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Palaeontology: Beyond the Age of Fishes

ancestry, the ‘stem group. As for osteich thyans,
although it is agreed that fossils from the
earliest Devonian
belong within the crown,
osteichthyan fragments of less-certain affin-
ity are also known from the Late Silurian3,
423 million to 416 million years ago.
But there’s more to this story, because the
question of gnathostome origins also involves a
pair of extinct groups of gnathostomes known
to appear earlier in the geological record, the
placoderms and acanthodians
. Importantly,
recent analys es
have begun to reveal new rela-
tionships between early vertebrates, in which
acanthodians and placoderms are scattered
among the early divisions of gnathostome evo-
lution; acanthodians, in particular, are crop-
ping up on chondrichthyan and osteichthyan
stem groups. The straightforward message
is that the origin of modern gnathostomes is
not a Devonian phenomenon, after all. The
basal divergence between osteichthyans and
chondrichthyans occurred somewhat earlier.
This, then, is the context within which to
place Guiyu oneiros, the new species of early
osteichthyan named and described by Zhu
et al.5. Preserved in 418-million-year-old
limestone in what is now southern China, the
fossils of Guiyu show the skeletal anatomy of a
small sarcopterygian, around 33 centimetres
long. The very fact that Guiyu can be identi-
fied as a sarcopterygian provides further and
arguably clinching evidence that a whole series
of major branching events within the gnatho-
stome crown group must have taken place well
before the end of the Silurian.
Like any other fossil, Guiyu has a mixture of
Beyond the Age of Fishes
Michael I. Coates
Discovery of an unusually intact and ancient fossil fish provides further evidence that the search for
modern vertebrate origins requires breaking out of the Devonian and into the preceding period.
As a rule, the earliest fossils of living groups
tend to be scrappy, and such fragments lend
themselves to contentious interpretations.
For ‘bony fishes, Osteichthyes — the division
of vertebrates that includes everything from
humans to halibut — the record of articulated
fossils peters out within the Lower Devonian
some 400 million years ago. Earlier stretches
of osteichthyan history are littered with
fossil detritus, such as isolated teeth and scales.
In certain instances, bits and pieces have been
reassembled into conjectural species
, some
of which have surprising combinations of
anatomical features2. On page 469 of this issue,
Zhu et al.5 introduce a fresh — albeit long-dead
— fish into this poorly resolved
patch of vertebrate evolution.
Crucially, this piscine off-
shoot of our own distant past
is both unusually intact and
exceptionally old.
So what kind of fish is it? A
summary of vertebrate diver-
sity helps to make sense of the
answer. Of the 51,000 or more
living species of vertebrates,
99.9% have jaws: these are the gnathostomes.
Gnathostomes include the bony Osteich-
thyes and the cartilaginous Chondrichthyes.
Chondrichthyes (sharks, rays and chimae-
ras) account for only 2% of gnathostome
species, the Osteichthyes accounting for the
other 98%. Around half of the Osteichthyes
are Actino pterygii, or ‘ray-finned fishes’, and
half are Sarco pterygii, or ‘lobe-finned fishes’.
Actinopterygians include some 28,000 species,
from zebrafish to bichirs, and living sarcop-
terygian fishes are limited to three genera of
lungfishes and one coelacanth. Land-dwelling
tetrapods constitute the remaining majority of
Thus far, the origins of these major divisions
of today’s gnathostomes can be traced back
to the Devonian, between 416 million and
359 million years ago, the Age of Fishes. Fossils
that are clearly chondrichthyan are known from
around 405 million to 400 million years ago
but we have little idea as to whether these belong
within the living radiation, the ‘crown group’,
or represent side branches of their common
Figure 1 | Newcomer to the Silurian seascape. This classic view of Silurian marine
life, published in the 1940s, is rich in invertebrates (corals, molluscs, arthropods,
echinoderms, and more besides). But it lacks fish. Armoured jawless fishes
existed throughout the Silurian (443 million to 416 million years ago), alongside
early jawed fishes (placoderms and acanthodians, extinct groups whose affinities
are the subject of debate8,10). A representative of modern fishes, Guiyu oneiros5 (inset), can now be added
to the picture. Guiyu is a Silurian-aged member of the sarcopterygians (extant representatives of which
include lungfishes, the coelacanth and all tetrapods). What else might be absent? Evidence of early
actinopterygians (ray-finned fishes) and chondrichthyans (sharks and chimaeras) must be lurking out
there, somewhere in the Silurian sediments. (Silurian scene by Z. Burian. Fish reconstruction by B. Choo.)
Vol 458|26 March 2009
26.3 n&v MH IF 41326.3 n&v MH IF 413 20/3/09 17:04:5220/3/09 17:04:52
© 2009 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
primitive and advanced features. With regard
to its anatomical completeness, Guiyu provides
exceptional corroboration for the decidedly
odd reconstruction of the early osteichthyan
genus, Psarolepis2. Cobbled together from a
disparate set of fossils, the incongruent suite
of features9 displayed by Psarolepis has been
viewed with caution. Now, it turns out to be
thoroughly plausible. L ike Psarolepis and other
sarcopterygian fishes (including Latimeria,
the living coelacanth), the braincase of Guiyu
is divided into separate front and rear units.
Like Psarolepis, the cheek bones resemble those
of early actinopterygians. Like Psarolepis and
many other early gnathostomes
, including at
least one chondrichthyan
, the shoulder girdle
bears a spine in front of the pectoral fin. Simi-
larly, the dorsal-fin spine and anterior spine-
bearing plate of Guiyu are probably primitive.
These are all widespread features of early gna-
thostomes, and seeing such characteristics in
Guiyu provides a first glimpse of the sequential
order of anatomica l changes that resulted in the
standard set of sarcopterygian traits.
The evolutionary tree proposed by Zhu et al.5
(see Fig. 5 on page 473) adds to a growing set of
analyses of early osteichthyan and gnathostome
interrelationships8,10. Uncertainties still sur-
round the branching pattern of non-osteich-
thyans, but the addition of Guiyu t o th e ca st o f
early fishes does not change the basic pattern of
interrelationships among early osteichthyans.
Instead, it adds support to notable consisten-
cies in the emerging pattern of sarcopterygian
evolution, including the clustering of some of
the earliest-known examples to form an as-yet
unnamed group.
Finally, what does the conclusion that Guiyu
is unequivocally sarcopterygian imply? On
the whole, early fossils are thought to be unreli-
able as minimum-date markers of evolution-
ary branching events11, because they are less
complete and/or lack the full anatomical sig-
nature of the group to which they are assigned.
Guiyu might be an exception that proves the
rule, for it provides a new and exceptionally
reliable earliest fossil marker for a major split in
vertebrate evolution. By pushing a whole series
of branching points in gnathostome evolution
out of the Devonian and into the Silurian,
the discovery of Guiyu also signals that a sig-
nificant part of early vertebrate evolution is
unknown (Fig. 1).
The new shape of the gnathostome tree
shows that early sarcopterygians, as well as
actino pterygians and chondrichthyans, ought
to be turning up in Silurian sediments. But
where are they? Modern fish groups have
Silurian roots, but these fishes are consistently
absent from existing scenarios of Silurian life.
The discovery of Guiyu should provoke a rash
of new fieldwork and a fresh look at existing
collections of pre-Devonian fossils.
Michael I. Coates is in the Department of
Organismal Biology and Anatomy, University of
Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637, USA.
1. Janvier, P. Early Vertebrates (Oxford Univ. Press, 1996).
2. Zhu, M. et al. Nature 397, 607–610 (1999).
3. Botella, H. et al. Nature 448, 583–586 (2007).
4. Basden, A. M. & Young, G. C. J. Vert. Paleontol. 21,
754–766 (2001).
5. Zhu, M. et al. Nature 458, 469–474 (2009).
6. Miller, R. F. et al. Nature 425, 501–504 (2003).
7. Zhu, M. et al. Nature 441, 77–80 (2006).
8. Brazeau, M. D. Nature 457, 305–308 (2009).
9. Ahlberg, P. E. Nature 397, 564–565 (1999).
10. Friedman, M. J. Syst. Palaeontol. 5, 289–343
11. Donoghue, P. C. J. & Benton, M. J. Trends Ecol. Evol. 22,
424–431 (2007).
Quiet is the new loud
Daniel Proga
Understanding the mechanisms by which matter flows into black-hole
systems is pivotal to elucidating how such systems work. It seems that a
‘quiet’ mass outflow can play a hitherto-unknown part in the process.
All black-hole systems that accrete matter,
regardless of their size, are believed to have
very similar components and to operate in
a very similar way. Quasars — galaxies with
extremely bright nuclei powered by the accre-
tion of matter onto a supermassive black hole
— are an example of accreting black-hole sys-
tems at one end of the size range. At the other
end are their much smaller cousins, black-hole
binaries (a black hole with a star companion).
Black-hole binaries have fascinated astrono-
mers for years because they go through a cycle
of many different activity states. For example,
they can be in a state of high accretion and high
luminosity, in which they strongly emit both
‘soft’ (low energy) and ‘hard’ (high energy)
X-rays — the bright/soft state. Another state
is one of low accretion and low luminosity, in
which the hard-X-ray emission exceeds that of
soft X-rays — the faint/hard state.
On page 481 of this issue, Neilsen and Lee
report observations of a microquasar — a
black-hole binary that has a radio-emitting jet
of gas — known as GRS 1915 + 105. This black
hole has a mass 14 times that of the Sun, and
is accreting gas from its star. The authors have
discovered that, as the system changes from
the faint/hard accretion state to the bright/soft
state, the high-speed jet is rep laced by a much
slower, X-ray-absorbing wind (Fig. 1). The
authors conclude that the wind being launched
from the outer regions of the black hole’s accre-
tion disk competes with the jet for matter and
wins, taking matter away from the disk and
halting its flow into the jet.
Many quasars are found only in the
bright/soft accretion state. This is not because
they do not vary, but rather because they evolve
more slowly than their smaller counterparts.
Therefore, to understand quasars, astrono-
mers tend to study microquasars, which evolve
on timescales that are six to eight orders of
magnitude shorter than quasars.
Extensive obser vations of microquasars have
revealed that they can emit radiation over a
wide range of energies, from radio to X-rays
and γ-rays. Modelling of the observed spectra
shows that this broad emission is possible
because microquasars have different sources
of energy: ultraviolet and soft X-rays are emit-
ted by the accretion disk; hard X-rays are pro-
duced in the disk’s corona of very hot plasma;
and radio emission is generated by the narrow
jet of magnetized plasma
. Observe d changes
in emission can thus be linked to changes in the
sources of radiation.
Most studies of microquasars have focused
on their main, ‘loud’ components — that is, the
disk, corona and jet. These studies have identi-
fied a variety of accretion states4 (up to 14 states
in GRS 1915 + 105), and several correlations
and anti-correlations among the emissions in
different energy bands. For example, the radio
emission correlates with X-ray emission in
the faint/hard state
. In addition, such studies
have yielded clues to one of the main myster-
ies: how matter that plunges onto the black
hole can avoid crossing its event horizon (the
boundary below which nothing can escape),
and instead can escape as a jet with velocities
close to the speed of light. One clue is that jets
occur when matter accretion is in the form of
a thick flow.
But despite many successes, the most crucial
questions, such as how accretion disks work and
how jets are produced, remain unanswered. We
do not know exactly how the rotational energy
of the disk is dissipated, converted to heat and
finally radiated away. However, we do have a
good physical model for the outward transport
of angular momentum in the disk if magnetic
fields are present
. This is extremely important,
because such transport is crucial for accretion
to occur in the first place. As for jet production,
we still do not understand whether the jets are
powered by the rotational energy of the accre-
tion flow or by the energy of the fast-spinning
black hole
. In both cases, magnetic fields are
involved in transferring energy to the jet.
Microquasars thus continue to be the sub-
ject of intensive observational and theoretical
research. Neilsen and Lee’s work1 shows that
much can be learned from investigating the
quiet’ components of the systems, such as disk
NATURE|Vol 458|26 March 2009
26.3 n&v MH IF 41426.3 n&v MH IF 414 20/3/09 17:04:5720/3/09 17:04:57
© 2009 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
... Jawed vertebrates, or gnathostomes, make up 99.9 per cent of vertebrates (Coates, 2009) and currently comprise nearly 60,000 species. Their success is undoubtedly related to the origin of jaws and paired fins and the associated musculature, features very likely related to the transition from suspension feeding to predation (Mallatt, 2008). ...
... Since 2007, we have conducted a series of extensive field investigations and excavations in the Silurian strata from Qujing, eastern Yunnan, which eventually led to the discovery of a series of exceptionally preserved fossil fishes, such as the oldest articulated osteichthyan Guiyu Zhu, Zhao, Jia, Lu, Qiao and Qu, 2009, the maxillate placoderms Entelognathus Zhu, Yu, Ahlberg, Choo, Lu, Qiao, Qu, Zhao, Jia, Blom and Zhu, 2013and Qilinyu Zhu, Ahlberg, Pan, Zhu, Qiao, Zhao, Jia and Lu, 2016, 2016. Those fossil fishes have offered insights into the origin and early divergence of osteichthyans and illuminated the jaw evolution (Coates 2009;Friedman and Brazeau 2013;Long 2016). In addition to eastern Yunnan and the Lower Yangtze Region, many Silurian fossil fishes have been found from north-western Hunan since the 1980s, making it another important area in South China for the research of early vertebrates. ...
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The Silurian fishes from north-western Hunan, China are characterised by the earliest known galeaspids Dayongaspis Pan and Zeng, 1985 and Konoceraspis Pan, 1992, and the earliest known antiarch Shimenolepis Wang J.-Q., 1991, as well as rich sinacanth fin spines. Shimenolepis from Lixian County in north-western Hunan, which was dated as the Telychian (late Llandovery), has long been regarded as the oldest representative of the placoderms in the world. As such, in addition to eastern Yunnan and the Lower Yangtze Region, north-western Hunan represents another important area in South China that yields important fossil material for the research of early vertebrates and related stratigraphy. Here we summarise the Silurian fishes known in north-western Hunan so far, and classify them into three vertebrate assemblages (i.e., the Wentang, Maoshan, and Yangtze assemblages). Based on the updated Silurian vertebrate and stratigraphic databases, the Silurian fish-bearing strata in north-western Hunan can be subdivided into the Rongxi, Huixingshao, and Xiaoxi formations in ascending chronological order, which can be correlated with the Lower Red Beds, the Upper Red Beds, and the Ludlow Red Beds in South China, respectively. A new look at the Silurian strata in Lixian suggests that the age of Shimenolepis is late Ludlow rather than late Llandovery as previously suggested. The research on Silurian fishes and biostratigraphy in north-western Hunan not only provides morphological data of early vertebrates, but also offers new palaeoichthyological evidence for the subdivision, correlation, and age assignment of the Silurian marine red beds in South China. The establishment of a related high-precision Silurian stratigraphic framework in north-western Hunan will help to elucidate the temporal and spatial distribution of Silurian fossil fishes, deepen the understanding of the evolution of early vertebrates, and unravel the coevolution between Silurian vertebrates and the palaeoenvironment.
... In contrast, the Silurian-Early Devonian record of actinopterygian evolution is poorly understood, confounded by fewer identified specimens known from typically fragmentary material. Despite the identification of Silurian sarcopterygians (but see Lu et al., 2017) necessitating the presence of contemporaneous actinopterygians (Coates, 2009), the oldest putative actinopterygian is the Lochkovian (~415 Ma) Meemannia (Lu et al., 2016a), with unequivocal ray-finned fishes such as Cheirolepis known only from the Eifelian-Givetian (~393 Ma) and younger deposits. This paucity of specimens may be a reflection of lower abundance and diversity of early actinopterygians compared to sarcopterygians (Cloutier and Arratia, 2004;Friedman and Brazeau, 2010). ...
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The skull of 'Ligulalepis' from the Early Devonian of Australia (AM-F101607) has significantly expanded our knowledge of early osteichthyan anatomy, but its phylogenetic position has remained uncertain. We herein describe a second skull of 'Ligulalepis' and present micro-CT data on both specimens to reveal novel anatomical features, including cranial endocasts. Several features previously considered to link 'Ligulalepis' with actinopterygians are now considered generalized osteichthyan characters or of uncertain polarity. The presence of a lateral cranial canal is shown to be variable in its development between specimens. Other notable new features include the presence of a pineal foramen, the some detail of skull roof sutures, the shape of the nasal capsules, a placoderm-like hypophysial vein, and a chondrichthyan-like labyrinth system. New phylogenetic analyses place 'Ligulalepis' as a stem osteichthyan, specifically as the sister taxon to 'psarolepids' plus crown osteichthyans. The precise position of 'psarolepids' differs between parsimony and Bayesian analyses.
... The origin of jaws, paired fins, and the cephalic and appendicular musculature was probably of chief importance for the transition from suspension feeding to predation in this particular vertebrate lineage [1]. These novel morphological features may also have contributed to the vast radiation of gnathostomes, which make up more than 99.9% of all living vertebrates [2]. Chondrichthyans such as the sharks are considered to have morphological characteristics that retained various plesiomorphic gnathostome traits [3,4]. ...
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Background The origin of jawed vertebrates was marked by profound reconfigurations of the skeleton and muscles of the head and by the acquisition of two sets of paired appendages. Extant cartilaginous fish retained numerous plesiomorphic characters of jawed vertebrates, which include several aspects of their musculature. Therefore, myogenic studies on sharks are essential in yielding clues on the developmental processes involved in the origin of the muscular anatomy. Results Here we provide a detailed description of the development of specific muscular units integrating the cephalic and appendicular musculature of the shark model, Scyliorhinus canicula. In addition, we analyze the muscle development across gnathostomes by comparing the developmental onset of muscle groups in distinct taxa. Our data reveal that appendicular myogenesis occurs earlier in the pectoral than in the pelvic appendages. Additionally, the pectoral musculature includes muscles that have their primordial developmental origin in the head. This culminates in a tight muscular connection between the pectoral girdle and the cranium, which founds no parallel in the pelvic fins. Moreover, we identified a lateral to ventral pattern of formation of the cephalic muscles, that has been equally documented in osteichthyans but, in contrast with these gnathostomes, the hyoid muscles develop earlier than mandibular muscle in S. canicula. Conclusion Our analyses reveal considerable differences in the formation of the pectoral and pelvic musculatures in S. canicula, reinforcing the idea that head tissues have contributed to the formation of the pectoral appendages in the common ancestor of extant gnathostomes. In addition, temporal differences in the formation of some cranial muscles between chondrichthyans and osteichthyans might support the hypothesis that the similarity between the musculature of the mandibular arch and of the other pharyngeal arches represents a derived feature of jawed vertebrates.
... The placoderm-like characters highlighted in the psarolepids are also absent among the basal actinopterygians based on the available fossil record, although the clade that is not represented by reasonably complete material from before the Middle Devonian. While the presence of Silurian sarcopterygians necessitates the existence of Silurian actinopterygians, indisputable pre-Devonian representatives are currently unknown [48]. Given the striking anatomical disparity of forms like Guiyu and Sparalepis when compared to Middle-Late Devonian sarcopterygians, their discovery and description has profoundly enhanced our understanding of early sarcopterygian anatomy [8,15]. ...
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Our understanding of early gnathostome evolution has been hampered by a generally scant fossil record beyond the Devonian. Recent discoveries from the late Silurian Xiaoxiang Fauna of Yunnan, China, have yielded significant new information, including the earliest articulated osteichthyan fossils from the Ludlow-aged Kuanti Formation. Here we describe the partial postcranium of a new primitive bony fish from the Kuanti Formation that represents the second known taxon of pre-Devonian osteichthyan revealing articulated remains. The new form, Sparalepis tingi gen. et sp. nov., displays similarities with Guiyu and Psarolepis, including a spine-bearing pectoral girdle and a placoderm-like dermal pelvic girdle, a structure only recently identified in early osteichthyans. The squamation with particularly thick rhombic scales shares an overall morphological similarity to that of Psarolepis. However, the anterior flank scales of Sparalepis possess an unusual interlocking system of ventral bulges embraced by dorsal concavities on the outer surfaces. A phylogenetic analysis resolves Sparalepis within a previously recovered cluster of stem-sarcopterygians including Guiyu, Psarolepis and Achoania. The high diversity of osteichthyans from the Ludlow of Yunnan strongly contrasts with other Silurian vertebrate assemblages, suggesting that the South China block may have been an early center of diversification for early gnathostomes, well before the advent of the Devonian “Age of Fishes”.
... Stage-6, Euteleostomi to Mammalia. In this stage there are organisms from Sarcopterygii (lobe-finned fishes) [41], Dipnotetrapodomorpha (new taxon from NCBI comprising lungfishes), Tetrapoda (four-legged vertebrates), Amniota (comprising the reptiles, birds and mammals that lay their eggs on land or retain the fertilized egg within the mother) and up to Mammalia clades. With 1953 genes at this stage, the human lineage achieves 80 % of its gene composition. ...
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DOWNLOAD at: --- Background: The development of large-scale technologies for quantitative transcriptomics has enabled comprehensive analysis of the gene expression profiles in complete genomes. RNA-Seq allows the measurement of gene expression levels in a manner far more precise and global than previous methods. Studies using this technology are altering our view about the extent and complexity of the eukaryotic transcriptomes. In this respect, multiple efforts have been done to determine and analyse the gene expression patterns of human cell types in different conditions, either in normal or pathological states. However, until recently, little has been reported about the evolutionary marks present in human protein-coding genes, particularly from the combined perspective of gene expression and protein evolution. Results: We present a combined analysis of human protein-coding gene expression profiling and time-scale ancestry mapping, that places the genes in taxonomy clades and reveals eight evolutionary major steps (“hallmarks”), that include clusters of functionally coherent proteins. The human expressed genes are analysed using a RNA-Seq dataset of 116 samples from 32 tissues. The evolutionary analysis of the human proteins is performed combining the information from: (i) a database of orthologous proteins (OMA), (ii) the taxonomy mapping of genes to lineage clades (from NCBI Taxonomy) and (iii) the evolution time-scale mapping provided by TimeTree (Timescale of Life). The human protein-coding genes are also placed in a relational context based in the construction of a robust gene coexpression network, that reveals tighter links between age-related protein-coding genes and finds functionally coherent gene modules. Conclusions: Understanding the relational landscape of the human protein-coding genes is essential for interpreting the functional elements and modules of our active genome. Moreover, decoding the evolutionary history of the human genes can provide very valuable information to reveal or uncover their origin and function. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-016-3062-y) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
... In contrast to the rich Devonian fossil record, gnathostomes from earlier strata have long been represented by scarce and highly fragmentary remains2. Traditional depictions of Silurian marine faunas typically either lack fish altogether3 or are dominated by diminutive jawless forms4. In addition to this apparent low diversity, the maximum size of pre-Devonian gnathostomes, and vertebrates in general, has been noted as being considerably smaller than later periods1. ...
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An apparent absence of Silurian fishes more than half-a-metre in length has been viewed as evidence that gnathostomes were restricted in size and diversity prior to the Devonian. Here we describe the largest pre-Devonian vertebrate (Megamastax amblyodus gen. et sp. nov.), a predatory marine osteichthyan from the Silurian Kuanti Formation (late Ludlow, ,423 million years ago) of Yunnan, China, with an estimated length of about 1 meter. The unusual dentition of the new form suggests a durophagous diet which, combined with its large size, indicates a considerable degree of trophic specialisation among early osteichthyans. The lack of large Silurian vertebrates has recently been used as constraint in palaeoatmospheric modelling, with purported lower oxygen levels imposing a physiological size limit. Regardless of the exact causal relationship between oxygen availability and evolutionary success, this finding refutes the assumption that pre-Emsian vertebrates were restricted to small body sizes.
... The Devonian is classically considered the "Age of Fishes" (e.g., Coates, 2009), reflecting the proliferation of fishes both in terms of richness and abundance during this period. As noted by Thomson (1977), the Devonian is also marked by a peak in the number of fish classes (Fig. 4), but the biological relevance of this particular pattern is somewhat ambiguous, especially in the face of evidence that some of these higher divisions represent artificial groups (e.g., placoderms and acanthodians : Friedman, 2007;Brazeau, 2009;Friedman and Brazeau, 2010;Davis et al., 2012). ...
Fishes represent more than half of all living vertebrate species, but patterns of fish diversity remain little explored in the fossil record. A compendium of fossil occurrences from Great Britain was assembled in order to address a series of questions concerning the palaeontological record of fishes. There are broad similarities between British richness trajectories and those compiled from global data, including an initial peak in the mid-Palaeozoic (Devonian or Carboniferous, depending on the compilation), with a late Palaeozoic trough followed by a sharp rise in diversity in the Late Cretaceous and Paleogene. The British dataset is too small to reveal any significant differences in richness between time bins using subsampling, but a modelling approach based on sampling and geological proxies consistently shows lower-than-predicted richness in the Silurian–Devonian and higher-than-predicted richness in the Late Cretaceous and Eocene. This positive excursion is robust to the exclusion of data from the early Eocene London Clay Lagerstätte. Chondrichthyans (sharks, rays, and ratfishes) and osteichthyans (ray-finned and lobe-finned fishes) show contrasting relationships with geological and sampling proxies, possibly reflecting different taphonomic profiles or idiosyncratic variation in the relative proportion of freshwater and marine deposits over the British Phanerozoic.
The study of early actinopterygians (ray‐finned fishes) from the Devonian has been hampered by imperfect preservation in the majority of taxa. The Late Devonian (early Frasnian) Gogo Formation of north‐western Western Australia is notable in producing complete fossil actinopterygians with exceptional three‐dimensional preservation of both the dermal and endoskeletal anatomy. Four taxa have been described and have proved invaluable in understanding the anatomy of early representatives of this clade. Here, we present a fifth Gogo taxon, based on a single exceptionally preserved specimen and representing a new genus and species of early ray‐finned fish. The neurocranium was CT scanned, permitting a detailed examination of the endocast. The new taxon possesses unusual features including a greatly enlarged spiracular opening and extensive spinose ornamentation on the dermal skull bones, median ridge scutes and lepidotrichia. The endocast displays a mosaic of characters, some of which are similar to Mimipiscis and non‐actinopterygian outgroups, while other features are more akin to Raynerius from the Late Devonian of France as well as several stratigraphically younger taxa. A phylogenetic analysis resolves the new form as sister taxon to fishes from the Late Devonian of the northern hemisphere and all post‐Devonian actinopterygians, confirming that the assemblage of fossil ray fins from the Gogo Formation is part of the wider Devonian actinopterygian radiation.
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The Silurian fishes from China are characterized by their unique characteristics, high diversity, wide geographic distribution and early stratigraphic occurrence. These fossil materials have provided critical data in the quest for early vertebrate evolution, such as the origin of jaws, the origin and early diversification of crown gnathostomes, the origin of osteichthyans, and the early diversification of sarcopterygians. They have also offered reliable paleoichthyological evidence for some regional stratigraphic issues, exemplified by the subdivision and correlation of Silurian fish-bearing strata and the definition of several geological boundaries in China. We summarize eleven distinctive Silurian fish assemblages in China: the Wentang and Tataaiertage assemblages (early Telychian of Llandovery), the Fentou and Yimugantawu assemblage (middle Telychian), the Maoshan assemblage (late Telychian), the Miaogou assemblage (Homerian of Wenlock), the Yangtze and Keziertage assemblages (early-middle Ludfordian of Ludlow), the Hongmiao assemblage (late Ludfordian of Ludlow), and the Liaojiaoshan and Yanglugou assemblages (Pridoli). In the light of these assemblages, we corroborate that the Silurian shallow marine red beds in the Yangtze area of South China occurred mainly in three horizons, i.e., the lower Telychian of Llandovery (Lower Red Beds), the upper Telychian of Llandovery (Upper Red Beds), and the early-middle Ludfordian of Ludlow (Ludlow Red Beds). We also discuss the subdivision, correlation and geological age of the Silurian red sandstones and mudstones (also termed the "Old Red Rock Series") exposed in the northwestern margin of the Tarim Basin, and review the study of the Silurian-Devonian Boundary in South China on the basis of the fish assemblages and the chemostratigraphic results.
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A well-preserved neurocranium with attached partial skull roof is described from the Early Devonian Taemas Formation at Wee Jasper, southern New South Wales, Australia. The dermal ornament, skull roof pattern, and general proportion and structure of the endocranium are typically actinopterygian and the specimen is tentatively assigned to the actinopterygian genus Ligulalepsis. Other features more closely resemble some other groups, such as sarcopterygians (widely-spaced orbital walls, and short, broad telencephalon cavity), acanthodians (position of hyo-mandibular facet), and placoderms (many similarities including position of foramina for oculomotor, profundus, and trigeminal nerves, pituitary vein, and ophthalmic and orbital arteries in and around the orbit). This specimen is the first early osteichthyan to demonstrate the presence of an eyestalk, previously known only in placoderms and chondrichthyans. The unusual mix of characters and presence of an eyestalk provide new insights into primitive osteichthyan anatomy.
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Extant jawed vertebrates, or gnathostomes, fall into two major monophyletic groups, namely chondrichthyans (cartilaginous fishes) and osteichthyans (bony fishes and tetrapods). Fossil representatives of the osteichthyan crown group are known from the latest Silurian period, 418 million years (Myr) ago, to the present. By contrast, stem chondrichthyans and stem osteichthyans are still largely unknown. Two extinct Palaeozoic groups, the acanthodians and placoderms, may fall into these stem groups or the common stem group of gnathostomes, but their relationships and monophyletic status are both debated. Here we report unambiguous evidence for osteichthyan characters in jaw bones referred to the late Silurian (423–416-Myr-old) fishes
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Living gnathostomes (jawed vertebrates) include chondrichthyans (sharks, rays and chimaeras) and osteichthyans or bony fishes. Living osteichthyans are divided into two lineages, namely actinopterygians (bichirs, sturgeons, gars, bowfins and teleosts) and sarcopterygians (coelacanths, lungfishes and tetrapods). It remains unclear how the two osteichthyan lineages acquired their respective characters and how their common osteichthyan ancestor arose from non-osteichthyan gnathostome groups. Here we present the first tentative reconstruction of a 400-million-year-old fossil ®sh from China (Fig. 1); this fossil fish combines features of sarcopterygians and actinopterygians and yet possesses large, paired fin spines previously found only in two extinct gnathostome groups (placoderms and acanthodians). This early bony fish provides amorphological link between osteichthyans and non-osteichthyan groups. It changes the polarity of many characters used at present in reconstructing osteichthyan interrelationships and offers new insights into the origin and evolution of osteichthyans.
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The evolutionary history of osteichthyans (bony fishes plus tetrapods) extends back to the Ludlow epoch of the Silurian period. However, these Silurian forms have been documented exclusively by fragmentary fossils. Here we report the discovery of an exceptionally preserved primitive fish from the Ludlow of Yunnan, China, that represents the oldest near-complete gnathostome (jawed vertebrate). The postcranial skeleton of this fish includes a primitive pectoral girdle and median fin spine as in non-osteichthyan gnathostomes, but a derived macromeric squamation as in crown osteichthyans, and substantiates the unexpected mix of postcranial features in basal sarcopterygians, previously restored from the disarticulated remains of Psarolepis. As the oldest articulated sarcopterygian, the new taxon offers insights into the origin and early divergence of osteichthyans, and indicates that the minimum date for the actinopterygian-sarcopterygian split was no later than 419 million years ago.
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Chondrichthyans (including living sharks, skates, rays and chimaeras) have a fossil record of scales and dermal denticles perhaps dating back to the Late Ordovician period, about 455 million years ago. Their fossil tooth record extends to the earliest Devonian period, almost 418 million years ago, whereas the oldest known articulated shark remains date from the Early Devonian period, about 394 million years ago. Here we report the discovery of an articulated shark that is almost 409 million years old from the Early Devonian (early Emsian) period of New Brunswick, Canada. The specimen, identified as Doliodus problematicus (Woodward), sheds light on the earliest chondrichthyans and their interrelationships with basal jawed vertebrates. This species has been truly problematic. Previously known only from isolated teeth, it has been identified as an acanthodian and a chondrichthyan. This specimen is the oldest shark showing the tooth families in situ, and preserves one of the oldest chondrichthyan braincases. More notably, it shows the presence of paired pectoral fin-spines, previously unknown in cartilaginous fishes.
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Osteichthyans, or bony vertebrates, include actinopterygians (teleosts and their relatives) and sarcopterygians (coelacanths, lungfishes and tetrapods). Despite features found in basal actinopterygians (for example, Dialipina and Ligulalepis) and basal sarcopterygians (for example, Psarolepis and Achoania), the morphological gap between the two lineages remains wide and how sarcopterygians developed a dermal surface covering known as cosmine (composed of a pore-canal network and a single layer of odontodes and enamel) is still poorly known. Here we describe a primitive fossil fish, Meemannia eos gen. et sp. nov., that possesses an actinopterygian-like skull roof and a cosmine-like dermal surface combining a pore-canal network (found in various fossil sarcopterygians) with superimposed layers of odontodes and enamel (previously known in actinopterygians and some acanthodians). This 405-million-year-old fish from the Lower Devonian of Yunnan (China) demonstrates that cosmine in many fossil sarcopterygians arose step by step through the acquisition of a pore-canal network followed by the subsequently developed ability to resorb previous generations of odontodes and enamel. Meemannia provides key characters for studying deep osteichthyan phylogeny and indicates a possible morphotype for the common ancestor of actinopterygians and sarcopterygians.
The Early Devonian (Lochkovian) sarcopterygian fish Styloichthys has been interpreted as the immediate sister taxon of the clade comprising both the dipnoan and the tetrapod total groups, but support for this placement is weak. Many derived characters of the lower jaw, braincase and dermal skull align Styloichthys with coelacanths and their bearing on the affinities of this genus is set against the evidence in support of earlier interpretations. A revised cladistic analysis places Styloichthys as the most basal coelacanth, which, if correct, fills conspicuous stratigraphic and morphological gaps in the fossil record of this clade. This analysis also raises questions about the phylogenetic placement of onychodonts and the Early Devonian ‘actinopterygians’ Ligulalepis and Dialipina, indicating that these taxa should be the specific targets of future systematic study.
Where did the bony fishes come from? This simple question illustrates a theme, the quest for origins, which has been central to evolutionary biology since its birth as a discipline. Great effort has been expended on tracing the beginnings of the major groups of organisms in the fossil record. This research has had its successes, but has been curiously frustrating — time and again, the vaunted 'basal' forms it has uncovered have confounded expectations, leaving us as much puzzled as enlightened. Now, Zhu et al.(page 607 of this issue1) uncover another example of this pattern: they present a basal bony fish with such an unexpected mix of characteristics that it forces a reconsideration of large parts of the vertebrate family tree.
Modern gnathostomes (jawed vertebrates) emerged in the early Palaeozoic era, but this event remains unclear owing to a scant early fossil record. The exclusively Palaeozoic 'acanthodians' are possibly the earliest gnathostome group and exhibit a mosaic of shark- and bony fish-like characters that has long given them prominence in discussions of early gnathostome evolution. Their relationships with modern gnathostomes have remained mysterious, partly because their un-mineralized endoskeletons rarely fossilized. Here I present the first-known braincase of an Early Devonian (approximately 418-412 Myr bp) acanthodian, Ptomacanthus anglicus, and re-evaluate the interrelationships of basal gnathostomes. Acanthodian braincases have previously been represented by a single genus, Acanthodes, which occurs more than 100 million years later in the fossil record. The braincase of Ptomacanthus differs radically from the osteichthyan-like braincase of Acanthodes in exhibiting several plesiomorphic features shared with placoderms and some early chondrichthyans. Most striking is its extremely short sphenoid region and its jaw suspension, which displays features intermediate between some Palaeozoic chondrichthyans and osteichthyans. Phylogenetic analysis resolves Ptomacanthus as either the most basal chondrichthyan or as the sister group of all living gnathostomes. These new data alter earlier conceptions of basal gnathostome phylogeny and thus help to provide a more detailed picture of the acquisition of early gnathostome characters.
A great tradition in macroevolution and systematics has been the ritual squabbling between palaeontologists and molecular biologists. But, because both sides were talking past each other, they could never agree. Practitioners in both fields should play to their strengths and work together: palaeontologists can provide minimum constraints on branching points in the Tree of Life with considerable precision, and estimate the extent of unrecorded prehistory. Molecular tree analysts have remarkable modelling tools in their armoury to convert multiple minimum age constraints into meaningful dated trees. As we discuss here, work should now focus on establishing reasonable, dated trees that satisfy rigorous assessment of the available fossils and careful consideration of molecular tree methods: rocks and clocks together are an unbeatable combination. Reliably dated trees provide, for the first time, the opportunity to explore wider questions in macroevolution.