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3rd International Conference on Electronic Voting 2008, Co-organized by Council of Europe, Gesellschaft für Informatik and EVoting.CC, August 6th-9th, 2008 in Castle Hofen, Bregenz, Austria

Robert Krimmer, Rüdiger Grimm (Eds.)
Electronic Voting 2008 (EVOTE08)
International Conference
Co-organized by
Council of Europe, Gesellschaft für Informatik
and E-Voting.CC
August 6
, 2008
in Castle Hofen, Bregenz, Austria
Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI)
Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) - Proceedings
Series of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI)
Volume P-131
ISBN 978-3-88579-225-3
ISSN 1617-5468
Volume Editors
Mag. Robert Krimmer
Competence Center for Electronic Voting and Participation
E-Voting.CC gGmbH
Pyrkergasse 33/1/2, A-1190 Vienna, Austria
Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Grimm
Universität Koblenz-Landau
Institut für Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsinformatik
Universitätsstraße 1, D-56016 Koblenz, Germany.
Series Editorial Board
Heinrich C. Mayr, Universität Klagenfurt, Austria (Chairman,
Jörg Becker, Universität Münster, Germany
Hinrich Bonin, Leuphana-Universität Lüneburg, Germany
Dieter Fellner, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
Ulrich Flegel, SAP Research, Germany
Johann-Christoph Freytag, Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Germany
Ulrich Furbach, Universität Koblenz, Germany
Michael Koch, TU München, Germany
Axel Lehmann, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany
Peter Liggesmeyer, TU Kaiserslautern und Fraunhofer IESE, Germany
Ernst W. Mayr, Technische Universität München, Germany
Heinrich Müller, Universität Dortmund, Germany
Sigrid Schubert, Universität Siegen, Germany
Martin Warnke, Leuphana-Universität Lüneburg, Germany
Dorothea Wagner, Universität Karlsruhe, Germany
Reinhard Wilhelm, Universität des Saarlandes, Germany
Andreas Oberweis, Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
© Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn 2008
printed by Köllen Druck+Verlag GmbH, Bonn
Gedruckt mit Unterstützung des Bundesministeriums für Wissenschaft und Forschung in
For the third time Castle Hofen is the meeting place to discuss the current state of the art
in electronic voting around the world for academia, administration and vendors in the
field. All of these benefit from the high level of interdisciplinarity and interest on all
The past two years have been like a rollercoaster for electronic voting – on one hand
there are success stories like legally binding internet elections – on the other hand major
set backs as the decision to go back to paper and pencil for elections after years of e-
voting experiences.
These experiences show the need for exchange of information and knowledge which has
always been an aim of this conference. In the past six years, attendants from over 30
countries have used this opportunity which makes the conference a fixed point in the
schedule of e-voting experts from all over the world.
On our call for papers we received over 30 submissions of which we had to select the 17
best for presentation. This was done in a double-blind-review process, that wouldn’t
have been possible without the tremendous effort, which the programme committee
members and the additional reviewers put in the process.
Special thanks go to the Council of Europe and the working group ECOM – E-
Commerce, E-Government and Security of the Gesellschaft for Informatik for their
support in organizing this conference.
Further thanks go again to the Gesellschaft for Informatik and the Lecture Notes in
Informatics editorial board under Prof. Mayr and Jürgen Kuck from Köllen Publishers
who made it possible to print the workshop proceedings in such a perfect manner. We
are also indebted to the Austrian Ministries for Science and Research (BMWF), for
Interior (BMI), the Ministery for European and International Affairs (BMeiA) and the
Regional Government of Vorarlberg for their continued support.
Without the help of the programme committee, who were always available with their
advice, the conference would not have reached the status it has today.
Finally we would like to thank Terry Davis, general secretary of the Council of Europe
and Jürgen Weiss, vice chairman of the Austrian Federal Council that the conference can
take place under their auspices.
Vienna, Koblenz, August 2008 Robert Krimmer, Rüdiger Grimm
E-Voting.CC Competence Center for Electronic Voting and Participation
Council of Europe
Gesellschaft für Informatik
Working Group for E-Commerce, E-Government and Security
Introductory Words
New communication technologies have a tremendous potential for empowering people.
Millions of people engage in all sorts of electronic transactions. They download
information online or through their mobile telephones.
Democracy is part of this development. There have been many experiments with voting
through the Internet, voting on computers in polling stations, and even voting by digital
TV or mobile phone.
While experimenting with these forms of voting, some important new issues, in
comparison to traditional voting, come up. How does one observe voting through a
computer? Or counting such votes? How does one guarantee a transparent election when
people vote on a machine? Security and legal aspects also play an important role in the
voting process.
In 2004, the Committee of Ministers adopted a Recommendation on E-Voting, which is
the first and so far the only existing international text setting standard for electronic
voting. The application of this recommendation is reviewed every two years at a Council
of Europe meeting to keep up with the rapid developments in the use of information
technology. This conference is a part of the process; it is one of the few conferences that
brings together governments and international organisations, academia and the business
sector, in order to discuss their experiences with e-voting.
Right Hon Terry Davis
Secretary General of the Council of Europe
Introductory Words: Today more Democracy means E-Voting
E-Voting gives us an important opportunity to obtain more democracy and more civil
participation. Therefore, we have to welcome every consideration and all possible
instruments of electronic voting in Austrian—for elections, for binding or non-binding
consultative referendums as well as in petitions. We have to see e-voting as a chance to
offer more services for citizens, to promote a plus in the voter turnout and also in the use
of direct democracy.
As our behaviour and our possibilities in many aspects of our lives are changing, our
election system should also evolve to meet the needs of contemporary society. For
people becoming more and more mobile, it is also necessary for politics to keep up with
recent trends and to give democracy new chances. All together, we could launch a
sensible realisation. So it must be beyond doubt that the secrecy of ballot obtains first
Nowadays, although everyone surely deals with his or her money very carefully, we trust
the Internet enough to carry out bankingtransactions and shopping excursions online. ,In
postal voting we trust in the post, and in E-Voting there are even more elaborate
solutions that make the process secure and anonymous.
I take questions, doubts or even fears very seriously. Democracy contains dialogue and
this has to be led. At the same time, however, I find it incomprehensible that in times of
decreasing voter turnouts this additional possibility for citizens to make use of their right
to vote, which means a possibility for more democracy, seems not to be recognised as
such. In the view of growing disenchantment with politics, no one can shut their eyes.
E-Voting may – especially for young people – be an incentive to vote effectively. I think
that particularly the young generation will make use of this new technology rather than
of the previous instruments. Several countries have shown that the system is accepted.
My aim in Austria is to show how E-Voting works. Therefore, I would like to offer this
additional way of voting for the first time at the elections for the Austrian National
Union of Students in 2009. The legal base is already established, the technical
preparations well advanced. Now it is necessary to motivate students to smooth out
potential concerns commonly and to make use of this new way of voting!
I wish the participants of the conference many new scientific insights and a pleasant day.
Dr. Johannes Hahn
Austrian Federal Minister for Science and Research
All presentations are available in Audio & Video including slides at with the help of
Introductory Words
The current working program of the Austrian Federal Government includes the
introduction of postal voting as well as the examination of the use of electronic voting.
The first part of this program, postal voting, was implemented in 2007 and has already
been proven in practice during the regional elections in Lower Austria in March of this
year. With regard to E-Voting, the different premises are currently being evaluated by
the Ministry for the Interior and according to the head of the Austrian electoral
management board, implementing E-Voting in Austria could be implemented on
relatively short notice.
The federal minister for science and research has announced the use of E-Voting as an
additional voting channel for the Austrian student-union’s elections in 2009. This is
possible because the legal basis was installed beforehand. As students have profound
knowledge in the daily use of the Internet, they are a perfect target group for this pilot-
test. The Austrian Federal Economic Chamber could also be a possible e-voting election
as the legal basis exists as well.
In all these cases E-Voting does not mean the use of voting machines to facilitate the
counting of the votes, it rather offers a further voting channel via the Internet, along with
the familiar voting ballot at the voting station and postal voting. Although E-Voting is
mainly a channel to vote at elections, it will also play an important role in referendums,
plebiscites as well as petitions for referendums. The use of all these instruments will
facilitate the citizen’s participation in the political process. This may specially be the
case where elections have non-binding character or with regard to elections with specific
target groups. Experience with periodic surveys among employees of large enterprises
has shown that anonymity can be secured without large efforts and e-voting also leads to
high participation rates in these cases.
Bearing in mind the long time it took to introduce postal voting in Austria and the
immense doubts it has raised with respect to secrecy of the vote and prevention of
misuse, we can anticipate how much work still needs to be done before e-voting can
finally be introduced. According to the latest polls, around sixty percent of the Austrian
population are still sceptical of E-Voting. One part of these doubts is not nourished by
knowledge of facts but by mere feeling. To create a field of trust around E-Voting we
need to experience pilot tests and get used to the thought that electronic electronics are a
part of the electoral process. Initially it is a challenge for scientists to which the
“Competence Centre for Electronic Voting and Participation” commendably contributes
by organizing this conference in Schloss Hofen every second year. Thereby international
exchange of experience plays an important role – also experiences from abroad can
convince. I therefore wish the EVOTE08 Conference and its participants in my home
region Vorarlberg a comfortable location for fruitful scientific work.
Jürgen Weiss, Vice President of the Austrian Federal Council
Programme Committee
Mike Alvarez, USA
Frank Bannister, Ireland
Jordi Barrat, Spain
Josh Benaloh, USA
Nadja Braun, Switzerland
Thomas Buchsbaum, Austria
Chantal Enguehard, France
Simon French, UK
Ruediger Grimm, Germany
Thad Hall, USA
Catsumi Imamura, Brasilia
Norbert Kersting, South Africa
Shin Dong Kim, Korea
Laurence Monnoyer-Smith, France
Hannu Nurmi, Finland
Wolfgang Polasek, Austria
Michael Remmert, France
Josep Reniu, Spain
David Rios, Spain
Fabrizio Ruggeri, Italy
Kazue Sako, Japan
Berry Schoenmakers, Netherlands
Robert Stein, Austria
Dan Tokaji, USA
Alexander Trechsel, Switzerland
Melanie Volkamer, Germany
Poorvi Vora, USA
Dan Wallach, USA
Gregor Wenda, Austria
Additional Reviewers
Navarro Ángel Sánchez, Spain
Joakim Astrom, Sweden
Carol Boughton, Australia
Danilo Bruschi, Italy
Osvaldo Catsumi Imamura, Brasil
David Canning, UK
Letizia Caporusso, Italy
Gerard Cervello, Spain
Michel Chevallier, Switzerland
Jeremy Clark, Canada
Ishbel Duncan, UK
Joao Falcao e Cunha, Portugal
Joao Faria, Portugal
Rosa M. Fernandez, Spain
Stefanos Grizalis, Greece
Tina Jukic, Slovenia
Sokratis Katsikas, Greece
Karl-Heinz Ladeur, Germany
Costas Lambrinoudakis, Greece
Ylle Madise, Estonia
Tarvi Martens, Estonia
Marc Mausch, Germany
Rebecca Mercuri, USA
Lilian Mitrou, Greece
Peter G. Neumann, USA
Goran Obradovic, Canada
Anne-Marie Oostveen, Netherlands
Ana Paiva, Portugal
Emilia Perez Belleboni, Spain
Joan Josep Piles, Spain
Miguel Pimenta Monteira, Portugal
Judith Rossebo, Norway
Emilia Rosti, Italy
Jose Ruiz, Spain
Christian Rupp, Austria
Peter Ryan, UK
Jose Luis Salazar, Spain
Gorm Salomonsen, Denmark
Guido Schryen, Germany
Frederic Solop, USA
Aleksandra Sowa, Germany
Tim Storer, UK
Kare Vollan, Norway
Michel Warynski, Switzerland
Alexandros Xenakis, UK
Robert Krimmer, Rüdiger Grimm .................................................................................... 15
Session 1: E-Voting Experiences ................................................................................... 19
E-Voting in the Netherlands; from General Acceptance to General Doubt
in Two Years
Leontine Loeber ............................................................................................................ 21
Improving the Transparency of Remote E-Voting: The Estonian Experience
Epp Maaten, Thad Hall ................................................................................................ 31
Session 2: Empirical Findings ....................................................................................... 45
Assessing the Impact of E-Voting Technologies on Electoral Outcomes: an
Analysis of Buenos Aires’ 2005 Congressional Election
Gabriel Katz, R. Michael Alvarez, Ernesto Calvo, Marcelo Escolar, Julia Pomares .. 47
Assessing Internet Voting as an Early Voting Reform in the United States
Alicia Kolar Prevost ..................................................................................................... 63
Session 3: Legal & Procedural Issues of E-Voting ...................................................... 81
A Methodology for Assessing Procedural Security: A Case Study in E-Voting
Komminist Weldemariam, Adolfo Villafiorita .............................................................. 83
Secure Remote Voter Registration
Victor Morales-Rocha, Jordi Puiggali, Miguel Soriano .............................................. 95
Long-term Retention in E-Voting – Legal Requirements and Technical
Rotraud Gitter, Lucie Langer, Susanne Okunick, Zoi Opitz-Talidou ......................... 109
Session 4: Comparison of E-Voting ............................................................................ 125
The E-Voting Readiness Index
Robert Krimmer, Ronald Schuster ............................................................................. 127
Malfunction or Misfits: Comparing Requirements, Inputs, and Public
Confidence Outcomes of E-Voting in the U.S. and Europe
John Sebes, Gregory A. Miller ................................................................................... 137
Session 5: Verification of E-Voting ............................................................................. 151
Simple and Secure Electronic Voting with Prêt à Voter
David Lundin .............................................................................................................. 153
Improving the Farnel Voting Scheme
Roberto Araújo, Peter Y.A. Ryan ................................................................................ 169
Session 6: Certification of E-Voting ........................................................................... 183
Development of a Formal IT Security Model for Remote Electronic Voting
Melanie Volkamer, Rüdiger Grimm ........................................................................... 185
The Certification of E-Voting Mechanisms. Fighting against Opacity
Jordi Barrat i Esteve .................................................................................................. 197
Session 7: Technological Issues of E-Voting .............................................................. 207
Code Voting with Linkable Group Signatures
Jörg Helbach, Jörg Schwenk, Sven Schäge ................................................................ 209
CAPTCHA-based Code Voting
Rolf Oppliger, Jörg Schwenk, Christoph Löhr ........................................................... 223
Session 8: Political Issues of E-Voting ........................................................................ 237
E-Voting in Brazil – Reinforcing Institutions while Diminishing Citizenship
José Rodrigues Filho .................................................................................................. 239
The Voting Processes in Digital Participative Budget: A Case Study
Cristiano Maciel, Gleison Pereira de Souza .............................................................. 249
Robert Krimmer
, Rüdiger Grimm
Competence Center for Electronic Voting and Participation
Pyrkergasse 33/1/2, A-1190 Vienna, Austria
Universität Koblenz-Landau
Institute for Information Systems Research
Universitätsstraße 1, D-56016 Koblenz, Germany
Democracy and elections have more than 2,500 years of tradition. Technology has
always influenced and shaped the ways elections were held. Today elections are the core
element of democracy as a society’s way to make decisions. Elections are the way to
express how societies use technology and as new technologies emerged and evolved,
elections changed accordingly. While there have been democratic structures in societies
like India or Babylon, the birthplace of democracy is attributed to old Athens in 507 BC.
From thereon similar structures of direct democracy, bound by face-to-face societies,
also developed in several places around the world like in ancient Rome, with the Vikings
or in the Cantons of Switzerland. The next level of democracy developed with the
creation of nation-states in the late 18th century with the need for representatives. This
form of indirect democracy spread from the United States and France around the globe
to today’s predominant role of democracy as a rule of government and was mainly
limited by the nation’s borders.
One can see this development as three comings of democracy:
1. The Face-to-Face Society
2. The Territorial Society
3. The Global Society.
With the latest emergence of technology we face a new challenge to spread the influence
of one country around the globe to allow out-of-country voting and enable
disenfranchised voters. This leads to multiple effects on the electoral process including
e-campaigning, electronic supported candidate nominations, central voter registers,
electronic elegibility checks in polling stations, to casting votes electronicly and support
for result or mandate calculation. This development is not uniform in all countries but
can be observed everywhere to some extent.
It is the task of this conference series to enable the discourse amongst researchers,
administrators and vendors so that understanding, cooperation and future research can
emerge. As such this year’s conference concentrates around eight core topics.
The first session deals with the different experiences made with E-Voting in the
Netherlands and in Estonia. During the last two years the Dutch E-Voting system has
been successfully challenged by activist groups which have led to a stop of electronic
voting. The paper of Leontine Loeber gives an analysis of the situation. Epp Maaten and
Thad Hall then will give an overview of the Estonian E-Voting experiences. Technically
and politically the Estonian system has been used twice in practice. The authors suggest
improvements which could be made with regard to enhancing the transparency of the
voting system.
In the second session the coherence between electronic voting devices and voting
outcome is discussed by Gabriel Katz, Michael Alvarez, Ernesto Calvo, Marcelo Escolar
and Julia Pomares. Their study estimates the effect of different E-Voting technologies
on the likelihood that citizens cast their vote for different parties for the National
Congress and the Legislature of Buenos Aires and shows considerable effect. Alicia
Kolar Prevost then presents her findings that programs designed to make voting easier
have not succeeded in boosting turnout, and have even had the unintended consequence
of exacerbating the demographic biases that already exist in the electorate. She will give
an outlook to the implication this could have on future voting reforms.
Session three will deal with the paper by Komminist Weldemariam and Adolfo
Villafiorita. They present a methodology for procedural security analysis in order to
analyze and try to make elections more secure. Their approach is based on modelling the
electoral procedures in the form of business process models. Victor Morales-Rocha,
Jordi Puiggalí and Miguel Soriano will show the importance of an accurate voter
register and will present a scheme to improve this vital aspect. Further on
recommendations on long-term retention in E-Voting will be given, applying the results
of Rotraud Gitter, Lucie Langer, Susanne Okunick and Zoi Opitz-Talidou to a state-of-
the-art E-Voting scheme. They will also review technical measures to meet the security
requirements of long-term retention in E-Voting.
The fourth session deals with comparing the E-Voting experiences in different countries.
First Robert Krimmer and Ronald Schuster present a methodology on how to measure
the context of E-Voting in 31 countries. Then E. John Sebes and Gregory A. Miller’s
paper compares and analyses the E-Voting experiences in the US, which have been
disenchanting, with the experiences in Europe where E-Voting is more and more
The topic of the fifth session are new and improved protocols. David Lundin presents the
Prêt à Voter voting system. It is characterized through very high security properties. His
working group aims to make the system truly applicable for elections with many races
and various candidates by allowing the vote to be formed using a voting machine and by
printing a minimalistic receipt. A concept is also presented to secure electronic voting
systems. The Farnel voting scheme will be discussed by Roberto Araújo and Peter Y. A.
Ryan. This concept will be improved through trustworthy talliers. Further they will
present a novel way to initialize the Farnel box and a new scheme based on combining
Farnel with Prêt-à-Voter style encoding of receipts.
Session six’s discussion is concentrated around certification of E-Voting systems.
Melanie Volkamer and Rüdiger Grimm present an approach of a formal trust model for
remote electronic voting which is needed for an in depth analysis of E-Voting systems.
Jordi Barrit i Esteve then discusses the different approaches on how to certify E-Voting
machines in Europe as well as publication requirements.
Technological issues around code voting are dealt with in session seven, where Jörg
Helbach, Jörg Schwenk, and Sven Schäge propose the application of group signatures for
it. Rolf Oppliger, Jörg Schwenk and Christoph Löhr use a different approach to code
voting with CAPTCHA.
The last session then gives room to political issues. Here José Rodrigues Filho goes
about E-Voting in Brasil where he discusses the role of institutions. The voting process
in participatory budgeting builds the final part of theese procedings where Cristiano
Maciel and Gleison Pereira de Souza present a case study.
As can be seen from the contributions in this conference the discussion on E-Voting has
not been decided yet. Moreover the research needs are highly interdisciplinary and
discourse amongst the disciplines has to be an aim of any future research. As such we
hope that Castle Hofen will give a good place for this in the future.
Session 1: E-Voting Experiences
E-Voting in the Netherlands; from General Acceptance to
General Doubt in Two Years
Leontine Loeber
Dutch Electoral Council
Herengracht 21
2500 EA Den Haag
The Netherlands
Abstract: This document is a case study of a country in which e-voting used to be
the general norm: The Netherlands. It gives a detailed description of the events in
the last two years surrounding e-voting in the Netherlands. During this time, the
security and reliability of the voting machines that were used were questioned
successfully by an action group. This led to court cases, the withdrawal of the
certification of these machines and eventually to a complete stop of their use. In
the current situation, The Netherlands reverted back to paper ballot voting at least
until a whole new system is designed, approved of by Parliament, built and
implemented. In this document the author tries to explain why this happened at this
particular time. The paper concludes with some ideas on what other countries that
are considering the introduction of e-voting might learn from the Dutch
1 Introduction
The last two years have been a rollercoaster for those involved with e-voting in the
Netherlands. During the municipal elections of March 2006, nearly 99% of the voters
cast their vote with the use of a voting machine. Both in the 2004 European Parliament
elections and the national elections of November 2006, the voters living abroad could
use the internet as a channel for voting. During the European Parliament elections of
June 2009, both groups of voters will have to use the traditional methods of paper ballot
and postal voting. It is still uncertain if e-voting will return shortly after those elections.
Where the introduction of the use of voting machines in legislation in 1965 happened
without any discussion and parliament was, as recently as 2005, asking for the
introduction of internet voting for all voters, they now have an unprecedented interest in
every little step that the Cabinet takes in regards to this subject.
What happened in the Netherlands to cause this complete turn away from e-voting and
what are the prospects for the future? This paper will try to give more insight in the
events that caused this landslide.
2 Voting machines
2.1 Legal Requirements for the Use of Voting Machines
The Dutch legislation on elections was set up in such a way that the election process that
is used when voting with a paper ballot was also applicable to voting with voting
machines. Only in the situations where voting with a machine significantly differs from
voting with ballot papers, exceptions were made in lower legislation. Because the two
processes existed alongside each other, there has never been, until now, a fundamental
discussion concerning the question as to whether the introduction of e-voting should lead
to a reconsideration of the way the fundamental principles of free, fair and secret
elections are guaranteed.
The Dutch Elections Act was, as stated above, based on the principle of voting by paper
ballot. It only contains three provisions regarding e-voting
. These provisions state that
electronic voting is possible and give some general demands for electronic means that
are used in the voting process. The most important requirement in the act is a certifying
procedure. The act also states that the means must guarantee the secrecy of the vote. All
other regulations for voting machines were found in lower legislation in chapter J of the
Decree of 19 October 1989, establishing new regulations for implementing the Elections
Act and the ministerial Regulation for the approval on voting machines 1997.
To obtain an approval, a supplier had to submit a prototype of a machine to an
independent certification agency that tested the machine against the requirements stated
in the ministerial regulation. The test results were not made public. Based on the test
report of the agency, the supplier could apply to the Minister of the Interior for an
approval of the prototype. Once the prototype was approved, the supplier gave the
agency ten machines of which the agency tested one against the prototype. If the tested
machine was built according to the approved prototype, the agency would conclude that
the machine could be approved. Again, for the final approval, the supplier had to apply
to the Minister. The regulation had an appendix which contained the demands that a
machine had to meet before it could be approved. These demands had not been updated
since the regulation came into force in 1997. The regulation also contained a number of
grounds based on which the Minister could decide to withdraw a given approval.
The articles J 32 to J 34 in the Dutch Elections Act.
2.2 History of Voting Machines
The use of voting machines in the polling station has known a long tradition in the
Netherlands. Already in the 1950’s there was interest for the electronic voting machines
used in the United States. In 1966 the first machines of this type, made by Automatic
Voting Machine Corporation (AVM), were introduced in the Netherlands. In 1965 the
Electoral Act was modified in the sense that the possibility of elections with the use of
electronic means was opened. It was left up to the municipalities, who are under Dutch
law responsible for organising elections, whether they wanted to use machines or not.
The legal provisions called for an approval of voting machines by the Minister of the
Interior after which municipalities either bought or rented the machines from the
suppliers. This led to a situation where, in 2005, there were two suppliers who divided
the market: Nedap and Sdu. Nedap built voting machines with panels that were big
enough to contain all the candidates for an election
. They were one of the first
companies to build voting machines for the Netherlands and they supplied machines to
approximately 90% of the municipalities. They are also active in other countries.
The Sdu machines are smaller and have a touch screen instead of buttons. The voting on
these machines is done in two steps, whereby a voter first chooses a party and then, from
the list of that party, a candidate. Sdu does not sell the machines to the municipalities,
but rents them per election. Both types of machines are stand alone machines, although
the Sdu machine does have a GPRS connection. This connection can only be used once
the election is closed to send the results to the municipality.
2.3 Fraud during the Municipal Elections of 2006
In one municipality, there was a suspicion of fraud during the 2006 elections. A certain
candidate obtained 181 preferential votes in one polling station. In all the other polling
stations together he only obtained eleven votes. The fact that he was a polling worker
and the person controlling the voting machine in the polling station where he got the
large number of votes, led to an investigation. However, because the Nedap machine that
was used does not have a paper trail, a manual recount of the votes was not possible. The
District Attorney therefore asked all the voters to come in for a shadow election. The
voters were asked to secretly cast their vote again. During this election the candidate
only got a very small number of votes. Also, a number of voters testified that they felt
that the suspect had told them too early that they had cast their vote. This gave the
District Attorney enough reason to indict. The court in lower instance acquitted the
suspect due to lack of evidence. However, when the District Attorney appealed, the
appellate court did decide to convict. They found that the testimonies, combined with the
results of the shadow election, gave enough cause to convict the suspect of election
fraud. This case made people wonder if fraud was possible while using voting machines
and if so if fraud had happened before. Was this person the first, or was he just caught
because in his case it was so obvious?
The Dutch system is based on a preferential vote for a candidate. In a general election, approximately 600
candidates compete.
2.4 Campaign by NGO we don’t trust voting computers
In 2006 an action group by the name of we don’t trust voting computers was founded
This happened after the municipal elections of March 2006 during which the
municipality of Amsterdam used voting machines for the first time. Most of the founders
of the action group live in Amsterdam and were confronted with these machines. The
leader of the group is Rop Gonggrijp, a well-known hacker and founder of the internet
company xs4all. They started their campaign in the spring of 2006 with a series of
requests based on the Freedom of information act. Through these requests they wanted to
obtain as much information as possible concerning the voting machines and the decision
making process surrounding the approvals. They also approached municipalities in an
attempt to buy voting machines. This was successful; they managed to get a couple of
Nedap machines. While they were doing this, the Cabinet fell and it became clear that
there would be general elections in November.
The action group managed to decipher the operating system for the Nedap machine and
wrote an overwrite program that would make it possible to commit fraud with the
machines. This program would transfer a certain number of votes casts from one
candidate to another. Because the machine did not have a paper trail, this fraud could go
undetected if applied on a small scale. While examining the machine, the action group
also detected that the radiation transmitted by the screen on the machine can be read
from a distance
. This makes it possible to break the voter secrecy since in the
Netherlands the name of a voter is read out loud in the polling station. The action group
presented their finding during a press conference on October 4th [Gr06]. Although the
fraud possibility is probably the biggest problem since it changes the outcome of the
election, most attention went to the question of voter secrecy. This is caused by the fact
that secret elections are not only guaranteed by the Dutch constitution, but also a
requirement in the first protocol of the European Convention on Human Rights. The
Dutch government is therefore obliged to do anything in their power to guarantee a
secret election.
The Ngo has a website,, which also contains information in
In computer science, this is known as the Tempest problem. The problem was detected in normal computers
as early as the 1980’s.
The Cabinet decided after the press conference to have the Secret Service test all types
of machines in use for this Tempest problem. It turned out that the most common used
Nedap machines did not radiate beyond 5 metres. The Sdu machines however could be
‘read’ from a distance of over 30 metres, due to their larger screen. This was such an
uncontrollable situation that the Cabinet did not see any other option than to withdraw
the approval of these machines, even though it was only three weeks before the election.
The election did take place, with a crisis team supporting the 32 municipalities whose
Sdu machines could not be used. Ten of them were able to use Nedap machines and in
22 municipalities, including Amsterdam, the voting was once again done with paper
ballot and pencil. During the elections, which were observed by the Organisation for
Security and Cooperation in Europe, there were no major problems with the voting
machines [OD07]. The extra security measures that were taken seemed to function well,
and although five machines were taken out of service because they might have been
tampered with, tests revealed that they were all functioning normal.
After the elections preparations had to be made for the Provincial elections of March
2007. Sdu went to court to fight the withdrawal of their approval and managed to get a
court order for a new test by the Secret Service. Although they got a number of attempts,
they did not manage to deliver a machine with a radiation range under 5 metres. It was
then decided not to renew their approval. For the elections, the same security measures
as during the general elections were in place and everything went well.
2.5 Advisory Committees
The events surrounding the general elections led to an increased attention from
Parliament. They asked the Minister to set up two independent advisory committees. The
first looked into the past, especially to the decision making process concerning the use of
voting machines. This committee published a report in April 2007 that stated mistakes
had been made in the past. One of the major issues they detected was that the ministry
did not have enough technical knowledge, which led to a situation where the suppliers
not only controlled the market, but were also influential in the decision making process.
Also, the responsibility for the elections and the electoral legislation had in the past
shifted several times between different parts of the ministry. This caused a shattered
knowledge of the system and its origins. Just before the elections of November 2006, it
was not clear which division was responsible for what, which led to an inability to
respond quickly to the problems that arose due to the criticism on e-voting. Furthermore,
the committee concluded that the embedding of the voting machines within the legal
framework was very weak. The lack of technical knowledge had caused a certification
process in which the security of the machine was not tested properly. Therefore, they
recommended an update of the regulation concerning the certification of the voting
machines [He07].
The second committee was asked to give recommendations regarding the electoral
process in general and on new ways of e-voting in particular. They published their report
‘Voting with Confidence’ on September 27th of 2007. One of the recommendations was
that the Minister of the Interior should get more responsibilities in the electoral process.
This would mean that the current legal position of the municipalities in the process
would be changed. Another recommendation concerned a new way of using technology
in the voting process. In light of the problems that arose because of the lack of a paper
trail with the old machines, they recommended a new system. This system would consist
of a voter printer and a vote counter machine. The printer should basically function like a
pencil; the voter selects a party and then a candidate, after which the printer would print
this selection. The printer does not store the votes. The voter takes the print and puts it in
a ballot box. At the end of the day, the votes are counted with the vote counter, which is
a scanner [Ka07]. The main advantage of this system over the traditional paper ballot
voting is that it prevents voters from casting unintentional invalid votes. It also makes it
possible to adapt the system for blind people, for example through the adding of a voice
recorder. Last, it speeds up the counting process. Compared to the current system of
voting machine, the main advantage lies in the paper trail and the fact that the voter can
check whether the printer printed the vote correctly before casting it. Therefore, the
proposed system does not require a high level of trust in technology by the voter.
2.6 Aftermath
During the press conference in which the ‘Voting with Confidence’ report was
presented, the State Secretary for the Interior announced that the 'Regulation for
approval of voting machines 1997' would be withdrawn. The action group had already
filed a court case against the approval of the Nedap machines given in March 2007. As a
result of this procedure, on October 1st 2007, the District Court of Amsterdam
decertified all Nedap voting machines that were in use in The Netherlands. Since the
approval of the Sdu machines was already withdrawn, there were no more certified
machines at that time. On October 21st 2007 the 'Regulation for approval of voting
machines 1997' was actually withdrawn. Also, the Decree of 19 October 1989 was
amended, taking out the provisions that gave the Minister the competence for making
new regulations for the approval of voting machines. Therefore, it was also no longer
possible to certify new machines. This means that until new e-voting mechanisms are
developed and the rules concerning their use are entered into legislation, the current
legislation only allows for voting by paper ballot. However, Nedap did file an appeal
against the decertification order by the District Court. They also lodged a complaint with
the Ministry of the Interior against the withdrawal of the regulation. The State Secretary
has recently decided to uphold the withdrawal decision. It is expected that Nedap will
also file an appeal in this case. Both cases are therefore still running, so the situation
might change once again in the near future. Since it is uncertain when the ruling in these
cases will come and what the outcome will be, municipalities, the ministry and the
Electoral Council have started preparations to hold the first nation wide election with
paper ballots in over 40 years.
3 Internet and Telephone Voting
3.1 Experiments
In 1999 a project was started to investigate possibilities for remote e-voting. This project
was in first instance mainly meant for voters from abroad. The intention of the Minister
at that time was however to also in time expand the possibility of remote e-voting to
voters within the Netherlands. The voters from abroad were seen as an ideal test group
for this type of e-voting. Since 1985 almost all Dutch citizens living abroad have been
eligible to participate in elections. The main requirement for them is that, in contrast to
voters living within the Netherlands, they have to register separately to become a voter.
Before 2004 they could choose to vote by mail, by proxy, or in person in a polling
station within the Netherlands. Approximately 25000 voters register per election to
participate. The procedure for voting by mail was seen as problematic and time-
consuming and not all the votes were received in time to count in the elections.
Therefore, an experiment was held during the European Parliament elections in 2004
whereby voters from abroad could choose to vote via the internet or the telephone.
During the registration process they had to apply for this. The experiment was held
under special legislation, the Online Voting Experiment Act. The Internet voting was a
success; the telephone experiment was only used by a very small number of voters.
Because of these results, the government decided to abandon the telephone experiment,
but to carry on with the internet voting. During the national elections in 2006 a new
experiment was held with the internet voting. Again, this was a great success; out of the
34.305 registered voters from abroad 21.593 voters (63%) chose to vote via Internet in
the registration period. During the elections, 19.815 voters (92%) did eventually cast
their vote through the Internet. These voters were asked to fill in an online questionnaire
on internet voting. 11.003 voters (65%) responded to the questionnaire. Out of these
voters, 99% preferred internet voting over voting via mail. 94% wanted the government
to implement internet voting permanently
3.2 Future
These figures and the positive experiences of the governments working with internet
voting, led to the plan to implement internet voting for voters from abroad into the
regular Election Act, since there was no reason to keep experimenting.
See also
However, the controversy surrounding the voting machines also rubbed off on the
discussion surrounding internet voting. If a certifying procedure was deemed necessary
for the machines, then why not for the internet service that was used during the election
process? This question was asked by Parliament in a discussion with the State Secretary
for the Interior in November 2007. The Parliament adopted a motion stating that a
certifying procedure should be installed for internet voting. In January 2008 the State
Secretary announced that the instalment of such a procedure would cost a lot of time and
money and that it was therefore not possible to allow voters from abroad to vote via the
internet in the European Parliament elections of 2009. Just before this announcement, the
action group filed several Freedom of Information requests concerning internet voting.
Now that the voting machines are out of the way, at least for the moment, it looks like
the future of internet voting is going to be the next topic of debate in the discussion
surrounding Dutch Elections. It is therefore still very uncertain if internet voting will in
the future become a permanent option. The demand for nation-wide internet elections
that Parliament still made in 2005 has not returned on the agenda and probably will not
for a long time.
4 And now?
On the 30th of January 2008 the Parliament debated the proposed new system with the
Minister. Several of the parliamentary fractions called for a very thorough approach and
made it clear that they would rather vote with paper ballots a bit longer than to rush into
new ways of electronic voting. The State Secretary decided to set up a technical advisory
committee to examine the feasibility of the new system and to set up guidelines for the
technical testing of the vote printer en counter. The results and recommendations of this
committee are not known at this moment. They will report to the Minister shortly, as she
had promised Parliament that Cabinet will decide on the future of this system before
May 1st. Since then, she has announced that this decision will be delayed until probably
half May. Already it has been made clear that the 2009 elections for the European
Parliament will be held with paper ballot voting. After all, even if the Cabinet and
Parliament decide to implement the new system, it will not be possible to develop and
test it in time for these elections. This means that currently the Dutch municipalities are
in the process of preparing elections in the old fashioned way. For a large group of
voters this will mean that they will have to vote with paper for the first time in their
lives, even though they have been voting for 30 years. A lot of effort will have to go
towards explaining to these voters how this works. What will happen after the European
Parliament elections is still a big mystery, even for those involved in the decision
making process at this time. The biggest question is whether it will be possible to design
a new system for electronic voting that can withstand the fast changes in computer
science and the pressure of anti e-voting group and at the same time be voter friendly,
easy to use and not too costly.
5 Conclusions
The mere fact that the introduction of voting machines in the Netherlands did not lead to
discussion and seemed to go rather smoothly did not ensure that this topic would not be
controversial later on. On the contrary, because the introduction went so easy, maybe the
political attention for the subject was not great enough, causing neglect and a lack of
knowledge with both the Ministry and the Parliament. New developments in computer
science and security issues were not linked to voting machines even though there was
enough reason to do so. A note hereby however is that also computer scientists have only
recently started to consider the subjects of trust, transparency and verifiability in relation
to the use of computers in elections. The consequence was that only when the actions of
an action group led to a major crisis on the subject, was it acknowledged that there might
be a problem.
What can we learn from this? First of all, an important lesson is that the introduction of
e-voting should be accompanied by intensive testing. If possible, in this procedure both
supporters and critics of e-voting should be involved. Another valuable lesson is that
once e-voting is introduced government can not step back and let the market and
suppliers take over. Close supervision is necessary to ensure the guarantees of fair, free
and secret elections. It is also necessary to reconsider choices that have been made in the
past to embed these basic principles in the electoral process. It is not correct to think that
voting with a computer is almost the same as voting with a pencil and that the same rules
can apply. Issues of transparency, voter secrecy and verifiability will have to be
guaranteed, no matter which system you use. But the manner in which these fundamental
demands are guaranteed in the process will have to differ. This means that when a
change to e-voting is being considered, this has to involve a complete review of the
voting process and most likely, an adaptation of certain rules and procedures. This
prevents problems later on that might lead to the decline of trust in the system.
A last lesson is that once trust in the voting system declines, it is hard to win this back.
Without this support, the legitimacy of the chosen legislator will diminish. It is therefore
important to realise that the fact that e-voting can work in one country does not
automatically mean it is suitable for all countries. A lot depends on the general level of
trust in government, but also the level of trust in the corporations that supply the
machines use in the electoral process. If government or the corporations are seen as
biased towards certain parties or candidates, the use of voting machines will most likely
fuel suspicion of fraud within the elections. In the Netherlands, there is a trend of
declining trust. This trend is not only visible in the case of e-voting, but also with other
technical solutions. In a recent case, government wanted to introduce a chip card as a
means for payment in the public transportation system. This card would replace the
current paper payment method. A lot of people feared that this could compromise the
privacy of the traveller, especially after some experts proved it was possible to hack the
card and read its contents. The further introduction of the card has once more become a
topic of debate. Even trust in government in general seems to be declining. In the
autumn of 2001, 70% of the voters expressed trust in political government. In the spring
of 2004, this number had fallen to only 39% [AI05]. It is therefore not quite
unexplainable that the controversy surrounding e-voting only started very recently.
Finally, it is important to realise that elections are not like other areas where computers
are being used. E-Voting is often compared to electronic banking. There are, however,
big differences between the two. First, with banking there is no need for public
accountability of the system. It is sufficient if there is an independent auditor. With
elections however, every voter should be able to verify that the system works correctly.
If this is not possible, trust in elections and thereby trust in the legislator will decline.
Another difference is that with electronic banking, a bank can afford a minor system
problem once in a while. Mistakes caused by these problems can be corrected. They will
also most likely be detected because millions of people can and will check their bank
statements. With elections, there is no possibility for corrections. Even if detected, any
minor glitch in the system can have a major impact on the question as to who will rule
the country for the next four years. A few of these mistakes and the trust is gone, which
can have disastrous effects. Therefore, there should be little room for experiments with
new technology in elections. This does not have to mean that there is no future for e-
voting. It does mean that new systems should not be used in legally binding elections
without rigorous scrutiny and certification. And even when the system passes these
requirements, it will always be necessary to re-evaluate the system and the certification
of it on a regular basis.
[AI05] Andeweg, R.B.; Irwin, G.A.: Governance and Politics of the Netherlands. Palgrave
MacMillan, New York, 2005; pp. 228-229.
[Gr06] Gonggrijp, R. et. al.: Nedap/Groenendaal ES3B voting computer a security analysis,
October 6, 2006, to be found on
[He07] Hermans, L. et. al.: Voting machines, an orphaned subject”, Report by the Advisory
Commission regarding the decision making process for voting machines, April 17, 2007,
only available in Dutch through the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations.
[Ka07] Korthals Altes, F. et. al.: Voting with confidence”, Report by the Election Process
Advisory Commission September 27, 2007, to be found on
[OD07] OSCE/ODHIR: Final Report on the 22 November 2006 Parliamentary Elections in The
Netherlands, March 12, 2007.
Improving the Transparency of Remote E-Voting:
The Estonian Experience
Epp Maaten¹, Thad Hall²
National Electoral Committee
Lossi pl 1a, 15181 Tallinn, Estonia
Institute of Public and International Affairs, University of Utah
260 South Central Campus Drive, Room 252
Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA
Abstract: Pilot projects in the area of remote e-voting have been carried out in
several countries but the number of those projects in which the Internet-cast votes
are legally binding remains small. Estonia, indeed, has been the first country to
introduce Internet voting in which legitimate results were obtained at the national
level. In local government elections in October 2005 and March 2007
parliamentary elections, Internet balloting was used without controversy. The
number of I-voters was three times higher in 2007 compared to 2005.
Elections need to enjoy broad public confidence to be a legitimate, meaningful
democratic exercise. Remote e-voting has twice been offered as an additional
channel to Estonian voters, and in both cases the system’s operation has been
considered successful, both technically and politically. Technically, all systems
and procedures functioned well and there were no security problems. Politically,
the election results were legitimate and there were no proceedings initiated to
challenge the Internet voting option.
This paper gives an overview about tools for voters that reduce the negative effects
of remote e-voting and improve confidence in the new voting system. A question
will be proposed how the observation of remote Internet voting can be put in
practice in order to resolve the transparency problems. After two Internet-enabled
elections, international observers and researchers have made many
recommendations regarding how to improve the transparency of the electoral
administration. The paper discusses whether the recommendations focusing on
testing, auditing and certification of the voting system are applicable in the light of
Estonian experiences.
1 Introduction
Internet voting (I-voting) represents new opportunities for improving the electoral
process, but it also presents new challenges. In particular, it is critical that I-voting is
introduced in a manner that safeguards the transparency of the elections, which is one of
the fundamental principles for democratic elections
. I-voting, like other changes in the
mechanisms used to capture votes—from paper ballots to voting machines—is a
technology that changes the direct means of participation but not the nature of
democracy itself. We should, therefore, seek to determine how we can integrate this new
technological solution into the old traditions of voting.
The basic question in electoral administration no longer focuses on whether new
technology developments are acceptable in electoral processes but rather on what kind of
technology is suitable for a specific country, taking into account its political and social
culture, level of technological infrastructure, and its electoral system. In the Estonian
case, the preconditions were favourable for introducing the most ambitious change in the
nature of voting – voting over Internet. It can be clearly said that the Public Key
Infrastructure (PKI), the digital signature, and the existing process of authentication have
served as absolute prerequisites for the creation of an efficient e-country. Internet voting
is just part of the overall concept of e-governance in Estonia [Ma07]. Good
communications infrastructure, voters’ high e-readiness, the widespread use of the
national ID card, which enables securely to authenticate on-line voter, and its relatively
small population of 1.3 million complete the list why I-voting has been a success in
The argument in this paper is that Estonia’s current election system—which includes I-
voting as a mechanism for voting—has a high level of legitimacy and transparency on
three levels: political/legal legitimacy, voter transparency, and system transparency. At
each level, the legitimacy can be measured through the actions of government, the
actions of voters, or the actions of the electoral administrators in charge of elections. At
each level, participants have been able to engage the system in the most transparent ways
possible. The next sections detail the importance of transparency in elections, providing
a theoretical framework for appreciating the importance of transparency in elections.
2 Transparency in Elections
Transparency is an internationally recognized principle for elections. The Administration
and Cost of Elections (ACE) Project
has developed a set of standards for elections, with
transparency a critical component. As they note
See HW08a and HW08b for a summary of the literature on electoral transparency.
The eight entities who are ACE Partner Organizations are: Elections Canada, EISA, Instituto Federal
Electoral (Mexico), IFES, International IDEA, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United
Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), and the United Nations Electoral Assistance
8 accessed February 22, 2008.
”Transparency makes institutional systems and the actions/decisions they take widely
accessible and understood… Electoral administrators and election officers should be
held accountable for decisions they make when administering elections; legislators
should be held accountable for the content of the laws they pass and the level of funding
allocated for elections…[It] builds understanding of the process, the difficulties
encountered, and why electoral administrators and election officers make certain
decisions. Transparency increases the credibility of the process and the legitimacy of the
results. If the electoral process is free and fair, accurate, transparent and monitored, and
if laws and regulations are enforced, it is difficult for participants and voters not to
accept the election results or the legitimacy of the newly elected representatives.”
ACE is not the only organization that is concerned about transparency. The Organization
for Security and Co-operation in Europe’s (OSCE) Office for Democratic Institutions
and Human Rights (ODIHR) is also focused on transparency through their efforts related
to election monitoring and observation. Like the ACE Project, the OSCE/ODIHR has a
strong interest in ensuring that elections are run in a free and fair manner; in fact, this
organization monitored the 2007 Estonian Parliamentary Elections [OSCE07].
The rationale for transparency in elections is simple; when elections are not transparent,
individuals may engage in some sort of fraud or electoral manipulation that cannot be
observed. In addition, even if nothing nefarious happens, a lack of transparency creates a
situation where government officials cannot answer questions about the election in a way
that satisfies either political parties or the citizenry. Erin Peterson notes that transparency
has been closely tied to the idea of accountability and legitimacy in both the public and
private sectors because it provides the public with important information about how
institutions function
. Other scholars have found that transparency, especially in the vote
counting process and the ability of observers to follow the election and watch key
actions, are critical to confidence in the election process [Hy08]. In evaluating the
legitimacy of an election system, transparency is a key attribute in the overall evaluation
of the electoral process [Hy08].
In evaluating legitimacy, there are key features to examine based on international
. In order to evaluate the Estonian electoral system with Internet voting, it is
important to determine whether the system has legal legitimacy among the public, the
government, third-party election monitors, and the electoral administrators that
implement election. It is also important that there are procedures in place that facilitate
election observation and electoral transparency.
Pe07 cites the works of Be95; BO99; FS02; Mo98; PR96; and SL01 as leading scholars in the area of
See HW08a and HW08b for a review of this literature.
Our review of the Estonian case utilizes these international norms as a framework for
understanding the way in which the Estonian government fosters transparency and
legitimacy in the electoral process. We begin our evaluation by considering whether the
political process that allowed for Internet voting is viewed as legitimate and was
developed in a transparent political process (i.e., one in which I-voting was not adopted
in a politically-motivated fashion to introduce bias into the system). Second, we are
interested in examining whether the voters themselves view the Internet voting system as
legitimate and fair. Third, we consider the administrative environment in which Internet
voting is implemented and whether that system promotes transparency. Fourth, we
consider how Internet voting is observed and audited. A transparent system should be
one that promotes openness and is viewed as legitimate; by using international norms for
election transparency as a framework, we can see how well Estonia’s system fares.
3 The Legitimacy of the Estonian I-voting System
The legitimacy of I-voting in Estonia comes from the fact that the nation has relatively
strong political support and an excellent legal framework that provides for Internet-
related government services generally, including I-voting [DM02, DM04; MMV06]. The
backbone to the entire system is the Digital Signature Act (DSA) of 2000. This Act
provides for Estonians to be able to authenticate themselves during online transactions,
including I-voting, and to use a digital signature. In 2002, Estonia began providing its
citizenry with an identity card that had two individual’s digital certificates embedded in
it. When a user inserts the card into a standard smart card reader affixed to a computer
and then connects to the websites enabling different services via the Internet, the
individual can then enter their first personal identification number (PIN1) and the user is
authenticated and can access an array of governmental and private services online. In
order to give electronic signature the second certificate is activated by giving PIN2.
According to Administrative Procedure Act, public sector is obliged to accept digitally
signed documents and a digital signature has the equal legal value as a handwritten
The DSA links closely with the set of laws enacted in 2002 that allow for I-voting in
various electoral settings: the Local Communities Election Act, European Parliamentary
Election Act, and the Riigikogu Election Act. After significant amendments in 2005,
these laws detail the manner in which I-voting is to be administered. The statutes detail
when voters can cast ballots over the Internet, the use of the DSA in voter authentication,
the process for allowing I-voters to cancel their vote using an early-vote paper ballot,
reconciling voter registries so that I-voters cannot cast a ballot on election day, and the
ballot reconciliation process for I-votes on election night. The strong authentication
requirement for I-voters i.e. the usage of ID card, is also for mitigating the risk of vote
selling. Forwarding one’s ID card will compromise a person’s identity in all transactions
not only in elections.
Electoral laws were sponsored and supported by the Prime Minister and the Minister of
Justice and continue to be supported by the Parliament. In addition, the Estonian
ministries have been supporters in I-voting and have championed its success in talks
around the world. The most controversial issue of guaranteeing secrecy of remote I-
voting by allowing people to vote repeatedly is also supported by the Estonian Supreme
Court, which has ruled that repeated I-voting is constitutional because the technological
benefits outweigh any deficiencies. Specifically, the court stated that “the infringement
of the right to equality and of uniformity, which the possibility of electronic voters to
change their votes for unlimited number of times can be regarded as amounting to, is not
sufficiently intensive to overweigh the aims of increasing the participation in elections
and introducing new technological solutions.”” [Court05]. If these laws were no longer
deemed legitimate by either the political parties or the public, the Parliament would
obviously be in a position to change them but there has been no reason to do so. No
election results have been challenged during the I-voting elections and no parties have
officially questioned the transparency of the process in the political or legal setting.
One reason why the system is deemed to be transparent is that the laws governing I-
voting ensure that the Internet is but one way that voters can cast ballots in Estonia.
Voters can also vote in person during the early voting period on a paper ballot or they
can vote on a paper ballot in person on Election Day. Internet voters can use the early
voting period to ensure that their vote was secret. On the early voting period the election
law allows an I-voter to cast multiple I-votes, with only the last vote counted and
included in the reconciled election totals. In addition, if an I-voter casts a paper ballot
during the early voting period, no I-vote is counted, only the paper ballot. By re-voting,
the voter who was illegitimately influenced is able to cast a new vote once the influence
is gone. Thus, an I-voter has multiple means of ensuring that their vote counted is a
secret, un-coerced vote.
The legal framework for the Estonian I-voting system provides the system with
legitimacy because the decision to move to I-voting was made in an open, deliberative
process. The government carefully considered the issues associated with I-voting and
ensured that there was an appropriate set of legal mechanisms in place to fulfil this
expectation. The timing of I-voting, concomitant with early voting, allows an I-voter the
opportunity to cast a secret, un-coerced ballot.
4 Voter Legitimacy: Options for Dealing with Negative Effects of
As was noted previously, the improper influence of remote voters by others is a
theoretical but potentially significant problem, although such threats are tolerated with
vote-by-mail in numerous jurisdictions. As Alvarez and Hall have noted, the threats that
exist with I-voting are similar to the threats that exist in almost all other modes of voting
[AH04, AH08]. In order to reduce the potential threat of coercion or a problem with a
perceived loss of privacy in remote I-voting, reversible voting during the early voting
period is allowed under Estonian electoral law.
If we consider the experience of voters in the two I-voting experiences, we see that there
is little evidence of coercion or concerns about privacy, based on the behaviour of voters.
The number of I-voters who decided to go to the polling station in order to replace their
I-vote with a paper ballot has decreased from 0.3% in 2005 to 0.1% in 2007 (see Table
1). Also, the percentage of repeated votes compared to the total number of I-votes
diminished accordingly from 3.8% to 2.5%. The small percentages of repeated votes as
well as the significant increase of the total number of I-voters indicate that the
confidence in the existing I-voting system has grown. These two statistics suggest that
few voters have felt the need to use the various reversible voting mechanisms that exist
to guard against coercion. However, it is valuable that the small percentage of voters
who have used the system, for whatever reason, have had a system in place to allow
them to change their vote and avoid this concern. Likewise, the reporting of these data
by the Estonian government provides voters with confidence that their votes were
reversed in the process and their replacement vote tabulated.
Local elections 2005 Parliamentary elections 2007
umber of I-votes 9 681 31 064
Repeated I-votes 364 789
umber of I-voters 9 317 30 275
I-votes cancelled by paper ballot 30 32
I-votes counted 9 287 30 243
% of I-votes among total votes given 1,9% 5,4%
% of I-votes among total advance votes given 7,2% 17,6%
% of I-votes cast abroad (51 countries in 2007) n.
2 %
Table 1: Internet voting statistics of 2005 and 2007 elections [NEC2007].
In addition, we see a large growth in the percentage of voters who used the I-voting
channel from 2005 to 2007. In its first use, 1.9% of voters used I-voting; in 2007, 5.4%
used the system. In a survey of voters and non-voters in both elections, respondents who
cast I-votes in 2005 reported having also I-voted in 2007. I-voters were very loyal to the
technology, suggesting that their experience in 2005 convinced them of the system’s
effectiveness [TSB07]. By comparison, other voters were not loyal to their voting
method; election day voters tended toward early voting and early voter to I-voting. In
addition, there was some evidence that I-voting brought a small but potentially
significant number of non-voters into the electoral process. This is important because
studies in the United States have suggested that a lack of confidence in the electoral
process can lead individuals to decide not to vote [AHL08]. Internet voting in Estonia
seems to have the reverse effect, potentially drawing in some voters who previously did
not participate in the electoral process. A survey of voters after the 2007 parliamentary
elections found that 1 in 10 internet voters suggested that they might not have voted if
the internet option had not been available [TSB07]. The contrast between America and
Estonia can be seen here between the relatively low level of technology trust in the
United States and the high I-government support in Estonia.
The Estonian government has also used simple methods to increase voter understanding
of and confidence in the I-voting system in an attempt to overcome any concerns about
the lack of transparency and complexity. In both elections in which I-voting has been
used, prior to the voting period, the government allowed all individuals eligible to vote
the opportunity to test out the I-voting system in order to encourage people to see how
the system worked. This helped the voters detect any problems they might encounter
before the real I-voting period started. In Estonia, the primary concerns among the
country’s election officials, outside observers, political parties, and citizens, relate to the
cost and acquisition of the hardware and software needed to read an ID card on a
personal computer, updating expired ID card certificates and the renewal of PIN codes
needed for electronic use of the ID card. The government engaged in a nationwide pre-
election information campaign to inform voters about these potential issues and to
encourage voters to try the system before the voting period started. In 2007 elections,
about 4,000 voters did test the system.
5 Transparent Election Administration
In addition to having voters test the system so that they would know how the electronic
equipment worked during the voting period, there were also other issues about which the
national election officials wanted to educate I-voters. Specifically, in order to raise the
confidence of voters, they were informed that they should ensure that the file of the
voting application had not been modified in transmission or intercepted by untrusted
parties. This was done by explaining to voters how, once the live voting period had
started for I-voting, they could verify the authenticity of the voting application. Before
the start of the I-voting period for some operational systems, the election officials
published information about the cryptographic hash functions that were used, and during
voting period voters could examine the checksums.
As an additional element of transparency, the number of I-voters who had cast ballots
was updated regularly on the I-voting website during the early voting period. This very
simple process allowed the wider national audience, as well as the political parties, to
know how many i-voters had voted and to determine if the trend in the number of i-
voters casting ballots seemed reasonable. At the end people were also able to compare
the number of I-voters with the number of I-votes counted. The transparency of the
election process was not mere window-dressing on the part of either election officials or
voters. One real example that illustrates that the importance of allowing voters and the
political parties to monitor the I-voting should not be underestimated. As the i-voting
system was closed at the end of the early voting period, the final number of I-voters
disappeared from the I-voting website for a couple of minutes. This incident caused
immediate and intense feedback from voters.
A high level of transparency is appealing because it provides the voters as much data as
they need so that each voter is convinced that her vote has been correctly registered. One
key question is to know how much information can be reflected back to the voter
without creating other problems. For example, one possibility is to let the voter inspect
the ballot as it is registered in the trusted part of an Internet voting system (analogous to
checking the statement of account in Internet banking). The ballot can only be inspected,
not modified [Sk06] and the possibility for inspection may give the voter even greater
trust in the system.
This idea has been thoroughly discussed during the development process of the Estonian
Internet voting system but the realization of it was postponed. Therefore, other methods
were used in order to convince the voter. If the voter decided to replace the I-vote with a
new one, he got a notification of an earlier recorded I-vote. A second option for
verifying the correctness of electoral administration was offered on election day in the
polling station of voter’s residence, where the fact of an valid I-vote had to be reflected
on the polling lists in order the prevent voting more than once.
The I-voting system actually provides I-voters with more assurance that their ballots
were included in the final tabulation and were tallied accurately compared to the
traditional paper ballot system. The I-voter has two mechanisms that could increase the
confidence of voters. First, voters who use the I-voting mechanism know that there is no
misinterpretation of their ballot by a third-party. They do not have to worry whether the
polling place workers can read their writing on election night and properly count their
ballot; by contrast, all I-votes were counted. Second, the voter can check acceptance of
an electronic I-vote during the I-voting period or after the end of the advance poll as
described earlier.
6 Transparency and Observation in Practice
In the case of Internet voting, observation is of particular importance for several reasons.
First, the introduction of new technologies can influence public opinion with regard to
the ability of the election process to produce honest, verifiable results. In Estonia the
electoral administration enjoys broad confidence of the electorate. This confidence is
reflected in the fact that, even with the implementation of this new voting mechanism,
the interest of domestic observers in observing the Internet voting was quite modest in
last elections. Second, the introduction of such a new technology can influence
international opinion about Estonia. This interest is reflected in the high interest that
international observers have had towards Estonian I-voting and their efforts to assess
whether Estonian elections using I-voting are conducted in line with international
standards for democratic elections, provide an opportunity to identify potential concerns,
and enhance the integrity of the elections process not only for Estonian public opinion
but internationally. Third, there are also theoretical concerns that, given the electronic
nature of the voting, the system is inherently less transparent than is traditional precinct
based balloting.
According to the Estonian electoral laws, all activities related to elections are public.
Observers have access to the meetings of all election committees and can follow all
electoral activities, including the voting process, counting and tabulation of results.
Internet voting has been no different. All significant documents describing the I-voting
system have been made available for all, including observers. In order to enhance the
observers’ knowledge about the system, political parties were invited to take part in a
training course before each election in which I-voting was used. Besides political parties,
auditors and other persons interested in the I-voting system also took part in the training.
The training was followed by surveys of concrete procedures that were necessary for a
set up of the I-voting system. Observers were invited also to a test of the counting
process. However, few political parties exercised their opportunity to observe the I-
voting procedures.
Throughout the I-voting observation period of one month, the main observation tool was
the checking of the activities of electoral administrators against written documentation
describing the necessary procedures. The key management function required extra
attention, as the security and anonymity of I-votes was predicated on the encryption and
decryption of votes. During counting event - the highlight of the election period - the
management of the private key was demonstrated to observers. NEC mastered this key,
and its members collegially could open the anonymous encrypted votes. The process of
conducting the counting of ballots was all conducted with observers able to watch all
ballot counting activities on large screens in the observation area. The process was fully
narrated and observers were able to follow each step.
It is important that observers are deployed for a length of time necessary to allow
meaningful observation. If some important stages influencing the correctness of final
results have not been observed, the conclusions about the integrity of the system can not
be made. In last elections of March 2007, I-voting procedures started several weeks
before the elections day. Especially for casual foreign observers, the length of the
observation period appeared to be a challenge. The OSCE did audit the 2007 elections
and, in its report, it states that “election administration implemented the [Internet voting]
system in a fully transparent manner, and appeared to take measures to safeguard the
conduct of internet voting to the extent possible” [OSCE07].
The Estonian NEC has also been very supportive of analyses of its voting system by
academic observers. In both 2005 and 2007, the NEC provided support to studies
conducted by the Council of Europe that evaluated public confidence in the I-voting
system. These two studies both found that there was a high level of public confidence in
I-voting and provided an independent audit of public attitudes toward the I-voting
system. Given the fact that transparency and confidence are not tangible but are
attitudinal, these studies of public opinion in Estonia allowed the NEC and others
involved in the elections to have additional knowledge that the I-voting system was
effective and the procedures being used were acceptable to the public.
7 Validating the Voting Systems – Audit, Certification, Testing
The Estonian I-voting system was developed with the underlying principle being that all
components of the system should be transparent for audit purposes. Procedures should
be fully documented and critical procedures should be logged, audited, observed, and
videotaped as they are conducted.
Specifically, during last elections, NEC has conducted audits on the source code and on
the electoral procedures. A common requirement is that the source code of the voting
system should be available for auditing. In Estonia, though, the code is not universally
available but it can be audited if agreed to by the NEC. In order to rule out any
manipulation by insiders, every election and audit by external auditing company had
been ordered and it covered all of the technical and operational activities controlled by
electoral committee. The audit was conducted by KPMG Baltics, which reviewed and
monitored security sensitive aspects of the process continuously, such as updating the
voters list, preparation of hardware and its installation, loading of election data,
maintenance and renewal of election data and the process of counting the votes. The
auditors’ report about the 2007 Parliamentary election was released after all procedures,
including the deletion of I-votes, were carried out. The report stated that the I-voting
followed the rules described in the system’s documentation and the integrity and
confidentiality of the system were not endangered.
The I-voting system produces a wealth of system log information that can be used to
monitor the work of the system thoroughly. In its different production functions, the I-
voting system produces different logs on received, cancelled, and counted votes, also
invalid and valid votes. The Audit Application enables to determine what happened to an
I-vote given by a concrete person without revealing the voter’s choice. These logs
provide external auditors as well as observers with information that they can use to
ensure that the system is working correctly.
The OSCE, in its report about the 2007 Parliamentary elections, recommended that, in
addition to the audits of the process now conducted, all components of the system should
be audited by an independent body in accordance with publicly available specifications,
with all reports made public [OSCE07]. NEC has not published the audit reports
referring to the contracts and given the consideration that publishing reports could make
the system more vulnerable to attacks. In the future, the NEC should consider asking its
auditors to produce both an internal audit report, intended for the NEC, and a report that
can be made public, with certain information redacted.
In order to validate the electronic voting system, certification procedures could be
established and other measures like testing and audits of different aspects should be
taken. The Council of Europe has stated that it is necessary to promote the development
of certification and accreditation schemes for e-voting systems in the member countries
[CoE06]. A certification process will be very useful if there are a number of e-voting
systems available. It might become very hard for any electoral authority to make sure a
particular product is ready to be used, will operate correctly and will produce accurate,
reliable results [Rec04].
Currently there is no domestic or international body that is ready to certify Estonian I-
voting system. Estonia instead uses a system similar to that used in other countries,
where a third-party audits the source code to ensure that the system operates as is
specified. In addition to the audits discussed previously, system testing was also done on
separate operation and functional components of the system in order to test the
functionality and accuracy. Two weeks prior to the advance electronic voting period, the
I-voting system was also tested by the public and contracted testers.
8 Conclusions
It is critical all election systems have fundamental safeguards for transparency in place
because without them the public confidence necessary for legitimating elections cannot
be ensured. Tools like observation, independent auditing, and system testing are suitable
for assessing the actions of the electoral administrators. In addition, third party
evaluations of public confidence in the process also serve to enhance our understanding
about whether the public views the election with confidence and sees that the election
administration was in fact transparent. These tools might not be easily accessible or of
interest to the average person; however, it should be simple for those individuals who do
want to participate.
The two Estonian I-voting experiences seem to prove that it is possible to solve the legal
as well technological obstacles inherent for remote e-voting concerning the transparency
of elections. The high degree of public confidence enjoyed by electoral administrators in
last elections, as well as the fact that the legitimacy of the whole election process—
including Internet voting—has not been questioned, strongly suggest that the elections
have been carried out transparently. Moreover, the electoral administrators have
provided procedural mechanisms that educate voters and the political parties about the
process and allow each, through simple activities, to be an active participant in the
election observation and evaluation process. The test voting process, the ability to re-
vote, and the ability to determine that their vote was accepted all provide voters with a
chance to evaluate and check the I-voting system.
In order to increase public awareness about IT security and teach people how to use the
Internet safely, new initiatives, like public-private project “Computer Security 2009” and
state’s Information Society Awareness Program have been started. The aim at further
increaseing the use of e-services with due attention to security issues and application of
ID-card, will most probably raise the popularity of Internet voting in the future. Based on
researches success of Internet voting is clearly linked to the overall ICT awareness
[TSB07]. Next elections using I-voting as an option will take place in the year 2009.
ICT has already dramatically changed the way elections are conducted in many
countries, and it must be accepted that this process will go on and affect more and more
countries. Even if Estonia is still the only one practicing Internet voting countrywide on
legally binding elections, it could be a matter of time when people in other countries also
overcome their native conservativeness against new solutions. To get experiences, the
first step has to be taken and trust can be built only based on experiences. Insecurity is
the part of every IT system, but in order to reduce the insecurity a lot can be done. And
learning from experience is highly valuable in making the I-voting transparent and
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Session 2: Empirical Findings of E-Voting
Assessing the Impact of E-Voting Technologies on
Electoral Outcomes: an Analysis of Buenos Aires’ 2005
Congressional Election
Gabriel Katz
, R. Michael Alvarez
, Ernesto Calvo
, Marcelo Escolar
, Julia Pomares
California Institute of Technology
University of Houston
Universidad de Buenos Aires
London School of Economics
*corresponding author:
Abstract: Using data from an e-voting experiment conducted in the 2005
Congressional Election in Argentina, we estimate the effect of different e-voting
technologies on the likelihood that citizens cast their vote for different parties for
the National Congress and the Legislature of Buenos Aires. Our results indicate
that voters are extremely receptive to the information cues provided by the
different voting technologies and associated ballot designs, and that particular
voting devices have a significant impact on voter choice, systematically favouring
some parties to the detriment of others. We conclude that the choice of alternative
electronic voting devices might have considerable effect on electoral outcomes in
multi-party electoral systems.
1 Introduction
An increasing number of countries around the world have adopted electronic voting
systems in national and local elections since the 1990s, and many others are conducting
pilot projects [AH08]. While the academic literature has focused mainly on the
reliability and accuracy of different electronic voting technologies [AH08], [St04],
[AS05], only a few empirical studies have directly examined the effect of different
voting technologies on election outcomes [Wa04], [CM07], [HW07]. Empirical studies
have even been fewer in multiparty electoral systems, where with a larger number of
parties and candidates on a ballot, voters might be more responsive to readily available
information and thus may resort to different cues in order to identify and distinguish the
various electoral options and to select their preferred choice [RS06].
In this paper, we analyze how different voting technologies influence voters’ choice and
election outcomes in multiparty races, examining evidence from a voting pilot conducted
in the 2005 congressional election in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in which four e-vote
prototypes were tested. We show that voters alter their electoral behaviour and their vote
choice in response to different e-vote technologies, and that this might translate into
different electoral outcomes across voting devices. Our main findings are in line with the
results of [CSP07], in the sense that ‘technology matters,’ and that different voting
technologies and associated ballot designs might have substantive effects on election
results in multi-party electoral systems.
2 The E-Voting Experiment in Buenos Aires’ 2005 Election
Voters in the congressional election held in Buenos Aires in October 2005, elected
National representatives and State legislators using a party-list paper ballot system that
included candidates for all offices
. Seats were allocated using a PR-D’Hont formula
with closed party lists of magnitude 13 for representatives and 30 for legislators. Thirty
parties presented candidate lists for National representatives, while forty one parties
presented lists for the state legislature. Three parties captured approximately 66% of the
valid votes in the election of national representatives and 64% in the election of state
legislators: President Kirchner’s Frente para la Victoria (FPV), the center-left
opposition party Alianza para una Republica de Iguales (ARI), and the center-right
Propuesta Republicana (PRO)
. The campaign for national representatives was very
intense, with high spending in support of the candidacies of Rafael Bielsa (FPV), Elisa
Carrio (ARI), and Mauricio Macri (PRO). By contrast, candidates to the local legislature
spent almost no money during the campaign [CSP07].
The e-pilot was conducted in 41 precincts randomly distributed throughout the city and
included 14,800 participants. After voting in the official election, participants in each
precinct were asked to participate in a non-binding election in which they were randomly
assigned to one of four possible voting devices and were asked to vote a list of national
deputies and a list of local legislators. Because the experiment was carried out in a single
electoral district, with participants in each precinct being randomly assigned to the
different voting devices and facing similar menus of party choices, we expect no
correlation between the characteristics of the district or the election and voters’
The description of the e-vote pilot borrows from [CSP07].
The vote-shares of ARI, FPV and PRO in the election of national representatives (state legislators) were
22.0% (20.8%), 20.5% (19.5%) and 34.1% (33.2%), respectively. If blank ballots are excluded, the vote share
of these three parties comes close to 70%.
Organizational problems prevented the testing of all the prototypes in all the precincts, as originally planned.
While Prototypes 1 and 2 were tested in all the precincts, Prototype 3 was tested in 40 precincts, and Prototype
4 in only 17. Although we do not expect this to have resulted in serious imbalance between the participants
assigned to the different prototypes, we take this problem into account in the analysis below.
After the vote, participants were asked to complete two surveys. The first survey was a
short self-administered survey (six questions) conducted with 13,830 respondents. Half
of the questions were identical across prototypes, dealing with general perceptions about
their e-vote experience. The remaining questions tested usability issues specific to each
device. A fourth of the participants also answered a longer exit poll. This survey
provided information about the voters’ political sophistication, their familiarity with
technology, their patterns of political participation, and their opinions and attitudes
towards electronic voting.
The four voting devices tested in the pilot were developed with the institutional process
of Argentina in mind. Prototype 1 was a direct recording electronic (DRE) design with
two separate modules. A screen in the first module allowed voters to review the lists of
candidates, and a numerical keypad was used to register the vote. Voters would insert a
“smart card” into the first module and use the keypad to navigate through screens to cast
their ballots. When done, they removed their smart card, moved to a second module, and
again inserted their smart card, automatically recording their vote. Prototype 2 was a
touch-screen DRE machine with a voter verifiable paper trail. After activating the system
with their plastic “smart card” voters could scroll and select party lists directly by
tapping onto the screen. When done with their ballot, a paper audit trail would be
generated underneath a glass screen. If the voter affirmed that that indeed was how she
wanted her vote to be cast, the paper audit trail fell into a bin and the voter was done; if
not, the paper audit trail was rejected and the voter was allowed to cast the ballot again.
Prototype 3 was an optical scan (OS) prototype located inside a voting booth. The voter
picked paper ballots for the party list she wished to support inside the booth, inserted
those ballots into a rolling scanner that displayed the selected party on the prototype’s
screen, and would then proceed to confirm her selection. This prototype required
separate ballots for each race, allowing direct comparison of the marks that identify a
party across races. Finally, Prototype 4 was an optical scan device with a single ballot
listing all the parties running candidates for office in the two congressional. The voter
marked her preferences for each race with a pencil and introduced the ballot into a
scanner; the ballot would then fall into a ballot box. In all prototypes, participants voted
for National representatives first and State legislators second.
An important difference between the DRE and OS prototypes was the way in which
voters were required to search for their preferred candidates. In the DRE prototypes,
party labels were randomly rotated on the screen and, because of space restrictions, a
limited number of labels were displayed on each screen. Two and three screens were
required to display party labels for national representatives and state legislators in
Prototype 1, while three and four screens were required in Prototype 2. The placement of
the party labels rotated randomly for each voter, preventing order effect biases from
favouring the same party. In the case of Prototype 3, poll workers sorted the paper
ballots numerically
. According to the information obtained from the polling place
workers, however, ballots rapidly mixed in the voting booth, complicating the search for
the voters’ preferred ballots. Finally, in Prototype 4, party names were listed by their
official list number in increasing order. The non-random ordering of parties may have
increased the likelihood of order effects but it also facilitated the recognition of the same
party across races.
A second relevant difference among the prototypes was how voters accessed information
about candidates and parties. The first prototype displayed 15 party names on each
screen, including the list number and party logo information. In order to view the list of
candidates, however, the voter needed to enter the three-digit party number. If the voter
did not know the name of the party, she would need to access each list until finding a
recognizable candidate name. Prototype 2, on the other hand, displayed the name of the
first candidate under the party label, together with the number and logo information. The
complete list of candidates was then displayed on a second navigation level. Parties with
prominent first candidates (such as the pro-Kirchner Rafael Bielsa from the FPV or
Mauricio Macri of the center-right PRO) were readily identified by voters
. However,
very little information about the party name or number was recalled when casting the
legislative vote. Hence, while voters faced fewer problems in recognizing their preferred
choice for national representative, they could not use such information when choosing
state legislators.
Different information was available to voters using the optical scan systems. Ballot
papers for Prototype 3 included all the relevant information, such as party name, party
logo, identification number, and the complete list of candidates for each race. The only
difficulty in identifying the preferred choice, therefore, was in finding the correct paper
ballot. In Prototype 4, a booklet provided voters with all the party information; the ballot
introduced in the rolling scanner listed only the party name, number and logo. The main
characteristics of the four prototypes tested in the experiment are summarized in this
paper’s supplementary materials (Appendix I).
When registering the candidates running for an election, each party is assigned a list number. Candidates and
Parties advertise this number during the campaign, together with the party and candidate’s name.
Bielsa was President Kirchner’s Foreign Relations Minister at that time, while Macri is a famous
businessman and was the president of one of the most famous soccer teams in Argentina.
3 A First Look at the Impact of Different E-Voting Technologies
The survey data lets us examine how voters interacted with each prototype and how the
different voting technologies and the associated ballot designs affected voters’ electoral
choice. Table 1 presents data about which ballot features participants used to identify
their preferred candidates. Nearly half of the voters cast their ballot based on the name of
the party, followed by the name of the first candidate. The name of the party was
particularly important for those participants using Prototype 4, and was less so for those
using Prototype 3. Also, the name of the first candidate was more relevant for those
assigned to Prototype 2, while participants using Prototype 1 were less likely to use it as
a voting cue, using more frequently the party number instead. This is consistent with the
characteristics of the ballot designs associated with the different prototypes: the name of
the first candidate figured prominently on the computer screen in the case of the second
prototype, while voters using Prototype 1 could access the candidates’ names only after
entering each party’s number in the keypad. We found a statistically significant
relationship between the information used by respondents to identify their preferred
candidate and the voting technology used (p-value = 0.08).
Information used
as voting cue
Prototype 1
Prototype 2
Prototype 3
Prototype 4
Party name 51.4 51.0 44.3 53.4 49.4
First candidate’s
33.3 50.1 47.1 45.0 44.2
Party Logo 27.3 30.3 22.4 7.4 25.8
Party number 35.4 21.0 19.9 28.6 25.3
Other features 4.1 2.7 7.5 6.4 4.6
N 879 1,158 858 189 3,084
Table 1: How voters found their preferred candidates
Table 2, in turn, reports the percentage of participants who stated they were not able to
vote for their preferred candidate for each of the prototypes, sorted by education and
political information levels
Given that respondents could use several ballot features to identify their preferred choice, the assumption of
independence among units required by standard tests of independence is violated. Thus, we used the bootstrap
resampling method proposed in [LS98] to test for the association between voting cue and prototype.
Table entries are the percentage of respondents in each prototype that used each of the ballot features to
identify their preferred candidates. Since participants could use several of the ballot features as voting cues,
percentages do not necessarily sum to 100 rows across.
Both surveys included the question: “Were you able to vote for your preferred party/candidate?” Political
information was computed as the average of respondents’ number of correct answers to three questions asking
them the names of the ministers of economy, education and health.
The survey data indicates that education significantly affected the ability of the
participants to vote for their preferred party while only 3.8% of voters with college
education were unable to cast a vote for their preferred option; this figure was almost 2.6
times higher for those with high school education or lower. The difference in the
proportions between the two groups is statistically significant, with a 95% confidence
interval of [0.04, 0.08]. Although less educated voters experienced more difficulties in
all of the prototypes tested, the gap between participants with college education and the
rest was much smaller for Prototype 2, suggesting that this device imposed lower
barriers on less educated voters. The p-value of Woolf’s test for homogeneity across
prototypes is 0.001 [Wo55], indicating that there are considerable differences across
voting technologies regarding the difficulties experienced by less educated participants.
When examining the data by political information levels, again, Prototype 2 seems to
have been more effective in enabling voters with null or low information levels to vote
for their preferred choice. Prototype 3, in contrast, exhibits the higher rates of reported
voting problems for all levels of political information. The Cochran-Armitage Trend
Test [AG02] provides evidence of a modestly negative linear relationship between
political information and reported voting problems (two-sided p-value = 0.1), but this is
only statistically significant (at the 0.01 level) for Prototype 1. Overall, almost 90% of
the voters were able to vote for their preferred party; Prototype 2 exhibited the highest
rate of success (93.9%), while Prototype 3 had the lowest score (82.6%).
Prototype 1
Prototype 2
Prototype 3
Prototype 4
College 3.0 2.7 6.5 3.6 3.8
Secondary or lower 12.6 4.5 13.6 12.9 9.8
N 3,175 3,873 2,743 887 10,678
Non-response rates 21.4 18.4 28.2 27.5 22.8
Null 9.9 3.4 11.4 0.0 7.3
Low 7.3 4.1 11.7 2.4 6.9
Medium 1.7 4.3 11.5 7.3 5.7
High 3.0 3.8 10.5 3.8 5.4
N 835 1,108 823 185 2,951
Non-response rates 5.0 4.3 4.1 2.1 4.3
Table 2: Percentage of voters who could not vote for their preferred candidate
Table entries are the percentage of respondents in each prototype that were not able to cast a vote for their
preferred candidate, among all respondents belonging to each row-category assigned to that prototype. The
data on education levels was taken from the short self-administered survey, while the data on political
information was obtained from the longer exit poll.
The fact that the four prototypes imposed different information demands on the
participants and seem to have influenced the cues they used to identify the candidates,
suggests that the e-voting devices could have had systematic effects on electoral
outcomes. For instance, parties with more visible candidates should have fared relatively
better among voters using Prototype 2, and those with more recognizable names/logos
might have benefited from the ballot design and screen display in the DRE devices.
Figure 1 explores this issue further, plotting the means and 95% confidence intervals of
the vote-shares of the parties in the election of National representatives and State
legislators under each prototype
For all the prototypes tested, each of the three
majority parties, Alianza para una Republica de Iguales (ARI), Frente para la Victoria
(FPV) and Propuesta Republicana (PRO), exhibited higher vote-shares in the first
election, jointly obtaining 65% of the total vote cast for the parties competing in the
election of National representatives. In contrast, minority parties gathered almost 50% of
the vote in the less visibility race for State legislators. However, there are considerable
variations in the support for the different parties across prototypes. The support for
minority parties in both races was substantially higher under Prototype 3, reaching
48.7% in the election of National representatives and 55.7% in the election for the local
legislature. In contrast, their vote-share was the lowest under Prototype 4, with 36.4%
and 41.6% respectively. The support for the largest parties also varied across prototypes.
For the four prototypes tested, the vote-share of ARI, FPV and PRO in the in the
National (Local) election was 21.0% (18.2%), 15.6% (12.6%) and 22.6% (19.9%),
respectively. However, the three large parties fared considerably better under the two
DRE devices than under Prototype 3. We used bootstrapped Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests
to examine the differences in each party’s average support between pairs of prototypes
[Ab02]. We found statistically significant differences at the usual confidence levels
between the average vote-shares of FPV and PRO under Prototypes 1 and 2 and their
support under Prototype 3 in both congressional races, as well as between the support for
ARI under Prototypes 1 and 3 in the national election. There are also significant
differences in the support for the smaller parties under Prototype 3 and each of the other
prototypes in the two elections analyzed
Vote-shares are expressed as percentages of the total number of votes cast for the competing parties in both
races, excluding blank and null votes. Although Prototype 3 had a higher rate of blank ballots than the other e-
voting devices [CEP07], the results regarding the relative support for the different parties remain virtually
unchanged when including blank ballots in the analysis.
Note that, while ARI’s vote-shares in the two experimental elections were similar to those in the official
elections, the support for FPV and PRO was lower and the vote for the smaller parties was higher in the pilot,
compared to the actual elections.
See Appendix II of the paper’s supplementary materials for details.
Figure 1: Distribution of the support for the parties under each prototype
The thick horizontal lines correspond to the median vote-shares of the parties under each prototype. The
rectangles correspond to the 50% interval, and the outer thin lines to the 95% intervals.
4 Estimating the Effect of E-Voting Technologies on Election
While the data presented in the previous section reveals some interesting differences in
voters’ electoral behavior across voting devices, it does not allow us to assess the impact
of the different technologies and ballot designs on the voter choice after accounting for
the effect of socio-demographic and attitudinal variables. Controlling for these predictors
might be relevant in order to estimate the causal effect of the e-voting devices on voters’
choice and election outcomes [GH07], given that not all of the four prototypes were used
in all the districts analyzed
As our data includes the individual level votes for all the participants in the pilot, we can
analyze the aggregate electoral and survey data from 128 voting stations defined by
crossing each of the precincts with the e-voting devices
. Our dependent variable is the
vote-share of ARI, FPV, PRO and Other parties in the election for National
representatives and State legislators in each of the voting stations, where the category
“Other parties” comprises all the remaining parties in both races
. The independent
variables used in the analysis are defined at the voting station level and include: the
mean Education level; the mean level of Political Information; Interest in politics; the
mean level of participants’ Use of Technology; Perceived Difficulty of E-Voting; and
four variables measuring the percentage of participants who found their preferred party
searching by Party Name, by Party Logo, by Party Number, or by Candidate Name.
Additional details and descriptive statistics for these variables are provided in Appendix
III of this paper’s supplementary materials.
In order to estimate the causal effect of different voting technologies on the expected
support for the parties competing in 2005, we implemented a multinomial-logistic model
for the multinomial probabilities of support for ARI, FPV and PRO, with “Other parties”
as the baseline category [Co05]. The probabilities of support for the parties are modelled
as functions of the voting station covariates described above. In addition, in order to
account for the cluster sampling scheme used in the experiment and to allow for
unobserved heterogeneity across voting stations and for potential correlation in the
election results across prototypes and precincts, we include zero-mean random effects
for the two non-nested factors [Co05], [GH07]. The model was fit by MCMC Gibbs
sampling methods [CS92]. The main advantage of using Bayesian estimation is that it
allows obtaining arbitrarily precise approximations to the posterior densities, without
relying on large-sample theory [Ja04].
See footnote 3.
Although the individual vote variable can be retrieved from each prototype’s logs, privacy considerations
prevented us from linking the individual vote with the individual survey data. Combining the information from
the logs and the surveys, we have data from 128 out of the 139 possible voting stations, after dropping 924
individual observations with missing values from our analysis.
“Other parties” includes 26 smaller parties in the election for National representatives and 37 parties in the
election for the State Legislature.
In order to evaluate the model fit, we used posterior predictive simulations to assess the
model’s ability to reproduce the overdispersion present in the data, comparing the
Pearson statistic computed from the observed data with that computed using replicates
sampled from the model [Co05]. Additional details about the model specification, the
estimation procedure and robustness checks are provided in Appendix IV of the
supplementary materials.
5 Empirical Results
Table 3 reports the posterior means and standard deviations for the fixed effects for the
two elections under analysis. The model satisfactorily replicates the overdispersion in the
data, with values of
Rep Obs
> close to 0.5 for both elections [Co05].
Election of
National representatives
Election of
State legislators
Political information
Interest in Politics
Use of Technology
Assessment of
Search by
Party Name
Search by
Party Logo
Search by
Party Number
Search by
Candidate Name
N 128 128
Rep Obs
0.42 0.57
Table 3: Estimated posterior means and standard deviations for the fixed effects
(Standard deviation in parenthesis; significance levels: *** 0.01, ** 0.05, *0.1)
is the usual Pearson statistic computed from the observed data, and
is using the replicates
sampled from the model. See Appendix IV in the supplementary materials.
The results in Table 3 reveal some interesting differences regarding the effect of several
covariates on the relative support for the three largest parties. For instance, in the two
elections analyzed, the votes for Propuesta Republicana (PRO) increased in voting
stations with higher average levels of education, while they decreased for Frente para la
Victoria (FPV). In contrast, higher average levels of political interest were associated
with higher support for FPV. This result is consistent with prior research that emphasizes
class and education effects among non-Peronist voters [CM04]. Regarding the effect of
the different information cues used by participants when casting their vote, the support
for FPV in the more visible race increased with the percentage of voters relying on the
official party number. On the other hand, the vote for ARI and PRO was negatively
related to the percentage of participants using the name of the party in the election for
National representatives, while there is a negative relationship between Search by Party
Name and the support for FPV in the less visible election. The vote for PRO was also
negatively associated by the percentage of voters basing their choice on the first
candidate’s name in both congressional elections.
The main focus of our analysis, however, lies in the effect of the different voting
technologies on the support for the competing parties across elections. Figure 2 presents
the posterior means and confidence intervals of the prototype effects for each of the
parties in both elections.
Figure 2: Prototype random coefficients for both congressional elections
The center dots correspond to the point estimates of the prototype effects, the thicker lines to the 50%
confidence interval, and the thinner lines to the 90% confidence interval.
These results indicate that different voting devices have potential influences on electoral
outcomes after controlling for socio-demographic and behavioural variables. The effect
of the voting technologies and the associated ballot designs varied considerably across
parties and races. For instance, while the Optical Scan device with separate ballots
(Prototype 3) had a significantly negative effect on the votes for FPV and PRO in both
congressional elections, the touch-screen DRE device (Prototype 2) had the opposite
effect, raising the support for FPV and PRO in the election for national representatives,
although not in the election for state legislators. As mentioned above, the name of the
first candidate of each party figured prominently on the screen of Prototype 2, and more
than half of the participants using this device cast their vote based on this information.
Hence, a possible interpretation of this result is that, while the first candidates of FPV
and PRO, Bielsa and Macri, were renowned figures who were easily identifiable by
voters, participants generally did not recognize the candidates running for the local
legislature of any of the competing parties [CEP07]. Thus, the relative advantage
obtained by FPV and PRO in the more salient election disappeared in the less visible
race. Interestingly, however, the results reported in Table 3 show that the percentage of
respondents using the first candidate’s name had no systematic effect on the support for
FPV in either of the races, while it had a negative impact on the vote for PRO. This
indicates that the prototype-effects might be capturing additional sources of variability in
the dependent variables, beyond that explained by the aggregate survey data.
Table 4 complements the information presented in Figure 2, reporting the mean posterior
and 50% and 90% confidence intervals of the pairwise differences in the probabilities of
supporting each party across prototypes. After controlling for other factors, the support
for the largest parties tends to be higher for the two DRE devices than for Prototype 3,
although the differences between Prototype 1 and 3 are not statistically significant at the
usual confidence levels. In contrast, in the cases of FPV and PRO, there are significant
differences between their support for Prototypes 2 and 3: the touch-screen DRE device
leads to an increase of 3.8 and 6.3 percentage points in their vote-shares, respectively, in
the election for National representatives, and of 2.7 and 5.3 percentage points in the
election for state legislators; these differences are significant at the 0.01 level. As shown
in Figure 2, in the more visible race, these differences stem both from an increase in the
support for FPV and PRO induced by Prototype 2 and a reduction of their support for
Prototype 3. In contrasts, the results in the election for state legislators are entirely
driven by the higher support for the smaller parties under the OS device with separate
ballots. In fact, the relative support for the smaller parties tends to be consistently higher
with Prototype 3 in both races: in the national representative election, the vote-share of
the minor parties is 11 percentage points higher under Prototype 3 vis a vis Prototype 2,
while in the state legislature election their vote with this prototype is systematically
higher when compared against all the other voting devices. Also, in the national election,
the relative support for the smaller parties is lower with Prototype 2 than Prototype 1.
Hence, in the more visible race, the touch-screen DRE device consistently favours the
parties with more renowned candidates, to the detriment of the smaller ones.
Election of
Prototypes 1-2 2.1
(-4.2, 8.7)
(-8.4, 1.0)
(-10.9, 0.4)
(0.8, 12.4)
Prototypes 1-3 3.4
(-3.2, 9.9)
(-4.0, 4.4)
(-4.6, 2.1)
(-10.8, 1.7)
Prototypes 1-4 2.9
(-0.4, 6.0)
(-4.3, 1.9)
(-6.0, 1.0)
(-3.6, 4.3)
Prototypes 2-3 1.3
(-0.5, 3.3)
(2.1, 5.7)
(4.4, 8.3)
(-13.7, -9.2)
Prototypes 2-4 0.7
(-6.9, 8.0)
(-3.3, 8.3)
(-4.2, 9.4)
(-13.0, 1.0)
Prototypes 3-4 -0.5
(-7.7, 6.5)
(-6.3, 4.9)
(-9.8, 2.4)
(-2.1, 13.4)
Election of
Prototypes 1-2 -0.6
(-5.4, 5.1)
(-5.5, 4.6)
(-4.2, 6.9)
(-7.7, 6.5)
Prototypes 1-3 -0.2
(-5.3, 5.2)
(-1.5, 7.4)
(-0.1, 10.4)
(-15.1, -0.8)
Prototypes 1-4 2.5
(-0.5, 5.4)
(-5.0, 1.4)
(-7.8, -0.3)
(-0.9, 7.2)
Prototypes 2-3 0.4
(-1.4, 2.2)
(1.8, 4.9)
(1.9, 5.7)
(-9.8, -5.1)
Prototypes 2-4 3.1
(-2.8, 8.7)
(-7.8, 5.2)
(-12.2, 1.5)
(-4.6, 12.3)
Prototypes 3-4 2.7
(-3.0, 8.0)
(-10.6, 1.1)
(-15.6, -3.1)
(2.8, 19.5)
Table 4: Pairwise differences in the probability of support for each party across prototypes in
percentage points (90% confidence intervals in parenthesis)
These results provide strong evidence in support of the hypothesis that alternative voting
technologies may have substantive influence on the support for different parties. The
relevant question thus becomes: how would the election outcomes vary under different
voting technologies? In order to answer this question, we estimate the expected electoral
outcome assuming only one prototype had been used in each voting-station, while
holding all the remaining variables constant. Table 5 reports the expected election
outcomes in both races for each of the four prototypes and compares them to the actual
results in the experiment.
The evidence indicates that different voting technologies would in fact have led to quite
different election results. For instance, if Prototype 1 had been used in all voting
stations, ARI would have had the highest expected support in the election for national
representatives, rather than the actual winner, PRO. ARI would also have had the highest
expected support in the election for state legislators under Prototype 3. In contrast, the
vote-shares of PRO and FPV in the national election would have been maximized under
Prototype 2, increasing their support at the expense of ARI and, especially, of the
smallest parties. In the less visible race, however, the advantage enjoyed by PRO and
FPV under the touch-screen DRE device would have virtually vanished. Finally, the
expected support for minor parties in both races would have increased by almost 6
percentage points under Prototype 3 with respect to the actual results in the experiment.
Thus, the choice among different e-voting technologies could have had substantive
effects on the election results.
Election of N. Representatives
Prototype 1 22.77 14.52 21.59 41.12
Prototype 2 20.64 18.13 26.74 34.49
Prototype 3 19.36 14.33 20.40 45.91
Prototype 4 19.89 15.52 23.99 40.60
Actual outcome in the experiment 21.03 15.58 23.16 40.24
Election of S. Legislators
Prototype 1 18.00 12.97 21.87 47.16
Prototype 2 18.57 13.52 20.38 47.53
Prototype 3 18.16 10.25 16.59 55.00
Prototype 4 15.47 14.64 25.84 44.05
Actual outcome in the experiment 18.04 12.31 20.43 49.22
Table 5: Expected and actual election outcomes in percentage points
6 Concluding Remarks
Multiparty races impose substantial demands on voters, who have to gather enough
information to be able to distinguish between the positions of the different parties before
the elections and to identify their preferred choice at the polls. Using data from a large-
scale e-vote experiment in Buenos Aires, we present the first study on the impact of
different electronic voting systems on election outcomes in multi-party races. Our results
indicate that different devices have considerable influence on the relative support for
different parties across races, after controlling for relevant socio-demographic and
behavioural predictors. In contrast to studies on this topic examining two-party elections
in the U.S., most of which have found that the impact of alternative voting technologies
on election outcomes is quite small [CS07], [HW07], our findings show that this effect
might be large enough to potentially affect the election results. In this sense, our results
are in line with the findings of [RS06], indicating that amount and the form in which
information is presented to voters by different e-voting technologies might have a
considerable influence on voting behavior in multi-party elections.
The evidence presented in this paper is particularly significant in view of the increasing
trend towards electronic voting and the growing number of countries moving from
traditional paper ballots to electronic voting systems. In many of these countries,
political parties have repeatedly expressed concerns about the possibility of being
systematically disadvantaged by the new voting technologies
. Our results suggest that
this might actually be the case, rather than just a myth fuelled by politicians, and raises
the possibility that some voting technologies may in fact shape the electoral outcomes,
rather than merely recording voters’ preferred choices.
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For instance, several French parties expressed such concerns during the 2007 Presidential election, the first
time electronic voting machines were used for a presidential election in the country (Le Figaro, 04/18/2007).
Assessing Internet Voting as an Early Voting Reform
in the United States
Alicia Kolar Prevost
American University
4400 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington, DC20016
Abstract: Recent research on convenience voting reforms in the United States has
found that programs designed to make voting easier have not succeeded in
boosting turnout, and have even had the unintended consequence of exacerbating
the demographic biases that already exist in the electorate by encouraging votes
among those who were most likely to vote anyway but who were inconvenienced
by going to the polls on election day. Using public voting records and a unique
dataset of Internet voters in the 2004 Michigan Democratic Presidential primary,
this paper offers new evidence that Internet voting benefits two groups of people:
young voters and people who vote infrequently. Like previous research on voting
reforms, I also find evidence that Internet voting does not draw new voters into the
electorate. I discuss the implications of these findings for the future of early voting
reforms in general and Internet voting in particular.
1 Introduction
Americans routinely use the Internet for banking, commerce, social networking, and
even paying taxes, but they have not been able to use the Internet for voting in elections
for public office. At a time when Internet use is widespread and voting systems are being
reassessed in nearly every state, and when Internet voting has been successfully tested in
European countries at the local and even national level, why has Internet voting not been
introduced in state administered elections in the US? Although state and local election
administrators have not embarked on tests of Internet voting, state political parties have
used Internet voting in two binding state-wide elections. These trials, held in 2000 in
Arizona and 2004 in Michigan, can provide important information about the feasibility
of Internet voting in future elections in the US. Before state election administrators can
plan online voting trials, we must have a better understanding of the online elections that
have already occurred in the US. This paper offers a better understanding of how
Internet voting affects turnout among different demographic groups.
Recent studies of voting reforms have found that programs designed to make voting
easier have had only small positive effects on turnout and have had the unintended
consequence of exacerbating the demographic biases that already exist in the electorate
[Be05; Tr04]. Convenience voting reforms such as vote-by-mail, no-excuse absentee
voting, and in-person early voting have been shown to encourage votes among those
voters who were most likely to cast a ballot anyway but were inconvenienced by having
to go to the polls on election day. Internet voting is the newest innovation among these
early voting reforms. However, there have been few opportunities to study Internet
voting as an early voting reform in the United States. Findings from academic studies of
Internet voting in Arizona in 2000 and Michigan in 2004 have been mixed on the effect
Internet voting has on turnout among certain demographic groups [AN01; PS08].
Using public voting records and a unique dataset of individuals who participated in the
2004 Michigan Democratic Presidential primary, this paper examines the claims that
Internet voting specifically and early voting reforms in general may only benefit those
who were most likely to vote anyway. This research builds on previous studies of the
effects of Internet voting as an early voting reform by offering an examination of voters
at the individual level and incorporating voting history as an indicator of future voting
behavior. I find that young people and people who vote infrequently benefit most from
Internet voting. I also find that income is positively related to voting online, but race and
education were not significant predictors of voting on the Internet.
This research adds to the body of knowledge on voting behavior by introducing new
evidence on the effects of Internet voting as an early voting reform. This paper also
incorporates the use of state voter files as an alternative to more traditional data sources
for studying the effects of voting reforms on voter turnout. Similar research that uses
public voting records includes Berinsky, Burns and Traugott [BBT01], in which the
authors obtain individual vote history and confirm self-reported voting behavior from
county records for a group of survey respondents. Public voting archives are readily
available in most states, and are used regularly by political operatives, but seem to be
rarely used by political scientists. Since the effects of voting reforms are often very
small, it may be necessary to examine these reforms at the individual level, as Berinsky,
Burns and Traugott argue [BBT01].
I begin with a review of the research on early voting reforms in general and the limited
trails of online voting in the US. I then summarize the details of the unique dataset that I
employ, including information about the 2004 Michigan Democratic primary, and
describe the methods that I will use to evaluate Internet voting. Finally, I present the
results of a multinomial logit regression model and discuss the implications of these
findings for the future of Internet voting as an early voting reform.
2 Literature Review
2.1 Poor Marks for Voting Reforms
In recent years, political science research on reforms to make voting easier has been
nearly unanimous in concluding that the reforms have not met their stated goals of
increasing turnout and improving the representativeness of the electorate. Paul Gronke’s
overview of voting reforms argues that scholarly consensus has been reached on this
point: “Early voting does not increase turnout by bringing new voters into the system.
What it does is encourage regular voters to participate in lower intensity contests that
they might otherwise skip” [Gr04]. Berinksy [Be05] and Traugott [Tr04] offer similar
reviews of the political science literature on voting reforms with the same conclusion:
that voting reforms have not achieved the goals that the reformers had in mind, and in
fact the demographic representativeness of the electorate is actually worsened by easy
voting reforms since “more of the same” voters – that is, highly educated, older, and
richer voters – are even more likely to turn out using easy voting methods.
Berinsky [Be05] reviews the literature on voting reforms and concludes that they have
had “perverse consequences” in that they have encouraged the people who were most
likely to vote anyway (those who have higher incomes and are more educated) but were
inconvenienced by going to a polling place on election day. Traugott [Tr04] argues that
electoral reform has failed because it has not achieved the goals of substantial increases
in turnout or greater socioeconomic diversity in the electorate. These findings are
important because they show that groups who have always been underrepresented in the
electorate – the poor, people without college degrees, and young adults – may become an
even smaller percentage of the electorate, as easy voting reforms encourage more voters
with higher incomes and more education to turn out, and mail balloting encourages more
older voters to turn out. In addition, these findings might also bolster the arguments of
policy makers who are opposed to expanding early voting options. Given the potential
implications of these findings for policy makers and election administrators, it is
important that analyses of voting reforms be conducted with the best evidence available
and at the lowest level of aggregation possible in order to make inferences about the
effects on individual voters. However, much of the empirical research on voting reforms
has relied on evidence that might not be generalizable to individual voters. Previous
studies have used survey data [NR01], exit polls [SG97], and aggregate data [AN01;
Gi02]; all of which are problematic for making generalizations about individual voters.
Although these studies have contributed important findings about the effects of early
voting reforms, it is important to recognize the possible limitations of using aggregate
data or unverified survey responses to make public policy decisions. Telephone surveys
are increasingly unreliable because of the high no-response rate, and respondents tend to
over-report turnout [TK79]. Exit polls only survey voters (by definition they leave out
the non-voters who are not at the polls), and aggregating voter turnout data at high levels
makes it difficult to make inferences about individual voters.
Studies of Internet voting use self-reported telephone survey responses [So01], or
turnout aggregated at the county level [Gi02; AN01], which is a high level of
aggregation and therefore not an accurate estimator of individual-level information. One
of the strongest arguments against Internet voting is that it is biased against racial and
ethnic minorities and citizens of lower socioeconomic status, since these groups have
less access to the Internet. This claim has largely been supported by the existing
academic literature on Internet voting, including the finding that the decrease in turnout
was five times as great for non-white voters in the Internet voting election in Arizona
[AN01]. However, the authors of that study use data and demographic variables
(including race) aggregated at the county level. Since there are only 15 counties in the
state of Arizona, this is a particularly high level of aggregation. Another study of Internet
voting that uses individual level information about voters in the 2004 Michigan primary
found that race was not a strong predictor of choosing Internet over mail voting, but it
was a factor in the choice of applying to vote early [PS08].
The analysis conducted in this paper extends the research of Prevost and Schaffner
[PS08], which examined the pool of voters who participated in the 2004 Michigan
Democratic primary to see if there were differences in the demographic characteristics of
those who voted on the Internet, by mail, or in-person. Prevost and Schaffner [PS08]
found that voters in predominately African American zip codes were somewhat less
likely to vote on the Internet than voters in predominately white zip codes, but not by
margins as large as some critics of Internet voting suggested. The authors also found that
young people were most likely to take advantage of Internet voting, while older voters
were more likely to take advantage of voting by mail.
2.2 Individual Voting History and the Likelihood of Voting
State voter files can show the relationship between voting history and the use of easy
voting methods. The theory that infrequent or first time voters can be enticed into the
electorate by easy voting reforms can be tested empirically using public voting records.
Berinksy, Burns, and Traugott develop a duration model to see if individual vote history
has an effect on whether voters will participate in Oregon’s vote-by-mail system
[BBT01]. They find that voting-by-mail encourages occasional voters who are older,
well educated, and those with higher levels of interest in the campaign. They also find
that habitual non-voters are not drawn into the electorate by the easy vote-by-mail
Given that voter history has an effect on future voting behavior, Berinsky [Be05]
proposes a two-part conception of the electorate, in which he considers both the
stimulation of new or infrequent voters and the retention of other voters from election to
election. He contends that electoral reforms will have a greater effect on the retention of
voters than on the stimulation of new voters. Berinsky reasons that electoral reforms
“increase the propensity of likely voters to consistently turnout by smoothing over the
idiosyncrasies that cause engaged citizens to sometimes miss casting their votes in
particular elections” [Be05: 477]. He suggests that to properly observe the effects of
voting reforms on the composition of the electorate, we should analyze individual-level
data over time to see if easy voting methods are used by regular voters (retention) or
infrequent voters (stimulation). However, the only research he cites that uses individual-
level data over time is a study of voting by mail in Oregon [BBT01].
Other empirical research supports the claim that those who have voted previously are
more likely to vote in the future. Green et al [GGS03] find that voting in one election
substantially increases the likelihood of voting in a subsequent election. The authors find
voter history to have a greater effect than education and age in predicting whether an
individual will turn out to vote. Using a randomized field experiment, they find that
voting in 1998 increased the probability of voting in 1999 by 46.7 percentage points
[GGS03: 547]. These findings suggest that vote history is an important variable in any
model predicting voting behavior, but it has rarely been used in political science studies
of voting behavior. Two exceptions where individual voting history has been used are
Plutzer [Pl02] and Berinsky, Burns and Traugott [BBT01]. Using panel data spanning
several decades, Plutzer finds that voting (and non-voting) is “habitual” – once a person
starts voting she is likely to continue doing so [Pl02]. Using individual level voting
history from public voting records, I analyze the effects of voting history on the
propensity to use Internet voting as an early voting method.
3 Description of the 2004 Michigan Democratic Presidential Primary
The 2004 Democratic presidential nominating contest in Michigan has been called a
caucus, a firehouse primary, and a party-run primary. The Democratic National
Committee (DNC) officially defined it as a party-run primary, because it had many
features of a primary, including an option for absentee voting, so it is referred to as a
primary in this paper. The contest had some features of a caucus, including the fact that
ballots cast were not secret. This feature allowed the Michigan Democratic Party (MDP),
which administered the election, to circumvent many of the security concerns associated
with Internet voting, since it allowed each voter to be assigned a unique identification
and PIN number. In order to participate in the party-run primary, an individual could
either apply for an absentee ballot or vote in person on election day. The absentee ballot
application could be accessed on the MDP website, and several presidential campaigns
also distributed them to supporters. The application could then be completed online, or
printed and sent by mail or fax to the MDP. Once the application was received by MDP
staff, it was checked against the state voter file for accuracy, so a person applying for an
absentee ballot had to be a registered voter in the state. Alternatively, a person could
decide on election day to vote in person at a caucus location without having taken any
prior action.
In many ways, the Michigan Internet ballot was much like a traditional absentee ballot
that a voter would send in a secrecy envelope to prevent election workers from seeing
for whom a particular individual is voting. Media reports of the Michigan primary did
not mention voters being concerned with privacy violations. It may be the case that
voters who choose to vote absentee have come to accept that there is a possibility that an
election worker will see their vote choice, and that is an acceptable cost given the benefit
of being able to vote early or from home. 162,929 voters participated in the 2004
Michigan Democratic primary. 28.4% voted by Internet, 14.5% voted by traditional
mail-in absentee, and 57.1% voted in-person at a caucus location on election day.
Michigan does not require a voter to declare a party affiliation when registering to vote.
One implication of this is that the state has an open primary system – a voter can take a
ballot for either party’s primary, which means that Republicans can vote in Democratic
primaries, and vice versa. This violates the rules of the Democratic National Committee,
and so the Democratic party in Michigan has been forced to administer party-run
primaries or caucuses for its presidential nominating contests.
4 Data and Methods
Two datasets serve as the empirical evidence for this analysis: the Michigan Qualified
Voter File and turnout data from the 2004 Michigan Democratic Primary. The Michigan
Voter File is publicly available from the Michigan Secretary of State. It contains
individual-level information about the voting behavior of each of the approximately 7
million voters who are currently registered in the state, including name, address, gender,
date of birth, and voting history for every state administered election. However, since the
2004 Democratic Primary was a party-run election, which was administered by the state
Democratic party, voter history information for this election is not included on the state
voter file.
Turnout data from the 2004 Michigan Democratic primary was provided by the MDP. It
contains individual level-information for the approximately 162,000 voters who
participated, including name, address, and choice of voting method: Internet, mail, or in-
person. Ideally, the data from the 2004 Michigan Democratic primary would be
compared to only Democrats on the state voter file, in order to make inferences about
who participated in the 2004 Caucus and who was eligible to participate (since only
Democrats were supposed to participate, according to MDP guidelines for voting in the
primary, although a small number of self-identified Republicans and independents
participated). However, since there is no party affiliation on the state voter file, there is
no easy way to determine which voters are Democrats. To account for this, and to
simulate a measure of party affiliation, I include a control variable in the model that
measures the vote for Gore in 2000 by each voter’s state house district (adjusted for the
2002 round of redistricting).
The full state voter file contains close to seven million voters, which was too large a
dataset for any computer or statistical package in my department to handle. To overcome
the lack of computing power, I generated a random sample of one million voters from
the state voter file. Although the accuracy of the analysis might be marginally better if I
were able to examine all of the 162,000 voters in the Michigan primary in the context of
all eligible or likely voters in the state, a sample of one million is still many times larger
than any other similar study of the effects of voting reforms. After merging the turnout
data from the 2004 Democratic primary with the sample, there are 16,906 voters in the
sample who participated in the 2004 primary. Table 1 includes summary statistics of the
sample. The distribution of choice of voting method in the 2004 primary among voters in
the sample is similar to the distribution of choice of voting methods among the entire
population of primary voters.
Variable Frequency % of sample
2004 Michigan Democratic Primary
16,906 1.7
In-person 9,181 0.94
Internet 4,972 0.51
Mail 2,753 0.28
Women 514,813 53.6
Men 446,590 46.4
18-35 296,103 30.8
36-50 306,693 32.0
51-65 214,634 22.3
66 and over 139,766 14.5
0-25% college degree in zip code 487,500 50.71
26-50% college degree in zip code 389,583 40.52
51-75% college degree in zip code 75,963 7.90
76% or more college degree in zip
8,444 0.88
0-25% Black in zip code 823,502 85.66
26-50% Black in zip code 34,769 3.62
51-75% Black in zip code 31,649 3.29
76% or more Black in zip code 67,603 7.03
N = 961,403
Table 1: Descriptive Statistics for Random Sample of One Million Voters taken from the
Michigan Qualified Voter File
2004 Michigan Democratic Primary participation data is from the Michigan Democratic Party.
Gender and age variables are from the Michigan Qualified Voter File.
Education and race variables are from the 2000 US Census, aggregated at the zip code level and assigned to
each voter according to the voter’s zip code.
Final sample size is less than one million because some observations were dropped due to missing
demographic data.
The individual-level data provided by the Michigan voter file and the MDP include each
voter’s name, address, zip code, date of birth, gender, voting history in state-run
elections, and whether and by what method they participated in the 2004 primary. The
demographic variables I am interested in are not easily available at the individual level.
As a substitute for individual-level indicators of race, income, and education, I collected
Census data aggregated at the zip code level, and assigned a measure to each voter based
on their zip code of residence. Although aggregating at the zip code level is not a perfect
substitute for individual-level measures, which are often available with survey data, the
zip-code level is a relatively small level of aggregation compared to congressional
district level or county level that have been used in other studies of voter turnout. The
zip-code level has been used regularly in health research [GBN96] and it may also be a
particularly good substitute in Michigan, which has been noted for its high level of racial
segregation [DK00]. Still, it is important to highlight the point that the measures for race,
education, and income in this study are aggregate level measures and should not be
interpreted as substitutes for individual-level measures. Future extensions of this
research could include Census data at a lower level of aggregation, such as the block
level, since the dataset includes each voter’s full address. This could add to the validity
of the findings on the relationship between demographic characteristics and the use of
Internet voting.
Instead of using a duration model to explain the relationship between voting history and
the effectiveness of early voting reforms, as Berinsky, Burns and Traugott do [BBT01],
this paper operationalizes voting history as a series of dummy variables. Table 2
summarizes the characteristics of each category of voting history.
In-Person Internet Mail Abstain
Nonvoter (voted in
no previous elections
since 1998)
1,079 (61) 464 (26) 216 (13) 423,374
Infrequent voter
(voted in 1 general
but no primaries)
7,766 (54) 4,273 (30) 2,432 (17) 402,568
Occasional voter
(voted in at least 1
6,786 (54) 3,542 (28) 2,197 (18) 239,571
Regular voter (voted
in last 3 elections)
5,733 (54) 2,986 (28) 1,943 (18) 160,342
Absentee voter
(voted absentee in at
least one election
since 1998)
3,126 (46) 2,025 (30) 1,573 (23) 152,790
Source: Vote history is from the Michigan Qualified Voter File and choice of voting method (In-Person,
Internet, or Mail) is from the Michigan Democratic Party.
Note: Number in parentheses is the percent of people participating in the 2004 Michigan Democratic Primary
who voted by each method.
Table 2: Voting History by Choice of Voting Method in the 2004 Michigan Democratic
Presidential Primary
As shown in table 2, a “nonvoter” in this analysis is someone who did not vote in any of
the following elections; the 1998 primary and general election, the 2000 primary and
general election, and the 2002 primary and general election. An “infrequent” voter is
defined as someone who voted in one general election but no primaries. An “occasional”
voter is someone who voted in at least one primary election, and a “regular” voter is
someone who voted in each of the most previous three elections before the 2004
The dependent variable in the turnout model is the decision to vote in the 2004
Democratic caucus, either by Internet, mail, in-person on election day, or to abstain.
Since it is a categorical dependent variable with no particular order to the categories,
multinomial logit is the appropriate estimator. The independent variables of interest are
voting history, age, gender, education, income, and race. Based on the findings of
Alvarez and Nagler [AN01] I expect to find that as the percentage of white residents
increases in a zip code, the likelihood of voting by Internet should also increase. I also
expect that as median income and percent of residents with a college degree increases,
the percentage of Internet voters should increase. As the age of the voter increases, I
expect the likelihood to vote by Internet to decrease and the likelihood to vote by mail to
Based on the findings of Gerber et al [GGS03], I expect regular voters to be more likely
to participate in the 2004 primary, and that regular voters will be more likely to vote by
early voting methods. Based on the findings of Berinsky, Burns and Traugott [BBT01] I
expect to find that either infrequent or occasional voters will be the most likely to take
advantage of Internet and mail voting, but that nonvoters will not take advantage of these
easy voting methods, either because they are habitual non-voters, because they have not
been mobilized by parties or candidates [RH93; Ol96], or because they did not have the
foresight to apply for an absentee ballot [PS08].
5 Results
*p<.01 **p<.05
Note: 2004 Michigan Democratic Primary participation data is from the Michigan Democratic Party.
Table 3: Likelihood of voting in the 2004 Democratic caucus by Internet, mail, or in-person,
compared to not voting – Multinomial Logit Regression Coefficients and Standard Errors
Gender and age variables are from the Michigan Qualified Voter File.
Education and race variables are from the 2000 US Census, aggregated at the zip code level and assigned to
each voter according to the voter’s zip code.
2000 Presidential vote by State House District provided by Brian F. Schaffner.
Voting history is from the Michigan Qualified Voter File. “Nonvoter” is someone who did not participate in
any elections archived on the voter file since 1998; “Infrequent voter” is someone who participated in one
general election but no primaries since 1998; “Occasional voter” is someone who participated in at least one
primary election; and “Regular voter” is someone who participated in each of the last three state-wide elections
before the 2004 primary.
Table 3 displays the results of two multinomial logit models. The first model includes
the entire sample of one million voters; the second includes only the voters in the sample
who participated in the 2004 Michigan primary. The first model uses “did not vote” as
the base comparison category, since a large majority of voters in the full sample did not
participate in the 2004 primary. The second model uses “voted in person” as the base
category, since the majority of participants in the 2004 primary voted in person on
election day.
In both models, the effects of age, income, gender, and all categories of voting history
are significant at the .01 level. The interpretation of the findings that follows will focus
on the second model, since I am mostly interested in voters who participated in the 2004
primary. As expected, the median income in a voter’s zip code is significant and
positively related to voting early. As income increases, the likelihood of voting early
either by Internet or mail increases. The relationship between income and the likelihood
of voting by Internet, mail, or in person, holding other variables in the model at their
means, is displayed in Figure 1.
0 .2 .4 .6 .8
Probability of Voting
0 50 100
Median Income of Zip Code
In Person Mail
Figure 1: Probability of Voting by Internet, Mail, or In Person by the Median Income in the
Voter’s Zip Code
Also as expected, as a voter’s age increases, he is more likely to choose voting by mail
and less likely to choose Internet voting. This result is shown in Figure 2. As a voter’s
age increases, the likelihood of choosing to vote by mail increases substantially, while
the likelihood of voting by Internet or in person decreases at a more gradual rate. The
effect of age on the likelihood to vote by Internet may not be surprising to young people,
who are probably the to most comfortable out any age group with using the Internet, but
it is important for the study of early voting reforms. Other studies of early voting
reforms, especially voting by mail, have found that older voters are more likely to
benefit from early voting reforms. This research shows that young voters benefit from
the option to vote on the Internet.
0 .2 .4 .6
Probability of Voting
20 40 60 80 100
Age of Voter
In Person Mail
Figure 2: Probability of Voting by Internet, Mail, or In-Person by Age of Voter
The dummy variables for nonvoter, infrequent voter, and occasional voter are
statistically significant at the .01 level in both models (regular voter is the suppressed
category). As expected, being designated as a “nonvoter” was strongly and negatively
related to voting on the Internet or by mail in the second model. Being an “infrequent
voter (one who voted in one general election but no primaries) was strongly and
positively related to voting on the Internet, but strongly and negatively related to voting
by mail, when controlling for other factors in the model. On the other hand, being an
“occasional” voter (one who had voted in at least one primary) was positively related to
voting by mail but negatively related to voting by Internet, controlling for other factors
in the model. These findings are similar to those of Berinsky, Burns, and Traugott
[BBT01], who found that individuals who voted sporadically were more likely to benefit
from Oregons vote-by-mail program. This model goes further to show that there is a
difference between levels of frequency of voting. Infrequent voters were more likely to
benefit from Internet voting, but occasional voters were more likely to benefit from mail
voting. Figure 3 shows the predicted probabilities across the different categories of vote
history for low and high values of a voter’s age.
Choice of Voting Method by Age and Voting History
Nonvoter Infrequent Voter Occasional Voter Regular Voter
Figure 3: Predicting Choice of Voting Method for Voters Who Participated in the 2004 Michigan
Democratic Primary, by Voter’s Age and Individual Voting History
Younger voters in almost every category of voting history were more likely than older
voters to choose Internet voting, and older voters were more likely to choose mail voting
in almost every category. The only category in which both younger and older voters
were more likely to choose Internet voting was for infrequent voters. For infrequent
voters, 25 year olds were 41% likely to vote on the Internet and only 6% likely to vote
by mail, and 60 year olds were 33% likely to vote by Internet and 15% likely to vote by
mail. Although I expected to find that young voters would be more likely to choose
Internet voting, I did not expect older voters to choose Internet voting over mail voting.
This unexpected finding suggests that for future applications of this research, the
composition of the voting history categories should be tested for robustness. The limits
of time and computing power prevented this research from testing any additional
models. It is also clear from Figure 2 that voting in person was the most popular choice
across all categories of age and voting history, and that nonvoters – those who had not
participated in any previous elections since 1998 – were the most likely to vote in person
on election day.
Two of the variables of interest, race and education, are not significant in the second
model. In the first model, education is significant for the decision to vote in person
versus not voting, but it is not significant for the choice to vote by Internet versus not
voting. Race is only significant in the first model for the decision to vote in person
versus not voting, but the effect is small. Both variables reach significance when they are
interacted with voting history, which suggests that it is the combination of voting history
and these demographic variables that has an effect on voting choice, but even here the
effect is small. An infrequent voter living in a zip code that is 80% black has a 34%
likelihood of voting on the Internet and a 13% likelihood of voting by mail, compared to
an infrequent voter living in a zip code that is 20% black who is just one percentage
point more likely to vote on the Internet and has the same likelihood of voting by mail.
6 Conclusion
This research shows that Internet voting as an early voting reform helps bring two
groups into the electorate who might not otherwise have voted: young people and people
who were infrequent voters. These findings are important for policy makers and election
administrators to consider when evaluating new voting reforms, since they provide
evidence that Internet voting can be effective at bringing young voters into the
electorate. They are also important in light of the recent research on voting reforms,
which have been almost unanimous in their findings that no new groups of voters are
drawn into the electorate.
Since voting history has been shown to be an important predictor of future voting
behavior, new studies of the effects of voting reforms on individual voters must include
information about voting history. State voter registration files should be utilized by
political scientists, as they are used by political professionals, to inform predictions and
explanations about voting behavior and the effects of early voting reforms. The Help
America Vote Act of 2002 has helped states streamline their voter registration databases,
and these advances should aid political scientists in obtaining state voting archives that
are suitable for research purposes.
Several state legislatures have proposed an expansion of no-excuse absentee mail
programs, and some states are even considering adoption of all vote-by-mail systems
like Oregon’s. According to, a non-partisan election reform advocacy
organization, there is legislation currently pending in 19 states to expand mail absentee
voting programs. This research suggests that states should also consider implementing
Internet voting as an absentee voting method, if the goal of reformers is to encourage
voting among young people. This research also suggests that a switch to all mail voting
programs could actually decrease turnout among young voters.
Of course there are many concerns about Internet voting that are not addressed in this
paper, including security concerns that some scholars suggest are insurmountable in
large-turnout public elections [Ca00]. However, I believe the implications for young
voters are so important that more experiments with Internet voting as an early voting
method should be tried. Alvarez and Hall agree that more controlled experiments with
Internet voting should be designed and implemented in order to learn more about the
effects on turnout among demographic groups and the potential security risks [AH04].
As an early voting method, Internet voting can be implemented in a way that is very
similar to a traditional absentee ballot, as it was in the 2004 Michigan primary. The
important distinction for young voters is that instead of going to a post office, voters go
to a website to vote, and in this election that seems to have made a difference.
Dependent Variable
Participation in the 2004 Michigan 4 categories, coded:
Democratic Presidential Primary 0 = Did not vote
1 = Voted in person
2 = Voted by Internet
3 = Voted by Mail
Explanatory Variables
Age Voter’s age in years, taken from the birth year listed on the Michigan Qualified
Voter File.
Gender Coded 0 for Male and 1 for Female, taken from the Michigan Voter File.
Income Median income in the voter’s zip code of residence, in thousands, taken from the
2000 Census.
Education Percent college educated in the voter’s zip code of residence, taken from the
2000 Census.
Race Percent African American in the voter’s zip code of residence, taken from the 2000
Zip Code Voter’s zip code of residence.
2000 Gore vote: Percent of the vote for Al Gore in 2000 by State House district, adjusted
for the 2002 state legislative redistricting, provided by Brian F. Schaffner of American
Vote History Variables
Vote history data is from the Michigan Qualified Voter File and includes information for
the following elections: 1998 primary and general, 2000 primary and general, 2002
primary and general.
Nonvoter: Coded 1 for individuals who did not participate in any of the elections taken
from the state voter file; coded 0 otherwise.
Infrequent voter Coded 1 for individuals who participated in at least 1 general election
but no primaries; coded 0 otherwise.
Occasional voter Coded 1 for individuals who participated in at least 1 primary election;
coded 0 otherwise.
Regular voter Coded 1 for individuals who participated in all of the last 3 elections (the
2002 general and primary and the 2000 general); coded 0 otherwise.
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Session 3: Legal & Procedural Issues of E-Voting
A Methodology for Assessing Procedural Security:
A Case Study in E-Voting
Komminist Weldemariam
, Adolfo Villafiorita
Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Center for Scientific and Technological Research (fbk-irst)
Sommarive 18 I-38050 Povo (TN) – Italy
DISI, University of Trento
Sommarive 14 I-38100 Povo (TN) – Italy
Abstract: This paper presents a methodology for procedural security analysis in
order to analyze and eventually try to make elections more secure. Our approach
is based on modelling the electoral procedures in the form of business process
models (which we write in a strict simplified subset of UML), systematically
translate the models into executable formal specifications, and analyze the
specifications against security properties. We believe such an analysis to be
essential to identifying the limits of the current procedures (i.e. undetected attacks)
and to identify more precisely under what hypotheses we can guarantee secure
elections. This paper presents the approach and demonstrates with an example
taken from the e-Voting procedures enacted within the ProVotE project, current
trial of the Italian legislation.
1 Introduction
The organization of elections in Italy involves various offices of the Public
Administration and private contractors, has a time-span of months, and has strict security
and traceability requirements. Sensibility by citizens and politicians is very high, and
litigation over, e.g., implementation of procedures and validity of results are not
uncommon. The Autonomous Province of Trento who has autonomy over local election
is evaluating the switch to e-voting and, to that extent, is sponsoring the ProVotE project
The switch to electronic elections in Italy, however, is a long and difficult process that
requires extreme attention, including a thorough understanding of the limits of the risks
associated to the procedures or to the combination of the procedures and systems chosen
for voting. (See, e.g., [ALRL04; Mya05; FM06; MFMP07; BLRS06; LKK+03; Ale04]
for a discussion of security risks associated to the usage of ICT systems and elections.)
We are approaching the problem by reasoning about the procedures and controls that
regulate the usage of e-voting systems. We do so by providing formal models of the
procedures, by "injecting" threats in such models and by analyzing, through the help of
model checker, the effects of such threats. We believe such an analysis to be essential to,
first, identifying the security boundaries— that is the conditions under which procedures
can be carried out securely and, secondly, devise a set of requirements, to be applied
both at the organizational level and on the (software) systems used to make systems and
system processes secure. In particular, the violation of security properties could provide
clues about a sequence of actions that an adversary uses to construct attacks before or
during the execution of procedures.
The main contribution of this paper is twofold. On one hand we are tackling the problem
at the procedural level —namely, we are trying to understand weaknesses and strengths
of the procedures regulating an election, in order to analyze possible attacks and their
effects on the electoral system, and, more specifically, possible attacks and threats that
can be realistically carried out on the e-voting machines. On the other hand, we are
interested in devising techniques and tools to analyze security threats at the
organizational/procedural level, and eventually make comparison between as-is and to-
be election system procedures.
This paper refines and extends the work presented in [WVM07], and it is structured as
follows. In the next chapter we explain the ProVotE project scopes under which this
work has been developed. In Chapter 3, we describe the context of procedural security in
detail. In Chapter 4, we describe our methodology for procedural security analysis and
illustrate the approach with an example in Chapter 5. Finally, in Chapter 6, conclusions
drawn from this work are discussed.
2 The ProVotE Project and Motivations
ProVotE [VF06], a project sponsored by Provincia Autonoma di Trento (PAT), has the
goal of ensuring a smooth transition to e-voting in Trentino, eliminating risks of digital
divide and providing technological solutions which support, with legal value, the phases
ranging from voting to the publication of the elected candidates.
The project includes partners from the public administration (PAT, Regione
Trentino/Alto-Adige, Consorzio dei Comuni Trentini, Comune di Trento, IPRASE),
research centers and academia (FBK, Faculty of Sociology of the University of Trento,
Fondazione Graphitech), and local industries (Informatica Trentina). The technological
solution (both software and some hardware components) has been developed in house,
providing integration with some commercial components.
The project is multi-phased and is organized in various lines of activities that strictly
interact (see also [VF06; CBF+06] for more details).
The first phase had the goal of testing prototypes, evaluating acceptance by citizens, ease
of use, and some organizational aspects. Verification of the results achieved in the first
phase was conducted through four different trials (between 2005 and 2006) held during
local elections. Participation to the first phase has been quite high: about 10,000 citizens
took part in the experimentation
During the second phase of the project we used the electronic systems in two elections,
with legal value. The first election was the election of student representatives in a local
high school and it involved 1,298 students. The second election — conducted in the
towns of Campolongo al Torre and Tapogliano in Friuli-Venezia Giulia (November
2007), a neighboring region with autonomy similar to that of PAT — was a poll to unify
the two municipalities; 561 people used the system.
For the third phase of the project, which could lead to a large-scale introduction of the
new voting system, aspects related to procedures, logistics, and organization become
more relevant, as they will serve both as the basis for the deployment of the solution and
for the definition of the laws that will govern the electronic election.
With respect to scope, population, and participation, ProVotE is among the largest, if not
the largest, e-voting project in Italy.
3 The Context of Procedural Security Analysis
Procedural security deals with the identification, modelling, establishment, and
enforcement of security policies about the procedures that regulate the usage of a system
and system processes.
The situation is depicted in Figure 1. Our target of evaluation is a complex organization
setting in which procedures transform and elaborate assets, which may not necessarily
be just digital assets (like, e.g., paper documents are also sensitive assets). The
procedures and the organization are meant to add value to the assets and high desire to
protect them from attacks, which can either come from external sources or from insiders.
Detailed results of all the experimentations and elections conducted within the ProVotE project are available
on the Internet at: and
In particular, we distinguish the following kind of attacks:
1. Attacks on digital assets (item 1 and item 3 in Figure 1). These attacks are
meant to alter one or more of the digital assets of an organization. Attacks can either be
carried out from external sources (the environment) or from internal sources.
Opportunities for attacks are determined by the organizational setting and by the security
provided by the digital systems.
2. Attacks on other kinds of assets (item 2 and item 4 in Figure 1). These attacks
are meant to alter one or more of the non-digital assets of an organization. Attacks can
either be carried out from external sources (the environment) or from internal sources.
Opportunities for attacks are determined by the organizational settings only.
Figure 1: Procedural security Analysis.
Security assessment usually focuses on understanding items 1 and 3, namely, types and
effects of attacks on (software) systems. In order to address the scenario depicted above
in a systematic and tool-supported way, we lift the security assessment at the
organizational level and we call procedural security analysis the usage of techniques and
tools to understand the impact and effects of procedural threats, namely courses of
actions that can take place during the execution of the procedures and which are meant
to alter the assets manipulated by procedures in an unlawful way.
4 A Methodology for Procedural Security Analysis
We developed a precise methodology to perform formal procedural security analysis,
based on the following steps (see also Figure 2):
Figure 2: The process of formal procedural security.
1. Provide (business) models of the procedures under evaluation. The starting
point is a model that describes the process or the processes to be analyzed (Step 1 of
Figure 2). In order to ease the task of translating the models into executable asset-flows,
we defined and stuck to a subset of the UML activity diagrams. This allows us to
describe the concepts like asset, processes, and accessory information (such as, location)
in a strict and defined way. So far we managed to provide UML models of the electoral
procedures in place in the Autonomous Province of Trento and in Regione Friuli
Venezia Giulia. We use Visual Paradigm
as our reference-modelling tool. See some
previous works [Man03; Mat06; Cia07] for more details about the notation, tool support,
and the model themselves.
2. Inject Threat actions into the model. We generate, from the models defined at
the previous step, what we call extended model (Step 2 of Figure 2). The extended model
is generated by “injecting” asset-threats in the nominal flow of the procedures. Thus, in
the extended model, not only assets are modified according to what the procedures
define, but they can also be transformed by the (random) execution of one or more threat
actions. The possible impact of threats depends upon the injection strategy that is
chosen. The most general strategy is that of injecting all possible threats at all possible
steps of the process (the model checker will take care of “pruning” useless threats,
namely threats which do not lead to any successful attack). The construction of the
extended model, whose generation can be automated, is currently performed by hand.
3. Encode the Asset Flows. From the extended models defined at the previous
step we derive the asset flows of each asset manipulated by the procedures (Step 3 of
Figure 2). Asset flows are represented in the NuSMV input language. The NuSMV
model of the asset flows is based on the definition of “program counters” that ensure that
procedures are executed according to the specifications, and by defining one module per
asset with one state variable per asset-feature. The state variables encode how features
change during the execution of the procedures. Accessory information, such as actors
responsible for the different activities, can be used, e.g., to enrich the language used to
express security properties. The necessity of modelling actors’ roles in NuSMV depends
upon the target of the security analysis. Note that from the list of activities executed to
carry out, e.g., an attack, we can derive the list of actors involved, simply by looking at
the UML activity diagrams.
4. Specify Security Properties to Check. The specifications of the desired
(procedural) security properties, namely, the security goals that have to be satisfied, are
then encoded using LTL/CTL formulas (Step 4 of Figure 2), which then (together with
the model) are given as input to NuSMV.
5. Perform Analysis. We finally run the model checker to perform the analyses
(Step 5 of Figure 2). Counterexamples of security properties encode the sequence of
actions that have to be executed in order to carry out an attack on an asset.
6. Analyze Results. The last step is analyzing the obtained results (Step 6 of
Figure 2). Counterexamples are used to achieve the following two goals. First, they
allow to understand what are the hypotheses and conditions under which a given security
goal is achieved or breached. Second, they provide information to try and modify the
existing procedures, so that security breaches are taken care of. Analogously to what
happens in safety analysis when analyzing, e.g., the loss of critical functions, enhancing
the procedures results in reducing the probability of an attack or making the attack more
complex, rather than eliminating it [Mar07].
5 A Case Study Example
Modelling Asset-flow, Step 1. Figure 3 shows a fragment of the procedure that is
followed during project trials for the transfer of election results from polling stations to
Electoral Office. The diagram abstracts away those details that are irrelevant for the sake
of presentation, e.g. details related to the alternative modelling choices for carrying out
the data transfer process are omitted. We also hide some actors' responsibilities by
collapsing, e.g. Secretary, Scrutinizers, them into a single actor. See in [Vol07] for detail
strategies of data transfer process and how the alternative choices are modelled.
The diagram illustrates (see Figure 3), after the election, the Section President (one of
the Poll Officers) deactivates the voting machines, extracts (from the voting machine)
printed votes, the USB key with the results, and other artifacts, and prepares a package
containing votes and various reports, to be delivered to the Electoral Office. Electronic
data are transmitted through a VPN and the USB key with the electronic results
delivered to the Electoral office via a “messenger” (e.g. a police officer).
Figure 3: An example of asset flow.
Threat Injection, Step 2. The next step is injecting, that is, extending the model with
threat actions and generate the extended model. Figure 4 shows some examples of threat-
actions injected into the nominal model of Figure 3. In the extended model, threat
actions are marked with the stereotype “threat-action”. Impact of the attacks depend
upon the asset they target and the position, in the procedure, where the attack take place.
For instance, replacing the results of a polling station in a USB key has no effect after
the result have been generated. (On the other hand it may change the results of the
election if performed before the results have been computed.)
Figure 4: An example of extended model.
Asset-Flow encoding, Step 3. Below we show a snippet of the code that defines the
asset type electionResult and some of its feature variables, named state (the states in
which the electionResult can be) and the content (the qualitative value of the
electionResult can be).
The evolution of assets’ properties is encoded using state machines, which are encoded
in NuSMV with the next construct (which specifies the value of a variable at step n+1,
given the value at step n). Below, for instance, we show a piece of NuSMV code that
illustrated how the content variable of electionResult asset changes:
Threat injection (model extension) corresponds to augmenting the state machine of the
asset flow with new transitions (e.g., adding a transition that leads to a garbage state of
content) corresponding to the execution of threat actions. The triggering of a threat
action is "monitored" through boolean variables that are set to true when the action takes
place, as illustrate by the following pieces of code:
Note that in the codes above we have left some detail specification (such as location) for
the matter of presentation purposes. Analogously, the remaining asset flows and model
extension encodings can be encoded.
Specify Security Properties and Perform Analysis, Step 4 & 5. We use temporal logic
formulas to represent the properties of interest and model check them using the NuSMV
tool. In particular, security properties are specified using LTL/CTL logic language. LTL
is used to reason on the computational path scenarios of an asset (e.g., what can happen
as asset travels along different locations), while CTL to reason about the existence of
specific states (e.g., is there any particular state in which an asset can be altered in an
undesired way).
Among the property classes we are interested in is that of verifying a property about
"Safe transfer of election result." A desirable property, for instance, that we want to
specify and analyze can be described in plain text as: “It is never the case that election
officials receive modified election data before computing the final result." This property
is expressed in CTL formula as:
We give the above property to NuSMV tool to check that the property holds. However,
the tool generates a counter-example showing the violation of the given property. Upon
analyzing the generated counter-example, the election result is replaced (i.e., a replace
attack is in place) following the introduction of a wrong election data into the asset flow,
which, in turn, causes wrong delivery of election result to the electoral office. Among
the possible scenarios that we analyzed, at some time a malicious election data is
introduced while poll officer is preparing the data to transfer to electoral office. At the
same time, an attacker implements replace attack before loading the memory support.
6 Related Work
Various approaches (for specifying, modelling, analyzing, and assessing security) have
been proposed in the past and proven useful for zeroing the security lacks of the
analyzed systems (see, for instance, [FM06; BDL+03; VWW06; Wim05]).
To our knowledge, however, formal procedural security analysis is quite an un-explored
area. The work closest in spirit to ours can be found in [XM04, XM05], where the
authors argue the need for procedural security in electronic elections and provide various
examples of procedural risks occurred during trials in the UK; in [LKK+03, XM06]
where the authors highlight the importance of defining roles and responsibilities in e-
voting and in [Ale05] where the need for applying business process re-engineering to the
electoral process is emphasized. Our focus, however, is on the technical machinery to
automate analyses.
Volha et al. [Vol07] presents an approach to reason on security properties of the to-be
models (which are derived from as-is model) in order to evaluate procedural alternatives
in e-voting systems using Tropos.
Finally, Alexander et al. in [PKKU04] also highlighted a comprehensive way of
overviewing attacks against sensible assets in all stages of e-voting.
7 Conclusion
In this paper we presented a methodology to perform procedural security analysis based
on explicit reasoning on asset-flows — notably, by building a model to describe the
nominal procedures implementation, enriching this model with possible threat actions,
and encoding the extended model to suit for model checking techniques which, in turn,
allows to reason on different aspects of the procedures such as, the "actor-play-role"
principle and some reachability analysis for some undesired state of an asset. Among the
advantages of our approach, the possibility of getting a better comprehension of the
effect and impact of combined attacks to the assets of an election.
The model checker runs that were made on the current version of the specification have
not revealed much interesting results though seemed useful; therefore, much work needs
to be done in order to see if the model can be fully verified or if any interesting results
can be uncovered. Moreover, we need to consolidate our approach and provide
guidelines that can be incorporated in the Common Criteria [cc07], both
methodologically and in a tool supported way to automate the analysis.
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Secure Remote Voter Registration
Victor Morales-Rocha
, Jordi Puiggalí
, Miguel Soriano
Scytl Secure Electronic Voting
Tuset 20 1-7 Barcelona, Spain
{victor.morales| jordi.puiggali}
Technical University of Catalonia
Department of Telematics Engineering
Jordi Girona 1-3 Barcelona, Spain
Abstract: Voter registration is an important issue in election processes. In order to
protect the election accuracy, it is necessary to have an accurate electoral roll of
eligible voters. The electoral roll is usually constructed by means of a voter
registration system that compiles voter data either in person or remotely. Current
solutions for remote voter registration lack effective methods to prevent
impersonation, multiple registrations and alterations on voter information. In this
paper we propose a remote voter registration scheme that increases the accuracy of
the current systems. In this scheme the voter identification is carried out by means
of some biometric systems. Biometrics is also used to prevent impersonation,
detect multiple registrations from the same person and protect from alterations of
the registration information.
1 Introduction
Lately, there has been an increasing interest to improve the efficiency in the election
processes, which has resulted in a wide range of proposals for new election systems.
Most of the proposals have been focused in voting and tallying stages, giving least
interest to voter registration stage.
Voter registration is the process of collecting the voters’ data in order to constitute an
electoral roll. Because of the fact that the electoral roll determines if a voter has the right
to cast a vote during the voting stage, it has to be formed in an efficient way. Even when
voting and tallying stages have the greatest security level, a deficient voter registration
system can facilitate fraud practices that can even affect the accuracy of the election.
Voter registration is conventionally carried out face to face with the registration
authority. However, since many voters are residing abroad during an election process, it
has been necessary to have new methods to collect, remotely and in a secure manner, the
information of such voters. As in most of the remote transactions, current remote voter
registration systems face some security problems. These problems are mainly related to
the inability to accurately verify the identity of the voter, which can facilitate
impersonation or multiple registrations by the same voter with different data [El07].
In this paper we propose a remote voter registration scheme, in which some biometric
systems play an important roll to protect the accuracy of the electoral roll. Biometric
systems have already considered in electronic voting in the voting phase, e.g. [Ho07].
However, they have not been extensively used in the voting or in the registration phase.
It is important to note that sometimes voter registration is related to the voter credential
generation process. Some authors have made proposals about this subject [Ac04, Kr07,
Sc06]. However, in the context of this paper, voter registration is related to the creation
of the electoral roll.
Section 2 presents a panorama of the current voter registration systems, as well as an
analysis of biometrics and how these can be applied to improve the voter registration
process. In section 3, our proposal is described. Section 4 concludes by emphasizing the
advantages that our proposal gives to the remote voter registration process.
2 Voter Registration
2.1 Current Voter Registration Systems
Nowadays, in some countries like The United States [Fv08] or United Kingdom [El08] it
is common to carry out remote voter registration. These methods allow the voter to fill
out his or her own paper registration form remotely (e.g., at home) and return this form
to the registration officers by using a delivery channel or optionally attending in person
to a registration site. Registration forms are usually available to voters through postal
delivery or downloading them from the network. In both cases voters fill out handwrite
sign and return the forms to the registration officers using a postal delivery or any other
alternative channels such as fax or e-mail (attaching a scanned copy of the filled form)
[Fv08]. Furthermore, there are countries [De06] introducing the use of web interfaces to
allow voters to fill out the registration form online, speeding up the remote acquisition of
voter registration information.
After sending the registration form, if a voter wishes to verify that the registration has
been received by the registration officers, he or she can contact them through e-mail or a
phone call.
In the cases previously described, the identification of the voter is done by one or the
combination of the following techniques: the verification of personal information of the
voter and the verification of some physical characteristics of the voter. The first
technique consists of registration officers checking to see if the voter included in the
form some personal information that it is also stored in the voter register. Some
examples could be the date of birth, the social security number or any other familiar
information (e.g., mothers’ maiden name, etc.). The problem with using such
information for identifying the voter is that this information could be available in other
databases (e.g., the member database of a social club) or could be known by people close
to the voter. Therefore, it could be easy to impersonate a voter in the registration process
just using this information.
The second technique consists of requiring verifying the identity of the voter based on
checking some voter personal characteristics, such as a handwriting signature stamped
on the form or the face or fingerprint of the voter against an image or template contained
in some identity card or database. Face recognition requires the physical presence of the
voter and therefore, it is not suitable for a real remote voter registration. However,
handwriting recognition is the usual way implemented by remote registration and
therefore the main one considered in this paper. In any case, the accuracy of this second
technique of voter identification is based on the ability of the registration officers to
validate the voter authentication data. Considering that most of these officers are not
handwriting or physiognomy experts, we cannot expect high levels of accuracy.
Furthermore, current remote voter registration methods do not check if the same person
has filled out more than a registration form by using the names of different valid voters.
That is, using handwriting signatures as a reference, the verification process is based on
looking for similarities between the signature on the form and a pre-existing signature.
Therefore, detecting a person filling out more than one registration form signed with
different signatures could be unfeasible for a registration officer. In this case, registration
officers must have the ability to extract the identity of a person from the handwriting
signature instead of looking for similarities. It is important to mention that registration
officers usually do not have a pre-existing signature of the voter. Therefore, the signature
contained in the registration form is only used to create a temporary database of
signatures that will be used to identify the voters during the vote casting process. For
example, in the case of postal voting, the voter signature stored during the registration
process is compared against the signature contained in the postal envelope to detect if the
vote has been cast by the legitimate voter.
Finally, in addition to identification accuracy, there are additional problems in current
remote registration scheme. The contents of the registration form can be altered after the
voter has sent this form. Furthermore, the handwriting signature on the form can be re-
used by an attacker to fill out a different registration form. This problem lies in the fact
that handwriting signatures (as well as face recognition) are not bound to the contents of
the register. Therefore, any change in the contents of the registration form or the re-use
of a valid handwriting signature in a different form cannot be detected by simply
verifying the signature.
Summarizing, current voter registration systems face the following problems:
- Accuracy to validate the voter identity;
- Prevention of multiple registers by voters; and
- Integrity of voter registration information.
To increase the accuracy of remote registration process, we propose the combination of
biometric systems and cryptographic functions. Below we analyze which are the
improvements of adding both techniques in remote registration process.
2.2 Accuracy on Biometric Systems
In some way, the voter registration systems previously described are based on the use of
biometrics. Registration officers usually verify some physical characteristics that
uniquely identify the voter, such as a picture (facial identification) or the signature of the
voter. However, one of the main issues of this identification is the accuracy on the
process, since not all the registration officers are, for example, handwriting or
physiological experts. In this sense, we propose the use of biometric systems to help
registration officers to improve the accuracy of voter identification. However, are all the
biometrics systems suitable for a remote voter registration?
Biometric systems are electronic systems specialized on identifying a user by means of
processing unique physiological or behavioural characteristic of the user. Biometrics
systems are classified based on the unique characteristic of the user that is used for the
identification, for instance: DNA, face, fingerprint, iris, palmprint, retina,
writing/signature and voice. However, the accuracy on the different biometric system is
not the same, since each of the biometric characteristics processed has advantages and
A good biometric characteristic must fulfil some requirements [JR04]:
- Universality- Each individual should have the characteristic.
- Uniqueness- How well the characteristic makes different two individuals.
- Permanence- How well the characteristic endures over time.
- Collectability- Ease of acquiring the characteristic.
- Performance- Refers to the speed and accuracy of recognition as well as the
resources required to do it (cost).
- Acceptability. It indicates the level of acceptance of people to use the
- Robustness. It reflects the level of resistance against fraudulent methods
attempting to mislead the system.
In our analysis, we considered an additional requirement for remote voter registration:
the biometric system must be remotely available for most of the voters. Therefore, the
acquisition of the biometric information must be supported using standard means or
devices. This reduces the number of potential candidates to handwriting signatures and
voice biometrics, since these allow biometric information to be acquired by means of
scanning the signature written in the paper registration form or a voice recording made
from a standard telephone. About handwriting biometrics, there are two distinct
techniques, namely on-line and off-line handwriting. Besides the shape of the signature,
on-line signatures take into account other aspects such as pen timing, pressure or writing
trajectory. However, we do not consider on-line signatures a good candidate, since it
requires voters to have available a digital-pad for acquiring a writing of a text (e.g., the
signature of the voter). Therefore we will focus on off-line signatures.
Using pre-existing biometric systems comparative analysis [JR04, Ti06] and taking
fingerprint biometrics as reference, the proposed biometrics systems fulfil the
requirements previously introduced as follows (L=Low, M=Medium and H=High).
Fingerprint H H H M H M M
Off-line Signature M M L H L H L
Voice M M M H M H L
Table 1. Comparison of three example biometric systems
From this comparison we can conclude that off-line signatures and voice biometrics are
not as robust as fingerprint biometrics systems. However, the introduction of voice
biometrics could improve the current systems based on handwriting signatures.
Another important aspect of performance on biometrics is the accuracy of the
identification process. There are three parameters that can help to determine in a
quantitative manner such accuracy:
- False rejection rate (FRR). It is the percentage of eligible user requesting
access declared by the system as non-eligible;
- False acceptance rate (FAR). It is the percentage of non-eligible access
attempts identified as valid users.
- Equal error rate (ERR). The point at which FRR and FAR are the same.
Additional comparative analysis of the same biometrics systems used in Table 1, provide
the following measures from the accuracy point of view.
Biometrics FRR FAR EER References
Fingerprint 2.2% 2.2% 2.2% [Ca06], [Bi06]
Signature off-line 10-30 % 10-30% 10-30%
KSX04], [YJX07]
Voice 5-10% 2-5% 6% [Re05], [PM04]
Table 2. Accuracy performance of biometric systems
Based on the values shown in table 2, fingerprints are again, the best positioned
biometric characteristic. However, as we will explain in the definition of our proposal,
fingerprints do not give any advantage over the current solutions on remote registration
environment. Furthermore, voice biometrics behave better than handwriting signatures.
The values for voice have been obtained by using a telephone communication [Re05].
2.3 Preventing Multiple Registration on Biometric Systems
Another issue detected during the study of the current remote registration systems is the
capacity to detect multiple registers from the same voter. To analyze how biometric
systems can manage this issue, we considered the two main operation contexts
implemented by biometric systems for user authentication: verification and
Verification. In this context, the system verifies a user identity by comparing the given
biometric data with a template stored in the system database. To start the comparison,
the user gives a personal ID or username known by the system. The system then
retrieves the template related to such user and carries out a one-to-one comparison. That
way it is possible to determine if a user is who she claims to be.
Identification. In this context, the user does not need a personal ID or username. Based
on the biometric characteristic given by the user, the system has to identify if such
characteristic corresponds to one stored in its database. In this case, a one-to-n
comparison is carried out.
Based on the operation of both contexts, we can identify that current remote voter
registration methods only use the verification context; registration officers use voter
personal information to retrieve the signature stored in their database for the comparison.
However, using a biometric system in the identification context, the signature of the
register could be checked against the complete database of signatures stored. Then, in
case the same voter attempts to register more than once using different personal
information, she will be detected. Therefore, the use of an identification context prevents
multiple registrations by voter.
2.4 Binding Biometrics and Contents
Finally, in order to overcome the feasibility of an attacker changing the contents of a
registration form, or separating such contents from the voter identification element, it is
necessary to get a link between the contents of the registration form and the voter
identification element.
Nowadays, a usual method to protect information is the digital signature. A digital
signature protects the information from alterations and binds such information to its
author. However, digital signatures have important logistic problems, for example it is
necessary for a PKI to generate and provide users with digital certificates.
On the other hand, despite the advantages that biometrics can give to the identification or
verification aspects, not all the biometric techniques provide a bind between the
biometric characteristic and the contents of a message. For example, in the comparisons
presented, fingerprint is considered the most efficient biometric in the values scale given.
However, neither fingerprints nor signatures, are usable for binding the contents. In both
cases the contents of a message can be manipulated and this cannot be detected by
means of the fingerprint or signature.
We have evaluated how to take advantage from the most usable biometrics to carry out
the voter registration process in a more effective way. The main idea, as we already have
mentioned, is to bind the contents of the registration form to the identification element
(i.e. the biometric characteristic). Table 3 shows a new element (hand-writing) and a new
requirement (content binding). The handwriting element is added as an extension of
signature. Handwriting refers to the unique characteristics that an individual posseses in
his or her writing. The new requirement added in table 3 refers to the ability to bind the
contents, in our case registration information, to the biometric characteristic. Note that
both signature and writing have the same values in the initial compared requirements.
However, writing biometrics as well as voice possesses that peculiar characteristic,
which is the binding that can give between the biometric characteristic and the contents
of the message. In the proposal, we take advantage of such binding to improve the
current registration systems.
Fingerprint H H H M H M M No
Signature off-line M M L H L H L No
Handwriting M M L H L H L Yes
Voice H M M H M H L Yes
Table 3. An extended comparison of biometric characteristics
3. Proposal
This proposal carries out a remote voter registration in a secure way. It protects from
alterations the contents of the voter registration information by binding such information
to the voter identity. This is reached by means of combining biometrics and
cryptographic techniques that do not require a public key infrastructure. It consists of
creating a kind of biometric digital signature. That means a biometric characteristic that
can give at the same time both authentication and integrity to the contents.
The scenario for the application of the scheme is a voter registration over Internet.
However, other application scenarios are currently possible.
In this scheme, four participants are necessary during the voter registration process: a
citizen requesting to be a voter, a registration module, a validation module and the
registration officer.
Voter- The voter provides her personal data in order to generate the registration
information. The voter also will collaborate to generate a registration proof based on
both, her biometric characteristic and the registration information.
Registration module- This module is used to enter the voter registration information and
generate an integrity proof of such registration information.
Validation module- The registration proof is generated by means of this module. Such
proof is generated with the biometric information provided by the voter.
Registration officers- The registration officers receive the voter register information and
carry out some validation processes.
The scheme is divided in two main stages:
- Introduction of the voter registration information and protection of the integrity
- Generation and validation of a registration proof
Based on this division the scheme behaves as follows.
3.1 Introduction of the Voter Registration Information and Protection of the
The voter connects to the Web site of the Registration Module by means of a secure and
encrypted channel, e.g. SSL. The Web site provides a registration form. The voter fills
out the registration form with his or her required personal data. Once the registration
form is completed, an integrity proof is generated by the Registration Module. Such
integrity proof is a cryptographic hash function of the registration information provided
by the voter.
The integrity proof is then represented in a format that can be legible by the voter, for
instance, a base-32 notation [RFC06]. We selected base-32 notation instead of others
available notations (e.g., base-64) for usability reasons: it uses a reduced set of
characters focused on minimizing interpretation mistakes. For example, the number 0 is
not included in the representation set to prevent being confused by the letter “O.”
This representation is shown to the voter by means of the same communication channel.
Figure 1 shows the interaction between the voter and the Registration Module to carry
out the remote registration and get the integrity proof.
Int ernet
pro of
Figure 1: Interaction between Voter and Registration Module
In order to get the integrity proof it is used as a combination of MD5 and SHA1 hash
functions. The latest is used in its MAC implementation. This combination is conceived
with the aim of preventing collisions between the digest messages, such as was found in
the last years for MD5 [Ha04, Kl05, Wa05, WY05] and for SHA1 [Wa05, WY05]. The
integrity proof generation is then as follows:
1. Get a digest k from the registration information M
K= MD5 [M
2. Use k as a key to get a HMAC-SHA1 from the same registration information M
, K]
The resultant H is the integrity proof.
Using a combination of MD5 and HMAC-SHA1, the probability to have a collision
decreases significantly. An attacker needs to find a coincidence of collision for the same
text on both systems. In addition, we are reducing the probability of these collisions
without increasing the size of the digest that remains the same as a SHA1 (160 bits).
Since H is based on an HMAC-SHA1, it is 160 bits long, i.e. 2
different digests.
Therefore, a base-32 notation (which is 2
) allows a representation of SHA1 in 32
characters. These 32 characters can be shown to the voter in six groups of five characters
plus the two remaining ones. However, the integrity proof H can be truncated in order to
give a higher usability. For example, taking only the first 20 characters, they can be
shown in five groups of four characters or four groups of five characters, which is usable
To prevent reply attacks, each form has a unique number. Therefore, two forms with the
same contents will always have different integrity proofs.
Finally, the form with the voter register information and integrity proof is sent to the
registration officers. This can be done by posting the on-line registration form or by
printing and sending it by a postal service. The preferred option is using an on-line
channel, since it allows the implementation of cryptographic techniques that cannot be
applied on a postal delivery (e.g., encryption of the information). The received
information is stored by the registration officers pending for further validation.
3.2 Generation and Validation of a Registration Proof
The second stage is the generation of a registration proof and the validation of the
registration information. Based on the previous analysis, we will use a voice biometric
system in this stage.
The voter carries out a communication with the Validation Module. This communication
is done by means of a phone call. Then the voter is asked to give the integrity proof. He
or she speeches the proof previously shown by the Registration Module, i.e. the groups
of characters that represent the integrity proof. By doing this process, the voice of the
voter is bound to the contents of the registration information. This is called the
registration proof. The registration proof is then stored by the Validation Module. Figure
2 shows the interaction between the voter and the Validation Module in order to generate
the registration proof.
The registration proof protects the integrity of the registration information. Any change
in the registration information causes the registration proof to not correspond to the
contents of the registration information. The registration proof also binds the contents of
the registration information to the author, that is, the voter who provides his or her
personal information.
Integrity proof
Figure 2: Interaction between Voter and Validation Module
The interaction between the voter and the Validation Module includes, besides the
speech of the integrity proof, other dynamic data in order to prevent reply attacks in
which an attacker could use a pre-recorded voice of a voter. Such dynamic data could
consist of a challenge to the voter who has to repeat a word or a set of words said by the
Validation Module. That way, the Validation Module can be sure that the integrity proof
is being spoken by a person who is on the other side of the communication line and not
by a pre-recorded or automatic process.
Once the registration officers have recorded the validation proof, they can start the
validation process.
The validation process facilitates the detection of people who attempt to create more
than one record. It is possible to compare the voice of a voter who is validating a new
registration with the set of voices previously recorded. That way, a person attempting to
create a bogus or an additional record will be rejected, and the registration information
associated with the proof provided by such a person will be identified as invalid.
Therefore, the probability of impersonation is low. This verification is not necessarily
carried out on-line but it can be made after the registration process.
Since any attempt at creating bogus records can be detected through the validation
process, the scheme does not require a previous database with the recorded voice of
voters. However, for future registrations, the previous records can be used in order to
validate the voice of the voter who is making the new record.
An additional validation consists on checking the voter registration information against
the associated registration proof. This check will consist on verifying if the integrity
proofs match. That means, if the hash of the voter registration form has the same value
as the one recorded as part of the registration proof.
If registration proofs and voter registration records pass all the validations, election
officers can accept the voter registration information of the voter. If any of the
validations fail, the voter registration form and corresponding registration proof can be
classified as non-validated records. Therefore, registration officers can implement
additional manual checks or contact the voter for checking the process if required.
In a subsequent voting stage, it could be possible to use the registration proof to verify
that the person who is voting is the same who created the registration information by
checking his or her voice.
Our scheme can be also used as a means to activate the voter credentials once they have
been received by the voter. This is usable if the voter credentials are sent to voters by
remote means. In such cases, there is the risk that voter credentials are received or
intercepted by a third person. The activation technique prevents somebody using the
voter credentials instead of the legitimate voter. The activation is carried out by means of
an activation code, which is enclosed to the voter credentials. The voter has to call and
say the activation code to the registration authority and then a process of comparison
between the activation voice and the voice recorded during the registration process is
carried out. If the activation voice is the corresponding one, then the voter credentials are
validated and authorized to participate in the election. That way, an illegitimate use of
the voter credentials is prevented.
Another possible scenario in which our voter registration process can be applied is by
using handwriting biometrics instead of voice. The first part of the process (generation of
the registration information and integrity proof) could be the same as the previously
described, that is, through Internet. The second part of the process (generation of the
integrity proof) is carried by the voter by writing by hand the representation of the
integrity proof. That way, the registration proof binds the contents of the registration
information with the handwriting biometrics of the voter. The handwriting of the
integrity proof is carried out in a form provided by the election authority. Once filled out
by the voter with the hand-written integrity proof, this form is sent to the election
authority by means of postal mail. The sending can be also by electronic means such as
fax or e-mail. In the case of electronic sending, the form has to be previously converted
to a digital format by scanning it. Even when the verification of a writing text is as
difficult as the signature verification, the advantage of the writing text respect to the
signature is that it can do the linking to the contents as we have explained before.
4 Conclusions
Current remote voter registration systems have important issues that can facilitate voter
impersonation. These issues are mainly voter identification accuracy, multiple
registrations from the same person and voter registration information integrity. In this
paper we proposed the use of biometrics systems to increase the voter identification
accuracy of voters that make a remote registration. In addition, operating on an
identification context, biometrics systems can automate the detection of multi
registrations made by the same person. Finally, we identified and proposed some
biometrics methods, such as handwriting and voice biometrics that can also bind the
registration information to the voter identity. Combining this later feature with the use of
cryptographic algorithms, such as hash functions, we also provided a way to protect the
integrity of voter registration information that can be suitable to implement in current
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Long-term Retention in E-Voting –
Legal Requirements and Technical Implementation
Rotraud Gitter
, Lucie Langer
, Susanne Okunick
, Zoi Opitz-Talidou
Universität Kassel
– provet –
Wilhelmshöher Allee 64-66
34119 Kassel, Germany
{r.gitter | z.talidou}
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Cryptography and Computeralgebra
Hochschulstraße 10
64289 Darmstadt, Germany
pawisda systems GmbH
Robert-Koch-Straße 9
64331 Weiterstadt, Germany
Abstract: Legally binding elections require retention of specified election data
such as balloting material. This applies to paper-based as well as electronic
elections. However, in Germany, legal requirements on retention in e-voting have
not been issued so far. Based on the German legal framework for governmental as
well as non-governmental paper-based elections, we give recommendations on
long-term retention in e-voting, applying our results to a state-of-the-art e-voting
scheme. We also review technical measures to meet the security requirements of
long-term retention in e-voting.
1 Introduction
In the context of governmental actions and democratic elections especially, secure long-
term storage is an important issue. Strict regulations apply here and compliance with
these obligations must be documented as a proof of correct process implementation.
Turning to e-government and e-voting in particular, new challenges have to be faced in
this area: While the classical paper-based form of documentation just needs to be stored
in a safe place once and for all, long-term retention of electronic data truly is a long-term
task. Electronic data can easily be changed, therefore issues like integrity and
authenticity must be addressed. Furthermore, due to hardware and software
obsolescence, difficulties in terms of readability emerge.
With respect to democratic elections, the ballots must be retained over a specific period
(usually several years) to allow recounting in case of contestations. Hence, for legally
binding elections there exist legal obligations regarding long-term retention. This applies
to common paper-based as well as electronic elections. But unlike the paper-based
variant, legal regulations for remote electronic elections have not yet been issued in
general. In its recommendation on legal, operational and technical standards for e-voting
[Cou04], the Council of Europe states that “the e-voting system shall maintain the
availability and integrity of the electronic ballot box," which means that “the information
kept in the electronic ballot box must be securely saved for as long as this is necessary to
permit any recount or legal challenge or for the period after the election required by the
electoral process in the member state in question" [Cou04, Standard No. 99]. Concrete
measures are a matter for national legislature. The German Informatics Society
(Gesellschaft für Informatik – GI) has developed a catalogue of requirements for online
elections in non-governmental organizations [Ges05], presuming that there exist no
regulations regarding long-term retention of election results. At the same time, the GI as
well as the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – DFG)
have adopted their own regulations for online elections, which comprise also regulations
regarding long-term retention of election records (cf. [Ges04], [Deu06]).
The different issues of long-term retention in general have been addressed by a lot of
research projects. The projects nestor [nes] and PADI [PAD] brought together and made
available competences and information regarding technical, organizational, and legal
aspects of long-term archiving. InterPARES [Int] is a major international research
initiative that aims at developing the knowledge necessary to provide policies, strategies
and standards capable of ensuring the longevity and trusted authenticity of digital
material. In Germany the DOMEA concept [DOM] defines requirements for document
management and electronic archiving in e-government. The long-term conservation of
electronically signed documents has been addressed by the European
Telecommunications Standards Institute [ETS03] and the projects ArchiSig [Arc] and
TransiDoc [Tra]. The LTANS group [LTA] brings forward the standardization in this
area. However, long-term retention in the context of e-voting has not yet been addressed
before and the question as to which data should be retained is unanswered. [VK06]
focuses on the challenge of providing everlasting privacy for online elections that, at the
same time, are based on cryptosystems that may be broken at some point in the future.
But to the best of our knowledge, long-term retention in the case of electronic elections
has not yet been studied thoroughly before.
Our paper is structured as follows. In Section 2 we review the regulations for paper-
based elections in Germany and transfer them to online voting, providing legal
requirements regarding long-term retention of election data in e-voting. In Section 3 we
apply our results to a state-of-the-art e-voting protocol and evaluate which data must be
retained in particular to meet the legal requirements we have derived. Following a more
technical approach, we report on specific requirements regarding retention in e-voting in
Section 4: Which security objectives must be achieved? Which measures should
therefore be applied? We also provide concrete recommendations regarding the
technical implementation, referring to the protocol we have analyzed in Section 3.
Concluding remarks are given in Section 5.
2 Legal Framework
In the following we analyze the legal regulations that apply to selected election types in
Germany, reaching from governmental elections for democratic decision-making to non-
governmental elections in civil society.
2.1 Legal Requirements for Conventional, Paper-based Elections
Elections of the German Bundestag take place every four years [Sch98]. They are
subject to the Federal Electoral Law (Bundeswahlgesetz – BWG) and specified by the
Federal Election Ordinance (Bundeswahlordnung – BWO), which contains provisions
for documentation and safekeeping of the election material. According to Art. 72 BWO,
the election board has to keep a record of the election process, the vote counting and the
election results. Discarded ballot papers must be enclosed in the record as well as
envelopes and polling cards whose validity has been questioned. The record has to be
approved and signed by the members of the election board. All documents are handed
over to the municipality hereafter. The municipal authorities have to retain the election
documents for a period determined by Art. 90 BWO. Protection against unauthorized
access must be ensured. The following election documents have to be retained for six
months, as long as no scrutiny procedure is pending and no law enforcement authority
needs to investigate regulatory offences: the electoral roll, the polling card register, the
register of invalid polling cards, and the register of persons (for example in hospitals or
monasteries) who according to Art. 29 (1) BWO, were allowed to vote by a moving
election board; furthermore, the form letters containing the signatures assisting the
nomination of candidates. All the other documents such as voting papers, voting
envelopes, and the documents of the postal vote have to be retained in accordance with
Art. 90 (3) BWO for the whole legislative period of the Bundestag, until 60 days before
the elections of a new Bundestag.
The longest retaining period for elections documents amounts to four years. This period
may be extended if pursuant to Art. 49 BWG scrutiny procedures are pending or when
regulatory offences (see Art. 107-108e StGB) need to be investigated by the law
enforcement authorities. Consequently, the appropriate election documents may be
needed for a period of longer than four years to be used as evidence material for the
hearing or the proceedings.
Works Council.
Elections of the works council are held every four years. The election process is
governed by Art. 7-20 of the German Works Constitution Act
(Betriebsverfassungsgesetzes – BetrVG) and, in detail, determined by a special election
ordinance (Wahlordnung – WO). Documentation requirements are stipulated in Art. 18
BetrVG, Art. 16 and 19 WO. According to Art. 18 (3) BetrVG the election board has to
establish a record of the election process subsequently to the termination of the election.
The record must contain the total of the ballot envelopes handed in, the total of valid and
invalid votes, the number of valid votes for every list of candidates, the distribution of
seats to the lists, the names of the elected candidates, and finally, any incidents or
matters that might affect the validity of the election. The record must be signed by the
chairman and at least one different member of the election board (writing requirement).
According to Art. 19 BetrVG an election may be contested if any of the essential rules
regarding the right to vote, eligibility or the electoral procedure have been infringed and
no subsequent correction has been made. In this case only infringements that verifiably
could not have altered or influenced the election results will not affect the validity of the
election. As a rule, contestations must be filed within two weeks of the announcement of
the election results.
However, severe infringements exceptionally may be claimed even hereafter, whereupon
the election result might be declared void at any time. Art. 19 WO therefore stipulates
that the newly elected works council has to retain all relevant election documents at least
until the end of its term of office. These documents are, in addition to the record of the
election board, any other documents in the broadest sense that might be relevant in case
of election contest: for example ballots, announcements of the election board and the
envelopes of late postal votes that were not counted.
Governing Boards of Social Security Institutions.
Elections of the governing boards of the social pension funds as well as for the health,
nursing and accident insurances take place every six years. The election process is
governed by Art. 43 et sqq. of the Social Security Code (SGB IV) and by the special
Electoral Ordinance for that sector (SVWO). According to Art. 91 SVWO there is a
general obligation to retain the election documents for the whole term of office of the
governing boards. However, the voter’s election pass, the ballot papers, the ballot
envelopes and the postal voting envelopes can be discarded if the election is not
contested one month after the announcement of the final results (see Art. 57 (3) SGB
IV). In case of an election contest, these documents have to be retained for at least two
months after the court decision has become legally binding, as far as no special reasons
demand further retaining.
Executive Committee of an Association.
The executive committee of an association is elected at the annual general membership
meeting [Kur04]. The election procedure is organized pursuant to the provisions of Art.
28 et sqq. of the German Civil Code (BGB), if the articles of association do not stipulate
something else (Art. 40 BGB). Details of the electoral procedure, for example the voting
principles, the eligibility requirements, or the modality of the election performance, may
be regulated according to the discretion of the body setting down a separate voting
statute of the association [Rei07].
On the association level, elections have already been carried out electronically: The
German Informatics Society as well as the German Research Foundation have issued
their own e-voting statutes (cf. [Ges04], [Deu06]). Both of them comprise provisions
concerning the retention of electronic election documents and the voting software which
provide for a retention period according to the term of office of the executive committee,
i.e. two and four years, respectively.
2.2 Obligations for Documentation and Retention in E-Voting
Legal rules governing elections demand a thorough documentation of the election
process and the retrieval of the results. Even if it is not explicitly stipulated (as for the
elections of the executive committee of an association), a preservation of these
documents is necessary to prove the dual process of the election and the correct
calculation of results. As a rule these documents should be stored at least for the term of
office of the elected body. E-Voting systems must provide for an appropriate electronic
documentation to prove the compliance with basic voting principles. The election host
therefore must be able to demonstrate how the technical or organizational processes
which could alter or influence the election results work in general and if the system
functions properly. For this purpose the election host must be able to prove the security
of the relevant components and applications of the voting system. The tallying process
must be verifiable and hence repeatable. Thus, in particular the number of cast and
counted ballots – including the number of valid and invalid ballots – must be
documented, as well as logging files that can exclude any manipulation of the system. It
should be possible to recount the election results by a trustworthy counting program. If
legal norms require paper-based documentation (e.g. for the record of the election
board), printouts can be generated and signed by the responsible authority. According to
German law, it is also possible to replace the handwritten signature by a qualified
electronic signature. In any case, qualified signatures should be used to provide for the
integrity and authenticity of the electronic documentation [Siga].
3 Implementing Legal Requirements: A Concrete Example
In the following, we apply our results regarding legal stipulations on long-term retention
to the e-voting scheme designed by Juels, Catalano, and Jakobsson (JCJ) [JCJ05]. First
we give a short description of the protocol. Hereafter we investigate which of the
occuring data must be retained in order to meet the legal requirements we have identified
in Section 2.
3.1 Protocol Description
The scheme proposed by JCJ was the first one to offer coercion-resistance, which means
that a voter cannot be forced to abstain from voting or to vote in a particular way. In
effect, a potential adversary cannot learn whether the coerced voter complied with his
demand. To achieve this, the JCJ scheme is designed such that the identity of the voter
remains hidden during vote-casting and validity of the ballot is verified by blind
comparison against an electoral roll. For this, secret anonymous credentials are
distributed among the voters during registration phase. These credentials serve two
purposes: Firstly, they are employed for authentication and authorization of the voters.
Secondly, they mark a “free” vote in the sense that this vote indeed expresses the voter’s
will; if a voter wants the vote to be accounted, she includes her valid credential. If she
casts the vote under coercion, she attaches an invalid credential. The coercer is not able
to distinguish invalid credentials from valid ones and hence cannot know if the voter has
complied with his demand. Since multiple voting is allowed, the voter can hereafter cast
a valid vote. In the end, only the latest vote with a valid credential is accounted in the
tallying process.
The identity and eligibility of each voter is first verified by the registration authority.
Upon successful verification, voter v
receives a unique valid credential σ
from the
registration authority over an untappable channel. An encrypted version S
of this
credential is published on the bulletin board. At the end of registration phase, the
electoral roll L contains all valid encrypted credentials alongside the plaintext names of
registered voters and is signed by the registration authority. The registration authority is
assumed to be trustworthy, but can also prove to a voter that σ
is authentic, i.e. that S
a valid encryption of σ
. However, it must be assumed that the registration authority does
not leak credentials to an adversary.
The registration authority publishes an integrity-protected candidate list C. For voting,
the voter v
casts a ballot over an anonymous channel. The ballot comprises the
following parts:
1. A probabilistic encryption of the chosen candidate c
, hereafter referred to as the
2. A probabilistic encryption of the voter’s credential σ
3. A non-interactive zero-knowledge proof (cf. [BSMP91]) that c
is in C
4. A non-interactive zero-knowledge proof of knowledge of σ
and c
Voter v
encrypts her valid credential σ
if she wants her vote to be accounted, otherwise
she encrypts a fake credential σ
. The proof that c
indeed marks a valid candidate is
necessary since casting write-in votes could compromise coercion-resistance.
Knowledge of σ
and c
must be proved to prevent replay-attacks by simply re-encrypting
votes that have already been cast.
1. Proof checking. The tallying authority first checks that all proofs included in each
ballot are correct. Ballots containing invalid proofs are discarded. For all the remaining
ballots, let A
denote the list of encrypted votes and B
the list of encrypted credentials.
2. Duplicate removal. Next, the tallying authority removes ballots with credential
duplicates via plaintext equivalence test (see [JJ00]). Only the latest credentials in B
kept, resulting in a weeded list B
. The ciphertexts in A
which correspond to duplicate
credentials are also removed, resulting in a weeded list A
. Now there is no more than
one vote per given credential.
3. Mixing. The list of encrypted votes as well as the list of encrypted credentials is
mixed using the same, secret permutation.
4. Validity checking. The credentials from B
are compared with the ones in L via
plaintext equivalence test, eliminating those which do not correspond to valid credentials
in L. The corresponding invalid votes from A
are eliminated as well. Let A
and B
denote the final lists. These now correspond to authentic ballots cast freely by eligible
voters with no more than one vote per voter.
5. Vote counting. Finally the votes in A
are decrypted and tallied.
3.2 Meeting Legal Requirements
We now investigate which data should be retained in order to meet the legal obligations
specified in 2.2. Here we only specify which data is to be stored. Comments on the
question how this should be done will be given in Section 4.
First of all, the list L is to be kept; it denotes the eligible voters and contains their valid,
encrypted credentials. Furthermore, the list C should be stored since it contains the
names of the candidates including unique identifiers used for vote-casting.
Let N denote the total number of ballots cast in the election. This value includes also
multiple ballots cast by single voters under valid as well as invalid credentials. In 2.2 we
have stated that that the number of cast and counted ballots – including the number of
valid and invalid ballots – must be documented. Hence, we first have to determine what
“invalid” votes actually are with regard to the analyzed voting scheme. As mentioned
before, for the JCJ scheme to remain coercion-resistant, it is excluded that voters cast
write-in votes, which means that they vote for candidates that are not on list C and hence
are invalid. This implies that voters cannot cast invalid votes, i.e. ballots that have been
invalidated by the content of the vote and not by using an invalid credential. A ballot can
thus only be invalid for one of the following reasons:
(a) It contains an invalid proof
(b) It has been cast under a valid credential, which was later on re-used to vote
(c) It was cast under an invalid credential
The number of ballots corresponding to the these categories are the following:
(a) N |B
| (see phase 1 of the tallying procedure)
(b) |B
| – |B
| (see phase 2 of the tallying procedure)
(c) |B
| – |B
| (see phase 4 of the tallying procedure)
According to 2.2 the retrieval of the election result shall be documented, which includes
also ballots that have been declared invalid. In particular, ballots that contain invalid
proofs and hence are to be discarded in phase 1 of the tallying procedure should not be
deleted but rather kept for retention and just eliminated from the tally. For being able to
exclude replay attacks, the valid proofs of knowledge of the tallied votes should be kept
as well.
Subtracting the number of invalid ballots specified above from the total of N ballots
gives N – (N – |B
| + |B
| – |B
| + |B
| – |B
|) = |B
| valid ballots. This is no surprise since
contains the valid, unique credentials under which votes have been cast. This list
should be retained, as it must be verifiable that only eligible voters have cast a ballot.
Re-tallying of the votes requires retaining list A
since it contains encrypted votes, which
correspond to the valid, unique credentials in B
Besides protocol-specific data we have just considered, additional material must be
retained. According to the legal stipulations, it must be provable that the system
functions properly and no manipulations have been performed. System auditing files as
well as logging files of intrusion detection systems in use should therefore be retained in
addition to the material specified above.
4 Technical Implementation of Long-Term Retention
In this section we address the technical realization of long-term retention. First we
appoint the technical requirements for electronic and electronically signed voting
material to meet legal obligations. Next we outline suitable technical protection methods.
Finally we apply the results to the scheme proposed by JCJ, which we have introduced in
Section 3.
4.1 Requirements for E-Voting
General requirements for the technical implementation of long-term retention are
specified in [RFDJ07] and [WPB07]. In the following these requirements are transferred
to e-voting:
Integrity. Any kind of retention is targeted at preserving the integrity of a document, i.e.
preserving it as it originally has been created. Undetected modification or deletion of any
election document, in particular the electronic ballots, must be prevented. Integrity – and
hence the whole election – is compromised otherwise.
Authenticity. The authenticity of the documents must be preserved to keep the
originator of the document identifiable. In case of electronic elections, special attention
must be paid to the task of ensuring authenticity of the ballots (e.g. confirmed by a
validating authority) on the one hand while providing for strict anonymity of the vote on
the other hand.
Completeness. Since the whole election process has to be documented, the connection
of the single election documents should be preserved.
Confidentiality. Voting material containing personal data of the voters must be
protected against unauthorized knowledge. For instance the voter’s signature includes
the voter’s certificate, which may contain sensitive personal data of the voter.
Negotiability. A document is negotiable if it is possible to transfer it if from one system
to another without losing the possibility to check the characteristics of the document, for
example, its integrity. In case of contestations, the evidential voting material has to be
presented before the court without any quality loss.
Readability. The voting documents have to be readable, i.e. hardware to access the
stored data must be available as well as software to interpret and present it. We assume
that permanent availability of the voting data during the retention period is not required.
4.2 Technical Protection Methods
In the following, we present existing technical protection methods and evaluate them on
the basis of the requirements defined above. The protection methods are divided into the
following categories according to [RFDJ07]:
System-oriented. Data access is controlled by a technical system. By configuring the
archiving system accordingly, access is restricted to certain components or persons. An
example is write protection on a file system defining groups with reading and writing
Medium-oriented. This category includes storage media for which the overwriting or
manipulating of the stored information is not possible, e.g. WORM (write once read
many) or other non-rewritable media.
Document-oriented. This comprises technologies to preserve documents against
unauthorized extraction of content and undetected modifications, for example encryption
and qualified signatures.
In [RFDJ07] some protection methods out of every category are evaluated. At this point
we pick up this evaluation and work out recommendations for the retention of e-voting
Using Qualified Signatures.
As mentioned in Section 2 qualified signatures should be used to provide provability of
the integrity and authenticity of the election documentation. A qualified signature proves
that the data has not been modified and ensures that the originator of the signed
document can be identified.
Signatures are also a suitable method to ensure completeness and negotiability.
Completeness may be guaranteed by pooling all voting documents and signing this
collection. Furthermore, a signed document is negotiable because any third person is
able to verify the signature and thus prove the integrity and authenticity of the document.
In contrast to signatures, system-oriented methods limit the negotiability of a document:
An unsigned document protected by access control in a given system loses this
protection when given to a third party. The third party is not able to verify the integrity
of the document and has to trust the applied system or must verify its security.
Using Well-Known, Standardized Signature and Data Formats.
To ensure negotiability, accepted or standardized data formats should be used. If a rare
and unknown format is used, the court will have to consult an expert opinion, which may
cause great costs. Well-known or standardized signature formats are:
1. CMS (Cryptographic Message Standard) [Hou04]
2. XML signatures [ERS02]
3. PDF/A (ISO 19005-1:2005, this ISO standardization of the PDF/A specification
includes the electronic signature)
General usage of standardized formats increases the probability that appropriate software
is available and hence contributes to long-term readability.
Access Restriction During the Retention Period.
As previously mentioned, qualified signatures conserve the provability of signed
documents, but they do not protect against modifications during the retention period.
Therefore, additional protection methods are necessary. Suitable are non-rewritable
media or system-oriented methods for the file system, document management systems or
archive systems where the document is stored, e.g. access control software or a read-only
mode for the documents. An alternative is the usage of any portable storage media as
DVD or USB, which are deposited at a place accessible only by authorized persons. By
access restriction the confidentiality of retained sensitive voting data can be achieved as
Redundant Data Management.
In general it is useful to hold the data redundant to safeguard against loss in case of
unexpected impacts such as theft or fire. For this purpose, backups should be provided
and kept in at a different place.
4.3 Long-Term Aspects
The retention period has great influence on the realization of retention since all technical
protection methods are subject to an aging process and require an update. In the
following we select long-term aspects important for e-voting.
Generally, obsolete archive systems and storage media have to be replaced by state-of-
the-art technologies. During the replacing process data must not be modified or lost. We
assume that currently available hardware that meets the minimal quality standard is
durable for the expected retention time in e-voting.
In the case of electronic signatures, an aging process applies as well. After a certain time,
the underlying cryptographic algorithms and parameters become insecure. Thus
signatures lose their integrity and authenticity and hence their probative value. This
process may be significant after six years and therefore concerns signed e-voting
documents. In Germany, according to §6 of the Signature Act [Siga] and §17 of the
Signature Ordinance [Sigb] electronic signatures have to be renewed by a new qualified
electronic signature before the used algorithms lose their security suitability. In the
concept of signature renewal the new signature is performed by a time stamp. A time
stamp is issued by a time stamp service, which signs the document after adding a date. In
the ArchiSig project [Arc] a concept has been developed in which a lot of documents are
renewed by one time stamp [RS06]. At first the documents are merged in a hash tree in
accordance with Merkle [Mer80]. Then a time stamp for the root hash value of the tree
representing all documents is requested. This procedure is independent of document
formats and more cost-efficient since qualified time stamps usually require a fee. The
concept complies with the German and European Signature Law [Roß04]. The LTANS
group [LTA] brings forward the standardization in this area, cf. [BPG07]. However, only
few products exist which handle signature renewal.
E-Voting protocols such as the JCJ scheme mentioned in Section 3 usually employ
encryption to ensure confidentiality. The aging process of cryptographic algorithms also
influences the encrypted data. With the decreasing security suitability of the used
algorithms, the encrypted document loses its confidentiality. Therefore additional
measures should be taken during the retention period to ensure confidentiality.
4.4 Applying the Results to the JCJ Scheme
Finally, we briefly comment on long-term retention methods for the JCJ scheme
discussed in Section 3.
While, for example the electoral roll L is supposed to be signed by the registration
authority, most of the other data which is to be retained such as the lists A
and B
are a
priori not signed. However, it is not sufficient to store the data unsigned since both data
integrity and authenticity has to be provable before the court. Therefore it is inevitable to
sign the material. Signing all lists including L by one authority additionally proves the
completeness of the voting material. As recommended in Section 2, qualified signatures
should be used.
To ensure negotiability, a non-proprietary format should be chosen for the lists.
Otherwise the lists can only be interpreted and presented by appropriate proprietary
software. To prove the compliance with essential voting rules, the security of the
software must be examined. To ensure confidentiality, the encrypted credentials in the
lists have to be protected against unauthorized access before the encryption parameters
and algorithms become insecure.
5 Conclusion
Long-term retention is an important issue in e-government and e-voting in particular.
Electronic elections can only become legally binding if legal obligations on long-term
retention are met. We have transferred the legal regulations on paper-based elections in
Germany to the scenario of online elections, providing guidelines for long-term retention
in e-voting. Following an exemplary e-voting protocol we have analyzed which data
must be retained concretely. We have also provided technical requirements for retaining
voting documents and recommended technical protection methods. Our work shows that
the requirements of long-term retention should be taken into account already when
designing an e-voting protocol or selecting a scheme to be used for a practical
implementation. We believe that we hereby contribute to building the foundations of e-
voting and help advancing online elections, not only in Germany.
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Session 4: Comparison of E-Voting
The E-Voting Readiness Index
Robert Krimmer, Ronald Schuster
Competence Center for Electronic Voting and Participation
Pyrkergasse 33/1/2, A-1190 Vienna, Austria
{r.krimmer | r.schuster}
Abstract: The goal of this study is to analyse and compare the environment for the
introduction of E-Voting. To do so a contextual model is developed and then
applied with the value benefit analysis to compare 31 countries including all EU
member states, and Russia, Switzerland, United States and Venezuela.
1 Introduction
The use of information and communication technology (ICT) in the electoral process is
continuously rising around the world. While most of the applications emerge in the back-
office, hence the administration of the election like electronic electoral registers or
mandate calculate, ICT is finally reaching the home of the voters.
As can be seen in international gatherings of E-Voting experts, the discussion around is
led very actively. The use of E-Voting machines has taken up in many countries, the
uses of E-Voting in remote elections is in contrast still small in size [KTV07].
So far there has been only one study by Leenes and Svensson which could not identify a
unique trend for the adoption of E-Voting other than that it is dependant from the context
In the following we will introduce the methodology and give some first findings of our
2 Methodology
For our analysis of the E-Voting context, we needed on the one hand the contextual
model where we identified the necessary dimensions to be used, and on the other hand
the methodology to assess the countries.
2.1 Contextual Model
For the development of a contextual model for E-Voting we could use previous work,
namely the work by Leenes/Svenson [LeSv03] and Moosmann/Baumberger [MoBa03].
These were integrated in our first approach as described in [Krim04], where four
dimensions were identified: the political, legal, technological and social dimenions.
These factors constitute the national (macro) level in contrast to the process (micro) level
for the concrete application under investigation. These dimensions were also broken
down in subdimensions.
Figure 2: The Dimenions of E-Voting
We then extended this model using Pippa Norris’s view [PiNo01, 11] where she
distinguishes among three nested levels of analysis, as illustrated in figure 3. The
national context, including the macro-level of technological, socioeconomic, and
political environment, determines the diffusion of the Internet within each country.
These three environments are similar to those from the previous model. The institutional
context of the virtual political system provides the structure of opportunities mediating
between citizens and the state, including the use of digital information and
communication technologies by governments and civic society. Here the political
process takes place. The individual or micro-level of resources and motivation
determines who participates within the virtual political system. Norris’ framework
assumes that the national context, such as the process of technological diffusion,
influences the development of the virtual political system. In turn, the core institutions of
the political system available in the digital world provide the systematic context within
individual citizens have opportunities to participate online. It is determined by the
particular citizen, personal resources (time, money, skills) and their motivation to take
advantage of these opportunities.
The final model consists of two levels to be explored:
National level (Macro)
Application level (Micro)
While the national level handles with E-Democracy environment in general, the level on
project basis examines the application E-Voting. Regarding E-Democracy, the
dimensions on the national view level which can be considered are divided as figure 3
Information Society Context
Political Context
Legal Context Information
National Context
Information Society Context
Political Context/
E-Democracy application
Legal Context
Individual Level
Figure 3: The E-Voting Readiness Index Contextual Model [RoSc07, 16]
The “information society context” is divided into “national context” and the “individual
context” of the users whereby the latter is not considered in this work. The “national
level” is further divided into “technological” and “diffusion”. In this dimension there are
items like computer penetration, internet penetration to be measured as E-Democracy is
an IT topic.
The “political context” considers the democratization of a country by measuring
subdimensions like “institutional stability” or “stateness”. A stable democracy is
necessary for the introduction of E-Democracy applications like E-Voting.
The “Legal Context” measures basics for democratic elections like election system or
supplementary protocol for human rights that are required by a democracy.
Those dimensions that are relevant for E-Democracy have a great impact on a possible
application like E-Voting. The result of the first stage “national view level” can be
considered as an E-Democracy readiness scale.
The second stage to be measured is the application level with the application E-Voting
that is influenced by the environment. This stage is divided into public and private
projects to guarantee that individual experiences are not mixed with the development
progress of the state and completes the E-Democracy readiness scale of the first stage to
a complete E-Voting readiness scale.
For each of the dimensions numerous weighted indicators have been found that were
grouped to weighted subdimension that are summed up to the dimensions. By summing
up the weighted dimensions the E-Voting readiness can be explored.
The next table shows the dimensions and it’s subdimensions used.
E-Democracy Environment Application
Society Context
Legal Context Political
Status of
Election System Stateness Public
Status of
protocol for
human rights
Rule of law Private
Digital net
Realization of
Council of
Stability of
Prices for the
entrance to
information and
service and for
the use of
system and
Diffusion of
information and
for information
and information
Political aims
Degree of the
in the public
and of
Table 1: The Factors for the E-Voting Readiness Scale
2.2 Methodology
The requirement was to find a method that allows the analysis of different opportunities
to reach a defined goal. Zangemeister’s basic system of the value benefit analysis turned
out to be useful setting up our methodology. He regards his method as analysis of a
quantity of complex alternatives with the purpose of arranging the elements according to
the preferences of the decision maker. Phases proposed are: (i) Definition of situation-
relevant goals, (ii) description alternatives to reach a goal, (iii) a preference order of the
alternatives due to the goals that have to be achieved. [Zang76, 45]
Using the value benefit analysis it becomes possible to include the non quantifiable use
into an evaluation with and thus to eliminate the main difficulty creating costs using
comparisons. We used the more specified approach from Stahlknecht and Hasenkamp
[StHa05] who applied the value benefit analysis for assessing tenders in the IT-sector.
1. Listing and weighting of the criteria. The criteria relevant from the view of user
are arranged and weighted proportionally. The sum of the weighting results in
100 percent.
2. Confrontation of the units of analysis. The units are confronted on the basis of
the selected criteria.
3. Evaluation and scoring of the units of analysis. Each unit is evaluated regarding
each criterion. The values are then multiplied according to the associated
weights and the final values are added. Thus result into the individual utilizable
value of the alternative.
We adapted this approach for our purposes as follows:
1. The superordinate goal is the development of the E-Voting readiness scale. In
order to develop this scale, the relevant environmental dimensions must be
identified (see 2.2).
2. Dimensions are divided into thematically matching subdimensions. These sub-
dimensions contain the individual indicators. Each indicator is evaluated on a
four-level scale, whereby alternative 1 describes the least favorable environ-
ment situation and therefore gets only 0,25 points and alternative 4 is the most
favorable environment situation and gets 1 point.
3. Since the individual indicators do not have the same importance for the
evaluation of a subdimension, these are weighted. The sum of the weighted
criteria results in a number for the subdimension.
4. The subdimensions are weighted too as their contribution to the utilizable value
for the dimensions are different. The sum of the weighted subdimensions is a
number for the whole dimension expressing the utilizable value for the
environment of the whole dimension.
5. Finally the different dimensions have to be weighted according to their
importance of contribution to the E-Voting readiness. The sum of the weighted
dimensions results in a number that expresses the E-Voting readiness.
The following figure represents this procedure.
Figure 1: The Evaluation Procedure for the E-Voting Readiness Scale following the
Value Benefit Analysis
3 Study
We used the above described methodology of a value benefit analysis together with the
contextual model to answer our main question, which is to measure the progessiveness
of countries in preparing the right context for E-Voting. To do so, we developed factors
for each of the subdimensions to determine and measure the criteria. In the end we had
79 single factors (Political Context: 16, Legal Context: 10, Information Society Context:
29, E-Voting: 24). The next step was the weighting of the (sub) dimensions, and factors.
We weighted the E-Voting with 40% and each of the three macro levels with 20%.
In the next step we identified 31 countries for the study. We included all 27 member
states of the European Union, as well as relevant countries with E-Voting experiences
where data was available: Russia, Switzerland, United States and Venezuela. The
research team was extended by IT experts with native language skills and then used
desktop research to collect the data and assessed the factors between 0,25 to 1.
As an example we will walk you through the process of classifying relevant dimensions
with the example of Great Britain.
In order to be able to evaluate specific items we consulted research articles, press
releases, experts and different sources in the World Wide Web. All data were collected
twice. If we had divergences in data material we started further investigations.
The political context of Great Britain is well developed. Indicators evaluating the fields
of constitutional state, stability of democratic institutions, political participation and
political aims were scored at highest levels. We found restrictions in election turnout.
The legal context of Great Britain shows an excellent environment for E-Voting. We did
not find any restrictions in the election system. There is no postal voting implemented,
but advanced voting exists.
Concerning the IS context the major findings were: No citizen register is implemented.
The voting register is organized de-central and electronically. Registration procedure for
elections is the responsibility of government authorities. Digital signature is available. A
Citizen card is considered to be introduced soon. E-Government standards are
implemented. Indicators for penetration of computers, internet and mobile phones show
values of 44.8 percent, 67 percent and 109 percent. Further internet transactions like
online shopping and e-Government applications have been executed on a high level by
citizens shortly below 40 percent. Just eight percent handle their finances electronically.
Great Britain tested all kinds of electronic voting: Voting machines, kiosk voting and
I-Voting. There have been private electronic elections. Politically binding elections
fulfill the comprehensive British experience: Voting machines in polling stations, kiosk
voting and remote electronic voting.
The study resulted in the following weighted factors according to the four dimensions:
Political Legal InfSoc E-Vote Total
Austria 19,58 14,20 14,04 12,13 59,96
Belgium 20,00 11,40 10,20 15,35 56,95
Bulgaria 15,33 8,40 4,17 1,47 29,37
Cyprus 14,58 8,40 5,19 0,00 28,17
Czech Republic 18,23 8,40 8,05 2,37 37,05
Denmark 20,00 17,00 8,99 8,55 54,54
Estonia 17,88 16,76 14,36 17,60 66,60
Finland 19,08 14,20 10,64 12,87 56,79
France 19,50 8,40 9,23 19,53 56,66
Germany 19,50 14,20 10,37 15,00 59,07
Greece 18,88 8,40 6,45 7,50 41,23
Hungary 19,00 8,40 9,41 2,50 39,31
Ireland 18,90 10,40 6,63 6,93 42,86
Italy 16,10 8,40 7,76 14,80 47,06
Latvia 18,00 8,40 4,76 3,47 34,63
Lithuania 17,00 8,40 5,23 5,47 36,10
Luxembourg 20,00 11,20 10,17 0,37 41,74
Malta 19,40 11,40 4,44 3,10 38,34
Netherlands 20,00 14,20 8,80 19,90 62,90
Poland 17,67 8,40 4,89 2,92 33,87
Portugal 19,00 11,20 7,92 14,92 53,04
Romania 15,38 8,40 4,97 5,13 33,88
Russia 13,57 8,40 5,61 10,30 37,88
Slovakia 15,27 16,30 6,07 6,57 44,20
Slovenia 19,00 11,20 6,01 4,35 40,56
Spain 18,08 8,40 9,44 17,43 53,36
Sweden 20,00 17,00 11,39 11,50 59,89
Switzerland 19,00 14,00 10,39 18,40 61,79
United Kingdom 19,15 11,50 8,60 31,35 70,60
United States 18,50 16,30 8,18 23,70 66,68
Venezuela 11,68 8,40 6,88 11,60 38,57
4 Conclusion
This project was an ambitious effort to the development of the contextual model and to
collect the data. However the collected data and analysis will provide for a better
understanding of the environment for E-Voting and in consequence it will benefit future
research in the area. The future work will concentrate on finding significant relations
between contextual factors and successful deployment of E-Voting.
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Malfunction or Misfit: Comparing Requirements, Inputs,
and Public Confidence Outcomes of E-Voting in the U.S.
and Europe
E. John Sebes, Gregory A. Miller
Open Source Digital Voting Foundation
665 Lytton Ave., Palo Alto, CA, USA
{jsebes | gmiller}
Abstract: While European democracies are increasingly adopting e-voting
technology – including remote voting via public networks – the e-voting
experience in the U.S. has been one of disenchantment. The adoption of e-voting
technology and outcomes in public confidence in elections processes and results
are at significant variance between the U.S. and Europe. We argue that the causes
of this variance are rooted in divergent inputs of political traditions that only
loosely define systems requirements. In the case of the U.S., several factors, most
notably balkanization of the elections processes, have led to the current situation
where e-voting technology is a poor fit for unclear systems requirements that are
only now becoming clearly understood. A comparative analysis of European and
U.S. experiences is the basis for a solvable problem statement for the U.S.
situation, together with a solution approach that is being attempted at present.
1 Introduction
Public confidence in the outcome of the use of digital voting technology (hereinafter
referred to as “e-voting”) is very different in Europe as compared with the U.S. To take
two of a great many examples, Swiss e-voting pilot projects [BB06] showed a dramatic
increase in participation, via Web-based remote balloting, of habitual non-voters, while
in the U.S. advocacy groups called for a return to non-electronic voting.
This striking difference is not merely a reflection of European technophilia and
suspicious American technophobia. To understand what one might call “American e-
voting dysfunction” we need to look at the American political tradition and the implicit
technical and system requirements in our electoral process. We suggest a developmental
model of five parts. Political traditions create often-inconsistent sets of elections process
goals that create varying trust models, partially determining election system
requirements, that are applied (or misapplied) to defining functional requirements for e-
By comparing the U.S. and Europe in this developmental model, we can show how
American e-voting dysfunction is as much a result of engineering misfit as it is of
technical malfunctions–and indeed that the latter is a consequence of the former. This
account of the technology misfit provides the framework for an approach to correcting e-
voting dysfunction. This approach is a combination of developmental process, trust
process, and functional fit. In addition to being a framework for the creation of sound e-
voting systems, this combination is specifically designed to enable a public process of
restoring voter confidence in e-voting as a beneficial (not merely neutral) component of
an elections system.
2 From Political Traditions to Elections Process
Regarding elections and trust, the American political tradition in the 21st century is still
very much based on experience in the 19th century, in at least these three regards: vote
buying and coercion; polling-place election fraud; and election fraud in canvassing. Each
of these concerns is not only a lasting concern in the American political tradition, but
also a driver for formulation of present-day goals for election process, trust models, and
system requirements for e-voting systems.
Vote buying and coercion are the most notable instances of voter fraud that are enabled
by the lack of effective privacy for casting ballots. There are many historically
documented forms [Ca05], but one example may suffice for purposes of comparison: the
notorious role of the “precinct boss.” In the polling place of a politically corrupt precinct
dominated by one political party, the role of a precinct boss was to observe each voter’s
ballots to determine whether the voter voted in accordance with previous direction, and
hence was eligible for reward or punishment.
Concerns over vote buying and coercion have historically been the drivers for the
election process goal of the combination of privacy and anonymity in the voting process.
More recently, these concerns have manifested in two ways concerning vote-by-mail. In
one view, moving the balloting process away from the precinct polling place eliminates
the opportunity for precinct-based organized, scalable (“wholesale”) coercion/bribery. In
another view, large-scale mail voting enables coercion/bribery for a sufficiently large
number of voters as to cast doubt on election result validity, especially in close elections.
The latter appears to be the more prevalent position, though the actual incidence of this
type of voter fraud is debated [MC03], particularly in the state of Oregon (state-wide
vote by mail). As voluntary vote-by-mail participation in California has risen above
30%, it may be that parts of the American West are demonstrating a wertewandel, or
mutation of values, concerning the link between privacy and coercion/bribery.
Vote-by-mail also shows a potential wertewandel concerning anonymity. Currently, a
ballot is anonymous, but it may be enclosed in an envelope that identifies the voter.
Identification is required to determine whether the putative voter is entitled to vote. This
approach suggests that current voters may trust election officials not to correlate ballots
and voters, despite their ability to do so.
Two other aspects of concern are forms of election fraud–-one in the polling places
(where access to ballots enables the insertion of spurious or fraudulent ballots); and the
other as part of the canvassing process, where undesirable ballots are simply not
counted. Many examples have been described [AB00] ranging from the canonical
“stuffing the ballot box” to accidents in which a block of ballots is mislaid, invalidated,
or simply not counted. Suspicions of fraud are raised when historical voting patterns
indicate that the missing ballots could be expected to trend against the desire of elections
These concerns essentially describe a lack of trust in elections officials and in the elected
office-holders who have authority or influence over them. Perhaps the most notorious
recent incident was in the Florida 2000 American Presidential race. Personal and
partisan relationships among the Secretary of State (who had oversight of the elections),
the Governor of the State, and the ultimate race winner (the Governor’s brother)
permanently clouded election results. Although this and similar experiences sparked
some excellent work on recommended election reforms [Ca02, Cr04], to date little work
has been done to look at how e-voting technology can be trusted to support any of the
suggested reforms.
2.1 Election Fraud and the Push to Automation
Election automation is perhaps the most striking and uniquely American result from a
political tradition of high sensitivity to election fraud. In the late 19
century, states
began using electro-mechanical voting machines that led to the lever machines that
remained in wide use in some states as late as 2007. The main driver for adoption was
the idea that the machines were more trustworthy by virtue of being less easily
manipulated by elections officials to perform wholesale election fraud. This type of
automation retained a great deal of public trust despite defects of low auditability, no
ballot of reference, no paper trail, etc.
European countries certainly also have histories of election fraud, and real concern over
how to structure elections to control it. However, the US may be unique in the degree of
mistrust that creates a preference for automation over “pure manual” elections of hard-
marked, hand-counted paper ballots.
2.2 Comparison of Election Goals
The elements of American political tradition drive a number of goals for elections
processes: privacy of balloting; anonymity of balloting; minimization of distrust in both
elected officials and elections officials; auditing and transparency of canvassing and
other actions of elections officials. These goals in turn serve as drivers for trust models
and systems requirements for e-voting. These goals – and how they define elections
processes and technology – exist in marked contrast between the U.S. and many
European countries, especially those that make greater use of e-voting. There are two
distinct types of contrast: hearty adopters, and non-adopters of e-voting.
In the hearty adopter category are Estonia and parts of Switzerland. Many Swiss cantons
have been encouraging vote-by-mail for some time in order to increase voter
participation. Although, as noted above, vote-by-mail can create some concerns about
anonymity and distrust of elections officials, neither of these values is as strongly held in
the Swiss political tradition. Indeed, historically, non-anonymous town-square voting,
e.g., a show of hands, was viewed as a traditional value for high-confidence elections.
Similarly, the anonymity concern over vote-by-mail seems largely absent, particularly
with the extension to “Internet voting.” The high rate of participation in pilots, especially
among habitual non-voters, shows a significant trust in elections officials’ proper use
and dissemination of e-voting data. Anecdotal evidence from elections officials indicates
pilot participants were not concerned about privacy, or at least correlation of voter
identification and ballot. Participants in the pilot similarly trusted the technology
involved, including the PCs, Web browsers, Web applications, the public Internet for
communications, and Web application security standards for communication security. A
similar set of values is indicated in the Estonian Internet voting experience, with the
addition of increased reliance on technology for voting authentication and authorization.
In the non-adopter category are the Netherlands and Ireland. The Netherlands is notable
for having effectively outlawed e-voting after nationwide adoption approached 100% in
March 2006, with the vast majority of municipalities using the same election system.
Shortly thereafter, a documented security issue of the system (described in [Gh07]) and
public activism resulted in two government commission studies, the first of which
reported that many safeguards thought to be essential to verifiable elections had been
ignored because the new technology was not properly understood. The second
commission’s report suggested the possible future use of open source systems for
marking and counting paper ballots. The Dutch government acted to revoke its previous
legal framework [Ne07] for defining voting machines for use in the Netherlands;
subsequent elections have returned to manually counted paper ballots.
Ireland also conducts elections using manually counted paper ballots. The use of e-
voting was seriously considered at one time, however. The Irish government created a
Commission on Electronic Voting, which reported in 2004 that it could not recommend
the use of an electronic system [Ce04]. Later work also failed to provide the basis for e-
voting usage in Ireland, and the commission was dissolved in 2006. There seemed to be
a lack of sufficient benefit for the cost and risk of e-voting. Although mitigation of
electoral fraud was a potential benefit, it should by no means be taken as an indication of
Irish indifference to the issue. Rather, Ireland’s rather infrequent (5 and 7 year terms
mean that 2 years or more can go by between elections) and simple (often one measure
and rarely more than five, each separately balloted) elections are subject to the structured
process of manual counting with observation by the general public, and political party
officials observing to perform independent counting. The structure and the avid
observation may be related in part to the non-trivial method of tallying with Ireland’s
form of the single transferable ballot.
By contrast, the American response to election fraud concerns has included the use of
automation. While the particularly weighty American history (a political tradition of
voter fraud, election fraud, corrupt elected officials and elections officials, often referred
to in toto as “machine politics”) of fraud may be one factor, the much higher complexity
and frequency of elections may contribute as well.
2.3 Election Complexity and the Push to Automation
American election officials may well look with envy on feasibly hand-counted single-
contest ballots, with feasible public visibility of counting – even if they are proponents
of e-voting. Election complexity arises partly from a more complex governmental
structure than many European countries, resulting in more frequent elections with more
contests. Yet some European countries have a similar degree of complexity of offices,
and have not adopted e-voting – France is perhaps the best example.
Another fact in election complexity is the result of another form of balkanization,
coupled with response to another legacy of American “machine politics” – cronyism,
nepotism, patronage, and similar ways in which elected officials use their power of
appointing government officials, for their own personal gain. This part of the American
political tradition has led to a frequent practice of electing officials that in other times or
in other jurisdictions were appointed. The balkanization effect arises from the fact that
these locally elected offices are for jurisdictions that are not co-extensive with legislative
or local jurisdictions. For example, some parts of a county will be in one school district
or another; of the parts that are in one school district, one subset will be in a different
water district. A not infrequent result is that in some counties, almost every voting place
has a distinct ballot with a distinct set of contests. One anecdotal example: by the time
the next President of the U.S. is elected, one author will have voted 4 times in 367 days
for a total number of contests numbering at least 30 and likely over 40, in jurisdictions
that include: multiple county offices and referenda, offices or referenda from at least 3
local jurisdictions (fire district, harbour district, coastal commission), state and federal
offices, and all in a “light year” in which municipal offices, state executive officials, and
federal senators are not up for election.
In short, a history of fraud has led to a desire to use automation to mitigate the
vulnerability of pure manual paper-based elections, while a history of fraud and
patronage has led to a high degree of complexity which elections officials are motivated
to manage with automation. Pressure from both sides has encouraged automation in the
U.S. for over a century, while public trust in the process has eroded in the more recent
past. These two trends may help explain why the American election system is
problematic regardless of automation, and in a way that drives automation without trust
or even a central or consensual model for trust.
3 From Elections Process Goals to Trust Models
Derived from American political traditions, elections process goals in turn drive trust
models for elections and for the reflection of them in a digital voting system. To properly
understand e-voting trust models, two aspects of the previous statement are critical: the
idea of plural models of trust, and a trend toward trust minimization.
First, the plurality of trust models is derived from a fundamental and critical aspect of
U.S. elections systems–an aspect which might be called “balkanization.” That is, the
U.S. Federal government delegates to states the responsibility for Federal elections.
States delegate to county elections officials. Each county, therefore, represents a distinct
elections body, making its own choices about election processes, with distinct but
(typically) limited regulations or guidance from the state. Each state also makes its own
elections laws and regulations within a minimal set of Federal requirements. Not only is
there no central or standard regulation or guidance on how to conduct elections (and
hence what trust properties an elections process should have), the number of variants is
at least two orders of magnitude (dozens of counties in many of the 50 states) larger than
in European countries with devolved Federal elections, e.g., Switzerland and France. At
the far end of the spectrum are unitary democracies in which the central government
regulates how municipalities conduct elections, and most contests are for either one level
of local government, or for one legislative representative. In the Netherlands for
example, it is not uncommon for an election to consist of just one contest.
We would also argue that current U.S. elections are conducted with a distinct default of
mistrust, or at least a goal of minimizing trust and increasing transparency and public
auditability. The trend seems to be increasingly in this direction, not only in the realm of
public advocacy (particularly in the area of verifiable voting) and public opinion, but
also of elected officials. For example, California’s Humboldt County is one of the
counties in which the chief elections official is pursuing transparency by developing a
system for capturing electronic images of all ballots and electronically publishing the set
of images. At the state level, again in California, the office of the Secretary of State
(regulating county elections officials’ activity) recently issued a set of guidelines for
polling place physical security practices and for an auditable chain of custody of
constrained data items items–such as paper ballots and magnetic media–that record
electronically cast ballots. Vigorously pursuing these guidelines, only three counties
received cognizance of full compliance–and hence the full ability to utilize e-voting in
the February 2008 election.
A third factor is complexity of government structure and oversight over elections. In the
US, there is often a variety of partisan elected officials (at the local, county, and state
levels) who can influence the way an election is conducted. Not only can election
integrity appear to be affected by partisan officials, there is a sometimes complex array
of such officials. Further compounding the complexity is that in cases of legal dispute,
judicial officials may be notably publicly partisan, or may be elected judicial officials
who may be seen as not neutral on issues of the election process. Of course, partisan
politics also affects public trust in European elections as well. However, in the US, this
trust factor is exacerbated by complexity and is combined with the other factors above.
These three characteristics contribute to the lack of a coherent model of trust in our
elections process. A model of trust must consider what roles and operations are trusted
with what constraints (e.g., in pursuit of anonymity), and associated controls and logging
for auditability. Lacking a definitive trust model for an elections process, it is nearly
impossible to derive the basis for trust in e-voting systems–systems that automate parts
of the existing election process, much less systems that require modification of the
existing process. This lack is greatly exacerbated by the range of trust attitudes, e.g.,
Oregon and California vs. states that attempt to regulate absentee voting.
3.1 Comparison of Elections Process Goals and Trust
European countries are certainly not uniform in centralization of elections functions or
regulations over those functions, not even the countries making more extensive use of e-
voting. However, some European voting jurisdictions–for example, the country of
Estonia [MM05], or the Swiss cantons that implemented Internet-enabled remote
voting–have been clear enough about the elections process and trust to be able to
implement aggressive (by U.S. standards) e-voting systems with clear technical
requirements. The key differentiator (by contrast with the U.S.) is the active role of the
voting authorities (national or cantonal) in the implementation of remote voting.
A different contrast to the U.S. is offered by countries that have explicitly rejected e-
voting. Irish experience (in selecting, acquiring, piloting, and studying an e-voting
system) was driven by the central government empowered to set goals and empanel
commissions to assess a system with respect to those goals. The Dutch experience was
even more specific, with the central government creating specific regulations defining
voting technology for use by municipalities. When it became apparent that the main e-
voting system in use did not conform to regulations, and in addition had serious defects
out of scope of the regulations, the Dutch government was empowered to retract the
regulation (effectively barring e-voting) and empanel studies to recommend policies to
be decided by the central government to regulate the entire country.
Both these types of experience could be said to be a successful outcome with e-voting, in
that it became clear whether or not available e-voting technology met the goals for its
use. The U.S., by contrast, has no such uniform outcome, or indeed any outcome that is
stable for multiple election cycles. Unlike the hearty adopters, county elections offices
and the offices of Secretaries of State have had low to no direct involvement in the
implementation of e-voting systems and the processes that they automate. Rather, these
many, many governmental organizations have acted in the role of a traditional consumer
of packaged technology, selecting from a few vendors those systems that seemed to best
meet state or local needs. One measure of the lack of positive outcome of this approach
is the result of the review, performed for the Office of the Secretary of State of
California, of all the polling-place and/or canvassing e-voting systems that had
previously been certified by the Office for use in California. Reviewed systems were all
de-certified, and only three systems re-certified for limited use for accessibility, with a
proviso requiring significantly improved physical and procedural security methods and
auditing [So03].
Although the grounds for rejection were mainly based on system security and
information security considerations, the overarching question is how these systems came
to be used in the first place. Further, how is it that in European experiences the systems
used were deemed fit to meet their requirements for use, or specifically unfit? We
hypothesize that the European experience was more successful because of the existence
of a central body which had authority to define or review proposed requirements, the
authority and ability to correlate product requirements with trust requirements; the
ability to work with technology vendors to obtain e-voting systems that putatively [a] fit
the trust model; and b] are a reasonably close fit to overall systems requirements; and the
ability and authority to assess and decide whether systems were in fact fit for use in
specific terms.
This combination may have enabled either a definitive rejection of e-voting, o a more
multilateral and deliberate process of design, implementation and deployment ([Bo06]
describes another such example) than is the typical experience in a U.S. county elections
4 From Trust Model(s) to E-Voting Requirements
Whether the above conjecture is valid or not, the facts of life in U.S. elections today are
that at present no U.S. county or state will be in as advantageous a position as that we
conjecture for some European elections bodies. Balkanization, combined with the
packaged product model, have created misfit systems, and have not created a profit
motive or market incentive for current or new vendors to create revised or new
proprietary products that are a better fit. One overarching reason is the number of
jurisdictions; it’s not feasible for vendors to obtain, let alone satisfy with products, a set
of system requirements that meets the needs – including trust – of even a majority of the
jurisdictions. Conversely, elections officials in many jurisdictions are oriented to
“making due” with available technology under state or Federal deadlines rather than
defining requirements and finding systems that fit them.
Given this situation, the misfit of current U.S. e-voting systems is hardly surprising, and
certainly not the result of any lack of effort on the part of the vendors. Given no coherent
set of goals, let alone requirements, and no model for how the e-voting systems could be
trusted, the vendors had little scope for excellence of fit.
Furthermore, the time-to-market motive–particularly for a fixed set of funds allocated to
states by the Federal government’s HAVA act [Ha02] –resulted in systems where the
misfit resulted in visible malfunction, perceived unreliability, or difficulty of
administering, and a growing suspicion about security and integrity. The result has been
a general decrease in public confidence.
4.1 Comparison of Trust and E-Voting Requirements
As noted above, the more successful efforts in European e-voting have involved systems
that were not off-the-shelf devices, but rather systems developed via bespoke systems
integration with a significant degree of stated requirements and a trust model that if not
explicit, can be derived for the resulting system and the public confidence outcome of
using it.
By contrast, the complex and sometimes historically ugly American political tradition
has resulted in a large number of jurisdictions that share, to a varying extent, a particular
distrust in elections processes and officials, or at least a dominant pessimism about their
integrity, combined with a desire for transparency and verifiability. As a result,
American e-voting systems are rather a paradox in that the electorate is implicitly
expected to trust computers to partially automate elections processes that are themselves
not trusted. At the outset, this is a marginally tenable expectation given most voters’
less-than-happy experiences with the reliability, integrity, and security of the personal
computers they use. Tenability is strained more with the addition of press coverage of
voting device insecurity and election technical snafus.
4.2 Approach to Technical Development Towards Public Confidence
At first inspection, the current situation in the U.S., and the comparison with more
positive European outcomes of voter experience and public confidence–not only in
similar polling-place e-voting scenarios but also in more aggressive remote e-voting–
seems unhopeful for marked improvement.
However, the developmental model, and the approach to development within it, suggests
that improvement is possible. We do expect initially to develop e-voting systems
requirements to match a coherent trust model or set of elections systems goals. Instead,
we use a trust framework rather than a single model, and initially develop requirements
bottom up from existing elections processes and the non-misfit functionality of existing
e-voting systems. The resulting approach is based on three tenets:
1. Despite the lack of a single trust model or a central authority with the means to
even vaguely define one, it is possible to create a trust framework that enables both a
public process of determining whether specific e-voting systems are trustworthy, as well
as a systems development process that can be performed with this trust framework in
2. Existing e-voting systems, in conjunction with a trust framework, can form the
basis for deriving election system requirements and functional requirements for specific
e-voting devices – especially polling-place devices that are the focus of most of the
controversy that strains public confidence.
3. This process and framework require no small efforts to achieve, and the effort is
not in the economic interests of vendors or the current operational scope of Federal
entities – though some efforts in the latter area may be helpful. However, if the efforts
were carried out strictly in pursuit of the public good, and were successful in creating
relevant results, then these results could be suitable for adoption and extension by
creators of e-voting systems and by Federal and state government organizations with
responsibility for elections.
The remainder of this paper describes the trust framework, the method of creating
requirements, and the plan for proof-of-concept activities being undertaken by the Open
Source Digital Voting Foundation (hereinafter “OSDV”).
5 “Trust Framework” Defined
The OSDV approach defines a trust framework in a way that is fairly conventional for
high assurance dedicated systems, such as aerospace systems, military systems, and
other high-integrity or high-security systems that are fixed-function, dedicated or
embedded systems. We observe that many types of e-voting systems (including, but not
limited to polling place devices) are or should be fixed function systems that could be
The foundational definition is that a trustworthy device or system does all and only what
it is designed to do. A trust framework enables assurance that a particular system is in
fact trustworthy. For any particular system, the goal of a trust framework is to be
specific about the functions a system is supposed to perform, and how that system could
be independently assessed as performing only and all of those functions. The elements of
a trust framework are:
Specifications: specific, prescriptive written documentation that defines a particular
system and its functions. An implementation of such a specification could be trustworthy
if it could be assessed as being conformant to the specification, performing all and only
the functions in the specification. As an example of a high-assurance system
specification, some Common Criteria Protection Profiles could be considered a
specification in this sense. Some U.S. military system “Concept of Operations”
documents are good examples of documents that capture a portion of what constitutes a
high-assurance specification.
Reference Implementations: a set of hardware and software that implements the
specification or a documented subset of the specification, typically with expediency
taking priority over other commercially relevant properties. Rapid prototypes of a
reference implementation can help to clarify the specification. Even partially complete
reference implementations can provide a working example of a trustworthy system, both
for proof-of-concept and illustration for others’ work on a complete system.
Assessment Guidelines: documentation that specifically describes a methodology for
evaluating an implementation of a particular specification. The process of independent
assessment is used to evaluate whether a given implementation meets the specification
and satisfies other aspects of high assurance, such as software quality. Assessment
guidelines are required to enable consistency of assessment efforts across multiple
assessments of a system type, and across the efforts of multiple assessors.
Open Assessment Work Examples: Documentation of methods used, findings, results,
and overall judgment supported thereby, as a result of the efforts of a complete
assessment. System assurance assessments can only assist in building trust and public
confidence if the process is transparent and the results are publicly available and vetted.
Worked examples of assessment efforts and findings, even undertaken on partial
reference implementations, can have a beneficial effect on the clarity of guidelines
documents, and serve as a proof-of-concept of the level of effort and feasibility of
assessment of a particular specification using corresponding guidelines.
The OSDV approach is to apply this traditional trusted systems approach with related
high-assurance systems methodologies to the specifications, reference implementations,
open assessments, and documentation of methodologies for e-voting systems. Existing
products can serve as the basis for the functional descriptions that are components of a
specification for existing product types.
Such efforts have begun on a common system platform for a variety of types of e-voting
systems. Platform efforts will be validated in a parallel project to develop e-voting
systems based on it, starting with a ballot-scanning device. These efforts are initially
focused on polling place devices –as these have caused the most publicly visible effects
on voter confidence–but are not intended to be limited to them.
6 The Future: Feasible Development and Assessment of Trustworthy
Assuming that the above efforts are fruitful as envisioned, how might the efforts and
results have a markedly positive impact on the current American e-voting dysfunction?
One major impact would be to enable a transparently refereed and government
supervised evaluation process, similar in some ways to both Common Criteria
evaluations performed by today’s CCTLs, and to the voting system assessments
currently performed for vendors by 3rd parties, in a new program operated by the U.S.
National Institute for Standards & Technology (NIST) at the behest of the U.S. Elections
Assistance Commission (EAC) [Ea07]. The former types of efforts are standards-based,
but intentionally broad and can be burdensome and expensive. The latter are specific to
e-voting, but lack public visibility, and cannot be shown to produce consistent results
because there are no documented, commonly used (or de-facto standard) system
specifications or assessment methods. The OSDV approach will produce results that can
fill those gaps in some significant measure.
It is conceivable that in the future, states’ certification efforts could be based on the
results of transparent, independent evaluations that are feasible and consistent as a result
of using standard system specifications and assessment guidelines, together with
assessment findings reviews. These standards would be based on OSDV work product,
which would have been already proven as usable by other OSDV results in reference
implementation, worked example assessment, and public demonstrations. Certainly, the
appropriate standards bodies could develop similar standards, but the authors hope the
OSDV can fairly quickly develop and validate its work with rapid prototyping and
parallel development. The authors envision the OSDV results to be usable during a
standards process that would be much shorter as based on the OSDV results than starting
afresh with standards committees. We also expect the OSDV results to be
complementary to (or in some cases re-use or incorporate by reference) the results of
existing work, most notably the U.S. EAC VVSG [Tg07] and work in the U.S.
ACCURATE Project [Ac07].
Toward this future, the OSDV Foundation plans to have its reference implementations
undergo third party assessment, as well as state certification. Leveraging these results,
the OSDV technology transfer plan includes a monetary motivation for others
(commercial or public entities) to adopt OSDV technology as the basis for future
products: the use of existing, already evaluated platform and core application
functionality. This type of adoption could enable product assessments that focus only on
extensions outside of the evaluated platform, and be performed more rapidly and cheaply
than evaluations of entire systems or revisions to entire systems.
7 The Present: A Digital Public Works Project
Given that vision of future impact, we can describe the current work of the OSDV
Foundation as being similar to public works projects and having the following
characteristics: based on requirements gathered from existing elections processes;
starting from a “blank slate” of functional and trust requirements, without the need to be
based on any existing e-voting system; developed transparently in the public eye for the
public good, without the motives of commercial gain; performing specification,
documentation, prototyping, and assessment efforts in parallel with feedback among
these efforts; producing results with proof-of-concept and working examples to validate
results. Based on the characteristics, the goal is to deliver proof-of-concepts systems that
are developed and documented to be clear about (a) supporting, enabling, and not
detracting from election systems requirements discussed above; and (b) the extent and
limits of trust required and assumed in the operational environment.
Given these characteristics, we expect OSDV results to provide for the development of
systems that could demonstrably support multiple combinations of election system
requirements, as well as some well-defined models of trust allocated between
technology, practices, physical security, audit, etc.
8 Summary
By comparing European and American experiences, we have argued that current e-
voting dysfunction in the U.S. is not based primarily on the use of systems that
malfunction due to poor quality, but rather from using commodity systems that are the
result of a sometimes hasty and sometimes nearly requirements-free process of
development and deployment. Such systems are misfit for their usage and environment
because they fail to meet some unstated trust and integrity requirements that might have
been derived from a coherent set of trust model and elections process goals–if such a set
existed. In the U.S., however, there is no single trust model or single set of explicit
(regulatory and legal) requirements, or implicit (operational and design) requirements,
but rather a plethora of them. As a result, experience with misfit e-voting technology has
drained U.S. public confidence in elections, and created an untenable situation with
respect to trust of integrity in e-voting systems.
We have described a partly abductive approach in which we derive system and trust
requirements and developmental methodology, by reasoning backwards from both fitting
and mis-fitting characteristics of current e-voting devices. We have related this approach
to existing misfits, malfunctions, and press coverage that have raised an already high bar
in the U.S. (compared with Europe) for trust in elections processes and automation of
them. We have described a trust framework and high assurance development
methodology that is intended to meet that high bar of trust, and provided a potential
model for adoption of OSDV work in that framework.
The overarching goal for adoption is enabling increased U.S. public confidence in e-
voting technology and elections in jurisdictions that choose to use high-assurance
trustworthy e-voting technology. These intended results will not necessarily be an
immediate fit for the needs of a large number of U.S. jurisdictions. However, OSDV
results can provide a concrete basis for credible claims of trustworthy systems (a
milestone in e-voting in itself), and for iteration of functional requirements to meet
specific jurisdictional needs. In addition, the basis for iteration, combined with explicit
functional and trust requirements, could further enable some convergence of
requirements in multiple jurisdictions, mitigating some effects of the large number of
U.S. counties and states.
[AB00] Glenn C. Altschuler and Stuart M. Blumin, Rude Republic: Americans and their Politics
in the Nineteenth Century, (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2000).
[Ac07] 2007 Annual Report, ACCURATE: A Center for Correct Usable Reliable Auditable and
Transparent Elections, 21 January 2008,
[BB06] Dr. Nadja Braun, Daniel Brändli, Swiss E-Voting Pilot Projects: Evaluation, Analysis
and How to Proceed, in Electronic Voting 2006, Robert Krimmer, ed., Lecture Notes in
Informatics (LNI) – Proceedings, (Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn 2006).
[Bo06] Carol Boughton, Maintaining Democratic Values in e-Voting with eVACS®, in
Electronic Voting 2006, Robert Krimmer, ed., Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) –
Proceedings, (Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn 2006).
[Ca02] Jimmy Carter, Gerald R. Ford, Lloyd N. Cutler, Robert H. Michel, To Assure Pride and
Confidence in the Electoral Process, Report of the National Commission on Federal
Election Reform, (Brookings Institution Press, Washington, D.C., 2002).
[Ca05] Tracy Campbell, Deliver the Vote: a History of Election Fraud, an American Political
Tradition – 1724-2004 (New York: Carroll & Graf, 2005).
[Ce04] Commission on Electronic Voting, “Interim Report of the Commission on Electronic
Voting on the Secrecy, Accuracy and Testing of the Chosen Electronic Voting System”,
March 2006.
[Cr04] Ann N. Crigler, Marion R. Just, Edward J. McCaffery, Rethinking the Vote: The Politics
and Prospects of American Election Reform, (Oxford University Press, 2004).
[Ea07] United States Election Assistance Commission, EAC Receives Lab Recommendations
from NIST, (Press Release 18 January 2007). News/press/docs/01-
[GH07] Rop Gonggrijp and Willem-Jan Hengeveld “Studying the Nedap/Groenendaal ES3B
voting computer a computer security perspective” 2007 USENIX/ACCURATE
Electronic Voting Technology Workshop, Boston, USA.
[Ha02] Help America Vote Act of 2002, United States Public Law 107-252, 107th Congress,
[MC03] Lorraine C. Minnite, David Callahan, Securing the Vote: An Analysis of Election Fraud,
(New York: Demos, A Network for Ideas and Action, 2003).
[MM05] Ülle Madise, Tarvi Martens, E-Voting in Estonia 2005: The First Practice of Country-
Wide Binding Internet Voting in the World, in Electronic Voting 2006, Robert Krimmer,
ed., Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) – Proceedings, (Gesellschaft für Informatik,
Bonn 2006).
[Ne07] Intrekking Regeling voorwaarden en goedkeuring stemmachines 1997, Uit:
Staatscourant 19 oktober 2007, nr. 203 / page 10.
[So03] Office of the Secretary of State of California, Secretary of State Debra Bowen Moves to
Strengthen Voter Confidence in Election Security Following Top-to-Bottom Review of
Voting Systems, (Press Release 3 August 2003). http:// elections/
[Tg07] Technical Guidelines Development Committee, Voluntary Voting System Guidelines,
Draft, (United States Election Assistance Commission, 09/06/2007).
Session 5: Verification of E-Voting
Simple and Secure Electronic Voting with Prêt à Voter
David Lundin
University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, UK
Abstract: Prêt à Voter is an electronic voting system with very high security
properties. We aim to make the system truly usable and applicable in elections
with many races and candidates by allowing the vote to be formed using a voting
machine and by printing a minimalistic receipt. We also introduce the
procedure/technology mix concept to describe the use of procedures, people and
technology to secure electronic voting systems.
1 Introduction
Implementing Prêt à Voter as it is described in a series of papers [Rya05, CRS05, RP05,
RP06a, RS06a, Rya07b, LTR+06a, LTR+06b, XSH+07, LR08] has an associated set of
fairly hard problems not envisaged by the authors, such as reliable optical character
recognition (OCR), multi-page ballot forms in elections where there are many candidates
contending many different races, chain of custody issues relating to pre-printed ballot
forms, key distribution problems relating to on-demand printed ballot forms, and so
Anecdotal evidence suggests that politicians and civil servants, in Europe and perhaps
around the world, are concerned with the accessibility and applicability of electronic
voting systems to a higher degree and cutting-edge security technology to a lesser degree
than seemingly realised by researchers in the electronic voting field. Consider, for
example, the impossibility for a civil servant in a country in continental Europe where
there may, for example, be 28 candidates in each of seven races contended on the same
ballot form to implement Prêt à Voter 2005 or 2006— the ballot form is simply too large
to be scanned.
Further, anecdotal evidence suggests that a major contributor to decisions to use
electronic voting in Europe is to simplify the process. For example, when the City of
Hamburg, Germany, changed its electoral law it almost became a necessity to use some
form of electronic counting of the votes as this would take days and weeks to do by hand
[VV06]. The decision was taken to implement a completely new system based on Anoto
pens and although this system was very accessible and had some procedures to safeguard
the accuracy of the election, it seems it lacked sufficient technical guarantees.
This paper proposes a configuration of the Prêt à Voter electronic voting system in its
later guises with emphasis on usability, accessibility and simplicity. Due to limitations to
the length of this paper it has been necessary to leave out some technical detail but
references provide this detail where necessary.
2 Preliminaries
In this section we describe the properties of end-to-end verifiable systems and introduce
the procedure/technology concept.
2.1 End-to-End Verifiability
The will to elect leaders and representatives stems from a mass of people, equal, who
have organised and created states and institutions to serve the population. From this
philosophical point of view, some may say that once leaders were first democratically
elected, they created election authorities and thus these are trustworthy and able to run
fair elections for the people. Others are more reluctant to place such trust with such
authorities. Consider, for example, some of those states in the world today that wish to
disguise an undemocratic rule by holding unfair general elections . The most effective
weapon against this at the disposal of the world’s truly democratic nations is election
However, election observation is a very blunt instrument with tremendous organisational
and budgetary requirements. Although essential, election observation can only function
as an audit of the procedures in place to safeguard the election and it is impossible to
know, or prove, that the audit is sufficiently complete to allow conclusions to be drawn
about the secrecy and fairness of the election.
This suggests that it would be more beneficial, if possible, to audit the election as a
whole rather than some subset of the procedures involved. The ability to audit the whole
election and (perhaps mathematically) prove that the outcome is exactly as indicated by
the voters on election day has been given the name end-to-end verifiability and there
exist many systems aiming to do this [AR06, ABBD04, ACvdG07, BFP+01, BT94,
Cha04, CRS05, CGS97, FCS06, FOO92, JCJ05, LBD+03, NA03, OMA+99, Pun,
Riv06]. There may be other ways of achieving this but we consider end-to-end
verifiability a combination of two other: voter verifiability and public verifiability.
Voter verifiability The voter is given a receipt which she can use to check after
the close of the election that her vote has been included in the tally. In order for
the system to be coercion resistant, the receipt must not reveal the vote.
Public verifiability Any interested person or organisation can, perhaps using
software, check that all the encrypted receipts are properly decrypted into plain
text votes and that these are tallied correctly.
2.2 The Procedure/Technology Mix
We confess that we would rather employ a technological solution to security issues in
electronic voting systems than a procedural one, but here feel obliged to introduce the
procedure/technology mix. This is simply the mix of technology, procedures and people
that constitutes any electronic voting system.
In the previous section, we claimed that the use of end-to-end verifiability would render
the auditing of procedures and people obsolete. This is certainly true regarding the
correctness of the outcome of the election; it is simply possible to prove whether the
reported outcome is correct or not and if not, find the source of the error.
However, the secrecy of the election is, of course, a kind of property that once leaked
cannot be “proven” back to secrecy. Furthermore, end-to-end verifiability is
unfortunately very hard to achieve with technology only. Consider, for example, a
theoretical system, the accuracy and secrecy of which depends on each voting device
having its own secret private key. The distribution of these keys is, in fact, a procedural
solution to both the accuracy and secrecy problems!
It therefore seems logical that the secrecy of the election is safeguarded by some mix of
technology and procedures and we advocate a use of procedures to increase the
accessibility of the system where a technological solution would reduce it.
3 Simpler Prêt `a Voter
3.1 Motivation
Our work with the first Prêt à Voter implementation and the subsequent demonstrations
have resulted in the identification of two main problems impeding the progress toward
the running of a general election:
1. OCR. The Optical Character Recognition (OCR) used in the first version of
the system was not very robust and in order to interpret the marks as
successfully as possible, it required the voter to use a seven segment display
(like those you see in LED clocks) and a thick pen. Although all agreed that the
success rate of the OCR can be increased, there was strong opposition from
those with particular experience of implementing voting schemes against the
seven segment display. It was felt that these were too cumbersome and hard to
understand. We realise that this is not acceptable in a general election as such a
voting system is used rarely by voters and this would introduce a large
proportion of errors.
2. Scanning. The sheet-feed scanning of the ballot form is evidently very hard
to use in elections where there are a number of races and/or a large number of
candidates — election law may also stipulate that all races and candidates are
printed on a single sheet, making this sheet immensely large. Furthermore, the
layout of the ballot form would require that all candidates and their “boxes”
were printed along the vertical axis of the paper, further limiting the number of
races and candidates that can be printed on any piece of paper. Unfortunately,
although that version of the Prˆet `a Voter implementation did support many
concurrent different ballot forms, it did not support the spanning of a single race
over more than one ballot form.
The motivation for this configuration of Prêt à Voter is thus simplicity, accessibility and
the accommodation of a very large number of candidates. This introduces some
procedural safeguards where technological safeguards have previously been envisaged
[RS06b, Rya07b]. We argue that this is not only necessary but that it is so important to
include as many voters and introduce as few errors as possible in the voting process, and
that the procedure/technology mix must be adjusted.
3.2 The Voting Ceremony
In the polling station there are a certain number of voting machines placed in voting
booths. The secrecy of the election is based on these voting booths providing proper
privacy to the voter and the voting machine similarly being unable to leak the intention
of the voter. Thus, there are poll station workers and guards keeping the area under
surveillance in order to ensure that the machines cannot be tampered with.
The voter is able to enter the polling station without first identifying herself to the poll
station staff and she can enter a voting booth so as to interact with the voting machine. It
is important that she not be required to identify herself before she can interact with the
machine because this makes it harder for the poll station staff or machine to connect the
will expressed in the interaction with the machine to a particular voter.
The main purpose of the voting machine is to help the voter express her will in the
election, the difficulty of which depends on the election system in place and the abilities
of the voter. As the voter is interacting with a computer to make her choices, the
accessibility of the system is in itself an important area of research. It thus serves little
use to go further into the details of how the voter interacts with the system to indicate her
choices and it is sufficient to say that she may do so using her sight, touch and/or hearing
and a touch screen, mouse, voice or other input device(s). At the end of the interaction
the voting machine prints a vote in plain text (see Section 4.4) which the voter takes
away and casts.
Note that the accuracy is not threatened by this leak of information: but the privacy of the election is.
Interacting with the machine in the voting booth, the voter is able to produce some
maximum number of votes. This must be a number greater than one so that the voter is
able to create one vote that correctly captures her intention and some number of other
votes that she can choose to audit, see below. The voting machine does not, therefore,
know whether a vote it helps to construct will be audited or if it will be cast. It should
therefore be disinclined to cheat (or malfunction) because there is some likelihood that it
will be found out and taken out of commission. In order to stop voters from occupying
voting booths too long and thus stopping others from voting, election law may stipulate
some maximum number of votes, such as five or ten, which would be quite sufficient for
the purpose.
When the receipt is printed by the machine, the voter can read it through and ensure that
it is the vote she indicated to the machine. She turns the vote she is going to cast into an
encrypted receipt (see below). Any or all of the other votes she may have created she is
able to have audited by approaching an auditing desk. The barcodes on these ballot
forms are scanned in by poll station workers and the forms are decrypted and the
information printed. The voter is now able to check that the printed information does
correspond to the vote she has just audited, indicating this vote was correctly formed. If
so, she will grow more confident that the vote she will submit is also correctly formed.
Finally, the voter approaches a submission desk with the encrypted receipt she wishes to
submit. She identifies herself to poll station workers and the barcode on the encrypted
receipt is scanned and the contents of it are electronically submitted to a central
repository (and may be noted next to the name of the voter who has cast it). Note that no
submitted data need be kept secret to safeguard the secrecy of the election; it is already
encrypted. After the close of the election, this, and all other encrypted receipts, will be
decrypted as described in Section 4.7. A stamp is placed on the encrypted receipt by
officials, indicating it has been submitted.
The voter can now leave the poll station with her encrypted receipt, and after the close of
the election she can use a website to check for the inclusion of her vote in the tally. She
does this by entering the serial number of her encrypted receipt and comparing the image
of the receipt served by the website with the actual receipt. If the marks on these match
exactly she can be confident that her vote is included in the tally.
4 Technical Foundation
4.1 Coping with Single Transferable Vote
In order to support Single Transferable Vote (STV) [Wik07, Soc07] and other schemes
where the voter expresses a ranking or awards votes to more than one candidate, we
employ the multiple-onion approach introduced by [Hea07]. We provide an overview of
the scheme here.
A numerical representation of a candidate is encrypted under a probabilistic threshold
public key cryptography scheme. There are many different such encryptions for each
candidate and as these are encrypted under a probabilistic scheme they do not look alike.
We call these encryptions onions. A set of onions are associated with each ballot form
and the voter’s choices, as expressed on the ballot form, are translated into an ordering
of these onions. If the voter wishes to cast a vote for the candidates in the order C, E, A,
D, B then this is encoded by ordering the constituent onions thus:
Note that these are encryptions and which candidate they represent is therefore hidden.
The stop onion O
is used to ensure that the length of the vote is not dependent on the
number of choices expressed by the voter. A vote only for candidate C, for example, is
thus constituted by an onion O
,, the stop onion, and thereafter all other onions in a
random order:
After the close of the election, the first constituent onion of each cast vote is decrypted
and the vote given to the indicated candidate. This initiates the applicable STV protocol,
which removes candidates and redistributes the votes according to the next choice in
order in a number of rounds until the required number of candidates has been elected.
Each time the vote is redistributed the next choice is decrypted. In our example, the first
candidate is decrypted thus:
If candidate C is subsequently eliminated and his or her votes redistributed, the onion
representing candidate C is appended, the plaintext representation of C removed and the
next onion decrypted, thus:
This is now a vote for E. When a decryption reveals the stop onion, the vote is removed
from further redistributions. Each redistribution round contains a re-encryption shuffle
so as to hide the ordering of the candidates in the vote; please see [Hea07] for details.
This configuration thus limits the impact of an attack popularly called the Italian attack
[Hea07] where the ordering of the candidates carries some message to a coercer.
4.2 Pre-Creation of Onions
A source of potential threats to the secrecy of the election pointed out in early papers
describing end-to-end verifiable systems [Rya05, BR03, RP05, KSW05, RP06a, RS06a,
RP06b, Rya06, Rya07a] was that the voting machine must select random values and
errors or predictability in the pseudo-random number generator may render the
cryptography useless. Furthermore, the voting machine might use “random” values from
a list shared with a culprit or values such that a hash thereof would signal to a culprit the
contents of the vote and/or the identity of the voter. To remove this problem, we do not
require the machine to select the randomness used in creating the candidate list but
employ the distributed pre-creation technique detailed in [RS06a].
4.3 Touch Screen Interface
To accommodate for elections with many races and/or races with many candidates, the
proposed configuration of Prêt à Voter has two major differences to previous versions:
(a) the receipt is created by a voting machine and (b) the receipt is printed in the minimal
form presented in the next section.
4.3.1 Creating a Vote with the Machine
This is an example of a possible interaction with the voting machine. The steps involved
can be different in appearance, order and number and are adapted to the election.
Approaching an idle voting machine, the voter is greeted with a message asking her to
touch the screen to initiate the voting process.
A list of races is shown with indicators to whether or not a vote has been created in each
race. The voter selects a race by tapping the screen
Select race
Sanitation Commissioner
Not voted
Not voted
A list of the candidates in the selected race is shown and the voter is able to tap a single
candidate or a number of candidates in the preferred order. A “Clear” button is available
on the screen, which clears all choices made and allows the voter to start over. A
“Proceed” button allows the voter to return to the list of races.
Or using some other input method, depending on the abilities of the voter.
Springfield Local Election
Tap screen to start
Vote for Sanitation Commissioner
Shmoikel Krusotsky
Apu Nahasapeemapetilon
Ray Patterson
Homer Simpson
Selecting her favourite candidate, the voter completes the vote for the race and clicks the
“Proceed” button to return to the race selection screen.
Select Race
Sanitation Commissioner
Not Voted
The voter is able to return to any race and re-create her vote. A “Proceed” button on the
race selection screen allows her to go to a summary screen. Here the voter can select
either of two buttons: “Go back” or “Print vote”.
Summary of your vote
Sanitation Commissioner
Not voted
Homer Simpson
When the voter is finished and presses the “Print vote” button, the machine displays a
final message whilst printing the vote.
Thank you
Please take your printed vote
4.4 The Minimalistic Encrypted Receipt
The purpose of the minimalistic encrypted receipt is to enable the printing of many races
on the same receipt and to aid the voter in checking the receipt on the web bulletin
board. To achieve this we wish to print as few candidates as possible on the vote. We
first introduce the traditional Prêt à Voter ballot form and its associated encrypted receipt
before showing the alterations we propose to these.
4.4.1 The Prêt à Voter Ballot Form and Encrypted Receipt
The ballot form in Prêt à Voter consists of two columns: in the left the candidates are
printed in a random order (based on randomness unique for the form) and in the right the
voter makes her marks in a grid corresponding to the candidates in the left column. For
Ballot form
Sanitation Commissioner
Homer Simpson
Ray Patterson
Smoikel Krustofsky
If a voter makes her marks in the right hand side grid and then detaches and destroys the
left hand column, the remaining encrypted receipt does not reveal her vote. However, a
value called the onion, printed at the bottom of the grid, can be decrypted to reveal the
vote. In this example an encrypted receipt may be:
It has been envisaged that the Prêt à Voter is a single page, which contains all races in
the election and all the candidates in each of those races. The voter makes her mark on
the paper and detaches and destroys half, producing an encrypted receipt which is
subsequently scanned and then handled electronically. It is quite clear that in an election
with many races and many candidates, it is not possible to print all on one piece of paper
that can also be fed through a scanner after the marks have been made by the voter.
4.4.2 The Minimalistic Encrypted Receipt
The traditional Prêt à Voter ballot form is printed onto paper before the election (or on
demand before they are used [RS06a, LR08]) and as the voter uses a pen to fill out her
choices, naturally all candidates must be available on the ballot form. In the scheme
presented here a computer is used to create the vote after which the ballot form is
printed. Therefore, it is possible to print only the candidate(s) that the voter has indicated
a vote for. In our example, when the voter makes her marks using the touch screen she
may indicate her choices thus (note that the candidates are listed in the alphabetical order
on the screen):
Vote for Sanitation Commisioner
Shmoikel Krustofsky
Ray Patterson
Homer Simpson
When the voter presses the “Print receipt” button the voting machine retrieves the
necessary onions and decrypts these (see above) to find the ordering of the candidates.
Let us assume in our example that the machine retrieves the onions with serial number
27344, decrypts these and finds that the candidate list has the following order:
Homer Simpson
Ray Patterson
Shmoikel Krustofsky
The machine now prints the following filled-out Prêt à Voter ballot form, note that only
the candidates which the voter has indicated are printed and that these are printed in the
order dictated by the onions:
Ballot form
Sanitation Commissioner
Homer Simpson 2
Ray Patterson 1
In this example we are only able to avoid printing two candidates, but in a race with
many more candidates the same number of choices made by the voter would drastically
reduce the number of candidates that must be printed. The index numbers 1; 2; 4 of the
candidates printed are displayed at the bottom right together with the serial number
27344. These values can be printed in the form of a barcode (see below) which allows
them to be read in quickly. Note that these numbers together with the choices indicated
above by the voter is all that is needed to represent the vote. The voter now checks that
the printed vote is truly a representation of her intended vote. If it is not she can discard
the vote (by shredding it for example) and produce another. If she is happy with the vote
and wishes to cast it, she detaches the two columns from each other and destroys the left
hand one. What remains is an encrypted receipt:
The voter approaches a desk manned by poll station staff, identifies herself and allows
the barcode on the encrypted receipt to be scanned. When poll station staff are satisfied
that the barcode has been scanned and electronically transmitted to the web bulletin
board they stamp the encrypted receipt with an official stamp so as to indicate that it is
the receipt of a vote that has been cast in the election. A mark is placed in the register to
indicate that this voter has cast her vote
. All votes submitted in this way are collected
on the web bulletin board.
4.4.3 The Barcode
All previous versions of Prêt à Voter has required an encrypted receipt to be scanned in
and interpreted to form a digital representation that could subsequently be decrypted.
This OCR process has been shown to be a significant weakness to the scheme: it results
in many errors
In this scheme we reduce the amount of work in the scanning process to the recognition
of a barcode. These are printed in such a way as to be simple to read and recognise and
they can contain check numbers etc to aid the correct interpretation of them. In order to
record a vote the system must read the following information from the encrypted receipt:
In some constituencies, such as the United Kingdom, the law requires that the ballot form serial number is
noted against the name of the voter: that is quite possible to do in this scheme.
Note that these errors did not mean that a vote was cast for a different candidate than indicated by the voter
—but that the vote had to fill out another ballot form as the first could not be correctly understood by the
1. The serial number (27344)
2. Which candidates are shown on the ballot form (1; 2; 4)
3. The marks made by the voter (2; 3; 1)
To enter this information into the barcode, we simply concatenate them:
27344|1; 2; 4|2; 3; 1
When this information is scanned by poll station staff it is submitted to the web bulletin
board. Here the appropriate constituent onions are retrieved:
The appropriate onions are selected (numbers 1, 2 and 4 in our example) and re-ordered
in the correct order as indicated by the choices (2, 3 and 1) — thus the onions are placed
in the following order:
Note that of course the contents of these onions are unknown! Therefore, the system now
holds an encrypted vote submitted by this voter.
4.5 Auditing a Vote
We here argue that it is safe to allow a voter to use a voting machine to create the vote,
because she may create any number of votes and audit some of these. If the voting
machine attempts to cheat, it cannot be sure that the vote will not be audited and its
cheating thus found out. A malfunctioning machine will thus be found with a high
probability and taken out of commission.
The first audit that a voter makes out of a vote printed by the voting machine is simply to
read it. If the machine has committed an error (or something worse) then the marks
printed would not match the intention of the voter. If this is the case, she can simply
destroy the vote and create another one — until she receives one that correctly indicates
the vote she wishes to cast. Note that the voter may have performed some “human” error
while interacting with the machine and not spotted this until the vote has been printed:
this gives her another chance to spot such a mistake and to rectify it.
The second audit of the ballot form that can be performed on any vote is the checking of
the barcode. This is simply done by the voter allowing the barcode to be scanned by a
machine available in the polling station, which shows the contents of the barcode in a
human readable form. Such machines can also be supplied by independent organisations
— or run as a small piece of software on the voter’s camera-enabled mobile phone. The
voter then simply checks that the information shown by the reader corresponds to the
information printed in the right column of her vote.
Finally, if the voter decides to audit a created vote then the constituent onions shall be
retrieved from the web bulletin board (where they are marked as audited, ensuring that
no vote can subsequently be cast with these onions) and decrypted by the tellers. The full
candidate list is then displayed to the voter who compares it to the printed vote.
The purpose of this audit is first to find any machine that may malfunction or that has
been compromised. Secondly, the audit functions to convince voters that the system is
working correctly and that the vote will be decrypted correctly.
4.6 Checking the Receipt
The voter is allowed to take home the scanned and stamped encrypted receipt. She can
then, at any time, visit the web bulletin board on the web and search for the serial
number printed on the receipt. When she calls up her receipt she should see an exact
replica of the receipt she holds in her hands. If this is the case then the voter can be
certain that her vote has been included in the final tally. If the receipt is not found on the
web bulletin board or if the version she finds there does not match the one she has in her
hand, she can accuse those in charge of running the election of malfunction or fraud and
she has proof in her receipt that she has cast a vote which is now missing or has been
4.7 Decryption and Tallying
At this stage the web bulletin board contains a list of all encrypted votes that have been
cast, in the form of a number of ordered onions. We are unable to describe the
decryption here because of limitations to the length of this paper but a detailed
specification is available in [Hea07].
4.8 Note on Securing the Machine using Procedures
It is important to note that the accuracy of the election, that is to say, the trustworthiness
of the outcome of the election, is safeguarded not by procedures but by the cryptographic
properties of the system. The result of the election is thus as trustworthy as in previous
configurations of Prêt à Voter [CRS05, RS06a], because they all rely on the same
5 Discussion
The main advantages of the proposed scheme is that the voting machine is able to guide
the voter through a potentially very complex voting procedure involving any number of
races and any number of candidates in those races. The voter turns the plain text vote
into an encrypted receipt and the scanning of this receipt is very fast because only a
barcode has to be scanned. The main disadvantage to this configuration of Prêt à Voter is
that the voting machine must learn the voter’s intention in order to produce the printed
vote. The secrecy of the election is thus safeguarded simply by procedures that ensure
that the machine does not leak any information. As discussed in the introductory sections
of this paper, there is a necessity to alter the procedure/technology mix so that it is
possible to make the system more accessible and remove a large proportion of the errors
associated with the filling out of the ballot form.
5.1 Acknowledgements
Thanks to the anonymous EVOTE08 reviewers for their feedback. Thanks also to Peter
Ryan, Steve Schneider, James Heather, Roger Peel, Zhe Xia, Kieran Leech, Roberto
Araújo and Jacques Traore, who listened to a presentation of initial ideas.
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[LBD+03] B. Lee, C. Boyd, E. Dawson, K. Kim, J. Yang, and S. Yoo. Providing receipt-
freeness in mixnet-based voting protocols. Proceedings of ICISC’03, pages 245–
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[LR08] D. Lundin and P. Y. A. Ryan. Human readable paper verification of Prˆet `a Voter.
Technical Report at the University of Surrey, CS-08-03, 2008.
[LTR+06a] D. Lundin, H. Treharne, P. Y. A. Ryan, S. Schneider, and J. Heather. Distributed
creation of the ballot form in Prêt à Voter using an element of visual encryption.
Proceedings of Workshop On Trustworthy Elections (WOTE 2006), pages 119–
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[LTR+06b] D. Lundin, H. Treharne, P. Y. A. Ryan, S. Schneider, J. Heather, and Z. Xia. Tear
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Punch- Scan and a solution using visual encryption. Proceedings of Workshop on
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Improving the Farnel Voting Scheme
Roberto Araújo
, Peter Y. A. Ryan
Department of Computer Science, TU-Darmstadt
Hochschulstrasse 10, D-64289 Darmstadt, Germany
Centre for Software Reliability, Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU UK
Abstract: Farnel is a voting scheme which first introduced the concept of a ballot
box to exchange votes. Recently, Araújo et al. improved this concept to
accomplish a voter-verifiable scheme in which voters receive copies of receipts of
one or more randomly selected previous cast votes. The scheme, however, relies
on a strong requisite to achieve security: trustworthy talliers. With the goal of
removing this requisite, in this paper we propose a Prêt-à-Voter style receipt for
this scheme. In addition, we present a novel way to initialize the Farnel box and a
new scheme based on combining Farnel with Prêt-à-Voter style encoding of
1 Introduction
Voter-verifiability is a novel security feature provided by several recent voting systems,
such as Prêt-à-Voter [Rya04, CRS05] and Punch Scan [PH06]. It allows voters to verify
that their votes are accurately counted by means of protected receipts and so gives more
confidence to the election process. The voters, however, cannot use their receipts to
compromise their privacy, even if they are prepared to cooperate with the coercer.
High-assurance voting systems typically rely on cryptography to achieve security and to
implement voter-verifiability. Such technology makes the security of modern systems
comparable or even better than traditional paper-based elections. However, systems that
employ cryptography are not easily grasped by the average voter and so voters need to
rely on the assurances of experts.
With the goal of making such schemes more understandable, Randell-Ryan [RR06],
Rivest [Riv06, RS07], and Araújo et al. [ACvdG07], introduced voter-verifiable schemes
that do not rely on cryptography. These schemes are simple and can be more easily
understood by the voters. However, they do not achieve the same levels of assurance as
the cryptographic systems. In the scheme proposed in [Riv06], the ballot secrecy is not
perfect and it may reveal statistical indications of voting results before the voting end.
The proposals of Araújo et al. and of Randell-Ryan require trustworthy talliers or
additional mechanisms to counter threats during the vote tabulation.
In this paper we introduce improvements for the scheme of Araújo et al. Especially, we
propose a Prêt-à-Voter style receipt in order to detect manipulation of votes by
adversaries, including malicious talliers. In addition, we present a novel way to initialize
the Farnel box and a new scheme based on combining Farnel [ACvdG07, Cus01] with
Prêt-à-Voter style encoding of receipts. Our proposals make use of cryptography to
overcome the drawbacks of the previous non-cryptographic solutions.
This paper is organized as follows: in the next section we describe the elements of the
Farnel mechanism. In Section 3 we introduce a new ballot form for the scheme of Araújo
et al. Then, in Section 4, we show a new scheme based on Farnel that employs only one
ballot box. Finally, we present our conclusions in Section 5.
2 Preliminaries
We present here the basic elements of the Farnel approach. The Farnel type voting
schemes [ACvdG07, Cus01] are based on the observation that to achieve voter-verifiable
it is not necessary for the voter to carry away a receipt corresponding to their own vote.
The Farnel approach then is to provide voters, when they cast their votes, with copies of
receipts of one or more randomly selected previous cast votes.
This idea has a number of attractive features: ballot secrecy is achieved up front and
does not have to be provided by anonymising mixes, etc. during tabulation. In fact,
plaintext receipts can be used in contrast to the encrypted receipts of many other voter-
verifiable schemes, e.g. [Rya04]. Furthermore, any fears that voters might have that their
vote is not truly concealed in an encrypted receipt is mitigated. The Farnel mechanism
also mitigates randomization style attacks.
2.1 The Farnel Ballot Box
The Farnel is a concept of ballot box that was first introduced by Custódio [Cus01]. This
ballot box performs differently from a conventional one. It is able to shuffle its contents
and is initialized with elements (e.g. votes). After receiving elements from voters, it
returns to them elements that correspond to randomly selected, previously cast votes.
Recently, Araújo et al. [ACvdG07] improved the Farnel concept in order to accomplish a
voter-verifiable scheme. In the improved concept, besides shuffling its elements, the
Farnel box should be able to copy some elements and to remove scratched surfaces.
We describe the enhanced Farnel box as follows: it is a box that has mechanisms to
remove scratch surfaces, and to shuffle and to copy elements in a memoryless way. The
box has an initial set of elements cast before the voting. At the time of voting, it is able
to receive an element, to shuffle its contents, to copy one or more randomly selected
elements from its set, to output the copies, and to add the element received to its set. The
box elements may be votes or receipts.
Although the requisites of the Farnel box seem difficult to implement, a tombola (i.e. a
raffle drum) normally used in lottery games to shuffle tickets could form the basis of an
implementation of the box.
The Farnel box was never formally specified. This way, we introduce now a
specification of the box in the process algebra CSP.
Let Init denote the initial set of dummy ballots (say votes or receipts) with which the box
is initialized. Let l denote the number of receipts to be output to each voter when they
cast their votes and ballots the set of all possible ballots. Then the Farnel box will start in
state Farnel (Init) and its subsequent behavior is defined recursively as:
(X):=cast? b:Ballots receipt! r:
(X {b})
We have used the notation Ãl(X) to denote set of subsets of X of cardinality l.
Thus, the Farnel ballot box is parametrised by the integer l and its initialization Init. At
any point, the box can accept a ballot b, after which it outputs a set of ballots in size l
chosen at random from its current set X. After this, the new ballot is added to X and the
box is ready to receive the next ballot.
2.2 The Initialization Process
The initialization process takes place before the election and is performed by the
authorities in a public session. The main objective is to cast a predefined number of
votes (or receipts) into the Farnel ballot box and to publish the number of elements cast
per option on the bulletin board.
The elements cast before the election are necessary mainly for ensuring the anonymity of
the early voters. As the Farnel receives an input from each voter and outputs copies of
random elements, it must have an initial set of elements to choose from. Otherwise, after
receiving inputs, the Farnel would not have enough elements to select at random and to
make the copies.
For the schemes that we describe here, it is necessary to ensure that ballots cast during
the initialization are well formed in some way. This will typically involve some form of
random auditing. Thus, for example, we might require that 2x blank ballots be created
beforehand. The authorities perform the following steps to initialize the ballot box:
(1) Select x blank ballots at random and audit them as necessary. Ballots audited are
discarded; (2) Mark the other x unaudited blank ballots according to the number of votes
per option specified in advance; (3) Cast the x marked ballots (or receipts) into the
Farnel box and publish the number of elements cast on the bulletin board.
Notice that in schemes which employ a conventional and a Farnel box (e.g. [ACvdG07]),
the conventional box is initialized with votes and the Farnel is initialized with the
corresponding receipts. Also, for schemes using plaintext ballots, the auditing for well-
formedness is not necessary and would be omitted.
In order to prevent manipulation, the initialization process should be scrutinized by
helper organizations. They should check that the ballot box is empty before it is
initialized, as well as verify that all procedures above are performed correctly. Further,
the ballot box should be sealed and continually supervised by third parties after the
initialization. The seal is removed when the voting starts.
2.2.1 Initialization of the Farnel box with Void Ballots
Where we are using encrypted receipts we have an alternative way to initialize the Farnel
box: we include a void option on the ballots and initialize the box with ballots
representing votes for the void option. This has the advantage that we do not have to
keep a log of the actual votes cast for each candidate during initialization. We do need a
robust mechanism to ensure that all initializing votes are cast for void, but it seems likely
that this is easier to enforce than maintaining a record of an initial tally. We can use this
approach for the Prêt-à-Voter and ThreeBallot style ballots, but not where plaintext
receipts are used.
2.3 The Parameters of the Farnel Box
The Farnel box is initialized with a number of elements (votes or receipts) before the
voting starts and outputs copies of its elements during the voting, as described. The
initial elements ensure the voter’s anonymity while the copies are handed to the voter as
her receipt. The number of initial elements, as well as the number of receipts given to
each voter, compose the parameters of the box.
In order to preserve the voters’ anonymity, the initial elements and the voters’ elements
cannot be distinguished through the copies output by the Farnel box. The number of
initial elements is fundamental for guaranteeing this. As the Farnel box outputs elements
for each voter, the elements of the early voters have more chance to be output. Hence,
these elements may be distinguished from other elements. Depending on the number of
initial elements, however, the chance of distinction may be negligible as the initial
elements may also be output.
To achieve verifiability while maintaining anonymity, the number of initial elements and
the number of receipts should be defined such that:
(1) The voter’s anonymity is preserved even if the Farnel box is able to output a copy of
her element; (2) An individual receipt or a set of them do not provide enough
information to distinguish elements; (3) The number of copies of elements in all receipts
is sufficient to detect accuracy problems with an acceptable probability (i.e. the
probability that the corruption of any given vote is detected is at least 50%).
We require that the voter should not be able to obtain any information other than her
choice when casting her element.
Taking into account these requisites, we have a number of possible strategies for
initializing the box: ballots marked at random (with the totals carefully recorded), a
predetermined number of votes per option, votes for a void option, or a combination of
these methods. If we adopt an initialization with votes for void, we must include a
minimal number of votes for the other options. Otherwise, the first voter may vote and
receive a copy of her own vote as receipt. An initialization purely with void votes only
works if we have mixes during the tabulation. This might seem like overkill since
anonymity is already provided by the Farnel mechanism. However, it might still be
useful in some contexts and does provide an extra layer of protection.
Note that in the specification of the Farnel box presented before, the box is not able to
output the element it receives.
3 A New Ballot Design for the Farnel Variant Scheme
The Farnel scheme was proposed by Custódio [Cus01] (see [ACvdG07] for a
description). The scheme employs an original Farnel ballot box and relies on physical
signatures. However, it is not voter-verifiable. Recently, Araújo et al. [ACvdG07]
introduced a variant of the Farnel scheme. In contrast to the original version, the scheme
is voter-verifiable and does not employ signatures. It relies, though, on trustworthy
talliers to tabulate the votes.
With the goal of removing this requisite, we introduce in this section a new ballot design
for Araújo et al.’s proposal.
3.1 An Overview of Araújo et al.’s Farnel Variant Scheme
The scheme employs a ballot form composed of two halves that are linked by a unique
ID and that are separated by perforations. More specifically, the ballot has an options
half composed of the voting options as well as an ID and an ID half that contains the
same ID of the options half (see Figure 1). These IDs are covered by scratch surfaces.
Figure 1: The ballot form of the Farnel variant scheme.
Besides the unusual ballot form, the scheme depends on two ballot boxes. One of them is
conventional and the other is a Farnel box. These boxes are initialized before the voting.
That is, the conventional box receives dummy votes (i.e. marked option halves) and the
Farnel box receives the ID halves (i.e. receipts) corresponding to the votes. The scratch
surfaces in the halves are detached during the initialization and at the end the number of
votes cast is published on a bulletin board.
At time of voting, the voter receives a blank ballot and detaches its scratch surfaces. She
then compares the IDs on the halves and if they match, she marks her option. After that,
she separates the two halves of her ballot, casts the option half into the conventional box,
and the other half into the Farnel box. Upon receiving the half, the Farnel box shuffles its
ID halves and copies a set of them as receipt to the voter. As alternative to avoid
comparison of IDs, the scheme may have an auditing process to check ballots before the
voter receives her blank ballot and require the voter to cast her vote without removing
the scratch surfaces. The Farnel box then removes the scratch of the half that it receives.
After the voting, the authorities publish the content of both ballot boxes on the bulletin
board and count all votes from the conventional box. The dummy votes are then
subtracted from the total of votes to obtain the results.
In order to verify the votes published on the bulletin board, voters and observers
compare the ID halves with the IDs in the options halves. The voters can also match the
IDs on their receipts with the options halves on the board.
3.1.1 Drawback
Due the receipt style employed, the proposal requires trustworthy talliers. These
authorities should supervise the votes strictly after opening the ballot boxes. On the
contrary, an adversary (e.g. a malicious tallier) is able to compromise the voting results
as follows.
According to the scheme, the two halves of all ballots are published after the voting.
This way, they can be compared to verify the exactness of the voting results. Before
publishing the options halves, though, an adversary could replace a vote (i.e. a marked
option half) by a new one marked to a different option, but that contains the same ID of
the replaced vote. This substitution would not be detected by voters and observers, as
they only compare IDs.
3.2 Combining the Farnel Variant Scheme and Prêt-à-Voter
The main problem of the receipt used in Farnel variant is that it does not depend on the
option chosen. This way, an adversary is able to replace votes without being detected. In
order to detect such a problem, a receipt should contain some information related to the
option selected. However, this information should not reveal the option itself before the
voting closes and should still be able to detect replacement of votes. Otherwise, the
receipt can leak statistical information about the voting results as the Threeballot scheme
[Riv06, RS07] (see [ACvdG07] for details). We introduce now a new ballot design for
the Farnel variant that satisfies these requirements.
3.2.1 The Ballot Form
Our ballot form is based on the Prêt-à-Voter [Rya04, CRS05] ballot and is inspired by
the ideas of Randell-Ryan [RR06] and of Scratch-and-vote [AR06]. Differently from the
original Prêt-à-Voter ballot design, however, the ballot here does not include a mixnet
The ballot is composed of two pages that are overlaid initially. The top page has a list of
voting options in a random order with a selection bubble beside each option. The top
page also includes a commitment to the list of options and its respective decommitment
value. The bottom page contains the same bubbles and the same commitment as the top
page. The commitment printed on both pages, as well as the value to open it on the top
page, are covered by scratch surfaces. A carbon mechanism transfers the selections from
the top page to the bottom page (see Figure 2 for an example of this ballot form).
Formally, the new ballot form is described as follows: Let C be a set of options
available, π
a permutation of C, H a secure hash function used here as commitment,
and r a random number from a large (key) space. π
, H(π
, r), r, and bubbles to select
an option compose the top page. The bottom page contains only H(π
, r) and the
bubbles in same position of the top page.
Figure 2: The proposed ballot form for the Farnel variant scheme.
The new ballot form satisfies the requisites above. The votes now are tabulated from the
top pages and the receipts are made from the bottom pages (without the scratch
surfaces). Because each bottom page contains the same selections of its corresponding
top page and also includes the commitment to the options on the top page, an adversary
cannot replace a top page by another with a different permutation or with a selection for
a different option, without being detected. Moreover, since the bottom page does not
include the option selected, an adversary cannot use receipts to obtain indication of the
results before the voting closes.
3.2.2 New steps for the Initialization, the Voting, and the Tallying phases
Due the modification of the ballot form, the initialization, the voting and the tallying
steps in the original scheme need to be adapted.
Before the Voting
The conventional box and the Farnel box are now initialized with marked top pages and
with bottom pages, respectively (see also Section 2.2). Before initializing the boxes,
however, the officials publicly audit ballots as follows: they separate the pages of each
ballot and scratch off their surfaces; they then hash the options and the random number
on top page, and compare the result with the hashes on both pages. Ballots audited are
In the voting phase, upon proving her eligibility to the voting authorities, the voter
receives a sealed envelope with a blank ballot. If required by the voter, her ballot can be
audited (as above) and she receives a new blank ballot. The voter performs the following
steps to vote:
1. (Selecting the option) In the voting booth, the voter marks her choice on the top
page and it is transferred to the bottom page.
2. (Verifying the ballot) She then inserts her ballot into a special envelope, which
has transparent borders and a window to show just the scratch surface. After this, she
hands the envelope to the authorities. They verify that the surface on the top page is
intact and that the voter did not separate the two pages.
3. (Casting the top page) The voter separates the pages of the ballot and casts the
top page into the conventional ballot box.
4. (Obtaining the receipt) She casts the bottom page into the Farnel box. The box
shuffles its contents and outputs copies of randomly selected bottom pages as receipts.
Observe that the special envelope prevents the authorities to learn the voter’s choice
while verifying the surfaces, and the pages were not separated before.
Tallying and Verifying the Votes
As the Farnel variant scheme, the contents of the two ballot boxes are published on a
bulletin board in the tallying phase. Now, the scratch surface on the top pages should be
removed before publishing the ballots and the commitments should be decommited to
verify the ballots. That is, the random number and the options on the top page are hashed
together and the resulting hash is compared with the hash on both pages.
From the pages published on the bulletin board, everyone can perform the same
procedures as the talliers to verify the votes. The voters, especially, match their receipts
with the corresponding bottom pages on the board.
4 Single Box Farnel Scheme
The design presented above is awkward in several respects: it requires two ballots boxes
and the vote casting procedure is rather complicated and vulnerable to certain threats.
We present here an improved version of the Farnel variant that requires just one ballot
box and uses a simpler vote casting procedure.
4.1 Requisites
The ballot form
As the design presented in Section 3.2.1, the ballot here is composed of two pages that
are initially overlaid. The top page, though, contains only the options in a random order
along with bubbles to select them. The bottom page contains the same bubbles as the top
page and an index. Also, it includes one commitment to the options of the top page and
the index. The index indicates the options’ order and helps the authorities to identify the
order in the tallying process. The commitment and the index are printed at the foot of the
page, on the left and on the middle, respectively. In addition, the bottom page includes
the corresponding decommitment that is printed close to the index. The commitment is
covered by a scratch surface apart from the index and from the decommitment.
More formally, let C be a set of options available, I a set of positive integers, π
permutation of C, H a secure hash function used as commitment, i an index that is a
unique number in I, and r a random number from a large (key) space. The top page is
composed of π
and bubbles to select the options. The bottom page contains H(π
, r, i),
r, i, and the same bubbles of the top page (see also Figure 3).
The list of possible permutations (i.e. options’ orders) for all ballots and the index
corresponding to each permutation are published on the bulletin board before the voting.
The Ballot Box
The scheme employs just a Farnel ballot box that is initialized (see Section 2) with
marked bottom pages before the voting starts; the corresponding top pages are destroyed.
4.2 The Scheme
Before the Voting
As required by the Farnel box, we define a number of copies l that each voter receives as
receipts and initialize the box with a number of dummy votes (Section 2 details this
For the initialization as well as for the voting phase, we require an auditing process. The
audit is necessary to detect malformed ballots and is performed as follows: the
authorities select a set of ballots at random, separate the two pages of each ballot, and
detach their scratch surfaces. In order to verify a ballot, the authorities hash the options
on the top page along with the random number and the index printed on the bottom page.
They then compare the resulting hash with the value H(pC,r,i) also on the bottom page.
Moreover, the authorities verify that the randomization on the top page corresponds to
that one indicated by the index i. In the voting phase, helper organizations assist the
voter to audit ballots in the same way.
The voting authorities hand a blank ballot to the voter in a sealed envelope after
verifying her eligibility. The voter can either use the blank ballot to vote or ask the
authorities to audit it. In the latter case, the authorities publicly detach the scratch
surfaces on the ballot and check the commitment (as before) through a computer. This
procedure can be performed again by helper organizations that would employ their own
computers. Assuming that the ballot is verified as well-formed, it is discarded and the
authorities hand a new blank ballot to the voter. In principle, we could allow the voter to
opt to audit a number of ballots before accepting one to use to cast her vote. If any ballot
fails the audit checks, then recovery mechanisms need to be invoked. Discussion of this
is beyond the scope of this paper.
To cast her vote, the voter performs the following steps (see also Figure 3):
1. (Selecting the option) In the voting booth, the voter chooses her option and
marks the corresponding bubble on the ballot (a).
2. (Verifying the ballot) She separates the two pages of her ballot (b) and adds the
bottom page into an envelope to make visible only the scratch surfaces. After this, she
destroys in public the top page by means of a paper shredder (c) and hands the envelope
containing the bottom page to the officials. They verify that the surfaces are whole.
3. (Casting the vote) The voter removes the bottom page from the envelope and
casts it publicly into the Farnel box (d).
4. (Obtaining the receipt) After receiving the bottom page, the Farnel box removes
the scratch surface that covers only the commitment value on the left side, shuffles its set
of bottom pages (e), and copies one of them. The copies are held by the voter as her
receipt (f).
Note that the scheme may employ a mechanism to prevent voters from destroying top
pages other than their own. For example, the ballots could be numbered in a similar way
as in the case of preventing chain voting attacks (see Jones [Jon05] for details).
Figure 3: The main voting steps of the single box Farnel scheme.
Recovering and Tallying the Votes
In order to tally the votes, the talliers open the Farnel box, detach the scratch surfaces on
all votes, and publish the votes on the bulletin board. Then, the talliers start the process
to recover the votes. In this process, they compare the index on the vote with the index
on the bulletin board to identify the permutation of the options; remember that the
permutations as well as their indexes were previously published. From the permutation
identified and the mark on the ballot, the talliers determine the option chosen by the
voter. After recovering the votes, the authorities open all commitments using the random
numbers and the indexes. In this step, they hash the random number and the index along
with the permutation identified before, and compare the resulting hash with the hash on
the vote. Now, the talliers count the votes in the same way as Farnel, that is, all votes are
counted and the votes cast during the initialization phase are subtracted from this sum.
Verifying the Votes
Voters can, as usual, visit the bulletin board and confirm that their receipts appear
accurately, and complain if they are not. Particularly, they verify the commitments and
the marks on their receipts correspond to those on the votes published on the board.
Helper organizations and observers verify that the talliers performed their work
4.2.1 Human Readable Paper Audit Trail
In the manner of Ryan [Rya07], the scheme could be adapted to provide a HRPAT by
employing a conventional ballot box as alternative to the paper shredder. This way,
instead of destroying the top page in a paper shredder, this page may be cast into the
conventional ballot box. The box would store the top pages as an audit trail so that the
votes can be counted without depending on the votes from the Farnel box.
5 Conclusions
We have presented a new ballot design for the scheme of Araújo et al. and a new voter-
verifiable scheme based on Farnel. The solutions rely on the Prêt-à-Voter style ballots
and cryptography to achieve security. Despite employing cryptography, the proposals
require only a hash function and the voters perform simple steps to verify the votes
corresponding to their receipts. That is, they just match numbers (i.e. hashes) and the
marks on their receipts with the votes on the board. Helper organizations perform a more
thorough verification of the hashes.
Moreover, we have introduced a novel way to initialize the Farnel box that employs void
ballots. This initialization, however, only works with the ballot forms that give rise to
protected receipts with a void option, e.g., Prêt-à-Vote style ballots. The new process
would be easier to monitor and verify than having to maintain and record the total of the
various votes cast in the initialization phase. Even so, ensuring only void votes are cast
during the initialization phase is still challenging and will require carefully designed
monitoring procedures.
Implementing the concept of the Farnel box in a way that requires minimal trust in the
mechanism or procedures remains challenging. Rivest employed the original Farnel idea
to overcome the reconstruction attack in the version of the Threeballot proposed in
[Riv06]. In his scheme, a copy of a vote is made in advance and then it is exchanged by
means of Farnel. This may be proved easier to implement with less trust assumptions.
However, to prevent any possibility of the voter wandering off with her original receipt,
the two steps (i.e. copy and exchange) need to be performed in close proximity.
An interesting feature of the Farnel mechanism is that it may help counter certain
psychological style attacks on voter-verifiable schemes in which voters are convinced
that the secrecy of their vote is not guaranteed. Using Farnel, the voters do not retain
their own receipts, so any fear that the vote can be extracted should be mitigated. The
down-side is that voters may be less motivated to check receipts if the receipt they hold
is not their own. This may be offset by ensuring that voter helper organizations are on
hand to perform the checks on behalf of the voters. If voters are given more than one
receipt each this should also help as long as a reasonable proportion of voters are diligent
enough to check all or many of their receipts.
Besides helping counter psychological attacks, the Farnel idea also mitigates
randomization style attacks. These attacks were introduced by Schoenmakers [Sch00].
To perform a randomization attack, the adversary instructs the voter to generate a receipt
that has a certain property. The adversary will not know what vote will be encoded, this
is effectively random. The effect then is to force voters to vote for a random candidate,
so nullifying their right to vote freely. The attack can be applied to Prêt-à-Voter and to
Punch Scan schemes as the voter receipt in these schemes contain the position chosen by
the voter. This way, an adversary may ask the voter to place her X in a specific position
and to show him afterwards the receipt marked in this position. By means of the Farnel
idea, however, the voter exchanges her receipt before leaving the voting place. Thus, the
adversary cannot verify that the voter followed his instructions.
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[AR06] Ben Adida and Ronald L. Rivest. Scratch & vote: self-contained paper-based
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[Jon05] Douglas W. Jones. Chain Voting, August 2005.
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Session 6: Certification of E-Voting
Development of a Formal IT Security Model for Remote
Electronic Voting Systems
Rüdiger Grimm
, Melanie Volkamer
Forschungsbereich IT-Risk-Management
Universität Koblenz-Landau
Institut für IT-Sicherheit und Sicherheitsrecht
Universität Passau
Abstract: Remote electronic voting systems are more and more used - not so
much for parliamentary elections, but nevertheless for elections on lower levels as
in associations and at universities. In order to have a basis for the evaluation and
certification, in Germany a Common Criteria Protection Profile [PP08] is
developed, which defines basic requirements for remote electronic voting systems.
This Protection Profile requires a rather low evaluation depth (EAL2+). For
elections on higher levels an appropriate adjustment of the evaluation depth is
recommended. In its first part this paper points out that increasing the evaluation
depth beyond EAL5 is not possible at present, since EAL6 requires formal
methods and in particular a formal IT security model. Such a formal model does
not exist yet. In the second part, this paper proposes a first step to an IT security
model for remote electronic voting systems, which, however, considers only a
subset of the security objectives defined in the Protection Profile [PP08].
1 Introduction
Over the last two years, the Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI – the German society of
computer scientists) has developed a Protection Profile (PP) for a basic set of security
requirements for remote electronic voting systems [PP08] in cooperation with the
Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI – German Federal Office for
Information Security) and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
(DFKI). The Protection Profile is based on the Common Criteria [CC06]. It defines a
minimum set of security objectives, which every remote electronic voting system has to
ensure and a set of assumptions to the environment, in which the system is used. A
remote electronic voting system certified against this Protection Profile [PP08] assures a
secret, free, equal and universal election only under the condition that the system is used
in an environment where the defined assumptions hold.
The Common Criteria (CC) together with the Common Evaluation Methodology
[CEM06] define how the compliance of a particular system with the defined security
objectives has to be evaluated. The CC differentiates between different evaluation
depths. They distinguish between evaluation assurance level (EAL) 1 to 7+, whereby 7+
means the most intensive evaluation. Generally, the deeper this evaluation goes, the
higher is the trustworthiness into the certified system. The scope of the system to be
evaluated, the evaluation complexity, and the evaluation methods rise with rising EAL
level. The Protection Profile, which defines a basic set of security requirements for
remote electronic voting systems, requires the assurance level EAL2+ which is
characterised by the following aspects:
- Execution of independent and structured tests by the evaluator
- Analysis of the documentation up to the high-level design and the interface
- Analysis of the strength of the functions
- Search for obvious vulnerabilities by the evaluator
- Presence of a configuration system
- Evidence of secure system delivery procedures
EAL2+ is certainly sufficient for elections in associations, schools and universities, but
not for elections on higher levels and in particular not for parliamentary elections. Thus,
for example, the persons in charge of the Protection Profile, which define requirements
for the digital election pen
, require EAL3+
. Some critics demanded EAL4
and even higher.
The digital election pen had been planned for the citizenry election in Hamburg in February 2008.
The Protection Profile is based on the Common Criteria version 2.3.
The Protection Profile required EAL 3 augmented with the following components: ADV_SPM.1 (Informal
TOE security policy model) and AVA_MSU.3 (Analysis and testing for insecure states) - replacing
In the past, systems have been predominantly evaluated according to evaluation
assurance levels equal or below EAL4+, since starting from the EAL5 semi-formal
and/or formal methods are required. The application of such methods causes substantial
additional effort for manufacturers and evaluators. The decision for such a high
evaluation assurance level should be made before starting the development because
(semi-)formal methods cannot be implemented in the follow-up (the effort to do so in the
follow-up is as large as a complete new development). However, EAL5 provides a
substantial increase in the trustworthiness of certified systems compared to EAL4,
because a semi-formal description of the system design as well as a more modular and
therefore better analysable architecture is demanded. A corresponding increase can be
identified from EAL5 to EAL6 because the semi-formal specification languages are
replaced by formal specification languages. ”Past experiences show that a formal
modelling of the security policies given as a formal security model may lead to an
increase of condence in the security of the product that obeys these security policies.”
Starting from EAL6, the Common Criteria component ADV_SPM.1 has to be ensured,
which demands the use of a formal IT security model. Moreover, the component requires
a consistency proof (in form of a mathematical proof) for the model itself and a
compliance conformance between the system specification and the defined model. To do
so, it is possible to use already published and established formal IT security models
a whole or in parts. If no suitable formal IT security model exists, such a model must be
The latter case holds for remote electronic voting systems. Therefore, such a formal IT
security model has to be developed before an evaluation according to EAL6 and/or 7 can
be aimed. In the context of this article we point out, by the example of some concrete
security objectives defined in the Protection Profile, how such a formal IT security
model can be designed.
In the further contribution, the definition of an IT security model is introduced (see
chapter 2), then it is discussed whether existing IT security models can be applied (see
chapter 3). Subsequently, security objectives from the Protection Profile are identified,
which are considered for the definition of a formal IT security model (see chapter 4), and
afterwards a formal IT security model is developed and proven to ensure all
characteristics of an IT security model (see chapter 5). The paper closes with the
proposal of future work activities and a short summery (see chapter 6).
Examples for available and established IT security models are: Bell/LaPadula model, the Clark Wilson
model, and the Biba model.
2 IT Security Model (General Introduction)
Model Definition. According to [Grimm08], IT security models define system states
and state transitions, differentiate between secure and insecure states, and explain under
which circumstances secure states are reached. An IT security model can be more or less
formal. All IT security models contain the following five description elements:
1. The definition of a superior security objective
2. The specification of secure system states
which represent together the superior
security objective
3. A trust model, describing a set of assumptions about the environment in which
the system is used and under which the set of secure system states is equivalent
to the superior security objective.
4. A set of permitted state transitions
5. A security theorem, claiming that applying any permitted state transitions to any
secure state necessarily transfers to a secure state again.
Explaining the Coherences. An IT security model has to close the following two gaps:
- between the secure system states and the superior security objective (trust
model in 3) and
- between the permitted state transitions and the secure system states (security
theorem in 5).
For our purpose the first gap is already closed by the Protection Profile; in particular by
- the security problem definition, including a list of assumptions about the
- the list of security objectives for the system, and
- the discussions in section „security objective rationale“.
Therefore, this aspect is not further discussed in this paper. The second gap is closed by
the security theorem with its corresponding proof in sections 4 and 5 of this paper.
The specification of secure system states corresponds to the Common Criteria security objectives (in case of
a non formal IT security model).
Definition of Secure System States and Permitted State Transitions. The secure
states (description element 2) and the permitted state transitions (description element 4)
have to be described as accurately and precisely as possible. One informal way to
formulate secure states is the definition of security objectives according to the Common
Criteria [CC07]. In this case, the security theorem (description element 5) is proven by a
linguistically convincing and conclusive argumentation. For applications which require a
high security assurance, the definitions of a secure state and of permitted state transitions
must be consistent and the corresponding security theorem must hold without any doubt.
In this case, it is necessary to specify the secure states and the permitted state transitions
in a formal way, and the security theorem must be proven with mathematical means. The
formal specification of both together (in description elements 2 and 4) together with the
formal proof (in description element 5) represents a formal IT security model
In the case of a formal IT security model, a third gap has to be closed - the gap between
the linguistically formulated security objectives from the Protection Profile and the
formal specification of the secure states. This cannot be formalised, but this is the subject
of an argumentative discourse of security and application experts.
Advantages of the Application of Formal Methods. The application of formal IT
security models has three main advantages:
- No natural language can guarantee an unambiguous interpretation and,
therefore, it provides no feasibility to prove consistence in the formulation of secure
states and permitted state transitions. Vulnerabilities in the implementation of these are a
consequence. In contrast, the application of mathematical established technical
equipment, which makes the application of computer-aided proofs possible, enables the
definition of unambiguous and inter-subjective secure states and permitted state
- The development of a formal IT security model is used to identify and remove
inconclusive, inconsistent, contradictory, or not enforceable secure states and/or
permitted state transitions which cannot be detected with natural language.
- Using natural language for the specification of secure states and permitted state
transitions causes similar problems for the evaluator - it is hard and in general not
unambiguous to decide whether the implemented security functions are sufficient to
ensure the specified secure states and permitted state transitions. Based on a formal
specification of the system, it can be formally proven that the specification and later the
implementation conform to the formal specification of the secure states and permitted
state transitions.
The Common Criteria defines formal security models in the following way: “A formal security model is a
precise formal presentation of the important aspects of security and their relationship to the behaviour of the
TOE; it identifies the set of rules and practises that regulate how the TSF manages, protects, and otherwise
controls the system resources. […] the formal security policy model is merely a formal representation of the set
of SFRs being claimed.” [CC06]
3 Application of Available IT Security Models for elections
To our knowledge, no formal IT security model is available which completely covers the
superior security objective of a secure remote electronic election. Caused by the
numerous different tasks of a remote electronic voting system, the existence of such a
model also seems to be unrealistic. However, the integrity model of Clark Wilson
[CW87] and the confidentiality model of Bell-LaPadula [BLP73] can possibly describe
partial security objectives.
The Clark Wilson model introduced the separation of duty principle to security
modelling. For different partial security objectives in the context of a remote electronic
voting system, it might be possible to use the separation of responsibilities in the sense
of Clark Wilson. The Protection Profile defining basic security requirements for remote
electronic voting systems [PP08] demands, for example:
O.AuthPollworkers: The TOE implements an authentication function which
supports the separation of duty principle for at least two members […]. Thus,
at least two poll workers control each other.
This PP security objective corresponds to the certification rule C3 and the penetration
rules E2 and E3, which describe the "internal consistency" of a system in the Clark
Wilson model:
E2: The system has a list mapping users to transaction procedures (user X, TPi,
(CDIa, CDIb, CDIc, …)) and ensures that users can only execute transaction
procedures according to this list.
C3: The allocation list from rule E2 complies with the separation of duty
E3: The system authenticates the user’s identity before executing any
transaction procedure.
The Bell-LaPadula model prevents confidential information flow to public domains.
This is achieved by mandatory access control. This approach could conceivably structure
voters, poll workers, ballots and the ballot box in a hierarchical information flow model
a là Bell-LaPadula and, thus, to model the secrecy of the vote. These approaches are still
open research tasks.
The following chapters will discuss other security objectives defined in the Protection
Profile, which cannot be modelled with Bell LaPadula, Clark Wilson or none of the other
well-known formal IT security models. Therefore, a new formal IT security model is
developed for these PP security objectives. The developed transaction procedures for the
penetration of these security objectives could be embedded into a superior separation of
duty model according to Clark Wilson. This integration needs to be further analysed in
the context of future work.
4 Selection of PP Security Objectives
The development of a formal IT security model for remote electronic voting systems is a
complex task and happens gradually by adding security objectives, defined in the
Protection Profile, step by step. The security model, which will be presented in chapter
5, is a first step accomplished for two selected security objectives from the Protection
Profile defining basic security requirements for remote electronic voting [PP08]. This
first step illustrates how the further security objectives can be specified formally. The
two selected security objectives are:
O.UnauthVoter: Only eligible voters who have been unambiguously identified
and authenticated are allowed to cast a vote that is stored in the e-ballot box.
O.OneVoterOneVote: It is ensured that (A) each voter can cast only one vote
and that (B) no voter loses his voting right without having cast a vote. [….].
5 Formal IT Security Model for Remote Electronic Voting
Different possibilities to model a particular system exist. According to [Grimm08] an IT
security model for the above identified security objectives can be described in the
following way:
Definition of the Superior Security Objective (1). Execution of a secure, equal,
universal, direct, secret, and free remote electronic election.
Definition of a System State. A system state is represented by a triple of the following
three entries:
1. W – Set of eligible voters (those who are listed in the electoral register and
have not yet cast a vote).
2. S – Set of (encrypted) votes stored in the e-ballot box.
3. voter: S
M – Mapping (encrypted) votes on their electors.
M is a superset of W
, that is, M W
. M contains any user who tries to
access the remote electronic voting system, whether or not this particular user
has the right to cast a vote. The function voter assigns each (encrypted) vote
to its producer (voter).
Remark 1: in the case of postal voting, the function voter is realised by the
outer envelope which is labelled with the sender’s name and address. During
the tallying phase, the sender information is checked and is verified whether
or voter(s)
. In the first case, the outer envelope is
removed and the inner one containing the vote is put into the ballot box,
while in the second case the envelope is destroyed.
Remark 2: the values of voter are visible only for the last vote (or votes) cast
into the e-ballot box, i.e., only for the s
. After anonymising S, the
values of voter cannot be reconstructed. Therefore, in praxis, the voter
mapping should only be used during state transitions on the s
. Secure
state transitions are controllable on this “visible subset” S
of S
(see rules for permitted state transitions (4) below). For the “invisible part” S
of the voter mapping on S
we define voter
Initial State. < W
, S
={}, voter
={}> is the initial state.
stands for the set of all voters in the electoral register (those who have already cast
a vote and those who still have the right to cast a vote). The two empty sets S
and voter
stand for the empty e-ballot-box in the beginning and the corresponding empty mapping
of the empty box on the users of the voting system.
Specification of Secure States (2). It has to be defined which properties represent a
secure state. According to chapter 4, the PP security objectives O.UnauthVoter and
O.OneVoterOneVote are selected to be specified in terms of formal state properties
denoting a secure state:
S: voter(s)
; that is, the e-ballot box contains
only those e-votes (s
S) from which the corresponding elector
Wtotal) is listed in the electoral register. In order to ensure this,
the voter needs to be unambiguously identified and authenticated.
O.OneVoterOneVote: (A)
s, s’
S: voter(s) = voter(s’)
s = s’; that is,
whenever the set S of cast votes contains two votes from the same voter,
then these two votes are identical. Thus, only one of the stored e-votes is
tallied. This means that each voter can cast only one vote.
S: voter(s) = x; that is, a
voter can only become an elector if his e-vote is stored in the e-ballot box
S). Thus, he cannot lose his right to vote without having cast a vote
which has been successfully stored in the e-ballot box.
Remark It is easy to prove that these three conditions for a secure state are
equivalent to the following two conditions: “W
=W+voter(S)” (where
“+” denotes the disjoint union of sets) and “The voter mapping is
injective.” An alternative way to prove the security theorem (5) would be
to prove that these two conditions are implied by the permitted state
transitions (4). However, we prefer to derive our three conditions of a
secure state (2) directly from the following permitted state transitions.
Trust model (3). The set of assumptions about the environment and the corresponding
reasoning are part of [PP08].
Permitted State Transitions (4). A state transition from state Z
, S
, voter
> to
, S
, voter
> is permitted if one of the following rules holds:
State transitions in which no vote is cast:
[rule 1] W
= W
= S
= voter
State transitions in which a vote is cast and successfully stored in the e-ballot
box, that is, the sets S and W are modified:
[rule 2]
: ( voter
= W
= S
\{s} )
Remark 1: All m
M can initiate a state transition by casting a vote. However, for
not permitted state transitions holds: m
= W
and S
Remark 2: The state transition rules use the voter mapping only on its visible part,
that is, on S
. This makes the transition rules usable in praxis.
Theorem (5). For all permitted state transitions starting with the initial state,
, {}, {}> holds that any reachable state is a secure state.
Proof. The theorem can be proven by mathematical induction. To simplify our notation,
we write voter instead of voter
or voter
, we understand that voter
. To
simplify the main proof, it is helpful to first prove that for all permitted state transitions
to Z
the following three lemmas L1, L2 and L3 hold. These are now named and
L1: S
: (S
= {voter(s)})
Interpretation: During each permitted state transition according to [rule 2] exactly
one new vote is generated and exactly the one associated voter loses his right to vote.
Proof for L1: In the case S
[rule 2] had to be applied. Therefore,
there exists an s
for which holds: S
\{s}: Thus s is the only element in
. Therefore, the first part of the lemma is proven. Moreover, according to [rule
2] the following statement holds for this s: voter(s)
with W
Thus, voter(s) is the only element in W
. Therefore, the second part of the
lemma is proven.
q.e.d. (L1)
L2: W
= W
Interpretation: The set of eligible voters can only decrease.
Proof for L2: This lemma is a trivial consequence of [rule 2].
q.e.d. (L2)
L3: s S
: j < i : voter(s) W
Interpretation: For each vote stored in the e-ballot box, there exists a voting right
discarded earlier.
Proof of L3: Application of proof by induction over i, starting with i=1:
Induction Base: For i=1: Choose j=0, then this case is equal to the special case of L1
with S
and S
Induction Hypothesis: L3 holds for some i
Induction Step: For i+1 holds:
does either hold s
or s
. In the first case the statement is
true according to the induction hypothesis. In the second case, L1 proves the
q.e.d. (L3)
Back to the main Proof:
Induction Base: All three secure state properties do hold for the initial state Z
because S
and W
are equal to the empty set.
Induction Hypothesis: The secure state property holds for some state Z
Induction Step: It needs to be shown that for all possible states Z
by permitted state transitions from Z
holds that a secure state is reached:
o [rule 1] W
= W
= S
; thus Z
= Z
. Therefore, applying the
induction hypothesis it holds that also Z
is a secure state.
o [rule 2]
: (voter(s)
= W
= S
We prove each of the three properties of a secure state separately:
Induction Hypothesis: For some i
0 holds: sS
: voter(s)
Induction Step: Then for i+1 holds:
: s
Case [s
]: this holds because of the induction hypothesis.
Case [s
]: according to L1 holds: W
and according to L2 holds: W
, hence voter(s)
q.e.d. (O.UnauthVoter)
Induction Hypothesis: For some i
0 holds:
: voter(s)=voter(s’)
Induction Step: Then for i+1 holds:
For all s and s’ only the following three possibilities exist:
Case [s, s’
]: this holds because of the induction hypothesis.
Case [s, s’
]: according to L1 holds: S
Case [s
]: according to L1 holds: W
and according to L3 holds
j < i : voter(s’)
Thus, voter(s)
and voter(s’)
. Thus, both values can never be equal.
Thus, the statement holds also in this third case.
q.e.d. (OneVoterOneVote(A))
Induction Hypothesis: For some i
0 holds:
: voter(s) = x
Induction Step: Then for i+1 holds: For x
, x must be in one of the following
Case [x
)]: this holds because of the induction
Case [x
)]: according to L2 holds: W
) =W
; thus, x
; in addition, it holds:
. According to L1 holds W
={voter(s)} for s
. Then,
deduced from x W
it holds: voter(s)=x; this completes the proof for i+1.
q.e.d. (OneVoterOneVote(B))
All together: q.e.d. (Theorem)
6 Future Work and Summary
Currently, a Protection Profile (PP) defining basic security requirements for remote
electronic voting [PP08] is accomplished in Germany. This PP demands the evaluation
assurance level EAL2+. The current discussions about the evaluation of electronic voting
systems in general illustrate that the critics demand a high EAL level. We agree because
political elections are the highest property of a democracy. Therefore, we believe that
formal methods are well motivated for voting applications. However, concerning an
evaluation according to EAL6 or EAL7 there are still a couple of open questions and
research tasks to solve (not only concerning remote electronic voting). It is necessary to
further discuss the specification of IT security models for remote electronic voting
This contribution demonstrates with two examples how security objectives, defined by
the basic profile PP can be integrated into a formal IT security model. Up to a complete
formalisation of all security objectives and their integration in a closed IT security model
for remote electronic voting systems, substantial research has to be carried out.
We thank Dieter Hutter for his helpful comments on our formalisation method.
[CC06] Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Version 3.1, 2006.
[CEM06] Common Methodology for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Version 3.1,
[DFKI02] H. Mantel, W. Stephan, M. Ullmann, and R. Vogt. Leitfaden für die Erstellung und
Prüfung formaler Sicherhetismodell im Rahmen von ITSEC und Common Criteria.
Version 1.0c, 2002
[Grimm08] R. Grimm, IT-Sicherheitsmodelle. Arbeitsberichte aus dem FB Informatik der
Universität Koblenz-Landau, Feb 2008, erscheint in WISU
[PP06] M. Volkamer and R. Vogt. Digitales Wahlstift-System. Common Criteria Protection
Profile BSI-PP-0031,, 2006.
[PP08] M. Volkamer and R. Vogt. Core Requirements for Online Voting Systems. Protection
profile, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, 2008.
[CW87] D. Clark and D. Wilson. A Comparison of Commercial and Military Security Policies.
Proceedings of the 1987 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, Oakland, CA.
Computer Society Press of the IEEE, Washington DC, 184-194, 1987.
[BLP73] D. E. Bell and L. J. LaPadula. Secure Computer Systems: Mathematical Foundations,
and A mathematical model. ESD-TR-73-278, MTR-2547, Vols 1&2. The MITRE
Corporation, Bedford, MA, Nov 1973.
The Certification of E-Voting Mechanisms.
Fighting against Opacity
Jordi Barrat i Esteve
Dpt. Estudis Jurídics de l'Estat / R+D (SEJ2007-64886)
University of Alacant
Cta. Sant Vicent del Raspeig s/n
E-03690 Sant Vicent del Raspeig
Abstract: Many countries are using certification procedures to guarantee the full
compliance of e-voting mechanisms with democratic standards, but the data
generated by these analysis is normally handled almost secretly. Given that
transparency is a key principle to guarantee citizen's confidence in the electoral
process, this opacity would only be acceptable after a correct balance of the
concurrent interests. The paper provides specific data on the certification
mechanisms of some countries and assesses the feasibility of a disclosure of the
certification reports.
1 Introduction
Electronic voting raises several concerns, like, for instance, whether it can provide the
same degree of electoral transparency and citizen control that already exists in our
current elections. It is not clear how it can guarantee a meaningful recount similar to the
traditional one based on paper ballots given that one of the main problems of any
electronic voting solution is that an average citizen cannot easily understand how it is
working. The current electoral structure allows everybody, even a person without
specific skills, to check the accuracy of the process, but unfortunately the electronic
voting platforms, at least if they have no paper trail, will never achieve the same degree
of external supervision. Its implementation, therefore, should be to strengthen by
supplementary control measures, so that, although different from the traditional ones, it
would emulate the current framework so that the citizenry could have enough confidence
in these new electoral devices.
Although there are different solutions to this problem (e.g. open source e-voting
platforms), one of these new mechanisms could be a certification process. They already
exists with the traditional paper voting systems, but they become much more important if
applied to electronic voting platforms. The electoral authorities would only agree to
voting machines that, according to several technical analyses, comply with detailed
conditions previously set up. This process would be quite similar to the certification of
industrial products, but here there are some specific features because we are not trying to
check only whether a device is technically correct. We are also trying to compensate for
the lack of citizen control that exists where voting procedures accept computer
components. Moreover, ordinary industrial products generate external evidences of their
performance, but electronic voting solutions cannot provide these external data because
they must also guarantee the secrecy of the vote.
There are several items to be analysed in a certification procedure. The first one could be
to decide who will actually carry out the technical analysis that any certification process
entails (i). We should opt between public or private bodies and we could also analyse
which criteria have been used for each appointment and the detailed conditions and
terms to conduct this task. We could also wonder which components of the voting
machines will be checked (ii). Once again, the landscape is very different depending on
the country. We could find very detailed lists of requirements to be checked by the
certification institutions, but also very ambiguous and generic documents. A third focus
point could be the legal rules about the disclosure of the reports issued by the
certification bodies and the availability of the overall file, that is, the technical
documentation of the voting machine (e.g. source code) (iii). Following the patterns of
the ordinary industrial certification processes, these policies use to be very opaque.
Due to length restrictions, this paper will only provide an overview of the third point.
The analysis includes a preliminary theoretical approach in conjunction with detailed
references of some real cases of binding electronic voting systems, namely in Belgium,
Estonia, Netherlands (Internet voting not included) and France (Internet voting not
included). However, a full understanding of the problem would also require taking into
account the approaches developed in other countries like, for instance, the United States,
Venezuela or Brazil.
2 The Certification Reports: How to Handle Sensitive Data
The credibility of a system such as electronic voting is supported by a combination of
measures designed to increase its openness. The certification is one of these measures,
but its actual effects will largely depend on the disclosure of its final findings and it is
worth noting that, except for some slight nuances, in all the cases which have been
observed, the decision taken was to restrict to the maximum the access to the
documentation produced by the technical analysis.
Thus, we should not place too many expectations on the efficacy of the certification
measures, at least strictly from the citizen’s point of view. There is no doubt that such
measures are thought to carry out a correct supervision, but, if such an obscurity is kept,
they will by no means be able to emulate the openness and popular control guaranteed
by the traditional voting systems. We shall analyse below the situation observed in
several countries, paying special attention to the arguments put forward in order to deny
access to the aforementioned documentation and also to certain situations where the
possibility to achieve a wider spread seems to be making its way.
The French case is particularly interesting, since the public authorities had to take a
position regarding a request by which a citizen expressly demanded the disclosure of the
certification reports related to the three authorized voting companies. On February, 3rd
2006 the French Ministry of the Interior refused to grant such a claim following the
criteria provided by the CADA –Commission d'Accès aux Documents Administratifs—.
The CADA is an advisory body whose mission consists precisely on deciding, in the
light of the regulations on the access to public information, which documents can be
actually disclosed and, on the basis of different criteria, which must be handled in a
different way. This Commission recommended not to disclose the requested
documentation, arguing that it could be detrimental to "le secret industriel et commercial
... [et] compromettre le bon déroulement des élections" (the commercial and industrial
secrecy ... [and] endanger the correct electoral management).
Two reasons are given. The first one (i) emphasizes the rights of the private companies
which take part in the process, pointing out that the disclosure of the documentation
could be detrimental to their interests, specifically to their commercial and industrial
secret. Please note that we are referring to the two companies involved and not only to
the one that undertakes the development of the computer applications. This fact implies
that both would be at risk, on the one hand, the control over the voting technological
solution, and, on the other hand, the internal certification methodology used by the
company responsible for drafting the report.
From my point of view, an ideal solution must take into account these legitimate
interests, but it must also avoid considering them to be the only important interests in
this field. As it has been pointed out before, electronic voting does not have the same
features as other areas where the certification reports are normally secret. The reports
related to many industrial products are subject to these opaque rules, but the electronic
voting has a peculiarity that consists in the fact that it is impossible to verify whether the
system really works properly. For instance, it will be relatively easy to prove that an
authorized train does not meet the analysed parameters, since external evidences will
appear. If an authorized train fails to reach the speed that it should theoretically achieve
according to a previous technical document, it is obvious that someone has failed—
either the railway company or the certification authorities.
Document available at: [September 7th 2007].
Unfortunately, this method cannot be used in the electronic voting field. In view of the
fact that the vote is secret, and unless we decide to implement a paper receipt, there is no
external evidence beyond the computer audit that allows us to assert that the results
obtained by means of the electronic system faithfully reflect the voter’s will. As a matter
of fact, the scandals arising from some electronic voting applications, such as the those
caused in Sarasota (Florida) or in Schaerbeek (Belgium), are based on absolutely
illogical results, as, for instance, the recording of an unusually high rate of abstentionism
in a given election
or a vote distribution that is incompatible with the electoral
These extreme cases may in fact be inspected, and such has been the case, but
nothing can be done in other less dramatic cases that would happen, for instance, if the
electoral fraud consisted only in shifting the direction of a vote in each constituency.
Thus, the legal framework, which supports the certification of the electronic voting, must
rest on this basis and not, as usually happens, on the false premise that the general
guidelines for the certification of other products are also applicable in this field.
The ideal solution would obviously consist in enforcing the public and general disclosure
of these reports, but before reaching such a stage, it is advisable to examine the
possibility of finding an intermediate solution which may not only satisfy the companies
involved, but which could also be especially beneficial for the openness required by any
electoral system.
In 2006, Christine Jennings lost her seat as a representative by a very few votes, but in Sarasota County
something strange happened and more than 10% of the voters, even though they had attended the polling
station and had voted in many of the simultaneous calls for elections that usually take place in the United
States, surprisingly decided to abstain from the election for the House of Representatives, which is one of the
most important calls. Moreover, if we compare this percentage with that obtained in the neighbouring region,
we will easily prove that the citizens who behaved in a similar way in such a region were many fewer on a
relative footing. Further information at: Division of Elections / Florida Department of State - [September 15th 2007].
To be specific, a candidate obtained a number of preferential votes that exceeded the votes received by the
list of candidates in which he was included. There was a difference of 4096 votes. The Collège des Experts,
together with the company involved and the Ministry of the Interior itself, pointed out that the most probable
reason "pouvait être attribuée à une inversion spontanée d'une position binaire dans la memoire vive du PC ...
Un écart de 4096 peut être occasioné par une inversion de la 13ème position binaire du compteur" (could have
been a spontaneous inversion of a binary poristion within the live PC memory ... A difference of 4096 [votes]
could be generated by an inversion of the 13rd binary position of a counting device) [Co03, p.19]. The
existence of a physical endorsement for each vote in the form of magnetic cards made it possible to repeat the
counting and, in view of the fact that this technical incident did not happen again, they opted to accept the
second results as valid. However, this does not make what happened less serious and it raises the question of
what the solution would have been in the event that there had been no magnetic cards.
We may consider first whether the very premise on which we rely is certain, that is,
whether the belief that disclosing these reports will unavoidably entail an irreparable
harm for the industrial and commercial property rights of the companies involved. As a
matter of fact, stating that this belief is certain, at least in such a convincing and general
way, is far from reflecting the reality. There are several factors that must be taken into
account and that may make this statement more flexible in certain respects. One of these
factors consists in requiring certain previous certification parameters, which must be
detailed and comprehensive and must even include the method to be used for the
verification. This is what happens in France, where the electronic voting systems must
accredit that a total of 114 conditions of different kinds are met. One of the sections
included in the certification reports will obviously consist in a detailed review of these
requirements and the integration of the corresponding comments regarding the fact of
whether or not the voting prototype has passed the tests.
If the circumstances are as described, the risk of revealing important trade and business
secrets seems to be quite remote, and thus, allowing at least a partial disclosure of the
certification reports would be reasonable. We should bear in mind that sometimes the
comments will not just consist in an affirmative or a negative remark, but they will
provide some additional information and these are the details which will precisely help
strengthen the electoral openness and the trust of the citizens. The incident that occurred
in France regarding the internal clock of NEPAD’s machines is a perfect example of
what has been stated.
As a result of a lawsuit brought in Vaucresson, the Ministry of the Interior disclosed part of the report that
Bureau Veritas had drafted for NEDAP [available at: www.ordinateurs-de- (September 7th 2007)]. The issues at stake were, on the one
hand, the hypothetical contradictions between the devices manufactured by NEDAP, which had been
purchased at that time in Vaucresson, and on the other hand, some of the conditions which were required by
the technical regulations on which a report had to be delivered by the certification authorities, to be specific by
Bureau Veritas.
Thus, for instance, the 6th requirement establishes that the members of the polling station must be
able to "régler l'horloge interne de la machine à voter" (adjust the internal clock of the e-voting machine) and
to the same effect the 46th requirement states that such adjustment must rely on "les données heure-minute-
seconde" (the data hour-minute-second). The aim of both conditions is to get devices able to "dater les divers
évenements et comptes-rendus mémorisés au cours d'un scrutin" (fix the temporal data of the different actions
and memos saved during the election) (46th requirement) and, subsequently, the final printings produced by
the voting machine must include "les heures d'ouverture et de clôture du scrutin" (opening and closing hours of
the election) (19th requirement). Another important issue was the locking mechanism of the voting system,
since the 7th requirement envisages "un double dispositif d'authentification électronique" (a double electronic
authentication device).
To begin with, from my point of view, it is difficult to assert that the pages that were sent
to court compromise the trade secrets of NEPAD or Bureau Veritas. In both cases the
pages only contained some three-column tables where, together with a tag regarding
each requirement demanded by the legal regulations, Bureau Veritas had included a
comment to the effect of whether or not the prototype complied with each legal
condition. Should there be any doubt about the interpretation of the legal regulations or
about the total or partial compliance with them, as in the clock’s case, the certification
authority shall reflect the results obtained and describe as minor or major discrepancies
the differences that have been found. All-in-all, we are dealing with documents which
neither uncover a computer’s architecture nor explain in detail the internal methodology
of Bureau Veritas, but still they can be extremely helpful for the citizens to get an exact
idea of how an electronic voting system works.
For instance, in the internal clock’s case, the most important fact is not so much whether
or not the machine has an absolute or a relative timer, an argument which was, by the
way, rejected by the Conseil d'État
as well as by the Conseil Constitutionnel.
important fact is that now reading the report lets us know that the machine did not really
comply with all the legal requirements and that the certification company as well as the
Ministry itself had to resort to the cunning argument that the discrepancies were minor in
order to be able to validate them.
As a result of an appeal lodged in Versailles, the Conseil d'Etat solved this question as follows: "Considérant
... que le règlement technique fixant les conditions d'agrément des machines à voter impose seulement que les
machines soit dotées d'une horloge interne que le bureau de vote puisse régler lors de son initialisation et qui
permette le chronométrage des évènements du scrutin, mais n'exige pas que ce réglage et ce chronométrage
soient opérés directement en fonction de l'heure légale; que par suite il est manifeste que le système
d'horodatage 'relatif' retenu par les concepteurs de ces machines ne méconnaît pas les conditions d'agrément
des machines à voter" (Taking into account ... that the technical document is only requiring an internal clock
for each voting machine that could be adjusted by the polling staff during the opening and that allows the
chronological counting of the actions generated during the election, but it does not require a counting linked to
the official hour; it is thus obvious that the relative counting foreseen by the computer scientists fully complies
with the conditions for the acceptance of the voting machines) (Ordonnance no. 305184 from May 2nd 2007).
The Conseil Constitutionnel literally accepted the judgement given by the Conseil d'Etat and, on the basis of
the same objection, dismissed an appeal lodged in Aulnay-sous-Bois as a result of the parliamentary elections
held in June [Decision 2007-3449 from July 26th 2007]. May I draw your attention to the fact that the
argument related to the existence of a mechanical key does not seem to have been used either in the litigation
before the Conseil d'Etat or in the one before the Conseil Constitutionnel.
Diverse mechanisms are used in order to deal with the literal sense of the technical requirements, although
they all have a common origin, which is some discrepancy between the voting system subject to analysis and
the legal requirements. Sometimes the strategy consists in acknowledging some minor discrepancies which,
therefore, would not compromise a general positive assessment. This is what happens with the mechanical key
problem (7th requirement) and, setting aside the classification of the incident as serious or slight, with the
implementation of a relative clock (6th requirement).
However, sometimes the certification authority agrees that the corresponding requirement has been
met, even though the previous comments logically lead to a different conclusion. Such is the case, for instance,
of the 19th requirement which states that the documents generated by the computer contain all the data
"exceptées les heures d'ouverture et fermeture, qu'il convient d'ajouter à la main" (unless the opening and
closing hours, that should be manually added) (the italics are mine). The surprising fact is that, as it was
pointed out before, according to the technical document, these data related to time are precisely the data which
must be printed.
This detail could only become known as a result of the publication of the extract sent to
court, since it was not included in any of the previous public statements. In this sense, a
wider spread of these tables which, as has been said before, do not compromise the
commercial interests of the companies, could provide the citizens with a more complete
and detailed sight of the certification process, of the possible implications of the
discrepancies, and of the criterion used by the certification authorities in order to classify
them as minor or major discrepancies. Although most of the citizens actually lack
technical knowledge, such data would allow them to have a better-grounded opinion on
whether or not the certification process has been properly designed to perform its
purpose, that is to say, to verify whether or not the electronic voting system observes the
basic principles of any democratic election.
Other parameters to be taken into account consist in identifying which players will
actually receive the sensitive data of the e-voting company and under which conditions.
If we implement a certification process, the vendor is accepting to provide sensitive data
to a third party, that is, the certifying body, and it seems therefore feasible that other
stakeholders might have access to the same information or, at least, to the final report
generated by these certification activities. Obviously the vendor could require some
conditions, like a confidentiality agreement similar to the one already accepted by the
certification body, but there should be no obstacle to broaden the recipients of this
information to research groups, to professional corporations or to given civil society
organizations closely related to these topics. It would not be a full openness, that could
barely guarantee a minimum of confidentiality, but we are managing to involve some
supplementary stakeholders. We maintain the same confidentiality conditions already
implemented, but we enhance the principle of transparency.
If we analyse the praxis in some countries, we will easily discover that the apparently
strict confidentiality requirement is actually breached in some cases. ES&S, for instance,
accepted during the last French presidential elections, a partial disclosure of its Bureau
Veritas certification report to some customers belonging to local administrations
because, in France, these bodies are actually deciding which e-voting supplier, among
the three previously authorized, is the best one. These representatives were invited to
ES&S headquarters where they could read –not copy— the report. If the vendor itself is
implementing such protocols, it would hardly be acceptable not to provide the same
information with the same conditions to other stakeholders that seem to be at least as
important as local authorities. I am referring, for instance, to political parties.
Belgium is an interesting example, although we will also find some paradoxes. While the
source code is largely spread, the certification reports, apparently less dangerous
information, are handled with great opacity. The source code is delivered to the political
parties even before the elections, although they have to respect a confidentiality
agreement. Their IT experts could therefore analyse the system and communicate to the
Ministry of Interior whatever mistakes they have found. Second, the electoral authorities
upload the full source code to the website immediately after the elections.
See a technical analysis carried out by aFRONT based on the source code used in 2003 and 2004: (September 15th 2007).
This transparent behaviour hardly matches with the treatment provided to the results of
the certification activities. It would be difficult to reject the publication of the
certification report on the grounds of risks for the industrial property, because the source
code will already be known by the citizenry. Following the aforementioned Fresh
arguments, we could also argue that what is actually in danger is the methodology of the
certifying institution, but we already know that this parameter could have minor
relevance if the criteria are previously set up in a very detailed way. Unfortunately,
Belgium does not meet this condition because the criteria are not detailed and therefore
the certifying bodies have large powers to assess whether the software complies with
This opaque approach may have unwanted consequences since the citizenry could
become more and more reluctant to easily accept the fair behaviour of the electoral
authorities. It is worth recalling, for instance, the following statement of the Collège des
Experts: "Il est à noter que l'attitude du SPF Interieur vis à vis les rapports des
organismes d'avis est fort peu critique. En effet, peu importe la qualité des tests, un
rapport positif est visiblement accueilli avec un gran soulagement" (It is worth noting
that the Ministry of Inteior's behaviour is not very rigorous regarding the reports issued
by the certifying companies. Despite the actual quality of the checks, a positive report is
publicly received with a great relief) [Co07, p. 16]. The only way to avoid this
perception is to accept a full disclosure of the certification report and the Collège
actually makes this recommendation later [Co07, p. 28].
The Netherlands also has a nuanced framework that does not match with the simple and
quick French solution. The Brightsight's report was kept secret during the 2006
elections, but the implementation of the Act regarding a free access to the public
information allows the disclosure of significant data about the relationships between the
electoral authorities and their computer supplier Groenendaal [Wv07]. The certification
report is not publicly available yet, however.
Finally, assuming that Estonia does not have a formal certification procedure [DM02, p.
238], its electoral authorities accepted in 2007 several verifications carried out by
specialists, but unfortunately "the results of these reviews were not made public" [Os07,
p 15]. The private audit, carried out during the electoral period aiming to check whether
the operational protocols were correctly followed, is not publicly available either
[Os07.p. 15].
There are therefore some interesting paradoxes. While the system seems to be very open,
accepting reviews carried out by any interested group, the subsequent decisions are very
opaque because the findings of these procedures remain secret. Is it actually useful, from
a democratic point of view, to foster such confidentiality agreements? Obviously these
reviews are important achievements, mainly if we take into account what is happening in
other countries, but their usefulness is not clear since we will not be able to alert the
society to the vulnerabilities that we could have found.
It is difficult to find balanced solutions in these cases, but we could try to soften
confidentiality agreements so that any person could at least publicly provide a general
overview of his/her analysis confirming the system's reliability or pointing out some
weaknesses. The first statement will definitively strengthen the citizen's confidence and
the second one, even in these generic terms, will likely rouse citizen's concerns and will
foster further check ups by the electoral authorities themselves.
Finally, there was a second argument (ii) within the CADA's recommendation. A full
disclosure of the certification reports "pourrait compromettre le bon déroulement des
elections." Certainly, one common argument against open source is the risk to provide
sensitive information to external hackers. Although this is a technical debate and this
paper only has a legal approach, it is worth underlining that many computer scientists,
even perhaps a large majority, are actually supporting open source solutions as the best
ones. Jason Kitkat, for instance, thinks that a disclosure is not neutral and actually
increases the system's security: "Cryptographers and security professionals use peer
review to provide assurance for the quality of their systems. A security scheme whose
source code and design is known yet continues to offer a useful level of protection is a
good one" [Ki04, p. 65; same opinion Ru06, p. 125]. There will be other challenges, like
the verification that all the devices are actually containing the correct code, but the
security and robustness of the product would be enhanced with an open strategy.
3 Concluding Remarks
The certification of industrial components used to be an ordinary procedure thought to
guarantee their quality and security within a standardized protocol of supervision
mechanisms. However, electronic voting platforms have some specific features, like the
need to maintain the transparency of any electoral step and the lack of a paper trail that,
if required, could allow us to perform a second tally. Since the certification process
should take into account these specific needs, we should profile a special protocol for
this single product. Although there are several items to analyse: who is doing the
technical analysis (i), which criteria should be used (ii) and who should receive the final
reports (iii), this paper is only focused on the third one.
The protection of the industrial property has been so far a common argument to reject a
full disclosure of the certification reports. It is a legitimate position, but it should be
balanced with other approaches given that we are talking about electoral processes and
therefore the citizens' confidence in the system should be a major outcome. A fair
business concurrence might also be a sound argument against opacity. Should e-voting
systems increase their implementation worldwide? Should new or more balance between
transparency and property be sought? Despite the current framework, the paper shows
how some minor data coming from given countries actually suggests that the opacity is
not well grounded and that it would be easily feasible to include a certain degree of
transparency without breaching the industrial property.
These humble measures could be a good beginning in order to achieve afterwards a new
balance between electoral transparency and other opposite interests. Moreover, the
Belgian experience should be seriously taken into account, because its structural
weakness, the Collège des Experts, provides external control over the e-voting process.
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Session 7: Technological Issues of E-Voting
Code Voting With Linkable Group Signatures
Jörg Helbach
, Jörg Schwenk
, Sven Schäge
Chair for Network and Data Security
Ruhr-University Bochum
Universitätsstr. 150
D-44780 Bochum
{joerg.schwenk | sven.schäge}
Abstract: Code Voting is an appropriate technology to deal with the “Secure
Platform Problem” [Riv02]. However, code voting as proposed by Chaum [Cha01]
is vulnerable to vote selling and other flaccidities. In this paper we describe the
vulnerabilities of code voting and propose to extend code voting to prevent vote
selling. For this purpose we combine code voting with linkable group signatures
and vote updating. We analyze the security properties of this new approach.
1 Introduction
Regarding remote online voting systems one of the major issues is the security of the
voting client, i.e. the personal computer of the voter, as it cannot considered to be
trustworthy. Due to this fact in 2002 Ronald Rivest coined the term “Secure Platform
Problem” [Riv02]. Even though different cryptographic voting protocols exist, the
problem is that the voting client could be infected with malicious software, which is
nowadays a widespread problem. Some estimates say that between 15% and 25% of all
computers on the Internet are infected with malware bots [Web07], i.e. they have been
under the complete control of an adversary. Hence, the voter cannot be sure that his
electronic ballot is submitted faultless and unmodified to the voting server. Some
methods for resolving this problem have been analyzed in [Opp02]. A good approach to
overcome this problem is to use code voting as introduced by David Chaum in 2001
[Cha01]. Instead of a candidate's name, the voter only submits a voting transaction
number (voting TAN) to the voting server. There is no correlation between the chosen
candidate and the voting TAN on the voting client. So even if malware is installed on the
client, it cannot identify the decision of the voter.
In this paper we will describe the code voting approach in detail and show that it is
vulnerable against vote selling and denial of service attacks regarding the voting client.
We then propose to improve code voting to deal with those vulnerabilities. Furthermore
we combine code voting with vote updating and linkable group signatures. At last we
describe the security properties of the new introduced approach.
2 Election Requirements
2.1 Security Requirements
In general voting systems used for (political) elections have to be free, universal, secret
and equal. Much research has been done to adopt those requirements to remote online
voting systems. Regarding Germany respectively Europe two important studies are the
catalogue of requirements of the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) [PTB04]
and the recommendation of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe
[CoE04]. In 2006 Grimm analyzed those requirements and developed a protection
profile for non-political elections according to the Common Criteria [GKM+06].
Summarized one can specify the following list of security requirements, which is not
intended to be complete or comprehensive:
Completeness and soundness of the Internet voting protocol(s),
Correctness of the results
Authenticity of both the voter (or the voting client acting on behalf of the voter,
respectively) and the voting server,
Secrecy of the ballots (including, for example, anonymity of the voter),
Integrity of the ballots (including, for example, protection against malicious
Non-duplication of the ballots,
Availability and reliability of the voting process (including, for example,
protection against denial of service attacks)
Even though single of those requirements are easy to fulfil, it is quite difficult to achieve
all requirements concurrently, for some of them are contradictory. Furthermore
appropriate cryptographic methods exist to deal with single requirements. E.g. to
guarantee the secrecy of the ballot, one can use asymmetric encryption technologies. But
as the encryption has to be computed on the voter's local client computer (in case of a
remote online voting system), it is possible that malicious software forges the encryption
process. As the local voting client is an important part of a remote online voting system
and malware is an increasing problem on personal computers, it is difficult to ensure the
client's security and integrity. As mentioned, therefore, in 2002 Ronald Rivest
introduced the term “Secure Platform Problem” [Riv02]. We think that code voting,
which we will describe in the next section is one (if not the only one) approach that
works on a large scale.
2.2 Other requirements
Additionally to the security requirements there are further requirements, which a
(electronic) voting system has to or should fulfil.
As mentioned above a political election has to be free, i.e. the voter must be able to vote
for his favoured candidate without the fear of oppression or other disadvantages. The
secrecy of the voter's ballot protects the freeness of his or her vote. Due to these facts a
vote has to be anonymous, i.e. an attacker must not be able to correlate a (intercepted)
ballot to a voter. Furthermore the voter must not be able, voluntary or nonvoluntary, to
prove his vote to a third person to prevent vote selling or coercion of the voter. In the
literature this property is named receipt-freeness.
Another relevant property of voting systems is the verifiability of the election process. In
our democracy it is very important that the voter trusts this process and its result. This
trust is often addicted to the possibility to check the election process in general and the
calculation of the tally in particular. We distinguish between two kinds of verifiability,
individual and universal verifiability. A voting system is individual verifiable, if the
voter can check that his or her ballot has been computed in the tally correctly. Certainly
the voter must be the only one, who can check his own vote. A voting system is
universal verifiable, if it is individual verifiable and additionally all voters can check that
the tally was calculated correctly. The particular challenge regarding individual and
universal verifiability is not to compromise the receipt-freeness of the voting system.
3 The Secure Platform Problem
There is a simple attack against most of the remote voting systems proposed in the
literature: If the attacker is able to control the communication channel between PC and
voter, he can present the voting options in a different order, intercept the choice of the
voter and redirect it to a voting option of his choice. This approach is similar to recent
attacks on online banking systems [Gri03] [SW07] [LS07]. All cryptographic primitives
employed can protect the voter’s choice only from the point where it has been entered
into the PC. There are two major options to solve this problem:
Securing the PC against malware, e.g. by using Trusted Computing techniques.
Using a separate channel from the voting authority to the voter, e.g. by snail
mail, or by using a stand-alone security token.
We propose to use code voting [Cha01], where the separate channel is instantiated by
snail mail. However, this scheme is vulnerable to vote selling attacks, so to be able to
use this scheme in political elections, we have to add additional functionality. This
additional functionality will be a linkable group signature scheme that is executed inside
the untrusted PC. This may at first seem contradictory, but the adversary does not gain
an advantage by manipulating the GS scheme, as long as the private key of the group
member remains secret.
4 Code Voting
The term code voting was introduced in 2001 by David Chaum [Cha01]. Each eligible
voter is issued a code sheet as shown in table1.
Candidate Voting TAN
Alice 738747987
Bob 983293774
Clark 192851911
… …
Table 1: Printed Code Sheet.
As with many remote online voting systems, the voter connects to the remote voting
server, but instead of submitting the name of his or her favoured candidate the voter only
enters the appropriate voting TAN, i.e. if a voter wants to vote for Bob he just enters
983293774 into the voting application. Using code voting we assume
a trustworthy voting authority, which issues a valid code sheet to every eligible
voter, and
the according voting servers and databases to be reliable and secure.
With the two additional requirements
all voting codes are random and unique for every code sheet and every
candidate, and
the code sheets must not be distributed by electronically means
we can consider code voting secure against active and passive attacks [HS07]. In a
passive attack the adversary can read the submitted voting TAN. As this voting TAN is
random and there is no correlation between the voting TAN and the chosen candidate,
the best the attacker can do is guessing the vote. In an active attack the adversary not
only can read, but also could modify or discard the submitted voting TAN. For the
attacker neither knows the corresponding candidate nor can calculate a new voting TAN,
the best he can do is guessing again. However, code voting is vulnerable to unnoticeable
denial of service attacks, as the attacker could prevent the voting client from submitting
the chosen voting TAN to the server either by simply discard the voting TAN or
modifying the voting TAN, so that it is invalid. The voter has no possibility to discover
that his vote wasn't delivered to the voting server. For this purpose a possible extension
of the basic code sheet is to introduce a confirmation TAN, which is displayed after the
voting TAN was delivered correctly to the voting server as shown in table 2.
Voting TAN Candidate Confirmation TAN
738747987 Alice 332676873
983293774 Bob 676476488
192851911 Clark 301287123
… …
Table 2: Printed code sheet with confirmation TAN.
After the voter entered the voting TAN and it was successfully delivered to the voting
server, the server responds with the confirmation TAN. This confirmation TAN is also
random and unique for every code sheet and every candidate, so the voter has evidence,
that his chosen voting TAN was delivered correctly to the voting server. However, one
has to think about the voter's claiming possibilities in case of a faulty or missing
confirmation TAN. With this solution one possible (averaging) attack is to prevent the
voter from voting by means of a denial of service attack, i.e. the voter enters the chosen
voting TAN, but malware on the client computer prevents from submitting the voting
TAN to the voting server. Then the malware either answers with a random, faulty
confirmation TAN or doesn't answer at all. We then can assume, that the voter would
enter another voting TAN (in particular when vote updating is allowed) to check, if his
code sheet is correct. Presumably, the voter would then enter a voting TAN
corresponding to an outsider candidate, which the malware allows to pass. However, this
problem that neither the sender nor the receiver of a TAN could know, if his message
was delivered successfully, is comparable to the two army problem [AEH75][Gra78],
which illustrates the problems and challenges of attempting to coordinate an action of
two parties over an unreliable communication channel. However, though one can show
that the two army problem has no solution, often as a solution approach a three-way
handshake is used, as e.g. used in TCP. According to this approach we propose a 3-step
scheme by adding a third TAN, the finalization TAN (see table 3). The voting server
only counts the vote, if the finalization TAN has been entered by the voter. With the
attack described above, one can assume that the voter wouldn't enter the finalization
TAN, if he or she doesn't receive the correct confirmation TAN.
Voting TAN Candidate Confirmation TAN Finalization TAN
738747987 Alice 332676873 442367810
983293774 Bob 676476488 123456789
192851911 Clark 301287123 520172861
… …
Table 3: Printed code sheet with confirmation and finalization TAN.
5 Vote Selling
However, even with a finalization TAN, code voting is vulnerable to vote selling, as the
voter could simply sell the code sheet or a scanned copy thereof to an attacker. Even if
vote updating is allowed and the vote seller tries to update his or her vote, he or she is
racing with the vote buyer, and the vote buyer can arrange to be almost certain to win the
race, since the vote buyer can re-perform the update as many times as needed. We have
to assume that the vote buyer probably has more resources and patience than the vote
seller, and, for instance, can automate the process of repeatedly sending updates.
In the following sections we will improve code voting with group signatures and vote
updating to deal with vote selling.
6 Code Voting With Linkable Group Signatures
6.1 Group Signatures
In 1991 Chaum and van Heyst presented the concept of a group signature scheme
[CH91]. A group signature is used to allow every member of a group sign messages on
the group’s behalf. In most cases those signatures are anonymous, i.e. it is not possible to
identify which member of the group has signed a particular message. In addition, one
cannot check if two signed messages were signed by the same group member. However,
only a designated group manager exists who manages the membership list of the group
and who can reveal the identity of the signer of a message.
6.2 Procedures in Group Signature Schemes
The group signature setting comprises three parties, namely the group manager M, the
group members u
and one or more verifiers w
. In a group signature scheme, these
parties participate in several polynomial-time algorithms (Fig. 1)
GMKEY: a probabilistic algorithm that generates the private keys isk (issuing
key) and opk (opening key) for M together with a group public key gpk.
GUKEY: a probabilistic key generation algorithm that provides each user u
with a public key pair (upk
, usk
). The key upk
is also referred to as
membership key or pseudonym and should only be known to u
and M.
JOIN: an interactive algorithm in which M computes a membership certificate
on upk for user u
using isk. Using v
, u
can prove to any verifier w
that he is
a member of the group administered by M.
We here omit the JUDGE procedure, assuming that each identity determined by the OPEN algorithm is
accompanied with a proof of that fact.
SIGN: a probabilistic algorithm in which u
generates a signature s on an
arbitrary message m using a membership certificate v
and a secret key usk
Essentially, for a group signature scheme, no party can learn from s which v
was used to generate it nor determine if any two signatures s and s' have been
generated by the same group user.
VERIFY: given gpk, m, and s a verifier w
can use this deterministic algorithm
to determine if a received signature s has actually been signed by a group
OPEN: given opk and a message m with a corresponding group signature s, this
deterministic algorithm can identify the originator of s.
A secure group signature scheme must guarantee the following (informal) security
Correctness: A group signature s, which has been correctly generated by a
group user, is always accepted by a verifier.
Unforgeability: only group users can generate valid group signatures.
Anonymity: no one (except M) can learn the identity of the originator of a valid
group signature.
Unlinkability: no one (except M) can decide whether two signatures have been
issued by the same user.
Traceability: the group manager M can associate all valid group signatures with
their originator.
Coalition-resistance: a set C of malicious group users cannot work together to
successfully create valid group signatures, which are associated to a user u
is not a member of C.
In [BSZ05] the security requirements of group signature schemes are reduced to just four
basic properties (including correctness). Each property is then formalized in an attack
experiment. Accordingly, a group signature scheme is called secure with respect to a
certain security property if no polynomial-time attacker can win the corresponding
experiment with a non-negligible probability.
We remark that some authors even consider further security properties.
Figure 1: Group signature scheme. gpk: group public key; isk: (private) issuing key; opk: (private)
opening key; usk
: (private) user key; upk
: membership key; m: message to be signed; v
membership certificate; s: group signature on m; i user identity
6.3 Signatures of Knowledge
Signatures of knowledge are among the most important building blocks for group
signature schemes. They are based on zero-knowledge protocols in which a prover can
convince a verifier that he possesses a certain secret without revealing any information
on that secret. Basically, usual 3-move zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge are made
non-interactive using the Fiat-Shamir heuristic by replacing the verifier in the first two
protocol steps with a hash function. Accordingly, the output of the hash function is
interpreted as one or more challenges for the prover. The input to the hash function
consists of the random commitments of the prover along with additional public
information. In a signature of knowledge, these values are concatenated with the
message to be signed. Signatures of knowledge can be proven secure in the random-
oracle model. As a result, a signature of knowledge convinces a verifier that its issuer
knows a certain secret while at the same time not revealing any information on that
secret. Similar to [CS97] we denote signatures of knowledge rather descriptive than
technical. According to this, a signature of knowledge of the fact that the issuer knows,
for example, the discrete logarithms of y to the base g is denoted as:
SK{(α) : y = g
Such signatures of knowledge can easily be constructed using Schnorr signatures
Let H: {0,1}* {0,1}
be a collision-resistant hash function with a k-bit output and
G=<g>=<h> be a cyclic group of prime order p. Then, a signature of knowledge of the
above fact is a pair
(c,d) in {0,1}
× Zp*
Signatures of knowledge can also be used to prove more complex statements about
secrets, like
SK{(α,β): y=g
and z=h
SK{(α,β): y=g
or z=h
SK{(α): y=g
and α is in [A,B]}(m).
The security properties of signatures of knowledge make them suitable for the design of
SIGN algorithms. To show that he is a group user of M's group, u
has to prove that he (i)
possesses a group membership certificate y
issued by M and (ii) that he knows the
private key usk
corresponding to the public key upk
certified in v
. By showing his
membership certificate or his membership key directly to a verifier, the user would make
his signatures linkable. Using signatures of knowledge u
can show possession of both
values without actually revealing them. Essentially, u
exploits that signatures of
knowledge can be randomized (just like interactive zero-knowledge proofs of
knowledge) by the prover. The group user only has to choose a new random
commitment (corresponding to the first protocol move in an interactive zero-knowledge
proof) every time he issues a group signature. In this way u
can guarantee that no two
signatures are equal, thus making the group signature scheme unlinkable.
6.4 Linkable Group Signatures
In 1997 Camenish and Stadler introduced the first efficient group signature scheme.
Using this group signature scheme the length of the public key is independent from the
size of the group. Even if a new member joins the group it is not necessary to calculate a
new public key. Furthermore, in this scheme it is possible to assign the two different
roles of the group manager (issuer of membership certificates and opener of group
signatures) to different parties, which is a very desirable property regarding electronic
voting systems. Since then, a large number of group signature schemes have been
proposed [GW07]. We will show how to change such schemes to linkable GS schemes
using the high-level description from [CS97]. Our starting point is to force each group
user not to randomize his signatures of knowledge:
The group manager M computes a key pair (sig
, ver
) of a digital signature
scheme, and a public key encryption key pair (enc
, dec
), and publishes the two public
Alice joins the group by choosing a random value x, sending her membership
key z=f(x) (f a one-way function) in an authenticated way to M, and receiving in return
her membership certificate v=sig
Alice signs a message m by encrypting (m,z) using the group managers
encryption key, i.e. d=enc
(m,z). (Note: We omit the random number here to make the
GS linkable.) She computes a signature of knowledge that she knows the values x' and v'
satisfying the following equations: d=enc
(m,f(x')) and ver
To protect the private key (x,z,v) against the attacker controlling the PC, this key can e.g.
be bound to a TPM chip (which is much easier than to secure the whole platform using
TPM technology), or it can be stored on a smart card (e.g. an electronic passport).
6.5 Vote Updating
To prevent vote selling in some voting systems, vote updating is used. That is, the voter
could cast his or her ballot as often as he or she wants to, but only the last cast ballot is
computed in the tally. The basic idea is that even if a voter sells his ballot to an attacker,
he could easily update his or her vote. Hence the vote buyer never can be sure that the
vote seller will not update his vote, after he has proven his choice to the vote buyer. E.g.
the Estonian voting system, which was employed for the first political election over the
Internet, uses vote updating [Est05]. Besides the advantages some disadvantages also
exist. These advantages and disadvantages that are also different types of vote updating,
are not further addressed in this paper, but are analyzed and discussed in [VG06].
However, we think that vote updating is a good method to prevent vote selling, but
cannot be the only measure and therefore has to be facilitated by other measures
[OSH08]. In this paper we will use vote updating as a part of a measure against vote
selling, independent from the type of implementation of vote updating.
6.6 Improved Voting Scheme
To deal with vote selling and the secure platform problem, we propose to improve code
voting. We assume a trustworthy voting authority, which consists of representatives of
all parties that are supervising each other
. We further assume a group signature scheme
as described in section 6.4. The voting authority is divided into different groups, which
are responsible for the following tasks:
Printing and issuing the code sheets to the eligible voters.
In the literature, this property is called Separation of Duties.
Operating the voting servers and the according databases, which we assume to
be reliable and secure.
Managing the group signature scheme by issuing the private keys to the eligible
Managing the group signature scheme by opening the signed voting TANs, i.e.
verifying that every eligible voter only casts one ballot.
Each member of the voting authority should only belong to one of those groups.
The improved voting scheme works as follows: Prior to the election, each eligible voter
is issued a private key according to the group signature scheme. Additionally, in a
second step, the voting authority prints code sheets as seen in table 3. We assume that for
every voter and every candidate the voting TANs, the confirmation TANs and the
finalization TANs are randomly chosen using a good PRNG algorithm. Since the
printing procedure links the voting TANs to the candidates, this process has to be
monitored not only by the members of the code sheet issuing group, but by all voting
authority members. For that purpose the different parties and their representatives in the
voting authority then can check a control sample if the correlation between voting TAN
and candidate is correct for the valid code sheets.
In a third step the valid code sheets are shuffled, put into anonymous envelopes and then
they are distributed to the eligible voters. After the election has been started the voter
connects to the voting server and enters the voting TAN for the desired candidate into
the voting software and signs it with his private key according to the linkable group
signature scheme. This signature could include information about e.g. the electoral
district. The signed voting TAN is sent to the voting server over a MIX net. After the
voting server has answered with the correct confirmation TAN, the voter approves his
vote with the (signed) finalization TAN. In the improved code voting scheme we allow
vote updating, i.e. every voter could submit several valid voting TANs to the voting
server, but only the last submitted voting TAN approved with the corresponding
finalization TAN counts in the tally. With the aid of the group signature, the responsible
group of the voting authority ensures that a single voter can cast only one valid voting
TAN regardless of how many code sheets he may have bought.
Therefore, this voting authority group opens the group signature to check if the voter
already cast a ballot
. The finalized voting TAN is stored in the database, where older
required voting TANs will be removed. If the voter gets either no or a faulty
confirmation TAN, the client may be infected with malicious software, and he may vote
again using another voting client, if the group signature scheme is transferable
For further research it would be interesting to analyze if threshold schemes could be applied in conjunction
with the linkable group signature scheme, so that m out of n group managers are needed to open a signature.
This is e.g. the case if the private key is stored on a smart card.
It is an open question whether at the end of the election the voting authority should
publish the submitted voting TANs: since they are checkable also by a coercer, even if
vote selling is impossible, the adversary may control the voting decision of certain
7 Security Properties
A passive adversary is only able to attack the secrecy of an election. He can observe the
TANs entered into the web browser. Since those TANs were chosen at random, the best
an attacker can do is guess the vote. Additionally, in our voting scheme the voter sends
his signed voting TAN to the server. As his or her vote is sent over a MIX net, an
allocation between IP address and the submitted voting TAN is not possible. Even
though malware on the voting client could just read the voting TAN, it cannot identify
the chosen candidate. So our voting scheme is secret.
Further, our voting scheme is equal because the group signature is linkable by the group
managers, i.e. for every eligible voter only one signed voting TAN is counted in the
tally. If the voting scheme doesn't publish the submitted voting TANs, the proposed
voting scheme is receipt free, but it is not verifiable. Because our voting scheme uses
linkable group signatures, a vote buyer can only cast as many ballots as he has different
group signature keys. For that purpose, the group managers have to issue a private key,
which a voter presumably would not give to an attacker, e.g. a private key according to
an ePass.
8 Summary
In this paper we proposed to use code voting as a reasonable measure against the
“Secure Platform Problem” that is a major threat to most of the proposed electronic
voting schemes. As the code voting model is vulnerable against vote selling, we
extended code voting using vote updating and linkable group signatures to prevent vote
selling attacks regarding the voting client and described some security properties of the
new approach.
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CAPTCHA-based Code Voting
Rolf Oppliger
, Jörg Schwenk
, Christoph Löhr
eSECURITY Technologies
CH-3073 Gümligen
Ruhr-University Bochum
D-44780 Bochum
Abstract: Code voting provides an appropriate technology to address the secure
platform problem of remote Internet voting, but it is not particularly user-friendly.
In this paper, we propose the use of CAPTCHA- an acronym standing for
Completely Automated Public Turing tests to tell Computers and Humans Apart -
to improve the user-friendliness of code voting, discuss the security of CAPTCHA-
based code voting, and elaborate on a possible implementation.
1 Introduction
Elections and votes are fundamental processes for the proper operation of democratic
states and their (democratically legitimated) governments. In the literature, the term
electronic voting (or e-voting in short) is used to refer to elections and votes that are
supported by electronic means. With the proliferation of the Internet, its use for e-voting
has been proposed by many people (mainly politicians) as a way to make voting more
convenient andas it is hopedto increase participation in elections and votes. The term
Internet voting is therefore used to refer to election or voting processes that enable voters
to cast their ballots over the Internet. This basically means that the ballots must be
represented electronically, and that the electronic ballots must be transmitted to election
officials using the Internet as a transport medium.
There are many possibilities to implement Internet voting, and poll-site Internet voting,
Kiosk voting, and remote Internet voting are usually distinguished in the literature (e.g.,
[Cal00]). In this paper, we only focus on remote Internet voting, i.e., Internet voting
where the voter (or a third party acting on behalf of the voter) uses his personal computer
(PC) to cast a ballot over the Internet. From a security viewpoint, remote Internet voting
is the most challenging possibility to implement Internet voting. In states that support
absentee balloting, such as all-postal voting, any other form of Internet voting (i.e., poll-
site Internet voting and Kiosk voting) is likely to fail. This is because the other
possibilities require the voter to visit a voting place, and this is probably too
inconvenient compared to the simplicity of casting ballots from home. In Europe, for
example, a few states have started to employ remote Internet votingbe it in
geographically restricted pilot projects, such as in three cantons of Switzerland [Ber08],
or for official use, such as in Estland.
Against this background, it is possible and likely that the use of remote Internet voting
tends upwards, and that the security of remote Internet voting will become a major issue.
Security, in turn, has many aspects, and there are several partly complementary security
technologies, mechanisms, and services that can be used to address them. As argued in
[Opp02], code voting, i.e., voting by providing randomly-looking codes instead of YES
or NO in the case of a vote and candidates' names in the case of an election, is an
appropriate technology to address the secure platform problem of remote Internet voting.
Unfortunately, code voting is not particularly user-friendly, and in this paper we exlore
possibilities to use Completely Automated Public Turing tests to tell Computers and
Humans Apart (CAPTCHAs) also known as Reverse Turing Tests (RTTs) or Human
Interactive Proofs (HIPs) to improve the user-friendliness of code voting. We think that
CAPTCHA-based code voting provides an interesting possibility to implement code
voting in a real-world setting.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: The security requirements of (remote)
Internet voting are summarized in Section 2. Code voting and CAPTCHA-based code
voting are introduced and discussed in Sections 3 and 4. A preliminary security analysis
is given in Section 5. Finally, conclusions are drawn and an outlook is given in Section
2 Security Requirements
There are many investigations and studies that elaborate on the security of Internet
voting in general, and remote Internet voting in particular (e.g., [Cal00, Rub01]). The
results all give evidence that security (including privacy and reliability) is among the
most important preconditions for the successful deployment of Internet voting. The
current paper ballot systems set a standard that is adopted as a security baseline for
Internet voting. They represent certain tradeoffs between voter convenience and
protection against fraud and abuse. It is generally required that elections and votes
conducted over the Internet are at least as secure as the current paper ballot systems. In
states that support absentee balloting in the form of all-postal voting, however, it is this
voting technology that sets the security standard for Internet voting.
There are many lists of security requirements for (remote) Internet voting that can be
found in the literature
. There is even an e-voting protection profile for the Common
Criteria drafted in Germany
. The following list of security requirements is not intended
to be complete or comprehensive:
Completeness and soundness of the Internet voting protocol(s);
Correctness of the results;
Authenticity of both the voter (or the voting client acting on behalf of the voter,
respectively) and the voting server;
Secrecy of the ballots (including, for example, anonymity of the voter);
Integrity of the ballots (including, for example, protection against malicious
Non-duplication of the ballots;
Availability and reliability of the voting process (including, for example,
protection against denial-of-service attacks).
Some security requirements are complementary and don't interact with each other (e.g.,
integrity and non-duplication of the ballots). Other security requirements, however, are
(or at least seem to be) contradictory in some sense. For example, one way to attest the
correctness of a voting process is auditability, meaning that the entire voting process can
be audited in some reasonable way. Auditability, however, sometimes contradicts to the
secrecy of the ballots. In fact, there is a lot of research going on in the cryptographic
community to address this apparent contradiction and to guarantee ballot secrecy and the
correctness of the results simultaneously. Most of this research elaborates on schemes
and protocols for verifiable secret sharing and secure multi-party computation as
pioneered by Yao [Yao82].
In 2004, for example, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe adopted Recommendation
Rec(2004)11 that specifies “legal, operational and technical standards for e-voting.” These standards, among
other things, also comprise security requirements.
Many security requirements of (remote) Internet voting can be addressed with existing
technologies, mechanisms, and services. For example, there are many technologies that
can be used to secure the server side. Examples include firewall technologies and
intrusion detection systems (IDS) or intrusion prevention systems (IPS). The authenticity
of the voter and the voting server can be addressed with public key certificates.
Similarly, the secrecy and integrity of the ballots can be guaranteed with a cryptographic
protocol, such as the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) [FKK96] or Transport Layer Security
(TLS) [DR06] protocol. It is, however, important to note that the use of the SSL/TLS
protocol protects the secrecy and integrity of the ballots only during the transmission
over the Internet. The ballots are not automatically protected on the client or server side.
In fact, additional security technologies, mechanisms, and services are required to
protect the secrecy and integrity of the ballots before and after they are transmitted over
the Internet. There are additional risks for the secrecy of the ballots (i.e., privacy risks)
related to the use of spyware (in the home setting) or remote system administration tools
(in the institutional setting).
Due to the fact that a remote Internet voter uses his PC to cast a ballot and that this PC
may be subject to malware, the insecurity of the client-side platform represents the major
vulnerability (and Achilles heel) of remote Internet voting. Rivest coined the term secure
platform problem to refer to the problem of protecting an inherently insecure client-side
platform against malicious software and corresponding attacks [Riv01].
Due to the fact that the secure platform problem is hard and difficult to solve, there are
several e-voting research and development projects that don't even address it. For
example, in the FAQ document of the European CyberVote project
, the question “Can
a virus or Trojan horse attack CyberVote?” is answered in the following way:
“Yes, like any other client software in an insecure PC environment.
Anti-virus software should be used and strict security guidelines followed to limit the
risk of a virus or Trojan horse attack.
Secure user interface techniques can be applied to the CyberVote client to prevent
Trojan horses.”
Unfortunately, the FAQ document does not further explain the term “secure user
interface techniques.” It turns out that there are not many security technologies,
mechanisms, and services that can be used to effectively address the secure platform
problem of remote Internet voting. In fact, we think that code voting as introduced next
is one (if not the only) technology that may work in a real-world setting.
3 Code Voting
The term code voting is used to refer to an e-voting technology in which the voter casts
his ballot by providing a voting code instead of YES or NO (in the case of a vote) or a
candidate's name (in the case of an election). The voting code, in turn, looks like a
random string. If the alphabet consists of all decimal digits 0...9, then the voting code
basically represents a number. In general, however, any alphabet can be used and the
voting codes can be arbitrarily long.
To the best of our knowledge, the first code voting system was proposed by Chaum
[Cha01]. In such a system, each voter is equipped with a code sheet (i.e., a sheet that
itemizes all voting codes) and he must enter the appropriate voting codes to cast his
ballot. An exemplary code sheet for an election is illustrated in Table 1. If the voter
wants to vote for Bob, then he must enter 990234 (instead of “Bob”).
Candidate Voting code
Alice 236412
Bob 990234
Carol 141290
Dave 782755
Eve 774892
… …
Table 1: A code sheet with voting codes
Due to the fact that voting codes look like random strings, code voting effectively
protects against passive and active attacks:
In a passive attack, the adversary sees a voting code sent over a network (using,
for example, a network management or system administration tool), and must then be
able to tell whether this code represents YES or NO (in the case of a vote) or to which
candidate the code actually refers to (in the case of an election). If the voting codes are
chosen with a good random bit generator or a cryptographically secure pseudorandom bit
generator (PRBG), then the best the adversary can do is guessing. In this case, seeing the
voting codes sent over the network does not help the adversary.
In an active attack, the adversary does not only see a voting code sent over a
network, but he can also manipulate it. For example, the adversary may employ malware
or a client-side remote system administration tool to turn a voting code representing YES
into a voting code representing NO (in the case of a vote) or a voting code of one
candidate into a voting code of another candidate (in the case of an election). Again, if
the voting codes are chosen with a good random bit generator or a cryptographically
secure PRBG, then the adversary does not know the other voting codes, and hence the
best he can do is again guessing.
In either case, the success probability of an adversary is not better than guessing,
meaning that the best an adversary can do is guessing. This is indepedent from the
adversary’s computational resources and available time. Consequently, the security that
is achieved is unconditional or information-theoretic. There are, however, two conditions
that must be fulfilled to achieve this level of security:
As mentioned before, the voting codes must be random, i.e., they must be
chosen with a good random bit generator or a cryptographically secure PRBG;
The code sheets must be personal and distributed out-of-band
, using, for
example, a trustworthy postal mail delivery service.
Also, it is important to note that code voting requires a modified voting behavior, and
that there may be some legal constraints to consider (not addressed in this paper).
In spite of the fact that code voting as discussed so far is able to provide unconditional or
information-theoretic security, it may still be the case that an (active) adversary simply
deletes a voting code in transit. To protect against this attack, it may be worthwhile to
have the server send back a verification code and have the voter verify this code.
Table 2 illustrates an exemplary code sheet with voting and verification codes. Again, if
the voter wants to vote for Bob, then he must enter 990234 and wait for the server to
send back the verification code 672345. If another verification code is sent back, then
something illegitimate is going on and the voter is well advised to stop voting (needless
to say that some dispute-resolving mechanisms must also be put in place here).
Candidate Voting code Verification code
Alice 236412 124355
Bob 990234 672345
Carol 141290 045686
Dave 782755 687432
Eve 774892 234115
… …
Table 2: A code sheet with voting and verification codes
If the voter verifies the verification code, then it makes a lot of sense to communicate the
result of the verification step to the server (otherwise, the server does not know whether
the result is correct). This is where the confirmation code comes into place. Table 3
illustrates an exemplary code sheet with voting, verification, and confirmation codes. In
our toy example, the voter would confirm the successful verification of the verification
code 672345 by sending the confirmation code 574546 to the server. At this point, there
is no need to continue the recursion (and send more codes back and forth).
It is important that the code sheets must be provided outside the voter's PC (i.e., the PC that is used by the
voter to cast his vote). If the code sheets were inside the PC, then malicious software could get and use them to
change the ballots. Also, the voting codes must be randomly or pseudo-randomly chosen from a sufficiently
large set of possible values to make the probability that malicious software can correctly guess them
sufficiently small (i.e., negligible).
Candidate Voting code Verification code Confirmation code
Alice 236412 124355 252435
Bob 990234 672345 574546
Carol 141290 045686 124145
Dave 782755 687432 243521
Eve 774892 234115 967468
… …
Table 3: A code sheet with voting, verification, and confirmation codes
The bottom line is that there are many possibilities to implement code voting. In addition
to casting a vote by simply entering a voting code, the voter may verify a verification
code sent back from the server (to verify that he has casted the vote to an authentic
server, and that the vote has been properly registered by the server). Also, the voter may
acknowledge proper verification of the verification code by sending out a confirmation
In Table 4, we summarize the 2
-1=7 possibilities to implement code voting. Among
these possibilities, we think that the following four possibilities are meaningful in
Voting code-only implementation;
Verification code-only implementation;
Voting and verification code implementation;
Full implementation (i.e., voting, verification, and confirmation codes).
Possibilities Voting
Voting code-only implementation X
Verification code-only implementation X
Voting and verification code implementation X X
Full implementation X X X
Table 4: Possibilities to implement code voting
In a voting code-only implementation, the voter casts his ballot by simply sending a
voting code to the server. In a verification code-only implementation, the voter casts his
ballot as usual, but waits for a verification code sent back from the server. It is then up to
the voter to verify this code. A verification code-only implementation is particularly
interesting, because the voter has to minimally change his behaviour (i.e., he can still
enter YES or NO and only validate the verification number sent back from the server).
This advantage, however, may also be disadvantageous, because it is possible and likely
that some voters don't care about the validity of verification codes sent back. As its name
suggests, a voting and verification code implementation employs voting and verification
codes. Last but not least, a full implementation employs voting, verification, and
confirmation codes. It goes without saying that this is the preferred choice from a
security viewpoint, and that all other choices represent tradeoffs.
A practically relevant question refers to the length of the various codes. Obviously, the
length must make the probability to correctly guess a code sufficiently small. For
example, if the number includes 10 binary digits (bits), then the probability of correctly
guessing a code is 1/2
= 1/1,024 = 0.000975562. Due to the fact that the numbers
cannot be verified off-line (without access to the code sheets), this seems to be sufficient.
10 bits can be represented with log 2
= log
1,024 decimal digits which is slightly
more than 3 digits. Consequently, 4 decimal digits can be used to encode a code and
some redundancy to detect errors (error detection is particularly important for voting and
confirmation codes that are entered by the user).
In theory, 10-bit code numbers can be randomly generated, using a random bit generator.
In practice, however, the code numbers are more likely generated with an appropriately
seeded pseudorandom bit generator (PRBG) or a construction that employs a keyed hash
function, such as the HMAC construction [KBC97]. In either case, the generation of the
code numbers is not further addressed in this paper.
Last but not least, we note that a guessing attack may have an equalizing effect on the
outcome of an election or vote. If, for example, a candidate only gets a few votes under
“normal” circumstances, then he may get an average number of votes under a guessing
attack. This is because it is equally likely to guess a voting code for an unpopular
candidate as it is to guess a voting code for a popular candidate. Hence, the outcome of
an election or vote that is subject to a guessing attack may be equalized to some extent.
Because we do not further address guessing attacks, this point is not further discussed in
this paper.
4 CAPTCHA-based Code Voting
The potential difficulty of differentiating humans from computers pretending to be
humans was addressed already in 1950, when Turing described his now-famous test. In
short, the Turing test is a proposed test for a machine to demonstrate intelligence
[Tur50]. It proceeds as follows: a human judge engages in a natural language
conversation with one human and one machine, each of which are trying to appear
human. If the judge cannot reliably tell which is which, then the machine is said to pass
the Turing test. In order to keep the test setting simple and universal (to explicitly test
the linguistic capability of the machine instead of its ability to render words into audio),
the conversation is usually limited to a text-only channel such as a teletype machine as
Turing suggested, or, more recently, Internet-based messaging.
In the mid-1990s, people came up with the idea of using a reverse Turing test to have a
machine test whether a user is human. For example, in 1995, Lam of The Chinese
University of Hong Kong implemented a reverse Turing test in a voting application
written for Radio Television Hong Kong. The public was able to vote for their favourite
singers and songs online for the first time in the annual “Top Ten Chinese Songs
Award.” To prevent automatic and machined submissions, users were required to
correctly input a 6-digit number that was represented as an image. In 1996, the first
reference of automated tests, which distinguish humans from computers for the purpose
of controlling access to Web services, appeared in a manuscript of Naor [Nao96]. Other
primitive reverse Turing tests seem to have been developed in 1997 at AltaVista to
prevent bots from adding URLs to their search engine.
In 2000, von Ahn and Blum developed and publicized the notion of a Completely
Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart (CAPTCHA), which
included any program that can distinguish humans from computers. They invented
multiple examples of CAPTCHAs, including the first CAPTCHAs to be widely used on
the Internet (at Yahoo!) [vABL04]. The acronym CAPTCHA is trademarked by
Carnegie Mellon University. Alternatively, a CAPTCHA is sometimes called Reverse
Turing Test (RTT) or Human Interactive Proof (HIP).
In general, there are many possibilities to implement CAPTCHAs, RTTs, or HIPs. A
common type of (visual) CAPTCHAs requires that the user type in the letters of a
distorted image, sometimes with the addition of an obscured sequence of letters or digits
that appears on the screen. Such CAPTCHAs are also used in this paper (as an example).
But there are many other visual CAPTCHAs and CAPTCHAs based on audio or video.
More recently, for example, Microsoft Research has come up with a HIP called ASIRRA
(Animal Species Image Recognition for Restricting Access) that works by asking users
to distinguish between photographs of cats and dogs [E+07]. Audio CAPTCHAs, in turn,
have been developed and are being deployed for handicapped persons. In essence, any
task that can be efficiently solved by a human but is not known to be efficiently solvable
by a machine can be turned into a CAPTCHA, RTT, or HIP. There are many
opportunities for research and development here.
In CAPTCHA-based code voting, the voter does not cast his ballot directly by providing
an appropriate voting code, but indirectly by clicking on an appropriate CAPTCHA.
Clicking on a CAPTCHA, in turn, causes a random-looking voting code (representing a
cryptographic hash value) to be sent from the browser to the server. Let us consider an
exemplary (and simplified) election in Germany, in which the voter can select between
five political parties. If, for example, a voter visits, then the
voting server sends back a dynamically generated Web page in which the parties'
acronyms are rendered as CAPTCHAs and visually presented to the voter in random
Figure 1: First screen for CAPTCHA-based code voting
Figure 2: Second screen for CAPTCHA-based code voting
Figures 1 and 2 illustrate two possible screens. If, in this example, the voter selected
CDU on the first screen (choice 1), then the voting code sent to the server would be:
Similarly, if the voter selected CDU on the second screen (choice 3), then the voting
code would be:
In either case, the voting code represents a cryptographic hash value and is visible in the
browser's status line. Note that the two codes are different and unlinkable despite the fact
that the selected party is the same. Also note that in CAPTCHA-based code voting, there
is no urgent need to minimize the length of the voting code. The voting codes are sent by
the browser to the server in a way that is transparent to the user, i.e., the user does not
have to type it in. This simplifies things considerably, and the discussion held at the end
of Section 3 is obsolete in this setting. So from a usability perspective, CAPTCHA-based
code voting is perfectly fine. The user experience does not significantly deviate from
what he knows and is accustomed to. In the following section, we address the question
whether CAPTCHA-based code voting is also fine from a security perspective.
5 Preliminary Security Analysis
If one considers the use of code voting to overcome the secure platform problem, then
one is mainly concerned with the possibility of automated client-side attacks mounted by
malware. More specifically, one wants to make it impossible for an adversary to write
malware that can modify a vote in some meaningful way. This must be true even if the
malware has access to all information that is available in the client's operating system or
browser. Note, for example, that such malware has access to the browser's state and
content of Web pages, and hence that it is able to read out the voting codes. But it does
not know what code belongs to what choice, and hence it can only make random
guesses. In the example given above, the malware is likely to be able to read out the
voting code 705279376d724a6f56316f4b537a5047 for the first choice on the first
screen, but it is not able to associate this code to the CDU party (because this association
is done outside the client system in the brain of the voter). Consequently, it cannot
decide whether this selection is the appropriate one, and hence whether it should modify
the vote. Also, in the case of an election with more than two options, if the malware
knew that it should modify the vote, it would still not know which other option to select.
The bottom line is that CAPTCHA-based code voting remains secure (in the sense
sketched above) as long as the CAPTCHAs in use remain secure, i.e., cannot be solved
by a machine. If somebody can write a piece of software that can break the security of
the CAPTCHAs, then this software can also be used to trivially break the security of
CAPTCHA-based code voting. So we have to make the critical assumption that the
CAPTCHAs in use are secure. This assumption is critical, because the security of
CAPTCHAs has come under fire and many researchers are trying to compromise them.
Based on the assumption that the CAPTCHAs in use are secure, one can argue that
CAPTCHA-based code voting remains secure as well. But there are still a few subtle
attacks that must be considered with care. Let us briefly elaborate on two examples.
1. If an adversary has introduced himself in the communication channel between
the client and the server, then he is representing a man-in-the-middle (MITM) and can
display any CAPTCHA or CAPTCHA-like image. It is then simple for him to
circumvent or bypass CAPTCHA-based code voting (because he can create the
CAPTCHAs and therefore knows what they represent). Consequently, the use of
technologies and mechanisms that protect against MITM attacks seems to be mandatory.
There are a few such technologies and mechanisms available; examples include
ciphersuites for the TLS protocol that support authentication based on pre-shared keys
[BH06], SSL/TLS session-aware (TLS-SA) user authentication [OHB08], the use of
client-side public key certificates, and a few more. Unfortunately, these technologies and
mechanisms are not yet widely deployed, and hence, any currently available
infrastructure for remote Internet voting and CAPTCHA-based code voting is vulnerable
to MITM attacks. It is best to make this vulnerability explicit.
2. Since an increasingly large number of e-commerce application providers
employ CAPTCHAs to make sure that their users are human, an adversary could
collaborate with these providers to exploit the human resources (and capabilities) of their
users. For example, an adversary could set up a free Web-based CAPTCHA service for
e-commerce application providers. If invoked, this service could use CAPTCHAs found
on compromised client systems and provide them to the users of the service. The
responses could then be used by the malware to modify the vote in some meaningful
way. In the example given above, the malware would input the five CAPTCHAs found
on the first screen to the service. The service would dispatch the CAPTCHAs to
individual users, and return the strings representing the names of the parties to the
malware. The malware would then be able to decide if and how to meaningfully modify
the vote. There is hardly anything that can be done technically to protect against such a
distributed attack. Consequently, one must carefully monitor the CAPTCHAs that are
used by service providers, especially during the time frames of the elections and votes
that are supported by CAPTCHA-based code voting. Too many occurrences of strings
that represent political parties or names of politicians should be taken as an alert.
We think that both attacks are relevant and must be considered with care. In particular,
we think that the use of technologies and mechanisms to protect against MITM attacks
and a careful monitoring of CAPTCHAs in widespread use are mandatory in a real-
world deployment of CAPTCHA-based code voting.
6 Conclusions and Outlook
The secure platform problem is severe for remote Internet voting. The malware-based
client-side attacks that are currently mounted against Internet banking (e.g., [ORH08])
can easily be turned into attacks against remote Internet voting. The attack vectors are
essentially the same, i.e., it does not matter whether malware manipulates an Internet
banking transaction or a remote Internet voting transaction. In either case, the
manipulation occurs after user authentication and can be made transparent to the user.
This should be kept in mind when people argue about the (in)security of remote Internet
Against this background, we think that code voting provides an appropriate technology
to address the secure platform problem of remote Internet voting, but that it is not
particularly user-friendly. There are different possibilities to implement code voting, and
these possibilities have specific advantages and disadvantages.
In this paper, we proposed the use of CAPTCHAs to improve the user-friendliness of
code voting, briefly discussed the security of CAPTCHA-based code voting, and
elaborated on a possible implementation. CAPTCHA-based code voting can only be as
secure as the CAPTCHAs that are used. Alternatively speaking, if an adversary is able to
break the CAPTCHAs in use, then he is also able to break the security of CAPTCHA-
based code voting. Consequently, the current state-of-the-art in breaking CAPTCHAs
should be closely monitored and observed. For example, there is a recently published
low-cost attack on CAPTCHAs employed by Microsoft
. In spite of the progress that
has been made in order to break the security of CAPTCHAs, we still think that
CAPTCHA-based code voting provides an interesting possibility to implement code
voting in a real-world setting, and that it has potential for the future. It is certainly
worthwhile to implement it, and to explore its use (and usability) in a field study.
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Session 8: Political Issues of E-Voting
E-Voting in Brazil – Reinforcing Institutions While
Diminishing Citizenship
José Rodrigues Filho
Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Cidade Universitária
58.059-900 João Pessoa, Brazil
Abstract: Brazil became the first country in the world to conduct a large-scale
national election using e-voting technology. What does it mean for democracy to
hold an electronic election for millions of poor people, most of them living under
the poverty line? Is the high investment in e-voting technologies designed to the
benefit of millions of illiterate people? The discussions about the lack of security
of e-voting in Brazil and in many other countries are based on a rather reductionist
view that neglects both its social and political aspects. In this work, an attempt is
made to expand the critique of the problems of e-voting beyond its lack of security
and technological failures. It is argued that information technology in many parts
of the world is reinforcing institutions and has done little to change our democracy.
In its current form, e-voting technology in Brazil seems to be reinforcing some
institutions while diminishing citizenship and democracy.
1 Introduction
There are numerous and conflicting interpretations in the concept of citizenship, but it is
commonly understood in terms of a framework of rights and obligations [Ja98]. In many
countries there are some core political rights and obligations normally associated with
citizenship – voting, deliberation or participation in the political process, and the access
or right to the provision of information. So, how to improve citizenship and political
practices envisaged in these core political rights and obligations?
It is argued that while Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) hold the
potential to improve the democratic process, expand citizenship and empower the
people, they have the ability to perpetuate or exacerbate existing inequalities and other
divides. Commenting on the gap in access to ICTs, some authors have stated that “the
information revolution could paradoxically become a cause of even greater inequality
and worsening poverty” among developing countries [McO04]. In addition, there are
comments about the dangers of digital opportunities pointing out that the “unequal
diffusion of technology is likely to reinforce economic and social inequalities leading to
a further weakening of social bonds and cultural cohesion” [UN05].
Little research has been conducted to answer questions related to the effects of ICTs on
citizenship, the political process, and its opportunities and dangers. In addition, the
literature has shown that answers to these questions have been rather extreme. They have
either a sceptical view over-emphasizing the negative aspects of ICT, on the one hand,
or, on the other hand, an optimistic or Utopian view, enthusiastically spelling out hope
that new technologies would strengthen and enhance the democratic process [GI01].
It is stated that the influential political science research in modern democracy has
narrowed citizenship and reduced it down to the right to vote in elections, turning
democracy to be experienced at elections time and not between elections. In Brazil,
voting is mandatory and the duty to vote is very much questioned by voters. E-Voting, as
a political tool, was introduced as part of an electoral reform that seems to be
reinforcing this very narrow concept of citizenship, especially taking into consideration
that election turnout decreased in the last election and vote buying increased
considerably. It seems that with the erosion of democracy, voter turnouts have declined
in many countries, independent of the nature of voting as a right or as a duty.
There is a need of more empirical research surrounding citizenship and new technologies
and not just theoretical discussions. Because Brazil was the first country in the world to
conduct the biggest election in the planet using e-voting technologies, when more than
100 million voters cast their ballots on more than 406.000 touch-screen machines
scattered all over the biggest country in South America, an attempt is made in this study
to approach the topic of e-voting in the Brazilian citizenship subject, looking at the
impact of the electoral reform (e-voting) on the realization of citizenship that should
seek to empower people through the use of ICT. An electoral reform or a new
technology may have a positive impact on democracy and citizenship, if developed and
implemented from below and not from the top-down model of politics.
2 ICT and Citizenship
There are diverse understandings of the term citizenship, which require a broad range of
philosophical, sociological and political theory for its discussions and debate. In a less
narrow view, citizenships consist of a compact of legal rights, protections and duties
between government and individual members of society. In a broad sense, citizenship
represents a framework of universal political, civil, social and participation rights.
According to Janowski, citizenship comprises active and passive rights and obligations.
“Citizenship is passive and active membership of individuals in a nation-state with
certain universalistic rights and obligations at a specified level of equality” [Ja98]. In
short, there is no universal definition of citizenship, and it is a contested concept with
multiple definitions. Citizenship is “a peculiar and slippery concept with a long history
According to Elliot (2000), two different theoretical perspectives to access the roles of
individuals and their interrelationships in the current debate of citizenship have been
identified: traditional social liberal, and neo-liberal. The traditional social liberal
approach, in which the Marshallian theory of citizenship have been extensively
discussed for half a century, emphasizes the importance of civil, political and social
rights as elements of citizenship [El00].
The neo-liberal approach, on the other hand, rejects the welfare state, as the social rights
element of citizenship, and supports the free market. In short, it emphasizes individual
obligation and denies the collective rights and responsibilities. Due to new relations
between nation states and citizenship and democratic control, there has been
reformulation of those traditional concepts of citizenship. Therefore, new notions of
citizenship have come onto the recent academic agenda as follow:
• ecological citizenship concerned with the rights and responsibilities of the earth citizen
• cultural citizenship involving the right to cultural participation [Tu93];
• minority citizenship involving the rights to enter a society and to remain within it
• cosmopolitan citizenship concerned with how people may develop an orientation to
many other citizens, societies and cultures across the globe [He95].
• technological citizenship is concerned with the ways in which citizenship norms,
rights, obligations and practices are encoded in the design and structure of our
increasingly digital surroundings [Lo05].
The expansion of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in several
countries has given rise to many e-government and e-democracy systems and initiatives
very much based on an administrative-technological perspective. The information
technological network infrastructure created from a nation-state perspective or from
above is oriented more towards the provision of services into a network than towards the
implementation and development of democracy or citizenship. It is recognized how
crucial these services are, but in many instances they do not actually empower the
citizen. The establishment of e-government and e-democracy, and the implications
behind the initiatives of the cyber-state, promise to revolutionize many countries in
terms of governance and democracy. However, it is mentioned that “while there is the
political possibility of shaping the emerging cyber-state as a vehicle of empowerment,”
especially for the marginalized others, “there is also the prospect that Internet-facilitated
government will exacerbate inequalities” and diminish citizenship status [Mc04].
Under this nation-state perspective or top-down model, citizenship is constructed based
on principles of the liberal tradition and “citizenship rights are being reconceptualized to
reflect the neo-liberal agenda, in which citizens are expected to take care of themselves
and those who fail to become self-sufficient are considered problematic and deviant”
[Mc04]. In this case, an alternative society is a self-help society, based on morals of
helping that can produce community services by voluntary work. In consequence, a so-
called ‘new lower class’ is emerging, even in the richest OECD-countries. “These people
are the long-term unemployed, permanently poor, badly-off ethnic groups and those who
have fallen through all social safety nets.” In short, they are second class citizens that
cannot realize the principles of good citizenship – autonomy, self-esteem, participation
and influencing in their own reference community and society, challenging the
traditional concept of citizenship.
With the expansion of ICTs there is a need to understand not only the opportunities
created by new technologies but also the risks regarding the realization of citizenship
and civil rights. Therefore, ICT and citizenship should not be separated, because ICT in
itself does not guarantee the realization of the rights of the citizen. Despite the
determinist view and the expanding literature favouring the use of ICTs in the
information society, e-government and e-democracy, it is recognized that the citizenship
is at risk. The problem is that the conditions of technology are emphasized, but it is not
fully clear what exactly is meant by the concept of the citizens’ information society. It is
recognized that many initiatives are necessary to turn computers and the Internet into a
tool for civic participation. If, in the developed world, it is found that “mere presence of
favourable conditions for making ICT a civic tool are not enough” [Ol06], in developing
countries the situation is too complex.
Unfortunately, in the developed world, most of the academic work produced does not
seem to worry about the relationship between ICT and citizenship, making it difficult for
people to believe that they make a difference in a local/national governing, because the
agenda seems to be already set. On the other hand, in developing countries, in some
instances, one may even fear making a critique on how badly resources are allocated in
the field of information technology.
In a framework of citizenship rights and obligations comprising civil, political, social,
and participation rights and obligations, underpinned by elements of ‘good society,’ such
as freedom, equality and justice, the political rights and obligations of voting,
participation in the democratic process and access to information were selected for
further discussion. In short, what is the impact of the electoral reform that introduced e-
voting technology in Brazil on the political rights and obligations normally associated
with citizenship - voting, participation in the democratic process, and access to
3 E-Voting in Brazil
It is stated that both democracy and voting are processes much more complex than their
electronic version and a secure voting system in itself is a basic element of a true
democracy. The e-voting technology in Brazil consists of the so-called Direct Recording
Electronic (DRE) devices, which allow voters to cast their ballots directly through touch-
screen voting machines. In this case, voters have to go to the polling stations to cast their
ballots after a conventional identification. In remote electronic voting systems voters cast
their ballots remotely, using the full potential of ICT [RRB05]. In other words, the DRE
is a kind of offline voting system and the Internet is the online voting system.
The modality of electronic voting in Brazil through machines of the type Direct
Recording Electronic (DRE) Voting System or electronic ballot boxes (Urnas
Eletrônicas - UR) does not seem to have modified the traditional ritual of elections. The
great difference is that in the traditional voting system the voters could see the ballot
papers fall into an urn bag, placed in it by themselves, surrounded by inspectors. With
the electronic ballot box, the voters do not have the certainty that their votes were
registered and no inspector or witness certifies this: the vote is registered electronically.
Therefore, in the current system of electronic voting (DRE), the voter does not see the
ballot box, but a representation of it. In turn, the machine does not supply an independent
and true registration of each individual vote that could be used for a count or verification
of errors in the machine or some type of tampering. In this case, if the machine registers
a result in its memory that is different from that chosen by the voter, neither the voter nor
the inspectors will know about it. Because of this, some specialists in computer security
believe that such machines are more vulnerable to tampering than any other form of
voting system, especially through the use of malicious computer codes.
Some specialists argue that software can be modified in such a way that the results of an
election can be modified, being very difficult to be detected [Fi03]. Consequently, the
security of electronic voting is susceptible to failures and frauds and some Brazilian
experts question our e-voting system and its security through Internet journals, forums,
articles and books [BC06, Ma02, Si02]. Similarly, comments and reports of international
scientists corroborate with what our academics and scientists say, such as reports that
argue on the security and risks of this kind of system in the United States [BC06,
CMIT01, Ko03, Ko03]. It is known that electronic voting has existed for a long time in
developed countries such as the United States, Germany and Japan, among others
[Ma00], but more recently there have been many concerns about e-voting insecurity,
especially in the more traditional democracies.
Some authors have been in favour of a more reliable e-voting system that can have the
so-called voter-verifiable trails and an open source code, and it is likely that this kind of
system may appear with the advance of technology and its lower price, although it is
alleged that e-voting will never be error-free. On the other hand, some authors have
emphasized the importance of political and socio-technical approaches for the
development of an e-voting system that can ensure public trust in the results of an
election [RR05]. Thus, apart from the technical aspects, it has been mentioned already
that e-voting in Brazil has exacerbated alienation and the digital divide [RG08].
Paradoxically, the Superior Electoral Court (Tribunal Superior Electoral – TSE), known
as the Electoral Justice, is responsible for election administration in Brazil; it has
unexpectedly and rapidly adopted one technological system that has not yet been
sufficiently tested even in the developed world. According to the critics of electronic
voting, the Electoral Justice has opened the doors for new and sophisticated frauds much
more serious than the traditional ones [Ma05], once the ballot’s verification became
private and the Electoral Justice the owner of the ballot boxes [Fr02].
During the last ten years, the Electoral Justice in Brazil has developed an intensive
campaign emphasizing the security of e-voting, and on how the citizens should be proud
of this technology that is said to be made in Brazil. Consequently, through the use of an
intense propaganda, the Electoral Justice was able to institutionalize e-voting, and most
of the population is proud of e-voting machines, believing that they are more secure than
the traditional system.
However, over the last few years, the complaints about e-voting machine failures,
corruption, and all sort of other critiques have intensified both in Brazil and in other
countries that held elections more recently, such as the United States, Holland and
France. Early in 2007, for the first time, the Brazilian Congress created a Sub-
Commission for Electronic Voting that opened some hearings to improve the security of
e-voting in the country. In one of its first hearings, a famous Brazilian politician and one
of the richest men in the country, confirmed that for several times, at election time, he
was asked whether he would really want to be elected. In another hearing an expert in e-
voting technology security stated that he trusted the banking system more than e-voting
machines in Brazil. In other words, he stated that e-voting machines are not secure at all.
A few months latter the Sub-Commission for Electronic Voting recognized the e-voting
system insecurity in Brazil and proposed e-voting machines with paper trail capabilities
to enable voter verification during elections. Although the so called voter-verified paper
trail is demanded as the essential requirement to mitigate the risks associated with
software and hardware flaws, there have been questions as to whether voter-verified
paper trails will provide a significant benefit, given the costs added to e-voting tools. It
has been recognized that many of the problems associated with e-voting machines are
caused by a lack of training for workers who sometimes do not even know how to
change the paper in the machines with paper trail or administrative mistakes. Anyway, in
the case of Brazil, a few hours after the Sub-Commission published its final report, the
Electoral Justice in Brazil rebutted it.
4 Corruption, Vote Buying and Turnouts
One of the purposes to use e-voting technology in the developed world is to increase
turnouts, due to the discredit of voters with politicians and political parties. So, the kind
of electoral reforms proposed in many countries to make it easier for registered voters to
cast their ballots tends to benefit politicians and their parties with perverse consequences
towards political engagement [Be05].
In Brazil, many electoral reforms have been approved over the last few years, but none
of them aiming at improving political engagement. Although we do not know about the
true relationship between e-voting technology and turnout, during the last election
turnouts have decreased in the Parliament election in Brazil. A decrease in turnout may
be a reduction in citizenship, but its relationship with e-voting technology is not clear.
In the last election there was an intensive campaign on the Internet from the young
people proposing to make the vote null. How far this campaign has influenced the
population is also not yet known.
It is necessary to make it clear that an increase in turnouts does not necessarily mean
more political participation and civic engagement. In many countries there is some
political participation at election time, but people need democracy between elections and
not only at election time. People want to participate in the decision making process
between elections, and this is not always the case. It is here that the use of ICTs may
help voters to have a better engagement in the political process. In the case of Brazil,
voters need government “of, by, and for the people.”
What is e-voting for, when money is choking our democracy to death? With the increase
in the cost of getting elected, exploding beyond the reach of ordinary people, during the
last election it was possible to register that our representatives in the Brazilian
Parliament are richer than their predecessors. In this case, is the Brazilian Congress, the
so called “People’s House,” really the place for the highest bidder, considering that some
of our representatives are elected based on an empire of corruption, turning elections on
It is known that corruption in elections in Brazil and in many other countries is not an
abstract thing. It is a crude and disgraceful reality. Electoral corruption is a kind of
arrangement usually involving candidates, donors and voters who are bribed to sell their
votes in a transaction in which the object can be cash, food, cloth, construction material,
medicine, and the provision of other services. Since the year 2000, the NGO named
“Transparência Brasil” has carried out surveys about vote buying in Brazil. According
to the Transparência Brasil, the Electoral Justice in the country is responsible for
neglecting the problem of vote buying [TB06]. It is very strange that the Electoral
Justice is very much in favour of the e-voting technology system used in Brazil and is
enable to enforce the law to combat vote buying. Is there a need of e-voting technology
for the elections of corrupted politicians? Vote buying by itself is a sign of reduced
So, e-voting in Brazil has not stopped vote buying which is increasing, and in 2006,
during the last election, was twice as high than in the previous elections. What is
surprising is that vote buying is higher among persons with secondary or higher
education than voters with only primary education or below. It is expected that the
poorer the voters, the more vulnerable they are to offers. The surveys from
Transparência Brasil have shown that this is not true. More offers were made to the
poorer, but vote buying is registered among the wealthier classes [TB06]. In order to
give an idea of the magnitude of the problem of vote buying in Brazil, in 2006 it was
found that about 8% of voters were asked to sell their votes for money [TB06].
Considering the number of voters in 2006, this corresponded to about 8.3 million voters,
and represents more than the population in some European countries and in some
Brazilian states.
5 Conclusion
Because voting is mandatory in Brazil, there is a need of a democratic tool for civic and
effective participation in the democratic process, which is contingent upon political
participation. Democracy means widespread involvement of ordinary people in matters
of governance. In its current trend, e-voting technology does not seem especially
hopeful. For those who endorse technologies enthusiastically as they emerge, such as e-
voting, any criticisms or requests for wider debate about policy options in technology are
often regarded as negative and unhelpful. Critical voices have often been labelled
backward and obstructive, especially when they try to explore social and political
consequences of technological choices.
Some electoral reforms may have perverse consequences on citizenship and democracy.
By making it easier for all citizens to vote does not mean improvement in democracy
and citizenship, especially when a top-down political tool is designed in ways that bring
more power to the political elite. Can we combine an approach very much based on
market-driven forces (e-voting) that suits existing political and bureaucratic elites with a
real process of democratization (e-democracy)? In other words, can the state provide
services to please the citizens without democratic engagement?
There is no doubt that e-voting facilitates the work of the Electoral Justice in Brazil
when, a few hours after an election, the names of those elected are informed. This brings
prestige to the Electoral Justice whose power is reinforced by e-voting technology. Over
the last ten years there has been an official massive propaganda in Brazil about e-voting
and its security, in addition to training and demos on how to vote electronically. As a
consequence, the majority of the Brazilian society trusts our e-voting system and its
security. In this situation, it is quite hard to comment against e-voting in the country.
In spite of this, it seems that democracy in Brazil is at risk: women’s representation in
the Brazilian parliament has decreased; our representatives in the Parliament are getting
richer than their predecessors, and richer politicians get richer after their elections;
turnouts decreased in the last election, and vote buying increased substantially.
Corruption in the Brazilian Parliament has reached such a level that a recent edition of
the Economist has made reference to it as a “Parliament or Pigsty?” thus, commenting
on the sophisticated criminal organization to buy votes [Ec07].
The political elite has no interest in discussing e-voting in Brazil, let alone the poor that
are excluded completely from the political life. However, if political participation and
civic engagement do not improve, there are substantial arguments to discuss e-voting in
Brazil. Due to the trust in the system and the official voice supporting it, there is no
chance to question the technology just in terms of its security. However, when social and
political issues are questioned, there are many things that people have not thought of,
and it is time to start arguing about it. If people care about citizenship, the time is
appropriate for the debate about the relationship between e-voting technology and
How helpful would it be if the academic research work in the developed world could
look not only at the technicalities of e-voting, but to its social and political issues and on
how it should be designed in ways to reflect our best understanding of freedom, social
justice and addressing the source of inequality and injustice. The technical problems of
e-voting, especially in terms of security, can be solved in the near future, and people can
easily understand it. However, when matters related to social and political problems are
considered, it will take years for the poor voters, for example, to understand what is
going to happen to them. This situation forces us to care about them and the future of
democracy. We cannot survive without the help of technology, but we cannot let the
market work and express our politics just by watching the TV screen.
The e-voting project in Brazil is an initiative that merely reproduces traditional and
dominant forms by which power is exercised. This is a tool that exacerbates inequality,
alienation, and exclusion, but it seems that it is not awakening the “consciousness of how
men are deceived in a permanent way.”
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The Voting Processes in Digital Participative Budget:
A Case Study
Gleison Pereira de Souza
, Cristiano Maciel
Prefeitura Municipal de Belo Horizonte
Secritaria Municipal Adjunta de Tecnologie da Informação
Rua Goiás nº 58 Centro, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Centro Universitário Augusto Motta
Av. Paris nº 72, Bonsucesso, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Abstract: The Participative Budget consists of a process in which citizens can
directly participate in decision-making and regulation of public budget spending.
The experience of the City of Belo Horizonte (Brazil) with the Participative
Budget is a consolidated e-democratic process in the government and, most
importantly, for the population. By exploring techniques provided by Information
and Communication Technology, the Digital Participative Budget was introduced.
Hence, a new question is posed: which methodology should be used for the
computerization of this process and what would be the best suited interaction and
communication resources for the e-democratic process? Such decisions will be
discussed in this paper. This paper presents the experience of Belo Horizonte with
the implementation of the Digital Participative Budget, from the very conception
and implementation of the project up to the voting period as well as its current
phase. Accordingly, this paper broaches the discussion of the conditions that led to
the development of this project, the model adopted for the computerization of the
process, the functionalities of the web system, and the data from the case studies
developed in Belo Horizonte.
1 Introduction
The Participative Budget, or PB, consists of a process in which citizens can directly
participate in decision-making and regulation of public budget spending. Participation
becomes effective by means of public Participative Budget assemblies, generally
implying presence, which assures all citizens an equal weight in the decision-making
process, regardless of their affiliation to any type of organization and lacking any
This public policy of political participation is one of the dialogical instruments created to
bring together citizen and public administration in the generation of public interest,
creating new pathways for Representative Democracy. Voting does not suffice; one must
also participate. It is also not enough to base general (public) decisions in technical
theses. These are certainly important, but consensus reached by those directly concerned
(whether individual citizens or the community) must always be a desideration of this
new Public Administration tendency.
The experience of the City of Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais, Brazil) with the
Participative Budget began in 1993 and was a result of an institutional change seeking
the creation of government spheres that would be closer to the citizens and better able to
perceive/address the demands of the populace. Today, the Participative Budget is already
a consolidated process in the government and, most importantly, for the population of
Belo Horizonte. Since it was first established, almost one thousand public constructions
have been initiated and delivered to the population, a fruit of the population’s choice via
Participative Budget.
In the year 2006, the municipal government reached a milestone regarding this policy,
guided by the pursuit of increased political participation. By exploring techniques
provided by Information and Communication Technology, the Digital Participative
Budget was introduced. Hence a new question is posed: which methodology should be
used for the computerization of this process and what would be the best suited
interaction and communication resources for the e-democratic process? Such decisions
will be discussed in this paper.
Consequently, this paper presents the experience of Belo Horizonte with the
implementation of the Digital Participative Budget, from the very conception and
implementation of the project up to the voting period as well as its current phase.
Accordingly, this paper broaches the discussion of the conditions that led to the
development of this project, the model adopted for the computerization of the process,
the functionalities of the web system, and the data from the case studies developed in
Belo Horizonte.
2 Democracy and the Internet
In democracy power can be exercised by many, it is the people’s expectations that
prevail in all political decisions. According to [Ca64], democratic political forms are
grounded on the assumption that no man or limited group of men is wise enough or good
enough to govern others without their consent. Inquiring into their preferences is an
essential part of the democratic process. However, freedom of expression in democracy
does not merely involve being able to express an opinion about predefined options. In
order for it to be effective, it must allow people to articulate a discourse, outline
proposals, discuss them and confront them with other proposals through public
communication means.
There are several classifications for democracy. This paper considers three democracy
models as proposed by [As01]: quick, strong and thin. These models are based on the
roots of traditional democracy and are used as a bridge between profound democratic
theory and its electronic manifestations. A synthesis and later discussion of the
characteristics, legitimacy, citizen’s role, politician’s administrative style and use of
ICT’s by these models is presented in Table 1.
Table 1: Democracy Models [As01]
Similarly to quick democracy, strong democracy demands active citizens, but rather than
speeding up the decision-making process, strong democracy favours a slow and far-
reaching involvement of people in the discussion and deliberation processes, —a
situation that can be achieved in several electronic forums. While quick democracy starts
from the assumption that most citizens have a critical sense of a wide variety of complex
issues involving society and that decisions can be defined by the majority, strong
democracy favours the development of individuals through information, discussion and
debate. The strong model means not only empowering people but also providing
education for the understanding of society. When people discuss social issues, a platform
of respect, trust, tolerance and openness is created, and these are the essential ingredients
of strong democracy. Strong democracy is indicated to conceive an e-Democracy model.
Typically, the only institutionalized channels people have to dialogue with the
Government are political and administrative paths - insufficient for a participative
democracy - and direct people-citizen dialogue, which is facilitated by communication
means capable of turning the transmission of messages into a bilateral process.
We can identify three problems regarding democracy and citizen participation on the
Internet [Wo00], namely: 1) difficulty to integrate Internet and political debate and
consequently turn away from the ongoing unanimity that prevents any critical reflection;
2) difficulty to actually enter the field of politics; and 3) improving Internet applications,
considering that the technical revolution did not have the expected effect on society,
which means that the techniques are not efficient enough. Nowadays, traditional
development of online e-Democracy follows a relatively predictable model [UK02]:
organizations offer information to start with, then they add services and then attempt to
add ‘interactive’ tools.
Democracy Quick Strong Thin
Characteristic empowers people consensus choice efficienc
ublic debate government
Citizen’s role decision-make
Administrative st
le limited interactive O
Focus on use of ICT decision discussion Information
In order to use ICT’s to effect, an infrastructure is needed to allow interaction with and
access to the citizens and supporting: organization and classification (information and
service); safety and reliability (electronic voting); moderation, control, quality and
response guarantee (electronic participation). Implementing ICT’s in e-Voting [OV04]
[UK02] involves offering an electronic service package such as online voting and
registration, devoting careful attention to safety, reliability and scalability. Eletronic
participation represents the use of ICTs in supporting the information, consultation and
participation of citizens [LC07]. Using ICT’s to open new communication channels is
far more complex, since it requires new relationships to be developed between
government, citizens and representatives.
Those relationships in the Brazilian Government, in order to encourage citizen
participation in decision-making, have been done through the Participative Budget (PB).
The following section discusses this topic.
2.1 Participative Budget
In the Brazilian government model, during the electoral process, politicians present a
government project. In case the project foresees a democratic and popular management,
it must compromise, among others, the popular participation in the quarrel and
application of the public resources, in the clear of practical administrative, in the
recovery of the excluded segments citizenship of the society, in the environment
sustainable development, in the preservation and valuation of the cultural patrimony and
in the construction of dignity and respect to the human rights of a city.
During the execution of such projects, a significant population participation becomes
necessary in the elaboration and control of the municipal public budget to consolidate
the Participative Budget (PB). PB has been implemented in Brazil since 1989 in cities
compromised with democratic management. Today, it is a reality in more than 140 cities.
Cities execute different methodologies looking for real citizen participation. In a general
manner, PB is composed by:
- Marketing: papers and posters in the cities inform the calendar and
methodology of PB in the current year;
- Council Members: represents the participants of the PB in a region or thematic,
elected in an established number by the cities;
- Municipal Assembly or Forum of the PB: is the great meeting of the population
to elect and/or to install the new council members of the PB and to deliver to
the government, the hierarchy of the workmanships and services demanded for
the cities. It’s also argued themes/demands and its priority criteria and has
realized a rendering of accounts.
- Participative Budget Council (PBC): space of representation and negotiation,
making it possible for the council members to intervene in the debate of the
municipal budget.
- Council Forum: they are regional or thematic meetings for debate, subjects of
general interest. The regiment of the City Council of the Participative Budget is
also argued and approved.
Garcia, Pinto and Ferraz [GPF05] analyze three prototypical attempts to increase the
participation of the people and propose to create a system, the e-PPB (Electronic
Participatory Public Budgeting) that simulates what an executive assistant would do, if
humanly feasible, that can be summarized into five tasks:
1. Identification
- read each suggestion
- emphasize the keywords in the message
2. Interpretation
- rephrase the suggestion using the vocabulary of a predefined ontology
- classify each suggestion in one of the known themes or create new themes to
incorporated creative ideas
3. Clustering
- group similar suggestions and add statistical information to the classified
- create an executive summary to show to the “boss”
4. Analysis
- check if there has been any executive action that has already addressed any of
the provided suggestions
5. Follow-up
- send a personalized acknowledgement message to all suggestion senders with
a special status note to the ones for which a government action has already been
- keep an eye on eventual government measures that directly or indirectly make
suggestions. Again, he or she would send a message advertising the measure,
mainly to the ones who sent suggestions asking for that type of measure.
These are mechanical tasks that request intelligence, mainly concerning text mining
activities. Technology is ready. In accordance with the tasks cited above, the authors
proposed a computational helper to assist executives in listening to people’s suggestions.
Some of the current Brazilian experiences use TICs to innovate the PB, however, they
make use of strategies such as e-mail and voting/polls [GMP05] [MNG05] not allowing
the full use of the Internet technology, and the consequence is a lack of participation of
the citizens in the democratic process. On the other hand, experiences with consultative
and deliberative processes, engaging citizens by using a virtual community, are being
investigated [MG07].
Belo Horizonte (MG) city [BE07], has a significant experience in PB and is discussed in
the next section.
3 Participative Budget in Belo Horizonte
Since 1993, the Participative Budget in Belo Horizonte has functioned as an instrument
to bridge the interests of the Public Administration and the population, especially in
areas with the most urgent need for public constructions and/or services, and, of course,
proceeded by city planning (a crucial moment of political participation).
The PB renders effective many democratic goals and is currently, in Belo Horizonte, a
biannual process, containing many steps where the population may express its intentions
and deliberate on government planning. This process is noticeable for combining the
participation of grassroots associations with that of unconnected individual citizens,
which ends up representing a much more elevated and significant number of
In 2006, the City of Belo Horizonte made an innovative achievement in the country in
the field of public policy for participative democracy. Besides the already consolidated
presential PB, an internet-based consulting and voting system, entitled Digital
Participative Budget – Digital PB, was available for the population. Using
Communication and Information Technology, the voting population of Belo Horizonte
may directly, individually and equally define the public construction work that should be
executed by the City, thus effectively partaking in the allocation of public spending.
This initiative was aimed at promoting the expansion of political participation,
introducing and publicizing the PB to segments that would normally not get involved in
its processes, such as middle class and young sectors of the population, and moreover
falling upon the promotion of digital inclusion using internet resources. The Digital PB
takes place every two years.
It is worth noting that Belo Horizonte, capital of the state of Minas Gerais, is the fifth
Brazilian metropolis in terms of population size, which is 2.3 million. The complexity of
a process involving such a numerous population was a challenge for the municipal
public administration.
For the implementation of this process it was necessary to conceive a web environment
projected with user-friendly interaction and communication resources and to promote the
migration of the system to the Internet, safeguarding the basic premises of the
participative budget. These aspects are discussed below.
3.1 Digital PB
The conception of a system with Belo Horizonte’s Digital PB complexity forced the
establishment of a careful methodology, as presented, and the selection of
communication resources that would provide more interaction with the citizens, who are
the targeted public of the application. This environment is available on [Be07].
In this sense, the following interaction and communication resources, among others for
supporting additional functionalities, were defined: videos, streaming, forums, chats,
contact us, public work perspectives and photographs, flash animation, news articles,
weekly newsletters, and voting ballots. In this session, some of these user interaction
resources are commented and illustrated:
The forum makes citizen-City interaction possible, allowing for the exchange and
sharing of ideas, compliments, suggestions and directions. The experience demonstrated
that the forum was an interesting and important means for the citizen to defend and
debate the public construction works being voted. Free chats with the population also
took place, permitting an exchange of ideas in real time. The screen below, in
Portuguese Language, displays the discussion forum developed.
Figure 1: Forum in Digital PB
The photographs and know more allow the citizen to develop a more detailed outlook
of the public constructions being debated and the subsequent voting process in the
Digital PB. The menu topic, construction perspectives is a space created to give a
future view of the construction, thus showing the before and after. See below the
interface that displays pictures of the construction works.
Figure 2: Pictures of the construction works in Digital PB
The video and streaming (DMP) resources available in the Digital PB allow a good
level of interactivity, since they synchronize voice, image, and text resources in a single
application, providing a complete and dynamic overview of the construction work,
besides providing accessibility to people with special needs. Streaming is a technology
that permits watching the video while it is still downloading.
The flash animations were developed as a simpler visualization option than the videos
of the construction works, geared towards the computers that do not possess the
necessary resources to access the DMP video.
The newsletter is an electronic bulletin, by means of which the City of Belo Horizonte
would send, via emails to registered citizens, information about the running of the voting
process, construction works, testimonials, etc,.
In the voting stage, the citizen only needed to type the name and number of his/her voter
registration in the Digital PB in order to access the ballot, which contained the list of
construction works for voting. The projected interface was based on the design of a
printed voter registration, as can be seen in the image below.
Figure 3: Ballot vote in Digital PB
This system was developed with state-of-the-art technology, with JAVA (J2EE) as the
programming language, Oracle 10g as the database, web data security through HTTPS
protocol, easy interactivity, accessibility and robustness.
With regards to system security, it is worth emphasizing that the captcha resource was
used to avoid frauds (anti-robot function) in the voting screen, as well as a secure
HTTPS system and certified digitals in the servers where the application was hosted.
3.2 Methodology implementation
The Digital PB project was divided in three moments: the pre-voting period, the voting
period and the post-voting period, each one of them detailed below.
Pre-voting period
This period had three great marks, which are the selection of constructions that would be
put to vote; the development of TIC tools and the establishment of partnerships; and
publicizing the constructions to the population.
First of all, the government realized a pre-selection of 63 endeavors, seven in each one
of the nine administrative districts in the city, according to criteria of social scope and
relevance. After that, the COMFORCA (commissions formed by community leaders of
each district, which follow and oversee the execution of the Participative Budget) were
consulted for choosing 36 construction works, four per district, who would be submitted
to vote. Contemplated in these constructions are the urbanization and renovation of
avenues, construction/reform of leisure and cultural centers, and health center reforms,
among others.
Correspondingly, partnerships were established for the project, among which began the
partnership with the Regional Electoral Court. This Court provided the City with a
database of all the voting population of Belo Horizonte. This database made it possible
to create a solution based on the rule that limits voters to one single vote in each district,
according to its voter registration; this provided more control, security and transparency
to the voting process.
From the beginning of the second semester of 2006, the web system was developed for
the publicizing and voting of the 36 pre-selected public construction works. By means of
this system, the city’s population could have access, in detail, to the information of 36
constructions, all of which have a great impact on Belo Horizonte; its responsibility is
therefore to choose nine endeavors (one in each of the nine city districts) to be executed
by the City.
Voting period
During the voting period, for those who did not possess Internet access, the City of Belo
Horizonte installed 158 public and free voting stands in infocenters, schools and
administrative agencies in all of the city’s districts, with the presence of monitors to
assist the citizen who was otherwise unfamiliar with the computer. Portable booths with
various computers connected to the Internet were positioned in strategic places in the
city during the voting period.
It is interesting to emphasize that the voting of Digital PB construction work gained so
much ground that, in many locations, the community and companies installed,
autonomously, voting stands; furthermore creating websites for publicizing and
campaigning certain construction works, distribution of fliers in the streets,
mobilizations, etc.
Simultaneously, the City launched a campaign on TV, Internet, radio, billboards, and bus
advertisements in order to further stimulate political participation. Such parallel
strategies are very important for the consolidation of the process. At the end of the
voting process, the level of political participation in Belo Horizonte overcame the
expectations, as can be seen by the data below:
Number of voters – 172,938 (which corresponds to about 10% of the city’s
voting population).
Number of votes – 503,266 (a citizen could vote up to nine times. The
possibility of one vote for each district, with each district having four competing
public constructions, was considered. Thus, each citizen could choose up to
nine public works).
Average votes per voter – 2.91 (the voters tended to vote more in the
construction works of their region/district and less in other regions)
Number of messages in the “Forum” – 912
E-mails sent to “Contact Us” – 951
As a way to protect the transparency and control of the process, the individualization of
votes was not held. Therefore, the profile of each elected person was not known and the
vote was secret. It is important to emphasize that such information is part of the Regional
Electoral Court´s database.
It is worthwhile listing the public constructions that won most votes in order to show
their diversity:
Barreiro Region – Implementation of a Sports Complex
South-Center Region– Renovation of Praça Raul Soares (a square that holds a
relevant historical significance for the city) and surroundings
East Region – Renovation of the Medical Station
Northeast Region – Linking the North and Northeast Regions (bridge
construction and complementary construction)
Northwest Region – Construction of a Hostel
North Region – Construction of a Multiuse Cultural Center
West Region – Implementation of a Medical Specialty Center
Pampulha Region – Construction of an Ecological Park
Venda Nova Region– Construction of an Ecological Park
Post-voting period
The nine endeavors chosen by the population of Belo Horizonte started to compose the
City’s construction planning, and its execution estimated for the next two years.
The City Council of Belo Horizonte´s initiative of the Digital Participative Budget was
approved by its government and population. In relation to the government, the General
Auditor certified the reliability of the solution, ensuring transparency and security to
citizens. The population met the administrative expectations, participating actively and
taking the decision collectively. It is interesting to observe that the Digital PB stimulated
the creation of collective and individual campaigns in favour of the works under
Data Access
Since the publication of the PB Digital website, 195,077 visits were registered up to the
voting period, coming from 50 the countries highlighted in the map below, covering all
five continents.
Figure 4: Countries that access the PB Digital
Fonte: Google Analytics. Acessado em 01/03/2008.
Surprisingly, access to the system exceeded the boundaries of Belo Horizonte. In Brazil,
24 out of 27 Brazilian states registered access. Other than Brazil, where the largest
visitor concentration (193,527) logically occurred, the following visits were also
registered: 1,077 from the United States, 126 from Portugal, 90 from France, 87 from
Germany, 82 from Spain, among other countries. This shows that the experience of Belo
Horizonte exceeds geographic limitations, generating worldwide interest in this political
practice. The impact of this innovation can also be noticed by the various contacts and
visits that the City has received from other cities and educational institutions that seek
more detailed information about the Digital Participative Budget.
It is expected that this experience can serve as a trigger for other initiatives involving
popular consulting initiatives in the sphere of Belo Horizonte. In this regard, the City
Council of Belo Horizonte recently launched an Internet survey so as to collect the
opinion of the city’s inhabitants on whether shops should be open on Sundays and
holidays. Participation in this survey was successful, despite being simple. Another aim
is to contribute to the enhancement of discussions and to the implementation of concrete
participative democracy practices in other governments.
The large participation registered in the first edition of the Digital PB brought a great
challenge: how to expand even more the participation and discussion of the public
construction work in the new edition, which will take place next November. For this new
edition, citizens, instead of choosing a work in each region, will vote for only one,
among the 10 largest investments demanded by the city. It is expected that the
experience of the first Digital PB realized will allow this public policy of popular
participation via Internet to acquire even greater relevance for people from Belo
Horizonte and to become a common practice, as time goes by, in the interaction between
Public Administration and citizens.
4 Conclusions
Due to the growing need to include every citizen in the digital world, it is advisable to
map the languages used and accepted by the public in various means of communication,
so as to improve interaction with the products offered by the government. The diagnosis
of current participation initiatives and the citizens’ true expectations converge on the
need for an interactive environment. Digital inclusion will then be introduced in effect,
considering not only the need for infrastructure but also facilitating active participation
from citizens in the cyberspace. This paper discusses issues in the provision of e-
Democracy, in particular in participative budget.
It is noticed that e-Democracy offers benefits for citizen and government alike. The
citizens can assume a more active role in society, exercising their opinion power with
ease and agility. Therefore, the digital revolution means more power for the people. For
the government, unable as it is to turn its back on digital society, e-Democracy allows
administration gains, transparency and more control over society through Internet-
centralized data.
Using web-based Technologies and rendering possible a real citizen participation in the
governmental questions is propitiating one Strong e-Democracy model with consensus,
public debate, opinion-making, interactivity and discussion.
The participative budget proposal discussed here received the public administration’s
and population’s approval. As for the government, the General Auditor guaranteed that it
was trustworthy, attesting to its transparency and security. The population matched up to
the administrative desiderate, participating actively and reaching a decision collectively.
It is interesting to note that the Digital PB estimated the creation of collective and
individual campaigns in favour of the works in debate. The strategies of winning voters
for the preferred projects are varied, including the production of websites,
advertisements and fliers, as well as face-to-face conversations in the streets.
A challenge of an e-participative environment such as this one is the extension of the
scope of discussion. In this way, a good use of registered information, for instance, is in
the forums, which could be better exploited since they contain additional information
about community needs regarding the public works.
A user satisfaction study, by means of public research, will be conducted in view of
offering improvements to the environment. Soon the next edition of the Digital PB will
be initiated and will hopefully be as successful as this first version, increasing political
participation in the definition of public policies in the municipal level.
We would like to express thanks to Marina Pombo de Oliveira and Vinicius Carvalho
Pereira for the contributions regarding the translation of this paper.
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Full-text available
This study attempts to combine experience with qualitative secondary research to find reasons and possible solutions as to what needs to be done to guarantee successful Internet Voting. Many publications have seen the light over a span of more than 15 years. The early publications were filled with the promises that Internet Voting seems to be the perfect solution. Internet Voting is Web Based which eliminates long queues, public holidays, ballot paper print and transport, miscounts, instantaneous Voter Turnout and Election Result figures. Many countries have tried internet voting and only a few succeeded. Much has been blamed on the “black box” effect of Internet Voting. The early failures may be attributed to technology failures, but this study will reveal that in the meanwhile technology has matured and many of the earlier malfunctions have been found and fixed. The issues identified from the literature, were investigated using data from other research documents. Data from seminars, workshops, focus groups and analysis of documents were collected and analysed. The results confirm that most of the issues identified as part of the literature review, are relevant to the case under investigation. However, there were seemingly different issues that were not connected in the literature. This, if not tackled properly, will lead to problem areas with the implementation of Internet Voting. The focus of the study will indicate that other areas such as the Legal Framework and Public Relations or Voter Education programs have not been able to evolve as fast as technology. This study also suggests that the time frame allocated for the implementation of such a complex project is usually too short. Internet Voting can only be successful when Political Parties and Voters can be assured that no tampering or manipulation is possible with the data. In good time a well-informed public will exchange inconvenience and long queues for voting from the comfort of their home. It is the responsibility of the Electoral Management Body to secure the Election System in the best way possible once all avenues have been researched. This will give the Electoral Management Body confidence, which will also be reflected in the Public Education campaigns.
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This dissertation’s aim is to contribute to the research that addresses the challenge of ensuring effective participation in decision-making procedures using information and communication technologies (ICT) in twenty-first century democracies, which are assumed to be the best form of government available (UN 1945; EU 1993). The use of ICT in elections, also often called electronic voting (hereinafter: e-voting), touches upon core principles in the governance of the contemporary democratic state. One might go as far as to say that the mechanisms of elections are not only methods through which societies may express their opinions but also indicators of how they use technology in general. Numerous elections throughout history have made use of emerging technologies in one way or another. Today, ICT is a widespread, common phenomenon, so technology-based electoral procedures seem almost inevitable. Nevertheless, the field lacks holistic research about e-voting that integrates these multidisciplinary perspectives with theoretical and practical approaches, and gives an insight into the motivating and influencing factors for using voting technology in elections. This dissertation contributes to four research topics, (1) how ICT affects democracy, (2) how to analyze the application of ICT in elections, (3) how the use of ICT in elections evolved; and (4) what the factors are that motivate stakeholders to introduce ICT, as follows: First, this transformation process offers and enables more and different socialinteraction possibilities from very remote places and with people whom we hardly know. As such, it will naturally affect the way a democratic system works and will challenge existing paradigms, such as the concept of representation. The use of ICT in elections will provide for more possibilities to participate and will ideally be used in a context of constant dialogue between representatives and voters. Second, the use of voting technologies is in no way easy. Discussions tend to lose focus due to the complexity and interdisciplinary nature of the topic. This inherent complexity can only be addressed with a conceptual model, such as the e-voting mirabilis that describes the influence factors of technology, law, politics and society and that describes the electoral process that is affected by e-voting. Only through such conceptualizations can developers make the discussions around e-voting more transparent and evident to a wider audience. Third, the development that voting technology has undergone since the appearance of the first concepts of mechanical voting machines some 170 years ago is remarkable. The technology was applied depending on knowledge and availability. In the earliest elections, voting technologies were quite diverse, but this diversity decreased with the appearance of the Australian ballot, which is still the most widely used voting technology today. Shortly after this type of paper ballot became a quasi-standard, the diversification started again. Most parts of the US began to use mechanical voting machines for many decades. After the Second World War, the use of electronic devices started with the electronic counting of mark-sense enabled ballots, which progressed to punchcards and finally the DRE electronic voting machines. Last but not least, whereas all of these technologies were more or less designed to reduce fraud and to enhance accuracy and speed, the last invention in the field of voting technology aimed for something completely different. Internet voting, in theory, enables the voters to participate from anywhere in nearly no time at all in the election process of their choice. This technology also comes with the promise to enable more voters to cast their vote and thereby raise the turnout. The realization of these promises could support the important goal of providing the politicians and representatives with the possibility to appear modern by endorsing a new voting technology for the core process of democracy. Estonia may easily be the best example of this political move. Overall it can be said that the promises that developers are currently pairing with electronic voting are often too high, because “IT tools are not a panacea to solve existing problems in the elections field. … where there already is lack of trust in the electoral process, its digitalisation will not improve the situation; on the contrary, it may further diminish voter confidence” (Lenarčič 2010). Nevertheless, e-voting can offer additional functionalities to elections in areas where traditional technologies like paper ballots are limited by trying to raise and/or maintain voter turn-out, counting complicated and large-volume elections, supporting the handicapped, assisting vision-impaired voters, and facilitating remote voters’ participation in elections. As history has shown, when a government follows a balanced and proportional approach that considers multiple dimensions and undertakes careful preparations, including deciding for a step-by-step approach, it can deploy voting technology that contributes to a better democracy.
Full-text available
Numerous cryptographic voting schemes have been proposed in recent years. Many of these have highly desirable formal security properties. However, as with all security systems, even a well-designed technical system can be undermined by implementation details or environmental factors, typically including human users, that violate (often implicit) assumptions of the design and evaluation. In ‘Cryptographic Voting Protocols: a System Perspective ’ [11] Karlof et al perform a systems-based analysis of the Chaum [5] and Neff [17], [18], [19] schemes. They identify a number of vulnerabilities and discuss possible mitigations and counter-measures. In this paper, we examine the extent to which these vulnerabilities carry over to the Prêt à Voter scheme [6]. In addition, we describe some further systems-based vulnerabilities not identified in [11]. We also discuss some further threats, such as chain voting attacks, which do not apply to the Chaum or Neff schemes but to which Prêt à Voter is vulnerable, unless appropriate countermeasures are deployed. It turns out that Prêt à Voter is remarkably robust to most of the vulnerabilities described in [11] and here. 1
The new fifth edition of this leading textbook provides a clear and comprehensive account of governance and politics in the Netherlands. The book has been revised throughout to provide full coverage of recent developments and events, including the latest proposals for constitutional reform. The Netherlands has often been characterized as a place of political calm, with a culture of cooperation and compromise in dealing with key political issues. Now, at a time when climate change and immigration are high on the political agenda, the electorate is growing ever more unpredictable and political fragmentation makes forming majority coalitions increasingly difficult, it is vital to question how the Dutch system will continue to achieve consensus. With this in mind, the authors take a comparative and analytical approach as they examine the features of the country’s political system that have long made it a subject of study for political scientists. Governance and Politics of the Netherlands provides both students and scholars with a complete and reliable introduction to a country whose small size belies its importance in comparative political analysis.
Why do some parties fail to benefit from patronage in pork-ridden political systems? This article analyzes the interaction between patronage and partisanship to explain why some incumbents are more likely to benefit from pork politics than others. We explain such differences by focusing on political parties' access to resources (supply side) and voters' dependence on fiscal largesse (demand side). We show how these differences affect the patron's choice of public sector wages and employment. We use subnational level data to show different electoral returns from patronage for the two major political coalitions in Argentina-Peronism and the UCR-Alianza-and their effect on preferences over public sector wages and employment.
A reliable and trustful voting system is an important and efficient component of democracy and election administration. Despite of some faults of the traditional or manual voting system, the literature has shown that the existing technology is not sufficient for the development of a reliable and trustful voting system. Brazil was the first country to anticipate and conduct a large-scale election using e-Voting technology, but there is no evidence that the introduction of this technology has contributed to reduce the so-called 'democratic deficit'. In this work, we point out that the discourse of digital divide has to be reframed to be critical and reflexive of the digital inequities in the context of social inequities. The dominant and simplistic approach to digital divide 'fails to capture the full picture of inequity and alienation', because it is based on 'equality of physical access' and not on 'equity of access' and social justice. Voters need to use information technology to become engaged citizens by connecting not only to the acting of voting, but also to engagement to education, health care, and to other commitments to public life. In addition to eliminating vote buying, voter intimidation and fraudulent voting, any reform of the electoral system should consider deeper change in political and economic structures. An electronic voting system should be thought of more broadly in the context of citizen participation and civic engagement and not just as a tool developed or acquired behind closed doors. By comparing investments in e-Voting technology with other social programs in Brazil, an attempt is made in this work to demonstrate that e-Voting is exacerbating the digital divide and alienation, serving the interests of elite groups, including members of the Electoral Justice, that historically have had an important role in 'recycling old inequities'.
Following the 2000 presidential election, the state of Georgia instituted the most comprehensive overhaul of voting technology in the country. Georgia’s actions, led by Secretary of State Cathy Cox, were precipitated by the past poor performance of Georgia’s voting machines. Although the Nation’s eyes were on Florida, a case could be made that it was Georgia that deserved the scrutiny. Georgia’s “residual vote rate,” a measure of “lost votes” that has come to be used widely to measure voting technology reliability, was 3.5% — the second worst in the country, behind only Illinois. Florida’s rate was “only” 2.9%. The best news for Georgia in 2000 was that George Bush won there handily, thus sending the national spotlight elsewhere.
The abstract for this document is available on CSA Illumina.To view the Abstract, click the Abstract button above the document title.
The onslaught of information and communications technologies (ICTs), theburgeoning popularity of the Internet, and the ideology behind the new information economy has coalesced into a force that is fundamentally reshaping the contours of the Canadian political landscape. This reorganization of the state will profoundly impact women’s opportunities to participate in and alter conventional notions of citizenship. The establishment of electronic or e-government and the implications behind the development of the cyberstate promise to revolutionize Canadian governance and our traditional understandings of democracy. While there is the political possibility of shaping the emerging cyberstate as a vehicle of empowerment for women and marginalized others, there is also the prospect that Internet-facilitated government will exacerbate inequalities and impair women’s citizenship status.