
Functional Discourse Grammar: A Typologically-based Theory of Language Structure



This book presents Functional Discourse Grammar (FDG). Chapter 1 gives an overall picture of the model and places it in the context of contemporary linguistics. Chapter 2 presents the interpersonal level of the grammar, at which the Discourse Act, the central object of FDG, is analysed. Chapter 3 is a systematic account of the representational level, where semantic distinctions are located. Chapter 4 is concerned with the morphosyntactic level and Chapter 5 with the phonological level; these show how FDG treats formal distinctions across languages. The book ends with Chapter 6, an application of the theory to sample Discourse Acts. © Kees Hengeveld and J. Lachlan Mackenzie 2008. All rights reserved.
... Its analysis serves to observe the functions that the chosen evidential units exercise in the construction of sense effects such as reliability, credibility, and/or (dis)compromise before what has been said. In addition, evidenciality is analyzed with a functionalist basis, such as that of the Functional Discourse, proposed by Grammar Hengeveld and Mackenzie (2008), and under the precepts of a qualitative methodology, supported by quantitative tools. This research is aimed to identify the different uses of these subcategories and analyzes their relationship with the pragmatic categories in the selected type of text. ...
... La operación de formulación está relacionada con las disposiciones pragmáticas y semánticas relevantes en las lenguas, y la operación de codificación se vincula con la forma morfosintáctica y fonológica que las configuraciones semánticas y pragmáticas desarrollan en las lenguas (Hengeveld y Mackenzie, 2008). La perspectiva funcionalista conduce a la hipótesis de que un amplio número de categorías formales pueden recibir explicación de modo perspicaz si se ponen en correspondencia con las categorías semánticas y pragmáticas arraigadas en la cognición y en la comunicación entre seres humanos (Hengeveld y Mackenzie, 2008; Acerca de la pertinencia de la teoría para el análisis que aquí se expone, el modelo de la GDF presenta un abordaje de la categoría de la evidencialidad para el Nivel Interpersonal. ...
... La operación de formulación está relacionada con las disposiciones pragmáticas y semánticas relevantes en las lenguas, y la operación de codificación se vincula con la forma morfosintáctica y fonológica que las configuraciones semánticas y pragmáticas desarrollan en las lenguas (Hengeveld y Mackenzie, 2008). La perspectiva funcionalista conduce a la hipótesis de que un amplio número de categorías formales pueden recibir explicación de modo perspicaz si se ponen en correspondencia con las categorías semánticas y pragmáticas arraigadas en la cognición y en la comunicación entre seres humanos (Hengeveld y Mackenzie, 2008; Acerca de la pertinencia de la teoría para el análisis que aquí se expone, el modelo de la GDF presenta un abordaje de la categoría de la evidencialidad para el Nivel Interpersonal. La propuesta de este modelo para el estudio de las categorías se enfoca en las camadas del Componente Gramatical, las cuales permiten una mejor visualización del comportamiento de estrategias evidenciales: citativas y reportativas en el género reportaje y su interacción con las diferentes modalidades. ...
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Este artículo aborda el estudio de la evidencialidad como la categoría conceptual-funcional responsable de manifestar la fuente de información declarada en un discurso. Por tanto, se realiza una investigación de esta categoría lingüística en reportajes del periódico Juventud Rebelde. El análisis en esta tipología textual sirve para observar las funciones que las unidades evidenciales escogidas ejercen para la construcción de efectos de sentido, tales como la fiabilidad, credibilidad, y/o (des)compromiso ante lo dicho. El abordaje se realiza desde la base funcionalista de la Gramática Discursivo-Funcional de Hengeveld y Mackenzie (2008) y bajo los preceptos de una metodología cualitativa apoyada en herramientas cuantitativas. Se acomete la indagación con el objetivo de identificar los diferentes usos de la evidencialidad en el Nivel Interpersonal en la construcción discursiva. El trabajo contribuye a profundizar en esta categoría desde la perspectiva funcionalista, poco abordada en los estudios lingüísticos en Cuba.
... In this chapter, we will argue that present-day English phrases of this kind form a separate NP-construction, which we will refer to as the 'head-classier construction' (henceforth HCC). 2 Data from the British National Corpus (BYU-BNC; Davies 2004) will be used (1) to dene the construction in terms of function and form, and (2) to clearly delineate HCCs from conventional N+PP constructions (e.g. the wall of my house), pseudopartitive constructions (e.g. a piece of clay), and N-N compounds 3 (e.g. a clay wall). Finally, the theory of Functional Discourse Grammar (FDG; Hengeveld and Mackenzie 2008) will be used to propose analyses reecting the dierences and similarities between HCCs and related constructions. ...
... Unlike in the case of the HCC, there is no mismatch between the Interpersonal and Representational Levels (the Referential Subact corresponds to an Individual, the Ascriptive Subacts to the Properties). Hengeveld and Mackenzie (2016: 1150-1153 provide analyses for several types of (productive) compounding. Here we will only discuss those that are relevant for this chapter, namely, nucleus-modier compounds and predicate-argument compounds. ...
A considerable amount of research has been devoted to binominal constructions, including pseudo-partitives, evaluative binominal constructions, and sort/kind constructions. This chapter discusses another, as yet largely ignored binominal construction, the head-classifier construction. Unlike regular N+PP constructions, head-classifiers are characterized by the fact that the second noun does not head a referential NP but indicates a (taxonomic) subcategory (bird of prey), an intrinsic property (a wall of clay), or a qualification (a man of honour). In this chapter, data from the British National Corpus are used (1) to define the head-classifier construction in terms of function and form, and (2) to clearly delineate head-classifier constructions (HCCs) from conventional N+PP constructions (e.g. the wall of my house), pseudo-partitive constructions (e.g. a piece of clay) and N-N compounds (e.g. a clay wall). Finally, the theory of Functional Discourse Grammar is used to propose analyses reflecting the differences and similarities between the head classifier and related constructions.
... Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar os papéis do juntor pero em combinação com bueno, vamos e claro em um corpus do espanhol peninsular falado sob perspectiva funcionalista. O aparato teórico-metodológico utilizado é o da Gramática Discursivo-Funcional (HENGEVELD;MACKENZIE, 2008). Sob essa perspectiva, verificou-se que pero, ao acompanhar elementos como bueno, vamos, e claro, pode conferir sentido contrastivo e codificar a função retórica Concessão, quando atua como operador de Ato Discursivo, ou pode atuar exclusivamente no monitoramento da interação. ...
... This paper aims to present the roles of the joinor pero in combination with bueno, vamos and claro in a spoken Spanish corpus from a functionalist perspective. The theoretical and methodological framework used is the Functional Discourse Grammar (HENGEVELD; MACKENZIE, 2008). From this perspective, it was verified that pero, when accompanying elements like bueno, vamos, and claro, can confer contrastive meaning and encode the rhetorical function Concession, when it acts as a Discourse Act operator, or it can act exclusively in monitoring the interaction. ...
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Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar os papéis do juntor pero em combinação com bueno, vamos e claro em um corpus do espanhol peninsular falado sob perspectiva funcionalista. O aparato teórico-metodológico utilizado é o da Gramática Discursivo-Funcional (Hengeveld; Mackenzie, 2008). Sob essa perspectiva, verificou-se que pero, ao acompanhar elementos como bueno, vamos, e claro, pode conferir sentido contrastivo e codificar a função retórica Concessão, quando atua como operador de Ato Discursivo, ou pode atuar exclusivamente no monitoramento da interação. Esses dois usos são codificados de forma diferente no Nível Fonológico, o que foi constatado por meio do programa Praat. Quando atua como operador de Ato, pero apresenta o padrão entonacionoal complexo descendente-ascendente; por outro lado, quando atua no monitoramento da interação, pero apresenta o padrão entonacional descendente. O universo de investigação é embasado no corpus PRESEEA (Proyecto para el Estudio Sociolingüístico del Español de España y de América), base de dados disponível online.
... Designed by Hengeveld and Mackenzie (2008), the FDG theoretical model constitutes a development of the Functional Grammar postulated by Dik (1997aDik ( , 1997b. In its theoretical model, the FDG addresses the situated nature of linguistic communication, that is, it considers the inter-relationship between language and context. ...
... Based on typological evidence, Hengeveld and Mackenzie (2008) propose that Company, Instrument and Beneficiary modifiers are the core ones, being linked to the Configurational Property, whereas those of evidentiality and those which reveal propositional attitudes of the Speaker are more peripheral, being related to the layer of Propositional Content. Among them are those of State-of-Affairs and Episode. ...
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ANSCOMBRE; DUCROT, 1977ANSCOMBRE, J. C.; DUCROT, O. Deux Mais en français. Língua, Amsterdam, v. 43, p. 23-40, 1977. VOGT; DUCROT, 1980VOGT, C.; DUCROT, O. De Magis a Mas: uma hipótese semântica. In: VOGT, C.; DUCROT, O. Linguagem, pragmática e ideologia. São Paulo: Hucitec, 1980. p. 103-128. Adversative coordination; Contrast; MasSN; Reduction; Functional Discourse Grammar
... En el capítulo v, «Reportativos, citativos y mirativos en el español andino ecuatoriano: un análisis discursivo-funcional», Hella Olbertz se propone describir las nociones reportativa, citativa y mirativa a partir del modelo conocido como Gramática Discursivo-Funcional (Hengeveld & Mackenzie 2008) y del análisis de las siguientes tres estructuras: el dizque reportativo, el dizque citativo y el perfecto compuesto mirativo en el español de la sierra ecuatoriana. Para ello, la autora recurre a una división simplificada en cuatro grupos de hablantes, basados en su dominio de las lenguas quechua y española, y, de manera correlativa, en su posición socioeconómica. ...
... Our hypothesis is that, over time, this connective will stop marking only semantic concessive relationships to also mark more interpersonal concessive relationships. For that, we adopted the Functional Discourse Grammar of Hengeveld and Mackenzie (2008) and the grammaticalization proposal based on this model elaborated by Hengeveld (2017). Our corpus, extracted from the CORDE database, gathers occurrences of por mucho in the Old, Middle and Modern Spanish. ...
o presente trabalho realiza uma análise diacrônica de por mucho no espanhol peninsular a fim de descrever uma trajetória de gramaticalização desse juntor após ter adquirido valor concessivo. Nossa hipótese é de que, ao longo do tempo, esse juntor deixe de marcar apenas relações concessivas semânticas para marcar também relações concessivas mais interpessoais. Para tanto, adotamos como aparato teórico a Gramática Discursivo-Funcional de Hengeveld e Mackenzie (2008) e a proposta de gramaticalização a partir desse modelo elaborada por Hengeveld (2017). Nosso córpus, extraído do banco de dados CORDE, reúne ocorrências de por mucho nas fases antiga, média e moderna do espanhol. Como critérios de análise, observamos a camada de atuação da relação concessiva, a factualidade da estrutura concessiva e a codificação modo-temporal da estrutura concessiva oracional. Como resultado, atestamos que, inicialmente, por mucho atua apenas como marcador de função semântica, na camada do Conteúdo Proposicional, mas, ao longo do tempo, passa a atuar também como marcador de função retórica, na camada do Ato Discursivo. Essa mudança revela uma abstratização dos contextos de uso do juntor, que é acompanhada por mudança nos padrões referentes à factualidade e a uma maior variedade dos tipos temporais presentes nas estruturas concessivas iniciadas por esse juntor.
... focus). Such a distinction is clearly made by the theory of Functional Discourse Grammar (FDG, Hengeveld and Mackenzie 2008), a typologically-based linguistic framework that assigns a prominent role to pragmatics and has proven especially effective in modelling a number of linguistic phenomena in Ancient Greek.2 The identification of Ancient Greek structures that instantiate what FDG labels as emphasis presented in this study is intended as a primer for analytical investigation as well as a stimulus for further theoretical reflection. ...
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Emphasis is a ubiquitous notion in classical scholarship, but its vagueness has repeatedly been criticized (and its usefulness, consequently, questioned) by Greek linguists. This brief study seeks to identify (and secure) a place for this notion in the analytical toolbox for the description of Classical Greek by applying the strict but nuanced definition of emphasis in Functional Discourse Grammar (Hengeveld and Mackenzie 2008) to the identification and classification of linguistic devices in the ancient language. In particular, this study argues for a distinction between emphasis as a rhetorical effect and emphasis as a communicative intention. In the former understanding, emphasis may be produced secondarily by a number of linguistic and rhetorical devices. Conversely, linguistic emphasis stricto sensu would only be conveyed by linguistic devices used primarily to intensify linguistic entities of any level (discourse acts, propositional contents, subacts).
... Como é possível percebermos a partir dessas análises, a diferença entre esses dois subtipos evidenciais expressos pelo verbo notar no espanhol é facilmente detectada se se considera a combinatória temporal entre as orações matrizes e encaixadas, o que, sem dúvida, fortalece as hipóteses baseadas na estratificação das categoriais qualificacionais propostas pela GDFMackenzie, 2008;Hengeveld, 2011; Hengeveld, 2016).O último aspecto funcional que queremos destacar acerca desse verbo é a possibilidade de ele poder ser meio de expressão do subtipo evidencial de Inferência (que atua na camada do Conteúdo Proposicional no Nível Representacional). Nas nossas ocorrências, coletadas no CORPES XXI, não encontramos nenhum caso claro desse subtipo.Caldas (2021), por outro lado, aponta que a seguinte instância de notar pode ser entendida como meio de expressão dessa evidencialidade: 13. [...] Por la expresión de su cara cuando estábamos solos y el modo como disimulaba ante los demás notaba que no era amor lo que ella sentía por mí.(CALDAS, 2021, p. 92) [Pela expressão de seu rosto quando estávamos sozinhos e o modo como fingia diante dos demais notava que não era amor o que ela sentia por mim]. ...
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Neste trabalho, propomos um estudo da expressão lexical da evidencialidade na língua espanhola por meio do verbo notar quando toma orações completivas, buscando explorar a polissemia expressa por esse verbo no campo evidencial e o reflexo que seus diferentes significados têm na combinatória temporal entre a oração matriz e a encaixada. A perspectiva teórica assumida é da Gramática Discursivo-Funcional, de Hengeveld e Mackenzie (2008), que contempla quatro níveis de representação das expressões linguísticas: Interpessoal, Representacional, Morfossintático e Fonológico. O corpus utilizado é o Corpus del Español del Siglo XXI, base de dados da Real Academia Española. A análise nos mostra que, no espanhol, o verbo notar é prototipicamente meio de expressão dos subtipos evidenciais de Percepção de Evento e Dedução.
... This paper aims to describe and qualitatively analysis the volitive modality, which, according to Hengeveld and Mackenzie (2008), is related to what is (in)desirable in news reports from police web pages. For this, we based on the typology of modalities of Hengeveld (2004), later revised and expanded in the Functional Discourse Grammar (FDG). ...
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Este trabalho tem por objetivo descrever e analisar qualitativamente a modalidade volitiva que, segundo Hengeveld e Mackenzie (2008), está relacionada ao que é (in)desejável, em depoimentos de notí­cias de página policial de divulgação na internet. Para isso, tomamos por base a tipologia das modalidades de Hengeveld (2004), depois revista e ampliada na Gramática Discursivo-Funcional (GDF). A partir dos parâmetros estabelecidos na GDF, bem como em trabalhos posteriores acerca da categoria modalidade, tais como Hengeveld (2011), Dall"™Aglio Hattnher (2016) e Oliveira (2017), pautamos algumas categorias de análise que pudessem proporcionar uma apreciação da modalidade volitiva no corpus selecionado, a saber: o tipo de argumento que ancora o valor modal (incursão da Retórica), a negação anteposta ao modalizador volitivo, a orientação modal, o tempo semântico, a controlabilidade do estado-de-coisas e os meios de expressão da modalidade volitiva. Após a análise dos dados, constatamos que os argumentos empregados pelo falante se baseiam na estrutura do real, tendo o advérbio de negação como um marcador discursivo que situa a volição expressa para o momento do depoimento, ainda que o evento esteja localizado em um momento posterior (preteridade). Em relação à orientação modal, foi constatado tanto a orientação para o Episódio (aspecto realis) quanto para a Proposição (aspecto irrealis) acerca de eventos não controlados [- controle] por parte do falante, sendo empregados verbos plenos, verbos léxicos em construções perifrásticas, substantivos e construções volitivas com verbo suporte para a manifestação da volição.
... Situé mi comunicación (punto de partida del presente artículo) en el marco de la teoría gramatical que he estado desarrollando desde hace dos décadas junto con Kees Hengeveld y muchos otros, la Gramática Discursivo-Funcional (la GDF, Hengeveld y Mackenzie 2008Mackenzie , 2011Keizer 2015), centrándome en algunas líneas de pensamiento que han surgido dentro de este marco sobre la relación entre discurso y gramática, aclarando por qué yo no podía aceptar que el discurso tuviera su propia sintaxis. ...
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La Gramática Discursivo-Funcional (GFD) es una teoría del acto discursivo que aplica el término “sintaxis” a la ordenación de las unidades dentro de la expresión de dichos actos y no a los complejos discursivos en los que se producen estos actos; desde la perspectiva de la GFD, no existe una sintaxis del discurso. No obstante, las relaciones entre los actos discursivos pueden afectar a la estructura interna de las unidades sintácticas. Este breve artículo da algunas indicaciones iniciales sobre cómo la FDG, como teoría modular, explica las observaciones de que la oración puede entenderse útilmente como un minidiscurso, especialmente con respecto a sus elementos periféricos.
... The most recent iteration of the theory includes a Pragmatic/Interpersonal representation module, making FDG a part of a broader theory that covers verbal interaction, encompassing conceptual, contextual, and output components. What follows is a very brief overview (Hengeveld & Mackenzie, 2008) of the parts most crucial to the investigation at hand. ...
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This study explores the unique linguistic mechanisms of Mandarin Chinese, a tonal language, in expressing illocutionary acts, specifically focusing on the act of denial. Central to our investigation is the specialized use of the particle "并" (bīng), which is posited to add emphasis in negation contexts, akin to the emphatic role of words like "actually" or "in fact" in English. Through the lens of Functional Discourse Grammar (FDG), this research examines how Mandarin Chinese leverages lexical items, such as "并" (bīng), over prosodic features like pitch and tone, to convey pragmatic emphasis. Our findings indicate that "并" (bīng) functions almost exclusively to strengthen denial, particularly in formal or written Mandarin, without carrying significant semantic content on its own. This specialized use underscores the adaptive strategies of tonal languages in maintaining clear lexical distinction while expressing nuanced illocutionary force. Additionally, the study highlights the limited pitch range available for intonation in tonal languages due to the necessity of distinguishing lexical tones, which further motivates the reliance on lexical means for expressing emphasis. This study contributes to the broader understanding of linguistic expression in tonal versus non-tonal languages and opens avenues for further research into the complex dynamics of language pragmatics.
... As is conventional in a two-dimensional, function-meaning based, layered model of representation (Hengeveld and Mackenzie 2008), grammatical modifiers (like demonstrative and possessive pronouns in L4) are represented to the left of the head noun, whereas lexical and phrasal modifiers (e.g., an adjective, a prepositional phrase, or a relative clause serving as a qualifying modifier in the L2 layer of modification; see also Table 11.2) are represented on the right side of the head noun. ...
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This contribution examines semantico-cognitive aspects of the spatio-temporal distance between the noun and other constituents, both inside and outside the noun phrase. This paper argues that certain syntactic phenomena, namely constituency, a subset of the Greenbergian word order correlations, and scoping, i.e., placement of adnominal modifiers according to their scopal relations, can be attributed to diachronic developments driven by cognitive processes where speakers attempt to place together what belongs together semantically (‘iconicity of distance’). (Notice that in the current approach the category of Modifiers includes both lexical or phrasal members [e.g., adjectives, possessive NPs, relative clauses] as well as bound and free grammatical material [e.g., articles, demonstratives, inflectional number affixes].) The synchronic result of these historical processes was already captured by Behaghel’s first law (Deutsche Syntax / Band 4. Wortstellung, Periodenbau. Heidelberg: Winter, 1932: 4): “The principal law is this: that what belongs together mentally is also placed close together” (Das oberste Gesetz ist dieses, daß das geistig eng Zusammengehörige auch eng zusammengestellt wird). Three more specific ordering principles can be formulated on the basis of Behaghel’s first law: (1) the Principle of Domain Integrity, which can ultimately lead to the formation of hierarchically organized syntactic units (‘constituents’), (2) the Principle of Head Proximity, which may explain certain Greenbergian word order correlations, and (3) the Principle of Scope, which accounts for global ordering tendencies among adnominal modifiers in hierarchically structured noun phrases. It will be argued that these ordering principles are formal manifestations of a single cognitive, semantico-functional motivation or ‘diachronic force’ which is deemed to facilitate language processing: iconicity of distance, where “syntactic proximity mirrors semantic closeness” (Dyer, Integration Complexity and the Order of Cosisters. Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Universal Dependencies (UDW 2018). Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (Brussels, October 31–November 4). Brussels, Belgium, November 1, 2018: 55). This type of iconicity is now widely recognized as a universal principle underlying language structure (Schultze-Berndt, Linguistics 60(3), 865–898, 2022). Notice, finally, that for a convincing presentation of the effects of three general ordering principles mentioned above (each of which crucially involves nouns), it will be necessary to go beyond the noun and also take into account aspects of the syntactic organization of noun phrases and clauses.
... Među formalno-funkcionalne pristupe mogu se uvrstiti i oni koje Croft (1995Croft ( , 2015 naziva mixed formalism/functionalism, i koji u opisu sintaksičkih struktura i ograničenja kojima su one podložne mogu da mešaju formalna i funkcionalna svojstva, vezana za semantiku i informacijsku strukturu. Među predstavnike ovog pristupa Croft ubraja teoriju Van Valina (Role and Reference Grammar, Van Valin 2001), kao i funkcionalnu gramatiku S. Dika (Dik 1997), i njenu noviju, modifikovanu verziju diskursno-funkcionalnu gramatiku (DFG) K. Hengevelda i L. Mekenzija (Hengeveld & Mackenzie 2008). Uprkos nazivu i centralnoj poziciji diskursnih pojmova, DFG nije model analize diskursa već prilično formalni gramatički model koji objašnjava formalna svojstva jezičkih jedinica u odnosu na vanjezičku stvarnost koja se njima opisuje i na komunikativne namere sa kojima su te jedinice izrečene. ...
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THE PRAGMATİC COMPONENT İN SYNTAX The article makes reference to several theoretical approaches, which, to a smaller or greater extent include a pragmatic component in a lexico-grammatical description, i.e. relate the linguistic code (formal devices) and language use, in particular the way the utterance is encoded and interpreted. The existence of various structural options that express the same propositional content, which are considered to differ in contextual, pragmatic effects and their level of acceptability in various linguistic contexts is one of the most significant phenomena for exploring the relationship between syntax and pragmatics. If such structural options and variations are examined cross-linguistically and contrastively, the findings can provide even more relevant insights. The article provides an illustration for this claim by analzying several English syntactic constructions and their variations and contrasting them with their Serbian translation equivalents.
... As in Hengeveld and Mackenzie (2008), different levels of certainty and commitments are regarded as the results of modifiers of the speaker/writer's attitudes,which are related to the domain of subjective epistemic modality. Hence, scientific assumptions and hypotheses of the ever-changing natural phenomena are believed to have an influence on scientific researchers' evaluative linguistic choices that mark their degrees of epistemic certainty (Hyland, 2005b). ...
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The early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic caused a lot of pressure to scientists due to the novel nature of the coronavirus. As experts in the field, they were expected to produce only reliable information. Owing to the limited data available at the time, there were many uncertainties surrounding the virus. However, studies that looked into how the uncertainties were navigated are scarce. This corpus-based study investigates this issue using the system value of modal operators by Halliday and Matthiessen (2014), along with Dong et al.’s (2020) classification of COVID-19 research themes to explore levels of scientific researchers’ certainty in presenting information about coronavirus. Specifically, their choices of modal auxiliaries as epistemic devices are analysed. Results demonstrate that researchers mainly conduct studies on epidemiology with the lowest degree of certainty by utilising modals such as may, could and might. Furthermore, while some of the propositions expressed do display researchers’ assumptions of possibilities, they however, are presented with insufficient evidence. These findings help to untangle scientific researchers’ expressions of uncertainty and certainty through their use of epistemic devices and contribute to a better understanding of their intentions in conveying vital information.
... Partindo da consideração de que qualquer construção subordinada pode ser classificada conforme as camadas representacionais ou interpessoais que subjazem a sua estrutura (Hengeveld & Mackenzie, 2008), delineia-se, aqui, o quadro teórico a partir do qual se compreende a concessão e seus diferentes tipos. ...
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Following Functional Discourse Grammar model principles (Hengeveld & Mackenzie, 2008Hengeveld, K., & Mackenzie, M. (2008). Functional Discourse Grammar: a typologically-based theory of language structure. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ), this paper describes concessive constructions with the conjunction por mais que. Using contemporary Portuguese data, from Corpus do Português (Davies & Ferreira, 2016Davies, M., & Ferreira, M. (2016). Corpus do Português: 45 millionwords, 1300s-1900s. Disponível online em ), this investigation pursues two specific objectives: (i) determining the status of por mais que considering a set of FDG proposals concerning the lexical/grammatical status of adverbial conjunctions; and (ii) mapping, based on FDG levels and layer, the different concessive relations signaled by this conjunction in articulating clauses. It is argued that por mais que is a Lexical Conjunction, analyzed, at Representational Level, as a one-place Configurational Property, and that it articulates three types of concessive relations: factual concessive, conditional-concessive and restrictive concessive. Keywords: concession; conjunction; lexical conjunction
... A esse respeito, Vendrame (2010) e Hengeveld et al. (2019), adotando o suporte teórico da Gramática Discursivo-Funcional (HENGEVELD;MACKENZIE, 2008), doravante GDF, constatam que verbos de percepção, em português, servem à expressão de diferentes subtipos evidenciais, já que veiculam percepções sensoriais, como em (1); raciocínios, como em (2) e (3); e relato de informações, como em (4). ...
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Este trabalho tem como objetivo descrever as estratégias de evidencialidade expressas pelos verbos “ver”, “olhar” e “observar” em língua portuguesa. Para tanto, adotamos os preceitos teóricos da Gramática Discursivo-Funcional (HENGEVELD; MACKENZIE, 2008) e a classificação da evidencialidade proposta por Hengeveld e Hattnher (2015) e Hengeveld e Fischer (2018). As ocorrências analisadas provêm do Corpus Brasileiro (SARDINHA; MOREIRA FILHO; ALAMBERT, 2010), do Timestamped JSI Web Corpus 2014-2020 Portuguese (TRAMPUS; NOVAK, 2012), do Iboruna (GONÇALVES, 2006) e do Portuguese Web 2011 (KILGARRIFF et. al., 2014). Nossos resultados atestam a produtividade de verbos de percepção visual como estratégias de evidencialidade para indicar percepções físicas, raciocínios e relatos, corroborando e expandindo resultados de trabalhos anteriores.
... Abstract: The aim of this paper is to make a description of extra-clausal constituents (ECC) in Portuguese adopting Giomi and Keizer's (2020) position that these constituents, performing certain rhetorical functions on the textual surface, cannot be left in limbo by a theory focused on the principle of pragmatic adequacy like Functional Discourse Grammar (FDG). This paper's specific purpose is to show, on the one hand, the syntactically loose character of these constituents, which can appear in special positions, replicated or not, in the structure of Language Expression, and, on the other hand, the theoretical closeness between Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST) (MANN; MANN et al., 1992; MANN, 2006) and GDF (HENGEVELD;MACKENZIE, 2008, in terms of the rhetorical function that ECCs exert. The analysis showed that, for GDF and RST, ECCs are never part of the Nuclear Discourse Act and therefore their position within Linguistic Expression, from the perspective of GDF, cannot be determined by differences in functional scope, either interpersonal or representational. ...
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O objetivo geral deste artigo é fazer uma descrição de Constituintes Extraoracionais (ECCs) no português, adotando a posição de Giomi e Keizer (2020) de que esses constituintes, que sinalizam determinadas funções retóricas na superfície textual, não podem ser deixados no limbo por uma teoria voltada para o princípio de adequação pragmática como a Gramática Discursivo-Funcional (GDF). O propósito específico deste estudo é mostrar, por um lado, o caráter sintaticamente frouxo desses constituintes, que podem aparecer em posições especiais, repetidas ou não, na estrutura da Expressão Linguística, e, por outro, a proximidade teórica entre a Teoria da Estrutura Retórica (RST) (MANN; THOMPSON, 1988; MANN et al., 1992; TABOADA; MANN, 2006) e a GDF (HENGEVELD; MACKENZIE, 2008), em termos da função retórica que os ECCs exercem. A análise mostrou que, para a GDF e a RST, os ECCs nunca fazem parte do Ato Discursivo Nuclear e, portanto, sua posição dentro da Expressão Linguística, na perspectiva da GDF, não pode ser determinada por diferenças de escopo funcional, seja interpessoal seja representacional. Como uma consequência teórica importante, o fato de uma ordenação hierarquicamente orientada ser irrelevante para a sintaxe extraoracional explica por que não é possível identificar qualquer posição absoluta ou relativa na camada da Expressão Linguística para abrigar os ECCs.
... The function WITH('X') has been subdivided into WITHENT(ity)('X') and WITHPROP(erty)('X'). For this distinction I have derived my inspiration from the typology of entities adopted by Functional Grammar (Dik 1997a(Dik , 1997b and Functional Discourse Grammar (Hengeveld and Mackenzie 2008), in which properties belong to the zero-order and entities to the first-order of the typology of entities. My function STA(ive) draws on the fundamental distinction made by Role and Reference Grammar (Van Valin and LaPolla 1997;Van Valin 2005) between stative and non-stative predications, the adjectives I have analysed belonging to the former type. ...
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The aim of this journal article is to offer a paradigmatic analysis of the formation of adjectives by means of affixation in Old English. More specifically, the focus is on the change of meaning attributable to the processes of word-formation that turn out affixal adjectives. In a paradigmatic model, the formal modification of stems maps onto semantic and/or syntactic modifications, which are couched in terms of semantic and syntactic rules. After an analysis of the semantic and syntactic rules that apply in the formation of 3,365 derived adjectives, two conclusions are reached. In the first place, 19 prefixes out of 56 perform one derivational function, as opposed to 21 suffixes out of a total of 51, which means that the degree of polysemy displayed by prefixes is slightly higher than that of suffixes. Secondly, only two derivational functions are realized by one affix, which also shows that a one-to-one correspondence between affixes and derivational functions is the exception rather than the rule.
Para dar cuenta de la coordinación discursiva discursiva en la argumentación de la columna periodística, se propone una estructura de la oración como constituyente de una estructura más amplia del discurso. Las oraciones son unidades de discurso conectadas a otras unidades en un proceso en que su contexto discursivo proporciona la información requerida para construir una estructura de constituyentes del discurso. La coordinación con y en posición inicial tiene propiedades de subordinación a la izquierda en la estructura de constituyentes del discurso. Estas propiedades se analizan en términos de sus características de foco y tópico. Se muestra que la coordinación y subordinación discursivas constituyen un medio eficaz para construir unidades de discurso intermedias que representan movimientos argumentativos en las columnas de opinión.
What if formularity, meter, and Kunstsprache in Homer weren't abstract, mechanical systems that constrained the poet's freedom, but rather adaptive technologies that helped poets to sustain feats of great creativity? This book explores this hypothesis by reassessing the key formal features of Homer's poetic technique through the lenses of contemporary linguistics and the cognitive sciences, as well as by drawing some unexpected parallels from the contemporary world (from the dialects of English used in popular music, to the prosodic strategies employed in live sports commentary, to the neuroscience of jazz improvisation). Aimed at Classics students and specialists alike, this book provides thorough and accessible introductions to the main debates in Homeric poetics, along with new and thought-provoking ways of understanding Homeric creativity.
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Este estudo propõe-se a investigar como diferentes construções com o verbo saber são analisadas sob o aparato teórico da Gramática Discursivo-Funcional, especialmente Hengeveld e Mackenzie (2008) e Keizer (2015). O objetivo é descrever os usos do verbo saber, determinando suas propriedades pragmáticas, semânticas e morfossintáticas no português falado no noroeste do Estado de São Paulo. Os resultados mostram que o verbo saber (i) tem uso interpessoal como Ato interativo e como modificador de Ato; (ii) já, no Nível Representacional, atua como núcleo da propriedade configuracional que compõe o Conteúdo Proposicional principal, selecionando como argumento Inativo também um Conteúdo Proposicional.
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El presente trabajo plantea un acercamiento a Les dernières aventures du divin Ulysse de Émile Gebhart como reelaboración de la Odisea de Homero. A través del examen atento de ambos textos, analizamos el juego de inversiones temáticas que articula esta recreación de la epopeya homérica en dos niveles: el primero corresponde a las alteraciones derivadas del planteamiento de la obra como una secuela de la Odisea. A este respecto, abordamos la contextualización del relato del autor francés dentro de la más amplia tradición de la continuación de los viajes de Ulises tras su retorno a Ítaca. En el segundo nivel, relativo a las variaciones concretas de cada aventura, nos centramos en el episodio de Calipso, con especial atención a la inversión del motivo de la inmortalidad, apuntando algunas posibles afinidades en la tradición literaria antigua. Te present paper poses an approach to Émile Gebhart’s Les dernières aventures du divin Ulysses as a rewriting of Homer’s Odyssey. Trough careful examination of both texts, we analyse the set of thematic inversions that comprises thisreworking of the Homeric epic in two levels: the first one concerns the alterationsresulting from the conception of the narrative as a sequel to the Odyssey. On that note, we deal with the contextualization of the story by the French author within the wider tradition of Ulysses’ travels afer his return to Ithaca. On the second level,which pertains the particular variations of each adventure, we focus on the Calypsoepisode, with special consideration to the inversion of the immortality motif, noting certain possible similarities in ancient literary tradition.
Although the category of nouns, or “substantives” (for a long time, the word “noun” was used for a broader category that included more subparts of speech, especially adjectives), has been described in grammars since at least Dionysius Thrax c. 100 BC (Robins 1989: 39), the exact relationship between formal and semantic characteristics, both in language and discourse, still requires investigation. This is the aim of the present volume. This relationship matters because nouns, along with verbs, are commonly regarded as a universal linguistic category. In the 1980s and 1990s, a few typological studies questioned the existence of a class of “nouns” in a small minority of languages such as Salish, Wakasham, Austronesian or Iroquoian languages (Mithun 2000; Baker 2003; Lobeck and Denham 2013). But crucially, linguists found that this conclusion was due to an understanding of parts of speech that was too restrictive: a multi-criterial approach shows evidence that the noun/verb distinction is indeed robust in these languages (ibid.). Nouns stand at the interface of morphology, syntax and semantics, and there might be misalignments of these levels. These misalignments trigger a definitional complexity that requires further theorization. Understanding how morphology, syntax and semantics interact is also crucial for nominal interpretation in discourse, which is under-researched to date as well. A number of effects of context on interpretation have been made out; for instance, a generic reading might yield a kind interpretation of the NP (e.g. The dinosaur is now extinct). The dynamic interaction of nouns with their syntactic and semantic environment is central to language processing.
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Resumen: En este artículo se estudia la representación de la fábula del cazador Céfalo y sus avatares amorosos con Procris y la Aurora, en los dos grabados que se incluyen en del aparato figurativo de la edición bilingüe de las Metamorfosis de Ovidio que François Foppens publicó en la ciudad de Bruselas en 1677. Este relato, que Ovidio recoge en el séptimo libro de las Metamorfosis (7.672-865), se representó siguiendo unos esquemas semejantes desde las primeras ediciones ilustradas de la obra del poeta romano, y que se afianzó en las grandes series publicadas entre mediados del siglo XVI y comienzos del siglo XVII, dando lugar así a una tradición iconográfica propia para la figuración de este mito. La edición de las Metamorfosis de F. Foppens, se diferencia de esta tradición al presentar, en ambas ilustraciones, un nuevo esquema de representación distinto de las escenas que se incluyen en las ediciones anteriores, antecedentes de la citada edición de 1677. Palabras clave: Ovidio, Metamorfosis, Céfalo, Procris. Abstract: Cephalus and Procris. A Review of F. Foppens' Illustrated Edition of Ovid's 'Metamorphoses' (Brussels, 1677) This article focuses on a series of engravings which represent the story of the hunter Cephalus and his amorous entanglement with both Procris and the goddess Aurora. This story, narrated by Ovid in the seventh book of his Metamorphoses (7.672-865), was represented following similar formulations since the appearance of the first illustrated editions of the Roman poet’s works, thus giving rise to a traditional representation of the myth. François Foppens’ edition of the Metamorphoses, published in Brussels in 1677, deviates from this previous cannon and presents a new portrayal of the myth which differs from the representations featured in preceding editions which served as a model to the 1677 edition. Keywords: Ovid, Metamorphoses, Cephalus, Procris.
This chapter discusses the choices made by adherents to a selection of functional and cognitive/constructionist theories in relation to the importance accorded to cross-linguistic studies and the methodology used in these studies. The centrally functional theories under focus are Hengeveld and Mackenzie’s Functional Discourse Grammar, Van Valin’s Role and Reference Grammar and Halliday’s Systemic Functional Linguistics; the centrally cognitive and constructionist approaches are Langacker’s Cognitive Grammar, Goldberg’s Cognitive Construction Grammar and Croft’s Radical Construction Grammar. The analysis is based on the study presented in Butler and Gonzálvez-García’s book Exploring Cognitive-Functional Space (Butler CS, Gonzálvez-García F Exploring cognitive-functional space. (Studies in Language Companion Series 157). John Benjamins, 2014), updated by reference to more recent work. Brief sketches of each approach are given, followed by an analysis of the responses of experts in the theory to three items in a questionnaire on which the study was based. These items were concerned with (i) whether, during the development of the theory, applicability to the whole range of language types was a major factor, (ii) whether data from a range of languages were used in arguing for particular constructs proposed, (iii) whether there was a preference for describing single languages in detail and only then making comparisons. The six theories are then compared, and a broad division into typological and non-typological approaches is made. A finer-grained classification then allows the placing of the theories on a cline from more to less typological. Finally, this ordering is examined in relation to conclusions from the overall proximities of the theories on a multidimensional scaling plot and a hierarchical clustering dendrogram, revealing further interesting mappings.
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Sabendo-se que, para Hengeveld e Mackenzie (2008), a modalidade deôntica diz respeito às regras e às normas de conduta de âmbito legal, moral e social, pautamos nosso trabalho na descrição e análise desta categoria a partir do gênero jornalístico editorial, e sua contribuição para o ensino de Espanhol como Língua Estrangeira (E/LE). Baseamo-nos, portanto, na descrição e análise dos modalizadores que o falante emprega para a modalização deôntica no gênero editorial e dos possíveis efeitos de sentido pretendidos para refletirmos sobre as contribuições da perspectiva funcionalista no ensino de língua espanhola. Enquanto o aparato teórico do funcionalismo holandês nos dá o suporte necessário para realizarmos a descrição e análise linguística da modalidade deôntica, a perspectiva funcionalista para o ensino de língua nos auxilia nas possíveis estratégias de caráter comunicativo pautadas no uso real. Por fim, ponderamos que seja profícua a relação entre a descrição e análise de uma dada língua e o ensino, uma vez que aquela fornece os subsídios necessários, no âmbito teórico, sobre a categoria linguística estudada e a construção discursiva no editorial, de forma a auxiliar professores e alunos no entendimento das expressões utilizadas pelo falante ao manifestar obrigações, permissões e proibições.
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Clause-Initial Connectives, Bound and Unbound: Indicators of Mood, of Subordination, or of Something More Fundamental? The article presents a comprehensive discussion of distinctions which, in different linguistic traditions, are associated with the concepts of ‘mood’ and ‘complementizer’, in particular in connection with potential auxiliaries of ‘analytical (non-indicative) mood’. On the basis of a selection of representative units and clause frames, the analysis points out contrasts between (a) North and South (in particular, Balkan) Slavic and (b) volition- and cognition-oriented utterances, which distinguish (i) diverse kinds of illocutions and (ii) clauses coding states of affairs (i.e. mere events) vs propositions (i.e. events with specific anchorage in space and time). The discussion unavoidably raises issues of irrealis marking and asks for the diagnostics of ‘subordination’ (embedding), in particular whether left-edge elements can by themselves be regarded as complementizers even if, under specific circumstances, subordination has to be assumed. Spójniki inicjalne w zdaniach składowych, związane i niezwiązane. Wskaźniki trybu, podrzędności czy czegoś bardziej fundamentalnego? Artykuł stanowi kompleksowe omówienie dystynkcji, które w różnych tradycjach językoznawczych są związane z pojęciami „trybu” i „włącznika”, w szczególności w związku z potencjalnymi wyrazami pomocniczymi „analitycznego trybu (nieindykatywnego)”. Na podstawie wyboru reprezentatywnych jednostek i ram zdań składowych analiza wskazuje na różnice między (a) językami północno- i południowosłowiańskimi (w szczególności bałkanosłowiańskimi) oraz (b) wypowiedziami ufundowanymi na woli i poznaniu, które rozróżniają (i)różne rodzaje illokucji oraz (ii) zdania składowe kodujące stany rzeczy (tj. zwykłe sytuacje) i sądy (tj. zdarzenia o określonym zakotwiczeniu w przestrzeni i czasie). Tok analizy nieuchronnie prowadzi do kwestii znakowania trybu irrealnego i skłania do pytania o rozpoznawanie ‘podrzędności’ (zanurzania), w szczególności tego, czy elementy lewostronne mogą same w sobie być uważane za włączniki, nawet jeśli w określonych okolicznościach należy założyć ich status podrzędny.
This article argues that the widespread view that the diachronic processes of grammaticalization and of subjectification go hand in hand, and that highly subjectivized meanings typically correlate with highly grammaticalized forms, should be revised. The point is made on the basis of the case of the diachrony of the Dutch modal verbs. Corpus data show that four of these verbs recently got involved in a process of collective re-autonomization, while the two other modals in the language do not. This correlates with differences in the semantic development of the verbs: the four re-autonomizing verbs do, but the two outliers do not show a regular process of (inter)subjectification. The paper unravels through which mechanisms the grammatical and the semantic developments may correlate, hence why highly subjectivized meanings do not necessarily like a grammatical status.
For more than a decade, linguistics has moved increasingly away from evaluating language as an autonomous phenomenon, towards analysing it 'in use', and showing how its function within its social and interactional context plays an important role in shaping in its form. Bringing together state-of-the-art research from some of the most influential scholars in linguistics today, this Handbook presents an extensive picture of the study of language as it used 'in context' across a number of key linguistic subfields and frameworks. Organised into five thematic parts, the volume covers a range of theoretical perspectives, with each chapter surveying the latest work from areas as diverse as syntax, pragmatics, psycholinguistics, applied linguistics, conversational analysis, multimodality, and computer-mediated communication. Comprehensive, yet wide-ranging, the Handbook presents a full description of how the theory of context has revolutionised linguistics, and how its renewed study is crucial in an ever-changing world.
This chapter delves into the evolving relationship between artists and AI, centering on the redefinition of creativity in the context of technological advancements. It explores the limits of creativity, examining the interplay between facts, abstract truths, and AI, and how computational creativity is reshaping traditional notions of artistic expression. The chapter also delves into the exploration of aesthetics in AI art, analyzing existing theories and provoking new thoughts on the intersection of aesthetics and AI-generated content. Additionally, it delves into the ethical considerations surrounding AI art, particularly in terms of authorship and ownership, addressing the complex issues of copyright and the social implications of AI-generated art. The chapter concludes by contemplating future considerations in the realm of AI art, envisioning potential shifts in the understanding of authorship and the ongoing ethical debates surrounding the role of AI in the creative process. Through a comprehensive analysis of these topics, it offers insights into the transformative effects of AI on artistic practices and encourages critical reflection on the ethical and conceptual implications of this evolving relationship.
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Resenha de CROFT, William. Morphosyntax: constructions of the world’s languages. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2022. 726 páginas + glossário on-line.
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Shifts in the frequencies of English modals of obligation have been linked to shifts in modal function and changing interpersonal authority. Interpretation of over 2,000 tokens in spontaneous speech data recorded in Sydney, Australia, in the 1970s and 2010s establishes a replicable classification of obligation meanings, based on source of obligation, with a three-way distinction between Hierarchical authority, General circumstances, and Personal choice. Competing expressions for these obligation types, besides have to , have got to , and older must , include should and, recently, need to . Two sets of regression analyses provide evidence of covariation of form and function: first, the linguistic and social conditioning of forms, with meaning as one of the predictors; and second, the conditioning of function, with modal form as a predictor. Need to rises in real time and so does talk of personal obligation. However, the change in modal function is concomitant with, but independent of, shifting modal forms.
Tiu ĉi studo sekvas pli fruajn publikigojn pri la vortstrukturo kaj vortfarado en Esperanto. Kompletige al analizoj pri derivado per leksikaj afi ksoj kaj pri kunmetado per radikoj, la ĉi-prezentata artikolo traktas kiel vortkrean metodon la enkorpigadon de substantivoj kaj adjektivoj en verbojn. Enkorpigebla substantivo povas esti subjekto aŭ rekta objekto en ekvivalenta predikato. Enkorpigebla adjektivo povas aperi kiel subjektpredikativo aŭ objektpredikativo en ekvivalenta predikato. Kontraste kun derivaĵoj kaj kunmetaĵoj, kiuj rezultas el leksikaj procezoj, la rezultoj de enkorpigado estas prezentataj kiel produktoj de gramatika procezo, kiuj leksikeriĝas cele al specifa apliko. Atento estas dediĉita ankaŭ al la t.n. sintezitaj objekt-genitivoj, pluderivaĵoj de enkorpigoj kiuj ŝajnas allasi en Esperanto du malsamajn priskribojn. La analizo enhavas rerigardon en la plej fruan historion de la morfologio en Esperanto, konsideras ĝian pluevoluadon ĝis la hodiaŭa tago, kaj komparas la ĉeeston de enkorpigemaj verboj en Esperanto kun la distribuo de enkorpigantaj verboj en etnaj lingvoj tutmonde. La teoria kadro de la studo estas la Funkcia Diskurs-Gramatiko.
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O presente artigo analisa diacronicamente “a pesar de”, juntor concessivo da língua espanhola, a fim de apresentar uma trajetória de gramaticalização que demonstre uma maior abstratização dos usos concessivos deste juntor. Neste estudo, adotamos a visão de gramaticalização descrita a partir do modelo teórico da Gramática Discursivo-Funcional (GDF), de Hengeveld e Mackenzie (2008). Por ser um modelo de análise organizado em níveis e camadas dispostos hierarquicamente, a GDF compreende que, em um processo de gramaticalização, os elementos mais gramaticalizados tendem a ocupar níveis e camadas mais elevados do que os elementos menos gramaticalizados. Os dados foram extraídos do Corpus diacrónico del español (CORDE) e analisados a partir de dois fatores: a camada de atuação da relação concessiva e a animacidade do referente introduzido por “a pesar de”. Nossa análise revela que, ao longo do tempo, tal juntor passa a marcar usos concessivos cada vez mais abstratos, pertencentes às camadas mais elevadas da GDF, e com escopo cada vez mais amplo no que diz respeito aos traços [humano] e [animado].
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Este artigo apresenta dados diacrônicos sobre a opcionalidade entre expressão e não expressão pronominal do argumento-sujeito no português brasileiro. O quadro teórico é formado por uma articulação entre a Gramática Discursivo-Funcional e um conjunto de trabalhos funcionalistas que lidam com motivações comunicativas da estrutura das línguas, tais como, iconicidade e economia. Os dados são levantados a partir de um corpus especificamente constituído para a realização da pesquisa, formado por peças de teatro brasileiras. O período recoberto pela investigação se estende da primeira metade do século XIX ao início do século XXI. Como resultado, o trabalho (i) oferece dados quantitativos que, corroborando outras pesquisas, mostram e documentam detalhadamente o aumento diacrônico da opção por expressão pronominal, em oposição à não expressão, e (ii) disponibiliza ocorrências exemplificativas de ambas as opções, distribuídas por todo o período em análise.
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Este trabalho investiga as orações introduzidas por comoquiera que no espanhol, concebidas, na literatura, como concessivas impróprias. Parazuelos (1993), Flamenco García (1999) e Rodríguez Rosique (2001) afirmam que essas orações abarcam um conjunto amplo de situações possíveis, de modo que nenhuma delas invalida a conclusão alcançada na oração principal. A fim de desvendar a que propósito comunicativo as orações prefaciadas por comoquiera que são utilizadas no espanhol atual, adotamos, como aparato teórico, o modelo da Gramática Discursivo-Funcional de Hengeveld e Mackenzie (2008). O universo de investigação consiste em 167 ocorrências extraídas do CREA (Corpus de Referencia del Español Actual). O resultado dessa pesquisa sugere um novo olhar para o fenômeno em análise, uma vez que o concebemos de forma discreta, em termos de funções retóricas ou semânticas.
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Este estudo investiga o uso de mesmo no português brasileiro, nos séculos XVIII, XIX e XX. A proposta consiste em verificar, na história recente do português, a persistência ou não da multifuncionalidade desse item. Para tanto, toma como universo de pesquisa cartas particulares e cartas oficiais extraídas do córpus do Projeto para a História do Português Brasileiro (, e, como suporte teórico, a Gramática Discursivo-Funcional, desenvolvida por Hengeveld e Mackenzie (2008). Os resultados mostram que os cinco diferentes usos (operador de ênfase, função pragmática Contraste, operador de identidade idêntica, núcleo anafórico e modificador de propriedade configuracional), detectados por Peres (2020), já existiam desde o século XVIII e permaneceram no decorrer dos séculos XIX e XX. Além disso, não houve alteração substancial nos usos de mesmo e não sofreram alteração na forma de codificação no decorrer dos três séculos. O que este estudo revela é que alguns usos estão em decréscimo e outros em ascendência, apontando para um processo de gramaticalização.
Constructions in Spanish is the first book-length English-language volume in the field of usage-based and Cognitive Construction Grammar dedicated exclusively to Spanish. The contributions investigate a wide range of constructions from both a synchronic and a diachronic perspective, cutting across morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics. The constructionist perspective is also linked to comparative and typological research, to language learning and teaching and to multi-modal discourse analysis. The volume aims both at increasing the visibility of constructionist approaches to Spanish, and at offering data and analyses of Spanish for scholars working on constructional analyses of other languages. The volume thus addresses both scholars in Spanish and Romance linguistics, as it builds connections between more traditional approaches and constructionist approaches, and construction grammarians generally, especially scholars interested in comparative work.
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O entendimento de que a gramática das línguas naturais se configura com base nos usos linguísticos em práticas interacionais é compartilhado por um conjunto de pesquisadores associados a diferentes vertentes funcionalistas. Para Givón (1995), por exemplo, a estrutura gramatical resulta da rotinização de usos linguísticos bem-sucedidos em eventos interacionais específicos. Halliday (1985), por sua vez, defende o caráter “natural” da gramática funcional, no sentido de que nela tudo pode ser explicado em termos dos usos linguísticos. Assume, pois, que os usos da língua, efetivamente, dão forma ao sistema. Conforme Dik (1989), as expressões linguísticas que integram qualquer sistema (língua) devem ser descritas e explicadas em termos de um quadro geral do sistema pragmático de interação verbal. (...) Circunscrito nesse contexto teórico, o número 1 do volume 13 da "Entrepalavras" reúne trabalhos associados a diferentes vertentes funcionalistas, cujo objetivo principal é homenagear a linguista Maria Beatriz Nascimento Decat, docente aposentada da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais.
The binomial noun phrase, or of-binomial, is an important phenomenon in the English language. Defined as a noun phrase that contains two related nouns, linked by the preposition of, examples include a hell of a day and a beast of a storm. This pioneering book provides the first extensive study of the evaluative binominal noun phrases (EBNP) in English, exploring the syntactic rules that govern them, and the (functional) semantic and pragmatic links between the two nouns. Combining quantitative and qualitative methods, corpus data, and two different theoretical approaches (Construction Grammar and Functional Discourse Grammar), it argues that the EBNP now functions as a stage in a grammaticalization path that begins with a prototypical N+PP construction, continues with the head-classifier, and ends with two new of-binominal constructions: the evaluative modifier and binominal intensifier. Comprehensive in its scope, it is essential reading for researchers in syntax, semantics, and English corpus linguistics.
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There is much literature about the licensing of complement clauses by complement-taking predicates. However, less has been written about the licensing of adverbs in a complement clause. This article addresses the licensing of English evidential adverbs in complement clauses extracted from the NOW corpus. The article discusses three factors that determine the distribution of evidential adverbs in complement clauses. These are the nature of the evidential adverbs, the constraints of the complement clause and the anchor of the evidential adverb. To explore the role of these three factors, I adopt the hierarchical scopal theory of Functional Discourse Grammar (FDG). If a complement clause licenses the inclusion of the evidential adverb, then there is a match. Should there be no alignment between the complement clause and the adverb, there will be a mismatch. The results of the analysis of the data show that there are mostly matches, which occur with either a current speaker anchor or an actor anchor. Secondly, it appears that in cases of mismatches, there is always a current speaker. It thus appears that a current speaker anchor can override the constraints of the complement clause.
Role and Reference Grammar (RRG) is a theory of language in which linguistic structures are accounted for in terms of the interplay of discourse, semantics and syntax. With contributions from a team of leading scholars, this Handbook provides a field-defining overview of RRG. Assuming no prior knowledge, it introduces the framework step-by-step, and includes a pedagogical guide for instructors. It features in-depth discussions of syntax, morphology, and lexical semantics, including treatments of lexical and grammatical categories, the syntax of simple clauses and complex sentences, and how the linking of syntax with semantics and discourse works in each of these domains. It illustrates RRG's contribution to the study of language acquisition, language change and processing, computational linguistics, and neurolinguistics, and also contains five grammatical sketches which show how RRG analyses work in practice. Comprehensive yet accessible, it is essential reading for anyone who is interested in how grammar interfaces with meaning.
This study investigates the meaning-form interface in the Balkan Sprachbund (BS), by researching five different languages: Italian, Russian, Bulgarian , Romanian, and Greek. I consider two models that account for recurring properties of the relevant languages in the Sprachbund : convergence and diglossia. If convergence is the cause behind shared features typical of the BS, that predicts that Bulgarian and Romanian would be more transparent than Russian and Italian. Under the diglossic analysis, Koine Greek is assumed to be the source of shared features, which predicts that the BS languages, Romanian, Bulgarian and Greek, would be similar. To compare the two models, I investigate twenty-four opacity features, divided into five categories: Redundancy (one-to-many), Fusion (many-to-one), Discontinuity (one meaning split in two or more forms), Form-based Form (forms with no semantic counterpart: zero-to-one), and a group of typical BS features. The results are consistent with the diglossia model: Romanian, Bulgarian and Greek manifest similar features, which points in the direction of diglossia as the underlying cause of language similarity.
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ANSCOMBRE; DUCROT, 1977ANSCOMBRE, J. C.; DUCROT, O. Deux Mais en français. Língua, Amsterdam, v. 43, p. 23-40, 1977. VOGT; DUCROT, 1980VOGT, C.; DUCROT, O. De Magis a Mas: uma hipótese semântica. In: VOGT, C.; DUCROT, O. Linguagem, pragmática e ideologia. São Paulo: Hucitec, 1980. p. 103-128. Adversative coordination; Contrast; MasSN; Reduction; Functional Discourse Grammar
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The present work, carried out within the theoretical framework of pragmatic linguistics and macrosyntax (Fuentes Rodríguez 2017a, 2017b [2000]), aims to analyze the concessive constructions of enunciation and their attenuating and intensifying functions in persuasive discourse. These constructions, of peripheral position, act on the speech act and present a dynamic macrosyntactic behavior in the argumentation. They modulate the enunciation and intervene in the speech giving it an expressive nuance: it can soften or reinforce it without affecting its truth. From there we can see the attitude shown by the speaker about his own statement. These constructions allow the speaker to achieve self-protection of the self-image, or to prevent a threat to the participants in the verbal interaction. This is its attenuating effect. On the other hand, the assertion can also be emphasized if in the constructions the speaker resorts to the condition located at the limit of the scale and carries out an evaluation towards reality. And the two communicative strategies have something in common: they are deliberately used by the speaker to persuade his listener more effectively.
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Resumen: La macrosintaxis es una etiqueta que, de manera transparente, quiere dar nombre a un ámbito existente en cualquier tipo de mensaje lingüístico, en cualquier discurso, el de las unidades y relaciones existentes más allá del nivel oracional, que permiten entender la estructura y configuración de los textos. Sin ellas la sintaxis queda mermada. Estamos, como sostiene Haselow (2016), ante una macrogramática, ya que la sintagmática abarca todo el mensaje comunicado.
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The morphological status of adverbs ending in -mente in Spanish (-ly in En-glish) has been the object of many studies and continues to be the subject of de-bate. The two main proposals regarding the morphology of these adverbs treat them as either compounds or derivatives as the result of suffixation, but both hypotheses present problems. In this study an analysis will be defended which treats -mente as a phrasal affix (cf. Zwicky 1987, Nevis 1985 and Miller 1992). The notion of phrasal affix has been used to describe clitics which, from a mor-phological standpoint, are similar to affixes but which, simultaneously manifest characteristics of independent words. The argument for analyzing -mente as a phrasal affix is based on both synchronic and diachronic data, including some similarities with object clitic pronouns.
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The aim of this paper is to show how the various functions and forms of a noun phrase can be handled in Functional Discourse Grammar (FDG). In order to do so, I will take what may be called the standard, prototypical noun phrase as my point of departure. The standard noun phrase (i) has a nominal head; (ii) denotes a concrete, first-order entity; (iii) denotes by lexical means; and (iv) is used referentially.2 This type of noun phrase is discussed in section 3, after a brief introduction to FDG in section 2. Sections 4--7 then study noun phrases which lack one of the properties of standard noun phrases, in the order in which these properties are listed above. The conclusion will be that the separation between the interpersonal, the representational, and the morphosyntactic levels of analysis in FDG allows for a systematic treatment of standard and non-standard noun phrases.
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This article is a critical examination of Dik's (1997b: chapter 10) account of discourse anaphora, within the framework of the theory of functional grammar (but it highlights features of anaphora theory that hold more generally). I show first that Dik's definitions of the phenomenon involve two contradictory conceptions of this discourse procedure (the anaphor refers to a mental representation of its referent within a mental model of the ongoing discourse yet at the same time needs first to connect up with a segment of cotext - its linguistic antecedent); second, that Dik's account of the relationship between given (pronominal) anaphor types and the entity order of their potential referents is both too rigid and too narrow; and third, that his description of the underlying structure of anaphors, which includes both the referential index of their actual referent/antecedent and a variable specifying the latter's entity order, does not allow for the necessary flexibility and dynamic character of anaphor use and interpretation. A discursively more realistic account of discourse anaphora needs to specify the necessary interaction between "bottom-up" factors of these kinds, on the one hand, and "top-down" relationships involving the wider discourse context, on the other. This is what I briefly outline at the end of the article.
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This paper presents an overview of the intonational system of Wolof (a non-tone language belonging to the Atlantic branch of Niger-Congo), based on the analysis of several recorded corpora. This system has several interesting typological features, including the absence of any intonational marking of focus. There is a particularly close relationship between the intonational system and the morphosyntax, manifested in complementary forms of marking. Part I describes the relevant morphosyntactic features of the language and the melodic contours of the simplest prosodic units (utterances without intonational subdivision). Owing to the absence of pitch accent and of intonational focus marking as well as to the optional nature of intonational subdivision, the basic intonational structure of statements consists of a completely flat low-pitched plateau ending in a boundary tone. The analytic model postulates L and H "pitch targets" allowing the intonation curve to be broken down into component structures. Utterance-level boundary tones and phrasal L tones and H tones mark utterance-level categories such as statements, several types of interrogatives and exclamations. Part II describes the prosodic structures that appear in discourse (prosodic divisions, downdrift, "preambles," pauses, and continuative boundary tones). Part III provides a summary of the system as a whole.
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In this book we ask how ‘word’ should be defined. What are the criteria for ‘word’? Is ‘word’, as the term is generally understood, an appropriate unit to recognise for every type of language? This introductory chapter first looks at what scholars have said about ‘word’, and then discusses the categories and distinctions which need to be examined. Chapter 2 suggests a number of typological parameters for the study of clitics. Following chapters then provide detailed examination of the notion of ‘word’ in a selection of spoken languages from Africa, North and South America, Australia, the Caucasus and Greece, together with a discussion of words in sign languages. The final chapter, by P. H. Matthews, asks what has been learnt from these general and particular studies. This introduction begins by surveying the criteria that have been put forward for ‘word’, and suggests that one should sensibly keep apart phonological criteria, which define ‘phonological word’, and grammatical criteria, which define ‘grammatical word’. In some languages the two types of word coincide and one can then felicitously talk of a single unit ‘word’, which has a place both in the hierarchy of phonological units and in the hierarchy of grammatical units. In other languages phonological word and grammatical word generally coincide, but do not always do so. We may have a grammatical word consisting of a whole number of phonological words, or a phonological word consisting of a whole number of grammatical words. © In the work Cambridge University Press 2002 and Cambridge University Press, 2009.
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This paper presents a sketch of the prosodic, syntactic and morphological means of expressing focus in Chitumbuka, an underdescribed Bantu language of Malawi. The chief prosodic correlate of focus is boundary narrowing - rephrasing conditioned by focus - which is used not only to signal in situ focus but also in syntactic and morphological focus constructions. Of theoretical importance is the fact that rephrasing does not lend culminative prominence to the focused constituent. Although Chitumbuka has culminative sentential stress, its position remains fixed at the right edge of the clause, independent of the position of focus. This makes Chitumbuka a challenge for theories of focus prosody which claim that the focused constituent must have culminative sentential prominence.
Introduction When one takes a functional approach to the study of natural languages, the ultimate questions one is interested in can be formulated as: How does the natural language user (NLU) work? How do speakers and addressees succeed… © 1997 by Walter de Gruyter & Co., D-10785 Berlin. All rights reserved.
This book is intended as a systemic functional contribution to language typology both for those who would like to understand and describe particular languages against the background of generalizations about a wide range of languages and also for those who would like to develop typological accounts that are based on and embody descriptions of the systems of particular languages (rather than isolated constructions). The book is a unique contribution in at least two respects. On the one hand, it is the first book based on systemic functional theory that is specifically concerned with language typology. On the other hand, the book combines the particular with the general in the description of languages: it presents comparable sketches of particular languages while at the same time identifying generalizations based on the languages described here as well as on other languages.
Functional Discourse Grammar (FDG) combines typological neutrality with formal rigor and takes pragmatic and psychological adequacy very seriously. FDG is the grammatical component of a wider theory of verbal interaction, and is concerned with the formulation and encoding of discourse acts. Four formally parallel levels are posited, interpersonal and representational levels for formulation, and morphosyntactic and phonological levels for encoding. FDG offers a coherent theoretical framework for typological work; specifically, the distinction between the different components of FDG forces the typologist to study the pragmatic and semantic typology of languages systematically, and not merely their syntactic and morphological typology.
This chapter begins with a critical survey of past classifications of adverbials and secondary predicates. It argues that significant overlaps exist between participant-oriented manner adverbials, depictive secondary predicates, and the so-called weak free adjuncts. Thus, from a cross-linguistic viewpoint, it is essential to use an overarching category, participant-oriented adjunct, which subsumes all of these construction types. Having created this category, the introduction then presents the range of semantic expressions which may cross-linguistically illustrate formal correlates of participant-orientation, and the morphosyntactic features usually related with participant-orientated adjuncts. © editorial matter and organization Nikolaus P. Himmelmann and Eva Schultze-Berndt 2005, the chapters their authors 2005. All rights reserved.
As more and more languages are examined for evidence of verb serialization, more and more varieties of the phenomenon have turned up. This paper first outlines the evidence for verb serialization in Numbami, a poorly documented Austronesian language of Papua New Guinea, noting parallels with its better-documented relative, Jabêm. The paper then focuses on subject relationships within serial verb constructions in Numbami and Jabêm. These two languages allow not only same-subject and switch-subject serialization, but also verbal-subject serialization. In addition, Jabêm allows a fourth possibility: ambient-subject serialization, in which the subject of a time-adverbial verb in initial position appears to be the general environment or "weather" subject.
Noun Incorporation in Chukchi is shown to exhibit many of the characteristics that would be expected on a syntactic analysis of incorporation (e.g. Baker 1988): it is productive, the incorporated element may be referential, subjects can only be incorporated from unaccusative verbs, and noun incorporation feeds a process of Dative Shift, just as predicted on Baker's syntactic account. However, several properties are incompatible with this. In particular, Chukchi freely allows incorporation of adjuncts (which would violate the ECP on Baker's account). In addition, nouns incorporate their modifiers/specifiers, in a way not predicted by a syntactic (head movement) theory. Moreover, Chukchi permits incorporation of aspectual/ temporal elements, which contradicts even the much weaker version of Baker's thesis proposed by Rivero 1992 to handle adverb incorporation in Greek. The data are, however, broadly compatible with a lexical analysis along the lines of Rosen 1989.
The Western Muskogean languages Chickasaw and Choctaw have a subject/oblique opposition in nominal case-marking and syntactic relations, despite their 'active' system of pronominal agreement. In both languages, case assignment may reflect the operation of productive relation-changing rules. These facts call into question the classification of Choctaw by R. Van Valin and W. Foley (e.g. 1980) as 'role-dominated'. Restrictions on NP density (the number of nominal arguments per clause) may account for some of the syntactic differences between the more familiar 'reference-dominated' languages and languages of the Western Muskogean type.
Tuvaluan, a Polynesian language, has a raising rule that applies to noun phrases bearing any grammatical relation in the subordinate clause and marks these noun phrases for a wide range of grammatical cases in the superordinate clause. This paper first shows that the rule in question is indeed a raising rule. It is then shown that the rule is constrained by semantic factors: it applies only to noun phrases that denote entities that are responsible for bringing about the situation described by the entire sentence. The consequence of this constraint is that raising applies overwhelmingly to subjects and, to a lesser extent, to direct objects, the two grammatical relations that most commonly denote responsible entities. Evidence for this analysis is provided by both elicited and textual data. In natural discourse, raising constructions are similar to raising constructions found in other languages, despite their unusual syntactic characteristics.
The so-called de²nitive accent (DA) in Tongan has been analyzed in various ways in the literature: as stress shift from penultimate to ²nal vowel, as simultaneous stress reduction on a penult and stress addition on an ultima, and as addition of a syllable by repetition of the ²nal vowel. This study investigates each of these analyses empirically in order to establish the phonology of DA in Tongan. Our ²ndings support Melenaite Taumoefolau’s proposal that de²nite NPs are formed by repetition of the NP-²nal vowel, and thus a morphological analysis of DA as reduplicative suf²xation. Moreover, our ²ndings substantiate an account of Tongan in which stress is unexceptionally penultimate in a foot, and in which “long vowels” and “diphthongs” are to be considered sequences of two syllables, as suggested by Taumoefolau.
The verbal suffix -kan in acrolectal Indonesian gives the appearance of being a homonymous form with multiple functions. In many sentences the suffix seems to be a causative morpheme; in others it appears to be an applicative affix, while in yet others it seems to be an object marker. We show that these functions are in fact predictable if -kan is a derivational morpheme affecting the argument structure of the verb to which it is affixed. We argue that the role of -kan is to indicate the syntactic licensing of an argument in the argument structure that is not licensed syntactically by the base verb. Thus, the distribution of -kan provides evidence that there exist linguistic generalizations that need to be stated with respect to a distinct level of argument structure rather than with respect to such syntactic levels as S-Structure and Logical Form.
Recent work in Functional Grammar has suggested that both predicative adpositional phrases and the focused constituent in a ‘pseudo-cleft’ construction can profitably be analysed as derived predicates, the be being introduced by copula support. We show that Functional Grammar predicts certain lexical gaps hitherto unexplained and that existing proposals also permit an account of what appear to be unexpectedly prepositionless relative clauses. We further argue that an extension of the framework allows a representation of the distinction between identifying and property-assigning focus constructions. We conclude by expressing reservations concerning the universality of copula support: these reservations do not, however, affect the essence of our analysis.
Prosody signals sentential mood/force and information-structural distinctions in many languages. A case in point, discussed in the present paper, is Russian main clause yes–no questions, which differ from declarative clauses primarily by their intonational pattern. We address the question of how force (yes–no question versus declarative) and focus (highlighting, contrast) are signalled by intonational means in Russian. Based on authentic data, a production (reading) study of sentences in various contexts, and a perception experiment, it is shown how pitch height, accent shape, and peak alignment conspire in marking the relevant distinctions, where ambiguities arise, and what pragmatic distinctions cannot be disambiguated by prosody.