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Communications/Navigation Outage Forecasting System observational support for the equatorial E × B drift velocities associated with the four-cell tidal structures

Radio Science

Abstract and Figures

Previous studies have established the existence of a four-cell longitude pattern in equatorial F region ionospheric parameters such as total electron content and electron densities and in daytime, equatorial E × B drift velocities. This paper, for the first time, quantifies the longitude gradients in E × B drift associated with the four-cell tidal structures and confirms that these sharp gradients exist on a day-to-day basis. For this purpose, we use the Ion Velocity Meter (IVM) sensor on the Communications/Navigation Outage Forecasting System (C/NOFS) satellite to obtain the daytime, vertical E × B drift velocities at the magnetic equator as a function of longitude, local time, and season. The IVM sensor measures the E × B drift velocity in three dimensions; however, we only use the E × B drift observations perpendicular to B in the meridional plane. These observations can be used to obtain the vertical E × B drifts at the magnetic equator by mapping along the geomagnetic field line. The period initially selected for this work covers several days in October, March, and December 2009. We find, on a day-to-day basis, that (1) sharp E × B drift gradients of -1.3 m s-1 deg-1 exist in the western Pacific sector during equinox, (2) sharp E × B drift gradients of +3 m s-1 deg-1 are observed in the eastern Pacific sector during equinox, and (3) sharp E × B drift gradients of -1.7 m s-1 deg-1 exist in the eastern Pacific sector during December solstice.
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Communications/Navigation Outage Forecasting System
observational support for the equatorial E × B drift velocities
associated with the fourcell tidal structures
Eduardo A. AraujoPradere,
David N. Anderson,
Mariangel Fedrizzi,
and Russell Stoneback
Received 16 November 2010; revised 31 March 2011; accepted 15 April 2011; published 13 July 2011.
[1]Previous studies have established the existence of a fourcell longitude pattern in
equatorial Fregion ionospheric parameters such as total electron content and electron
densities and in daytime, equatorial E×Bdrift velocities. This paper, for the first time,
quantifies the longitude gradients in E×Bdrift associated with the fourcell tidal
structures and confirms that these sharp gradients exist on a daytoday basis. For this
purpose, we use the Ion Velocity Meter (IVM) sensor on the Communications/Navigation
Outage Forecasting System (C/NOFS) satellite to obtain the daytime, vertical E×B
drift velocities at the magnetic equator as a function of longitude, local time, and season.
The IVM sensor measures the E×Bdrift velocity in three dimensions; however, we
only use the E×Bdrift observations perpendicular to Bin the meridional plane. These
observations can be used to obtain the vertical E×Bdrifts at the magnetic equator by
mapping along the geomagnetic field line. The period initially selected for this work
covers several days in October, March, and December 2009. We find, on a daytoday
basis, that (1) sharp E×Bdrift gradients of 1.3 m s
exist in the western Pacific
sector during equinox, (2) sharp E×Bdrift gradients of +3 m s
are observed in the
eastern Pacific sector during equinox, and (3) sharp E×Bdrift gradients of 1.7 m s
exist in the eastern Pacific sector during December solstice.
Citation: AraujoPradere, E. A., D. N. Anderson, M. Fedrizzi, and R. Stoneback (2011), Communications/Navigation Outage
Forecasting System observational support for the equatorial E×Bdrift velocities associated with the fourcell tidal structures,
Radio Sci.,46, RS0D09, doi:10.1029/2010RS004557.
1. Introduction
[2] In the Earths ionospheric Fregion, between 200 and
800 km altitude, the daytime distribution of electrons
and ions as a function of altitude, latitude, longitude and
local time are determined by ionospheric production, loss
and transport mechanisms. Production is primarily through
photoionization of atomic oxygen by solar EUV (l<
91.1nm) radiation, and loss is through charge exchange of
ions with N
and O
, to give NO
and O
, followed by
recombination with electrons. Transport of ionization per-
pendicular to B is due to E×Bdrifts and transport parallel
to B is due to ambipolar diffusion and the component of the
neutral wind parallel to B. At low latitudes, the primary
transport mechanism is via E×Bdrifts in the vertical and
meridional plane. At the magnetic equator, these E×B
drifts are upward in the daytime and primarily downward at
night. The daytime upward drifts are responsible for pro-
ducing crests in the Fregion peak electron density, N
at +/15° to 18° magnetic latitude, known as the equatorial
anomaly [Hanson and Moffett, 1966; Anderson, 1973].
[3] A recent technique has been developed to infer the
daytime, vertical E×Bdrift velocity from groundbased
magnetometer observations [Anderson et al., 2002]. Uti-
lizing a magnetometer located on the magnetic equator
(Jicamarca, Peru) and one off the magnetic equator at 6°N
mag. lat. (Piura, Peru), Anderson et al. [2004] developed
various relationships between the observed difference in the
H component, DH(H
), and the vertical E×Bdrift
velocity observed by the Jicamarca Unattended LongTerm
Ionosphere Atmosphere (JULIA) coherent scatter radar
measuring the Doppler shift of 150 km echo returns. These
150 km E×Bdrifts have been shown to be essentially
equivalent to Fregion E×Bdrift velocities by comparing
them with the Jicamarca Incoherent Scatter Radar (ISR)
E×Bdrifts. Anderson et al. [2004] developed a neural
network technique that gave realistic, daytime E×Bdrift
velocities. The neural network was trained with over
450 quiet and disturbed days between 2001 and 2004, using
5 min observations of DH and JULIA E×Bdrift velocities
between 09:00 and 16:00 LT. Figure 1 compares the average,
CIRES, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA.
NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center, Boulder, Colorado, USA.
Hanson Center for Space Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas,
Richardson, Texas, USA.
Copyright 2011 by the American Geophysical Union.
RADIO SCIENCE, VOL. 46, RS0D09, doi:10.1029/2010RS004557, 2011
RS0D09 1of7
DHinferred E×Bdrift velocity for equinoctial, quiet days
with the Scherliess and Fejer [1999] climatological E×B
drifts in the Peruvian, Philippine and Indian longitude sec-
tors. The excellent comparisons give us confidence that
realistic E×Bdrifts can be obtained from the DH technique.
A subsequent paper by Anderson et al. [2006], demonstrated
that realistic E×Bdrift velocities could be obtained with the
Peruvian sectortrained neural network, when applied to
other longitude sectors where appropriately placed magnet-
ometers existed, such as in the Philippine, Indonesian and
Indian sectors.
[4] Recently, several observational studies have identified
the existence of a lowlatitude, fourcell longitude pattern in
various ionospheric parameters. The first evidence emerged
from IMAGE satellite FUV (135.6 nm) radiance observa-
tions after sunset (20:00 LT) that clearly showed enhance-
ments in airglowinferred N
values at the crests of the
equatorial anomaly in four specific longitude zones during
MarchApril 2001 [Immel et al., 2006]. They attributed the
fourcell pattern to the effects of a fourcell pattern in
daytime, vertical E×Bdrift velocities associated with the
diurnal, eastward propagating, nonmigrating, wave number
3 (DE3) tidal mode [Hagan and Forbes, 2002]. Since the
IMAGE observations were at night, the authors could not
rule out a fourcell pattern in the prereversal enhancement in
E×Bdrift that occurs after sunset. A subsequent paper by
England et al. [2006], however, established that the four
cell pattern was observed in CHAMP satellite in situ elec-
tron densities at 12:00 LT. Further, the fourcell pattern has
also been observed in ROCSAT1, daytime electron den-
sities at 600 km [Kil et al., 2008] and in COSMIC occul-
tation observations [Lin et al., 2007; Liu et al., 2010] and
groundbased, global ionospheric total electron content
(TEC) maps GIMs [Wan et al., 2008]. In addition, four
cell patterns in daytime, vertical E×Bdrift velocities have
been reported from DMSP observations [Hartman and
Heelis, 2007; Kil et al., 2008] and ROCSAT1 observa-
tions [Kil et al., 2007, 2008].
[5] More recently, Scherliess et al. [2008] analyzed
TOPEX/TEC observations from 1992 to 2005 and binned the
data for quiet days into equinox, June solstice and December
solstice periods and by local time. The local time period
from 12:00 to 16:00 LT displayed the fourcell pattern in the
same specific longitude sectors seen in the previous studies
during the equinoctial season (see Scherliess et al. [2008] for
details). The TOPEX/Poseidon satellite incorporates a dual
frequency altimeter operating at 13.6 GHz and 5.3 GHz to
observe ocean surface heights. The dualfrequency allows
the total electron content (TEC) to be measured from the
satellite altitude of 1336 km to the ocean surface. The data set
of TEC observations studied by Scherliess et al. [2008]
covers the period from August 1992 until October 2005.
For the current study, a subset of their database has been
used covering the years 20012002. As discussed by
Scherliess et al. [2008], difficulties arise for a statistical
analysis of the TOPEX TEC values owing to the slow pre-
cession of the satellite orbit (2°/d). In their paper, Scherliess
et al. [2008] normalized the TEC data to a common baseline
Figure 1. Average DHinferred E×Bdrifts (red curve) compared with the FejerScherliess climatolog-
ical model (blue curve) in the (a) Peruvian longitude sector, (b) Philippine longitude sector, and (c) Indian
longitude sector.
in order to circumvent this problem and the same normali-
zation has been applied in the current paper. In a nutshell, the
normalization is accomplished by first finding the maximum
TEC value for each ascending and descending pass between
+/30° geomagnetic latitude. Next, the peak values are
longitudinally averaged to give daily values, again for
ascending and descending passes, separately. These daily
values were used as normalization factors, where each 18 s
TEC data point was divided by its corresponding normali-
zation factor. More detail concerning this applied normali-
zation is given by Scherliess et al. [2008], whose figures
refer to relativeTEC values that have been normalized
using these factors.
[6] In order to quantify the daytime, vertical E×Bdrift
velocities at different longitude sectors that might explain the
TOPEX/TEC observations, Anderson et al. [2009] analyzed
the magnetometerinferred, daytime E×Bdrift velocities in
the Peruvian, Philippine, Indonesian and Indian sectors for
both the years 2001 and 2002. They binned all of the quiet
day, E×Bdrifts into three seasons and found the average
E×Bdrift pattern for each of the three seasons and in each of
the four longitude sectors. Figure 2a presents the average,
daytime vertical E×Bdrift velocities as a function of local
time in four longitude sectors for equinox periods in 2001
and 2002. Note the large difference in maximum E×Bdrift
velocity between the Philippine sector and the Indonesian
sector, 22 m s
versus 15 m s
. These two locations are
only 15 degrees apart in longitude. In Figure 2b, the TOPEX/
TEC values are plotted for equinox, 2001 and 2002, between
12:00 and 16:00 LT. The bottom portion of Figure 2b is
simply the average of the Northern and Southern Hemisphere
TEC values plotted as a function of geographic longitude and
absolute value of the geomagnetic latitude, to emphasize the
location of the longitude gradients. The longitude locations
of the Peruvian (blue curve), Philippine (red curve), Indo-
nesian (purple curve), and Indian (green curve) sectors are
indicated in Figure 2a. Note the very sharp gradient in TEC
between the Philippine (125°E geographic longitude) and
the Indonesian (140° geographic longitude) sectors. This
sharp gradient at the edge of the cell is presumably caused by
the sharp gradient in the daytime E×Bdrift velocity
between these two sectors. From Figure 2b, there also appear
to be sharp longitude gradients at 220°E and 320°E, which
would imply sharp gradients in the daytime, vertical E×B
drift velocities at these longitudes.
[7] The results presented in Figure 2 are unique and the
comparisons between groundbased, inferred E×Bdrift
velocities and the satellite TEC observations that relate to
the fourcell pattern and its seasonal and longitudinal
dependence have not previously been compared. This paper
addresses two fundamentally important and specific scientific
questions: (1) How sharp are the longitude gradients in day-
time, vertical E×Bdrift velocities that define the boundaries
of each of the four cells? (2) Quantitatively, are these sharp
longitude gradients in E×Bdrift velocities observed on a
daytoday basis? Previous studies have shown that the four
cell pattern exists day to day [Sagawa et al., 2005; Immel
et al., 2006; England et al., 2006; Wan et al., 2008; Immel
et al., 2009], but this is the first study to determine, quanti-
tatively, that the sharp gradients in E×Bdrift occur on
adaytoday basis. Answering these questions from an
observational standpoint will set the benchmarksthat are
needed by the theoretical modelers to understand the physical
mechanisms and to compare model results with observations.
2. Approach
[8] In order to answer the two scientific questions listed
above, we have incorporated E×Bdrift observations from
the Ion Velocity Meter (IVM), which is one of the Coupled
IonNeutral Dynamics Investigation (CINDI) sensors on
board the Communications/Navigation Outage Forecasting
System (C/NOFS) satellite [de la Beaujardiere and C/NOFS
Science Definition Team, 2004]. The Coupled IonNeutral
Dynamics Investigation (CINDI) on board the C/NOFS
satellite is composed of two sensors, the Ion Velocity Meter
Figure 2. (a) Average E×Bdrifts for equinox 20012002 in the Peruvian, Philippine, Indonesian, and
Indian sectors (see text for details). (b) TOPEX relative TEC as a function of geographic longitude and
magnetic latitude for equinox 20012002 and 12:0016:00 LT (see text for details).
(IVM) and the Neutral Wind Meter (NWM). The IVM
sensor measures (1) crosstrack E×Bdrift velocities
with an accuracy of 2 m s
and a sensitivity of 1 m s
(2) alongtrack, with respective E×Bdrift velocities of
10 m s
and 5 m s
. The NWM sensor measures neutral
wind velocities (1) crosstrack, with an accuracy of 5 m s
and sensitivity of 2 m s
, and (2) alongtrack, with
respective velocities of 10 m s
IVM sensor has been used to obtain the daytime, vertical E×
Bdrift velocities at the magnetic equator as a function of
longitude, local time and season. The IVM sensor measures
the E×Bdrift velocity perpendicular to Band can be used to
obtain the vertical E×Bdrifts at the magnetic equator by
mapping along the geomagnetic field line. This is possible
because the magnetic field lines are equipotentials and the
daytime E×Bdrifts at the magnetic equator vary linearly with
altitude between 200 and 800 km [Pingree and Fejer, 1987].
[9] There are a number of constraints we have adopted in
organizing the IVM E×Bdrift observations: (1) We
incorporate IVM observations only between 10:00 and
12:00 LT because this is the approximate LT window for the
maximum E×Bdrift velocities at all longitudes. (2) We
only utilize IVM observations below 500 km, which is low
enough to ensure that O+ is the major ion. (3) The IVM
observations are averaged over each degree of longitude.
(4) For this study, the periods for IVM observations are
primarily in October, March, and December 2009.
3. Results
[10] In Figures 3a, 4a, 5a, and 6a, we display the IVM
E×Bdrift velocities as a function of geographic longitude
for a number of consecutive days in October, March, and
December 2009. In Figures 3b, 4b, 5b, and 6b, the longitude
coverage is overlaid on the TOPEX contours of relative
TEC values. Bear in mind that the beginning of each curve
on the left corresponds to 10:00 LT, while the end of each
curve corresponds to 12:00 LT. Figure 3a displays two
curves for 6 and 7 October, respectively. The geographic
coverage for the 6 October, 10:00 to 12:00 LT coverage is
from 65° to 90°E, while the 7 October coverage is from 85°
to 115°E. The altitude of the C/NOFS satellite varies from
414 km at 10:00 LT to 405 km at 12:00 LT for both days
while the respective geomagnetic latitudes vary from 1° to
5°. The IVM observed E×Bdrift velocities are roughly 35
to 40 m s
. Between 65° and 115°E longitude, there are no
sharp longitude gradients in E×Bdrift implying that this
longitude window is in the middle of one of the fourcell
patterns (Indian sector). This is confirmed by Figure 3b,
which overlays the longitude window on the TOPEX/TEC
contour plot.
[11] In Figure 4, three consecutive days in October (11,
12, and 13 October) present IVM E×Bdrift velocities
in the western Pacific sector between 112° and 147°E
geographic longitude. For each of the curves, the sharp
longitude gradient in E×Bdrift occurs between 133° and
145°E longitude. Note that the slope in E×Bdrift velocity
versus geographic longitude is roughly equivalent for all
3 days and is about 1.3 m s
. The altitude of the
C/NOFS satellite between 10:00 LT and 12:00 LT decreases
from 450 km to 410 km while the geomagnetic latitude
increases from 9° to 15°. Pingree and Fejer [1987] have
shown that over this height range, the vertical E×Bdrift
velocity is essentially constant. The change in geomagnetic
latitude when E×Bdrift sharply decreases between 135 and
145°E longitude is only 2° from 10° to 12° geomagnetic
latitude meaning that the sharp change in E×Bdrift with
longitude is not due to the change in geomagnetic latitude.
The boundary of this western Pacific sector cell is located
roughly at the longitudes discussed in section 1, where the
groundbased magnetometerinferred E×Bdrift velocity
gradients were observed. Again, we have overlaid the lon-
gitude window with the TOPEX/TEC contours in Figure 4b.
[12] In contrast, Figure 5 depicts the IVMobserved E×B
drift velocity gradient in the eastern Pacific sector between
Figure 3. (a) IVM E×Bdrifts versus geographic longitude for 67 October 2009 (see text for details).
(b) TOPEX relative TEC as a function of geographic longitude and magnetic latitude for equinox 2001
2002 and 12:0016:00 LT (see text for details).
240° and 265°E longitude for three consecutive days on
19, 20, and 21 March 2009. For these 3 days the slopes in
the gradients are roughly + 3 m s
. The altitude and
magnetic latitude changes are from 405 km to 450 km and
from 1° to 11°, respectively. Figure 5b clearly demon-
strates that the boundary of the eastern Pacific sector cell is
being observed in going from 240° to 250°E longitude.
Figures 35 display the daytoday consistency in the IVM
observed E×Bdrift velocity (1) within one of the fourcell
structures and (2) at the boundaries of two of the fourcell
structures for equinox conditions.
[13] Figure 6 displays boundary conditions for the eastern
Pacific sector for 2 days during the December solstice
period, 8 and 9 December 2009. For this case the longitude
gradient in E×Bdrift is exactly opposite to the gradient
pictured in Figure 5 and is approximately 1.7 m s
Scherliess et al. [2008] observed that during the December
solstice period, there were apparently only three cells
observed rather than the fourcell patterns during equinox
and June solstice periods. This DE2, nonmigrating pattern
has also been reported by Forbes et al. [2008]. The altitude
and magnetic latitude variations are from 406 km to 415 km
and from 7° to 0.5°, respectively.
4. Summary and Future Work
[14] This paper has addressed the two important, scientific
questions posed in the Introduction. Using the C/NOFS/IVM
Figure 5. (a) Same as Figure 3a but for 1921 March (see text for details). (b) Same as Figure 3b (see
text for details).
Figure 4. (a) Same as Figure 3a but for 1113 October 2009 (see text for details). (b) Same as Figure 3b
(see text for details).
observations of the meridional E×Bdrift velocities for
specific days in October, March, and December 2009, we
have demonstrated that extremely sharp longitude gradients
in E×Bdrift velocity exist in the eastern and western Pacific
longitude sectors and that these longitude gradients appear
on a daytoday basis in each of these sectors. Table 1 lists
the longitude gradients in E×Bdrift velocities for the days
in October, March, and December 2009 and their respective
longitudes. It is also shown that these sharp longitude gra-
dients exist on a daytoday basis as depicted in Figures 46.
The constraints listed in section 2 limited the number of
useful days for C/NOFS/IVM observations.
[15] We have tentatively established that the longitude
gradients in E×Bdrift velocities at the boundaries of the
fourcell structures are very sharp and that they occur on a
daytoday basis. The next logical step is to determine
whether or not existing theoretical, selfconsistent, atmo-
sphericionospheric models can account for these sharp
gradients in observed E×Bdrift velocities at the boundaries
of the fourcell structures. If they can, then the model results
can be analyzed to determine the causes of the sharp
boundaries and their longitude dependence.
[16] We intend to theoretically investigate these sharp
gradients by incorporating the IDEA model. This theoretical
model has been described in a paper by FullerRowell et al.
[2008] to demonstrate the impact of terrestrial weather on
the upper atmosphere. The Integrated Dynamics through
Earths Atmosphere (IDEA) model consists of the Whole
Atmosphere Model (WAM) a general circulation model
(GCM) built on the operational U.S. National Weather
Service (NWS) Global Forecast System (GFS) model and
extends to an altitude of 600 km by increasing to 150 layers
and taking into account the different physical processes that
occur in the upper atmosphere (see FullerRowell et al.
[2008] for details). The resolution of the model is 1.8° ×
1.8° in latitude and longitude. The WAM model is coupled
to the Global Ionosphere Plasmasphere (GIP) model through
a selfconsistent, global electrodynamics solver that pro-
vides GIP with global electric fields as an input. Successful
comparisons between observed sharp E×Bdrift gradients
and the theoretically calculated E×Bdrift gradients would
represent a landmarkcapability in explaining the inter-
actions between tropospheric and ionospheric mechanisms.
[17]Acknowledgments. The C/NOFS mission is supported by the
Air Force Research Laboratory, the Department of Defense Space Test Pro-
gram, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the
Naval Research Laboratory, and the Aerospace Corporation. At the Univer-
sity of Colorado, this work is supported by AFOSR grant FA9550090408.
This work is supported at the University of Texas at Dallas by NASA grant
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D. N. Anderson, E. A. AraujoPradere, and M. Fedrizzi, NOAA Space
Weather Prediction Center, 325 Broadway, W/NP9, Boulder, CO 80305,
USA. (
R. Stoneback, Hanson Center for Space Sciences, University of Texas at
Dallas, MS/WT15, PO Box 830688, Richardson, TX 750830688, USA.
... The ionospheric F-region is roughly located between 200 to 800 km in altitude with its daytime plasma distribution determined by mechanism such as production, loss and transport of ions [1]. At low-latitude, the eastward daytime electric field interactions with the horizontal geomagnetic field (H) resulting in the uplift of plasma. ...
... Our longitude of interest spanned 15˚W -45˚E. Vz can be inferred from the IVM measurements following the approach described in [1] and [7]. This entailed imposing a couple of constraints to the IVM, E × B drift observations mainly: 1) selecting data from 10:00 to 13:00 LT only since this time window correspond to the maximum E × B drift velocities over all longitudes; 2) using Vz measurments below 500 km which is low enough to guarantee that O + is the dominant ion; and 3) employing data within ±5˚ dip latitude where the magnetic field lines are quasi horizontal. ...
... In order to solve these equations, we assume that all longitudinal gradients vanish (@/@f = 0). This assumption is known to fail globally, particularly at the boundaries of the four-cell non-migrating ionospheric structure, where gradients in E Â B drift velocities have been reported of up to 3 m/s/deg [Araujo-Pradere et al., 2011]. ...
... First, we compute 1 min averages to smooth out very short timescale features. Second, we discard data recorded over 500 km altitude, since the instrument tends to have higher accuracy at lower altitudes when measuring heavier ions, such as O + [Araujo-Pradere et al., 2011]. ...
The daytime eastward equatorial electric field (EEF) in the ionospheric E-region plays an important role in equatorial ionospheric dynamics. It is responsible for driving the equatorial electrojet (EEJ) current system, equatorial vertical ion drifts, and the equatorial ionization anomaly. Due to its importance, there is much interest in accurately measuring and modeling the EEF. In this work we propose a method of estimating the EEF using CHAMP satellite-derived latitudinal current profiles of the daytime EEJ along with Δ H measurements from ground magnetometer stations. Magnetometer station pairs in both Africa and South America were used for this study to produce time series of electrojet current profiles. These current profiles were then inverted for estimates of the EEF by solving the governing electrostatic equations. We compare our results with the Ion Velocity Meter (IVM) instrument on board the Communication/Navigation Outage Forecasting System satellite. We find high correlations of about 80% with the IVM data; however, we also find a constant offset of about 0.3 mV/m between the two data sets in Africa. Further investigation is needed to determine its cause. We compare the EEF structure in Africa and South America and find differences which can be attributed to the effect of atmospheric nonmigrating tides. This technique can be extended to any pair of ground magnetometer stations which can capture the day-to-day strength of the EEJ.
... Vz covered the post-sunset to presunrise period along the longitude 10 • W-25 • E including the Nigerian longitude (2 • -15 • E). Only Vz data satisfying the following conditions were considered: (i) data acquired within 18:00 to 06:00 LT and below about 600 km to allow reasonable measurements and (ii) data within ±5°dip latitude Araujo-Pradere et al. 2011). ...
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Ionospheric irregularity poses severe challenges to the highly dynamic satellite communication, navigation and tracking operations that rely on transionospheric satellite services like the operation of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). Although numerous studies on the effect of geomagnetic storms on the inhibition or suppression of irregularities across different longitudes have been documented, the prediction of equatorial ionospheric irregularities/scintillation over the Nigerian region still remains an unsolved scientific problem. Hence, this study characterizes storm-time ionospheric irregularities and comparison with the quiet-time baseline over the Nigerian equatorial region during the maximum phase (2012–2014) of the solar cycle 24. The ionospheric Total Electron Content (TEC) data from five geodetic GNSS stations across the equatorial region in Nigeria are considered to investigate the regional rate of change of TEC (ROT) and the rate of change of TEC index (ROTI). We also exploited the E×B vertical plasma drift (Vz) measurements from C/NOFS satellite and solar wind parameters from Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) satellites in conjunction with the disturbance ionospheric electric currents (Diono) proxies from ground-based magnetometers to demonstrate the role of electrodynamics on development and modulation of ionospheric irregularities. In brief, we focused on regional ionospheric response characteristics during the initial phase, main phase and recovery phase of selected important storm events through comparison with the quiet-time ionospheric reference level over the region. The results show almost equal intensity of post-sunset ionospheric irregularities during quiet and disturbed geomagnetic days at most of the stations whereas the drift velocity was slightly higher during the quiet period. Moreover, the enhancement or suppression of ionospheric irregularities during the geomagnetic storm period demonstrates dependence on the local time of the storm commencement when the IMF-Bz and Dst southward orientation is at its minimum level. We emphasize the combined effect of the nominal quiet-time ionospheric electric field and storm-time Prompt Penetration Electric Field (PPEF) responsible for altering the ExB drift during the storm-time to modulate the pre-reversal enhancement (PRE) for the occurrence of ionospheric irregularities over the equatorial region, particularly when the storm onset local time, IMF-Bz southward flipping coincides with the post-sunset hours.
... 11.4 to specify J φ , the eastward component of J First, we will ignore longitudinal gradients of the electric field and current density (∂E/∂φ = ∂J/∂φ = 0). This assumption is known to be incorrect on large scales, as there are many reports in the literature of 3 and 4-cell patterns at low-latitudes in many ionospheric parameters, such as vertical plasma drift velocities, EEJ currents, and plasma density England et al. 2006;Lühr et al. 2007Lühr et al. , 2008Lühr et al. , 2012 Gradients in E × B drift velocities have been reported up to 3 m/s/deg (Araujo-Pradere et al. 2011). To account for the full and complex longitude structure of the ionosphere, we would need to solve the electrostatic equations in three dimensions. ...
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The original version of this chapter was published without the Electronic Supplementary Material. It has now been included in Chapter 2. The erratum chapter has been updated with the change.
... 11.4 to specify J φ , the eastward component of J First, we will ignore longitudinal gradients of the electric field and current density (∂E/∂φ = ∂J/∂φ = 0). This assumption is known to be incorrect on large scales, as there are many reports in the literature of 3 and 4-cell patterns at low-latitudes in many ionospheric parameters, such as vertical plasma drift velocities, EEJ currents, and plasma density England et al. 2006;Lühr et al. 2007Lühr et al. , 2008Lühr et al. , 2012 Gradients in E × B drift velocities have been reported up to 3 m/s/deg (Araujo-Pradere et al. 2011). To account for the full and complex longitude structure of the ionosphere, we would need to solve the electrostatic equations in three dimensions. ...
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Low-latitude ionospheric electric currents produce prominent signatures in the magnetic field measurements made by low Earth-orbiting satellites. Analyzing these magnetic signatures not only provides insight into the currents themselves, but also many other important and interesting phenomena in the low-latitude ionosphere and thermosphere. The low-latitude currents are modulated by thermospheric winds, so attaining a global knowledge of the spatial structure of the currents can give insight into the neutral tidal harmonics present at ionospheric altitudes. Furthermore, the equatorial electrojet (EEJ) current is driven by an equatorial electric field which in turn is generated by a dynamo process. This electric field is additionally responsible for the vertical plasma fountain and equatorial ionization anomaly at low-latitudes. Magnetic measurements of the EEJ, therefore, allows the study of low-latitude plasma motion in the E and F regions of the ionosphere. This chapter will present techniques developed for processing magnetic measurements of the EEJ to extract information about the low-latitude currents and their driving electric fields. This chapter will present a line current approach to recover the EEJ current strengths, with an emphasis on cleaning the satellite data and minimizing magnetic fields from other internal and external sources. The electric fields will be determined using a combination of physical modeling and fitting the EEJ current strengths from the satellite measurements.
... The longitudinal variations have been intensively studied in equatorial and low-latitude ionosphere [i.e., Immel et al., 2006;England et al., 2006England et al., , 2010Lin et al., 2007;Kil et al., 2007;Araujo-Pradere et al., 2011. These studies focused mainly on longitudinal variations in the global scale under quiet time and revealed that the longitudinal variations can be significantly affected by nonmigrating tides. ...
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Many studies have devoted to the longitudinal variations of the ionosphere globally. However, the ionospheric longitudinal variations in a small region are rarely reported. In this paper, we for the first time use total electron content (TEC) data from a BeiDou geostationary orbit (GEO) receiver network to observe and investigate ionospheric longitudinal variations within the zonal scale of 1000 km over Central China (112°–122°E, 27°–31°N; 20°–24°N magnetic latitudes) during the period from June 2015 to December 2016. The BeiDou GEO TEC provides a good data set to study longitudinal variations, compared with non-GEO TEC, without contaminating the spatial variations and elevation changes due to satellite motion. Pronounced daytime longitudinal gradients within the distance of 1000 km are present in BeiDou GEO TEC. It was found that the TEC is generally larger in the west than in the east. The maximum TEC longitudinal gradient can reach 45 total electron content unit (TECU; 1 TECU = 1016 el m−2). For most events, the obvious daytime longitudinal gradients are accompanied by the TEC enhancement. The occurrence rate of daytime longitudinal gradients under different geomagnetic activities is similar, whereas strong daytime longitudinal gradients mainly occur under the moderate and strong disturbance geomagnetic activities. These observations suggest that the electric field disturbances could have significant effects on producing the observed ionospheric longitudinal gradients.
... Next, we assume that the longitudinal gradients of all terms vanish (∂/∂φ = 0). This assumption is known to be incorrect on large scales, particularly at the boundaries of the 4- cell non-migrating ionospheric structure, where gradients in E × B drift velocities have been reported of up to 3 m/s/deg (Araujo-Pradere et al., 2011). To fully account for these effects, we would need to solve the electrostatic equations in three dimensions. ...
The day-time eastward equatorial electric field (EEF) in the ionospheric E-region plays a crucial role in equatorial ionospheric dynamics. It is responsible for driving the equatorial electrojet (EEJ) current system, equatorial vertical ion drifts, and the equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA). Due to its importance, there is much interest in accurately measuring and modeling the EEF for both climatological and near real-time studies. The Swarm satellite mission offers a unique opportunity to estimate the equatorial electric field from measurements of the geomagnetic field. Due to the near-polar orbits of each satellite, the on-board magnetometers record a full profile in latitude of the ionospheric current signatures at satellite altitude. These latitudinal magnetic profiles are then modeled using a first principles approach with empirical climatological inputs specifying the state of the ionosphere. Since the EEF is the primary driver of the low-latitude ionospheric current system, the observed magnetic measurements can then be inverted for the EEF. This paper details the algorithm for recovering the EEF from Swarm geomagnetic field measurements. The equatorial electric field estimates are an official Swarm level-2 product developed within the Swarm SCARF (Satellite Constellation Application Research Facility). They will be made freely available by ESA after the commissioning phase.
Previous studies have established the existence of a four-cell, longitude pattern in equatorial F-region ionospheric parameters, such as TEC and electron densities and in daytime, equatorial E × B drift velocities. A recent paper, for the first time, quantified the longitude gradients in E × B drift velocities at the boundaries of four-cell tidal structures and confirmed that these gradients exist on a day-to-day basis. Using the Ion Velocity Meter (IVM) on the Communication/Navigation Outage Forecast System (C/NOFS) satellite to obtain daytime, vertical E × B drift velocities, it was found, for example, that for 5, 6, and 7 October 2009 in the Atlantic sector, the E × B drift velocity gradient was about 1 m/sec/degree. For 23, 24, and 25 March 2009 in the Peruvian sector, it was about −4 m/sec/degree. In this chapter, we briefly review (1) observations and modeling studies of E × B drift velocities associated with the four-cell longitude patterns, (2) modeling the ionospheric effects produced by the longitude gradients in E × B drift velocity, and (3) provide indirect evidence that there exists a four-cell pattern in the prereversal enhancement (PRE) in vertical E × B drift velocity after sunset.
The eastward equatorial electric field (EEF) in the E-region ionosphere drives many important phenomena at low-latitudes. We developed a method of estimating the EEF from magnetometer measurements of near-polar orbiting satellites as they cross the magnetic equator, by recovering a clean signal of the equatorial electrojet (EEJ) current and modeling the observed current to determine the electric field present during the satellite pass. This algorithm is now implemented as an official Level-2 Swarm product. Here, we present first results of EEF estimates from nearly a year of Swarm data. We find excellent agreement with independent measurements from the ground-based coherent scatter radar at Jicamarca, Peru, as well as horizontal field measurements from the WAMNET magnetic observatory chain in west Africa. We also calculate longitudinal gradients of EEF measurements made by the A and C lower satellite pair, and find gradients up to about 0.05 mV/m/deg with significant longitudinal variability.
In this paper, we analyze vertical ExB drifts obtained from the Doppler shifts of the daytime 150 km radar echoes from two radar stations located off the magnetic equator, namely, Gadanki in India and Kototabang in Indonesia, and compare those with corresponding CINDI observations onboard the C/NOFS satellite and the Scherliess-Fejer model in an effort to understand to what extent the low latitude vertical ExB drifts of the 150 km region represent the F region vertical ExB drifts. The radar observations were made during 9–16 LT in January, June, July and December 2009. A detailed comparison reveals that vertical ExB drifts observed by the radars at both locations agree well with those of CINDI and differ remarkably from those of the model. Importantly, the model and observed drifts show large disagreement when the observed drifts are either large or downward. Further, while the CINDI as well as the radar observations from the two longitudes are found to agree with each other on the average, they differ remarkably on several occasions when compared on a one-to-one basis. The observed difference in detail is due to measurements made in different volumes linked with latitudinal and/or longitudinal differences and underlines the role of neutral dynamics linked with tides and gravity waves in the two longitude sectors on the respective vertical ExB drifts. The results presented here are the first of their kind and are expected to have wider applications in furthering our understanding on fine-scale longitudinal variabilities in the ionosphere in general and ionospheric electrodynamics in the Indian and Indonesian sectors in particular.
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Longitudinal structure of the equatorial ionosphere during the 24 h local time period is observed by the FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC (F3/C) satellite constellation. By binning the F3/C radio occultation observations during September and October 2006, global ionospheric total electron content (TEC) maps at a constant local time map (local time TEC map, referred as LT map) can be obtained to monitor the development and subsidence of the four-peaked longitudinal structure of the equatorial ionosphere. From LT maps, the four-peaked structure starts to develop at 0800-1000 LT and becomes most prominent at 1200-1600 LT. The longitudinal structure starts to subside after 2200-2400 LT and becomes indiscernible after 0400-0600 LT. In addition to TEC, ionospheric peak altitude also shows a four-peaked longitudinal structure with variation very similar to TEC during daytime. The four-peaked structure of the ionospheric peak altitude is indiscernible at night. With global local time maps of ionospheric TEC and peak altitude, we compare temporal variations of the longitudinal structure with variations of E × B drift from the empirical model. Our results indicate that the observations are consistent with the hypothesis that the four-peaked longitudinal structure is caused by the equatorial plasma fountain modulated by the E3 nonmigrating tide. Additionally, the four maximum regions show a tendency of moving eastward with propagation velocity of several 10 s m/s.
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The dayside ionospheric dynamo is driven largely by tidal winds in the E-region. These tides vary significantly during the year, but are highly structured during equinox, with a dominant non-migrating wave-4 signature at low latitudes. These tidal components originate in the troposphere with the release of latent heat and absorption of IR radiation in persistent tropical rainstorms. Recent observations by NASA TIMED and IMAGE satellites have reported the finding of the effects of these tides in the density and morphology of the equatorial ionospheric anomaly (EIA), reasonably attributed to the modulation of the E-region dynamo electric field in daytime by the tidal winds. However, significant day-to-day variability in the zonal wave-4 signature of the brightness and separation of the bands of the EIA is found. Here, we seek to understand this variability, whether it is tied to variations in the strength of the upward-propagating tides, or to some other effect that diminishes and/or overrides the effect of the tides on the EIA development. This study relies on global observations from the TIMED-SABER instrument that measures the temperature variations in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) associated with the upward-propagating tides. F-region density measurements are made concurrent to the MLT temperature retrievals by both the TIMED-GUVI and IMAGE-FUV instruments. This initial study focuses on the March-April period in 2002 and on times of low magnetic activity where penetrating electric fields from high latitudes do not complicate the ionospheric observations.
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A newly discovered 1000-km scale longitudinal variation in ionospheric densities is an unexpected and heretofore unexplained phenomenon. Here we show that ionospheric densities vary with the strength of non-migrating, diurnal atmospheric tides that are, in turn, driven mainly by weather in the tropics. A strong connection between tropospheric and ionospheric conditions is unexpected, as these upward propagating tides are damped far below the peak in ionospheric density. The observations can be explained by consideration of the dynamo interaction of the tides with the lower ionosphere (E-layer) in daytime. The influence of persistent tropical rainstorms is therefore an important new consideration for space weather.
[1] The global-scale wave model (GSWM) is used to investigate mesospheric and lower thermospheric migrating and nonmigrating diurnal tidal components that propagate upward from the troposphere, where they are excited by latent heat release associated with deep tropical convection. Our diurnal tidal forcing parameterization is derived from a 7-year database of global cloud imagery. The GSWM migrating response is sufficiently large to modulate the dominant radiatively excited migrating diurnal tide in the middle and upper atmosphere during every month of the year. Five additional nonmigrating diurnal components, the eastward propagating zonal wave numbers 2 and 3, the westward propagating zonal wave number 2, and the standing oscillations, also introduce significant longitudinal variability of the diurnal tide in these regions. The comparative importance of the nonmigrating components evolves from month to month and varies with tidal field. Our GSWM investigation suggests that other dynamical models must account for the tropospheric latent heat source in order to make realistic predictions of the diurnal tide in the middle and upper atmosphere.
This article describes the science to be pursued during the Communication/Navigation Outage Forecasting System (C/NOFS) Mission of the Air Force Research Laboratory. The primary purpose of C/NOFS is to forecast the presence of ionospheric irregularities that adversely impact communication and navigation systems. A satellite, scheduled for launch in May 2005 into a low inclination , elliptical orbit, is the most significant component of the C/NOFS program. Complementary ground-based measurements are also critical to the success of the mission.
We investigate the seasonal, longitudinal, local time (LT), and altitudinal variations of the F region morphology at low latitudes using data from the first Republic of China satellite (ROCSAT-1), Global Ultraviolet Imager (GUVI), on board the Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics (TIMED) satellite, and the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) F13 and F15 satellites. Signatures of the longitudinally periodic plasma density structure emerge before 0900 LT. The wave structure is established before noon and further amplified in the afternoon. The amplitudes of the wave structure start to diminish in the evening. The wave-4 structure is clearly distinguishable during equinox and northern hemisphere summer. During northern hemisphere winter, the density structure can be characterized to either wave-4 or wave-3 structure owing to marginal separation of the two peaks in 180°-300°E. Observations of similar density structures from ROCSAT-1 (600 km) and DMSP (840 km) at 0930 and 1800 LT indicate the extension of the wave structure to altitudes greater than 840 km. The daytime wave structure persists into the night during the equinoxes but is significantly modified during the solstices. The modification is more significant at higher altitudes and is attributed to the effects of interhemispheric winds and the prereversal enhancement. The formation of the wavelike density structure in the morning and its temporal evolution in the afternoon show a close association with the vertical E × B drift. We conclude that the E × B drift during 0900-1200 LT determines the formation of the wavelike density structure.
Solutions of the continuity equation for electrons in the F2 region of the earth's ionosphere are obtained for the region near the magnetic equator under noon conditions. The physical processes of photo-ionization, recombination, diffusion, neutral winds, and electromagnetic drift are included explicitly in the equation; the presence of light ions (H+, He+) and the effects of ion drag, however, are specifically ignored. It is shown that upward plasma drift at the equator is very likely the cause of the Appleton anomaly, as originally suggested by Martyn; a drift velocity of about 10 m sec−1 is required. Other cases with downward drift or with neutral winds are presented. It is shown that a 15% interhemisphere asymmetry in the electron concentration at the Appleton peaks can be caused by a 60 m sec−1 neutral wind blowing from north to south. By using a very small drift velocity the time-dependent behavior of the electron concentration along particular field lines is investigated for different initial conditions.
The vertical ion drift is important for understanding and modeling the electrodynamics at low latitudes. Measurements from the ion drift meter on the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) F15 are used to examine longitudinal variations in the vertical ion drift at the dip equator in the topside ionosphere. Local time was restricted to 0930 and the data were organized by month for 2001 and 2002. Two features were found contributing to the longitudinal variations in the electrodynamics. Meridional winds contribute to the equatorial vertical ion drift at the 830 km magnetic apex due to their dynamo action at the foot points of the magnetic field lines in the F region at magnetic latitudes near 15°. Electric fields producing a downward perturbation drift at 0930 are produced by hemispheric differences in the dynamo current due primarily to the different orientation of the magnetic meridian relative to the terminator. This produces the seasonally dependent variation as a function of longitude that is observed. A wavenumber-4 longitudinal variation also appears to be present throughout the year but is more influential during equinox conditions. This variation also shows a seasonal cycle, shifting east during northern summer and west during northern winter. Further analysis would be required to isolate the characteristics of a wavenumber-4 driver from the wavenumber-4 component of the Fourier series used here to fit the data.
We present the first global empirical model for the quiet time F region equatorial vertical drifts based on combined incoherent scatter radar observations at Jicamarca and Ion Drift Meter observations on board the Atmospheric Explorer E satellite. This analytical model, based on products of cubic-B splines and with nearly conservative electric fields, describes the diurnal and seasonal variations of the equatorial vertical drifts for a continuous range of all longitudes and solar flux values. Our results indicate that during solar minimum, the evening prereversal velocity enhancement exhibits only small longitudinal variations during equinox with amplitudes of about 15-20 m/s, is observed only in the American sector during December solstice with amplitudes of about 5-10 m/s, and is absent at all longitudes during June solstice. The solar minimum evening reversal times are fairly independent of longitude except during December solstice. During solar maximum, the evening upward vertical drifts and reversal times exhibit large longitudinal variations, particularly during the solstices. In this case, for a solar flux index of 180, the June solstice evening peak drifts maximize in the Pacific region with drift amplitudes of up to 35 m/s, whereas the December solstice velocities maximize in the American sector with comparable magnitudes. The equinoctial peak velocities vary between about 35 and 45 m/s. The morning reversal times and the daytime drifts exhibit only small variations with the phase of the solar cycle. The daytime drifts have largest amplitudes between about 0900 and 1100 LT with typical values of 25-30 m/s. We also show that our model results are in good agreement with other equatorial ground-based observations over India, Brazil, and Kwajalein.