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Tooth size discrepancy in orthodontic patients among different malocclusion groups


Abstract and Figures

An appropriate relationship of the mesiodistal (MD) widths of the maxillary and mandibular teeth favours optimal post-treatment results. The aims of this study were to determine whether there is a difference in the incidence of tooth size discrepancies among different skeletal malocclusion groups and if gender dimorphism exists. The dental casts and lateral cephalometric radiographs of 301 Croatian subjects (127 males and 174 females, mean age 16.86 ± 2.93 years) were selected from a larger sample of records of the archives of the Orthodontic Department, School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia. The subjects were from malocclusion groups according to Angle classification, with the corresponding skeletal characteristics. The MD dimensions of all teeth from first molar to first molar were measured on the dental casts using digital callipers. Statistical analysis was undertaken using Kolmogorov–Smirnov, t, and Scheffé's tests and one-way analysis of variance. A statistically significant gender difference was found in anterior ratio (P = 0.017). A significant difference in the overall and posterior ratio was observed between Class II and Class III subjects. There was a tendency for mandibular tooth size excess in subjects with an Angle Class III malocclusion and for maxillary tooth size excess in those with an Angle Class II malocclusion. The percentage of subjects more than 2 standard deviations from Bolton's means for anterior and overall ratios was 16.28 and 4.32, respectively.
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European Journal of Orthodontics 31 (2009) 584–589 © The Author 2009. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Orthodontic Society.
doi:10.1093/ejo/cjp013 All rights reserved. For permissions, please email:
Advance Access Publication 1 April 2009
A correct maxillary to mandibular tooth size ratio is
important for the achievement of correct occlusal
interdigitation, overjet, and overbite. Without an appropriate
relationship of mesiodistal (MD) tooth dimensions of the
maxillary and mandibular teeth, coordination of the arches
would be dif cult with consequences on the nal orthodontic
treatment result and its stability ( Ballard, 1944 ; Neff, 1957 ;
Bolton, 1958 , 1962 ).
Bolton (1958) studied tooth size dimensions and their
effect on occlusion. Stifter (1958) replicated the Bolton
study in Class I dentitions and reported similar results.
Previously published indices ( Pont, 1909 ; Howes, 1947 ;
Rees, 1953 ; Neff, 1957 ; Lundström, 1981 ) have been used
to assess the relationship that exists between tooth
dimensions and supporting bone as well as to predict nal
tooth positions.
Bolton (1958 , 1962 ) suggested that a ratio greater than 1
standard deviation (SD) from the mean values indicated a
need for diagnostic consideration and possible treatment.
Other authors ( Crosby and Alexander, 1989 ; Freeman et al. ,
1996 ) have de ned a signi cant discrepancy as a value
outside 2 SD from Bolton’s mean. Araujo and Souki (2003)
also found a high proportion of patients with anterior tooth
size discrepancies, but they de ned a discrepancy as greater
than ± 1 SD from Bolton’s mean ratio. Because different
tooth sizes have been associated with ethnicity ( Moorrees,
et al. , 1957 ; Lavelle, 1972 ; Buschang et al. , 1988 ; Smith
et al. , 2000 ), it is logical to expect that differences in tooth
widths can directly affect tooth-widths ratios. Since gender
tooth size differences are not systematic across all teeth
( Garn et al. , 1967 ; Lavelle 1972 ; Bishara et al. , 1989 ),
different interarch relationships might be expected. The
relationships between different malocclusion groups and
tooth size discrepancy have been reported previously
(Lavelle, 1972; Crosby and Alexander, 1989 ; Freeman
et al. , 1996 ; Ta et al. , 2001 ; Fatahi et al. , 2006 ; Puri et al. ,
2007 ).
The aims of the current study were to determine (1)
whether there is a difference in the incidence of tooth size
discrepancies among different malocclusion groups,
classi ed according to Angle, which coincided with skeletal
categories (Class I, Class II, and Class III) represented by
anterior, overall, and posterior ratio; (2) the percentage of
tooth size discrepancies outside 2 SD from Bolton s means
for tooth ratios in each malocclusion group and in the overall
sample; and (3) whether gender dimorphism exists for tooth
size ratios.
Materials and methods
Dental casts and lateral cephalometric radiographs of
Croatian subjects aged 13 22 years (mean age 16.86 ± 2.93
years) was collected from the archives of the Department of
Orthodontics, University of Zagreb, Croatia. The selection
Tooth size discrepancy in orthodontic patients among different
malocclusion groups
Mihovil Struji ć , Sandra Ani ć -Milo š evi ć , Senka Me š trovi ć and Mladen Š laj
Department of Orthodontics, School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia
SUMMARY An appropriate relationship of the mesiodistal (MD) widths of the maxillary and mandibular
teeth favours optimal post-treatment results. The aims of this study were to determine whether there is a
difference in the incidence of tooth size discrepancies among different skeletal malocclusion groups and
if gender dimorphism exists.
The dental casts and lateral cephalometric radiographs of 301 Croatian subjects (127 males and 174
females, mean age 16.86 ± 2.93 years) were selected from a larger sample of records of the archives of the
Orthodontic Department, School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia. The subjects were from
malocclusion groups according to Angle classifi cation, with the corresponding skeletal characteristics.
The MD dimensions of all teeth from fi rst molar to fi rst molar were measured on the dental casts using
digital callipers. Statistical analysis was undertaken using Kolmogorov Smirnov, t , and Scheffé s tests
and one-way analysis of variance.
A statistically signifi cant gender difference was found in anterior ratio ( P = 0.017). A signifi cant
difference in the overall and posterior ratio was observed between Class II and Class III subjects. There
was a tendency for mandibular tooth size excess in subjects with an Angle Class III malocclusion and
for maxillary tooth size excess in those with an Angle Class II malocclusion. The percentage of subjects
more than 2 standard deviations from Bolton s means for anterior and overall ratios was 16.28 and 4.32,
criteria for the dental casts were (1) all permanent teeth
erupted and present from right to left rst molar to permit
measurement of the MD crown dimensions, (2) no severe
tooth abrasion or large restorations that could compromise
the MD dimension of a tooth and no teeth with anomalous
shapes or deformity, and (3) pre-treatment casts of subjects
with no previous orthodontic treatment.
A total of 301 casts (127 males and 174 females) met the
criteria. The mean age for males was 16.5 ± 3.1 and for
females 17.1 ± 2.8 years. Occlusional categories of all
subjects, classi ed according to Angle, coincided with
skeletal categories. Skeletal types were assessed by ANB
from cephalometric analysis. ANB was set at 0 5 degrees
for Class I, greater than 5 degrees for skeletal Class II, and
less then 0 degrees for skeletal Class III ( Mureti ć , 1984 ).
One hundred and eleven subjects (36.87 per cent) were
Class I, 109 (36.21 per cent) Class II, and 81 (26.91
per cent) Class III ( Table 1 ).
The MD dimensions of all teeth on each cast from rst
molar to rst molar were measured with digital callipers
(Levior S.R.O., Kokory, Czech Republic) accurate to
0.1 mm. The MD dimension of each tooth was measured
according to the method described by Moorrees et al.
(1957) , from its mesial contact point to its distal contact
point at its greatest interproximal distance. All measure-
ments, carried out under natural light, were performed by
the same author (MS), who did not exceed more then seven
casts per day in order to avoid eye fatigue and to minimize
the possibility of subjective error.
Bolton s analysis was performed on each set of models,
when the teeth of all 301 subjects had been measured. The
overall ratio was determined using the formula:
overall ratio =
36 46
16 26 100
For the ratio between the maxillary and mandibular anterior
teeth, the same method was used. The ratio between the two
is the percentage relationship of mandibular anterior width to
maxillary anterior width, referred to as anterior ratio :
anterior ratio =
33 43
13 23 100
Furthermore, the posterior ratio and both anterior and
posterior discrepancy in the upper arch were calculated
from the formula:
posterior ratio =↔↔
(, )
(, )
36 34 44 46
16 14 24 26 100
Measurement error
Intraexaminer error was determined by one author (MS),
who measured 30 pairs of casts after an interval of 24 hours
and interexaminer calibration was carried out by another
author (SM), who also measured the 30 pairs of casts twice
separated by 24 hours. If the difference was less than 0.2 mm,
the rst measurement was registered. If the second
measurement differed by more than 0.2 mm from the rst,
the tooth was measured again and only the new measurement
was registered.
The reproducibility of the measurements was analysed
using Dahlberg (1940) formula. The error was calculated
from the equation: ME =dn
22/ , where d is the difference
between duplicated measurements and n is the number of
The results showed no signi cant difference between the
two measurements. Intraclass correlation coef cients were
0.979 ( P < 0.001), 95.79 per cent, ME = 0.17 (range 0 1.45)
for interexaminer calibration and 0.987 ( P < 0.001), 97.35
per cent, ME = 0.14 (range 0 0.6) for intraexaminer
Statistical analysis
The subjects were divided by gender and by skeletal Class.
Statistical calculations were carried out using the Statistical
Package for Social Sciences version 13.0 (SPSS Inc.,
Chicago, Illinois, USA). The results are summarized in
Tables 1 , 2 , 3 , and 4 . After measurement of the MD widths
of all maxillary and mandibular teeth (excluding the second
and third molars), their distribution was evaluated with the
Kolmogorov Smirnov test to see whether the sample was
normally distributed. To determine whether there was
gender dimorphism in the incidence of tooth size
discrepancies, a Student s t -test was performed. For each
malocclusion group, the level of signi cance was set at
0.05. In order to compare intermaxillary tooth size
discrepancies among different malocclusion groups, one-
way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed. To test
which means were different, Scheffé s test was used that
extends the post hoc analysis possibilities to include linear
differences as well as comparisons between speci c means.
In order to determine the percentage of tooth size
discrepancies in the different malocclusion groups, each
group was compared with the results from Bolton’s study.
Measurements outside 2 SD were de ned as exhibiting a
clinically signi cant tooth size discrepancy suf cient to
Table 1 Number and percentage distributions of the subjects
among the different malocclusion Classes with the mean age of the
(m + f)
% Mean age
Class I 42 69 111 36.87 17.02
Class II 49 60 109 36.21 16.70
Class III 36 45 81 26.91 16.81
warrant treatment because this represents a 2 3 mm tooth
size discrepancy (Crosby and Alexander, 1989; Freeman
et al. , 1996). The number of patients with a tooth size ratio
outside 2 SD was divided by the total number of patients in
the group. To determine the percentage of tooth size
discrepancies within each of the malocclusion groups, this
number was multiplied by 100 ( Figures 1 and 2 ).
The Kolmogorov Smirnov test demonstrated that the
sample came from a normally distributed population ( P >
0.20); therefore, parametric tests were used. The numbers
and percentage are presented in Table 1 . Descriptive
statistics for anterior, posterior, and overall ratios between
the genders and t -test for independent samples for gender
are shown in Table 2 . Because statistically signi cant gender
differences were found in anterior ratio, ANOVA for the
differences regarding Classes was performed separately for
each gender. The differences for skeletal Classes were
calculated for posterior and overall ratio. ANOVA
demonstrated signi cant differences for posterior and
overall ratios ( Table 3 ).
Scheffé ’ s p ost hoc test showed signi cant differences ( P <
0.05) in posterior ratios. For overall ratio, signi cant
differences were found between Class I and Class II and
between Class II and Class III malocclusion groups ( Table 4 ).
The age range of the subjects was 13 22 years. The mean
age for males was 16.5 and for females 17.1 years. This
young age group was chosen in accordance with the study
of Doris et al. (1981) to minimize the alteration of the MD
dimensions due to attrition, restorations, or caries.
Consequently, the effect of these factors on actual MD tooth
widths was minimal. The subjects in the current study were
all randomly selected Caucasians and thus proportionately
representative of malocclusion type.
Comparison with Bolton’s sample
The descriptive statistics for anterior, posterior, and overall
ratios between genders in each malocclusion group are
shown in Table 2 . The means of the tooth size ratios of the
subjects were similar to Bolton s measurements as well as
with those of Crosby and Alexander (1989). The only
difference was in the higher SD in the present study as
compared with Bolton s standards that could be attributed
to the difference in the sample size. The Class I anterior
ratio SD was 2.58 compared with Bolton´s SD of 1.65,
while the overall ratio SD showed no difference. When
comparing other malocclusion groups with Bolton´s
measurements, similar trends were found. While the means
were very close, the SD were higher in the present study
( Table 3 ). Although Bolton’s analysis is useful in a clinical
setting, some limitations still exist (Lundström, 1981;
Crosby and Alexander, 1989; Freeman et al., 1996). Bolton ’ s
sample was obtained from the models of 55 subjects with
perfect Class I occlusions (Bolton, 1958; 1962). The
population and gender composition of that sample was not
speci ed, the grouping criteria were not explained in detail,
and it was unclear as to how many were treated or untreated,
which implies potential selection bias. In the present
Table 2 Mean, standard deviation (SD), standard error (SE), and
independent t -test for anterior, posterior, and overall ratios for
males (M) and females (F).
Gender N Mean SD SE P value
Anterior ratio M 127 78.39 2.87 0.25 0.017 *
F 174 77.81 2.36 0.18
Total 301 78.06 2.60 0.15
Posterior ratio M 127 104.74 3.20 0.28 0.340
F 174 104.99 2.96 0.22
Total 301 104.88 3.06 0.18
Overall ratio M 127 91.71 2.00 0.18 0.730
F 174 91.60 2.06 0.16
Total 301 91.64 2.03 0.12
* P < 0.05.
Figure 1 Percentage of subjects with anterior tooth size ratios compared
with Bolton ’ s standard.
Figure 2 Percentage of subjects overall tooth size ratios compared with
Bolton ’ s standard.
investigation, with a sample size of 301, and pre-treatment
casts of patients treated orthodontically, skeletal categories
were taken into account, and the subjects were selected by
the criteria of occlusal categories coinciding with skeletal
Tooth size discrepancies in different malocclusion classes
The results of the present study showed signi cant
differences for overall and posterior ratios among the
different malocclusion groups ( Table 3 ). However, the SDs
were larger than expected. The Class I group had the
smallest SDs, but only for posterior ratios, when compared
with the other malocclusion groups. Tooth size ratios among
different malocclusion groups have been compared by
Sperry et al. (1977) and Crosby and Alexander (1989).
Crosby and Alexander (1989) analyzed Bolton ratios and
tooth sizes for different occlusal categories, but did not
include Class III patients or differentiate between the
genders. The relationship between malocclusion and skeletal
pattern was not mentioned. No statistically signi cant
differences in the incidence of tooth size discrepancy among
different malocclusion groups were found. Sperry et al.
(1977) analyzed Bolton ratios for groups of Class I, II, and
III cases. The subjects were not differentiated by gender and
the skeletal patterns were not mentioned. The overall ratios
showed that there was mandibular tooth size excess for the
Class III patients similar to the ndings in the present study.
Nie and Lin (1999) reached a similar conclusion; however,
they included not only Class III but also Class III surgery
patients. Although Class III surgery and non-surgery patients
were included in the present study, similar results were
found. The overall ratio of Class III patients was highest
among the different malocclusion groups, with the largest
difference between Class II and Class III subjects ( Tables 3
and 4 ). This statistically signi cant trend to larger ratios in
Class III patients was also reported by Ta et al. (2001) in
southern Chinese, Alko de and Hashim (2002) in Saudis,
Araujo and Souki (2003) in Brazilians, and Fatahi et al.
(2006) in Iranians. While Uysal et al. (2005) found no
differences between malocclusion types, all malocclusion
groups had signi cantly higher average ratios than the
subjects with untreated normal occlusions. Lavelle (1972)
showed that the sizes for maxillary teeth in Class III subjects
were smallest and mandibular teeth the largest among
different malocclusion groups. In that study, only a type of
descriptive statistical result was presented, with no
comparison of ratios, which stated the mean size of each
tooth of male patients for each malocclusion group and
mentioned a pattern of contrast.
Tooth size discrepancy and gender
Bishara et al. (1989) found that males had larger teeth than
females; however, the tooth size discrepancy ratios were not
measured. It is important to note that the possibility of
gender differences in tooth size discrepancy varies from
differences in absolute tooth size (Othman and Harradine,
No differences in the mean Bolton ratios were found
between the genders (Al-Tamimi and Hashim, 2005). In
studies where differences have been found, they have been
small, with males having slightly larger ratios (Lavelle,
1972, Richardson and Malhotra, 1975; Smith et al., 2000).
Gender differences ( P = 0.017) were found in the present
study but only for anterior ratio, similar to ndings of Fatahi
et al. (2006).
Prevalence of tooth size discrepancy
According to Bolton (1958), there is a relatively small range
in which tooth size ratios should fall to be able to achieve
optimal occlusal relationships. Stifter (1958) reached a
similar conclusion, while Crosby and Alexander (1989)
found that a large number of orthodontic patients presented
with a signi cant Bolton tooth size discrepancy. When all
patients in the current study were combined, 16.28 per cent
had an anterior ratio with a signi cant deviation from
Bolton s mean (greater than 2 SD; Figure 1 ). A signi cant
discrepancy, higher than Bolton s mean, was found in
anterior ratio in 21 per cent of Spaniards ( Paredes et al. ,
Table 4 Scheffé ’ s post hoc test (the level of signi cance was P <
Class Class I Class II Class III
Posterior ratio I 0.237 0.384
II 0.237 0.014
III 0.384 0.014
Overall ratio I 0.035 0.969
II 0.035 0.031
III 0.969 0.031
Table 3 Mean, standard deviation (SD), standard error (SE), and
analysis of variance for anterior, posterior, and overall ratios
regarding different malocclusion groups.
Class N Mean SD SE P value
Anterior ratio I 111 78.25 2.58 0.25 0.252
II 109 77.73 2.42 0.23
III 81 78.23 2.82 0.31
Total 301 78.06 2.60 0.15
Posterior ratio I 111 104.97 2.66 0.25 0.013 *
II 109 104.28 3.37 0.32
III 81 105.58 3.00 0.33
Total 301 104.88 3.06 0.18
Overall ratio I 111 91.81 1.99 0.19 0.004*
II 109 91.14 2.14 0.21
III 81 92.08 1.82 0.20
Total 301 91.64 2.03 0.12
* P < 0.05.
2006 ) as well as in the samples of Crosby and Alexander
(1989) 22.9 per cent, Freeman et al. (1996) 30.6 per cent,
Santoro et al. (2000) 28 per cent, Bernabé et al. (2004) 20.5
per cent, and Othman and Harradine (2007) 17.4 per cent. A
discrepancy in overall ratio outside 2 SD from Bolton’s
mean ( Figure 2 ) was found in 4.32 per cent of the present
sample, similar to the ndings of 5 per cent by Bernabé et al.
(2004), Paredes et al. (2006) , and Othman and Harradine
(2007), but lower than that of Freeman et al. (1996) of 13.5
per cent and Santoro et al. (2000) of 11 per cent. Fernández-
Riveiro et al. (1995) found greater anterior and overall
ratios in their study, but they considered values outside 1
SD to be signi cant. In the present investigation, a tendency
was found to mandibular tooth size excess in Angle Class
III malocclusion subjects and maxillary tooth size excess in
Angle Class II malocclusion subjects, in agreement with the
ndings of Nie and Lin (1999).
Regarding studies reporting the MD dimensions of lower
teeth to be larger in Class III subjects when compared with
Classes I and II ( Lavelle, 1972 ; Sperry et al. , 1977 ), Fatahi
et al. (2006) speculated that these greater means in Bolton’s
ratio might be due to aetiological factors that lead to
mandibular prognathism and may also be associated with
increased MD dimensions of upper anterior teeth in Class II
subjects that lead to maxillary prognathism. Further studies
are needed to clarify whether a correlation exists between
increased growth of the jaws and increased MD dimensions
of anterior teeth. A large individual cultural variability
might have existed in the growth pattern of the subjects
( Akyalçin et al. , 2006 ).
In clinical practice, attention should be paid to tooth size
discrepancies between the maxillary and mandibular teeth
and that Bolton s analysis is important for orthodontic
diagnosis and treatment planning that would improve
achieving optimal occlusion, overbite, and overjet, It should
also be borne in mind that Bolton tooth size analysis might
be of assistance in the nishing phase of orthodontic
treatment, especially in increasing the stability of the
treatment result (Araujo and Souki, 2003). Although such
an analysis in some instances may appear to be time-
consuming, the bene ts would seem to be signi cant.
1. Tooth size discrepancy was found to be more frequent
in the anterior region with respect to gender.
2. A tendency was found for mandibular tooth size excess
in Angle Class III malocclusion subjects and maxillary
tooth size excess in those with an Angle Class II
malocclusion. Posterior and overall ratios were greater
in Class III malocclusion subjects than in other occlusal
3. The percentage of subjects with more than 2 SD from
Bolton s means for anterior and overall ratios was16.28
and 4.32, respectively.
Address for correspondence
Mihovil Struji ć
Department of Orthodontics
School of Dental Medicine
University of Zagreb
Gunduli ć eva 5
10000 Zagreb
Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sport ( 065-
0650444-0436 ).
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... The entire number of study participants in the group was divided by the number of participants with tooth size ratios greater than 2SD. This value was multiplied by 100 (Strujić et al. 2009) (Figures 3 and 4). ...
... In contrast, percentage values for anterior discrepancy ratio have been reported in Dominican American (Santoro et al. 2000), Southern Chinese (Ta et al. 2001), Brazilian (Araujo et al. 2003), Japanese (Endo et al. 2008), Jordanian (Al-Omari et al. 2008), Croatian (Strujić et al. 2009), Turkish (Uysal et al. 2005;Oktay and Ulukaya 2010), American (Johe et al. 2010), and Libyan (Bugaighis et al. 2015). ...
... However, their studies comprised individuals with perfect occlusion, which could be assumed to be more typical of the normal community than of orthodontic patients. The prevalence obtained in the current study, however, was higher than reported in previous studies (Bolton 1958(Bolton , 1962Santoro et al. 2000;Bernabé et al. 2004;Proffit 2007;Al-Omari et al. 2008;Endo et al. 2008;Strujić et al. 2009;Wedrychowska-Szulc et al. 2010;Oktay and Ulukaya 2010;Bugaighis et al. 2015). However, Akyalçin et al. (2006) reported greater prevalence value compared to our study. ...
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The goal of this study was to evaluate tooth size discrepancies in Kosovar adolescents according to the Bolton’s analysis, and to determine the differences between gender and malocclusion classes. A sample of 400 Kosovar adolescents, aged 13–19 years with various malocclusion categories (class I, II, III) according to the Angle’s classification, was randomly selected. The anterior tooth size ratio, overall tooth size ratio, posterior tooth size ratio, as well as distribution of tooth size discrepancies were assessed. The normality of distribution was assessed by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, the differences between genders by the Independent Sample T-test, the Mann-Whitney U-test, and differences among malocclusion groups by ANOVA, the Kruskal-Wallis, and the Dunn’s post-hoc tests. The tooth size ratios of men and women did not differ significantly. The results also demonstrated significant differences among the malocclusion classes only for the anterior tooth size ratio (p
... A tooth-size discrepancy (TSD) is characterised by a dimensional disproportion in the mesiodistal size between the maxillary and mandibular teeth 1,2 . A TSD contributes to an altered relationship between the dental arches because accepted overbite, overjet and interdigitation require a certain proportional size relationship between the teeth. ...
... 3,4 Successful orthodontic treatment with regard to a functional and aesthetic occlusion also, in part, depends on an accurate TSD diagnosis and intervention. 1,2 REIS, MARAÑÓN-VÁSQUEZ, MATSUMOTO, BARATTO-FILHO, SASSO STUANI, PROFF, KIRSCHNECK AND KÜCHLER Tooth size is determined at the commencement of the dental development stage. 5 Odontogenesis involves a complex mechanism of interaction between signalling networks and growth factors. ...
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Introduction: The present study aimed to determine the association between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in RUNX2, SMAD6, BMP2, and BMP4 genes in relation to tooth-size discrepancy (TSD). Methods: A cross-sectional study of patients undergoing orthodontic treatment measured the mesiodistal width of permanent teeth from pretreatment dental casts. Sixty-two patients were included in the study and TSD was assessed according to the Bolton analysis. The patients were allocated into a control group (without a TSD), an anterior excess group and an overall excess group. Genomic DNA was extracted from saliva samples, and SNPs previously associated with tooth size were evaluated using a real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) system. The Fisher exact test was performed to compare genotype and allele frequencies at an α = 0.05. An Odds Ratio (OR) and 95% Confidence Interval (95% CI) were calculated. Results: The rs59983488 SNP in the RUNX2 gene was significantly related to the presence of anterior mandibular tooth-size excess in allele (T allele: p <0.001; OR = 11.74; 95% CI =2.61–55.80), and genotype models (GT genotype: p = 0.002; OR = 12.69; 95% CI = 2.47–64.83). The rs3934908 SNP in the SMAD6 gene was significantly associated with the presence of an overall maxillary tooth-size excess in allele (T allele: p < 0.001) and genotype models (TT genotype: p = 0.010). Conclusion: The present results suggest that SNPs in RUNX2 (rs59983488) and SMAD6 (rs3934908) genes may be associated with the presence of tooth-size excess.
... Many of these studies indicated that tooth size discrepancies are more common in Class III malocclusions than in Class I and II. [9][10][11][12] Araujo and Souki 4 later reported that patients with Class I and Class III malocclusions indicate a significantly greater prevalence of tooth size discrepancies than those with Class II malocclusions, and mean anterior tooth size discrepancies were significantly greater for Class III subjects. In contrast, Uysal et al. 13 and Cançado et al. 14 found no differences in the anterior and overall Bolton ratios between different malocclusion types. ...
... Descriptive statistics (Mean, SD, Minimum, Maximum, and 95% CI) of cephalometric measurementsSperry et al. 11 showed that tooth size excess in the mandibular arch was more frequent among Class III patients with mandibular prognathism than in Class I and Class II groups. Strujić et al.12 evaluated Bolton ratios for groups including both dentoskeletal Class I, II, and III cases. They reported that subjects with Class II malocclusion tend to have maxillary tooth size excess, while those with Class III malocclusion tend to have mandibular tooth size excess. ...
Objective: The purpose of the present study was to specify whether there are mesiodistal tooth size discrepancies in the anterior region in patients with dentoskeletal Class III malocclusion who underwent orthognathic surgery and orthodontic treatment and to assess the relationship between anterior Bolton ratio and dentoskeletal cephalometric measurements. Methods: The diagnostic dental casts and lateral cephalometric radiographs of 113 nongrowing patients (54 females and 59 males; mean age: 19.96 ± 4.42 years) with dentoskeletal Class III malocclusion who underwent orthognathic surgery and orthodontic treatment were included in the study. The mesiodistal widths of the 6 anterior teeth were measured from dental casts using a digital caliper accurate to 0.01 mm and anterior Bolton ratios were calculated. Lateral cephalograms were digitalized and used to measure 4 skeletal and 4 dental parameters. Results: The mean anterior ratio of Class III surgical patients was 80.1% with a standard deviation of 2.8%. Clinically significant anterior tooth size discrepancies (greater than ±2 standard deviation) were found in 40.7% of the sample, 97.8% of those patients having anterior mandibular tooth excess. No significant correlation was found between the anterior Bolton ratio and cephalometric measurements. Conclusion: Clinicians should consider the probability of tooth size discrepancy in the diagnosis and treatment planning of Class III surgical patients and should perform interventions to eliminate these discrepancies during presurgical orthodontic treatment.
... Studies were also used to detect the TSDs incidence among various malocclusion groups. TSDs are more common in Class III malocclusions [13][14][15] and in Class II division 1 malocclusions [5]. ...
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Tooth Size Discrepancy (TSD) forms part of the initial diagnosis and is considered when formulating a treatment plan for the individual patient. Objectives: The present research aimed at determining the extent and prevalence in a representative orthodontic population in Libya, to determine the prevalence of tooth size discrepancies (TSDs) in orthodontic population among different malocclusion groups. Material and Methods: The sample comprised 60 pretreatment study casts with fully erupted and complete permanent dentitions from first molar to first molar, and subdivided into three types of occlusion. The mesiodistal width of the teeth was measured at contact points using a stainless steel digital caliper and Bolton analysis was carried out on them. Results: No significant differences were observed for the overall TSD of gender. Conclusions: There were no statistically significant differences of overall and anterior TSD with regard to gender or malocclusion.
... Asociación de la clase esqueletal I y II con la severidad del apiñamiento INVESTIGACIÓN 11 rentes tipos de maloclusiones. Strujić et al. 20 evaluaron la discrepancia del tamaño dental en diferentes maloclusiones, con sus resultados se observó una diferencia significativa en las proporciones generales entre las maloclusiones clase I y II y la severidad del apiñamiento. En el presente estudio no se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas asociadas a la clase esqueletal y a la severidad del apiñamiento. ...
p>Las maloclusiones son resultado de anormalidades de tipo funcional y morfológicas. Angle, en el siglo XX, propuso una clasificación que contribuyó a ordenar de forma sistemática las maloclusiones y así realizar el diagnóstico y tratamiento correcto. El apiñamiento dental es la disparidad entre el espacio disponible de las bases óseas y el tamaño de cada órgano dentario. Se evaluó la asociación que puede existir entre una maloclusión esqueletal clase I y II en relación con la severidad del apiñamiento. Se eligió una muestra por conveniencia de 50 casos clase I y 50 casos clase II. La clase esqueletal se obtuvo a partir del ángulo ANB. Cada clase esqueletal se dividió en 3 grupos. Los datos obtenidos se analizaron mediante la prueba de X2, la prueba de t de Student y ANOVA en el programa Statcalc. Al comparar el promedio de apiñamiento de los grupos de la clase I no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el maxilar y en la mandíbula. En la maloclusión de clase II tampoco se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el maxilar, como en la mandíbula. Se encontró la asociación a mayor valor del ángulo ANB, mayor será el apiñamiento en la clase I y clase II. Se concluye que la severidad de la clase esqueletal tiene una relación con la severidad del apiñamiento.</p
... Proft stated this type of discrepancy exists in approximately 5% of the general population. Others have claimed that between 22% and 30.6% of orthodontic [3] patients possess a signicant tooth size discrepancy. Total inter arch relationship was more important for many treatment considerations like esthetic bonding, prosthetic rehabilitation, stripping of enamel. ...
Introduction: The aim of this study is to analyze the difference in the incidence of tooth size discrepancies using boltons ratio in class II malocclusion with varying overjet. The study groups consists of Group I: normal occlus Materials And Methods: ion with ideal overjet and overbite (control), Group II: Class II div.1 with less than 5mm overjet Group III: Class II div.1 with more than 5mm overjet. The anterior and overall tooth size ratio was calculated for each sample as described by Bolton and included in statistical analysis. The mean anterior and Results: overall Bolton ratio of the normal occlusion group (78.8 and 91.88) is slightly greater than the original value. Class II malocclusion with overjet greater than 5mm showing a lowest anterior ratio, the overall ratio for the class II malocclusion group is almost same. Inter proximal Conclusion: slicing may be recommended in the anterior segment to eliminate the interarch discrepancy especially in increased overjet
... However, differences between malocclusions based on Angle's classification were expected. [17][18][19] It is likely that the sample size of this study was insufficient to identify differences between Angle's malocclusion classes. An analogous conclusion was drawn in other studies in which a small number of respondents led to low statistical power and an inability to detect sex-specific differences. ...
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Objective: To investigate sex-specific correlations between the dimensions of permanent canines and the anterior Bolton ratio and to construct a statistical model capable of identifying the sex of an unknown subject. Methods: Odontometric data were collected from 121 plaster study models derived from Caucasian orthodontic patients aged 12-17 years at the pretreatment stage by measuring the dimensions of the permanent canines and Bolton's anterior ratio. Sixteen variables were collected for each subject: 12 dimensions of the permanent canines, sex, age, anterior Bolton ratio, and Angle's classification. Data were analyzed using inferential statistics, principal component analysis, and artificial neural network modeling. Results: Sex-specific differences were identified in all odontometric variables, and an artificial neural network model was prepared that used odontometric variables for predicting the sex of the participants with an accuracy of > 80%. This model can be applied for forensic purposes, and its accuracy can be further improved by adding data collected from new subjects or adding new variables for existing subjects. The improvement in the accuracy of the model was demonstrated by an increase in the percentage of accurate predictions from 72.0-78.1% to 77.8-85.7% after the anterior Bolton ratio and age were added. Conclusions: The described artificial neural network model combines forensic dentistry and orthodontics to improve subject recognition by expanding the initial space of odontometric variables and adding orthodontic parameters.
... Studies were also used to detect the TSDs incidence among various malocclusion groups. TSDs are more common in Class III malocclusions [13][14][15] and in Class II division 1 malocclusions [5]. ...
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Tooth Size Discrepancy (TSD) forms part of the initial diagnosis and is considered when formulating a treatment plan for the individual patient. Objectives: The present research aimed at determining the extent and prevalence in a representative orthodontic population in Libya, to determine the prevalence of tooth size discrepancies (TSDs) in orthodontic population among different malocclusion groups. Material and Methods: The sample comprised 60 pretreatment study casts with fully erupted and complete permanent dentitions from first molar to first molar, and subdivided into three types of occlusion. The mesiodistal width of the teeth was measured at contact points using a stainless steel digital caliper and Bolton analysis was carried out on them. Results: No significant differences were observed for the overall TSD of gender. Conclusions: There were no statistically significant differences of overall and anterior TSD with regard to gender or malocclusion.
... Studies were also used to detect the TSDs incidence among various malocclusion groups. TSDs are more common in Class III malocclusions [13][14][15] and in Class II division 1 malocclusions [5]. ...
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Tooth Size Discrepancy (TSD) forms part of the initial diagnosis and is considered when formulating a treatment plan for the individual patient. Objectives: The present research aimed at determining the extent and prevalence in a representative orthodontic population in Libya, to determine the prevalence of tooth size discrepancies (TSDs) in orthodontic population among different malocclusion groups. Material and Methods: The sample comprised 60 pretreatment study casts with fully erupted and complete permanent dentitions from first molar to first molar, and subdivided into three types of occlusion. The mesiodistal width of the teeth was measured at contact points using a stainless steel digital caliper and Bolton analysis was carried out on them. Results: No significant differences were observed for the overall TSD of gender. Conclusions: There were no statistically significant differences of overall and anterior TSD with regard to gender or malocclusion.
Background: The orthodontic ‘‘finishing’’ phase is recognized for the multitude of details necessary to achieve an excellent result. In some cases, the finishing phase is very difficult, requiring the production of complicated biomechanical forces to reach a satisfactory orthodontic solution. A high percentage of these finishing-phase difficulties arise because of tooth size imbalances that could have been detected and considered during initial diagnosis and treatment planning. Many difficulties encountered during the finishing phase of orthodontic treatment arise due to lack of intermaxillary tooth-size matching. Bolton ratio is one of the most useful calculations for precise orthodontic diagnosis as it shows if there is a correct ratio between dental proportions.