
Eight Imperatives for the New IT Organization

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... Thus, networking with top executives and key decision makers is important for CIOs in order to be able to establish collaborations and trusting relationships [109,134]. Only through these trusting relationships can CIOs ensure that both business and technology capabilities are integrated into effective IT solutions [114]. ...
... These engagements also offer a potential forum for executive managers to better understand the role of IT in supporting the business strategy [28,102]. Finally, due to membership in the TMT the CIO can derive desired organizational outcomes such as IT-business strategic alignment [64,114] and higher financial firm performance [107]. ...
... If the connectivity of the IT infrastructure and the scope of services that it can support increase, the resources made available by the infrastructure and its ability to support strategic IT initiatives also increase [12,66]. Furthermore, the IT infrastructure provides the basis for building profitable business applications [114], for assimilating IT into business activities [3], and for enabling IT innovation [26]. However, to achieve a business-driven infrastructure, it has been recommended that business and IT executives should work together and share the responsibility for developing this infrastructure [122]. ...
... Aquellas empresas que poseen alto grado de experticia de IT pueden satisfacer las demandas competitivas alineando su estrategia de IT con sus estrategias de negocio, desarrollando sistemas confiables y eficientes y, anticipando sus necesidades de IT para los servicios que presta; más rápidamente y mejor que sus competidores (Santhanam y Hartono, 2003;Bhatt y Grover, 2005). Las empresas que carecen de conocimiento y experticia de IT, en cambio, no logran rediseñar sus procesos de forma rápida y eficaz cuando cambian las circunstancias del mercado (Rockart, Earl y Ross, 1996). Las organizaciones que poseen un personal de IT competente, en términos de conocimiento, experiencia y experticia; son mejores integrando la planificación estratégica y de IT, tomando decisiones de inversión basadas en necesidades del negocio, comunicándose de forma efectiva con las unidades de negocio y ejecutando controles sistemáticos para lograr determinados objetivos (Sambamurthy y Zmud, 1997; citados por Kim et al., 2011). ...
... Esta se compone de todos los activos de IT (como el software, el hardware y los datos), los sistemas y sus componentes, las instalaciones de redes y telecomunicaciones, y las aplicaciones (Byrd y Turner, 2000;Duncan, 1995;citados en Kim et al., 2011). Los activos físicos que forman el núcleo de la infraestructura de IT de una empresa están comprendidos por las tecnologías de computación y comunicaciones y las plataformas técnicas y bases de datos compartidas (Ross et al., 1996;Weill et al., 1996;citados por Bharadwaj, 2000). En este trabajo se considera como infraestructura de IT a todos los elementos de hardware y software que propicien la ejecución de los procesos de información de la empresa, como pueden ser las redes internas y externas que permitan la comunicación entre personas de la organización y con otros agentes externos, los sistemas de bases de datos y las tecnologías específicas de análisis de datos y big data (para la gestión de grandes cantidades de datos que la organización pueda poseer); y a todas las personas asignadas a funciones relacionadas con sistemas de información, gestión de tecnologías y/o gestión de datos e información. ...
... La infraestructura de IT provee la base de recursos compartidos de IT (tanto técnicos como humanos, por ejemplo: servidores, redes, computadoras portátiles, bases de datos compartidas de clientes, desarrollo de aplicaciones, etc.), utilizada por múltiples aplicaciones de IT (Keen, 1991;Weill y Broadbent, 1998;citados por Aral y Weill, 2007). A medida que ésta se desarrolla a través del tiempo, los procesos de distribución y gestión de diversos recursos de IT; como el hardware, el software, los datos y las redes; se forman y perfeccionan (Ross et al., 1996;citado por Kim et al., 2011). Estos procesos son cruciales para combinar varios insumos (componentes tecnológicos, personal de IT, etc.) en una infraestructura de IT integrada. ...
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El presente trabajo se inserta en el Proyecto "Gestión del aprendizaje: capacidades, competencias y procesos" del Centro de Estudios de Administración (CEA) de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la UNICEN, el cual se centra en el estudio del Aprendizaje Organizacional (AO) en empresas intensivas en conocimiento. En Romero, Camio y Lascioli (2018) se presentó una primera aproximación a la definición de variables relevantes para el diagnóstico del AO desde la perspectiva de la escuela de procesos en empresas intensivas en conocimiento tomando en consideración el tamaño PyME. El objetivo general del presente trabajo implica la redefinición de variables, dimensiones y subdimensiones y la especificación de descriptores con el objetivo de la operacionalización posterior de las mismas para la medición del AO en este tipo de empresas. Para cumplir con el objetivo planteado se realizó una revisión bibliográfica amplia que incluye trabajos empíricos de medición del aprendizaje organizacional. Se consideraron diversas bases de datos y se consideraron una serie de conceptos relevantes desde el enfoque de procesos como claves de búsqueda. Los resultados obtenidos a partir de dicha revisión dan cuenta de tres variables específicas que representan al aprendizaje organizacional desde el enfoque de procesos, cada una con sus correspondientes dimensiones, subdimensiones y descriptores: capacidad de tecnologías de información (IT), procesos de información y explotación de la información generada. Esta última surge dada la diferenciación entre información y conocimiento y está relacionada con la utilización de la información. En trabajos futuros se procederá a la operacionalización de estas variables a través del diseño de un conjunto de indicadores que servirán de base, junto con variables relevantes del enfoque de gestión, para la construcción de un modelo de medición integral del aprendizaje organizacional para su diagnóstico en empresas PyMEs intensivas en conocimiento.
... Keberhasilan dari suatu sistem yang dimiliki suatu perusahaan juga bergantung pada kemudahan sistem serta [9]. Infrastruktur TI teknis memerlukan integrasi dan keterkaitan telekomunikasi, komputer, perangkat lunak, dan data sehingga semua jenis informasi dapat secara cepat dan mudah diarahkan melalui jaringan dan proses [10]. Infrastruktur TI manusia mengacu pada keterampilan manusia dan organisasi, keahlian, kompetensi, pengetahuan, komitmen, nilai-nilai, norma, dan struktur organisasi Broadbent & Weill [11]; Henderson & Venkatraman [9]; Gebauer dan Schober [12] mendefinisikan fleksibilitas sistem informasi dalam hal flexibility-to-use dan flexibility-to-change. ...
... Selain itu, hubungan kolaboratif antara pengembang sistem dan pengguna akhir adalah sumber inovasi yang penting dan dapat meningkatkan serta mengembangkan kemampuan baru [14]. Pengetahuan yang mendalam tentang teknologi, proses, dan orang-orang di dalam dan di berbagai bidang fungsional diakui sebagai penggerak kinerja organisasi Koopmans et al. [15], yang juga berlaku untuk kemampuan kelompok sistem informasi untuk bekerja secara efektif dengan beragam kelompok fungsional [10]. Hubungan ini mungkin telah meningkat dalam beberapa tahun terakhir karena proses bisnis menjadi lebih tertanam dalam teknologi, seperti ERPS, dan sistem manajemen alur kerja. ...
... Infrastruktur TI sebagai konsep dapat dibagi menjadi dua komponen terkait: infrastruktur TI teknis dan infrastruktur TI manusia [9]. Infrastruktur TI teknis memerlukan integrasi dan keterkaitan telekomunikasi, komputer, perangkat lunak, dan data sehingga semua jenis informasi dapat secara cepat dan mudah diarahkan melalui jaringan dan proses [10]. Infrastruktur IT manusia mengacu pada keterampilan manusia dan organisasi, keahlian, kompetensi, pengetahuan, komitmen, nilai-nilai, norma, dan struktur organisasi [11]; [9]. ...
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This study aims to determine the effect of information system integration, information system flexibility, and share knowledge on individual performance at PT. Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero) Tbk. This study obtained 72 questionnaires distributed to employees of ERP system users who work at PT. Housing Development (Persero), Tbk Data analysis uses the WarpPLS program. The results of this study found that information system integration, information system flexibility, and share knowledge had a significant positive effect on individual performance. This study is useful for companies that use information systems to be able to see how much influence the information system component has on individual performance to improve organizational performance Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh sistem informasi terintegrasi, fleksibilitas sistem informasi, berbagi pengetahuan pada kinerja individu di PT. Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero) Tbk. Penelitian ini memeroleh 72 kuesioner yang didistribusikan kepada karyawan pengguna sistem ERP yang bekerja di PT. Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero) Tbk. Analisa data menggunakan program WarpPLS. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa sistem informasi terintegrasi, fleksibilitas sistem informasi, dan share knowledge berpengaruh positive signifikan terhadap kinerja individu. Penelitian ini bermanfaat bagi perusahaan yang menggunakan sistem informasi untuk dapat melihat seberapa besar pengaruh komponen sistem informasi terhadap kinerja individu agar dapat meningkatkan kinerja organisasi
... It is part of the organization's capacity that is intended to be shared and, thus, a flexible technological infrastructure is the new competitive weapon crucial to developing sustained competitive advantage (Byrd & Turner, 2001) and it has been cited as an extremely valuable resource by many researchers (e.g. Rockart et al., 1996). An effective infrastructure is a pre-requisite for doing business globally, where the sharing of information and knowledge is vital (Rockart et al., 1996). ...
... Rockart et al., 1996). An effective infrastructure is a pre-requisite for doing business globally, where the sharing of information and knowledge is vital (Rockart et al., 1996). On the other hand, as we mentioned above, TMS is one of the most often-cited concepts in the technology literature (Ghosh et al., 2001) and it is a "perceived powerful source" (Leonard- Barton & Deschamps, 1988, p. 1254. ...
... A large number of studies have found that technological skills maybe seen as a hindrance to technological infrastructure development (Rockart et al., 1996;Ross et al., 1996;Van de Ven, 1993). Nowadays, at Universities a greater appreciation of technological skills, competencies and knowledge permits a well-built infrastructure which let advantages and benefits in this competitive global technological environment (Byrd & Turner, 2001;Capuano et al., 2008). ...
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In this quickly changing world, companies are hardly competing to each other in order to reach a competitive advantage. Technology makes them differentiate of other companies and obtain a good position in the market or higher performance. Consequently, decisions concerning technological variables are essentials for a firm's overall competitive strategy and positioning and emplacement. In this regard, the aim of this paper is to introduce how technology, through different assets, such as top management support to technology, technological skills, technology acquisition, technological integration and a technological infrastructure; influence on corporate entrepreneurship and how this corporate entrepreneurship enhances organizational performance on the organization. Key words: Corporate Entrepreneurship, Organizational Performance, Top Management Support, Technological Skills, Technological Acquisition, Technological Integration, Technological Infrastructure.
... The first identifies the requirements and strategies for achieving the alignment. Earl, Rockart, and Ross (1996) consider that IT management must be knowledgeable about the strategic and tactical thinking of senior managers to ensure that investments in IT are targeted towards strategic priorities. It is also crucial that the importance of ITbusiness alignment is recognized by all members in the company. ...
... Based on the above literature, we define operational alignment in the context of the SOE as the degree to which the underlying IT infrastructure can satisfy the information and process needs of service orientation in terms of modularization and standardization. Since IT with operational alignment is expected to be more modularized and standardized, it can support the composition of services better and deliver timely customer services in response to customer needs (Rockart et al., 1996;Bieberstein et al., 2005). The hypothesis is as follows: ...
... Besides, the moderating effect models (Models 2, 3, and 4) with the interaction terms (service integration) significantly explained 63.9%, 63.9%, and 63.2% of the performance variance, respectively. The literature finds support for the role of IT-business alignment in IT project success (e.g., Day, 1994;Rockart et al., 1996), and this research confirms that conclusion and further suggests that IT-business alignment has a significant effect in the context of the SOE. The result of this finding suggests that IT project managers must evaluate IT-business alignment and plan for the appropriate level of service integration before embarking on a serviceoriented IT project. ...
... Silang pendapat tentang keutamaan pendekatan sentralistik dan desentralistik dalam pengelolaan Sistem Informasi telah lama terjadi [1,2,3,4]. Sentralisasi menghantarkan kepada spesialisasi, konsistensi, dan kontrol yang lebih terstandarisasi, sedangkan desentralisasi menyediakan kontrol lokal, kepemilikan serta tanggapan dan fleksibilitas dengan kebutuhan bisnis [5,6,7]. Fleksibilitas pada desentralisasi akan menghantarkan kepada standar yang berubah-ubah, sementara sentralisasi akan menyebabkan beban informasi yang berlebihan dan beresiko [8,9]. ...
... Fleksibilitas pada desentralisasi akan menghantarkan kepada standar yang berubah-ubah, sementara sentralisasi akan menyebabkan beban informasi yang berlebihan dan beresiko [8,9]. Pada model tata kelola Teknologi Informasi (TI) federal, keputusan infrastruktur TI adalah sentralistik, sementara keputusan penerapan TI desentralistik [5,7,2,10]. ...
... According to Remenyi, Lubbe, Meiring and Smith (1999), organisations that interact with information systems will experience some or all of the same fundamental issues. The use of studies into key IS management issues enables professional societies, IS vendors, consultants, educators and researchers to serve their respective markets better (Brancheau et al., 1996;Mata & Fuerst, 1997;Rockart, Earl & Ross, 1996). The pace at which information systems change is also indicative of why regular studies should be performed (Gottschalk et al., 2000;Pervan, 1998;Remenyi et al., 1999;Rockart et al., 1996). ...
... The use of studies into key IS management issues enables professional societies, IS vendors, consultants, educators and researchers to serve their respective markets better (Brancheau et al., 1996;Mata & Fuerst, 1997;Rockart, Earl & Ross, 1996). The pace at which information systems change is also indicative of why regular studies should be performed (Gottschalk et al., 2000;Pervan, 1998;Remenyi et al., 1999;Rockart et al., 1996). Organisations that make use of information systems should use the studies to become more responsive and flexible, two of the key business drivers of the 1990's identified by Brancheau et al. (1996). ...
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The identification of key Information Systems (IS) management issues is important for all players in the industry. Most academic research has followed the form of the Society for Information Management (SIM) studies, originating in the early 1980’s in the United States of America (USA), and since replicated in many countries, yet no comprehensive recent study had been carried out in South Africa. This study was performed within weeks of September 11, 2001 on a sample of 121 members of the Cape IT Initiative (CITI), and of the Computer Society of South Africa (CSSA), from a range of industries and geographical regions. Highest rated issues were business intelligence, a responsive IT infrastructure and disaster recovery, while Business Relationship and Technical Infrastructure issues were prominent overall. Demographic factors did not significantly influence overall results. Rankings were correlated with an earlier South African study and with 1997 Australian research, but not with a 1995 USA study. The economic developmental status of a country was found to be linked to the key issues that country faces.
... The identified activities are summarised in Table 1 and described next. (2003) A7 Manage information, ensuring security and access to it Gottschalk (2000), Wright (1994) A8 Keep pace with new technologies and knowledge Karimi et al. (1996), Ross et al. (1996) A9 Optimise information systems function (ISF) processes Gottschalk (2000), Varajão (2002) A10 Establish IS rules and procedures Ross et al. (1996), Varajão (2002) A11 Manage IS development and implementation Yan et al. (2006) A12 Optimise business processes Applegate et al. (2009), Carvalho and Costa (2007) A13 Manage systems integration Ding et al. (2014), Ross et al. (1996) A14 Manage IS crisis Carvalho et al. (2009), Kappelman et al. (2013), Trigo et al. (2009), Varajão (2002 A15 Analyse, evaluate and select IT/IS solutions Tam and Hui (2001) A16 Budget the acquisition of IT/IS solutions Marshall et al. (2005), Sutter (2004) A17 Manage the process of assessing the viability of new IT/IS solutions Benamati and Lederer (2001) A18 Manage services procurement Broadbent and Kitzis (2005), Feeny and Willcocks (1998), Rockart et al. (1996) A19 Manage projects Bhatt et al. (2006) Bakos and Kemerer (1992), Chun andMooney (2009), Singh (1993) A22 Manage IS maintenance Reddy and Reddy (2002) A23 Mediate organisational and individual conflicts Varajão (2002) A24 Manage equipment purchases Feeny and Willcocks (1998) A25 Help end-users Montazemi et al. (1996) A26 Develop end-users' capabilities Rondeau et al. (2002), Zhang et al. (2016) • Interacting with top management team (TMT) is a crucial activity since both the CIO and TMT see IS strategic alignment as one of the top concerns. CIOs and TMT need to have a common understanding regarding the role of IS and ISF within the company. ...
... • Manage services procurement is an activity that encompasses managing supplier relationships, identifying potential of IT/IS service providers, recognising the most profitable business relationships for the organisation and ensuring that IT/IS service contracts are kept, protecting the position of the organisation (Feeny and Willcocks, 1998;Rockart et al., 1996). The ability to interact with IT vendors, outsourcers and service providers is in growing demand (Broadbent and Kitzis, 2005). ...
Nowadays, most organisations depend on information technologies (IT)/information systems (IS) to run their businesses achieve their goals. Knowing how to manage IT/IS is fundamental because it promotes a better use of resources and an increase in quality and productivity. The head of the IT/IS department is the chief information officer (CIO), who plays a central role, carrying out a diversified set of activities essential for the performance of the IS and, consequently, for the business success. This paper presents a Delphi survey, involving CIOs from large organisations, which were asked to identify the most important activities they perform. The findings reveal that the top activities are interacting with the top management, analyse business problems, identify opportunities, design IS solutions, IS planning, making strategic decisions, optimise business processes, evaluate IS performance and plan its optimisation, manage the IT team, and manage IS development and implementation.
... Interestingly, the proportion of CIOs reporting to the top executive is identical in both sectors, with 49%. (Earl, 1996;Feeny & Willcocks, 1998;Rockart et al., 1996;Hütter & Riedl, 2017;La Paz, 2017;Ross & Feeny, 2000;Smaltz et al., 2006;Weill & Woerner, 2013;Willcocks & Sykes, 2000). In their transformative capacity, CIOs play a pivotal role in bridging IT with business strategy (Hütter & Riedl, 2017;Johnson & Lederer, 2010;La Paz, 2017;Smaltz et al., 2006;Weill & Woerner, 2013). ...
Current waves of digital innovations are continuously accelerating the pace and the scope of change that chief information officers (CIOs) must manage. To remain relevant and effective in their leadership roles, CIOs must be effective change agents. They enjoy longer tenure, enabling them to complete their transformational journeys more effectively. However, the question of whether these change agents can be equally effective in the beginning and at the end of their mandate has largely been ignored in the IS literature. To fill this gap, this paper examines how and why the role of change agent evolves as CIOs progress in their tenure in office. Drawing from the management and the IS literature and the results of a revelatory case study of the CIOs of a large university system in the U.S., this paper proposes a three-phase model describing what combination of change agentry models is followed by CIOs as they progress in their tenure and why. The combination of change agentry models that CIOs tend to follow during their time in office is explained by the patterns of evolution of five key characteristics: commitment to a paradigm, task knowledge, information diversity, task interest, and power and influence.
... Without the IS executive's understanding of the mission, goals, and strategies, the IS plan simply could not refer to the business plan. In fact, extensive interaction and communication between the CEO and IS executive has been found to be associated with a high degree of alignment between the IS and the business plans (Feeny, Edwards, & Simpson, 1992;Raghunathan, 1992;Rockart, Earl, & Jeanne, 1996). Thus, we hypothesize: ...
... Our case firm centralizes the allocation of traditional IT resources and corresponding decision rights in a small unit that orchestrates an outsourced provider. This sourcing decision follows the firm's strategic direction to build an efficient organization by outsourcing non-core competencies, e. g., ICT infrastructure operations or internal IT helpdesk [96]. For this purpose, the centralization contributes to an efficient organization by standardizing the ICT infrastructure [18,97]. ...
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The transition towards services has been imperative for manufacturing firms for years. The change from a productoriented to a more service-dominant business model affects the organizational structure of firms. However, literature provides limited insights into how manufacturing firms organize themselves in this transition. Even though digital technologies are critical for the transition, it is unclear how to orchestrate digital and traditional Information Technology (IT) resources in manufacturing firms accordingly. We analyze the case of a typical manufacturing firm that has adjusted its structure to reorganize for solution offerings based on product, service, and digital components. Our results describe a hybrid organizational structure that splits front- and back-end units. The back-end units are split along solution components. Digital IT resources are internalized and governed decentrally, with traditional IT resources being outsourced and steered centrally. Our findings contribute to digital servitization research by clarifying the overarching as well as the digital and traditional IT-related organization for manufacturing firms.
... Hardware like laptop/PC, printer and scanner System and application software Efficiency of the Internet connectivity Duncan (1995), Walmiki and Ramakrishnegowda (2009), Byrd and Turner (2001), Rockart et al. (1996), Sharma and Singh (2010) Table 1. ...
Purpose The research aims to measure the effectiveness of collaborative learning exchanges transpired through digital tools and technologies (DT&Ts) employed by the mentor universities during the COVID-19 pandemic by conducting an empirical study on undergraduate students in Indian higher educational institutions (HEIs) under the mentorship program based on the corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative. The pandemic scenario, its impact on the mentor university's social responsibility and the way DT&Ts can assist are investigated in this article. Design/methodology/approach The interactions with experts and students were conducted to explore the DT&Ts for learning exchanges. Next, structural equation modeling (SEM) was performed to validate the model and perform regression analysis. The quantitative data collection was made through questionnaires during the second deadly wave of COVID-19 that hit India. Findings The independent variables (IVs) such as the IT infrastructure support (IT_IS), virtual collaborative tools (VCTs) and future-oriented technologies (FOTs) have a significant impact on the CSR learning outcomes (CSR_LOs) of undergraduate students under the mentorship program. However, IV research instruments for innovation could not make a significant effect. Research limitations/implications The IVs IT_IS, VCTs and FOTs influence the CSR_LOs, while RII does not have an influential impact. Practical implications As the online learning environment is expected to stay at least in a blended form, adequate CSR funding in infrastructure is necessitated to harness the full potential of this important resource, technology. The results of this empirical investigation affirm that IT_IS, VOTs and FOTs significantly impact CSR_LOs during the crisis. The study findings would encourage the mendtor universities and their stakeholders, including the mentee universities, to evolve and create an ecosystem for effective management of these resources to attain positive outcomes. The study findings can guide the mentor universities in managing uncertainties like pandemics and effectively using the earlier-mentioned critical resources for social responsibility. This research also allows the development of future applications adnd models in mentor-mentee universities for social responsibility, post-pandemic transformation and resilience. Social implications The DT&Ts came to the immediate rescue during the pandemic and positively affected collaborative CSR_LOs by the mentor universities, but they have not evolved to a level where offline learning can be replaced entirely. Hence, it can be inferred that a hybrid model is preferable. The study also improves the understanding of how DT&Ts are being harnessed to aid collaborative learning in fulfilling the mentors' CSR in fatal emergencies. The purpose is to equip the education system through mentorship so that universities can sustain, innovate and grow even in trying times. Also, it discusses the dynamics of various DT&Ts for creating a sustainable learning environment and utilizing them to make the teaching prolific and influential. Originality/value There is a scarcity of literature regarding the learning outcomes realized through CSR initiatives and collaboration between mentor-mentee institutions. There is a need to understand how these knowledge exchanges continued despite the physical restrictions during the pandemic. In this direction, this study helps to understand how the DT&Ts played a critical role in continuing learning and keeping abreast in a knowledge society from the perspective of resource-based view (RBV) in these precarious situations.
... An efficient information and technological system is very necessary for supporting the new technology during various stages. Sharma et al. (2011), Bamford et al. (2004), Rockart (1978), Kahen (1997), Berry (1997), Rao (2001), Agarwal et al. (1991), Huber (1984), Rockart et al. (1996), Lansang and Dennis (2004), Oak (2007) and Singh and Kant (2008). ...
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In the current global competitive environment, the economy and sustainability of a country particularly the developing nations depends to a great extent on the implementation of green and traditional technology transfer (GTTT). Thus there is a need to understand and educate key decision-makers to enable them to implement technology transfer arrangements. In the present study, an attempt has been made to identify the barriers to GTTT based on available literature. A total interpretive structural modelling (TISM) approach has been used to develop a model to depict the dependence and driving power of identified barriers. An elaborate discussion on relationship among barriers to GTTT has been presented. The model presented in this study may help understand not only the barriers to technology transfer (TT) but also the relationship among them in terms of driving and dependence powers. Firms involved in TT will find this article useful in making and analysing technology transfer policy decisions. Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Khan, J., Haleem, A. and Husain, Z. (XXXX) 'Barriers to technology transfer: a total interpretative structural model approach', Int.
... Gap 3: As IT becomes a fundamental business operation resource, employees with superior business knowledge would be able to utilise viable IT solutions and use their specialised technical skills to realign business strategies to meet the needs in a dynamic business environment, by creating business procedures and cost-feasible frameworks to achieve competitive advantage. [45][46][47] Many studies have revealed the relationship between ITC and competitive advantage. 45,48,49 Meanwhile, 50,51 argued that financial performance is higher for firms with higher digital innovation capabilities. ...
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Background: Given the persistent challenges to the higher education business model, private higher education institutions (PHEIs) are exploring myriad ways to increase enrolment and income, while aggressively managing spending. Many PHEIs are facing financial distress and struggling because of decreasing budgets and declining revenue. Thus, carving unique strategies that direct the institution to focus on its core competencies, making additional budget cuts without compromising quality, developing new revenue streams, embracing new technology, and offering affordable programs, will ultimately lead to financial success. Frugal innovation (FI) can shed light on these challenges. Methods: This paper presents a systematic literature review to investigate and analyse prior research that focused on FI within the sphere of intellectual capital (IC) and information technology capabilities (ITC) research, and their relationships in PHEIs. Transfield’s five phases were employed to extract journal articles published over a thirty-year period (1990 to 2020) from major online databases using keyword searches. Although an initial search generated 76,025 papers, the search for IC and FI yielded 41 papers, and finally only two papers were selected as they clearly related IC with FI. Results : There was a research gap in the literature published from 1990 to 2020 regarding IC applications to achieve FI. This work revealed that IC and ITC research for FI in PHEI remain insufficiently explored. Conclusions: Further research is required on the evaluation model of IC, ITC and FI, methodologies, empirical analysis, and the development of measurement metrics. A limitation to this study is the number of keywords selected.
... Next, we added frequently analyzed constructs derived from the studies in our review. Our findings are presented in table 2. (Ali et al., 2013) , (Rockart, Earl, & Ross, 1996) IT competence of the Business (Armstrong & Sambamurthy, 1999) , (Leonard, 2007), (G. Bassellier et al., 2003) , (Genevieve Bassellier & Blaize Horner Reich, 2001), (Sabherwal & Kearns, 2007), (Sambamurthy & Zmud, 1999) Business competence of IT (Leonard, 2007), (Lederer, 2003) (Neo, 1988) (G. ...
Conference Paper
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Abstract: The article "Sharing of teaching staff information via QR-code usage" presented at the conference, which has the common name "Information Systems Management and Evaluation ». One of the most famous information systems in user practice is an information system - "Human Resources Information System" (HRIS), which is essentially a database of the HR organization, which in itself does not provide any management decisions and need a special person who to this database is constantly filled and made changes. In this article, based on the analysis of empirical data is offered a specific solution for database management of HRIS remotely by members of the company. The process of personnel management becomes more effective and operational with the help of one of the technologies IoT- QR code. University Information about the instructors are constantly changing and the human resources department is necessary each time to make changes to the database. There are cases when you need urgent information on the teacher, and it is impossible to obtain an instant on a number of subjective reasons. QR code technology offers amazing features such as: 1. Easy access 2. Deeper relationship with customers 3. Bridge online and offline media 4. Real-time information 5. Invoke user's curiosity These technologies can provide information about the teachers for students, undergraduates, doctoral students, researchers and administration. Files using this technology consist of not only text but also videos in 3D animation. This article describes a practical example of the use of IoT technologies - QR code to improve the efficiency of the automated human resource management system (for example, Almaty Management University).The purpose of this work: to show the ways to improve the information system "Human Resources Information System” (HRIS) through the use of user-friendly, intuitive and fast QR code technology. The object of study: the work of the personnel department, IC ‘Human Resources Information System’ (HRIS) 6. Research model: observation, cross sectional model 7. Variables: behavioral variables 8. Methodology: analysis of the usage and importance of QR code for users. 9. The results of studies: the formation of stable opinion of the importance of the QR code. 10. Criteria for evaluation of thinking: creativity, innovation and technological advancement 11. Findings: not fully disclosed the potential of QR code technology has a significant impact on society. Practical implications: all the legal information about the instructors optically encoded from paper, which definitely contributes to the idea of open systems. It provides simplicity and high reading speed and user interaction with the information. Keywords: QR code, human resource information system, new content, IoT and IoE, physical web, file formats 1
... According to ROCKART (1996), the eight requirements for an organization of IT to achieve operational excellence and maximize their performance are: ...
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In this work, we focus on the role of Information Management to create additional sources of competitive intelligence that can help to prepare the organizations for sustainable growth in the long term. First, we discuss the dynamics of Information Technology and the ability to generate innovations with a direct impact on business. Then we present the need for greater balance between goals of short and long term on IT projects. In the third part, we discuss how these new technologies have helped to increase the competitiveness as well as to enhance decision-making process and the satisfaction of the end customers and stockholders. To conclude, it is presented the main challenges that the organizations will have to face in relation to the management of their information technology infrastructure, consolidation and simplification of their processes within their computing environments, aiming to increase, productivity, competitiveness, and develop agile environments that allow the organizations to meet the demands of Information Technology Governance. Keywords: Competitive Intelligence. Information Management. Information Technology Governance.
... Gap 3: As IT becomes a fundamental business operation resource, employees with superior business knowledge would be able to utilise viable IT solutions and use their specialised technical skills to realign business strategies to meet the needs in a dynamic business environment, by creating business procedures and cost-feasible frameworks to achieve competitive advantage. [45][46][47] Many studies have revealed the relationship between ITC and competitive advantage. 45,48,49 Meanwhile, 50,51 argued that financial performance is higher for firms with higher digital innovation capabilities. ...
Background: Given the persistent challenges to the higher education business model, private higher education institutions (PHEIs) are exploring myriad ways to increase enrolment and income, while aggressively managing spending. Many PHEIs are facing financial distress and struggling because of decreasing budgets and declining revenue. Thus, carving unique strategies that direct the institution to focus on its core competencies, making additional budget cuts without compromising quality, developing new revenue streams, embracing new technology, and offering affordable programs, will ultimately lead to financial success. Frugal innovation (FI) can shed light on these challenges. Methods: This paper presents a systematic literature review to investigate and analyse prior research that focused on FI within the sphere of intellectual capital (IC) and information technology capabilities (ITC) research, and their relationships in PHEIs. Transfield’s five phases were employed to extract journal articles published over a thirty-year period (1990 to 2020) from major online databases using keyword searches. Although an initial search generated 76,025 papers, the search for IC and FI yielded 41 papers, and finally only two papers were selected as they clearly related IC with FI. Results : There was a research gap in the literature published from 1990 to 2020 regarding IC applications to achieve FI. This work revealed that IC and ITC research for FI in PHEI remain insufficiently explored. Conclusions: Further research is required on the evaluation model of IC, ITC and FI, methodologies, empirical analysis, and the development of measurement metrics. A limitation to this study is the number of keywords selected.
... Duncan (1995) defined IT infrastructure as a set of tangible assets, including platform technology, network and telecommunication technologies, key data, and core data processing applications. Rockart, Earl, and Ross (1996) concurred with the four assets but required integrating and interconnecting them in a way that, from the viewpoint of users, all types of information can be expeditiously and effortlessly routed through the network. Typical functional requirements for a flexible ICT infrastructure are extensibility, adaptability, and integratability. ...
In this paper we address the role of ICT-related intangible assets in organizational innovation. We focus on two important innovation enablers: first, connectedness, the ability of individuals to create and maintain connections to each other; and second, organizational flexibility to adapt to changing needs. For connectedness and flexibility, an agile ICT infrastructure and information management services are needed. Through a Delphi study, we identified several factors hindering organizational innovation, and formulated a set of indicators and related metrics for improvement. We conclude that it is necessary to consider ICT-related factors when organizations pursue improving their innovativeness. However, ICT solutions do not lead to organizational innovativeness independent of other organizational factors and people. If the organization is well-functioning, suitable ICT solutions can provide important added value for its innovation activities.
... On the other hand, in-house provision has also been described as excessively expensive, anachronistic and inefficient (Huber, 1993;Fields, 1995). Internal IT projects are notorious for being long, late, and over budget (The Standish Group, 1995; Rockart et al., 1996;Keil et al, 1998). Moreover, they are said to distract a company from its core business by draining scarce resources to accomplish an allegedly marginal activity. ...
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India has achieved remarkable success in the software industry. Software accounts 25% of Indian export. The purpose of this paper is to highlight growth of Indian software industry. More than two-thirds of the software industry's sales were due to export sales. The resources, including technical skills and cost competency have contributed to the competitive position of the Indian softuware industry. However appreciation of rupee against US dollar squeezes margin of software firms. Various other factors such as attrition rate, wage inflation, competition etc. also affects performance of software sector. Paper also compares Indian software market scenario with Chinese market. Paper also underlines emerging challenges for Indian Software Industry and identifies various strategic options available.
... Furthermore, they should be able to understand the problems of organization and their technical solutions [68,83]. (4) Relational skills mean that data scientists should have interpersonal communication skills to communicate well with people of other business departments [69,84,85]. Data scientists should be able to plan, organize and lead the organization's projects and execute them through the mutual contribution of other personnel from various departments. ...
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Increasing haze pollution and its adverse effects on human health is pressuring academics and practitioners to search for different solutions for environmental sustainability around the world. Similar to other countries, Pakistan is also affected by air pollution, and smog has become a fifth season. In Pakistan, one of the main reasons of smog and air pollution is hazardous emissions from vehicles. As a result, the booming automobile industry of Pakistan is now affected by two major challenges: sustainable product development and organizational performance. To meet these challenges, the study has developed a conceptual model to find the effect of big data analytics on organizational performance by adopting a sustainable development program. For the elimination of standard method biases, the study has used a time lag approach to collect the data in three waves and receive 372 usable responses. The empirical results of PLS-SEM suggest that big data analytics have a positive effect on a sustainable product development and sustainable product development has a positive and significant impact on organizational performance. Moreover, mediation of a sustainable program development is also confirmed between big data analytics and organizational performance. The managerial and theoretical implications of these results are discussed.
... Lee and Krayer (2004) concluded that organisations that drive change are more successful than organisations that only react to change. Instead of reacting to change, decision making management must create and lead a new type of IT organisation that acts as a change agent and sets an example for digital business strategy and adaptability (Asemi & Safari 2011;Gottschalk & Taylor 2000;Rockart, Earl & Ross 1996;Drucker 1974). Zeleny (2008) in his seminal work describes the essential dynamics of decision making as a process comprising of criteria, gradual, impartial and objective evaluation activities and measures characterised by a performance score or a range of scores that is most preferred by a decision maker. ...
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The impact of Digital disruption on the Australian energy industry is the focus of this research. It investigates disruptive changes to the industry. Digital technologies that occur at a pace and magnitude that disrupts established ways of value creation, social interactions, business and the ways in which people within the digital space and culture, socially react and innovate for them is researched. This thesis explores how decision-makers manage disruptive change with effective strategies that exploit progressive innovation. Building on existing literature on digital disruptions, the Disruptive Change Capability (DCC) Framework is analysed. This framework provides an understanding of managing digitally disruptive change in enterprise organisations and how to benefit from future digital disruptions. The motivation for this research is to investigate how digitally mature organisations can transform themselves, rapidly respond to opportunities and manage challenges, embracing disruptive change to create value and stay relevant in the disruptive business environment. The primary research question is ‘How do enterprise decision makers understand the various aspects of digital disruption and manage disruptive change in the Australian energy industry?’ An interpretative perspective was used to research the topic and an explorative case study methodology was thus utilised. This study collects decision-makers’ reactions, perceptions and feedback about the specific components of digital transformation. It presents a new set of organisational capabilities and learning, digital dynamic capabilities, digital business strategies, concepts, values and practices critical to the success and sustainability of the rapidly and technologically disruptive business environment in which the future enterprise will have to operate. This research delivered five key findings; Digital Mindset, External Collaboration, Customer Focus, Constraints and Future Drivers. The relationships between the five concepts linked by their related themes constitute the major findings of the thesis and were found to have a grounding with digitalisation literature. This research has identified the digital decision-makers’ recommendations to manage digital disruptions; an organisational mindset of shared vision, an agile, digital transformation organisational culture; a customer-focused dynamic capabilities and collaboration in building trust. Furthermore, it is essential for decision makers to encourage progressive innovation; embrace co-creation to maintain mutually beneficial relationships; retaining collective digital talents; remaining responsive, adaptive and innovative as a key strategic priority; building networks with industry ecosystems, society, businesses and policy makers to indirectly influencing regulatory policies and investing in progressive technological innovation as future drivers that enable aspects of digitisation. Key words: Digital disruption, digital transformation, customer-focused, disruptive change capabilities, network ecosystems collaboration, energy policies, progressive innovation, innovative disruptive technologies, digitalisation
... CIOs who communicate mainly about strategic IT themes with their business peers (e.g., when the CIO and CEO discuss IT strategy instead of how a module of the ERP system supports a specific business process) are more effective in providing them with the appropriate perspective on how to align IT with organizational structures and goals (Kettinger et al. 2011;Luftman and Kempaiah 2007). A strategic discussion of IT themes ensures that business and IT capabilities are integrated into technical solutions that support the organization effectively (Rockart et al. 1996;Ross et al. 1996). Strategic discussions allow for the transfer of business and IT knowledge between the CIO and CEO, and ensure that the CIO deploys IT resources to support critical business activities (Jones and Arnett 1994;Preston et al. 2006). ...
... Increasingly, IS planning is emphasizing the alignment of IS technical capabilities and activities (e.g., compatibility of existing technologies, potential impact of emerging technologies, and attention to standards and methodologies for systems development and maintenance) with strategic business objectives and business requirements (e.g., market, competitive, and organizational impact of IS). This focus reflects recognition that computer applications are shifting more and more from relatively homogenous environments to heterogeneous environments that require cross-functional software solutions running on distributed platforms, and that many of these technology-based solutions are strategic in nature (Rockart et al. 1996). ...
Conference Paper
This paper briefly reviews the IS valuation, planning and control literature and suggests several areas where the models and methods of accounting research may be of reference value to IS researchers. These areas encompass (i) method issues in assessing the value of IS investments, (ii) modeling the sources of value from IS, (iii) development of an integrative framework for implementing IS investments and (iv) development of measurement systems for better capturing the paths of IS effects across time.
... The CIOs had to change their initial profile, from exclusively technological manager, to technology and business manager, capable of leading efforts to implement IS in order to generate added value for their company [20]. The CIO has come to be valued for its business thinking and change management skills, beyond its technical know-how [21][22][23][24]. ...
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The role of the Chief Information Officer and the expectations about its performance have undergone significant changes in recent years. This transformation was not only driven by the evolution of information technologies and information systems but was also due to its growing importance within organizations. The integration of the information systems manager into the top management team in many organizations also had a direct impact on the profile and competences required to carry out its activities. A review on the set of competences currently required from these managers is therefore required. This research-in-progress paper proposes a framework, named CIOCB, which identifies a broad set of competences needed for the Chief Information Officer.
... Initially, the organizational use of information technologies (IT) was the responsibility of IT specialists, departments or functions. Later, IT research suggested that the responsibility for IT management should be shared between IT professionals and line managers [14][15][16][17]. Hence, business managers should deploy IT effectively by assuming ownership and leadership of IT projects within their areas of responsibility [18]. ...
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This paper contributes to the growing body of literature on enterprise resource planning (ERP) business value by investigating organizational ERP development in view of the active involvement, vision, and direction of top management teams (TMTs). A top-down approach to ERP adoption and implementation was adopted with sociomaterial and social construction assumptions about the mechanisms that generate ERP business value. A single ERP case study was analyzed in an industrial setting by interpretive means, thus providing theoretically based, detailed and interesting insights. Our research suggests that ERP benefits emerge during the TMT’s encounters with the ERP system through pragmatic action and situated improvisations. Our findings suggest that ERP adoption is strongly influenced by TMT characteristics and social processes, while complementary process-change needs are perceived by the executive participation during implementation. We also suggest that when the ERP system goes live, a synergistic relationship termed TMT-IT imbrication will create the technological infrastructure perceived as ERP value. At this postimplementation stage, various TMT characteristics and processes are proposed that greatly influence top managers’ patterns of imbrication behavior. Several propositions are developed and summarized in a framework to enhance the current understanding of managerial agency in achieving business benefits from ERP systems. The paper concludes with implications for top managers and future research directions.
... Strategic effort is needed to reduce the widening gap between skills provided by accounting education and those needed in the real implementation when evolving information technology based business environment (Chandra, Cheh, and Kim, 2006). Successful information technology can deliver resources in support of the new roles and functions of workers as a result of redesigned and tightened business processes (Rockart, Ear, and Ross, 1996;Herath and Herath, 2014). ...
... Strategic effort is needed to reduce the widening gap between skills provided by accounting education and those needed in the real implementation when evolving information technology based business environment (Chandra, Cheh, and Kim, 2006). Successful information technology can deliver resources in support of the new roles and functions of workers as a result of redesigned and tightened business processes (Rockart, Ear, and Ross, 1996;Herath and Herath, 2014). ...
... Computer Weekly and Information Week). This has received 'popular' backing in the technology and strategic IT management (Scott Morton, 1991), IT imperatives (Rockart, 1996), IT-enabled business transformation (Venkatraman, 1991), IT and business process redesign (Davenport and Short, 1990) and, latterly, electronic commerce elds (Currie, 1998). ...
The integration of information systems (IS) is a phrase which is commonly used in both research and practice within the IS field and across many organizational contexts. This paper uses a historical review to explore how the image of integrated IS has been constructed, evolved over three decades and how this has resulted in the widespread acceptance of idealized goals and benefits. A literature search for an underlying theoretical basis for the concept of systems integration is made, highlighting a diversity of opinion. Two case studies are used to examine the meaning of integration relative to the images and ideals, theory and reality. The study concludes that there is an urgent need for better conceptual and theoretical models of integration to enable more effective discourse of the concept. These models must also encompass and include more diverse non-technical factors for the adoption of more complex forms of IS.
... Researchers long argued that IT capabilities lead to better organizational performance. For instance, Rockart et al [1996] argue that a direct linkage exists between IT capabilities and organizational value and identify eight imperatives that IT organizations must fulfill to support the organization's strategic thrusts. Ross et al. [1996] 1. Leadership -Integrating IS/IT effort with business purpose and activity 2. Business Systems Thinking -Envisioning the business process that technology makes possible 3. Relationship Building -Getting the business constructively engaged in IS/IT issues 4. Architecture Planning -Creating the coherent blueprint for a technical platform that responds to current and future business needs 5. Making Technology Work -Rapidly achieving technical progress by one means or another 6. ...
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Agile information systems (AIS) is a current topic of interest in the IS industry. An AIS is defined as one that has ability to sense a change in real time, diagnose it in real time, and select and execute an action in real time. This study focuses on the properties or attributes of an AIS to execute an action in real time. The properties outlined in this research enable an AIS to select a response in real time and then execute a response in real time. The attributes are derived using industry literature, refined using interviews with industry practitioners and then verified for importance using a survey. From the exercise it is concluded that most properties or attributes are important for real-time execution in an AIS. Dimensions underlying these attributes are identified using EFA. Some recent frameworks and paradigms related to IS configurations that can respond to changes in real time are discussed. These frameworks incorporate many of the properties that were arrived for executing a change in real time in an agile IS and hence provide additional validation for the research.
Context: Enterprise architecture (EA) is a collection of artifacts describing various aspects of an organization from an integrated business and IT perspective. EA artifacts intend to bridge the communication gap between business and IT stakeholders to improve business and IT alignment in organizations and, therefore, can be considered as boundary objects between diverse business and IT communities. However, an intentional analysis of EA artifacts as boundary objects in the current EA literature has been rather shallow and insufficient. Objective: This study aims to explore how exactly EA artifacts as boundary objects facilitate communication between different professional communities. Specifically, it intends to identify what types of EA artifacts represent boundary objects, analyze their properties and usage scenarios, as well as the differences between them. Method: This study is based on an in-depth case study of an organization with an established EA practice. Data collection procedures include both interviews with various participants of its EA practice and comprehensive scrutiny of its EA documentation. Results: We identify five specific types of EA artifacts used in the organization as boundary objects and analyze them in detail. In particular, we analyze their informational contents and usage scenarios, their target audiences and value for cross-community collaboration, as well as their syntactic, semantic and pragmatic boundary-spanning capacity. Moreover, we also introduce the notion of duality as a characteristic of interpretive flexibility of EA artifacts and distinguish two different types of duality leveraging somewhat different boundary-spanning mechanisms: implicit duality and explicit duality. Conclusions: This paper provides arguably the first inductive qualitative analysis of EA artifacts as boundary objects available in the existing EA literature. It contributes to our understanding of their boundary-spanning properties, distinctive features and general roles in an EA practice. Also, the concepts of implicit and explicit duality that we introduce further advance the theory of boundary objects.
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Aligning IT with business strategically is the recent area of attention among researchers and practitioners because of its potential impact on organizational performance. Currently, large numbers of enterprises are migrating towards cloud computing as on-premise implementation of Information technology (IT) infrastructure is expensive. The purpose of this research is to examine the factors that influence the alignment of IT and business in cloud computing environment. Therefore, this study used the Strategic Alignment Maturity (SAM) model as a framework to validate the evolution of IT-business alignment in a cloud computing platform. A questionnaire-based survey method was employed for data collection. The respondents are IT and business executives of adopter firms in India. The structural equation modeling technique is used to statistically validate the model. From the results, it is found that all the constructs contribute significantly to business alignment with cloud computing except partnering and skill maturity. This study contributes to the research related to the application of SAM model in investigating the alignment of cloud computing with business. Software vendors and information technology consultants can utilize this study in assisting a client in the alignment of business with IT strategically in a cloud computing environment.
Human IT capability gained mainly from the organization based on the strategic perspective of human resources. Human capital is a valuable resource for organizations as intellectual assets. Hence, human IT resources can be perceived as a strategic capability that directly impacts performance in the Jordanian banking sector. This research aims to examine the mediating effect of competitive advantage between IT human resources on performance in the Jordanian banking sector from 2014 to 2019. To achieve the research objectives, it is expected from this study to generate practical knowledge that can be used by the IT human resources of the respective banks to create a competitive advantage and improve their performance. Additionally, this study is expected to add to knowledge in various ways, including demonstration of how IT human resources as a dynamic resource could impact the competitive advantage and firm performance in light of the Resource-Based View (RBV) theory. Thus, a quantitative method is used to collect and analyze data from 16 Jordanian banks; the targeted population is about 853 management staff of the Jordanian banks. The empirical results showed the mediating effect of competitive advantage on the relationship between IT human resources and performance; this conclusion related to the sufficient capturing of the respective setting that in turn becomes a positive impact. Furthermore, human IT resources in the given context could be revealed with other resources and capabilities, or through different business routines.
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In this work, we focus on the role of Information Technology to create additional sources of value to the organizations that can help to prepare themselves for sustainable growth in the long term. First, we discuss the dynamics of Information Technology and the ability to generate innovations with a direct impact on business. Then we present the need for greater balance between goals of short and long term on Information Technologies. In the third part, we discuss how these new technologies have helped to increase the productivity of information professionals as well as to enhance decision-making process and the satisfaction of the end customers and stockholders. To conclude, it is presented the main challenges that the organizations will have to face in relation to the management of their information technology infrastructure, consolidation and simplification of their processes within their computing environments, aiming to increase, productivity, competitiveness, and develop agile environments that allow the organizations to meet the demands of Information Technology governance.
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Despite significant investments in training, many organizations fail to implement IT Governance. This problem is known as theory-practice gap. Organizational Learning has been suggested as an approach to overcome this problem but there is still lack of understanding about how Organizational Learning applies to the context of IT Governance. Therefore, this exploratory study presents insights from a Delphi study that was conducted to identify and rank enablers and inhibitors of Organizational Learning in this context.
Today, information and information technology are used in all field and have important effects on organizational performance and thus, in organizations, one of the board members should be responsible for information technology. Information technology (IT) leaders are one of the most important human resources in an organization who are responsible to use all potentials and capabilities of information technology in the organization. Accordingly, the purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of Chief Information Officers (CIOs) position and their abilities and competencies on the performance of government organizations in Khorasan Razavi province. We analyzed the effect of CIOs knowledge, in IT and business areas, and their structural power on organizational performance mediated by enterprise system assimilation. This is a survey research in which, data were collected using questionnaire survey on CIOs and CEOs working in government organizations of Khorasan Razavi province. The face and content validity of the questionnaire were confirmed by views of supervisor, advisor and some experts and construct validity was confirmed using confirmatory factor analysis. The reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient so that the coefficient was greater than 0.7 for all variables. Data collected from 59 organizations were analyzed using structural equation modeling and Smart PLS software. The findings confirm the effect of strategic knowledge of CIOs, in IT and business areas, and their structural power on organizational performance. The results also indicate the mediating role of enterprise system assimilation in the relationship between strategic knowledge and structural power of CIOs with organizational performance.
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Information technology (IT) is a competitive path and offers the entrepreneurial opportunity of accumulating business knowledge in capturing consumer behavior. This study employed a conceptual framework to investigate the information processing facet of IT–business alignment under the impact mechanism of transactional leadership in the manufacturing sector of Yunnan Province, China. Specifically, organization culture is taken as a moderating factor extracted from situational theory and has been highlighted as important in previous organizational research. This study aimed at investigating the impact of transactional leadership on IT–business process alignment and studying the moderating effect of organizational culture on the relationship between transactional leadership and IT–business process alignment. The empirical findings reveal that contingent reward and management by exception behaviors of entrepreneurs are significant drivers of IT–business process alignment. Furthermore, market culture had a moderating effect on the relationship between entrepreneurs’ transactional behaviors and IT–business process alignment. Similarly, hierarchy culture exerts a moderating effect on the path between contingent rewarding behavior and IT–business process alignment. Here, it exerts an insignificant moderating effect on the management by exception behavior and IT–business process alignment path. The study findings mainly reveal the association of transactional leadership with IT–business process alignment, along with the moderating role of organizational culture. This study contributes to the literature on business knowledge by showcasing empirical evidence—how information processing aids entrepreneurial behavior to capture market opportunities and consumer behavior.
From an information systems perspective, organizations striving to leverage a strategic alignment between Information Technology (IT) and business areas often underestimate the role of human resource management in creating business value. This literature review analyzes 71 scholarly articles to assess the role of human resource management in supporting the strategic alignment between business and IT. We identify the organizational role of individual human resources in strategic alignment, their contribution to more effective strategic alignment, and how human resource management supports such contribution. Based on these insights, we formulate propositions and identify avenues for future research.
Technology has been continuously improving, causing high business pressures that affect organizations’ current and future competitiveness. Gaining competitive advantage is critical for organizations. Among the various resources which organizations deploy to succeed, information is identified as a crucial resource. The success of organizations depends on the decisions made and the excellence of decisions depends upon the quality and reliability of information. If this be so, then information strategies need to be designed and implemented in a comprehensive manner so that the organizations derive competitive advantage. Based on an in-depth literature review and contextual analysis, this paper will review competitive forces and competitive information systems strategies for gaining competitive advantages, explain concepts of value chain, business ecosystems and discuss innovation strategy.
Egypt’s diversified economy has historically performed below its potential; however the Egyptian government is recognizing the importance of small to medium enterprises (SMEs). SMEs face many constraints including weak supply of skilled labor, limited access to capital and poor access to IT. This chapter provides an investigation into the Information System (IS) strategy of SMEs in Egypt using questionnaires and case studies to explore whether SMEs in Egypt follow a comprehensive IS strategy or whether IS is not viewed as an important factor in organisational success. It was evidenced that most Egyptian SMEs lack the structure needed to successfully plan an IS strategy. However it was discovered from three case studies that organisations operating with a structured hierarchy proved to be far more advanced with regard to IS strategy planning. In addition, communication between levels was more efficient; therefore alignment of IS strategy with business strategy was inevitable. It was also evidenced that top management involvement is present at the decision making stages and through implementation, and IS planning is undertaken in some way by Egyptian SMEs. However they face many problems with lack of resources and lack of expertise. This is mainly due to management not understanding the need to recruit experienced individuals.
This chapter aims to examine the roles of virtual team and information technology (IT) in global business, thus describing the theoretical and practical overviews of virtual team and IT; the importance of virtual team in global business; and the importance of IT in global business. The applications of virtual team and IT are necessary for modern organizations that seek to serve suppliers and customers, increase business performance, strengthen competitiveness, and achieve continuous success in global business. Therefore, it is essential for modern organizations to examine their virtual team and IT applications, develop a strategic plan to regularly check their practical advancements, and immediately respond to virtual team and IT needs of customers in modern organizations. The chapter argues that applying virtual team and IT has the potential to increase organizational performance and reach strategic goals in global business.
In a fast growing but highly competitive market some cloud service providers are significantly more profitable than others. In particular, numerous providers struggle to scale their cloud service delivery up from a one-time, project-based co-creation model to a platform delivery model building on reusable resources. This study builds on the service (-dominant) logic and the resource-based view to develop a model of cloud service profitability. It is proposed that profitability results from the ability to manage costs of customer-specific value co-creation and efforts to build reusable resources, which facilitate future customer engagements. The results of a survey with 99 cloud providers show that value co-creation costs indeed mediate the effects of facilitation capability and complexity on cloud service profitability. However, facilitation capability has both direct and mediated effects on profitability. The results provide insights on which factors influence cloud service profitability and which resources should be established before offering a cloud service to future customers.
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The essence of outsourcing is purchasing specialized services from external suppliers. Therefore, it is a classic make-or-buy decision, assuming the implementation of the activities that the organization can perform, due to its key competences, and the acquisition of those that the external supplier will do for us better and cheaper. On the other hand, outsourcing is the transfer of some business functions or parts of the business process to another company to optimize the company’s management structure by focusing on key activities and transferring the non-core function to external specialized contractors. The subject of the research in the monograph is IT outsourcing (ITO). The research group consisted of 200 organizations, in the vast majority of Polish enterprises representing various sectors of the economy: industry, trade, services, logistics, education, science, research, organization and public administration. The cognitive (theoretical) goal of the monograph was to learn, classify and verify knowledge regarding the use of structural models in research on IT outsourcing and to determine the state of development of IT outsourcing services in large organizations in Poland. The utilitarian purpose was to construct structural ITO models and verify them on empirical data on ITO in large organizations in Poland. The second utilitarian purpose was to learn about the state of development and the use of IT outsourcing, present the causes, benefits, barriers and difficulties in the development of the service and outline the prospects for its development. The holistic approach to ITO, considered from the client’s side, led to the following research questions: • What benefits (material and immaterial) will the organization achieve when outsourcing IT activities? • What should be the level and scope of outsourced IT activities so that the organization’s benefits are as great as possible? Based on such research questions, the main hypothesis of a monograph consisting of two parts was formulated. The first part of the hypothesis concerned the study of the influence (stimulating or limiting) on the level of ITO application: • causes of ITO use (onshoring and offshoring models), • benefits obtained through ITO, • ITO risk (onshoring and offshoring models), • factors influencing a successful and beneficial relationship with the service provider • factors determining the choice of ITO provider. It was assumed that all seven variables will have an impact on the level of application of ITO, while the following benefits will be stimulating: benefits achieved through ITO, reasons for using ITO (onshoring and offshoring), favorable relationship with the service provider and factors determining the choice of ITO provider. However, the risk factors of using ITO (onshoring and offshoring) will have a limiting effect. The second part of the main hypothesis concerned the study (stimulating or limiting) of the influence on the overall satisfaction with ITO of the same factors as in the first part of the main hypothesis. Analogically, as in the first part of the main hypothesis, it was assumed that all seven variables will affect the overall satisfaction with ITO. It was assumed that the benefits achieved thanks to ITO would be the most stimulating. The causes of using ITO (onshoring and offshoring), the factors of favorable relationship with the service provider and factors determining the choice of ITO provider will be slightly less stimulating. The ITO risk factors (onshoring and offshoring) will limit the overall satisfaction with ITO. Structured models constructed as well as conducted research and analyzes using the PLS-PM method (Partial Least Squares Path Modeling) allowed to verify the main hypothesis and to determine the causal relationship between the variables included in the models. The level of ITO application is affected by all of the hidden variables tested. This impact is not the same. The reasons for the use of ITO in the onshoring model have the greatest stimulating effect, while the limiting factor has the risk of using ITO in the onshoring model. The impact of the other five variables is stimulating, but the magnitude of the impact is two or three times smaller. Positive impact of ITO risk (offshoring) is surprising. The explanation of the stimulating impact of ITO risk in the offshoring model may be the fact that the surveyed organizations using ITO in the offshoring model were significantly less than in the onshoring model. This may mean that the greater the risk of ITO delivered from abroad, the more companies use this service in the country and the higher the level of IT activities outsourced in Poland. The first part of the main hypothesis was verified almost entirely positively. The overall satisfaction with ITO is affected by four out of seven assumed variables. The benefits of ITO have the highest stimulating effect. The causes of using ITO in the onshoring model are also stimulating, and the risk of using ITO in the offshoring model has a stimulating effect. The explanation of the stimulating impact of ITO risk in the offshoring model is analogous to the first part of the main hypothesis. However, the risk of using ITO in the onshoring model is limiting. The amount of stimulating and limiting influence of the three variables on the estimated result variable was three times lower than in the case of variable benefits achieved thanks to the ITO. The impact of the other three variables was negligible. The second part of the main hypothesis was partially verified. The developed and verified models support decision-making on the subject and scope of IT outsourcing and show the consequences of these decisions. The comparison of ITO in Poland to services in other countries allow to confirm the good status of ITO. Intensive development of ITO took place in Poland a bit later than in the USA and Western European countries. However, it is currently at a similar level of development to countries where its intensive development began. The implications of the conducted and presented research have a twofold character - theoretical, showing causal relationships between outsourcing decisions regarding IT services. Practical - for company-clients and companies-providers of ITO services on factors affecting the level of outsourced IT activities and on factors that affect the overall satisfaction of the company with the use of the ITO service. Practical implications also apply to the possibility of predicting satisfaction from the application of ITO. In the summary, a research niche concerning the limits of outsourcing was indicated. It presents a broad, new research perspective. The importance of the problem is determined, on the one hand, by the development trend of the ICT industry and the ITO field, and on the other by the economic, technological and social perspectives of outsourcing development and technological progress leading to the entry of enterprises into the “industry 4.0” path. It will certainly be an interesting research topic, but also an important question that will be faced by practitioners deciding on the scope of outsourcing in their organizations.
Conference Paper
This research investigated the transformation initiative in one of the public sector organizations in Pakistan. The major objective was to understand the potential strategy adopted so far by the management for such initiative to be workable. The issues and challenges faced by the management during transformation process were also explored. For this purpose interviews of the senior management involved were conducted. Moreover, formal and informal discussions with team members and access of documentation regarding planning organizational transformation led to understand more about how such transformation took place. The findings reflect importance of socio-technical approach adopted by the management to address issues and problems of people, process and technology proactively. Furthermore, business process management, change management, knowledge management and IT governance seemed to be important facets for transformation initiative to be successful. The findings of this study may be claimed as essential strategic aspects to be known to top management looking forward transforming organizations for future survival.
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