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In August 2001 a new joint collaboration between italian physicists and norwegian engineers was succesfully carried into effect with a new mission to Norway, in order to further investigate a luminous phenomenon which is occurring recurrently in the valley of Hessdalen. The italian research-activity of this year was concentrated in the acquisition of optical data coming from conventional photography, video imaging and video-spectroscopy. Many photographs, videos and some spectra were obtained of the phenomenon. The results coming from the subsequent analysis show that: 1) the luminous phenomenon is a thermal plasma; 2) the light-balls are not single objects but are constituted of many small components which are casually vibrating around a common barycenter; 3) the light-balls are able to eject smaller light-balls; 4) the light-balls change shape all the time; 5) the luminosity increase of the light balls is due to the increase of the radiating area. This mission was able to finally visualize the real structure and nature of the light-phenomenon and its time-behaviour. The cause, and the physical mechanism with which radiation is emitted is currently unknown, and will be investigated in further missions. Some physical hypotheses are amply discussed.
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... Photometric analysis of "balls of light" carried out at Hessdalen, the Norwegian site deemed a symbolic place to study these types of physical phenomenon, shows that this luminous phenomenon can produce high levels of energy, which remain confined during the event and are inexplicable in terms of known physics. For example, it has been calculated that this anomalous phenomenon in the atmosphere can reach a remarkable luminous power, up to 100kW (Teodorani, 2008), while, from the Planck curve maximum a temperature of around 6,500°K has been measured, which remained approximately constant for the entire duration of the luminous phenomenon, ranging from a few seconds to 3 minutes, despite drastic variations in luminosity (Teodorani et al., 2001). ...
... To date, thanks to documentation available on the website, we know that ball lightning has been observed in various parts of the globe, over land and sea, and near volcanoes (Bach, 1993). However, in some areas, it manifests more frequently, for example, in the Hessdalen Valley in Norway (Teodorani, 2004, Strand, 1985Teodorani and Strand, 2001), Marfa in Texas (Bunnell, 2009;Stephan et al., 2009;Bunnell et al.,2011;Stephan et al., 2011) and in Italy, especially in the Northern Apennines (Straser, 2007(Straser, , 2009). ...
... The relation between luminous phenomena, tectonic stress built up in rocks and earthquakes has been known and studied for a long time in many parts of the world (Finkelstein and Powell, 1970;Lockner and Johnston, 1983;Derr, 1986;Tsukada, 1997;St-Laurent et al.,2006), whereas in the Taro Valley seismic area, a time correlation between balls of light and earthquakes has been suggested by this author. Besides the Taro Valley, luminous phenomena have been recorded in other parts of the Earth (Bunnell, 2003;Strand, 1996Strand, -2003Straser, 2009;Teodorani and Strand, 2001) and have been accompanied with photographic evidence on many occasions. A link between tectonic stress and luminous phenomena was already conjectured and explained in the second half of the last century through the theory of piezoelectricity (Derr, 1986;Finkelstein et al., 1973), According to this hypothesis, certain silicate minerals, such as quartz, produce charged clouds and electric potentials through air ionization when they are subjected to mechanical deformation caused, for example, by crustal stress. ...
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What may link tectonically active areas, earthquakes, volcanic manifestations and the presence of hydrocarbons is the release of gas into the atmosphere. In areas subject to tectonic stress, the release of gas can be accompanied by variations in the electrical and electromagnetic fields provoked by the emission of charges originating from the tension the rocks are subject to in the subsoil, or from local variations in radioactivity. When particular physical conditions subsist, the combination of charges and gas can give rise to the formation of atmospheric plasmas. For causes not yet well understood, when neutrality is violated, the plasma can enter a transient phase generating anomalous luminous phenomena in the atmosphere, diversified in shape, colour and duration according to the location. The presence of ball lightning can therefore be associated both with the presence of hydrocarbons and ongoing tectonic stress. The Method proposed in this study could be applied to diagnosis, non-invasive oil exploration, and the study of seismic precursor candidates. The dualism that matches oilfields with ball lightning could also open up new scenarios for the production of alternative energy, once the physical mechanism that triggers luminous phenomena has been understood; a mechanism that can produce high levels of energy, elevated temperatures, and fast movements through the air. Introduction he aim of this study is to verify a possible relationship between ball lightning and hydrocarbon deposits. The reason why anomalous luminous phenomena in the atmosphere only exist in certain locations around the planet remains unknown for the moment. After initial scepticism, controversy, refusal to accept their existence, uncertainty over sightings, interest in so-called " ball lightning " has gradually grown and, for some years now, has aroused the curiosity of research teams worldwide. The challenge to understand the mechanisms involved is open. These are transient phenomena, featuring great luminosity and, sometimes very fast movement that occurs noiselessly and almost always without leaving trails in the sky.
... Moreover, the problems faced in studying the Hessdalen phenomena are similar to those associated with the study of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic signals observed with earthquakes. They are: the necessity to obtain a continuous recording extended in space, because electromagnetic phenomena are usually well localized and unpredictable [5,6,7,8]; the extraction of the signal from man made and natural noises [9,10,11,12,13,14]; and the search of the source that is closely connected to the hypotheses for a model to understand the observations [6,7,8,9]. ...
A twelve-hour magnetometer recording made at the Satus Fire Lookout on the Yakama Indian Reservation in central Washington, USA, revealed many, 30 mS to 15 S wide magnetic pulses of unknown origin. The characteristics of the pulses suggest that they are of mechanical origin, because of their highly patterned symmetry and amplitude characteristics. The nature of the data and history of the study area further suggest that the pulses may be related to electromagnetic disturbances seen in connection with the appearance of various Anomalous Luminous Phenomena (ALP). The data show similarities to electromagnetic measurements made by ALP researchers in other geographical locations. Since no ALP observations were made during the recording period, there is still the possibility that the source of the pulses may be the result of unknown human activities. This preliminary report discusses the data recorded and presents the results of initial analysis of the data set.
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A research project regarding the instrumental investigation on atmospheric plasma-like luminous phenomena is proposed. Considered targets are treated on a par with astronomical objects having no fixed coordinates. Specifically oriented monitoring techniques and strategies involving small telescopes which are connected to CCD detectors, spectrographs and photon-counting photometers are presented. Expected exposure-times for acquiring an optimum signal-to-noise ratio of the target by using all the proposed instruments is also evaluated. Finally, physical parameters which are expected to be inferred from data analysis are presented and discussed in detail. This is the amply revised and expanded version of a paper published on Ufodatanet in 1999.
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In the beginning of 1984 a group of Norwegian researchers, supported by external physical scientists, carried out investigations on a luminous phenomenon which was occurring with strong recurrence in the area of Hessdalen in Norway. Such a phenomenon, which was monitored without interruption for 36 days, also by employing several types of instruments, allowed researchers to obtain a precious set of data. At the present time a new station, which has been installed in 1998 in the Hessdalen area and which is supplied with an automatic videocamera, is currently furnishing data in real time. The present paper is devoted to the presentation and discussion of the data analysis and interpretation which have been attempted in order to try to understand the nature of such a phenomenon. The following main results are presented: a) the luminous phenomenon, which appears mostly during the night time and during the winter season, shows a marked radar signature and occurs approximately ! in concomitance with some peculiar magnetic disturbances and sometimes with unexplained radio emission, b) magnetometric data, radar data and some components of radiometric data show some slight correlation with daily solar activity. The hypothesis regarding the formation of solar-driven plasmoids which acquire self-governing EM and magnetic fields, is ventured and discussed. The alternative possibility that solar activity is interfering with a still unknown EM behavior due to the luminous phenomenon is further discussed.
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Numerous researchers have suggested the importance of including a near-Earth search for interstellar probes in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. This article documents some of the scientific work that has already been undertaken in this field. First, T. Roy Dutton's Astronautical Theory is introduced. Following this, some of the findings of two research missions involving periods of constant monitoring by a range of instrumentation are discussed. Finally, Kingsland Observatory and the Instrumentation being developed in Ireland to gather information on atmospheric and to test Dutton's Astronautical Theory are described.
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In the period 21 January - 26 February 1984, a group of research engineers belonging to "Project Hessdalen", carried out instrumental investigations on a luminous atmospheric phenomenon occurring with strong recurrence in the area of Hessdalen in Norway. Several multi-mode instruments were used in order to monitor the phenomenon. In the present work, an analytical attempt, based on the data achieved during the 1984 investigation period, has been done in order to explain such a phenomenon. The following main results are presented: (1) the luminous phenomenon occurs with a periodicity of about one day and is approximately coincident with some peculiar magnetic pulsations and, more scarcely, with some components of radio emission; (2) magnetometric data, radar data and some components of radiometric data show some slight correlation with daily solar activity. Hypothesis regarding formation of solar-driven plasmoids acquiring self-governing EM and magnetic fields, is further ventured and discussed. Technical requirements for future instrumental research are presented as well.
Three decades of conventional SETI-experiments cover only a negligible part of the Galaxy's age, but more effective approaches could cover billions of years without any speculations about the desire and means of extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI) to communicate with us. It is shown that the Moon is a good indicator of ETI presence in the considerable part of the Galaxy during past 4 Gyr. Moreover, the Earth is a natural collector of ETI artefacts (debris, trash etc.) which could spontaneously fall on our planet.
Technological advancements have allowed us to build robotic space probes to remotely explore the solar system. Interstellar robotic missions are under serious consideration. Advanced extant extraterrestrial civiliza- tions within the galaxy, if they exist, are very likely exploring with robotic probes as well, some of which may have reached our solar system and taken an interest in life on Earth. Recent technological advances make it possible to conduct a scientific search for evidence of extraterrestrial interstellar robotic probes. Modern solid-state sensing devices and scientific instruments, combined with high-speed computer hardware, can be used in an effort to detect the physical presence of a probe. The SETV (Search for Extraterrestrial Visitation) model is new and an offspring of SETA (artifacts) and SETI. SETV includes the construction of passive autonomous data acquisition platforms using “commercial off-the-shelf” hardware, to collect reliable and unambiguous data on anomalous observational phenomena that may be ETI probes. The SETV hypothesis and experimental methods will be described. The SETV hypothesis can be experimentally tested and attempts to statistically reject a null hypothesis which states that ETI probes do not exist. SETV Pre and Post-detection protocols are necessary and will be examined. SETV is a timely, results-oriented, method worthy of serious consideration in our continuing desire to answer the question “Are we alone?”.
A technical research project regarding the search for evidence of the extraterrestrial origin of UFO phenomena is proposed. After showing the main results from the analysis of an earlier Norwegian instrumental project, specific monitoring techniques and strategies based on magnetometers, radio spectrum analyzers and radar-assisted sensors for the detection and analysis of UFO optical and infrared light are presented together with calculations of exposure times for optical observations. Physical parameters which are expected to be determinable from subsequent data analysis are described in detail. Finally, crucial tests in order to prove or confute a non-natural origin of the UFO phenomenon are proposed and discussed.
The author outlines a means of achieving interstellar settlement voyages using microwave propulsion. Conceptually, this scheme resembles the Solar Sail Starships sketched by G. L. Matloff and E. S. Mallove.
The paper examines interstellar colonization as a new parameter for the Drake equation. The new parameter C implies that the Drake equation is not strongly affected by interstellar colonization, and that direct contact between extraterrestrials is very rare. The prospect of interstellar colonization does not have the devastating impact on SETI, and it probably occurs on a small scale; since communication between the home and colonized star systems would be likely, interstellar communication may be common, but directional. It is concluded that limited interstellar colonization may occur, and that an effective SETI program must rely on electromagnetic communication.