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Public Library Services for Visually Impaired People

... Public libraries in developed countries of the world such as the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada and Australia are adopting and using ATs as a way of complying with their countries' disability laws (Kinnell, Yu & Creaser 2000). For instance, there is the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) in the United Kingdom (UK) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in the United States. ...
... Furthermore, the difficulties faced by users in using ATs and how they could be alleviated were also investigated. Although a similar study conducted by Kinnell et al. (2000) found that certain ATs were available and used at Manchester city libraries, it was dated and based on the situation within the context of UK public libraries at the time. This study is aimed at establishing baseline understanding of the phenomenon within the context of public libraries in South Africa given the scarcity of research on the subject. ...
... Literature on the types of ATs available for PwVI in public libraries is limited, generally dated and within the context of libraries in developed countries. Kinnell et al. (2000), for instance, conducted a similar study in the UK whose results suggested that reading aids, including magnification aids (CCTV, zoom-text computer screen magnification software), speech recording facilities (those linked to reading machines to permanently record the spoken text), speech systems (reading machine and various screen readers) and alternative output facilities (embossers that produce disk files in Braille) were available at Manchester City libraries. The same study found that reading machines, printers and other related aids were available at Tameside libraries. ...
... Public libraries in developed countries of the world such as the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada and Australia are adopting and using ATs as a way of complying with their countries' disability laws (Kinnell, Yu & Creaser 2000). For instance, there is the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) in the United Kingdom (UK) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in the United States. ...
... Furthermore, the difficulties faced by users in using ATs and how they could be alleviated were also investigated. Although a similar study conducted by Kinnell et al. (2000) found that certain ATs were available and used at Manchester city libraries, it was dated and based on the situation within the context of UK public libraries at the time. This study is aimed at establishing baseline understanding of the phenomenon within the context of public libraries in South Africa given the scarcity of research on the subject. ...
... Literature on the types of ATs available for PwVI in public libraries is limited, generally dated and within the context of libraries in developed countries. Kinnell et al. (2000), for instance, conducted a similar study in the UK whose results suggested that reading aids, including magnification aids (CCTV, zoom-text computer screen magnification software), speech recording facilities (those linked to reading machines to permanently record the spoken text), speech systems (reading machine and various screen readers) and alternative output facilities (embossers that produce disk files in Braille) were available at Manchester City libraries. The same study found that reading machines, printers and other related aids were available at Tameside libraries. ...
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Background: Assistive technologies (ATs) enable persons with visual impairment (PwVI) to equitably benefit from public library resources and services as their sighted counterparts. However, the extent to which this facility is available and used at public libraries in less-developed countries remains largely unknown. Objectives: This study reports on the investigation done on the availability and use of ATs by PwVI at public libraries in the cities of Ekurhuleni and Johannesburg in South Africa. Method: The study used a multimethod and explanatory sequential design in which data were collected through questionnaires administered with 131 librarians and interviews held with 10 PwVI. Results: The findings of the study point towards inadequate availability of computers with internet services, audiotapes, screen magnifying and reading software, and these were used for, among others, leisure, research, job searching and communication. Conclusion: The study concludes that certain ATs were inadequately available and used by PwVI at some libraries in the cities of Ekurhuleni and Johannesburg. The study recommends training for PwVI on how to use ATs, marketing of available ATs, training of staff on how to render AT-based services as well as management availing adequate budget for the development of AT-based collection. Contribution: The study contributes to the understanding of the types of ATs available and used by PwVI in public libraries.
... The term visual impairment refers to anyone who has difficulty in reading an ordinary front size on paper or screen (Kinnell, & Creaser 2000). The National Health Service in England (2006) renewed its definition of visual impairment as follows "there is been a change in the terminology of the registers, blind and partially sights should now be expressed as severely sight impaired (blind) and sight impaired, Partially sighted. ...
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The paper examined provision of library resources and services to visually impaired students at Oyo state school for the blind, Ogbomoso, Nigeria, the study preempt at the type of visual impaired students to be partially sighted, low vision, legal blind and totally blind, provision of information resources and services are important ranging from braille books, large print books, audio tape, tactile sign, language book, braille machine, adaptive technology, CCTV, magnifying glass/sheet and audio magazines among others should be provided for these target groups, the descriptive survey research design was adopted for this study, using questionnaire as instrument for data collection, sample of 50 visual impaired students was used ,the findings of the study revealed that, information need on health, job security, education scholarship, sport and recreation etc are not provided at all. Based on the findings, the study recommended that, the visually impaired students need special attention, care and all information resources should be adequately provided, make available for use with ease and established good relationship among the library staff and students with disabilities and government should pay good attention to these categories of students.
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This study was carried out in order to reveal the services developed for disadvantaged individuals in public libraries from Turkey and around the world, and to create an infrastructure for innovative descriptive information about the institution, year and types of services provided for the disadvantaged individuals in the provincial and district public libraries in Turkey were put forward by making content analysis within the scope of the examples specific to the “Week of the Disabled” at In addition, the research was supported by the services in the national and international literature with the document scanning method. Within the scope of the research, answers to the following questions were sought; Which public libraries in Turkey are prominent in terms of services for disadvantaged individuals? How do the services developed in public libraries in Turkey for disadvantaged individuals differ in terms of type? What are the exemplary services developed by public libraries in Turkey and in the world for disadvantaged individuals? What kind of a path should be followed in order to create an infrastructure for innovative services from the existing public library services developed for disadvantaged individuals nationally and internationally? The following results were reached within the scope of the research; In public libraries in Turkey and around the world, services especially for hearing and visually impaired individuals are widely developed. In Turkey, especially Istanbul Orhan Kemal, Izmir Atatürk and Antalya Tekelioğlu Provincial Public Libraries come forward within the scope of the activities they describe on Particularly, exhibition, conference, information and conversation types are preferred. The following suggestions have been developed within the scope of the results obtained; In order for public library services developed for disadvantaged individuals to form an infrastructure for innovative services, awareness of existing services should be gained. The user profile should be revealed by analyzing the serviced regions in terms of disadvantaged individuals. In order to introduce new services by changing/developing existing services, the perception, awareness, knowledge and skills of library staff should be increased.
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Nowadays, social networking site skills have become an essential tool for every learner for Information sources and services. The study focused on identifying the use patterns of information sources and services to know persons with disabilities (PWD) Divyangjan User's students' ability to identify various types and formats of potential information sources in their academic curriculum. The researcher has discussed in this article whether it can provide library services to the disabled with the help of social media. Social networking tools covered in this article are academic, information social networking tools covered in this article are academic, information transportable, and Audio-Video data transportable. Social media is used by all disabled people, just like ordinary citizens. It is suggested how educational information can be conveyed using social media and social networking.
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This paper critically examines the literature published in the first two decades of 21 st century on public library services for differently abled persons and presented in a chronological order. The primary objective of the paper is to assess the current scenario of the public library services for differently abled persons across the world. The inferences drawn from the review of literature reveals that the current status of public library services for differently abled is not at all encouraging as majority of the public libraries are not even providing minimum service to this user group especially in under developed countries. Public libraries are physically inaccessible to differently abled persons, besides suffering from lack of resources in alternative formats and services. Majority of the research literature is published from the developed countries as compared to developing countries. Published literature also stressed on the need for major improvements in services and further research in the area of resources and services for differently abled user community.
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Τα λάθη στην απτική ανάγνωση έχουν αποδοθεί στην ίδια τη φύση του κώδικα braille, τη σύνθετη και αργή διαδικασία επεξεργασίας των διαδοχικών χαρακτήρων braille και στην ελλιπή εξάσκηση. Στην έρευνα αυτή συμμετείχαν σαράντα εννέα μαθητές με αναπηρία όρασης που διάβαζαν μέσω του κώδικα braille. Η ποιοτική ανάλυση των λαθών κατέδειξε πως όλοι οι τύποι λάθους πλην της μετάθεσης και της προσθήκης συλλαβής έχουν συσχέτιση με το σύνολο των λαθών ανά τύπο. Όλοι οι τύποι των λαθών συσχετίστηκαν, επίσης, με την ηλικία και το βαθμό απώλειας όρασης, τη βαθμίδα εκπαίδευσης και την εκπαιδευτική δομή εκμάθησης braille. Τα αποτελέσματα κατέδειξαν πως οι μαθητές της πρωτοβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης αλλά και οι μαθητές με μερική απώλεια όρασης έκαναν στατιστικά σημαντικό αριθμό λαθών αντικατάστασης, αφαίρεσης και ‘– μη αναγνωρίσιμης λέξης’ έναντι των μαθητών που φοιτούσαν στη δευτεροβάθμια εκαίδευση και των μαθητών με ολική απώλεια όρασης αντίστοιχα. Τα ευρήματα συμβάλλουν στην καλύτερη κατανόηση της απτικής ανάγνωσης και δίνουν τη δυνατότητα στους εκπαιδευτικούς να προσφέρουν ποιοτική υποστήριξη στους μαθητές με αναπηρία όρασης.
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L’article tracta sobre els serveis i recursos de la biblioteca pública per als discapacitats visuals, centrant-se en un estudi de cas concret, com és el de la biblioteca Vapor Vell, situada al barri de Sants a la ciutat de Barcelona. La metodologia utilitzada ha implicat la recollida d’informació a partir de les corresponents fonts bibliogràfiques i estadístiques, així com la procedent del treball de camp efectuat en la mateixa biblioteca. Les dades obtingudes han permès conèixer els recursos existents per als discapacitats visuals, destacant la retolació en Braille, feta ja fa un temps, de bona part del fons musical de la biblioteca i que, desafortunadament, no ha tingut continuïtat. Palabras clave Biblioteca pública; Discapacitats visuals; Vapor Vell; Accessibilitat; Retolació en Braille; Tele-lupes; Programes sintetitzadors de veu; Programes magnificadors de pantalla.
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Language has been the most popular source of communication in human society since the start of civilization. The tradition of Folk Tales appeared as the foundation of literature in ancient times. Poetry is a significant way of expression in human literature. Urdu language possesses uncountable master pieces of prose and poetry. Visually impaired persons have proved themselves as literature lovers, good readers and visionary poets in past and present. This study is an effort to depict the awareness level of visually impaired college students about Urdu poets and their creations. The population of the study consisted of all visually impaired students enrolled in public and private sector colleges located in the district Lahore and Okara. A self developed and validated structured interview schedule containing 10 open ended questions was used to collect data from conveniently selected sample of 30 visually impaired students (males= 18, females=12). Descriptive statistics (percentages of responses) were calculated, collected information was coded; major themes were derived and interpreted by qualitative data analysis technique. The Study reflected that the visually impaired college students were having a lot of information about Urdu poets and their creations although there seemed a lack of in depth knowledge. They reported the lack of talking books and material in Braille on Urdu poetry of great and famous poets. They suggested the establishment of talking libraries throughout the country. Major findings were reported, conclusions were drawn and recommendations were made to Punjab Higher Education Department.
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Easy access to global communication infrastructures enabled a number of emerging applications that are rapidly changing our home / office concepts. Working-at-home is now increasingly common and able to provide relevant employment opportunities for many persons with special needs. This paper describes the work being done in the Portuguese side of an European HORIZON project, where an integrated home office environment for persons with cerebral palsy is being developed.
Reports results of a survey of library services to blind users in Ireland, conducted as a follow up to the author's previous survey of such services in selected institutions, including three sample public libraries in Dublin, and undertaken five years earlier (Sinead Taylor, An Leabharlann/The Irish Library, 7 (2) 1990, 51-4, 56-60. (LISA ref. 913498)). The present survey involved contacting the same libraries and institutions in order to see what changes had taken place in the intervening period. Results suggest that, with the exception of regional talking newspapers and initiatives by the National Council for the Blind of Ireland (NCBI), public library services for these users remain as disjointed and disorganized as before, and hopes of introducing a decentralized system in Ireland with enhanced gateway type public libraries for the visually handicapped have not been realized. Summarizes the results of the survey with particular reference to: NCBI activities; the Cork Tape Library; NCBI Braille Library; Braille and talking magazines and newspapers; and Dublin Public Libraries. Contrasts this depressing situation in Ireland with similar services running in the UK. These have become even more vibrant with exciting new projects and facilities. Quotes extensively from the Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB) Annual Review of 1993/94 and refers to such projects as: the RNIB's 'See it Right' initiative; MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface); and new formats for talking books, including CD-ROMs and CD-I. Concludes with notes on two European Community sponsored projects: the EXLIB project (Expansion of European Library Systems for the Visually Handicapped) which involved both Ireland and the UK; and VISTAS (Visually Impaired Students Telematics Applications Support), designed to harmonize services for visually handicapped students and still awaiting approval at the time of writing.
This article outlines the interpretation of the Disability Discrimination Act in the courts. It reports some early indications of employers' and service providers' responses to the new law, and considers some alternative explanations for its relatively limited impact. I argue that more proactive measures need to be taken, with an explicit emphasis on achieving substantive, rather than merely formal, equality.
This paper is an empirical review of some of the problems faced by those with a visual impairment in the computer age, and a summary of the types of technology that can assist in making information available to those with impaired vision. It also provides some contacts for readers who wish to investigate this technology further and some observations on implementing some of the solutions in education.
Describes the aim of a national library service for blind and print-handicapped persons, the task of managing it, and its partners. Draws attention to the special problems of library services for blind and print-handicapped persons, such as the very limited range of special-format material. Emphasizes the need for creating equality for blind and print-handicapped persons within the library information field. Describes the many-sided job of managing a national library service for handicapped persons, the need of a well-established network within the library world. Particular emphasis is placed on the necessity of co-operation with users' organizations.
Even with all the production of alternative format books visually handicapped readers can only access about 1% of everything that is published. The TESTLAB project sets out to test ways in which blind and visually impaired people can have access to catalogue information and documents which can be read by means of the computer. This article describes some of the trials that are taking place across Europe.
This article looks at the impact of technology on visually impaired people and library access facilities. Between 1989 and 1994, Paul Porter was in charge of the Resource Unit for the Visually Impaired at the Mitchell Library in Glasgow. He now works for the Royal National Institute for the Blind on the Information Superhighways project. The author is blind and uses much of the technology described in this article.
University and public librarians faced with an increasing demand for reading materials in alternate formats need to develop the skills required in providing adequate library service to people with visual or physical impairments. This work, written by library professionals, is intended as a basic reference source which librarians in training can use to study the fundamental needs of patrons who are not well served by the print medium and to consider the materials available for these patrons who will require their assistance. The book is divided into six sections: (1) "Education and Training"; (2) "Accessing the Library"; (3) "Services to Students"; (4) "The Impact of Technology"; (5) "Production Practices"; and (6) "Awareness Issues for Librarians." An appendix discusses national standards for libraries serving people with print impairments. A glossary is also provided. (Author/AEF)