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Shark (Carcharhinus perezi), cleaned by the goby (Elacatinus randalli), at Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, Western South Atlantic


Abstract and Figures

Sharks are seldom recorded as associates of reef-based cleaner fishes. Here we report on juvenile Caribbean Reef Sharks, Carcharhinus perezi, associated with Yellownose Gobies, Elacatinus randalli, off northern Brazil. The sharks sought out cleaning stations tended by the gobies and posed on the bottom while being cleaned. The bottom-resting habit of C. perezi possibly facilitates cleaning interactions with the bottom-dwelling cleaner gobies.
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2000 by the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists
Copeia, 2000(1), pp. 297–299
Shark (Carcharhinus perezi), Cleaned by the Goby (Elacatinus randalli), at
Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, Western South Atlantic
L. M
Sharks are seldom recorded as associates of reef-based cleaner fishes. Here we
report on juvenile Caribbean Reef Sharks, Carcharhinus perezi, associated with Yel-
lownose Gobies, Elacatinus randalli, off northern Brazil. The sharks sought out clean-
ing stations tended by the gobies and posed on the bottom while being cleaned. The
bottom-resting habit of C. perezi possibly facilitates cleaning interactions with the
bottom-dwelling cleaner gobies.
LEANING symbiosis among reef fishes is re-
garded as an interspecific, cooperative in-
teraction, in which a microcarnivore (cleaner)
seeks food from the body of other fishes (cli-
ents), that in this way rid themselves of ectopar-
asites and debris and receive tactile stimulation
(Losey, 1971, 1987). Sharks and rays are seldom
reported as clients of reef-based cleaner fishes
(Snelson et al., 1990). Although remoras (Eche-
neidae) occasionally feed on parasites of several
species of reef sharks and devil rays (Cressey
and Lachner, 1970; Clark, 1975), these fishes
live attached to their hosts instead of tending
cleaning stations. The few records of sharks at-
tended by reef-based cleaners are mostly short
accounts in popular books (Michael, 1993), vid-
eo records (Gruy, 1992), or aquarium observa-
tions (Keyes, 1982). Here we report on juvenile
Caribbean Reef Sharks, Carcharhinus perezi, seek-
ing out cleaning stations and posing on the bot-
tom while being cleaned by the Yellownose
Goby, Elacatinus randalli, and comment on the
cleaning association between bottom-resting
elasmobranchs and cleaner gobies.
Study site.—Fernando de Noronha Archipelago
is situated at 03
S, 32
W, about 345 km
east off the coast of Brazil (for map and descrip-
tion, see Maida and Ferreira, 1997). Cleaning
symbiosis between yellownose gobies and Carib-
bean reef sharks was recorded at a leeward site,
Laje Dois Irma˜os, at a depth of 18–24 m. At this
site, rocks are covered by scleractinian corals,
mostly large Montastrea cavernosa heads, where
the gobies tend cleaning stations.
Methods.—Cleaning interactions between sharks
and gobies were photographed and video re-
corded in April 1994 in about 220 min of SCU-
BA diving over four days, and voucher speci-
mens were secured in August 1998. Records
concentrated on cleaning events, that is, the pe-
riod of association between cleaner and host
which begins with physical contact and ends
when the cleaner or the client retreats ( John-
son and Ruben, 1988). A voucher of the Carib-
bean shark is at MZUSP (52974, female, 975
mm TL) and those of the yellownose goby are
at ZUEC (3895, two specimens, 37.5 and 37.1
mm TL); institutional abbreviations follow Lev-
iton et al. (1985). Video-recorded cleaning
events are on file at ZUEC (tape 5).
Four juvenile individuals of the Caribbean
reef shark of about 80–120 cm TL (for length
of adults, see Gadig et al., 1996) were recorded
on cleaning stations tended by yellownose go-
bies on Montastrea coral heads or on rocky ledg-
es. The sharks landed on the sand/rubble bot-
tom within about 30 cm of the stations and were
cleaned by the gobies. A single shark was re-
corded at the cleaning station at a time, al-
though up to three individuals were observed
swimming within 20–30 m at the leeward site.
Two sharks adopted a soliciting pose by lying
on their side (Fig. 1), whereas two other sharks
landed on the bottom and remained so during
the cleaning events. One to three cleaners
moved over the shark’s body and fins, and on
one cleaning event, a goby twice entered the
client’s gill slits and mouth. One cleaning event
lasted 182 sec, and three other events (that were
incomplete due to disturbance caused by the
observers) lasted 48, 52, and 67 sec, respectively.
While being cleaned, the sharks rhythmically
pumped water over the gills, opening and clos-
ing the mouth at a rate of 32–36 times/min (n
2). Clark (1975) comments on active pump-
ing in cave-resting sharks, but no rates are giv-
On one occasion, a large (about 120 cm TL)
Green Moray Eel, Gymnothorax funebris, ap-
proached a shark being cleaned by two gobies
and nibbled at, as well as pushed on, the shark’s
298 COPEIA, 2000, NO. 1
Fig. 1. A juvenile Caribbean reef shark, Carcharhinus perezi, lying on its side while being cleaned by two
individuals of the yellownose goby, Elacatinus randalli. One goby is on the lower jaw and the other is near the
base of the right pectoral fin. Photo by D. Brisolla.
head five times. The shark remained stationary,
closing its nictitating membrane when the mo-
ray nibbled close to its eye. When one of the
gobies left the shark and began to clean the mo-
ray eel, the moray ceased its harassment and re-
mained close to the shark, each client attended
by one cleaner. After 40 sec, the goby on the
moray returned to the shark, and that on the
shark moved to the moray, both gobies cleaning
the two clients for additional 12 sec, when the
shark left the station.
At the study site, the Caribbean reef shark was
observed being cleaned only at the stations of
the yellownose goby (we recorded no other spe-
cies of cleaner goby at Fernando de Noronha
Archipelago). Thirty-four fish species were re-
corded as clients of this goby in the archipelago,
including a ray and another shark (see below).
In the tropical west Atlantic, gobies of the ge-
nus Elacatinus are known to clean a vast array
of reef fishes and even octopuses, which seek
their cleaning stations ( Johnson and Chase,
1982; Johnson and Ruben, 1988; Wicksten,
1998). However, we are unaware of any record
involving Atlantic Cleaner Gobies and Carchar-
hinid Sharks. The Pacific Redhead Goby, Ela-
catinus puncticulatus, is known to clean the
Whitetip Reef Shark, Triaenodon obesus, at Cocos
Island in Costa Rica (Michael, 1993). Judging
from the description of Michael (1993) and the
video record by Gruy (1992), the cleaning as-
sociation between T. obesus and E. puncticulatus
is similar to that recorded here for C. perezi and
E. randalli, except for the side-lying posture of
C. perezi.
Both C. perezi and T. obesus are carcharhinid
sharks noted for their behavior of resting on the
bottom in caves or crevices (Clark, 1975; Mi-
chael, 1993; Lieske and Myers, 1994), a habit
that possibly facilitates cleaning interactions
with the substratum-oriented Elacatinus gobies.
The bottom-dwelling Nurse Shark, Ginglymosto-
ma cirratum, and the Southern Stingray, Dasyatis
americana, were recently recorded being
cleaned by the yellownose goby at Fernando de
Noronha Archipelago, and we also observed a
Reef Stingray, Dasyatis macrophtalma, being
cleaned by the Barber Goby, E. figaro, at Abrol-
hos Archipelago off eastern Brazil (unpubl.
obs.). Because the onset of these events was not
observed, we are not sure whether these three
elasmobranchs actively sought cleaning service
or were merely resting close to a cleaning sta-
tion and the goby capitalized on this situation.
However, resting close to a cleaning station may
create a plausible scenario for the evolution of
cleaning symbiosis between sharks and gobies.
Cleaners sometimes inspect and clean nonpos-
ing fishes passing slowly or resting by their sta-
tions (pers. obs.), and these may learn to rec-
ognize cleaners as a source of rewarding tactile
stimulation (Losey and Margules, 1974). From
an initially loose contact between a resting elas-
mobranch and a station-based goby, a more
elaborate association may evolve with the sharks
seeking out, and posing at, the cleaning stations
as recorded herein for C. perezi.
An additional, seemingly favorable condition
for the association between sharks and gobies
may be the absence of another cleaner. Riding
remoras (Echeneidae) ocasionally clean reef
elasmobranchs (Cressey and Lachner, 1970; Mi-
chael, 1993) and may thoroughly clean sharks,
including C. perezi, while these rest on the bot-
tom in the reef habitat (Clark, 1975; pers. obs.).
Because remoras were not recorded on the ju-
venile Caribbean reef sharks we observed seek-
ing the cleaning stations, it seems plausible that
yellownose gobies are replacing, at least partial-
ly, the cleaner role of the remoras (Suckerfish,
Echeneis naucrates, were recorded on adult indi-
viduals of C. perezi near the study site). Also, no
remoras were recorded on Pacific Whitetip
Sharks cleaned by redhead gobies (Gruy, 1992;
Michael, 1993). Keyes (1982) comments on the
quick onset of cleaning symbiosis between cap-
tive sharks lacking associated remoras and the
Cleaner Wrasse Labroides dimidiatus.
We thank D. Brisolla, M. C. M. Rodrigues,
and C. Secchin for allowing use of their video
records and/or photographs; R. B. Francini-Fil-
ho, M. C. M. Rodrigues, and C. Sazima for help
with fieldwork; R. M. C. Castro for suggestions
on the manuscript; the Ibama for permission to
study and collect cleaner fishes and their clients
at the Parque Nacional Marinho de Fernando
de Noronha (permits MMA 09/97 and 06/98);
and the CNPq (grant 300992/79 to IS), FAPESP
(grants 98/03491-3 to RLM and 96/5238-8 to
IS), and Finep/Pronex (grant 058/97 to N. A.
Menezes) for essential financial support.
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(IS) D
, 13083-
970 C
, 04299-970
. E-mail: (IS) Send reprint requests to
IS. Submitted: 2 Oct. 1998. Accepted: 7 June
1999. Section editor: S. T. Ross.
... By swimming with this body posture, they travel in a more efficient way than in swimming in an upright position (Payne et al., 2016). A shark, carrying an onboard video camera, at the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, spent 90% of a 18-h period from early evening till late morning (Payne et al., 2016); (b) accelerated swimming: a scalloped hammerhead quickly propels itself forward (Klimley, 2013); (c) maneuvering: a bonnethead shark makes a series of rapid turns (Myrberg & Gruber, 1974); (d) breach: a basking shark leaps out of the water (Johnston et al., 2018); (e) circular-stance swimming: a thresher shark assumes a hunch and swims in a circular trajectory to attract parasite cleaners (Oliver et al., 2018); (f) parasitic body cleaning: a king angelfish removes parasites from a whale shark's body (Quimbayo et al., 2017); (g) parasitic body cleaning: two gobies clean parasites from a Caribbean reef shark at a cleaning station (Sazima & Moura, 2000); (h) self-body cleaning: a scalloped hammerhead dragging his claspers through the sand (Moyo-Serrano & Salinas-de-Leon, pers. commun.). ...
... The blacknose butterfly fish, Johnrandallia nigrirostris, was seen cleaning a spotted eagle ray, Aetobatus narinario, a myliobatiform, as it swam over the rocky reefs. Sazima & Moura (2000) found that juvenile Caribbean reef sharks, Carcharhinus perezi sought out cleaning stations on the bottom tended by yellownose gobies, Elacatinus randalli, at Fernando de Noronha Archipelago in the Western South Atlantic. The sharks remained stationary on the bottom at these stations while being cleaned (see wrasses within red circles in Figure 5g). ...
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In this review of the behavioural patterns of chondrichthyan fishes, we have strived to produce a comprehensive catalogue of events and states and develop standardized terminology. Hence, actions that are slightly different, will be pooled under inclusive titles. Those used by different investigators are included in quotations within the textual descriptions of the motor patterns. This standardized ethogram will ideally lead to an increase in inter-observer reliability, giving researchers more confidence when reading colleagues' papers that report behaviours that appear Published with license by Koninklijke Brill NV | similar to theirs despite being described for different species. The descriptions are presented under the following categories: (1) maintenance (2) courtship (3) filter feeding (4) scavenging (5) preda-tion (6) sociality (7) aggression and (8) defence. The many actions are illustrated by line drawings and photographs in composite figures with an attempt to provide an example of each action for a chimaera, shark, and ray. The diversity of patterns is evident from this ethogram, consistent with observation that the brain-to-body mass ratios of cartilaginous fishes are greater than a third of the bird species and greater than those for some mammalian species. The major impetus for assembling this ethogram is to demonstrate the diversity of behaviours exhibited by members of the Chondrichthyes and to dispel the apocryphal belief that members of this taxon are 'simple feeding machines'.
... The most obvious way elasmobranchs can facilitate other species is by providing feeding opportunities. These feeding opportunities can be actively created through instances of elasmobranchs, including pelagic species, visiting cleaning stations on reefs and at seamounts (e.g., Murie and Marshall 2016;Oliver et al. 2011;O'Shea et al. 2010;Sazima and Moura 2000;Snelson et al. 1990). Cleaning interactions can also occur without active solicitation by elasmobranchs with the cleaner species opportunistically feeding from passing elasmobranchs (Araujo et al. 2020;Garrone-Neto et al. 2014). ...
... Sharks associate with various fish species, such as sharksucker Echeneis naucrates L., cleaner wrasses Labroides spp., and pilotfish Naucrates doctor L., resulting in a range of relationships from mutualisms and commensalisms to parasitism and predator-prey interactions. The association between cleaner fish and sharks, in which the cleaner feeds on ectoparasites (Sazima and Moura 2000), is an example of a mutualistic relationship, such that both organisms benefit from the interaction. The association of sharks with E. nacrates has been proposed as parasitic due to the potential for damage to the shark's skin and/ or increased drag that the shark may experience (Brunnschweiler 2005). ...
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This study revealed a previously undocumented association between a teleost and a shark. Atlantic horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus were observed following spiny dogfish Squalus acanthias during 3 consecutive years (2018–2020) on off-shore banks in Kattegat (57°N; 11°E, Sweden). The observations were made by the use of stereo-BRUV (baited remote underwater stereo-video systems). Our findings provide additional information about relationships between sharks and teleosts and suggest that stereo-BRUV can add to the ecological knowledge gained from the commonly deployed trawl surveys in temperate waters such as the Kattegat. With the increasing use of BRUVs in areas where the method has rarely been used before, such as higher latitudes or deeper water, observations as the one described here will likely increase. We urge the growing community of BRUVvers to make use of the methods full potential and to share not only estimations of abundance of different species but also observations of species associations and behaviors. These observations are important for better understanding of the interaction between species and could be important knowledge for targeted management measures.
... As for many other pelagic elasmobranch species, M. alfredi is a ram ventilator and has to swim continuously to irrigate its gills for uptake of oxygen. They are unable to rest on the bottom to facilitate cleaning interactions, as do some demersal elasmobranch species (Keyes, 1982;Sazima & Moura, 2000). Hard corals are particularly susceptible to the impacts of climate change, and the potential for coral reefs to recover from multiple stressors is declining (Hughes et al., 2018). ...
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• Mutualism is a form of symbiosis whereby both parties benefit from the relationship. An example is cleaning symbiosis, which has been observed in terrestrial and marine environments. The most recognized form of marine cleaning symbiosis is that of cleaner fishes and their clients. • Cleaner species set up cleaning stations on the reef, and other species seek out their services. However, it is not well understood how the presence of cleaning stations influence movements of large highly mobile species. We examined the role of cleaning stations as a driver of movement and habitat use in a mobile client species. • Here, we used a combination of passive acoustic telemetry and in‐water surveys to investigate cleaning station attendance by the reef manta ray Mobula alfredi. We employed a novel approach in the form of a fine‐scale acoustic receiver array set up around a known cleaning area and tagged 42 rays. Within the array, we mapped structural features, surveyed the distribution of cleaner wrasse, and observed the habitat use of the rays. • We found manta ray space use was significantly associated with blue‐streak cleaner wrasse Labroides dimidiatus distribution and hard coral substrate. Cleaning interactions dominated their habitat use at this site, taking precedence over other life history traits such as feeding and courtship. • This study has demonstrated that cleaning symbiosis is a driver for highly mobile, and otherwise pelagic, species to visit inshore reef environments. We suggest that targeted and long‐term use of specific cleaning stations reflects manta rays having a long‐term memory and cognitive map of some shallow reef environments where quality cleaning is provided. We hypothesize that animals prefer cleaning sites in proximity to productive foraging regions.
... Moreover, elasmobranchs use a range of visually received fin and whole-body movements and distinct postures during competitive and courtship interactions (Gordon 1993;Pratt and Carrier 2001;Martin 2007;Sperone et al. 2010;Findlay et al. 2016). These are also used during interactions with cleaner fish (Sazima and Moura 2000;Oliver et al. 2011), and in warning displays during encounters with humans (Johnson and Nelson 1973;Martin 2007). As a social species, reef manta rays may also communicate gesturally, potentially via movements including belly-flaring (Stewart et al. 2017) and head bobbing (RJYP and ADM, pers. ...
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Reef manta rays (Mobula alfredi) are social elasmobranchs that have structured societies and actively interact with preferred social partners. Being able to detect cues and signals produced by conspecifics is vital in enabling social behavior. Many elasmobranch species communicate via body and fin postures, but it is not yet known if or how mobulid rays communicate or respond to cues produced by conspecifics. These rays have specialized cephalic lobes that are highly flexible and used in feeding, but may have other functions such as gestural communication. In this study, we developed a standardized method to assess manta ray behavior in the wild via focal sampling and frame-by-frame video analysis. From observations recorded at cleaning stations in Raja Ampat, West Papua, we described various types of cephalic lobe positioning and movements made by free-ranging M. alfredi and investigated these in different behavioral contexts. We found that cephalic lobe curls were modulated when approaching both conspecifics and human divers, as well as during interactions with cleaner fish, suggesting that these lobes may be used in sensing water movements, olfactory sensing, and/or gestural communication. Cephalic lobes were moved independently of one another, but we found no evidence of individual laterality. The lack of chemosensory capacity on the lobes suggests that gestural communication is the most likely function, but further research is required to determine this. These results are informative in understanding the function of gestural communication in manta ray social interactions and add to our growing understanding of elasmobranchs’ sophisticated social behavior. Significance statement Social animals rely on communication and cues produced by conspecifics to respond to opportunities and threats. Many elasmobranch species use body and fin postures as gestural signals during competitive, courtship, and other social interactions. Reef manta rays (Mobula alfredi) are social elasmobranchs that form groups in near-shore, shallow water habitats. They possess paired, flexible cephalic lobes positioned on the side of the head which are specialized for feeding but may have a variety of functions. Here, we describe, quantify, and suggest likely explanations for the movement and positioning of cephalic lobes during various manta ray social behaviors, including conspecific, human, and cleaner fish interactions. Our results suggest that lobe movements may be used in detecting water movements, olfactory sensing, and/or gestural communication, and are an important aspect of social behavior in this species.
... Cleaner-client associations have been documented for elasmobranchs globally (e.g., Caribbean reef sharks Carcharhinus perezi Poey 1876, Sazima & Moura, 2000; manta rays Mobula alfredi Krefft 1868 and Mobula birostris Walbaum 1792, Kashiwagi et al., 2011). In some examples, this intricate cleaner-client relationship has been highlighted as the main driver of visitation and periodicity at specific sites (e.g., pelagic thresher sharks Alopias pelagicus Nakamura 1935 at Monad Shoal in the Philippines, Oliver et al., 2011), highlighting the importance of the cleaners and their habitats not only ecologically, but also at sites where the clients support tourism operations. ...
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Cleaning interactions are essential for healthy marine ecosystem communities. This study reports the first documentation of the whale shark Rhincodon typus cleaning behaviour in the Indo‐West Pacific by two wrasse species, the blue‐streak cleaner wrasse Labroides dimidiatus and the moon wrasse Thalassoma lunare in Cebu, Philippines. This study documented 36 cleaning interactions with 14 individual whale sharks. The cleaning interactions appear opportunistic rather than targeted by the sharks, unlike that observed in other species of elasmobranchs. Further work should focus on understanding the drivers of these unique cleaning interactions.
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Many shark and ray species show affinity to specific sites, making these areas critical for their survival. These include cleaning stations: locations on reefs where cleaner fish remove parasites and clean wounds, which is important for maintaining health. Cleaning stations also function as social gathering sites, or resting points, where courtship and mating can occur. In this study, we identify an aggregation site for the shortfin devil ray, Mobula kuhlii (Family Mobulidae) within the Aliwal Shoal Marine Protected Area in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), South Africa, and document their behavior. Remote underwater video was used to collect footage of M. kuhlii being cleaned by blue streak cleaner wrasse, Labroides dimidiatus. Generalized additive models (GAMs) were used to assess environmental predictors of M. kuhlii presence on Aliwal Shoal. Mixed models were used to assess the same environmental predictors and their correlation with mean M. kuhlii cleaning duration and number of L. dimidiatus bites per second at the identified cleaning station site. M. kuhlii were present in 56% of observation days, with group numbers up to > 150 individuals. Sea surface temperature was a significant predictor for M. kuhlii presence, while a north to south current was significantly associated with longer mean cleaning durations. These results support findings of mobulid studies in KZN that show increased habitat use during summer temperatures (24–25 °C) and suggest these sites to be important for individual health and social interaction. We hope these findings can be used for development of location-specific management plans to safeguard this Endangered species.
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Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas (EBSAs) are rare, and highly important sites to the life history of a number of declining shark species are endangered by fishing. The high diversity of sharks caught by fisheries is difficult to monitor due to the scarcity of information on species-specific biological aspects (growth, maturity and fertility rate). There are two EBSAs off north-eastern Brazil, where key species are caught, more specifically the oceanic whitetip (Carcharhinus longimanus), mako (Isurus oxyrinchus), blue (Prionace glauca) and silky (Carcharhinus falciformis) sharks. Another 23 species displaying low frequency in catches have also been recorded, many of them considered threatened according to the IUCN Red List and the Brazilian Ministry of Environment. The main purpose of this study was to generate information about shark diversity and demonstrate the role of the two EBSAs in their conservation. After analysing fishing data collected from 2000 to 2011, maps were built to categorize shark species by phases of their ontogenetic development (neonate, young and adult) based on samples of C. falciformis (n = 330), C. longimanus (n = 440), I. oxyrinchus (n = 452) and P. glauca (n = 8,176). Shark stocks comprised mainly juveniles, which raises concerns since they are considered a crucial life stage for the sustainability of shark populations. Catch monitoring also highlighted that several of the species caught are threatened and their catch is either prohibited or limited according to the Brazilian laws and international rules in place. Action plans and enforcement of laws and rules are needed to deliver the protective measures needed for shark species in these EBSAs.
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Forty-one species of 20 families of fishes were observed being cleaned at Bonaire by two species of decapod crustaceans and four species of fishes. Of 525 observations of fishes being cleaned (clients), over 60% involved species of the Serranidae, Scaridae and one species of Pomacentridae (Chromis multilineata). Gobies (Gobiosoma spp.) and Pederson's cleaner shrimp (Periclimenes pedersoni) were the most frequent cleaners of all three groups of clients. Only P. pedersoni performed a display that may have attracted clients. Cleaner species except Thalassoma bifasciatum cleaned the mouth and gills of clients, as well as the rest of the body. Clients approached cleaners, presented part of their body to the cleaner, opened their mouth or flared their gills, remained relatively motionless, and then twitched their tail and body and swam away. Unlike other clients, species of the Serranidae rarely assumed a vertical posture during cleaning. Chromis spp. and Clepticus parrai formed tight ball-like formations around cleaners. The behaviour of cleaner fishes and shrimp at Bonaire was more similar to that reported for eastern Pacific species than that of Labroides spp. of the Indo-Pacific area.
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Cleaning activity at specific cleaning stations was monitored over a depth range of 15–45 m at Salt River Submarine Canyon, St. Croix using the HYDROLAB underwater habitat. We observed over 4600 cleaning events involving 32 host species. Cleaners included the fishesGobiosoma evelynae (cleaning goby), juvenileBodianus rufus (Spanish hogfish) and juvenileThalassoma bifasciatum (bluehead wrasse) and the shrimpPericlimenes pedersoni, often active simultaneously at the same stations. Although cleaning was observed to depths of 30 m, the greatest density of cleaning fishes occurred at a sharp break in the bottom contour at 15 m.Clepticus parrae was the dominant fish cleaned by fishes (80% of events), and the graysby,Petrometopon cruentatum, was most frequently cleaned byPericlimenes. Cleaning was initiated byGobiosoma at 0600 to 0630 h and continued throughout the day as intense bouts of cleaning activity were interspersed with periods of relative calm.Bodianus patrolled areas of several meters and would sometimes rise over a meter above the substrate to initiate cleaning. In contrast, gobies were much more restricted in both lateral and vertical movements.Gobiosoma andBodianus cleaned 3104 and 1346 hosts during the study compared to only 207 forThalassoma. This study of a deeper reef area shows significantly more cleaning activity byBodianus and much less byThalassoma than has been reported from other studies in shallower water
Stomach contents from 401 individuals representing six species of echeneids were examined. Parasitic copepods are an important part of the diet of echeneid fishes. Parasitic copepods were present in 70% of the stomachs of Remora remora containing food and in four other species to a lesser, but significant extent. The growth stage of the life history of the echeneid during which it feeds on parasites varies among species. In R. remora the younger individuals are more active as parasite pickers whereas in R. osteochir older specimens are more active. Life history information resulting from extensive collection data is included in the discussion of each of the six species considered.
The southern stingray, Dasyatis americana, served as host for the bluehead wrasse, Thalassoma bifasciatum, in a symbiotic cleaning relationship at a site near Bimini, Bahamas. Rays were cleaned either while swimming slowly around a cleaning station or when they settled to the bottom and assumed a peculiar, stereotyped pose. Cleaning bouts lasted from less than a minute to 26 min. Both sexes of rays were cleaned and one individual was cleaned four times over 2 d. A trematode ectoparasite was found on the stingrays, but they were not heavily infested and only occasionally had wounds.
Chaetodon auriga, a conun7won marine fish in Hawaii, can be conditioned by presentation of a moving model of a cleaner fish as a positive reinforcement on an instrumental schedule. Reinforcement is probably through tactile stimulation and might help to shape the response of fish to cleaners. Tactile stimulilation night serve as a valuable reinforcer in studies of fish learning.