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Extinction Thresholds and Disrupted Plant-Pollinator Interactions in Fragmented Plant Populations


Abstract and Figures

In order to estimate how much population extinction risk may be affected by local fragmentation, population viability analyses were performed in six populations of the endangered grassland herb Gentianella campestris in Sweden. The populations had been experimentally reintroduced to grasslands that were locally fragmented by juniper shrubs. The sites represented three sizes of grassland and two levels of grassland abundance in the landscape. Five years' demographic data were evaluated in a stochastic matrix population model, and studies of seed set, pollinator abundance, and inbreeding depression were performed in order to examine possible links between population viability and pollination. In all six sites, plants with reduced capacity of self-pollination (due to herkogamy) showed strongly reduced population viability in locally fragmented grassland habit, with pronounced extinction thresholds at certain levels of local fragmentation. Population viability was reduced because of inbreeding depression and reduced seed production in combination, both caused by pollinator deficit in locally fragmented grasslands. Plants with high selfing capacity had low population viability over the entire local fragmentation gradients. Selfing yielded high seed set in the absence of pollinators and was advantageous in fragmented parts of the grasslands. However, selfing had negative effects in nonfragmented parts of the grasslands, because it decreased the chances of cross-pollination and because selfed progeny had reduced fitness compared to outcrossed offspring. A comparison among the six sites indicated that the negative effects of local fragmentation were amplified by reduced size of the grassland sites and by reduced abundance of grassland habitat in the landscape. To my knowledge, this is the first quantitative estimate of increased extinction risk in fragmented plant populations.
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83(11), 2002, pp. 3060–3072
2002 by the Ecological Society of America
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Conservation Biology, Box 7002, 750 07 Uppsala, Sweden
In order to estimate how much population extinction risk may be affected
by local fragmentation, population viability analyses were performed in six populations of
the endangered grassland herb
Gentianella campestris
in Sweden. The populations had been
experimentally reintroduced to grasslands that were locally fragmented by juniper shrubs.
The sites represented three sizes of grassland and two levels of grassland abundance in the
landscape. Five years’ demographic data were evaluated in a stochastic matrix population
model, and studies of seed set, pollinator abundance, and inbreeding depression were per-
formed in order to examine possible links between population viability and pollination. In
all six sites, plants with reduced capacity of self-pollination (due to herkogamy) showed
strongly reduced population viability in locallyfragmented grassland habit, withpronounced
extinction thresholds at certain levels of local fragmentation. Population viability was
reduced because of inbreeding depression and reduced seed production in combination,
both caused by pollinator deficit in locally fragmented grasslands. Plants with high selfing
capacity had low population viability over the entire local fragmentation gradients. Selfing
yielded high seed set in the absence of pollinators and was advantageous in fragmented
parts of the grasslands. However, selfing had negative effects in nonfragmented parts of
the grasslands, because it decreased the chances of cross-pollination and because selfed
progeny had reduced fitness compared to outcrossed offspring. A comparison among the
six sites indicated that the negative effects of local fragmentation were amplified by reduced
size of the grassland sites and by reduced abundance of grassland habitat in the landscape.
To my knowledge, this is the first quantitative estimate of increased extinction risk in
fragmented plant populations.
Key words: extinction risk; extinction threshold;
Gentianella campestris;
grassland; habitat frag-
mentation; herkogamy; inbreeding depression; matrix population model; plant demography; pollen
limitation; pollinator abundance; population viability analysis.
One fundamental aim of conservation is to counter-
act the ongoing habitat fragmentation, because frag-
mentation can be expected to increase extinction risk
of local populations (Schemske et al. 1994) and meta-
populations (Hanski and Ovaskainen 2000). Theoreti-
cal models predict extinction thresholds, caused by
abrupt disruption of habitat connectivity at certain lev-
els of fragmentation (Gardner et al. 1987, With and
King 1999). Such nonlinear effects of fragmentation
are important for risk assessment and conservation
planning, because populations close to thresholds may
have lower viability than expected (Andre´n 1999). In
plants, negative effects of fragmentation are suggested
by observations of reduced pollination and seed pro-
duction (Jennersten 1988, Aizen and Feinsinger 1994,
Groom 1998, Morgan 1999), recruitment (Jules 1998),
increased inbreeding depression (Heschel and Paige
1995, Taylor et al. 1999), and reduced species diversity
(Dzwonko and Loster 1989, Launer and Murphy 1994)
in small and isolated habitat fragments. However, no
Manuscript received 5 October 2001; revised and accepted 4
April 2002.
empirical studies have so far quantified reduced plant
population viability in fragmented habitats by linking
single fitness measures to the species’ whole life cycle.
Such demographic analyses of habitat fragmentation
are essential if we want to know how much habitat
fragmentation may reduce population viability in com-
parison to other environmental factors or at which de-
grees of fragmentation extinction thresholds may occur.
In general, lack of empirical data strongly restricts our
insights into the effects of fragmentation in nature
(Bierzychudek 1981, Bond 1995, Didham et al. 1996,
Kearns et al. 1998, Harrison and Bruna 1999).
Habitat fragmentation results in patchy distributions
of organisms and, because of interpatch distance or
matrix hostility, decreased mobility of individuals be-
tween the patches. This leads to decreased chances of
recolonization of extinct populations (Andre´n 1999).
In addition, the population in each patch can be ex-
pected to experience an increased risk of extinction,
because of inbreeding and genetic erosion (Aizen and
Feinsinger 1994, Oostermeijer et al. 1994), reduced
population size in small patches (Lennartsson 2000),
and edge effects (Bender et al. 1998). Plants usually
have low spontaneous mobility, and the most imme-
diate effects of fragmentation are changed interactions
November 2002 3061
. 1. Schematic detail of a locally fragmented grassland
of the type used in this study. Circles represent
shrubs; ‘‘F’’ indicates local grassland fragments in
which groups of
Gentianella campestris
were established.The
scale at the right shows the degree of local fragmentation
(percentage of grassland that is not covered by shrubs) for
each 3-m section of the fragmentation gradient. The study
was conducted in six different areas in the province of Upp-
land in central Sweden.
between the plants and more mobile organisms, es-
pecially pollinators (Kearns et al. 1998), seed vectors
(Santos et al. 1999), and herbivores and seed predators
(Jennersten and Nilsson 1993, Zabel and Tscharntke
1998). Several studies have demonstrated effects of
fragmentation on patch occupancy of insect popula-
tions (Hanski et al. 1995), on insect abundance, in par-
ticular on specialist species (Zabel and Tscharntke
1998, Kreuss and Tscharntke 2000), and on species
with restricted mobility (Thomas 2000).
The plant’s reproductive system influences how sen-
sitive a population is to disrupted plant–pollinator in-
teractions, and isolation may select for increased au-
togamy (Olesen and Jain 1994, Johnston and Schoen
1996). Self-pollination may decrease a plant’s sensi-
tivity to pollinator deficit in terms of seed set, but not
necessarily in terms of inbreeding (Johnston and
Schoen 1996).
Depending on their mobility, different organisms ex-
perience their environment as fragmented at different
spatial scales of habitat heterogeneity (Thomas 2000).
Usually, fragmentation is studied at the landscape
(metapopulation) scale across habitat patches (popu-
lations), but fragmentation at the local scale, within
patches, may operate in a similar fashion (Hanski and
Gilpin 1991). The grassland community studied here
has undergone both landscape-level fragmentation due
to ceased grazing (Lennartsson and Svensson 1996) and
local fragmentation due to establishment of bushes dur-
ing periods with poor grazing (Fig. 1).
In this study, I estimated how local and landscape
level fragmentation influenced reintroduced popula-
tions of the endangered field gentian (
Gentianella cam-
L. Bo¨rner) in terms of population extinction risk
and plant–pollinator interactions. I compared maternal
lines with different capacity of selfing (due to herko-
gamy) in order to test the advantages and disadvantages
of self-pollination and cross-pollination, respectively,
in environments with different degrees of fragmenta-
Species and sites
The field gentian (
Gentianella campestris
) is a bi-
ennial grassland herb, growing in unfertilized semi-
natural grasslands of high conservation value (Natur-
va˚rdsverket 1987, Lennartsson and Svensson 1996). It
has declined dramatically over its whole range due to
habitat loss and is now included in the lists of threat-
ened plants in most of the countries in which it occurs
(Ingelo¨g et al. 1993). The species is pollinated by bum-
ble bees only, of which six different species were ob-
served pollinating during this study. In many popula-
tions, 85–95% of the seed embryos develop seeds in
absence of pollinators, due to spontaneous selfing and
high self-compatibility (Lennartsson et al. 2000). In
some populations, all or a proportion of the plants have
herkogamous flowers, i.e., the anthers and the stigma
are spatially separated within the flower, which reduces
seed set to
45–60% in absence of pollinators. The
two herkogamy types show strong heritability (Len-
nartsson et al. 2000).
In Sweden, many populations experience within-site
habitat fragmentation, because shrubs, mainly junipers,
have established during periods without grazing or with
low grazing intensity. The bushes have often invaded
from an adjacent forest edge, which creates a local
fragmentation gradient over the site (Fig. 1). For this
study, six locally fragmented, cattle-grazed grasslands
were used, all of dry to mesic herb-rich type (Pa˚hlsson
Experimental setup
In 1993–1994,
Gentianella campestris
was reestab-
lished at the six grasslands, by using seeds from one
population (occurring at a different grassland than the
six used in this study) containing both herkogamous
and nonherkogamous individuals. The six grasslands
Ecology, Vol. 83, No. 11
. 2. Life cycle graph of
Gentianella campestris
. The transitions
having values between 0 and 1, show the probability
of the transition from stage
to stage
i. F
shows fecundity transitions, which may have a value
1. Seed bank 1 and seed
bank 2 are the first year’s and the second year’s seed bank, respectively.
were situated in six different areas in the province of
Uppland in central Sweden. Three of the areas (‘‘land-
scapes’’) were grassland-rich (12–15% seminatural
grassland within 1.5 km), and three were grassland-
poor (2–5%). The six grassland sites furthermore rep-
resented three size classes (2.5, 5, and 15 ha). One site
of each size class was situated in each of the two land-
scape types (i.e., grassland-poor and grassland-rich, re-
spectively). In each grassland, the
lation was established along the whole local fragmen-
tation gradient (Fig. 1) by choosing 13–15 habitat frag-
ments per site. The fragments were essentially located
along a transect, with the smallest fragments (
10 m
corresponding to the highest degree of local fragmen-
tation (
75% habitat loss) and the largest fragments
2500 m
) to the lowest local fragmentation (
see Fig. 1). The vegetation height, litter layer, and soil
type in the selected local fragments were typical for
Gentianella campestris
sites. In each local fragment
seeds were sowed from 15 herkogamous and 15 non-
herkogamous self-pollinated mother plants (30 seeds/
mother) in 1993, all from the same original population.
All seeds from one mother plant were sown in an in-
dividual 40
40 cm square. When flowering plants
developed in 1995 all but three per mother plant were
removed to obtain groups with equal initial sizes (90
plants) in all local habitat fragments. This implied re-
moval of 06 offspring per mother plant. Because of
the species’ strictly biennial life cycle, the procedure
was repeated in 1994–1996 to ensure flowering adults
every year. The litter layer was scratched prior to sow-
ing to facilitate the initial establishment, but the pop-
ulations were thereafter only affected by normal graz-
ing, without any manipulations of the environment.
Population viability
In order to link mother plants with their progeny, the
seed rain from 15 random mother plants per herkogamy
group per local fragment and year (1995–1998) was
controlled by sowing each mother’s seeds in a 30
30 cm square around the mother plant. This mimics
roughly the normal dispersal distance of the species.
For each such seed family, demographic data were col-
lected during 1995–1999, for all life-cycle transitions
(Fig. 2). Data on production of seedlings and winter
survival of rosettes (
, Fig. 2) were collected in June.
Another census in late August provided data on sur-
vival of seedlings to the rosette stage, growth of ro-
settes and adults, summer survival of adults, and seed
production of adults. The seed bank persistence was
estimated by annually sowing seed batches (
seeds from three plants per herkogamy group per grass-
land site) in cold frames and by monitoring the ger-
mination from the batches in the first, second, and third
spring after sowing (Lennartsson and Oostermeijer
2001). This germination experiment showed that 25–
35% of the seeds from the batches germinated the first
spring, 4.5–6% the second, and 0.4–0.5% the third
spring after sowing. By combining these germination
data (specific for each year) with the number of seeds
produced 1, 2, and 3 yr back, it was possible to estimate
how many of the August rosettes could be assumed to
originate from last year’s adults (
, Fig. 2), from first
year’s (
) and from second year’s seed bank (
respectively. No seedlings appeared after the third
spring, and therefore all nongerminated seeds were
considered dead. Cold frames were used to facilitate
monitoring of germination, but the same patterns of
germination and seed mortality were observed in the
field. Rosette size was given as an index: the number
of leaf pairs times the rosette diameter (in centimeters).
To avoid a 1-yr time lag in the transitions, the adult
plants in year
were assumed to produce dormantseeds
, Fig. 2) and rosettes (
) directly in year
(Caswell 2001).
The demographic parameters were combined in a
stochastic matrix population model (Caswell 2001) to
estimate extinction risk over the local fragmentation
gradients in the six study populations. The life cycle
November 2002 3063
. 3. Population viability of six populations of
Gentianella campestris
along gradients of local fragmentation. Each
data point represents one local grassland fragment. Filled symbols show herkogamous plants; unfilled symbols, nonherko-
gamous (self-pollinating) plants. Two measures of fragmentation are given: local proportion of remaining habitat (top; see
Fig. 1 for explanation) and log(local fragment size) (bottom). The six panels represent six grassland sites, ordered by size
-axis) and habitat fragmentation at the landscape level (outer
-axis). Mean time to extinction was calculated for each
local habitat fragment separately using a stochastic matrix population model, with the same initial population size for all
fragments (1000 rosettes, 1000 adults, 500 000 seeds in first year’s seed bank, and 125 000 seeds in second year’s seed bank).
Error bars show
of 1000 iterations. The curves are fitted by using an unweighted three-step moving average.
of the species was transformed into a transition matrix
with six autumn–autumn transitions from one life stage
in year
to the following stage in year
1 (Fig. 2).
A stage-structured model is appropriate for
G. cam-
since it is a strict biennial species, that is, the
probability of flowering the second year is not size
dependent (Lennartsson 1997, Kelly 1989). For each
local habitat fragment, three matrices (1996–1997,
1997–1998, 1998–1999) were constructed and used in
the stochastic population model with 1000 iterations of
population growth during 800 yr. The model sampled
the three matrices in random order, but since 1999 was
exceptionally dry, the frequency of the 1998–1999 ma-
trix was adjusted to the normal drought frequency of
0.16 (Ultuna Climate and Bio-climate Station,
published data
). In the model, the same initial popu-
lation size was used for all local habitat fragments:
1000 rosettes, 1000 adults, 500000 seeds in first year’s
seed bank, and 125 000 seeds in second year’s seed
bank. All populations became extinct during the sim-
Ecology, Vol. 83, No. 11
. 4. Seed set in 1995–1999 in six populations of
Gentianella campestris
along gradients of local fragmentation. Filled
symbols show herkogamous plants; unfilled symbols, nonherkogamous (self-pollinating) plants (see Fig. 3 for explanation).
Error bars indicate
1 year-based standard deviation.
ulated time period, and mean time to extinction could
therefore be used as an estimate of population viability.
The simulations were performed using computer soft-
ware developed by Kari Lehtila¨(
personal communi-
The effects of pollination on population viability
The estimates of population viability over the local
fragmentation gradients were thus based on standard
demographic field data. In order to examine why (if at
all) some demographic parameters varied over the local
fragmentation gradients (yielding varying population
viability), a number of pollination experiments were
performed. The focus on pollination was motivated by
the assumption that local habitat fragmentation affects
plant population viability mainly through reduced pol-
lination in small and isolated local fragments. First,
reduced pollination may reduce the seed set (the pro-
portion of seed embryos that develop seeds), especially
in herkogamous plants. Second, reduced pollination
may lead to inbreeding depression in one or more life
stages, because of reduced cross-pollination.
Seed set
The natural seed set (seeds per seed embryo) was
followed during 5 yr, 1995–1999. Each year the seed/
embryo ratio was determined on two fruits per plant
on 30 plants (15 per herkogamy group) per local habitat
November 2002 3065
fragment (thus a total of
13500 plants and 27 000
fruits during the study period). In order to detect pollen
limitation, the seed set after natural pollination was
compared with seed set following facilitated self-pol-
lination. One flower per plant on 10 plants (five per
herkogamy group) per local fragment was treated with
additional self pollen 1995–1999. Newly opened flow-
ers were pollinated in the morning, and the flowers
closed spontaneously later during the day. In 1995
cross-pollination was performed also in the same way,
but since cross- and self-pollination yielded the same
seed set only selfing was performed the following
years. Earlier pollination experiments (Lennartsson et
al. 2000) also have shown that selfing and cross-pol-
lination yield equal seed set. No seeds were removed
from the populations.
Inbreeding depression
The demographic data showed the performance of
progeny produced by natural pollination over the local
fragmentation gradients. In order to analyze if any dif-
ferences in progeny performance between large and
small local fragments could be attributed to inbreeding,
natural pollination was compared with controlled self-
pollination (expected high inbreeding effects) and con-
trolled cross-pollination (expected low effects). This
comparison was performed annually during the study,
in two of the largest and two of the smallest local
habitat fragments per site (the largest and the second
largest local fragments at each site, plus the second
smallest and the third or fourth smallest). Natural pol-
lination was the normal situation for all plants in this
study, and detailed demographic data were thus ob-
tained for 15
15 mother plants per local fragment
per year (see
Population viability
, above). The self-
pollination treatment was obtained by self-pollinating
one flower per plant on five plants per herkogamy group
and local fragment (the same flowers as in the study
of seed set). The seeds from each fruit were sown in
20 cm square to enable monitoring of ger-
mination, survival of seedlings to autumn-rosette stage,
growth of rosettes, survival of rosettes to autumn-adult
stage, fruit production of adults, and fruit size of adults
(in terms of number of seed embryos per fruit). The
cross-pollination treatment was performedon one flow-
er per plant on five plants per herkogamy group per
local fragment. Newly opened flowers were pollinated
with dehisced anthers from other plants belonging to
the same herkogamy group. Data on progeny perfor-
mance were collected as for self-pollination.
Abundance of pollinators
The second week of August (the peak of flowering of
Gentianella campestris
) 1995–1999, the number of flow-
er-visiting bumble bees per hour was recorded during 1
d (10 h) in the central 10 m
of the two small and the
two large local habitat fragments per site. One person
alternated between the two small local fragments and
another person between the two large fragments, ob-
serving bumble bees in 15-min periods. One bumble bee
visit was defined as one bumble bee entering the plot
and visiting at least one
Statistical treatment
Differences in pollinator abundance between local
habitat fragments and between grassland sites were
tested for by using the nonparametric Mann-Whitney
test. The differences between local fragments were
analyzed for each year separately, using Bonferroni
correction for multiple comparisons. Progeny fitness
data were normally distributed and nested ANOVAs
were used to test for sources of variation. In the pol-
lination experiment, pollination treatment was consid-
ered a fixed effect and site (nested within treatment)
and cohort (nested within site within treatment) were
considered as random effects. The analyses of natural
pollination were performed in the same way, with de-
gree of local fragmentation as a fixed effect (Sokal and
Rohlf 1995:271). The study of progeny performance
following selfing, outcrossing, and natural pollination
was performed in two of the largest and two of the
smallest local habitat fragments per site. The difference
between the two small local fragments was first tested
for using Mann-Whitney
tests for each year and site
separately, and the same test was performed for the
differences between the two large local fragments.
Since the difference small-small and large-large was
nonsignificant in all cases (
0.12), the two small
local fragments were pooled in the nested ANOVA, as
well as the two large local fragments.
The number of replicate sites (six) was too low to
allow any detailed analyses of differencesbetweensites
or between landscapes. For each site, a curve was fitted
through the estimates of population extinction risk over
the local fragmentation gradient, by using an un-
weighted three-step moving average (i.e., for a certain
local fragment, the curve shows the mean extinction
risk of that fragment and the two adjacent smaller
ones). Based on a graphical interpretation of the curves,
the local fragmentation gradients could be divided into
three segments: high degree of local fragmentation (9
20 m
fragments), intermediate (40–120 m
and low degree of local fragmentation (200–2500 m
fragments). The average extinction risk was calculated
for each segment and site, and Kruskal-Wallis non-
parametric ANOVA was used to analyze how the av-
erage extinction risk for each segment varied between
sizes of grassland sites and between landscapes. All
analyses were performed using SPSS 10.1 for Windows
(SPSS 2000).
The stochastic population model showed that pop-
ulation viability of herkogamous plants, in terms of
time to extinction, was reduced by 80–85% as a result
of local habitat fragmentation and exhibited distinct
Ecology, Vol. 83, No. 11
1. The mean number of bumble bee visits to
Gentianella campestris
plants per hour in large and small local habitat
fragments in six grassland sites during 5 yr in the province of Uppland in central Sweden.
Mean no. bumble bee visits/h and 10 m
Site 1 (2.5 ha),
landscape 1
Small Large
Site 2 (2.4 ha),
landscape 2
Small Large
Site 3 (5 ha),
landscape 3
Small Large
Site 4 (5.2 ha),
landscape 4
Small Large
Site 5 (15 ha),
landscape 5
Small Large
Site 6 (14 ha),
landscape 6
Small Large
All years‡ 1.4
Materials and methods: Experimental setup
for information about sampling methods. For each of the six sites,
the area is given in hectares along with the percentage of grassland habitat in the landscape (within 1.5 km) in which it is
† Per-hour visitation rate of 10 h per year per local fragment. Means in bold indicate significant differences between small
and large local fragments for each year and site (
0.05 in Bonferroni-corrected Mann-Whitney
tests for each year and
site separately;
20 h in all tests).
‡ Per-day visitation rate of one day per year during 5 yr. Means in bold indicate significant differences between small and
large local fragments for each site (
0.05 in Bonferroni-corrected Mann-Whitney
tests for each site separately;
5 yr in all tests).
extinction thresholds (Fig. 3). Population viability of
nonherkogamous plants was not affected by local hab-
itat fragmentation. It exceeded the viability of herko-
gamous plants in locally fragmented habitats, but was
considerably reduced compared to the viability of her-
kogamous plants in nonfragmented habitats (Fig. 3).
Seed set of herkogamous plants decreased with in-
creasing local fragmentation in all six populations and
showed pronounced thresholds at 40–55% habitat loss
(Fig. 4). The thresholds corresponded to the thresholds
observed for population viability over the local frag-
mentation gradients. Addition of self-pollen to the stig-
ma produced fruits with minimum of 91% and maxi-
mum 97% of seed set, regardless of herkogamy type
and degree of local fragmentation. Also the cross-pol-
linated flowers in the study of inbreeding depression
obtained high seed set (91–95%). The pattern of seed
set over the local fragmentation gradients corresponded
to the abundance of bumble bees (Table 1). Thirty 1-d
studies of bumble bee abundance were performed (six
sites during 5 yr). In 29 of the studies more bumble
bees were observed in large local habitat fragments
than in small. The difference was significant in 19 cases
(Table 1). As an average for the whole study period,
46 times more bumble bees were observed in large
than in small local habitat fragments, and this differ-
ence was significant for all sites (per day visitation rate;
Table 1). There was a tendency for large grassland sites
to have a higher abundance of bumble bees than small
sites, especially where the grasslands were not locally
fragmented (Table 1). On average, 12.6 bumble bee
visits per day were recorded in the two 15-ha grassland
sites in absence of local fragmentation, as compared
to 6.8 visits per day in the two 2.5-ha sites (Mann-
The pollination experiment showed that offspring
produced by selfing experienced inbreeding depression
compared to outcrossed progeny in three out of six
steps in the life cycle: survival from seedling to mature
rosette, growth of rosettes, and fruit production of adult
plants (Fig. 5). This effect was significant for both her-
kogamy groups (Table 2). Natural pollination of her-
kogamous plants in locally fragmented habitats pro-
duced offspring that were similar to selfed offspring,
whereas pollination in nonfragmented habitats pro-
duced offspring similar to outcrossed progeny (Fig. 5).
Thus, rosette survival, rosette growth, and fruit pro-
duction was significantly affected by local habitat frag-
mentation (Table 2). Also in nonherkogamous plants
locally nonfragmented habitat was more favorable, but
the differences between fragmented and nonfragmented
were smaller (Fig. 5) and significant only for rosette
survival and rosette growth (Table 2).
A comparison between the local population viability
curves of the six sites indicated effects of both grass-
land area and proportion grassland habitat in the land-
scape. In the two largest grasslands the rapid decline
of population viability occurred where
45–65% of
the local grassland habitat was lost by fragmentation,
as compared to 3045% in the two smallest grasslands
(Fig. 6). The corresponding figures for the medium-
sized grasslands were 35–55%. In landscapes where
grassland habitat was abundant, populations of her-
kogamous plants became extinct within
250–300 yr
November 2002 3067
. 5. Six fitness parameters of
Gentianella campestris
offspring produced by controlled self-pollination, controlled
cross-pollination, natural pollination in a locally fragmented grassland habitat, and natural pollination in a locally non-
fragmented habitat (means
). The pollinated plants were either herkogamous or nonherkogamous. (A) Germination
of four cohorts at six sites each. (B) Survival from seedling to mature rosette (four cohorts, six sites). (C) Survival from
mature rosette to fruiting adult (three cohorts, six sites). (D) Size of mature rosettes measured as number of leaf pairs times
rosette diameter in centimeters (four cohorts, six sites). (E) Fruit production of adult plants (three cohorts, six sites). (F)
Number of seed embryos per fruit (three cohorts, six sites).
if they were not affected by local fragmentation. Pop-
ulations in grassland-poor landscapes became extinct
200–250 yr. This difference was generated by
the matrix population model, because seed set varied
less between years in grassland-rich landscapes, than
in grassland-poor landscapes (see error bars in Fig. 4).
A mean extinction risk for all large local fragments
(fragment sizes of 200–2500 m
) was calculated for
each site. These means varied significantly between the
two landscape types (Kruskal-Wallis
9.9, df
0.002), but not between the three size classes of
grassland sites (
1.1, df
0.57). The cor-
responding means for the intermediate-sized local frag-
ments (40–120 m
) varied significantly with size of
grassland sites (
16.8, df
0.001), but not
with grassland cover in the landscape (
0). The
Ecology, Vol. 83, No. 11
2. Nested ANOVA for variation in six fitness characters of
Gentianella campestris
offspring produced by two
experimental pollination treatments (Treatment, T) and by natural pollination in locally fragmented (70%) and nonfrag-
mented (5%) grassland habitat (Fragmentation, F) in six grassland sites (Site, S). The study was repeated on 3–4 cohorts
(Cohort, C).
Germination Rosettes Adults
Source of variation
Experimental pollination (cross-pollination and self-pollination)
Natural pollination (in 70% and 5% locally fragmented habitat)
The pollinated plants belonged to two herkogamy groups: herkogamous and nonherkogamous.
values in bold are
significant at the 0.05 level or lower.
† Nested ANOVA for site nested within pollination treatment.
‡ Cohort nested within site, nested within treatment.
§ Site nested within degree of fragmentation.
Cohort nested within site, nested within degree of fragmentation. Fixed factors in the nested ANOVA were pollination
treatments and fragmentation.
average extinction risks for the smallest fragments (9
20 m
), finally, varied neither with size of grassland
sites (
3.5, df
0.17), nor with grassland
cover in the landscape (
0.2, df
This study demonstrates dramatically reduced pop-
ulation viability and distinct extinction thresholds in
locally fragmented populations of the grassland bien-
Gentianella campestris
. The drastic population ef-
fects could be explained by inbreeding depression and
reduced seed output in combination, both caused by
pollinator deficit in fragmented habitats. The effects of
local fragmentation differed strongly between maternal
families with different capacity of self-pollination. The
results provide rare empirical evidence of population
extinction risk being affected by pollen limitation (Har-
rison and Bruna 1999, Menges 2000) and inbreeding
depression (Johnston and Schoen 1996, Saccheri et al.
Seed production
Nonherkogamous plants obtained high seed set over
the whole local fragmentation gradient. Herkogamous
plants, having reduced capacity of self-pollination, ob-
tained reduced seed set in small fragments. Facilitated
selfing and cross-pollination yielded high seed set over
the whole fragmentation gradient, thus proving pollen
limitation as a consequence of local habitat fragmen-
tation. Seed set over the local fragmentation gradient
described thresholds at certain degrees of fragmenta-
tion. This confirms that the pollinators’ environment
abruptly becomes disconnected over a narrow range of
habitat loss, as predicted by theoretical models (e.g.,
Gardner et al. 1987, With et al. 1999). It is notable that
the disconnection here was poorly related to distance
between local fragments, since it occurred at a small
spatial scale (Fig. 1) in relation to the flight distances
of bumble bees (Bowers 1985, Steffan-Dewenter and
Tscharntke 1999). Instead, it might be caused by bushes
obstructing the pollinators’ mobility (Westerbergh and
Saura 1994) and by decreased attraction of small, shad-
ed, and floristically poor fragments (Bowers 1985, Jen-
nersten 1988). High seed set in locally nonfragmented
grassland, and low seed set in fragmented, agreed with
the abundance of pollinators in large and small local
habitat fragments, respectively.
November 2002 3069
2. Extended.
Rosette size
Fruits per plant
Seed embroys/fruit
. 6. Comparison between the population
viability curves in Fig. 4. Areas of the grassland
sites are indicated by 2.5, 5, and 15 ha. Labels
2–5% and 12–15% indicate the proportion of
grassland habitat within 1.5 km from the site.
Inbreeding depression
Seed set thus suggests that self-pollination in com-
parison with herkogamy yields equal or higher fitness.
However, for both herkogamy types of
G. campestris
progeny produced by controlled selfing showed in-
breeding depression compared to outcrossed progeny.
Natural pollination in locally fragmented habitats pro-
duced inbred progeny in both herkogamy groups,
which indicates that few seeds were produced by out-
crossing. This corresponded with low pollinator abun-
dance in locally fragmented habitats. In absence of lo-
cal fragmentation, inbreeding depression was consid-
erably reduced in herkogamous plants, but less in non-
herkogamous plants. In particular, nonherkogamous
plants showed low fruit production in both ends of the
fragmentation gradient. This indicates higher outcross-
ing rates in herkogamous than in nonherkogamous
plants in absence of local habitat fragmentation. The
explanation for low outcrossing in nonherkogamous
plants in spite of high pollinator abundance was that
flowers of
G. campestris
closed during the day of pol-
lination. Earlier studies (Lennartsson et al. 2000) have
shown that nonherkogamous flowers close within a
maximum of 1.6 d, compared to 5 d in herkogamous
Ecology, Vol. 83, No. 11
plants and thus that efficient self-pollination made the
nonherkogamous flowers unsusceptible to cross-polli-
nation more rapidly than herkogamous flowers.
One important result of this study is that local frag-
mentation resulted in inbreeding entirely because of
reduced pollen transfer. In contrast to many other stud-
ies, effects of genetic erosion in isolated groups of
plants (Steffan-Dewenter and Tscharntke 1999) can be
excluded because all local fragments can be assumed
to have approximately uniform genetic variation. The
populations were initially established using the same
number of mother plants. Since outcrossed (within lo-
cal fragments) progeny showed no fitness reduction in
any habitat fragments, it is not likely that any important
erosion of the original genetic material took place dur-
ing the study. Furthermore, reduced pollen transfer was
not an effect of reduced plant population density (Ku-
nin 1993), because this factor did not change notably
over the study period.
Population viability
High capacity for self-pollination in
G. campestris
was advantageous in terms of seed set, but carried costs
in terms of inbreeding depression in the following gen-
eration. The overall population viability is a function
of both seed production and progeny performance
throughout the life cycle. Selfing made seed set inde-
pendent of pollinators and could therefore partly neu-
tralize the negative effects of local fragmentation on
population viability. However, self-pollination de-
creased the chances of cross-pollination where polli-
nators were abundant, which resulted in evenly high
inbreeding effects and reduced population viability
over the whole local fragmentation gradient. In sum-
mary, the advantages of selfing and high seed set in
nonherkogamous plants exceeded the cost of inbreed-
ing depression in locally fragmented habitats. In non-
fragmented habitats, on the other hand, advantages of
cross-pollination and reduced inbreeding depression in
herkogamous plants were greater than advantages of
high and secure seed set (cf. Taylor et al. 1999).
The population viability curve for herkogamous
plants over the local fragmentation gradient corre-
sponded with both the pattern of seed set over the gra-
dient and with the abundance of pollinators in small
and large local habitat fragments. No significant frag-
ment effect on fitness was discovered when plants were
treated with the same pollination, which indicates that
possible environmental differences between small and
large fragments had little influence on population vi-
ability. It therefore seems clear that the observed var-
iation in population viability was caused mainly by
disrupted plant–pollinator interactions as a result of
local habitat fragmentation. The observed population
trends approximately corresponded to the estimated
population growth rates, that is, nonherkogamous pop-
ulations declined more than herkogamous, except in
the smallest habitat fragments.
Effects of fragmentation at different spatial scales
The number of replicate grasslands in this study is
too low to draw far-reaching conclusions about effects
of fragmentation at the landscape scale. However, pop-
ulation viability varied among sites in a highly sug-
gestive pattern, which was also supported by the ob-
served abundance of pollinators. The pattern suggests
that population viability of
G. campestris
was influ-
enced by fragmentation at different spatial scales: (a)
local fragmentation (within populations and sites), (b)
area of grassland site, and (c) fragmentation at the land-
scape level, in terms of grassland abundance in 3-km
Local fragmentation (a) had the strongest impact and
determined the general threshold shape of the popu-
lation viability curves. Area of grassland site (b) in-
fluenced at which degree of local fragmentation the
extinction threshold occurred. In the largest grasslands
the threshold occurred at an
50% higher degree of
local fragmentation than in the smallest sites (3045%
habitat loss in the 2.5-ha sites, compared to 45–65%
in the 15-ha sites). Hence, with increasing grassland
area, the field gentian became less sensitive to local
habitat fragmentation. This was clearly an effect of
higher bumble bee frequencies in large grasslands, an
observation reported also from other studies (Bowers
Habitat fragmentation at the landscape level (c), fi-
nally, affected the maximum population viability in
absence of local fragmentation, i.e., above the extinc-
tion threshold. In sites situated in grassland-rich land-
scapes, both seed set and pollinator abundance varied
less between years than in grassland-poor landscapes.
Lower between-year variation in seed set resulted in
higher population viability when the demographic data
were entered in the stochastic population model. A less
varying pollination in grassland-rich landscapes can be
expected if bumble bee populations are favored by, for
example, floristic diversity (Bowers 1985) or if local
variations in bumble bee mortality are buffered by im-
migration from neighboring grasslands.
Implications for conservation
Most empirical and theoretical work on habitat frag-
mentation has focused on the landscape scale and meta-
populations (Hanski and Gilpin 1991). This study dem-
onstrates that local habitat fragmentation in a similar
fashion also can disrupt plant–pollinator interactions
(Kearns et al. 1998, McIntyre and Hobbs 1999) and
result in reduced plant population viability and extinc-
tion thresholds. Local fragmentation had a strong, di-
rect effect on plant population viability, and the results
indicate that this effect can be amplified by fragmen-
tation and habitat loss at larger spatial scales (cf. An-
dre´n 1994, Bender et al. 1998). The combined effects
of local- and landscape-level fragmentation increased
the extinction risk of
G. campestris
from very low to
November 2002 3071
a risk approximately corresponding to the IUCN threat
category ‘vulnerable’ (IUCN 1994). Thus, fragmen-
tation can reduce population viability considerably,
even for the relatively large population of 2000 plants
that was used here as initial population size in the sto-
chastic population model. For reduced population sizes
(which can be expected to be an effect of habitat frag-
mentation) the extinction risk would be even higher
(Lennartsson and Oostermeijer 2001). Many Swedish
grassland sites are locally fragmented like the ones
used in this study, and many of the last populations of
Gentianella campestris
occur in small and floristically
poor grassland fragments in a more and more forested
landscape (Lennartsson and Svensson 1996). Frag-
mentation clearly threatened the success of this rein-
troduction experiment, which is striking since
G. cam-
has a high capacity of self-pollination and is
pollinated by a common group of pollinators. Surpris-
ingly few population viability analyses have included
pollination (Menges 2000), but as more studies are per-
formed we may find that pollinator deficit in frag-
mented habitats is an important threat to plant popu-
lations and plant diversity.
I thank Tom Juenger and Kari Lehtila¨ forhelpfulcomments,
Kari also for developing and providing computer software
for the stochastic model. I further thank all field assistants
for their patience, the Uppsala University Botanical Garden
for help with seed bank experiments, and Eric Menges and
two anonymous referees for valuable comments on the man-
uscript. The study was supported by the Foundation for Stra-
tegic Environmental Research (award 438-97-1) and by the
Swedish Council for Forestry and Agricultural Research
(award 34.0297/98).
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... In wild populations, rapid evolution of mating system traits has been reported in less than 25 years (Thomann et al. 2015a, b;Thomann et al. 2015a, b;Valencia-Montoya et al. 2021), likely due to pollination degradation in agrosystems. Demographic studies reporting the role of mating system in population persistence are scarce but the few that have explored this link have shown that mating system traits impact demography (Lennartsson 2002). The parallel decline of insect-pollinated species (but not autogamous species) with pollinator decline (Biesmeijer et al. 2006) suggests that population selfing rate mediates population growth rate and population demography. ...
... This suggests that rapid evolution on mating system is likely under the current pollinator decline but the demographic consequences of such evolution has not been studied. Interestingly, a demographic study in the field in Gentiannella campestris (Lennartsson 2002) has shown that selfers could suffer from a demographic disadvantage compared to outcrossers. In their study, Lennartsson (2002) showed that, while selfing genotypes were able to produce more seeds outcrossing genotypes without pollinators, time to extinction were greatly reduced in selfers, likely due to inbreeding depression expressing over the whole life cycle. ...
... Interestingly, a demographic study in the field in Gentiannella campestris (Lennartsson 2002) has shown that selfers could suffer from a demographic disadvantage compared to outcrossers. In their study, Lennartsson (2002) showed that, while selfing genotypes were able to produce more seeds outcrossing genotypes without pollinators, time to extinction were greatly reduced in selfers, likely due to inbreeding depression expressing over the whole life cycle. Such empirical results make the evolutionary suicide scenario realistic and could explain the higher extinction rates of selfers in selfing lineages (Goldberg et al. 2010). ...
Full-text available
As reported by experimental studies, changes in pollination regime are expected to drive plant mating system evolution. In natural populations facing pollinator decline, plant-mating system is thus susceptible to evolve. We analyzed the demographic consequences of such evolution and if such evolution can rescue populations. We developed a quantitative genetic model for evolution after a pollinator crash and we analyzed the demographic consequences over a few dozens of generations. The model considers two sources of stochasticity. Contrary to classical models, inbreeding depression is considered as a probabilistic event affecting differentially inbred and outbred individuals (demographic stochasticity). Pollination is also considered as a probabilistic event (environmental stochasticity). The model is derived under (1) infinite population size and (2) finite population size. The results highlight three generic evolutionary scenarios. The evolution of selfing after a pollinator crash can rescue populations but can sometimes lead to evolutionary suicide. While the genetic variance of mating system traits determines the pace of evolution, initial population sizes determine the countdown for evolution to rescue population making stochastic extinction likely in small populations. Our model shows that evolution may not save populations due to frequency-dependent selection acting on mating system. We propose an alternative interpretation for the higher extinction rate of selfing taxa and we discuss its implications for plant conservation.
... Increased spatial isolation of populations may reduce gene flow between them, increasing the chances of intra-population inbreeding and inter-population genetic differentiation (Ellstrand and Elam 1993;Frankham et al. 2002;Galeuchet et al. 2005;Slatkin 1995). Meanwhile, reduced population size may increase the incidence of genetic drift, fix deleterious alleles, reduce heterozygosity, and lead to loss of allelic diversity (Ellstrand and Elam 1993;Lennartsson 2002;Kang et al. 2008). Ultimately, these effects may reduce the fitness of the populations and may even lead to local extinction (Charlesworth and Charlesworth 1987;Newman and Pilson 1997). ...
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Tamarix taklamakanensis is an endangered shrub endemic to northwestern China. Single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci obtained by Genotype-by-sequencing (GBS) method were used to estimate the genetic diversity and population structure of the species for developing conservation strategies. A moderate level of genetic diversity was (mean HE = 0.16) detected for the species, and sampled sites were grouped into two genetically distinct clusters by Bayesian assignment, principal coordinates analyses, and maximum-likelihood (ML) tree. The moderate level of genetic diversity is likely due to its reproductive characteristics and long-lived life-history traits, and the strong genetic differentiation between the two clusters suggests a positive response to habitat fragmentation. Based on the results, we provide useful conservation strategies for this species.
... Mating system parameters, such as outcrossing rate, often vary widely within and among fruits, plants and populations, naturally and following human disturbance (Coates et al., 2007;Eckert et al., 2010;Whitehead et al., 2018). Human impacts that increase inbreeding can have negative consequences for plant fitness when associated with inbreeding depression (Charlesworth & Willis, 2009;Lennartson, 2002). Inbreeding increases homozygosity and exposes recessive alleles that are potentially deleterious to expression, leading to inbreeding depression and fewer offspring of reduced quality (Charlesworth & Willis, 2009;Husband & Schemske, 1996). ...
The restoration of diverse self‐sustaining ecosystems requires re‐establishment of functional interactions among species. For plant communities, pollinators are usually essential for pollination, seed set and seed quality. A common assumption in ecological restoration for plants pollinated by animals is one of ‘build it and they will come’, which is rarely tested. Beyond seed set, there may be negative genetic consequences for seed quality if pollinators and their behaviour do not reflect those in reference populations. Here, we conduct an ecological genetic assessment of seed quality via mating system parameters in Lambertia multiflora (Proteaceae), a species dependent on nectar‐feeding birds for pollination. Four populations of L. multiflora in disturbed sites that were rehabilitated following mineral sands mining were compared with four native reference populations, near Eneabba, Western Australia. In each population, approximately 10 offspring from each of 10 maternal plants were genotyped with 11 highly polymorphic microsatellite markers. From these data, genetic diversity and mating system parameters were assessed, and found to be equivalent across all populations. Mean allelic diversity and heterozygosity across loci were very high. All populations were completely outcrossing with no bi‐parental inbreeding. Mean correlated paternity, sibship and effective population size estimates for restored and natural populations were not significantly different and reflected uniformly high paternal diversity and wide outcrossing. Equivalent genetic results for restored and natural reference populations indicate successful restitution of bird‐pollinator services for L. multiflora in these post‐mining rehabilitation sites. Synthesis and applications . Reviewing our results with other published studies to date suggests a resilience of bird‐pollinator services in restored plant communities. These findings provide some reassurance to restoration practitioners working in these global south systems where bird pollination is a feature, at least for similar landscape scenarios. Our study also highlights the global contribution of ecological genetics to the objective assessment of functional species interactions in ecological restoration, an increasingly important goal of land managers and regulators seeking to improve restoration standards.
... Decreased absolute fitness leads to smaller population sizes, which accelerates these effects and further increases extinction risk due to demographic stochasticity (Lande 1993). Genetic threats to small populations have been empirically linked to population declines and extinctions in plants (Newman and Pilson 1997;Lennartsson 2002;Vilas et al. 2006), insects (Saccheri et al. 1998;Bijlsma et al. 2000;Wright et al. 2008), birds (Westemeier 1998), and mammals (Bozzuto et al. 2019). ...
Full-text available
Restoring gene flow among fragmented populations is discussed as a potentially powerful management strategy that could reduce inbreeding depression and cause genetic rescue. Yet, examples of assisted migration for genetic rescue remain sparse in conservation, prompting several outspoken calls for its increased use in genetic management of fragmented populations. We set out to evaluate the extent to which this strategy is underused and to determine how many imperiled species would realistically stand to benefit from genetic rescue, focusing on federally threatened or endangered vertebrate species in the United States. We developed a "genetic rescue suitability index (GR index)" based on concerns about small population problems relative to risks associated with outbreeding depression and surveyed the literature for 222 species. We found that two-thirds of these species were good candidates for consideration of assisted migration for the purpose of genetic rescue according to our suitability index. Good candidate species spanned all taxonomic groups and geographic regions, though species with more missing data tended to score lower on the suitability index. While we do not recommend a prescriptive interpretation of our GR index, we used it here to establish that assisted migration for genetic rescue is an underused strategy. For example, we found in total, "genetic rescue" was only mentioned in 11 recovery plans and has only been implemented in 3 of the species we surveyed. A potential way forward for implementation of this strategy is incorporating genetic rescue as a priority in USFWS recovery documentation. In general, our results suggest that although not appropriate for all imperiled species, many more species stand to benefit from a conservation strategy of assisted migration for genetic rescue than those for which it has previously been considered or implemented.
... However, previous network studies have been conducted almost entirely in non-forest systems in which the relative contrast in light conditions and floral resources between edge and interior is weak (or 43,44 . Floral resource availability in the interior was clearly insufficient to attract insect pollinators [45][46][47][48] , and as they tend to have high mobility, they are less affected by distance to edge or even distance of isolation from the mainland 49-51 , hence pollinator abundance tended to mirror the distribution of floral resources along edges. We were careful to discriminate how these shifts in resource and abundance distributions might influence ecological trends in richness and network architecture, after first accounting for potentially spurious confounding influences of lower sample coverage 52 in small compared with large fragments 53 and interior sites versus edges. ...
Full-text available
Edge effects often exacerbate the negative effects of habitat loss on biodiversity. In forested ecosystems, however, many pollinators actually prefer open sunny conditions created by edge disturbances. We tested the hypothesis that forest edges have a positive buffering effect on plant-pollinator interaction networks in the face of declining forest area. In a fragmented land-bridge island system, we recorded ~20,000 plant-pollinator interactions on 41 islands over 3 yr. We show that plant richness and floral resources decline with decreasing forest area at both interior and edge sites, but edges maintain 10-fold higher pollinator abundance and richness regardless of area loss. Edge networks contain highly specialized species, with higher nestedness and lower modularity than interior networks, maintaining high robustness to extinction following area loss while forest interior networks collapse. Anthropogenic forest edges benefit community diversity and network robustness to extinction in the absence of natural gap-phase dynamics in small degraded forest remnants.
... Another important factor influencing insect pollination is the foraging distance, which strongly influences the sexual reproduction of most flowering plants and can determine the genetic structure of plant populations (Campbell 1985;Waser et al. 1996). For example, pollinators may not visit small or isolated plant populations, leading to plant reproductive failure (Cunningham 2000;Lennartsson 2002). In contrast, long-distance foraging, even by introduced species, may rescue mating in otherwise doomed plants within habitat fragments (Dick 2001). ...
Insect pollination improves the yield of most crop species and contributes to one-third of global crop production. The importance of this ecosystem service in improving agricultural production has largely been overlooked, however, in favour of practices that improve soil conditions such as fertiliser use and supplementary irrigation. Using economic modelling, this study estimates the value of insect pollination under different land-use types in Kenya. Our model assumes that a combination of land-use type and the foraging distance of insect pollinators influences the intensity of pollination and the value of agricultural output. To demonstrate the hypothesised relationships, areas under different land-use types, e.g. forest, grassland and cropland, and their distances from households were used as proxies for insect pollination. Concentric buffer zones representing foraging distances of pollinators from the land-use types were drawn at 250 m, 500 m, 1 000 m, 2 000 m and 3 000 m from the farms, and areas under each land use in the buffer zones were estimated for the years 2004, 2007 and 2010. Using the random-effects model and an output distance-function stochastic frontier model, the land-use areas, other factors of production and climate variables were regressed on the value of agricultural output in each buffer zone to determine their contribution to agricultural output resulting from insect pollination. The results indicate higher crop productivity on farms bordering forests and grasslands. This implies that insect pollinators are important for crop production, and increasing the number of pollinator habitats closer to the farms will increase food production in the tropics.
... The biotic interactions are influenced by phenology, population density and inter-population distance (for pollinators) 22 . Phenological variations mediate available pollinators, seed dispersal agents and florivorous insects 23,24 . ...
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The rarity of Atuna indica, an endemic and endangered tropical tree species of the Western Ghats, India has been analysed in this study. The phenology, floral biology , including pollen-ovule ratio, pollinators, fruit development and biotic interactions in natural dynamics were studied. Extreme reduction in the number of flowering individuals, microhabitat conditions, low fruit set, seed infestation and fruit predation were identified as the factors leading to rarity of the species in situ. THIS study aims to document the reproductive biology as well as phenological changes in Atuna indica, an endangered tree species of the Western Ghats, India. Studies on the reproductive biology of threatened tree species provide insights into their reduced fitness/population size. For example, Elaeocarpus blascoi, an endangered species reported with low seedling recruitment, was found with fungal attacks on seeds (Fusarium sp., Lasiodiplodia sp. and Pencilium sp.) 1. Studies conducted on the endangered Elaeocarpus gaussenii and Elaeocarpus recurvatus reported that fruit damage caused by Malabar giant squirrel and lion-tailed macaque is one of the reproductive constraints 2. In Talbotiella gentii, a critically endangered tree, the stigmatic surface was found infected by fungi, thus reducing its reproductive potential 3. Even the Evans et al. 4 reported reproductive constraints in endangered perennial herbaceous species such as Eryngium cuneifolium, Hypericum cumulicola and Liatris ohlingerae. The present study incorporates climate data (average precipitation and temperature in Kerala, India) to discuss the phenological changes of A. indica. Kerala experiences different but almost stable climatic seasons such as the southwest monsoon, northeast monsoon, winter and summer. So phenological studies, including reproductive biology, will highlight the influence of climate on the reproductive performance and survival of species. The variations in atmospheric temperature, rainfall and difference in day length, etc. could signal flushing, flower initiation, etc. These changes may lead to a cascade of positive or negative influences on the depending fauna and eventually on the survival of the plant species, as the plant reproductive cycle depends on pollinators, parasites and pests, which are obligatory and species specific in nature. Reduced reproductive potential is considered one of the driving forces towards extinction. High reproductive potential may increase seedling recruitment, subsequently resulting in flourishing of the population 5,6. The reasons for rarity may vary from one species to another. The mode of pollination and type of dispersal impact the future population by influencing the genetic as well as the physical constitution of a population. Abnormalities in these events may result in rarity of the species in situ. The factors leading to species decline include reduced pollinator-driven low fruit set, self-pollination driven inbreeding depression 7 , and loss of genetic variability as a compound effect. Documenting the reproductive biology of endangered plant species could help unravel their constraints. The rarity analysis of A. indica with an emphasis on its reproductive biology will be useful for government and non-governmental organizations in their conservation efforts of endangered tree species. A. indica is an endemic and endangered tropical tree species of the Western Ghats, India 8. It is distributed in the evergreen forests in the 500-800 m altitude range and grows up to 15 m height. Flowers are bisexual and cream-coloured. Slopes adjacent to water courses are the microhabitat preference of this species. Umbelliferin (an anticancer drug) has been isolated from A. indica 9. Materials and methods The population located adjacent to Kakkayam dam site, Kozhikode district, Kerala was chosen for this study (Fig-ure 1). Monitoring and recording of flowering phenology, viz. flower-bud initiation, development, anthesis, stigma re-ceptivity, pollen viability, pollen-ovule ratio, pollination, pollinators, blooming period, pest incidence and fruit set, was done. The data were represented as the average value of each trial 10-14. Reproductive phenology Data on reproductive phenology with respect to the number of inflorescences per branch, number of flowers per inflo-rescence, flower/inflorescence development, blooming
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Background Anthropogenic activities significantly impact natural ecosystems, leading to alterations in plant and pollinator diversity and abundance. These changes often result in shifts within interacting communities, potentially reshaping the structure of plant-pollinator interaction networks. Given the escalating human footprint on habitats, evaluating the response of these networks to anthropization is critical for devising effective conservation and management strategies. Methods We conducted a comprehensive review of the plant-pollinator network literature to assess the impact of anthropization on network structure. We assessed network metrics such as nestedness measure based on overlap and decreasing fills (NODF), network specialization (H 2 ’), connectance (C), and modularity (Q) to understand structural changes. Employing a meta-analytical approach, we examined how anthropization activities, such as deforestation, urbanization, habitat fragmentation, agriculture, intentional fires and livestock farming, affect both plant and pollinator richness. Results We generated a dataset for various metrics of network structure and 36 effect sizes for the meta-analysis, from 38 articles published between 2010 and 2023. Studies assessing the impact of agriculture and fragmentation were well-represented, comprising 68.4% of all studies, with networks involving interacting insects being the most studied taxa. Agriculture and fragmentation reduce nestedness and increase specialization in plant-pollinator networks, while modularity and connectance are mostly not affected. Although our meta-analysis suggests that anthropization decreases richness for both plants and pollinators, there was substantial heterogeneity in this regard among the evaluated studies. The meta-regression analyses helped us determine that the habitat fragment size where the studies were conducted was the primary variable contributing to such heterogeneity. Conclusions The analysis of human impacts on plant-pollinator networks showed varied effects worldwide. Responses differed among network metrics, signaling nuanced impacts on structure. Activities like agriculture and fragmentation significantly changed ecosystems, reducing species richness in both pollinators and plants, highlighting network vulnerability. Regional differences stressed the need for tailored conservation. Despite insights, more research is crucial for a complete understanding of these ecological relationships.
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Environmental change is disrupting mutualisms between organisms worldwide. Reported declines in insect populations and changes in pollinator community compositions in response to land use and other environmental drivers have put the spotlight on the need to conserve pollinators. While this is often motivated by their role in supporting crop yields, the role of pollinators for reproduction and resulting taxonomic and functional assembly in wild plant communities has received less attention. Recent findings suggest that observed and experimental gradients in pollinator availability can affect plant community composition, but we know little about when such shifts are to be expected, or the impact they have on ecosystem functioning. Correlations between plant traits related to pollination and plant traits related to other important ecosystem functions, such as productivity, nitrogen uptake or palatability to herbivores, lead us to expect non‐random shifts in ecosystem functioning in response to changes in pollinator communities. At the same time, ecological and evolutionary processes may counteract these effects of pollinator declines, limiting changes in plant community composition, and in ecosystem functioning. Despite calls to investigate community‐ and ecosystem‐level impacts of reduced pollination, the study of pollinator effects on plants has largely been confined to impacts on plant individuals or single‐species populations. With this review we aim to break new ground by bringing together aspects of landscape ecology, ecological and evolutionary plant–insect interactions, and biodiversity–ecosystem functioning research, to generate new ideas and hypotheses about the ecosystem‐level consequences of pollinator declines in response to land‐use change, using grasslands as a focal system. Based on an integrated set of seven hypotheses, we call for more research investigating the putative pollinator‐mediated links between landscape‐scale land use and ecosystem functioning. In particular, future research should use combinations of experimental and observational approaches to assess the effects of changes in pollinator communities over multiple years and across species on plant communities and on trait distributions both within and among species.
Urban gardens are considered a key tool for mitigating biodiversity and plant‐pollinator interaction loss due to their ubiquity in urban landscapes and the variety of resources they provide. To date, most urban garden pollination research has focused on diurnal pollination, omitting a potentially important group—nocturnal pollinators. To assess the diversity and pollination activity of both diurnal and nocturnal flower visitors in urban gardens, I monitored arthropods on focal inflorescences of Eupatorium perfoliatum , a common Michigan‐native species, for 24‐h cycles and recorded the number and duration of visits. I also measured diurnal and nocturnal communities' pollination services using a temporal floral visitation exclusion experiment. Flowers averaged nearly twice as many visits during the day as compared with night within 24‐h cycles, but nocturnal visit durations were 2.5‐fold longer on average. Day and night floral visitor communities were distinct, with day visits being dominated by Diptera, ants and other Hymenoptera, and night visits being carried out most frequently by ants, Dermaptera and Hemiptera. In the floral visitor exclusion experiment, plants open to only nocturnal visits produced larger seeds, whereas plants open to only diurnal visits trended towards producing more seeds, signalling a potential trade‐off between seed quantity and size among visitor communities. Overall, diurnal and nocturnal floral visitor communities were distinct, and nocturnally pollinated plants had reproductive output comparable to diurnally pollinated treatments. Given the emphasis on diurnal pollinators in most pollination studies, it is possible that relevant plant‐pollinator interaction information may be missed in cases where anthesis spans both day and night.
The relation between inbreeding depression and rate of self-fertilization was studied in nine natural populations of the annual genus Amsinckia. The study included two clades (phylogenetic lineages) in which small-flowered, homostylous populations or species are believed to have evolved from large-flowered, heterostylous, self-compatible ones. In one lineage the small-flowered species is tetraploid with disomic inheritance. Rates of self-fertilization were 25% to 55% in the four large-flowered, heterostylous populations; 72% in a large-flowered but homostylous population; and greater than 99.5% in the four small-flowered, homostylous populations, which produce seed autonomously. When present, inbreeding depression occurred in the fertility but not the survival components of fitness. Using a cumulative fitness measure incorporating both survival and fertility (flower number), we found inbreeding depression to be lower in the four very highly self-fertilizing populations than in the five intermediate ones. The Spearman rank correlation between inbreeding depression and selfing rate for the nine populations was -0.50, but was not statistically significant (P = 0.12). Inbreeding depression was greater in the two tetraploid populations than in the very highly self-fertilizing, diploid ones. Phenotypic stability of progeny from self-fertilization tended to be higher in populations with lower inbreeding depression. We conclude that levels of self-fertilization and inbreeding depression in Amsinckia are determined more by other factors than by each other. Estimates of mutation rates and dominance coefficients of deleterious alleles, obtained from a companion study of the four highly self-fertilizing populations, suggest that a strong relationship may not be expected. We discuss the relationship of the present results to current theory of the coevolution of self-fertilization and inbreeding depression.
Evolutionary and population dynamics models suggest that the migration rate will affect the probability of survival in fragmented landscapes. Using data for butterfly species in the fragmented British landscape and in immediately adjoining areas of the European continent, this paper shows that species of intermediate mobility have declined most, followed by those of low mobility whereas high-mobility species are generally surviving well. Compared to the more sedentary species, species of intermediate mobility require relatively large areas where they breed at slightly lower local densities. Intermediate mobility species have probably fared badly through a combination of metapopulation (extinction and colonization) dynamics and the mortality of migrating individuals which fail to find new habitats in fragmented landscapes. Habitat fragmentation is likely to result in the non-random extinction of populations and species characterized by different levels of dispersal, although the details are likely to depend on the taxa, habitats and regions considered.
The extensive variation in phenology and morphology within the Gentianella amarella- and G. campestris-complexes has caused much confusion to field botanists and taxonomists. Demographic studies of c. 20 populations in Sweden have shown that all taxa germinate in May-June. G. uliginosa and G. campestris ssp. baltica flower late their first summer, thus being annual. G. amarella and G. campestris form a rosette the first summer, overwinter as a taproot and a bud, and flower the second summer, thus being biennial. These biennial taxa can be either early-flowering or late-flowering. Hence, neither life-cycle variation nor flowering phenology is related to timing of germination. The best character for annual taxa is the presence of cotyledons on adult plants, for biennials the presence of rosette remnants. Taxonomic treatment has rarely paid attention to life-cycle variation and the taxonomy is therefore unclear.
Plants interact with coteries of other organisms for different services. They interact with other plants, with animals, fungi, and microorganisms. Gene dispersers (i.e., pollinators, and fruit and seed dispersers) comprise an important group which must also be viewed in terms of numerous facets of reproductive ecology (i.e., seed set, mate choice, species persistence). These organisms vary in their dispersal ability and patterns of life history variation due to the attributes of both the plant and the animals, and due to the impact of human-induced habitat disturbances.
Neutral landscape models predict that habitat loss will abruptly disrupt landscape connectivity. We performed a series of simulation experiments to explore whether thresholds in landscape connectivity affect movement attributes (path length, net displacement, and fractal dimension of pathway) within fractal neutral landscapes. We then tested these assumptions by generating fractal landscape patterns in the field across a range of habitat abundances (0%, 20%, 50%, and 80% grass) and patchiness (clumped vs. patchy) and quantified how patch structure affected movement behavior in a generic organism, the common cricket Acheta domestica (Orthoptera: Gryllidae). In the simulation experiment, individuals constrained to move only through adjacent grass cells (neighborhood size = 4 cells) exhibited abrupt thresholds between 50% and 80% grass cover for all movement parameters in clumped fractal landscapes but exhibited a linear decline in movement with decreasing habitat in patchy landscapes. Individuals constrained to move in sand within these same landscapes did not exhibit thresholds in movement with decreasing sand habitat. The exception is for the fractal dimension of pathways (a measure of tortuosity) in which a threshold occurred between 50% and 80% grass (50% and 20% sand) in patchy landscapes. Increasing the scale of movement by allowing individuals to move through unsuitable habitat (neighborhood size = 12 cells) reduced or eliminated any effects of patch structure on movement. Live crickets can traverse both grass and sand, and thus threshold effects in movement behavior were generally not evident in the field experiment. Only small crickets (15-25 mm) exhibited a threshold response in net displacement (straight-line distance traversed) between 50% and 80% grass cover (50% and 20% sand). Crickets did exhibit significant responses to patch structure, however. Crickets moved faster and with less tortuosity in the control (0% grass) and less-vegetated (20% grass) plots than in plots with greater habitat coverage. Crickets used grass cells significantly more (73%) than expected in the 20% patchy fractal microlandscape; crickets were reluctant to leave isolated cells of grass. Grass provided cover, but sand facilitated movement. While experimentation at the landscape scale is generally intractable or impossible, computer simulation and field experiments founded on neutral landscape models permit initial assessment of how disrupting landscape connectivity affects movement behavior.
Detailed demographic observations were made on 3 hemiparasitic summer annuals (Euphrasia pseudokerneri, E. nemorosa, Rhinanthus minor) and 2 strict biennials (Linum catharticum, Gentianella amarella) at 3 chalk grassland sites in SE England. All species flowered in the autumn and germinated in the spring. Variation over 3 yr in exact time of germination was correlated with temperature in E. pseudokerneri and Gentianella. Linum germinated at the same time every year, even at sites in different counties; daylength may be a controlling factor. In 1981, early-germinating seedlings had lower survival to flowering in Linum and Gentianella, but in E. pseudokerneri germination date had no effect on survival. In summer 1980, both biennials had a sizeable seed bank (600-2500 m-2), but E. pseudokerneri had virtually none. For all 3 species, most seeds which germinate apparently do so in the first after seedfall. In the field, 14% of seeds sown in autumn 1980 germinated the following spring for Euphrasia, 24% for Linum and 30% for Gentianella. Survival from germination to flowering varied significantly between years by as much as 30-fold. Survival to flowering ranged from 43% to 0.8% in the annuals and from 12% to 6% in the biennials. Many flowering plants (up to 38%) and many flowers (up to 46%) set no seed. Seed outputs per fruiting plant were very low (10-25 for the Euphrasia spp. and Linum, and 30-90 for Rhinanthus and Gentianella). -from Author
Sixty-nine woodlands isolated in the agricultural landscape of the Wierzbanówka valley (Western Carpathian foothills) were investigated. An analysis of historical maps shows that most of the woods under study are remnants of ancient woodlands. Stepwise and partial regression analyses were used in the statistical study of 66 small woods. It was found that the number of woodland vascular plant species depended upon area, isolation, shape, period of isolation and anthropogenic disturbances. Recent woods are poorer in species than the ancient ones. Single ancient woods on average support fewer species than does a combination of several small ancient woods of the same total area. The distribution of 58 common and 56 locally rare woodland species was analysed. The group of common species associated with more recently isolated and less disturbed woods contained more myrmecochores, endozoochores and epizoochores and fewer anemochores than did the group of indifferent species. This last group included more species capable of colonizing recent woods. The number of woodland species appeared to be the most important predictor of the number of rare species. The results obtained and their comparison with the results from other similar studies indicate that small remnants of ancient forests in an agricultural landscape are refuges of numerous woodland species. Therefore, the preservation of such woods carries great weight in the maintenance of species richness and the protection of woodland species.
The distributional patterns of six bumble bee (Bombus) species in discrete subalpine meadows in Utah were studied over the course of a summer. Data on the movements of individuals were obtained through mark-recapture studies of queens during nest initiation and of workers later in the summer. Censuses of the species and abundance of bumble bees and flowers in sample quadrats of 20 meadows revealed patterns of diversity, colony extinction (inferred from the absence of a species after it had been previously recorded in the meadow), and production of new reproductives. The results suggest that the number and diversity of queens that colonize a meadow in early summer is a function of meadow area. In mid to late season, after nest sites have been chosen and colonies established, meadow floristics (flower composition) governs within-meadow Bombus species composition and the persistence, ontogeny, and reproduction of bumble bee colonies. Workers appear not to utilize flowers outside the meadow where their colony is located. Specific results were that (1) mid- to late-summer bumble bee diversity was best correlated with meadow floristics, (2) flower compositions in meadows where local extinctions of Bombus occurred differed markedly from those where all species persisted, (3) the distribution of new reproductives among the meadows was independent of bombus species composition, and (4) late-season reproductive timing of Bombus flavifrons appeared to be a function of floristic composition and, particularly, nectar availability. These results underscore the importance of flower resources while downplaying the role of interactions among Bombus colonies and species in accounting for patterns of species persistence and colony reproduction.