
Knowledge and Teaching: Foundations of the New Reform

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Lee S. Shulman builds his foundation for teaching reform on an idea of teaching that emphasizes comprehension and reasoning, transformation and reflection. "This emphasis is justified," he writes, "by the resoluteness with which research and policy have so blatantly ignored those aspects of teaching in the past." To articulate and justify this conception, Shulman responds to four questions: What are the sources of the knowledge base for teaching? In what terms can these sources be conceptualized? What are the processes of pedagogical reasoning and action? and What are the implications for teaching policy and educational reform? The answers — informed by philosophy, psychology, and a growing body of casework based on young and experienced practitioners — go far beyond current reform assumptions and initiatives. The outcome for educational practitioners, scholars, and policymakers is a major redirection in how teaching is to be understood and teachers are to be trained and evaluated. This article was selected for the November 1986 special issue on "Teachers, Teaching, and Teacher Education," but appears here because of the exigencies of publishing.

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... Na segunda seção, apresentamos uma compreensão sobre o professor que ensina Matemática (PEM) como objeto e campo de estudo e pesquisa. Na terceira, discutimos os conhecimentos profissionais do professor de Matemática, com base nos autores Shulman (1986Shulman ( , 1987, Ball, Thames e Phelps (2008), e Carrillo et al. (2013). Na quarta seção, apresentamos um movimento de síntese e, na última, registramos algumas considerações que denominamos reflexões formativas. ...
... Nas próximas seções, tratamos dos conhecimentos profissionais do professor em três perspectivas teóricas. Primeiramente, abordamos os conhecimentos profissionais necessários a todos os professores, conforme defendido por Shulman (1986Shulman ( , 1987. Posteriormente, discutimos os conhecimentos profissionais específicos ao professor de Matemática, propostos, de uma certa forma, por Ball, Thames e Phelps (2008) e, de outra forma, por Carrillo et al. (2013). ...
... Fundamentado em uma intencionalidade na profissionalização do ensino, Shulman (1987) acredita que existe uma "base de conhecimento para o ensino" como meio de representar e comunicar, que, para ele, é um conjunto de conhecimentos codificados ou codificáveis, habilidades, compreensões e tecnologia, ética e disposição, de responsabilidade coletiva. ...
O objetivo deste ensaio é apresentar uma discussão teórica que evidencia elementos de conhecimentos profissionais para a formação inicial e do (e para o) professor de matemática em formação inicial como fundamentação para (re)pensar as licenciaturas em Matemática. A partir de uma análise das principais teorias e modelos que fundamentam o conhecimento docente, este ensaio destaca a importância da integração de saberes pedagógicos e específicos da matemática na formação dos futuros professores. A discussão proposta visa contribuir para a reestruturação dos currículos das licenciaturas em Matemática, promovendo uma formação mais coerente e alinhada às demandas contemporâneas da educação matemática. Os resultados apontam para a necessidade de integrar conhecimentos profissionais tipificados pela literatura aos cursos de Licenciatura em Matemática no sentido de estarem tanto nos currículos como nas práticas dos formadores de professores para que estes desenvolvam conhecimentos especializados dos professores em formação inicial.
... Historically, the criteria for teacher competence were rooted in the command of subject content (content knowledge) and adept application of teaching techniques (pedagogical knowledge) (Shulman, 1986). Nevertheless, Shulman (1987) subsequently argued that, although a robust grasp of the subject content and the effective implementation of pedagogical methods were essential, they alone could not entirely encapsulate the knowledge of a proficient teacher. To address this, Shulman (1987) proposed the notion of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). ...
... Nevertheless, Shulman (1987) subsequently argued that, although a robust grasp of the subject content and the effective implementation of pedagogical methods were essential, they alone could not entirely encapsulate the knowledge of a proficient teacher. To address this, Shulman (1987) proposed the notion of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). PCK entails integrating pedagogical knowledge (PK) and content knowledge (CK) into one framework, shaping how specific subject areas are structured, adapted, and delivered to enhance learner understanding (Shulman, 1986). ...
... PCK entails integrating pedagogical knowledge (PK) and content knowledge (CK) into one framework, shaping how specific subject areas are structured, adapted, and delivered to enhance learner understanding (Shulman, 1986). While Shulman's perspective continues to be relevant (Shulman, 1987(Shulman, , 2015, a significant departure in teacher knowledge discourse since the 1980s is the widespread integration of innovative technologies in contemporary teaching − learning spaces, including in rural schools. ...
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As educational settings increasingly integrate innovative technologies into teaching methodologies, it becomes crucial to understand how teachers, especially those in rural schools, develop and apply these integrative competencies. Neglecting this endeavour risks leading to the abandonment or underutilisation of these technologies once they are deployed in schools. This descriptive study explored the technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) of life sciences teachers, focusing on their competencies to integrate virtual labs (VLs) into classroom practices. The research, framed by Koehler and Mishra’s TPACK framework, involves a quantitative analysis of data collected from 186 life sciences teachers. The findings indicate that, overall, respondents exhibited low levels of TPACK, suggesting a limited proficiency in integrating VL technologies into their teaching methods. However, analysis of the individual TPACK domains revealed a notable mastery of non-technology-related domains, particularly in content knowledge (CK), pedagogical knowledge (PK), and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). The emphasis on in-service teachers suggests that teaching experience significantly contributes to the development of these foundational knowledge components. Despite the proficiency in non-technology domains, a significant disparity is evident in technology-related TPACK domains, with lower competency levels observed in technological knowledge (TK), technological pedagogical knowledge (TPK), and overall TPACK. Notably, this study addresses a gap in educational research by emphasising the significance of rural school teachers, a population often overlooked in such studies. The study recommends that tailored professional development, coupled with more widespread adoption of VLs, has the potential to enhance teachers’ overall TPACK to adeptly leverage this technology in their teaching.
... Meanwhile, Schon [1983] followed the investigation line into teachers' practical knowledge, their ways of thinking, and how they reflect upon their teaching performance, calling it epistemology of practice. On the other hand, focused on formal teaching knowledge, Shulman [1986;1987] produced two precursor studies on the knowledge needed for teaching-i.e., the knowledge base-, stressing a new construct: the pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), which is essential for the content to be understood and transformed by the teacher from a teaching and learning perspective and for making content learning accessible to students. ...
... The lack of studies on physical education professors in undergraduate courses who teach martial arts subjects represents a gap in the academic production on the models of teachers' teaching knowledge, and an alternative is to propose discussions and adaptations of Shulman's models [1986;1987;1992] for teaching martial arts. ...
... After the first interpretations of the initial model, Shulman expanded the knowledge base for teaching into seven types of knowledge, namely: content knowledge (what will be taught); curriculum knowledge (the experience the student will have from a systematized teaching program); knowledge of educational contexts (micro-environments such as the classroom, macro environments such as the school and the university, and also indirectly influencing environments such as public educational funding programs); knowledge of learners and their characteristics (their individual characteristics); knowledge of educational ends, purposes, and values, and their philosophical and historical ground (focused on history, philosophy, and educational legislation); general pedagogical knowledge (organization of materials and classroom management); and PCK, which Shulman conceptualized as an amalgam of content and pedagogy, whose teacher's understanding is essential to teaching [Shulman 1987]. ...
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Background. Teaching education for martial arts teachers faces tensions stemming from teaching knowledge in the field of professional practice, that is, the martial arts school. Therefore models aimed at subsidizing teachers’ education in their pedagogical practice become a priority, aiming to overcome the problems related to martial arts teaching in school physical education classes. Problem and aim. This study aimed to integrate a theoretical-conceptual framework for teaching martial arts for prospective teachers in undergraduate courses. Methods. This is, a paper that, based on the literature, aims to investigate, discuss, reflect, and give an opinion about the phenomenon under analysis, supported by different theoretical bases from the models aimed at teaching education by Shulman [1986; 1987; 1992], Shulman and Shulman [2004], and their developments from authors in various fields of knowledge, with emphasis on the teaching of martial arts. Results. This study highlighted the themes involving teaching, specifically the formal knowledge required for teaching. Considering this, we could direct the discussion to its struggles, thus contributing to the emerging debate around its teaching in teacher education. In the theoretical basis that underlies the investigation, the the pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) as part of the teaching and learning process and a priority in it, stands out. Through the development of the PCK, integrated with the other components of the knowledge base, it was possible to understand the complexity of professional performance in teaching martial arts and to propose a model that can contribute to the teaching and learning process of martial arts. Conclusion. The knowledge base for teaching martial arts is a fundamental model so that the problems regarding lack of knowledge on this subject, discussed only from the technical point of view in the school environment, can be overcome by understanding and transforming the contents addressed by the teacher trainer in the context of action in the classroom (school physical education).
... The notion of teacher PCK, developed by Shulman (1987), is defined as "the intersection of knowledge of the subject with knowledge of teaching and learning" (Niess, 2005, p. 510). Pedagogical content knowledge is integral as teacher PCK is closely linked to instructional competence (Clark et al., 2017;Moats, 2014;, and can generally be described as a kind of content knowledge which requires both an understanding of the content, as well as an understanding of how to transform that knowledge in a way that students understand (Shulman, 1987). ...
... The notion of teacher PCK, developed by Shulman (1987), is defined as "the intersection of knowledge of the subject with knowledge of teaching and learning" (Niess, 2005, p. 510). Pedagogical content knowledge is integral as teacher PCK is closely linked to instructional competence (Clark et al., 2017;Moats, 2014;, and can generally be described as a kind of content knowledge which requires both an understanding of the content, as well as an understanding of how to transform that knowledge in a way that students understand (Shulman, 1987). For example, kindergarten educators need to know how letters and sounds work, how to navigate print direction, how to use background knowledge to support beginning reading, how to blend and segment words, along with how to effectively teach these skills and concepts to young children (Cabell et al., 2023;Hawken, 2008;Ontario Ministry of Education, 2022). ...
... These types of responsive lessons allowed educators to address reading-skill development, and this illustrates a degree of PCK evident in these educators. Pedagogical content knowledge is integral to instructional competence (Clark et al., 2017;Moats, 2020), and educators in this study demonstrated that they were able to guide and coach students, transforming their content knowledge (Shulman, 1987) about foundational skills (e.g., print concepts, phonemic awareness, applying decoding strategies) during authentic reading and writing tasks. The presence of PCK is relevant in this current study, and these findings resonate with Pyle and Danniels (2016), and others who described the possibilities and benefits for developing academic skills through guided play. ...
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Many kindergarten educators grapple with how best to teach reading in play-based kindergarten classrooms. The purpose of this mixed-methods study was to ascertain the instructional strengths and needs of kindergarten educators as they teach reading in play-based programs. Fifteen kindergarten teachers participated in an online questionnaire and focus group conversations that explored their concepts of self-efficacy and professional content knowledge to gain an understanding of the tensions these educators expressed, and to compare and confirm these with existing literature. Educators felt quite confident that they were effectively weaving foundational reading skills with learning opportunities into authentic experiences throughout the day. They indicated that balancing competing priorities within their programs was a challenge, and that supporting multilinguals and deepening their understanding of how to effectively build oral language and phonological awareness in their students were areas where they wanted to build their professional content knowledge.
... Era esse o mundo que nos apresentava naquele momento de retorno às aulas: incerto, inseguro e permeado de desafios. Entre eles, o de ensinar, que já era grande antes, pois exigia do professor conhecimento da matéria, conhecimento pedagógico e conhecimento pedagógico da matéria (Shulman, 1987). Agora, exige que ele possua conhecimento de ferramentas digitais e seu uso pedagógico, na tentativa de diminuir o distanciamento social, que precisa ser mantido, não só pelo bem de cada indivíduo, mas pelo bem da vida e da coletividade. ...
... Tendo como base a ideia da base de conhecimento estudada por Shulman (1987) Para compreender a Figura 1, Cibotto e Oliveira (2017) mencionam que, nas aulas, com o uso e a acesso à tecnologia, o aprendizado é desenvolvido com base nas estratégias definidas pelo professor, que se alicerçam no conhecimento do conteúdo, no conhecimento tecnológico desse conteúdo e nas interrelações com os demais conhecimentos que o professor mobiliza no momento que está desenvolvendo sua ação docente. Assim, a intersecção central apresentada na Figura 1 traz a ideia de que o professor deverá além de relacionar o conhecimento do conteúdo com o conhecimento pedagógico, ligar ambos ao conhecimento tecnológico, tendo como resultado o Conhecimento Pedagógico e Tecnológico dos Conteúdos, centro das novas exigências do trabalho pedagógico. ...
O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar os desafios vivenciados por professoras experientes no retorno ao cotidiano do ensino com as mudanças na organização do ensino e aprendizagem provocados pelo combate à pandemia de Coronavírus. A pesquisa é com abordagem qualitativa, e, para a coleta dos dados, foi enviado formulários de pesquisa (Google Forms) aos professores da Secretaria Municipal da Educação, com o objetivo de conhecer as habilidades que elas possuíam a respeito do uso de computadores. Foi realizada também uma entrevista semiestruturada com seis professoras, com tempos na docência que variam de 22 a 39 anos de experiência, e lecionam em escolas públicas de um município do interior da Bahia. As entrevistas foram realizadas com auxílio do aplicativo WhatsApp durante o ano letivo de 2020, ano em que começou a serem realizadas as atividades docentes de forma remota, com a finalidade de conhecer suas opiniões a respeito das ferramentas utilizadas nas aulas e as dificuldades que elas traziam para o trabalho docente. Por fim, foi possível compreender suas percepções, esperanças e temores sobre a organização da educação, na escola, naquele momento de mudança de metodologias e práticas, bem como saber de que maneira as professoras viam seu futuro em uma educação agora mais tecnológica e dependente de ferramentas que, até então, segundo suas próprias falas, não sabiam que existiam.
... There are also concerns about the potential for standardization to narrow the focus of teacher education and professional development. If teachers are primarily prepared to implement a standardized curriculum and assess student learning through standardized tests, they may not receive adequate preparation in other important areas such as instructional design, differentiated teaching, and culturally responsive pedagogy (Shulman, 1987). ...
... Teachers are professionals who bring a wealth of knowledge, experience, and creativity to their work. When standardized curricula and assessments are imposed without sufficient flexibility, they can stifle this professional expertise and reduce teaching to a technical process (Shulman, 1987). This can lead to de -skilling and demotivation among teachers, with negative implications for the quality of teaching and learning. ...
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This study examines the impact of standardized teaching methodologies on student learning and teacher autonomy within the Ghanaian educational context. A mixed-methods approach was employed, integrating quantitative analysis of student performance data from standardized tests with qualitative insights gleaned from semi-structured interviews and classroom observations of teachers and administrators, alongside a broader survey of teacher perceptions. Quantitative findings indicated that standardized teaching methodologies were associated with improved student performance on standardized assessments. However, qualitative data revealed a complex landscape where teacher autonomy and the ability to provide culturally relevant instruction were seen as potentially compromised by the structure of standardized curricula. The study's qualitative themes highlighted the dual-edged nature of standardization, with teachers expressing a need for both the guidance and constraints that standards provide. Professional development emerged as a critical factor, with teachers seeking ongoing support to effectively implement standardized teaching methodologies. The research underscores the importance of balancing the clarity and structure of standardized teaching with the flexibility necessary for teachers to meet the diverse needs of their students. It also emphasizes the need for culturally responsive teaching practices and the provision of continuous professional development opportunities for teachers. It suggests that while standardized teaching can enhance student performance, it must be implemented in a manner that supports teacher autonomy, adaptability, and professional growth to achieve the best outcomes for all students.
... The TPACK framework is a useful construct that conceptualizes the complex relationships between a teacher's content (CK), pedagogical (PK) and technological knowledge (TK). Teachers, according to this framework, which builds upon Shulman's (1986Shulman's ( , 1987 PCK framework (Shulman, 1987;Shulman, 1986), must consider, when combining technology and pedagogy in a certain subject area, the different and dynamic intersections of TPK, PCK, and TCK . ...
... The TPACK framework is a useful construct that conceptualizes the complex relationships between a teacher's content (CK), pedagogical (PK) and technological knowledge (TK). Teachers, according to this framework, which builds upon Shulman's (1986Shulman's ( , 1987 PCK framework (Shulman, 1987;Shulman, 1986), must consider, when combining technology and pedagogy in a certain subject area, the different and dynamic intersections of TPK, PCK, and TCK . ...
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The purpose of this study is to measure the self-reported Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) of 82 prospective nursing educators in Morocco. A cross sectional design was adapted using a TPACK-based questionnaire. Results reveal that the participants had adequate self-perceptions of their TPACK, with higher scores in Pedagogical and Content Knowledge and lower scores in Technological Content Knowledge. The study recommends more teacher training to help nursing educators integrate technology, pedagogy, and content in their teaching practices.
... Teaching is a complex activity in which different elements come into play. Teachers in each discipline need to have developed knowledge of the content of the subject matter and knowledge of pedagogy to convey that content knowledge (Shulman, 1986(Shulman, , 1987. Using technology to deliver content courses adds a new layer to the knowledge teachers should have developed for effective teaching, namely knowledge of the technology itself. ...
... In short, these banks of knowledge interact to provide the kinds of flexible knowledge necessary to effectively incorporate technology into education (Koehler et al., 2013). The technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) framework is based on Shulman's (1986Shulman's ( , 1987 pedagogical content knowledge and elucidates how the interaction between educational technologies and pedagogical content knowledge results in successful technology-enhanced instruction. ...
The present study investigated the type of influence teachers' technological knowledge, technological pedagogical knowledge, anxiety, age, and years of experience have on their time spent on the MS Teams platform. 171 high-school EFL teachers from the public sector in the city of El Jadida, Morocco, were given a questionnaire adapted from Heinssen et al.'s (1987) computer anxiety rating scale and Watkins et al.'s (2004) EFL teachers' ICT proficiency scale. Results of the multiple regression analyses in SPSS revealed that EFL teachers' anxiety toward the platform mediated the influence of teachers' technological knowledge and technological pedagogical knowledge on their time spent on MS Teams and that teachers' knowledge is impacted by their age. We argue that Mishra and Koehler's (2006) technological pedagogical and content knowledge framework should incorporate the interference of affective factors in implementing technology in class.
... The effectiveness of distance learning mathematics is also influenced by the lecturer's expertise in both content and pedagogy. This is because the knowledge of content and pedagogy encompasses a range of complex knowledge, including a deep understanding of the subject matter and effective instructional strategies (Shulman, 1987). According to Shulman (1987), a lecturer possesses the capacity to adapt the teaching methods to suit the student's needs based on their knowledge. ...
... This is because the knowledge of content and pedagogy encompasses a range of complex knowledge, including a deep understanding of the subject matter and effective instructional strategies (Shulman, 1987). According to Shulman (1987), a lecturer possesses the capacity to adapt the teaching methods to suit the student's needs based on their knowledge. Hence, the lecturer's grasp of the content and pedagogic knowledge involves the ability to identify the abilities of their students. ...
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Mathematics lecturers face various difficulties in implementing effective distance learning such as the lecturer's motivation in an online class. This research aims to explore the challenges encountered by lecturers when implementing effective distance learning. A qualitative case study approach was used to explore issues regarding effective distance learning in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). Eight mathematics lecturers from three different institutions were chosen to be the participants using purposive sampling. The participants consisted of five lecturers from Kolej Matrikulasi Negeri Sembilan (KMNS), two lecturers from Kolej Matrikulasi Pulau Pinang (KMPP), and one lecturer from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). The research data was collected through semi-structured interviews followed by field notes. Thematic analysis techniques were used to identify the constructs, themes and patterns present using the NVivo software. The interview findings highlighted six main themes, specifically the students' engagement and motivation, lack of communication, lack of immediate feedback, difficulty when demonstrating and in visualisation, developing the learning materials and limited internet connectivity. Lecturers may consider incorporating engaging activities to keep students interested throughout the lesson. Additionally, backup plans should be developed to address issues related to internet connectivity, which can disrupt the teaching and learning process.
... De intellektuella traditionerna förefaller påminna mer om varandra än vad gäller forskningsfronterna för det svenska och internationella materialet. Det är ofta samma referenser som är mest samciterade i båda materialen -exempelvis Lee Shulman (1986Shulman ( , 1987, Donald Schön (1983), Ken Zeichner (2010), Linda Darling-Hammond (2000) och Deborah Löwenberg Ball (2008). ...
... Forskningsintressen 1 34 Schön (1983Schön ( , 1987; Shulman (1986Shulman ( , 1987; Braun & Clarke (2006); Marton (1981Marton ( , 1997 Vi ser i figur 3 att det största (röda) klustret av intellektuella, som behandlar lärarkunskap med exempelvis referenser till Lee Shulman (1986) och Ference Marton (1981) är centralt placerad på kartan med nära kopplingar till flera kluster, exempelvis det gröna som behandlar professionalism och professio-nalisering. Delar av detta professionsinriktade kluster dragit sig norrut, med referenser som Marilyn Cochran-Smith (1999) och Daniel Alvunger och Ninni Wahlström (2018). Inkilat mellan det röda och det gröna klustret hittar vi en annan del av ett professionskluster med referenser till Thomas Scheff (1990) och Gert Biesta (2017). ...
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Syftet med denna artikel är att presentera en övergripande bibliometrisk utforskning och analys av konversationer inom lärarutbildningsforskning och hur denna komplexa verksamhet organiserar sig i form av forskningsproblem, kunskapsintressen och intellektuella traditioner. Analyserna behandlar de noder och nätverk som formas av länkar mellan publikationer genom konversationer i forskarsamhället. I fokus står svensk lärarutbildningsforskning och hur denna länkas till internationell forskning inom området. Undersökningarna bygger på de resurser som citeringsdatabasen Web of Science och analysverktyget VOSviewer erbjuder. Vi identifierade 23 866 publikationer totalt, varav 358 hade anknytning till Sverige. En omfattande expansion av publikationer har skett under senare år – såväl inom svensk som internationell lärarutbildningsforskning – med en påtaglig anglo-saxisk dominans inom området. Explorativa klusteranalyser utifrån länkar mellan publikationer gav olika forskningsfronter med skilda problem och ansatser som behandlades i skilda nätverk. Vi kunde också identifiera särskilda intellektuella traditioner och förgrundsfigurer i olika nätverk. Svensk och internationell forskning uppvisade här åtskilliga likheter i sin organisering. Våra studier visar på ett fragmenterat forskningsfält positionerat i olika sammanhang och kunskapsintressen. Forskarsamhället behöver reflektera över skillnader i inriktning och lokalisering av forskningsproblem inom fältet samt analysera varför dessa uppstår liksom innebörder av att lärarutbildning förflyttas mellan olika forskningsfronter och traditioner.
... Dessa maneira, na busca por entender a evolução em direção à profissionalização do ensino e à formação docente, diversos pesquisadores, tanto internacionalmente quanto nacionalmente, como Shulman (1986Shulman ( , 1987, Nóvoa (1992), Schön (1992), Gonçalves e Gonçalves (1998), Gonçalves (2000), Tardif e Lessard (2009), Pimenta (2012), Tardif (2012), Gauthier et al., (2013), Ribeiro (2016), Ribeiro e Gonçalves (2019), entre outros, têm dedicado seus estudos à formação de professores. Eles exploram os diferentes saberes que compõem a prática profissional, buscando renovar os fundamentos epistemológicos da profissão docente, discutindo a prática educacional e focando no professor como um indivíduo investigativo, reflexivo, político, dialógico e intelectual (RIBEIRO; GONÇALVES, 2018). ...
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Nos últimos anos, a proposta de modelos educacionais tem sido amplamente estudada, com destaque particular para a área da Matemática. Esta área possui um modelo teórico específico chamado Conhecimento Especializado de Professores de Matemática (MTSK), que descreve o conjunto de conhecimentos matemáticos necessários para o ensino e aprendizagem de conteúdos matemáticos. Embora a Matemática tenha sido pioneira na criação de um modelo de Conhecimento Especializado de Professores, outras áreas das ciências naturais têm desenvolvido seus próprios modelos. Somente em 2018, a Física apresentou um modelo teórico baseado no MTSK. Já em 2019, propusemos um modelo teórico para a área da Química, por meio da pesquisa que resultou na dissertação de mestrado intitulada “Conhecimento Especializado de Professores de Química – CTSK: Proposta de Modelo Teórico”, também inspirado no MTSK, com o objetivo de diminuir a desconexão entre o conhecimento científico e o pedagógico, permitindo que os docentes aprimorem seus conhecimentos para o ensino da Química e, assim, contribuam para os processos de ensino e aprendizagem. Esta pesquisa seguiu a mesma metodologia utilizada na Física, adaptando o MTSK para criar o modelo Conhecimento Especializado de Professores de Química (CTSK). Os dados foram obtidos por meio de episódios de ensino, utilizando temas como agrotóxicos e medicamentos, buscando identificar falhas ou inadequações provenientes da transposição. Os resultados permitiram identificar sete categorias no subdomínio “Conhecimento dos Tópicos da Química – KoTC”, que é um dos componentes do modelo CTSK.
... The reflection raised an understanding of professional judgment that enabled lecturers to explain the 'what', 'how' and 'why' [40]. Similarly, reflection-on-practice involves identifying accomplishments within a situation to look forward to [41]. ...
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The provision of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) education requires lecturers who possess the necessary prerequisite industry-relevant skills. Work-integrated learning (WIL) offers TVET lecturers an opportunity to receive training from industry professionals through work placement. This study examined how TVET lecturers' WIL experiences could be improved by attending industry meetings. An interpretivist paradigm, which employed a multiple case study design, informed this study. Purposive and convenience sampling was employed to select TVET colleges and industries hosting lecturers during WIL. Using face-to-face, semi-structured interviews, data were generated from nine industry personnel and eighteen purposively selected TVET college lecturers from the three selected TVET colleges. The instruments were piloted with three colleagues to eliminate ambiguity and ensuring the intended information is gathered. Bergami and Schuller's theoretical model on teacher placement in industry guided this study. The model helps to explain the kinds of knowledge gained during WIL. Data were analysed thematically. Findings revealed that lecturers experienced learning from discussing the requirements and conditions of tasks. Lecturers learnt from daily scheduled tasks, sharing artisans' feedback experiences, listening, communicating, and reflecting on previous experiences through different types of meetings. The study contributed to a unique way for TVET lecturers learning through WIL by presenting a learning platform during WIL.
... Bekalo & Welford, (1999) also indicate that pedagogical knowledge in teacher education is not given sufficient attention. Shulman (1986Shulman ( , 1987 also says:``pedagogical content knowledge'' is not seriously considered. Thus, this paper sheds light on how the effectiveness of the science methodologies courses could be maximised at the Colleges of Education. ...
إن مقررات طرق تدريس مادة العلوم التي تقوم على نموذج تربوي للمعرفة العلمية يمكن أن تزيد من كفاءة تعليم وتعلم هذه المادة. كما أن الرؤية السليمة لمثل هذه المناهج يجعلها قادرة على تزويد الطالب المعلم بالمعرفة التربوية المرتبطة بمادة العلوم وهو ما يؤدي إلى تطوير تدريسها. وعندما توجد المناهج التي يتآزر من خلالها المحتوى مع الأساليب التربوية (البيداجوجيا) نتمكن من الإعداد الفعال للمعلم المزود بالمعرفة التربوية المختصة. وعلى كليات التربية مراعاة العديد من الأمور الهامة حتى يمكن تفعيل مثل هذه المناهج بما يعود بالفائدة على الطالب المعلم كإعادة صياغة مقررات طريق تدريس العلوم ويمكن الاستفادة من التوصيات الواردة في هذا البحث كتشكيل لجنة من المختصين في التربية العلمية من كليات التربية والمواد العلمية والمشرفين والمعلمين المتمرسين من أجل ربط هذه المقررات بالتعليم العام والعمل على تكامل الجوانب النظرية مع الجوانب العملية على أن تكامل هذه المقررات كذلك بين المحتوى العلمي، المعرفة التربوية، المعرفة التي يمتلكها الطلبة المعلمون وبيئة التعلم.
... Shumë studiues pajtohen se sjellja dhe praktikat e mësimdhënësve janë të rëndësishme në përmirësimin e të mësuarit të nxënësve. Prandaj, mësimdhënësit profesionistë janë "zemra" e shkollës inovative (Shulman L. S., 1987). Mësimdhënësit profesionistë i përcjellin zhvillimet inovative dhe janë të gatshëm t'i zbatojnë ato në mësimdhënien e tyre. ...
Zhvillimet e hovshme tekniko-teknologjike dhe shkencore, në përgjithësi, kanë ushtruar ndikim edhe në shkolla dhe në procesin mësimor. Zbatimi i risive në shkollë dhe në procesin mësimor është domosdoshmëri e kohës, pasi që vetëm duke i përcjellë zhvillimet inovative në shkollë do të jemi në gjendje të përgatisim gjenerata, të cilat do të jenë në gjendje të përballen me zhvillimet dhe kërkesat e tregut të punës, shkencës, teknikës e teknologjisë, dhe jo vetëm. Qëllimi i hulumtimit është që në mënyrë empirike të gjejmë se cilët janë faktorët që ndikojnë në zhvillimin e shkollës dhe mësimit inovativ, si dhe sa janë të gatshëm mësimdhënësit tanë të zbatojnë këto inovacione në procesin mësimor. Për ta realizuar këtë studim, u përdorën dy qasje: sasiore dhe cilësore, kurse instrumentet e përdorura ishin intervista dhe pyetësori për mësimdhënës. Në hulumtim morën pjesë 192 mësimdhënës të nivelit parauniversitar, ku 144 janë të gjinisë femërore, ndërsa 50 mësimdhënës janë të gjinisë mashkullore. Nga rezultatet empirike u gjet se rreth 59.5% e mësimdhënësve punojnë në shkolla, të cilat i kanë kushtet e përshtatshme për zbatimin e inovacioneve. Nga rezultatet korrelacionale u gjet se ekziston ndërlidhje mesatare dhe statistikisht e rëndësishme në mes të kushteve të shkollës dhe zbatimit të inovacioneve në mësimdhënie, pasi që u konstatua se r=0.593**, ndërsa p=0.000.
... Teaching is a working area in professional status which has the dimensions of education, social, cultural, economic, scientific and technological fields and having a special expertise with the knowledge of personal and teaching skills in the field that requires academic study and vocational formation (Erden, 2004, p. 34;Gürkan, 2000, p. 30). Shulman (1987) says that teaching is the profession of people who have pedagogical content knowledge. ...
This study examined the attitudes of teacher candidates in Turkey towards the teaching profession. Descriptive surveys were used and the research data was obtained from Pamukkale University Classroom Teaching students. During data analysis, the arithmetic means and standard deviations of the groups were calculated and a t-test and One-Way ANOVA were used. The attitudes of teacher candidates towards the teaching profession don’t vary in terms of “gender”, “type of teaching”, “type of high schools they graduate from” and in order of their preferences to be a teacher. More than half of the candidates choose the Classroom Teaching Program willingly and about all of them want to perform this profession, but their attitudes towards the teaching profession were not well developed. The majority of the participants were not satisfied with the University and faculty administrations and reopted that they don’t show enough effort required to develop themselves for the profession. It is found that the attitudes of students expressing their discontent are at a lower level. It is necessary to provide the teacher candidates not only with knowledge and skills, but also to help them develop the beliefs and positive attitudes related to the profession.
... The typical capital imparted to TCs through teacher education programs centers pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) or mathematical knowledge for teaching (MKT). Among other things, such knowledge includes: mathematics needed to solve a task; flexibility with solution strategies; and sharing feedback for student learning Ma, 1999;Shulman, 1987). Promisingly, more teacher education programs are embracing culturally relevant and/or sustaining pedagogies and social justice-oriented mathematics approaches (e.g., White et al., 2016). ...
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The sanctioned language around “mathematics teacher knowledge” in the US centers pedagogy, content (mathematical knowledge), and students. Yet, this teacher learning approach often promotes (explicitly or implicitly) teaching and learning of mathematics that operationalizes mathematics as rigid, as a gatekeeper, and only useful for global competition in STEM-related fields. These tacit capitalist goals result in teachers being expected to convey “clear and useful” mathematical information to students, not question why mathematics is being taught, who benefits, and/or how to intervene if the learning environment is harmful for students who are Black, Indigenous, students of Color, multilingual, dis/abled, queer, nonbinary, and/or of immigrant backgrounds. In this article, we build upon a form of relational knowing that intertwines mathematics, pedagogies, students, and politics called Political Conocimiento in Teaching Mathematics. Focusing on political knowledge brings the margins to the center by recognizing political issues cannot be separated from other dimensions or added on, as if politics are not already present in mathematics teaching and learning. As three women of Color, we present empirical results from three teacher education programs in the USA with teacher candidates (n = 55) who range in intersectional identities. Using scenario-based activities that support their development of political knowledge, we apply the lens of “The Mirror Test” to highlight how teacher candidates’ intersectional identities influenced the ethical identities they enacted. Some candidates focused more on “accountability” while others focused on “performativity.” We offer implications for future research on ethical identities in mathematics education with teachers and teacher candidates of various intersectional identities.
... In addition, the integration of podcasting and radio broadcasting not only enhances linguistic proficiency but also nurtures a range of soft skills crucial for vocational success. Students develop teamwork, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills as they collaboratively produce content and respond to diverse audience feedback, mirroring the challenges they will encounter in professional settings (Shulman, 1987). ...
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Addressing the challenge of developing effective English communication skills in vocational education, this study explores the integration of podcasting and radio broadcasting as an alternative to traditional classrooms. The goal is to provide vocational students with a more immersive and practical learning experience in line with communicative language teaching principles. Putra Rifara Vocational School initiated a Radio Podcast program, emphasizing technological proficiency. A seminar, "Hosting Podcast in English," was conducted to train students in podcasting and radio broadcasting. Practical exercises were included to enhance language skills, including articulation, opinion expression, and real-time dialogues. A needs analysis revealed students' interest in podcasts as learning material, with challenges related to internet limitations. The initiative positively impacted students' attitudes, behaviors, linguistic proficiency, and soft skills development. Ongoing training and mentorship are recommended to empower students in confidently hosting English podcasts. This initiative demonstrates the potential of podcasting and radio broadcasting to enrich English language learning in vocational education, contributing to linguistic proficiency and soft skills development within the educational environment. Considerations for improving internet accessibility and guiding podcast selection are recommended for future implementations.
... específico de manera efectiva, teniendo en cuenta las características y necesidades de los estudiantes. Conlleva no solo dominar el contenido académico, sino también saber cómo presentarlo, adaptarlo y comunicarlo de manera que sea accesible y significativo para los estudiantes (Shulman, 1987). ...
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El presente es un estudio descriptivo del proceso de aprendizaje de un estudiante de profesorado en física durante su práctica profesional, que considera dimensiones cognitivas y afectivas. Utilizando una metodología cualitativo-interpretativa, se analizaron autoregistros escritos correspondientes a seis clases y se seleccionaron cuatro ejemplos para un examen detallado. Los mismos corresponden al periodo de práctica activa de un estudiante de profesorado. Los resultados involucran diferentes aspectos del saber docente, relacionados con el conocimiento de estrategias de enseñanza y de las ideas de los estudiantes sobre la física: el valor de las preguntas disparadoras, la importancia de las ideas de los estudiantes en el discurso, y la sofisticación en el uso de guiones conjeturales para la planificación. El estudio muestra el dinamismo de los escenarios emocionales frente a episodios de aprendizaje del saber docente.
... Autoevaluación: esta tendencia tiene ocho unidades (16,6%), con las cuales evidenciamos que para los docentes principiantes es y ha sido esencial en su inserción profesional el hecho de autoevaluarse, revisar lo que les ha servido o no Como hemos mencionado, asumimos que los docentes construyen un conjunto de saberes y prácticas que les diferencian de otros profesionales (Bromme, 1988;Valbuena Ussa, 2007;Tardif y Lessar, 2014), el cual en términos generales se configura a partir de cuatro grandes componentes: el conocimiento de la materia que se enseña, el conocimiento pedagógico, el cdc y el conocimiento del contexto (Shulman, 1987). En este sentido, nos parece enriquecedor que los docentes principiantes reconozcan estos elementos como ideales para una inserción positiva, mencionando de igual manera los aportes que tiene la formación inicial, como los escenarios de la práctica pedagógica, donde se reconoce el ambiente educativo y permite que el docente en ese momento en formación reconozca la importancia del contexto como un elemento que se vincula principalmente con la enseñanza que genera el profesor. ...
Estudiar la materia, su composición, su comportamiento y sus reacciones es una actividad apasionante porque nos permite comprender y explicar de qué está hecho nuestro entorno y cómo funciona. Esto constituye uno de los motivos por los cuales la química ha sido una asignatura presente en la formación básica de los ciudadanos, y es una de las ciencias con mayor omnipresencia en la vida cotidiana; no obstante, y de acuerdo con las investigaciones sobre la didáctica de la química, es una de las asignaturas que reporta mayores dificultades tanto para su aprendizaje, como para su enseñanza.
... Teachers' pedagogical decisions include, for example, shaping the learning environment, choosing teaching methods, selecting content, timing tailored to students and collaborating with partners based on their professional judgement and expertise (Eteläpelto et al., 2013;Fayolle & Gailly, 2008;Peltonen, 2015;Shulman, 1987;Vähäsantanen, 2015;Vangrieken et al., 2017). Finnish teachers have a high degree of autonomy in making their pedagogical decisions (Erss & Kalmus, 2018), which differs from many other countries (Cedefop, 2023b). ...
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In the future, a significant portion of the workforce is expected to engage in self‐employment or pursue part‐time entrepreneurial endeavours, especially in vocational education and training (VET) fields where entrepreneurship serves as a predominant avenue of employment. The primary goal of this article is to investigate the interconnectedness of a teacher's autonomy, agency, and guiding behaviour and to understand their relevance to the teacher's pedagogical decisions and ability to effectively guide students toward entrepreneurship. To achieve this objective, semistructured interviews were conducted with eight VET subject teachers, employing predetermined concept definitions derived from prior research. Analysis of the interviews revealed a connection between these concepts, highlighting their influence on the pedagogical decisions made by VET teachers. However, minor variations were observed across diverse fields of VET. The study underscores the significance of autonomy, decision‐making capabilities and teacher agency in fostering students' entrepreneurial skills. It emphasises that autonomy alone is insufficient, and various factors either facilitate or hinder the promotion of entrepreneurship. This article contributes to entrepreneurship education research in two ways. First, it provides new information about the VET subject teacher as a promoter of students' entrepreneurial skills. Second, by presenting a theoretical model that helps to understand the factors influencing teachers' actions. The model, being novel, can be utilised to understand how VET teachers utilise autonomy and express agency in their work. Additionally, the research results are considered from an international perspective. The discourse revolves around the conceptual model, by exploring the reasons behind it, and considering subject teachers' professional identity as entrepreneurship teachers.
... There has been a debate in recent years concerning what contributes to the development of a qualified educator [18]. A number of studies have defined, examined, and elaborated upon various competence models and frameworks, primarily on the basis of Shulman's classification [19] of what constitutes a competent teacher. Baumert and Kunter [20] developed a competence model that identifies four categories of a teacher's professional competencies: knowledge, beliefs, motivation, and self-regulation. ...
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This study aims to investigate the levels of pedagogical competencies and ESD competencies in a group of future primary school teachers when integrating teaching practices and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into a science education course. Both quantitative and qualitative research approaches were used. Eighty-eight of the student teachers demonstrated pedagogical and ESD competencies, as evidenced by the self-rated scores and course instructor-rated scores of their teaching practices which were collected and analyzed. In addition, the lesson plans designed by the student teachers were coded and scrutinized to identify their ESD-specific competencies related to designing primary science instruction. Furthermore, the student teachers responded to the questionnaires about their views and attitudes towards the integration of the SDGs and teaching practices. The findings reveal a difference between the participants’ self-rated scores and the instructor-rated scores for pedagogical competencies during the teaching practices, whereas the scores for general ESD competencies were closely aligned. Content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, and motivation and value related to sustainable development and science education were well represented in the lesson plans, and the student teachers generally held a positive attitude towards the integration of the SDGs and teaching practices. This study offers practical insights into the effective integration of pertinent topics and knowledge regarding sustainable development into teacher education and science education curricula.
... Στο πλαίσιο της ΠΑ, έρευνες έχουν αναδείξει τις δυσκολίες που αντιμετωπίζουν οι μελλοντικοί/ μελλοντικές εκπαιδευτικοί Προσχολικής Εκπαίδευσης, οι οποίες αφορούν, μεταξύ άλλων, στην αδυναμία σύζευξης της θεωρίας με την πράξη (Matengu et al., 2021), στην επιλογή της κατάλληλης διδακτικής μεθόδου, στον σχεδιασμό και ανάπτυξη της εκπαιδευτικής διαδικασίας (Cretu, 2021). Η ΠΑ δεν σηματοδοτεί, ωστόσο, μία πανομοιότυπη εμπειρία με τα ίδια οφέλη για όλους και όλες τους μελλοντικούς/μελλοντικές εκπαιδευτικούς αφού αυτή, όπως αναφέρει η Αυγητίδου (2014), καθορίζεται από τις αντιλήψεις τους, οι οποίες επηρεάζουν τον τρόπο κατανόησης της θεωρίας και τις πρακτικές τους στην τάξη (Richardson, 2003), καθορίζεται από τα είδη γνώσης που οφείλει να κατέχει ένας/μία μελλοντικός/ή εκπαιδευτικός, σύμφωνα με την πρόταση της γνωστικής βάσης του επαγγέλματος (Shulman, 1987), και καθορίζεται από τα κίνητρα (Barenthien & Dunekacke, 2022), τη δέσμευση και τις αναζητήσεις τους μέσα από την εμπειρία τους στην τάξη (Αυγητίδου, 2014˙ Weatherby-Fell et al., 2019. ...
Τα σύγχρονα αναλυτικά προγράμματα των Φυσικών Επιστημών (ΦΕ) υποστηρίζουν την αξιοποίηση διερευνητικών περιβαλλόντων διδασκαλίας και μάθησης, στα οποία οι διερευνητικές πρακτικές αποτελούν, ταυτόχρονα, μέσο και μαθησιακό στόχο. Ένας βασικός παράγοντας για την επίτευξη αυτής της πρότασης θεωρείται η βασισμένη στην έρευνα εκπαίδευση των μελλοντικών εκπαιδευτικών. Μέσα από τη μελέτη 45 διδακτικών σεναρίων από 30 ημερολόγια Πρακτικής Άσκησης εξετάσαμε πώς προσεγγίζουν οι μελλοντικοί/μελλοντικές νηπιαγωγοί τις θεματικές, που επιλέγουν από τον χώρο των ΦΕ και πώς αποτιμούν την προσπάθειά τους. Η έρευνα βασίστηκε στην ποιοτική ανάλυση περιεχομένου. Τα αποτελέσματα έδειξαν ότι τα διδακτικά σενάρια αφορούν συχνά στην ευρύτερη περιοχή των ΦΕ και διαφοροποιούνται ως προς τη γνώση του περιεχομένου και τη διδακτική των ΦΕ. Εντοπίζεται, κυρίως, ένα μικτό μοντέλο δασκαλοκεντρικών πρακτικών με μερική εφαρμογή στοιχείων εποικοδομητισμού και αποσπασματική αξιοποίηση επιστημονικών πρακτικών. Στα περισσότερα, παρατηρείται σύνθεση από μεμονωμένα στοιχεία διαφορετικών μοντέλων διδασκαλίας ΦΕ και όχι η εφαρμογή ενός συγκεκριμένου μοντέλου με εσωτερική συνοχή.
... Pädagogisches Wissen nach Shulman (1987) umfasst Wissen über Lern-und Entwicklungsvoraussetzungen bzw. -prozesse, die Organisation von Lehren und Lernen sowie Diagnostik und Evaluation (König 2014;Voss et al. 2015). ...
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Zusammenfassung Derzeit wird diskutiert, welche spezifischen Kompetenzen Lehrkräfte im Kontext inklusiver Bildung benötigen. Dabei gelten inklusionsbezogenes pädagogisches Wissen sowie entsprechende positive inklusionsbezogene Überzeugungen als bedeutsam. Während zu inklusionsbezogenen Überzeugungen angehender Grundschullehrkräfte zahlreiche Befunde vorliegen, ist das inklusionsbezogene Wissen weitgehend unerforscht. Um angehende Grundschullehrkräfte adäquat auf die Tätigkeit im inklusiven Unterricht vorzubereiten, bedarf es empirisch gesicherter Erkenntnisse über personenzentrierte Ausprägungen und Faktoren inklusionsbezogener professioneller Kompetenzen im Grundschullehramtsstudium. Die vorliegende Studie leistet einen Beitrag zur Bearbeitung dieses Forschungsdesiderats. In einem Querschnittsdesign wurden N = 716 Grundschullehramtsstudierende bayrischer Universitäten zu ihrem inklusionsbezogenen pädagogischen Wissen und ihren inklusionsbezogenen Überzeugungen befragt. Insgesamt lagen die inklusionsbezogenen Kompetenzen der befragten Grundschullehramtsstudierenden im positiven Bereich. Im Rahmen latenter Klassenanalysen konnten jedoch vier Klassen identifiziert werden, die sich in diesen Variablen signifikant unterscheiden und mit wissende Überzeugte, wissende Zweifelnde, unwissende Überzeugte und unwissende Zweifelnde beschreiben lassen. Klassenunterschiede in der Ausprägung der inklusionsbezogenen Kompetenzfacetten scheinen vor allem abhängig vom Studienfortschritt und dem Besuch inklusionsbezogener Lehrveranstaltungen zu sein. Diskutiert werden Implikationen für die Ausgestaltung adaptiver Lehrangebote und die Struktur des Studiums.
... Consequently, it can be said that a crucial factor influencing contemporary student learning is the integration of content knowledge, instructional methods, and technology, often referred to as Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK). TPACK is built on Shulman's description (Shulman, 1987): T for technology, P for pedagogy, C for content, and K for knowledge. It acts as a platform that combines three main areas of knowledge that interact in a cyclical fashion. ...
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The ability of science teachers to effectively integrate technology, teaching methods, and subject content knowledge, known as Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK), is vital in designing educational activities that enhance students' academic performance and their ability to think critically and creatively. This study investigates the level of TPACK proficiency among science teachers and its influence on students' advanced thinking skills. The research involved 124 science teachers from 76 schools in the northeastern region of Thailand. It assessed students' abilities in critical thinking, systems thinking, problem-solving, and creative thinking. The results show that nearly half of the science teachers (46.77%) have a moderate level of TPACK proficiency, categorized as the Exploring level. Additionally, the study found significant differences in students' thinking abilities based on the varying levels of TPACK expertise of their teachers. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop and implement effective strategies for enhancing teachers' TPACK skills, with the goal of improving students' complex thinking skills.
... Notwithstanding the subtle variations in naming the components, core components across various PCK models proposed by researchers in different subjects include teaching orientations, knowledge of students' understanding, knowledge of instructional strategies, knowledge of curricula. On the other hand, along with continuing endeavors to explore the composition and construction of PCK for teaching different subjects in various educational settings, there emerges a gradual shift in PCK conceptualization from the knowledge base for quality teaching (Shulman, 1987) to "a framework for action" that "informs, inhabits, and transforms teaching practice" (Hayden & Eades Baird, 2018, p. 39). ...
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Despite recent proliferation in scholarship on English research writing (ERW) and its teaching, ERW teachers' developing knowledge remains under-researched. This multiple case study, featuring four ERW teachers working in the same university in Central China, builds on the ped-agogical content knowledge (PCK) framework to delineate the complexities in participants' knowledge-practice nexus. Data sources include observations, interviews, journal entries, and teaching artifacts. Data analyses reveal that the complex interactions between PCK components have resulted in idiosyncrasies in participants' instructional decisions or practices concerning selecting teaching points, utilizing own disciplinary articles, deciding on pedagogical design, and assigning writing tasks. It is also found that participants who are more assured in their PCK repertoire tend to feel more secure in teacher-student interactions and adopt more student-centered pedagogies. Participants' knowledge-practice nexus exhibits complex system features of self-organizing and self-transforming, as well as self-knowing. Implications for transitional ERW teachers' practices and professional development are discussed./journal/ijal 2 ZHANG and GUO K E Y W O R D S complex systems theory, English research writing teachers, instructional practices, pedagogical content knowledge , , , , , , , , "-" , ; ; ; ; 1 INTRODUCTION With English being increasingly established as the international language of scientific communication, the demand for instruction on English research writing (ERW) is being widely felt in tertiary institutions around the world, with universities in Chinese mainland being no exception (Cargill et al., 2018; Li et al., 2020). The inroad of ERW into tertiary-level English teaching programs requires many college English teachers to make a transition from teaching English for general purposes (EGP) to teaching ERW. Despite the recent proliferation in scholarly reports on ERW teaching (for a review, see Li & Flowerdew, 2020), transitional ERW teachers' knowledge as cognitive underpinnings for their instructional behaviors remains under-researched. Developing a nuanced understanding of ERW teachers' instructional practices and knowledge development as complex and reciprocal processes would hold profound implications for prospective or less experienced ERW teachers still "learning the ropes of genre-based pedagogies through practice" (Li et al., 2020, p. 1). Due to their EGP-only educational and career background and the lack of established curricular setting for ERW teaching in many Chinese universities, most transitional teachers rely on their developing knowledge and skills to handle the multiple tasks of "investigating needs and specialist discourse, developing courses and materials as well as classroom teaching" (Basturkmen, 2014, p. 17). This practice-embedded knowledge development entails that transitional ERW teachers' knowledge and instructional practices would "shape and reshape each other within and across complex systems" (Yu et al., 2020, p. 3), rendering their knowledge-practice nexus a good candidate for complex systems theory (CST) informed analysis.
... Esta ley establece la obligatoriedad de contar con Estándares Pedagógicos y Disciplinarios para la formación docente, reconociéndolos como elementos esenciales para la Formación Inicial. Estos estándares vinculan el conocimiento discipli-nar y didáctico con el conocimiento pedagógico del contenido, permitiendo una integración y desarrollo a lo largo del itinerario formativo para lograr currículos coherentes y consistentes (CPEIP, 2021;Shulman, 1987;Yusuf, 2022;Imbernón, 2019;Contreras, et al., 2010). ...
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El objetivo de esta investigación es identificar aquellas variables que determinan la acreditación de las carreras y programas de pedagogía de Educación Física impartidos en Chile. Empleando un modelo cuantitativo exploratorio, se analizaron las actas y resoluciones de acreditación de la totalidad de las carreras y programas acreditados en el país (27), lo que representa un 79% del total de programas de la disciplina que se imparten. Extrayendo datos e indicadores de 17 variables analizadas en los procesos evaluativos, se llevó a cabo un análisis de correlación de Spearman con el cual fue posible determinar que el cuerpo académico de jornada completa y la retención de tercer año constituyen dimensiones significativas (p<0,05) para determinar los años de acreditación alcanzados por estas carreras y programas. Los hallazgos obtenidos son coincidentes con distintas investigaciones en el ámbito educativo que destacan la importancia de la dotación y permanencia del cuerpo académico, junto con la retención del estudiantado como variables indicativas de calidad, el rendimiento y efectividad del proceso formativo.
... It is common to consider Shulman's work from the late 1980s (Shulman, 1986(Shulman, , 1987 as the foundation for understanding teachers' teaching abilities. Shulman claimed that teachers rely on two central elements in their teaching: content knowledge (CK) and pedagogical knowledge (PK). ...
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Climate change is a pressing global challenge for humanity, which should be adequately represented in the educational system. However, teachers face a significant challenge due to the vast amount of data and information about climate change available in the media. We aimed to identify aspects that affect teachers’ acceptance of technology in general and how technology may help/hinder their teaching of climate change, in particular. Thirty-five chemistry teachers and chemistry educators were exposed to a novel curriculum about climate change that was developed on a digital platform. This paper described the promoting and inhibiting factors regarding adopting technological tools to teach about electric cars within this curriculum. We applied the lenses of the technology acceptance model (TAM) framework to analyze teachers’ responses. Most of the hindering factors concerned the general disadvantages of integrating technology into teaching (e.g., technical malfunctions); therefore, these aspects should be primary addressed to encourage adopting and applying educational technology. However, factors that are specific to teaching climate change in relation to TAM emerged as well. These factors included the critical consumption of digital data, the need to constantly change one’s teaching practices based on the changing data, as well as the social impact of such a tool on the students’ environment. We wish to stress that the TAM can be applied as a framework to identify teachers’ filters and amplifiers that might promote or inhibit transforming theoretical knowledge into practice.
... Afterwards, scholars from Stanford university expanded on Shulman's notion of teachers' knowledge, splitting it into seven categories: knowledge of content; knowledge of pedagogy; knowledge of curriculum; knowledge of learners and learning; knowledge of schooling context; PCK; and knowledge of educational philosophies, goals, and objectives (Shulman, 1986(Shulman, , 1987Wilson, et al., 1987). ...
This study is aimed at capturing the dynamic evolution process of teacher candidates' knowledge. By using video feedback as a treatment, this quasi-experimental study compares the changes in teacher candidates' knowledge of comprehensible input among different feedback groups. A mixed method, which contains the pre and post surveys, semi-structured interviews, micro-teaching assignments decoding and in-class observations, is used to boost the internal validity of the research design. One ANCOVA analysis were conducted, through controlling different co-variances. The results suggest after the treatment, there is no statistically significant difference in teacher candidates' post-treatment knowledge of comprehensible input. This result is aligned with the patterns which were generalized from semi-structured interviews: 1) a lack of changes in the teacher candidates' knowledge of comprehensible input after receiving feedback. 2) an alignment between the teacher candidates' micro-teaching performances and their knowledge of comprehensible input. Overall, the innovation in the format of feedback increased teacher candidates' awareness of feedback. However, the video feedback has less power on influencing the evolution of teacher candidates' knowledge of comprehensible input.
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This study delves into the predictors of English proficiency among middle school students in China, utilizing the rich dataset provided by the China Education Panel Survey (CEPS). By integrating multilevel modeling and Support Vector Regression (SVR), this research scrutinizes a broad spectrum of factors at the individual, family, class, and school levels. Key predictors identified include students' native language proficiency (Chinese), cognitive aptitude, perceptions of English difficulty, attitudes toward English teachers, and parental involvement. The findings emphasize the significant impact of individual and family-level variables on English proficiency, highlighting the critical role of these modifiable factors. The comparative analysis demonstrates that while both multilevel models and SVR offer valuable insights, their combined application yields a more comprehensive understanding of the predictors and their interactions. This dual-method approach showcases the potential of integrating advanced statistical techniques with machine learning to enhance educational research, thereby informing policy and practice. The study’s insights are vital for developing targeted educational strategies and policies to support bilingual learners in China, ultimately improving language proficiency and educational outcomes.
The article examines the need for a new pedagogical framework in the context of contemporary higher education, influenced by digital innovations and generational change. It introduces four innovative pedagogical approaches – Description of an Object, Humanities Laboratory, Venus of Slatina, and Time Machine – which serve as a basis for discussing 'post-pedagogy'. The approaches are united by the goal of achieving priorities such as interdisciplinary training, critical thinking, and the encouragement of curiosity. By proposing the integration of these methods, the article aims to draw attention to the changed landscape of the educational field.
Conference Paper
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Este texto discute acerca do Laboratório de Educação Matemática (LEM) enquanto ambiência potencialmente formativa do professor que ensina/ensinará Matemática. O objetivo consiste em colaborar com reflexões sobre algumas experiências formativas no contexto do LEM com professores que ensinam/ensinarão Matemática. A discussão está estruturada na (inter)relação do LEM como ambiência formativa em três momentos: i) disciplina de Saberes e Didática do Ensino da Matemática 1 no curso de Pedagogia (Ufal); ii) experiências formativas frente do Laboratório de Estudos e Pesquisas em Educação Matemática (LEPEM), da Uneb, Campus VII e iii) projeto de extensão: reuniões técnico pedagógicas com professor que ensina Matemática nos Anos Iniciais. Desse modo, mostraremos resultados de implementações que foram feitas na formação inicial e continuada com professores que ensinam/ensinarão Matemática referente ao papel do LEM e suas implicações para o contexto formativo. Palavras-chave: Formação de professor. LEM. Ensino de Matemática. PARA INÍCIO DE CONVERSA... São recorrentes as ações e as investigações voltadas para a formação inicial e continuada dos professores da Educação Básica (BARRETO, 2015; GATTI, 2008). Compreendemos a formação como um continuum (DINIZ-PEREIRA, 2010), pois o professor não termina sua formação com a conclusão de um curso de graduação, mas este é um dos elementos que compõe o desenvolvimento profissional do professor. Entre as dimensões que constituem a base do conhecimento do professor, Shulman (2014) destaca a necessidade de articulação entre a teoria e prática pedagógica no contexto da sala de aula. Destacamos aqui, o Laboratório de Educação Matemática (LEM) como um fio potencialmente condutor entre a teoria e a prática no contexto da Educação Básica. Neste texto, corroborando Passos (2012, p. 90), entendemos o LEM como:
Decision making and pedagogical reasoning are two of the core concepts that play an important role in teaching skills. Developing the former is highly crucial because teachers are consistently making on-the-spot classroom decisions, and it is the latter that helps teachers make cogent decisions. This study aimed to help novice English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers inform their classroom decisions pedagogically through employing the pedagogic goals and interactional features (interactures) of one of the modes of the self-evaluation of teacher talk (SETT) framework, namely skills and systems mode. To do so, five novice Iranian EFL teachers, three females and two males aged between 20 and 22, participated in the study. The data derived from classroom observations were collected using Camtasia and analyzed employing conversation analysis. The findings showed that the teachers focused on accuracy more specifically after the instruction of grammatical points and relied on the metalinguistic terms of the mode to justify their reasons. In addition, being socioculturally guided, the teachers offered contingent and gradual assistance, primarily during reformulation. All in all, although analyzing the whole framework in a single study is a complicated task, it is a worthwhile point to be considered in future studies.
Drawing on data from a baseline study (2015–2016) of pedagogical practices in Singapore, this article elucidates teachers’ pedagogical reasoning and their enactment of formative assessment practices in primary science classrooms. Based on classroom observations and teacher interviews, the article surfaces teachers’ pre-lesson and in class decision-making in relation to evidence of student learning in the classroom, which is pertinent given the curricular focus on Assessment for Learning (AfL) in line with the emphasis on inquiry-based learning. Data is drawn from classroom observations (video-recorded) of 49 lessons corresponding to five curricular units at the Primary 5 level in five primary schools islandwide. Descriptive data pertaining to formative assessment practices is based on coding analyses of lesson videos using a largely binary coding scheme, with subsequent compilation of the coded data in SPSS. Thematic analyses of post-lesson interviews (audio-recorded) yield insights into teachers’ immediate sense of the lesson and rationale for their decision-making. Data-driven, inductive analyses of semi-structured interviews (audio-recorded) surface teachers’ pedagogical beliefs and reasoning. The findings show that teachers largely provided detailed feedback focused on informing students’ learning during scientific investigations. The teacher’s exposition and whole class interactions show substantial evidence, with a dominance of teachers’ closed questions. Teachers gauged students’ ongoing learning via formative monitoring and elicitation of verbal responses, which formed bases for their teaching decisions. Student initiations and time constraints often caused teachers to alter their lesson plan. Teachers believed in helping students excel in high-stakes examinations. The findings warrant a stronger focus on learner-centred feedback, teachers’ questioning, and students’ metacognitive learning. Discipline-specific formative assessment needs more attention. Teachers’ tacit decision-making needs to be made more explicit. Overall, the article enhances our theoretical understanding of teachers’ pedagogical reasoning in relation to formative assessment, and surfaces the realities of employing AfL and realising the curricular emphasis on inquiry in primary science classrooms.
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At two higher education institutions in Kurdistan (Iraq), English as foreign language (EFL) programs aim to provide adult learners with language skills development that they need to excel in their majors and as professionals. A framework called the Community of Inquiry (COI), based on interactionist and constructivist-learning theories was used to create a needs analysis tool to inform the design, delivery, and evaluation of a collaborative mini-conference hosted by the two institutions during and post-COVID pandemic. The current study explores the use of the needs assessment, which measured instructors' beliefs following the sudden transition to online learning during the pandemic, and their awareness of principles of teaching and learning for EFL learners in particular within the context of Kurdistan Iraq. There are opportunities in and beyond the current setting to address issues of equity, capacity for integrating tech skills with pedagogy, and more empathy between public and private institutions of higher education that support EFL learners. The study gathered critical evidence through qualitative and quantitative research methods that assessed institutional, faculty, and student needs during the transition of online learning.
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[Objetivo] El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la autoeficacia de futuros profesores de Matemáticas de Secundaria al finalizar su formación inicial docente. [Metodología] La muestra fueron 98 futuros profesores de Matemáticas de Secundaria que cursaban el Máster Universitario en Profesor de Educación Secundaria. Los datos fueron sus reflexiones escritas, que se organizaron en unidades de información y se clasificaron atendiendo a las cinco fuentes de autoeficacia que recoge la literatura especializada: conocimiento profesional; práctica de aula; estados fisiológicos, afectivos y motivacionales; cooperación con colegas y padres; y experiencia. Posteriormente, un análisis de contenido permitió identificar tópicos comunes entre ellas. [Resultados] Los resultados evidencian una autoeficacia docente todavía en formación, lejos de la que cabría esperar en docentes que finalizan su periodo de formación inicial. Destaca la necesidad de incrementar la confianza de los futuros docentes en sus habilidades para traducir el conocimiento del contenido en aprendizajes de los alumnos, para implementar diferentes estrategias de enseñanza y, especialmente, de incrementar su confianza en sus habilidades emocionales. [Conclusiones] Los resultados proporcionan una valiosa información a los programas de formación de docentes al indicar el estado en el que se encuentra la autoeficacia docente al finalizar el periodo de formación inicial. Además, se proporciona una herramienta para analizar la autoeficacia docente de futuros profesores de Matemáticas de Secundaria. Todo ello abre futuras líneas de investigación en diversos sentidos.
Currently, using technology for teaching is a challenge for language teachers, as seen in various studies on why and how teachers have approached the incorporation of technology into their instruction and the best practices. This entry offers an overview of the advantages of applying a mixed‐methods research design to explore how language teachers have adapted to the current, rapid technological advances. The study described in this entry used the quantitative method of a survey and qualitative technique of interviews. The survey data were analyzed using structural equation modeling and the interview responses using a thematic analysis. Finally, the two data analyses and results were combined and converged for comparison and corroboration and thus obtained a comprehensive understanding of the integration of technology into language teachers' instructive practices in northern Taiwan.
Despite high‐quality initial teacher education (ITE), a notable proportion of newly graduated teachers encounter a stark reality shock upon entering the profession, facing burnout and suboptimal teaching performance. While internships during ITE are often seen as a potential solution to bridge the gap between theory and practice, their effectiveness is questioned. This multiple‐case study ( N = 38) delves into the ideals and attributes of teacher identities as perceived by preservice teachers in both ITE and internship contexts, with a specific focus on the role of digital technology in education. The interview findings highlight an expectation gap and a susceptibility to succumb to contextual pressures, even within the sheltered environments of internships. This study advocates for closer collaboration between ITE and internship settings to uphold the development of a sound teacher identity and sustain teacher resilience in the increasingly digitalised educational landscape.
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Purpose Social networks (SNs) play a significant role as environments supporting teacher professional development. The purpose of this to analyze the motivation and participation roles that Spanish teachers have when participating in SNs for their professional development in three professional stages: preservice teachers, beginning teachers and experienced teachers. Design/methodology/approach The study uses a mixed-method approach, combining two validated surveys, one applied to 217 preservice teachers and other to 68 beginning teachers and 384 experienced teachers, with 15 interviews. A qualitative exploratory sequential strategy has been followed along with an ex post facto quantitative survey-type study of a descriptive and inferential nature. Findings Preservice and beginning teachers use SNs to access materials and resources with which to learn, presenting an observer and passive role in their interaction on SNs. Experienced teachers log in to learn about experiences but begin to participate more actively in SNs for searching for specific resources, establishing contacts with other teachers, contributing with their own educational materials and helping other teachers with their doubts or even forming their own communities. Originality/value These findings help understand how the evolution in teacher expertise accompanies the level of involvement in their social network interactions. The results allow us to better understand how different levels of teaching experience influence the way Spanish teachers access and participate in SNs, in some cases consuming and in others producing digital content.
This study examined the effect of a professional development training programme on 20 second-year preservice mathematics teachers’ knowledge in foundational mathematical concepts at a rural university in South Africa. The training programme aimed to enhance preservice teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching. An embedded mixed-methods case study design was employed. Baseline and endline assessments were administered before and after the training. A participant feedback survey was also administered after the training. Results showed that the training significantly improved the preservice teachers’ understanding and confidence in the selected concepts, despite their low baseline scores. The participants also expressed satisfaction with the knowledge they gained and appreciated the integration of theory and practice in the training. These findings suggest the need for teacher training institutions to ensure that preservice teachers are well versed in both university-level and school-level mathematics. They also support the need for collaboration with other stakeholders to provide preservice teachers with relevant and engaging professional development opportunities that can enhance their mathematical knowledge for teaching.Contribution: Findings of this study point to a renewed emphasis on the creation of greater collaborations between institutions of higher learning and other key stakeholders to promote the development of prospective teachers’ knowledge of what they will be expected to teach.
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O Pensamento Computacional (PC) pode auxiliar o desenvolvimento de competências para a resolução de problemas em diversos contextos. Embora ainda não exista um consenso específico acerca de sua definição, seu desenvolvimento deve ser propiciado aos estudantes na escola básica. No Brasil, a Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) propõe o desenvolvimento do PC aliado à disciplina de Matemática. Para tanto, é necessário que o professor tenha domínio sobre essas competências, bem como utilize metodologias que favoreçam o desenvolvimento do PC de seus estudantes. Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar um estudo realizado por meio de um levantamento nas teses e dissertações que abordam como está sendo efetuada a formação dos professores que atuam na Educação Básica diante desse novo contexto. A coleta ocorreu em duas bases de dados brasileiras. Apenas oito trabalhos se enquadram como pesquisas de campo envolvendo a formação inicial ou continuada de professores, apontando a necessidade de se ampliarem estudos a respeito do tema. Ressaltamos a importância de a formação proporcionar ao professor a reconstrução do conhecimento na perspectiva do Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK), a fim de desenvolver práticas que enfoquem o PC de maneira transversal, para que os estudantes possam assumir-se como protagonista de suas aprendizagens.
The purpose of this chapter is to explore current research in content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge for school-based agricultural education teachers. Research in pedagogical content knowledge in the agricultural education discipline remains limited, despite its persistence in the literature as a vital knowledge base for teaching effectiveness. This chapter establishes the need for this line of inquiry, explores research focusing on preservice and practicing teacher populations, and provides recommendations for future research in this space.
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Globally, astronomy education is being promoted through curricula. Research indicates that educators need support to fundamentally comprehend and gain knowledge of astronomy as well as pedagogical expertise to organize and facilitate astronomy-related activities in the classroom. In response to this notable demand, we have designed a coherent training program that addresses both the foundational and pedagogical content knowledge necessary to instruct astronomy subjects at the pre-primary and early school levels. This program is constructed in a blended learning format, which combines online and in-person training with practical implementations in the classroom. We trained both professional and student kindergarten teachers, and we used questionnaires and interviews to evaluate and improve our training program. In this article, we present the results of our initial evaluation. We found that the student teachers showed a more significant improvement in their content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, and instruction preferences compared to the professional teachers. However, we identified several areas for improvement, which will be addressed in future cycles of the program for further evaluation.
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The increasing tensions between the Russian Federation and the United States of America have exacerbated the already serious decline in numbers of students seeking to study Russian, as well as the concomitant elimination of many Russian language programs at both the K-12 and university levels. The purpose of the research is to consider the need to improve the preparation and quality of future teachers of Russian in U.S. public schools. This work draws on applied philosophical analysis and policy studies, as well as a review of existing Russian language and literature programs at major U.S. universities. Measures of relevant data are presented, showing a paucity of linguistic competence in Russian produced through current practice in the U.S. Implementation is suggested. A model five-year program is proposed for the preparation of future Russian language teachers in the United States. Based on the typical undergraduate curriculum, this model would involve coursework in three broad areas: general education courses (the liberal arts and sciences), Russian language and related courses, and courses concerned with pedagogy.
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Uma Base de Conhecimento Acadêmico (BCA) pode ser considerada um sistema que, a partir de um conjunto de informações específicas, armazenadas e organizadas, tem como intuito prover conhecimentos, experiências e informações relevantes para um determinado domínio de conhecimento. Assim, os elementos que integram uma BCA são diversos e podem envolver bases de dados, sistemas e Repositórios de Conhecimento (RC). Um RC armazena conhecimento de forma estruturada contendo informação baseada em experiência: lições aprendidas, boas práticas, diretórios de expertise, envolvendo busca, seleção, explicação, codificação, avaliação e disseminação de experiências, tendo potencial provimento para uma BC. Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar os processos e o fluxo metodológico para criação de um RC que integra uma BCA, implementada em um projeto em andamento. Como método, utilizou-se o Design Science Research (DSR). Como resultado, tem-se uma proposta metodológica no contexto acadêmico, um problema centrado na aprendizagem significativa, artefatos que consideram a entrada, o processamento e a saída de objetos de aprendizagem, estado da técnica e quadro teórico, envolvendo tecnologias e métodos para modelagem da proposta e conjunturas teóricas que consideraram contribuições no contexto do acesso e disseminação dos objetos de aprendizagem. Como trabalhos futuros, a modelagem proposta será implementada na BCA.
Our knowledge of effective teaching comes from the teaching of skills, but it is difficult to apply that knowledge to a lesson like this which teaches content. Some of the findings from the teaching of skills include checking for student understanding, providing for active participation by all students, providing for a high success, correcting guided practice, and independent practice. But we have not yet developed techniques for conducting these activities when teaching content. The paper concludes with some suggestions from recent research on the teaching of content.
Beyond the usual knowledge of subject matter, the key contribution which the liberal arts can make to teacher preparation is in helping teachers develop good judgment, not only in general, but in how they present, re-present, and represent their knowledge to students. This paper explores how the liberal arts and sciences and the teacher education fields can come together to produce knowledgeable, effective teachers. The common wisdom concerning the role of the liberal arts in teacher preparation is explored, along with some of the essential contributions, and important limitations of these contributions. The often overlooked concept of the structure of knowledge as a key feature of the contribution of the liberal arts to the teacher education curriculum is elaborated upon. This paper goes beyond the static concept of the structure of knowledge to an examination of a dynamic concept of ways of knowing, or the notion of judging. (CB)
Teacher explanations in computer programming: A study of knowledge transformation. Unpublished doctoral dissertation in progress
  • J Baxter
The social consequences of standard-setting in the professions (Paper commissioned for the Task Force on Teaching as a Profession
  • G Sykes
Towards a pedagogy of content. Unpublished manuscript
  • F Marton
Tomorrow's teachers: A report of the Holmes Group
  • The Holmes Group