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A preliminary analysis of collocational differences
in monolingual comparable corpora
Marco Baroni and Silvia Bernardini, University of Bologna at Forlì
1. Introduction
The notion of collocation has enjoyed mixed fortunes in the 50 odd years of its existence. Claimed to
be obscure (Lyons, 1977: 612), counterproductive (Langendoen 1968: 63ff) and generally useless
(Lehrer 1974)1 by its detractors, the idea that part of the meaning of a word is somehow related to its
“word accompaniment, the other word material in which [it is] most commonly or most
characteristically embedded” has also had its supporters. These have suggested that words have no
meaning out of context, and meaning itself is not contained anywhere, but rather dispersed as the “light
of mixed wave-lengths into a spectrum” (Firth 1957(1951): 192).
The intuitive appeal of this view is evident if one thinks of the difficulty a compositional
approach to meaning has (even allowing for subcategorisation frames) in explaining the patterned
quality of language performance, as found in a corpus, and ultimately the speaker’s or writer’s
effortless routine handling of co(n)textual restrictions. The hypothesis that “everything we say may be
in some degree idiomatic – that […] there are affinities among words that continue to reflect the
attachments the words had when we learned them, within larger groups” (Bolinger, 1976:102) provides
a powerful argument in favour of the empirical study of collocations, with implications for theoretical,
descriptive and applied branches of linguistics. In recent years, notwithstanding the vagueness of the
notion and consequent methodological problems in investigating it empirically, the study of
collocations has indeed defied difficulties and criticism and sparked renewed interest in a number of
areas ranging from computational and corpus linguistics to lexicography, language pedagogy, and
crucially for our purposes, translation studies.
The hypotheses that “everything we say may be in some degree idiomatic” (Bolinger, above),
and that “actual usage plays a very minor role in one’s consciousness of language” (Sinclair 1991:39)
raise a number of interesting questions for translation research. Is there any evidence that translators be
aware of collocational restrictions in the source and target languages? Do they show sensitivity to
phraseological (a)typicality and restrictedness? These are very complex issues, that can hardly be
resolved in one fell swoop. For a start, theoretical as well as methodological problems remain as to
what collocations are in the first place,2 and how best they can be retrieved from corpora and compared
(see e.g. Krenn 2000a). Secondly, different types of corpora for the study of translation exist,
providing different perspectives on the translation process.
In this paper, we limit our investigation to monolingual comparable corpora (MCC) and present
a number of attempts at selecting and comparing collocations across original and translated texts. This
study is novel in at least two ways: to the best of our knowledge, no previous investigation of the
behaviour of translators through MCC has focused on collocational restrictions, and no study of
collocational restrictions in translated texts has attempted to select candidate bigrams automatically.
The paper is organised as follows. Section 2 provides a general background on monolingual
comparable corpora and collocation extraction. In section 3 we present a brief study conducted on a
small corpus of EU reports in translated and original English. Section 4 describes a more substantial
study of a corpus of translated and original world affairs articles in Italian. In section 5 we briefly
discuss directions for further work.
2. Background
2.1 Monolingual comparable corpora in translation research
Monolingual comparable corpora are collections of original and translated texts in the same language,
assembled according to comparability criteria such as “a similar domain, variety of language and time
span […]” (Baker 1995: 234).
According to Frawley (1984: 168-169)
translation […] is essentially a third code which arises out of the bilateral consideration of the matrix and target codes […]
since [it] has a dual lineage, it emerges as a code in its own right, setting its own standards and structural presuppositions
and entailments […].
1 “The main criticism against the lexical approach to co-occurrence is that it does not explain anything. The lexical
item is found to collocate with a second item and not with a third, but no explanation is given. Collocations and
sets are treated as if combinatorial processes of a language were arbitrary” (Lehrer 1974: 176).
2 A recent book on corpus-based lexical semantics gives the following rather general definition of collocation:
“‘collocation’ is frequent co-occurrence” (Stubbs 2001: 29).
Following Baker (e.g. 1995), work on MCC has adopted a corpus-based research methodology to
unveil universal features of translation seen not as an individual act of interlinguistic transfer, but as a
mediated communicative event, with its own “third code”. 3 Thus, rather than focusing on differences
between single originals and their translations (i.e. parallel texts), MCC allow the analyst to compare
collections of originals and translations in the same language, unrelated to each other but chosen so as
to be broadly comparable.
There is no doubt that MCC provide an innovative research environment in which translation
norms (Toury 1995) and strategies (Löscher 1991) can be observed against the backdrop of target
language use. Yet they raise substantial methodological problems that risk invalidating the results
obtained. The main problem one is confronted with relates to the comparability of the corpus
According to one of its compilers (Laviosa 1998a), the two components of the English
Comparable Corpus (ECC) are comparable with regard to the relative proportion of biography and
fiction (i.e. genre), time span, distribution of female and male authors, distribution of single and team
authorship, and overall size of each component. Furthermore, continues Laviosa, “the target audience
of both collections can be characterised as literate, intellectual adults of both sexes”.
The compilers have clearly thought out their design criteria. Yet doubts about the
comparability of the two corpora remain. The criteria just mentioned would appear to be derived from
monolingual corpus building heuristics. Yet your average translated novel, say, has a much more
complex history than your average original novel. First, it derives directly from an existing text (its
source text). Disregarding the latter may have somewhat worrying consequences: for example, the
source text could have been written much earlier than its translation. In this case, it would not seem
unlikely for the latter to display features typical of a diachronically different state of the target language
(for further discussion and a concrete example see Bernardini and Conrad 2002).
In more general terms, translation involves two cultures-languages, at times distant from each
other, and a set of decisions – often involving substantial investments of time and funds - that have to
be taken in order for a work to migrate between the two. It has been suggested that these migrations are
subject to socio-cultural norms (Toury 1995). For instance, not everything that is published in the
Netherlands is translated into English, far from it; instead,
Dutch fiction is chosen for translation either in the function of assumed target taste or in that of the status the work has
acquired at the source pole, often as a combination of the two. (Vanderauwera 1985: 132)
Ignoring such socio-cultural factors when setting up a monolingual comparable corpus may result in
reduced comparability and doubtful interpretations of the data obtained.
Given the complexity of the translation situation – we have only scratched the surface of the
problem here, see Bernardini and Zanettin (forthcoming) for a more detailed discussion –, and the fact
that corpus comparability is in itself an untrivial concept (Kilgarriff 2001), it would seem wise to give
serious thought to the composition of a MCC, at least at these early stages, and to refrain from the
assumption of comparability based on crude situational criteria inherited from monolingual research.
In an attempt to limit the proliferation of variables, and consequent difficulty in interpreting
results, the corpora on which the experiments we present are based were selected so as to be maximally
The first corpus (EU) is a collection of official reports submitted by different EU countries to the
EU Commission, describing progress made in the implementation of European guidelines in the area of
employment policies.4 Two versions are typically available, the original in the country’s language, and
a translation, normally into English. Though the originals were not included in the corpus, they were
consulted to make sure that the English texts were indeed translations, not independent texts nor source
texts for the pair.
From these texts we constructed a small corpus of originals from Ireland and the United Kingdom
and translations from Finland, Italy, Portugal and Sweden.5 The corpus contains 72,966 words in the
original section and 145,932 words in the translation section.
3 Among the universals proposed are simplification, explicitation/explicitness, normalization, levelling out,
disambiguation and standardization (e.g. Baker 1995, 1996; Schmied and Schäffler 1996, Laviosa 1998a, 1998b;
Olohan and Baker 2000; Olohan 2001).
4 The reports are freely available on the Web:
5 The direction of translation was confirmed by bilingual speakers of English and each of the four languages in
This corpus has its advantages and its disadvantages. On the one hand, translation is carried out
into international English, thus limiting the effect of preliminary norms deciding what to translate when
(Toury 1995, above). The texts are very homogeneous, in terms of topic, date, register etc. Copyright
clearance and text preparation are straightforward, and this is no trivial advantage in a exploratory
study like this one, in which the possibility that the material be inadequate for the purposes of the
research has to be investigated empirically. On the other hand, these are rather boring texts, translated
into a highly conventionalised variety of English – sometimes called EUese; thus, doubts may be raised
about the generalisability of any results to different translation settings. Furthermore, the corpus is
rather small.
The second corpus (LIMES) is a slightly less homogeneous but far larger collection of articles
published in the Italian Quarterly Limes - Rivista italiana di geopolitica [Italian geopolitics journal].
6The complete collection of articles published between 1993 and 1999 is included. The total size of the
corpus is approximately 3 million words, with translations accounting for slightly less than one third of
the total. These have been carried out by approximately 40 different translators, about half male and
half female. The total number of authors exceeds 700. Each volume is centred around a theme (“War in
Europe”; “Divisions within Islam”, “What use is NATO?”, “The global bomb”), and normally contains
both originals and translations, thus ensuring thematic consistency across the original and translated
components. Judging from the topic matter and names of authors and translators, it would appear that
source languages for these include, among others, Albanian, Arabic, Chinese, English, French,
German, Serbo-Croatian, Russian.
These characteristics of homogeneity (originals and translations address the same audience,
deal with virtually the same topics, conform to the same editorial policies) would appear to guarantee
an acceptable level of comparability between the subcorpora, such as is rare in MCC. The likely variety
of source languages should limit specific source language effects. Similarly, the variety of authors,
translators and topics covered should limit the effect of idiosyncracies.
2.2 Collocational restrictions and translation
In order to compare the level of patterned-ness in translated versus original language, it is first of all
necessary to retrieve candidate patterns. A common approach to this problem has been the structural
one: patterns are defined in terms of sequences of parts of speech, which are then searched either
manually, or automatically with the help of a tagged corpus. For example, Gitsaki (1996) adopts this
approach in her study of collocations in ESL student written production, deriving candidate structures
from a dictionary (Benson et al 1986). Krenn and Evert (see e.g. Krenn 2000b, Krenn and Evert 2001)
adopt statistical measures to rank potential collocations that match certain syntactic templates, on the
basis of a tagged and partially parsed corpus. Heid (1996: 121) describes “discovery procedures for
collocations […] based on a detailed description of the targeted collocations”. The starting point in this
case is a classification of lexical functions as defined by Mel’čuk (e.g. 1996).
Within TS, two recent works have attempted to analyse collocations in original vs translated
language. They both rely on bilingual (parallel) corpora, adopting a different viewpoint from the one
adopted here. Yet the method used for retrieving relevant units of analysis is equally relevant. Kenny’s
study of “sanitisation” in translation adopts various techniques for spotting creativity in originals before
checking how it is rendered in translation. One “node” is identified – the German word Auge [eye] - as
an impressionistically viable choice, i.e. a word that is frequent enough, enters into fixed expressions,
and has been found in previous studies to be the object of creative manipulation by other writers.
Concordances, tables of collocates and lists of clusters are then retrieved for this word. This method is
appropriate to investigate whether translators tend to normalise creative collocations, but would appear
to be hardly adaptable to the aims of the present study. More relevant to our concerns is Danielsson’s
(2001) attempt at designing an automatic process whereby UMs (units of meaning) for English and
Swedish can be identified in a parallel corpus and compared. She takes a sample of about 200
“interesting” words occurring 200 times or more in her corpora, and automatically works through their
downward and upper collocates (Sinclair 1991). This method yields units of varying length containing
some of the most frequent words in the corpora. A third method, the longest-linear method, is used to
retrieve “units of structure” of the type “the X of the new Y” (ibid: 149). What would appear to be left
out by the joint application of these methods is the potentially large set of collocations containing less
frequent words, whose significance is not necessarily small.
The collocation extraction methods discussed in this section, all relatively knowledge-
intensive, have led to cleaner, easier-to-interpret results than the ones we report below. It might be
6 We would like to thank Limes for granting permission to use their CD-ROM for this research
argued, however, that they place strong interpretative grids over the data (e.g. through intuitive
classifications, POS tagging and so forth) that are better avoided at these early stages of research.
We prefer the simple knowledge-free method we describe below (4.2) since we do not know, a
priori, which collocational structures are most typical of the original and translated languages we are
studying, and thus we would not want to bias the results in the direction of a specific subset of
collocational templates. Indeed, as we will briefly discuss in 4.5, it appears that some interesting
differences between translated and original texts concern frequent syntactic structures that would not
traditionally be considered collocations.
No less important, we are interested to see whether it is possible to obtain meaningful results
with a method that would be applicable to any language or sub-language, independently of the NLP
resources available.
3. A pilot study with the EU corpus
We conducted a pilot study with the EU data in which, following a method similar to those proposed in
Kilgariff (2001), we verified that the lists of collocations extracted from subcorpora constructed from
parts of the same corpus are more strongly correlated than those extracted from different corpora. This
result was obtained with all the collocation extraction and scoring methods we describe below. Thus,
the pilot experiment indicates that our measures are sensitive to systematic similarities among corpora
more than to the random similarities and differences that we expect to exist in any set of textual data.
However, a more thorough investigation of the EU data along the lines of the one we report
below for the LIMES data failed to reveal systematic differences between original and translated
While it is tempting to attribute this failure to the “scripted” nature of the EU report genre, that
would tend to reduce the differences between originals and translations, we feel that, because of the
small size of the corpus, it is premature to draw any conclusions from this failure. We plan to collect a
larger corpus of EU reports, in order to obtain more robust results.
4. Analysis of the LIMES corpus
4.1 Corpus pre-processing
The text extracted from the LIMES database was split into a corpus of articles originally written in
Italian and a corpus of articles translated from other languages into Italian using an automated
procedure. Interviews and roundtables were discarded, since we were not sure about their status.
The output of the automated procedure was checked and corrected by hand. We also
performed other minor clean-ups in a semi-automated fashion.
The original text corpus (O) and the translated text corpus (T) were tokenized in an extremely
rudimentary way, removing all non-alphabetic symbols except the apostrophe, that, following the
conventions of Italian orthography, was tokenized as part of the preceding word.
After tokenization, the O corpus contained 2,132,060 words and the T corpus contained
895,820 words.
O and T were further subdivided into subcorpora as described in sections 4.3 and 4.4.
4.2 Collocation extraction and ranking
In order to find collocations, we first collected for each subcorpus of interest (see discussion in 4.3 and
4.4 below) candidate bigrams that had the following characteristics: 1) they were made of words that
occurred at least twice in all the subcorpora to be compared; 2) they occurred at least 3 times in the
relevant subcorpus.
The rationale for the first of these conditions is that we are not interested in differences in
collocations that are due to differences in the topics covered by the various articles. We expect that
words that are relatively frequent in all the subcorpora being compared are words that are not strongly
linked to any particular topic.
The second condition guarantees that we have a list of manageable size, and it is unlikely to
exclude any “true” collocation, since collocations are, by definition, frequent ngrams. 7
We used three association measures to rank the lists of bigrams: raw frequency, (point-wise)
mutual information (Church and Hanks 1990) and (-2*) log-likelihood ratio (Dunning 1993). Unlike
raw frequency, the other two measures take the unigram frequency of the words composing the bigram
7 We ran some preliminary experiments in which the bigram collection procedure ignored words from an
automatically constructed list of likely function words. We are still in the process of analyzing the results obtained
in this way, but see note 10 below for some short remark on them.
into account, and favor word combinations whose frequency is higher than what we would expect
under assumptions of independence.
Mutual information and log-likelihood ratio are calculated using the formulas given in
Manning and Schütze (1999 ch. 5). For discussion of these and other measures of collocativity see also
Evert (2001).
We chose not to pick one specific measure as the “right” one given the exploratory nature of
this study. Moreover, recent work (e.g. Inkpen and Hirst 2002, Baroni et al. 2002) suggests that
measures such as mutual information and log-likelihood ratio should be used in combination, as they
tend to discover different types of related words.
As a consequence of the collocation extraction and evaluation methods we used, the results
reported below are based on a rather generous and vague notion of what counts as a collocation:
essentially, any pair of adjacent words that has a high frequency, and/or a higher frequency than what
we would expect by chance, is treated as a collocation.
Furthermore, by working with lists of ranked bigrams, we are implicitely assuming that
collocativity is gradient, rather than binary.
4.3 Comparing the number of collocations in translated and original text
The first question we were interested in answering was the following: Do translators have a greater
tendency to use fixed expressions than original authors? In principle, there could be an effect in either
direction: On the one hand, translators could have a tendency to use a simplified language
characterized, among other things, by the frequent repetition of the same expressions (a possible effect
of the tendency towards explicitness, on which see Schmied and Schäffler 1996). On the other,
faithfulness to the source language text, coupled with the fact that many fixed expressions are often not
translatable from a language to the other, could lead the translators to use fewer collocations than the
creators of original texts.
In order to study this issue, we split the T corpus into 5 subcorpora containing 179,164 words
each, and we randomly selected 5 chunks of 179,164 words from the larger O corpus.
From each of the 10 subcorpora created in this way, we extracted candidate bigrams and
computed frequency, mutual information and log-likelihood as described above.
First of all, we compared the number of candidate bigrams in the T-subcorpora to the number
of candidate bigrams in the O-subcorpora. For the T-subcorpora, the average number of bigrams is
8,094.2 (median: 8,149); for the O-subcorpora the average is 8,044.8 (median: 8,128). According to the
results of a two-tailed Mann-Whitney U test (see Siegel 1956, ch. 6), the difference between the two
sets is not significant at the α = 0.05 level.
In the subsequent analyses, rather than considering simply the number of bigrams extracted
from each subcorpus, we looked at the association scores that were assigned to these bigrams. In
particular, for each measure m and for each cutoff point c from a set of cutoff points across the
distribution of m, we computed the percentage of bigrams in each subcorpus that had an m-score equal
or greater than c. We then compared the percentage of bigrams at or above the various cutoff points in
the T- vs O-subcorpora.
In Table 1, we report the results of this type of analysis performed at 3 cutoff points for each
of the measures (for frequency and log-likelihood ratio, the cutoffs are expressed as logarithms of the
actual values). We chose this particular set of cutoff values since they seem to represent well the range
of patterns encountered.
For each measure and representative cutoff point, the table reports the average percentage of
bigrams with scores at least as high as the cutoff point in the T- and O-subcorpora, the medians, and
whether a two-tailed Mann Whitney test comparing the T- and O-subcorpus sets with respect to the
relevant percentages was significant at the α = 0.05 level.
measure cutoff T-avg O-avg T-med O-med MW test
fq 2 25.8 24.87 25.84 24.73 significant
fq 3 6.45 5.8 6.42 5.73 significant
fq 4 1.43 1.09 1.39 1.05 significant
mi 5 25.53 25.07 25.55 25.09 significant
mi 8 4.58 4.75 4.56 4.70 not sig
mi 10 1.05 1.15 1.04 1.16 not sig
llr 3 41.39 40.07 41.56 39.92 significant
llr 4 12.42 11.65 12.35 11.36 significant
llr 5 3.11 2.69 3.02 2.83 significant
Table 1 Proportion of bigrams cutoff value
As the table shows, there is a small but clear tendency for the translated texts to contain a larger
number of bigrams with stronger association scores (this is also in line with the results on the absolute
number of bigrams we presented above).
The only data that do not go in this direction are those for the “middle’” and “high” mutual
information cutoffs. It is interesting that these are also the only levels at which the difference between
the groups is not statistically significant, i.e., what we have here is not a reversal of the effect, but a
lack of significant effects of the translated/original distinction.
An informal comparison of the top bigrams according to mutual information to the top
bigrams according to frequency and log likelihood ratio suggests that the latter two measures (the first
more than the second) tend to pick up bigrams where at least one component is a function word,
whereas mutual information tends to pick up bigrams that are closer to our intuitive idea of what a
collocation is (frequent/lexicalized N+Adj or V+N structures).
Thus, the difference between translated and original texts detected with frequency, log-
likelihood ratio and the lowest mutual information cutoff seems to be due to frequent bigrams that
would not normally be treated as collocations. We will come back to this topic in 4.5 below.
4.4. Collocation overlap among translated and original texts
The data reported above provide some (weak) evidence that there are systematic differences between
translated and original texts in terms of collocational patterns, but they do not tell us whether such
differences are due to a general tendency for translators to use more fixed expressions, or whether there
are specific fixed expressions that tend to be favored by translators (or by original writers).
In order to test this second possibility, we conducted another set of experiments in which we
measured the degree of overlap and correlation among the collocations found in original and translated
This time, we split the T corpus into 10 subcorpora containing 89,582 words each, and we
randomly selected 10 chunks of 89,582 words from the larger O corpus.
We then merged 5 randomly selected T-subcorpora into a 447,910 word “reference” T corpus
and 5 randomly selected O-subcorpora into a 447,910 word “reference” O corpus.
The idea, then, was to compare the bigrams found in the unmerged T- and O-subcorpora to the
bigrams found in reference T and reference O. If there is a tendency to use similar bigrams in texts of
the same type, we should find that the bigrams in the T-subcorpora tend to be closer to those in
reference T than to those in reference O, and/or that the bigrams in the O-subcorpora tend to be closer
to those in reference O than to those in reference T.8
First of all, we looked at the number of candidate bigrams (in the sense of 4.2 above) that the
T-subcorpora and the O-subcorpora shared with the reference corpora. To control for the effect of the
absolute size of the bigram lists we computed the percentage of shared bigrams over the total number
of distinct bigrams in the two lists being compared.
The average percentage of bigrams shared by the T-subcorpora with reference T was 21.28
(median: 21.36); the average percentage shared by the T-subcorpora with reference O was 21.32
(median: 21.11). The average percentage of bigrams shared by the O-subcorpora with reference O was
21.16 (median: 21.20); the average percentage of bigrams shared by the O-subcorpora with reference T
was 20.23 (median: 20.25).
These data suggest that there is no strong trend in either direction as far as simple ovelap of
the candidate bigram lists goes. This was confirmed by the statistical analysis. We ran Wilcoxon two-
tailed matched-pairs signed-rank tests (Siegel 1956, Ch. 5) comparing the T-subcorpora percentage
overlap with reference T vs their overlap with reference O, and comparing the O-subcorpora percentage
overlap with each of the reference corpora. Neither test gave significant results at α = .05.
We then computed, for each of the association measures, the Spearman rank correlation
coefficients (Siegel 1956, ch. 9) between each T- or O-subcorpus and the reference corpora. The
correlations were computed by considering only those bigrams that occured both in the list extracted
from the relevant subcorpus and in the list extracted from the relevant reference corpus.9
8 We use the reference corpus strategy rather than directly comparing all subcorpora to each other since the latter
strategy would yield results that are difficult to interpret, as the samples would not be independent from each other
(e.g. the degree of overlap between, say, subcorpora T1 and T2, that between T1 and T3 and that between T2 and
T3 would all have counted as instances of T-to-T comparisons).
9 In general, the percentage overlap between the bigrams in a subcorpus and the bigrams in a reference corpus is
around 21%, as we have just seen. Including the 79% of bigrams that are not shared by the compared corpora into
the correlation analyses would have been problematic both from a statistical point of view, because of the massive
The results of these analyses are summarized in Table 2. The first column reports the
association measure; the second column reports the subcorpus set; the third column reports the average
(in parenthesis: median) of the Spearman coefficients of the correlations between each of the relevant
subcorpora and reference T; the fourth column reports the same data for the correlations with reference
O; the fifth column reports whether a Wilcoxon test for the corresponding data (correlation coefficients
of the subcorpora with reference T vs reference O) gave significant results at α = .05.
measure subcorpora avg (med) r
with T
avg (med) r
with O
W test
fq T .63 (.63) .59 (.60) not sig
fq O .61 (.60) .62 (.62) not sig
mi T .91 (.91) .91 (.91) not sig
mi O .91 (.91) .91 (.91) not sig
llr T .74 (.73) .72 (.72) not sig
llr O .72 (.72) .73 (.73) not sig
Table 2 Correlations between subcorpora and reference corpora
First of all, notice that in general the correlation coefficients between corpora are quite high, in the case
of mutual information so high that the uniform results could be due to a ceiling effect.
The results with frequency and log-likelihood ratios go in the expected direction (each set of
subcorpora is correlated more strongly with the corresponding reference corpus). However, the
differences are very small and they are not statistically significant.
Given the small size of the subcorpora (< 100,000 tokens) and their limited number (5 per set),
it seems that an obvious next step with respect to the overlap/correlation analysis would be to test
whether the weak trends we have detected are confirmed by an analysis based on a larger data set.
4.5 Qualitative analysis
In order to collect a smaller data set for a preliminary qualitative analysis, we extracted the collocations
that appear to be most typical of translated texts and the collocations that appear to be most typical of
original texts using the following method.
We first computed the average log-likelihood ratio for each bigram in the O-subcorpora and in
the T-subcorpora described in 4.3. Then, we computed the log ratio of these two values for each
bigram. We put the bigrams with a positive value of this measure equal to or greater than 12 in the list
of bigrams typical of original text, and the bigrams with a negative value equal to or greater than 12 in
the list of bigrams typical of translated text. The ±12 cut-off point was arbitrarily chosen to limit the
data to a manageable amount.
Based on a subjective evaluation of meaningfulness and wellformedness, each set was further
divided into two (sub-)sets. Set A contains sequences that appear to be meaningful and well-formed,
while set B contains less likely collocation candidates, i.e. incomplete sequences resulting in
syntactically ill-formed structures (termine geopolitica; iniziativa centro; veda nota); fully-predictable
sequences (suo figlio [“his/her son”]; noi europei [“we Europeans”]; sarà possibile [“it will be
possible”]) and, somewhat more controversially, content words preceded or followed by function
words (usually articles or prepositions), such as sull’isola [“on the island”]; delle riserve [“of the
reserves”]; proveniente dal [“coming from the”]. Since this is no attempt at proposing a classification
of collocations, we have not provided intepretative labels for these groupings. Table 3 shows the
number of bigrams assigned to each set, and their proportion out of the total number of bigrams
selected for analysis.
Tot Set A % Set B %
original 166 83 50 83 50
translated 203 74 36.45 129 63.54
Table 3 A tentative classification of bigrams
Although the initial number or bigrams selected is substantially larger in the case of translations (203 vs
166 in originals), when less meaningful and wellformed sequences are removed only 74 bigrams are
tie problem due to the 0-scores, and from an empirical point of view, since, in the best case, the analyses would
have essentially been a replica of the overlap analyses we just presented.
left (vs 83 in the originals).10 These can be futher analysed in terms of their topic-dependency, and
grouped along the cline “technical-general” into the fuzzy categories strongly topic-dependent
(containing a geographical term), weakly topic-dependent and topic independent (general language).
The top 5 bigrams from each category are reproduced in Table 4:
lega nord Northern League
(It pol. party)
fratelli musulmani Muslim brothers
lingua russa Russian language marco tedesco German mark
minoranza italiana Italian minority mar rosso Red Sea
Alto adriatico High Adriatic chiesa russa Russian church
centro europea Central-European vicino oriente Near East
guerra giusta right war governo federale Federal government
minoranze etniche ethnic minorities nucleo centrale central nucleus
opinioni pubbliche public opinions sistema monetario monetary system
spazio vitale vital space istituto orientale Oriental institute
prodotti industriali industrial products autorità federali Federal authorities
basti pensare suffice it to think terza fase third phase
breve periodo short period porre fine put a stop
chi scrive the writer [lit. s/he who
stessa cosa same thing
occorre realizzare it is necessary to set up reso noto made public
scorso anno last year far sì make possible
Table 4 Examples of bigrams grouped according to topic-dependency
Table 5, based on a manual count, shows that topic-independent typical sequences are twice as
common in originals as in translations, whilst the opposite is true of strongly topic-dependent
% strongly topic-
original 21 (25,3%) 12 (14,4%)
translated 10 (13,5%) 29 (39,1%)
Table 5 Distribution of topic independent and strongly topic-dependent bigrams
The initial impression of a more substantial incidence of repeated patterns in translated vs original
language, supported by the number of patterns retrieved, is mitigated by observation of actual
instances. It does seem that translated language is repetitive, possibly more repetitive than original
language. Yet the two differ in what they tend to repeat: translations show a tendency to repeat
structural patterns and strongly topic-dependent sequences, whereas originals show a higher incidence
of topic-independent sequences, i.e. the more usual lexicalised collocations in the language. The latter
may be viewed as instances of those “target-specific features” that according to Mauranen
(forthcoming), who analyses Finnish data, tend to be underrepresented in translations with respect to
comparable originals.
Closer observation of the bigrams excluded from this analysis (B set) reveals further
interesting patterns. For example, the sequences considerato come [considered.MASC.SING as] and
considerata come [considered.FEM.SING as], appear in the list of typically translational expressions.
A search for all the variants of the adjective/past participle (masculine singular and plural, feminine
singular and plural) retrieves 619 occurrences from the original corpus, and 333 occurrences from the
translation corpus. These figures are in accordance with the relative sizes of the two corpora,
approximately 2:1. However, if we look at the frequency of the collocate come in the first position to
the right of the keyword, the proportions change dramatically (table 6):
10 This agrees with what we observed in 4.3 concerning the results obtained with mutual information vs frequency
and log-likelihood ratio, i.e. that the former tends to pick up the most plausible collocations whilst failing to detect
differences between originals and translations. The same point emerges from a preliminary analysis of the bigrams
extracted after removing the function words (see footnote 7 above). Again, in this kind of data the differences
between original and translated language nearly disappeared.
Total tokens % + come (R1) %
Original 619 2,096,191 2.9 69 9.8
Translated 333 922,946 3.6 61 20.7
Table 6 Frequencies of considerato and considerato come
It might be hypothesised that translators show a preference for using optional come [“as”] in this
structure. This would be in line with Olohan’s findings concerning overuse of optional elements in
(English) translation (Olohan 2001).
Clearly, caution must be exercised in drawing conclusions, especially in an exploratory study
like this one. However, the current findings are promising, hinting at some systematic differences in the
use of collocations in closely comparable translated and non-translated texts.
5. Conclusions
We believe that this study has shown that monolingual (closely) comparable corpora are promising
resources for the study of collocational restrictions in translated vs non-translated language. Simple
data-exploration methods coupled with qualitative analyses would appear to be adequate in providing
at least preliminary insights in this area.
At the same time, we were only able to detect weak trends in the LIMES corpus, and no effects
in the EU corpus. We plan to improve on this via two strategies. On the one hand, we hope that by
simply enlarging both corpora, we will be able to identify more robust statistical trends. On the other,
we can bootstrap from the data-driven insights presented in this exploratory study to devise knowledge-
richer collocation extraction methods. For example, the observations in 4.5 suggest that analysis of
frequent bigrams including function words might reveal itself to be particularly relevant in telling
translated language apart from original language. This is a strategy we would have not considered had
we not performed this preliminary data-driven investigation.
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... Due to limited corpus size, Danielsson found only two collocations (units of meaning). Baroni and Bernardini (2003) attempted to analyse collocation in translational language on the basis of a monolingual comparable corpus of Italian original and translated texts. They employed the bigram model to retrieve and rank word pairs based on the log-likelihood (LL) value, and found that translational language shows more repeated patterns and fewer lexicalized collocations, whilst native-speaker language shows more lexicalized collocations. ...
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This paper outlines the potential features of Chinese–English translated business texts by investigating collocation use as a linguistic feature to test the two translation universals (TUs) of simplification and explicitation in two comparable corpora. We employed two linguistic indicators – namely, collocability and delexicalization – to generalize the distinctive features of collocation distribution patterns in a corpus of Chinese–English translated business texts. The findings show that translated texts in our study were characterized by the over-use of free combinations and collocations with a literal sense, and under-use of bound collocations, idioms and collocations with a delexical sense. Therefore, our findings confirm that the translational business English in our corpus did indeed reflect TU claims, as the collocations in the translated text appeared to be both ‘simpler’ in form and more ‘explicit’ in meaning than native-speaker business English.
... Attempts at analysing collocations in translated language systematically have been made by Baroni and Bernardini (2003) and Danielsson (2001). The former approaches the issue of collocations in translation from the target perspective, using a monolingual comparable corpus of Italian original and translated articles from a single geopolitics journal. ...
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This paper describes an attempt at investigating some collocational properties of translated language. The notion of collocation is one of the cornerstones of corpus linguistics, and has been the subject of substantial speculation and empirical research (section 2.1). Within translation studies, few works have tackled this issue, partly
This article compares phraseological tendencies in translated vs. non-translated English through functionally classified 3-word sequences. The study builds on previous research that compared 3-grams in fiction texts originally written in English with fiction texts translated from Norwegian. The current investigation adds English translations from two additional languages – German and Swedish – with the aim of establishing to what extent the tendencies noted for English translations from Norwegian extend to English translations from other languages. Thus the study contributes to the discussion of translation universals and translation as a third code. At the level of 3-gram functions, it has been uncovered that English originals and translations share similar functional characteristics in eight of the fourteen categories identified. Of the remaining six, four show statistically significant differences between originals and translations, regardless of source language. Based on a more qualitative study of four specific 3-grams from two of these categories, it is concluded, in line with the previous studies, that the most likely explanations are source language(s) shining through and the (potentially universal) tendency for translators to use a smaller and more fixed set of expressions in their translations.
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The study explores the potential of quantitative methods to shed light on how texts originally written in English (EO) and texts translated into English (ET) from Norwegian cluster in terms of functional classes. The object of study are sequences of three words (3-grams), classified into 15 functional categories. The investigation establishes that EO and ET do not differ significantly in half of the categories. As for the categories that do differ, two (Comparison and Spatial) are investigated in more detail, uncovering that the more frequent use of Comparison and Spatial 3-grams in ET is most likely a result of source language shining through. The findings are important in the context of both descriptive translation studies and translation-based contrastive studies. With regard to the former, the current study shows that, in many cases, ET does not seem to constitute a ‘third code’ at the level of 3-gram functions, since the same functions are equally attested in EO. As far as contrastive studies are concerned, the investigation reveals few, if any, lexico-grammatical differences between EO and ET that overturn the belief that translations are a good tertium comparationis when comparing and contrasting language systems.
This chapter discusses the role played by corpus linguistics in contemporary translation studies in past decades. We will begin with an introduction to the fundamental reformative influence of corpus linguistics upon the methodologies of the contemporary linguistic research, which is then followed by a more detailed description of the most frequently used types of corpora, particularly multilingual corpora, in contrastive linguistic research and translation studies. We will also introduce a growing paradigm of research by exploring the latest developments in corpus-based translation studies.
In this chapter, we will investigate the macro-statistic features of translational Chinese based on contrastive analyses of the corpus of translational Chinese (ZCTC) and the corpus of non-translational or native Chinese (LCMC). These macro-statistic linguistic features involve a wide range of corpus linguistic parameters, such as lexical density, textual information load, high-frequency words, low-frequency words, average word length, average sentence length, average sentence segment length, average paragraph length and word clusters, which will be analysed and discussed in detail in the following sections.
Translational language as a “third code” has been found to differ from both source and target languages. Recent corpus-based studies have proposed a number of translation universal (TU) hypotheses including, for example, simplification, explicitation and normalisation. This article investigates the “source language shining through” hypothesis put forward by Teich (2003: 207) by exploring source language interference in translated texts, at both lexical and grammatical levels, in English-to-Chinese translation on the basis of comparable corpora and parallel corpora of the two languages. The evidence from the two genetically distant languages is of critical importance in generalising the source language interference as a potential translation universal.
This article is concerned with three linguistic features which have so far been rarely investigated in translation studies – namely idioms, word clusters and reformulation markers, in translational Chinese as represented in a one-million-word balanced corpus of translated Chinese texts in comparison with native Mandarin represented in a comparable corpus of non-translated Chinese texts. Our results show that idioms are more commonly used in native Chinese, meaning that the distribution patterns of idioms tend to be language-specific whereas word clusters are substantially more prevalent in translated Chinese, suggesting a tendency in translation to use fixed and semi-fixed recurring patterns in an attempt to achieve improved fluency. Reformulation markers function as a strategy for explicitation in Chinese translations, which tend to use informal, stylistically simpler forms than native Chinese texts.
This article presents a corpus-based contrastive study of word clusters and reformulation markers in Chinese and English, and discusses the implications of the findings for translation universal hypotheses. The study is based on three balanced comparable corpora which represent British English, native Chinese and translational Chinese in addition to an English-Chinese parallel corpus which provides a basis for comparing native and translated English and investigating explicitation in translation. Our results show that word clusters are substantially more common in translated Chinese, suggesting a tendency in translations to use fixed and semi-fixed recurring patterns in an attempt to achieve improved fluency. The more frequent use of word clusters, especially those of high frequency and high coverage in translational Chinese, is also likely to be a result of the influence of the English source language because word clusters are significantly more prevalent in native English in relation to native Chinese. Chinese and English tend to use reformulation markers of different styles while on the other hand, reformulation markers are generally more common in both translated English and translated Chinese than in their native counterparts, suggesting that reformulation markers function as a strategy for explicitation in translations, which tend to use oral, stylistically simpler forms than non-translated texts.
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The primary objective of this paper is to propose a corpus-based research methodology for comparing quantitative aspects of collocational patterning in translated and non-translated texts of the same language. The main issue under investigation is whether collocational patterns tend to be less diverse (i.e. reduced in range) in translated than non-translated texts. A pilot study is carried out with a view to examining the overall number of collocates and the distribution of collocations in relation to a given node in the translated and non-translated subcorpora. The data is drawn from a comparable corpus of Brazilian Portuguese which consists of two separate subcorpora: one made up of translated Brazilian Portuguese and the other consisting of non-translated Brazilian Portuguese. Both subcorpora are designed according to the same criteria and specifications and are of similar size.
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Résumé Cet article étudie la nature linguistique des textes anglais traduits. L'auteur part d'une sous-section du English Comparable Corpus (ECC). La sous-section contient deux sélections de proses narratives en anglais : un premier jeu constitué de traductions à partir de diverses langues sources et un second contenant des textes originaux en anglais rédigés à la même épo-que. L'étude révèle quatre différents modèles d'utilisation lexicale dans les textes traduits par rapport aux originaux. Abstract This paper investigates the linguistic nature of English translated texts. The author' cor-pus consists of a sub-section of the English Comparable Corpus (ECC). It comprises two collec-tions of narrative prose in English: one is made up of translations from a variety of source languages, the other includes original English texts produced during a similar time span. The study reveals four patterns of lexical use in translated versus original texts.
Translators and translators' associations all proclaim that translations are creations; though, not all translations are creative and no translation can be said to be creative from start to finish. What is the real extent of creativity in translation? That's what this paper wants to address. Cognitive approaches in translation studies have shown how meaning and form are processed and how creative solutions emerge during the translation task. Theoretical and empirical studies on creativity have provided useful models that we want to discuss. We suggest that translational creativity is two-pronged as it works on comprehension and rewriting, and is multidimensional as it encompasses various operations at different levels. A double helix model crossed by five axes (formal, semantic, referential, narrative, translational) will be presented and illustrated without omitting the special situation of literary translation. Creativity criteria will be proposed.
Words and Phrases: Corpus Studies of Lexical Semantics By Michael Stubbs. Massachusetts. Blackwell Publishers. 2001.