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Development of larval and early juvenile penpoint gunnel (Apodichthys flavidus) (family: Pholidae)

  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Seattle, WA, United States
Development of larval and
early juvenile penpoint gunnel
(Apodichthys flavidus) (family: Pholidae)
Lisa G. De Forest1
Morgan S. Busby2
1 University of Hawaii
Department of Oceanography
1000 Pope Road, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822
2 National Marine Fisheries Service
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Alaska Fisheries Science Center
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, Washington 98115-6349
E-mail address (for M . S. Busby, cont act auth or):
and pencil illustrations of early flex-
ion, postflexion, and juven ile stages.
Matarese et a l. (1989) published an
illustration of a 15.0-mm flexion lar-
va and some characters distinguish-
ing A. flavidus from Pholis spp.
In the present study we describe
development of A . flavidus f rom re-
cently hatched lar vae to newly set-
tled juveniles, including some general
aspects of osteological development.
Larval A. flavidus are compared with
larvae of other pholid species includ-
ed in the genus Apodichthys by Yatsu
(1981, 1985): Xererpes fucorum and
Ulvicola sanctaerosae. This classifi-
cation was not followed by Matarese
et al. (1989) or Watson (1996) a nd
is not followed in the present study.
Th is work will a id in the accurate
identification of A. f lavidus la rvae
The penpoint g unnel (Apodichthys
flavidus) is a member of the per ci-
form family Pholidae. Pholids, com-
mon ly r eferred to as gunnel s, a re
eel-like fishes that inhabit the rocky
intert id al and subtida l reg ions of
the northern oceans and a re oft en
associated with macroalgae, such as
Fucus spp. or kelp (Watson, 1996).
Gunnels are ecologically important
forage fishes that form part of the diet
of birds and commercially important
groundfish species (Hobson and Sealy,
1985; NMFS1; Golet et al., 2000). The
diet of A. flavidus and other pholids
co mpri se s pr i ma r ily ha r pa ct acoid
copepods, gammarid amphipods, iso-
pods, and other crustaceans (Cross,
1981) . Apodichthys flavidus ranges
along the west coast of North A merica
from southern Califor nia to the Gulf
of Alaska (Mecklenburg et al., 2002).
Adult A. avidus are disting uished
from other pholids by their total ver-
tebral counts, the presence of a thick
1 N MF S ( Na ti on a l Mar i ne F i sheri es
Se rv ice) . 199 8. F inal env ironmen-
tal assessment and reg ulator y impact
review for A mendment 36 to the Fishery
Ma nagement Pl an for the groun df is h
fi sher y of the Ber ing S ea and Aleutian
Isla nds A rea a nd Amendment 39 to t he
Fisher y Manage ment Plan for ground-
fi sh of the Gul f of Alaska to c reate and
manage a forage fi sh specie s cat egory,
76 p. NOA A / NM FS A las ka R egiona l
Of fice P O Box 2166 8 Jun eau , Al aska
99802 -1668.
and grooved first anal spine, a pre-
an al length that i s approxi mately
60% standard length (SL), and a dark
green to light olive coloration (Yatsu,
1981). It is one of the largest phol-
ids (up to 46 cm) and is important in
the live sh trade for both home and
public aquaria (Froese and Pauly2).
In la te wint er to e a rly spr i n g
months (Janua r y−Apri l) , ad ult A.
flavidus spawn in nearshore waters.
A single female lays clusters of de-
mersal, adhesive eggs onto substrate
that a male will guard until hatching
(Clemens and Wi lby, 1961; Wil kie,
1966 ; Marliave, 1975). The eggs are
3 mm in diameter and the incubation
period is approximat ely 2.5 months
(Wilkie, 19 66; Marliave, 1975). Lar-
vae are about 12−13 mm total length
(TL) at the time of hatching, well de-
veloped, and have pig mented eyes,
an elongated body, and very little to
no yolk sac ( Wilkie, 1966; Marliave,
1975). After about 50 days, the larvae
settle as juveniles and are approxi-
mately 25 mm SL ( Marliave, 1975).
Althoug h A. flavidu s reproduction
has been well-studied, there has not
been a complet e des cr iption of l ar -
val development. Wang3 prov ided a
summary of life history information
2 Froese, R., a nd D. Pauly (eds.). 20 04.
Fishbase . World w ide web ele ctron ic
pu bl ic ati on htt p:// w ww.f ish ba s e. or g
[accessed November 20 04] .
in sa mples taken during nea rshore
ichthyopla nkton surveys and in eco-
log ic al s tudie s and wi ll c ont ribut e
to a better understanding of pholid
Materials and methods
We examined 58 larval and juvenile
A. avidus (11.9−42.3 mm) collected
in d ip-ne t surveys by sc ienti sts of
the Alaska Fisheries Science Center
(AFSC; Busby et a l., 2000) and the
University of Washington (UW) from
four site s: Cl a m Ba y (4 34. 5ʹN,
122°32.5ʹW), Sequim Bay (48°2.3ʹN,
123° 2.0ʹW), Iceberg Point (48°42.4ʹN
12 2 °53 . 3ʹW) , a nd Fr i day Harb or
(48°54.5ʹN, 1230.7°W), all located in
3 Wan g, J. C. S. 19 86 . Fi shes of t he
Sac ramento- San Joaquin e stu ar y and
adjacent waters, Californ ia: a g uide to
the early life histories, 602 p. Technical
Rep ort 9 of the Interagency ec olog ical
study prog ram for the S acrament o- San
Joaqu in Est uar y. [Available from Eco-
log ica l Analysts, Inc. 215 0 John Glen
Drive, Concord, CA 9 452 0.]
Manuscr ipt submitted 22 June 2005
to the Scientific Editor’s Office.
Manuscr ipt approved 24 October 2005
by the Scientific Editor.
Fish. Bul l. 104:476 –481 (2006).
NOTE D e Forest and Busby : Development of larval and e arly juvenile A podic ht hys fla vidus
Puget Sound, WA, and from
adjacent waters. Specimens
were initially preserved in
3.5% buffered formalin solu-
tio n and lat er transferred
to 70% eth anol ( Busby et
al., 2000). A dissecting ste-
reomicrosc ope wa s used to
exam ine pig mentation, gen-
eral b ody si ze a nd struc-
ture, and to obtain meristic
counts. Morphological mea-
su rement s we re made on
55 suita ble spec imens by
using a digital image anal-
ysis system consisting of a
video camera attached to a
dissecting stereomicroscope
and a computer with image
analysis software. All mea-
surements were taken from
the lef t side of the speci-
men. Standard leng th was
used throughout the study
unless otherwise indicated.
Dur ing flexion stage, noto-
chord length (NL) was mea-
sured and recorded as SL .
Mea s u re ment s i ncl u ded
st a nd a r d l e n g t h , he a d
leng th, eye diameter, body
depth, snout to anus leng th,
and pectoral-fin length, a s
descr ibed by Moser (1996).
To de sc ribe ost eologica l
de vel op men t of A . f l a vi -
dus, w ith emphasis on the
development of the caudal
skeleton, 12 specimens were
cleared and sta ined by us-
ing the technique described
by Po t thof f (19 8 4 ) . T he
term s unossified precu r-
sor or “element ar e used
to de scribe unossif ied ele-
ment s that to ok up a lcian
blue stain but not alizarin
12.0 mm
15.0 mm
19.5 mm
25.0 mm
37.0 mm
Figur e 1
Dev elopmental ser ies o f penpoi nt gunnel (Apodichthys f lavidus) .(A) Ear ly-f lexion
lar va, Clam Bay, 6 Apr il 19 89 (UW 104928); (B) mid-flexion larva (from Mata res e
et al., 198 9) ; (C) late-f lexion lar va, F rid ay Ha rbor, 2 0 Apr il 19 94 (UW 104930); (D)
postf lex ion larva, Clam Bay, 20 April 1989 (UW 104932 ); (E) juvenile, S equ im Bay,
25 April 1989 (UW 104934) . Illust rations by Beverly Vinter.
red-s stain. From the cleared and stained specimens,
stages of larval development were identified from land-
marks of caudal-fin development. Caudal skeletons of
six specimens representing distinct stages were used to
creat e illustrations. Developmental stage terms follow
Kendall et al. (1984) and Neira et al. (1998). The flexion
stage was divided into three additional stages: early-,
mid- and late -f lexion. Early-f lexion beg ins at hatch-
ing, mid-flexion begins with the formation of the for th
hypural and epurals, and late flexion begins with the
development of the fifth hypural and ends with complete
notochord flexion. Nomenclatu re of caudal skeleton ele-
ments follows Fujita (1989).
Apodichthys flavidus larvae are approximately 12.0−13.0
mm at hatching and in ea rly flexion sta ge and have
little or no yolk sac present (Fig. 1A). The early-flexion
stage occurs between hatching and 14.0 mm. Mid-flexion
beg ins at approx imately 14.0 mm (Fig. 1B), late-flex-
ion at 17.0 mm (Fig. 1C), and post flexion at 20.0 mm
(Fig. 1D). T ransformation to the juvenile stage occurs
between 2 5.0 m m and 30.0 m m. Juveni les exam ined
range d from 30.1 to 42.3 mm a nd looked like small
478 Fishery Bulletin 104(3)
Table 1
Body proportions of larval and early juvenile penpoint gunnel (Apodichthys flavidus). Values given for each body proportion are
expressed as percentages of sta ndard length (SL) or head length (HL): mean ± standard deviation, and range.
Sample size, standard length,
and body proportion Flexion Postflexion Juvenile
Sample size 33
Standard length (SL) 14.9 ±2.1 (11.9−19.2)
Snout to anus length/SL 62.9 ±1.8 (58.0−66.1)
Body depth/SL 8.3 ±0.9 (6.4− 9.9)
Head length /SL 13.2 ±0.7 (12.1−14.8)
Eye diameter/HL 33.6 ±4.7 (22.3−44.1)
Pectoral fin length/SL 7.6 ±1.2 (5.4−10.2)
adults (Fig. 1E). Larvae are slender bodied throughout
development and bo dy depth increases f ro m 8% SL
during flexion to 12 % SL in juven iles (Tables 1 and 2).
Head, snout-to-anus, and pectoral-fin leng ths are con-
sistent throughout development at approximately 14% ,
63% , and 7% SL, respectively. Eye diameter decreases
from 34% head length (HL) in flexion larvae to 20% HL
in juveniles.
Early-f lex ion larvae have a few faint melanophores
loc ated dorsally on the head and nap e and a single
melanophore on the isthmus (Fig. 1A). Along the dorsa l
su rfac e of t he g ut , a ro w of lar ge melanophore s is
present —ir regularly spaced anteriorly a nd posteriorly,
regularly spaced medially. Another row of smaller, evenly
spaced melanophores is present along the anterior ½ to
¾ leng th on the ventral sur face of the g ut. A row of
postanal ventra l melanophores (PV Ms) ext ends from
the anus to the caudal peduncle. Generally there is one
PVM per myomere but in many individuals one or more
are missing from the row. In addition, there are small
patches of melanophores a long the dorsal and ventral
marg ins of the caudal peduncle. In mid-flexion larvae,
patches of melanophores on the head, nape, isthmus, and
caudal peduncle are more defined, and a row of internal
melanophores is present above the notochord (Fig. 1B).
These melanophores develop simultaneously. In addition,
the number of melanophores along the dorsal surface
of the gut nearly doubles. The PV Ms in late-f lex ion
larvae are larger and more slashlike (Fig. 1C). During
postflexion, pigmentation previously noted now appears
very faint (Fig. 1D). Juvenile pigmentation resembles
that of adults (Fig. 1E). Most notably, a horizontal streak
of melanophores extends from the snout to the anterior
margins of the eye and continues from the posterior
margin of the eye to the mid-operculum. T he body in
live specimens is a uniform bright green to olive and
has white spots located above the gut and anterior por-
tion of the anal n. The g ut is generally unpigmented,
18 4
21.9 ±1.3 (20.0 −24.0) 34.2 ± 5.6 (30.1−42.3)
63.3 ±1.2 (61.8−66.1) 63.5 ±1.8 (62.5− 65.2)
9.3 ±0.7 (8.2−10.4) 11.6 ±1.1 (11.2−12.9)
14.1 ±0.7 (12.9−15.5) 16.4 ±1.1 (15.3−17.3)
27.4 ±3.1 (23.5−35.4) 20.0 ±3.9 (15.8−24.8)
7.9 ±1.0 (6.2−10.1) 6.2 ±1.4 (4.9 −7.1)
with the exception of a few very small irregularly spaced
melanophores on the lateral surface.
Ost eology
He ad r eg io n In early-flexion larvae the maxilla, man-
dible, two mandibular teeth, branchiost egal rays, and
cleithrum a re ossified. The premaxilla ossifies duri ng
mid-flexion. The rema ining bones in the head region are
not ossified until the juvenile stage.
Fi ns Unos sified pre cursors of f ive pri ncipal c audal-
fin rays are present at hatching and throughout early
flexion. During mid-flexion, 12 unossified precursors of
pectoral-fin rays and 13 unossified caudal-fin elements
are present, both rst appearing at 15.0 mm. Also at
this size, a few faint unossified anal-fin elements are
present in the anter ior portion of the anal finfold, which
are not visible in unstained specimens. Beginning at 17.0
mm, unossified precursors of dorsal-fin spines are rst
present in the area of the dorsal finfold above vertebrae
45−50 and then develop anteriorly and posteriorly from
this position. Unossified anal-fin elements are also added
from anterior to posterior. In addition, the scapula, cora-
coid, and radials of the pectoral fin are ossified and the
adult complement caudal-fin elements is present, but still
unossified (13 principal rays and 11 procurrent rays). By
the end of late flexion (about 20.0 m m), elements of the
dorsa l, anal, and pectora l fins finally become ossified
(Table 2). The single spine is the first element i n the
ana l fin to become ossi fied. Pter ygiophores of all fins
are ossified in juveniles and the pectoral- and caudal-fin
rays become ossi fied and branched. The number of fin
elements present at any particular stage and length is
somewhat va riable as we noted slight differences in the
numbers present between our stained and illustrated
Ver tebral colum n At hatching, all neural and haemal
spines are present and ossified (Table 2). In addition,
vertebral centra beg in to differentiate from anterior to
NOTE D e Forest and Busby : Development of larval and e arly juvenile A podic ht hys f la vidus
posterior during the early- and mid-flexion stages.
At 17.0 mm, the vertebral centra are completely dif-
ferentiated but remain unossified. In juven iles, the
vertebral centra are completely ossified.
Ca ud al s keleton In early flexion larvae, the noto-
chord begins to bend upward and the haemal spine
of the second preura l centrum, the fused parhypural
plus first and second hypurals, and the third hypural
are present (Fig. 2A). Caudal skeleton elements begin
to ossify at this stage, beginning at the base of each.
Ventral elements that develop at mid-flexion are the
haemal spine of the third preural centrum and the
fourth hypural (Fig. 2B). Dorsally, epurals 1−3 and
neural spines of the second and third preural centra
form during this stage. Elements present in early-
flexion are now fully ossified. At the beginning of
late-flexion (about 17.0 mm), a fifth hypural and a
fourth epural are present but not ossified (Fig. 2C).
In the 19.2-mm late-flexion specimen examined, the
third and four th epurals were fused and the first
epural was fused to the neural spine of the second
preural centrum (Fig. 2D). In postflexion la rvae, the
distal margins of hypurals 3−5 a re oriented ver ti-
cally and the rst epural separates from the neural
spine of the second preural centra (Fig. 2E). All other
elements in the caudal skeleton have grow n and are
fully ossified. In juven iles, the c auda l fin has the
adult form and the nal element, the uroneural, is
present just ventral to the second and fused third
and fourth epurals (Fig. 2F). A ventral caudal radial,
present from mid-flexion to postflexion (Figs. 2, C−E),
is absent in juveniles.
Ou r de sc ript ion of A . f lavidus development can
be used to distinguish larvae of this species from
co -occurr ing species of Pholis spp., Apodichthys,
Ulvicola, and Xererpes along the West Coast of the
United S tat es. As w ith U lvicola sanctaerosa e, A.
flavidus does not have a preflexion stage and larvae
hatch at a n advanced developmental state (Watson,
1996). Larval Pholis spp. differ f rom larval A. flavi-
dus by the presence of pelvic ns in the former and
by differences in pig mentation. The melanophores
along the dorsal surface of the gut in Pholis spp. are
more numerous (about 25 vs. about 18 in postflexion
larvae) and closer in spacing anteriorly (Matarese et
al., 1989), and Pholis spp. do not develop an internal
row of melanophores along the dorsal margin of the
notochord. A podichthys avidus develops a series
of inter nal melanophores along the entire length of
the notochord by the mid-flexion stage. Lar vae of U.
sanctaerosae can be distinguished from A. flavidus by
pigmentation and by the number and persistence of
pectoral-fin rays in postflexion larvae and juveniles.
Larval U. sanctaerosae have fainter melanophores
that a re more irregularly spaced along the dorsal
Table 2
Meristics of cleared and stained larval and early juvenile penpoint gunnel (Apodichthys fl avidus). Counts are of ossi ed elements only. Specimens above dashed line
( ) were undergoing notochord fl exion.
Branchi- Neural spines Centra
Standard Dorsal-fi n Anal- n Pectoral ostegal Haemal Caudal-fi n
length (mm) spines elements -fi n rays rays abdominal caudal total spines abdominal caudal total rays
12.2 5 50 43 93 44
12.8 5 50 42 92 43
13.4 5 51 45 96 44
14.6 5 52 43 95 42
15.0 5 51 43 94 44
17.0 5 52 42 94 45
19.2 XC I 15 5 50 41 91 44
21.2 XCI I 15 5 50 43 93 45
23.5 XCI I 15 5 51 44 95 45
30.1 XCII I, 39 14 5 51 42 93 45 51 45 96 24
33.2 XCI I, 41 15 5 50 43 93 43 50 45 95 24
42.3 XCI I, 40 15 5 50 42 92 42 50 44 94 24
480 Fishery Bulletin 104(3)
Figur e 2
Caudal skelet on develo pment of penpoint gu nnel (Ap odichthys f la-
vid us). (A) Ea rly-f lexi on la rva, C la m Bay, 27 Februar y 1995 ( UW
1049 43); (B) mid-f lexion l arva (not e ir reg ularly shape d EP2), Clam
Bay, 10 May 1989 ( UW 10 4937); (C) l ate -f lex ion larv a, Clam Bay, 19
Apr il 1988 ( UW 10 4939) ; (D) lat e-f lexion la rva, Clam Bay, 15 M ay
198 9 (U W 1049 40); (E) postf lexion larva, Fr iday H arb or, 8 April 1993
(U W 104943); (F) juveni le, Ic eberg Point, 18 Ju ly 1963 (U W 018016).
Caudal -f in el ement abbrev iation s: E P= epural; H PU = haema l spi ne,
pre ur al ; HY =hypu ra l; N C=noto chord ; NP U=neur al spin e, pr eural;
PH = pa rhy pu ra l; PU =preur al cen tr a; U = ur os ty le; UN = uron eu ra l;
VCR =ventral caudal radial. Illustrations by L isa De Forest.
surface of the gut than in A. flavidus, and in early- and
mid-flexion lar vae, these melanophores are restricted
to the posterior ¼ to ½ of the g ut. Another distinguish-
ing characteristic is that U. sanctaerosae does not fully
develop pectoral-fin rays and the pectoral fin does not
persist after the juvenile stage. A pectoral nfold is
present during the larval stage of this species; however,
only the uppermost pectoral-fi n rays (6 or 7 vs. 14 or
15 for A. avidus) partially develop but do not persist,
and the pectoral nfold decreases in size during t he
latter part of development. Larvae of Xererpes fucorum
can be distinguished from A. avidus by the presence
of a preflexion stage and by hav ing fewer total (84−93
vs. 96 −101) and postanal (35−40 vs. 47−52) myomeres.
In addition, during the later stages of development, X.
fucorum has fewer pectoral-fin rays than A . flavidus
(12 vs. 14−15).
Yatsu’s (1985) revision of the family Pholidae placed
U. sanctaerosae and X. fucorum in the genus Apodich-
thys, but this classification was not followed by Mata-
rese et a l. (198 9), Watson (1996), or in the present
study. Larvae of both these species a re quite si milar
NOTE D e Forest and Busby : Development of larval and e arly juvenile A podic ht hys fla vidus
to A. flavidus; however, we recommend a more detailed
study of larval U. sanctaerosae and X. fucorum, includ-
ing a description of caudal skeleton development, before
concluding that larval characters do, or do not, support
Yatsu’s (1985) classification. In particu lar, it would be
interesting to investigate whether either species devel-
ops a four th epural that fuses with the third, or a first
epural that fuses with the neural spine of the second
preural centrum during flexion. In another cleared and
stained individual we obser ved fusion of the neural
spines on the third and fourth preural centra (NPU4
and N PU3, Fig. 3D). However, only one speci men of
A. avidus was examined at each of these fusions and
more specimens, when available, should be cleared and
stained to determine if these fusions occur in all larval
A. avidus. P re sence or absence of a ventral caudal
radial may a lso be of interest. Although it is unclear
what becomes of the vent ra l caudal radial betwe en
postflexion and juvenile stages from our study of A.
flavidus, we hy pot hesize that it fu ses w ith the tip of
the haemal spine of the second preural centrum. Tak-
ing a ll of these u nusual aspects of A. flavidus larva l
development into account, we suggest that development
of U. sanctaerosae and X. fucor um should be f ur ther
investigated to clari fy the sys tematic r elationsh ips
among the genera.
The author s th an k Theodore Piet sch (University of
Washi ngton [UW ]) for his help, support, and encour-
agement with this project. Beverly Vinter illustrated the
specimens in the developmental series. We also thank
the Ichthyoplankton Laboratory of the Alaska F ishery
Science Center (AFSC) and the U W Fish Collection for
use of their faci lities and spec imens. An n Matarese
(AFSC) and William Watson (NOAA-Southwest Fish-
eries Science Center) reviewed an earlier d raf t of the
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... Chegodaeva and Voskoboinikova (2010) found that in Zoarces fedorovi the anteriormost haemal arches were the first axial skeletal elements to form followed by the anteriormost neural arches, and then both series, and the vertebral column generally develop anteriorly to posteriorly. Among zoarcoids, a similar pattern (i.e., anterior to is also found in Z. viviparous (see Voskoboinikova & Laius, 2003), Anarhichas lupus (see Pavlov & Moksness, 1997; fig 1), Apodichthys flavidus (see De Forest & Busby, 2006), and Cryptacanthodes aleutensis (see Schnell & Hilton, 2015). It is also seen in non-zoarcoid percomorph fishes (e.g., Lutjanus, Pottoff, Kelley, & Collins, 1988; fig 1). ...
... This is in contrast to both Bathymaster (Figure 17e,f) and Rathbunella (Figure 17h,i), in which all three dorsal hypurals remain autogenous. Within Zoarcoidei, all taxa have a single compound parhypural + ventral hypural (sometimes interpreted as representing hypurals 1 + 2 of other teleosts), including most zoarcids (Anderson, 1994), Anarhichas (Pavlov & Moksness, 1997), Scytalina (Hilton, 2009), Zaprora (Hilton & Stevenson, 2013), Cryptacanthodes (Schnell & Hilton, 2015), Xiphister (Stichaeidae; Clardy & Hilton, 2016), Apodichthys (De Forest & Busby, 2006), and Pholis (Sweetser & Hilton, 2016). The zoarcid Bothrocarina microcephala (Anderson, 1994; fig 88) is interpreted as having a small, autogenous parhypural, and the caudal skeleton of Ptilichthys (Ptilichthyidae; Hilton & Kley, 2005; fig 8D) is very poorly developed and the homology of the supporting elements is difficult to interpret. ...
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The zoarcoid family Bathymasteridae contains seven species in three genera (Bathymaster, Rathbunella, Ronquilus) found in the North Pacific Ocean. Although several synapomorphies have been identified for the family, molecular analyses recover the family as a paraphyletic grade. The goals of this study are to provide a description of the skeleton of R. jordani as a baseline contribution for future systematic comparisons among all bathymasterid taxa and zoarcoids. We used our osteological study to discuss ontogenetically variable characters that appear to carry phylogenetic signal within Zoarcoidei. Finally, we discuss the systematic relationships of Bathymasteridae, including its monophyly and their systematic relationships. The vertebrae of Bathymasteridae develop in two distinct patterns. In Ronquilus and Bathymaster, the vertebrae initially form in the mid‐caudal region and development proceeds both anteriorly and posteriorly until the entire vertebral column is complete. In contrast, in Rathbunella the vertebrae initially form immediately posterior to the skull and development proceeds posteriorly; this is interpreted to be plesiomorphic. Other characters that were clarified (e.g., presence of well‐developed teeth on the gill rakers of Ronquilus) or described (e.g., variation in fusion caudal skeleton elements across Zoarcoidei) now must be evaluated in a taxonomically comprehensive systematic analysis of Zoarcoidei.
... In addition, two monotypic genera, †Agnevichthys Nazarkin 2002 and †Palaeopholis Nazarkin 2002, were described based on whole-body fossils from the Miocene of Sakhalin (Nazarkin, 2002). Pholids are generally small (13-25 cm total length, L T ), elongate, cryptically coloured fishes and live from the intertidal zone to a depth of 75 m in habitats dominated by rocky, muddy or sandy substrata and various types of vegetation (Yatsu, 1981;Mecklenburg, 2003;De Forest & Busby, 2006). The family has a widespread and zoarcoid families (Anderson, 1994;Hilton & Kley, 2005;Hilton, 2009;Hilton & Stevenson, 2013;Schnell & Hilton, 2015;Clardy & Hilton, 2016). ...
This study provides a complete description of the osteology of the crescent gunnel Pholis laeta based on cleared-and-stained specimens and X-rays to help provide sufficient morphological data to generate a robust phylogeny for the family Pholidae. Pholis laeta exhibits high variation in the structure of its caudal skeleton. The length of the preural (pu)2 neural spine is variably reduced (most common) or elongated (i.e. of similar length to that of pu3). Additionally, the neural spine of pu3 is either bifurcated or single. These results document and describe characters useful for phylogenetic inference of the family, including the insertion pattern of anal-fin pterygiophores between haemal spines. Pholidae was recovered as monophyletic (synapomorphies: ribs absent, haemonephropophyses present, gill membranes broadly joined, first neural arch fused to centrum, first anal-fin spine very robust, the dorsal fin comprises only spines and the presence of five branchiostegals), with monophyletic genera Pholis and Apodichthys (Rhodymenichthys is monotypic) and Apodichthys and Rhodymenichthys as sister taxa. The elongation of its pu2 neural spine defines Pholis and synapomorphies for Apodichthys include five infraorbital bones, no pelvic fin, a hypertrophied first anal-fin spine, the presence of two or three empty interhaemal spaces after the anteriormost anal-fin spine and having 35-46 abdominal vertebrae. Apodichthys and Rhodymenichthys are sister taxa based on the continuity of the caudal fin with the dorsal and anal fins and uniform colouration. Future study is needed to more fully resolve the interrelationships of species within Pholidae (especially the genus Pholis) and solidify the position of Pholidae within the Zoarcoidei.
... Five specimens of H. bolini were differentially cleared and stained using Alcian Blue and Alizarin Red-S to describe osteological development (Potthoff 1984). The flexion stage, defined by Kendall and others (1984), was expanded to include 3 sub-stages: early, mid-, and late flexion (De Forest and Busby 2006). Early flexion includes the interval from hatching until the formation of the 4th hypural and epurals, at which point the specimen is considered midflexion. ...
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The Bigmouth Sculpin, Hemitripterus bolini, is a cottoid fish in the family Hemitripteridae found throughout the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska to British Columbia, Canada, and northern California. Hemitripterids have internal gametic association with external fertilization as their mode of reproduction. With this strategy, spermatozoa are stored in the micropyle of eggs within the ovary after gamete transfer to the female and eggs are not fertilized until immersed in seawater. Female H. bolini deposit their eggs into at least 4 species of sponges. We collected eggs from Barrel Sponge (Halichondria lambei), Clay-Pipe Sponge (Aphrocallistes vastus), Boot Sponge (Acanthascus dawsoni), and Tree Sponge (Mycale loveni) in the Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea. In contrast to its congeners, there has been little research on H. bolini̧ particularly any focusing on aspects of early life history stages. In this study, we describe the development of H. bolini eggs and larvae from newly-hatched stages to juveniles, and include general observations of osteology. The descriptions of larvae and juveniles are based on examination of 32 specimens, 5 of which were differentially cleared and stained to examine osteological development. Larvae hatch at a large size (13 to 14 mm SL) in an advanced stage of development. Postflexion occurs at approximately 20 mm SL, and transformation to the juvenile stage begins at about 31 mm SL. Larvae are heavily pigmented through late flexion, when pigmentation becomes reduced. Postflexion larvae and juveniles are also heavily pigmented. Ossification of most skeletal elements does not occur until postflexion. The description will help distinguish H. bolini from other hemitripterids and sympatric larvae of the family Agonidae that are similar in appearance but generally smaller and more slender-bodied at all developmental stages. The behavior of egg deposition in sponges, in conjunction with the use of sponges by other fishes such as juvenile rockfish and invertebrates such as Golden King Crabs (Lithodes aequispina) as refuge habitat, suggests that sponge grounds may provide essential fish habitat for H. bolini and other species.
... The problem of taxonomic relationships within the family Apodichthyinae indeed remained open and could be resolved only after comparative molecular genetic studies of genera Xererpes and Ulvii cola. It is pertinent to note that the opinion of Yatsu (1985) and his followers (Mecklenburg, 2003; Nelson, 2006) that all genera of the subfamily Apodichthyinae indeed should have been reduced to one genus Apodd ichthys is not shared by North American scientists, who consider all these species to be valid and fairly well distinguished from each other in terms of morphology (Matarese et al., 1989; Watson, 1996; DeForest and Busby, 2006). ...
... It is also sometimes used with freshwater fish (Sado and Kimura 2002a, b). Seen sometimes as not precise enough, this system was expanded by, among others, De Forest and Busby (2006), who divided the "flexion" phase into three additional early, middle, and late flexion phases. Classification based on the notochord flexion is also applied at the Ichthyoplankton Information System data base created by the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (IIS, AFSC). ...
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This work proposes modifications to the existing system for identifying the steps of embryonic and larval development in fish. The term “compensatory phase of development” is proposed for the phase from hatching to the first intake of food. Both the new designations of these steps and the new name of this phase do not require a declaration of whether the hatched individual is considered to be an embryo or a larva, something that has been, to date, a matter of dispute. Unification will allow for the wider use of the new nomenclature, and make easier the comparison of results. This work examines the influence of the thermal history during the embryonic period (temperatures of 20, 24, 28, and 32°C) on later development, growth, and survival of common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., and grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella (Val.) larvae, at a constant temperature of 23°C. It was confirmed that the optimal temperature ranges for the embryonic development of common carp and grass carp are higher than those currently applied widely in practice of 18-22°C and 21-26°C, respectively. Based on the evaluation of the development, growth, and survival of the larvae, it was determined that the optimal temperature for embryonic development is 26-28°C for the common carp and 32°C for the grass carp. It was confirmed that even a short-term increase in temperature from 20°C to 24°C during the compensatory phase has a positive influence on subsequent common carp larvae growth.
... Pholidae), branched rays in anal fin, trunk vertebrae, the total number of vertebrae (also maximum in the family), smaller total number and number of marginal rays of caudal fin, strong reduction of pectoral fin in which only 6-7 upper rays remain, and fusion of the hemal process with the second pleural vertebra ( Table 2) ily) in X. fucorum (Table 2)). It was also found that the taxa of Apodichthyinae are characterized by specific morphological features at early stages of ontogenesis, due to which they cannot be included in the composi tion of one genus Apodichthys (Matarese et al., 1989;Watson, 1996;DeForest and Busby, 2006). Therefore, until obtaining additional genetic data, we accept the point of view of Makushok (1958) on the systemic independence of all three genera of the subfamily Apodichthyinae. ...
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Molecular-genetic study of Pholidae of the suborder Zoarcoidei was first performed. Analysis of variation of genes of COI, cytochrome b, and 16S rRNA of mitochondrial DNA indicates different phylogenetic isolation of the family taxa. The groundlessness of separating subgenera (or genera) Enedrias and Allopholis and the rightfulness of including them in the composition of the genus Pholis are shown. Genetic close relation of the genera Pholis and Rhodymenichthys and their differences from the genus Apodichthys are established. The obtained results agree with the data of Makushok (1958) who separated in the composition of the family two subfamilies—Pholinae (with genera Pholis and Rhodymenichthys) and Apodichthyinae (with the genera Apodichthys, Xererpes, and Ulvicola). A key to species, genera, and subfamilies of gunnels of the northern part of the Pacific Ocean is provided. Key wordsmitochondrial DNA-gene of COI-gene of cytochrome b -gene of 16S rRNA-Pholinae-Apodichthyinae-Pholidae-Zoarcoidei-phylogenetic relations
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Pigeon Guillemots (Cepphus columba) are diving seabirds that forage near shore and feed their chicks demersal and schooling fishes. During nine pears between 1979 and 1997, we studied chick diet, chick growth rate, and reproductive success of Pigeon Guillemots at Prince William Sound, Alaska, to determine factors limiting breeding populations. We found evidence for prey specialization among breeding pairs and detected differences in reproductive success between specialists and generalists. Pairs that specialized on particular prey types when foraging for their chicks fledged more chicks than those that generalized, apparently because they delivered larger individual prey items. Reproductive performance also varied among guillemot pairs as a function of the proportion of high-lipid schooling fishes fed to the chicks. Pairs that delivered primarily high-lipid fishes (Pacific sand lance [Ammodytes hexapterus] and Pacific herring [Clupea pallasii]) had higher overall reproductive success than pairs that delivered primarily low-lipid demersal fishes (e.g. sculpins, blennies, stichaeids, and pholidids) and gadids. The proportion of high-lipid fishes in the diet was positively related to chick growth, suggesting that piscivorous seabird chicks benefit from eating species with high-energy densities during development. The diet of Pigeon Guillemot chicks showed high annual variation from 1979 to 1997, presumably because of fluctuations in abundance of Pacific sand lance, a high-lipid schooling fish. Regression analyses suggest that the percent occurrence of high-lipid fishes in the diet affected chick growth rate at the population level. We conclude that Pigeon Guillemots benefit by specializing when selecting prey for their chicks, and that high-lipid schooling fishes enhance chide growth and reproductive success.
Nomenclature and abbreviations are proposed for the cartilaginous elements of the caudal skeleton of teleostean fishes. These were developed on the basis of examination of 510 species within 198 families of 31 orders and the determination of the positional relationship between these structures and the bony elements. A review of the most important relative literature is also provided.
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 1981. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves [239]-255).
Early life history stages and their characters
  • A W Kendall
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