system. This can sometimes be compen-
sated for, but only through a correspondingly costly
increase in the amount of computation used in the
attempt to solve the problem. The less the system
knows about the problem or the world to begin with,
the more possibilities it must contend with. Permuta-
tions being what they are, alternatives increase expo-
nentially as generality increases and combinatorial
explosion rapidly cripples the system. A mechanism
unaided by domain-specific rules of relevance, spe-
cialized procedures, "preferred" hypotheses, and so
on could not solve any biological problem of routine
complexity in the amount of time the organism has
to solve it, and usually could not solve it at all.
It is the perennial hope of SSSM advocates
within the psychological community that some
new technology or architecture (wax impressions,
telephone switching, dig- ital computers, symbol-
processing, recursive programming languages, holo-
grams, non-von Neumann architectures, parallel-
distributed processing-a new candidate emerges ev-
ery decade or so), will free them to return to
empiricism, associationism, domain-generality and
content-independence (where the SSSM tells them
they should go). Nevertheless, the functional neces-
sity of content-specificity emerges in every technol-
ogy because it is a logical inevitability. Most recently,
researchers are establishing this all over again with
connectionism (e.g., Jacobs, Jordan, & Barto, 1990;
Miller & Todd, 1990; Pinker & Prince, 1988; Todd
& Miller, 1991a, 199Ib). Combinatorial explosion
and the frame problem are obstacles that can only
be overcome by endowing computational architec-
tures with contentful structure. This is because the
world itself provides no framework that can decide
among the infinite number of potential category di-
mensions, the infinite number of relations, and the
infinite number of potential hypotheses that could
be used to analyze it.
The Necessity of Frames.
Artificial intelligence research is particularly il-
luminating about these issues because explicitness
is demanded in the act of implementing as pro-
grams specific hypotheses about how problems can
be solved. By the program’s operation, one can tell
a great deal about the adequacy of the hypothesis.
Moreover, artificial intelligence researchers became
interested in getting computers and robots to per-
form real world tasks, where, just as in evolutionary
biology, action is taken in a real, structured, and con-
sequential environment. As a result, artificial intel-
ligence researchers can tell unambiguously whether
the decisions the system makes are a success or a fail-
ure. The range of problems studied in artificial intel-
ligence widened beyond cognitive psychology’s more
traditional, philosophy-derived concerns, to include
problems such as the regulation of purposive action
in a three-dimensional world.
To their great surprise, artificial intelligence re-
searchers found that it was very difficult to dis-
cover methods that would solve problems that hu-
mans find easy, such as seeing, moving objects or
even tying shoelaces. To get their programs to han-
dle even absurdly simplified tasks (such as moving
a few blocks around), they were forced to build in
substantial "innate knowledge" of the world. As a
practical matter, this "knowledge" was either in the
form of(l) content-dependent procedures matched
closely to the structural features of the task do-
main within which they were designed to operate,
or (2) representations (data structures) that accu-
rately reflected the task domain (i.e., "knowledge
of the world"). To move an object, make the sim-
plest induc- tion, or solve a straightforward prob-
lem, the computer needed a sophisticated model of
the domain in question, embodied either in proce-
dures or representations. Artificial intelligence re-
search demonstrated in a concrete, empirical form,
the long-standing philosophical objections to the tab-
ula rasa (e.g., Hume, 1977/1748; Kant, 1966/1781;
Popper, 1972; Quine, 1960,1969). These demonstra-
tions have the added advantage of bracketing just
how much "innate" structure is necessary to allow
learning to occur. ) Artificial intelligence researchers
call the specific contentful structures that problem-
solving systems need to be endowed with frames.
For this reason, the consistent inability of systems
without sufficiently rich and specialized frames to
solve real problemsis called the frameproblem (e.g.,
Boden, 1977; F. M. Brown, 1987; Fodor, 1983). A
frame provides a "world-view": It carves the world
into defined categories of entities and properties, de-
fines how these categories are related to each other,
suggests operations that might be performed, de-
fines what goal is to be achieved, provides methods
for interpreting observations in terms of the problem
space and other knowledge, pro- vides criteria to dis-
criminate success from failure, suggests what infor-
mation is lacking and how to get it, and so on. For
example, one might apply a spatial/object frame to a
situation. In such a frame, the local world is carved
into empty space and objects, which are cohesive,
have boundaries defined by surfaces, and move as a
unit. They have locations and orientations with re-
spect to each other. They have trajectories and, if
solid, cannot pass through one another (unless they
change the shape of the object passed through), and
so on. In such a framing, humans are simply objects
like any other and are not expected to pass through
other solid objects. Alternatively, one might have a
coalitional framing (present, for example, in a foot-
ball game or a war), in which humans are a relevant
and differentiated entity and are construed as ani-
mate goal- seeking systems that are members of one
of two mutually exclusive social sets; the members
of each set are expected to coordinate their behavior
with each other to reach goals that cannot be mutu-
ally realized for both sets; the goal of each set is to
thwart the purposes of the other, and so on. In our
own work, we have attempted to sketch out some of
the framing necessary for humans to engage in so-
cial exchange (Cosmides, 1989; Cosmides & Tooby,
1989, this volume). Very general mechanisms have
frames as well: In the formal logic of the propo-
sitional calculus, the problem-space is defined syn-
tactically in terms of sets of propositions, truth val-
ues, and rules of inference such as modens ponens
and modus tollens. In this frame, the content of the
propositions is irrelevant to the operation of the rules
of inference.
The solution to the frame problem and combina-
torial explosion is always the same whether one is
talking about an evolved organism or an artificial in-
telligence system. When the information available
from the world is not sufficient to allow learning to
occur or the problem to be solved, it must be sup-
plied from somewhere else. Because the world can-
not supply to the system what the system needs first
in order to learn about the world, the essential ker-
nals of content-specific framing must be supplied ini-
tially by the architecture. For an artificial intelligence
system, a programmer can sup- ply it. For organisms,
however, it can only be supplied through the pro-
cess of natural selection, which creates reliably de-
veloping architectures that come equipped with the
right frames and frame-builders necessary to solve
the adaptive problems the species faced during its
evolutionary history.
Because of their survival into the present, we know
for a fact that living species can reliably solve an
enormous array of problems necessary to consis-
tently reproduce across thousands of generations in
natural environments. Moreover, the signal lesson
of modern evolutionary biology is that this adaptive
behavior requires the solution of many information-
processing problems that are highly complex-far
more complex than is commonly supposed (Cos-
mides & Tooby, 1987, 1989). If one bothers to an-
alyze virtually any adaptive problem human hunter-
gatherers solve, it turns out to require an incredi-
ble amount of evolved specialization (see, e.g., Cos-
mides & Tooby, 1989, this volume). Given (I)
the complexity of the world, (2) the complexity
of the total array of adaptive tasks faced by liv-
ing organisms, and (3) the sensitive frame- depen-
dence of problem-solving abilities, the psycholog-
ical architecture of any real species must be per-
meated with domain-specific structure to cause re-
liable reproduction in natural environments. Cur-
rent research in cognitive psychology and artificial
intelligence indicates that Standard Model theories
are far too frame-impoverished to solve even artifi-
cially simplified computational problems (e.g., iden-
tifying and picking up soda cans in the MIT artifi-
cial intelligence laboratory), let alone the complex
information-processing problems regularly imposed
by selective forces operating over evolutionary time.
Our minds are always automatically applying a
rich variety of frames to guide us through the world.
Implicitly, these frames appear to us to be part of the
world. For precisely this reason, we have difficulty
appreciating the magnitude, or even the existence
of, the frame problem. Just as the effortlessness of
seeing led artificial intelligence researchers to under-
estimate the complexity of the visual system, the au-
tomatic and effortless way in which our minds frame
the world blinds us to the computational complexity
of the mechanisms responsible. When anthropolo-
gists go to other cultures, the experience of variation
awakens them to things they had previously taken
for granted in their own culture. Similarly, biolo-
gists and artificial intelligence researchers are "an-
thropologists" who travel to places where minds are
far stranger than anywhere any ethnographer has
ever gone. We cannot understand what it is to be
human until we learn to appreciate how truly differ-
ent nonhuman minds can be, and our best points of
comparison are the minds of other species and elec-
tronic minds. Such comparisons awaken us to an en-
tire class of problems and issues that would escape
us if we were to remain "ethnocentrically" focused
on humans, imprisoned by mistaking our mentally
imposed frames for an exhaustive demarcation of re-
When we examine electronic minds that truly have
no frames and then try to give them even a few of
our own real world capacities, we are made force-
fully aware of the existence of the immensely intri-
cate set of panhuman frames that humans depend on
to function in the world, to communicate with one
another, and to acquire additional frames through
social inference from others (i.e., to "learn culture").
Geertz’s (1973) studies in Bali acquainted him with
some of the culturally variable frames that differ be-
tween Bali and the United States, but, as his writ-
ings make clear, they left him oblivious to the en-
compassing, panhuman frames within which these
variable elements were embedded (0. E. Brown,
1991). If he had widened his scope to include other
animal species, he would have been made strongly
aware of this dense level of universal and human-
specific metacultural frames-a level that should in-
terest every anthropologist because it permeates and
structures every aspect of human life. Indeed, if
Geertz had widened his scope still further to in-
clude electronic minds as points of comparison, he
might have come to realize the sheer magnitude of
what must be supplied by evolution to our psycho-
logical architectures for us to be recognizably hu-
man. Per- haps he might also have come to recog-
nize that he and the "simple" Balinese fighting cocks
he watched even shared many frames lacking from
artificial intelligence systems (about things such as
space, motion, vision, looming threats, pain, hunger,
and, per- haps, conflict, rivalry, and status changes
after fights). Biology, cognitive psychology, and ar-
tificial intelligence research comprise a new form of
ethnography, which is revealing the previously invis-
ible wealth of evolved frames and specialized frame-
builders that our evolved psychological architecture
comes equipped with.
The Evolvability Criterion and Standard Model
In a solvability analysis, the researcher asks
whether a proposed architecture is capable of gen-
erating a behavior that we know humans (or the rel-
evant species) regularly engage in, whether adaptive
or not. But one can also evaluate a proposed archi-
tecture by asking how it would fare in solving the
actual adaptive problems a species is known to have
regularly confronted and solved during its evolution-
ary history .Because non- human and human minds-
i.e., the computational systems responsible for reg-
ulating behavior-were produced by the evolutionary
process operating over vast expanses of time, tenable
hypotheses about their design must be drawn from
the class of designs that evolution could plausibly-
or at least possibly-have produced. To be adequate,
proposed designs must be able to account for the so-
lution of the broad array of distinct problems inher-
ent in reliable reproduction over thousands of gen-
erations under ancestral conditions. In short, a can-
didate design must satisfy the evolvability criterion.
In essence, designs that are more plausible according
to criteria drawn from evolutionary biology are to be
preferred over designs that are less plausible.
Some rules for evaluating hypotheses by the evolv-
ability criterion are as follows:
I. Obviously, at a minimum, a candidate architec-
ture must be able to perform all of the tasks and
subtasks necessary for it to reproduce. It can have
no properties that preclude, or make improbable, its
own reproduction across multiple generations in nat-
ural environments. Just by itself, this is a difficult cri-
terion to meet. No known Standard Model psycho-
logical architecture can solve all or even very many
of the problems posed by reproduction in natural en-
2. Given that human minds evolved out of prehu-
man primate minds, a hypothesis should not entail
that an architecture that is substantially inferior at
promoting its own propagation (its inclusive fitness)
replace an architecture that was better designed to
promote fitness under ancestral conditions. There
is now known to be an entire range of competences
and specialized design features that enhance propa-
gation in a large array of other species. A candidate
architecture should be at least roughly comparable
to them in their ability to solve the classes of adap-
tive problems humans and other primate species mu-
tually faced. For this reason, it is not sufficient to in-
corporate into a general-purpose system a few drives
that account for why the organism does not die of
thirst or hunger in a few days. Even though some
psychological architectures of this kind might con-
ceivably manage their own reproduction under arti-
ficially protected circumstances, they contain noth-
ing that would solve other obvious propagation-
promoting tasks that have called forth adaptive spe-
cializations in innumerable other species. Thus, to
be plausible, a proposed human architecture should
cause individuals to help relatives more or less ap-
propriately, to defend sexual access to their mates,
to for- age in a relatively efficient way, and so on.
The SSSM view that human evolution was a pro-
cess of erasing "instincts" violates the evolvability cri-
terion unless it can be shown that for each puta-
tively "erased" adaptive specialization, the general-
purpose mechanism that is proposed to have re-
placed it would have solved the adaptive problem
better (Tooby, 1985; Tooby & DeVore, 1987). To our
knowledge, no general mechanism operating under
natural circumstances has ever been demonstrated
to be superior to an existing adaptive specialization.
3. A candidate architecture should not require
the world to be other than it really is. For exam-
ple, models of grammar acquisition that assume that
adults standardly correct their children ’s grammati-
cal errors do not meet this condition (Pinker, 1989).
Nor do socialization models that require children to
be taught where their own interests lie by individu-
als with conflicting interests-for many domains, this
class even includes the child’s own parents and sib-
lings (e.g., Hamilton, 1964; Trivers, 1974). An archi-
tecture that was completely open to manipulation by
others, without any tendency whatsoever to modify
or resist exploitive or damaging social input would
be strongly selected against. For this reason, cogni-
tive architectures that are passive vehicles for arbi-
trary semiotic systems are not plausible products of
the evolutionary process.
4. In a related vein, a candidate theory should not
invoke hypotheses that require assumptions about
the coordinated actions of others (or any part of the
environment) unless it explains how such coordina-
tion reliably came about during Pleistocene hunter-
gatherer life. For example, if the model proposes
that people acquire certain adaptive skills or infor-
mation from others through, say, imitation or conver-
sation, that model needs to explain how these oth-
ers reliably obtained the (correct) information and
where the information originated. If the blind lead
the blind, there is advantage to imitation. Conse-
quently, acceptable models should not employ shell
games, such as the venerable "adaptive knowledge
comes from the social world."
5. A candidate model must not propose the ex-
istence of complex capacities in 1 human psycho-
logical architecture unless these capacities solve or
solved adaptive (design-propagative) problems for
the individual. That is, social scientists should ex-
tremely uneasy about positing an improbably com-
plex structure in the system with the capacity to
serve nonbiological functional ends, unless that ca-
pacity is a by-product of functionality that evolved
to serve adaptive ends. Selection builds adaptive
functional organization; chance almost never builds
complex functional organization. So positing com-
plex designs that serve the larger social good, or that
complexly manipulate symbolic codes to spin webs
of meaning, or that cause one to maximize mone-
tary profit, all violate the evolvability criterion unless
it can be shown that these are side effects of what
would have been adaptive functional organization in
the Pleistocer Similarly, one should not posit the ex-
istence of complex functional designs that evolved to
solve adaptive problems that emerged only very re-
cently. Complex functionality requires time to evolve
and, therefore, can arise only in response to long
standing adaptive problems (Dawkins, 1982, 1986;
Tooby & Cosmides, 1990a).
Over the course of their evolution, humans reg-
ularly needed to recognize object avoid predators,
avoid incest, avoid teratogens when pregnant, re-
pair nutritional deficiencies by dietary modification,
judge distance, identify plant foods, capture animal
acquire grammar, attend to alarm cries, detect when
their children needed assistance, be motivated to
make that assistance, avoid contagious disease, ac-
quire a lexicon, I motivated to nurse, select con-
specifics as mates, select mates of the opposite sex,
select mates of high reproductive value, induce po-
tential mates to choose them, choose productive ac-
tivities, balance when walking, avoid being bitten by
venomous snake understand and make tools, avoid
needlessly enraging others, interpret social situa-
tions correctly, help relatives, decide which foraging
efforts have repaid the energy expenditure, perform
anticipatory motion computation, inhibit one’s mate
from conceiving children by another, deter aggres-
sion, maintain friendships, navigate, recognize faces,
recognize emotions, cooperate, and make effective
trade-offs among man of these activities, along with
a host of other tasks. To be a viable hypothesis about
human psychological architecture, the design pro-
posed must able to meet both solvability and evolv-
ability criteria: It must be able to solve the problems
that we observe modern humans routinely solving
and it must solve all the problems that were neces-
sary for humans to survive and reproduce in ances-
tral environments. No existing version of Standard
Model psychology can remotely begin to explain how
human perform these tasks.
Over the course of this chapter, we have touched
on how domain-specific mechanisms are empiri-
cally better supported than domain-general mecha-
nisms, on why domain-general mechanisms cannot
give rise to routinely observable behavioral perfor-
mances, on why domain-specific architectures are
usually more functional than domain-general archi-
tectures, and, especially, on why it is implausible or
impossible for predominantly content-independent,
domain-general computational systems t< perform
the tasks necessary for survival and reproduction in
natural environments The main arguments that we
have reviewed here (and elsewhere; see Cosmides &
Tooby, 1987, 1992; Tooby & Cosmides, 1990b) are
as follows:
1. In order to perform tasks successfully more of-
ten than chance, the architecture must be able to
discriminate successful performance from unsuccess-
ful performance. Because a domain-general archi-
tecture by definition has no built-in content-specific
rules for judging what counts as error and success
on different tasks, it must have a general rule. Un-
fortunately, there is no useable general cue or cri-
terion for success or failure that can apply across
domains. What counts as good performance for
one task (e.g., depth perception) is completely dif-
ferent from what counts as good performance for
other tasks (e.g., incest avoidance, immune regu-
lation, avoiding contagion, imitating, eating). The
only unifying element in discriminating success from
failure is whether an act promotes fitness (design-
propagation). But the relative fitness contribution
of a given decision cannot be used as a criterion for
learning or making choices because it is inherently
unobservable by the individual (for discussion, see
Cosmides & Tooby, 1987, 1992; Tooby & Cosmides,
1990b). Consequently, our evolved psychological ar-
chitecture needs substantial built-in content-specific
structure to discriminate adaptive success from fail-
ure. There needs to be at least as many different
domain-specific psychological adaptations as there
are evolutionarily recurrent functional tasks with dif-
ferent criteria for success.
2. As discussed at length, domain-general,
content-independent mechanisms are inefficient,
handicapped, or inert compared to systems that also
include specialized techniques for solving particular
families of adaptive problems. A specialized mech-
anism can make use of the enduring relationships
present in the problem-domain or in the related fea-
tures of the world by reflecting these content-specific
relationships in its problem-solving structure. Such
mechanisms will be far more efficient than general-
purpose mechanisms, which must expend time, en-
ergy, and risk learning these relationships through
"trial and possibly fatal error" (Shepard, 1987a).
3. Many problems that humans routinely solve are
simply not solvable by any known general problem-
solving strategy, as demonstrated by formal solvabil-
ity analyses on language acquisition ( e.g., Pinker,
1979, 1984, 1989, 1991; Pinker & Prince, 1988). We
think that the class of such problems is large and, as
discussed above, includes at a minimum all motiva-
tional problems.
4. Different adaptive problems are’ often incom-
mensurate. They cannot, in principle, be solved by
the same mechanism (Chomsky, 1980). To take a
simple example, the factors that make a food nutri-
tious are different from those that make a human a
good mate or a savannah a good habitat. As Sherry
and Schacter point out, "functional incompatibility
exists when an adaptation that serves one function
cannot, because of its specialized nature, effectively
serve other functions. The specific properties of the
adaptation that make it effective as a solution to
one problem also render it incompatible with the de-
mands of other problems" ( 1987, p. 439).
5. Many adaptive courses of action can be nei-
ther deduced nor learned by general criteria alone
because they depend on statistical relationships that
are unobservable to the relevant individual. For a
content-independent system to learn a relationship,
all parts of the relationship must be perceptually de-
tectable. This is frequently not the case. Natural se-
lection can "observe" relationships that exist between
a sensory cue, a decision rule, and a fitness out-
come that is inherently unobservable to the individ-
ual making the decision (Tooby & Cosmides, 1990b),
as in the case of pregnancy sickness (Profet, 1988,
this volume) or the Westermarck incest avoidance
mechanism (Shepher, 1983; Wolf & Huang, 1980).
This is because natural selection does not work by
inference or computation: It took the real problem,
"ran the experiment," and retained those designs
whose information-processing procedures led over
thousand of generations to the best outcome. Natu-
ral selection, through incorporating content specific
decision rules, allows the organism to behave as if
it could see and be guide by relationships that are
perceptually undetectable and, hence, inherently un-
learnable by any general-purpose system.
6. As discussed, the more generally framed prob-
lems are, the more computational systems suffer
from combinatorial explosion, in which proliferating
alternatives choke decision and learning procedures,
bringing the system to a halt. If it were true that, a
Rindos ( 1986, p. 315) puts the central tenet of the
Standard Social Science Model, "the specifics that we
learn are in no sense predetermined by our genes,"
then we could learn nothing at all.
7. Everything a domain-general system can do
can be done as well or better by a system that also
permits domain-specific mechanisms because selec-
tion can incorporate any successful domain-general
strategies into an architecture without displacing
its existing repertoire of domain-specific problem-
Without further belaboring the point, there is a
host of other reasons why content free, general-
purpose systems could not evolve, could not manage
their own reproduction, and would be grossly inef-
ficient and easily outcompeted if they did. Equally
important, these arguments apply not simply to
the extreme limiting case of a completely content-
free, domain-general architecture but to all Standard
Model architectures, as conventionally presented.
The single criterion that any proposed human psy-
chological architecture must solve all the problems
necessary to cause reliable reproduction under nat-
ural conditions is decisive. When taken seriously
and considered carefully, it leads to the conclusion
that the human psychological architecture must be
far more frame-rich and permeated with content-
specific structure than mos1 researchers (including
ourselves) had ever suspected.
The Content-Specific Road to Adaptive Flexibil-
The ability to adjust behavior flexibly and appro-
priately to meet the shifting demands of immediate
circumstances would, of course, be favored by selec-
tion, other things being equal. What organism would
not be better off if it could solve a broader array of
problems? Moreover, the psychologies of different
species do differ in the breadth of situations to which
they can respond appropriately, with humans act-
ing flexibly to a degree that is zoologically unprece-
dented. Humans engage in elaborate improvised be-
haviors, from composing symphonies to piloting air-
craft to rice cultivation, which collectively indicate a
generality of achieved problem-solving that is truly
breathtaking. Although many human acts do not
successfully solve adaptive problems, enough do that
the human population has increased a thousandfold
in only a few thousand years. If general-purpose
mechanisms are so weak, how can the variability of
observed human behavior be reconciled with its level
of functionality?
As discussed above, there is little in content-
independent, domain-general strategies of problem-
solving that by themselves can account for functional
behavior, whether it is flexible or not. In contrast,
specialized mechanisms can be very successful and
powerful problem-solvers, but they achieve this at
the price of addressing a narrower range of prob-
lems than a more general mechanism. If these were
the only two alternatives, organisms would be lim-
ited to being narrow successes or broad failures, and
the human case of broad adaptive flexibility could
not be accounted for.
The solution to the paradox of how to create an
architecture that is at the same time both powerful
and more general is to bundle larger numbers of spe-
cialized mechanisms together so that in aggregate,
rather than individually, they address a larger range
of problems. Breadth is achieved not by abandon-
ing domain specific techniques but by adding more
of them to the system. By adding together a face
recognition module, a spatial relations module, a
rigid object mechanics module, a tool-use module, a
fear module, a social-exchange module, an emotion-
perception module, a kin-oriented motivation mod-
ule, an effort allocation and recalibration module,
a child-care module, a social-inference module, a
sexual-attraction module, a semantic-inference mod-
ule, a friendship module, a grammar acquisition
module, a communication-pragmatics module, a the-
ory of mind module, and so on, an architecture gains
a breadth of competences that allows it to solve a
wider and wider array of problems, coming to re-
semble, more and more, a human mind. The more
a system initially "knows" about the world and its
persistent characteristics, and the more evolution-
arily proven "skills" it starts out with, the more it
can learn, the more problems it can solve, the more
it can accomplish. In sharp contrast to the Stan-
dard Model, which views an absence of con- tent-
specific structure as a precondition for richly flexi-
ble behavior, the analysis of what computational sys-
tems actually need to succeed suggests the opposite:
that the human capacity for adaptive flexibility and
powerful problem-solving is so great precisely be-
cause of the number and the domain-specificity of
the mechanisms we have. Again, this converges on
William James’s argument that humans have more
"instincts" than other animals, not fewer (James,
1892; Symons, 1987).
Moreover, there are many reasons to think that
the number of function-general mechanisms and
function-specific mechanisms in an architecture are
not inversely related in a zero-sum relationship,
but are positively related (Rozin, 1976). Content-
specialized mechanisms dissect situations, thereby
creating a problem space rich with relevant rela-
tionships that content-independent mechanisms can
exploit (e.g., Cosmides & Tooby, under review;
Gigerenzer, Hoffrage & Kleinbolting, 1991; Shepard,
1987b). Thus, the more alternative content special-
ized mechanisms an architecture contains, the more
easily domain-general mechanisms can be applied to
the problem spaces they create without being para-
lyzed by combinatorial explosion. Although domain-
general mechanisms may be weak in isolation, they
can valuably broaden the problem solving range of
an architecture if they are embedded in a matrix
of adaptive specializations that can act as a guid-
ance system (Rozin, 1976). For example, humans
have powerful specialized social inference mecha-
nisms that reflect the contentful structure of human
metaculture, allowing humans to evaluate and in-
terpret others’ behaviors. This provides a founda-
tion for the human-specific ability to imitate others
(Galef, 1988; Meltzoff, 1988), greatly increasing the
range of situations to which they can respond appro-
Therefore, what is special about the human mind
is not that it gave up "instinct" in order to be-
come flexible, but that it proliferated "instincts"-that
is, content-specific problem-solving specializations-
which allowed an expanding role for psycho- logi-
cal mechanisms that are (relatively) more function-
general. These are presently lumped into categories
with unilluminating labels such as "the capacity for
culture," "intelligence," "learning," and "rationality."
It is time for the social sciences to turn from a nearly
exclusive focus on these embedded, more function-
general mechanisms to a wider view that includes
the crucial, and largely neglected, superstructure of
evolved functional specializations. Equally, we need
to explore how the two classes of mechanisms are
interwoven so that their combined interactive prod-
uct is the zoologically unique yet evolutionarily pat-
terned breadth of functional behaviors.
The Pluralistic Analysis of Human Culture
and Mental Organization Malinowski main-
tained that cultural facts are partly to be ex-
plained in psychological terms.
This view has often been met with skepti-
cism or even scorn, as if it were an easily
exposed naive fallacy. What I find fallacious
are the arguments usually leveled against
this view. What I find naive is the belief that
human mental abilities make culture possi-
ble and yet do not in any way determine its
content and organization.
-DAN SPERBER ( 1985, p. 73)
A large and rapidly growing body of research from
a diversity of disciplines has shown that the content-
independent psychology that provides the founda-
tion for the Standard Social Science Model is an im-
possible psychology. It could not have evolved; it re-
quires an incoherent developmental biology; it can-
not account for the observed problem-solving abil-
ities of humans or the functional dimension of hu-
man behavior; it cannot explain the recurrent pat-
terns and characteristic contents of human mental
life and behavior; it has repeatedly been empirically
falsified; and it cannot even explain how humans
learn their culture or their language. With the failure
of Standard Model psychology, and the emergence of
a domain-specific psychology, the remaining logic of
the Standard Social Science Model also collapses.
In this chapter, we have limited ourselves to ana-
lyzing some of the defects of the Standard Social Sci-
ence Model, concentrating on the untenability of the
psychology that forms the foundation for its theory
of culture. Along the way, we have touched on only
a handful of the changes that an evolutionary psy-
chological approach would introduce into the theo-
retical foundations of the social sciences. These and
the remarks that follow should not, however, be mis-
taken for a substantive discussion of , what a new
theory of culture that was based on modern biology,
psychology, and 1 anthropology would look like. Still
less should they be mistaken for a presentation of the
mutually consistent conceptual framework (what we
have been calling the Integrated Causal Model) that
emerges when the various biological, behavioral,
and social science fields are even partially integrated
and reconciled. Because our argument has been nar-
rowly focused on psychology, we have been unable
to review or discuss the many critical contributions
that have been made to this embryonic synthesis
from evolutionary biology, anthropology, neurobiol-
ogy, sociology, and many other fields. These must
be taken up elsewhere. In particular, readers should
be aware that the ideas underlying the Integrated
Causal Model are not original with us: They are
the collaborative product of hundreds of individual
scholars working in a diverse array of fields over the
last several decades! Indeed, the collaborative di-
mension of this new frame- work is key. The eclipse
of the Standard Model and the gradual emergence
of its replacement has resulted from researchers ex-
ploring the natural causal connections that integrate
separate fields (see, e.g., Barkow, 1989, on the im-
portance of making psychology consistent with biol-
ogy and anthropology consistent with psychology).
The research program we and others are advocating
is one of integration and consistency, not of psycho-
logical or biological reductionism. (See Atran, 1990;
Daly & Wilson, 1988; and Symons, 1979, for exam-
ples of how such integrative approaches can be ap-
plied to specific problems.)
What does the rise of domain-specific psychol-
ogy mean for theories of culture? By themselves,
psychological theories do not and cannot constitute
theories of culture. They only provide the foun-
dations for theories of culture. Humans live and
evolved in interacting networks that exhibit com-
plex population-level dynamics, and so theories and
analyses of population-level processes are necessary
components for any full understanding of human
phenomena. Nevertheless, increasing knowledge
about our evolved psychological architecture places
increasing constraints on admissible theories of cul-
ture. Although our knowledge is still very rudimen-
tary, it is already clear that future theories of cul-
ture will differ significantly in a series of ways from
Standard Social Science Model theories. Most fun-
damentally, if each human embodies an evolved psy-
chological architecture that comes richly equipped
with content-imparting mechanisms, then the tradi-
tional concept of culture itself must be completely
Culture has been the central concept of the Stan-
dard Social Science Model. According to its tenets,
culture is a unitary entity that expresses itself in
a trinity of aspects. (I) It is conceived as being
some kind of contingently variable informational
substance that is transmitted by one generation to
another within a group: Culture is what is socially
learned. (2) Because the individual mind is consid-
ered to be primarily a social product formed out of
the rudimentary infant mind, all or nearly all adult
mental organization and content is assumed to be
cultural in derivation and sub- stance: Culture is
what is contentful and organized in human mental
life and behavior. (3) Humans everywhere shows
striking patterns of local within-group similarity in
their behavior and thought, accompanied by signif-
icant intergroup differences. The existence of sepa-
rate streams of transmitted informational substance
is held to be the explanation for these group pat
terns: ’Cultures are these sets of similarities, and
inter- group or cross-location differences are called
cultural differences.
In the absence of a content-free psychology, how-
ever, this trinity breaks into separate pieces because
these three sets of phenomena can no longer be
equated. We have already sketched out why the
human mind must be permeated with content and
organization that does not originate in the social
world. This breaks apart any simple equivalence
between the first two meanings of "culture." Nev-
ertheless, even for those who admit that the mind
has some content that is not socially supplied, the
distribution of human within-group similarities and
between-group differences remains the most persua-
sive element in the Standard Model analysis. These
salient differences are taken to confirm that the so-
cially learned supplies most of the rich substance
of human life (see "The Standard Social Science
Model", pp. 24-34). Because Standard Model ad-
vocates believe that a constant-our universal evolved
architecture-cannot explain what varies, they can see
no explanation for "cultural differences" other than
differences in transmitted information.
Although this conclusion seems compelling, a sim-
ple thought experiment illustrates why it is un-
founded. Imagine that extraterrestrials replaced
each human being on earth with a state-of-the-art
compact disk jukebox that has thousands of songs in
its repertoire. Each jukebox is identical. Moreover,
each is equipped with a clock, an automated navi-
gational device that measures its latitude and longi-
tude, and a circuit that selects what song it will play
on the basis of its location, the time, and the date.
What our extraterrestrials would observe would
be the same kind of pattern of within- group sim-
ilarities and between-group differences observable
among humans: In Rio, every juke box would be
playing the same song, which would be different
from the song that every juke box was playing in Bei-
jing, and so on, around the world. Each juke box’s
"behavior" would be clearly and complexly patterned
because each had been equipped with the same large
repertoire of songs. Moreover, each jukebox’s be-
havior would change over time, because the song it
plays is a function of the date and time, as well as
of its location. Jukeboxes that were moved from lo-
cation to location would appear to adopt the local
songs, sequences, and "fashions. " Yet the genera-
tion of this distinctive, culture-like pattern involves
no social learning or transmission whatsoever. This
pattern is brought about because, like humans, the
juke boxes ( 1) share a universal, highly organized,
architecture, that (2) is designed to respond to in-
puts from the local situation (e.g., date, time, and
All humans share a universal, highly organized
architecture that is richly endowed with contentful
mechanisms, and these mechanisms are designed
to respond to thousands of inputs from local situ-
ations. As a result, humans in groups can be ex-
pected to express, in response to local conditions, a
variety of organized within- group similarities that
are not caused by social learning or transmission.
Of course, these generated within-group similarities
will simultaneously lead to systematic differences be-
tween groups facing different conditions. To take a
single example, differences in attitudes toward shar-
ing between hunter-gatherer groups may be evoked
by ecological variables (for discussion, see Cosmides
& Tooby, this volume).
Thus, complex shared patterns that differ from
group to group may be evoked by circumstances or
may be produced by differential transmission. For
this reason, the general concept of "culture" in the
Standard Model sense is a conflation of evoked cul-
ture and transmitted culture (as well as of metacul-
ture and other components). Given that the mind
contains many mechanisms, we expect that both
transmitted and evoked factors will play complemen-
tary roles in the generation of differentiated local
cultures. The operation of a richly responsive psy-
chology, plus the ability to socially "learn," can jointly
explain far more about "culture" and cultural change
than either can alone. For example, when mem-
bers of a group face new and challenging circum-
stances (drought, war, migration, abundance), this
may activate a common set of functionally organized
domain-specific mechanisms, evoking anew set of at-
titudes and goals. The newly evoked psychological
states will make certain new ideas appealing, caus-
ing them to spread by transmission, and certain old
ideas unappealing, causing them to be discarded. In
contrast, the Standard Model "do what your parents
did" concept of culture is not a principle that can
explain much about why cultural elements change,
where new ones come from, why they spread, or
why certain complex patterns ( e.g., pastoralist com-
monalities) recur in widely separated cultures. Of
course, many anthropologists implicitly recognize
these points, but they need to make the links be-
tween the cultural processes they study and the
underlying evolved content- organizing psychology
they are assuming explicit. For example, economic
and ecological anthropology, to be coherent, neces-
sarily assume underlying content-specialized psycho-
logical mechanisms that forge relationships between
environmental and economic variables and human
thought and action.
It is especially important for post-Standard Model
researchers to recognize that the environmental fac-
tors that cause contentful mental and behavioral or-
ganization to be expressed are not necessarily the
processes that constructed that organization. In the
case of the jukebox, it would be a mistake to at-
tribute the organized content manifest in the mu-
sic to the environmental stimuli (i.e., the location,
date, and time) that caused one song to be played
rather than another. The stimuli did not compose the
music; they merely caused it to be expressed. Simi-
larly, our psychological architectures come equipped
with evolved contentful organization, which can re-
main latent or become activated depending on cir-
cumstances and which may vary in its expression
according to procedures embodying any degree of
complexity. Because our psycho- logical architecture
is complexly responsive, the Standard Model prac-
tice of equating the variable with the learned is a
simple non sequitur. The claim that some phenom-
ena are "socially constructed" only means that the
social environment provided some of the inputs used
by the psychological mechanisms of the individuals
In short, observations of patterns of similarities
and differences do not establish that the substance
of human life is created by social learning. In any
specific case, we need to map our evolved psycho-
logical architecture to know which elements (if any)
are provided by transmission, which by the rest of
the environment, which by the architecture, and
how all these elements causally interact to produce
the phenomenon in question. Admittedly, the juke
box thought experiment is an unrealistically extreme
case in which a complex, functionally organized,
content-sensitive architecture internalizes no trans-
mitted informational input other than an environ-
mental trigger. But this case is simply the mirror
image of the SSSM’s extreme view of the human
mind as a content-free architecture where everything
is provided by the internalization of transmitted in-
put. Our central point is that in any particular do-
main of human activity, the programming that gives
our architecture its ability to contingently respond
to the environment mayor may not be designed to
take transmitted representations as input. If it does,
it may mix in content derived from its own structure
and process the resulting representations in complex
and transformative ways. The trinity of cultural phe-
nomena can no longer be equated with ’one another.
Our complex content-specific psychological architec-
ture participates in the often distinct processes of
generating mental content, generating local similar-
ities and between-group differences, and generating
what is "transmitted." Indeed, it also participates in
the complex process of internalizing what others are
Inferential Reconstruction and Cultural Epi-
The Standard Social Science Model has been very
effective in promulgating the unity of the trinity. The
socially learned, the set of within-group common-
alities and between-group differences, and the con-
tentful organization of human mental and social life
have been so thoroughly conflated that it is difficult
to speak about human phenomena without using the
word culture. For this reason, we will use culture
to refer to any mental, behavioral, or material com-
monalities shared across individuals, from those that
are shared across the entire species down to the lim-
iting case of those shared only by a dyad, regardless
of why these commonalities exist. When the causes
of the commonality can be identified, we will use a
qualifier, such as "evoked."
So things that are cultural in the sense of being
organized, contentful, and shared among individu-
als may be explained in a number of different ways.
Within-group commonalities may have been evoked
by common circumstances impacting universal archi-
tectures. An even larger proportion of organized,
contentful, and shared phenomena may be explained
as the expression of our universal psychological and
physiological architectures in interaction with the re-
current structure of the social or non- social world-
what we earlier called metaculture. Metaculture
includes a huge range of psychological and behav-
ioral phenomena that under Standard Model analy-
ses have been invisible or misclassified (D. E. Brown,
1991). Because the Standard Model attributed ev-
erything that was contentful and recurrent to some
form of social learning, it misinterpreted phenomena
such as anger upon deliberate injury, grief at a loss,
the belief that others have minds, treating species as
natural kinds, social cognition about reciprocation,
or the search for food when hungry as socially man-
ufactured products.
Nevertheless, after the evoked and the metacul-
tural have been excluded, there still remains a large
residual category of representations or regulatory el-
ements that reap- pear in chains from individual to
individual-"culture" in the classic sense. In giving up
the Standard Social Science Model, we are not aban-
doning the classic concept of culture. Instead, we are
attempting to explain what evolved psychological
mechanisms cause it to exist. That way we can get
a clearer causal understanding of how psycho- log-
ical mechanisms and populational processes shape
its content, and thereby restrict its explanatory role
in social theory to the phenomena that it actually
This subset of cultural phenomena is restricted to
(1) those representations or regulatory elements that
exist originally in at least one mind that (2) come to
exist in other minds because (3) observation and in-
teraction between the source and the observer cause
inferential mechanisms in the observer to recreate
the representations or regulatory elements in his or
her own psychological architecture. In this case,
the representations and elements inferred are con-
tingent: They could be otherwise and, in other hu-
man minds, they commonly are otherwise. Rather
than calling this class of representations "transmit-
ted" culture, we prefer terms such as reconstructed
culture, adopted culture, or epidemiological culture.
The use of the word "transmission" implies that the
primary causal process is located in the individu-
als from whom the representations are derived. In
contrast, an evolutionary psychological perspective
emphasizes the primacy of the psychological mech-
anisms in the learner that, given observations of
the social world, inferentially reconstruct some of
the representations existing in the minds of the ob-
served. Other people are usually just going about
their business as they are observed, and are not nec-
essarily intentionally "transmitting" anything.
More precisely, an observer (who, for expository
simplicity, we will call the "child") witnesses some fi-
nite sample of behavior by others (e.g., public repre-
sentations, such as utterances or other communica-
tive acts; people going about their affairs; people re-
sponding to the child’s behavior). The task of the
mechanisms in the child is to (1) reconstruct within
themselves on the basis of these observations a set of
representations or regulatory elements that (2) are
similar enough to those present in the humans she
lives among so that (3) the behavior her mechanisms
generate can be adaptively coordinated with other
people and her habitat. Thus, the problem of learn-
ing "culture" lies in deducing the hidden represen-
tations and regulatory elements embedded in oth-
ers’ minds that are responsible for generating their
behavior. To the extent that the child’s mechanisms
make mistakes-and mistakes are endemic-and recon-
struct the wrong underlying representations and reg-
ulatory elements, she will not be able to predict other
people’s behavior, interpret their transactions with
one another in the world, imitate them, communi-
cate with them, cooperate with them, help them, or
even anticipate or avoid their hostile and exploitive
Why did ancestral hominid foragers evolve mecha-
nisms that allowed them to reconstruct the represen-
tations present in the minds of those around them?
Leaving aside the question of their costs and limita-
tions, the advantage of such mechanisms is straight-
forward. Information about adaptive courses of ac-
tion in local conditions is difficult and costly to ob-
tain by individual experience alone. Those who have
preceded an individual in a habitat and social en-
vironment have built up in their minds a rich store
of useful information. The existence of such infor-
mation in other minds selected for specialized psy-
chological adaptations that were able to use social
observations to reconstruct some of this informa-
tion within one’s own mind (e.g., Boyd & Richerson,
1985; Tooby & DeVore, 1987). By such inferential re-
construction, one individual was able to profit from
deducing what another already knew. When such in-
ferential reconstruction becomes common enough in
a group, and some representations begin to be stably
re-created in sequential chains of individuals across
generations, then the structure of events begins to
warrant being called "cultural. "
As discussed earlier, this task of reconstruction
would be unsolvable if the child did not come
equipped with a rich battery of domain-specific in-
ferential mechanisms, a faculty of social cognition,
a large set of frames about humans and the world
drawn from the common stock of human metacul-
ture, and other specialized psychological adaptations
designed to solve the problems involved in this task
(see, e.g., Boyer, 1990; Sperber, 1985, 1990; Sperber
& Wilson, 1986; Tooby & Cosmides, 1989a). Con-
sequently, epidemiological culture is also shaped by
the details of our evolved psycho- logical organiza-
tion. Thus, there is no radical discontinuity inher-
ent in the evolution of "culture" that removes hu-
mans into an autonomous realm. Mechanisms de-
signed for such inferential reconstruction evolved
within a pre-existing complex psychological archi-
tecture and depended on this encompassing array
of content-structuring mechanisms to successfully
interpret observations, reconstruct representations,
modify behavior, and so on. Solving these, infer-
ential problems is not computationally trivial, and
other species, with a few possible minor exceptions,
are not equipped to per- form this task to any signif-
icant degree (Galef, 1988).
Moreover, outside of contexts of competition,
knowledge is not usually devalued by being shared.
Consequently, to the substantial extent that individu-
als in a hunter- gatherer group had interests in com-
mon and had already evolved mechanisms for infer-
ential reconstruction, selection would have favored
the evolution of mechanisms that facilitated others’
inferences about one’s own knowledge (as, for ex-
ample, by communicating or teaching). The mutual
sharing of valuable knowledge and discoveries has
a dramatic effect on the usefulness of mechanisms
that attempt to adaptively adjust behavior to match
local conditions (Boyd & Richerson, 1985; Tooby
& DeVore, 1987). Because of combinatorial explo-
sion, knowledge of successful local techniques is pre-
cious and hard to discover, but relatively cheap to
share (once again, ignoring the cost of the psycho-
logical mechanisms that facilitate or perform such
sequential reconstruction). Within limits, this cre-
ates economies of scale: The greater the number of
individuals who participate in the system of knowl-
edge sharing, ( 1) the larger the avail- able pool
of knowledge will be, (2) the more each individ-
ual can derive from the pool, (3) the more advanta-
geous reconstructive adaptations will be, and (4) the
more it would pay to evolve knowledge-dependent
mechanisms that could exploit this set of local repre-
sentations to improvise solutions to local problems.
This collaborative information-driven approach to
the adaptive regulation of behavior can be thought of
as the "cognitive niche" (Tooby & DeVore, 1987). The
mutual benefit of such knowledge sharing led to the
co-evolution of sets of adaptations, such as language,
elaborated communicative emotional displays, and
pedagogy that coordinate specialized processes of in-
ferential reconstruction with the specialized produc-
tion of behavior. designed to facilitate such recon-
struction (e.g., Ekman, 1984; Freyd, 1983; Fridlund
in press; Pinker & Bloom, this volume; Premack, in
prep.; Sperber & Wilson, 1986).
Because reconstructive inferences are often erro-
neous and what others "know" is often of dubious
quality or irrelevant, such inferential processes could
not have evolved without adaptations that assessed
to some degree the value of such reconstructed
knowledge and how it fits in with knowledge derived
from other sources. If a representation is easy to suc-
cessfully reconstruct and is evaluated positively, then
it will tend to spread through inter-individual chains
of inference, becoming widely shared. If it is difficult
to reconstruct or evaluated as not valuable, it will
have only a restricted distribution or will disappear
(Sperber, 1985, 1990; Sperber & Wilson, 1986). This
evaluation process gives sequentially reconstructed
culture its well-known, if partial, parallels to nat-
ural selection acting on genes; that is, the selec-
tive retention and accumulation of favored variants
over time (e.g., Barkow, 1989; Boyd & Richer- son,
1985; Campbell, 1965, 1975; Cavalli Sforza & Feld-
man, 1981; Dawkins, 1976; Durham, 1991; Lums-
den & Wilson, 1981). Moreover, these psychological
mechanisms endow sequentially reconstructed cul-
ture with its epidemiological character, as a dynam-
ically changing distribution of elements among indi-
viduals living in populations over time. As Sperber
says, "Cultural phenomena are ecological patterns of
psychological phenomena. They do not pertain to
an autonomous level of reality, as antireductionists
would have it, nor do they merely belong to psychol-
ogy as reductionists would have it" ( 1985, p. 76).
The more widely shared an element is, the more
people are inclined to call it "cultural," but there
is no natural dividing point along a continuum of
something shared between two individuals to some-
thing shared through inferential reconstruction by
the entire human species (Sperber, 1985, 1990). The
Standard Model practice of framing "cultures" as sets
of representations homogeneously shared by nearly
all members of discrete and bounded "groups" does
not capture the richness of the ecological distribu-
tion of these psychological elements, which cross-cut
each other in a bewildering variety of fractal pat-
terns. Language boundaries do not correspond to
subsistence practice boundaries, which do not corre-
spond to political boundaries or to the distribution
of rituals (for discussion, see Campbell & LeVine,
1972). Within groups, representations occur with
all kinds of different frequencies, from beliefs passed
across generations by unique dyads, such as shaman-
istic knowledge or mother-daughter advice, to be-
liefs shared by most or all members of the group.
The belief that sequentially reconstructed repre-
sentations exist primarily in bounded cells called
"cultures" derives primarily from the distribution of
language boundaries, which do happen to be dis-
tributed more or less in this fashion. As Pinker and
Bloom (this volume) point out, communication pro-
tocols can be arbitrary, but must be shared between
sender and receiver to be functional. The benefit
of learning an arbitrary linguistic element is propor-
tional to how widely it is distributed among a set
of interacting individuals. Therefore, well-designed
language acquisition mechanisms distributed among
a local set of individuals will tend to converge on a
relatively homogeneous set of elements: It is use-
ful for all local individuals to know the same lo-
cal language. Although there are other reasons
why reconstructed elements may show sharp coor-
dinated boundaries (e.g., ethnocentrism, common
inheritance, sharp habitat boundaries, geographical
barriers, and so on), most classes of representations
or regulatory elements dynamically distribute them-
selves according to very different patterns, and it
is probably more accurate to think of humanity as
a single interacting population tied together by se-
quences of reconstructive inference than as a collec-
tion of discrete groups with separate bounded "cul-
Finally, the reconstruction of regulatory elements
and representations in a psycho- logical architecture
should not be thought of as a homogeneous process.
Given that our minds have a large set of domain-
specific mechanisms, it seems likely that different
mechanisms would be selected to exploit social ob-
servations in different ways and have quite distinct
procedures for acquiring, interpreting, and using in-
formation derived from the social world. Certainly,
the language acquisition device appears to have its
own special properties (e.g., Pinker, 1989), and
many other domains appear to follow their own spe-
cial rules (Carey & Gelman, 1991). It seems unlikely
in the extreme that the different modules underly-
ing mate preferences (Symons, 1979; Buss, in prep.),
food preferences (e.g., Galef, 1990), display rules for
emotional expression (Ekman, 1982), fears (Cook et
al., 1986) and so on, process social observations ac-
cording to a single unitary process. Moreover, to the
extent that there may exist a large, potentially in-
teracting store of representations in the mind (see,
e.g., Fodor 1983), nothing in the psychological ar-
chitecture necessarily segregates off representations
derived through "epidemiological culture" from rep-
resentations and regulatory elements derived from
other sources.
This brief sketch suggests a few of the features fu-
ture theories of culture may incorporate, once the
Standard Model concept of learning is discarded.
These are organized by two themes. First, what is
presently attributed to "culture" will come to be plu-
ralistically explained as metaculture, evoked culture,
epidemiological culture, and individual mental con-
tents that are internally generated and not derived
through inferential reconstruction (see table below).
Second, with the fall of content-independent learn-
ing, the socially constructed wall that separates psy-
chology and anthropology (as well as other fields)
will disappear. The heterogeneous mechanisms com-
prising our evolved psychological architecture partic-
ipate inextricably in all cultural and social phenom-
ena and, because they are content-specialized, they
impart some contentful patterning to them. Indeed,
models of psychological mechanisms, such as social
exchange, maternal attachment, sexual attraction,
sexual jealousy, the categorization of living kinds,
and so on, are the building blocks out of which fu-
ture theories of culture will, in part, be built (Sper-
ber, 1990; Tooby & Cosmides, 1989a). By no means
do we deny or minimize the existence of emergent
phenomena, such as institutions, or the fact that
population-level processes alter the epidemiological
distribution of cultural contents over time. The point
is simply that cultural and social phenomena can
never be fully divorced from the structure of the hu-
man psychological architecture or understood with-
out reference to its design.
The Twilight of Learning as a Social Science Expla-
Advocates of the Standard Social Science Model
have believed for nearly a century that they have
a solid explanation for how the social world in-
serts organization into the psychology of the devel-
oping individual. They maintain that structure en-
ters from the social (and physical) world by the pro-
cess of "Iearning"-individuals "learn" their language,
they "learn " their culture, they "learn " to walk, and
so on. All problems- whether they are long-enduring
adaptive problems or evolutionarily unprecedented
problems-are solved by "learning." In the intellectual
communities dominated by the SSSM, learning has
been thought to be a powerful explanation for how
certain things come about, an explanation that is
taken to refer to a well-understood and well- spec-
ified general process that someone (i.e., the psycho-
logical community) has documented. For this rea-
son, "learning," and such common companion con-
cepts as "culture," "rationality," and "intelligence," is
frequently invoked as an alternative explanation to
so-called "biological" explanations (e.g., sexual jeal-
ousy did not evolve, it is learned from culture; one
doesn’t need to explain how humans engage in social
exchange: They simply used their "reason" or "intel-
Of course, as most cognitive scientists know (and
all should), "learning"-like "culture," "rationality,"
and "intelligence"-is not an explanation for anything,
but is rather a phenomenon that itself requires ex-
planation (Cosmides & Tooby, 1987; Tooby & Cos-
mides, 1990b). In fact, the concept of "learning" has,
for the social sciences, served the same function that
the concept of "protoplasm" did for so long in bi-
ology. For decades, biologists could see that living
things were very different from nonliving things, in
that a host of very useful things happened inside of
living things that did not occur inside of the nonliv-
ing (growth, the manufacture of complex chemicals,
the assembly of useful structures, tissue differentia-
tion, energy production, and so on). They had no
idea what causal sequences brought these useful re-
sults about. They reified this unknown functional-
ity, imagining it to be a real substance, and called it
"protoplasm," believing it to be the stuff that life was
made of. It was a name given to a mystery, which
was then used as an explanation for the functional
results that remained in genuine need of explana-
tion. Of course, the concept of protoplasm eventu-
ally disappeared when molecular biologists began to
determine the actual causal sequences by which the
functional business of life was transacted. "Proto-
plasm " turned out to be a heterogeneous collection
of incredibly intricate functionally organized struc-
tures and processes-a set of evolved adaptations, in
the form of microscopic molecular machinery such
as mitochondria, chloroplasts, the Krebs cycle, DNA
transcription, RNA translation, and so on.
Similarly, human minds do a host of singularly
useful things, by which they coordinate themselves
with things in the world: They develop skill in
the local community’s language; upon exposure to
events they change behavior in impressively func-
tional ways; they reconstruct in themselves knowl-
edge derived from others; they adopt the practices of
others around them; and so on. Psychologists did not
know what causal sequences brought these useful re-
sults about. They reified this unknown functional-
ity, imagining it to be a unitary process, and called
it "leaming." "Leaming" is a name given to the un-
known agent imagined to cause a large and hetero-
geneous set of functional outcomes. This name was
(and is) then used as an explanation for results that
remained in genuine need of explanation. We expect
that the concept of learning will eventually disap-
pear as cognitive psychologists and other researchers
make progress in determining the actual causal se-
quences by which the functional business of the mind
is transacted. Under closer inspection, "learning" is
turning out to be a diverse set of processes caused
by a series of incredibly intricate, functionally orga-
nized cognitive adaptations, implemented in neuro-
biological machinery (see, e.g., Carey & Gel- man,
1991; Gallistel, 1990; Pinker 1989, 1991; Real, 1991
). With slight qualifications about the exact contexts
of usage, similar things could be said for "culture,"
"intelligence," and "rationality." The replacement of
the concept of protoplasm with a real understand-
ing of the vast, hidden, underlying worlds of molec-
ular causality has trans- formed our understanding
of the world in completely unexpected ways, and we
can only anticipate that the same will happen when
"learning" is replaced with knowledge.
... When the details of a feature (or coordinated set of features) yield particular beneficial effects that would be very unlikely to have evolved if they did not have those beneficial effects, the feature has special design for the function corresponding to the beneficial effects (see Tooby & Cosmides, 1992;Andrews et al., 2002). Or, in Williams' (1966) words, an inference of special design hinges on "whether a presumed function is served with sufficient precision, economy, efficiency, etc., to rule out pure chance [i.e., any possibility other than adaptation for a particular effect] as an adequate explanation" (p. 10, material in brackets added). ...
... An argument for design, therefore, requires evidence of "good" design in addition to a description of adaptation. Tooby and Cosmides (1992) proposed that researchers perform a "task analysis" to identify good design. This term is borrowed from Marr's (1980) use of the term in perceptual psychology. ...
... In doing so, it also identifies features that may be byproducts of adaptations (e.g., in the way that the whiteness of bones is probably a byproduct). An evolution-inspired research program may, for example, (a) start with hypotheses about function based on formal quantitative models of selection or, more commonly, verbal arguments about what features selection may have shaped, then seeking to identify these features, or (b) start with an existing psychological phenomenon and then explore its nature based on hypotheses about how selection would have shaped psychological processes underlying it-"reverse engineer" the phenomenon (see Tooby & Cosmides, 1992). Very often, research programs utilize both elements in different phases of their development. ...
... Without going back to the science, to ground their IT. [39][40][41] ...
Conference Paper
Evolution is both incremental and by step change. Science and Technology follow different entangled harmonic time constants that combine and separate about conjoined surge / stagnate, and invention / innovation logistic curves. These time constants are used to understand how the Science at different discovery levels may interact with Technology, at different readiness levels-and vice versa. This, the first of three papers, examines the adoption of Technology Readiness Level (TRL) as a means of assessing against the science. This gives rise to the adoption of a Scientific Discovery Level (SDL) for subjectively situating TRL. The SDL-TRL Instrument identified allows for objective assessments to be made for situating science and technology. To arrive at the SDL-TRL instrument, historical analysis of previous scientific ages; associated technologies; and human generations is undertaken. This leads into analysis of future scientific ages, with ethical and moral implications for humanity. The next paper will examine uncertainty graph modelling for aiding scientific and technology assessments. The final paper will examine means for translating and operationalising science and technologies into successful capabilities.
... Zimmer mentions gene dispersal, the size of different anatomical features of the brain, and neuropeptides as key factors for understanding differences in intelligence between species. Although these and other factors help us understand how intelligent behavior occurs, the ultimate explanation for behavior is to be found in the selection pressures of ancestral environments (Tooby & Cosmides, 1992). A more adaptation--focused approach allows for a richer understanding of how behaviors are produced from an evolved psychology. ...
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A review of the book The tangled bank: an introduction to evolution by Carl Zimmer (2010).
The Cambridge Handbook of the Psychology of Prejudice aims to answer the questions: why is prejudice so persistent? How does it affect people exposed to it? And what can we do about it? Providing a comprehensive examination of prejudice from its evolutionary beginnings and environmental influences through to its manifestations and consequences, this handbook is an essential resource for scholars and students who are passionate about understanding prejudice, social change, collective action, and prejudice reduction. Featuring cutting-edge research from top scholars in the field, the chapters provide an overview of psychological models of prejudice; investigate prejudice in specific domains such as race, religion, gender, and appearance; and develop explicit, evidence-based strategies for disrupting the processes that produce and maintain prejudice. This handbook challenges researchers and readers to move beyond their comfort zone, and sets the agenda for future avenues of research, policy, and intervention.
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In this article, I discuss the debate between domain-specificity and content-generality in regard to the human mind. My main objective is to argue that the human mind can both be understood as a content-dependent machinery, as well as a general-purpose system that encapsulates information and manifests it accordingly. In evolutionary psychology a strong case is made for the mind"s domain-specific architecture but assumptions of domain-general importance could also be taken into account. In evolutionary terms, it is argued that the mind is composed of content-dependent and specialized functions that have evolved in order to help humans deal with adaptive problems. The mind"s evolved functionality of domain-specific systems has helped humans not only to survive but also to be creative in their relationships to others and the environment. However, advocates of behaviourist models and learning theories have proposed that the mind is a content-independent device which encapsulates information of a general nature. In this paper, domain specificity will be explained in terms of functional specialization, and content-generality in terms of informational encapsulation. My main aim will be to argue that both assumptions can be viewed in context-relevance to each other.
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Across human societies, people are sometimes willing to punish norm violators. Such punishment can take the form of revenge from victims, seemingly altruistic intervention from third parties, or legitimized sanctioning from institutional representatives. Although prior work has documented cross-cultural regularities in norm enforcement, substantial variation exists in the prevalence and forms of punishment across societies. Such cross-societal variation may arise from universal psychological mechanisms responding to different socio-ecological conditions, or from cultural evolutionary processes, resulting in different norm enforcement systems. To date, empirical evidence from comparative studies across diverse societies has remained disconnected, owing to a lack of interdisciplinary integration and a prevalent tendency of empirical studies to focus on different underpinnings of variation in norm enforcement. To provide a more complete view of the shared and unique aspects of punishment across societies, we review prior research in anthropology, economics and psychology, and take a first step towards integrating the plethora of socio-ecological and cultural factors proposed to explain cross-societal variation in norm enforcement. We conclude by discussing how future cross-societal research can use diverse methodologies to illuminate key questions on the domain-specificity of punishment, the diversity of tactics supporting social norms, and their role in processes of norm change. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Social norm change: drivers and consequences’.
This book explores both scientific and humanistic theoretical traditions in anthropology through the lens of ontology. The first part of the book examines different methods for generating valid anthropological knowledge and proposes a shift in current consensus. Drawing on Western scholars of antiquity and the medieval period and moving away from 20th-century theorists, it argues that we must first make ontological assumptions about the kinds of things that can exist (or not) before we can then develop epistemologies that study those kinds of things. The book goes on to apply the ontology-first theory to a set of case studies in modern day conspiracy theories, misinformation, and magical thinking. It asserts that we need to move away from unneeded metaphysical assumptions of conspiracy theories being misinformation and argues that reconstructing particular historical events can be a fruitful zone for application of quantitative methods to humanistic questions. Theorizing the Anthropology of Belief is an excellent supplementary suitable for upper-level undergraduate and graduate courses in anthropological theory.
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Over two centuries, research has delved into individual differences in learning across educational and professional contexts. This commentary conducts a bibliometric analysis of 6556 articles, identifying key research keywords, topics and themes, and their historical evolution. The findings revealed a longstanding emphasis on educational psychology, particularly motivation and achievement, rather than cross-curricular competencies and learner’s well-being and socio-economic background. Notably, self-regulated learning (SRL) emerged as an overarching research subject in terms of motivation and achievement, but, surprisingly, not (meta)cognition. Prospects for the field build on cross-disciplinary research, theoretical refinement, and methodological advances. Further, the field is expected to maintain academic rigor, address diversity among learners, foster global collaboration, and focus on underprivileged populations.
The interface of sexual behavior and evolutionary psychology is a rapidly growing domain, rich in psychological theories and data as well as controversies and applications. With nearly eighty chapters by leading researchers from around the world, and combining theoretical and empirical perspectives, The Cambridge Handbook of Evolutionary Perspectives on Sexual Psychology is the most comprehensive and up-to-date reference work in the field. Providing a broad yet in-depth overview of the various evolutionary principles that influence all types of sexual behaviors, the handbook takes an inclusive approach that draws on a number of disciplines and covers nonhuman and human psychology. It is an essential resource for both established researchers and students in psychology, biology, anthropology, medicine, and criminology, among other fields. Volume 3: Female Sexual Adaptations addresses theory and research focused on sexual adaptations in human females.
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In recent times, David Buss (2020) has claimed that Evolutionary Psychology (EP) represents a genuine "scientific revolution," drawing parallels with the Kuhnian concept. This paper aims to empirically examine Buss's assertion by conducting a bibliometric analysis of the prevalence of the evolutionary approach in Psychology. EP (broadly defined) is juxtaposed with its classical counterpart, the Standard Social Science Model (SSSM). According to Kuhn's framework, a discipline undergoing a scientific revolution evolves into the dominant school of thought, eclipsing all other theories. Contrary to Buss's contention, the analysis uncovers that the SSSM enjoys significantly greater prominence than EP and is advancing at a swifter pace. The data also indicates a “cultural evolutionary” approach is somewhat lacking (i.e. cross-fertilization between EP and SSSM is not evident). Despite sharing the aspiration for an evolutionary revolution in psychology, it is contended that, for this purpose, a prudent approach involves recognizing the current status of affairs, envisioning realistic change, and building a more methodologically diverse research community.
A genetical mathematical model is described which allows for interactions between relatives on one another's fitness. Making use of Wright's Coefficient of Relationship as the measure of the proportion of replica genes in a relative, a quantity is found which incorporates the maximizing property of Darwinian fitness. This quantity is named “inclusive fitness”. Species following the model should tend to evolve behaviour such that each organism appears to be attempting to maximize its inclusive fitness. This implies a limited restraint on selfish competitive behaviour and possibility of limited self-sacrifices. Special cases of the model are used to show (a) that selection in the social situations newly covered tends to be slower than classical selection, (b) how in populations of rather non-dispersive organisms the model may apply to genes affecting dispersion, and (c) how it may apply approximately to competition between relatives, for example, within sibships. Some artificialities of the model are discussed.