
Action Research: A Guide for the Teacher Researcher

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... The concept of action research originated from Kurt Lewin's belief about bridging the gap between theory and practice (Johnson & Christensen, 2017). Different from traditional research methods, which focus on producing generalizable knowledge, action research prioritizes the application of knowledge to make an impact within the researchers' local context (Mills, 2018). ...
... In educational settings, action research draws on a systematic and reflective process in which educators (e.g., teachers, school administrators) identify a practical problem, collect and analyze data, and thereby, make data-informed action plans to solve the problem (Buss & Zambo, 2016). Particularly, reflection is crucial for action researchers to identify avenues for potential improvement in their profession and initiate subsequent cycles of action research to foster ongoing enhancement (Mertler, 2017;Mills, 2018). Another notable aspect is reciprocity, whereby educators acting as action researchers gain valuable insights from this experience and enhance their professional practice while simultaneously yielding a positive change to their own contexts (McNiff & Whitehead, 2002;Mertler, 2017). ...
... Action researchers often take on the positionality of an insider (Herr & Anderson, 2005) because they are actively involved as a relevant stakeholder in the context of the problem being investigated (Mills, 2018). This positionality provides action researchers with an opportunity of contextualizing the problem and potential solutions to benefit stakeholders within their unique context. ...
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Practitioner-focused educational doctoral programs have grown substantially in recent years. Dissertations in Practice (DiPs), which are the culminating research report and evaluation method in these programs, differ from traditional PhD dissertations in their focus on addressing a problem of practice and on connecting theories with practice. As part of our ongoing program evaluation, we reviewed DiPs from doctoral students who graduated from an online asynchronous Educational Doctoral program in Learning Design and Technologies at the University of South Carolina. Findings revealed that most students chose a pragmatic philosophical paradigm, adopted a mixed methods research design, reported an action research intervention implemented with populations in K-12 schools, used surveys and interviews as data sources, and analyzed data with descriptive/inferential statistics and thematic analysis. Implications for the program curriculum are discussed.
... Kajian ini merupakan Kajian Tindakan dalam mata pelajaran Pendidikan Seni Visual untuk kelas 3M di Sekolah Integriti Kota Kinabalu, Kepayan. Kajian Tindakan merupakan kaedah inkuiri sistematik yang dilakukan oleh guru sebagai penyelidik amalam mereka sendiri (Mills, 2014). ...
... Hal ini bertujuan untuk membantu responden mengembangkan lagi idea dengan lebih kreatif sekiranya diminta untuk melakar objek yang lain dan bukan hanya berfokuskan kepada alam benda semata-mata. Mills, G. E. (2014). ...
... Kajian ini merupakan Kajian Tindakan dalam mata pelajaran Matematik Tahun 1 yang dijalankan semasa sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran (PdP) di sebuah sekolah dalam penjara di daerah Kota Kinabalu. Kajian tindakan merupakan kaedah penyelidikan sistematik yang dilakukan oleh guru dan bertujuan untuk memahami dan menambah baik amalan tersebut (Mills, 2014). Kajian tindakan dalam pendidikan didefinisikan sebagai penyelidikan yang mendalam terhadap amalan pendidikan. ...
... Informed consent is crucial in shaping research and its results as it establishes a dialogue with the participants. Therefore, researchers were clear when seeking permission (Mills, 2003). ...
... Octalysis tool was used as an instrument that measures several statements whether they strongly agree, agree, undecided, disagree, or strongly disagree. With the information collected the researcher may infer and create a narrative from the findings (Mills, 2003). ...
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Gamification has become a concept that is permeating the new classroom dynamics. Nowadays, children learn through different ways in which games and technology are combined. This qualitative study shows the contributions of gamification to the specific educational processes of teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) by using the Octalysis framework method in seventh-grade students at Colegio Rosario de Santo Domingo. We randomly selected a group of twenty students aged 11 to 12 years old to participate. To better understand and find the outcomes, the researchers conducted semi-structured interviews, interaction workshops, field journals, ethnographic and participatory observations, start and exit workshops, and focus groups. Results showed that gamified settings improve students' performance during their class lessons since they were successful during their process of learning a foreign language. The data collected showed that the implementation of Octalysis in the teaching of English as a foreign language not only improves communicative competence in the target language but also improves social relationships between participants, creating a more peaceful and relaxed learning environment. Finally, this strategy has been shown to increase motivation and engagement significantly in the language learning process.
... In education, AR has long been recognized for its potential to engage and guide teachers in (re)considering, (re)shaping, and (re)focusing their everyday practice (Mills 2014;Stringer 2014). Indeed, Reason and Hilary (2008) noted that 'classroom action research typically involves the use of qualitative interpretive modes of inquiry and data collection by teachers (often with help from academics) with a view to teachers making judgments about how to improve their own practices' (273)(274). ...
... Kemmis, McTaggart, and Nixon 2014). Some scholars, like Mills (2014), have adapted the cycle into a closed system, while others, like McNiff (2013), inverted the graphic representation to highlight the potential for multiple new directions and possibilities within an AR project. ...
... Araştırmanın nitel boyutunda eylem araştırma desenlerinden teknik işbirlikçi eylem deseni kullanılmıştır. Eylem araştırması öğretme-öğrenme ortamında öğrencilerin daha iyi nasıl öğrenebileceklerini ve öğretmen, yöneticiler, araştırmacılar ya da diğer katılımcılar tarafından öğretimin nasıl yapılacağını irdeleyen sistematik bir araştırma süreci olarak ifade edilmektedir (Mills, 2003). Teknik işbirlikçi eylem desenin de ise daha önceden hazırlanmış kuramsal çerçeve içinde planlanan uygulama test edilir (Norton, 2019). ...
... The qualitative dimension of the research adopted a technical collaborative action research design from the action research patterns. Action research is a systematic research process that examines how students can learn better in the teaching-learning environment and how teaching should be conducted by teachers, administrators, researchers, or other participants (Mills, 2003). The technical collaborative action research design involves testing a previously prepared theoretical framework in practice (Norton, 2019). ...
... Araştırmanın nitel boyutunda eylem araştırma desenlerinden teknik işbirlikçi eylem deseni kullanılmıştır. Eylem araştırması öğretme-öğrenme ortamında öğrencilerin daha iyi nasıl öğrenebileceklerini ve öğretmen, yöneticiler, araştırmacılar ya da diğer katılımcılar tarafından öğretimin nasıl yapılacağını irdeleyen sistematik bir araştırma süreci olarak ifade edilmektedir (Mills, 2003). Teknik işbirlikçi eylem desenin de ise daha önceden hazırlanmış kuramsal çerçeve içinde planlanan uygulama test edilir (Norton, 2019). ...
... The qualitative dimension of the research adopted a technical collaborative action research design from the action research patterns. Action research is a systematic research process that examines how students can learn better in the teaching-learning environment and how teaching should be conducted by teachers, administrators, researchers, or other participants (Mills, 2003). The technical collaborative action research design involves testing a previously prepared theoretical framework in practice (Norton, 2019). ...
Araştırma, ilkokul 3. Sınıf Fen Bilimleri dersinde Web 2.0 uygulamalarını kullanmanın öğrencilerin tutum ve motivasyonları üzerinde etkili olup olmadığını tespit etmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışmada nitel ve nicel çalışmaların birlikte kullanıldığı karma model esas alınmıştır. Araştırmanın evrenini Nevşehir ili Merkez ilçesi, çalışma grubunu ise merkez ilçeye bağlı iki farklı ilkokul 3. sınıfta öğrenim gören 377 öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Araştırma sürecinin başında çalışma grubuna ön test uygulanarak öğrencilerin tutum ve motivasyonları belirlenmiştir. 12 haftalık uygulama süreci sonunda da son test uygulanarak tutum ve motivasyonlarındaki farklılaşma durumu araştırma problemleri çerçevesinde analiz edilmiştir. Araştırmanın nitel verilerini ise her hafta yapılan uygulamaların sonucunda elde edilen dokümanlar ve öğretmen görüşmeleri oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın nicel analizleri sonucunda, Fen Bilimleri dersine yönelik motivasyon ve tutum puanlarında anlamlı farklılık görülmemiştir. Nitel verilere bakıldığında ise Web 2.0 araçları ile geliştirilen etkinliklerin kullanılması, öğrencilerin derse yönelik tutum ve motivasyonları başta olmak üzere ilgi, dikkat ve başarısını olumlu yönde etkilemektedir.
... Program ini menggunakan dua metode, yaitu observasi dan intervensi. Mills (2003), menyatakan bahwa observasi adalah sebuah kegiatan yang terencana dan terfokus untuk melihat dan mencatat serangkaian perilaku ataupun jalannya sebuah sistem yang memiliki tujuan tertentu, serta mengungkap apa yang ada dibalik munculnya perilaku dan landasan suatu sistem tersebut. Observasi digunakan untuk memperoleh informasi-informasi penting untuk memperkaya isi penelitian. ...
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Stunting masih menjadi permasalahan di Dusun Nogosari, Kalurahan Selopamioro. Berdasarkan analisis situasi, masyarakat Nogosari masih belum terlalu paham standar makanan bergizi untuk anak balita mereka. Dalam memecahkan masalah ini, penulis menggunakan dua metode, observasi dan intervensi. Program Community Feeding Center (CFC) dan pembuatan policy brief diharapkan dapat semakin menyadarkan masyarakat akan pentingnya keterpenuhan gizi balita agar terhindar dari stunting. Hasil dari kegiatan ini semakin membuat para orang tua memperhatikan secara teratur pola makan anak balitanya.
... Four teacher/coaches from an international partner institution (amongst whom the two authors of this article) were invited to teach a varied program, which included language proficiency training, pronunciation practice, and a series of EMI-pedagogy workshops. In this context of action research (Somekh 2005), the authors of this study adopted the dual-purpose position of the 'teacher-researcher' (Baumann and Duffy 2001;Mills 2006). As the invited teachers tasked with designing and teaching the EMI-pedagogy workshops, their assignment was to impart pedagogical expertise and to foster practical and reflective skills. ...
This study analyzes how English-medium instruction (EMI) content lecturers in Vietnam navigate opportunities and challenges of incentivization, institutional support, and disciplinary autonomy in a context of transnational academic expansion. It reports on interview data with bio-engineering lecturers from five universities. Findings show that, despite the lecturers’ understanding of the institutional importance of prestigious international programs, the necessary linguistic and pedagogical support systems are rarely in place. Lecturers detail their struggles in a setting marked by the presence of personal incentives but a lack of training needed to reach language proficiency standards or feel confident about managing interaction and knowledge transfer. They describe difficulties preparing for classes, report extraneous workloads, and occasionally redact teaching materials to safeguard comprehension. Viewing the lecturers through the lens of Lipsky’s Street-Level Bureaucracy (1980), we bring into focus their highly informed, agentive behavior, highlighting how lecturers conceptualize students’ linguistic and academic needs, and identify pedagogical strategies to overcome language-related and other barriers in EMI. Two forms of mutual entanglement are stressed: (i) lecturer needs and student needs and (ii) subject teaching and language learning.
... In the qualitative section of this research, it was more appropriate to use concepts of credibility, transferability, consistency, and verifiability instead of the concepts of reliability and validity. The concepts of validity and reliability are specific to quantitative research and are in conflict with the basic principles and fundamental paradigm of qualitative research (Mills, 2003). ...
The aim of this study is to investigate attitudes of school administrators and teachers working in Turkish schools towards knowledge management. In this research, an explanatory design incorporating quantitative and qualitative methods was used. The quantitative strand of the study was designed as a survey model, and the data was collected from 336 school administrators and teachers who work in the province of Sivas by using the Attitude Scale Towards Knowledge Management (Demir, 2005). The qualitative part of the study was carried out using a case study design, and the researchers used semi-structured interviews to collect data from 12 school administrators and teachers who work in the province of Sivas. To interpret the interview data, descriptive analysis, content analysis, and constant comparison techniques were used. The quantitative findings revealed that school administrators and teachers reported positive attitudes towards knowledge management with respect to self-development and negative attitudes towards communication and commitment. and negative attitudes towards communication and commitment. According to the qualitative findings obtained from questions asked to the participants with respect to communication, commitment, and self-development, participants stated that the knowledge management activities that took place at school were insufficient. Consequently, a knowledge management model suitable for Turkish school context is suggested.
... Çalışmada Mills (2003)'in belirtiği üzere geçerlik ve güvenirlik kavramları nicel araştırmalara özgü olduğundan bunun yerine inandırıcılık, tutarlılık, aktarılabilirlik ve teyit edilebilirlik kavramları kullanılmıştır. Bu bağlamda araştırmacılar, çalışmanın inandırıcılığını sağlamak için çalışmanın tüm aşamalarını nesnel bir şekilde aktarmış ve öğretmenlerden çevrimiçi olarak alınan yanıtlara hiçbir müdahalede bulunulmamıştır. ...
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Teknolojinin hızlı evrimi, toplumsal hayatı ve eğitim sürecini derinlemesine etkilemiştir. Klasik öğretim materyallerinden modern teknolojik araçlara geçiş, öğrenme sürecine zenginlik ve çeşitlilik katmıştır. Fen Bilimleri dersi, öğrencilerin soyut kavramları anlamada zorlandığı bir alan olarak öne çıkmakta ve bu nedenle öğrenme etkinliklerinin özenle planlanması büyük bir önem taşımaktadır. Bilişim teknolojileri destekli eğitim, fen derslerindeki kavramların öğrencilere daha etkili ve görsel bir şekilde aktarılmasına olanak sağlayabilir. Bu çalışma, dijital teknolojilerin günlük yaşamımıza entegre olduğu günümüzde, eğitim sistemini bu dönüşümden etkilenme ihtiyacına odaklanarak önemli bir vurgu yapmaktadır. Özellikle eğitim sisteminin temel paydaşlarından biri olan öğretmenlerin eğitsel dijital içerik geliştirme sürecine yönelik detaylı görüşlerinin ele alınması, bu dönüşümün niteliğini anlamak açısından kritik bir rol oynamaktadır. Araştırma, Türkiye genelinde farklı bölgelerde görev yapan 20 fen bilimleri öğretmeni ile yürütülmüştür. Katılımcılara çevrimiçi olarak paylaşılan yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu aracılığıyla çeşitli açık uçlu sorular yönlendirilmiştir. Bu sorular, öğretmenlerin dijital içerik oluşturma deneyimleri, karşılaştıkları zorluklar ve dijital içeriğin avantajları gibi konulara odaklanmıştır. Elde edilen zengin veriler, betimsel analiz tekniği kullanılarak detaylı bir şekilde incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın ortaya koyduğu önemli bulgulara göre, öğretmenler genel olarak dijital içerik oluşturma konusunda eksiklik hissi taşımakta ve bu alanda daha fazla eğitim alma gerekliliğini vurgulamaktadırlar. Ancak, öğretmenler dijital içeriklerin derslerde kullanımının, soyut kavramları somutlaştırma, öğrenci ilgisini artırma ve bilgi kalıcılığını sağlama açısından büyük bir potansiyele sahip olduğunu ifade etmişlerdir. Öğretmenlerin dijital içerik hazırlama sürecinde yaşadıkları zorluklar arasında, bu sürecin zaman alıcı olması ve öğrencilerin pratik yaparak öğrenmelerine yönelik engeller bulunmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, çalışma, dijital içerik oluşturma sürecinin daha etkili ve sağlıklı bir şekilde ilerlemesi için araştırmacılara ve ilgili paydaşlara yönlendirici öneriler sunarak, eğitimde dijital dönüşümün daha etkili bir şekilde gerçekleştirilmesine katkıda bulunmaktadır.
... It would also be bene cial to examine future trainings through a needs assessment model (E.Anderson et al, 2015), pairing trainers with university researchers and preschool program administrators to create relevant training content. Due to the dire state many preschool programs are currently in, I would advocate future researchers to take up an action research model(Mills, 2017) for future examination of programs. ...
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This qualitative phenomenological case study examined the State Change trauma training program and how it supported preschool teachers through the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic. Through observational data from a teacher training and three semi-structured interviews (two State Change facilitators and one preschool teacher participant) a variety of categories were created examining: Initial changes in COVID, Continued Absence of Support, Training in the Private Sphere, and Making Trainings Accessible. Overall, the training was concluded to be beneficial for participants in helping them understand what trauma behaviors might look like in their students and discuss some behavioral scenarios they were experiencing. Larger systemic issues (low staff attrition, high burnout rates, etc.) and other concerns (over pathologizing) which influenced the training effectiveness were analyzed. Recommendations for future trainings and research were also discussed.
... In the present study, action research (Mills, 2013;Mertler, 2022;Parsons & Servage, 2005) was used to design and explore a collaborative professional learning and coaching program to build leadership capacity in relation to leadership standards and their associated competencies in the province. Hamilton et al. (2022) recommended action research as a methodology for those forming research-practice partnerships. ...
p>Given the substantial impact school leaders have on school improvement, the imperative for continuous professional learning for leaders is evident. In this two-year action research study, researchers collaborated with a school division, forming a research-practice partnership, to design and explore a collaborative professional learning and coaching program. The primary objective of this program was to align with local leadership standards and foster leadership development. The central research question was: How does implementation of a collaborative professional learning and coaching program contribute to leadership development? Data were collected from district and school leaders and included pre and post surveys, interviews, and focus groups. The findings of this study indicate that district leadership practices show promising potential in fostering inservice opportunities for leadership development. These practices include the following: (a) ensure programs are sustained with a consistent focus, (b) utilize collaborative learning approaches, (c) assess growth through reflection and feedback, and (d) use action research to support continual improvement. This study aims to provide valuable insights to school districts and researchers regarding the implementation of sustained and job-embedded professional development for school leaders, with a specific focus on leadership development.</p
... Video-based action research strengthens reflection, allowing for reflection-in-action and reflection-on-action . Reflection is a significant component of action research (Mills, 2003) as teachers examine and problematize their own teaching by reflecting on their practice . Video-based action research maintains that reflection is the foundation of all action research but addresses issues that teachers may have with reflection as engaging in accurate reflection can be extremely challenging for teachers . ...
... Practice-Based Research (Sato & Loewen, 2022) Action Research (Mills, 2000) Participatory Action Research (Whyte, 1991) Design-based Research (The DBR Collective, 2003) So, will AI replace language teachers? ...
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Keynote address: As AI technologies like natural language processing and machine/deep learning become increasingly sophisticated, they offer unprecedented opportunities for personalized, accessible, and engaging language learning/teaching experiences. From AI-driven platforms that adapt to each learner’s unique pace to conversational agents that provide real-time practice and feedback, this talk will investigate the current state of AI applications in language education and their affordances for learners and teachers. It will then address the challenges and ethical considerations inherent in integrating AI technologies, such as data privacy, bias, and the essential role of human agency and supervision. Looking forward,the audience will be invited to speculate on future AI advancements. The talk will conclude with a discussion of collaborative research opportunities between teachers using AI and researchers, to empirically understand the adoption and impact of AI in language education.
... 19,20 In the planning phase, the researcher initially identified the problem to be addressed and proceeded to collect information through a process called 'reconnaissance'. 21 A literature review was also conducted, which provided a theoretical context to oral health provision at LTC facilities, such as the social justice theory, institutional theory, and theory of self-determination. The planning process facilitated the clarification of research questions, the development of an appropriate research design, and the selection of suitable research methods for data collection, prior to the implementation of the action plan. ...
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Oral healthcare is an important aspect of the general healthcare of individuals residing in long-term care (LTC) facilities. However, it is often neglected in these settings and contributes to oral health disparities and oral diseases among residents. The World Health Organization promotes the reduction of health disparities and diseases through health promotion as an ethical obligation. The utilization of frameworks to promote oral health provides a structured approach to the design, implementation, and evaluation of oral health promotion programs. This study proposed a framework to guide the development, implementation, and review of an oral health promotion intervention, so as to ensure that a systematic and evidence-based approach is used for the delivery of oral health promotion activities. The framework comprised three stages: needs analysis, implementation and review of an oral health intervention, which was guided by the Precede-Proceed model and Intervention mapping. The empirical aspect involved a 4-phased mixed method exploratory study, based on action research and the plan-act-observe-reflect cycle, which illustrated how the framework was operationalized. The oral health intervention indicated positive outcomes with regard to knowledge and attitudes among caregivers. Conclusion The framework incorporated the key components that influenced oral health provision at LTC facilities.
... Hal ini dipertegas kembali oleh Holly, Arhar, dan Kasten (2004) yang mengatakan bahwa Penelitian Tindakan dapat digunakan untuk tujuan kurikulum dan menggabungkan studi kasus dalam konteks kelas. Mills (2006) memposisikan Penelitian Tindakan sebagai komponen dasar pengajaran, di samping pengembangan kurikulum, penilaian, dan manajemen kelas. Stringer (2004) menerapkan Penelitian Tindakan untuk pengajaran di kelas, penelitian siswa, dan melibatkan keluarga dan masyarakat. ...
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Buku ini merupakan hasil dari sebuah perjalanan penelitian yang dilakukan dengan tujuan meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran di kelas melalui tindakan yang sistematis dan reflektif. Penelitian tindakan kelas adalah pendekatan yang sangat berharga dalam mengembangkan praktik pengajaran yang efektif dan membangun iklim belajar yang inklusif. Buku ini berfungsi sebagai panduan praktis bagi guru, peneliti, dan praktisi pendidikan yang ingin memperdalam pemahaman mereka tentang penelitian tindakan kelas. Selain itu, buku ini juga memberikan wawasan tentang berbagai strategi dan langkah-langkah praktis yang dapat diambil untuk merencanakan, melaksanakan, dan mengevaluasi tindakan dalam konteks kelas. Dalam buku ini, kami membagikan pengalaman dan pengetahuan yang kami peroleh selama melakukan penelitian tindakan kelas. Kami berharap bahwa buku ini akan memberikan inspirasi kepada pembaca untuk melakukan penelitian tindakan kelas sendiri dan mendorong mereka untuk terlibat dalam pengembangan profesional yang berkelanjutan. Buku ini terdiri dari beberapa bab yang secara sistematis membahas konsep dasar, langkah-langkah penelitian tindakan kelas, serta strategi dan teknik yang dapat digunakan dalam proses tersebut. Setiap bab dilengkapi dengan contoh kasus nyata dan saran praktis yang dapat membantu pembaca memahami dan menerapkan konsep-konsep tersebut dalam konteks kelas mereka sendiri.
... Here, the teachers seek to research problems in their own classrooms to improve upon their students' learning and their own professional performance. Teams can also engage in action research to address common issues to enhance the practice of education through the systematic study of a local problem (Creswell, 2012;Mills, 2011). ...
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The study explored the knowledge and skills of undergraduate student-teachers in utilizing contemporary quantitative techniques to present their action research reports. The study purposely sampled 165 student-teachers who pursued Bachelor of Education in Basic Education degree in the University of Education, Winneba in Ghana, and adopted an exploratory mixed design in exploring the student-teachers' demographic information, academic qualifications, and knowledge and skills to cover many and varied characteristics of the student-teachers. Particularly, their knowledge and skills were centred on data collection instruments, data representing skills, and data analysis methods. Their views were sought on the main areas to help diagnose and improve their knowledge and skills. The findings revealed that student-teachers implored inadequate quantitative methods to support the statistical significances of their reports to confidently disseminate to influence educational policies and national discourse.
... As per Collins et al., we also utilized convenience sampling. Based on convenience sampling as per Collins et al. (2007), one preschool classroom was selected in which author 3 was conducting an action research study (Mills, 2017). Sixteen four-year-old children were enrolled in the preschool class with two peer lead teachers. ...
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Background Early childhood leadership leads to positive outcomes for young children, including social competence. Objective The purpose of the present study was to examine the leadership behavior exhibited by three preschool aged children and to determine if teacher prompting could increase the frequency of leadership behaviors exhibited by preschool children. Methods A single case research design was utilized; specifically, we employed a multiple baseline design across preschool children to measure child leadership behaviors and teacher prompting. Results Baseline observations revealed that children engaged in Parten’s original 1933 framework of both directing and following, reciprocally directing or sharing leadership, and directing the group at varying levels. Using Pigors (Leadership and domination among children, 9:140–157, 1933) definition of “guidance of others toward a desired goal,” Leadership Prompting Intervention was used to increase children’s leadership behaviors. Results indicated that both teachers increased their level of leadership prompting, and all three children increased the behaviors of directing the group. Conclusions Teacher prompting is a low cost, low labor-intensive intervention that can be easily integrated into the early childhood classroom routine to increase children’s leadership skills. This study adds to the limited research on early childhood leadership (ECL) by providing insight into how teacher prompts can influence children’s leadership behavior in a specific context and setting.
... Anecdotal notes were a large part of the data collection because they show how play affects kindergarten students. Through these field notes, a journal was kept, which records the children in their classroom through teachers" observations and reflections on their teaching over time (Mills, 2018). The journal captured what was happening in the classroom. ...
... Practical action research is a systematic procedure conducted by practitioners to address an actual educational issue they face to improve classroom practice through a spiral of self-reflection whereby teachers evaluate different solutions to their problems and gain knowledge from testing multiple ideas (Creswell, 2008). Practical action research involves four steps, namely (1) identifying an area of focus, (2) collecting data, (3) analysing and interpreting data as well as (4) developing an action plan (Mills, 2000). These steps do not follow a linear pattern but a "spiral" back and forth pattern to evaluate, revise and repeat the plan. ...
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The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the learning landscape at higher education institutions worldwide. University students face many challenges, adapting to online learning instantly. It is necessary to provide adequate scaffolds to students when they learn online. However, a literature review revealed that scaffolds were designed based on the literature or teachers' conceptualisation of scaffolding. Need analysis for scaffolding is under-researched. This action research aimed to investigate the challenges faced by postgraduate students during online learning and the types of scaffolds they needed for online learning. This research involved 35 postgraduate students in a private higher education institution. The participants completed an online questionnaire. Data was coded and categorised into themes. The results showed that the students faced various challenges in terms of personal competency, language proficiency, assessment and learning resources. They needed support from fixed scaffolds and adaptive scaffolds. Based on the results from the baseline study, the researcher designed multiple forms of scaffolds to support online learning. This study highlights the need to design scaffolds based on student's learning needs to address the challenges they face in an online learning context. Limitations in terms of data collection method and instruments are discussed. Although the challenges explained by the students may only represent the period of campus closure, this research provides insights into students' perceptions of scaffolding in a unique period in higher education. The findings contribute to the design of scaffolding in the online learning context.
... Penelitian Tindakan Kelas sebagai "survei sistematis" yang dilakukan oleh seorang guru, sekolah, atau konselor sekolah untuk mengumpulkan berbagai jenis informasi tentang berbagai praktik yang dilakukan. Informasi ini digunakan untuk mengembangkan "praktik refleksif" yang meningkatkan kesadaran dan berdampak positif pada praktik sekolah termasuk hasil belajar siswa (Mills, 2000). ...
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This class action research aims to improve the mathematics learning outcomes of second grade students of SDN Karanganyar I Pasuruan Regency using the demonstration method. This research was carried out in two cycles, in which one cycle was carried out for one day. In each cycle there are stages of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The subjects of this study were grade II students of SDN Karanganyar I, Kraton District, Pasuruan Regency, totaling 30 students with 17 female students and 13 male students, grade II teachers of SDN Karanganyar I, and the principal of SDN Karanganyar I. The data collection techniques used in this study were observation, interviews, tests, and documentation. In analyzing data, there are three activities, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing/verification. The results showed that in cycle I of the pre-test stage, only 11 students (37.93%) achieved mastery and 18 students (62.06%) did not. In cycle I post-test stage, those who reached completeness were 14 students (48.27%) and those who did not were 15 students (51.72%). In the second cycle stage, almost all students reached mastery, namely 28 students (96.55%) and there was only 1 student (3.44%) who did not complete. Based on the results of the study, this demonstration method can improve the achievement of student learning outcomes, as well as increase enthusiasm in the learning process. When students are enthusiastic and excited about what they are learning, their learning outcomes can also improve, and it is likely that they will also be enthusiastic in other subjects. For teachers and prospective teachers, the demonstration method is very suitable to be applied in the current 2013 curriculum.
... The process requires investigation and analysis to verify a hypothesis. During the research period, the researcher is separated from the research scenario and must maintain a detached and objective vision (Mills 2014). In social practice, research and action sometimes influence each other, and it is difficult to separate the researcher from the situation. ...
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Wuqi District is located along the coastline of Taichung City. In the past, fishing was the main industry. However, the region now faces issues such as population outflow and aging. Although resources such as the Taichung Harbor Transformation Plan, the Mitsui Outlet Mall, and the Farglory Group Township Project have been developed in recent years, this has also impacted Wuqi’s community and residents’ lives. Therefore, constructing a suitable social practice model in Wuqi, one based on the local cultural background, is important for further assisting local development. Hungkuang University, located near Wuqi district, has been actively promoting social responsibility in recent years and has launched the Local Care Project for the Old Town of Wuqi District, aiming to assist local development. This article assesses the driving process and challenges for this development through participatory observation and interviews, and aims to propose ways to promote social responsibility in the future.
... In Action Research: A Guide for the Teacher Researcher, Geoffrey E. Mills (2018) discusses the philosophy and purpose behind action research. He states "that educational change that enhances the lives of children is a main goal of action research. ...
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This action research project is intended to determine the effects of Chromebook technology on student engagement in the secondary classroom. The study involved a classroom of first-year students enrolled in a health course. These students used Chromebooks for the first time as part of the one-to-one (1:1) initiative. Chromebooks were utilized as a part of the curriculum, incorporating daily lessons, teaching tools, applications, and various activities for student learning. Data collection methods included observations, teacher journals, and field notes. On-task and off-task behaviors were noted, and the results of the data analysis showed the level of engagement involved when using Chromebooks in the classroom. Levels of engagement were explored through a six-week study in a 9th-grade classroom comprised of 28 students using Chromebook one-to-one. Engagement included focus, interest, participation in the lesson and activity, and positive social interactions between the teacher and classmates. This action research investigation indicated that incorporating Chromebook technology into lessons effectively increased student engagement and motivation.
... During the implementation stage, the teacher reintroduced the refined game into English grammar lessons about simple present tense, aiming to build on the improvements identified in the first cycle. The incorporation of modifications reflected an iterative process, aligning with the principles of action research, as emphasized by Mills (2018) The lesson in cycle 2 was about "Affirmative, Negative, and Interrogative Sentences". The flow of the lesson can be explained as follows: a. Introduction (10 minutes) ...
This classroom action research aimed to enhance English grammar learning at a junior high school level by incorporating game-based activities, focusing on the simple present tense. The primary objective was to address identified challenges, such as low student enthusiasm and understanding of grammatical concepts. The study used classroom action research, unfolded in three cycles, each refining the game-based approach based on insights from the previous cycle. The methodology involved pre-tests, game-based lessons, observations, and reflective assessments. Results demonstrated sustained improvements, with increased scores and active participation. Key findings indicated enhanced active participation, motivation, concept understanding, collaboration, spontaneous English use, and a deeper understanding of the game-based method's shortcomings. The time required for understanding they were varied, reflecting the effectiveness of scaffolding in the learning environment. Implications of the research suggest the continued integration of game-based approaches, recognizing the diverse learning needs of students. Teachers should tailor scaffolding strategies to individual ZPDs, fostering collaboration and addressing language apprehension. The study contributes to the broader discourse on effective language teaching methodologies, emphasizing the dynamic interplay of theory and practice in the language learning classroom.
... flfrys wjOdkh fhduq lrñka o;a ; /ia lrhs(Pierre, 2012)' Burns and Grove ^2009& ola jk mßÈ .= Kd;a ul m¾fha IK hkq udkj ffoks l Ôú;fha w;a oelS ï bia u;= ls Íug iy meyeÈ,s ls Íug iy ta jdg ;jÿrg;a ks is w¾:hla ,nd §ug m¾fha IK l% uhla jYfhka Ndú;d l<yels l% udkq l+ , m% fõYhls' Mills (2003) ola jk mßÈ ñks iq ka f,da lh w;a ú¢k wdldrh f;a reï .ekS ug .= ...
... Action research is a systematic research process in which the person/people working in the educational institution where the problem is experienced are researchers and the answer to the 'how' question is sought in research questions (Mills, 2003). Along with different definitions of action research, different types of classifications also exist in the literature. ...
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This action research aims to investigate the determinants of asynchronous interaction among students, interaction between students and instructors, and interaction with course content in an online learning environment. The study involves fifteen graduate students from a state university as participants. The research employed multiple data collection instruments, including commission meeting reports, focus-group sessions, semi-structured interviews, observation forms, emails, video recordings, researchers' diaries, and system log records. The content analysis method was employed for data analysis. The findings revealed that in learner-learner interaction, instructional method, notifications, technical issues, and individual problems exert discernible effects. For learner-instructor interaction, feedback, instructional methods, and the utilization of diverse communication channels were identified as influential factors. Moreover, technical problems, time constraints, and system usability emerged as key elements shaping learner-content interaction. Notably, learners' personal preferences, encompassing attitudes toward the online course and time management, manifested both positive and negative effects across all interaction types. The study has concluded that assignments with open access, star-based scoring, and mobile notifications enhance learner-learner interaction. Instant feedback from instructors and notifications initiated by instructors enhances learner-instructor interaction. Overall, optimal system usability and minimal technical issues contribute substantively to augmenting learner-content interaction. Highlights What is already known about this topic: • In the existing literature, it is noted that asynchronous interactions often result in limited and brief discussion periods. However, research in this area is scarce. • Additionally, it has been stated that material usage, group size, and information density can influence asynchronous interaction. What this paper contributes: • In this study, factors influencing asynchronous interaction have been examined through action research. • Providing assignments with open access tasks to everyone, sending mobile application notifications, rating with stars, and commenting on tasks have been shown to enhance asynchronous interaction. Implications for theory, practice and/or policy: • The instructional method, notifications, technical issues, and individual factors have been noted to affect student-student interaction. • Moreover, feedback, instructional methods, and communication channels influence student-teacher interaction, while technical issues, time constraints, and system usability impact student-content interaction.
... Although action research is generally considered a pattern within the qualitative research method, Somekh (2008) and other researchers argue that this pattern should not be restricted to qualitative methods only, and that action research can benefit from both qualitative and quantitative paradigms. Given the nature of action research, it is possible to use both quantitative and qualitative data collection tools simultaneously (Mills, 2014). Therefore, in this study, it was deemed appropriate to use the project evaluation rubric and peer evaluation forms, in addition to the semi-structured interviews. ...
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The aim of this study was to investigate the perspectives of science teachers who are pursuing postgraduate studies on their experiences in preparing a research project and to explore the effects of this experience on the participants. In this context, a qualitative research method was employed using an action research design. Seven science teachers who met the research criteria participated, and the research was conducted for 14 weeks during the fall semester. Semi-structured interviews, peer assessment forms, and project evaluation rubrics were used to collect data. The data collected from the interviews were analyzed using content analysis technique. The results indicated that the participants had insufficient knowledge about preparing a research project before the training, but they achieved a certain level of competency by the end of the training. The participants gained knowledge about the stages of the project, how to write the project, what originality means and its importance, and the criteria of a good project as a result of the training. The teachers gained an important understanding about the importance of originality and planning while preparing the project, and they had the most difficulty in determining the originality of the project. In addition, the participants agreed that teacher competency in preparing and conducting a qualitative research project is very important.
... These rules are based on the source material and reflect the original concepts. As a result of this system of classification, the examination of beliefs and information is now more tractable (Mills et al, 2014). ...
... A avaliação foi conduzida usando a metodologia "Group-based Expert Walkthrough" [Følstad 2007]. Esta metodologia envolveu a criação de cenários realistas de uso da ferramenta que foram executados pelos especialistas, que neste caso foram os sujeitos da pesquisa-ação [Mills 2014]. Vale ressaltar que foi decidida a escolha deste método de avaliação de usabilidade após analisar um grande repositório de métodos de UX e Usabilidade baseado na Experience Research Society [Expresso 2023]. ...
Conference Paper
Devido à Resolução Nº 7 de 2018 do Conselho Nacional de Educação (CNE), a curricularização da extensão tornou-se obrigatória desde 2023. Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a usabilidade da ferramenta, projetada para apoiar a gestão de atividades, projetos e programas de extensão acadêmica. Foi realizado uma avaliação passo a passo com usuários potenciais da comunidade acadêmica da universidade. O objetivo é apresentar a ferramenta baseada na web, bem como avaliar sua usabilidade, permitindo que os sujeitos ofereçam sugestões de melhorias e novas ideias. Obteve-se um feedback qualitativo valioso, orientando o desenvolvimento da ferramenta, priorizando e validando requisitos. A avaliação de usabilidade forneceu insights para melhorar a capacidade de aprendizado e a facilidade de uso da ferramenta para a comunidade acadêmica.
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This study, designed as action research within the scope of a teaching practice course to develop preservice preschool teachers’ reflective thinking skills, was conducted with the voluntary participation of eight fourth-year preservice teachers enrolled in a preschool teaching undergraduate programme. In this study, the cooperative action research method was used. Preservice teachers involved in the action research process have tried to develop their reflective thinking skills in the teaching practice course. An initial focus group interview was held with the preservice teachers within the scope of the action research. After the interview, the action plan activities were carried out, the preservice teachers wrote reflective journal entries about their practices in preschool educational institutions for eight weeks and produced participatory outcomes within the scope of the action plan activities. They then filled out performance evaluation forms for the teaching profession at the end of the action plan activities. an assessment was conducted in a focus group interview after the action plan activities were completed. The findings were analysed by qualitative methods. According to the results of the study, through action research activities, preschool preservice teachers develop existing knowledge about reflective thinking, and, it has been determined that they have changed and reflective thinking levels have moved from the technical level to a higher level, which is contextual and critical.
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This study examined perceptions and technical challenges encountered while conducting action research from 150 teachers of Lhuentse Dzongkhag, Bhutan. A quantitative research approach was employed and data were gathered with a modified version of a previously used survey questionnaire. The results indicated that the teacher-respondents possess positive perceptions toward action research and recognized its benefits for their teaching practice and students' learning. However, the study also divulges challenges faced by teachers, particularly a lack of research knowledge and skills, including questionnaire design, methodology selection, literature review, problem identification, intervention planning, research gap identification, and situational analysis. As a result, the study recommends that school principals, the Dzongkhag Education office, and the Ministry of Education and Skills Development (MoESD) may take the present findings into consideration to enhance the teacher- researcher policy and offer professional development opportunities related to action research which in turn would help to boost teachers' research skills.
This chapter delves into the significance of action research on the professional growth of English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers. The chapter begins by defining action research and distinguishing it from traditional research designs. The chapter further explores a variety of action research models, which these models are presented not just as theoretical constructs but as practical tools that EFL teachers can use to enhance their teaching practices. Finally, the chapter addresses the practical challenges and limitations associated with implementing action research in the EFL teaching context. It acknowledges that while action research offers a robust framework for teacher development and pedagogical improvement, there are hurdles in terms of understanding, selecting, and applying the most appropriate model. The chapter also recognizes its own limitations, notably its lack of comprehensive, step-by-step guidelines for action research application, and its focus on overarching concepts rather than detailed problem-solving strategies.
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My thesis addresses the question of how nonviolence approaches and perspectives might equip Chilean teachers to deal with rising levels of classroom violence expressed in intolerance and discrimination towards members of marginalized communities. Nonviolence has had important historical successes in achieving social change in different cultural contexts, and yet it remained unexplored in Chile. In this thesis, I argue that the study and practice of nonviolence can provide a sustainable path to address existing direct, cultural and structural violence in Chilean classrooms. Drawing from a wide scope of non-Western and decolonial philosophical practices, ranging from Buddhism and other international wisdom traditions to intercultural perspectives influenced by cosmopolitanism, as well as the work of Western nonviolence advocates and scholars, I engaged students on a teacher training degree in studying and practicing nonviolence. A series of participatory workshops with students from two Chilean universities was conducted to explore the relationship between violence and inequality and the impact of nonviolent action to promote equality and inclusiveness in their classrooms. The research project also provided an opportunity for participants to design and attempt strategies drawing upon their understanding of nonviolence. This thesis charts their – and my own - transformative journey towards becoming nonviolent educators and embracing nonviolence as path for social justice, and how the study and practice of the theories presented supported that journey.
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This classroom action research aims to improve the mathematics learning outcomes of second grade students at Elementary School of Karanganyar One, Pasuruan Regency using a demonstration method. This research was carried out in two cycles, in which one cycle was carried out for a day. In each cycle, there are stages of planning, action, observation, and reflection. Data collection techniques were used in this study is observation, interviews, tests, and documentation. In analyzing the data there are three activities, namely data reduction (data reduction), data presentation (data display), and conclusion drawing/data verification (conclusion drawing/verification). The results showed that in the first cycle of the pre-test stage, only 11 students (37.93%) and those who did not complete there were 18 students (62.06%). In the first cycle of the post-test stage, 14 students (48.27%) and 15 students (51.72%) were not completed. In the second cycle stage, almost all students reached completion, namely 28 students (96.55%) and those who were not completed were only 1 student (3.44%). Based on the results of the study, this demonstration method can improve the achievement of student learning outcomes, as well as increase enthusiasm in the learning process.
Pengembangan aspek kemampuan menyimak anak dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan media. Penggunaan media dalam proses pembelajaran akan mempermudah pendidik dalam menyampaikan pesan yang ingin disampaikan kepada anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat kemampuan anak dalam mengungkapkan pikiran melalui bahasa yang sederhana secara tepat, mampu berkomunikasi secara efektif, dan membangkitkan minat untuk dapat berbahasa indonesia. Sesuai dengan standar kompetensi dasar, berbahasa adalah anak mampu mendengarkan hingga berkomunikasi secara lisan. Pengembangan kemampuan berbahasa ini berpedoman pada suatu program kegiatan yang telah disusun berorientasi pada prinsip-prinsip perkembangan anak, kebutuhan anak, bermain sambil belajar anak di RA Aisyiyah Sidorejo Padas Ngawi Tahun Ajaran 2022/2023. Subjek penelitian ini yaitu 25 anak yang terdiri dari 10 anak laki-laki dan 15 anak perempuan. Metode penelitian ini mengacu pada model penelitian tindakan kelas yang meliputi empat tahap, yaitu perencanaan, tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis data kualitatif dan data kuantitatif. Data kualitatif diperoleh dengan cara menganalisis data dari wawancara selama penelitian. Sedangkan data kuantitatif diperoleh melalui statistik deskriptif yang membandingkan hasil yang diperoleh dari pra siklus, siklus I, dan siklus II. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kemampuan menyimak kalimat melalui permainan Roller Alfabet dibuktikan dengan adanya peningkatan kemampuan di sepanjang siklus penelitian
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The objectives of this activity are 1) to provide a correct understanding regarding the implementation of Lesson Study-based Classroom Action Research, 2) to help teachers identify learning problems that can be corrected by implementing Lesson Study-based Classroom Action Research. This service activity is delivered using lecture, question and answer, discussion and performance methods during lesson study-based PTK workshops, resulting in problem identification that focuses on the background of the problem and a research title that is appropriate to the problem identified. Several things that can be followed up from this service activity are that lesson study based PTK activities should be carried out continuously and continuously with intensive assistance from the lecturer (service team) so that the activity is not finished during the workshop; as a form of follow-up to the workshop activities themselves; routine measurements are needed to determine the impact of LS-based PTK activities on solving various problems found during the workshop; The implementation of lesson study can be successful if the teacher carries out and practices as well as implements in his class all the lesson study programs that have been followed in MGMP and workshops; The role of the principal himself is to give permission for teachers to take part in MGMP activities, to control the presence of teachers in MGMP, to provide input during reflection, and especially the role of the principal to provide funds for the implementation of the Lesson Study program.
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Bu çalışmanın amacı ortaokul öğrencilerinin girişimcilik becerilerinin gelişimine yönelik düzenlenen bir okul sonrası programını temel özellikleri bakımından incelemektir. Araştırmayı 2021-2022 eğitim-öğretim yılında Aksaray İli Merkez ilçesinde Millî Eğitim Bakanlığına bağlı bir ortaokulda yedinci sınıfta öğrenim gören 28 öğrenci ile yürüttüm. Çalışmadaki katılımcıları amaçlı örnekleme yöntemi ile belirledim. Çalışmada derinlemesine bir araştırma yapmak için bir nitel araştırma yöntemi olarak öğretmen eylem araştırması kullandım. Bu çalışmanın araştırma metodolojisine rehberlik eden temel felsefi bakış açısı ise sosyal yapılandırmacılıktır. Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak; gözlem, görüşme formları (öğrenci, veli ve okul yönetimi), dokümanlar (öğrenci günlüğü, öğrenci ürünleri, araştırmacı günlüğü) ve öğrenme materyalleri veri toplama sürecinde kullandım. Uygulamayı tersyüz edilmiş sınıf modeline uygun olarak, proje tabanlı öğrenme sürecini içeren 9 etkinlik üzerinden toplamda 12 haftada tamamladım. Her etkinlik sonunda öğrenci görüşlerini ve yapılan etkinlikleri değerlendirdim. Uygulamanın sonunda ise program hakkında öğrencilerden, velilerden ve okul yönetiminden görüşlerini aldım. Topladığım verilerin analizini, betimsel analiz ve içerik analizi ile yaptım. Veri analizi aşamasında vi RQDA programını kullanarak detaylı bir inceleme gerçekleştirdim. Öğrencilerimin girişimcilik becerileri ile ilgili ön-ölçümlerimi süreç içerisinde değerlendirmelerini yapabilmek için ilk üç ısınma etkinliğinde bu becerileri ölçülerek yordamaya çalıştım. Sonraki etkinliklerden sağlanan veriler ile de öğrencilerimin girişimcilik becerileri gelişimi hakkında sonuçlara ulaştım. Öğrencilerimin, velilerimin ve okul yönetiminin görüşleri, araştırmacı olarak kendi gözlem ve alan notlarım, uygulama sürecindeki öğrenci günlükleri ve öğrenci ürünleri ile elde edilen verilerin kapsamlı analizleri, düzenlenen okul sonrası programının öğrencilerin girişimcilik becerilerinin gelişimi üzerinde olumlu bir etki oluşturduğunu göstermektedir. Araştırma sonuçları, programın temel nitelikleri hakkında önemli sonuçların açığa çıkmasını sağlamıştır. Bu temel sonuçlar, programın yapısal özellikleri, eğitsel/öğretimsel özellikleri (girişimcilik), eğitmen/öğretmen özellikleri, program paydaşları ve değerlendirme ve geri bildirim süreçleri olarak öne çıkmaktadır. The purpose of this study is to examine an afterschool program for the development of entrepreneurship skills of middle school students in terms of its key features. I conducted the study with 28 students studying in the seventh grade in a middle school affiliated to the Ministry of National Education in the Central District of Aksaray Province in the 2021-2022 academic year. I used teacher action research as a qualitative research method to conduct an in-depth study. The main philosophical perspective guiding the research methodology of this study is social constructivism. I used observation, interview forms (student, parent and school administration), documents (student diary, student products, researcher's diary) and learning materials as data collection tools in the data collection process. I completed the implementation in a total of 12 weeks through 9 activities involving project-based learning process in accordance with the flipped classroom model. At the end of each activity, I evaluated student opinions and activities. At the end of the implementation, I received the opinions of students, parents, and school administration about the program. I analyzed the data I collected with descriptive analysis and content analysis. In the data analysis phase, I conducted a detailed analysis using the RQDA program. In the study, I tried to predict the first measurements of my students' entrepreneurship skills by measuring these skills in the first three warm-up activities in order to evaluate them in the process. With the data provided from the subsequent activities, I reached conclusions about the development of my students' entrepreneurship skills. The comprehensive analysis of the data obtained from the opinions viii of my students, parents and school administration, my own observations and field notes as a researcher, student diaries and student products during the implementation process shows that the afterschool program had a positive impact on the development of students' entrepreneurship skills. The results of the research have led to important conclusions about the main qualities of the program. These key outcomes are the structural characteristics of the program, educational/instructional characteristics (entrepreneurship), instructor/teacher characteristics, program stakeholders, and evaluation and feedback processes.
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İlkokul, yani temel eğitim, bireylerin okuma becerilerini kazandığı bir dönemdir. Okuma becerileri kapsamında öğrencilerin öncelikle akıcı okuma yapmaları gerekmektedir. Akıcı okumanın çeşitli bileşenleri bulunmaktadır. Prozodi, bu bileşenlerden biridir. Bu araştırmanın amacı bilim ve sanat merkezinde öğrenime devam eden üstün yetenekli ilkokul öğrencilerinin prozodik okuma becerilerinin geliştirilmesidir. Araştırmada nitel araştırma desenlerinden eylem araştırması tercih edilmiştir. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu Bursa’da bir bilim ve sanat merkezinde 2023-2024 eğitim-öğretim yılının güz döneminde öğrenim gören sekiz ilkokul öğrencisi oluşturmuştur. Örneklem seçiminde kolay ulaşılabilir örneklem yöntemi tercih edilmiştir. Eylem planı çalışması sekiz hafta sürmüştür. Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak Prozodik Okuma Ölçeği, hikâye edici metinler ve yansıtıcı günlükler kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada ilkokul öğrencilerinin prozodik okuma becerilerinin geliştirilmesinde eşli (ikili) okuma ve nörolojik etki yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre öğrencilerin prozodik okuma düzeylerinin arttığı saptanmıştır. Ayrıca bu araştırmada öğrencilerin prozodik okuma becerilerinin gelişiminde birden fazla yöntem kullanımının etkili olduğu ortaya konmuştur. Bu bakımdan bu araştırma sonuçlarından yola çıkılarak, ilkokul öğrencilerinin prozodik okuma becerisinin gelişiminde birden fazla yöntemin kullanılması önerilmektedir.
The objectives of the research was to see how Question Answer Relationship (QAR) strategy assisted students to improve their reading comprehension and describe the situation when Question Answer Relationship (QAR) strategy was employed in the reading class. The researcher was applied pre experimental design. The population was the Second Grade Students of SMPN ciptodadi in 2021/2022 Academic Year. The total number of population is 30 students. The researcher was used purposive sampling technique. relatively baseline knowledge based on their test examination average scores. The total number of sample was 30 students from class. In analyzing the numerical data, the writer was used SPSS for windows. After implementing the research, the researcher concludes that The use of Question Answer Relationship (QAR) strategy in teaching reading enriches the students’ reading comprehension; it is proved by the mean score of the students’ posttest. The t-test of the students’ reading achievement in posttest was smaller than ? (0.000 < 0.05). It meant that the H1 of the hypothesis was accepted
Globally classrooms are becoming more multicultural and multilingual in nature and educators and learners alike are experiencing difficulty in coping with this diversity. This study started with problems that my colleagues in Science and Health Sciences were experiencing with interaction and communication among learners in their diverse classrooms. Educators were also experiencing difficulties in motivating students to work effectively in groups. The purpose of this paper was to structure and manage groupwork in the classroom not only for the benefit of learners but the educators as well, because they too have to learn to function effectively with their learners who come from diverse backgrounds, just as their learners have to communicate with them. Using an action research methodology, four phases of groupwork were conducted until a suitable structure was arrived at to the satisfaction of the participants. Valuable lessons in structuring groupwork, facilitating intercultural communication and conducting research in one’s own classroom were learned from this study.
This action research study aimed to improve reading with understanding in a lower primary classroom in Fiji. Five emergent readers were selected through an examination of class running records. Peer observation, student worksheets, and class running records were utilized to collect data. The data analysis revealed that when teachers implement effective strategies and methods in the classroom, their students’ reading abilities improve. The study also revealed that daily phonics practice greatly helps vocabulary recognition. In addition, it has been demonstrated that the connection between the native and spoken language is essential for students to express their thoughts with precision. This study is important because it shows teachers how they can change how they teach to help lower-primary students read with greater understanding.
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The aim of this study is to examine the effect of digital game design process with metacognitive strategies on academic success in mathematics course, the level of metacognition awareness and its relationship with game design. The importance of the research is to combine metacognitive skills with digital game design through code block programs, thus supporting classroom environments with developing technology. In this study, where the action research method was used, a study group was formed with the purposeful sampling method. Within the scope of the Information Technologies and Software course in a public school, two classes with the closest characteristics and willing to develop digital game design were selected among the fifth grade students who designed digital games through the code block program. The sample of the research consists of 40 students in total, 20 of which are in the experimental group and 20 in the control group.After determining the groups, mathematics academic achievement and metacognitive awareness tests were applied to the experimental and control groups as a pre-test. The experimental group designed a game using a block coding program called Scratch to solve a different problem situation every week for six weeks. In order to observe this process in depth, a three-stage multiple measurement tool developed by the researcher was used. These stages consist of metacognitive scores, game design scores and scores created according to Scratch designs. At the end of the application process, academic achievement and metacognitive awareness tests were applied to the experimental and control groups again. As a result of the analyzes, it was observed that there was a positive change in the academic success of the digital game design process and the metacognitive awareness scores of the mathematics course. In addition, it has been determined that there are significant and positive relationships between metacognition, digital game design and Scratch. This study emphasizes the importance of digital game design in the development of metacognitive skills and stands out as an effective method that can be used in mathematics lessons.
Co-design teacher-led action research is an approach to educational practice and professional development of teachers through action-oriented, evidence-based research. In this approach, teachers conduct their own collaborative research in real classrooms and school settings, focusing on local practices. There has been a gradual shift from researcher-centred approaches to a more teacher-centred and design-centred approach that use collaborative methods to support and guide teachers when participating in evidence-based decision-making. This chapter provides an overview of the development of co-design, teacher-led action research. Through examples provided by three case studies, the chapter advances a framework of teacher-led action research based on co-design principles.
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Okuma çemberi; aynı hikâyeyi, şiiri, makaleyi veya kitabı okumayı seçen akranlar tarafından yönetilen küçük tartışma gruplarıdır (Daniels, 2002, s. 2). Bu araştırmada okuma çemberi tekniğinin kullanılmasıyla öğrencilerin okuduğunu anlama stratejilerini geliştirmek, okumaya karşı olumlu tutum geliştirmelerine ve okuma alışkanlıklarına katkı sağlamak amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda eylem araştırması olarak tasarlanan araştırmada, araştırmacı ve bir Türkçe öğretmeninin iş birliğinde okuma çemberi tekniği kullanılarak öğrencilerin okuduğunu anlama stratejileri, okuma tutum ve alışkanlıkları iyileştirilmeye çalışılmıştır. 28 öğrencinin katılımıyla gerçekleştirilen araştırmada öğrenciler yedişerli dört farklı gruba ayrılarak küçük tartışma grupları oluşturulmuştur. Okuma çemberi oturumları 10 hafta boyunca Zoom programı kullanılarak her grup için 30 dakika olacak şekilde çevrimiçi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma sürecinde “Kitap Metafor Formu”, Gül (2019) tarafından geliştirilmiş “Okuma Alışkanlığı ve Tutum Ölçeği”, Susar-Kırmızı’nın (2006) hazırladığı “Okuduğunu Anlama Stratejileri Ölçeği” ön ve son test olarak uygulanarak öğrencilerin gelişimleri izlenmiştir. Uygulama süreci, “Görev Kartları”, “Okuma Çemberi Kontrol Listesi” ve “Araştırmacı Gözlem Formu” ve “Okuma Çemberi Değerlendirme Formu” ile takip edilmiştir. Nicel analizlerden elde edilen verilere göre okuma çemberi uygulamaları, öğrencilerin okuduğunu anlama stratejileri ile okuma tutum ve alışkanlıklarının geliştirilmesine etki etmemektedir. Nitel analizlerden elde edilen verilere göre ise okuma çemberinin uygulanmasıyla öğrencilerin kitap okumaya yönelik motivasyonlarında, kütüphaneyi kullanma ve kitap değiş-tokuşu yapma gibi kitaba/okumaya yönelik olumlu tutumlarında ve sözcük öğrenme stratejilerini kullanmalarında iyileşme görülmüştür. Diğer yandan, öğrencilerin okunanları gerçek hayatla daha çok ilişkilendirilebildikleri ve özetleme becerileri ile grupla çalışma becerilerinin geliştiği gözlenmiştir. Uygulamalar sonucunda öğrencilerin kitaba ilişkin metaforik algıları değişmiş, kitabı eğlence aracı olarak görenler azalırken kitabı bilgi kaynağı olarak görenlerin arttığı görülmüştür. Kısacası, bu araştırmada nitel analizlerden elde edilen verilere göreöğrencilerin okuma stratejileri kullanımları ile okumaya yönelik tutum ve alışkanlıklarının olumlu yönde geliştiği gözlenmişken bu durum nicel analizlerden elde edilen verilere yansımamıştır. Araştırmanın sonuçları okuma çemberlerinin ortaokul düzeyindeki öğrencilere uygulanmasını desteklemekte ve farklı gruplarla daha uzun süre yürütülecek çalışmalarda okuma çemberlerinin etkisinin incelenmesinin gerekli olduğuna işaret etmektedir.
This research aimed to explain the English Pragmatic Competence of Col language speakers in using expressive and commissive acts and to find out the extent to which Col language pragmatic competence influence the production of English pragmatic competence in expressive and commissive acts. The method used descriptive qualitative. The research subjects were 20 students who studied English consisting of students, collage students and graduates at Lubuklinggau. The data were collected by using questionnaire and pragmatic competence test. After that, the data were analyzed with description. From tests conducted by researcher, informants answered all tests according to different situations. The pragmatic competence of Col language speakers in using expressive and commissive acts, most of them understand that. Of all the expressions, there is no significant negative transfer from L1 and L2 production to English because all percentages are below 50%, which means they don't influence in English pragmatic production. In conclusion, Col speakers understand the use of appropriate expressions in different situations, namely in formal and informal situations. Keywords: Col Language Speakers, Commissive Act, Expressive Act, Pragmatic Competence
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This research was intended to know whether communicative activities in small group discussions can improve the students' speaking skill at the third semester Class A of the English Study Program of FKIP UNRI. The researcher was helped by a collaborator and used observation sheets and field notes as the instruments of the research. Besides, she also used speaking test to see the improvement of students' speaking skill on each cycle. The research started on September 23,2008 and ended on January 9, 2009. At the beginning of cycle 1the average score of the students' speaking skill was 48.3. At the end of cycle 1, it improved to 55.7, at the end of cycle 2 it improved to 62.6, and at the end ofcycle3itimproved to 73.4.The factors of communicative activities in small group discussions that influence the students' speaking skill are: (1) Clear objectives; (2) problem solving activities; (3) a good classroom atmosphere; (4) natural learning process (5) uncontrolled materials; (6) indirect corrections; and (7) interaction with partners or group members. Based on the finding, it was concluded that communicative activities of small group discussions can improve students' speaking skill at the third semester Class A of the English Study Program of FKIP UNRI
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The objective of this research is find out whether Berlitz Method improve students’ vocabulary in English Learning Vocabulary or not. The researcher applied Classroom Action Research (CAR). The sample of the research was the Seventh Grade of SMP Pesantren Guppi Samata Gowa and take class VII A with a research sample of 20 students.The results showed that the students of class VII A at SMP Pesantren Guppi Samata experienced an increase from cycle I to cycle II. Improved vocabulary comprehension through the Berlitz Method This indicates a significant increase in students' reading comprehension from the diagnostic test to cycle I and cycle II, where the average score on the diagnostic test was 42.75. cycle I get the average value to 68.25. There was also a significant increase from cycle I to cycle II where the average student in cycle II was 84.25. From these findings, the researcher concludes that the use of the Berlitz method can improve students' vocabulary skills and make students active in the learning process
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During the COVID-19 Pandemic, tourists certainly require the protection in minimizing the transmission of the COVID-19 virus during travel activities in the Malino Region, Gowa Regency. With the hope of gaining back the public trusts. As it is believed that tourism activities will be achieved if these activities are equipped with tourist travel facilities. This study aims to analyse the effects of Attraction (X1), Amenity (X2) and Accessibility (X3) on Visiting Decisions (Y) during the COVID- 19 Pandemic in the Malino Region, Gowa Regency. This study uses quantitative methods by processing data obtained from the research location. The population in this study were all respondents who had visited Malino during the COVID-19 pandemic as many as 71,288 people and the number of samples selected was 398 individuals using a research questionnaire as a research instrument which was then processed using SPSS software version 23. From the results of the study, it indicates that the partial test results on Attractions (X1) have a significant effect on Visiting Decisions (Y), Amenity (X2) does not have a significant effect on Visiting Decisions (Y) and Accessibility (X3) has a significant effect on Visiting Decisions (Y) and simultaneous testing that Attractions (X1), Amenity (X2) and Accessibility (X3) have a significant effect on visiting decisions (Y).
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