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Is Daily Shaving of Axillary and Pubic Hair a Feature of Suicide in the Muslim Community?


Abstract and Figures

In the Islamic context, "fitrah" refers to humanity's innate disposition toward virtue and the ability to differentiate between right and wrong. A common quote regarding fitrah, from the Prophet is "The fitrah consists of 5 things: circumcision, trimming the moustache, cutting the nails, plucking the armpit hairs, and shaving the pubic hairs."In this study, our aim was to determine the status of axillary and pubic shaving in medicolegal death cases that took place in the Konya Province of Turkey and to evaluate the relationship with the origin of suicide. Of 2850 medicolegal death cases, 206 (7.2%) were of suicidal origin. It was observed that the average age in the cases of suicidal origin was 36.76 +/- 17.72 years, and 146 of 206 cases (70.9%) were men. As a method of suicide, hanging was the chosen method in 100 cases (48.5%), whereas firearm injuries occurred in 54 cases (26.2%), and intoxication was involved in 37 cases (18.0%). Daily axillary and pubic shaving was observed in 26 of 2644 (1.0%) death cases that occurred with nonsuicidal reasons, but in 65 of 206 were (31.6%) suicidal cases. Because suicidal notes were present in 25 (12.1%) of all of the suicidal cases, the ratio of daily axillary and pubic shaving was significantly higher than that of the suicidal notes.In investigating the cases of suicidal origin for medicolegal purposes, evidence showing that this action was committed by the victim, the presence of a suicide note at the death scene and, a history of a previous suicidal attempt, it was thought that the presence of daily axillary and pubic shaving on external examination of the victim's body, when of Muslim faith, could also be considered a feature of suicide.
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Is Daily Shaving of Axillary and Pubic Hair a Feature of
Suicide in the Muslim Community?
Serafettin Demirci, MD,* Kamil Hakan Dogan, MD,* Zerrin Erkol, MD,† and Idris Deniz, MD*
Abstract: In the Islamic context, “fitrah” refers to humanity’s innate
disposition toward virtue and the ability to differentiate between
right and wrong. A common quote regarding fitrah, from the Prophet
is “ The fitrah consists of 5 things: circumcision, trimming the moustache,
cutting the nails, plucking the armpit hairs, and shaving the pubic hairs.”
In this study, our aim was to determine the status of axillary and
pubic shaving in medicolegal death cases that took place in the Konya
Province of Turkey and to evaluate the relationship with the origin of
suicide. Of 2850 medicolegal death cases, 206 (7.2%) were of suicidal
origin. It was observed that the average age in the cases of suicidal
origin was 36.76 17.72 years, and 146 of 206 cases (70.9%) were
men. As a method of suicide, hanging was the chosen method in 100
cases (48.5%), whereas firearm injuries occurred in 54 cases (26.2%),
and intoxication was involved in 37 cases (18.0%). Daily axillary and
pubic shaving was observed in 26 of 2644 (1.0%) death cases that
occurred with nonsuicidal reasons, but in 65 of 206 were (31.6%)
suicidal cases. Because suicidal notes were present in 25 (12.1%) of all
of the suicidal cases, the ratio of daily axillary and pubic shaving was
significantly higher than that of the suicidal notes.
In investigating the cases of suicidal origin for medicolegal purposes,
evidence showing that this action was committed by the victim, the
presence of a suicide note at the death scene and, a history of a previous
suicidal attempt, it was thought that the presence of daily axillary and pubic
shaving on external examination of the victim’s body, when of Muslim
faith, could also be considered a feature of suicide.
Key Words: axilla, pubis, shaving, suicide, forensic medicine
(Am J Forensic Med Pathol 2008;29: 330 –333)
Different customs exist between countries, cultures, and
genders with respect to the subject of axillary and pubic
shaving, and these differences have been attributed to reli-
gious, traditional, esthetic, sexual, and hygienic issues.
In many cultures, particularly North America, eastern
Europe, and the Middle East, women frequently remove some
or all of their body hair due to societal values and consider it
unattractive and/or not feminine, or as a matter of practicing
good hygiene. Women may also remove some or all of their
pubic hair for esthetic or sexual reasons. Men may also
practice this, but not as commonly. In a sexual context, pubic
hair removal is done to increase visual exposure of the
genitalia and/or facilitate access to the genital area by remov-
ing the barrier of hair, and for the purpose of cleanliness.
In ancient Egypt, many people depilated their entire
bodies to prevent infestation by lice, fleas, and other para-
sites. Given the absence of insecticides, this custom seems
less bizarre.
A patient’s body hair was once shaved before surgery
for reasons of hygiene; however, this turned out to be coun-
terproductive and as a result, in many hospitals patients are
no longer shaved. The shaving of hair has sometimes been
used in attempts to eradicate lice or to minimize body odor
due to the accumulation of odor-causing microorganisms in
hair. Some people with trichiasis find it medically necessary
to remove ingrown eyelashes.
Many forms of cancer require chemotherapy that often
causes severe and irregular hair loss. For this reason, it is
common for cancer patients to shave their heads even before
starting chemotherapy.
Sunnah is the prophet Muhammad’s way of life and
viewed as a model for Muslims. Muslim men and women are
required by the Sunnah to shave their pubic hair and axillae.
Also, Muslim men are not supposed to shave their beards, but
are encouraged to shave their moustaches, according to the
In this study, we investigated the presence of daily
axillary and pubic shaving (DAPS) in cases of suicidal origin
and in the other medicolegal deaths, among Muslims in the
Konya Province of Turkey.
Our study was conducted in Konya, which is the fourth
largest city of Turkey and located in the middle Anatolia
region. Konya had a population of 2,192,166 people in 2000,
according to the data of the Turkish Statistics Association.
Turkey, 99% of the population is Muslim.
All of the medicolegal death cases included in the study
were Muslim. For this study, forms were prepared for ascer-
taining axillary and pubic shaving status and were used for
Manuscript received July 20, 2007; accepted July 25, 2007.
From the *Department of Forensic Medicine, Meram Medical School,
Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey; and the †Department of Forensic
Medicine, Abant Izzet Baysal University, Bolu, Turkey.
All figures can be viewed in color online at
Reprints: Serafettin Demirci, MD, Department of Forensic Medicine, Meram
Medical School, Selcuk University, 42080 Meram, Konya, Turkey.
Copyright © 2008 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISSN: 0195-7910/08/2904-0330
DOI: 10.1097/PAF.0b013e318187df30
The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology Volume 29, Number 4, December 2008330
each of 2850 medicolegal death cases that occurred between
2001 and 2006. Apart from this, the death scene investigation
of all cases thought to be of suicidal origin was performed in
detail before autopsy. Statistical analysis was performed
using SPSS version 13.0, and the
test was applied for the
evaluation of the parameters.
Out of 2850 medicolegal death cases, 206 (7.2%) were
suicides, with an average age of 36.76 17.72 years. Of the
suicides, 146 (70.9%) were men. As the method of suicide,
hanging was chosen in 100 cases (48.5%), firearm injuries
occurred in 54 cases (26.2%), and intoxication was the
method used in 37 cases (18.0%; Fig. 1). DAPS was observed
in 26 of the 2644 (1.0%) death cases that occurred for
nonsuicidal reasons and in 65 of 206 (31.6%) suicidal cases
(Table 1, Figs. 2 and 3). Neither daily axillary shaving alone
nor daily pubic shaving alone was observed in any of the
cases. There was no significant statistical difference between
the presence of DAPS and the method of suicide, age group,
or gender (P0.005; Tables 2– 4). Because the suicidal
notes were present in only 25 (12.1%) of the suicidal cases,
the ratio of the presence of DAPS was determined to be
significantly higher than that of the suicidal notes. The ratio
of the presence of DAPS was 56% in the cases who had left
suicide notes, whereas it was 28.2% in the cases who had not
left suicide notes, and this difference in ratios was statistically
significant (P0.005; Table 5).
Hair removal has been practiced for centuries in almost
all human cultures. The methods used have varied among
times and regions, but shaving is the most common method.
Trimming or complete removal of pubic hair has become a
custom in many cultures. A preference for hairless genitals is
known as acomoclitism. The method of removing hair is
TABLE 1. DAPS and Cause of Death
Daily Axillary
and Pubic Shaving
Cause of Death
Suicide Other Causes*
n (%) n (%)
Present 65 (31.6) 26 (1.0)
Absent 141 (68.4) 2618 (99.0)
Total 206 (100.0) 2644 (100.0)
577.793, df 1, P0.000.
*Accidental, homicidal, and natural deaths.
FIGURE 1. Methods of suicide.
FIGURE 2. Daily axillary shaving.
The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology Volume 29, Number 4, December 2008 Is DAPS a Feature of Suicide?
© 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 331
called depilation when removing only the hair above the skin,
or epilation when removing the entire hair.
Although the majority of men do not shave their axil-
lae, many women do so for esthetic/cultural reasons, a prac-
tice that may be connected to the overall body hair distribu-
tion of the sexes. Today, in many countries, especially in
most of the Western and/or English-speaking world, it is
common for women (and sometimes men) to shave off their
axillary hair regularly for esthetic reasons if it is likely to be
in view, although the prevalence of this varies widely.
Japan, it is common for women to shave their axillary hair,
but not to shave or even trim their pubic hair. This is thought
to be influenced by the public baths, such as onsens. Another
reason for women keeping pubic hair in Japan is theorized to
be the lolita obsession, in which pubic hair is a sign of a
young girl blooming into puberty; thus the woman wants to
appear youthful, so she keeps her pubic hair.
Religious reasons and personal cleanliness require-
ments are sometimes cited. Tonsure is the practice of some
Christian churches, and some Hindu and Buddhist temples
require shaving the hair from the scalp of priests as a symbol
of their renunciation of worldly fashion and esteem. Jewish
men are forbidden by the Torah to shave their facial hair with
a razor. Whether it is permitted to shave with an electric razor
is a matter of debate among Jewish legal pundits, but most are
lenient. Sikhs take an even stronger stance, opposing all
forms of hair removal. One of the Sikh “Five Ks” is kesh,
meaning “uncut hair.” To Sikhs, the maintenance and man-
agement of long hair is a manifestation of one’s piety.
Muslim law (Sharia) places hair in 3 categories: (1) that
which is recommended to be removed (pubic and axillary
hair), (2) that which is recommended to be maintained (the
beard), and (3) that which is the object of limited recommen-
dations (feet, hands, back, and chest hair). Removal of axil-
lary and pubic hair is a hygienic practice that was taught by
the prophet Muhammad and which was espoused as having
been part of practices conforming to man’s premortal (ie,
fitrah) nature. It was advised by Islamism to have the
moustache cut, nails cut, and axillae and pubic shavings
within 40 days.
According to Islamism, suicide is killing oneself who
was created by God. For this reason, as in other monotheistic
religions, suicide is one of the greatest sins in Islamism.
However, committing a suicide for a person is not an obstacle
for religious ceremony. The person who commits a suicide is
not expelled from religion. The person is washed with ritual
ablution and genital areas are closed during washing. The
TABLE 3. DAPS and Age Groups
Daily Axillary and Pubic Shaving
Age Groups (yr)
<20 20–29 30–39 40–49 50–59 60–69 >70
n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%)
Present 7 (21.9) 19 (32.8) 9 (28.1) 16 (42.1) 7 (33.3) 3 (20.0) 4 (40.0)
Absent 25 (78.1) 39 (67.2) 23 (71.9) 22 (57.9) 14 (66.7) 12 (80.0) 6 (60.0)
Total 32 (100.0) 58 (100.0) 32 (100.0) 38 (100.0) 21 (100.0) 15 (100.0) 10 (100.0)
4.848, df6, P0.005.
TABLE 4. DAPS and Gender
Daily Axillary and Pubic Shaving
Male Female
n (%) n (%)
Present 44 (30.1) 21 (35.0)
Absent 102 (69.9) 39 (65.0)
Total 146 (100.0) 60 (100.0)
0.466, df 1, P0.005.
TABLE 5. DAPS and Suicide Note
Daily Axillary and Pubic Shaving
Suicide Note
Present Absent
n (%) n (%)
Present 14 (56.0) 11 (44.0)
Absent 51 (28.2) 130 (71.8)
Total 65 (31.6) 141 (68.4)
7.873, df 1, P0.005.
FIGURE 3. Daily pubic shaving.
TABLE 2. DAPS and Method of Suicide
Daily Axillary
and Pubic Shaving
Method of Suicide
Injury Intoxication
n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%)
Present 42 (42.0) 11 (20.4) 8 (21.6) 4 (26.7)
Absent 58 (58.0) 43 (79.6) 29 (78.4) 11 (73.3)
Total 100 (100.0) 54 (100.0) 37 (100.0) 15 (100.0)
10.036, df 3, P0.005.
Demirci et al The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology Volume 29, Number 4, December 2008
© 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins332
washing process is completed with pouring some water on the
dead body by the relatives.
10 –13
Although determination of origin in medicolegal death
cases is under the authority of the prosecutor or judge,
evidence showing that this action was committed by the
victim can be determined during the investigation of the death
scene and the examination of the corpse, eg, leaving a suicide
note, a previous history of a suicidal attempt, and evidence
showing that the mechanism of the suicide method was set up
by the victim.
In our study, a suicide note was found in only 12.1% of
the cases that were deemed to be of suicidal origin. However,
it was found that the rate of DAPS, due both to religious and
socio-cultural reasons as a part of a suicide action, was
31.6%, which was higher than the frequency of suicide notes.
Consequently, this finding indicates that DAPS may occur
more frequently in comparison with suicide notes in the
suicide cases of Muslim societies. Additionally, it was deter-
mined that the rate of people having DAPS was significantly
higher in the people leaving a suicide note (56%) than of
people not doing so (28.2%; P0.005). Both leaving a
suicide note and having DAPS for a victim may be thought of
as indicators of a planned suicide. Before suicidal action,
having DAPS may be evaluated as a preparation for suicide
and applied more frequently than leaving a suicide note.
In our study, the rate of DAPS in other medicolegal
deaths due to nonsuicidal reasons (eg, accidental, homicidal,
and natural deaths) was determined to be 1.0%. There was a
significant difference between the suicidal and nonsuicidal
deaths in terms of having DAPS (P0.000), whereas there
was no significant difference between the methods of suicide,
age groups, and genders in terms of DAPS (P0.005). In
Turkey, a person who attempts suicide may consider shaving
the pubic and axillary hair before the suicidal action due to a
religious requirement, as well as the thought of being con-
sidered dirty during the washing tradition of the body after
death. It was thought that the person had shaved their pubic
and axillary hair with this concern in mind just before suicide,
which was the part of the planned suicidal action. Our study
was performed on 2850 medicolegal death cases, all of whom
were Muslims. This is a preliminary study. It is considered
that similar studies on the corpses of Muslims, as well as on
the corpses of people from other religions, and atheists will
shed light upon the relationship, if any, between deaths of
suicidal origin and DAPS in medicolegal death cases.
In conclusion, in investigating medicolegal death cases
believed to be of suicidal origin, evidence showing that this
action was committed by the victim, the presence of a suicide
note at the death scene, and a history of a previous suicidal
attempt, the presence of DAPS on the external examination of
the victim’s body, when of the Muslim faith, may also be
considered a feature of suicide.
1. Hair removal. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available at: http:// Accessed April 2, 2007.
2. Al-Mawrid Institute of Islamic Studies. homepage on the internet.
Shaving Pubic Hair. Available at:
rb/mb-049.htm. Accessed March 14, 2007.
3. Islamic Research Foundation, Inc. homepage on the internet. Syed IB. Grow-
ing Beard: Is It Mandatory In Islam? Available at:
articles_201_250/growing_beard_is_it_mandatory_in_islam.htm. Accessed
March 14, 2007.
4. Turkish Foundation of Statistics homepage on the internet. Population
by city, inhabitant group and gender. Available at: http://www.tuik. Accessed March 3, 2007.
5. US Department of State homepage on the internet. Background Note:
Turkey. Available at: Accessed
April 2, 2007.
6. Pubic hair. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available at: http://en.wikipedia.
org/wiki/Pubic_hair. Accessed April 2, 2007.
7. Underarm hair. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available at: http:// Accessed April 2, 2007.
8. Acomoclitism. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available from: http:// Accessed April 2, 2007.
9. Canan I. Kutub-i Sitte. Hadith Encyclopedia, Vol 7. Ankara, Turkey:
Akcag Publications; 1992:33–39.
10. Intihar. Available at:
Qm94&s1. Accessed April 2, 2007.
11. Preperation of the Deceased and Janajah Prayers. Available at: www. Accessed April 2, 2007.
12. Washing of the deceased. Encyclopedia of Fiqh. Available at: http:// Accessed
April 2, 2007.
13. Sabiq S. Fiqh as-Sunnah, Vol 4. Indianapolis, IN: American Trust
Publications,. 1968:69–138.
The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology Volume 29, Number 4, December 2008 Is DAPS a Feature of Suicide?
© 2008 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 333
... Further evidence from the death scene investigation, statements from witnesses, the presence of a suicide note, and autopsy findings can all help to determine whether the victim was responsible for his or her own death. Demirci et al. (2008a) noted that in investigating medico-legal death cases believed to be of suicidal origin, evidence showing that this action was committed by the victim, the presence of a suicide note at the death scene, and a history of a previous suicidal attempt, the presence of daily axillary and pubic shaving on the external examination of the victim's body, when of the Muslim faith, may also be considered a feature of suicide. Hanging, car exhaust poisoning and burning involve elaborate preparations and require seclusion. ...
... Further evidence from the death scene investigation, including statements obtained from witnesses and hospital staff by the security operatives, the presence of a suicide note, all helped to determine whether the victim was responsible for his or her own death (Demirci et al. 2008a). Dermichi (2008), noted that in investigating medico-legal death cases believed to be of suicidal origin, evidence showing that this action was committed by the victim, the presence of a suicide note at the death scene, and a history of a previous suicidal attempt, as found by the police debunked the allegation by family members that it was homicide. ...
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Suicide carries a stigma on the family name in many cultures. Objections were raised by family members, with a threat of judicial adjudication, when suicide was documented in the death certificate. An earlier reported case of fraud involving her raised the issue of suspicion of homicide and necessitated this investigation by security operatives. a 19 year old female ward assistant, abandoned to fend for herself at 15 years, earlier managed for Severe Depression with Psychotic features, who was found dead. A day prior to the incidence, 23 rd September, 2019, it was discovered that she had secretly generated a transfer code in a bank mobile App and had transferred money to the tune of Eighty thousand naira only over the previous month. Further evidence showed ligature and neck marks, with similar pattern to the ridges in the rope used, the presence of a suicide note, her medical history, a history of previous suicidal attempt, a well documented nursing report of a previous suicidal attempt, formed the summary of the report of findings that this action was committed by the victim and that it was not a homicidal hanging.. The steps taken by the security formed the basis of this report.
... In a previous study from Turkey, Demirci et al reported that among all suicide cases, daily axillary/pubic hair shaving occurred in 58% of cases, and most frequently in the 20-29 age group, but no gender differences were reported. 36 In our study, it was observed that 57.1% of cases performed daily shaving of the pubic hair, but no statistical relationship was found between daily shaving of pubic hair and age groups; it wassignificantly higher in women. Fecal incontinence may be observed in hanging cases as in the other asphyxial deaths depending on the disappearance of postmortem anal sphincter tone. ...
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BACKGROUND Hanging is the most preferred among suicide methods. Although methods vary based on age groups and social and cultural conditions, many studies have reported it as the most common suicide method in Turkey. OBJECTIVE Assess autopsy findings of suicidal hangings according to gender differences. DESIGN Retrospective, cross-sectional. SETTING Local morgue. SUBJECTS AND METHODS The autopsy reports of hanging autopsies between 2013-2018. Data was retrospectively collected from autopsy reports. Sociodemographic features, reasons, suicide notes, the news media, and macroscopic autopsy findings were evaluated. Findings were statistically compared by gender. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE Gender differences in autopsy findings. SAMPLE SIZE AND CHARACTERISTICS 175 autopsy reports of suicide by hanging. RESULTS Among 2534 autopsies, 175 (6.9%) cases involved hanging. Most (76%, n=133) were males; the median (interquartile range) age was 42.0 (29.5), the male/female ratio was 3:1. Suicide notes were found in 42 cases; 81 (24%) were from men. The most common reason for suicide was a mental illness (n=51, 29.2%), followed by family problems (n=26, 14.9%), but the cause was unknown in 42 cases (24.0%). More than half of the events were covered in the news media (58.9%). Rope was most commonly used with women preferring a softer material. Men were more frequently single than women. Men were more frequently single and not actively working than women ( P =.026 and P ≤.001, respectively). The incidence of atypical hanging was higher for males than females ( P <.05). CONCLUSION The findings showed that there were some statistically significant differences in socioeconomic and mental health factors between men and women in hanging suicide. This study may serve as the basis for more comprehensive studies to investigate the causes of suicide. LIMITATIONS Single-center, retrospective. CONFLICT OF INTEREST None.
... Bir ası olgusunda kullanılan ipin boyunda bıraktığı "telem" dışında farklı bulgularda olabilir. Demirci ve arkadaşlarının intihar eden Müslümanlarda, dış muayene esnasında tespit edilen pubik ve aksiler bölge tıraşının, intiharlar öncesinde yapılan hazırlığın bulgularından olduğunu göstermişlerdir (26). Otopside saptanan"acıbadem" kokusunun siyanür zehirlenmesini düşündürmesi gibi normalde farklı her bulgu ipucu olabilmekte ve rutin olarak araştırılmayacak olan durumları düşündürmelidir. ...
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Otopsinin tarihçesi, yasal dayanağı, yapılışı vb. her yönüyle otopsi
... For Muslims, the Islamic faith requires that all men and women routinely shave their pubic hair (Anwar, Munawar, & Anwar, 2010). This religious practice is thought to be hygienic and is even enforced by Sharia, Muslim law (Demirci, Dogan, Erkol, & Deniz, 2008). Another non-Western example dates to the Greek classical period; analysis of plays and artwork suggests women practiced partial PHR for sexual appeal (Kilmer, 1982). ...
The literature on pubic hair removal (PHR) practices primarily focuses on women in Western societies and attributes recent increases in PHR to product marketing, pornography, and pop culture. Here, we explore PHR and retention practices outside the cultural West through content coding of societies in the Human Relations Area Files’ database, eHRAF World Cultures. Thirty-one societies noted distinct PHR or retention practices. Descriptive data on 72 societies provided additional context to the perception of pubic hair and reasons for its removal or retention. Results indicate that women practice PHR more commonly than men cross-culturally and practices are often tied to concerns about hygiene and sexual activity. Findings show that some features of PHR cross-culturally resemble those of the cultural West in which these practices have been best characterized, though these practices cannot be attributed to the same suite of factors such as exposure to pornography or product marketing. We interpret these findings within cross-cultural and evolutionary perspectives.
... Development of new technologies such as lasers or home-use depilatory devices has also changed the traditional trends and practices [2,3].A recent study showed that, pubic hair grooming practices are in a diverse range in United States [4]. In the Middle East, removal of the female body hair has been considered for proper hygiene, tradition for many centuries and recommended by Islam [ (5]. Nevertheless, even though pubic hair removal is known to be very common, there is very few data about the pubic hair removal features of the women in Eastern Mediterranean area and Islamic population. ...
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Aim. Pubic hair removal has been common since the ancient times. In the Middle East, removal of the female pubic hair has been considered as a tradition of hygiene for many centuries, and it is recommended by Islam. However, development of new technologies such as lasers or home-use depilatory devices may have changed the trends and methods. Although pubic hair removal is known to be very common, there is very few data about the pubic hair removal features of the women in eastern Mediterranean area and Islamic population. The aim of this study is to evaluate the recent trends, demographic, social, and sexual features of pubic hair removal activities among Turkish Cypriot women in North Cyprus. Methods. This study was conducted as a cross-sectional study. Self-administered questionnaires were given to volunteered female subjects applied to our outpatient services. Results. The results of our study revealed that a vast majority of Turkish Cypriot women applies regular pubic hair removal and the most common method is waxing. Initialization of pubic hair removal is at the age of menarche and the source of knowledge is the mother. Conclusion. the reasons of pubic hair removal were mostly feeling comfortable, and prevention of odor rather than sexual image or religious reasons.
... Por ejemplo, la ley musulmana recomienda que tanto el vello axilar como el pubiano deben eliminarse como parte de la debida limpieza del cuerpo. Así, se logra la purificación del cuerpo necesaria para alcanzar la felicidad eterna, junto con la limpieza del alma y la mente (51,52). Durante siglos, en el norte de África y el Oriente Medio se ha utilizado una pasta acuosa de azúcar caliente, combinada a veces con zumo de limón, que se extiende sobre la piel y luego se reti ra con una tira de tela (45,53). ...
Objective: To show that female pubic hair shaving, a common current practice, is the result of changing trends in dress and fashion, and of the marketing strategies of the manufacturers of hair removal devices; and to consider what women today argue as their reasons for this practice. Materials and methods: The historical background for pubic hair removal is presented, including the approach in other cultures, the frequency and the reasons for this practice at present; the marketing and communication strategies are reviewed. Conclusions: The current female beauty imagery in this early part of the 21st century involves the search for an ideal of smooth hair-free skin which is only achievable through artificial means, leading society as a whole to consider it the standard for cosmetic, hygienic, erotic and self-image reasons.
Objectives: We investigated the behavioral associated factors and prevalence of common anorectal disease (hemorrhoids, perianal pruritus, anal fistula, and others) among Uyghur male adults in southern Xinjiang. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study with a random sampling method from December 2020 to March 2021. Uyghur males aged 18 years and older were selected from Kashgar Prefecture in Xinjiang. The prevalence was evaluated by a bilingual questionnaire (including socio- demographic information, dietary habit, lifestyle, and behavioral habits) and anorectal examinations. The chi-square test was used for categorical variables. Logistic regression analysis was used to identify potential associated factors.Results: A total of 402 Uygur males aged ≥ 18 years were included in the final analysis. Of those, 192 (47.8%) participants were identified with common anorectal disease (CAD). Older age, lower education attainment, being a farmer, having lower personal annual income, having a high level of alcohol consumption, performing less anus-rinsing after defecation, and having less pubic hair removal were significantly associated with CAD. Conclusions: Common anorectal disease is a significant public health concern for the Uygur male population. Anus-rinsing after defecation and pubic hair removal are ethnic-specific behaviors among Uygur and could be preventive strategies for CAD.
Introduction: External and internal autopsy findings of suicidal hanging were evaluated retrospectively in Muğla, Turkey. The relations between macroscopic autopsy findings and age, gender, nature of the ligature, position of the knot, and the ligature marks were assessed. The aim of this study was to describe autopsy findings of the hangings and discuss the regional differences. Method: The reports of 175 hanging autopsies between 2013 to 2018 were evaluated retrospectively. Macroscopic external and internal findings were evaluated and compared statistically. Results: Among the 2534 autopsies, the cause of death was suicide by hanging in 175 cases (6.9%). The male-to-female ratio was 3:1, 76%(n = 133) of the cases were male, 24% (n = 42) were female, the mean age was 44.9(SD = 19.3) years. Suicide by hanging was most prevalent in the 25–44 age group and among men. Complete hanging was more common than incomplete hanging, and softer materials were more commonly used in incomplete hangings. Females utilized soft materials more than males. Males used atypical hanging more than females. Bilateral hemorrhage in the neck muscles was more common with typical hanging. There was a significant relationship between tongue protrusion and hemorrhage at the clavicular head of sternocleidomastoid muscle. Conclusion: In this study, which includes a large series, some regional and gender differences were observed. Careful and detailed macroscopic examination was important to diagnose antemortem vitality findings.
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Türkiye’de tıp eğitimi gerçek anlamda ilk kez 14 Mart 1827 tarihinde Vezneciler’de Tulumbacıbaşı Konağında Tıphane” adıyla kurulan okulda başlar. 1839’da “Mekteb-i Tıbbiye-i Adliye-i Şâhâne” adını alan okulda; Avusturya’dan gelen Dr. Charles Ambroise Bernard ilk kez adli tıp derslerini 1841’de “ Tıbb-i Kanuni” adı ile vermeye başlar ve ilk otopsi de başına sırık düşerek ölen bir işçinin cesedine uygulanır. Aradan bunca yıl geçmiş olmasına rağmen, bugün ülkemizde “adli tıp” olması gereken yerde midir? Bu soruya, “evet” yanıtı vermemiz ne yazık ki olanaksızdır. Tüm dünyada “adli tıp” ve daha genel bir ifade ile “adli bilimler” günümüzde bilim ve teknolojideki ilerlemelerle birlikte, birçok adli, tıbbi ve sosyal olayın aydınlatılmasında önemli bir konum kazanmıştır. İletişim ve teknoloji çağına dönüşen 21.yüzyıl adli tıbbı, sosyal, popüler ve bir o kadar da medyatik hale getirmiştir. Türkiye’de evrensel örneklerin dışında, adli tıbbın uygulamaları tek bir merkezi yapı olan Adli Tıp Kurumu bünyesinde yürütülmekte; üniversiteler büyük ölçüde bu uygulamaların dışında kalmaktadır. Adli tıbbın ülkemizdeki mevcut bu sistemi başlı başına devasa bir sorundur. Adli tıp ve adli bilimler alanında; öğrenci, asistan ve uzmanların eğitimi, bilginin elde edilmesi ve paylaşımı, materyalden yararlanma ve rutin uygulamalara katılımda ciddi problemler bulunmaktadır. Bu durum, doğallıkla bilimsel araştırmaların yapılması; bilginin toplumda üretilmesi, yayılması ve kullanımı açısından da önemli bir engel oluşturmaktadır. Öte yandan, görevi ve uzmanlığı ne olursa olsun, tüm hekimler meslek yaşamında adli tıp konularıyla hemen her gün karşılaşmaktadırlar. Mesleki olarak adli tıp konularında kendilerini geliştirmek, güncel bilgi ve uygulamalara ayak uydurmak durumundadırlar. İşte bu ortak çalışma, yalnızca adli tıp asistan ve uzmanlarına değil; adli tıp konuları ile karşılaşan tüm hekimlere ve hatta tıp öğrencilerine yardımcı olmak üzere hazırlandı. Toplumda her gün adli tıp ile ilgili sorunların artması ve adli tıbbın kimi zaman olumsuz da olsa hep gündemde kalması nedeni ile, bu tür bilimsel kaynaklara neden gereksinim duyulduğu aşikârdır. İstanbul Tabip Odası Yönetim Kurulu ve Klinik Gelişim Dergisi Yayın Kurulu’na; Adli Tıp özel sayısı çıkarılmasına destekleri için teşekkür ederiz. Klinik Gelişim Dergisi’nin bu özel sayısının hazırlanma sürecinde; adli tıp açısından “kitap formatı” niteliğinde, kapsamlı bir başvuru kaynağına dönüştüğünü gördük. Bu çalışma aynı zamanda, bizde adli tıbbın temel konularını içeren kitap ve benzeri çalışmalar arasında, “yerinde kaynak gösterme” yöntemi ile hazırlanmış, “derleme” türü, ilk kapsamlı çalışma özelliği de taşımaktadır. Bununla birlikte, konu başlığı seçimi ve içeriklerinde, derginin amacı ve hacmi dışına taşan bilimsel ayrıntılardan bilinçli olarak kaçınmaya çalıştık. Öte yandan bu ortak çalışmada, birçok meslektaşımızın, özellikle süre kısıtlılığı nedeni ile “yazar” olarak yer alamadığını üzülerek belirtmek zorundayız; anlayışla karşılanacağını umuyoruz. Tüm hekimlerin adli tıp konuları ile “hiç karşılaşmamasını” dileyemesek; “nadiren karşılaşmasını” dilesek de, bu çalışma şayet, hekimlerin gerek duyduklarında yararlanabilecekleri bir kaynak olabilecek ise, mutluluk duyarız. Saygı ve dostlukla… Mart 2009 Dr. Sermet KOÇ Dr. Muhammet CAN
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