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Social power and approach-related neural activity


Abstract and Figures

It has been argued that power activates a general tendency to approach whereas powerlessness activates a tendency to inhibit. The assumption is that elevated power involves reward-rich environments, freedom and, as a consequence, triggers an approach-related motivational orientation and attention to rewards. In contrast, reduced power is associated with increased threat, punishment and social constraint and thereby activates inhibition-related motivation. Moreover, approach motivation has been found to be associated with increased relative left-sided frontal brain activity, while withdrawal motivation has been associated with increased right sided activations. We measured EEG activity while subjects engaged in a task priming either high or low social power. Results show that high social power is indeed associated with greater left-frontal brain activity compared to low social power, providing the first neural evidence for the theory that high power is associated with approach-related motivation. We propose a framework accounting for differences in both approach motivation and goal-directed behaviour associated with different levels of power.
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Social power and approach-related neural activity
Maarten A. S. Boksem, Ruud Smolders, and David De Cremer
Department of Social Psychology, Tilburg University, P.O. Box 90153, 5000 LE, Tilburg, The Netherlands
It has been argued that power activates a general tendency to approach whereas powerlessness activates a tendency to inhibit.
The assumption is that elevated power involves reward-rich environments, freedom and, as a consequence, triggers an approach-
related motivational orientation and attention to rewards. In contrast, reduced power is associated with increased threat,
punishment and social constraint and thereby activates inhibition-related motivation. Moreover, approach motivation has been
found to be associated with increased relative left-sided frontal brain activity, while withdrawal motivation has been associated
with increased right sided activations. We measured EEG activity while subjects engaged in a task priming either high or low
social power. Results show that high social power is indeed associated with greater left-frontal brain activity compared to low
social power, providing the first neural evidence for the theory that high power is associated with approach-related motivation. We
propose a framework accounting for differences in both approach motivation and goal-directed behaviour associated with
different levels of power.
Keywords: power; EEG; asymmetry; approach; inhibition
Having and being able to exercise power is of prominent
importance to our status and our social position compared
to that of others (Flynn et al., 2006). On the one hand, high
status guarantees power; on the other hand, power can be a
means to achieve a higher status in our social environment.
This status with its associated power has a profound impact
on virtually every aspect of our lives. Being high or low in
power determines whether we have easy access to important
resources and whether we can achieve our goals without
interference from others (who may have their own goals
that differ from ours).
Power has been defined as an individual’s relative
capacity to modify others’ states by providing or withholding
resources or administering punishments (Keltner et al.,
2003). While these resources can be both material and
social, in many conceptualizations of power the capacity to
influence others is of primary importance. This type of power
has been called social power because it is derived from ones
relationship to others (Fiske, 1993). Therefore, Galinsky and
colleagues defined power as the ability to control resources,
own and others’, without social interference (Galinsky et al.,
2003). Having access to many resources without interference
from others suggest that people with power can behave in a
much more unconstrained manner compared to people lack-
ing power. Indeed, in their integrative review of the effects of
social power, Keltner and colleagues (2003) propose that
high power is associated with approach behaviour, while
low power is related to inhibitory behaviour.
Perspectives on approach and inhibition behaviour have
been shaped to a large extent by the theory postulated
by Gray (1987) that proposes two interacting motivational
systems: the behavioural approach system (BAS) and the
behavioural inhibition system (BIS). According to Gray,
the BIS is sensitive to signals of punishment and inhibits
behaviour that may lead to aversive or harmful outcomes.
In contrast, the BAS is proposed to be sensitive to positive
signals of reward. Although research has largely focussed
on individual (trait) differences in approach and inhibition
(e.g. Carver and White, 1994; Boksem et al., 2006), Keltner
and colleagues (2003) proposed that power influences the
relative balance between approach and inhibition. Their
theory holds that high power activates approach-related
processes, while low power activates inhibitory processes.
This, they propose, has two major reasons.
First, power is by definition related to controlling impor-
tant resources. Therefore, powerful people more often than
not find themselves in environments offering many potential
rewards, both of a material and a social nature, making
it easier for powerful people to approach these rewards.
Second, powerful people are less dependent on others to
acquire these resources compared to less powerful people,
which is why powerful people experience less constraints and
interference from others, making it easier for them to act in
ways that enable them to reach their goals.
For complementary reasons, less powerful people are
more inclined to inhibit approach behaviour. These people
lack access to material and social resources and experience
more social threat and punishments. They are more sensitive
to the limitations imposed upon them by people higher in
power and are therefore less able to attain their goals. The
environment of people lacking power is characterized by
a high degree of threat and potential punishment, limited
access to resources, and social constraints. Therefore, these
people are more inclined to inhibit approach behaviour.
Received 23 September 2008; Accepted 31 December 2008
Correspondence should be addressed to Maarten A. S. Boksem, P.O. Box 90153, 5000 LE Tilburg,
The Netherlands. Email:
doi:10.1093/scan/nsp006 SCAN (2009) 1 of 5
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Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Advance Access published March 20, 2009
In the psychophysiological literature, approach and
inhibition have been related to different neural systems
that are associated with asymmetries in frontal cortical
activity as measured using electroencephalography (EEG;
Sutton and Davidson, 1997). Approach, a promotion
focus, and approach-related positive affect have been related
to greater left-sided frontal cortical activation (Tomarken
et al., 1992; Sutton and Davidson, 1997; Amodio et al.,
2004), while avoidance-related negative affect and a preven-
tion focus have been associated with greater right-sided, or
possibly reduced left-sided, frontal activation (Henriques
and Davidson, 1990; Amodio et al., 2004).
So far, the literature linking social power to approach
behaviour and the literature linking approach behaviour
to its neural correlates have not been integrated. This is
unfortunate, not only because finding the suggested relation-
ship between power and frontal asymmetry would support
the power-approach theory proposed by Keltner and collea-
gues (2003), but also because the neural correlates of power
may provide new insights in the origins and functionality of
power differences between individuals. The present research
aims to rectify this omission in the literature.
Here, we operationalized power by using a widely used
power prime (Galinsky et al., 2003, 2006), in which power is
made accessible by asking subjects to either write about an
experience in their lives in which they had power over others
(high power prime), or to write about an experience in
which others had power over them (low power prime).
While subjects were engaged in this priming task, we
recorded their EEG. If high power is indeed related to
approach, increased left frontal activity should be observed
in comparison to situations characterized by low power.
Participants and task
Thirty-six right-handed undergraduate students from
Tilburg University [average age ¼20 years (s.d. ¼1.5); 15
males] participated for extra course credit. Subjects com-
pleted a writing task, adapted from Galinsky and colleagues
(2003) that served to prime high or low power. Participants
primed with high power (n¼18) wrote about ‘a particular
situation in which you had power over another individual or
individuals’. Participants primed with low power (n¼18)
wrote about ‘a particular situation in which someone else
had power over you’. Subjects were instructed to think of as
many details about this situation such as what exactly
happened, how they felt at that moment, and write them
down on the sheet of paper with 17 blank lines provided.
While participants were working on this task, their EEG
was recorded.
EEG acquisition and analysis
EEG was recorded from 43 sites using active AgAgCl
electrodes (Biosemi ActiveTwo, Amsterdam, Netherlands)
mounted in an elastic cap. Horizontal EOGs were recorded
from two electrodes placed at the outer canthi of both eyes.
Vertical EOGs were recorded from electrodes on the infra-
orbital and supraorbital regions of the right eye placed in line
with the pupil. The EEG and EOG signals were sampled at
a rate of 256 Hz, and offline rereferenced to an averaged
mastoid reference.
All EEG analyses were performed using the Brain Vision
Analyser software (Brain Products). The data was resampled
at 100 Hz and further filtered with a 0.53 Hz high-pass filter
and a 40 Hz low-pass filter both with a slope of 48 dB/oct.
Artefacts were rejected and eye movement artefacts were
corrected, using the Gratton et al. (1983) method. The
time period in which subjects were working on the writing
task was segmented into 50% overlapping, 5.12 s segments.
After artefact detection and ocular correction as described
above, the data was submitted to a fast Fourier transform
(FFT), using a 100% Hanning window. Using this window
results in complete attenuation of the jump discontinuity
effect caused by performing FFT on segmented EEG data,
while using a 50% overlap ensures that data at the edge of
one segment (where it is dampened the full 100%) is not
attenuated at all in the next segment, thus minimizing
data loss due to this attenuation of data near the edges of
the segments. To remove segment to segment differences in
total EEG power, FFT data was normalized in the 0.520 Hz
range for every channel. Following this, segments were
averaged using only the first 50 segments recorded. This
was done to arrive at an equal number of segments in the
average for all subjects and to make certain that subjects were
engaged in the writing task at every time segment analysed.
Averaged segments were then log-transformed to normalize
the distributions.
Because alpha power (activity in the 812 Hz frequency
range) is inversely related to cortical activity (Laufs et al.,
2003), averaged spectral power within the alpha frequency
range was calculated for every electrode, and used for statis-
tical analyses. To obtain a measure of leftright asymmetry
in frontal brain activation, asymmetry scores were calculated
for an array of three homologous frontal electrode pairs
(AF3, AF4, F3, F4, F5, F6) by subtracting the spectral
power value for the left side from the right side (e.g. F4
F3). This was also done to control for individual differences
from non-neural sources such as skull thickness (Tomarken
et al., 1992; Pivik et al., 1993). For alpha power, positive
asymmetry scores reflect greater left-sided neural activity.
To be able to show that effects are specific for frontal sites,
we also analysed asymmetry data from three homologous
posterior electrode pairs (C5, C6, CP5, CP6, P3, P4).
Differences in frontal leftright asymmetry of cortical
activation were examined for subjects primed with high or
low power. We predicted that priming high power would
result in greater left-sided frontal brain activation, consistent
with the theory by Keltner and colleagues (2003) that power
2of5 SCAN(2009) M. A. S. Boksem et al.
activates approach-related tendencies, which in turn have
been related to greater left-frontal cortical activation
(Sutton and Davidson, 1997).Our prediction was confirmed
by the pattern of activation from the homologous frontal
electrode pairs under consideration. Figure 1 presents the
difference in average alpha power between right and left
electrodes, recorded when subjects worked on the high or
low power prime. Greater left-sided (compared to right-
sided) neural activity was observed for all frontal electrode
pairs (2.13 < t(34) < 3.06, P< 0.05; Table 1). Combining
the separate electrodes into arrays over the left- and the
right-frontal hemisphere, respectively, clearly shows a greater
left-frontal activation for the high power condition com-
pared to the low power condition, t(34)¼3.30, P< 0.001.
As can be observed in Figure 2, this lateralization is not
perfectly symmetrical, stressing the importance of using an
aggregate measure of leftright differences by pooling
electrode pairs like we did. Moreover, this effect was specific
for frontal electrode pairs: no differences in alpha power
were observed between left and right posterior electrode
sites, t(34) < 1.36, n.s.
In their review of the literature, Keltner and colleagues
(2003) proposed that elevated power, involving reward-
rich environments, would trigger approach-related behav-
iour. Reduced power, in contrast, would be associated with
inhibition-related and constrained behaviour. Subsequently,
it was shown by Galinsky and colleagues (2003) that priming
subjects with high power indeed lead these subjects to take
more direct action.
The study presented here provides the first evidence that
the experience of power directly activates the motivational
systems in the brain that regulate approach behaviour.
Compared to subjects primed with low power, subjects
primed with high power showed a greater suppression of
alpha activity over left-frontal cortical areas, compared to
right frontal areas, indicating that high power is associated
with increased left-frontal brain activity (power in the
EEG alpha band is inversely related to brain activity).
Because enhanced left-frontal activity has been associated
with approach behaviour (e.g. Sutton and Davidson,
1997), these findings provide direct support for the premise
that high power is associated with approach motivation.
Importantly, left-frontal brain activity has been related
specifically to approach motivation and not to positive
affect, which may also be associated with high power
(Keltner et al., 2003). Although past research does seem to
indicate that positive emotions are related to left-frontal
Difference in LN a power (m\V2)
AF4-AF3 F4-F3 F6-F5 Frontal R-L
Low Power
High Power
Fig. 1 Difference in average alpha power (in V
) between right and left electrodes,
recorded when subjects worked on the high or low power prime. Greater left-sided
(compared to right-sided) neural activity was observed for all the frontal electrode
pairs. Combining the separate frontal electrodes into arrays over the left and the right
hemisphere, respectively, clearly shows a greater left frontal activation for the high
power condition compared to the low power condition.
Table 1 T-statistics for cortical asymmetries
Electrode pair t-value
AF4-AF3 2.48
F4-F3 2.13
F6-F5 3.06
C6-C5 1.36
CP6-CP5 1.07
P4-P3 0.98
Frontal right vs Left 3.30
P< 0.05;
p< 0.005.
Fig. 2 Topographical map of cortical activation (in V
) on frontal electrode
positions in high vs low power conditions. Positive values indicate relative activation
in the high power condition, while negative values indicate relative deactivations.
Power, approach andlateralized brain activity SCAN (2009) 3 of 5
activity (e.g. Davidson et al., 1990; Tomarken et al., 1992),
more recent work by Harmon-Jones and co-workers suggests
that these findings resulted from confounds between
approach motivation and positive emotional valence
(Harmon-Jones, 2003; see also Harmon-Jones and Allen,
1998). This research shows that anger, a state involving
negative feelings and outcomes (e.g. Lazarus, 1991), but
also approach motivation (e.g. Berkowitz, 1999), is asso-
ciated with left-frontal brain activity (e.g. Harmon-Jones
and Allen, 1998), indicating that motivational direction
and not emotional valence is related to frontal asymmetry
(Harmon-Jones, 2003). In addition, Harmon-Jones and
co-workers (2008) recently showed that positive affect does
not increase relative left-frontal activation, while approach
motivation does. These findings are in clear support of our
interpretation that increased left-frontal brain activation is
associated with approach motivation. This is not to say that
high power is not associated with positive affect, but that
our findings specifically reflect that power is associated with
approach motivation.
In addition to facilitating approach, high power has also
been suggested to specifically facilitate behaviour that is
directed at achieving personal goals. High power individuals
have been shown to have a greater capacity for maintenance
of self-set goals and are better able to keep these goals at the
focus of their attention, while low power individuals are
more guided by situational constraints and have difficulties
inhibiting goal-irrelevant information (Overbeck and Park,
2006; Guinote, 2007). A key brain area in goal-directed
behaviour is the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC).
This area of the brain is thought to maintain the representa-
tion of goals, as well as the means to achieve them (Miller,
2000). Davidson and colleagues (Davidson and Irwin, 1999)
suggest that the left dlPFC (and other prefrontal areas) are
involved in Gray’s BAS and are specifically implicated in
approach behaviour, while the right dlPFC is proposed to
be an important component of the BIS and is related to
withdrawal behaviour. In turn, this differential activation
of left and right PFC is thought to underlie findings of
frontal EEG asymmetry. Supporting this interpretation, a
meta-analysis of PET and fMRI studies of human emotion
indicated that greater left-sided frontal activity was observed
for approach emotions (i.e. happiness and anger; Murphy
et al., 2003), while an EEG source localization study
confirmed that activity in left dlPFC was associated with a
stronger bias to response to reward-related cues (Pizzagalli
et al., 2005).
However, our findings appear to contradict earlier studies
reporting that powerful people tend to have a more global
attentional focus, which has been proposed to make them
more inclined to use heuristics in decision-making and to
stereotype those below them (Fiske, 1993; Smith and Trope,
2006). Because a global attentional focus has been associated
with increased right hemisphere activity (Fink et al., 1996;
Derryberry and Reed, 1998), this seems to be at odds with
the present findings of enhanced left-frontal activity in
powerful subjects. Indeed, Smith and Trope (2006) have
argued that high power may be related to enhanced right
hemisphere activation. This paradox may be resolved by
observing that approach motivation has been related to
left-frontal activity specifically, while a global attentional
focus has been related to more right posterior activation.
Indeed, an affective state characterized by both arousal and
positive valence (such as high power), has been proposed to
be associated with greater left- than right-frontal activity,
but also with enhanced right posterior (parietotemporal)
activity (Heller, 1993).
Thusfar, findings on the behavioural correlates of high
power, such as enhanced approach motivation (Keltner
et al., 2003) and more efficient goal-directed behaviour
(Smith et al., 2008), have been difficult to capture in a
single (neural) model. We propose that differences in
power may be related to differential activation of two
separate neural control (or attention) pathways that project
from limbic areas in the brain to the PFC (Tucker and
Williamson, 1984; Corbetta and Shulman, 2002). A medio-
dorsal pathway projects bilaterally to the dlPFC and is
involved in planning, goal-directed behaviour and applying
top-down control over selection of stimuli from the envir-
onment. A right lateralized ventrolateral pathway projects to
the orbitofrontal cortex and ventral PFC and is more sensi-
tive to external cues and is specialized in detecting salient
unexpected events in the environment. Importantly, the
‘dorsal’ control system is considered to be proactive in that
it is engaged when behaviour follows a predetermined action
plan, while the ‘ventral’ system is considered to be reactive,
interrupting dorsal goal-directed behaviour when events in
the environment call for a change of plans.
We suggest that powerful people may rely more on the
proactive dorsal control system, stimulating approach and
goal-directed behaviour, while the behaviour of powerless
people depends more on the right-lateralized, reactive
ventral system, which down-regulates approach and is sen-
sitive to salient external events, leaving powerless people less
able to inhibit distracting information from the environ-
ment. This would make adaptive sense: being relatively
unconstrained, powerful people are in a position to act in
accordance with predetermined plans, while powerless
people continuously have to monitor their unpredictable
environment for unexpected changes, perhaps caused by
more powerful people. Therefore, low power most likely
does not impair executive control, but rather activates a
more reactive mode of behavioural control that is actually
more adaptive for those low in power. Applying this proac-
tive/reactive model of behavioural control to the concept of
social power would integrate several separate lines of
research on the motivational, behavioural and neural
determinants of social power. In addition, it provides a
framework for guiding future research on the neural and
behavioural correlates of power.
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Power, approach andlateralized brain activity SCAN (2009) 5 of 5
... Besides the ERP, alpha band (8-13 Hz) oscillation is considered to be an inverse measure of cortical activity that higher alpha oscillation indicates greater cerebral inhibition (Compton et al., 2011). The theory of frontal alpha asymmetry (FAA) proposes that a positive value of FAA, which is calculated as the difference between the counterparts of right-and left-hemispheric electrodes, is positively linked to the activity of the left prefrontal network; and a negative value of FAA represents the dominant activity in the right prefrontal network (Boksem et al., 2012;Galang & Obhi, 2019). Relevantly, Jackson et al. (2003) found in an image browsing task that individuals with higher values of FAA exhibited lower startle magnitudes when viewing negative images, suggesting the association between increased activity in the left prefrontal cortex and automatic emotion regulation. ...
... The power spectra were normalized (i.e., with a mean of zero). We also calculated the value of FAA, i.e., the difference between the counterparts of rightand left-hemispheric electrodes (AF4-AF3, F2-F1, F4-F3, F6-F5, F8-F7, FP2-FP1, FC2-FC1, FC4-FC3, and FC6-FC5; seeBoksem et al., 2012;Galang & Obhi, 2019). ...
While the effect of interpersonal distance on forgiveness has been investigated over the past few years, it remains unclear whether this facilitating effect holds even when measured implicitly. Meanwhile, though cognitive control and the corresponding prefrontal cortex play a prominent role in forgiveness processing, the neural mechanism underlying forgiveness toward varied wrongdoers is largely unexplored. Here, forty-two participants initially underwent noise offense either from their friend or stranger, followed by a word identification test to examine their implicit attitude, during which they were presented with word-name combinations and required to categorize forgive- or complain-label words while ignoring the names of their friends or strangers below. A shorter reaction time reflects more congruence with one's implicit attitude. Electroencephalogram was recorded during the word identification test. Behaviorally, while individuals reacted faster to forgive-friend relative to complain-friend pairings, no such reaction bias was found for the stranger-wrongdoer, which suggests that individuals were more inclined to forgive someone close. Regarding the EEG/ERP results, forgive-friend elicited lower alpha oscillation and more negative frontal alpha asymmetry (FAA) value than complain-friend combinations, suggesting increased and dominant activity in the right prefrontal network during forgiveness toward friends. Whereas complain- relative to forgive-stranger combinations elicited larger P3 amplitudes, suggesting a neural encoding bias to information associated with complaints about stranger-wrongdoer. These multimodal findings provide evidence for the benefits of closeness in forgiveness and shed light on the neural mechanisms underlying forgiveness toward different types of wrongdoers.
... LFA related to angry and defensive reactions to provocations and threats has usually been found at the F3F4 or F7F8 locations according to the international 10-20 system (Harmon-Jones & Allen, 1997; Henriques & Davidson, 1991;Harmon-Jones, 2003;McGregor, Nash, & Inzlicht, 2009;Sobotka, Davidson, & Senulis, 1992). Non-defensive LFA activated by reward and self-related cues (values and power) and measured via fMRI and EEG has been found more centrally, however, closer to AF3AF4 (Boksem, Smolders, & DeCremer, 2009;Pizzagalli, Sherwood, Henriques, & Davidson, 2005; see also Dutcher et al., 2016, andFalk et al., 2015, for bilateral effects). Together, previous findings suggest approach states aroused by value affirmation cause LFA located at more anterior frontal sites than the reactive LFA that is caused by threats and anger. ...
... AF3AF4 is closer to the medial prefrontal cortex than any of the other frontal electrode sites assessed by our headsets. Moreover, experimentally manipulated social reward has caused significant increases in LFA at AF3AF4 in past research (Boksem et al., 2009), and the transcendent values people spontaneously nominate are usually socially themed (Burson et al., 2012;Crocker et al., 2008;Schnabel, Purdie-Vaughns, Cook, Garcia, & Cohen, 2013). In Study 1 we accordingly used LFA at AF3AF4 as the dependent variable (and the same data extraction procedures as in the pilot study). ...
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Fidelity with self-transcendent values is hailed as a hallmark of mature and magnanimous character by classic psychological and philosophical theories. Dozens of contemporary experiments inspired by self-affirmation theory have also found that when people are under threat, focus on self-transcendent values can confer magnanimity by improving psychological buoyancy (less anxious and more courageous, determined, and effective) and decreasing belligerence (less defensive, extreme, and hostile). The present research was guided by the postulate that both aspects of magnanimity—its buoyancy and its freedom from belligerence—arise from the approach motivated states that self-transcendent foci can inspire. Experimental manipulations of self-transcendent foci (values, spirituality, compassion) heightened state approach motivation as assessed by electroencephalography (Study 1, n = 187) and self-report (Study 2, n = 490). Further, even though the heightened approach motivation was transient, it mediated a longer-lasting freedom from moral (Study 1) and religious (Study 2) belligerence. Importantly, self-transcendent-focus effects on approach motivation and belligerence occurred only among participants with high trait meaning search scores. Results support an interpretation of meaningful values and spiritual ideals as self-transcendent priorities that operate according to basic motivational mechanics of abstract-goal pursuit. The transient, approach-motivated state aroused by transcendence-focus causes longer lasting relief from preoccupation with threat, leaving people feeling buoyant and generous. Relevance of results for self-affirmation theory and the psychology of spirituality are discussed.
... For example, compared to low-powered individuals, high-powered individuals recalled less threatening information that was earlier presented to them and generated fewer potential threats while imagining future goals (Whitson et al., 2013). These findings have also been supported by a neuropsychological study that showed that priming people with state of high social power increased activity in the left prefrontal cortex, which was previously associated with focusing on rewards (approach system) (Boksem et al., 2012). Moreover, several similarities between people with high state of power and sense of power and people who focus on rewards (promotion focus) have been found, such as overestimation of control (Fast et al., 2012;Langens, 2007), higher levels of optimism (Anderson & Galinsky, 2006;Fast et al., 2009; Sek sci nska, Rudzinska-Wojciechowska, & Jaworska, 2022), and greater propensity to take risks (Anderson & Galinsky, 2006;Higgins, 2002). ...
Correlates of power remain understudied in the context of financial risk taking. This project aimed to investigate the role of focus on rewards versus threats in explaining the relationship between power and risky financial choices across three studies ( N 1 = 326, N 2 = 397, N 3 = 223). Study 1 analyzed the mediating role of focus on rewards versus threats and financial risk perception in the relationship between sense of power and risky financial choices. The results indicated that a greater sense of power translates into a greater general focus on rewards, which, in turn, leads to lower investment and gambling risk perception and results in riskier financial choices. Study 2 investigated the role of states of power and lack of power in explaining people's financial decisions as well as their influence on people's situational focus on rewards versus threats. We demonstrated that the state of power plays a significant role in explaining the situational focus on rewards versus threats, situational risk perception, and risky investment and gambling choices. Study 3 tested the single and joint moderating effects of the state of focus on rewards versus threats and the state of power in explaining the positive relationship between the sense of power and risky investing and gambling choices. In line with our main hypothesis, the obtained results showed a significant three‐way interaction among sense of power, state of power, and state of focus on rewards versus threats, both in terms of investment and gambling choices.
... Power is also defined as the ability to influence another person to do something they would not do without the presence of such power (Hashemian et al., 2019). Accordingly, individuals who hold higher status (rank) in an organization are guaranteed power due to legitimacy (French and Raven, 1959;Boksem et al., 2012), especially in high-stakes situations, because of the control of others, resources, and fewer social barriers to action. It is argued that having power allows the individual to operate with more free will (i.e., less inhibition; Weber, 1914). ...
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Individuals in positions of power are often required to make high-stakes decisions. The approach-inhibition theory of social power holds that elevated power activates approach-related tendencies, leading to decisiveness and action orientation. However, naturalistic decision-making research has often reported that increased power often has the opposite effect and causes more avoidant decision-making. To investigate the potential activation of avoidance-related tendencies in response to elevated power, this study employed an immersive scenario-based battery of least-worst decisions (the Least-Worst Uncertain Choice Inventory for Emergency Responses; LUCIFER) with members of the United States Armed Forces. In line with previous naturalistic decision-making research on the effect of power, this research found that in conditions of higher power, individuals found decisions more difficult and were more likely to make an avoidant choice. Furthermore, this effect was more pronounced in domain-specific decisions for which the individual had experience. These findings expand our understanding of when, and in what contexts, power leads to approach vs. avoidant tendencies, as well as demonstrate the benefits of bridging methodological divides that exist between “in the lab” and “in the field” when studying high-uncertainty decision-making.
... Controlling resources also means that powerful individuals often find themselves in resource-rich environments. 12,43 Based on this premise and on Gray's 39 theory of approach and inhibition motivational states, having power activates a behavioral approach tendency because circumstances allow powerful individuals to approach the goals they desire. 6,12 Research has indicated that having power gives people clarity of focus and energizes their actions, which helps them approach goals without distractions. ...
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Purpose Previous studies on consumer decision strategies have focused on the process or outcomes of decision-making using different decision strategies. Relatively little is known about the factors (especially decision makers’ characteristics) influencing the use of different decision strategies. This study examined the effects of power on consumer decision strategies and the underlying mechanisms. Methods Studies 1 (N = 128) and 2 (N = 130) examined multiple- and binary-option situations, respectively. Participants’ power was manipulated with a writing task and their consumer decision strategies were assessed through the selection tasks of restaurants and beach resorts. Study 3 (N = 326) further explored the mediator of approach-inhibition tendency and the moderator of gender in the relationship between power and consumer decision strategies. Participants’ chronic sense of power, approach-inhibition tendency, and purchasing strategies were measured using questionnaires. Results Powerful (vs powerless) individuals prefer to use a direct selection (vs exclusion) strategy, regardless of whether they face multiple or binary choices. An increased approach (vs inhibition) tendency explains why elevated power promotes the use of the direct selection strategy. Moreover, gender plays a moderating role. Specifically, the mediation effect of approach (vs inhibition) tendency on the relationship between power and the preference for the direct selection (vs exclusion) strategy is stronger for males than for females. Conclusion This study extends previous research on power and consumer decision strategies by clarifying that the effects of power on consumer decision strategies are primarily driven by high power (but not by low power). Furthermore, by examining the mediator of approach-inhibition tendency and the moderator of gender, this study promotes a deeper understanding of how power affects consumer decision strategies and for whom the effect is more salient. Besides, the present research has contributions to the approach-inhibition theory of power and the literature on gender differences in consumer behavior, and has practical implications for business marketing.
Although previous research has shown that social power modulates individuals’ sensitivity to rewards, it is currently unclear whether social power increases or decreases individuals’ sensitivity to rewards. This study employed event-related potentials (ERPs) to investigate the effects of social power on individuals’ neural responses to monetary and social rewards. Specifically, participants underwent an episodic priming task to manipulate social power (high-power vs. low-power) and then completed monetary and social delayed incentive tasks while their behavioral responses and electroencephalograms (EEG) were recorded. According to ERP analysis, during the anticipatory stage, low-power individuals exhibited a greater cue-P3 amplitude than high-power individuals in both monetary and social tasks. In the consummatory stage, though no impact of social power on the reward positivity (RewP) was found, low-power individuals showed a higher feedback-P3 (FB-P3) amplitude than high-power individuals, regardless of task types (the MID and SID tasks). In conclusion, these results provide evidence that social power might decrease one’s sensitivity to monetary and social rewards in both the anticipatory and consummatory stages.
Power is an all-pervasive, and fundamental force in human relationships and plays a valuable role in social, political, and economic interactions. Power differences are important in social groups in enhancing group functioning. Most people want to have power and there are many benefits to having power. However, power is a corrupting force and this has been a topic of interest for centuries to scholars from Plato to Lord Acton. Even with increased knowledge of power's corrupting effect and safeguards put in place to counteract such tendencies, power abuse remains rampant in society suggesting that the full extent of this effect is not well understood. In this paper, an effort is made to improve understanding of power's corrupting effects on human behavior through an integrated and comprehensive synthesis of the neurological, sociological, physiological, and psychological literature on power. The structural limits of justice systems' capability to hold powerful people accountable are also discussed.
This article reviews neuroscience studies of frontal α asymmetry in healthy people. Right-sided α asymmetry is associated with sensitivity to reinforcement and social activity. Right- and left-hemisphere asymmetry in children corresponds to temperaments with predominance of arousal and inhibition respectively. Provocation of the anger leads to shift of α asymmetry to the right, while anxiety produces shift to the left. Posed emotional facial expressions, watching emotional video clips, and listening to music generally reproduce effects consistent with the motivational and emotional hypotheses. Studies using static visual and social auditory stimuli and attempts to link asymmetry of the frontal α activity with personality traits and background mood in adult people have produced contradictory results, emphasizing the importance of seeking and exploring moderator variables.
A sense of power refers to the perception that one can control and influence others’ states by providing or withholding valued resources in an asymmetrical way, and which has been associated with greater hope. However, little is known about the neural bases underlying this association. The present study aimed to examine these phenomena in 261 healthy adolescent students by assessing resting-state brain activity (i.e., the amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations, ALFF) and connectivity (i.e., resting-state functional connectivity, RSFC). Whole-brain correlation analyses revealed that higher levels of perceived power were linked with reduced ALFF in the left thalamus and increased RSFC between the left thalamus and left superior temporal gyrus. Mediation analyses further showed that perceived power mediated the influence of the left thalamus activity on hope. Our results remained significant even after controlling for the head motion, age, and gender. Our findings contribute to the neurobiological basis of a sense of power and the neural mechanism underlying the relationship between a sense of power and hope.
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History has shown that people who embody responsibility-focused power have been credibly accused of sexual harassment. Drawing from power-approach and moral licensing theories, we present two complementary studies examining how responsibility-focused power triggers moral licensing, which, in turn, decreases perceptions of sexual harassment (Study 1) and increases intentions to engage in sexual harassment (Study 2). In Study 1, 365 participants read a scenario of a man embodying responsibility-focused power, self-focused power, or low power (control) and then read a case about the man’s alleged sexual harassment against a subordinate. Findings illustrated that moral crediting mediated the effect of power construal on false accusation judgments. In Study 2, 250 participants were primed to experience responsibility-focused power or low power. Responsibility-focused power increased sexual harassment intentions through effects on communal feelings and moral crediting. Based on these findings, we develop a new theoretical perspective on why sexual harassment occurs and why people deny perceiving it. We provide practical recommendations to organizational leaders for developing interventions, such as training, that may disrupt effects of power and moral licensing on sexual harassment intentions. We also encourage public discourse on the harms of harassment that supposed “good people” commit.
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The anterior regions of the left and right cerebral hemispheres have been posited to be specialized for expression and experience of approach and withdrawal processes, respectively. Much of the evidence supporting this hypothesis has been obtained by use of the anterior asymmetry in electroencephalographic alpha activity. In most of this research, however, motivational direction has been confounded with affective valence such that, for instance, approach motivation relates positively with positive affect. In the present research, we tested the hypothesis that dispositional anger, an approach-related motivational tendency with negative valence, would be associated with greater left- than right-anterior activity. Results supported the hypothesis, suggesting that the anterior asymmetry varies as a function of motivational direction rather than affective valence.
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This research assessed whether individual differences in anterior brain asymmetry are linked to differences in basic dimensions of emotion. In each of 2 experimental sessions, separated by 3 weeks, resting electroencephalogram (EEG) activity was recorded from female adults during 8 60-s baselines. Mean alpha power asymmetry across both sessions was extracted in mid-frontal and anterior temporal sites. Across both regions, groups demonstrating stable and extreme relative left anterior activation reported increased generalized positive affect (PA) and decreased generalized negative affect (NA) compared with groups demonstrating stable and extreme relative right anterior activation. Additional correlational analyses revealed robust relations between anterior asymmetry and PA and NA, particularly among subjects who demonstrated stable patterns of EEG activation over time. Anterior asymmetry was unrelated to individual differences in generalized reactivity.
Recently, there has been a convergence in lesion and neuroimaging data in the identification of circuits underlying positive and negative emotion in the human brain. Emphasis is placed on the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and the amygdala as two key components of this circuitry. Emotion guides action and organizes behavior towards salient goals. To accomplish this, it is essential that the organism have a means of representing affect in the absence of immediate elicitors. It is proposed that the PFC plays a crucial role in affective working memory. The ventromedial sector of the PFC is most directly involved in the representation of elementary positive and negative emotional states while the dorsolateral PFC may be involved in the representation of the goal states towards which these elementary positive and negative states are directed. The amygdala has been consistently identified as playing a crucial role in both the perception of emotional cues and the production of emotional responses, with some evidence suggesting that it is particularly involved with fear-related negative affect. Individual differences in amygdala activation are implicated in dispositional affective styles and increased reactivity to negative incentives. The ventral striatum, anterior cingulate and insular cortex also provide unique contributions to emotional processing.
Gray (1981, 1982) holds that 2 general motivational systems underlie behavior and affect: a behavioral inhibition system (BIS) and a behavioral activation system (BAS). Self-report scales to assess dispositional BIS and BAS sensitivities were created. Scale development (Study 1) and convergent and discriminant validity in the form of correlations with alternative measures are reported (Study 2). In Study 3, a situation in which Ss anticipated a punishment was created. Controlling for initial nervousness, Ss high in BIS sensitivity (assessed earlier) were more nervous than those low. In Study 4, a situation in which Ss anticipated a reward was created. Controlling for initial happiness, Ss high in BAS sensitivity (Reward Responsiveness and Drive scales) were happier than those low. In each case the new scales predicted better than an alternative measure. Discussion is focused on conceptual implications.
We review evidence for partially segregated networks of brain areas that carry out different attentional functions. One system, which includes parts of the intraparietal cortex and superior frontal cortex, is involved in preparing and applying goal-directed (top-down) selection for stimuli and responses. This system is also modulated by the detection of stimuli. The other system, which includes the temporoparietal cortex and inferior frontal cortex, and is largely lateralized to the right hemisphere, is not involved in top-down selection. Instead, this system is specialized for the detection of behaviourally relevant stimuli, particularly when they are salient or unexpected. This ventral frontoparietal network works as a 'circuit breaker' for the dorsal system, directing attention to salient events. Both attentional systems interact during normal vision, and both are disrupted in unilateral spatial neglect.
Resting anterior brain electrical activity, self-report measures of Behavioral Approach and Inhibition System (BAS and BIS) strength, and general levels of positive and negative affect (PA and NA) were collected from 46 unselected undergraduates on two separate occasions Electroencephalogram (EEG) measures of prefrontal asymmetry and the self-report measures showed excellent internal consistency reliability and adequate test-retest stability Aggregate measures across the two assessments were computed for all indices Subjects with greater relative left prefrontal activation reported higher levels of BAS strength, whereas those with greater relative right prefrontal activation reported higher levels of BIS strength Prefrontal EEG asymmetry accounted for more than 25% of the variance in the self-report measure of relative BAS-BIS strength Prefrontal EEG, however, was not significantly correlated with PA or NA, or the relative strength of PA versus NA Posterior asymmetry was unrelated to the self-report measures